Sale Auction Add June, 2016

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Add June, 2016.docx

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Add June, 2016.docx


OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS (T.) GADCHIROLI. Pin Code No.442605, Tel.No.07132/222184, Fax 222187 Ambedkar Bhavan, Near I.T.I., Gadchiroli

SHORT SALE NOTICE (NO.:Tendu/sale/692, Dated 3.6.2016 The Auction Sale at the hall of Office of the Chief Conservator of Forests (T.) Gadchiroli at 10.00 a.m. from Date 18.6.2016 to 25.6.2016. Division Gadchiroli

Name of the Depot. Gadchiroli


Chatgaon Wadsa








Tadgaon Etapalli Bhamragarh

Particulars of the Material Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Teak Pole (Nos.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Beat Non-Teak Pole (Nos.) Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Teak Pole (Nos.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Beat Non-Teak Pole (Nos.) Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Teak Pole (Nos.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Beat Non-Teak Pole (Nos.) Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Non-Teak Poles (Nos.) Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Teak Poles (Nos.) Non-Teak Poles (Nos.) Non-Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Teak Beat

C:\Documents and Settings\hp\Desktop\Sale Auction 4

Details of Material offered for Auction sale Fresh Withdrawn Resale

123.274 515.646 0 357.25 0 0 0 0 42.00 0 0 0 208.536 524.60 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.833 0 0 0 0 0 228.000 415.000 160.00 400.00 0 0 0 0 344.50 0 0 0 0 0

Add June, 2016.docx

32.215 347.244 142.75 1039.50 56.129 9.00 174.25 6.50 71.00 66.401 85.50 5257 771.057 935.25 310 32.439 4.25 127 676.463 1183.45 165 27.924 68.10 11797 192.862 993.65 1145 644.684 1533.961 5483.00 6312.75 0 285.992 1853.176 557.00 6172.45 2439 4967 118.25 628.50 5.00

0.491 9.677 0 125.00 0 0 0 0 0 7.841 17.00 54 24.448 115.55 556 0 0 0 33.237 110.40 0 1.923 0 24 9.502 63.85 0 0 0.226 0 0 27 0.132 88.089 0 62.90 75 102 87.90 71.50 0


Rompalli Jimalgatta Central Depo 3 Nagepalli

Non-Teak Beat Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Non-Teak Beat Teak Timber (Cu.M.) Non-Teak Timber (Cu.M.)

0 0 175 0 5.336 93.969

201.00 64.00 0 0 5.654 32.526

0 0 0 71.25 0 0

1) Quantities put for sale may be increased or decreased & the sequence of sale of material at the time of sale may be changed & will be decided by CCF (T) Gadchiroli . 2) EMD acceptance will commence at 8.30 AM on all auction day, at auction hall, CCF (T) Gadchiroli office, Ambedkar Bhavan, Gadchiroli Intending bidders are requested to deposite EMD, the amount calculated at the rate of 10 % of the amount up to which the bidders desires to bid. Provided, However that the amount of earnest money to be deposited shall in no case be less than Rs.500/-. Without EMD bid will not be accepted. The maximum amount of Earnest Money should be deposited by Demand Draft or Call deposit in favour of "The corresponding Deputy conservator of Forests (T.), Allapalli/Bhamragarh/ Sironcha/ Gadchiroli/ Wadsa" payable at Gadchiroli in State Bank of India and any other schedule bank, also corresponding banks of the respective divisions through RTGS. Payment deposit in Bank information given to concern Dy.c.f. by Fax or Email at same day. Division

Name of the Bank

Bank Account No.

Allapalli Bhamragarh Sironcha Gadchiroli Wadsa

Bank of Maharashtra, Branch Aheri Bank of Maharashtra, Branch Aheri Bank of India Branch Sironcha Bank of India, Branch Gadchiroli Bank of India, Branch Wadsa

20244001531 20244000026 960221110000014 964020110000150 964720110000043

Phone Nos.of the Division 07133/266433 07133/266432 07131/233009 07132/232036 07137/272017

IFSC Code No. MAHB 0000246 MAHB 0000246 BKID 0009602 BKID 0009640 BKID 0009647

3) The Auction sale will be governed by the sale conditions approved by the Government and the same will be binding on the bidders. 4) The intending bidders should inspect the lots on the spot at the respective depots and satisfy themselves about the correctness thereof. Any complaints about lots would not be accepted after the sales process. 5) While depositing E.M.D. before auction the intending bidders are requested to produce particulars regarding their TIN number, PAN number with their names, address proof & authority letter etc. (Xerox copies to be attached) 6) Relevant Details & sale conditions in respect of above sale can be perused on any working days during the office hours in the office of the undersigned. Respective offices of the DyCF Gadchiroli/ Wadsa/ Allapalli /Sironcha /Bhamragarh or respective depot officers. 7) Auction Time Table 7.1) Auction time table will be as fallows.Forest produce sale sequence will be withdrown,resale & then New material Particuler Timber (Teak, Non-teak timber, Chock Timber & Poles etc.)

Division Sironcha Gadchiroli Allapalli Wadsa

Fuel Beat (Teak, Non-teak)

Allapalli Gadchiroli Sironcha Bhamragarh Wadsa

Date 18.6.2016 18.6.2016 20.6.2016 21.6.2016 21.6.2016 21.6.2016 23.6.2016 24.6.2016 24.6.2016 24.6.2016 25.6.2016

Time 10.00 AM to upto 12.00 AM 12.00 AM to upto 6.00 PM 10.00 AM to upto 6.00 PM 10.00 AM to upto 1.00 PM 2.00 PM to upto 6.00 PM 10.00 AM to upto 6.00 PM 10.00 AM to upto 6.00 PM 10.00 AM to upto 1.00 PM 2.00 PM to upto 4.00 PM 4.00 PM to upto 6.00 PM 10.00 AM to upto 6.00 PM

7.2) To changes in time table, or changes in sequence all right reserved under Chief Conservator of Forests (T) Gadchrioli OR Auction Controlling Officer. 7.3) Lunch time will be at 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM. 8) Visit us on Chief Conservator of Forests C:\Documents and Settings\hp\Desktop\Sale Auction 5

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OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS (T.), GADCHIROLI. Ambedkar Bhavan, Near I.T.I., Gadchiroli, Pin code No.442605, Tel.No.07132/222187 SHORT SALE NOTICE (NO.:Tendu/sale/692, Dated 3.6.2016 The Auction Sale at the hall of Office of the Chief Conservator of Forests (T.) Gadchiroli, Ambedkar Bhavan, Gadchiroli will commence at 10.00 a.m. Sequence of sale & dates is as below:1) Timber- Teak, Non-Teak, Chock Timber & Poles of all categories on date 18.6.2016 from 10.00 AM to date 22.6.2016 upto 6.00 PM (Sironcha Dn. 18.6.2016 from 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM, Gadchiroli Dn. 18.6.2016 from 12.00 PM to 6.00 PM, Allapalli Dn. 20.6.2016 from 10.00 AM to date 21.6.2016 upto 1.00 PM & Wadsa Dn, 21.6.2016 from 1.00 PM to date 22.6.2016 upto 6.00 PM,) 2) Fuel Beat - Teak, Non-Teak of all categories on date 23.6.2016 from 10.00 am to date 25.6.2016 upto 6.00 pm (Allapalli Dn. 23.6.2016 from 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM, Gadchiroli Dn. 24.6.2016 from 10 AM to 1.00 PM, Sironcha Dn. 24.6.2016 from 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM, Bhamragarh Dn. 24.6.2016 from 4.00 PM to 6.00 AM, And Wadsa Dn. 25.6.2016 from 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM) 3) Forest produce sale sequence will be withdrawn, resale & then New material 4) Lunch time will be at 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM. 5) For detail information Visit us on

Details of Material Teak Timber (cu.m.)

Teak Beat Teak Pole (Nos.) Non Teak Timber (cu.m.)

Non-Teak Beat Non Teak Pole (Nos.)

Divisionwise fresh/withdrawn & resale of Appoximate material offered for auction sale Gadchiroli Wadsa Allapalli Bhamragarh Sironcha 212.109 138.361 1558.808 0 10.99 158.25 174.85 6200.00 5.00 64.00 0 17259 2514 0 0 872.567 1916.105 3890.452 0 126.495 246.25 1809.00 3926.75 13292.60 1107.15 0 2247 5096 0 0

1) The intending bidders should inspect the lots on the spot at the respective depots and satisfy themselves about the correctness thereof. Any complaints about lots would not be accepted after the sales process. 2) Conditions Apply : For more details and sale conditions please contact Division office or visit web site Intro/circle office/Gadchiroli/News Events.

Chief Conservator of Forests (T.)Gadchiroli

C:\Documents and Settings\hp\Desktop\Sale Auction 7

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C:\Documents and Settings\hp\Desktop\Sale Auction 8

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