Spanish Language Beginner in English

SYLLABUS General Course Information Code: Curso: Credits: BASIC SPANISH 4 Weekly Working Hours: Periodo: 2012-01 Lan...

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SYLLABUS General Course Information Code: Curso: Credits:

BASIC SPANISH 4 Weekly Working Hours:



Language Department

Area/Program Coordination 10

Total Hours:

Hours of Classroom Learning:


Hours of Autonomous Learning:


140 horas

Course Pre-Requisites Code

Description: Course and Credits NONE

Course Coordinator


E-mail [email protected]

Contact Hours L-V 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Course Instructor (s)

Last and First Name: VARIOS

Contact Location

Dpto. de Idiomas – Pabellón D Campus I


Summary The Basic Spanish course is a practical and experiential class in which students use their knowledge of situations to simulate real communications with other speakers of the language. It is aimed at engaging students in the communicative use of the four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) to a B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) while becoming familiar with historical and cultural aspects of Latin America and Spain. Specifically the course seeks that the students understand and utilize functional content, lexical, gramatical, and socio-cultural knowledge frequently used anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world (current situations and normal daily life which does not require specialized use of language).


General Course Competencies

Number 1.1. 1.2.


The course goals include expressing ideas in simple Spanish, both orally and written, for both personal and professional environments.

Course Competencies

Specific Course Competencies Identify main and supporting ideas from short written text in Spanish.

Comprehension of grammar, vocabulary, and phrases often used in Auditory text in Spanish. Participate in social and language exchanges in order to orally ask questions and respond in Spanish to relevant conversational discussions.


Produce paragraphs about relevant topics using correct grammatical rules of the English language.



Hour No.

Week No.


Timeline of Course Content and Learning Activities


Module 1: PRESENTACIÓN Y SALUDOS (INTRODUCTIONS AND GREETINGS) Specific Competencies to Develop: 1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4 • Introduction to the course • UNIT 0: PRESENTACION Function: - Presentarse a los demás 1,2,3 1 6 AP Lexical: - El alfabeto: escritura y pronunciación - Países Sociocultural: - Geografía del país y del mundo 4

Basic Spanish


Learning Activities

• Participate in role playing games to introduce yourself to others. • Recognize syllables and tones through written exercises. • Spell words. • Identify some Latin American countries on a map. • Reinforce vocabulary and pronunciation through exercises.

• PEV – Week 1

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Textbook Image Projector CD-ROM

Virtual Classroom






UNIT 1: SALUDOS (GREETINGS) Function: - Saludar formal e informalmente Lexical: - Números 0-20 Grammar: - Género de adjetivos de nacionalidad - Género de las profesiones - Verbos “ser” y “tener” - Verbos regulares en presente Sociocultural: - Países y nacionalidades



• PEV – Week 2

• Create situations of formal and informal dialogues. • Identify countries of origin and nationalities of famous people. • Recognize the feminine and masculine adjectives of professions. • Practice interrogative intonation. • Identify and write numbers from 0 to 20. • Write a paragraph about yourself and others. • Read a simple text in order to identify specific information. • Review web pages with vocabulary and pronunciation.

Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector

Virtual Classroom

Referencias bibliográficas: [1] [2] Module 2: FAMILIA Y TRABAJO (FAMILY AND WORK) Specific Competencies to Develop: 1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4 UNIT 2: FAMILIAS (FAMILIES) Function: - Identificar y describir a miembros de la familia Lexical: - Miembros de la familia - Números 21-5000 y la hora 7,8,9 3 6 AP Grammar: - Plural de los nombres - Preposiciones de lugar - Adjetivos posesivos y demostrativos Sociocultural: - Horarios del mundo - La familia hispana EXAM 1 (WRITTEN) 4






• PEV – Week 3


UNIT 3: EL TRABAJO (WORK) Function: - Hablar de rutinas y/o hábitos Lexical: - Horarios y lugares de trabajo - Días de la semana - Pedir un desayuno Grammar: - Verbos reflexivos - Verbos irregulares en presente - Preposiciones de tiempo Sociocultural: - Lenguaje gestual


• Recognize the plural of common nouns. • Draw a family tree and describe your family. • Identify and use prepositions in order to talk about the positon of objects in one place. • Recognize and use possessive adjectives with personal objects. • Practice phrases to tell time through role playing games. • Development activities based in units 1 and 2.

• • • • • • • •

Review some practice videos. Pronunciation. Write a paragraph describing your family. Identify and use vocabulary to describe occupations of family and friends. Recognize reflexive verbs and pronouns. Talk about your routine activities in the present. Use prepositions of time in relation to your experiences. Create conversations in a restaurant and order breakfast.

• Complete exercises to practice vocabulary and pronunciation.

• PEV – Week 4

Textbook CD-ROM Image Projector Audio Handouts

Virtual Classroom Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector

Virtual Classroom

Bibliographical References: [1] [2] Module 3: CASA Y COMIDA (HOME AND FOOD) Specific Competencies to Develop: 1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4

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UNIDAD 4: LA CASA Function: - Describir un lugar Lexical: - Partes de una casa, muebles y cosas - Números ordinales Grammar: - Artículos determinados e indeterminados - Uso de “hay” y “está” Sociocultural: - Viviendas de España



• PEV – Week 5





UNIT 5: COMER (FOOD) Function: - Expresar gustos Lexical: - Platos en un menú - Actividades de tiempo libre - Recetas de cocina Grammar: - Verbo “gustar” - Imperativos regulares: Instrucciones EXAM 2 (WRITTEN)

- Repaso 7





• Complete grammar exercizes. • Write a letter to a family member describing your stay in this country. • Use vocabulary about food and kitchen items for discussion at a restauarant. • Produce a poster about healthy food and present it to the class. • Describe leisure activities common in your country and compare them with those of Peru.

• PEV – Week 7

Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector

Virtual Classroom Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector Handouts

• Development of activities based in units 3 and 4. • Complete exercises with the learned vocabulary and grammar structures. • Understand some cooking recipes and instructions for cooking. • Work in pairs to create some recipes and present them to the class. • Read some advertisements in order to identify specfic information. • Visit the supermarket to learn about local ingredients and present a report. • Develop different written activities from units 1-5. • Watch videos to reinforce vocabulary, and produce your own recepie.

• PEV – Semana 6 Sociocultural: - Platos típicos del mundo


• Use ordinal numbers to talk about the distribution of rooms in a house. • Describe the interior of a room in a house using vocabulary about furniture and objects. • Recognize the definite and indefinite articles through grammatical exercises. • Use the necessary expressions to reserve a room in a hotel.

Virtual Classroom Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector Workbook

Virtual Classroom

Bibliographical References: [1] [2]

MID-TERM EXAM Module 4: LA CIUDAD (THE CITY) Specific Competencies to Develop: 1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4 • Retroalimentación UNIDAD 6: EL BARRIO Function: - Dar instrucciones y pedir favores 22,23,24 6 AP Lexical: 8 - Instrucciones para transportarse Grammar: - Imperativo irregular - Verbo “ser” o “estar” 4






• PEV – Week 8 Sociocultural: - Ingredientes de la zona - Música latina - Repaso

4 AA • PEV – Week 9 Bibliographical References: [1] [2]

• Locate places on a map and give directions to them. • Identify ads in the classified section of a newspaper. • Utilize direct and indirect expressions of communication in order to give instructions and request favors. • Describe the facilities and services available in your neighborhood, district, or city. • Observe a map of Lima in order to locate places to visit. • Identify consonant and vowel sounds in a song. • Have a discussion about different rhythms of music that you know. • Development activities for feedback from unit 6. • Watch videos to reinforce pronunciation.

Workbook Textbook Audio CD-ROM

Virtual Classroom Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector Workbook Virtual Classroom


Basic Spanish

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Specfic Competencies to Develop: 1.1; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4 UNIT 7: SALIR CON LOS AMIGOS (GO OUT WITH FRIENDS) Function: - Rechazar y proponer alternativas - Describir características Lexical: 28,29,30 10 6 AP - Descripciones físicas y de carácter Grammar: - Verbo “quedar” - Estar + gerundio+ verbos reflexivos Sociocultural: - Los sábados por la noche EXAM 3 (ORAL) 4








• PEV – Week 10 UNIT 8: DE VACACIONES (VACATIONS) Funcional: - Hablar del pasado Lexical: - Preguntar e indicar como se va a un lugar - Meses y estaciones del año Grammar: - Pretérito indefinido de verbos regulares - Pretérito indefinido de ir y estar Sociocultural: - Vacaciones en Perú


• PEV – Week 12

Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector

• Develpment activities based in units 6 and 7. • Complete exercises using adjectives to describe the physical appearance of others. • Read a text in order to extract specific information. • Talk with several friends in order to make plans to go out for the weekend. • Inform yourself about places to go for vacation. • Ask and indicate how to get to a place. • Talk about experiences in the past. • Use different vocabulary about time and climate. • Write a letter to a friend describing the place where you currently are.

• Review slides and videos to complete written exercises.

• PEV – Week 11

Bibliographical References: [1] [2] Module 6: COMPRAS Y ROPA (SHOPPING AND CLOTHING) Specific Competencies to Develop: 1.1; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4 UNIT 9 : COMPRAS (SHOPPING) Function: - Comparar lugares y personas - Ir de compras Lexical: - Colores y descripción de la ropa Grammar: 6 AP - Demostrativos (adjetivos y 34,35,36 12 pronombres) - Pronombres demostrativos y de objeto directo - Adjetivos (singular y plural) - Comparativos irregulares Sociocultural: - Lugares visitados 4

• Recognize and use verbs in order to talk about leisure time activities. • Solicite, accept, or reject an invitation. • Describe activities or efforts you are currently pursuing. • Use adjectives to describe the physical appearance and personality of famous and important people.

Virtual Classroom Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image projector Workbook

Virtual Classroom

• Prepare a Power Point presentation to describe a place you have visited. • Use appropriate vocabulary to describe places to vaccation. • Comment on purchases. • Use adjectives and demonstrative pronouns to define ownership and location of objects. • Describe clothing for men and women. • Correctly use the gender and number adjectives to describe people. • Answer a questionnaire about clothing preferentes. • Use appropriate comparative adjectives to compare photos about people and objects.

Textbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector Workbook

• Participate in a forum.

Virtual Classroom

• Visit a museum and describe what you saw using appropriate adjectives. • Identify parts of the human body through a game. • Talk about simple diseases using appropriate vocabulary. • Discuss differences in past activities and your plans or intentions for the future.

Textbook Workbook CD-ROM Audio Image Projector

Bibliographical References: [1] [2] Module 7: SALUD Y ENFERMEDAD (HEALTH AND DISEASE) Specific Competencies to Develop: 1.1; 1.2.; 1.3.; 1.4 UNIT 10: SALUD Y ENFERMEDAD (HEALTH AND DISEASE) Function: - Describir dolencias Lexical: 37,38,39 13 6 AP - Partes del cuerpo humano Grammarl: - Pretérito imperfecto de los verbos regulares e irregulares - Voy + infinitivo para planes e intenciones EXAM 4 (WRITTEN)

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• Development activities based in units 8 and 9.









• PEV – Week 13

• Reinforce vocabulary and pronunciation.

Virtual Classroom

Sociocultural: - Cultura Inca

• Hace un percentil ortográfico. • Participate in a game to express plans and intentions. • Read about the Incas and prepare a poster describing the past.

Textbook pp. 88-91 CD-ROM Audio Image Projector Workbook

- Repaso Final


2 4


• Observe various videos in orde to review vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

• PEV – Week 14

Virtual Classroom

Bibliographical References: [1] [2]

FINAL EXAM Methodology The course uses an active-inductive methodology that allows students to develop skills and strategies using prior knowledge through collaborative work that emphasizes reading comprehension and writing production. The course promotes reflective and critical thinking as well as independent learning through tasks and complementary activities in the virtual platform.

System of Evaluation N° 1 2 3 4 5

Type of Evaluation

Percentage 35% 20% 15% 10% 20%

Term 1 and 2 Evaluation Written and Oral Tests Examen Parcial Examen Oral Final Examen Final

Evaluation Timeline (35%) Type of Evaluation

N° 1

Term 1 and 2 Evaluation 35%

2 3

Term 1

1 2 3

Term 2

Scoring Breakdown Participation in Activities and Independent Learning Oral Participation Class Attitude Participation in Classroom Activities and Independent Learning Oral Participation Class Attitude TOTAL





Week 7

May 3rd


Week 14

June 28th

40% 40% 20% 40% 40% 20% 100

Timeline for Written and Oral Exams (20%) Type of Evaluation WRITTEN AND ORAL EXAMS (20%)

N° 1 2 3 4

Scoring Breakdown Exam 1 (Written) Exam 2 (Written) Exam 3 (Oral) Exam 4 (Written) TOTAL

(%) 25% 25% 25% 25% 20% NO EXAM ELIMINATED

Week Week 3 Week 6 Week 10 Week 13

Fecha April 3rd April 26th May 3rd June 21st

Week 14

June 27th

Retake? YES (*) Only one of the exams.


Timeline for Oral Final Exam (10%) ORAL EXAM FINAL (10 %)


General Standards

Retake? NO

HOURS OF INDEPENDENT LEARNING: As part of their education, students are to spend at least four hours a week to strengthen the skills and knowledge they have acquired during class hours. To do so, students will enter the virtual classroom of the University with the username and password they have received during the first week of class. All activities are developed independently and will be evaluated and included in the category of ¨Permanent Evaluation¨. Some work will also be evaluated in

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the midterm or final testing. ATTENDANCE: It is important to note that the first hour has a maximam tarde tolerance of ten minutes, after which the student will be considered absent. If the course has two continuous hours, there is no tolerance for the second hour. Attendence is counted until the last day of class. It is essential that students check their absences through INFOSIL in order to avoid last minute suprises. If there is any mistake in attendance, the professor has 72 hours (3 days) to rectify the matter. After this time, you can not make any changes to the attendance control. MAKE-UP TESTS: There is make-up testing within a week after the end of the class for those students who have a justifiable reason for not being able to take one of the four tests. To take advantage of the make-up test, follow the proper procedure within 48 hours of the missed test. There is not make-up testing for the Oral Final. MATERIALS: The student should bring to class what is mandatory for the development of their education. The student should bring their textbook and workbook to class everyday (photocopies are not accepted). Attending class wtihout study materials (including textbook and workbook) will lead to a reduced score in the evaluation of their Class Attitude. In summary, it is important to be clear about the following points: a. There is a tarde tolerance of 10 minutes to be conisdered present for the first hour of class. b. There is no tolerance for the start of the second class. c. The limit for course absences is 20%. If a student exceeds this rule, he or she will not be allowed to take the final exam. d. Student must carry all relavent course materials to each class including orginal textbook and workbook. Failure to do so will result in a reduced Class Attitude score.

References [1] Castro Viudez, F; Díaz Ballesteros, P; Rodero Díez, I & Sardinero Franco, C. (5ta edición, 2010). Español en Marcha 1. Libro del Alumno (ELE). Nivel A1. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Librerías SA. [2]Castro Viudez, F; Díaz Ballesteros, P; Rodero Díez, I & Sardinero Franco, C. (5ta edición, 2010). Español en Marcha 1. Cuaderno de ejercicios (ELE). Nivel A1. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Librerías SA.

Basic Spanish

Elaborado por:

Aprobado por:

Narda Rebeka Cumpa Arribasplata Coordinadora de Curso Fecha: 27 Octubre 2011

Samantha Lanaway Directora del Departamento de Idiomas Fecha:

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