unit02 p20 vocabulary

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 2, page 20: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise B) Using new voc abular y in conver sa tion s After y o u h ave lea r ne d new v o ca bu la ry , it ’s im po r t an t t o use it in c o n ve rsat io ns . C o nsc io usly w o rk in g new v o ca bu la r y in t o a c o n ver satio n w ill he lp y o u be t te r remember it a n d a pply it m o re easily in f u t u re c o n ve rsat io ns . P r a c t ice . Work with a partner. Create short dialogues using the vocabulary items below. Try to use each vocabulary item in a sentence and a question.

My sister d id me a favo r last week. She babysat the kids while my husband and I went out to eat. Has anyone d o ne a favo r for you recently?

Um, yeah. My boss d id me a favo r a couple of weeks ago by letting me take the afternoon off when my friend was in town.

do (someone) a favor

help (someone) out

give (someone) moral support

find (something) rewarding

feel sorry for / have compassion for (someone)

look up to (someone)

be proud of (someone)

I dea . Use new vocabulary items in your in-class conversations and discussions. Find a conversation partner who will help you practice using new vocabulary outside of class.

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Unit 2