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TEST BANK FOR CHAPTER 1 1.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1.1-1. The first step to critical thinking is to A. identify the a...

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TEST BANK FOR CHAPTER 1 1.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1.1-1. The first step to critical thinking is to A. identify the assertion or action. B. consider what evidence is available. C. consider what the evidence means. D. consider other conclusions. E. keep an open mind. Answer: A Page ref: 4 1.1-2. Communication is a complex activity influenced by a variety of factors, including A. cultural differences. B. cognitive abilities. C. social norms. D. all of the above. Answer: D Page ref: 4 1.1-3. A(n) _____ is something that represents something else and is used to convey meaning. A. medium B. message C. symbol D. idea Answer: C Page ref: 10 1.1-4. The use of an X to indicate that one should avoid a certain behavior (such as an X through a picture of a cigarette to indicate no smoking) is an example of A. a symbol. B. encoding. C. decoding. D. verbal communication. Answer: A Page ref: 10 1.1-5. Which of the following is the key component of communication? A. participants B. channels C. noise D. all of these Answer: D Page ref: 10–13

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1.1-6. Calling someone “darling” to indicate you are intimate is an example of A. the content meaning of a message. B. the relationship meaning of a message. C. a nonverbal message. D. a personal narrative. Answer: B Page ref: 11 1.1-7. If Paul’s mother was cold and distant during his childhood, the _____ meaning he associates with the word “mother” is likely to be negative. A. content B. connotative C. denotative D. significant Answer: B Page ref: 11 1.1-8. The manner in which you discipline your child may be different in the grocery store versus at your home because of this component of human communication. A. setting B. participants C. message creation D. noise Answer: A Page ref: 12 1.1-9. In terms of the _____ of the communication process, asking your classmate versus your instructor for a ride home is likely to have a different impact. A. setting B. message creation C. channels D. participants Answer: D Page ref: 12 1.1-10. Ending a relationship by writing “It’s over” on a sticky note is a problem of which component of communication? A. meaning creation B. channel C. participants D. noise Answer: B Page ref: 13

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1.1-11. The component of communication that enables a sender of a message to know that the message was received is called A. the message channel. B. noise. C. feedback. D. setting. Answer: C Page ref: 13 1.1-12. Messages can be transmitted through which of the following channels? A. the body B. the voice C. a cell phone D. smoke E. all of these Answer: E Page ref: 14 1.1-13. Which of the following is an example of “noise” that can affect communication in a classroom? A. a car alarm going off outside a classroom window B. an overly warm room C. hungry students D. a professor who uses big words that students don’t understand E. all of these Answer: E Page ref: 14 1.1-14. When you realize that you are angry and convert that anger into a scowl and a rude comment to your partner, you have _____ a message. A. decoded B. symbolized C. processed D. encoded Answer: D Page ref: 15 1.1-15. _____ models of communication reveal that communication is an ongoing process and each communicator is a sender and receiver at the same time. A. Linear B. Non-linear C. Interactive D. Transactional Answer: D Page ref: 16

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1.1-16. Concepts such as age, race, and socioeconomic status represent _____ forces which influence communication. A. societal B. individual C. contextual D. cultural Answer: B Page ref: 17 1.1-17. _____ is the term used to describe how all individual members of the same culture do not think and behave in the same manner. A. Dynamic B. Heterogeneous C. Unique D. Homogeneous Answer: B Page ref: 18-19 1.1-18. Communication is a _____ process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages in specific contexts and embedded in culture. A. continuing B. linear C. transformative D. transactional Answer: D Page ref: 20 1.1-19. Which of the following units create ethical codes to reflect beliefs and values? A. individuals B. group C. communities D. all of the above Answer: D Page ref: 22 1.1-20. In terms of communication ethics, if you fail to mention to your roommate that you accidentally scraped the bumper of her car when you pulled your car into the garage, you have engaged in A. privacy. B. secrecy. C. disqualification. D. authentic communication. Answer: B Page ref: 23

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1.1-21. Choosing not to tell a coworker that you are getting a divorce is an example of A. secrecy. B. privacy. C. lying. D. communication avoidance. Answer: B Page ref: 23 1.1-22. If you believe some circumstances call for stretching the truth or being deceptive because of the circumstances, you likely adhere to a(n) _____ ethical standard. A. moral B. absolute C. developmental D. relative Answer: D Page ref: 25 1.2 True/False Questions 1.2-1. Having good communication skills is a question of having common sense. Answer: False Page ref: 4 1.2-2. Your communication with others allows you to establish who you are to them. Answer: True Page ref: 6 1.2-3. Communication is primarily defined by our verbal messages. Answer: False Page ref: 9 1.2-4. The symbols we use (e.g., words and gestures) to communicate are arbitrary. Answer: True Page ref: 10 1.2-5. When John interprets his girlfriend’s head shake to indicate that she does not approve of his action, he is encoding her message. Answer: False Page ref: 10 1.2-6. Content meaning describes what the message conveys about the relationship between the parties. Answer: False Page ref: 11

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1.2-7. Standing near a person with whom you are having a conversation is an aspect of the setting component of human communication. Answer: True Page ref: 12 1.2-8. The number of participants does NOT influence the communication process. Answer: False Page ref: 12 1.2-9. Thinking about what you will be doing for dinner tonight during a class lecture is an example of noise that interferes with the communication process. Answer: True Page ref: 13 1.2-10. Linear models of communication are more simplistic when compared to the transactional model. Answer: True Page ref: 15–16 1.2-11. Individual forces that influence communication are value laden. Answer: True Page ref: 18 1.3 Completion (fill-in-the-blank) Questions 1.3-1. Something that represents something else and conveys meaning is a(n) _____. Answer: symbol Page ref: 10 1.3-2. The _____ communication is composed of nonlinguistic symbols such as smiles, laughter, head nods, and hand gestures. Answer: nonverbal Page ref: 10 1.3-3. You _____ a message when you interpret the meaning that is being sent. Answer: decode Page ref: 10 1.3-4. The content meaning of a message contains both _____ and _____ meaning. Answer: denotative; connotative Page ref: 11 1.3-5. The _____ model is a transactional model of communication that includes two or more people creating meaning while negotiating individual and societal forces, contexts, and culture in the communication process. Answer: Synergetic Page ref: 15 92 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

1.4 Essay Questions 1.4-1. Describe a recent communication interaction you had by analyzing it in terms of the six components of the communication process. Answer: Answers will vary but should address the message creation, meaning creation, setting, participants, channels, noise, and feedback components. Page ref: 10–13 1.4-2. Think about the communication process that occurs during an in-class lecture. The Synergetic Model includes four factors that influence our communication. Give specific examples of those four factors that you observe in the lecture. Answer: Answers will vary but should address individual, societal, contextual, and cultural factors. Page ref: 17–19 1.4-3. In terms of communication ethics, describe the difference between secrecy and privacy. Provide a concrete example illustrating each concept. Answer: Answers will vary. Page ref: 23–24

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