
The Bernoulli Generalized Likelihood Ratio test (BGLR) for Non-Stationary Multi-Armed Bandits Research Seminar at PANAMA...

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The Bernoulli Generalized Likelihood Ratio test (BGLR) for Non-Stationary Multi-Armed Bandits Research Seminar at PANAMA, IRISA lab, Rennes

Lilian Besson PhD Student SCEE team, IETR laboratory, CentraleSupélec in Rennes & SequeL team, CRIStAL laboratory, Inria in Lille

Thursday 6th of June, 2019

Publications associated with this talk Joint work with my advisor Émilie Kaufmann


“Analyse non asymptotique d’un test séquentiel de détection de ruptures et application aux bandits non stationnaires” by Lilian Besson & Émilie Kaufmann ,→ presented at GRETSI, in Lille (France), next August 2019 ,→

“The Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test meets klUCB: an Improved Algorithm for Piece-Wise Non-Stationary Bandits” by Lilian Besson & Émilie Kaufmann Pre-print on HAL-02006471 and arXiv:1902.01575

Lilian Besson

BGLR test and Non-Stationary MAB

Thursday 6th of June, 2019

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Outline of the talk

Outline of the talk 1

(Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems


Piece-wise stationary multi-armed bandits problems


The BGLR test and its finite time properties


The BGLR-T + klUCB algorithm


Regret analysis


Numerical simulations

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems 1

(Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems


Piece-wise stationary multi-armed bandits problems


The BGLR test and its finite time properties


The BGLR-T + klUCB algorithm


Regret analysis


Numerical simulations

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

What is a bandit problem?

Multi-armed bandits = Sequential decision making problems in uncertain environments :

,→ Interactive demo Ref: [Bandits Algorithms, Lattimore & Szepesvári, 2019], on Lilian Besson

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Mathematical model

Mathematical model Discrete time steps t = 1, . . . , T The horizon T is fixed and usually unknown At time t, an agent plays the arm A(t) ∈ {1, . . . , K}, then she observes the iid random reward r(t) ∼ νk , r(t) ∈ R

Lilian Besson

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Mathematical model

Mathematical model Discrete time steps t = 1, . . . , T The horizon T is fixed and usually unknown At time t, an agent plays the arm A(t) ∈ {1, . . . , K}, then she observes the iid random reward r(t) ∼ νk , r(t) ∈ R Usually, we focus on Bernoulli arms νk = Bernoulli(µk ), of mean µk ∈ [0, 1], giving binary rewards r(t) ∈ {0, 1}.

Lilian Besson

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Mathematical model

Mathematical model Discrete time steps t = 1, . . . , T The horizon T is fixed and usually unknown At time t, an agent plays the arm A(t) ∈ {1, . . . , K}, then she observes the iid random reward r(t) ∼ νk , r(t) ∈ R Usually, we focus on Bernoulli arms νk = Bernoulli(µk ), of mean µk ∈ [0, 1], giving binary rewards r(t) ∈ {0, 1}. Goal : maximize the sum of rewards





or maximize the sum of expected rewards E

Lilian Besson

BGLR test and Non-Stationary MAB





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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Mathematical model

Mathematical model Discrete time steps t = 1, . . . , T The horizon T is fixed and usually unknown At time t, an agent plays the arm A(t) ∈ {1, . . . , K}, then she observes the iid random reward r(t) ∼ νk , r(t) ∈ R Usually, we focus on Bernoulli arms νk = Bernoulli(µk ), of mean µk ∈ [0, 1], giving binary rewards r(t) ∈ {0, 1}. Goal : maximize the sum of rewards





or maximize the sum of expected rewards E





Any efficient policy must balance between exploration and exploitation: explore all arms to discover the best one, while exploiting the arms known to be good so far. Lilian Besson

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Naive solutions

Two examples of bad solutions i) Pure exploration Play arm A(t) ∼ U({1, . . . , K}) uniformly at random "

=⇒ Mean expected rewards

Lilian Besson

1 TE



r(t) =


BGLR test and Non-Stationary MAB

1 K


µk  maxk µk


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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Naive solutions

Two examples of bad solutions i) Pure exploration Play arm A(t) ∼ U({1, . . . , K}) uniformly at random "

=⇒ Mean expected rewards

1 TE



r(t) =


1 K


µk  maxk µk


ii) Pure exploitation Count the number of samples and the sum of rewards of each arm P P Nk (t) = 1(A(s) = k) and Xk (t) = r(s)1(A(s) = k) s µ2 ≥ . . . ≥ µK p UCBk (t) = Xk (t)/Nk (t) + α log(t)/Nk (t) 1 Hoeffding’s inequality gives P(UCBk (t) < µk (t)) ≤ O( t2α ) =⇒ the different UCBk (t) are true “Upper Confidence Bounds” on the (unknown) µk (most of the times)

And if a suboptimal arm k > 1 is sampled, it implies UCBk (t) > UCB1 (t), but µk < µ1 : Hoeffding’s inequality also proves that any “wrong ordering” of the UCBk (t) is unlikely Lilian Besson

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Regret of a bandit algorithm

Measure the performance of algorithm A by its mean regret RA (T ) Difference in the accumulated rewards between an “oracle” and A The “oracle” algorithm always plays the (unknown) best arm k ∗ = arg maxk µk (we note the best mean µk∗ = µ∗ ) Maximize the sum of expected rewards ⇐⇒ minimize the regret RA (T ) = E

" T X t=1

Lilian Besson


rk∗ (t) −


E [r(t)] = T µ∗ −


BGLR test and Non-Stationary MAB


E [r(t)] .


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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Regret of a bandit algorithm

Measure the performance of algorithm A by its mean regret RA (T ) Difference in the accumulated rewards between an “oracle” and A The “oracle” algorithm always plays the (unknown) best arm k ∗ = arg maxk µk (we note the best mean µk∗ = µ∗ ) Maximize the sum of expected rewards ⇐⇒ minimize the regret RA (T ) = E

" T X t=1


rk∗ (t) −


E [r(t)] = T µ∗ −



E [r(t)] .


Typical regime for stationary bandits (lower & upper bounds) No algorithm A can obtain a regret better than RA (T ) ≥ Ω(log(T )) And an efficient algorithm A obtains Lilian Besson

BGLR test and Non-Stationary MAB

RA (T ) ≤ O(log(T )) Thursday 6th of June, 2019

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1. (Stationary) Multi-armed bandits problems

Regret of two UCB algorithms

Regret of UCB and kl-UCB algorithms For any problem with K arms following Bernoulli distributions, of means µ1 , . . . , µK ∈ [0, 1], and optimal mean µ∗ , then For the UCB algorithm RTUCB ≤

X k=1,...,K µk 1 : X1 , · · · , Xτ ∼ B(µ0 ) et Xτ +1 , · · · ∼ B(µ1 )).

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3. The BGLR test and its finite time properties

Likelihood ratio test for Bernoulli observations

Bernoulli likelihood ratio test Hypothesis: all distributions are Bernoulli (νk = B(µk )) The problem boils down to distinguishing i.i.d.

H0 : (∃µ0 : ∀i ∈ N∗ , Xi ∼ B(µ0 )), against the alternative i.i.d.


H1 : (∃µ0 6= µ1 , τ > 1 : X1 , · · · , Xτ ∼ B(µ0 ) et Xτ +1 , · · · ∼ B(µ1 )). The Likelihood Ratio statistic for this hypothesis test, after observing X1 , · · · , Xn , is `(X1 , · · · , Xn ; µ0 , µ1 , τ )

sup L(n) =

µ0 ,µ1 ,τ 1 : X1 , · · · , Xτ ∼ B(µ0 ) et Xτ +1 , · · · ∼ B(µ1 )). The Likelihood Ratio statistic for this hypothesis test, after observing X1 , · · · , Xn , is `(X1 , · · · , Xn ; µ0 , µ1 , τ )

sup L(n) =

µ0 ,µ1 ,τ