unit 03 p32 listening

NA ME: DATE: Liste ni ng Strate gie s (Unit 3, page 32; Use after completing Exercise B) Under sta ndi n g speake r’s ...

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Liste ni ng Strate gie s (Unit 3, page 32; Use after completing Exercise B) Under sta ndi n g speake r’s i n ten t Your c ompre he nsio n wi ll b e de eper if you try to unders ta nd t he r eas ons why a sp eak er says w hat he or s he says. Prac tice. After you have completed Exercises A and B, listen to the radio call-in show again. Listen for the reasons Lara Savino gives for each tip. Complete each statement with one or more sentences that summarize her reasons. Tip 1: S ave lo ose c ha n ge She thinks Steve ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tip 2: Ha ve only two credi t c ards She thinks Steve ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tip 3: Pla n a b udget She thinks Steve ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

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Unit 3