unit01 p9 vocabulary

NAME: DATE : Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 1, page 9: Vocabulary; Use after the Discussion Builder) Cre...

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 1, page 9: Vocabulary; Use after the Discussion Builder) Crea ting a persona l glossa r y As y o u en te r h i g he r levels of En g lis h st u d y , develo pin g a br o a d , r ic h v o c a bu la r y be c omes an im po r t a n t g o a l. C rea t in g y o u r ow n g lossary in a n o te bo o k dev o te d t o new v o c a bu la ry will he lp . Afte r y o u h ave st u d ie d new ma te r ia l, selec t w h ic h new wo r ds y o u feel will be t he most useful fo r y o u . A d d t hese wo r ds t o y o u r pe rs o n a l g lossary . P r a c t ice . Look back over the unit. Choose eight new words that you haven’t mastered yet but would like to add to your personal glossary. Write them below. For each word, write its meaning, part of speech, and an example sentence. Note the pronunciation if helpful. Use a dictionary as needed.

adopt v. to legally make another person’s child part of your family so that he or she becomes one of your own children: Chimps adopt orphan infants. 1








I dea . Buy a small pocket notebook for your personal glossary. Carry it with you so you can review vocabulary at any time. Remember to select and add new words from each new unit to your notebook.

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Unit 1