Business Plan 2016 2018

Atwell Primary School Business Plan 2016 - 2018 Federal /State Government Australian Curriculum Commonwealth and gov...

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Atwell Primary School

Business Plan 2016 - 2018

Federal /State Government Australian Curriculum

Commonwealth and government agreements

Ministerial priorities

Department of Education Western Australia SCSA Western Australian Curriculum

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019

Classrooms First Policy

Progressing Classroom First

Focus 2016/2017/2018

Early Year Learning Framwork/National Quality Standards/Kindy Guidelines

Disability Access and Inclusion 2012-2017

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy 2015

Cockburn Central Education Network Priorities Literacy





Targeted Professional Learning

Atwell Primary School Business Plan 2016-2018 Learning - Success for all students, High quality teaching and leadership

Business - Distinctive Schools , A capable and responsive organisation

•Literacy, Numeracy, Science , Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts , Physical Education and Health, ICT

•Workforce planning and development, schools resourcing, partnerships

Operational Planning Curriculum: Learning Areas

Workforce Planning and Development

Learning Environment



Financial Management

Year Level Planning English


Humanities and Social Sciences




Mental Health and Wellbeing

Classroom Planning


Learning objectives

Explicit Teaching

ATWELL PRIMARY BUSINESS PLAN 2016 – 2018 The Atwell Primary School Business Plan has been developed in accordance with Section 63 of the Education Act 1999 where it states: The functions of the principal are to:  

establish a plan for the school in consultation with the Council and the school’s teaching staff setting out its objectives and how the objectives and priorities will be achieved in consultation with the Council and the school’s teaching staff to monitor and report on the school’s performance in relation to the plan referred to in paragraph

According to Section 128 of the Education Act 1999 the functions of a school council are: To take part —

  

in establishing, and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions in the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions in evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them

The members of the school board have considered and endorsed the school Business Plan for 2016 – 2018:       

Chair – Samantha Higgins Principal – David Lee Secretary – Melanie Sayer Community Member – Hon. Joe Francis MLA Elected Parent Members – Peter Harper, Helen McKenzie, Dyann Padberg, Stacey Tobin and Melanie Sayer Elected Staff Members – Rod Morrison and Claire Zappa Executive Officer – Dianne Smith

Chair – Samantha Higgins

Principal – David Lee

School Ethos and Values Statement Twenty-first century Atwell students identify that as Australians we are members of a global community, connected to the whole world by ties of culture, economics and politics, enhanced communication and travel and a shared environment.

Together we aspire, together we achieve School Vision: ‘Building well rounded citizens with a passion for lifelong learning.’

Enabling young people to participate in shaping a better shared future for the world is at the heart of education at our school. We believe in emphasising a unity and interdependence of human society, developing a sense of self and appreciation of cultural diversity, affirmation of social justice and human rights, and building peace and actions for a sustainable future in different times and places. We promote an environment where students learn to take responsibility for their actions, respect and value diversity, and see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful , just and sustainable world.

School Purpose Statement: To maintain a high level of effective planning in the following areas: 

Curriculum – Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Workforce Planning and Development

Learning Environment

Financial Management


Facilities – Buildings, Grounds and Equipment

Our learning program has;  an approach which takes into account the whole of human society and the environments in which people live  an emphasis on the future, the dynamic nature of human society, and each person’s capacity to choose and shape preferred futures  an opportunity to explore important themes such as change, interdependence, identity and diversity, rights and responsibilities, peace building, poverty and wealth, sustainability and global justice  a focus on cooperative learning and action, and shared responsibility  an emphasis on critical thinking and communication  an opportunity to develop positive and responsible values and attitudes, important skills and an orientation to active participation.

CURRICULUM – Commitment to enhancing student outcomes through contemporary best practice.

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019 – Priority 1: Success for all students  commit to State and national targets to increase student achievement including in literacy and numeracy  specific progress of students (or groups) based on rigorous analysis of data  maintain a strong focus in the primary years on the explicit teaching of synthetic phonics, grammar and punctuation as the foundations for literacy learning  Encourage greater interest and competence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Focus 2016 –  Focus on analytical teaching practices featuring diagnosis of the impact of teaching, including feedback from students and other staff.  Emphasise instruction in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); and synthetic phonics in the early years.  Increase consistency of practice among teachers through collaboration, agreed curriculum scope and sequences, and classroom observation.  Target age-appropriate classroom instruction to strengthen student performance in writing.  Prepare for full implementation of the Australian Curriculum humanities and social sciences, and health and physical education for Semester 1, 2017

  

Key Indicator/s



To achieve a school mean greater than the Australian mean in NAPLAN Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation in Year 3 and 5. To achieve a school mean greater than the Australian mean in NAPLAN Numeracy in Year 3 and 5. Through survey information, on the implementation of the Phase 2 and 3 Western Australian Curriculum subjects, assess whether teachers have moved through the stages of:  No engagement  Familiarisation  Transition  Adoption The NQS, EYLF and the Kindergarten Guidelines are used to develop the Kindergarten Curriculum


Timeframe 2016



Ensure that at least 50% of teaching time is spent on literacy and numeracy.

Teachers explicitly teach using whole school improvement strategies.

Screen all P/P students using On-Entry to determine readiness to learn.

Continue to develop partnerships with early childhood centres and three year old kindergartens to improve early data collection practices.

Focussed literacy and numeracy intervention for Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 students to improve student outcomes.

Student achievement is monitored through the use of longitudinal data sets.

Peer observation and feedback processes are used within all year level teams with a focus on student learning.

Focus on integration of Phase 2 and 3 content descriptions and syllabuses for History and Social Sciences (HASS) and Health and Physical Education.

Familiarise and begin implementation of the Phase 3 subjects Languages, The Arts and Technologies.

Weekly team meetings focus on improving teaching, learning and assessment.

Develop students’ ability to be critical thinkers.

Investigate best practice for monitoring student achievement through the use of standardised assessments.

Investigate whole school self-assessment practices for monitoring effectiveness of teaching and learning programs.

WORKFORCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT – Commitment to enhancing the skills and quality of staff within our school and network.

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019 – Priority 2: High Quality Teaching  Articulate high expectations and standards of teacher performance through induction, professional learning and evaluation based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers  Expect a professional ethic among teachers to collaborate as a key strategy to improve teacher quality  Assist teachers to develop analytical and evaluative practices to ensure expertise and confidence in diagnosing the impact of their teaching and adapting interventions for greater success  Expect all school staff to maintain positive, respectful relationships with students, parents and each other as part of caring learning environments that support student wellbeing. Focus 2016  Develop professional learning and resources in writing skills and mathematics proficiency strands.  Offer professional learning for casual and temporary teachers to maintain contemporary skills.  Plan to specifically support student and staff wellbeing and positive health.  Use national teacher standards for self-reflection, performance management and classroom observation.  Support emerging school leaders by seeking out development opportunities for interested candidates.

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Key Indicator/s



    

100% of all staff participate in professional learning Teachers within their first three years will gain full teacher registration. Teachers follow the expected requirements to maintain their full teacher registration. All staff participate in performance management that is directly linked to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and Principals. All school staff will have a collaborative, collegial and respectful working relationship. Observable school culture is directly linked to Atwell Primary School’s Vision and Purpose Statement. All staff will have access, where necessary, appropriate services to support their health and wellbeing. Teachers participate in peer observation and feedback experience as part of reflective self-improvement. Teachers will attend termly network meetings and appropriate professional development opportunities offered by network schools. Succession planning and internal leadership pathways are utilised.


Timeframe 2016



Classroom Practice 

Identify teachers aspiring to be leaders to transition into team leader roles (E.g. Level 3 teachers and aspirants).

Year levels collaboratively plan for Western Australian Curriculum subjects using the curriculum and Atwell Guides.

Explicit teaching of the Western Australian Curriculum.

Teachers collect and use cohort data to inform teaching practice and collaborative planning.

Teams to conduct weekly team meetings following an agenda.

Teachers will be active participants in Professional Learning Communities (E.g. Teams, curriculum teams and CCEN network).

Provisions for Staff 

Review and re-develop whole school processes to assist teachers to gain and maintain full registration through the TRBWA.

Teachers are provided with professional learning based on the needs of the school, staff and students.

Formation of social committee to provide staff with social events to build positive working relationships (E.g. Welcome BBQ).

Team Leaders to monitor the wellbeing of their team members and seek assistance where needed.

Performance Processes 

Performance management processes, linked to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, are completed annually.

Performance management goals, developed from performance management, are reflected on during Term 4.

Team Leaders implement reflective processes for their teams to develop best practice teaching and reflective thinking.

Principal to complete 360 Degree feedback as part of performance management processes.

Termly Team Leader Meetings incorporate reflection practices to develop leadership and best practice.

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – Building an Inclusive and Positive Learning Environment

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019 – Priority 1 Success for All Students  Strengthen services across the system to improve student behaviour and engagement, and introduce alternative settings to meet the specific needs of some students  Strengthen the gifted and talented education strategy to ensure specialist instruction and support for identified students  Work with families and communities early to give children the best start to learning including wraparound services and collaboration with other organisations and agencies  Provide more practical and direct specialist support and advice on instructional practice for teachers of students with disability  Help schools to create a more comprehensive, student-by-student approach to wellbeing and support services that better meet growing demand for mental health, pastoral care and psychological support  Expect all school staff to maintain positive, respectful relationships with students, parents and each other as part of caring learning environments that support student wellbeing Focus 2016  Establish targets to improve the proportion of students with more than 90% attendance.  Plan to specifically support student and staff wellbeing and positive health.  Implement age appropriate protective behaviours instruction across all phases of schooling as a key risk management strategy. Classrooms First Strategy  Students recognise that everyone has the right to feel valued, safe and have an obligation to behave responsibly. Disability Access and Inclusion 2012-2017  Ensure all staff have knowledge of their responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy 2015  Improve education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in all schools.

   

Key Indicators



Documented plans will be written for students requiring learning adjustments, behaviour intervention and assistance with social and emotional wellbeing. Opportunities will be provided for students to access PEAC, Atwell College Extension Program, placement in Academic Extension Program (Atwell College) and/or the GATE program. Decrease in the number of behavioural incidents tracked on Integris. All students receiving individual disability resource allocation have regular Case Conferences.


Timeframe 2016



Students at Educational Risk 

Student Services Team to develop and adapt a more formalised procedure documents to guide teaching staff on how to access support.

Review identification and ongoing monitoring of SAER.

Teachers devise and implement documented plans to individualise learning adjustments for future growth.

Teachers and Student Services team to build collaborative partnerships with parents/care givers and outside agencies to support SAER.

Teachers are provided with professional learning to enhance their knowledge and skills to assist in catering for SAER students.

Use of standardised assessments to monitor and track student achievement.

Continuation of PEAC and Atwell College Zone Extension partnerships and monitoring of student acceptance.

Data and information related to SAER to be secured on the Atwell Shared Drive.

School psychologist and chaplain to offer support for staff, students and families.

Health and Wellbeing of students 

Update and align the Health and Wellbeing teaching programs to align with the Western Australian Curriculum.

Build students’ resiliency skills and values.

Focus on embedding the Western Australian Curriculum general capabilities – Critical and Creative Thinking and Personal and Social Capabilities

Chaplain to provide individual support for students.

 

School psychologist to offer support for staff, students and families.

Review religious education in middle and upper primary.

 

Behaviour Management 

Review and re-develop the Positive Behaviour Support Policy.

Investigate Positive Behaviour Schools.

Review and update Anti-Cyber Bullying Policy.

Focus on embedding the Western Australian Curriculum general capability – Ethical Understanding.

 

Student Leadership 

Opportunities for students to be elected as leaders.

Upper primary students are provided with opportunities that promote team building.

Attendance 

Teachers and administration accurately record student absences.

Teachers and administration monitor students with low attendance rates.


FACILITIES - Ensure the school’s facilities positively impact student learning and wellbeing. 

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019 –

   

 Upgrade current grounds structures and equipment to ensure a safe environment for the school community. Ensure quality facilities, infrastructure and school environments to enhance learning and wellbeing. Streamline approaches for asset and resources management. Ensure appropriate reserve accounts are maintained to allow for timely replacement of equipment. Work with outside agencies to assist in the development of infrastructure within the school environment.

Key Indicators


 

The buildings, grounds and equipment are maintained to a high standard. Upgrade processes were undertaken for the development of the grounds, buildings and facilities. Accounts allocated in the one-line budget for grounds, buildings and facilities are effectively managed. Partnerships are developed with community agencies to assist with development of infrastructure.


Timeframe 2016



Buildings 

Effective management of projected student increase due to Calleya Housing Development.

Install an exterior ramp and door into the hall stage area which includes covering for ramp.

Investigate an Australian Tax Office Building Fund.

Continue to provide accessible buildings and facilities that meet Australian design standards for Disability access and inclusion.

Organisation of contractors to maintain or upgrade current building structures.

  

Where required upgrade floor surfaces of building structures.

Work with the Head Cleaner to ensure a high standard health and hygiene is maintained.

Utility accounts are paid in a timely manner.

Grounds 

P & C and School Board form part of the consultation process for the development and maintains of the school grounds. Suggestions are received and considered.

Senior Leadership to evaluate existing facilities for improvement or replacement.

Install bollard fencing around the west side of the oval.

Senior Leadership to collaborate with the gardener and cleaners to ensure the aesthetic appeal of the school is maintained.

Appropriate improvements are planned to raise the standard of the gardens for the school community.

Work in conjunction with outside agencies and contractors to design and construct a car park on the west side of the oval to assist with parking congestion.

Equipment 

Senior Leadership maintains established departmental procedure to ensure safe and appropriate equipment for staff, students and the community.

Senior Leadership to establish procedures for systematic replacement/upgrading of school furniture.

Organise annual inspection of playground equipment and act on recommendations.

Effective management of account associated with equipment to allow for maintenance and/or improvement.

Systematic replacement of student class furniture commencing in the senior block.

PARTNERSHIPS – Building positive partnerships with the wider community to assist in the development of our school.

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2012-2015 – Priority 1 and  Work with families and communities early to give children the best start to learning including wraparound services and collaboration with other organisations and agencies  Help schools to create a more comprehensive, student-by-student approach to wellbeing and support services that better meet growing demand for mental health, pastoral care and psychological support  Increase collaboration with other agencies and make best use of strengthened networks to support school staff and contribute to the education and wellbeing of students    

Involve parents and the community in future directions of the school. Maximise opportunities for students and teachers through partnerships and initiatives with outside agencies. Continuation of strong partnerships with Atwell Parents and Citizens’ Association (P & C). Continuation of strong partnerships with Atwell School Board.

   

Key Indicators



Increase in P & C numbers Parents and care givers attending professional development offered by the school increases. Parents and caregivers attending information sessions and parent teacher interviews increases. Further partnerships are developed with outside agencies to increase student and staff support. Maintain the current numbers of school board members.


Timeframe 2016



Parents & Citizens’ Association 

Promote the interests of the school to the wider community.

Support an active P&C and work towards common fundraising goals to maintain a high level of resources, facilities and equipment.

Align requests for funding with the school’s operational plans.

Parents attend functions to build a community spirit and mutually supportive relationships aligned with school values and direction.

Atwell School Board 

Atwell School Board to meet twice a term to discuss school business.

Whole school change processes are submitted and reviewed by the Atwell School Board.

Atwell School Board to invite attendees where needed to assist in the development of future directions.

Atwell School Board to provide expertise where needed to assist the school in achieving their set outcomes.

Parent Partnerships 

Communicate relevant information to the school community, through a variety of methods, to build relationships and awareness of school directions.

Provide opportunities for parents and carers to be involved in supporting student learning and social and emotional wellbeing.

Provide opportunities for parents to attend professional learning to support their child needs and development.

Community Partnerships 

Maintain and develop ongoing partnership with Curtin University.

Investigate and develop ongoing partnership with Notre Dame University

Encourage and build a culture to support teaching staff to commit to the ongoing development of future educators through mentoring students from our partnership universities.

Continue partnership agreement with the Fremantle Child Development Services.

Continue partnership with School of Special Education Needs – Consulting Teacher Program

Actively seek to build partnerships to work with agencies including: Department of Child Protection and Family Support, National Disability Insurance Scheme – My Way Coordinators, Disability Services and other private health services.

Continue professional relationships with CCEN network schools to improve student outcomes.

Business Partnerships 

Maintain mutually beneficial services (E.g. Helping Hands Before and After School Care)

Explore partnership with other private and government agencies.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT– Ensure the management of school finances have a positive impact on student learning and the school community.

Strategic Plan for WA Public Schools 2016-2019 –  Strengthen the expectations of principals about high quality management through the Delivery and Performance Agreement for Independent Public Schools and the Funding Agreement for all other schools  Promote empowerment of local communities by increasing the capacity of school board members to fulfil their responsibilities including oversight of budget, input into school business planning.   

improve budget performance and efficiency provide greater equity, transparency and flexibility in school resourcing ensure rigorous and transparent accountability practices at classroom, school and system levels

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Key Indicators



Annual planning for school budgets are well maintained. Maintenance of adequate reserves Well established Finance committee who attend two termly meetings Principal and Registrar have a clear understanding of one-line budgets. Continue to develop community support from families through the annual voluntary contributions.


Timeframe 2016



Operational planning clearly states annual financial requirements and budget allocations align with the Business Plan and focuses.

Registrar maintains a high standard of financial management, procedures and policies.

Access training and provide tools to implement the funding model and one line budgets for Registrar, School Officers and Senior Leadership team.

Ensure school-level practice of managing contributions and charges are adequate.

Two termly finance meetings are conducted.

School finance update is reported to the School Board at two termly meetings.

Succession planning is implemented for school officers to provide support for Registrar.

Prepare school finance documents in preparation for external audits.

Maintain procedures for systematic replacement of student/school furniture.

Continue to build positive relationships with the Parents and Citizens Association to assist with resourcing.

Continue partnership with Helping Hands and ensure funds are strategically used to support improvement strategies.

Maintain and refine existing procedures for self-assessment practices for internal audits.