unit02 p21 discourse

D i scour se S tr a tegi e s (Unit 2, page 21) Showing empath y or di sapprova l A . Use these expressions to show empat...

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D i scour se S tr a tegi e s (Unit 2, page 21) Showing empath y or di sapprova l A . Use these expressions to show empathy and agreement, or disapproval. Using these expressions will let your discussion partner know where you stand on a particular topic. Practice saying each. Sh ow in g empa t h y a n d a g reemen t

Sh ow in g d isa ppr o va l

I hea r y o u .

Hmmm . . .

I k n ow wha t y o u mea n .

D o n ’ t y o u t h in k t h a t ’s a bit m u c h?

I u n de rsta n d w he re y o u ’ re c om in g fr om .

O h , please! Give me a break .

B . P a ir W o r k . Take turns reading the prompts below. Your partner will show empathy or disapproval.

I think disaster victims have been getting too much money lately.

I admire Bill Gates because he’s such a great humanitarian.

I admire people who give up everything to help people who have nothing.

The way I see it, only rich people have time to do volunteer work.

When you see a homeless person asking for money, I think you should always give him or her some spare change.

I think people should just help themselves. I don’t see any need to give others my time or money.

I think people are basically selfish. They just volunteer and donate to show off.

I admire people who quit their jobs and do volunteer work full time.

People who win the lottery should give all their money away to charity.

Your own idea:

C . Now practice showing empathy or disapproval as you do the Discussion Builder activities on page 21.

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Unit 2