unit 10 p113 vocabulary

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 10, page 113: Word Skills; Use after Conversation Starter) Applying vocabular y to a new conte x t After y o u h ave lea r ne d new v o ca bu la ry in o ne c o n te x t , it ’s g o o d t o a pply it t o a d ifferen t c o n te x t . T h is will he lp y o u t o use t he v o ca bu la r y mo re flex ibly in f u t u re c o nve rsat io ns an d be t te r remember it . P r a c t ice . Look at the statements in the box and the professions listed below. With a partner, take turns using the statements to give your opinions about the professions. Agree with, disagree with, or add a comment to what your partner says.

I think . . . is physically challenging.

I don’t think . . . is very physically challenging.

I think . . . is intellectually stimulating.

I don’t think . . . is very intellectually stimulating.

I think . . . is emotionally satisfying.

I don’t think . . . is very emotionally satisfying.

I think . . . is financially rewarding.

I don’t think . . . is very financially rewarding.

doing construction work


being a firefighter


going to graduate school

working in retail

being a stockbroker

being a doctor

police work

owning your own business

working as a security guard

collecting garbage

being a stay-at-home mom


being a chef


being an artist

working for a large company

being an aerobics instructor

computer programming

being a scientist

I dea . Try applying vocabulary you have learned in other units to new contexts.

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Unit 10