unit 01 p13 vocabulary

NA ME: DATE: Vo cabu lar y- Bu ildi n g S tra teg ies (Unit 1, page 13; Use after Checkpoint) Creati n g a per so nal ...

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Vo cabu lar y- Bu ildi n g S tra teg ies (Unit 1, page 13; Use after Checkpoint) Creati n g a per so nal glo ssar y As you enter higher leve ls of Eng lis h study , dev elo ping a broa d, r ich voca bu la ry becomes a n im port ant go al. Crea ting your own g lossary in a not ebook de vote d to new voc abu la ry will help. Af ter you have stu d ied ne w mat erial, selec t ne w words you feel w ill be the most usefu l for you. Ad d these wor ds to your persona l g lossary . Pract ice. Look back over the unit. Choose eight new words that you haven’t mastered yet, but would like to add to your personal glossary. Write them below. For each word, write the meaning, part of speech, and an example sentence. Note the pronunciation if helpful. Use a dictionary as needed.

cynical adj. unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something: A pessimist is more cynical and believes life will always be difficult and painful. 1








Idea. Buy a small pocket notebook for your personal glossary. Carry it with you so you can review vocabulary at any time. Remember to select and add new words from each new unit to your notebook.

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Unit 1