unit01 p9 discourse

D i scour se S tr a tegi e s (Unit 1, page 9) Encouraging and mak ing sugge stions A . Use these expressions to encourag...

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D i scour se S tr a tegi e s (Unit 1, page 9) Encouraging and mak ing sugge stions A . Use these expressions to encourage and make suggestions to your partner. Using these expressions will keep the conversation flowing and allow you to extend the discussion into other related areas. Practice saying each. En c o u r a g in g

Makin g s u g gest io ns

Tha t ’s a n ex ce llen t i dea .

H ave y o u t h o u g h t a bo u t __?

I t h in k y o u s h o u ld g o fo r i t .

Wha t a bo u t __?

I be t y o u ca n make it h a ppe n .

Y o u may wan t t o c o nside r __.

I ca n rea lly see yo u d o in g t h a t .

I su g gest y o u m ig h t __.

B . P a ir W o rk . Take turns reading and completing the prompts below. Your partner will encourage you or make a suggestion.

I’d really like to visit __________ someday. ( c o u n t r y n ame)

I’ve always dreamed of living in _________. ( pl a ce name)

I’ve always wanted to study __________. ( name of subjec t)

I’ve always wanted to study in __________. ( c o u n t r y name)

I’d love to buy a house or apartment in __________.

I think it would be interesting to be a / an __________.

(cit y o r ne ig h bo r h o o d n ame)

(jo b t i t le)

I think it would be interesting to work for a / an __________ company.

I think it would be great to do volunteer work with __________.

(fore ig n n a t io n a lit y)

(ty pe of pe o ple need in g he lp)

I’ve always wanted to learn how to __________.

Your own idea:

(spo r t o r h o b by name)

C . Now practice encouraging and making suggestions as you do the Discussion Builder activities on page 9.

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Unit 1