Alvarez eor

Probing Reionization with CMB Polarization Planck Collaboration (2016) Reionization Bump Patchy Screening & Scattering...

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Probing Reionization with CMB Polarization Planck Collaboration (2016)

Reionization Bump

Patchy Screening & Scattering Roy et al. (2018)

Dvorkin, Hu & Smith (2009)

Probing Reionization with CMB Polarization Miranda et al. (2017)

Reionization Bump

Patchy Screening & Scattering Roy et al. (2018)

Dvorkin, Hu & Smith (2009)

Probing Reionization with CMB Temperature


EL IM Fer rar o

IN mit AR h( 20 Y 18



patchy veclocity low-elltomography bump CV limit

patchy veclocity tomography

scale dependent ksz power

Smith & Ferraro (2017)

MA (2016)

Probing Reionization with CMB Temperature δT21


MA et al (2018)

Cross-correlation with 21-cm


EL I Fer MI rar o& N Sm A ith R (20 Y 18 )

patchy veclocity low-elltomography bump CV limit MA (2016)