July 2014

THE NSSEO REPORT NSSEO GOVERNING BOARD MEETING Tuesday, July 8, 2014 nd 1. Approved the disbursement list dated June 30...

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1. Approved the disbursement list dated June 30, 2014 (2 June), in the amount of $1,913,427.23 and the July 2014 disbursement list in the amount of $353,550.00. 2. Approved the debit transaction of $5,298.34 to BMO Financial Group on July 11, 2014. 3. Approved the personnel transactions dated July 8, 2014, involving employment, transfer, and termination of certified and non-certified staff. 4. Approved the payroll expenditures by fund for the June 9, 2014, as well as five multiple payrolls also dated June 9, 2014 as part of the Consent Agenda. 5. Adopted the annual travel allowance for school year 2014-15. 6. Approved the 2014-15 STEP Grant Agreement in the amount of $371,108. 7. Approved the 2014-15 Transition Specialist Grant Agreement with DHS/DRS in the amount of $156,856. 8. Received the superintendent’s report which included a thank you to the board from IASA for Dr. Hackett’s participation on the Vision 20/20 committee. Dr. Hackett also shared the ISBE correspondence requesting her to serve as a member on the newly created Illinois School Leadership Advisory Council. Also heard an update on national and state educational issues. 9. Discussed updated policies reviewed by the Policy Committee, which would be presented for approval at the August 2014 Board meeting. 10. Approved the FY 2014-15 Hiring Schedules for Clerical, Custodial, Food Service and Technology. 11. Reviewed the 2013-14 Professional Development Summary Report. 12. Heard an update on the NSSEO Foundation. 13. Received these information items: Composite Calendar 2014-15, position vacancies/budgeted enrollment vs. current FTE enrollment, calendar of future board agenda items, activity fund report dated May 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014, the NSSEO health insurance and workers’ compensation checking account activity, review of closed session minutes and program highlights from Kirk School. *********************************************************************************************************************************

The next regular scheduled meeting of the NSSEO Governing Board will take place on Tuesday, August 12, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at NSSEO Administration, 799 W. Kensington Road, Mt. Prospect, IL. 799 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056-1111  Ph: 847.463.8100  Fax 847.463.8121  TDD: 847.463.8115  www.nsseo.org