water quality testing

ຯɟైʤࣈ৏‫ځ‬ᙒɧ኎ ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL To: G1-G6 Parents From: Dr Agnes Wai, Principal...

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ຯɟైʤࣈ৏‫ځ‬ᙒɧ኎ ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL To: G1-G6 Parents From: Dr Agnes Wai, Principal Date: 9th September 2015 Water Quality Testing

The Preparatory School, over the summer, engaged a reputable laboratory, SGS Hong Kong Ltd. for testing the School water supply for heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium, Chromium and Nickel etc. Water samples were taken from drinking fountains, dormitories, kitchen, staff-room and office. We are glad to inform you that the test sample result shows that the heavy metal contents in the School water supply is well within the WHO Guidelines. As a regular practice at the School, Sediment Filter Cartridge at drinking fountains are periodically changed. Please be rest assured that we take our children’s health very seriously.     本校於暑假期間委託本港一信譽良好的化驗所——香港通用檢測認證 有限公司(SGS Hong Kong Ltd.)派員到校,為宿舍、食堂、校務處、教 員室及各座飲水機取得多個水版,化驗鉛、鎘、鉻、鎳等重金屬含量。 檢驗結果顯示,所有水版的重金屬含量均合乎世界衛生組織 (WHO)標準。 此外,校內所有飲水機均定期更換濾芯,以確保師生可安心飲用食 水。 以上通告 一至六年級家長 校長 衞燕華 二〇一五年九月九日