MHS Discipline Management Plan

Melissa High School Discipline Management Plan Students should refer to and be aware of all behaviors and consequences i...

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Melissa High School Discipline Management Plan Students should refer to and be aware of all behaviors and consequences in the Student Code of Conduct. All details of this plan may be subject to administrative discretion. Part I. The following discipline management plan will be used for minor infractions. Each minor offense will result in a progression to the next step. Campus administration may use discretion when implementing specific consequences in order to meet the needs of individual students. Step 1 -

1 – 30 minute detention

Step 2 -

1 – 30 minute detention

Step 3 -

1 – 60 minute detention

Step 4 -

1 Thursday School

Step 5 -

1 day ISS

Step 6 -

2 days ISS

Step 7 -

3 days ISS

Step 8 -

5 days ISS

Step 9 -

30 day minimum placement at DAEP

Administration may approve “buy-back” plans for students to earn a step back when appropriate. “Buyback” incentives will not be implemented until after Step 4. Administration may also substitute consequences such as Thursday schools for ISS at their discretion. Detention Before School – Tuesday/Wednesday - 7:25 – 8:25 AM After School – Wednesday/Thursday – 4:05 – 5:00 PM Thursday School Thursday 4:05 – 7:00 PM Students assigned to detention or Thursday School must report promptly at the start time with word to do and/or books to read. Students must follow all rules outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Student Dress Code during detention, Thursday School, or ISS. Failure to comply will result in additional consequences.

Part II. Major violations may result in consequences determined by the administration in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Minor (Level 1) Disruptions include: -

Tardiness Throwing objects Failure to participate in classroom activities or assignments Mild disrespect Minor classroom disruption Sleeping in class Hall Violation Possession of food or drink in an undesignated area Horseplay Littering PDA Damaged or lost instructional materials Damaged or lost school property Loitering Minor violations of the Acceptable Use Policy Unauthorized use of an electronic communication device including cell phones, tablets, iPads, etc. Dress Code – must change clothes or be placed in ISS (leaving to change clothes is considered unexcused absence) Other minor offenses as determined by campus faculty and administration

Offenses that Result in an Office Referral: Level 2 Behaviors (Consequences beginning at Step #5): -

Ethnic slurs/agitation Defy authority Minor vandalism Obscene language or gestures Disrespect Failure to accept or adhere to a prescribed consequence Falsification of documents Repeated misbehavior Dishonesty toward school personnel Cheating/copying Major disruptive behavior Skipping class / Truancy Gambling Unauthorized presence in restricted areas of school property Major violation of the Acceptable Use Policy Threats to or retaliation against another student Other offenses as determined by campus administration

Level 3 Behaviors (Consequences beginning at Step #7): -

Offensive contact Bullying/Harassment Threats, abusive language, or behavior toward school personnel Vandalism Fighting and/or instigating a fight Indecent exposure Intent to commit bodily harm Tampering with food or drink Prohibited items Gang related activity Theft Extortion Hazing Making a false report or statement by mouth, phone, or technology that may damage the reputation of another individual or group All tobacco offenses on or within 300 feet of school property Possession of prohibited items such as lighters, matches, or any laser device Other serious violations of the Student Code of Conduct as determined by campus administration