public hearing


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NOTICE O[' PIJ}LIC FEARING CONCERNING TfiE I'STA-BLISFMENT ON TSE SANTA CRUZ COTIN-TYTOITRISM,MARKETINC DISTRICT A}ID 'TO LISVY AN ASSESSMENT ON CERTAIN LODGING I}USINIISSDSWTIIIIN TIIE DIS'I'nICT NOTICE IS BERIIBY RURttrEn GIVIaN thdt oo Tursdry, Junc 15, 2010 et 9:00 r.d. or thercsfter,in theCourtyof SautaCnu BoardChttmbers locatedar 701OceanStrcet,Rooh 525Ssuta Cruz, CA 95060,h8s bccn sct as the timc ard placc for a public hearing at which timc the Board ploloses to establish1!e SCCTMD andto )evy thc proposedassassmcnt assct fortl iD the Rcsolutioo of lotcntion Bound{ries: Thcproposed with morethan6ve (5) roorns SCCTMDincludesall krdgingbusinesscs locatadwithin thcbouudaricsof thc Conofvof SantaCruz. AsscssEent: AtrDuolassessilc[tratesarc3j1.00per occupicdlooErper nightoDlodgingbusi[cJses with bctweensix (6) aod twcnty-ninc(29) roorns,aod $1.50pcr ocsupiodroom pcr night oD lodgingbusinesscs wi(h fiirty (30) or morc roonls. Bssedoo tlc bcocfit receivoq assessmcnts will not bc collectcdaDstaysofmorc thaDthirty (30) consccutive days. AssessEentswill lrot bc cpllectcdor stayspursuantto oonftacbcxecutcdlrior to July l, 20t0. Irrdgingbusircsseswjth bctwesooDe(l) and fivc (5) roomswill bc excmpt&om dreasscssm€ot. Budgctr

Ttc total SCCTMD alDual budget for cach ycar of itt fivc (5) year operstion is anticipatodL0bc approxfurately$ I ,142,683.


Markaiug ard salcsplomotiollsto inficasdtoujsm md to marka Sa.ltaCruz County asa tourist,D€eting DrdevcIrtdestinalion.


wiU bc implqneotcdbeginningJuly l, 2010atldwill The SCCTMDassessmcDt continucfor five (5) yiars. Eachjurisdictionwithin tbe SCCTN4Dwill bc rcsponsiblc pcnaltiesandirtcrcst) liom (iucluding a.qydcliaquencias, for collcctingasccssmctrts cachlodgingbusincsslocatedin their respectivejurisdictiou. Thc CountyofSantaCnIz on a montltly basis. Thc andthc City ofCapiiola cr-tncutlywill collcct rssL'ssments curdltly will collcctassessmeD.ts Citi€sof SaotaCltz. ScotlsVallcyo-ndWatsotrville will bc collcctedconcurrcn0ywjth TOT andshallbc oDa quorterlybasis. As$cssmcnts proccdurcs. Each subjectto aDychangcs in e&h jun$dictior)'s TOT colleotion jurisdiction sltall collcct asscssme[ts wilh its ow! rogulttiousltud in accordaEce pmccduresconsistentwitb the collcctionof TOT. Eachjurisdiction will remit andVisitors assessrDcnts oa a qua crly basisto the Sada CruzCountyCoDfereocc plugramsa-s (SCCCVC) will to marage thc TMD havethercspo$ibility wbich Corurcil providcdia thisdistlictplan.


wiftiD theproposcd SCCTMDtJratwill bc subjectto Any owoerof a lodgingbusiness are of dt SCCTMD If writtcnpaotssts the assessmont may protcsttbe establishncut D who in the proposedSCCTM reccivcdfrorn thc ownersof lodging busuresscs

to be levicd, represcnt50 percent(50%) or more of tle estitrlaiedalnual -asscssrneol\ bc imposcd' trot shall assessment and th€ thi scC'fMD- sballnot be ctablishcd You mayDraila witten Protcstto: Clerk of the Bo|r,il Courty of S.ntr Cruz ?01Oce3uStrect,Room500 SantaCruz, CA 9506 You lnay alsoappcalat the public hearingandsubmita writtcn Protcstat that timc' SCCTMDo[ ass€ssment you dcsircarlditionaijnformationaboutthis J'loposcd luformatio,r: ShoLrld contad;

Merry Crowen Sartt Cruz CountyHospjta-liryandIrdgiDg Association POBox512 Sa0taC!u", CA 95061 (831)460-3326


MqY-!-8--2-010 .-


BY ORDEROF TI{B BOARD OF SI'PERVISORS By: TcssE. Fitzgorald ChiefDcputyClorkofrhc Board