unit02 p18 vocabulary

NAME: DATE : Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 2, page 18: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise B) W riting examp...

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 2, page 18: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise B) W riting example sentences with c on tex t clues Wr it in g e xample sen te n ces wit h new wo r ds a n d e x pressio ns ca n he lp y o u pr a c t ice us in g t hem a n d remember h ow t hey a re used . T ry w r it in g e xample sen ten ces t ha t in c lu de info rma t io n t h a t he lps define t he mean in g of t he v o ca bu la r y item . P r a c t ice . Write example sentences for each expression below. Use concrete situations to help you define the expressions within the sentences.

t ake responsibility for John took responsibility for breaking the vase by apologizing and offering to pay for it.

1 . take responsibility for

2 . avoid taking responsibility for

3 . admit making a mistake

4 . shift t he blame t o

5 . make up an excuse

6 . make up for

I dea . Try writing example sentences with context clues for new vocabulary in later units.

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Unit 2