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Fantasy Faction Fantasy Book Reviews & Community Ready to Submit? Check again... After takin...

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Fantasy Faction Fantasy Book Reviews & Community

Ready to Submit? Check again... After taking on the job of editor and the task of assessing submissions, I am finding a disturbing number of unpolished manuscripts crossing my desk. Therefore, I hope you can help me list a few of the simple problems we, as authors, can ‘fix’ before we submit our work to an acquisition editor. When polishing a manuscript there is an easy way to make sure you present the best possible draft to a publisher. Fix the simple things. Take the time, make the effort, be your editor’s dream author!

Simple things first Use the FIND option in Word… go through and FIND and remove (or rewrite) as many examples of these words as you can… That Had Will be As if But And Would Would be Out Very Has been Had been To be Started to When Wore Put Just Some Something Suddenly Almost Anything ending in LY

Was Were As though About Then And then Up Down Which Causing Began Began to Making Like Wearing Went So Much Thing Seemed More excessive adverb use

Show don't tell The ‘telling’ words are: was, were, had, feel, felt, feeling, and because. Here are some examples. These lead to Tell rather than Show. - Reduce ‘ing’ words (present participles – not gerunds). Incorrect: We were thinking about going to the movies. You can overcome this with dialogue if possible in the context. - Avoid using the ‘ing’ word at the start of a paragraph. Incorrect: Leaning against his car, he looked as if he owned the world. It’s best to show his attitude instead. Here’s a link with more information on present


Fantasy Faction Fantasy Book Reviews & Community


Keep it Simple - Make sure you can justify every word in sentences with more than 25 words. - Don’t repeat yourself. What I mean is beware of repetitive phrases or words within the same sentence or paragraph. The only time repeating yourself is justified is if it shows a personality trait or disability. Also, avoid echoes. Echoes are any words repeated in a sentence, or repeated in a paragraph. - Dialogue tags. Avoid too many ‘he said’, ‘she said’. Use action tags where possible.

Phrase things carefully - Do not allow body parts to take on their own actions. These might be subtle but if your head falls into your hands, or your eyes follow the blonde, or a hand drops into a lap, it could be a worry! They should not take on a POV. Incorrect: Dark eyes searched the shadows. Correct: She peered into the shadows, searching… Incorrect: Trembling fingers sought comfort from the fire. Correct: She held trembling fingers toward the fire, warming them. - Avoid using Action before Reaction. Incorrect: He flinched when he heard gunfire. Correct: When he heard gunfire, he flinched. Incorrect: She opened the umbrella when the storm broke. Correct: When the storm broke, she opened the umbrella. Incorrect: He flipped open his phone when he heard his ring tone. Correct: He heard his ring tone and flipped open his phone.

Make it shine All these pet peeves have been discussed before. Rest assured finding too many of these words or problems left uncorrected in a manuscript shows a lack of care in the author’s writing. Whether looking to join a publisher or making a move to self publish…make notes and take the time to go through your work. If you have a great story, but haven’t done the work, don’t expect an editor to hold your hand. They have hundreds of manuscripts to read. Although they can empathise with the thrill of


Fantasy Faction Fantasy Book Reviews & Community

seeing your work in print/ ebook, it isn’t going to happen if your manuscript ends up in the reject pile. Don’t be lazy. Apply your craft. Polish! Then your story has a chance to impress. What can you add to the list? Do you have your own pet peeves?

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