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ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Approximation Theory 128 (2004) 187–206 Bernstein polyn...

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Journal of Approximation Theory 128 (2004) 187–206

Bernstein polynomials and learning theory Dietrich Braessa, and Thomas Sauerb a

Ruhr-Universita¨t Bochum, Fakulta¨t fu¨r Mathematik, Universita¨tsstraX e 150, NA 4/27, D-44780 Bochum, Germany b Justus-Liebig-Universita¨t GieX en, Lehrstuhl fu¨r Numerische Mathematik, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 44, D-35392 GieX en, Germany Received 14 April 2003; accepted in revised form 27 April 2004

Communicated by Zeev Ditzian

Abstract When learning processes depend on samples but not on the order of the information in the sample, then the Bernoulli distribution is relevant and Bernstein polynomials enter into the analysis. We derive estimates of the approximation of the entropy function x log x that are sharper than the bounds from Voronovskaja’s theorem. In this way we get the correct asymptotics for the Kullback–Leibler distance for an encoding problem. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Bernstein polynomials; Entropy function; Learning theory; Optimal encoding

1. Introduction The approximation properties of the Bernstein polynomials for the entropy function f ðxÞ :¼ x log x  ð1  xÞ logð1  xÞ


Corresponding author. Fax: +49-234-321-4750. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Braess), [email protected] (T. Sauer). 0021-9045/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jat.2004.04.010

ARTICLE IN PRESS D. Braess, T. Sauer / Journal of Approximation Theory 128 (2004) 187–206


are of interest since f 00 ðxÞ ¼ ½xð1  xÞ1 and, according to the Voronovskaja theorem, cf. [10, p. 22], the pointwise limit lim nf f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞg ¼ 12



is constant for all xAð0; 1Þ: On the other hand, the difference f  Bn ½ f  assumes the value 0 at the boundary points x ¼ 0; 1 for all nAN: Thus the convergence in (1.2) cannot be uniform, though f does belong to the O-saturation class for the Bernstein polynomials. Further information on the global approximation behavior can be found, e.g. in [3,8,14]. More surprising, however, is the fact that although f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞX0 for all xA½0; 1 with equality exactly for x ¼ 0; 1; the value 12 is always exceeded by the approximation which can be phrased as c :¼ lim inf sup nf f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞg412: n-N


It is worthwhile to mention that the abscissas where the maximum is assumed tend to the boundary like Oðn1 Þ as n increases. It can be shown relatively easily that 1 f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞX þ oðn1 Þ 2n holds uniformly in the interior of ½0; 1 as long as boundary regions of size Oðn1þe Þ; e40; are excluded, see (2.7). This, however, is insufficient for the application we bear in mind, in particular as this way the points where the maximal deviation takes place are not captured. For that reason we establish an improved estimate in Theorem 1 which extends up to boundary regions of size Oðn1 Þ: The crucial tool to achieve this goal is a one-sided estimate for the Bernstein polynomials of convex functions which is applicable to the Taylor polynomials of f here. The improved estimate enables us to close a gap in an application from Learning Theory which is concerned with the optimal encoding of the output of a random source under the assumption that a sample of length n is available. Carefully analyzing the difference between the entropy function and its approximating Bernstein polynomials, we obtain improved asymptotics compared to [9]. For points close the to left boundary, i.e., when nx is (uniformly) bounded, the asymptotical behavior is captured by a function that can be accessed numerically. In contrast to [9] those numerical estimates are only needed for the representation of one particular univariate function. The gap for x between cn1 and cn1e which had still been present in [5] is thus closed. It is remarkable that the improved asymptotical estimate becomes available due to methods from Approximation Theory which investigate the approximation behavior of nf f  Bn ½ f g; thus remaining in the ‘‘finite’’ Bernoulli probability distribution, instead of passing to the Poisson distribution as it is traditional in Bayesian statistics. The univariate entropy function f from (1.2) corresponds to sources that use a binary alphabet consisting of two symbols only. To study more general sources, we need to extend the estimates to multivariate Bernstein polynomials on simplices

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which will be done by reducing it to sums over univariate Bernstein polynomial approximations.

2. Interior estimate In this section we consider the approximation of the univariate function (1.1) by Bernstein polynomials   n X k Bn ½ f ðxÞ :¼ Bnk ðxÞf ; n k¼0 where Bnk ðxÞ :¼

  n k x ð1  xÞnk : k


The aim of this section is an estimate of the approximation error in the interior that is sharper than Voronovskaja’s bound. Theorem 1. Let f be defined by (1.1). Then, 1 1 1 f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞX þ  2 2n 20n xð1  xÞ 12n2


15 15 pxp1  : n n


The following observation from [2,11] provides a useful tool, and its short proof will be given for the sake of completeness. Lemma 2. If f is concave in ð0; 1Þ; then we have f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞX0



Proof. Given x1 A½0; 1; let Q1 be the linear polynomial that interpolates f and f 0 at x1 : Since f is concave, we have Q1  f X0 in ½0; 1: The mapping f /Bn ½ f  is performed by a positive linear operator, and it follows that Bn ½Q1  f X0: Moreover, linear functions are reproduced by Bernstein polynomials. Hence, Bn ½ f ðx1 Þ ¼ Bn ½ f  Q1 ðx1 Þ þ Bn ½Q1 ðx1 ÞpBn ½Q1 ðx1 Þ ¼ Q1 ðx1 Þ: ¼ f ðx1 Þ: This holds for any x1 A½0; 1; and the proof is complete.


A direct consequence is the following. Corollary 3. Let nX4 be an even number, f ðnÞ p0 in ð0; 1Þ and Qn1 be the Taylor polynomial of degree n to f cat some x1 in ð0; 1Þ: Then we have in ½0; 1: f  Bn ½ f XQn1  Bn ½Qn1 :

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The inequality follows immediately from Lemma 2. The second derivative of f  Qn1 vanishes at x1 and by Taylor’s formula it is not positive in the interval. The evaluation of the Bernstein polynomials of Taylor’s polynomials requires the following expressions: Bn ½ðx  x0 Þs ðx0 Þ ¼

n X

Bnk ðx0 Þ


k  x0 n

s :

The right-hand side coincides with ns Tns ðx0 Þ in terms of the functions defined in [10, p. 13] and are provided up to s ¼ 5 in [10, p. 14]. Proposition 4. Let 0px0 p1: Then we have x ¼ x0 ; xð1  xÞ ; n xð1  xÞ Bn ½ðx  x0 Þ3  ¼ ð1  2xÞ; n2 x2 ð1  xÞ2 xð1  xÞ þ ½1  6xð1  xÞ; Bn ½ðx  x0 Þ4  ¼ 3 n3 n2 ( ) 2 2 x ð1  xÞ xð1  xÞ Bn ½ðx  x0 Þ5  ¼ 10 þ ½1  12xð1  xÞ ð1  2xÞ: n4 n3

Bn ½ðx  x0 Þ2  ¼

The monomials ðx  x0 Þm ; m42; cause only contributions of the order n2 : This is consistent with Voronovskaja’s theorem. We split the symmetric entropy function (1.1) into two parts in view of the generalization to the higher dimensional case f ðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ þ gð1  xÞ; gðxÞ :¼ x log x:


Obviously, g0 ðxÞ ¼ log x  1; gðkÞ ðxÞ ¼ ð1Þkþ1

ðk  2Þ! for xk1


and gð2mÞ o0: Taylor’s polynomial of degree 5 has the form Q5 ðxÞ ¼

5 X k¼2

ð1Þk1 ðx  x0 Þk þ linear polynomial: kðk  1Þxk1 0

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The Bernstein polynomial for Q5 is now evaluated at x ¼ x0 by using Lemma 4, 1  x ð1  xÞð1  2xÞ  2n 6n2 x 2 ð1  xÞ ð1  xÞ þ ½1  6xð1  xÞ þ 12n3 x2 4n2 x 2 ð1  xÞ ð1  2xÞ ð1  xÞð1  2xÞ  ½1  12xð1  xÞ  3 2 20n4 x3 2n x  1 1þx þ ¼ ð1  xÞ 2n 12n2 x   1 ð1  xÞð1  6xð1  xÞÞ 2  ð1  xÞ ð1  2xÞ þ 3 2 2n x 6 ð1  xÞð1  2xÞ  ½1  12xð1  xÞ ð2:4Þ 20n4 x3

Q5 ðxÞ  Bn ½Q5 ðxÞ ¼


1x 1 x 1 þ  þ 2n 12n2 x 12n2 2n3 x2 1 R1 ðxÞ þ R2 ðxÞ: 20n4 x3


Next we estimate the function R1 in the term of order n3 in (2.5) R1 ðxÞ ¼ ð1  xÞð16  xð1  xÞ  ð1  xÞð1  2xÞÞ ¼ ð1  xÞð16  ð1  xÞ2 ÞXð1  xÞð16  1ÞX  56: The function R2 will estimated from below by the trivial bound R2 ðxÞX  2: Hence, ! R1 ðxÞ R2 ðxÞ 1 5 1 þ þ X 2 : 2n3 x2 20n4 x3 n x 12nx 10ðnxÞ2 We estimate now all the terms in (2.4) with a singularity at zero for nxX6:     1 R1 ðxÞ R2 ðxÞ 1 1 5 1 1 6   þ 1 þ X X : 12n2 x 2n3 x2 20n4 x3 n2 x 12 12nx 60nx 12n2 x nx By collecting terms we obtain. Theorem 5. Let g be defined by (2.3). For xX15=n we have   1x 1 6 x þ 1  gðxÞ  Bn ½gðxÞX  2 2n 12n x nx 12n2 1x 1 x þ  X : 2 2n 20n x 12n2


A symmetry argument yields the corresponding estimate for gð1  xÞ; and the proof of Theorem 1 is also complete.


D. Braess, T. Sauer / Journal of Approximation Theory 128 (2004) 187–206

Obviously, an estimate is more easily determined if it is based only on Taylor’s polynomial of degree 3 and only the first line of (2.4) is taken into account. We note that the resulting estimate 1 ð1  2xÞ2 ; f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f xX  2 2n 6n xð1  xÞ


however, is not sufficient for our purpose.

3. Behavior at the boundary In Theorem 1 the neighborhood of the boundary of the interval is excluded. The behavior near the (left) boundary of the interval will be described by a function of the variable z ¼ nx:


The function will be given by a power series; cf. [9], but the required properties will be determined by numerical computations. Recalling (2.3) we set

z Ln ðzÞ :¼ nfg  Bn ½gg : n The handling of the Binomial coefficients will be simplified by the notation; cf. [1] nk% :¼ nðn  1Þðn  2Þyðn  k þ 1Þ:


Since the linear function x log n is reproduced by Bernstein polynomials [10], it follows that n   X n k k k Ln ðzÞ ¼  nx log x þ n x ð1  xÞnk log n n k k¼0     n X n k k k ¼  nx log x  nx log n þ n xk ð1  xÞnk log þ log n n n n k k¼0   n

X n z k z nk ¼  z log z þ 1 k log k n n k k¼1   n

z n X nk% 1

z 1 k z 1  k log k: ¼  z log z þ 1  n k¼2 nk k! n

1 Obviously z 1  nz converges uniformly to z on the compact interval ½0; 15: k

Moreover, nnk% -1 for each k: The coefficients of the power series converge for n-N; and the limits decrease as fast as the coefficients of the exponential function. Therefore, by extending the well-known argument for uniform convergence of power

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series we conclude that Ln converges uniformly on the interval ½0; 15 to N X zk k log k LðzÞ :¼  z log z þ ez k! k¼2 ¼  z log z þ zez

N X zk logðk þ 1Þ: k! k¼1


The complementary function from (2.3) hðxÞ :¼ gð1  xÞ ¼ ð1  xÞ logð1  xÞ ¼ x 

N X k¼2

xk kðk  1Þ

and the difference to its Bernstein polynomial are easily estimated by jhðxÞ  Bn ½hðxÞjp jhðxÞ  xj þ jBn ½h  xðxÞj x 465 p x2 þ x2 þ p 2 n n

15 for 0pxp : n


Therefore, gð1  xÞ does not contribute to the asymptotics and lim nf f  Bn ½ f g


z n

¼ LðzÞ ¼ z log z þ zez

N X zk log ðk þ 1Þ: k! k¼1

The function LðzÞ is depicted in Fig. 1. The descent of f  Bn ½ f  from Voronovskaja’s bound to zero is confined to an intervals of length 1. This is expressed in the form   1 n 1 n ð3:5Þ lim min n f ðxÞ  Bn ½ f ðxÞ þ ½B0 ðxÞ þ Bn ðxÞ ¼ : n-N 0pxp1 2n 2

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 z 0







Fig. 1. Asymptotics of the error at the left end of the interval for x log x: LðzÞ and the modification in (3.6), (dashed).

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n n This remains true if in addition the non-negative function 0:4 n ½B1 þ Bn1  is subtracted from L: To verify this, we have depicted in Fig. 1

  1 2 LðzÞ þ e  z 2 5 z


in addition to L: Summing up, the asymptotics of nð f  Bn ½ f Þ is now completely characterized by Theorem 1 and (3.5) or Fig. 1, respectively.

4. Extension to several variables We are now turning our attention to the approximation behavior of Bernstein polynomials for the multivariate entropy function f ðuÞ ¼ 

m X


uj log uj ;


where the components uj ; j ¼ 0; y; m of the vector ( ) m X mþ1 : uj X0; uj ¼ 1 ; uADm :¼ u ¼ ðu0 ; y; um ÞAR j¼0

can be viewed either as probabilities or as barycentric coordinates in the unit simplex Dm : The multivariate Bernstein polynomial on the simplex now takes the form X a Bn ½ f ðuÞ ¼ f Ba ðuÞ; n aAKm;n   n a n! ua0 ?uamm ; Ba ðuÞ :¼ u ¼ a0 !  am ! 0 a where Km;n :¼

( a ¼ ða0 ; y; am ÞANmþ1 : n ¼ jaj :¼ 0

m X

) aj


is the set of all homogeneous multiindices of length jaj ¼ n: Note that in the above notation the univariate basis polynomial Bnk ðxÞ coincides with Bnk;k ð1  x; xÞ: Before we investigate the multivariate approximation behavior of Bn ½ f ; we depict the error of approximation f  Bn ½ f  in Fig. 2, showing that again at the boundary, in particular close to the corners, the error of approximation is significantly higher than the ‘‘plateau’’ of value 1 that is approached in the interior of the triangle. Also note that at the boundary the univariate approximation behavior is visible, now however with the associated limit value 12: In the following lemma we will state an elementary identity which will allow us to reduce the approximation of the function f from (4.1) to the univariate case.

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0 0 0.5

1.0 1.0

Fig. 2. Approximation behavior of nf f  Bn ½ f g; here for n ¼ 20 and m ¼ 2:

Lemma 6. For any set of functions Gj : ½0; 1 N0 -R we have X

Ba ðuÞ

m X

Gj ðuj ; aj Þ ¼



m X n X j¼0

Bnk ðuj ÞGj ðuj ; kÞ:



In particular, if g¼

m X

gj ðuj Þ;


Bn ½gðuÞ ¼


m X

Bn ½gj ðuj Þ:



aj :¼ a  aj ej ; Proof. Define, for any aAKm;n and 0pjpm the reduced multiindex b which coincides with a except that its jth component has zero value. We decompose the basis polynomials Ba in a fashion similar to tensor products, cf. [4,12], to obtain m X X aAKm;n


Gj ðuj ; aj ÞBa ðuÞ


m X n X


Gj ðuj ; aj ÞBa ðuÞ

j¼0 aj ¼0 b aj AKm1;naj


m X n X j¼0 aj ¼0

n! a uj Gj ðuj ; aj Þ ðn  aj Þ!aj ! j

X baj AKm1;naj

ðn  aj Þ! j uba a0 !?aj1 !ajþ1 !?am !

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 n j ¼ ðu0 þ ? þ uj1 þ ujþ1 þ ? þ um Þna aj j¼0 aj ¼0   m X n m X n X X n k ¼ Gj ðuj ; kÞ uj ð1  uj Þnk ¼ Gj ðuj ; kÞBnk ðuj Þ: k j¼0 k¼0 j¼0 k¼0 m X n X

a Gj ðuj ; aj Þuj j

This proves (4.2). By setting Gj ðuj ; aj Þ :¼ gj ðk=nÞ we obtain (4.3).


Combining Lemma 6 with Theorem 5, we derive the multivariate counterpart of (2.2). Theorem 7. Let the function f be defined in (4.1). For any uADm such that uj X15=n for j ¼ 0; 1; y; m we have f ðuÞ  Bn ½ f ðuÞX

m m 1 X 1 1 þ  : 2 2n 20n j¼0 uj 12n2


To extend our estimate to the boundary also in the multivariate case, we will again appeal to (4.3) and make use of the univariate estimates obtained in the preceding chapter. To that end, we define for uADm the two index sets  IX ¼

15 j : uj X n


Io :¼

15 j : uj o n

of cardinality m þ 1  k and k :¼ #Io ; respectively. Then we obtain from (2.6) that  uj 1 þ n fg  Bn ½ggðuj ÞX  20nuj 12n 2 jAIX jAIX   mþ1k 1 1 X  þ uj X 2 2 12n jAI X    mþ1k 1 1 12k mk  þ þ Oðn1 Þ: X 1 ¼ 2 2 12n n 2 X

X  1  uj

Taking also into account (3.3) we thus end up with mk X þ nf f  Bn ½ f gðuÞX Lðnuj Þ þ Oðn1 Þ; 2 jAI o

or, with any zARnþ1 such that jzj ¼ n; nf f  Bn ½ f g

z m  k X þ Lðzj Þ þ Oðn1 Þ: X n 2 j:z p12 j


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Since the basis polynomials Bej decrease exponentially away from the vertices of the simplex, now the counterpart of (3.5) becomes ( lim min n

n-N uADm

m 1 X f ðuÞ  Bn ½ f ðuÞ þ Bej ðuÞ 2n j¼0


1 ¼ ; 2


which is always assumed on the boundary, see Fig. 2. In general, on a k-dimensional face of the boundary the minimum on the interior of it would be k2:

5. An application from learning theory Theorem 1 and the knowledge of the Bernstein approximation in the region next to the boundary enables us to determine the exact asymptotics for a problem in learning theory. The symbols A0 ; A1 ; y; Am of an alphabet with m þ 1 letters are to be encoded. The length of the codes may be different for the letters. Following [13] it is possible P to have a code with length log q1i for the letter Ai if m i¼0 qi ¼ 1: If the symbol Ai is found with the probability pi ; the expectation value of the code length is m X i¼0

1 pi log : qi

The minimum of this expression is attained if qi ¼ pi for all i: If the lengths qi differ from the optimal values, there is a redundancy, i.e. a difference to the minimum of m X i¼0

pi pi log : qi


First we restrict our attention to the special case m ¼ 1: Here the sum (5.1) may be rewritten as p 1p ; p log þ ð1  pÞ log q 1q


if we write p1 ¼ p; p0 ¼ 1  p; q1 ¼ q; and q0 ¼ 1  q: The probability p is unknown, but we have got a sample with n letters. The encoding will be performed on the base of the information, how often the symbol A1 is contained in the sample. Due to Bernoulli, the probability for finding it k times in the sample is   n ð1  pÞnk pk ¼ Bnk ðpÞ: k Now, an appropriate rule k/QðkÞ; 0pkpn; is to be found for the encoding procedure. If the sample contains the symbol A1 exactly k times, the encoding for the

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parameter qk ¼ QðkÞ is chosen. The associated contribution to the redundancy is   p 1p n Bk ðpÞ p log þ ð1  pÞ log : qk 1  qk Summing over all k we obtain the expectation value of the redundancy [7,9]. Therefore, the following problem arises: Find numbers qk Að0; 1Þ; k ¼ 0; 1; y; n; such that the worst case redundancy sup Fn ðxÞ



is minimized where   n   X n k x 1x nk Fn ðxÞ :¼ x log þ ð1  xÞ log x ð1  xÞ qk 1  qk k k¼0   n X x 1x ¼ Bnk ðxÞ x log þ ð1  xÞ log : qk 1  qk k¼0


The challenge consists of determining the numbers qk in such a way that the optimal asymptotics are obtained inside the interval and on its boundary simultaneously. There are already several results for the rule called add-b rule, kþb for k ¼ 0; 1y; n: ð5:5Þ qbk :¼ n þ 2b The parameter b describes the deviation of qk from k=n; i.e. from the relative frequency of A1 in the sample. In particular, the add-one rule is called Laplace’s rule of succession, and the add-half rule is Jeffreys’rule. Krichevskiy [9] reported that b0 ¼ 0:50922 leads to lim

sup nFnb0 ðxÞ ¼ b0 ¼ 0:50922;

n-N 0pxp1

while the corresponding number for Jeffrey’s prior is 0:5106 due to our calculations. Moreover, Cover [6] had shown the lower bound lim

sup nFn ðxÞX0:5

n-N 0pxp1

for all choices of q;

by applying a suitable functional and the add-one rule. We will close the gap by applying Theorem 1; cf. [5]. Our point of departure is the add34 rule. This rule is optimal in the interior, and it will be modified later to cover also the subdomain next to the boundary. Since we fix the parameters in the onedimensional case such that qk þ qnk ¼ 1; it follows that F ð1  xÞ ¼ F ðxÞ and Fn ðxÞ ¼ Gn ðxÞ þ Gn ð1  xÞ; where Gn ðxÞ :¼

n   X n k¼0


xk ð1  xÞnk x log

x : qk


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Following Forster and Warmuth [7] we study the function for n  1 letters and separate the Bernstein polynomial for the function g defined in (2.3)  n1  X n  1 kþ1 x ð1  xÞn1k log qk  gðxÞ k k¼0 n   X n k k ¼ x ð1  xÞnk log qk1  gðxÞ n k k¼0   n 1X n k k=n ¼ þ fBn ½gðxÞ  gðxÞg: x ð1  xÞnk k log n k¼0 k qk1

Gn1 ðxÞ ¼ 


kþb : We can extract the terms with The add-b rule (5.5) for n  1 reads qk ¼ n1þ2b

log n1þ2b since they belong to a Bernstein polynomial for a linear function that is n reproduced, k n

b Gn1 ðxÞ ¼

n   n k 1X k n  1 þ 2b þ x log x ð1  xÞnk k log n k¼0 k k1þb n

þ Bn ½gðxÞ  gðxÞ:


Now we fix b ¼ b ¼ 34; since the following estimate of the power series of the logarithm is an helpful upper bound only for 34pbp1; k 1 1 1 k log k1=4 ¼  k logð1  4k Þ ¼ k½4k þ 2ð4kÞ 2 þ ?

1 1 4 1 þ p þ 4 32k 3 192k2 1 1 1 þ : p þ 4 32ðk þ 1Þ 7ðk þ 1Þðk þ 2Þ When estimating the sum in (5.8) we note that

n xk k kþ1

¼ x1

nþ1 xkþ1 kþ1 nþ1

and an

analogous formula holds for the term with the quadratic denominator. Hence, n   X n

k k  1=4 k k¼0     n X n 1 1 1 þ p xk ð1  xÞnk þ 4 32ðk þ 1Þ 7ðk þ 1Þðk þ 2Þ k k¼0 xk ð1  xÞnk k log

1 1 1 þ p þ 4 32ðn þ 1Þx 7ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þx2 1 1 15 for xX : p þ 4 24ðn þ 1Þx n


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From the previous bound and Theorem 5 it follows that (for xX15 n)     1 1 1 1 b þ Gn1 ðxÞp þ x log 1 þ n 4 24ðn þ 1Þx 2n   1 1x 1 x þ   n 2 20nx 12n   1 1 x p  þxþ : n 4 12n


Hence, 1 1 b ðxÞp þ Fn1 2n 12n2

15 15 pxp1  : n n



This is the required bound for the interior of the interval. b We note that we can drop the restriction 34pbp1 if we are interested in Gn1 for 1 2 2 xX2: In this case it is no drawback to have a larger factor in the 1=ðn x Þ term in (5.9). Repeating the calculations with the power series of the logarithm, we obtain   1 1x 3 1 1 b þ bð2x  1Þ þ ð5:12Þ ðxÞp for xX ; pbp1: Gn1 n 2 2n 2 2 Now we consider the add-b rule at the left-hand boundary with emphasis on the choice b ¼ b ¼ 34: This will be done in the spirit and with the tools of Section 3. Since the bound (5.12) is sharp for x-1; (or alternately from (5.6)) it follows that b ð1  z=nÞ-b nGn1




Moreover, terms of the size xOðn1 Þ are obviously zOðn2 Þ: Now it follows from (5.8) with the argument as for the verification of (3.3); cf. Krichevskiy [9] that

z b Fb ðzÞ :¼ lim nFn1 n-N n N k X z k þ b  LðzÞ ¼ ez k log k  1þb k! k¼0 ¼ b þ z log z  ez

N X zk k logðk  1 þ bÞ k! k¼1

¼ b þ z log z  zez

N X zk logðk þ bÞ: k! k¼0


The convergence is uniform on compact intervals. Obviously, Fb ð0Þ ¼ b ¼ 34; and the choice (5.5) is not appropriate for the boundary region as depicted in Fig. 3. The rule will become optimal if we modify q0 and q1 in an appropriate way. The symmetry requirement qk þ qnk ¼ 1 causes that qn and qn1 will be also modified. Since we consider only the subdomain where xp12;

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0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 z 0







* Fig. 3. Asymptotics of the entropy at the left end of the interval: FðzÞ and Fb ðzÞ: The maximal value is E0:5027 if only q0 is modified.

the contribution of qn and qn1 is Oðn2 Þ: By taking differences we obtain ( ) qb0 1  qb0 n b Fn ðxÞ  Fn ðxÞ ¼ ð1  xÞ x log þ ð1  xÞ log þ nxð1  xÞn1 q0 1  q0 ( ) qb1 1  qb1 x; log þ ð1  xÞ log ð5:15Þ þ Oð2n Þ: q1 1  q1 The shifts will be bounded by 1=n: Hence, ( ) 1  qbk qk  qbk log ¼ log 1 þ ¼ qk  qbk þ Oðn2 Þ for 1  qk 1  qk

k ¼ 0; 1:


We insert (5.16) into (5.15) to obtain qb

n½Fn ðnzÞ  Fnb ðnzÞ ¼ ez fz log q00 þ nðq0  qb0 Þg qb

þ zez fz log q11 þ nðq1  qb1 Þg þ Oðn1 Þ:


Now we are ready to present the final choice. Here, the add-b rules for b ¼ 12; 34 and 1 are combined, 8 kþ1=2 > > nþ5=4 if k ¼ 0; > > > kþ1 > > > nþ7=4 if k ¼ 1; > < kþ3=4 ð5:18Þ qk :¼ nþ7=4 if k ¼ n  1; > > > kþ3=4 > > > nþ5=4 if k ¼ n; > > > : kþ3=4 otherwise: nþ3=2

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We insert the actual numbers in (5.17) and take the limit n-N to obtain     1 3 1 2 b z 2 * FðzÞ ¼ F ðzÞ þ e  þ z log þ  z log : 4 2 4 7=4


The extra term in (5.19) is negative for z45 and does not spoil the bound from (5.10). Moreover, as is shown in Fig. 3 for the interesting part of the interval, we have now 1 * FðzÞp 2



This extends estimate (5.11) to all of ½0; 1 for the modified rule, and the upper bound of the asymptotics is complete for m ¼ 1: In view of the extension to the multivariate case m41 and an application of Theorem 7 we introduce the function     1 1 b n 3 8 ˜ Gn ðxÞ :¼ Gn ðxÞ þ  þ x log 2 B0 ðxÞ þ  x log 7 Bn1 ðxÞ ð5:20Þ 4n 4n which realizes the decomposition of Fn into barycentric coordinates: Fn ðxÞ ¼ G˜ n ðxÞ þ G˜ n ð1  xÞ: Based on the preceding estimates we can immediately establish the inequality 1 G˜ n ðxÞp ð14 þ xÞ þ oðn1 Þ for n



where the oðn1 Þ term is independent of x: b z 15 ˜ Indeed, if xX15 n ; then (5.21) follows from Gn ðxÞpGn ðxÞ and (5.10). If x ¼ np n ; ˜ * then recalling (5.13) we have ðn þ 1ÞGðz=nÞFðzÞ  b p  14; and x=np15=n2 together with the uniform convergence implies (5.21). Hence, 1 Fn ðxÞ ¼ G˜ n ðxÞ þ G˜ n ð1  xÞp þ oðn1 Þ; 2n and we have verified the upper bound lim

1 sup nFn ðxÞ ¼ : 2

n-N 0pxp1

It cannot be improved due to the known lower bound [6]. The shift of q0 was necessary since Fb ð0Þ ¼ b 412; see also Fig. 3. Therefore, q0 is chosen according to Jeffrey’s rule. This shift induces a deterioration in the interior, which can be compensated by a shift of q1 into to opposite direction. From (5.19) we conclude that the additive term induced by the two shifts reduces the redundancy for z ¼ nxX5: As a consequence, the bound (5.11) is improved and not deteriorated. This can be understood as motivation for two shifts.

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6. Multivariate renormalization We now turn our attention to alphabets consisting of the m þ 1 symbols A0 ; y; Am : Since the probabilities pj of the symbols Aj are independent, the important information about a sample of the length n is how often each of the symbols appeared, which can be written as a multiindex aAKm;n : Now, a code with the parameter qðaÞ ¼ ðqj ðaÞ : j ¼ 0; y; mÞ is associated to any sample, and the deviation of the expected code length from entropy takes the form m X pj pj q ðaÞ j j¼0 as already mentioned above. Since the probability of a to appear is Ba ðpÞ; the average deviation from entropy is thus computed as m X X pj ; ð6:1Þ Ba ðpÞ pj log Fn ðpÞ ¼ Fn;q ðpÞ ¼ q j ðaÞ j¼0 aAK m;n

which is the natural generalization of (5.4), cf. [5]. To continue our approach from the theory of Bernstein polynomials, we will again use the symbol u for the probabilities pj that are interpreted here as barycentric coordinates of an m-simplex. To be able to apply Lemma 6 to (6.1) for a reduction to the univariate case, we would need that qj ðaÞ ¼ qj ðaj Þ;

j ¼ 0; y; m;

aAKm;n ;


an assumption that is too restrictive. The prediction rules we are going to use in the multivariate case will depend on both j and a as qj ðaÞ :¼

aj þ bðaj Þ P ; nþ m i¼0 bðai Þ



8 k ¼ 0; > < 1=2 k ¼ 1; bðkÞ :¼ 1 > : 3 b ¼ 4 otherwise:

Note that these values do not have the property (6.2). For this reason we introduce renormalized quantities aj þ bðaj Þ : n þ ðm þ 1Þb P It will be no drawback that j qej ðaÞa1 holds for some a: These auxiliary parameters can be accessed by Lemma 6 as follows: m m X n X X X uj uj ¼ : ð6:4Þ Ba ðuÞ uj log uj Bnk ðuj Þ log Fn;q˜ ðuÞ ¼ rðkÞ qej ðaÞ j¼0 k¼0 j¼0 aAK qej ðaÞ :¼ rðaj Þ :¼


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We consider the difference P nþ m i¼0 bðai Þ log qej ðaÞ  log qj ðaÞ ¼ log n þ ðm þ 1Þb Pm   i¼0 ðbðai Þ  b Þ ¼ log 1 þ n þ ðm þ 1Þb m m X 1 2m X p ðbðai Þ  b Þ þ 2 jbðai Þ  b j: n i¼0 n i¼0 For convenience, we will ignore the last sum since it contributes only to Oðn2 Þ and can be handled analogously to the first sum. Noting that this expression is independent of j we thus get Fn;q ðuÞ  Fn;q˜ ðuÞp

m m X X 1X Ba ðuÞ uj ðbðai Þ  b Þ n a j¼0 i¼0


m X 1X Ba ðuÞ ðbðai Þ  b Þ n a i¼0


m X m 1X Bn ðui Þ½bðkÞ  b  n i¼0 k¼0 k


m 1X ½14 Bn0 ðui Þ þ 14 Bn1 ðui Þ: n i¼0


The summands in (6.5) correspond to two additive terms in (5.20). From the identities (6.4) and (6.5) it follows that Fn;q ðuÞ ¼ Fn;q˜ ðuÞ þ Fn;q ðuÞ  Fn;q˜ ðuÞ " # m X n X u 1 1 j ¼  Bn0 ðuj Þ þ Bn1 ðuj Þ : Bnk ðuj Þuj log e 4n bðkÞ 4n j¼0



The inner sum is now evaluated by comparing it with Gnb ; n X

uj rðkÞ k¼0  n X n Bk ðuj Þuj log ¼ Bnk ðuj Þuj log


k¼0 Bn0 ðuj Þuj

uj n þ ðm þ 1Þb þ log ðk þ b Þ=ðn þ 2b Þ n þ 2b

log 32  Bn1 ðuj Þuj log 87

¼ Gnb ðuj Þ þ

ðm  1Þb uj þ oðn1 Þ þ Bn0 ðuj Þuj log 32  Bn1 ðuj Þuj log 87: n

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Combining this with (6.4), (5.20) and (5.21) we obtain  m  X m13 1 ˜ uj þ oðn Þ Fn;q ðuÞ ¼ Gn ðuj Þ þ n 4 j¼0   m   X 1 1 m13  þ uj þ uj þ oðn1 Þ p n 4 n 4 j¼0   1 mþ1 3 þ 1 þ ðm  1Þ þ oðn1 Þ ¼  n 4 4 m 1 ¼ þ oðn Þ: 2n This completes the proof of our final result. Theorem 8. For the choice (6.3) of the prediction rule qj ðaÞ we get that m lim max nFn;q ðuÞ ¼ ; n-N uADm 2 which is the asymptotically optimal bound. We remark that for the optimal q even the bound ðn þ 1ÞFn;q pm2 holds true, but of course passing from n to n þ 1 is irrelevant as far as asymptotics are concerned. To highlight the structure of Fn;q ; we depict it for m ¼ 2 and n ¼ 25 in Fig. 4. Note that


0.867 1 0.744 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 Fig. 4. The redundancy ðn þ 1ÞFn;q for the optimal q from (6.3), n ¼ 25:


D. Braess, T. Sauer / Journal of Approximation Theory 128 (2004) 187–206

the extremal value is approached by the narrow ridges close to the boundary as well as in the interior of the simplex. It is also worthwhile to remark that along those boundary ridges the univariate behavior of the function can be observed. In fact, we always first have a sharp decrease from the value at the corners, which is due to the add12 rules there, followed by a narrow ‘‘overshooting’’ due to the add-1 rule, then as small local minimum from which the function smoothly ascends to the interior limit function.

Acknowledgments The authors want to thank H. Simon for bringing the problem to our knowledge and for many helpful discussions. We also thank J. Sto¨ckler for some shorter proofs and the anonymous referee for carefully reading the manuscript.

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