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1. Multiple Choice: A neuron is best described as a(n) Question Answer

Points: 1

A neuron is best described as a(n) ion. cell. lobe. molecule.

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Incorrect. The answer is b.

Full Download: Psychology 10th Myers Test BankNatural, opiatelike neurotransmitters... 2. Edition Multiple Choice:

Question Answer

Natural, opiatelike neurotransmitters linked to pain control are called ACh agonists. dendrites.

Points: 1

morphine antagonists. endorphins. Correct Feedback


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Incorrect. The answer is d.

3. Multiple Choice: Drugs that block the reuptake of sero... Question Answer

Points: 1

Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin will thereby increase the concentration of serotonin molecules in the axon terminals. synaptic gaps. glial cells. endocrine glands.

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Incorrect. The answer is b.

4. Multiple Choice: Botox injections smooth facial wrinkl... Question Answer

Points: 1

Botox injections smooth facial wrinkles because botulin is a(n) ACh antagonist. dopamine antagonist. ACh agonist. dopamine agonist.

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Incorrect. The answer is a.

5. Multiple Choice: Which hormone enables contractions as... Question Answer

Points: 1

Which hormone enables contractions associated with birthing and milk flow during nursing? insulin

cortisol oxytocin epinephrine Correct Feedback


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Incorrect. The answer is d.

6. Multiple Choice: While listening to operatic solos, mu... Question Answer

Points: 1

While listening to operatic solos, musicians process the lyrics and the tunes in separate brain areas. This most clearly illustrates the functioning of different neurotransmitters. reticular formations. neural networks. limbic systems.

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Incorrect. The answer is c.

7. Multiple Choice: The endocrine system consists of Question Answer

Points: 1

The endocrine system consists of association areas. neural networks. interneurons. glands.

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Incorrect. The answer is d.

8. Multiple Choice: Which of the following would be most ...

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Question Answer

Which of the following would be most useful for detecting the brain areas that are most active as a person performs mathematical calculations? a brain lesion an interneuron a PET scan a hemispherectomy

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Incorrect. The answer is c.

9. Multiple Choice: Which region of the brain appears to ... Question Answer

Points: 1

Which region of the brain appears to have the oldest evolutionary history? frontal lobes limbic system brainstem corpus callosum

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Incorrect. The answer is c.

10. Multiple Choice: After suffering an accidental brain i... Question Answer

After suffering an accidental brain injury, Kira has difficulty walking in a smooth and coordinated manner. She has probably suffered damage to her amygdala. hypothalamus. cerebellum. corpus callosum.


Points: 1


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Incorrect. The answer is c.

11. Multiple Choice: The limbic system structure that regu... Question Answer

Points: 1

The limbic system structure that regulates hunger is called the thalamus. amygdala. hippocampus. hypothalamus.

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Incorrect. The answer is d.

12. Multiple Choice: Which portion of the cerebral cortex ... Question Answer

Points: 1

Which portion of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in making plans and formulating moral judgments? occipital lobes frontal lobes temporal lobes parietal lobes

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Incorrect. The answer is b.

13. Multiple Choice: The regions of the parietal lobes tha... Question Answer

Points: 1

The regions of the parietal lobes that are involved in mathematical and spatial reasoning are known as the amygdala. reward centers. the reticular formation.

association areas. Correct Feedback


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Incorrect. The answer is d.

14. Multiple Choice: The successful functioning of childre... Question

Points: 1

The successful functioning of children who have experienced the surgical removal of an entire cerebral hemisphere best illustrates the value of


cognitive neural prosthetics. phrenology. plasticity. ACh antagonists.

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Incorrect. The answer is c.

15. Multiple Choice: Speech is processed primarily in the ... Question

Speech is processed primarily in the right hemisphere by the ________ of those who are left-handed and by the ________ of those who are right-handed.


minority; minority majority; majority minority; majority majority; minority

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Incorrect. The answer is a.

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