unit 03 p34 reading

NA ME: DATE: Readi n g S tra teg ies (Unit 3, page 34) Fo llo wi ng seq uen tia l eve nts It wil l help you comp reh e...

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Readi n g S tra teg ies (Unit 3, page 34) Fo llo wi ng seq uen tia l eve nts It wil l help you comp reh end bet ter i f y ou ca n cl ar ify t he se qu enc e o f e ve nts. Prac tice. Place the following events in order, according to the information in the reading.

__ Newman wins an award for his philanthropy. __ Newman’s contributions reach US$150 million. __ Newman wins an award for his acting. __ Newman begins acting. __ Newman and a friend begin selling salad dressing.

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Unit 3