unit02 p19 conv prompts

Conver sa tion Prompts (Unit 2, page 19: Conversation Starter) T a k e a minute to re view the Con v ers a tion Sn a p s...

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Conver sa tion Prompts (Unit 2, page 19: Conversation Starter) T a k e a minute to re view the Con v ers a tion Sn a p sh ot on p age 18 and the l anguage b e low. Then close your book and role- pl a y a conv ers a tion in which you expre s s regret and ta k e r e s ponsi bilit y for h a v ing lost or bro k en something that b elongs to your p a rtner. Then change roles. Start like this: “I hate to tell you this, but __.. ” NEED HELP? Here’s language you already know: Re s ponding

T a king res ponsi bility

A voiding res ponsi bilit y

Oh, no. How did that happen? Are you sure __? Are you serious? That’s really not necessary. You don’t have to go overboard. You’ve got to be kidding. Thanks for __. That’s very __ of you. Well, to tell you the truth, __. I can’t believe __. What do you have in mind? Well, I hate to say it, but __. Well, even so, __.

I can replace it with __. No, I insist. Please accept my apology. I’ll pay for the damage. It was completely my fault. I’ll make up for it. I feel [just ] awful [about it]. I’m so sorry. I feel [just ] terrible. I could kick myself. I had no idea __. Had I known __, I would have __. I hope that’s OK.

It wasn’t my fault. It was __’s fault.

Summit 2 Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Unit 2