15 ueyoo

LESUN FIFTEeN: Long Vowel ue Wee R vowel twins u & u u long u u short u Ask: Doo wee luuk aliek in shaep? Anser: Yes,...

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LESUN FIFTEeN: Long Vowel ue Wee R vowel twins u & u

u long u

u short u

Ask: Doo wee luuk aliek in shaep? Anser: Yes, eksaktlee. Ask: How kan yoo tel thu diferens? Anser: Ther is noe diferens soe wee put a sielent e after thu u too designaet thu long ue sound.

ue I am long vowel ue. I am thu sound of our alfabet leter naem. I am never aloen. From now on long vowel ue wil alwaes bee folowed bie thu sielent e.

Hand lerners kards with u and sielent e. Plaes thu sielent e after u maeking ue.

Ask: Wut is thu sound of ue? (u sielent e.) Ask: Wie? (Sielent e maeks 'u' sae its leter naem.) NOeT: Ue can e riten korektlyee in too forms ue and yoo. Ue and yoo sound eksaktlee thu saem.In thu Rkm alfabet, thu sound of long ue wil bee riten bie thu sound of thu naem of thu leter u: yoo. This is thu sound uesed in thu proenunsiaeshun kee in manee dikshunaerees.

Long vowel ue/yoo Simbol Kloo werd ue (ue) yoo


yoo Thu kloo werd in Rkm foer ue is yoo. Sien for yoo: Noet: Bee awaer of thu saem poesishun of lips and tung(tongue) in saeing ue and yoo. Ue sound kan bee writen koerektlee in too foerms ue/yoo. Ue and yoo sound eksactlee thu saem. In thu Rkm alfabet, thu sound of long ue wil bee writen yoo, thu sound of thu leter u.

TESTING: Go to Testing spreadsheet: -do test 4B. -Record date -Record on spreadsheet score + or - for each word -Also record here: -score +_____(correct) - _____(incorrect) Alert: If student experiences difficulty assess and address.

Hav learners reepeet after you. Then sae together.

Goodbie! Soe long! Adyoo! Sadlee now Wee bid udyoo (adieu) Too yoo and yoo And yoo, and yoo.

Riem foer long vowel ue/yoo Chant/sing riem: Ue saes it’s naem As yoo can see Wen foloewed bie Thu sielent e . BUT NOeT: Y, o, o, yoo also Saes ue's leter naem. Rkm alfabet ueses thu foerm yoo az Boeth foerms sound Eksactlee thu saem. So: Ue sound is yoo Hurd in myoo, Plus other werds, Liek yoos and kyoo'.

LONG U PIKCHUR & SOUND PRAKTIS: Lisen foer long yoo (ue) sound in pikchurs Hav lerners reepeet werds giving sliet emfasis too thu vowel sound.


(leter naem)

ue yoo

parachute parashyoot

beauty byootee

you yoo

butte byoot

Long vowel: yoo (ue)

Sound kloo: yoo, yoo Sound: yoo yoo, yoo riet in hand: yoo Wun liener: yoo, too.

Reed to lerner: Just For You, Mercer Mayer, Golden Press, Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin 1976 Ask: Wut did thu smal animal want too doo? Anser: Somthing speshal just foer yoo. Ask: Who wuz yoo? Anser: His mother. Wat did hee trie too doo? Anser: Maek brekfust Put awae thu dishus Caree thu groeserees Eat his sandwich Taek a nap Mow thu lon Pik an apul Set thu taebul Not splash in his bath Giv his mother a hug Ask: Wat did hee doo riet? (Giv his mother a hug)

Proenouns words Lerner riets: yoo byootee kyoo adyoo kyoot yooz yoos boot too soot skoot

Praktis long vowels: Ae ses its naem az yoo kan see Its foloewed bie thu sielent e. S/s: ae, aet. Ee ses its naem az yoo kan see Its foloewed bie thu sielent e. S/s: ee, bee Ie ses its naem az yoo kan see Its foloewed bie thu sielent e. S/s: ie, ies Oe ses its naem az yoo kan see Its foloewed bie thu sielent e. S/s: o, oeld

Plees noet in ue/yoo Yoo ses ue's naem. Ther sounds R Eksaklee thu saem.



Long vowel: ae

Sound kloo: ae, aet Sound: ae, ae, ae riet in hand: ae 8 Wun liener: Aemee aet aet graeps.

Long vowel: ee

Sound kloo: bee Sae sound: ee, ee, ee riet in hand: ee Wun liener: Honee Beez stoer nekter in a tree .

Long Vowel: ie

Sound kloo: ie, ies S/sound: ie, ie, ie, riet in hand: ie S/s wun liener: Koela with ies is twies az nies.

Long Vowel oe

Sound kloo: oe, noe Sound: oe, oe, oe riet in hand: oe Wun liener: Oeld goeld stoeree untold.

Vowel paer: oei

Sound kloo: oei, toei Sound: oei, oei, oei riet in hand: oei Wun liener: Boei toei

Long vowel: yoo (ue)

Sound kloo: yoo, yoo Sound: yoo yoo, yoo riet in hand: yoo Wun liener: yoo, too.

Short singl vowel: a

Sound kloo: a, at Sae sound: a, a, a riet in hand: a Wun liener: Kat in kap at bat.

Short vowel: e

Sound kloo: Sound; riet in hand: Wun liener:

e, ej e, e, e e Eg on ej.

Short i

Sound kloo: i, it Sound : i, i, i riet in hand: i Wun liener: Sit a bit

Short vowel: o

Sound kloo: o, on Sae sound: o, o, o riet in hand: o Wun liener: On or off

Konsonant: b

Sound kloo: b, bat Sae sound: b, b, b riet in hand: b Wun liener: Bat thu

off thu wal.

Konsonant: k

Sound kloo: k, kiet Sae sound: k, k, k riet in hand: k Wun liener: Kiet krashd Kiet smashd.

Konsonant t

Sound kloo: Sae sound : riet in hand: Wun liener:

t, turtl t, t, t t Sloe & stedee turtl tiem.

Konsonant s:

Sound kloo: s, snaek Sound : s, s, s riet in hand: s Wun liener: Snaeks biet, big friet.

Konsonant z:

Leter kloo: Sound: riet in hand: Wun liener:

z, zoo z,z,z z (Who's) Hoo's in thu zoo?

Proenouns Werds Lerner riets:

yoo (leter) yoo (person) byootee kyoo adyoo kyoot yooz yoos

TESTING: Go to Testing spreadsheet: -do test 4C . -Record date -Record on spreadsheet score + or - for each word -Also record here: -score +_____(correct) - _____(incorrect) Alert: If student experiences difficulty assess and address.

Read and Chant:

yoo, too, soo (yoo has saem sound az ue)

byootee, kyootee, soot (yoo has saem sound az ue)

oet, boet, soek (long o foloewed bie sielent e)

bos, kot, sot (singl, solitaree lone o)

bee, kee, see (long e foloewed bie sielent e)

bet, set, best (singl, solitaree loen e)

ie, iez, ies (long I foloewed bie sielent e)

sit, bit, kit (singl, solitaree loen i)