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ACTIONMEMO GC MemoNo. 04-233a AC TRANSITDISTRICT Boardof Directors ExecutiveSummary MeetingDate:August4,2004 Committ...

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GC MemoNo. 04-233a

AC TRANSITDISTRICT Boardof Directors ExecutiveSummary


Committees: PlanningCommittee ExternalAffairsCommittee StudentPassProgramCommittee FinancingCorporation

n n tr tr

Paratransit Committee D Operations Committee tr FinanceCommittee n


Boardof Directors




Motion E Recommended

No.2135 AdoptResolution $14 Fiscal lmpact: lf approvedby the voters,the Measurewouldgenerateapproximately per parcel. The rate per year the annual of of revenueat million $48.00 cost for placingthe measureon the ballotsin Alamedaand ContraCosta of $379,000. countiesis expectedto costin the neighborhood


Approvedas Recommended I Approvedwith Modification(s)t



Meeting] [Tobe filledin by DistrictSecretaryafterBoard/Committee The above orderwas passed on

2004. RoseMartinez,DistrictSecretary



GG MemoNo. 04-233a $ubject; Gonsiderationof rhe Adoptionof ResolutionNo. z,|3s calling For An Electionon A special Tax Measure,RequestingGonsolidationof The Measure with The General Election on November z, a004, Requesting The Preparation of An lmpartial Anarysis By The Alameda county counsel, Authorizing Any Filing That May Be Required under The Galifornia Environmentareuality Act And Providing For such other Actions As May Be Necessary or Convenient Date: August4,?;004 Page2 of 5

Background/Discussion: The Need AC Transit, like other public agencies(includingthe State of California),continuesto experiencea shortfallin revenuedue to the presentand continuingeconomicdownturn. The Board of Directorswas able to adopt the 2002-2003FiscalYear Budgetwithoutthe consideration of reductionsin servicebecauseof actionstakenby the staff earlierin 2002to reduceexpenses,the Board'spassageof a fare increaseand authorization to draw down the District'sfinancialreserves. However,duringthe 2003-2004fiscal year, the District faceda $50 milliondefieit. To balancethe budget,the Boardadopteda resolutiondeclaring a fiscal emergency;froze ?40 positions,including179 which were vacateddue to layoffs; eliminatedor significantlyreducedapproximately19% of the District'sbus serviceand increasedfares. Becauseof the continuedsluggisheconomy,for the ?004-2005fiscalyear the Boardof Directorshas againfound it necessaryto adopta resolutiondeclaringa fiscal emergency. Althoughthe voters in District1 approveda $24.00 parcel tax in November2002 for a periodof five years (MeasureAA), the tax was not assesseduntifJuly 1, 2003 and revenue from the tax was not receiveduntilFebruary2004. Therefore,whenthe revenuesstartedto come in, and at a slightlylower rate than projected,the Districtwas alreadyconfrontinga majorbudgetarycrisis. The moniesfrom MeasureAA helpedto keep some servicewhich othenruise would not have had fundingin District1, but the overallmagnitudeof the deficit couldnot be offsetby the revenue$receivedfrom MeasureAA. ln recognition thatthe economywill remainin the doldrums,and to provide of the likelihood a reliable revenue source over the next decade, the District has investigatedthe establishment of a new parceltax or an extensionand increasein the parceltax in District'l basedon the provisions of PubticUtilities Code$25892.1. Thissectionreads: (a)

The district board may impose a specialtax pursuantto Article 3.5 (commencingwith Section50075)of Chapter1 of Part 1 of Division1 of Title 5 of the GovernmentCode. The specialtaxesshall be applied uniformlyto all taxpayersor all real propertywithinthe district,or any

GC MemoNo.04-233a ConsiderationOf The AdoptionOf ResolutionNo. 2135GallingFor Subject: An ElectionOn A SpecialTax Measure,RequestingConsolidationOf The Measure With The General Election On November2, 2004, Requesting The PreparationOf An lmpartial Analysis By The Alameda Gounty Gounsel,Authorizing Any Filing That May Be Required Under The Galifornia EnvironmentalQuality Act And Providing For Such Other Actions As May Be Necessary Or Convenient August4,2004 Date: Page3 of 5 portionof the districtthat is coterminous with the boundariesof a city added cities,includingany properties or the boundariesof contiguous to the district,except that unimprovedpropertymay be taxed at a lowerratethan improvedproperty. (b)

The proceedsof the specialtaxesshallbe used to provide,withinthe of any public maintenance, or acquisition areataxed,for the operation, purposes. improvementor utilityfor transportation

At its meeting on July 7, 2004, the Board agreedto set a public hearingto considera proposalto extend the existingparceltax for ten years and to increaseits amountby an additional $24.00peryear,per parcel. ln addition,at its meetingon July ?1,?0Q4,the Boardagreedto considerat its August4, 2004 meeting,a companionresolution(ResolutionNo. 2141),which would rescindthe proposed$5.00 increasein the 31-daypassfor youth,and the monthlypassesfor seniors and the disabledand indicatethe intentof the Boardto keep these ratesat or below the ratesrequiredby stateor federallaw. Staff would note that because of the text of PUC Section 25892.1(b),as well as the No.2135,regardingthe use of the proceeds provisionin Section3 of proposedResolution of the specialtax, it is necessaryto recognizethat this Board,or a futureBoard,retainsthe requiresuch inheritrightto adjustfares for youth,seniorsand the disabledif circumstances of the District'sservicesin DistrictOne. actionfor the operationand maintenance Text of the Measure The textof the measure,whichis the subjectof the publichearing,is. "To preserveaffordablelocalpublictransportation servicesthat allowseniors take studentsto and from and peoplewith disabilitiesto remainindependent, and reducetrafficand air to work school, help East Bay residentscommute pollutionby reducingthe numberof cars on the road, shall the AlamedaContraGostaTransit Districtlevy $2 per parcel,per monthfor ten yearswith " an independentfiscaloversightcommitteeand all moneystayinglocal?

GG MemoNo.04-233a $ubject: Gonsiderationof The Adoptionof ResolutionNo. 2135calling For An Electionon A specialTax Measure,Requestingconsolidationof The Measure With The General Election On November 2, 2004, Requesting The Preparation Of An lmpartial Analysis By The Alameda County Gounsel,Authorizing Any Filing That May Be Required Under The California EnvironmentalQuality Act And Providing For Such Other Actions As May Be Necessary Or Convenient Date: August 4, 2004 Page4 of 5 Draft ResolutionNo. 2135

This resolution sets fofth all of the requirements necessary to complywith PUC Section 25892.1,et seq. Amongotherthings,requests the consolidation of thismeasureon the procedures November 2, 2004ballot,explains the accounting of the measure, for proceeds continues the reviewby the oversightcommittee regarding the use of the proceedsof the specialtax,andrequestsauthorization to takeallothernecessary as a result stepsrequired of placingtheitemon the ballot. The Needfor A Public Hearing The proposedmeasureis a specialtax authorizedunderSection25892.1of the Public UtilitiesCode. GovernrnentCode Sectionrequiresnoticeand a publichearingbeforethe placinga specialtaxmeasureon the ballot. Districtcanadopta resolution Under BoardPolicyNo. 163,the Boardactedon July 7th to set the publichearingfor its August4th meeting.Appropriatenoticesof the publichearinghave beenplacedin various newspapersin District1. ln addition,the noticeof the publichearinghas been on the District'swebsite. The ElectionSchedule Attached,as ExhibitA, is the electionschedulefor the November2, ?004election. must be submittedto the Boardof Supervisors The measureand requestfor consolidation no laterthanAugust6, 2004. Argumentson the measuremust be submittedby August16, 2004 and rebuttalarguments must be submittedby August23, 2004. lf more than one argumentfor or againstthe measure is submitted,then the order of preferenceis governedby ElectionsCode$9166- (a) The boardof superuisors, or member (b) voter, by the board; the individual board or bona fide authorized or nnembersof the who are the bona fide associationof citizens,or combinationof votersand associations, sponsors or proponentsof the measure; (c) bona fide associationsof citizens;or (d) individual voterswho are eligibleto vote on the measure.

GG MemoNo. 04-233a Of The AdoptionOf ResolutionNo. 2135GallingFor Gonsideration Subject: An ElectionOn A SpecialTax Measure,RequestingConsolidationOf The MeasureWith The General Election On November 2, 2004' Requesting The Preparation Of An lmpartial Analysis By The Alameda county counsel, Authorizing Any Filing That May Be Required Under The GaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality Act And Providing For Such Other Actions As May Be Necessary Or Gonvenient August4,2004 Date: Page5 of 5

The Cost of the Election Staff has spokento the Alamedaand ContraCosta County Registrarof Voters Officeto determinethe additionalcostsfor addingthe parceltax measureto the ballot. Thesecosts are in additionto the costsfor the generalelection. $99,012'00). ContraCostaestimatesan additionalcost of $1.50per voter(approximately (approximately per vote 70i 50f be between would the cost indicated AlamedaGounty $Ag0,000). Thus, the total cost for addingthe parcel tax measurecould amountto approximately$37g,000,excludingcosts for typesettingand translationcosts in Alameda County.t Prior Relevant Board Actions/Policies: GC Memo 04-233 GC Memo No" 04-261 GM Memo 04-217 MeasureAvApassedin 2002 Attachments:

Election Schedule No.2135 DraftResolution No.2141 DraftResolution PrintMediaBuysNotice Approvedby: Freparedby: DatePrepared:

GeneralManager RickFernandez, GeneralCounsel KennethC. Scheidig, Manager General JimGleich,DePutY GeneralCounsel KennethC- Scheidig, June30,2004

r For comparison,the actualcost for the MeasureAA electionin 2002 was $435,251.So the costsfor a measurein 2004 couldrun aboutthe same.

te.'{fu, €c , dGn


Au g . 6 (E-88) Aug.6 (E-88) Au g . 6 (E-88) Aug. 16 (E-78)

Suggesteddate for Boardof Supervisorsto orderspecialelection E C9 1 1 6 (Electionmaybecalled8103-888) to be held for a measure. EC9140 RegistrarrequestsCountyCounsel'sanalysisof measure. EC 91 60 (500word limit) Suggested date for Registrar to publish or post notice of deadline EC 91 63 for submission of direct arzuments and rebuttal arzuments. EC 91 67 Deadline for submissionof direct argumentsto Registrarfor EC 9162-66 receiptof CountyCounsel'sAnalysis.(Basedon the 88-day EC 9160 publication).(300 word limit) Deadline for submission of rebuttal arguments;basedon 78-day EC 91 67

Aug.23 (E-71) deadline for direct arsuments.(250 word timit) -Sept Aug 23 2 The public has 10 calendardaysto inspectmaterialssubmitted (E-7r- E-61) for printine. * Sept23 Oct 12 Sample Ballot Mailing (first and last days). Betweenthese (E-40- E-21) datesRegistrar shall mail sample ballot, voters' pamphlet and

EC 9190 EC 13 303

polline place notice to each voter registeredat least 29 davsprior.


(E-2e) Oct. l8 (E-l5) +Oct.23 (E-10)

Absent Yoter Ballots Available (frrst day). Applications EC 3001 receivedbeforethis datewill be held andprocessed, begiruringon Et. Seq. this date.Ballots caneitherbe mailedto voter or votedin office of Registrarbeginningon this date. Close of Registration. Last day to register or changeregisbation EC 21 07 to be effective for this election. Publish Notice of Central Count (last day).

EC 12109

Oct.26 (E-7)

Applications for Absent Voter Ballots by Mail (last day). See next item for conditions arisine after this date.

OcL27- Nov. (E-6- E-0)

Absent Voting - After Mail Deadline.After deadlinefor EC 3021 requestingabsentee ballot by mail, votersunableto vote at the polling place on electiondaymayrequest,receiveandretum AbsentVoter Ballotsto Registrar'sOffice (in personor through AuthorizedRepresentative) not laterthanthe closeof thepolls on electionday.Also seeSections3100- 3110re "SpecialAbsentee Voters".


ELECTION DAY - Pollsopen7 a.m.* 8 p.m.



EC 3001

BC 14212

November4 (E+2) November30 (E + 28)

CommenceCanvass- Completeby November30.

Deadline for Registrarof voters to completeofficial canvassand EC 15301 prepaxecertifiedstatementof results. et seq. Registrarof Votersforwardcertifiedresultsto Boardof Supervisors/District Board.

+ 5 after official canvass

EC 15301

EC T5372

Board of Supervisors/District Board adoptsResolutiondeclaring EC 15400 results. Deadline for votersto file requestfor recountis 5 daysafter EC 15620 Registrarsignsofficial canvass.

* When deadlinefalls on weekendor holidayndeadlineis extended to the next weekday. ** Ballot mea$urequestionsare limited to 75 words.(EC1BZ47)





NO.2135 RESOLUTION CALLINGFORAN ELECTION ONA SPECIALTAX MEASURE, A RESOLUTION CONSOLIDATION WITHTHEGENERAL OF THEMEASURE REQUESTING THEPREPARATION ON NOVEMBER OF AN 2, 2004,REQUESTING ELECTION COUNTY COUNSEL ANALYSISBY THEALAMEDA AND PROVIDING IMPARTIAL OR CONVENIENT FORSUCHOTHERACTIONSAS MAYBE NECESSARY CostaTransitDistrict,as a specialtransitdistrict WHEREAS, the Alameda-Contra provisions by Section4 of Code,is authorized of the PublicUtilities organizedunderthe and 53722 and sections50075,50076,5OO77 ArticleXlllA of the CaliforniaConstitution, Public Utilities Code, upon section 25892.1 of the Code and et seq. of the Government approvalof twothirdsof the electoratevotingon the measure,to levya specialtax for and followingnoticeand a publichearing; specifiedpurposes thata specialtax is necessary VUHEREAS, the Boardof Directorshasdetermined purpose providing for the operationand of in Special Transit District 1 for the utility,overthe nextten maintenance of bus servicewithinDistrict1, as a transpofiation years;and fares busserviceand increased the Districthas reducedor eliminated WHEREAS, economicdownturn.The shortfallscausedby the continuing due to significant budgetary fares havea seriousimpact Boardfindsthat the absenceof bus servicesand increased as well as effortsto reduceair uponschoolchildren,seniorsand peoplewithdisabilities, and pollutionandtrafficcongestion on localstreetsandfreeways; WHEREAS,the State budgetproposesto take a total of $3 Millionin propefi taxes from the Districtover the next two fiscal years (2004-05and 2005-06)to help balancethe statebudget;and to the WHEREAS,the District's2001to 2006ShorlRangeTransitPlansubmitted projects deficits during the continued budgetary Transportation Commission Metropolitan nextten years;and serviceis in District1 and the passageof WHEREAS,the majorityof the District's this specialtax measurewill helpto maintainseruicein District1 and diminishthe need for youth,seniorsand the disabled; for additional fare increasesin District1, particularly and the No. 2124a,requesting WHEREAS,the BoardpreviouslyadoptedResolution 2, held on November general to be election consolidation of the District'selectionwiththe 2004;and


Page 1


WHEREAS,in accordance with Elections CodeSection10400,thisballotmeasure shouldbe consolidated withthegeneralelectionto be heldon November Z, ZOO4 WHEREAS,the Boardof Directorsheld a noticedpublichearingpriorto the adoptionof thisResolution; NO!W, THEREFORF, theAlameda-Contra CostaTransitDistrictBoardof Directors doesresolveas follows: SECTION 1.

SpecialTax MeasureElection.

The Boardis authorizedpursuantto PublicUtilitiesCode section25892.1and GovernmentCodesection50077to orderan electionfor the adoptionof a specialtax and, in accordancewith that authority,callsand ordersto be held in the territoryof SpecialTransitDistrictNumberOne (District1), as identifiedin ExhibitA, withinthe countiesof Alamedaand ContraCosta,on Tuesday,November2, 2004,an electionon the special tax measureset forth in ExhibitB, which exhibitsare attachedto and incorporated intothis resolution by reference.


Amountand Durationof the Measure

The specialtax, in the amountof $48 per yearfor ten years,shallbe imposedon the ownerof eachparcelof taxablelandin District1 becausethe owners,occupants and visitorsto saidparcelsbenefitby havingbusservicesavailable for them. The ownerof a parcelthat is exemptfrom propertytaxes;that is undeveleFed er that is develepedbut Yaeantfer merethan six menthsin any eneyear(July1 threughJune30) is exemptfrom the impositionof said specialtax. A requestfor a refundof the tax mustcomplywith SectionI of thisResolution. The tax shallbecomeeffectiveon July1, 2005andterminate on June30,2013. A parcelis definedas anyunit of landin District1 that now receivesa $eparatetax billfromtheAlamedaCountyTax Collector or the ContraCostaCountyTax Collector. SECTION 3.

Accounting For the Proceeds of the Measure

I n accordancewith Government Codesection50075.1the Boardspecifiesand directs: a. The purposeof the specialtax is to obtainfundingfor a periodof up to ten years,for the operationand maintenance of bus servicesprovidedby AC purposes. Transitin District1 for transportation The terms"operation" and "maintenance"refer to all activities necessaryto provide bus seruice, including,but not limitedto, equipment,supplies,fuel and lubricants, personnel,compensation, and paymentfor and maintenance of facilities in District1.





The proceedsof the specialtax shallbe appliedonlyto the operationand maintenance of busseruicesin District 1.


The GeneralManagerandthe ChiefFinancial Officerare directedto create an accountintowhichthe proceeds of thespecialtaxwillbe deposited.


The Chief FinancialOfficershallfile a writtenreporlwith the Board of DirectorsunderMeasureAA, beginning no laterthanSeptember30, 2004 and will be requiredto continuemaking such reports during each yearthe proceedsof thespecialtax arecollected subsequent for placement in the account.The annualreportshallcontainbothof the following:(1) the and (2)the statusof the useof the amountof fundscollectedandexpended funds for the operationand maintenance of bus seruice,as providedin subsection3.a.. above.The Boardof Directorsshallconsiderthe written repoft at a regular meeting of the Board followingthe receiptof a recommendation fromthe appropriate BoardStanding Committee.


A separateannualauditof this accountshallbe preparedby the District's externalauditor.

SECTION4. Committee

Establishmentof lndependentFiscalOversight

set forth in Section3, an independent In additionto the reportingrequirements (TheCommittee) was createdon fiscaloversightcommitteeof communityrepresentatives No. 2Q67. The five membersof the August8, 2002,with the adoptionof Resolution Committeewere identifiedand appointedon July 16, 2003 with the adoptionof No. 2098.The Committeeshallreviewthe use of the specialaccountfunds Resolution and provideits own annualwrittenrepoftat the sameregularmeetingof the Boardof Directorsthat the Chief FinancialOfficer'srepod is receivedby the Board. The BoardStandingCommittee repodalso shallbe referredto the appropriate Committee's recommendations by the Board along with the considered of the Board and subsequently StandingCommittee. 5. SECTION

Responsibilitiesof Registrarof Voters

of Votersfor Alameda This Resolutionshallstandas the orderto the Registrars Countyand ContraCosta Countyto call an electionwithinthe boundariesof Special A. Number1. as definedin Exhibit TransitDistrict to pefformall of the duties of Votersfor the countiesare requested The Registrars Code. applicable to this ballotmeasureandthiselectionas requiredby the Elections



sEcTtoN 6.

Requestsand Authorizationsto the Boardsof Supervisors


The Board of Directorsrequeststhe Boardsof Supervisors of the countiesof Alamedaand ContraCostato consolidatethe electionof the aforementioned ballotmeasurewith the generalstatewideand districtelectionsto be heldon with CaliforniaElectionsCode Section November2, 2004, in accordance 10400,et seq.


The Board of Directorsrequeststhe Boardsof Supervisors of the countiesof pursuant Code Contra Costa, to Elections Alamedaand section1002,to permit the Registrarsof Votersfor the respectivecountiesto renderall servicesnecessaryfor this electionas requiredby the ElectionsCode, includingbut not limitedto, noticingthe election,preparingand distributing andholdingthe election. electionand ballotmaterials,


the Boardsof Supervisors The Boardof Directorsauthorizes of the countiesof Alamedaand ContraCosta,pursuantto ElectionsCode section10411,to canvassthe returnsof the election.


Preparationof lmpaftialAnalysis

The Boardof Directorsrequeststhe CountyCounselof AlamedaCounty,as the principalcounty,to preparean impartialanalysisof this measurein accordancewith Elections Codesection9313. SECTION 8.

Collectionand Enforcement

Pursuantto Public UtilitiesCode section25896, the Board of Directorsof the Alameda-Contra Costa TransitDistrict,electsto have the tax collectorsfor the countiesof Thetax shall AlamedaandContraCostacollectthe specialtaximposedby this Resolution. 1 and February1. Thetax shallbe delinquent be due eachyearand payableon November dateset forth in the noticemailedto the address if not receivedon or beforethe delinquency roll of the Alameda of the ownerof the parcelas shownon the rnostcurrentassessment and shall be from the ownerin such Tax Collector collected Costa County Countyor Contra a mannerandat suchtimesas the Boardmayprovide. by AlamedaCountyor ContraCostaCountyin conjunction Thetax shallbe collected with,at the sametime, in the samemannef,andenforcedandsubjectto the samepenalties as each county'scollectionof countytaxes,as providedin PublicUtilitiesCodesection 25903.

Resolution No.2135



Administrationand Refunds


The Board of Directorsmay authorizethe General Managerto adopt such and regulationsas are deemednecessaryrelatedto the interpretation administrative of this resolution enforcement Any personclaiminga refundof the tax for any reasonshallfirstfile a writtenclairn CostaTransitDistricton a form specified with the DistrictSecretaryof the Alameda-Contra no laterthan 100daysafterpaymentof must be filed Such claim Secretary. District by the person who paidthe tax, or his or her guardian, the tax. All claimsmust be filed by the or the executorof his or her estate. No claimmay be filedon behalfof other conservator, taxpayersor a classof taxpayers.Filingof a claimshallbe a conditionprecedentto legal actionagainstthe Districtfor refundof the tax. 10. SECTION


The Presidentof the Board and Board Officersof the Districtare hereby to do any and all things and collectively, authorizedand directed,individually that and documents to execute,deliver,and pefformany and all agreements the purposesof this they deem necessaryor advisablein orderto effectuate Resolution. b.

to consultwith othersto preparea The Presidentof the Boardis authorized writtenargumentin favor of the ballotpropositionfor each countynot to or exceed300 words.The argumentmaybe signedby bonafide associations voterswho areeligibleto votein District1. by individual


shallbe brought Any actionto challengethe tax imposedby this Resolution Code of CivilProcedure 50077.5 and section pursuantto Government Code sentence,clause,sectionor pad of this section860 et seq. lf any provision, illegalor invalid,suchfindingshall be unconstitutional, is found to Resolution affectonly such provision,sentence,clause,sectionor part, and shallnot partsof the Resolution. affector impairany of the remaining


of MeasureAA, adopted shalleffectthe provisions Nothingin the Resolution The special tax proposedby this 5, 2002. on by the electorate November by MeasureAA andthe resolutionis in additionto the specialtax authorized for durationof the terrn proceedsof MeasureAA shallcontinueto be collected of that Measure.

S E C T I O N1 1 .


The placementof this tax measureon the November2, 2004 ballot is nota project under the CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct (CEQA) becausethe


Page 5


passageor defeat of the measurewill result in neithera direct nor a reasonably foreseeable indirectphysicalchangein the environment. b.

The proposedtax measureis intendedto providefundingwhichwould help maintainexistingbus services,reducethe needfor futureseryicereductions (subjectto unforeseenactionsat the Stateor Federallevelor the econorny which affectthe District'sfinancialresources),reducethe need to increase fares (particularly for youth,seniorsand the disabled)and providefunding (alongwith othersources)that permitfurtherimprovements and retentionof busseruices. Any servicereductions that occut'willbe subjectto theirown environmental analysisand any necessary and appropriate environmental documentwill be preparedat thattime.


As a result,the proposedtax measureis not a "project"as definedby cEeA Guidelines section15378(bX4). lts approvalwillresultonlyin makingfunding for bus seruiceoperationand maintenanceavailable;the allocationand spendingof the resultingrevenue,and any potentialfutureservicereductions necessitated funding,will involveseparateapprovalsthat may by insufficient requireenvironmental analysisunder CEQA. Therefore,review of the measureunderCEQAis not necessary.


TheGeneral Manager, theGeneral ortheirdesignees Counsel areauthorized to executeandfileanydocuments necessary to carryoutthe aforementioned findings.


Dutiesof the District Secretary

The Boardof Directorsdirectsthe DistrictSecretaryto transmitan originalsigned copyof this Resolution to the Clerksof the Boardof Supervisors of AlamedaCountyand ContraCosta County,and providea certifiedcopy of the Resolutionto the Registrarof Votersfor the respective counties, no laterthannoonon August6, 2004. The Board of Directorsdirectsthe DistrictSecretaryto transmita copy of the aforementioned measureto the CountyCounselsof Alamedaand ContraCostaCountyfor the preparationof an impartialanalysisof the measureas providedin ElectionsCode Section9313. SECTION13.

EffectiveDateof the Resolution

This Resolutionshall be effectiveimmediatelyupon its adoptionby four affirmative votesof the Boardof Directors.Notwithstanding the effectivedateof this Resolution, the tax imposedpursuantto it shallnot becomeeffectiveuntilsubmitted to a voteof the electorate at the November 2.2004election.


Page 6

rf this4th day of August RESOLUTION NO.2135WAS PASSEDANDADOPTED 2004. Joe Wallace,Vice President

Attest: RoseMartinez, DistrictSecretary CostaTransitDistrict, for the Alameda-Contra l, RoseMaftinez,DistrictSecretary passed at a Regular Meetingof the was and adopted Resolution certifythatthe foregoing heldon the4th dayof August2004,by thefollowingrollcallvote: Boardof Directors AYES:







DIRECTORS: RoseMartinez,DistrictSecretary

Approvedas to Form:

GeneralCounsel KennethC. Scheidig,


Page 7

COSTATRANSITDISTRICT ALAMEDA.CONTRA NO.2141 RESOLUTION NO.2092AND OF RESOLUTION A PORTION RESCINDING A RESOLUTION PASSESFORYOUTH, DISCOUNTED TO MAINTAIN THE DISTRICT COMMITTING BY FEDERAL REQUIRED WHAT IS SENIORSAND THE DISABLEDBELOVV ON THEPASSAGEOF A SPECIALPARCEL AND/ORSTATELAW, GONTINGENT GENERALELECTION 2, 2OO4 TAX MEASUREON THE NOVEMBER WHEREAS,the Boardof DirectorsadoptedResolutionNo. 2092,on June 18, 2003, increasingfares for variouscategoriesof riders,includingpassesfor youth, 2003. December seniorsandthedisabled,effective to WHEREAS,the passesfor youth,seniorsand the disabledwere scheduled of implementation 2003,but five dollais($5.00)in December increaseby an additional that increasewas continuedto June 2004,pendinga proposalto providefinancial bonds;and to the Districtthroughthe useof pensionobligations assistance bonds,the inabilityto use pensionobligation WHEREAS,despitethe District's proposed further deferring the 16, 2004, on June No. 2134 Resolution Boardadopted increasein youth,senioranddisabledpassesuntilJanuary2005;and 2, 2004general hasplacedon the November the Boardof Directors WHEREAS, electionballota specialtax measureto increaseits existingparceltax by $2 per parcel per monthandextendedfor ten years;and "half WHEREAS,the Districtis requiredby federalregulationsto implementa fare" programfor elderlyand disabledpassengersas set forth in 49 C.F.R.section to G09.23,and is further requiredby Californialaw to offer the samefare reductions as set forthin PublicUtilities as to elderlypassengers, qualifying disabledpassengers (b); and 99155 Codesection WHEREAS,if said specialtax measurepasses,the necessityto increasethe youth 31-daypass, and the monthlypassesfor seniorsand disabled,by five dollars of the District'sbus servicemay not ($5.001to helpfund the operationand maintenance for the increase. the need require events be necessaryunlessunforeseen CostaTransit NOWTHEREFORE,the Boardof Directorsof the Alameda-Contra Districtdoesresolveas follows: SECTION1. The five dollar($5.00;increasein the 31 day passfor youth,and No. 2092 for seniors,and the disabled,authorizedby Resolution the monthlyF-asses for the 31 day the rate and hereby rescinded and deferriO"nyResolutionNo. 2134is pass for youthand the monthlypassesfor seniors,the disabledremainsas shownin


Page 1

ExhibitA,if thespecialtax measureauthorized by Resolution No.2135is approvedby the votersat the November2, ?OO4generalelection. SECTION2. Any furtherfare increases for youth,seniorsand the disabledwill -below be Oisdffited at a rate any discountsrequireO tor ihesegroupsby any provision of federalor statelaw. SECTION3. The findingsin the Whereasclausessetforthin this resolutionare specifically incorporated as the basisfor the actionreflected in $ection1. SECTION4. This resolutionshall become effectiveimmediatelyupon its passag-e by fow affirmativevotesof the Boardof Directors. RESOLUTION NO.2141WAS PASSED AND ADOPTED this4th day of August 2004. Joe Wallace.VicePresident


RoseMartinez, DistrictSecretary l, RoseMartinez,DistrictSecretaryforthe Alameda-Contra CostaTransitDistrict, passed cedifythatthe foregoingResolution was and adoptedat a RegularMeetingof the Boardof Directorsheldon the 4th day of August2004,by the followingrollcallvote: AYES:







DIRECTORS: DistrictSecretary RoseMartinez,

Approvedas to Form: KennethC. Scheidig,GeneralCounsel



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Tax Notice





page 1

Alomedq-Conlru CostoTrunsitDistrin

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE of theAdoption ol o Resolution Conriderution 2, to PloeontheNovember 2004Bulloto Meusure Inueose undfxtendtheLevyof u PorcelTox in Tronsit District Speciul Number 0ne.* {*Proposolsore subiectto modificotionos o resultof public input.} On Thwsdoy,August4, 2004, the Boord of Directorsof the Alsmedo4onlroCosb Tronsit Dishictwillhold o publicheoringot2;00 p.m.,in theBoordChomberlocotedotthe Dishicl's GenerolOffices,1600 Fronklin Street, Oqklond,Colifornio. Thesub[ectof thepublicheoringis of o resolution fie considerotion to increose b ploceon theNovember 2,2OQ4bolloto meosure itsexistingporceltox in SpeciolTrqnsitDisirictNumberOne by $2.00 per porcelper monthfor fiscoloversight fenyeors,with on independenf commiftee ondoll moneystoyingin DishictOne. DishictNumberOne covers Ingenerol,SpeciolTronsit in the theoreofromfie Cityof Richmond norfhlrrthesouthernboundoryo[ theCityof Hoyword,including bnitorywithin unincorporoted thisgeneroloreo. At the PublicHeoring,the Boqrdo[ Directors will reviewo proposedresolutionond receiveony publiccommenfs.

Wednesdoy Augusl 4, 2004 2 : O Op . m . AC Tronsil 1600 FronklinSheet,Znd Floor Ooklond,CA

COMMEMS YOUR ARE IilVIITD Commentis invibd eithel in wriling or at lha public haoring. Written commenis noy be received no lokr than 12:00 noon, Wednesday, August4, n be provided to the Baord forconsiderolion. ..Addresswriften commenffrrAC Tronsiil Board of Arectors, | 6OO Franklin Streal,Oakland, CA 94612, send it by focsimile to 5IO8?1-7157 or sendit by +mail lo rmartine@acfronsiLorg. For voicemail nessogres,call (5lOJ 8914851 by 12:00 noon, August 4; 2004. The meetingsite is wheelchoiroccessible. A sign languoge inlerprelerwill be provided. if needeo, To orronge for on ASL lronslotor,pleose conlqcl the Dishict Secretory'sOffice by 5:00 p.m., Mondoy, August 2, 2004. Coll 510-B914SSI. --l .fitt Iffi(Heoring impoired only, coll TDDOnly I -800.448-9790). grYslir ItAa Pleosedo not weor scentedproductsto lhe meeling,




PublicHeoringRewnueNoricelor Porcel ToxE*eiilon@-nffir 0l0GO4 PHPorcelToxNoticel lOl0O{4 lFinished siee: 5.5"W x 8.25"H Colors:block ContoclinlolMeg Willioms15101891-4838 Dote:7/13/Q4