Fatima Rahmani

KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural development, Water and Forests Department OF Maritime Fishe...

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KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural development, Water and Forests Department OF Maritime Fisheries –Maroc-

Moroccan MCS Stratery: Impacts on IUU fishing?

Bangkok- february 2019

Table of contents 1

Fisheries sector potentialities


Maritime fisheries development strategy


Undertaken actions to tackle IUU fishing


Institutional, jurisdictional and procedures renforcement


SCS measures impacts on IUU fishing



The fisheries sector potentialities and the socio-economic benefits for the country

Data on the fishing sector in Morocco


1,1 Million km²


3500 km


1 368 000 tonnes, 1st producer in Africa


1 113 965 811, 35 EURO


8,5 % in total exportations and 44% a in Agri-food exports

Contribution to the national 2,5% GDP


660,000 direct and indirect jobs, approximately 3 million people live

Destination of products

▪The European Union remains the leading destination with a market share of 64%, followed by Africa (15%) and Asia (11%).

Fisheries fleet

▪ 554 offshore fishing vessel Coastal Fleet: 2509 Artisanal fleet: 17 103

Fisheries developpement startegy « Halieutis »

L’atteinte des orientations d’Halieutis passe parthe la strategic mise en œuvre Projects declined from axes of de plusieurs projets "Haleutis" ▪

Promotion of scientific research

Fisheries management plans

▪ ▪

Ibhar Elimination of the drifnet fishing

Fight agaist IUU fishing

▪ ▪

VMS and RFID Promotion aquaculture

Fisheries competitiveness ▪ clusters

Labeling and promotion ▪ of fish products Reorganization of the ▪ fish trade activity Facilitating access of ▪ professionals to the raw material



▪ Creation of FV / Equipped LP ▪ Wholesale fish markets ▪ Fisheries harbors management ▪ New generation fish markets ▪ Standardized containers

The taken actions to combat IUU fishing

▪Strengthening the legal framework

Impact des mesures de suivi, ▪Strengthening the institutional framework contrôle et surveillance mis en ▪Establishment of procedures, means and technical tools place par le Maroc

Strengthening the national legal arsenal in the fight against IUU fishing Compliance with the provisions of international instruments Law No. 15-12 to prevent and fight IUU fishing , modifying and completing the Dahir No. 1-73-255 of 27 chaoual 1393 (23 November 1973) forming a regulation on sea fishing

Promulgation of Law 14-08 concerning the fish trade

Accreditation and sanitary authorization A requirement of Law 28-07

Promulgation of Law n ° 15-12 to prevent and fight against IUU fishing in 2014

Law No. 15-12 to prevent and fight IUU fishing , modifying and completing the Dahir No. 1-73-255 of 27 chaoual 1393 (23 November 1973) forming a regulation on sea fishing

❑ Determines the rules to be respected by foreign fishing vessels to land and / or transship fishery products in Moroccan ports ❑ Sets measures to ensure that fish products marketed in Morocco are not from IUU fishing.

❑ Integrates several provisions of the 2009 (PSM) Agreement

Promulgation of Law n ° 15-12 to prevent and fight against IUU fishing in 2014 Law No. 15-12 to prevent and fight IUU fishing , modifying and completing the Dahir No. 1-73-255 of 27 chaoual 1393 (23 November 1973) forming a regulation on sea fishing

Prohibits the marketing of undeclared catches

Rules to be respected by foreigner fishing vessels to land and / or transship fishing products in Moroccan ports;

Foreign Vessel Inspection System;

Regulates fishing outside the EEZ by vessels flying the national flag;

Catch certificate attesting the legality of the catches on import and export of fish products;

Fishery conservation and management measures (fishing log, etc.);

Register of vessels engaged in IUU fishing.

Typology of offenses

Promulgation of Law n ° 15-12 to prevent and fight against IUU fishing in 2014 Law No. 15-12 to prevent and fight IUU fishing , modifying and completing the Dahir No. 1-73-255 of 27 chaoual 1393 (23 November 1973) forming a regulation on sea fishing

▪Individuals authorized to record offenses under Part I of Law 1512; ▪Modalities of training of the inspectors are fixed by regulation; ▪Rules and inspection procedures are set by regulation;

▪Inspection report is established according to the forms and methods fixed by regulation; ▪Inspection and control procedure for domestic and foreign vessels;

▪Inspection report template is set by regulation

Law 28-07 on the safety of food products

Accreditation and sanitary authorization A requirement of Law 28-07

❑The application for authorization and the approval on the sanitary level; ❑Health visits;

❑Issuance, suspension, withdrawal and updating of authorizations and approvals; ❑Program of institutional health visits, including fishing vessels

Law 14-08 on the fish trade

Regulation and Organization of the fish trade activity through: ▪The definition of the status of the wholesaler; ▪The determination of the rights and obligations incumbent on this profession

❑Sets the conditions under which the trading activity is organized; ❑Determine the criteria that the merchant must meet to perform the activity.

Strengthening the institutional framework

Strengthening the institutional framework

❖ Establishment of control structures for Maritime Fishing Activities ❖ Strengthening the role of the General Inspectorate of the Department of Maritime Fisheries

Maritime Fishery Control Directorate

Monitoring of Control and Inspection Operations

Inspection of Fishing Vessel

Inspection and control of the fish industries

Infringement investigation and treatment

Coordination and Monitoring of the fight against IUU fishing Coordinating Service for Combating IUU Fishing Monitoring and control service through the information system

National Center for Fishing Vessel Monitoring Exploitation, processing and analysis of satellite data

Equipment operation control

Décret n°2-15890 du 24 mars 2016

Arrêté n°15.3788 du 25 mars 2016

National Fishing Vessel Monitoring Center

Fishing vessels surveillance Objectives

Legal basis


Compliance with the regulations in force

Strengthening the role of the General Inspection of the Department of Maritime Fisheries

❑ Control and inspection of the fisheries activities ❑ Auditing and evaluation of the “Halieutis” strategy projects

Procedures, Means and technical tools

❖National control plan ❖Catch certification procedure ❖ VMS for inshore and offshore fishing ❖ RFID for artisanal fishing

National plan for the control of fishing activities ▪To ensure a planned and effective execution of control through a powerful, perfectible and auditable system. ▪Entered into force in 2017; ▪Declined in 18 regional plans ▪

Pooling, coordination and optimization of the resources allocated to the control fishing activities actions ;

Prioritization and definition of the objectives to be achieved in inspection and control

Harmonization of inspection and control procedures and methodologies

Definition of the execution means

Definition of the means of monitoring (indicators, reporting) for assessments, consequent evaluations and improvement

At a regional level

❑ Implementation at the regional level of the control policy instituted by the Department ensured by 18 DPM ❑Assure the diligent control at the level: - Landing points for catches and auctions at the first sale.

- Processing establishments and premises on land

Other stakeholders in control at sea and on land: Royal Navy. Royal Gendarmerie ONSSA CUSTOMS EACCE

Establishment of a procedural device relating to the traceability and catch certification ▪In the context of: Implementing of the EU Regulation Aimed to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing: Entered into force on 10 January 2010; - 4486 CC verification requests out of 1,136,704 CC from (2010 to 2013) ▪US Government Regulations for the Establishment of the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (January 9, 2017). ▪The implementation of the management measures of RFMOs (ICCAT) Use of the electronic bluefin tuna catch documentation system (ICCAT Rec. 15-10); 1109 eBCD for all segments fishing season 2017 bluefin tuna,.

Implementation of RFMO management measures: ICCAT ▪Management Plan for the Bluefin Tuna Fishery; ▪Ministerial Decision TR 01/17 of 24 January 2017 on the exploitation conditions for bluefin tuna; ▪Operating procedure 2017 setting the rights, obligations of each party (administration & operators) / the conditions for fishing and marketing this product.

▪Control scheme of the traps, attached to the operating mode. ▪Fully agrees with the provisions of the ICCAT Recommendation [14-04 on limitation of fishing capacity.

Bluefin Tuna

▪Time closures of blue fin tuna fishing; ▪Use of the electronic bluefin tuna catch documentation system (ICCAT Rec. 15-10); 1109 eBCD in 2017 bluefin tuna fishing season segments,.

Implementation of RFMO management measures: ICCAT ▪Use of the electronic bluefin tuna catch documentation system (ICCAT Rec. 15-10); 1109 eBCD for all 2017 bluefin tuna fishing season segments;

▪Registration of authorized vessels on ICCAT specific registers; ▪Boarding of ICCAT observers assigned by the Commission by the shipowner on board two vessels operating outside the EEZ outside the EEZ;

▪Installation of the VMS system aboard all Moroccan-flagged vessels directly and actively targeting bluefin tuna since the 2008 fishing season. This system complies with the standards set by ICCAT and whose messages are transmitted to the secretariat of the ICCAT. ICCAT.

Bluefin Tuna





▪ Monitor the fishing activity in real time and preserve the Moroccan fishery resources; ▪Scientific research requires reliable data on fisheries; ▪Ensuring better safety of fishermen

▪Equipment of 2200 vessels with VMS tags ▪Operationalization of the National Fishing Vessel Monitoring Center

▪Better protection of the fisheries resources ▪A source of very useful information for scientific research and control plan ▪ Easy rescue thanks to a distress call device

Project for the identification of national small-scale fishing boats by radio frequency (RFID)

Impact des mesures de suivi, Impact of monitoring, control and contrôle measures et surveillance en surveillance put inmis place place par Maroc byleMorocco

Contribution of the measures introduced

VMS and RFID• Developed fishing areas are more respected (no-go areas, biological rest). • Availability of data on activity zones for INRH

Catches certification


• Strong pressure on the informal sector by the obligation to report landed catches and the requirement to certify the catches to be exported. • Access to demanding international markets for traceability and certification of fishery products • Compliance with Morocco's commitments to implement management measures for sustainable fisheries

National control Plan • Its implementation in regional plans starting from 2017 will allow a better management of the control exercise with better coverage (quantified objectives fixed for each DPM, prior and oriented planning, evaluation).

Reduction of the informal catches

Restitution of the octopus stocks


Octopus production evolution from 2000 à 2013 In high seas

Octopus production evolution CF/SSF from 2000 à 2014









10,000 20,000

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


10,000 0

-CF: Coastal fisheries -SSF: Small scale fisheries

PH (**)

Evolution of the national fisheries production

❑1,465,000 tonnes landed in 2016, up 7% compared to 2015. Fishery production represents 88% of the target set by “Halieutis strategy” for 2020 (1,660,000 tonnes)

VMS Role to respect the management measures on the prohibited areas / disuasion of the IUU actors Refinement of the illegal boats

Infrengement number 580 332

249 2009


641 542 404







A significant improvement in the volume of findings from 2012 and a deterrent effect due to VMS surveillance felt from 2014

250 234

200 170

150 100

The fight against illegal boats is intensifying

108 87

50 36












Personnes poursuivies en justice

Fines in DH 12,999,724 11,874,391

The measures introduced have significantly increased the amount of fines collected


4,350,380 2,802,306 1,451,850 2009

836,697 2010


1,526,797 2012




JAN-JUN 2016

Type of offense (fleet and authorized establishments) -Year 2017-

Offenses by type of fishing (fleet and authorized establishments) -Year 2017-

Impact des mesures de suivi, Constraints and challenges to the contrôle et surveillance organization of the SCSmis en place par le Maroc

Constraints that hinder performance from the SCS

Legal and institutional aspect

Human ressources

Capacity Building

• Publication of the implementing texts of Law 15-112 • Organizational aspect at the regional level

• Human and material resources (new missions with the implementation of the "Halieutis" strategy): measures to combat IUU fishing: catch certification, National Control Plan; implementation of management plans; • Human capacity building through training on inspection methods and reporting of offenses

Lessons learned from the Moroccan experience

Legal and procedural strengthening Adopt the INN law the port state measures before the ratification of the port state measures agreement,

Anticipate with membership of the operators

Innovate and improve for safeguarding the resource while avoiding trade constraints

Computerization of the process of the catch certification for an effective verification and a fluidity of the process, Acquisition of a new software VMS-ERS with possibility of opening to several satellites of communication

State support for the installation of DPLs (VMS) aboard fishing vessels and RFID

Assist operators for full membership Establishment of a national control plan (methodologies, means, values, targets, indicators, reporting ...)

Put in place a global strategy The Halieutis strategy provided the control with an advanced mastery environment (construction of VDPs and PDAs, new fish markets, wholesale markets, standardized containers, organization of the fish trade, management of fishing ports, Investment in electronic and computer resources

Impact des mesures de suivi, Thanks for your attention contrôle et surveillance mis en place par le Maroc