1970a ma 07

Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 [Doto based on $Omple, see t...

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Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 [Doto based on $Omple, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places


Adams. town



Cenler (U)


Center (U)

2 557 62 77

Ado ms

town Acton town

Amesbury town

INCOME OF FAMIUES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS fo01llle1 --------------------------_ less lhan AU $1.000 ____________________________ $1,000 lo $1,999 • ___ ---------- ____ ---- ------$2.000 lo $2,999 -- __ -------- ______ ---- ------$3,000 la $3,999 ____ ---- -- ______ •• ----------$4,000 lo $4,999 .... ------ ------ ------------$5,000 la $5,999 ---- --· _-- ______ ------ __ ----$6,000 lo $6,999 __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --$7,000 lo $7,999 ---- ------------ ______ ---- __ _ $8,000 lo $8,999 •••• ---· ._ .. ______________ -·$9.000 to $9,999 •• __ ---- -- __ •••••• ·--- -----$10,000 to $11,999 •• ___ ••• __ -· •• ---- -·---- __ $12,000 lo $14,999 __ ---- -· .• ______ ··----·- -·$15,000 la $24,999.·-·-·······------····-··· $25,000 to $49,999 __ ------ ______ ._ .. __ --·--· $50,000 or more -- __ ---· -- __ ------ __ •• _____ _ Me-dion income-- ... ------ .. ------------------




Me-an income •• ·- •• __ ........ ___ _.. -- •• ____ ---- _ Families.with female head .............................. .

Meon incomt •• __ .... ---- ... ______ ... __ • __ . __ •


All families and unrelated individual'S ----------Median income--------------------------Mean income ..... ____ ........ -- -- __ ...... --- • All unrelated individual'& ____ •••• -- •• __ •• -- -- __ . Median inc;:ome -------------- -------------

Mean income ... ______ ... __ ... _____ " __ ..... ·--_ Femole unrelated individuals _____ .. __ . __ . ______ _ Mean income. _____ ... -- ___________ . ____ • __ Per capita income of persons ____________ ---- __

Center (Ul

Amherst town

Andover town

Athol town


3 451 104 55 70 120 120 135 211 167 260 162 400 500 770 323 54 $11 608 $14 004 275 $7 319 17 536 $1 553 $4 105 14 085 $1 246 $1 679 6 236 $1 519 $2 787

5 895 51 67 109 110 116 200 172 147 217 279 674 1 007 1 968 647 131 $14 400 $16 595 453 $7 830 7 232 $12 735 $14 541 1 337 $4 477 $5 487 868 $4 507 $4 458

2 869 25 33 113 97 120 181 209 162 272 219 472 523 377 58 8 $10 015 $10 598 266 $5 999 3 856 $8 455 $8 990 987 $3 064 $4 316 643 $3 404 $3 157

8 329 62 140 214 246 264 323 493 538 675 613 1 320 1 577 1 499 277 88 $10 904 $12 066 811 $7 020 10 598 $9 372 $10 485 2 269 $2 983 $4 679 1 573 $3 263 $3 385


120 109 127 189 286 235 356 448 369 57

2 904 66 84 34 104 131 134 143 199 323 263 427 481 439 76

$9 794 $10 440 307 $6 329 3 381 $8 504 $8 776 824 $2 622 $3 613 538 $2 676 $2 916

$9 890 $10 608 322 $6 192 3 815 $8 588 $8 947 911 $2 668 $3 651 566 $2 650 $2 961

1 519 41 26 18 56 62 65 121 89 98 66 189 205 294 156 33 $11 243 $14 335 131 $7 815 14 341 $1 346 $2 888 12 822 $1 198 $1 532 5 660 $1 322 $2 337

5 778 5 277 $11 149 509 $8 524 66

2 557 2 262 $9 921 207 $8 198


2 904 2 574 $10 024 252 $7 316 7

1 519 1 372 $11 578 221 $9 867 33

3 451 3 173 $11 834 491 $7 610 68

5 895 5 423 $14 472 673 $13 381 44

2 869 2 541 $9 795 274 $7 118 28

8 329 7 602 $11 149 679 $10 851 39

971 670 158 262 289 624

635 $1 481 72

732 $1 482 95

240 $1 573 35

411 $1 510 78

884 $1 719

1 033 $1 831

937 $3 452

2 121 $2 918

1 006 $1 502 169 $1 103 3 157 $2 671

740 $1 669 184 $1 389 I 253 $1 641

1 664 $1 622 450 $1 344 2 957 $1 691

79 5.2

220 6.4 $1 189 $1 924 4.5 3.13 139 2.16 58 52 220 147 50.3 3 151 62.8 $898 $1 006 2.7 3 839 22.9 2.1 3.1 45.4 312 53.5 651 14.5 123 $27 467 528 $142 6.5

194 3.3 $1 784 $1 275 9.3 3.14 120 2.19 68 53 194 Bl

139 4.8 $2 430 $1 353 37.4 4.29 90

338 25.3 $B27 $968 7.4 947 4.0 30.5 32.6 89.6 258 60.1 384 5.9 134 $26 168 250 $109 6.0

363 36.8 $1 038 $745 8.0 960 8.7 34.0 33.6 83.6 364 48.6 336 10.9 139 $10 113 197 $74 9.2

348 4,2 $1 951 $1 466 25.3 3.69 245 2.79 144 120 348 137 73.7 754 33.2 $929 $881 11.8 2 037 6.2 28.0 27.6 83.3 693 47.5 762 8.6 247 $14 254 515 $81 10.0

169 4.9 $1 582 58 2 619 52.2 $671 3 162 12.2 255 43.1

120 2.0 $1 065 41 260 19.4 $744 601 2.5 142 45.8

34 218 22.1 $636 529 4.8 175 49.l

226 2.7 $1 202 97 529 23.3 $704 I 403 4.3 494 42.7

294 8.5 $2 161

318 5.4 $1 410 96 380 28.4 $1 273 1 441 6.1 489 61.3

253 8.8 $1 443 89 409 41.4 $1 075 1 436 12.9 538 51.9

636 7.6 $1 476 207 936 41.3 $1 108 3 361 10.3 1 293 61.6

2 976 30 19 74 102 59 92 143 152 202 269 442 662 575 150 5 $11 566 $12 450 280 $6 941 3 588 $10 371 $11 071 612 $3 796 $4 368 402 $3 781 $3 224

3 566 9 30 26 33 76 81 74 61 134 116 412 701 1 428 355 30 $15 210 $16 389 210 $9 059 4 113 $14 151 $15 132 547 $6 634 $6 933 258 $4 830 $4 207

3 035 26 55 105 89 141 188 202 211 272 282 566 486 372 35 5 $9 810 $10 168 332 $7 120 3 926 $8 394 $8 511 891 $1 847 $2 870 603 $2 291 $3 013

3 169 26 55 105 100 145 198 210 220 287 291 595 503 394 35 5 $9 820 $10 191 339 $7 221 4 065 $8 450 $8 576 896 $1 841 $2 864 608 $2 287 $2 995

5 778 83 88 173 157 201 190 277 283 448 450 896 1 206 1 113 188 25 $11 203 $11 929 440 $1 957 7 025 $10 095 $10 662 1 247 $4 148 $4 789 711 $3 953 $3 459

2 976 2 732 $11 255 373 $7 153 15

3 566 3 454 $14 912 335 $7 818 8

3 035 2 699 $9 917 202 $5 076 5

3 169 2 823 $9 901 212 $4 938 32

559 768 155 684 208 966

301 $1 620 49

811 $1 496 243 $980 1 238 $1 304

830 $1 503 261 $941 1 297 $1 298


155 5.1 $2 049 $1 252 31.0 3.45 B2

160 5.0 $2 099 $1 235 30.0 3.49 87

39 39 67 22

51 155 46

57 51 160 51

442 49.6 $956 $833 4.3 976 8.8 41.2 39.2 89.0 258 34.9 399 13.5 103 $11 726 296 $71 16.0

442 49.3 $956 $833 4.3 1 001 8.6 40.2 3B.3 B9.0 277 39.4 404 13.2 103 $11 726 301 $72 15.8

30 92



TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All faMIHe1 ------ •••.• __ -------- .. ·--·

With wage or salary income------------------

Mean wage or ~alcry income---------·-----With nonfarm self-employment income ____ ---- __ Mean nanfcrrm self.employment income ______ _ With form self·employment income. __ .-· ______ _ Mean form self-employment in.come---~-----With Social Security income __________________ _ Mean Social Sei:unty income ______ . ________ _ With public auistonce or pubhc welfare income __ . Mean public os.sistonce or public welfare iocome Wdh other income •...• ,---------------------Mean other income -



$1 $1 1 $1




I 807 $1 916



$1 $1 2 $1







. .. . ..





Foni1He1o •• ____ --~- ____________ • _____ -------- .

Percent of oll families. ....... __________ _. Mean family income. --------------------Mean intomedeficif -··-··--··-------------Percent receiving public ossist-0nce Income •• __ _ Mean size of family-------·-----·--------With related children under 18 years __ ,.. -· __ . Me-an number of raloted children under 18 yr

Fe•lly h11ds ____________ ..... -- -- ____ -----Ci~ilian mole- heads under 65 years ... ____ •• __ _ Families with femole head------------------

With relaf.ed children under 18 years ______ _


Percent in labor force ... ______ .... ___ •• ___ _

U"r•lote4 huliwWHls __ ---- ... ________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals __ ......

Mean income •••••. ~- .... -- ...... -- ______ ----. Mea.nlncomedeficit ... --------------------Percent receiving public oss.istonce income __ .• _


Ptrttftl __ . ____ • ___ . __ . __ . ______ •• __

Percent of all persons_ ________________ _ Percent rece-iving Social Security income .• -~ __ • Percent 65 years ond over _________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income •• __ _ Related children vnde-r 18 years .. -----------Percent living with both parents-----·-----

H••1•ll•lt11 __ -· ____ •• ______ ---- ______ •. ____ _

Percent of all households ___ _ In owner occupied housing units _. __ .. ___ .... __ Mean volue of unit------·--------------In renter occupied housing units .. __________ _ Mean gross rent--"" -----------------· Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities__ -


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 ,____________ ----------------




Percent of all families _________ .... -·-- •. Meanincomedefidt ------------------Fomilies with female head __ ... ______ •• -· .....

U11nlttttl 1atllvWt11l1 __________ •• ______ •• __ "" __

Pe.rcent of oil unrelated individuals ____ "__ Mean income deficit __ ---- __________ -----··


Per1oa1 ____ ---- ____ ....... __ •. __ •• __ •• _____ _

Percent of all personL •.. -------------Related children under 18 yeors. ___ . _ Percent living with both parents

128 4.3 $2 024 $1 382 30.5 3.70 100 2 77 79 69 128 34



30.I $927 $901


658 5.4 21 7 21.4 B9.4 276 17.8 233 7.4 116 $17 726 117 $98 3.0

57 1.9


67 1.9


... ... ...





117 21.4 $1 040 $788 21.4 387 2.6 15.5 19.1


165 12 7 t36 3.6 95

... 41

·37 43

74 2.4

.. .


74 2.3

306 5.3 $1 790 $1 333 9.8 3.33 191 2.30 BB 73 306 149 79.2 296 23.7 $918 $926 3.4 1 316 6.1 22.9 21.8 83.6 439 66.7 515 8.1 260 $19 721 255 $95 3.7

201 7.9 $1 769 $1 697 16.9 3.74 130 3.15 107 79 201 61

212 7.3 $1 742 $1 680 17.9 3.68 137 3.07 114 B6 212 61

296 35.9 $878 $903 20.6 1 048 10.4 26.4 30.6 71.7 403 43.7 419 15.3 131 $14 824 288 $84 5.0

326 35.8 $907 $877 18.7 1 107 9.7 26.9 30.2 72.8 412 42.7 449 14.5 157 $14 057 292 $85 6.9

143 5.6 $1 347 75 236 28.6 $645 766 7.6 292 37.0

150 5.2 $1 339 82 250 27.4 $640 799 7.0 301 35.9

241 9.4 $2 183 121 378 45.9 $1 112 1 302 13.0 493 50.5

262 9.0 $2 104 128 408 44.8 $1 110 1 394 12.2 518 51.2

269 1.8 131 12.2

23 327 36.7 $591 610 5.5 140 17.1

23 327 36.5 $591 610 5.2 140 17.1

192 3.3 $1 051 57 196 15.7 $789 121 3.8 277 67.5

109 3.1 $1 885 43 138 25.2 $1 101 602 4.1 262 45.0

233 7.7 $1 503 . 76 513 57.6 $1 135 1 310 11.7 363 46.3

249 7.9 $1 456 76 518 57.8 $1 127 1 387 11.9 407 49.4

456 7.9 $1 579 112 365 29.3 $1 152 1 967 9.1 724 70.9




41 137 22.4 $683 368 3.0 159 18.2

31 78 14.3

206 6.9 $1 562 97 206 33.7 $1 221 917 8.1 446 37.2


. ..



... . ..


...46 . ..

20 20 79 49


2 557 66.3 $882 $1 021 2.7 2 780 31.4 1.7 2.5

. ..



296 13.5 40


256 $121 12.2

65 4.3

. ..

20 2 165 56.2 $670 2 348 13.2 73



51 139 52


69 2.4

. ..

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 h•IHts ... ____ ------ ______ .... __ ------ __ ~- -· __ Ptrcen1 of oil families __ ... __ . ____ . ___ . __ Mecm income deficit _________ • ____ ... __ ... __ _ Families with female h~d ----------~----·--

-Me-on ~ncome deficit----------------------P1r11111 ---- ------ ------ ____ -------------- __ Perctnt of all persons _______________ .. __ -

Uanltit,ttl hlllv51h1•ls ____ •• ______ •• ___________ _

Percent of all unrelate-d individuals -------

Related children under 18 years •• ______ ------ .

Percent Hving with both parents-----------

'f)(clvdes inmates of 1nstifutions, mrtmbe-rs of the Armed Forces hv1ng

23- 540



105 6.9 $2 280 20 2 838 73.6 $1 364 3 144 17.6 112 44.6

72 3 538 70.5 $1 340 4 463 17.3 398 54.8

barracks, college students m dormnones, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.




Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All families--------------------------

1~ l ~ i~i i~:~: • !~!i! !~! ~!:


$10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000

to $11, 999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- to $14,999 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----to $24,999 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------to $49,999 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _ or more ____________________________


Median income -----------------------------Mean income -- -------- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ --

Mean Income -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- ____ _

families with female head-------------------Mean income---------- -- ---- -- -----------

All families and unrelated individuals ----------Median income---------------------------

All unrelated individuals -- __ -- -- -- ___________ _Median Income--------------------------- ..

female unrelated individuals-- -- -- -- __________ _ Mean income-------- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- _

Mean income __ -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- - --- -- -- Per capita income of persons _________________ _


Auburn town

Barnstable town





Belmont town

3 979 40 33 72 113 87 136 155 201 339 345 715 698 916 129

$11 310 $12 152 283 $7 516 4 574 $10 623 $11 141 595 $3 461 $4 379 388 $3 293 $3 344

5 295 118 166 227 252 327 309 330 417 311 258 745 615 938 239 43 $9 738 $11 306 613 $6 564 7 210 $7 609 $9 510 1 915 $3 323 $4 545 1 229 $3 786 $3 464

2 988 24 15 36 41 79 87 91 57 136 157 388 506 1 050 312 9 $14 271 $15 426 219 $7 059 3 597 $12 975 $13 908 609 $5 813 $6 460 269 $4 259 $3 888

3 250 60 31 54 37 54 93 146 1B8 329 301 701 663 547 37 9 $10 947 $11 448 219 $8 687 3 635 $10 434 $10 605 385 $3 144 $3 490 228 $2 863 $2 778

7 876 78 70 133 118 219 309 278 386 398 364 961 1 201 2 089 983 289 $13 559 $17 133 1 014 $11 743 9 982 $11 578 $14 892 2 106 $5 321 $6 515 l 532 $5 613 $5 238

3 979 3 610 $11 451 386 $7 430 18

5 295 4 206 $9 673 928 $9 987 68

2 988 2 823 $14 192 329 $7 917 28

3 250 3 007 $10 854 206 $9 259 26

7 6 $14 1 $12

762 $1 719 111 $934 1 841 $1 466

1 491 $1 738 168 $1 577 2 054 $3 318

352 $1 681 76


$1 1 $1

517 427 136 244 085 441

137 3.4 $1 845 $1 903

486 9.2 $1 887 $1 465 10.9 3.59 316 2.75 201 173 486 186 66.7 632 33.0 $939 $877 8.5 2 378 12.3 21.5 25.2 72.2 857 37.3 935 14.4 639 $24 741 296 $120 1.5

78 2.6


140 4.3 $1 516 $1 836 15.0 3.71 86

47 78 15

58 140 33

130 24.6 $670 $1 128

113 29.4 $708 $1 103 3.5 632 4.5 16.5 20.4 69.0 274 27.4 132 4.1 80


Billerica town

Bourne town

133 134 170 248 285 359 37B 593 714 714 486 801 860 371 130 292 966 940 987 919 285 618 543 159 404 772 224 596

7 373 126 106 62 153 197 237 256 418 491 602 1 561 1 549 I 460 136 19 $11 331 $11 765 520 $7 986 8 146 $10 928 $11 127 773 $4 013 $5 039 458 $3 537 $2 876

3 176 69 80 92 199 185 289 318 220 265 233 403 351 355 117

376 391 587 059 848 39

2 125 $1 859 184 $1 690 4 817 $3 792

1 765 $1 769 548 $1 134 4 180 $2 891

211 2.7 $1 427 $1 740 3.26 108 2.53 50 36 211 107 86.9 428 20.3 $870 $945 5.6 1 116 4.0 26.5 33.7 70.2 263 57.8 353 4.7 156 $40 433 197 $126 1.7

469 5.0 $1 894 $1 546 27.9 3.67 340 2.79 204 183 469 193 80.3 839 30.3 $900 $902 5.5 2 558 6.9 23.3 23.2 82.0 943 46.4 916 8.8 277 $21 453 639 $103 7.2

Brcintree Bridgetown water town





$8 513 $9 623 293 $4 289 4 006 $7 264 $8 347 830 $2 236 $3 466 409 $4 328 $2 681

$13 $13

99 169 185 243 280 346 507 529 222 691 607 526 47 030 994 703 688 876 997 758 295 744 567 901 732 599

2 626 42 45 53 80 69 129 148 211 132 206 394 523 487 97 10 $11 005 $11 675 243 $8 916 3 484 $9 231 $9 580 858 $1 979 $3 168 351 $3 586 $2 908

5 028 17 54 71 100 68 78 116 129 270 334 757 1 262 1 579 187 6 $13 236 $13 622 254 $8 372 5 394 $12 897 $13 096 366 $5 188 $5 866 187 $4 182 $3 197

4 088 36 20 47 65 58 104 149 175 265 221 502 688 1 373 352 33 $13 753 $15 038 306 $8 999 4 753 $12 439 $13 571 665 $3 543 $4 550 455 $3 742 $3 775

7 373 6 887 $11 436 531 $5 954 38

3 176 2 831 $8 580 362 $8 611


8 581 8 004 $12 844 932 $7 881 18

2 626 2 399 $11 009 236 $7 860 35

5 028 4 770 $13 147 371 $6 065 14

4 088 3 771 $13 760 502 $10 231 6

920 691 262 217 426 154

438 737 127 292 139 905

1 600 $1 695 238 $1 517 4 112 $1 648

397 $1 693 110 $1 551 941 $1 597

525 $1 535 115 $1 096 1 968 $1 307

681 $1 504 133 $1 472 1 826 $1 481

252 7.9 $1 712 $1 591 10.3 4.33 191 3.41 115 109 252 34

234 2.7 $1 861 $1 785 11-1 4.03 170 3.00 109 88 234 86

135 5.1 $1 561 $2 395 20.0 4.47 100 3.47 34 31 135 84

162 3.2 $2 209 $1 BOO

293 22.6 $894 $916 8.5 1 236 3.6 20.l 19.1 69.5 521 53.4 401 4.4 316 $19 629 85

406 47.3 $761 $1 129 17.0 1 010 9.3 14.9 16.9 69.6 331 64.7 179 7.1 111 $15 160 68

83 22.7

15.1 18.0 73.0 848 65.2 540 7.1 374 $15 852 166 $116 9.1

186 29.1 $825 $988 5.9 1 276 10.4 15.9 13.9 94.4 662 42.3 362 10.4 179 $17 402 183 $75 2.2



298 3.2 $1 370 149 633 22.9 $666 1 686 4.4 573 38.2

254 3.4 $1 609 89 154 19.9 $714 1 137 3.6 551 47.0

133 4.2 $1 698 89 170 26.6 $611 733 5.9 335 11.0

161 1.9 $1 501 63 201 15.5 $784 848 2.5 360 48.6

103 3.9 $1 944 27 333 38.8 $840 811 7.5 284 59.9

116 2.3 $1 222 31 39 10.7

676 7.2 $1 814 255 l 013 39.1 $1 099 3 777 9.9 1 436 56.1

511 6,9 $2 187 139 281 36.4 $1 112 2 504 8.0 1 268 73.5

457 14.4 $1 595 130 223 34.8 $1 242 2 287 18.4 1 201 61.9

365 4.3 $1 943 154 418 32.3 $1 009 1 857 5.4 758 59.1

M3 7.3 $2 546 44 503 58.6 $1 340 1 344 12.4 463 70.8

222 4.4 $2 179 80 98 26.8


9 376

1 1 1 $11 $12 $7 12 $9 $10

3 $2 $4

2 $4 $3


8 581

66 64

1 1 2

$8 9 $11 $12 1 $3 $4 $3 $3

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All lamlll11 -------------------------

Wilh wage or salary income -- ---- ________ ---- Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonfarm self-employment income _________ _Mean nonfarm self-employment income------With form self-employment income ____________ _ Mean form self-employment income _________ _With Social Security income------------------Meon Social Security income---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income •• ____ -- -- -- -- -- __________ _Mean other income ____ -- -- -- -- ___________ _-

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEV£l! ,,.111 .. ___________________________________ _

Percent of (lli families _________________ _Mean family income----------------------Mean income deficit----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ____ _ Mean size of family----------------------With related children under 18 years--------Mean number of related children under 18 yr Families with female head __________ .... __ ---- With related children under 18 years------lomlly hHds ------------ -------------------Civilian mole heads under 65 years __ --------_ Percent in labor farce ___________________ _ U1rel1ttd Individuals _________________________ _Percent of all unrelated individuals ______ _ Mean income ______________ -- ____ ---- ---- Mean income deficit----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ____ _

Petton•------------------------------------ Percent of all persanL----------------- Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _ Percent 65 years and over _________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income ____ _ Related children under 18 years _____________ _ Percent living with both parents __________ _ Hou11holds __ ------------ -------- ----------Percent of all households--------------In owner occupied housing units------------- Mean value of unit ______________ ---- ___ _ In renter occupied housing units ______ ---- __ _ Mean gross rent-----------------------Percent locking some or oil plumbing facilities_. -



4.09 96


47 42 137 72


169 28.4 $1 016 $783 5.9 729 4.8 22.1 19.3 95.7 295 47.8 244 6.2 182 $18 626 62





1 741 $1 518

... ... ... ...




474 3.8 19.0 19.8


222 27.9 102 3.4 49












876 798 103 367 075 22



9 8 $11 1 $7

.. .


$1 $1 2 $1

368 5.0 $1 868 $1 895 11.4 4.23 235 3.66 112 91 368 147 83.7 237 30.7 $960 $836 11.0 1 793


$1 $1 1 $1








22.B 4.75 131 3.51 55 35 162 93

.. .

... ... 853

3.9 18.6 12.2 94.2

470 82.8 232 4.4 183 $20 210 49

... 2.6



..2.3.... ...



37 26 96 34

.. .

160 24.1 $933 $847 2.5 523 3.1 23.9 28.9 76.2 184 54.9 224 5.2 139 $23 984 85 6.3


'••Ill••-----------------------------------Percent of all families _________________ _Mean income deficit----------------------Families with female head-----------------Unreloted Individuals------ ______ -------------Percent of all unrelated individuals------Mean___________________________________ income deficit-----------------------_ Penoiu Percent of all persons _________________ _Related children under 18 years _____________ _ Percent living with both parents-----------


35 106 17.8 $633 478 3.1 218 51.4

323 6.1 $1 156 150 444 23.2 $677 1 511 7.8 509 33.6

37 105 19.9 $863 299 2.4 139 2.9

35 97 25.2 438 3.1 184 40.8

165 2.1 $1 279 50 328 15.6 $695 848 3.0 217 48.8

175 4.4 $2 285 65 215 36.1 $1 011 892 5.8 355 52.1

667 12.6 $1 806 235 795 41.5 $1 096 3 133 16.1 1 097 43.4

121 4.0 $1 927 76 152 28.8 $1 375 638 5.1 305 30.8

189 5.8 $2 119 62 166 43.1 $1 146 891 6.4 391 46.5

363 4.6 $1 622 91 544 25.8 $1 148 1 742 6.2 501 65.3

86 2.2


46 1.5


98 3.0

.. .



657 3.0 401 86.3

72 1.8 ... 29 116 17.4 $630 345 2.0 92


INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 F111U111 ___________________________________ _

M P~rcent of all families _________________ _eon income deficit----------------------Ui~l~~~e~11~~J~uf:1~ale head _________________ _-

Percent of oli-u~-r;iaf~d-i~di;id~~is-=======


p,~::,n_~n~~~~~~~i~~t_:::::==~=============== R Percent of all persons_ ________________ _-


1 children under 18 years _____________ _ eoted Percent living with both parents __________ _-



1 123 5.1 601 74.2

126 3.1 $2 032 43 234 35.2 $952 685 4.0 214 58.4


Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individual$ under 14 years.



23 - 541

Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970- Continued {Data based on sample, see text. For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places



Eosthampton town

dow town

Easton town


128 194 194 200 256 297 352 458 334 743 764 838 209 52 179 690 398 866 113 109 647 034 793 522 679 120 484

6 656 78 91 124 140 183 200 211 292 384 434 1 063 1 184 1 731 422 119 $12 324 $14 279 629 $8 515 8 095 $11 129 $12 579 1 439 $3 325 $4 715 1 009 $4 101 $3 799

4 350 37 63 109 97 119 182 209 204 347 439 615 876 921 127 5 $11 200 $11 908 340 $7 843 5 006 $10 282 $10 879 656 $3 033 $4 053 389 $2 931 $3 000

3 486 36 50 133 85 128 152 229 251 233 260 621 652 579 66 11 $10 599 $11 055 355 $8 334 4 449 $9 129 $9 639 963 $3 352 $4 515 622 $3 379 $3 286

3 362 9 55 20 62 80 98 79 213 163 232 581 670 847 134 119 $12 399 $16 592 164 $12 450 3 764 $11 651 $15 227 402 $3 086 $3 816 287 $3 430 $4 437

2 811 72 11 40 61 71 113 118 136 158 259 438 562 636 121 15 $11 674 $12 651 262 $6 827 4 061 $9 315 $9 590 1 250 $1 594 $2 706 648 $2 204 $3 233

11 440 179 230 427 349 478 594 551 913 951 967 I 879 1 848 1 825 228 21 $10 086 $10 689 1 538 $8 138 14 364 $8 849 $9 366 2 924 $3 193 $4 188 1 987 $3 553 $3 171

3 362 3 103 $12 449 318 $7 619 17

2 811 2 524 $11 815 304 $9 744 35

11 440 10 304 $10 256 639 $6 762 12

520 $1 804 83

403 $1 913 93

1 710 $7 924

1 269 $1 480

2 861 $1 563 848 $1 480 3 957 $1 656

97 2.9


114 4.1 $1 143 $2 382 14.0 3.82 93

14 10 97 78

62 62 114 39

136 33.8 $993 $780

172 32.0 $617 $1 220 7.0 607 5.3 14.3 17.0 69.9 230 34.8 171 6.1 94

Concord town

Danvers. town

Dartmouth town


3 350 24 47 98 116 94 182 205 246 271 270 506 650 548 93

3 757

6 067

5 079


50 56 90 145 136 144 240 283 285 351 029 305 693 235 25 516 136 496 196 554 217 534 487 176 997 973 221 341



7 514 43 56 78 99 153 109 248 410 396 071 655 719 341 72 867 672 419 585 513 092 837 999 618 554 645 627 755

7 470 196 235 369 374 393 491 450 610 634 665 851 1 033 994 158 17 $8 973 $9 832 1 290 $7 383 10 773 $7 001 $7 923 3 303 $2 747 $3 606 1 755 $3 013 $2 861

$10 482 $11 005 488 $8 505 4 373 $8 881 $9 452 1 023 ~ 305 $4 367 643 ~ 975 ~ 061

7 SU 7 026 $13 813 735 $8 877 41

7 470 6 434 $9 274 569 $7 373 17

3 350 3 017 $10 426 281 $6 220 25

3 757 3 433 $15 953 639 $14 426 38

6 067 5 632 $12 255 589 $7 153 33

5 079 4 472 $10 493 666 $8 408 64

6 656 6 020 $12 675 747 $10 064 8

4 350 3 953 $11 379 480 $1 034 47

3 486 3 180 $9 967 414 $7 333

974 645 272 093 462 335

1 878 $1 553 B57 $1 468 2 597 $2 076

773 585 191 396 367 473

646 $1 788 53


2 405

$1 2 $1

891 587 293 084 525 856

1 209 $1 363 201 $1 085 2 383 $2 030

1 217 $1 757 261 $1 257 3 188 $2 723

814 430 199 132 433 394

757 514 156 320 495 606

132 1.8 $1 520 $1 695 18.9 3.34 87

82l 11.0 $2 062 $1 319 33.5 3.58 536 2.78 355 274 821 316 65.2 829 29.2 $887 $910 11.3 3 769 12.9 19.4 22.3 76.4 I 57S 49.7 1 198 15.7 32


149 2.5 $1 302 $1 745 10.1 3.05 73

30 30 89 37

251 3.8 $1 367 $1 417 13.9 2.92 111 2.30 83

38 149 52 354 24.3 $738 $1 062 13.8 809 3.3 27.1 34.5 62.7 216 31.0 333 5.2 164 $23 750 169 $90 2.1

381 7.5 $2 155 $1 276 12.3 3.68 210 2.90 115 85 381 169 72.2 377 36.5 $933 $858 5.3 1 780 9.5 25.2 26.0 74.7 588 66.7 483 9.2 314 $15 B30 169 $92 17.6

INCOME OF FAMIUES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS lo•lllet ----------·-·---···------· L•u than AU $1,000 _________________ •••••••••••• $1,000 ta $1.999 •••• ---- ------ ____ ••••••••••• $2,000 ta $2,999 •• -- ---- ---------- -------- --$3,000 to $3,999 •• --------·----··· ----------$4,000 to $4,999 •• ----·· --··-·-- -· ----------$5,000 to $5,999 •• ---·----·-····-·····-·----$6,000 to $6.999 •• __ •• __ --··--·· ••••••••••••• $7,000 to $7,999 •• ------ ---- •••••••••.••••••• $8,000 to $8,999 •• __ ---- --·- ____ •••••••••••.• $9,000 to $9.999 •••• --·-·--·-· •••• ---· -·----· $10,000 lo $11,999 ••• -----··-·····----------$12,000 to $14,999 ------ •••••••• __ ••••••••••• $15,000 to $24,999 ---·-· __ •••• __ •• ······--·-· $25,000 to $49,999 •••••.•• -· •••••• -···-··· •••

$50~000 or more------------ ________ ,.,.---- __ _ Median income---------------- .. -------·-----

Mean int-ome .... ---- ------ ............ ______ -------Fomilie$ with ftmole head .................... . Mean income---- ....................... ____ ----------


1 1 2 $13 $14

Mean income .... -------- __ ------ __ ----------

$8 8 $13 $13

Medio.n income ................................... __ ------ ---Meon income __ ,.. .. ___________ ,. ____ ----------


AH fomiltes ond unrefoted individuals -----~-----­

Median income---------------------------All \IOte\oted indtviduals __ .... ____________ -------

Female unrelated individuals __________ -------- __


Mean income __ -- ........ __ -- -- -- ____ ------ --Per capita income of persons_ ___ ., ____________ _


$7 $3



1 $16 $21 $10 4 $14 $19

$4 $6 $5 $5

54 56 66 77 90 127 162 463 532 172 674 204 463 563 318 708 481 372 089 724 488 250 549 814 335

1 I I $12 $13

$8 7 $11 $11 I $4

$4 $4 $3


$10 $11 $6

6 $9 $10 1 $2 $5

$4 $3

East Longmec·

Dracut town

Clinton town

TYPE Of INCOME Of FAMILIES All f1,.Hle1 •••••••••••••• ------·-··· With woge or 5alory income ...... ______ ---- ------ Mean woge or solory income _______________ _ With nonform Hlf-employmen1 income ____ ---- __ Mean nonfarm self-employment income __ ,., ___ _ With form self-employment income ____________ _ Mean farm s.elf·employment income _________ _ With Social Security income __________________ _ Mean Social Security in.come _______________ _ With public assistance or pub~ic welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income _________________________ ,,_ Mean other income~- ____ -- ....... __ -- -- .... ___ _.


$1 $1 3 $1


$1 $1 1 $1



$6 523

.. .






$1 $1 1 $1

$1 $1 1 $1

.. .




fa11111Ults .... ____ ........... ____ ,.. _______ ---------- __

Percent of all familie-s. ________ ---- .... ___ _-

Mean fomily income ______ ,_ _______________ _-

Mean income deficit .... __ .... __ ---- __ ................ .. Petcent receiving public ouistance income ........ .. Mean si:e of family----------------------With related children under 18 years ................ .. Mean number of related children under 18 yr Families with female head------------------ . With related children under 18 years.-------

Civilian male heods under 65 years----------Percent in lobar force __ ............ -- .... -- .... -- -U11rtleted Nullvhlueli ............ __ ............ _.......... ,. .... _.. . Perc.ent of 1t1ll unrelated individuals-----·-

f••Uy he•ds ........ __ .,_ ...... ,. ~ ............. ______ ....... __

Me-an income .... __ ---- __ ---- ________ .. _----_ Mtan income defic11 ----------------------Percent receivin.g public assistance income ____ _

''"'"' Percent -- -- . ~ --of....all--persons----------------·,. ___ -- -- -- ... -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Perce-nt receiving Social Security income ... ____ _Perce-nt 65 years Dnd over _______ .-· ......... __ Percent receiving S-ociol Security iricome_ .. __ _Related children under 18 years .... ____ .... __ ---- Percent living with both parents ----~-·----

Ht•sthoW& __ .... __ ... __ ,,, _________ .... ____ .... ____ _

Percent of aU households.--------------In owner occupied hous.ing units------------Mean value of unit-.. --------------------In Mean renter gross occupied units-------------_ renthousing _____ ,. _________________ Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities.. ..


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' fomQltt ••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••••••• Percent of all families ____________ ., ____ _ Mean income deficit __ ---- .... ____ ---- __ ----Families with female head _____ ..... -~ __ ---- __ -

U1relet1jf lnjf1wWuoh ..... __ ,,, ___ ---- __________ ----


Percent of all unrelated individuals __ -· __ _ Mean income dl!ficit ________________ -·-- ...... P•n••t ................. - ........... -- __ ........ ____ ---- ---- __ -

:Percent of all penons ...... _________ ---- __ Related children under 18 years .. _______ .......... Percent living with both parents ..................... .. M

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 fomllle1 •• --·· •••••• ---- •••••••• __ ••••••••••

Percent of all families ......... __ .... __ .............. ..

Mean income deficn ......................... ------ .... -.. .. families with female head ................................. .. u...i.t..t loollvltlu1h ------ -- ---- -- -- ----------



Percenl of all unrelated individuals------Meon income deficit----------------------P•no11s __ .... ---- ............................................... .., .... .. . Percent of oJI persons ..... _______________ _ Related Qrents .................. ..



55 55 132 53


202 20.2 $748 $1 038 2.5 643 2.1 25.7 29.4 71.4 241 43.6 250 3.1 151 $21 449 99




1 166 $99 3.2

162 4.8 $2 390 $1 336 31.5 4.08 101 3.10 71 41 162 55


89 2.4


... ... ... ...


286 28.0 $1 041 $764 2.1 947 7.2 25.4 27.7 81.3 315 64.l 306 8.6 106 $15 863 200 $64 2.0

163 22.5 $827 $975 2.5 517 3.4 15.l 24.0 58.9 206 34.5 175 4.4 86

...89 ...


...46 ...

100 1.3 $1 306 45 165 16 5 $783 519 1.7 197 47.7

444 5.9 $1 256

74 2.2

59 1.6

224 591 20.8 $727 2 166 7.4 814 43.2

27 191 18.7 $571 512 3.9 178 57.3

19 131 18. 1 $722 361 2.3 141 26.2

106 1.7 $1 555 31 261 18.4 $875 640 2.6 194 32.0

220 2.9 $1 652

1 152 15.4 $1 654 418 1 144 40.3 $1 041 5 430 18.6 2 112 59.0

241 7.2 $1 717 97 367 35.9 $1 003 1 390 10.5 534 68.9

119 3.2 $1 942 34 210 29.0 $1 165 685 4.4 256 45.3

250 4.1 $1 668 76 442 30.4 $1 249 1 249 5.1 360 43.l


263 26.3 $1 198 1 IKJ9 3.2 326 50.9

182 4.2 $2 001 $1 792 13.7 4.38 127 3.64 57 53 182 78

169 4.8 $1 931 $1 379 14.2 3.40 BB

415 29.1 $905 $902 6.5 1 148 4.3 34.5 38.l 76.4 249 49.8 477 6.7 285 $21 325 192 $113 1.0

220 33.5 $914 $B86 2.7 1 018 5.6 17.2 23.8 65.7 472 56.4 304 6.8 218 $14 318 86

337 35.0 $926 $859 6.2 911 7.0 34.1 38.2 85.3 241 58.1 379 10.B 116 $14 547 263 $82 4.0

210 4.1 $1 135 73 250 24.2 $731 1 025 5.5 353 61.5

164 2.5 $1 271 62 323 22.7

38 226 23.5 $713 587 4.5 183 47.0

14 82 20.4

793 3.0 178 41.6

131 3,0 $1 363 47 157 23.9 $679 775 4,3 370 52.2

550 10.8 $1 598 128 475 45.9 $1 077 2 4'11 13.0 831 73.0

410 6.2 $\ 466 108 507 35.6 $1 151 1 113 6.8 500 62.8

312 7.2 $1 825 85 274 41.8 $1 114 1 612 8.9 729 62.3

270 7.7 $1 494 57 393 40.8 $1 151 1 287 9.9 354 66.7

60 251 69






32 169 80


94 2.7


... ... ... ...

... ...


527 4.1 24.5 23.9 81.7 207 85.5 201 5.6 136 $16 314 65

. ..




.. .

70 2.1

96 3.4



658 5.8 $1 713 $1 511 21.l 3.31 367 2.69 227 175 658 289 72.0 747 26.0 $1 036 $759 16.9 2 924 6.9 24.0 28.7 73.3 1 007 54.8 986 9.3 151 $18 609 835 $102 2.6


52 140 26.1 $971 484 4.0 189 33.3

437 3.8 266 $1 143 465 16.2 $623 1 919 4.5 670 59.9

171 5.1 $1 568 22 171 42.5 $1 026 887 6.9 359 85.5

177 6,3 $2 269 67 206 38.4 $1 425 910 7.5 370 52.7

1 050 9.2 $1 585 314 919 34.4 $967 4 492 10.6 1 567 63.5

... ...

310 2.4 96


'Excludes inmates of institutions, member$ of the Armed Forces living in barracks, coll&ge students m dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.

23 - 542



Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond meaning of symbols. see text]

Towns and Places INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All fomilles --------------------------

11li~ l l i~i ~ilil ~ ~lj~l $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $25,000

to to to to

Fairhaven town



Fort Devens Fitchburg




4 309 68 50 171 159 236 224 312 355

11 035 204 245

1 723 35 9 43 70 138 251 208 244 168 159 177 96 101 24

3 267 25

358 749 639 552 73 16 649 298 418 808 463 477 988 154 869 099 756 507 043

4 188 108 90 202 173 197 194 299 269 302 295 530 608 700 198 23 $9 881 $11 072 513 $5 953 5 550 $8 324 $9 594 1 362 $3 557 $5 047 803 $4 228 $3 292

4 309 3 830 $9 414 427 $8 683 25

$9 377 633 $8 154 32

11 035 9 816 $9 694 871 $8 149 37

1 011 $1 498 252 $1 502 l 742 $1 516

971 698 198 761 890 612

2 493 $1 608 671 $1 436 3 913 $1 865

376 32.6 $1 017 $771 9.3 1 140 7.1 33.9 36.7 80.9 361 60.1 434 9.3 274 $13 769 160 $70 8.5

373 8.9 923 $1 $1 694 14.7 3.87 270 2.82 173 158 373 108 75.9 370 27.2 $944 $857 4.6 1 812 11.3 15.2 17.4 69.3 803 33.6 616 12.4 394 $23 424 222 $117 0.8

847 7.7 $1 856 $1 294 22.2 3.26 434 2.82 285 236 847 296 72.0 1 501 37.7 $890 $914 6.4 4 261 10.1 26.6 30.6 75.0 1 257 46.1 1 511 13.3 255 $15 083 I 256 $83 6.5

141 3.3 $1 239 31 297 25.7 $481 739 4.6 183 54.6

265 6.3 $1 333 132 241 17.7 $740 1 260 7.8 540 27.0

482 4.4 $1 201 186 1 138 28.6 $679 2 707 6.3 712 37.8

417 9.7 $1 398 104 501 43.4 $977 1 899 11.8 632 63.9

600 14.3 $1 783 262 457 33.6 $1 101 2 831 17.6 I 264 49.2

1 209 11.0 $1 564 436 1 919 48.2 $1 119 5 966 13.9 1 874 48.8


$11,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- $14,999--------------------------$24,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $49,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -


~~dra~ i~~o~~r~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mean income------------ -- -- ------ ----------

Families with female head -------- ------ ---- -- Mean income-------------------- -- -------All families and unrelated individuals -- _________ _ Median income----------------------------

Meon income -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- ___ _ All unrelated individuals -- -- -- __________ ---- __ _

Median income ---------------------------Mean income -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- --

$9 $10 $6 5 $8 $8 1 $2 $4

Female unrelated individuals •• -- -- -- -- _________ _ Mean income---------- -- __ -- -- -- __ ---- ___ _

Per capita income of persons __________________ _

$3 $3


1 1 1 $9 $10 1 $6 15 $7 $8 4 $2 $3 3 $2 $2

532 505 641 573 808 878 946 673 825 399 279 50 692 390 423 934 522 676 352 487 133 340 094 803 992

$7 441 $8 183


$11 $12



7 880 $3 031 $4 061 6 157 $2 516 $2 908 93 $2


$7 3 $10 $11 $3


$4 $3

40 62 69 126 112 188 251 22) 512 701 788 126 14 982 741 220 442 920 960 545 653 926 566 426 852 192

Franklin town



7 101 134 207 258 290 255 471 440 548 516 575 952 1 114 1 066 220

$11 550 $12 147 241 $7 897 5 260 $9 537 $9 615 1 348 $1 433 $2 269 785 $2 136 $2 839

4 868 86 70 208 144 183 212 302 369 452 444 752 737 732 161 16 $9 919 $10 995 478 $8 211 6 677 $8 238 $9 069 I 809 $3 284 $3 886 I 164 $3 165 $3 126

3 912 3 625 $11 163 419 $8 953 50

4 868 4 330 $10 160 503 $8 978 27

$9 668 879 $9 072 24

594 $1 592 147 $1 664 1 319 $1 452

1 045 $1 612 234 $1 191 I 964 $1 531

1 764 $1 556 562 $1 465 2 603 $2 469

121 3.1 $1 726 $1 610 9.9 3.51 58

282 5.8 $1 617 $1 515 18.1 3.17 153 2.45 104 77 282 99 552 30.5 $976 $828 10.7 1 446 7.8 33.1 32.1 83.0 407 38.8 606 11.8 172 $14 353 434 $72 22.8

544 7.7 $1 822 $1 467 27.4 3.38 348 2.52 241 209 544 171 78.9 663 27.3 $859 $952 17.5 2 502 9.0 25.3 26.3 77.5 903 40.3 929 11.8 285 $17 657 644 $86 14.9

172 3.5 $1 463 70 404 22.3 $590 991 5.3 297 23.9

365 5.1 $1 172 152 464 19.1 $809 1 673 6.0 565 40.9

447 9.2 $1 593 118 707 39.1 $1 043 2 200 11.8 637 56.5

799 11.3 $1 679 307 1 049 43.2 $973 3 835 13.8 1 337 48.2

3 912 23 58 64

49 82 171 146 270 271 350

609 819 879 116


55 $9 750 $10 971 865 $6 765 9 535 $8 110 $9 338 2 434 $3 016

$4 574 1 605 $3 702 $3 214

Grafton town

Greenfield Center (U)


2 638 25 14 29 77 IOI 87 108 161 194 115 477 576 557 98 19 $11 711 $12 664 217 $8 540 3 210 $10 618 $11 092 572 $2 820 $3 838 365 $3 245 $3 115

3 672 77 57 78 188 251 206 236 263 279 299 591 548

4 673 92 85 95 215 267 255 267 308



524 $9 $10 $1 5 $1 $8 1 $2 $3 I $2 $3

44 31 672 445 457 068 435 161 149 763 434 368 200 948 073

$10 $11 $6 6 $1 $8 1 $2 $3 I $2 $3

370 701 730 781 105 53 096 145 529 999 586 882 915 913 490 467 303 962 283

Hanover town

2 417 25 30 54 24 32 44 50 93 113 146 415


$13 $13 $8 2 $12 $12 $3 $4 $3 $3

760 115 5 071 587 105 672 719 264 529 302 257 066 213 393 372

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All f110llle1 -------------------------With wage or solory income------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With non farm self-employment income __________ _ Mean non form self-employment income _______ _ With form self-employment income -- -- _________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income-------------------Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income __ ---- __________ -----------Mean other income---- ______________ -------



4 188

3 452

$1 $1 1 $3


1 723 I 695 $7 861 28

...10 ...63

3 267 3 010 $11 751 335 $6 526




512 $1 679 81

565 $888

I 433 $2 163





1 101 6 195


2 638 2 490 $11 871 223 $5 785 20

3 672 3 160 $9 500 323 $10 944 31

4 673 4 015 $9 685 531 $12 237 41

2 417 2 244 $12 868 227 $9 629 20

523 $1 509 61

911 $1 713 220 $1 100 I 790 $1 588

I 106 $1 706

287 $1 552 124 $995 866 $1 390


.. .

1 127 $1 403



245 $1 1ll 2 33\ $1 880

INCOME LISS THAN POVERTY LEVEL 1 f1•lllt1 __________________ -------------------

Percent of all families __________ ------ __ Mean family income-----------------------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _____ _ Mean size of family-----------------------With related children under 18 years _________ _ Mean number of related children under 18 yr


Families with female head -----------------With reloted children under 18 yeors ------foollr hHd1 __ ---- __ ------ -------- __ -------- Civilian male heads under 65 years_ __________ _

Percent in labor force ___________________ _

U1rel1ttd huflvlduals _________________________ _-

Percent of all unrelated individuals ______ _-

Meon income ________ ------------ __ ------- Mean income deficit----------------------- Percent receiving public assistance Income ____ _P1n111•-----------------------------------Percent of all persons _________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _Percent 65 years and over _________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income ____ _ Related children under 18 years_ ____________ _Percent living with both parents----------H11111ehol•s ____________________________ ----- -


In owner occupied housing units ____________ _Mean value of unlt ---------------------In renter occupied housing units ____________ _Mean gross rent-----------------------Percent of all households---------------

Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities __ -

220 5.1 $1 630 $1 428 16.4 3.47 133 2.76 55 48 220 95


114 6.6 $2 374 $1 714 11.4 4.55 103 2.83 11 II 114 24


50 34.2

... ...


569 8.1 4.0 1.9


325 90.8 113 6.6



113 $50


95 2.9

... ... ...


...6539 31 95



190 29.1 $1 069 $722 5.8 525 4.0 34.3 29.1 97.4 140 50.7 185 5.4


104 $126 3.2


38 28 121 36


214 34.0 $1 008 $786 9.3 639 3.8 29.1 34.9 70.4 191 52.4 216 5.4 76


140 $82



62 2.4

... ... ...

... 27 ...

29 23 62 13


187 32.7 $817 $979 11.2 357 3.4 47.1 45.7 84.7 66


156 5.8 67

...89 ...


231 6.3 $1 847 $1 352 18.6 3.28 132 2.59 79 68 231 96


661 37.9 $875 $934 10.0 I 419 10.0 26.9 32.1 73.6 351 57.8 662 I 5.2 166 $15 098 496 $78 16.0

280 6.0 $1 733 $1 385 15.4 3.18 147 2.59 94 78 280 106 63.2 695 36.7 $879 $929 10.1 1 586 9.0 27.9 33.2 74.1 393 56.0 698 13.2 179 $16 166 519 $76 15.2

90 3.7

.. .

... ....55..

19 19 90 35


106 35.1 $753 $1 090 4.7 422 4.3 19.7 25.6 72.2 140 63.6 125 5.2 86



... -

INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 ft•tlits ____________ ------------------------ Percent of all families _________________ _ Mean income deficit ________________ ------- FomiliuhulMdu1ls with female head------------------_Ui.rellted _________________________

Percent of all unrelated individuals ------- -

Mean income deficit----------------------P1n1111 ---- __ ,. _____ ---- ---- ---- ______ ---- __ Percent of all persons _________________ _Related children under 18 years _____________ _ Percent living with both parents----------- -


74 4.3


11 44 30.1


366 5.2 168 85.7



2.3 ... 35


116 17.8 $596 374 2.8 101 44.6

165 26.2 $499 479 2.7 143 46.9

136 4.2 $1 930 53 241 36.9 $971 770 5.8 261 47.5

$1 500 68 300 47.7 $924 1 143 6.4 427 62.3


34 1.3

149 4.1 $1 184


480 27.5 $734 875 6.1 125 45.6

186 4.0 $1 192 60 510 26.9 $717 1 005 5.7 157 47.1

344 9.4 $1 629 106 870 49.9 $1 102 2 174 15.2 658 65.8

425 9.1 $1 606 126 929 49.0 $1 087 2 477 14.0 747 65.9

29 128 22.4 $862 227 2.2 47


56 2.3 11 87 28.8


288 2.9 97



f1111Ule1 ___________________________________ _


Meo:i~~~~eo~e~\~[,omilies -- -------- -- ---- -- u.:1:~:~n~~i~uf:1~~~e h~~d-:::::::::::::::::: -


Percent of all u~~;iof~d-i~dJ;id~~is-======= -

,,~::.n_~n~~:~~~!i~~t-======================= Percent of all persons _________________ _RI e ated children under 18 years _____________ _Percent living with both parents-----------


266 15.4 $1 457 II 57 39.0


1 367 19.5 761 96.1



86 3.3


29 248

43.4 $1 142 517 5.0 110 57.3

133 5.5 $1 760 31 123 40.7 $1 354 551

5.5 193 63.2

'Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Ar'med Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970- Continued {Doto based on somplt~ see text. For minimum bosci- for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Horvord town






Holden town

Holliston town

11 611

4 500 32 41

2 158

3 455

2 858 10 19 37 37

INCOME Of FAMIUES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS AK f""'llle' --·--·-················--$1,000 •••••••• ---··---------······· $1,999 ............................ $2,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $3,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $4.000 to $4,999 •• - ••••• -----· .............. . $5,000 to $5,999 •••••••••••••••••• ······-·--$6,000 to $6,999 _. ·- ••••••••••.••••••••••••• $7,000 to $7,999 •••••••• ·-···-····---····--$8,000 to $8,999 __ •••.•••••••••••• ---------$9.000 to $9,999 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• __ $10,000 lo $11,999 •••••. -------· •••••••••••• $12,000 lo $14,999 •• -·······-----· ......... . $15,000 to $24,999 •••••••••••••••••.•••••••• $25,000 to $49,999 •••••••••••••••••••••••• __ $50,000 or more •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Medion income---------.. ------------------Mean income ............ ---- -- .................... -------- _


than $1,000 ta $2,000 to $3,000 to

. .

.. .

Fomi~ies with female head ---- ------ "" .... __ ...... .. .

2 013 22 13 30 49 96 199 186 234 160 142 270 179 333 134 26 $9 335 $12 186 57


Mean income .......... ,.. ......... ------ .... __ ................ .. All fomilits end unrelated individucl1 ____ ............ ..

7 392

Median income ........................................ - .......... .. Mean income ____ ---- ................ ______ ---- __ .. All unrelo1ed individuals .......................................... .. Medi-On iner>mtt ------------·-----~ ............... .. Mean income ......... ,. .......... ----,, _______ ... ,, ____ _ Female unrelated individuals __ -- .... ____ ... ___ ., __ _ Mean income ........ ---- __ ---- -- ______ ---· ...... Per copi'a income of persons ___________ ., _____ _.

$3 372 $5 5 $2 $2

549 319 536 961 159 $3 911 $3 049

182 219 443 495 608 643 769 807 877 1 1 1 1 $9 $12 1

$6 16 $7


008 872 617 589 342 140 756 033 585 815 122 631

$9 546

1 $14 $16 $9

5 $12 $14

4 511 $2 281


$3 146


3 215 $2 609 $3 324

$5 $4

60 108 112 127 181 183 279 491 744 400 565 87 202 546 355 591 393 729 807 893 014 045 62Q 345 251



38 82 85 102

38 47 29 56 102 162 126 209 267 530 512 605 53

5 $11 230 $12 093 186 $10 940 3 222 $10 583 $11 109

$12 $14


8 319 145 186

$11 278 $12 043 297 $7 699 3 602 $9 437 $10 082 846 $2 761 $3 690 544 $3 197 $3 371

$6 10 $8 $10 2 $2 $3 1 $2 $3


$7 4 $10 $10

$4 $4 044


2 756 43 34

508 698 682 127 17 423 214 263 013 048 263 766 707 565 927 480 851 071

$4 244 $5 263 293 $4 336 $3 021




$7 3 $12 $13 209 380 $5 364 $5 268 278 $4 587 $3 559

$8 3 $11 $13

Ipswich town

423 700 835 130 35 161 263 164 307 238 380

38 103 105 147

$13 $14

Hudson town

3 811 74 70 61 98 114 112 137 197 258 328 555 816 637 137 17 $11 645 $12 366 291 $6 968 4 553 $10 499 $10 971 742 $2 305 $3 792 499 $2 803 $3 096


64 114 125 176 235 552 637 955 251 19 633 106 199 235 678 848 144 423 489 266 314 502

Hudson Center (U)

3 341 59 65 57 93 114 103 123 192 224

$11 $12

$2 $3 $2


TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All f1Mtl&tfi -------·-----·-----------

Mean wage or salary incamt ............................ .. .

With wage or salary income __ .............................. ..

With nonform self-employment income _________ _. Mean nonform self·employment income __ ........ _ With farm self-employment income .... __________ .. Mean form self.employment income---------With Social Security income ____________ ,. _____ _ Mean Soc1ol Sec.urity income--~------------­ With public ossistonce or public welfore income .. _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other incomt-------------------- .. ------

Meon other income ____ ------ ______ .,,.---- __


2 073 2 004 $10 707 146 $11 730 35

153 $1 447 38


869 $1 949



106 117 103 131 171 154 208 388

246 263 345 355 654 855 645 234 328 436 343 87 390 902 756 283 467 985 316 066 567 953 463 906 280

511 627 89

1 1 1

11 $10 $11

Lexington town

longmeadow town

7 825 37 71 82 75 120 96 181 170 204 285 673 1 173 2 914 1 512 232 $17 556 $19 221 550 $11 556 9 121 $15 593 $17 334 1 296 $4 209 $5 941 671 $4 564 $4 963

4 009 19 20 20 38 68 59 62 81 113 114 313 538 1 357 974 233 $19 123 $22 938 247 $10 340 4 927 $16 211 $19 541 918 $1 767 $4 704 758 $4 110 $6 157

7 7 $16 1 $11

825 192 665 470 541 53

4 009 3 476 $17 483 754 $20 446 5

689 $1 835 45

611 256 117 117 584 37

4 500 4 058 $14 291 666 $11 392 5

2 758 2 633 $11 188 213 $9 234 10

3 455 3 156 $13 041 343 $9 674 11

2 158 2 735 $13 403 260 $6 950 20

3 341 3 093 $11 194 309 $7 464 15

3 811 3 543 $11 478 334 $7 127 20

2 756 2 500 $11 215 342 $7 410 30

8 379 7 591 $10 966 838 $8 986 29

3 015 $1 615 755 $1 565 4 610 $4 653

736 $1 787

412 $1 756 106 $1 310 948 $1 118

582 $1 653 28

329 $1 692 61

1 872 $1 740

1 211 $1 232

589 $1 646 118 $1 692 1 126 $2 337

643 $1 615 118 $1 692 1 268 $2 197

542 $1 581 102 $1 185 1 102 $1 392

1 640 $1 480 326 $1 309 3 263 $1 600

1 069 $1 746 131 $1 229 4 816 $2 366

174 5.2 $1 663 $1 812 9.2 3.66 114 3.17 62 50 174 74

198 5.2 $1 573 $1 837 8.1 3.72 129 3.01 72 60 198 79

141 5.1 $1 587 $1 606 13.5 3.53 78

161 2.1 $1 673 $1 778 1.9 3.68 102 2.62 33 27 161 85

291 41.2 $784 $1 003 10.0 963 6.9 20.2 29.3 60.3 364 52.2 325 9.3 166 $20 617 159 $94 2.2

316 42.6 $778 $1 013 9.2 1 053 6.6 20.7 30.0 61.1 393 49.6 365 9.2 190 $19 500 175 $96 4.4

318 37.6 $649 $1 176 3.6 816 7.7 22.5 26.0 70.3 242 36.4 251 8.9 119 $18 697 132 $91 2.0

489 5.6 $1 535 $1 603 16.0 3.29 276 2.63 172 129 489 159 67.4 762 36.5 $903 $697 9.6 2 373 7.3 25.6 26.7 70.4 722 54.0 878 10.3 231 $16 910 647 $64 16.3

55.6 365 4.3 246 $31 453 119 $118 1.4

126 3.8 $1 476 42 248 35.1 $689 717 5.1 240 52.5

141 3.7 $1 567 52 273 36.B $686 791 4.9 269 46.7

275 32.5 $870 626 5.8 164 39.1

347 4.1 $1 302 137 546 26.1 $705 1 770 5.4 615 50.9

125 1.6 $1 272 33 292 22.5 $822 775 2.4 249 50.6

261 7.8 $1 900 88 346 46.9 $1 257 1 335 9.5 506 61.9

295 7.7 $1 935 98 381 51.3 $1 253 l 520 9.5 596 63.7

212 7.7 $1 BOS 81 408 48.2 $1 312 I 162 10.6 365 46.8

743 8.9 728 $1 225 930 44.5 $1 138 3 437 10.5 1 145 64.7

235 3.0 $1 914

11 10 $10 1 $7


1.46 $1 398 2 418 $3 044





.. .



2 649 $5 439


, ...11i.1 •••••••••• -· ---- ---- -· •• -- ··-----· -- . Percent of 011 families ____________ ---- __

.Mean income defictt ----------------------- . Percent reeeivin-g public 0Hi1tonce income .... __ .. . Mean 1ize of family ...... ------------- .......... .. . With related children under 18 years--------- Mean number of related children under 18 yr . Mean family income __________ .... __ .... __ .... __ _

Families with female head-- .. ·-------------- . With related children under 18 yeors ............ .. .

. . Percent in labor fcrce _...... ______ .... ____ .... __

Ja•Ur he1tls ____ ................ ______ .... ____ --~----Civilian male heads under 65 years .................. ..


Uo ..lote4 ldlvWvok ......................... . . Percent cf all unrelated individuals __ ---- .. . Mean income---------............ - ............ ______ -------_. Mean income deficit _______ ,. _______


Percent receiving public assis.tonce inc;ome ____ _ PtrstJH -·-·------------ .......... __________ ,. ___ _


Percent of all persons .... ______ --~- _____ _. Percent receiving Social Security income ........ __ _. Percent 6-5 yean and over ........... ___________ _. Percent receiving Social Security income .......... Related children under 18 years _____________ _ Percent ltving with both parents-----------

N••••••W' -- ____ ... _________________ ,. ---- __ _ Percent of all households--------------In owner occup~d housing units------ .. -----Mean valve of unit .... __ -- ______ ---- _____ _. Jn renter occupied housing unit$ _________ .. _.. _ Mean gross rent-----------------------Percent lock~ng some or oil plumbing: facilities __



19 19 79 15


122 45.0 $358 $1 494


419 5.8 5.1 5.5



. . . .

h1t1Hlt1 Pe-rcent __ ---- --------- -- .... .. --. -- -- .... -- -- -- ___ of all families _______________

Mean income deficit _____ ,.. ____ .... ----------- . Families with ftmolt head ..... ______ ,. ________ _. U91ftleted lttlllvWu..11 ______ ------ ........ ____ .......... . . Percent of all unrelated individuals ____ ..... _ Mean income deficit-~----~----------------

Pin••'---- __ ............................................. __ ------ Percent of all persons.. ......... __ ------·--Related children under 18 yeors •••••••••••••• .Percent living with both parents ----------- .


6.5 $1 932 $1 408 25.6 3.52 456 2.81 286 229 751 300 69.3 1 568 37.9 $952 $832 11.5 4 214 9.4 30.8 35.6

77.6 233 63.5 101 5.0





Percent of oil fomiliH ........ __ ............ _____ _ Mean income deficit----------------------Families with female head-----------------u._n.. uil '841vlt1Hlfi .... ------------ .... ---- ........ __ Percent of oil unrelated individuols .... ____ • Me-on income deficit __ ------ ________ ....... ·-Pent•• ........ __ ,. ...... _.. -------- ____ ........ __ .... __ -· Perc&nt of -all persons ... __________ .... __ ,.. . Related children under 18 y&tJrS-- __ ............ __ •• Percent living with both parents -----------



... 72 ...


fDMfUtl -- ---- .... -- -- .... -- .... ,. .. ,. .. -- -- -- -- -· .... --

...3.8" ... ...


1 312 53.9 1 736 13.7 406 $13 028 1 330 $83 9.4

110 40.6 $1 161 354 4.2 133 82.0

431 3.7 $1 332 166 1 132 27.4 $606 2 624 5.8 727 49.2

187 9.0 $1 430 19 122 45.0 $1 956 1 022 12.2 536 84.1

1 204 10.4 $1 564 454 1 971 47.6 $1 057 6 371 14.0 2 212 55.8

60 2.9


164 3.6 $2 179 $1 442 23.2 3.85 121 2.63 52 44 164 75

109 4.0 $2 109 $1 053 29.4 3.29 63

244 27.3 $803 $1 036 3.7 876 4.7 20.2 19.6 91.9 318 62.6 260

101 21.8 $964 $815 18.8 460 3.9 27.8 24.6 80.5 175




3.83 96


28 22 142 89

37 109 37


. ..


58 2.0

... ... . .. ... 51

.10.. 10 58 41



84 22.1

... 627

... ...



339 2.8 9.7 10.6


5.0 10.8 16.9 59.4 257 74.7

139 71.2






158 $20 854 102

107 $14 556

3.0 62


5.1 134 $24 310 49



$99 5.0


.2.126.. 208 23.3 $727 $45 2.9 159 59.7

225 5.0 $1 841

56 316 35.4 $1 211 1 207 6.4 445 72.1


57 2.1


39 68 14.7






2.1 ... 18



6 55 14.5

250 2.1 92


341 2.8 155 63.2

237 2.0 111 67.6

180 6.5 $1 340 70 137 29.5 $1 019 867 7.4 395 70.4

181 5.2 $1 755 36 111 26.2 $1 108 773 6.2 296 73.6

Excludes inmates of institu1ions, members. of the Armed Fortes living 1n borroc!ks, college students

23 - 544

142 4.1 $2 201 $1 306





97 3.4


25 104 27.4 $1 153 501 4.2 209 69.4


.. .

. ..


40 141 50


98 3.6 ... 38

367 28.3 $735 $1 065 3.0 960 3.0 24.2 30.I 70.2


46 426 32.9 $1 330 1 282 4.0 379 64.1

41 1.0 ... ...


...3230 26 41 6


183 29.4 $666 $1 119 6.6 319 2.1 28.2 41.4 68.2 72


147 3.4 114 $30 921 33

...36 0.9

30 155 24.9 $833 215 1.6



95 2.4

37 246 39.5 $1 232 613 3.9 191 62.8

dorm1tor1es, ond unrelated individuals under 14 years.


Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000:


[Doto based on somple, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text]

Towns and Places INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All famllles -----------------------·--

Ludlow town

Lynnfield town

Marblehead town

Marl· borough




Methuen town

Middleborough town

Milford Center (U)



42 89 123 116 117 158 182 279 369 444 787 917 802 81 53 916 456 355 242 227 184 407 666 477 247 459 136 394

2 781 52 44 33 27 29 33 50 100 105 153 299 344 978 466 68 $16 242 $17 929 162 $8 834 3 028 $15 193 $17 147 247 $5 109 $6 337 152 $4 812 $4 830

5 673 65 56 166 71 150 115 175 189 307 228 645 904 I 593 745 264 $14 222 $18 129 530 $9 019 7 405 $12 184 $15 452 l 732 $5 110 $6 684 l 190 $5 171 $5 390

7 041 51 138 181 176 215 219 389 406 466 453 l 168 l 516 l 471 176 16 $11 415 $11 786 694 $6 960 8 849 $10 139 $10 408 l 808 $3 111 $5 040 l 205 $4 533 $3 283

3 578 44 18 59 57 95 119 202 199 178 272 627 732 725 222 29 $11 742 $13 954 248 $8 832 4 173 $10 984 $12 671 595 $3 490 $4 950 357 $3 869 $3 525

8 219 98 90 130 162 227 272 302 401 527 550 l 151 l 411 2 210 631 57 $12 424 $13 936 830 $9 121 10 416 $10 837 $12 067 2 199 $4 179 $5 083 1 613 $4 284 $3 796

9 191 154 148 246 187 317 407 500 579 677 728 1 414 1 826 1 725 265 18 $10 923 $11 429 825 $7 410 11 184 $9 739 $10 147 1 993 $3 302 $4 236 1 418 $3 453 $3 228

3 251

3 718

48 47 116 151 147 188 186 268 294 283 434 567 435 70 17 638 561 330 342 244 313 070 993 072 189 607 357 883


4 559 4 266 $10 567 397 $6 177 28

2 781 2 489 $16 195 441 $11 170 18

5 673 4 941 $15 931 907 $12 140 4

7 041 6 542 $11 087 626 $7 237 30

3 578 3 223 $13 085 475 $7 899 35

8 219 7 391 $12 633 850 $9 795 20

9 191 8 408 $10 755 839 $7 657 46

772 $1 489 181 $1 179 1 759 $4 396

431 $1 673 22 l 596 $2 376

l 119 $1 641 150 $1 258 3 316 $3 347

l 203 $1 603 301 $1 379 2 607 $1 351

495 $1 711 143 $1 617 1 351 $2 027

1 656 $1 697 276 $1 247 4 283 $2 168

204 4.5 $1 651 $1 265 9.8 2.90 99

113 4.1 $1 104 $2 125 2.7 3.34 85

53 42 204 80

42 39 113 56

193 3.4 $1 517 $1 523 10.4 3.04 114 l.99 71 51 193 61

156 4.4 $2 171 $1 779 20.5 4.42 122 3.50 62 62 156

202 $27 061 235 $99 6.9

296 4.2 $1 703 $1 516 23.6 3.36 193 2.63 146 116 296 102 85.3 684 37.8 $796 $1 006 5.1 I 678 6.1 27.2 30.8 68.4 491 35.6 638 8.8 190 $16 625 448 $65 12.4

123 2.2 $1 459 64 328 16.9 $731 722 3.4 166 40.4

230 3.3 $1 024 112 453 25.l $934 1 236 4.5 391 41.2

311 5.5 $1 541 100 480 27.7 $1 268 1 365 6.4 281 59.l

484 6.9 $1 570 194 787 43.5 $1 299 2 338 8.4 680 43.2


1 ~:1 ~1 1i1 1:1 1 1 1 1 1 =I! [~ $25,000 to $49,999 •••••• ---- -- •• ·• •• -· ----·- •

~~d~o0n° i~~o~':e_::: ::= :: ::: :: :: :: :::: ::::: :::

Mean income-------------------------------fomilieswith female head--------------------Mean income-------------------- -- -------All families and unrelated individuals-----------Median income----------------------------

$10 $12

Mean incorne ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ --------

$8 5 $10 $11

Mean income -- -- ------ ---- -- -- ---- -- ------

$3 $4

Mean income-----------------------------Per capita income of persons ______ -- -- ________ _

$3 $3

All unrelated individuals -- -- -- __ -- -- - ___ ---- __ _ Median income---------------------------female unrelated individuals __ -- _______________ _





$9 659 $10 155 488 $7 610 4 692 $8 466 $8 606 974 $3 291 $3 665 685 $3 340 $3 026

5 122 100 104 151 173 188 218 219 340 465 404 830 970 865 80 15 $10 480 $10 855 536 $7 822 6 202 $9 316 $9 617 1 080 $3 366 $3 746 756 $3 523 $3 095

3 072 14 42 80 81 88 108 182 219 269 238 562 647 480 57 5 $10 765 $11 226 240 $8 389 3 710 $9 731 $9 940 638 $2 703 $3 747 430 $3 193 $3 073

6 825 53 36 61 137 158 189 216 332 271 283 707 l 066 2 005 l 004 307 $14 728 $18 ll2 835 $11 736 6 929 $12 248 $14 902 2 104 $2 769 $4 491 l 481 $4 639 $4 905

3 251 2 951 $9 637 306 $6 367 73

3 718 3 318 $9 844 297 $5 829 5

5 122 4 631 $10 488 445 $6 157 5

3 072 2 805 $10 517 296 $7 869 20

6 6 $14 l $13

2 145 $1 524 350 $1 082 3 423 $1 263

711 $1 462 213 $1 662 l 213 $1 955

1 013 $1 401 186 $1 339 l 432 $1 186

l 201 $1 409 207 $1 340 l 969 $1 167

515 $1 856 113 $1 608 l 175 $1 226

l 864 $1 855 108 $1 033 4 063 $3 517

303 3.7 $1 794 $1 770 18.2 3.90 212 2.90 125 113 303 133 75.9 521 23.7 $810 $992 3.3 1 702 5.2 20.l 24.5 71.5 586 45.7 540 6.0 243 $23 529 297 $121 4.3

438 4.8 $1 430 $1 624 14.2 3.15 215 2.70 118 104 438 177 75.l 713 35.8 $949 $832 4.9 2 091 6.0 34.I 40.6 80.7 578 55.7 870 9.3 416 $17 076 454 $89 5.4

180 5.5 $1 916 $1 520 24.4 3.74 125 2.90 84 62 180 69

270 7.3 $1 512 $1 734 17.4 3.50 155 2.62 104 86 270 68

130 4.2 $2 286 $1 236 16.2 3.69 66

135 2.0 $1 121 $1 947 3.7 3.44 70

19 19 130 69

135 SB

342 34.4 $1 122 $673 8.2 l 015 7.7 36.3 31.2 91.8 356 54.2 361 11.2 143 $12 240 216 $96 13.9

303 31.l $701 $1 094 3.6 1 249 9.2 28.7 28.9 77.6 446 40.6 418 11.4 93 325 $96 8.6

313 6.1 $1 519 $1 746 15.0 3.52 180 2.82 114 96 313 103 88.3 323 29.9 $737 $1 057 3.4 1 425 7.4 27.2 29.l 74.5 514 42.8 468 9.3 137 $19 799 331 $94 7.7

295 3.2 $1 450 97 540 27.l $573 1 533 4.4 482 54.8

97 3.0

53 115 19.3 $812 514 3.4 253 43.9

208 2.5 $1 510 79 393 17.9 P69 1 142 3.5 374 51.6

41 204 20.5 $504 577 4.3 217 46.l

214 5.8 $1 239 84 262 26.9 $773 1 024 7.5 356 50.8

251 4.9 $1 233 94 276 25.6 $737 1 180 6.2 424 51.9

253 7.1 $1 922 67 191 32.I $1 230 1 418 9.3 747 71.I

443 5.4 $1 951 146 686 31.2 $1 150 2 433 7.4 866 62.2

672 7.3 $1 700 130 856 43.0 $1 102 3 125 8.9 986 71.5

303 9.3 $1 599 125 377 38.0 $1 026 1 527 11.5 591 62.9

384 10.3 $1 909 126 389 39.9 $1 244 1 660 12.2 554 46.0

427 8.3 $1 988 136 420 38.9 $1 200 1 844 9.6 622 47.3

$9 $10 $6 4 $8 $9 $3 $4 $3 $2

87 145 158 158 182 189 271 378 305 541 625 532 57



TYPE Of INCOME Of FAMILIES All famlllu ·········--·-·······-··--· With wage or salary income------------------Mean wage or salary income __ -- -- -- __ ------With nanfcrm self-employment income -- ______ --Meon nanform self-employment income __ -----Wilh form self-employment income -- -- _________ _ Mean form self-employment income--- .. ------With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------Wilh public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ Wilh olher income ________ -- __ -- -- -- ____ ---- __ Mean other Income __________________ ---- __ _

LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' ,INCOME ••111e1 ___________________________________ _ Percent of all families __________________ _ Mean family income-----------------------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _____ _ Mean size of family-----------------------Wilh related children under 18 yeors ---------Mean number of related children under 18 yr_ Families with female head------------------With related children under 18 years--------

F111lly h11d1 __ -- __ -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- __ -- - - -- -- _ Civilian male heads under 65 years_ _____ ---- __ Percent in labor force ___________________ _ UJttl•ted 1ndlvldual1 __________________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals _______ _ Mean income-----------------------------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assislance income _____ _

P1n1111 ____ ---------------------------------

Percent of all persons .. _________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income __ ---- __ Percent 65 years and over __________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income _____ _ Related children under 18 years-------------- . Percent living with both parents ___________ _

H11111hold1 ____ ---- ---- ---- ---- ____ ---- ----Percent of all households---------------In owner occupied housing units ______ ------ __ Mean value of unit----------------------In renter occupied housing units-------------Mean gross rent------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities_.




174 26.0 $1 148 $632 8.6 7'5 4.4 29.3 33.5 76.6 215 60.0 332 7.2 195 $15 904 137 $86 1.5






... ... ...

418 3.9 7.9 12.7


171 57.9 142 4.8 129 $29 014 13





417 24.1 $764 $964 4.8 1 004 4.8 31.6 38.7 67.6 224 52.2 437 6.S




.. .

159 26.7 $795 $978 10.l 848 5.6 18.4 20.9 68.9 419 59.7 305 7.6 244 $19 180 61













209 32.6 $698 $1 095 11.5 619 5.7 31.6 31.9 70.5 225 71.1 225 7.6 117 $15 908 108 $80 10.7

825 013 766 239 676 20



. ..

32 15


473 28.2 $694 $932 3.0 931 3.5 27.0 32.0 67.3 183 76.5 280 3.9 206 $31 462 74



INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' Ft•Hl11 ____________ -------- -------- ---------

Percent of all families __________________ _

Mean income deficit-----------------------Fomilieswith female head------------------

Unrehittd hullvlduals Percent of



,.~::."-~"~~~~ -d~~~~t-=== == === =========~: ===:-Percent of all persons __________________ _

Related children under 18 years ______________ _ Percenl living with both parents ___________ _

135 3.0 $987 33 113 16.9 $413 521 3.0 146 56.2

106 3.8 $1 411 42 41 16.6

307 6.7 $1 440 73 235 35.2 $840 l 164 6.7 321 64.6

140 5.0 $2 394 46 54 21.9


378 3.5 153 52.9

93 2.6






169 26.5 $832 412 3.4 89


367 21.9 $655 700 2.6 143 74.8

199 6.5 $1 536 33 291 45.6 $1 171 1 078 8.9 390 74.9

222 3.3 $1 690 64 586 34.9 $1 154 1 370 5.0 310 66.I



''"'""'-----------------------------------Percent of all families __________________ _ ~eon

income deficit-----------------------omilieswith female head~-----------~-----­


lndlvlduob --------

Percent of all unrelated-i~di~id~~is-=:=:~=== ,. Meon income deficit--------------

p·-- __ ---- ____________________ ------ ercent of all persons _________________ _ RIeoted children under 18 years _____________ _-


Percent living with both parents------ .. ---1



485 4.5 179 57.5

Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



Tobie l 07. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970- Continued {Data based on $Cmple see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond me"Dning of symbols, see text]




North Alllebor-


North Reading





ough town

bridge town



93 70 137 147 158 257 205 304 297 314 601 653 619 84 20 992 774 507 795 311 988 780 352 167 941 904 651 953

4 862 115 122 234 251 214 308 327 437 458 451 693 623 562 45 22 $8 924 $9 537 660 $6 915 6 884 $1 110 $7 650 2 022 $1 838 $3 113 1 345 $2 280 $2 753

6 270 61 101 199 249 314 295 414 489 450 479 931 964 995 283 46 $10 180 $11 497 777 $7 942 11 752 $5 938 $7 404 5 482 $1 481 $2 723 4 154 $2 272 $3 002

3 982 57 23 83 61 133 160 219 270 235 595 883 946 211 26 255 313 339 619 /IJ7 998 454 625 637 448 979 490 611

4 787 76 33 133 137 162 172 160 292 304 431 852 1 000 853 147 15 $11 112 $11 687 424 $7 986 5 942 $10 015 $10 360 1 155 $3 841 $4 863 799 $4 592 $3 307

3 102 26 21 126 128 144 129 250 233 278 329 544 448 384 47 15 $9 657 $10 449 314 $1 192 3 787 $8 807 $9 239 685 $2 770 $3 760 514 $3 191 $2 981

2 705 21 52 56 21 33 65 62 116 157 233 449 541 765 128 6 $12 485 $13 269 151 $9 639 3 054 $11 662 $12 210 349 $3 433 $4 005 221 $2 893 $3 292

7 540 45 78 135 179 197 230 304 315 416 455 I 099 l 570 1 998 471 48 $12 606 $13 811 745 $9 653 9 417 $11 255 $12 198 I 877 $4 777 $5 717 1 210 $4 637 $3 752

2 515 20 42 63 97 32 87 128 151 240 237 517 481 368 46 6 $10 621 $10 956 232 $7 424 2 853 $10 021 $10 070 338 $2 622 $3 479 209 $3 017 $2 787

583 834 275 204 692 28

3 9S9 3 478 $9 8/IJ 473 $7 958 5

4 862 4 252 $9 053 443 $6 328 10

6 270 5 573 $10 275 621 $10 069 50

3 982 3 706 $12 220 338 $8 531 55

4 787 4 464 $10 881 465 $1 191 28

3 102 2 784 $9 492 313 $8 336 18

2 70S 2 522 $12 698 234 $8 615 6

7 540 6 947 $12 967 755 $8 554 5

2 Sl5 2 353 $10 224 192 $6 298 34

3 137 2 751 $10 266 226 $7 161 39

1 322 $1 546 260 $1 072 3 689 $1 766

l 223 $1 753 123 $1 196 4 541 $3 117

901 $1 527 245 $1 116 1 549 $1 902

1 216 $1 640 426 $1 216 1 774 $1 433

1 477 $1 684 245 $1 027 2 896 $1 940

805 $1 522 84

721 $1 519 182 $1 533 1 792 $1 406

788 $1 525 203 $1 225 1 290 $1 467

321 $1 513 75

1 383 $1 558 311 $1 218 3 652 $1 374

413 $1 407 88

913 $1 706

.. .

750 $1 642 119 $1 439 1 226 $1 756

267 3.5 $2 000 $1 222 10.9 3.35 180 2.23 122 97 267 118 76.3 461 27.1 $960 $834 7.6 1 356 4.4 25.I 25.1 81.5 389 47.0 530 6.4 258 $22 970 272 $101 4.0

183 2.4 $1 668 $1 612

4S4 9.3 $2 023 $1 467 25.8 3.80 285 3.15 176 152 454 181 67.4 787 44.3 $917 $895 8.6 2 514 13.4 22.0 24.5 72.3 913 52.0 821 16.0 183 $11 984 638 $81 3.9

273 4.4 $1 806 $1 179 9.2 2.99 116 2.84 82 61 273 101 56.4 1 003 32.6 $860 $978 7.4 1 819 7.4 28.9 34.0 75.2 327 36.1 758 10.2 199 $14 873 559 $79 19.0

141 3.5 $1 /IJ6 $1 408 6.4 3.09 Bl

H3 5.1 $1 720 $1 592 23.9 3.57 182 2.63 96 96 243 111 72.1 246 21.3 $959 $828 18.3 1 113 6.0 18.7 22.5 68.4 481 45.3 412 8.2 141 $12 858 271 $102 7.3

112 3.6 $2 120 $1 284 28.6 3.73 82

111 4.1 $1 678 $2 067 14.4 4.06 82

lOS 4.2 $2 040 $1 572 13.3 3.91 80

151 5.1 $1 761 $1 640 24.5 3.64 97

52 52 112 30

37 33 111 60

228 3.0 $1 864 $1 252 11.4 3.46 133 2.62 65 65 228 86

39 34 105 50

84 68 159 55

231 33.7 $1 029 $753 18.6 649 5.6 36.8 34.I 85.5 266 39.5 252 8.1 43

109 31.2 $696 $1 105 10.1 560 5.0 14.6 14.3

462 24.6 $933 $870 4.S 1 252 4.1 32.7 33.2 82.9 346 66.5 521 6.3 228 $21 453 293 $96 4.8

96 28.4

177 24.4 $1 102 $712 7.3

3.2 23.9 30.7 66.0 312 66.3 371 4.6 199 $30 590 179 $161 2.4

289 7.3 $1 719 $1 668 29.l 3.71 189 2.97 121 102 289 104 77.9 608 45.0 $919 $887 11.7 1 681 10.8 27.8 32.2 73.2 570 44.0 703 15.8 295 $11 137 408 $84 14.1

142 1.9 $1 120 53 325 19.I $623 795 2.6 207 54.l

136 1.8 $1 177 55 233 18.4 $894 690 2.3 219 53.9

201 5.1 $1 380 96 446 33.0 $658 1 179 7.6 384 37.2

264 5.4 $1 364 103 593 33.4 $656 1 580 8.3 517 56.7

131 2.1 $1 235 62 813 26.4 $687 1 239 4.6 210 34.3

28 230 26.3 $696 484 3.0 106 67.0


271 3.6 $1 777 88 386 30.6 $1 255 1 336 4.5

451 11.4 $1 754 171 724 53.6 $1 156 2 ~7 15.5 871 54.0

717 14.7 $1 627 232 975 54.9 $1 131 3 731 19.6 l 364 63.l

499 8.0 $1 216 141 1 215 39.5 $1 223 2 118 10.5 683 54.8

212 5.3 $1 555 75 334 38.1 $1 265 1 010 6.2 275 53.8


Towns and Places


INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS f0Mllle1 ......................... Len lhon All $1,000 ___________________________ _.

$1,000 to $1,999 •••• ---- •• ····-------- ------ $2,000 to $2,999 •••••••••••••• ----·-·····-·- $3.000 to $3,999 •• ·----- •••• ______ ---------- $4,000 to $4,999 •• ---- __ •• ---- -- -- ---------- $5,000 to $5,999 •• ------ •• __ ---- ------------ $6,000 to $6,999 ________ ................... . $7,000 lo $7,999 •• ------ •••••••••• ---------- $8,000 to $8,999 •• __ .......... ____ ---------- $9,000 to $9,999 •••• ---- •••• ---- __ ---------- $10,000 to $11,999 __ •••• ____ •••• __ ---- ··---- $12.000 to $14,999 __ ---- -------- •••••• ··---- $15,000 to $24,999 •••••••••• ---- ------------ $25,000 to $49,999 __ •••• __ ---- •••••••• ------ $50.000 or more.,.,•••••••••••••••••••••• ------_Median income .. ___ .. ___ .. _________________ Meon income __ -·--- ________ -- ---- -----........... .. Families with female head ........ ---------------- Mean income ......... __ ............... ·----------- __ _ All fomilies and unrelottd individua·ls ----------- Median income --------------------------Meo-11 tncome .. --------------------............... ... AH unrelated .... __ .... -- ................ __ .... __ Median income ........................................ ,..,,,. ___ _ ~ndividuols



Needham town


7 591 30 120 134 117 141 195 223 249 433 587 1 044 1 370 2 369 524 55 $13 144 $14 423 651 $9 983 9 292 $11 613 $12 705 1 701 $3 997 $5 041 1 126 $4 416 $3 810

7 583 57 59 81 88 121 156 210 223 236 301 650 I 236 2 717 1 214 234 $16 375 $18 726 563 $12 180 8 846 $14 584 $16 823 1 263 $4 245 $5 396 914 $4 932 $5 023

3 959

7 591 7 087 $13 060 926 $8 405 20

7 6 $16 1 $11

$9 $10 $6 5 $7 $8 l $2 $2

$2 $2


$12 $13 $8 5 $9 $10 1 $1 $3 $2 $3

Oxford town



3 137


$10 $10 $8 3 $9 $9 $3 $4 $4 $3

43 79 142 131 148 231 198 225 263 575 536 456 49 II 203 671 393 260 863 052 459 726 155 221 429 019 190

TYPE OF INCOMt OF FAMILIES All fo10llle1 -------- •• ----·- •••••••••


With wage or solory income-------------··---Mean woge or salary income---------------.. With nonform setf-employmen1 income _________ _ Meon nonform self-employment income------With form self·employment income __ ---- .. -----Mean farm self·empl.oyment income---------With Social Security income __________________ _


Meon Social Se-curity income -- -- ____ .... -----With :pubhc assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income ....... ________ -- ______ ........ __ _ Mean other income __________ ~- -- __ ............ __


INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL 1 fo0111ie1 ________ -- ------ ------ -------------Ptr-cent of

au families _________________ _

Meon family income ________________ .. __ ,_ __ _


Mean income deficit---------------- .. -----Pe-runt receiving public auistonce income ____ _ Mean size of family---~--- .. --------------With related children under 18 years--------Mean number of related cMldren under 18 yr families wHh female head ________ ,. ________ _ With related children under 18 years ---- __ _


, ... 11y ~ .. ~·-------------------------------- Civman mole heads under 65 years. .... __ ---- __ _


Percent in labor force--------------------

U•ttlotetl JdMtluols -------------------------Pe-rcent of otl unrelote-d individuals-------

Mean ineome ---- ______ -- ______ ---- ______ _

Mean ineome deficit----------------------Percent rec:eiving public onistonce income ____ _

Ptno11 ____________________ -- __ -- ________ .... -


Pe-r-ce-nt of oil persons_ ________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _ Pe-rcent 65 years and over __ -- -- ______ ---- __ Percent receiviflg Social Security ~ncome __ -- _ Related children under 18 years ________ ,._.,,. __ Pe-rcent ltving with both poren1s -- .. ------- ..


tto1111elll1Ws ---- ------ ____ ....... ____ -----------

Percent of all hous.e·holds -- _.. ______ .. ___ _ In owner occupied housing units ______ ---- __ _ Mean value of unit---------------------In renter occupied housing units .... ________ .... _


Mean gross rent--------------------- ... -Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ....


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL• ___________________________________ _


Percent of all families ... ----------------Mean income dtficit ----------------------families with female head------------------ -

Mean income dtficit ----------------------Ptn111 __ ............ ________ .... ------ __ ........ ---- __ Percent of all persons ____________ .. ____ _u.,elatetl hltllwW111oh .... ---- ____ -- -- -- -- ------ --

Percent ot alt unrelated individuals ______ _

Related children under IS years_ _____ -------- Percent living with both p<1rents -----------



3.48 112 2.78 59 44 183 84


301 23.8 $668 $1 098







1 928 $1 718


50 41 141 59


299 34.1 $853 $944 8.4 735 4.8 26.1 33.7 69.4 177 50.8 323 7.9 105 $21 764 218 $92 1.5

11 2.0



153 3.2 $1 385 57


... ...


209 $76 15.1


.. .


985 $1 256

... ...


234 63.7 191 6.8 119 $19 336 72 16.2


15.2 $610 770 4.1 354 49.4

157 22.9 $567 414 3.6 165 33.9

453 4.1 203 73.4

143 1.9 $991 44 364 19.4 $595 865 2.8 231 69.3

313 6.5 $1 999 118 312 27.0 $1 036 1 432 7.7 615 53.7

247 8.0 $1 152 84 312 45.5 $935 l 201 10.3 459 48.8

153 5.7 $2 293 46 144 41.3 $1 238 707 6.4 281 66.5

360 4.8 $1 429 76 584 31.1 $1 088 1 866 6.1 557 75.0



88 3.3



17 98 28.1


.. .


.. .

... ... ...

507 5.0 22.3 18.3


226 54.4 164 6.8 65

...99 ...




6.5 27.5 23.0 93.7 266 19.5 233 7.8 80

.. .

153 $81 4.3

320 3.1 151 49.0

100 3.2 $1 507 56 122 16.8 $496 464 4.0 172 13.4

177 7.0 $1 662 58 155 45.9 $732 870 8.5 389 59.9

8.2 $1 702 109 273 37.6 $841 1 147 9.9 406 33.3

72 2.9

.. .

35 51 15.1



,.... ---- . --- ------ -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Percent of all families __ ----_ - .... __ ---- ..... Mean income deficit ..... ____ ........ -- ............ ____ _

families with femole heod ------------------


P-1no111s ____ ....... ____ ---- -------- ______ ------ Percent of oU persons __ -- .... -- -- -- -- -- -Related children under 18 yeors _____________ _Percent living wi1h both pCJrents -----------

Uorekted ldlvl

23- 546


5.2 $1 519 150 554 32.6 $1 109 1 965 6.4 656 55.2




of institutions, members of the Armed forces llVlng 1n barracks, college students m dorm1tories, and unrelated indivlduols under 14 years.



Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Pembroke Peabody

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All famlllll --------------------------

1~1 l~l~l l l~ltl ~l~l~ ~l l~rj

$10,000 to $11,999 -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------$12,000 to $14,999 -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --$15,000 ta $24,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- $25,000 to $49,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- ____ _ $50,000 or more -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Median income------------------------------

Mean income ______ ------------ -- -----------Fomilie5 with female head --------------------Mean income---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -All families and unrelated Individuals -----------Median income---------------------------Mean income-----------------------------All unrelated individuals -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- -- -- _

Median income -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- -- __ Mean income-------------------- ____ ------

Female unrelated individuals-- -- -- -- ___________ _ Mean income-------- -- ------ -- -- __ -- ---- --

Per capita income of persons __ -- -- ________ -- -- -










5 503 36 37 62 77

11 51)41 214 227 397 447 470

220 151 173 256 269 351 382 470 750 801 806 088 293 931 462 37 629 592 948 759 455 675 264 235 932 001 492 310 392

2 723 50 29 37 37 58 101 152 151 239 249 518 466 589 37 10 $10 998 $11 645 159 $6 264 3 043 $10 492 $10 902 320 $3 190 $4 575 220 $3 739 $2 980

4 992 88 136 176 207 248 373 265 447 350 404 749 632 679 200 38 $9 510 $10 886 548 $6 463 6 602 $7 923 $9 242 1 610 $3 270 $4 142 I 111 $3 502 $3 337

6 559 68 105 56 101 164 227 204 302 429 445 I 028 1 463 l 648 292 27 $12 309 $13 059 477 $9 366 7 501 $11 543 $12 081 942 $3 607 $5 273

220 131 806 322 689 46

2 723 2 461 $11 208 468 $5 463 13

4 992 4 177 $9 773 761 $7 771 50

6 559 6 058 $12 035 721 $10 035 24

5 503 s 065 $13 604 654 $8 290 38

2 133 $1 558 485 $1 204 4 988 $1 390

345 $1 414 121 $1 529 726 $1 241

I 269 $1 619 269 $1 362 2 375 $2 094

1 027 $1 611 255 $1 080 2 542 $1 404

95 3.5

375 7.5 $1 815 $1 418 22.I 3.39 270 2.38 172 155 375 141 92.9 381 23.7 $955 $834 13.9 1 654 9.2 22.0 24.7 72.9 654 43.3 610 10.9 212 $16 886 398 $94 5.2

225 4.5 $1 236 122 277 17.2 $612 1 016 5.6 390 37.9

165 2.5 $1 327 69 207 22.0 $818 747 2.8 265 46.4

555 11.1 $1 663 201 569 35.3 $922 2 487 13.8 953 53.9

328 5.0 $1 838 90 351 37.3 $1 168 1 633 6.1 646 64.7

2 2 2 $11 $12 $7 14 $10 $11 2 $2 $4 1 $3 $3


l l $13 $14 $10 6 $12 $13 1 $5 $5


$4 470 $3 364

$5 $3

102 136 226 346 347 774 070 679 482 32 434 833 364 075 652 107 265 149 038 756 760 152 909







3 559

10 188 184 220 334 374 458 489 611 623 931 941 l 538 l 484 1 708 181 52 $9 861 $10 777 l 402 $7 732 14 985 $7 749 $8 400 4 797 $2 042 $3 352 3 241 $2 912 $3 107

6 453 79 62 165 136 157 210 280 374 480 455 l 075 I 356 l 363 244 17 $11 541 $12 322 467 $8 296 7 388 $10 805 $11 347 935 $3 995 $4 620 642 $3 908 $3 345

3 978 33 44 91 71 122 119 76 162 165 231 535 728 l 186 385 30 $13 401 $14 731 350 $7 469 4 735 $12 194 $13 321 757 $4 542 $5 913 525 $5 055 $3 713

$11 248 $12 660 242 $7 994 3 318 $10 665 $11 950 329 $2 891 $5 501 238 $5 763 $3 514

$14 $16

10 188 9 090 $10 034 912 $7 885 30

6 453 5 868 $11 476 642 $7 830 13

3 978 3 551 $13 639 655 $7 721 27

2 919 2 766 $11 284 338 $9 432 62

3 092 2 865 $14 473 517 $10 394

624 574 108 890 780 192

617 583 113 127 453 496

420 $1 845 81 1 665 $1 949

168 4.2 $1 961 $1 566 17.3 3.97 122 2.93 50 40 168 87

130 4.3 $1 536 $1 560 14.6 3.29 66

103 3.3 $1 759 $1 227 4.9 3.16 43

36 27 130 51

40 29 103 24

191 25.2 $869 $941 8.4 858 5.1 17.4 21.0 75.0 338 69.8 296 6.7 178 $22 170 118 $93 4.1

136 41.3 $1 009 $781 3.7 564 5.1 26.1 31.7 68.7 193 62.2 231 7.9 159 $14 470 72

83 2.8



569 679

1 1 2 $10 $11 1

$7 14

$8 $9 2 $2 $4

I $3 $3

796 856 822 707 910 077 295 43 325 064 407 036 490 894 621 981 924 050 931 072 239

$10 $11 $7 4 $9 $10 $3 $3

33 75 97 101 157 151 205 296 365 696 637 619 82 5 7'-fJ 226 354 195 256 866 034 697 467 947 476

$3 111 $2 731



2 919 49 43 49 82 93 127 150 165 188 221 525 478 672 120

Sharon town

3 092 19 45 47 15 54 64 52




$10 3 $14 $15 $5 $6 $6 $4

119 126 445 508 099 365 49 805 481 209 048 400 009 561 308 500 317 192 693 290

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All lomlll11 -- -· -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ -Wilh woge or salary income------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With non form self-employment income ______ ----_ Mean nonfarm self-employment income-------With form self-employment income _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income-------------------Meon Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public ossistonce or public welfare Income_ With other income ______ -- -- -- -- -- ___________ _ Mean other income -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

12 11 $11 1 $8



509 230 370 076 232 14

3 559 3 232 $10 942 313 $5 385

976 $1 722 154 $943 3 010 $1 744

2 535 $1 593 747 $1 563 3 934 $2 065

629 651 132 629 138 432

2 329 $1 595 625 $1 412 4 050 $1 623

1 363 $1 662 285 $938 2 675 $1 684

224 3.4 $1 579 $1 680 26.3 3.44 136 2.65 80

106 1.9 $1 423 $1 658 3.8 3.16 55

146 4.1 $2 100 $1 464 29.5 3.94 91


224 93

18 106 61

254 27.0 $714 $1 078 1.6 1 024 3.8 22.6 26.2 76.1 365 55.6 393 5.7 211 $18 422 182 $128 3.3

249 21.7 $947 $870 6.8 584 2.6 30.3 30.7 81.6 125 55.2 251 4.4 108 $19 606 150 $96 4.3

763 6.6 $1 757 $1 452 25.2 3.38 486 2.53 344 282 763 247 65.6 975 32.7 $901 $893 7.4 3 556 8.3 25.4 28.9 71.8 I 202 32.4 1 248 11.2 353 $17 755 895 $100 6.3

693 6.8 $1 785 $1 529 23.2 3.54 399 3.09 301 240 693 238 72.3 1 666 39.0 $905 $908 9.1 4 117 10.4 25.6 29.3 76.7 1 260 35.2 1 634 14.6 232 $18 933 I 402 $92 12.2

239 3.7 $1 613 $1 653 7.5 3.51 144 2.70 69 62 239 118 73.7 237 25.3 $731 $1 060 2.5 1 077 4.3 22.2 26.1 70.5 394 55.8 373 5.7 280 $17 955 93

170 2.6 $1 403 50 182 19.5 $861 765 3.1 282 52.8

117 2.9 $1 215 36 144 19.0

383 5.9 $1 698 104 294 31.4 $1 256 1 684 6.7 647 62.4



11 10 $10 I $7



$1 $1 l $1



$1 $1 I $2

.. .

$1 $1 I $1





''""'" Percent -· -·----of--all--families ---- -- ------- --------_-- -- -- -___________ Mean family income -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- __ Meon income deficit----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ____ _ Mean size of family----------------------With related children under 18 years--------Mean number of reloted children under 18 yr_

families with female head-·----------------With related children under 18 years-------foolly h11~1 ·- ·- ____ ---- __ ------ ____ ---- ---- Civilian male heads under 65 years ____ ------ __ Percent in labor force ___________________ _ U11rtl1ted 1adMduol1 __ ---- __ -------- ______ ---- -

Percent of all unrelated individuals -------Mean income---- ____ -- -------- -- -------- -Mean Income deficit----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ____ _ Peno•• -- ---------- -----------------------Percent of all persons-----------------Percent receiving Social Security income •• ____ _ Percent 65 years and over _________________ _Percent receiving Social Security income ____ _ Related children under 18 years _____________ _Percent living with both parents----------Httist~okb ---- ______ ---- ____________ ------Percent of all households ______ ---- ---- _ In owner occupied housing units------------Mean value of unit __________________ ---ln renter occupied housing units------------Mean gross rent------------------------ Percent locking some or oil plumbing facilities __ -



543 4.4 $1 870 $1 442 13.6 3.49 330 2.71 172 137 543 235 77.4 733 32.8 $877 $929 6.8 2 626 5.5 24.1 26.2 72.7 899 60.0 878 7.0 336 $20 142 542 $99 4.4

... ...

... ...



41 95 35


106 33. I $1 072 $720 5.7 403 3.6 25.1 26.8 89.8 144 31.3 145 5.3 111 $18 212 34







49 146 47


224 32.l $729 $1 062 4.5 799 5.2 21.7 29.3 65.0 300 50.0 253

6.7 163 $15 581 90



.. . 2.1


.. .



... 71


... ...


396 3.2 31.l 34.3 66.9 124 27.4 154 4.8 86 68 6.5


'••"'-'-----------------------------------Percent of all families _________________ _ Mean income deficit----------------------Families with female head ------------------ -

U11related l11dlvllluol1 ____________________ -- __ --

Percent of all unrelated individuals __ -----

,.~:::_~n~~~~-d~~i~~t-== ========== =:: :: :: :::: Percent of all persons _________________ _Re~::cderi~il.d~en u~der 18 years_ ____________ _hv1ng with both parents __________ _




Mea:1~~~~~ -~~~~~{,0~~ ~~~==================

Families with female head ------------------ UJlrtlated lndlvidutls Percent of ali-u~~;iof;d·i~di.;id~~ls-:::::::

Pe~:1o1n-~n~~~~-d~~i~~t-======================= Percent of olt persons ____________ ------ ReIoted children under 18 years __________ ---- Percent living with both parents __________ _1

336 2.7 $1 249 107 560 25. l $683 1 694 3.5 493 57.4

768 6.3 $1 732 230 912 40.8 $1 155 3 597 7.5 I 230 67.6

77 2.8 ... 41 74 23.1


334 3.0 139 28.8


5.7 $1 915 62 139 43.4 $943 683 6.1 274 35.0


474 4.1 $1 297 226 696 23.3 $706 2 387 5.6 832 35.1

43 164 23.5 $886 511 3.3 156 30.I

443 4.3 $1 379 193 1 270 29.7 $656 2 871 7.1 834 26.4

135 2.5 $2 020 20 303 26.4 $1 111 750 3.3 176 68.2

1 143 9.9 $1 626 468 1 297 43.5 $1 061 5 107 11.9 1 707 40.3

245 6.9 $1 626 100 267 38.3 $1 309 1 278 8.3 540 63.5

997 9.8 $1 780 368 2 128 49.8 $1 114 5 726 14.2 1 802 49.0

79 1.4 ... 15 167 14.5 $721 408 1.8 85

95 2.7


66 2.1

.. .

25 85 25.8

29 33 10.7

583 3.4 224 68.3

374 3.4 133 67.7

240 1.9 88

253 6.4 $1 732 88 248 32.8 $1 133 1 201 7.1 514 60.1

197 6.6 $1 672 49 146 44.4 $1 150 831 7.5 310 68.4

10 4.6 $1 548 44 84 27.3



.. . ...


584 4,7 213 55.9

E)(tludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970-Continued [Data based on s.omple see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Shrewsbury town

Somen;et town

Southbridge Center (U)

Southbridge town

South Hadley

Stoneham town

Stoughton town



Swampscott town





4 959 23 50 119 87 104 139 168 206 315 345 844 I 039 I 221 236 63 $12 230 $13 708 334 $9 049 5 967 $11 195 $12 347 1 008 $3 818 $5 654 659 $4 641 $3 622

4 791 39 73 113 138 171 189 148 332 410 424 895 831 872 132 24 $10 801 $1 t 650 333 $7 620 5 492 $10 116 $10 697 701 $3 116 $4 165 551 $3 673 $3 266

3 786 43 82 150 164 156 151 195


4 537 43 82 173 176 184 195 228 355

363 256 581 655 555 121 19 131 001 473 517 022 358 131 236 331 406 852 801 217

329 706 791 680 148 38 268 326 531 756 869 615 542 332 476 463 899 655 277

4 015 26 85 113 116 115 168 172 265 330 288 604 821 731 156 25 $11 091 $12 030 361 $6 374 6 508 $7 661 $8 290 2 493 $959 $2 267 2 244 $2 104 $3 158

5 224 50 43 95 104 107 148 231 241 294 313 887 1 056 1 304 296 53 $12 281 $13 612 510 $9 466 6 617 $11 041 $11 953 1 393 $4 473 $5 731 941 $4 606 $3 844

5 667 30 79 119 120 129 217 191 325 340 439 994 1 297 I 235 137 '15 $11 699 $12 156 441 $7 765 6 545 $10 941 $11 173 876 $3 333 $4 827 551 $3 485 $3 116

3 131 35 15 30 40 47 15 41 51 51 105 266 471 1 424 463 57 $17 798 $16 365 146 $9 662 3 433 $16 836 $17 152 302 $2 782 $4 370 110 $5 767 $4 356

3 633 64 70 39 101 107 113 105 144 179 172 468 465 937 458 211 $13 642 $17 619 323 $9 145 4 461 $11 648 $15 679 646 $3 575 $6 514 660 $5 060 $5 170

3 283 26 67 76 134 107 196 166 242 206 344 559 587 463 90 $10 277 $10 923 233 $6 530 3 781 $9 610 $10 024 496 $2 863 $4 094 286 $3 513 $3 002

10 530 169 175 378 315 481 616 663 783 875 846 1 893 1 726 1 337 237 36 $9 957 $10 531 1 325 $7 708 13 720 $8 408 $8 964 3 190 $3 042 $3 791 2 126 $3 229 $2 624

4 95, 4 515 $12 651 527 $8 693 14

4 791 4 344 $10 727 439 $9 423 28

3 786 3 377 $10 341 324 $7 955 16

4 537 4 053 $10 512 400 $8 336 26

4 015 3 619 $10 696 442 $9 132 17

5 224 4 613 $12 309 599 $6 352 11

s 667 5 250 $11 415 509 $7 586 16

3 131 2 949 $16 702 446 $9 420 22

3 633 3 032 $14 935 702 $15 597 11

3 283 2 989 $10 152 318 $7 636 35

10 530 9 456 $9 826 900 $8 266 59

896 $1 727 87

1 111 $1 443 241 $1 206 2 164 $1 371

935 $1 591 285 $1 046 1 605 $1 448

1 074 $1 601 335 $1 139 1 673 $1 756

848 $1 745 97

1 029 $1 686 209 $1 154 2 637 $1 846

896 $1 665 280 $1 365 2 084 $1 512

326 $1 329 51

833 $1 739 101 $776 l 997 $3 473

719 $1 512 161 $1 201 l 462 $1 195

2 398 $1 461 581 $1 535 3 690 $1 610

205 4.3 $1 950 $1 575 13.2 3.74 115 3.06 41 41 205 97

223 5.9 $2 069 $1 237 26.0 3.59 128 3.34 116 76 223 61

251 5.5 $2 214 $1 203 26.7 3.75 151 3.47 128 66 251 72

151 2.9 $1 433 $1 846 7.9 3.56 98

202 3.6 $2 043 $1 469 24.8 3.75 137 2.96 89 84 202


170 4.7 $1 216 $1 772 3.5 3.05 81

179 5.5 $1 914 $1 359 19.6 3.65 94

19 19 90 42

46 170 44

28 179 85

526 42.6 $894 $909 14.1 1 327 9.4 31.5 35.l 73.2 424 46.3 548 14.2 40

549 41.2 $695 $902 13.5 1 491 6.8 30.0 32.7 74.4 529 45.0 583 12.9 52

508 $81 5.7

531 $82 5.3

238 28.1 $979 $601 6.0 151 5.6 37.1 40.6 78.5 198 36.4 301 7.9 175 $25 007 126 $124 3.3

154 30.9 $1 251 $543 24.7 808 6.5 28.5 26.6 93.0 287 49.1 285 8.2 203 $15 585 82


180 25.7 $1 091 $684 5.6 947 5.2 27.1 27.7 79.0 341 57.2 343 6.7 205 $20 459 138 $93 9.6

214 5.3 $2 177 $1 276 2.3 3.71 120 3.19 67 38 214 104 72.1 347 35.9 $714 $1 086 2.9 1 141 7.4 22.9 22.3 82.4 389 65.6 332 8.0 123 $19 937 209 $97 1.8

736 7.0 $2 204 $1 318 25.1 3.98 450 3.39 251 192 736 294 79.9 1 003 31.4 $947 $850 9.7 3 929 9.6 22.7 27.4 69.5 l 507 57.5 1249 12.2 377 $15 663 872 $75 5.4

117 2.4 $1 218 33 21).4 20.2 $167 696 3.6 282 72.0

144 3.0 $1 182 27 123 17.5 $456 638 3.5 224 60.7

123 3.2 $1 049 407 32.9 $654 861 6.1 243 42.8

137 3.0 $973 67 426 32.0 $647 946 5.6 264 48.2

3.0 $1 123 52 245 25.3 $967 684 4.0 203 60.6


311 6.5 $1 783 59 276 39.4 $790 1 449 8.0 555 69.0

380 10.0 $1 394 144 632 51.1 $1 164 2 007 14.2 685 63.l

419 9.2 $1 421 156 666 50.0 $1 145 2 258 13.3 832 60.9

308 7.7 $1 594 116 433 44.8 $1 273 1 510 8.9 501 58.5

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS AH famllle1 -------------------·-----Less than $1,000 __ ------ ____ •• __ ----·- ··--·· $1,000 to $1,999---------------------------$2,000 ta $2,999 -- __ ---· •••••• -------------$3.000 ta $3,999 -- ____ .••.•• -· .. __ •••••••• __ $4,000 ta $4,999 ________ -·-- __ --·- •••••••••. $5,000 ta $5,999 -- __ ---- ---- ______ --·· -----$6.000 to $6,999 ________ •. __ •••• ----·· _____ _ $7,000 $8,000 to lo $7,999-·····--.-·----------------$8,999. __________________________ _


$9,000 to $9,999 •••. ------······-··-··---·-· $10.000 to $11,999 •.•••••• -- •••••••••••••. __ $12.000 to $14,999 •. ____ .................. __ $15.000 to $24,999 •• ---- ---- ____________ •••• $25.000 to $49.999 •• ---- •• ---- ________ ..... . $50,000 or more •••• ---- •. ------ ____ •• __ ... . Median income -- __ - .. ---- .... ---- -- -- ---------



Meon income -- -~-- ..................... -- -- --------Families with female heod -------------------Meon income ........ ____ ---- ________ ...... _____ _


All families
Median income---------------------------

Mean income ........ __ ................ __ ........ --------_

All unreloted individuals __ .,. __________________ _ Median income __ .... -~ ---- ........ __ ................ --Mean income __________________ -- __ ---- -· _

Female unrelated 1ndividuals •• ____________ ,.. ___ _ Mean income-------- ____________________ _Per capita income of persons. _________ -·------


$10 $11 $6 5 $8 $9 1 $2 $3

$2 $3


$10 $11 $6 5 $6 $9 1 $2 $3 $2 $3

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All fa1nMlt1 •• -- ........ __ •• -· -- __ ··Wi1h wage- or salary income _________________ _ Meon wage or salary 'ncome ______ ---- _____ _ With nonform self.employment income _________ _Mean nonform self.employment income------Wi1h form self-emp~oyment income __ ----------Mean form self.employment income·--------With Socio I Security income. _______ ~~ •• ______ .. Mean Social Security income ________ ., _____ ,,_ With public as.sistonce or public welfare income __ Mean public assislance or public welfnre income With other income •. _____ • __________________ _ Mean other income_ ..• ___________________ _



2 412 $1 862


. ..


.. .


1 896 $1 649




.. .

1 736 $2 067





fam111es ___________________ • _. _. ___________ _ . Percent of oil famihes _. _______________ _ Mean fomilv income _. ____________________ _ Meon income deficit ______________________ _ Per-cent reuiving pubhc as.sistonce income ____ _


Mean size of family--~--------------------

With re kited children under 18 years __ •• ____ _ Meon number of related children tJnder 18 yr Families with female head __________ ., ______ _ With relofed children under 18 years-------


fs•lly ht•&ls ______ ------ ---- ______ ----------

Civilian male heads under 65 years __________ _ Percent in labor force.------------------Unra-IGtttl M&llvWuals ______ ---- __________ • ___ ... Percent of all unrelated individuals __ • ___ _ Mean income---- ______ -------- ______ •• __ _ Mean income deficit ______________________ _ Percent receiving public assistance income ____ _

''"'"-' Percent -- -- -- --of --nll...persons-------·---· -- -- -· -- -- -- ---------........ . Percent rec.eiving Sodol Security income._ •• _•• Percent 65 years and over __ ... __ •. __ ........ . Percent receiving Social Security income •• __ • Reloted children under 18 years.---·-------·· Perc.ent fiving with both porent5 __ •••.•. __ ~


Mou1eholcls __ •••••• ---- __ ---- -· •• __ •• ____ •• _

Percent of all hou5eholds __ -· -· ________ _ In owner occupied housing un.its .. ____ ... ____ _ Mean value of unit __ ... -- .•••.• ________ ... In renter occupted housing units. _ - ".. ______ .. Mean gross rent ____ •• ·- ____ ........ _____ _Percent locking some or oll plumb~ng facilities..


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 F111Hie-1 •••••• ------·--- ·--· -- •• -- ---·-·----


Percent of all families __________ •• ---· __ Meon incomedefic:it --·--------------··--- -Fomilieswdh femoleheod -----------------U11rehlt•• i11'1v5'111als ... __ ......... ____ ..... __ -- ___ _ Percent .of all unrelated ind1vhduols ------Mean income deficit-··------------·------Pen•111 ____ -------- ___ ,. ... __ -- __ -- -- ... _. -- -Percent of all persons •• ____ .... -- __ ---Related children under 18 years·--------·---- Percent living with both parents __ ------


INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' ,... n1•• ________________ ... ___________ .. ____ .. -

-P1rsea1 __ ...... _., ___ ., ............. __ -· __ ---- ---- __ Perc.ent of oU persons ..... --------------Reloted children under 18 veers _____________ _Percent of al~ families ________ -· ... _____ _ Meon Income deficit----------------------Fomiliu with female he-ad ...... _____________ _ Uoreleto4 lo4M4"111.----·-···-·······-------- Percent of all unrelote-d individuals ... __ •• Mean income deficit----------------------- -

Percent living with both parents----------1

157 3.2 $1 964 $1 684 3.8 4.05 96


40 30 157 76


255 25.3 $775 $1 024 2.0 891 4.7 23.1 26.0 71.6 345 73.0 318 6.0 240 $20 620 78


4.8 $1 844 53 305 30.3 $1 262 1 273 6.6 507 81.7



txcludes inmates of in:s.tihJitions, members of the Armed Forces hvmg

23 - 548










77 56 151 42


... ...



244 27.6 $691 $913 23.4 1 001 4.3 22.3 23.8 64.9 404 41.6 330 5.6 164 $17 889 166 $104 2.4


53 211 15.1 $634 625 3.0 236 53.8

117 2.1 $1 332 60 181 20.6 $703 593 2.5 217 22.6

255 4.9 $1 763 111 432 31.0 $957 1 487 7.2 571 57.l

346 6.1 $1 520 117 295 33.6 $1 174 1 593 6.8 635 52.4




292 21.0 $947 $856 7.2 832 4.0 26.4 25.0 78.8 279 47.3 353 6.0 147 $20 136 206 $114 7.9


90 2.9



61 31.0

... ... -

422 3.2 ll.8 15.9


182 74.7 123 3.9 117 $28 120 6

... 4.9

59 l.9


14 51 25.9


290 2.2 135 72.6

101 3.2 $2 509 30 82 41.6


459 3.4 204 66.7


.. .




119 3.3 $1 538 46 156 16.4 $635 537 4.0 159 34.0

436 3.5 184 47.3

420 4.0 $1 132 159 726 22.8 $626 2 316 5.7 790 52.3

218 6.0 $2 028 64 304 35.6 $1 020 991 7.3 267 52.6

264 8.0 $1 657 36 211 42.4 $797 1 254 10.0 489 65.8

1 141 10.8 $1 606 315 l 299 40.7 $1 046 5 980 14.7 2 464 67.0

89 2.7


17 84 16.9


barracks, college students m dorm1tor1es, and unrelated individuals under 14 years .


Tobie 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of l 0,000 to 50,000:


[Oota based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]


All famlllH -----------· --------------

11~ li~!~ :~! ~! !l~l!i!~ !l

$10,000 to $11, 999 -- ---- •• -- -- •• -- -- -- ------ $12,000 to $14,999 ------ -- -- -··--- ---- ------$15,000 to $24,999--------------------------$25,000 to $49,999 -- -- •• -- -- -- -- -- -· -- ---- -- $50,000 or more -- -· -- •• -- -- -·-- -- •• -- ---- -· Median income-----------------------------Mean income---------------------- -- -------Families with femole head -- ------ ____ --------Mean income------------------ ____ --------

All families and unrelated individuals ---.. -------Median income -- ---- -- __ -- -- -- ________ ----

Mean Income-------- ______ -- ______ -------All unrelated individuals----------------------Median income---------------------------Mean income-------------- -- ---- ____ ., ___ --

Female unrelated individuals __ -- -- ________ ---- __ Mean income-------- __ ---------- -- ------ __ Per capita income of persons-- -- -- ____ -- ---- __ _

Tewksbury town


4 786 89 41 99 89 97 126 160 190 286 377 902 l 094 l 097 135 4 $11 860 $12 444 271 $6 268 5 394 $11 250 $11 460 608 $2 312 $3 707 319 $2 875 $2 772


Walpole town


Watertown town

Wayland town

Webster Center (U)

Webster town




Westboraugh town


57 96 126 182 133 187 377 389 435 023 232 727 402 54 412 819 532 287 957 122 113 465 713 555 009 024 794

4 178 52 44 31 73 80 97 73 199 252 248 719 801 I 212 256 41 $12 828 $14 479 279 $9 657 4 915 $11 731 $13 083 737 $3 90B $5 170 518 $4 740 $3 581

2 817 90 100 85 153 179 181 189 228 204 241 403 371 331 58 4 $8 99B $9 577 346 $7 006 3 809 $7 200 $7 953 992 $2 526 $3 339 590 $2 951 $2 671

10 412 157 163 294 263 370 397 465 573 723 746 l 507 2 026 2 314 391 23 $11 400 $12 039 I 346 $8 B33 13 554 $9 875 $10 511 3 142 $4 446 $5 450 2 103 $4 513 $3 641

3 273 31 17 34 74 21 14 52 83 109 121 303 459 l 156 729 70 $17 755 $19 784 166 $10 399 3 754 $16 025 $1B 026 481 $3 412 $6 065 323 $4 174 $5 038

3 327 30 60 157 149 144 238 241 359 282 292 545 480 288 51 11 $9 012 $9 728 389 $7 561 4 471 $7 504 $8 090 l 144 $2 359 $3 326 768 $3 050 $2 923

3 '93 30 65 175 160 157 269 290 382 334 322 691 586 435 86 11 $9 418 $10 227 433 $7 813 5 259 $7 860 $8 610 l 266 $2 564 $3 510 825 $3 105 $3 042

6 402 34 59 52 89 107 116 122 89 136 159 570 679 2 247 l 498 445 $19 401 $23 371 531 $12 695 10 517 $11 794 $15 879 4 115 $1 713 $4 224 3 160 $3 513 $5 9BO

2 696 25 33 24 63 59 80 73 76 172 182 415 523 807 149 15 $12 837 $13 863 161 $7 838 3 491 $11 177 $12 115 795 $5 709 $6 185 453 $5 085 $3 390

7 786 113 83 191 274 162 331 458 536 640 696 l 332 l 320 l 321 303 26 $10 614 $11 598 759 $8 325 10 844 $8 666 $9 219 3 058 $1 783 $3 163 2 027 $2 856 $3 191

4 786 4 471 $12 046 313 $6 578 19

6 492 5 941 $12 515 659 $10 311 11

4 178 3 879 $13 193 419 $9 659 19

2 817 2 400 $9 064 372 $5 243 57

10 9 $11 I $5

412 439 202 083 897 10

3 273 3 052 $17 248 573 $9 968 19

3 327 3 008 $9 315 210 $6 419 9

3 993 3 647 $9 683 256 $7 654 9

6 5 $18 1 $14

402 695 804 184 749 29

2 696 2 534 $12 708 265 $9 269 29

7 786 7 133 $10 825 635 $8 026 54

594 $1 470 230 $1 729 l 638 $1 395

l 434 $1 559 167 $1 123 2 968 $2 063

692 $1 622 94

681 $1 524 217 $1 798 l 004 $1 793

2 563 $1 654 393 $1 565 4 729 $1 764

358 $1 744 65

842 $1 442 181 $1 643 1 270 $1 145

977 $1 405 188 $1 652 1 505 $1 227

1 241 $1 75B BB

371 $1 466 62

4 553 $4 997

1 187 $1 740

1 402 $1 634 273 $1 292 3 171 $1 644

257 5.4 $1 985 $1 884 25.7 4.23 187 3.29 78

123 2.9 $1 385 $2 006 10.6 3.55 B3

257 131 72.5 258 42.4 $718 $1 095 8.5 1 345 6.3 11.7 16.1 62.7 611 55.8 368 7.4 255 $17 926 113 $106 6.0

214 3.3 $1 712 $1 484 8.9 3.37 109 2.80 60 49 214 113 51.3 443 30.2 $858 $943 4.7 1 164 4.6 33.3 32.8 77.0 302 59.9 475 6.9 261 $22 802 214 $93 5.3

296 10.5 $1 630 $1 521 21.3 3.57 167 3.10 84 74 296 104 78.8 400 40.3 $954 $840 17.5 1 456 12.B 17.9 28.4 54.6 598 52.7 535 16.6 373 $13 597 162 $94 12.9

551 5.3 $1 692 $1 481 8.9 3.30 293 2.62 179 121 551 237 65.0 777 24.7 $842 $974 2.4 2 596 6.7 21.6 28.0 6B.2 741 52.8 816 8.6 163 $25 044 653 $152

224 6.7 $2 lBl $1 293 31.3 3.77 141 3.05 94 65 224 81

240 6.0 $2 240 $1 240 29.2 3.79 152 3.07 98 69 240 88

430 37.6 $1 063 $744 12.1 1 275 10.4 26.7 31.8 74.1 432 53.9 502 14.1 75

440 34.8 $1 055 $749 11.8 1 349 9.1 26.4 31.3 73.7 467 55.5 524 12.2 92


427 $75 18.1

432 $74 17.4

155 3.2 $1 845 40 206 33.9 $842 870 4.0 380 57.6

132 2.0 $1 356 40 312 21.3 $805 738 2.9 171 51.5

330 3.2 $1 391 112 569 lB.1 $784 1 658 4.3 467 52.9


114 2.9 $1 250 48 249 19.7 $687 704 4.8 234 63.7

81 3.0

110 22.9 $855 434 3.2 220 19.1

109 3.3 $1 295 48 245 21.4 $676 689 5.6 234 63.7


443 2.5 195 41.0

208 7.4 $1 144 53 268 27.0 $703 l 081 9.4 433 51.0

40 461 20.6 $830 793 2.8 194 31.4

28 104 13.1 $637 448 4.1 194 59.3

377 7.9 $2 115 106 310 51.0 $1 332 1 992 9.2 990 67.0

288 4.4 $1 809 84 541 36.9 $1 180 1 504 6.0 393 54.5

177 4.2 $2 106 71 199 27.0 $1 045 834 4.B 307 45.0

373 13.2 $1 936 88 505 50.9 $1 068 1 977 17.3 760 61.1

758 7.3 $1 768 241 1 002 31.9 $1 154 3 542 9.2 l 075 58.5

149 4.6 $2 241 59 182 37.8 $1 242 784 5.9 325 42.8

375 11.3 $1 457 123 582 50.9 $941 1 984 16.2

412 10.3 $1 393 127 607 47.9 $928 2 140 14.5 737 66.5

161 2.5 $2 364 74 694 30.6 $1 333 1 280 4.6 292 36.6

114 4.2 $2 454 34 205 25.8 $985 707 6.4 281 66.2



l l l $12 $13 $8 7 $11 $12 l $3 $4 1 $4 $3

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All famllits ---------·-···-·····--·--· With wage or salary income __ ---- ______ ------Mean woge or salary income ________________ _ With nonfcrm self-employment income __ --------Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self-employment income ______ ------ __ Mean form self.employment income ____ ---- __ _ With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public: assistance or public welfare income. With other income •• ---------- -- ________ -----Mean other income---- ____________ ---------



2 042 $1 954

... ...

2 006 $2 837


. ..

... ...



INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' f1111"1••-------------------------------------

Percent of all families ____ -- ____________ _ Mean family income ________________ -------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _____ _ Mean size of family-----------------------With related children under 18 years ---------Mean number of related children under 18 yr _ Families with female head ------------------With related children under 18 years-------foolly h11ds -··-··-·····-···----------------Civilian mole heads under 65 years ___________ _ Percent in labor force ____________________ _ Ullrtl1tetl intlMtlu1ls ________________ ------ -----

Percent of all unrelated individuals _______ _ Mean income ______________ ---- __ -------- __ Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public: assistance income _____ _ Persons ______ -------------------------------

Percent of all persons __________ ---- -- __ _ Percent receiving Social Security income.- -- -- __ Percent 65 years ond over __________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income _____ _ Related children under 18 years ... ____________ _ Percent living with both parents ___________ _

Heu11hold1 -------------- ------ __ ------------

Percent of all households---------------In owner occupied housing units-------------Mean value of unit----------------------In renter occupied housing units-------------Mean gross rent------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities __ _



54 44 123 55


133 18.0 $817 $1 007


570 3.3 19.3 13.0


217 47.0 178 4.1 124 $24 597 54



108 3.3 $2 334 $1 904 22.2 4.74 98


45 45 108 59


150 31.2 $514 $1 021 14.0 662 4.9 9.5 14.0


312 42.9 177 5.2 126 $26 607 51











$1 454 $1 993 10.1 3.65 7B

... ... ...

58 43 129 47

28 28 92 41


566 24.9 $716 $1 121


1 037 4.0 17.7 21.6 72.3 232 28.4 296

4.0 147 $34 150 149 $142 10.5



155 19.5 $994 $791 11.6 537 4.9 23.3 27.4 74.8 207 61.8 111 6.3 78 103 $114 14.9

367 4.7 $1 813 $1 704 21.0 3.83 244 3.05 144 128 367 162 80.2 717 34.3 $887 $913 6.4 2 122 7.0 25.4 24.9 91.1 742 49.7 702 8.7 289 $16 406 413 $87 6.4

INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' F1111UM1 ______ ---------- ---- ---- __ ----------Percent of all families __ ---- ______ ---- __ _

Mean income deficit-----------------------Families with female head------------------Uarelttetl lntllvldu1l1 __________________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals-------Mean income deficit------------------------

Perio111 ________________ ---------------------

Percent of all persons __________________ _ Related children under 18 years ______________ _ Percent living with both parents __ ----------

89 2.1 50 98 13.3




247 3.2 $1 403 97 521 24.9


1 476 4.7 522 43.5


f1111IH11 ____________________________________ _

Percent of all families __________________ _ ~eon income deficit-----------------------Ut1~l~t~~~n~~l~uf:1~ale head ------------------Percent of ali~~~;kif;d·i~di;id~~is-=====:::

,.~:~:-~n~~:~~~~~~t-= ========== === ==== == ===~_ Percent of all persons. _________________ RIeated children under 18 yeors ______________ _ Percent living with both parents ________ -- __ 1

671 64.8

604 7.8 $1 733 185 862 4\.3 $1 170 3 294 10.6 1 276 63.7

Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



23 - 549

Table 107. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970-Continued [Dato hosed on sample see text. For minimum base for deriVftd figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Westford town

Weston town

We•t Springfield town

2 514

2 563 26 8 9 24 43 26 41 43 66 55 162 207 670 858 325 $23 530 $30 693 132 $14 619 3 833 $14 980 $21 637 1 270 $1 445 $3 360 1 029 $2 940 $7 685

7 346 63 77 145 247 J07 339 430 478 515 534 1 084 1 366 1
2 514 2 349 $11 894 238 $5 329 32

2 563 2 :264 $22 123

7 346 6 657 $10 887 771 $8 908 15

382 $1 799 101 $1 199 875 $1 442

361 $1 865 19



INCOME OF FAMIUES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS A.II lo•lllo• -------------------------Leu than $1,000----------------------------$1,000 lo $1,999----------·-··-······-··----· $2.000 to $2,999-----------------------------

t!:~ :~ m;;::::::::::::::===============

$5,000 to $5,999----------------------------$6,000 to $6,999----------------------------$7,000 to $7,999 •••• -- -- ---- ---- __ •••• ---- -- • $8.000 to $8,999 ---- ---- ------ •• __ ---- ------ _ $9.000 to $9,999 •••• ---- -------- ------ ------ _ $10,000 to $11,999--------------------------$12,000 to $14,999 •• __ -- -------- __ •••• ---- __ _ $15,000 to $24,999 •••• __ -- ---·-- __ ---· ____ --· $25,000 to $49,999-------------------------$50,000 or mcr•--------------------------·Medion Income __________ ,. __ ,._ .. ______ ........... ..


Me-on ~ncome ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ------ -------

Families wifh female head-------------------Mf-Q" income ...................................... _., ................ .. All fomllies ond unrelated individuals ·----------


Mtdian income .................................................. - .. ..

Me.an income __ .... -- ------ ---- __ -------- __ _ All unrelated individuals---------------------Median income--------------------------Mean income __ ............ ------ ... - ____ .... -------


female unrelat41d Individuals .................................... ..

Mtan income ........ -- __ -- ........ _...... ____ .. ___ .... ..


Per copHo income of persons-- .... __ ,. __________ _


31 63 43 43 83

54 158 153 200 406 549 581 106


$11 897 $12 467 152 $8 624 2 803 $11 294 $11 597 289 $3 274 $4 030 189 $3 154 $3 131

3 238 17 23 33 53

56 43 91 100 91 109 263 459 1 204 597 $17 $19 $11 3 $16 $18 $4

$6 $5 $5

99 334 465 210 184 597 039 158 359 764 370 269 781 138

Whitman town









3 226 38 19 62 65 91 150 123 161 289 297 668 560

3 133

4 006 38 70 76 47 61 114 142 250 297 335 669 890 907 104 6 $11 713 $12 204 200 $7 994 4 528 $10 997 $11 253 522 $3 200 $3 9.54 338 $3 221 $2 961

5 545 43 42 62 60

5 044 61 88 91 153 153 256 235 261 311 315 710 917 1 285 191 17 $11 685 $12 459 609 $8 988 6 693 $9 706 $10 573 1 649 $4 913 $4 802 1 136 $4 384 $3 491

9 010 64 134 156 231 203 266 360 415 607 649 1 625 1 592 2 363 334 11 $11 748 $12 505 872 $8 444 10 946 $10 807 $11 221 1 936 $4 477 $5 246 1 097 $4 125 $3 287

26 $8 74" $10 347 331 $5 804 4 548 $7 324 $9 018 1 058 $2 612 $4 634 739 $3 932 $3 408

5 044 4 451 $11 568 585 $7 471 9

9 010 8 441 $11 726 730 $7 710 24

3 490 2 481 $9 214 524 $7 902 6


605 $10 $11 $7 3 $10 $10 $2 $3

$3 $3

88 10 952 722 287 380 826 129 465 600 893 706 486 442 081

$13 $14 $9 3 $12 $14 $4


$5 $3

27 10 69 67 75 70 95 163 152 428 719 894 277 27 462 968 162 574 421 984 184 288 654 652 158 169 996



1 $16 $19 $12 6 $14 $17 1 $5 $7 $5 $5




With wage or 1alary income--------------··--Mean wage or salary income __________ ......... .. " With nonform self-employment income __ .............. .. Meon nonform self-employment •ncome ----··With form self-employment income __ ... __ .... ____ _ Mean form self-employment income ____ -----With Social Security income .... ---- __ ---- __ ----Mean Social Security income ____ ........ __ ------ With public 055istonce or public welfare income __ Mean public ouistonce or public welfare income With other income ................................................... .. Mean other income .... ____ ............ ______ ........... ..

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEl1 f••H'-s -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ------ Percent of all families ............ ____ .............. .. Mean family income-------........................ __ _ Mean income deficit ____ ......... __ ............. __ .... __ .. Percent receiving public assistance income .. ___ _ Mean size of family ____ .... - .............................. .. With related children under 18 years---·----· Mean number of reloted children under \8 yr Families with female head ---- .... __ ............ ---- Wrth related children under 18 yeors ............ ..

F••Rr h11~·1 ........ -- .... -- .................... ------ ------ Civilian mole heods under 65 years .................... .. Percent in labor force ____ ... ______ ............... .. Uartl•t•• JadlvWu1k __ ........................ __ ........ __ ...... .. Percent of all unrelated individuals __ ----- Mean income .... ---- ____ ........ __ .... ----------Mean income deficit ____ ............ ---- .... ------- Percent receiving public assistance income .... __ .. P•n•11 ....... ------ ------ ..................................... .. Percent of all persons.. ................................. .. Percent receiving Sotiol Security income ______ _Percent 65 years and over ................................. .. . Percent receiving Social Security income ..... __ ..

Related children under 18 years .... ________ ----


Percent living with both parents ----------Ho11111ehekl1 .... __ ---- __ ---- __ .... ____ ....... __ ----Percent of all households __________ ----In owner occupied housing units .... ______ ..... __ _ Mean value of \Jnit ____ .... ____ ---- .... ____ ... In renter occupied housing units ...... ---------M.an gross rent-----------------------Percent locking some or oll plumbing facilities .... -



595 $18 658 25

l 946 $8 596

110 4.4 $1 420 $1 947 9.1 3.58 83

2.0 ... ... -

28 24 110 75

18 18 51 33



... ...




169 28.6 $722 $1 130 5.3

484 4.7 15.l 13.6


4.2 9.0 13.4


169 60.9 163 6.5 120 $20 604 43

156 60.3 59 2.2 54

... ...-





I 525

$1 690 329 $1 261 3 407 $1 738 294 4.0 $2 063 $1 512 27.6 3.93 194 3.22 118 104 294 114 84.2 561 24.3 $946 $859 9.4 1 715 6.1 24.7 26.6 74.0 631 51.7 573 6.8 215 $17 453 358 $88 2.6

3 231 2 965 $16 777 416 $14 028 5

... 516

$1 847 21


1 984 $3 268 74 2.3

. .. ... ...




122 77.0 126 3.7 110 $26 466 16



287 191 272 211 161 390 415 588



942 530 088 024 14

613 697 171 547 274 426

501 $1 566 53 1 661 $1 925

$1 1 $1

650 601 120 520 346 355

967 $1 728 131 $989 3 374 $4 036

1 277 $1 742 250 $1 603 2 221 $1 801

1 587 $1 627 328 $1 283 3 372 $1 474

1 222 $2 107 139 $2 021 1 838 $3 382

114 3.6 $1 294 $2 222

145 3.6 $1 416 $1 815

3.80 69

3.37 74

19 114

225 4.5 $1 843 $1 345 17.8 3.37 134 2.62 73 67 225 82

291 22.6 $914 $878

371 22.9 $753 $1 059 9.2 1 129 5.6 23.4 31.3 69.1 384 53.1 440 8.8 112 $19 219 328 $112 2.3

343 3.8 $1 867 $1 372 17.5 3.38 202 2.64 121 96 343 145 83.4 466 24.l $831 $970 11.8 1 624 4.4 22.4 28.5 63.3 533 53.3 593 6.2 295 $17 635 298 $91 11.8

212 8.1 $1 655 $1 498 7.1

28 22 145 68

145 2.6 $1 662 $1 785 22.8 3.72 124 2.39 57 57 145 77

43.6 515 13.7 443 $25 181 142 $123 2.1

324 20.0 $712 792 4.0 206 47.6

217 2.4 $1 129 79 339 17.5 $806 1 065 2.9 327 46.5

193 5.5 $1 185 66 281 27.2 $826 931 7.7 270 57.8

363 7.2 $1 538 110 502 31.0 $1 176 1 912 9.5 731 63.9

470 5.2 $1 691 167 580 30.0 $1 186 2 181 5.9 714 52.4


$1 $1 l $1

125 3.9 $1 857 $1 570 26.4 4.00 93


146 24.3 $1 107 $681 15.8 646 5.0 23.1 22.0 80.3 292 44.9 237 7.3 87

327 2.6 23.5 26.6


4 006 3 684 $11 843 320



3 490 79 103 143 260

3 133 2 808 $14 121 339 $9 182 11

50 125 53

... ...

5 545


3 226 3 024 $10 624 329 $7 804 4

19 74 37 19.2

115 158 137 231 219 557 762 968 917 210 639 378 473 079 831 254 052 286 362 024 923 468 256



150 $97 10.1

$6 MB

.. .



...24 60






.. .


4 $15 1 $14


.. .

521 4.3 17.7 22.6 70.3 213 63.4 160 5.0 120 $22 188 40

149 28.5 $750 $1 069 8.1 637 3.7 19.2 23.9 63.8 198 78.8 219 5.1 177 $17 804 42



830 3.7 21.3 25.3 73.8 288 45.l 269 4.5 133 $32 237 136 $157 1.9


138 3.4 $1 068 28 111 21.3 $905 572 3.3 198 78.8

110 2.0 376 $1 46 191 15.4 $717 596 2.7 215 40.0

265 6.6 $1 625 38 186 35.6 $1 262 1 188 6.9 480 90.4

181 3.3 $2 237 57 335 26.0 $1 177 1 011 4.6 350







.. .

3.48 138 3.30 104 78 212 100 58.0 393 37.1 $791 $998 6.1 1 373 11.4 23.8 29.8 72.4



,......,Percent -- ____ of ---- -- ................. ---- -----,.,._,.,._

aU families _________________ _ Mton income deficit----------------------Families with female head ........ ______ .............. .. -

Uonlote4 lo41whlu1f1 •• --·- ____ ---- __ •••• __ ---Percent of oU unrelated individuals------- Mean income deficit------·---------------- Pene11 ______ .......... __ ---- __________ ---- -----Pefcent of alJ persons ................................. _.. .. Related children vndor 18 years _____________ _P-ercent living with both parents-----------



3.7 ... 18



172 2.3 $1 346 76 397 17.2 $656 1 091 3.9

133 53.4




137 23.2 $849 343


15.6 36-4 3.5 126 75.4


0 1.4


75 2.3




19 52 14.5

37 75 12.5

222 1.7 88



36-4 2.8 160 26.9

385 3.2 171 54.4


167 5.2 $1 941 62 231 39.7 $781 193 6.9 357 53.2

152 4.9 $2 438 37 98 34.0

... ...





2.8 $1 207


INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' 1...111e. -- ------ ---- ---- -- ------ -- ---- -----Percent of all families---- ____ ---- ____ .... Meon income deficit----------------------Families with female head------------------ U•nfote4 l•41vklnk ------ .............. ,. .... ---- .......... .. Percent of all unrelated individuals ........ - .. .. Mean income deficit .............................................. _ Ptr1o•s ................................................................. ------ Percent of oil persons .... -- _____________ _ Related children under 18 yeors _____________ _ Percent living with beth parents -----------


111! 7.2 $1 853 33 110 38.1 $1 120 816 7.9 347 81.0

60 2.3 23 117 31.6 $1 452 456 4.2 170 55.3



'Excludes inmQtes of institutions, members of the Armed Forces livmg

23 - 550



431 5.9 $1 808 168 770 33.4 $1 017 2 479 8.7 901 54.8

...3.124 81 22.6


441 3.5 164 82.9

. ..

713 5.9 308 61.4


m 13.7 $1 543 147


44.6 $1 238 2 217 18.4 828 51.7

barracks. co11'9e students 1n dormitories, and unrelcted individuals under 14 years .


Table 108. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Towns and Places of 10,000 to S0,000:


(Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places With 400 or More Negro Population


Amherst town

Barnstable town

548 45 503 117 232 8S 16 98 33 3 151

628 32 5'6 246 166 57

425 68 179 12 167 66 101 33 12 20 36 48 130

542 90 274 12 262




190 33 23 47 87 48 130

63 48



112 30 30 12

Center (U)

Fort Devens

Bourne town




605 1 598 117 439 142 42 227 28 22 20

576 26 550 346 166 48 9 109

585 28 557 401 146 19

1 338 16 1 322 117 1 013 99 144 706 64 49 143

467 109 281 17 264 11 253 140 22 50 41 47 30

534 143 354 285 69 15



Harvard town

Randolph Haverhill



488 5 483 278 148 14 3 118 13 5 52



Born in different State-------------------Northeosl -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- --North CenfroL. -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---South -- ---- -- -- -------- -- -- -- -- -- ---West-- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

444 45 399 93 155 85 8 57 5

Stole of birth nol reported -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---


T•tal populatlon __ -- -- -- ---- -- -- --foreltn born----------------------Native __ -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- ------

Born in State of residence-----------------

Born abroad, at sea,




109 18'1


26 12



10 -

1 039 16 1 023 56 804 78 110 571

45 49 114



253 158 32






472 27 445 228 162 S8


102 2

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Tot1I populatlOfl, 5 yaan okl and over _ Some house -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---

Different house in United States ------------

Same county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Different county -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

Some State •• __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -Different Stole -- ------ -- -- -- -- ____ ---

Northeast -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- North Central •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ---South ____________ -- __ ---- -- _____ _ West.---------------------------Abrood -- -- -· -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

Moved, 1965 residence not reported ________ _

282 130 63 67




12 76

54 25




22 15

509 420 89 34


l 133





6 7S6


-6 --

57 699 65 143 42S 66 146 225

646 57 589 56 96 377 60 146 166








12 18S 18S 68 68 26

49 6

466 223 180 150 30 15 15

450 220 20S


20S 160

397 216 147 128 19



19 15



10 53

12 13


4 5 29

173 6 6

150 6


12 164 164 62 62 26

125 116 42 42







·-· ...



SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total 11rolled, 3 to 34 years old _____ _

Nursery school-------------------------Public-------------------------------Kinder9orten ___________________________ _ Public-------------------------------Elementary Cl to 8 yeorsl-----------------Public ---- ---- -- ---------------------High school (1 to 4 years) -- -- -- -- -- ______ _ Public-------------------------------College--·-----------------------------Pt«ent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ___ _ 3 and 4 years old __ ---- ____ ------ -- __ ---S ond 6 years old -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ __ ---7 to 13 years old------------------------14 ond 1S years old---------------------16 ond 17 years old---------------------18 ond 19 years old ________ -- -- -- -- ____ _ ---------------------_ 20and21 yeorsold 22 to 24 years old ______________________ 2S lo 34 yeors old •• ____________ -- __ ---- _



7 7 15 15 191

12 12 3S 3S 28 28 218








... ...

... ... 37.6








52 52 18 18

25 125 125 14 14

lS lS 109 109 30 30


49 49 24 24 31







... ...-·· ... ... -





... -

...... ...

... ... ...



...... ... ... ...


. ..





12 61 33 33 20


60 60 29 20




... ...

... ... ...


4.2 6.0 2.6






... ...

... ...

17.6 3.5 4.6 2.1











. ..... -


YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Malt, 25 years old and over _______ _ No school yeors completed _______________ _Elementary: 1 to 4 years _______________ _5 to 7 years _______________ _8 years ____ ---------------- High school: 1 to 3 years _______________ _ 4 years ____ ---------------- -


1 to 3 years _______________ _ 4 years or more ____________ _


Median school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates ____________ _female, 25 years old and oHr -----No school years completed. ______________ _Elementary: 1to4 years---------------- 5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------- _____ _ High school: l to 3 years _______________ _ 4 years--------------------

I to 3 Y""---------------- -


4 years or more------------Medion school years completed ___________ _Percent high school graduates ____________ _

69 ...


93 ... . ..




... ...

14 3 12 7 20 20 32 12.9 66.7



19 19 19 19

27 31 3S 38 7 3


12 7 20 12 19




8 29 12 58 84





17 16 25 40 3S 13




11.4 44.0

99 14 12 12.6 100.0

10.1 32.9

43 19 17 11.3 43.2







29 8 60 59 7


11.2 40.S




lS 4 22 36



8 53 160 45

137 36

12.4 73.S

12.S 78.6







41 -




9 23 87 15

9 18 68 8

12.4 72.9

12.3 69.7

11.6 47.1

102 14 22 51 64

157 52 79 103 117 123 27 6

98 29 43 62 66 71 18 9

198 26 35 53 63 83 41 20

228 44 109 150 155 155 31 5

172 25 84 12S 130 130 31




126 lOS 83.3

440 43S 98.9

316 316 100.D


44 127

44 127




8.8 IS.8


6 19 23 41 8

... ...

165 21

9.8 36.3


29 70 13 21 12.5 78.2


8 10 lS SB 14 31 12.6 75.7


9 4 43 100 34 1S 12.4 70.6



11 37 13 25 42 7

-7 -





60 23 20 12.7 84.4

26 39 48 26



8 30 17 11 48


9.5 42.1

FAMILIES , ... 111.. _______________________ _


With own children under 3 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ W!th own children under 12 years _________ _ With own children under 18 years ____ -----With sons/daughters under 25 years ______ _


With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years. ______ _-


Svbfat1111lt1 --------------------Number of own children under 18 years ____ _





Husband-wife subfamilies _________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ____ _-



Sublamllles with female head ______ _ Number of own children under 18 years ____ _-



.. Persons under 18 years old_ _______ _ l1vm9 with both parents _________________ _ Percent of to to I ______________________ _-

19 19

58 49


. ..

145 22 42 51 66 98

46 40 25 11 14




11 l1



183 127 69.4

300 255 85.0

l6S 65 39.4

33 58

27 103



64 27


123 19 33

94 23


44 63 68 26 24

78 83 37 29





196 122 62.2

190 159 83.7

146 120 82.2

20 74

41 100


4 12


4 12



CHILDREN EVER BORN .Id Wtm111, 35 to 44 yr. old, ever married Ch 1 ren ever born ______________________ _-

Per 1,000 women ever married----------



8 24



15 33










24 80



Table 109.

Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Towns and Places of 50,000: 1970 {Data based on sample. iee text. for minimum hose for deriYed figures (percen1. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Towns and Places With 400 or More Negro Population

Amherst Center (U)


245 102 41.6 78 63 15

291 121 41.6 97 82 15




Barnstable town

Fort Devens (U)

Harvard town

697 678 97.3 45 39 6



7 13 29 246 147 59.8 147 135 12 8.2 99

17 2 223 120 53.8 103 98 5 4.9 103

Bourne town



252 197 78.2 197 177 20 10.2 55

154 149 96.8 34 34

289 36.0 57 57

221 172 77.8 172 172

10 24 21 209 100 47.8 100 89 11 11.0 109 8 6 62 33



Randolph town

575 571 99.3 22 16 6

149 113 75.8 107 107

172 131 76.2 128 128




7 14 15 133 59 44.4 59 59

14 18 171 60 35.l 60 60


EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mole, 16 yHn old and,.,..... _______ .,._ Lcbor force ------ -- -------------- .... ---Percent of total •• ------ ________ ----Civilian labor force---------------------Employed __ ---- ------ __ ---- -- -------Unemployed -- -------- -- •• ·--- -·-----Percent of civilio-n 'obor force _,. ______ _ Not in labor forte ........ ______ -- ____________ ...

lnmote of in$titution ........ ---- .... ---------- ..

Enrolled in school ......................................... __ _ Othm Under 65 yeors ·----------------65 years and over .............................. ...


fnHle, 16 y...., oW -------labor force •• ________________ OVlf •• ______ ---· Percent of total ____________________ _ Civilian labor force .......................................... .. Employed __ •• __ •• -- -·-- ---· -- -- -- - --Unemployed ____ ------··------ •• ----Pertent of civilian labor force ........ -~ .. . Nt>t in labor force------------- ................. .. Inmate of institution ..................................... .. Enrolled in schocl ---------------------Other, Under 65 yeors ----------------- 65 years. and over---------------


Malt, 16 t1 21 years. old ____ -------

Not en.rolled in schoof ---- __________ ... -- --Not high 5chool graduate _______________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force-------




71 72


180 87 48.3 87 71 16




98 72


204 98 48.0 98 82 16



14 67

106 14 80

148 78 12 12

160 78 12 12



180 19 19

204 27 19 8 8 36 23 27 19 4 4

209 39 29 29 20 101 51 28 16 20 20





33 20




161 71 44.1 63 57 6





185 181


135 48 35.6 40 40










4 165 83 50.3 78 73 5 82




260 248 100

171 36 17 39 17 115 45 27


14 45 40 31 11

161 67 11 46 24 142 57 67

135 42 5 24 10 54 9 17

246 37 19 23 11 126 80 19 12 23 11


103 51 38 17 189 86 103 51 38 17

165 76 34 38 17 143 61 76 34 38 17

133 23 17 36 18 72 48 23 17 25 18


... ... ...

... ...


11 6



99 4 307 290 103



74 11 4 41 18 14 7 7

7 75 5 102 102 76 60

5 85






22 74 15 31 15 6


115 118 63.8 118 107 11 9.3 67 45 7 9 6 Ill

105 66.9 105 98 7 6.7 52 20 4 22 6 18

11 4 4

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Wi'Mtn, 16 yurs •kl •N ower ____ ---- ---- __ _ With own children under 6 years _________ _


In labor force ____ ·--- _______________ _ With own children 6 to 17 yeQr$ only _____ _ In labor force ____________ ... ____ .... __ M1rrie4 we•H, h••11td present ____ ... _____ .. ,. In labor force ______________ ...... ___ ........ With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force _______________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 yeors only _____ _ In labor force .... __________________ ---- --~



19 19 19 19




46 24


14 4



14 and 15 years ..... ----------~---16 and 17 years ______________ .. __ _

18 end 19 years •• ---------------20 end 21 y•ors------------------ 22 to 24 yeors ••••••••• ·--------25 to 34 years·-----------------35 to 44 years------------------45 ta 64 years---------··--------65 years. and over------------·--Female, 14 and 15 years-----------------16 end 17 years •• ---------------18 and 19 yeors •• __ •• ___________ _ 20ond21 years _________________ _-


22 25 35 45 65


to 24 years--------·---------to 34 years ____ •••. ____ ---- __ _ to 44 years------------------to 64 years------------------years ond over---------------- -




... ...

... .-··..

-... ... ...-

...... . ..-



... ...

... ...


... ...


. .. -





... ... ... -



... ...

... ...


...... ...

.... .. ... ...



...... -




... . ..

... ...



... .. . ...


... ...



... -·· ...

. ..

210 51 23 136 116 12 47 57

251 62 35 154 140 16 54 70

206 140 32 34 100 36 17 47


26 16 94 38 13 43

242 98 76 68 50 19 23 8

186 117 46 23 156 86


82 57 20

177 134 25 9 18

34 16 11

57 44 13





.. . ... ... ... ...

. ..

... ...


100.0 100.0 92.8 100.0












39 17


157 22 16 33 26 66 47 22 16 29 22



. ..-

... ...

... ... ... ... ... .. -. ... ... ......



... ...

... ... ............ ...


... ...

117 81 21 15 76 23 38 15

150 120 10 20 83 42 33 8

129 64 35 30 101 59 29 20


107 94 13 6

128 82 39 13 7

107 86 15 7 6

59 55 4

60 40 20 14

98 78 16

. .. . ..


"' "'




.... .. ...

... ...



... -


WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Ihle, 16 yHn oW ad ever ____ ---------- __ •

SO to 52 weeks •••••••••••• __ -- -------27 to 49 weeks •••• ______ •••••• __ ------


26 weeks or less ____ .... __ ........ ---- .......... .. fl••'-, 16 years okt •'"' n·er -----------· __ _ 50 to 52 weeks •• ___ . ____ ---- _________ _ 27 to 49 week•-----------------------· 26 weeks or less •. ---- ________________ _


625 383 151 91 147 26 70 51

518 318 128

172 93 75 24 4

39 31 6

16 16

135 72 49 16 14

98 72 26 ll

73 58 15





72 110 9 54 47

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER M•h ""'Plor•i __ -- ______ •.•• ______ .•.• __ _ Private wage or solory workers ....... -----Gavernmen1 workers-----------------·Local government workers .... __________ • Self-tmplayed workers-----------------Unpaid family worker.s ---------- --------

-,,,..,.. e111pMyttl ....... ---- ........ ____ .... _______ .. Private wage or salary workers .... -------- Government workers------------------Local government worJ<.ers ... ______ .... __ .. Self-emplaye

-Wage or solory worken------ .. ---------Self-employed workm -------- ---------- Unp.aid family workers----------~------- -

, ........ , .., ..4, "'•tric:tdhtft ______ -- -- -- -- -

46 12






5 71 58




65 4




29 28 14











16 6 10


16 16




40 19 16 5 5











94 28 4 33


170 13 18 4





LABOR MOBILITY FOii MALES' Molt, 30 t• 49 '"" tll lo 1970 ••••••••••••• Non.worker in l965, nonworker in 1970 ---Honworker in 1965, worker in 1970 __ •• --Worker in 1965, nonworktr in 1970 __ •• ---


48 15 19 14


15 19 22























6 8







5 5





143 47 24


'The concept "'worker'' includes. the employed plus members of the Armed fol"tes.

23- 552





Occupation, Earnings, and Industry of the Negro Population for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. medion, etc.) ond meoning of symbols. see text]

Towns and Places With 400 or More Negro Population

Amherst Center (U)

Amherst town

Barnstable town

Bourne town



Fort Devens (U)

Harvard town












18 8 6



20 7



Randolph town


166 12




11 11

OCCUPATION Toto! employed, 16 years old and over----Professional, technical, and kindred workers-----Heollh workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Technicians, except health -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ Other professional workers------------------

Manogers and administrators, except farm------Salaried -------- -------------------------Self·employed_. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- •• ---Soles workers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Reloil trade -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Clerical ond kindred workers -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers--------



19 6 6




10 10

10 10 37

13 5 8 8 8



Mechanics and repairmen--------------------

Construction craftsmen -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- ____ -

15 36



6 6 24 5

6 6 20 5

23 23

61 6

45 6 35

93 32



23 11

7 5

Laborers, except farm-----------------------Construction laborers __ -- -- ________________ _ Formers and form managers __________________ _ Farm laborers and farm foremen--------------Service workers, except private household 1 - - - - - - Cleaning and food service workers ___________ _ Health service workers -- __ -- -- -- ____ -------Personal service workers-------------------Pratecfive service workers __________________ _ Private household workers ________ -- __________ _



6 4

31 25




18 7 25

5 5 34

21 5 5 70 39 26 5 5


23 9

10 5 5


8 16

42 13




15 5

6 10

42 24 13

45 27 13

22 74




26 15



16 10

9 18 89

5 20 10

21 5



57 14



8 6











6 6 24












18 60




11 4









38 25




36 28



26 5




8 5






37 24 13


6 20 11 5

5 11


4 4


6 98


49 15




60 11









71 19

Operatives, except transport------------------Manufacturing ____ ---- ____________________ _ Nonmonufacturing industries ________________ _ Transport equipment operatives _. _. ___________ _ laborers, except form------------------------_ Farm workers ______________________________ Service workers, except private household' ______ _ Cleaning and food service workers ___________ _ Health service workers.- ___________________ _ Personal service workers ______________ ---- __ Private household workers ____________________ _

4 4



Nondurable goods manufacturing -- ____ ---- __ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers -- -- -- ________ -- ____ ---- ---Teachers, elemenfary and secondary schools ___ _ Managers and administrators, except farm ______ _ Soles workers -- __________________ ---- ______ _ Retail trade -- -- -- ------ __________ --------Clerical and kindred workers------------------Secretaries, stenographers, and typists -------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers--------



Nonmonufocturing industries -- -- -- ____ ---- __ _ Transport equipment operatives----------------

Female employed, 16 ytors old and over ___ _

27 22 22

11 4 9


21 42

Operatives, except transport.------------------Durable goods manufacturing----------------





5 11





$4 635

$7 714

$5 500


MEDIAN EARNINGS IN 1969 OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Molt, 16 yeors old ond over with eornlngsl _ Professional, monogeriol, ond kindred workers ___ _ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers ____ ---Operatives, including transport ______ ---- __ ---- _ loborers, except farm-----------------------Formers and form managers------------------Form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen __ Female, 16 years old ond over with eornlngsJ_ Clerical and kindred workers------------------Operatives, including transport __ •• ____________ _

$8 400

$4 750

$5 403

$3 227

INDUSTRY Toto I ''"ployed, 16 years old and aver ____ _ Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries _____________ _

~~~~~~u~ii~~ ·:::::~:::::::: :::: ::: :: : ::::::::

Manufacturing ________________________ -- ---- Furniture and lumber and wood products_ _____ _ Metal industries_ __________________________ _ Machinery, including electrical _______________ _ Transportation equipment_ __________________ _ Other durable goods _______________________ _ Food and kindred products_ _________________ _ Te~li!es and fabricated textile products -------Prmtmg, publishing, and allied industries __ -· __ _ Other nondurable goods (including not specified manufacturing industries) __________________ _ Trucking service and warehousing ______________ _ Other transportation _________________________ _ Communications, utilities, and sanitary services __ _ Wholesale trade ___ _ ~oo_d, bakery, and dai;y-~f~;e·s-::::::::::::::::: ohhng and drinking pieces ____________________ _ 0! er retail trade ________ ------ -------------Finance, insurance, and real estate ~~i~i~~~~~~e~~rdo~r services _____ ::~=~=~=~==:~: Other personal servic-e~- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ~nter!oinment and recre;ti~~ -s·e;~[c~;-:::: :::::: E3sp1tols ueatlonal-----------------and kindred services----------------_______________ _







'Includes allocated coses, not sllown separately.







4 57





21 19 6




6 9


5 66




4 5








20 11


















4 46

6 11

22 9






Othe.r professional and related services _________ _ Public administration _________________________ _


60 16


11 14



7 23



91 37

15 13



8 9 6 9




9 10




7 5





5 52 101



8 4

26 10

21ncludes protective service workers ond allocated coses, not shown separately.


5 12


32 68 34




8 6


13 5


21 4 16


18 7 9 10

:tlncludes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.


Table 111. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 of the Negro Population for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 (Data based on sampte. set text, For minimum base for de-rived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Towns and Places With 400 or More Negro Population INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS fo11M1____________________________ .. ---------------- •• ·---·---_ less then Alt $1,000

8ornstoble town

Bourne town






Randolph town

















6 7 13

9 11 10 10 5



98 7 3


24 3

4 30 25

23 14

5 4 17

43 15

12 4


14 27 18

7 20 14 3

10 10 21

11 9



$12 500 $12 335 9





$7,000 to $7,999 ·- __ ---- __ ---- -· __ ----------$8,000 to $8,999 __ ------ __________ -------- ·-$9,000 to $9,999 ---- --·- ______________ ------. $10.000 to $11,999 ------ ------ __ -· __ ·--··· __ _ $12,000 to $14,999 .. ·--- •• __ -· ·- ____ •• ------$15,000 to $24,999 --·--- --·- -· __ •• ----------$25,000 to $49,999 ·-·--··--·-····---···-----$50,000 or more __ •• __ ·- __ ---· __ ;.·--------·-




25 46

3 6


7 21

4 7


16 12

9 19 10 18

5 5 11


7 4 31 21 26

55 15

14 27



26 8

$9 381 $8 902

$1 564 $7 979

$7 721 $7 899

$7 750

145 $6 457 $6 605 43


6 7 4

7 21

3 8




Med1gn income----------------------------"'-

Mean income ....... ---------- __ .. ___ -------- ....

17 16 8 29

Mean income------ __________ -- ______ -------Fomilin with female head ---------------------

All f.amilies ond unrelated individuiols ------- .... -- .. Mtdian income-----------~ .. ----------..... -- .. Mtan income---- __ ---- __ .... __ .... ____ .... __ ..... .. A11 unrelated individuals----------------------Median incame ................................................... . Meon income ___ ,. ....... __ ---- .... ______ -------Female unrelated individuals ..... _.... _________ .... __ _ Mean income ________ .... __ .... __ .... ____ ............. .. Ptr capita income of persons __________________ _


Amherst town

$1,000 to $2.000 to $3,000 to $4.000 to $5,000 to

$1,999 •• ---·-- -- --·- __ •••• -·-·---·$2,999 •• __ •••••••• -- ·--· ·- --··-·-·$3,999 ____ ·--- ·-·-·· •• ____ •• ·-··--$4,999 __ •• -·-- •• -··- ____ ·- --------$5,999 __ ------ ------ ____ ·- --------$6,000 to $6,999 --·- ·---·- -··- ________ -------

fort Devens

Amhent Center (U)



$1 177 $1 629 373

$1 355 $2 522 392 $1 130 $1 476

$1 078 $1 386 147 $1 446

147 $1 448 $2 001

1, 19


$1 448

$5 656

$7 511

$6 045

$7 716











$7 511 $7 716

$4 315 $4 656

$8 516 $7 801

$3 075



$2 934 $3 976 385 $2 058

$4 706 $4 808


22 $1 762

$2 049



$4 201 450 $2 045 $2 286 17

$2 763

$3 302

$2 093

$1 934 23

$2 224 5


$2 087

$2 032 102 86

$11 778 $11 933 11

$5 893

$7 123 54

23 $3




TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All footllle1 ---· ________ •• __ ----. _ ---·

With woge or salary income------------------Mean wage o-r salary income .... __ ........ ______ ...... With nonfcrm self·employment income •• __ .... ____ .. Mean nonfclrm self-emptoyment income-------Wtth form selt·employment income _____________ _ Mean form self-employment income ____ ....... __ .. With Social Security income .... ______________ .... _.. Mean Social Securify income----------------W~th public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public as,sisionce or public welfare income.. With other income .... ______ ........ __________ ........ __ Mean other income __ ........ __ .............. _____ ....... ..






221 $7 674

167 $1 739






$6 110 8

$7 514

$8 540












123 $10 802 7

94 82






















30 15.2






12 9,8






11 11

9 9





INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL• f•1111lh1 -- -- -- -- ---- ---- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .... -- Percent of all families .... ---- ....... ____ ........ .. Mean family income .... ------ __ •• __ .... __ .. -----

Mean income deficit---------- .... __ ---------P•rcent receiving public assistance income _____ _ Mean size of family-----------------------With related children under 18 years---------Mean number of related children under 1B yr _ Families wilh female heod ----------------- .... With related children under 18 years--------





21 21

19 11












F••ffy he•tls __ ........ __ ........ ---- ... __ .... __ .... ---- __ _


Civilicm male heads under 65 years __ ---------Percent in labor force·- ............ ____ ------Uueiat .. htdMtl•tls -· ------ .... -----· ... -·-------

P-ercent of all unrelote




$1 218







121 19.5 29.8




.... -- -- ... ---- -- .......... -- .. -------Percent of all household$ ____ .... _




In owner occupied housing unils ..... ---------Mean value of unit __________ ... ______ .... __ .. In renler occupied housing units ____ .... -------Mean gross rent .... ____ ....... ___ .. ______ .... __ _ Percent lackin9 some or all plumbing facilities __ _





P1no11 ......... -----· ........ -------- ----------Percent of olJ persons __ ................ ____ .... ..

Percent receiving Social Security income .............. .. Percent 65 years and over ____ .• ".---- .... -- -- .. Percent receiving Social Security income •• - .. _.. Related children under lB years ... _.. ____ ... ____ _ Percent living with both .parents-----------H••••~•Ws

Percent of all families •• __ •• __ .... ____ ......... Mean i.ncome deficit ____ ·- ......... __ ....... -- ~--fcmilies with female head .... ____ . ___ •• __ .... --Uorelot..i lodi'IW ..11 __ ·--- ____ ---- __ ----------· Percent of all unrelated individuals-·------

Mean income deficit _____ ........ ____ .... ---- ___ _

,.,..... Percent -- ~- -- --of --all--per$On$ -- -~ -- --______ .. ·- ---- --- -- ----____ -- ---- _ Related children under 18 years ________ ,. _____ _ Per<;:ent living with both parents-----------·










28.7 52






INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' h•lllts. ____________________________________ _



54.4 $856


123 28.6



24 16.6

16 12


59.7 $689 $1 253


4 2.5

24 21


10 3

87 14.9















18.8 B








11.2 15










13 7.6






14 5

6 15

11 8

$846 127


136 21.9 50






12.4 21

10.9 23






30 15.2










14.0 35



16 15.7



INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' , ..111t1 ...... -----------··--------------------Percent of all fomilie$ ............................. .. Mean income deficit .... ______ ... -· __ ...... ---- __ Families with female head ............... ____ ---- __ _ Uonlote4 lodlvklook __ ---- ·- __ ---- __ ------ ----· Percent of all unrelated individuals-------Mean income deficit-----------------------Pen••• ........................ ---· ....... __ ................ ---- .... .. Percent of all penons .................................... .. Related chlldrtn under 18 yeors·-------------Percent living with both porents -----------1

24 145


64.2 $1 642

62.4 $1 615


153 28.7





222 35.6






50.9 101 26.7






,. 28






19 132


14.7 63

5.3 4

75 16.4 35



12,9 35

32.7 62

Excludts inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Fore-es living m borrocks, colltge students in dormrtones, and unrelated individuals under 1 years.


23 - 554



Table 112. General Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language for Towns and Places of 10,000 to


1970 (Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Towns and Places With 400 or More Persons of Spanish Language



Fort Devens (U)

Harvard town





1 098 209 94 97 125 162 105 94 51 47 36 17 29 9 16

476 78 70 64 35 38 68 25 18

683 101 127 57 98 117 97 38 21 8 12


634 124 103 68

537 70 47 69 36 43 55 15 42 34

502 127 67 73 26 54

819 145 137 91 69 70 66 64 39

AGE Total, all


Under 5 years -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----5 ta 9 years.- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- ---- --10 to 14 years--------------------------15 to 19 year•--------------------------20 to 24 years--------------------------25 to 29 years--------------------------30 to 34 years ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------35 to 39 year•--------------------------40 to 44 years--------------------------45 to 49 years--------------------------50 to 54 years •• ------------------------55 to 59 years--------------------------60 to 64 year•--------------------------65 to 69 years •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---


29 14 8



70 to 74 yeors--------------------------75 years and over -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----



14 7 8

Under 18 years -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---21 years and over------------------------

476 539 23 20.7

230 214 29 18.7

306 273 7 17.9

616 99 57 76 55 104 55 46 26 29 32 6 19

224 40 13 32 17 27 30 8 13

408 73 52 21 71 96

16 14







75 years and over __ -- ___________________ _




Under 18 years ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _____ _

256 315 12 21.0

96 113 14 21.9

482 110 37 21 70 58

252 38 57 32 18 11 38 17 5 13


65 years and over -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _____ _ Median oge ----------------------------Male, oll 0911 ___________________ _

Under S years -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

5 to 9 years •• -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --10to14 15 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 44

AS to 50 to 55 to 60 to 65 lo 70 to

years--------------------------yeor'--------------------------years------------------------·-yeors--------------------------years--------------------------years--------------------------years •. -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ---- ____ _

49 years ______ -- -- -- __ -- -- -- ______ _ 54 years--------------------------59 years ____ ----------------------64 years •• ____ ---- -- -- -- -- -- ______ _ 69 years ______________ ------------74 yeors---------------------------

21 years and over _______________________ _ 65 years and over _______________________ _ Median age----------------------------Female, all 11911 _________________ _

Under 5 years-------------------------5 lo 9 years ________ ---- ________ -------- 10 to 14 years. ________________________ _15 to 19 years __________________ -------- 20 to 24 years .• ____________ ---- __ ---- __


25 30 35 40

to to to to

29 34 39 44

years _________________________ _ years ______ ---- _______________ _ years _________________________ _ years _________________________ _-

50 55 60 65 70

to 54 to 59 to 64 to 69 to 74

years •. _______________________ _ years •. ____ -- ____________ -- ---years _________________________ _ years •• ____ ---- _______________ _yeors _________________________ _

45 lo 49 years ______________ ------------ -

75 years and over ________________ -------


Under 18 years-------- ____ ---- -- ------21 years and over ______________________ _65 years and over ______________________ _-


Median age ___________________________ _



48 25 18 4 11 10 9 7



8 -



"° 29 14


75 131

60 73 78 81 38 34 8 7



BB 36 53 39 28 6 8 13


36 8 28 41 13

29 31 14 23 16 28





287 225

326 249



209 309 13 25.3

282 209 8 13.9

407 370 58 17.6

346 47 52 33 59 65 30 29 24

345 65 49 43 25 47 19 29 25 28

278 39 20 45 11 15 38 7 6 24 23 8 12 24 6


407 80 64 39 17 31 34 32 32


14 5 16 6 191 207 27 20.6







67 20 45 18 21 29 13


15 8 14





153 164

139 134

163 141

108 163

139 106








275 28 75 36 27 21 57 9 7 8

239 28 79 27 14 13 51 9 10 8

289 59 54 25 43 41 17 24 14






14.6 246


18 14 8 8 14

-6 -6 --

36 10 13



16 17 7


220 224 11 20.3

134 101 15 14.8

153 109 7 14.8

148 91

163 108

101 146




1 098 1 038 261 207 192 15 54 39 15 195 553 29

476 470 120 120 101 19

683 539 106 106 106

585 472 94 94 94

634 626 148 141 135 6 7 7

537 537 133 133 133



259 31 27 24 25 28 17

7 8







14 22 30 6





29 37


60 47 28 8 33


8 -


7 30


412 65 73 52 52 39 32 32 7


22 7


17 14


143 103 8 12.9

216 163 31 16.5

502 496 125 110 104 6 15 7 8 97 274

819 798 191 154 140 14 37 31 6 131 463 13

RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Total population _________________ _ In households ________________ -- - _ -- -- - _Heod of household ____________________ _ Family head _______________________ _ Mole ___________________________ _


Mole ___________________________ _Female-------------------------- Wife of head------------------------Other relative of head _________________ _Not related to head ___________________ _Female-------------------------Primary individual ______ -'"' __________ _








115 318


126 337 15





60 33 27










own children under 18 years_ ________ _With own children under 6 years __________ _-


207 148 105

120 100 65

106 76 69

94 71 54

Hu1band-wife famlllts W~th own children under 18 yeO-r;:::::::::: W11h own children under 6 years __________ _-

190 140 97

87 80 59

106 76 69

94 71 54

15 8 8

19 12 6



In group quarters ______________________ _

Inmate of institution __________________ - Other-------------------------- ____ _-

78 272








6 6

21 8 13

141 103 71


89 48

110 90 62

154 119 99

127 97

128 84 48

104 84 62

132 105 85


6 6

14 14 14

FAMILIES BY PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Total famines ___________________ _




fl•lllts with ft1nal1 head _________ _

own children under 18 years _________ _With own children under 6 years __________ _





71 6 6




Table 113. Social Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 {Dato based on somple, see text. For minimum bos.e for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places With 400 or Mare Persons of Spanish Language



Fort Devens tUl

Harvard town

1 098 180 911 262 55 35 7

476 99 377 313 36 24

683 12 671 52 434 65 41 232 96 185

585 7 578 74 381 69 25 225 62 123



439 4 435

360 32 328




634 39

537 177 360 262 25 11

502 86 416 188 38 25


PLACE OF BIRTH l•tol populotl,. ____ ...... ---- __ --Fore19n ll1rn ------------------- .. -- .. Nci.tlvt -- ...... - ... ..,_ -- -- ______ ..... __ -- ... Born State of ruiden'e ----------------Born in in different State _____ .. ____________ .. _ --____ ---... __ ---- -- -Noriheast North Central •• __________ •• __ •• _______ _


South •••• __ ---- ------ ____________ ---West ______ ---- ........... ______ .... ____ .... - .. ..

Born obroad. at &eo, etc,. __________________ .. Slate of birth not reported •••• -------------


13 573 8







595 163 24 6




6 6 383 5

18 55

510 104 174 155 19 13 6 6

467 118 234 36 196 127 69 69


67 46


819 44 775 381 56 31 14


7 190

11 332 6

375 61 163 96 67 55 12 5

674 167 305 273 32 5 27 13 14


RESIDENCE IN 1965 T1tal papulatlOfl, 5 yHfl old •ad over .. Some house __________ ,. ......... -------------

Different house in United Stot*s -----------Some county-----------------·-------Different county .. ---------------------Same State ............... __ ......... __ ........ -- ---


Different State ................. ______ ,.._·--- -:Northeast ____ ....... -- __ -- -- -- -- -- .... North CentroL _____ -- __ -- -- ____ -- .. South--------------------------West ___________________________ _

Abrood •••• -- ______ ------ __ ------ _____ _ Moved, 1965 res.idence not reported __ ..... --

889 191 295 262 33


33 19 7

398 163 137 84 53 39 14 8



21 57

175 140 81 62

326 45 6 151 126 61 69







217 166


430 51




-7 107 44



135 47

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enroUe~. 3 1o 34 years old __ -- _ Nursery 5thool -----------------···----Public ____ .••• ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- --Kindergorlen .... __ ....... _______ .. -- -- __ -- --Public ____ .• ____ • ·-- __ -- _- •. -- -- -- -- • Elementary (1to8 yeorsL ...... -----------Public ____ ---- __ ---- ______ .. -- __ . ---High ~chool Cl to4 years)--·--------------



Public ____ •• __ ---- •. -- ---- -- ------ --Coll•g• ____ •••• __ .••••.•• __ -- -- •. -- -- •• -, Perunt enroU•lf, 3 to 34 yurs old ...... 3 end 4 y!'.lars aid----------------------5 and 6 years aid--·-··--·------------·-


7 to 13 yeor:s old .......................... _______ _ 14 and 15 years aid--------------------16 and 17 years old--------------------16 and 19 years aid·-------------------20 and 21 years old·-------------------22 to 24 years old----------------------25 to 34 years old •• ______ •. ____ •••• __ •• _





45 45 136 138 22

171 13 13 22 16 124 113 12 7




7 7 124 124


13 167 150 52 46 6

13 110 85 20 13 5

45 131 131 33 33 11



99 86 33 27 37









... ... -




... ...

... ...-





... ... ...







... ... ... -









.. . ......



258 5 5 48 46 159 159 33 33 13






... ...








... ... ...





225 17 46 64

-4 vear,or more .. ----·---·---

36 41 21

Milt, 25 y10rs ohl and ov•r __ ... ___ _

No school yeari comp)ieted __________ -----Elementary: 1to4 year$-·-------------5 to 7 years---- •••. -- -----8 years- ___ ,. ____ ------------ High school: 4I to 3 years---·.••• -·------ . years, __________________




1 ta3years. ______________ _

Medion school veors completed~- -- . _---- __ Percent high school groduotes __ ....... _____ _

f•••le, 25 yeers o'41 ... ~over-·-·-- .

--4 yeors ........... ---····------ College, I to3yeors. .•. ---·-·------ 4 years or more ...... -·---- -- Medion school yeor5 completed -- ..... -· •• __ Percent high school graduates _. _. ___ • -- ... _.No sd1ool years completed •. _.-· ___ .. ___ ~-


1 to4yeors _______________ _ S to 7 years ••.• ---------·-· 8 years __ ........ -- •••. -· ---High $Chool: l to 3 yeors ---- ---- ......... .. -



95 8

19 6 21 16 17 6


15 61 10


9 15 50 6 10




... ...

186 18 33 42

96 6



7 31



35 9

22 9 10


41 24 6


8.0 16.1



6 44




67 6




6 31



. ..

6 ...




120 33 65 70 100 100 35 14


8 -

116 13 21 31 7 17 8 7 12 7.5 23.3



176 6 42 41 21 20 33


13 7.9 26.l

17 13

15 15 20 8 27

33 46 32 13.3 75.0




6 45 7

15 13 26 6





57 9




131 18 22 32





12.1 53.2


6 ... ...

15 7.8 45.0

94 30 54

141 45 71

64 71 71 7

103 111 42

133 30 48 73 89 69 30

110 49 62 90 90 90 7

154 81 99 I 19 119 133 40 14

FAMILIES f1111Ues ______ ....... ______ ....... .


With own children under 3 years ________ ., __ With cwn children under 6 years •• ____ ....... With own childntn undtr 12 years ..... ----·-With own-children under 18 years _________ _Wilh sons/doughftrs under 25 years ------With $Ons/daughters 13 to 19 years -- __ -· __ With ions/daughters 18 to 24 yeori ....... ----

207 66 105 136 146 148 46 6

Numbfr of .own children under 18 years ... __ _

5 5

Hudtoal-•lft 11tlrlf•111ties _________ _. Number of own children under 18 years ......... -

5 5


Sul.fe•llles ....... __ ........ ---- -------


Sv~f1~lHH with fttnalf htd _.. -- -~ .. of own children under 18 y-eors~- ......

hnus ••4•r 11rHn11cl ________ _ tiving with both porents_ • ._.,,_,. .... ________ _Percent of total __ -- ---~ ....... __ ... __ .........



476 386 81.l


-230 166 60.9

40 69 69 76 76 12


---306 273 89.2











287 254 66,5

326 301 92.3

209 194 92.6

282 257 91.l

407 355 67.2

18 54

14 112















.3$ u 44 yr. oW, ewer 111ttnled Children ever born ... _........ ~------~-------­ Per 1,000women ever morr~ed ~------- ....

23- 556



43 144










22 79





Table 114. Employment Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language for Towns and Places of 10,000 to


1970 [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places With 400 or More Persons of Spanish Language



Male, 16 yean old and over _________ _


labor f~~~~e~t-;f-t-;i~i:::::::::::::: :::::::

289 79.0 262 246 16 6.1 77 33

134 122 91.0 122 106 16 13.1 12

Fart Devens (U)

Harvard town





207 207 100.0 10 10


170 93.4 170 163

174 150 86.2 150 150

124 111 89.5 104 104

7 4.1 12


13 6



Civilian labor force---------------------Employed -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Unemployed -- -- ----------------------

Percent of civilian labor force---------

Ho{n~~~:~~ ~~~~i~ufi;;:::::: :: :: :::: :: ::::: Enrolled in school -----------------------


Under 65 yeors -----------------65 years and over---------------Femol•, 16 yean old and over __ ------

Lobar f~~~~e~f-oTio-t~i:::::::::


Civilian lobar force----------------------

Employed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Unemployed -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Percent of civilian lobar force--------Not in lobar !orc.e --; -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Inmate of inst1tut1on __ -- -- __ -- -- ________ _ Enrolled in school----------------------Othm Under 65 yeors -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ---65 years and over _______________ _ Male, 16 to 21 years old-----------Not enrolled In school __ -- -- __ -- -- -- _______ _ Not hi9h school graduate ______ - - ________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force _______ _


35 9 295

115 39.0 115 110 5 4.3 180 20 149 11 73

67 46 5

250 98.0



118 40 33.9 40 34 6

78 63 15 21 15


7 6

136 48 35.3 48 48

33 31.4 33 33

138 46 33.3 46 46

61 45.8 61 81

111 63 56.8 63 63







5 87

19 70 7

40 8

13 75 112

100 11


89 62

41 41 41 7


,, 8


174 77.7 174 160 14 8.0 50 20 22 214 56 26.2 56 49 7


158 8 24 103 23 17

13 13

9 9


MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN W1111en, 16 yun old and DYer ----------------

With own children under 6 years __________ _ In lobar force ______________ -- ____ ----Wilh own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In labor force ________________________ _ Merrled women, husband present _____________ _ In labor force __________ -- -- -- -- -- ----With own children under 6 years ______ ----In labor force ______________ -- ________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only __ ----In labor force ________________________ _






117 37 40 14 199 52 109 29 40 14

62 11 24 16

75 8 8





33 56 11 18 18


25 54

70 13 31 19 120 40 70 13 25 13

119 64

75 8 8



177 52 8 33 23 131 54 52 8 33 23

111 56 23 26 26

1S7 104 39 14 100 28 39 33




57 56 23 22 22

214 96 15 21 14 13& 36 82 8 21 14


14 and 15 yeors-------------------

16 16 20 22 25 35 45 65

ond 17 yeors __________________ _ ond 19 yeor'------------------ond 21 yeors------------------to 24 yeors -------------------to 34 years-------------------to 44 yeors -------------------to 64 yeors -------------------years and over ________________ _ Female: 14and15 years __________________ _ 16 and 17 years __________________ _ 18 ond 19 yeorL-----------------20 ond 21 yeors ______________ ----22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 yeors -------------------65 years and over-----------------


WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Mole, 16 yeon old ond onr _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks ________________________ _ 26 weeks or less __ ---- __ -- ---- -- ------ __ F11111le, 16 years old and over----------------

50 to 52 weeks __ ------ ______ ------ ----27 to 49 weeks ________ -- -- ---- ---- ----26 weeks or less------------------------


183 79 80 160 36 32 92




36 19

173 49 15

115 27 14



135 49 15 3S

B 11 38

19 24

19 16


19 37



194 119

7 5





47 16

27 14 26

104 97

160 148 12 12

63 57 6


CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Mole ••ployed ______________ ------ _______ _ Private wage or salary workers __________ _ Government workers ________________ ---local government workers ______ -------Self-employed workers __________________ Unpaid family workers ______________ ----feiwale employed __________________________ _ Private wage or salary workers __________ _ Government workers ___________________ _ loco! government workers ______ ------ __ Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers __ -------- ____ ----M1l1 emplay1d, In agMcuhure ________________ _ Woge or salary workers ____________ -----Self-employed workers ____________ -----Unpaid family workers------------=-----t11pltytcl, In agriculture _______________ _ oge or salary workers _________________ _ telf.emplayed workers------------------npoid family workers ______________ -----



228 14 9


10 10

163 151

12 6






100 10

29 5 5


138 5 5

48 29 19 6


21 12 6

46 40 6 6




14 14


LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES 1 Melt, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 _____________ _

Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ____ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 --------






82 12 21








The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



23 - 557

Table 115. Occupation, Earnings, and Industry of Persons of Spanish Language for Towns and Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 (Doto based on $ample, see te>
Towns and Places With 400 or More Persons of Spanish Language



Fort Devens (U)

Harvard town







48 6


209 30

231 52

167 8


13 26

47 17

107 41 59 7

72 46 14 12

OCCUPATION lettl llllpltyotl, 16 yffn oW Hd OW,,-----

Professional, ttchnicol, and kindred workers ..... ___ _



Health workers ...... -- .. -- .. --.. -- .. -------------

elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Technicians_ ex"pt heolth -··---------------Othtr professional workers -- -~ .... ____ .......... ---Teachers~

12 18 I> 6

10 12 12

Manogtrs and administrators, except form ............ ..

Salaried ________ • -·· ______________ •• --·- •• Sett·•mployed •••••••• -- ---- ------------ ___ _

Sales workers .................................... ____ ..... ___ ...... ..

Retail trade-------------------------------

Clerical and kindred workers---------------- .. -Craft5men., foremenr ond kindred workers __ -- -- -Me<:honic$ anc;l repairmen-------------·-- .. -- . . Construction craftsmen -------------------- ... Operatives, except tronsport ------ .... __ -------- ... Durable goods manufacturing .............................. ... .Nondurable goods manufacturing .... __ ............ __ _ :Nonmonufocturing industries ________ --------Transport 1quipment operatives---------------· laborers, except form ........................ -----------Con1truction lo borers ____ .... -- ____ .... __ ---- __ _ Forme-rs and form managers----·-------------farm iaborers and form fon~men .. -------------Service worken, 'xcept private household 1 ........... .. Cleaning ond food servic.e workers ________ ., __ _ Health service workers ____ .• ---- __ ---------Penonol urvlc-t workers .... ----·------------Protective service workers_ ... ___________ ---·_ Private household workers ...... -- ... ____ ... ------ _

31 67 23 17 159 45 80 34

f11Hlt employed, 16 r••ri oW ad ntr ..... _ Professional, technical, and kindred worken. -----Heolth workers. ____ ....... __ ....... ______ ------ __

Teachers. elementary t1nd secondary sthCJols ....... Managers and odmirdstrcitors, except farm---·--Sales workers ............................ __ .... __ -------- .. Rel.ail trade------------------------------Cltricol and kindred workers ................................... .. Stcretaries, stenographers, and typist-s ------ .. .. Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers _______ _ Operotivu, except transport-----------·-------

Manufotluring .............. __ .................... ------ .... _ Nonmanufocturing industries.----------··----Transport equipment operatives __ .... ____ ---- __ .... laborers, except farm·----·-----------------Farm workers.--------·----·----------------Service workers~ except private ha1J1sehold2 ______ .. Cleaning ond food service workers-----------Health service workers. ..... ---·-------------Per$onal s.ervice workers .... -- .... ____ ... •o· ..... _ Private househoid worker$ .... ---- ............ __ .... ____ ..

7 27

35 46

8 21 17 17

28 12 16

6 126 39 73 14

20 12 8



14 14




6 5




18 34 7 7 20 12 34 38 18

42 5 29 8 18


48 6

33 6


20 20

46 12



14 19 7

63 8


12 10

20 12 23

12 5

77 66 11

28 28

34 26 8

19 11 8

$5 974

$7 464




6 152 6

20 20

20 13 43 43

15 8 7

19 19


Professional. monogeria1, end kindred workers .... _.. Croft1men, foremen. and k~ndred worker.s _______ _ Operatives, including transport----------------laborers, except farm -· __ .... __ ................ ----~--Formers and form managers .... - ............................ .. Form laborers. except unpaid, and form foremen __ fe1ul1, 16 yoers ohl and ner with oamil91:i .. Clerical and kindred workers---------·--·-----Operatives, including transport-----------------

$5 429

$6 688

$5 744

$l 909

INDUSTRY Tot1l 111tployed., 16 years oW anti ower ----A~r~culture, forestry, and f~sheries .... _..... ____ ....... Mmmg -----------·-----·---------·--------Construction __ -- ______ .... __ .............. __ ............ __ ManufacttJring ............... ______ .................... ____ _ Furniture ond lumber and wood products. ............ _

Metal industries_ .. ·--- __ .... -- ....... ____ -- ... __ Machinery. including electrical ________ ... ---- .... Transportation equipment .... -- __ ........... ---· -· __ Other durable goods.- __ ---- ____ -----------Food ond kindred products ................................ .. Textiles ond fabricated textile products ........... __ Printing, publishing, and allied industries .......... . Other nondurable goods (including no-t specified manufacturing industries) ............ ______ ....... _ Trucking service and worehouslng ______________ _



17 172

19 35



13 19

10 13










20 23 24 7

21 27



Other transportation ........... ---- __ ....... -· ..... -· -- __ Communitotions, utilities, and sanitary s.ervices ......

Wholesale trodt •• ____ •• ____ -- ______________ •• Food, bakery, and dairy stores----------------Eafing and drinking places .......... ______________ _ Other retail rrode --··-----·---------·-- ... ----Finance, ins.uranee, and reol 1tstate -------------Business and repair services -- ... __ .... __ ....... -- .....


1>4 7

22 27 7 4

100 14 12

6 14

6 14 29

49 7 25 7 5 41 8

9 114

29 13 20 31


14 6

14 5 6 7 7


Pri\lofe households-···-----------------------

Other personal services __________ ..... ____ ---- ..... Entertoinment and recreation services ------··--Hospitols. ......... ---- ............................... ----------Educational ond kindred strvices ........................... .. Other professional and related servicu ........... -- .. . Public administration .... __ ............. ---- __ ............... . 1

1ncludes allocated cases, not shown -separately.




10 13


'In-eludes protectrve service workers and allocoted cases, not shown separately.


28 15 16 20


1ncludes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.


Table 116. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 of Persons of Spanish Language for Towns and Places of

10,000 to 50,000:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond meaning af symbols, see text]

Towns and Places With 400 or More Persons of Spanish Language INCOME Of FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All fomlll11 --------------------------

·~ l l i lil l ~i l:~:; ~li~ i $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $25,000

ta $11,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -· -- ---- -- to $14,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- to $24,999--------------------------to $49,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -

~~J~ono i~~o~~r~:::~:::::::::::: :: :: :::::: :: :

Mean income---------------------- -- -------families with female head---------------------

Mean income •. -- ------ ---- ---- ------------

All families and unrelated individuals ------------

Median income---------------------------Meon income---------------- __ -----------All unrelated individuals -- -- -- __________ ------ _

Median income ____ -- -- -- ____ -- -- ______ ----



Fort Devens (UJ

Harvard town






120 5



141 6 8


110 6

154 14

7 6 14 7 15 7

6 6 13 7 37 20 26

31 6 6 23 12 37 28 7

15 13 14 8 16 17

9 6 22 12

6 15 8

19 8

13 8



9 13 6 18 32 19 7 14 6 6 6


14 22 32 27 19

22 21

$8 l:fj'/ $12 932 6

$10 719 $11 222

$7 000 $6 906 6

$6 838 $7 033 14


16 24 6 3 8 $6 689 $10 572 15

16 16

6 13 6

$7 313 $7 242 19

$7 211 $7 649

305 $5 809 $8 334 98

126 $7 125 $6 947 6

250 $2 952 $4 318 144 $2 113 $1 866

207 $2 924 $4 835 113 $1 845 $1 563

163 $8 266 $11 543 22

133 $10 719 $11 222

125 $6 500 $6 377 15

217 $6 345 $5 822 63

6 13 16

6 12 7

Mean income-------------- __ -- __ ---------female unrelated individuals ____________________


Mean income __ -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------Per co pita income of persons __ -- -- -- ____ ---- ___

$2 554

$1 814

$1 602

$1 721

$2 960

$2 793

$1 582

$1 555

207 196 $7 103 4

120 !07 $6 917 7

106 106 $7 004

94 94

141 135 $11 591

133 120 $10 630 35

110 104 $7 068

134 $7 441











16 15.1



14 9.9




43 38



TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All foMllle• -------------------------With wage or salary income------------------Mean wage or salary income _________________ With non farm self-employment income ___________ Mean nonform self-employment income-------With farm self-employment income __ ------------

Mean farm self-employment Income----------With Social Security income_ ___________________ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income ___ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other' income __ ---- -- -- -- __ -- -- __________ Mean other income ________________ --------INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' F••llles -- -- -- ______ ---- _____________________ Percent of all families ___________________ Mean family income __ ---- __________ -------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ Mean size of family-----------------------With related children under 18 years---------Mean number of related children under 18 yr_ Families with female head With related children under 18 years f111ny htads _________________________________ Civilian male heads under 65 years ____________ Percent in labor___________________________ force--------------------Uiutl1t1d huUvlduals









20 18.2

26 16.9




14 l4

20 20

7 7 26 19

6 4.5


Percent of all unrelated Individuals ________ Mean income-------- __ ---- ____ -----------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ Ptn••s------------------------------------Percent of oll persons ___________________ Percent receiving Sociol Security income ________ Percent 65 years and aver------------------Percent receiving Social Security income ______ Related children under 18 years--------------Percent living with both parents ____ -------H11111ehol41 -------------------------- -------Percent of all households---------------In owner occupied housing units-------------Meon value of unit----------------------In renter occupied housing units ________ -----Mean gross rent------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ___ INCOME LESS THAN .75 PERCENT Of POVERTY LEVEL 1 ft•IHt1 -· ____________________________ -· _____

Percent of all families------------------Mean income deficit ______ ------ __ ---------Families with female head U1rtlated hullvlduals ________ :: :: == == == == == == == = Percent of all unrelated individuals--------

Pe~oe:,"Percent _~n~~:~~~~~~t-~: ::::::::::::: === :::::: of all persons ____________ ---- ___



eoted 1 children under 18 years _______________ Percent living with bath parents------------




31 15.0

5 4.2

94 17.4

94 19.9

98 15.7




16 15.l




157 31.7 4.5 5.1

lU 20.9

114 100.0 28 25.0


14 9.5





13 11.8

20 13.0


9 8.5




6 4.5


7 12


21 4.4 5

46 8.5 28

46 9.7 28

96 15.1 54

19 3.5 6

88 17.7 55

126 15.5 57

62 30.0

26 21.7

21 26.4


21 14.9

6 4.5



46 29.9


13 6


INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 Fo1111Ues _____________________________________ Percent of all families ___________________ Mean income deficit-----------------------u.~,~~~~"~~ ~,.':i~ole head -------------------

..~::.",;'."~~:~~~!~'.'_:::::::::::::::::::::::: R ercent of all

21 4.4

127 100.0 43 17.3

17.9 109 100.0



192 18.7

Related children under 18 years _______________ Percent living with both parents ____ ---- ____

Percent of ali-u~~;iaf~cTi~di;id~~is-========


330 31.8 182 100.0


16.0 31

7 34 165 30.6 106 100.0

141 29.9 92


21.3 79

19 3.5 6


50.6 177 100.0

315 38.8 187 90.4

•Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in borrack:s, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Dato based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond meaning of symbols, see text) Belcher-

Towns and Places




Athol Center
Ayer Center Avon town


Aver town

Barre town

5 280 284 4 996 4 454 447 348 47 37 15 26 69

3 292 162 3 130 1 892 1 037 382 272 301 82 95 106

7 393 546 6 847 3 300 2 975 1 018 713 933 311 321 251

3 705 314 3 391 2 866 439 334 37 47 21 39 47

4 829 3 728 l 025 337 688 607 81 58

3 019 1 384 1 357 658 699 149 550 111 204 146 89 83 195

6 2 3 1 2

661 100 560 404 156 384 I 772 292 535 625 320 472 529

3 465 2 366 935 731 204 95 109 50 14 45

67 181

957 974 430 651 779 505 274 161 15 43 55 162 391

54.8 8.6 73.3 96.7 95.9 87.8 38.1 22.1 8.6 2.9

60.6 9.3 96.3 94.I 99.9 94.l 58.6 25.5

38.0 11.0 80.l 99.2 99.9 96.0 20.0 7.3 3.1 0.6

56.5 10.8 69.6 98.9 99.9



'ham town

7 806 554 7 252 6 548 430 303 30 73 24 15 199

3 484 165 3 319 2 498 551 338 66 118 29 60 210

7 435 4 824 2 056 1 791 265 19 186 33 45 59 49 138 417

3 184 1 914 993 711 282 136 146 94 13 7 32 15 262

60.1 7.3 71.9 99.9 98.3 96.5 58.8 29.3 15 5 5.6

60.0 25.4 68.8 97.6 99.9 94.2

... ... 3.2

n.8 15.9 78.9 91.5 98.8 99.5 59.6 36.4 21.3 9.9

4 286 77 185 778 149 922 I 244 211 120 10.2

1 931 15 22 153 266 336 684 210 245 12.3

4 446 23 38 146 256 705 2 051 648 579 12.5

5 702 80 129 707 753 1 365 l 976 369 323 11.6

2 642 15 12 168 213 619 1 132 285 198 12.3

1 526

2 585

1 123 857 16.3 847 814 33 3.9 266 133 133

2 730 2 288 83.8 2 283 2 237 46 2.0 442 271 171

3 242 2 384 73.5 2 379 2 277 102 4.3 858 392 466

1 609 l 374 85.4 I 374 I 341 33 2.4 235 131 104

1 191 546 45.6 546 536 10 1.8 645 460 185

2 926 I 445 49.4 1 445 1 392 53 3.7 1 481 1 184 297

3 719 I 627 43.7 I 627 l 540 87 5.3 2 092 I 331 761

1 720 193 46.1 793 755 38 4.8 927 728 199

1 112 975 87.7 680 666 14 2.1 137 76 61 1 275 674 52.9 658 621 37 5.6 601 426 175

195 23


181 19

101 16

41 7

hM•ltt, 14 ..d 15 yHrt..old ________ _ Labor force .... __ •• __ ... __ ........ ____ ---- .. ..

157 5


118 65 241 26

157 23

170 12

47 10

M1le 1 1•t121 yHnokl -------·---

394 116 67 32

430 93 23

272 114 41 12



434 174 75 37

2 187 I 564 400 223

151 25 20 5 936 614 185 137

2 435 1 758 388 289

2 583 1 826 51 l 246

1 452 1 016 240 196

1 009 714 236 59

1 614 150 466 398

630 267 199 164

1 68S 718 574 393

2 057 889 617 551

920 368 306 246

835 327 288 220

1 612 681 379 1 435 532 436 467

3 254

1 350 75 448 273 10 35 198 67 432 240 42 43

3 629 228 l 257 887 98 186 717 250 604

3 817 t45 2 058 1 659 32 70 634 146 483 242 110 139

2 096 139 688 341 75 75 448 150 279 119 125 117

1 287 75 323 195 45 15 253 99 269 124 130 78

2 293 127 663 360 70 54 421 176 444 176 236 102

town Center



town town

2 636 34

5 936

2 602

1 560 256 195 21 26 14 19 767

5 785 4 049 820 540 125 120 35 65 B51

2 510 I 714 407 186 221 189 32 16

5 523 3 505 l 417 608 809 649 160 60

Bellingham Center (U)



PLACE OF BIRTH Tet•I populotl111 __ -- .... -- .... ________ _ f1r.lt11 lttnt -----------....................... .. N1tlv1 ........ __ ---- ________ ............. ___ _

8-o-rn in Stat-e of res•de:nce ---------------- .. Born in differient Sta1e --- .. ---------------- Northeast •••• __ •••••• -- •••• --- - -- -- --- North Central. ••••••• __ ·--- •••••• ------ South ____ •••••• ---- •••••••••••••••••• West __ ---- .... ---- ........ __ .... ------ ......... --- Born abroad, at sea, etc .................................... . State of birth not reported ................................ ..

8 882 410 472 681 487 013 226 151 91 55 249

8 6 1 1

9 723 685 9 038

7 412 1 195 975 51 140

29 62 369


4 228 151 4 077 2 916 1 064 784 71 182 27 34 63

6 438 396 042 271 598 486 33 53 26 62

6 3 2 2


RESIDENCE IN 1965 T•t•I poputlti•, 5 yeon. okl •ttcl ovtr ..

Same house -- ............................ ____ .... -- ........ .. Different houst in United States------------

Same county ............ __ .... __ ......................... ..

Different county ............................................. ..



Same State .... ______________ ,.., ___ ,. ___ _


Different State .... __________ .. _____ .... __ _ Northeos t __ ........... __ .... ____________ _ North Centro! •••• __ ••••••.••••••••• South---------------------------West ............ _., .................................... .. Abroad •••• __ •••••• ---- •••• __ •.•.••••••• Moved, 1965 residence no1 reported ................ ..


8 5 2 I

051 563 240 405 835 398 437 332 74 31


8 5 2 I


23 16



3 558 1 741 I 719 453 1 266 834 432 292 56 37 41 33 65

5 797 3 768 1 889 755 1 134 356

718 669


9 1 15 374

16 7 57 544


50.6 2.6 56.5 99.7 96.9 82.7


37.2 7.3 12.0 10.5

52.7 7.3 60.5 99.9 89.9 99.9 40.6 24.5 15.2 13.0

3 011 22 24 213 274 628 I 065 520 265 12.3

2 023 36 62 160 270 367 708 252 168 12.2

1 437 18 10 79 125 239 617 189 160 12.4

3 108 18 58 252 398 613 1 189 319 261 12.2

1 858 15 25 83 147 426 803 195 164 12.3

3 449 26 122 707 540

2 873 2 618 91.l I 311 l 264 47 3.6 255 175 80

1 241 1 028 82.8 l 025 995 30 2.9 213 97 116

970 357 36.8 351 340 11 3.1 613 544 69

2 151 1 226 57.0 1 218 1 179 39 3.2 925 772 153

1 086 951 87.6 951 935 16 1.7 135 70 65

2 014 1 601 79.5 1 601 1 466 135 8.4 413 229 184

2 369 1 118 47.2 1 091 1 029 62 5.7 l 251 I 019 232

1 252 624 49.8 624 591 27 4.3 628 436 192

994 241 24.2 241 235 6 2.5 753 625 128

2 072 786 37.9 786 769 17 2.2 l 286 1 049 237

1 153 488 42.3 488 473 15 3.1 665 563 102

2 273 1 081 47.6 1 081 1 016 65 6.0 1 192 827 365

100 7 104 10


63 6 44 5

97 14

124 11

110 11

82 30 79 13

1 002 826 123

149 38 19

173 70

406 130 15 2

120 38 20 5

242 105



2 672

1 091 775 204 112

367 296 37 34

1 369 880 267 222

l 014 744 165 105

84 80

34 75 15 125

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Percut enr1Hecl, 3 to 34 years oW ......... 3 and 4 years old-----------------------:5 and 6- yean old ----------------•u-......... 7to 13yeorsold •.••••...•.••.•.•••.•••.. 14 16 18 20 22

-. -

and 15 years old---·-------------- .. ·-and 17 years old ____ ............ ____ .. ______ _ ond 19 years old----------------····-ond 21 years old-------··············ta 24 yeor5- old ............................................ ..


25 lo .34 years. old .... ---- __ .... ------ __ .... ___ _-




41.7 86.0 99.9


12.5 10.9 2.3


... ...

32.3 5.2


97.5 94.4


... ...





86.5 97.5 99.9 69.9 58.0 15.5 4.1 5.7

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Tottl pnso111, 25 yHl'1 okl and over __ No school years completed .... ________ ............ ..



1 to4yeon ________________ _

5 to 7 years---------------·8 yeors--------------------Kigh school: 1 to 3 years. ____ -· •.•• ··----4 years-------- -- ... -- ------College, 1 to 3 years .............. -- • 4 years or mo-re ........ -- .. ·---,.. . Median school years completed ____ ...... __ -~-

10 7 115 114 325 506 258 191 12.4

718 905 261 170 10.4

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mole. 16 yean •Id Hd ner __ ---· __ _ Labor force .... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -· --Percent of total.,. ..................... --.----Civ~lian labor force __ .... __ .... -- -- -- -- -- .... ---


Employed ..•.•••••• -- •.•••...•••••. -- •

Unemployed ........ ____ .......... -- .......... __ _ Percenl of civilian labor force ____ ---- .. .. Not in labor force __________ .......... __ ... __ .. .. Under 65 yeoro ••.••.•...•... __ •• --·- ••

65 yeors and over ... __ ...... ______ -------hmale, 16 years oW Hd over -------


Labor force ____ ......... __ ............... ---- __ _ Percent of total .... __ ... __ •• ______ ------ Civilian labor force ........... ____ .... __ -- -- --Employed .••••••••••••. __ •••••••.•.••• Unemployed •••.•.•••••.••...•.••••••.• Percent of civilian labor force ....... -- ~- __ -

Not in labor force ... ---- __ ... __ ... _________ _ Under 65 years __ ......... -- -- __ ... ______ .. . 65 yeors and over-------·-·------------ -


Molt, 14--~15 y1Hr111111 -·--·-----

Labor force .... -· -- ... __ • _•• -- -- -- -- -- .... -- -


Not enl"olled in school .... __ ... ____ .... ____ ...... . Not high school groduote ............................. .. Unemployed or not in labor force ______ _ M1l1, wone• 1-. 1969 .. ____________ _


50 to 52weeks ·····--·-··----·-········· 21to49weeks ···----·--·----------···-26 weeks or less .... __ ---·-·---- ____ ......... _ f ..1olt, worke

26 weeks or less __ .... ____ -· ........ ---- ......... ..

2 079 80.4 2 065 1 978 87 4.2 506 28t 225 2 689

1 363 50.7 1 363 1 276 87 6.4 1 326 1 020 306

11 16

177 38




49 11

110 9

64 22 1 719 l 027

477 215

717 310 245 162

289 84 97 108

894 343 289 262

586 163 162 261

1 264 496 412 356

1 592 102 740 275 31 21 178 78 287 112 58 97

575 47 92 55 5 5 135 52 174 139 19 46

1 948 173 439 236 31 19 342 109 606 468 76 153

1 408 61 515 380 36 36 358 72 211 92 68 51

2 482 154 l 159 493 40 26 423 112 378

INDUSTRY l1t•I 1111ployH, 16 yHn oW oM tv•r .. . Co:nstruction ... -- ............... ____ ...... _........ ___ _Manufacturing ... __ ..... ---- ... ______________ .. Ouroble goods •• ·---------·· __ •.•••••••

Transportation .... ____ ... __ .... __ ................... __ • Communications. uhlities. & sonitary service&_ Wholesole and retail trade .............................. .. Finance, insurance, business & repair servicu .. Professional and related serv~ces_ ................. __ Educational services---~---~-----*_., ___ _ P-ubli<: odmit1istrotion ..... ____ ~- _,. .... ~- ............ _,, Other industries_ ...... -~ __ ........ ____ .... _... -- __



23- 560


246 I 308 460 122 95 650 184 287 69 107 255

277 121 168

115 73 117


Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond m&oning of symbols, see text] Bridge.

Towns and Places

Boxford town



Center (U)

4 032 118 3 914 2 243 1 464 974 255 162 73 31 176

2 732 104 2 628 2 234 249 198 30 7 14 12 133

4 032 421 3 611 3 116 383 271 47 30 35 16 96

3 700 1 890 1 504 377 1 127 252 875 536 89 142 JOB 101 205

2 445 1 696 689 5B7 102 62 40 40

3 716 2 548 976 512 464 332 132 53

73.9 32.6 B3.0 99.3 99.9 81.1


B2. 1 99.9 99.2 81.0











Cheshire town


2 871 170 2 701 1 612 1 015 581 206 97 131 29 45

2 876 157 2 719 1 B41 376 339 33

4 483 174 4 309 3 265 711 552 59 89 11

4 554 285 4 269 2 782 1 193 894 149 116 34 17 277

3 006 139 2 867 2 440 367 284 25 28 30 9 51

6 ,5. 326 6 632 4 806 1 666 961 361 225 119 14 146

2 564 1 203 1 280 611 669 107 562 320 100 87 55 15 66

2 662 1 590 992 412 580 293 2B7 247 16 24

4 302 2 194 1 857 973 884 454 430 289 68 44 29 65 186

2 734 1 592 9BB 840 148 26 122 104

6 440 3 778 2 396 864 1 532 812 720 322 177 136 85 83 183

68.0 45.6 99.9 97.3 99.9

59.9 13.6



66.9 89,9 82.0 84,8

95.6 99.9 88.7 99.9





Dalton town

Deerfield town


7 464 204 260 581 391 126 114 112 39 39 249

3 850 183 3 667 2 909 692 452 104 113 23 16


6 454 324 6 130 4 379 1 314 938 155 135 86 31 406

7 4 2 1

3 550 2 169 1 304 657 647 261 386 203 61 88 34 21 56

6 090 2 664 2 889 821 2 068 1 422 646 433 111 55 47 8 529


61.1 40.5 75.1 97.5 99.0 86.B 52.0


PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---forelgn born -----------------------Native ____ -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Born in State of residence-----------------Born in different State--------------------Northeast -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---North Central •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----South---------------------------------

West.--------------------------------Born abroad, of sea, etc ___________________ _ Stole of birth not reported -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----


4 25 477

28 305

7 5 1 1

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and uvar __ Same house -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Different house in United States ------------Some county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .. Different county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _______ _

Same State __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ________ _ Different State ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- _______ _ Northeast ________ -- -- -- -- -- ____ ---North Central.. •. __ ---- -- -- __ •. ----South -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----_ West _____________________________ Abroad •• --------------------------------

Moved, 1965 residence not reported __ -------SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _


6 54


7 72 100




4 2 1 1

002 361 420 105 315 86 229 174


46 9 6 215


11 7 19 135

061 240 475 728 747 194 553 411 31 37 74 7 339



53.9 15.3 81.8 99.9 92.4 90.6 35.7 19.7 23.2 3.4

2 043

4 years or more ______________ _ Median school years completed _____________ _

1 443 12 4 79 146 214 572 209 207 12.5

2 229 65 96 146 207 418 728 323 246 12.3

1 540 7 5 38 38 98 465 252 637 14,4

1 744

12 32 32 162 591 457 757 14.3

11 BO 119 179 567 434 34B 12.8

2 402 44 59 2B7 306 594 809 230 73 11.6

3 026 20 29 101 183 431 1 158 541 563 12.6

1 616 4 43 203 218 295 603 164 86 12.1

3 842 9 16 140 103 365 1 267 772 1 170 13.1

4 064 34 47 213 260 754 I 702 524 530 12.4

2 188 43 29 153 234 337 839 228 325 12.4

4 299 24 58 130 377 571 I 690 839 610 12.6

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 years old and over _________ _ labor force ------ __ ------ ---- ---- -------Percent of tota1----------------------Civilion lobar__force-----------------------Employed •. _________________________ _ Unemployed ___________________________ _ Percent of civilian labor force----------Not in labor force ______________________ --Under 65 years ________________________ _ 65 years and over __________________ ----_

1 174 952 81.l 942 927 15 1.6 222 150 72

865 708 81.8 704 668 36 5.1 157 B6 71

1 292 1 077 B3.4 I 077 I 048 29 2.7 215 83 132

838 723 86.3 723 711 12 1.7 115 70


893 631 70.7 631 624 7 1.1 262 100 162

1 493 l 185 79.4 1 185 1 147 38 3.2 308 131 177

1 053 844 80.2 844 813 31 3.7 209 135 74

2 196 1 698 77.3 I 698 1 677 21 1.2 498 309 1B9

2 324 l 889 81.3 I 871 I 838 33 1.8 435 231 204

1 298 967 74.5 967 927 40 4.1 331 206 125

1 281 423 33.0 423 423 858 745 113

910 500 54.9 500 465 35 7.0 410 316 94

1 576 745 47.3 745 724 21 2.8 831 558 273

929 354 38.1 354 346 8 2.3 575 500 75

1 108 455 41.l 455 450 5 1.1 653 435 218

1 474 611 41.5 611 596 15 2.5 863 659 204

1 587 1 097 69,1 1 084 1 069 15 1.4 490 154 336 1 ,32 5B8 30.4 588 567 21 3.6 1 344 859 485

1 003 447 44.6 447 422 25 5.6 556 441 115

2 429 837 34.5 837 815 22 2.6 1 592 l 205 387

2 654 1 059 39.9 1 059 1 045 14 1.3 I 595 1 16B 427

1 404 714 50.9 714 702 12 1.7 690 464 226

2 213 1 320 59.6 I 320 1 293 27 2.0 893 316 577 2 661 797 30.0 797 769 28 3.5 1 864 1 077 787

Male, 14 and 15 years aid----------labor force ------ __ ------ ______ ---------female, 14 and 15 years old _________ _ labor force ______ ------ __________ --------

148 29

55 11


so 13

61 10

97 10

69 14

98 14

89 25

59 13

93 12 87 14

104 21 24

47 16 77

170 44 182 30

141 5 121

136 58 164 26

Male, 16 to 21 years old-----------Not enrolled in school _____________________ _ Not high school graduate ________________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force-------Malt, worhd In 1969 __________ ----SO lo 52 weeks .• ____________ •. ____ •.•. __ 27 lo 49 weeks ______________ •. ________ ·-_ 26 weeks or less _________________________ _



103 22 97 18

121 15

190 93 29


60 12

140 35 11

123 25 9

290 38



219 117 59 6



202 31 12



310 79 20


215 65 27 9

1 057 778 118 161

769 574 99 96

1 146 728 306 112

763 596 87 80

645 458 82 105

1 230 872 267 91

1 210 782 265 163

907 562 80

1 BB6 1 359 319 208

2 DOB 1 352 437 219

1 120 744 198 17B

1 528 84B 384 296

510 96 185 229

578 285 135 158

897 384 256 257

424 164 155 105

588 274 129 185

754 347 189 218

853 195

519 266 15B 95

1 104 376 342 386

1 316 610 295 411

892 399 261 232

1 007 337 296 374

1 350 58 407 321 45 19 240 160 324 199 33 64

1 133 50 276 236 39 51 242 107 312 135 16 40

1 772 123 624 234 15 19 317 135 406 276 74 59

1 057 34 352 281 15 4 133 121 283 112 32 83

1 074 116 135 44 16 56 26B 92 233 95 58 100

1 743 142 645 427 41 34 324 113 286 109 40 118

1 636 257

1 235 84 624 497 12 30 181 29 163 74 37 75

2 492 89 405 253 64 95 496 371 689 301 148 135

2 883 98 1 400 782 26 62 418 139 495 201 107 138

1 629 95 341 195 33 45 254 78 573 441 37 173

2 062 2B3 145 100 43 92 540 160 441 220 120 238

3 and 4 years old -- -- -· -- -- -- -- .. ____ ----5 and 6 years old __ -· •. -- -- -- -- -- ____ ----7 to 13 years old •• __ -· ______ -- -· -- -· __ ---14 ond 15 years old-·---·--------·-------16ond 17 years old-----·----------------!Bond 19 years old---·------------------20ond21 years old-·-·--------·---------22 lo 24 years old •. __ -- -· -- -- -· -- -- __ ----25 lo 34 yeors old •. __ .... -- -- -- -- ____ -· __ _

... ...



... ...

.. .


93.3 99.9




50.3 2.4 79.7 95.1 98.3 86.2 65.9 10.5 6.5 3.6

3.8 3.1

2.9 6,1

67.9 36.6 84.8 96.7 93.8 99.9 B4.7 95.5 23.3 6.3






60.1 16.4 59.7 99.9 99.9 99.9 40.6 18.9 9.1 B.4

64.0 41.0 15.3

6.3 1.3


86.9 98.5 93.5 90.8




Total persons, 25 years old and over __ _ No school years completed _________________ _ Elementary: l to4 years _________________ _ 5 to 7 yeors-----------------8 years---- -- ____ ---- -------High school: l to 3 years-----------------4 years ______ ------ __ -------College,

1 to 3 years-------·---·------

female, 16 years old and over-------labor force ______________________ ---- ___ _ Percent of total---- ____ -- -- -- __ -- -- --Civilian labor force ____________________ ---Employed---·-·-----------·-- ______ ---Unemployed •. _________________________ _ Percent of civilian labor force----------Not in labor force ________________________ _

Under 65 years __ ---------------------65 years and over ____________________ ----

1 6

~~~~~e,_~~~~~~~~- ~- ~-== :: :::: :: ::: ~r ~e:~sv.;,~e~~;:::::::::: =====::::::: :: =--

50 fa 52




44 24 4




21 4



272 386




INDUSTRY !otal employed, 16 years old and over __ Construct1on

Manufacturing::::::=:=:=====:::=::==:=::: Tr~nu;~~::a~i~~ds -- -- ---- -- -- ------ ------ -Communication~~ ~-tiliti;s~-i-s-;nJfa-rY-~;;;r~;; == ~holesole and retail trade-----------------Fmance, insurance, business & repair services __ Professional and related services


Other industries __

-- -- -- -- :: :: :: :: :: ::




77 31 22 60 351 200 284 124 122 263


Tobie 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970-Continued {Data txised on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Dighton town

Douglas town

4 667 171 4 496 3 698 620 501 2B 67

2 947 212 2 735 2 302 337 2B3 16 2S 13 12 84

4 52' 231 4 297 2 74S 1 37S 822 324 171

2 652

4 213 2 472 1 S85 639 946 460 486 324

Dover town

Dudley town


East Bridge-


water town

a 011 455 1 632 6 280 968 767 69 107 2S 71 313

7 636 287 7 349 110 1 822 1 123 34S 246 108 7S 342

7 415

6 3 3 1 2 1 1

East Falmouth (U)

Falmouth Center (U)

Foxborough Center {U)

2 670 142 2 528 2 186 303 210 23 29 41 10 29

5 806 351 5 455 3 3S1 1 276 822 200 138 116

4 090 204 3 886 2 877 B62

2 452 1 579 714

5 429 3 200 1 739

Essex town

Franklin Center (U)

Freetown town

PLACE OF BIRTH T1tol p1pulolloo •••••••••••••••••••• Fortltt1 Ito,.. -- -- -- -- ...... _ -- .. ___ ....... -.. .. Nathe ___ ,.,. _______ ---- .... __ .... __ ......... .. Born in Stole of residence-------------......... .. Born in different Stole -·--······----------Northeast •••••••• ------ •••••• ____ •••••• North Central •••••••••••••••••• -- •• ---South •••••••• -- •••• __ •••••••••• --· ••••



West •••••••• -----·····-··-··---··· ••• Born abroad, at sec, e1c ...... ----------------


State of birth not reported •••••••••••••••••


58 70 107


8 347 292

a 055

7 071 807 S3B 118 118 33 43 134

2 965 161 2 804 1 S23 709 366 116 12S 102

34 538

76 752

649 100 73 40 S3 94

8 863 537 326

8 6 1 1

429 4B8 179 128 14S 36 69 340

4 286

111 4 168 3 637 323 227 28 41 27 22 186


-Olfferent county·-·--·--·-···--·-····-· -

lot•I pop•t.tlot!, 5 yurs okl •dover .. Some house .... __ ................. __ .... ---- .... ---- .... ... Different house in United States ............ __ ---Some county--------·-----------------


Some State •••••••• ·--··· ••••••••••••

Different State .... ---- ........ __ .... __ ............ .. -


Northeast ............... ,. .............. -- -- ........ .. North Central. ••••••••••••••••••••• South •••••••••••••••.•••• -- ••••••

-Abroad ____ •••••••••••••.•••••• -·------- Moved, 1965 reside-nee not reported .............. .. West •••••••••••••••••••••• -·-···-

4 258 3 044 1 082 890 192 58 134 116


3 15 lS 117

1 795 674 561 113 77 36 24


92 40

6 21 162



49 107

4 471 2 40B 1 775 633 304 329 272 24 28 5 IS3 3B3

921 237 430 223 207 178 029 619 171 163 76


7 4 2 1

562 863 525 671 8S4 S84 270 76 76 62 56 91 63

2 611 1 164 1 088 361 727


50.7 25.2 S2.3 99.9 B9.7

4S6 271 124 101

soo 214 126 88 S2




22 14 345

13 146


3 653 1 9Sl 1 49S 84B




309 338 193 22 109 14 26 181

379 147 S8 113 61 82 40B

8 016 4 494 3 092 1 601 1 491 713 778 56B 38 16S 7 41 3B9

3 875 2 632 1 0S9 B77 182 103 79 22 S3


50,3 9.1 42.3 99.9 99.9 B4.2 43.7 34.6 2.9 3.1







Plrteat earoMt4 1 3 to 34 yeer1 .W ___ _ 3 and 4 years old····--··----····---···-· Sand 6 years old·---··---·--·--·--······ 7 to 13 years old.---···-·--·-···-····-··14 and lS years old •. ··-·······-··-··-·-· 16 and 17 years aid--··--··--·-···--····· lB and 19 years old-··-··-····-----······ 20 and 21 years aid····-·-······--·-····· 22 ta 24 years old ••••.•••••••••.••••••••• 2S ta 34 years old ••••••••••••••••••••••••




47.5 6.8

71.7 97.0 99.9 84.5 63.2 13.6 21.3 3.7


63.9 12.9 93.1 99.9 99.9 99.9 79.4

40.2 12.1

53.7 8.3 75.4 98.1 99.9 8S.5 55.6 47.2 2Q.B 7.0

29 384 291 262 512 131 81 10.6

2 550 5 16 22 2Q 183 722 549 1 033 14.7

4 283 95 108 711 519 966 1 266 371 247 11.2

4 234 15 3B 76 149 443 1 320

3.8 203 108 95

I 009 875 86.7 875 846 29 3.3 134 39 95

1 476 1 277 86.5 1 268 1 241 27 2.1 199 130 69

2 973 2 368 79.7 2 363 2 324 39 1.7 60S 430 17S

2 354 1 B57 78.9 1 852 1 7B9 63 3.4 249 248

3.0 476 246 230

1 657

l 045

804 48.S 804 759

485 46.4 4BS 447 38 7.8 560 414 146

1 513 563

1 02Q 862 156

2 806 1 370 48.B 1 370 1 318 52 3.B 1 436 1 13B 298

2 6<15 BB7 33.5 8B7 B3S S2 5.9 1 75B 1 385 373

2 841 1 2S3 44.1 1 2S3 1 214 39 3.1 1 58B 1 172 416






9.6 -

75.4 S3.S 99.4 99.9 99.9 90.9 80.2

54.7 7.7 7.7

4.9 54.7 97.3 96.7 99.9

64.5 24.2 3.0 5.5

... ... ...





94.5 99.9


... ...

6.8 3.1

60.6 31.6 75.0 96.2 99.9 8B.8 35.1 7.9 5.5 S.5

44.8 2.6 74.1 99.9 BO.B 94.3 11.9 7.6

7S.1 99.6 99.9 91.4 7S.2 60.0 12.9 10.1

3 435 57 65 159 277 SB5 1 lSl 662

2 237 16 5 77 159 36B 83S 394 383 12.6

4 302 119 111 415 501 763 1 S12 488 393 12.2

2 194 34 26 287 378 4Bl 730 158 100 11.3

1 326 1 035 7B.1 1 026 1 008 lB l.B 291 141 150

2 822 2 16S 76.7 2 16S 2 120

1 374 1 092 79.5 1 092 1 048 44 4.0 282 17B 104

I 539 714 46.4 714 6B2 32

I 405

825 562 263

3 188 1 326 41.6 1 326 1 269 57 4.3 1 B62 1 379 483

·-· 6.9




Tot•I ptnHI, 25 yHn tW ••• onr __

No school years completed __________ -------


1 to 4 years.---- -- ---- ------to 7 yeors----------------85 years. .. _________________ .. _..

High school: "years 1to3 yeors------------~--________ ,. __________ .......


2 539 43 73 245 246 601



239 221 12.1

lobor force ........ ____ ............................... ____ .. Percent of tatol ______ -------~-------- Civilian labor force---------- ........................ ..

1 488 I 28S B6.4 1 28S I 236


1ta3 years··---·-···---·--·

.C years or more .. __________ ...... Median school years completed ........... ---- __ _

l 690


964 1 229 13.2

4 376


1 556 8

30 228 32B 1 042 1 B90 476 340 12.3


1 533



107 249 57B 309 2SO 12.6

93 349 S63 256 204 12.S

902 68B 76.3

886 715 80.7 71S 701 14 2.0 171 89 82

1 817 1 403 77.2 1 376 1 3S2

987 417 42.2 417 406 11 2.6


479 12.S

EMPLOYMENT STATUS M•hi, 16 yHts oW 1H "'"---------

Employed •• ____ •• ______ •••••. -- ••••••• Unemployed •••••• __ •••••••••• __ •••••••


Percent of civilian labor force ........ __ .. ,., .. .. Not in labor force ........ __ .... ------ __ .............. .. Under 65 years .................... __ -- ........ -----65 years ond oveL--------------------F•••t., 16 ynr1 eld •ad over ------Lobor force-- .. -------·--------------.. - .... . Percent total________________ ...... -----------------Civilian laborofforce ,. _____ _


Employed •••••••.•.•• ____ ••••••••••••• Unemployed •••••.•••••••••••••••••••• _ Percent of civilian labor force----------



AS 5.6 853


2 596 2 120 Bl.7 2 110 2 046



114 59 28

64 8

130 lS

67 16

163 42




48 17


58 23

159 10


286 57 10 10

370 115 25 12


112 7

72 30 5 5

105 S3 34 7

270 69 7

693 114 53


185 33 14 9

2 648 1 613 530 505

2 010

2 315 1 539 221

717 56B 68 81


163 68 16 9

757 518 177 62

1 524 1 135 194 195

1 103 B05 1B9 109

2 505 1 536 430 539

1 150 840 247 63

697 307 219

I 670 704 412

1 568 SSS 503 510

529 206 112 211

495 223 129 143

1 123 484 306 333

850 400 227 223

1 766


I 146 364 399 363

789 280 265 24"

1 771

3 642 193 1 754 886 89 60 652 140 4S2 252 56 246

2 624 1B3 S13 262 S6 90 SS7 387 Sl9 288 123 196

3 260 231 977 627

1 032 133 82 5B lB

1 107

2 215 194 111 75 BB 92 616 201 523 1B1 233 157

1 690 80 6B7 S89 39 45 266 88 396 185 31 5B

3 389 224 1 004 612 B8

45 lS

100 8

124 7

175 B

195 32


46 3






112 30 16 9

172 33

616 189



1 364 1 010 211 143


1 333 91B 239 176

986 39S 262 329

540 239 1B8 113

1 995 93 701

1 293


32B 30 44 79 100 176 61 19 49

F•••M, 14 ottd 15 yHn old ................ .. labor force ........ -- -- .... __ ---- -- ........ -- ........ .. Mile, 16 t• 21 years •hi -- ............... .. Not enrolled in school ...... -----------------Not high school graduate ...... ____________ _ Unemployed or not in lobar force __ ........ Mole,••"•""' 1969 .. ____________ _ SO to S2 weeks···--·--··---·-····-···-·-

.27 to 49 weeks···--·-·-·-···-··········· 26 weeks or less __ ............ -------- -- -- -- -- .. Fe••le, wtrkHla 1969 ___________ _ SO to 52 weeks •••••••••••••••••••••••••• . 26 weeks or leu .......... ___ -------- .... -- __ ---

27 to 49 week•--····-·---···---·········



195 63

4 4

SS6 22S 104

449 20B

394 176


labor force-----------------------------

991 4S3

4S 2.1 6S7






24 1.7 414 162 252


563 530 33



613 12 1.9 214 97

2 342 912 38.9 912 B63 49 5.4 1 430 B98 S32


Not in labor force __ -------- .. ·-·---------- Under 6S years ____ .......... __ .... __ .... __ ...... .. 65 years and over-------------·-----·-Mole, 14 an• 15 y••n ohl ................. ..






1 4S6 2B6 338


4S.7 4S3 419 34



S70 500 696

60S 43.1 605 545 60 9.9 800 621 179 10


INDUSTRY Tet•I t11pMyH, 16 yHn. ehl ealll ner ..

Construction ........ __ .... ____ ........ __ ...... _..... __ .. .. Monufacturlng ,.. .. ____ .... __ ..... ______ • ____ .... ..

Durobie good$ •••••••••••••••.•••• __ •••



Tron1portation .. - .. - __ -~ ....... - ..... ____ • __ .... __ .. Communications, utilities., & scnitory s.ervk.es. .. . Whok!sale and retail trade-----·-----·----Finance. insurance, bus~nes.s & repair services .. Profeulonol .and related services. .... _________ _ Edu-cational services-------------------Public odminis.tration ........ ---- __ .... _________ _ Othtr industries ____ .... ____ ................ _., __ ,.,. __ _


23 - 562



76 360 113 406 231 6B 120

72 724

99 233 164

54 ']!/

380 275

468 219 87 146

177 104 665 163 661 320 168 114

24 322 81 181

72 72 119

95 21B 138 42 34 2S3 12B 202 56 29 106

67 715 162 B37 470 172 120

I 593 163 595 282 39 30 271 39 2B3 101 83 90


Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Towns and Places





Center (U)


3 214 16! 3 046 2 183 751 587 64 74 26





5 255 138 5 117 3 957 955 565 131 220 39 22 183

5 474

4 2 l l

648 443 897 113 784 287 497 2B4 6 178 29 65 243

4 847 2 946 l 387 542 845 476 369 226 41 64 3B 156 35B

2 948 l 791 l 015 739 276 102 174 B7 19 54 14

54.7 16.3 67.4 99.9 99.9

62.l 24.6 90.l

57.5 6.4 9.2 3.7

58.5 5.5 75.5 97.5 99.9 99.9 81.3 42.2 17.B 9.6

2 735 20 15 101 189 434 l 094 496 386 12.6

Groton town


7 537 381 7 156 4 887 2 038 l 645 148 189 56 37 194

5 109

5 430 132 5 298 4 372 741 532

6 4 2 l

4 2 l l


Hadley town





3 750 315 3 435 2 731 506 345 98 52 11 26 172

3 457 120 3 337 2 826 390 250 38 65 37

2 951 l 625 l 246 543 703 531 172 115





Harwich Center (U)

6 373 289 6 084 4 429 l 346 784 270 218 74 56 253

4 572 157 4 415 3 264

7 148 247 6 901 755 928 550 134 174 70 67 151

3 842 279 3 563 2 528 678 476 105 28 69 26 331

5 902 3 912 I 783 856

4 2 l l

6 3 2 l l

3 647 2 177 l 231 474 757 530 227 118

PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---Foreltn born------------------------

Natlv• -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Born in State of residence-----------------Born in different State -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Northeast -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -North Central. ••• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----South -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----West •• ----ot--seo, -- --etc -- ___________________ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ----_ Born abroad, Stole of birth not reported.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

222 5 252 3 882 l 129 599 178 244 108 116 125

11 101

244 4 865 3 529 l 097 635 182 224 56 52 187

77 101 31 40


17 104

966 777 112 45 32 46 139


RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and over __ Some house -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Different house in United States ------------Same county--------------------------Different county -- ---- -- -- __________ ---Same State ____ ---- ____ -- ____________ _ Different State __ ---- -- ____________ ---Nortlieost -- -- ---- ______________ ---North Central •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --South -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

West -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Abroad -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----

Moved, 1965 residence not reported _________ _



928 130 445 508 937 222 715 516 6B 109 22 30 323

622 686 693 151 542 146 396 234 85 59 lB 68 175

4 931 3 238 l 595 997 598 296 302 151

3 500 2 184 l 049

146 5 13 85


54.6 16.3 60.6 99.3 98.2

56.7 2.B 72.9 97.8 99.9 94.6 55.4


464 585 318 267

171 22

9 72 195


44 13 13 74

927 275 652 339 12B 121 64 60 147

073 294 637 209 428 l 85 243 154 20 34 35 35 107

322 458 524 183 341 958 3B3 132 170 52 29 33 307


20 89 98 141

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Plrclftt enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _

3 and 4 years old-------------------------

57 and 6 years aid------------------------to t3 years old _________________________ _ 14 and t5 years old----------------------16ond 17 years aid----------------------18 and 19 years old----------------------20ond 21 years old----------------------22 to 24 years 25 to 34 years ald aid •• •• ----------------------______________________ _

99.9 99.9

58.5 21.9 6B.3 9B.5


58.9 19.0

... 97.7

46.3 2.4 52.5 99.9 84.7 99.9

68.0 22.2 7B.4 99.9 99.9 95.4 55.6 43. l lB.9 12.4

56.2 4.7 72.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

53.8 B.9 67.4 95.6 99.9 99.9 51.0 27.3 9.3


s9.2 96.9 99.9


99.9 93.6 67.9 51.3 27.6 15.6

2 689 11 22 155 220 505 876 430 470 12.5

2 798 B 10 101 19B 505 l 22B 455 293 12.5

2 130 63 55 139 265 32B 674 305 301 12.3

l 719 B 6 85 121 384 81B 223 74 12.3

3 "'45 25 80 100 474 l 415 507 834 12.7

2 361 11 12 83 162 565 952 237 339 12.4

3 645 46 14 137 316 793 l 614 405 320 12.3

2 639 10 29 B7

2 464 l 821 73.9 l 821 l 789 32 l.B 643 339 304

l 586 l 324 B3.5 l 295 l 249 46 3.6 262 157 105

1 625 l 406 86.5 1 384 l 344 40 2.9 219 122 97

1 433 l 115 77.8 l 103 l 090 13 1.2 318 209 109

1 022 883 86.4 883 867 16 1.8 139 84 SS

2 025 l 604 79.2 l 599 l 568 31 1.9 421 256 165

l 362 l 175 B6.3 l 166 l 135 31 2.7 187 114 73

2 123 l 734 81.7 l 725 l 653 72 4.2 3B9 237 152

l 287 B05 62.5 B05 776 29 3.6 482 167 315

1 262 603 47.8 597 5B8 9 1.5 659 394 265

2 937 l 287 43.B l 281 l 232 49 3.8 l 650 981 669

1 766 725 41.l 719 677 42 5.B l 041 764

1 746 869 49.8 869 829 40 4.6 877 688 1B9

l 369 753 55.0 753 719 34 4.5 616 405 211

l 071 400 37.3 400 385 15 3.B 671 594 77

2 232 967 43.3 967 956

l 472 531 36. l 531 49B 33 6.2 941 778 163

2 317 l 040 44.9 l 040 9BO 60 5.B l 277 l 042 235

l 666 499 29.6 499 468 31 6.2 l 187 564 623

144 9


90 22


141 19



164 7





74 16

129 34 97 12

1"'4 7

113 13

164 3B 141 20

118 6

74 19

64 11

133 9

97 6

123 6

85 18

251 130 32 7 1 435 l 025 282 128

261 57 19 4

119 26 5 5

347 90 13 5

194 42 15

266 4

124 49 21

1 515 l 156 210 149

862 564 206 92

2 039 l 320 42B 291

1 390 l 027 24B 115

1 473 l OB! 214 17B

1 292 794 231 267

906 61B 203 85

1 777 l 206 291 2BO

169 32 15 B 1 228 8Bl 229 l lB

154 BB 14


319 47 18 8

260 63 6


239 B3 24 6

1 BU l 358 360 165

911 497 212 202


897 314 318 265

766 317 229 220

1 601 696 436 476

924 375 250 299

977 402 306 269

888 345 269 274

526 175 165 186

1 138 461 370 307

710 234 160 316

1 294 526 372 396

691 200 217 274

2 042 131 683 605 121 52 369 116 3B2 !B3 84 104

2 016 104 704 312 45 39 345 105 450 276 121 103

l 345 70 253 127 34 B2 264 116 324 155 49 !53

3 021 154 683 267 125 144 570 229 690 344 89 337

1 926 122 604 352 25 39 260 94 526 235 103 153

2 173 113 810 578 120 48 419 13B 395 14B 72 56

l 809 123 237 128 37 50 'Z/6 74 603 433 6B 321

l 252 110 335 182 5B 36 305 90 212 96 15 91

2 524 143 SB9 424 BO B9 449 208 694 405 67 205

l 633 95 506 337 89 32 287 168 354 159 31 71

2 633 121 961 544 BO 73 640 1B2 400 216 BS 91

l 244 176 31 19 9 62 272 1B3 209 112 43 259



5.5 B.l

96.0 57.7 4B.8 16.0 6.4

2 691 21 38 176 212 564 l 006 33B 336 12.3

l 915 77 21 185 320 318 605 249 140 12.l

4 438 106 8B 407 72B 759 l 460 4SB 432 12.l

l 599 l 361 85.l l 348 I 321 27 2.0 238 136 102

1 754 l 420 81.0 l 341 l 318 23 1.7 334 246 BB

1 042 774 74.3 774 757 17 2.2 268 130 138

1 715 741 43.2 741 721 2.7 974 803 171

l 670 760 45.5 760 69B 62 8.2 910 762 14B

102 16





4.2 6.6

... 12.l




... ...

7.6 6.3



... B.3

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Total ptnans, 25 years aid and over __ _ No school years completed _________________ _ l to 4 years _________________ _ 5 to 7 years _________________ _


B years---------------------High school, l to 3 years _________________ _

4 years _____________________ _


l to 3 years _________________ _

4 years or more--------------Medion school years completed ______ --------


79 373 l 239 424 398 12.6

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Malt, 16 years old and over _________ _ Labor force ________ ---- __ ---- ____ ---- ----

Percent of total __________________ -----

Civilian labor force ________________ ---- ---Employed-----------------------------Unemployed ________________________ ----

Percent of civilian labor force----------Not in labor force __________________ -- ----Under 65 years-------------------------

65 years and over __________________ ----Ftnialt, 16 ytars oli:I and over-------laborPercent force -----------------------------_ of total ______________________ Civilian labor force------------------------

Employed ______________________ -- -- -- --

Unemployed __________ -- ________ -- -- ---Percent of civilian labor force-----------

Nol in labor force------------------------Under 65 years------------------------65 years and over ________________ -- -- --Malt, 14 tnd 15 years old-----------

Labor force-----------------------------ftmolt, 14 and 15 years old_ ________ _

Labor force __ ---- ________________ -- -- ---Male, 16 to 21 ytars old-----------Not enrolled in school ______________ -- -- ---Not high school graduate __________ -- -- -- -

Unemployed or not in labor force ____ ---Mole, worked In 1969 ______________ _

~ :~ !~ :::~; :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::::

26 weeks or less _________________________ _

~ ~.:t~~:~ti~~·~~~~~ii~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


946 311






11 I.I l 265 '199 266





Total employed, 16 years old and over __

5~1!~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Communications, utilities, & sanitary services __

~holesa1e and retail trade------------------

inance: insurance, business & repair services __ ProfeSS1onol and related services ____________ _ Educational services--------------------Puhblic administration ______________________ _ Ot er industries ______________________ ----_



23 - 563

Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum bo&e for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places


Hopkinton town

Hatfield town

Hopedale Center (U)



5 926

2 825

367 5 559 3 801 I 273 888 197 84 104 36 449

170 2 655 2 265 320 215 41 58 25 45


4 379 389 3 990 3 410 490 376 25 56 33 7 83

5 981 284 5 697 4 480 998


3 089 256 2 833 2 431 338 258 19 28 33

5 474 2 936 2 236 924 1 312 829 483 269 42 83 89 98 204

2 615 2 026

4 035

5 408 3 634 1 482 918

57.3 37.2 85.S 96.4 90.8 71.0 75.4



Hull town

Hyannis (U)

9 968 8U 9 156 7 664 1 186 723 181 199 83 67 239

6 847 486 6 361 4 170 I 459 932 180 291

Ipswich Center (U)



Center (U)


s 022 403 4 619 3 674 636 442 98 71 25 37 272

3 932 184 3 748 3 282 300 228 23 29 20 23 143

5 999 262 5 737 5 054

4 641 2 985 I 314 891 423 148 275 142 36 64 33

3 585 2 278 1 186 721 465 350 115 92

5 2 2 1 1



Lancaster town

Pl.ACE OF BIRTH Totol populotloo ____ ------------ __ _ftrtit• ••,. .. -------------·------.. .. H1tlw• -- .... -- ---- .... -- ---- -- -- .......... .. Born in State of residence-----·---------- ..

Born in differ~nt State---- .. --.. ------------ Northeast -- -· ____ -- -- __ -- -· •• ·- ____ ... Nar!h Central.. ___________ ·-· ______ ---- South -· •• -· __ -· ------ __ • ___ •• __ •• ··-- West -- -- •• ---- ------ ---· -- --···- -···- llorn abroad, at sea, etc ................................... .. State of birth not reported ................ ______ .... .. -


660 164 113 61 106 113

56 32 700

479 337 44 78 20 23 181

4 376 223 4 153 3 405 541 447 33 51 10 22 185

6 095 486

5 609 3 285 1 764 I 003 248 297 216 185 375

RESIDENCE IN 1965 T1-t1l p1pw'8tioa, 5 yeart elcl Hd over .. Some house __ ---- ............................................ .. Different hour..e in Uni1ed States ...................... .. Some county ........ ---- .... ---- ............ ------

Different county ................ __ ........ __ .... __ .... .. Some Stott •••• --·- -- •• ---------- --·- Different State ............................ __ ............ .. Northeast ____ ---- __ ....... _., ______ --North CentraL. ____ "'" ... __ .... _______ _ South-------------------""-----·- West ••••• --------------·---------

Ab rood •. -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- -- --Moved, 1965 residence not reported .......... .

487 325 162 68 94 24 41 13 16 14 88

2 833 2 023 751 657 94

2 891

9 4 3 I 2 1



399 984 268 242 026 822 204 135 6 63

16 105

16 131

4 008 2 490 1 372 435 937 773 164 99 7 52 6 6 140

50,6 5.2 55.3 90.2 99.9 74.5


51.7 5.2 72.1 95.6 99.9 76.7 63.8

53.5 4.1 54.6 99.9 99.9 83.7 67.B


55.6 30.1 99.9 94.6 95.3 96.9 59.7 18.3 12.7 2.7

17.2 5.5

12.1 4.3

10.0 1.8

4 068 18 13 201 363 976 1 393 639 465 12.J

2 893 84 84 223 352 468 l 023 337 322 12.2

2 315 41 27 219 239 418 911 259 201 12.2

3 297 46 31 270 269 619 l 334 440 288 12.3

2 440 5 33 265 369 555 794 247

1 631 I 279 78.4 1 274 1 231 43 3.4 352 143 209

1 335 979 73.3 979 921 58 5.9 356 187 169

1 894 1 502 79.3 1 497 1 415 82 5.5 392 211 181

1 3U 1 068 76.6 1 063 1 018 45 4.2 326 174 152

1 972 951 48.2 951 913 38 4.0 1 021 672 349

l 462 612 41.9 612 564 48 7.8 850 591 259

2 085 835 40.0 835 781 54 6.5 1 250 941 309

1 569 668 42.6 668 616 52 7.8 901 651 250

1 931 1 573 81.5 1 558 1 510 48 3.1 358 213 145 2 332 1 171 50.2 1 171 1 134 37 3.2 1 161 874 287

60 10 91 10


75 12

149 36

6 2 2 1 1

283 930


1 074 832 242 141 101 20

10 4 15 44

72 9 21 49

70 30 169 123

891 658 577 081 574 507 304 49 105 49 181 320

61.8 19.0

63.3 15.7 99.4 93.1 87.2 93.7 53.1 48.J

59.9 18.9 78.6 96.4 89.2 90.1 69.4 17.3 17.9 4.2

53.8 36.2 78.9 98.5 99.9 99.9 40.4 17.6

60 34



504 323 241 118


BOS 341 464 605 659 403 90 112 54 57 491






5 604 2 706 2 225 998 I 227 257 970 430 211 203 126 147 526

59.S 8.1 58.4 96.3 96.0 99.9 82.4 46.6 29.5 B.3


Hrtl.U. 3 to 34 year• oW •• ,.._

3 and 4 yeOr$ aid .,_ ---- ---- __ ---- ____ -· ... 5 ond 6 yeors old ....... ___ • _____ • _. _. _. _. .,_


. 7 to 13 years old __ •••• ______ .... ____ -----

-18ond19 years old---------------------- 20 and 21 years old---------------------22 lo 24 years old •• ________________ • _ •• __ 25 to 34 years old .• -- -- •• -· -- -- __ •• ____ •• 14ond15 yeo"old ----------------------

16 and 17 years old __________ ... ______ ----

... 89.4


99.9 99.9 99.9

92.B 82.4 97.2




$7.9 13.8 61.S 98.2 97.1 91.1 79.9 15.7 14.9 6.4

3 972 21 42 110 144 620 I 791 652 592 12.6

1 632 42 18 148 178 287 486 303 170 12.3

1 793 14 22 120 221 302 665 287 162 12.3

2 473 14 46 221 271 466 895 381 179 12.2

3 102 4 6 101 280 629 1 306 434 342 12.4

5 013

2 006 1 279 63.8 1 279 I 223 56 4.4 727 242 485

971 722 74.4 722 704 18 2.5 249 113 136

1 367 1 046 76.5 1 046 1 010 36 3.4 321 145 176

1 844 1 593 86.4 I 590 1 556 34 2.1 251 112 139

3 071 2 524 82.2 2 487 2 370 117 4.7 547 313 234

2 500 760 30.4 760 698 62 8.2 1 740 890 850

925 751 81.2 751 710 41 5.5 174 99 75 1 OSI 475 45.2 475 449 26 5.5 576 447 129

l 193 477 40.0 477 443 7.1 716 457 259

1 650 674 40.8 674 628 46 6.8 976 641 335

2 023 893 44.1 893 852 41 4.6 1 130 899 231

3 303 1 213 36.7 1 213 1 152 61 5.0 2 090 1 685 405

2 266 1 680 74.I 1 664 1 638 26 1.6 586 252 334 2 783 I 138 40.9 1 138 1 036 102 9.0 1 645 1 048 597

185 30 126 13

304 34

124 34

88 19

242 16

98 18

81 8

145 26

57 8

175 21

488 153

292 106 32 11

202 60 6


145 48 12 12

211 73 22 17

159 32 21 6

412 28 10

2 686 1 691 613 382

1 353 842 349 162

1 038 706 209 123

1 579 l 125 302 152

1 157 826 219 112

1 672 I 062 360 250

1 057 509 288 260

721 278 254 189

1 023 409 315 299

826 331 300 195

l 411 577 422 419

2 144 118 679 506 55 41 480 175 358 166 93 145

1 485 102 397 185 34 39 335 124 298 192 56 100

2 196 163 551 283 68 57 537 200 415 250 79 126

1 634 139 506 237 34 51 270 51 396 128 62 125

2 644 140 871 345 23 36 356 125 894 517 104 95


··... ...

... . ..





YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Total perHnt., 2.S y11r1 of4 a11d over .. . No sthool yeon compk:ted •• _. ____ ... ____ .... ... Elementary: l to 4 yecrs ...... ___________ _ 5 to 7 yeors __ ---- ____ ------8 years--------------------High school. 1 to3yeo"----------------4 years ..... ____ •• ______ ----College, 1to3 Y'°"----------------4 yeors or mgre ............... _.,. Median school yeon eompleted ...... _________ _


95 80 249 302 939 2 228 525 595 12.4

172 12.0

2 967 44 51 218 306 531 856 496 465 12.4

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mile, 16 yetn thl 111d Htr ________ _ Labor forc.e ------------------ ... ----------

Civilian labor force---------·------------Percent of total __ ... ____ ... _.. ______ ----

Employed •. __ -- -- -- .• __ •• -- ·--- -- .... . Unemployed •• ______________ •. ____ .... . Percent of civilian labor force __ ..... _.. __

--Fe1Hle, 16 yeors old .... •••r ------labor force·--------------------------- -Percent of total __ -- ______ ...... __ .......... .. Not in labor forte


...... -- -- -- ---- __ ......... .

Urider 65 years ................................. -----65 years and over ................................ __

Civilian labor force-·------------------ ... ..


Employed -- •••• -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- •• -- ••• Unemployed_ ••••• -- ____ -- -- ____ •• -- •• Percent of civilion labor force •• __ ........

---Not in lobor far<:e .......... __ ............... __ ---- Under 65 years __ ---- __ ........ __ ... ____ .... _ --


6S years end over .... -- __ ---- ... __ ........... _

M1l1 1 14end15 years •Id. ................ .. Lobar force---------------------------Fe1ule, 14 Hi 15 years tl11fi. ______ _ -Lcbor force __ ........................... __ ............... .. M•le, 16 t• 21 yHtl aid ....... ---- __ --

Not enrolled in school ____ ... __ .......... ---- __ --

---------f11111le, werk... hl 1969 -----------SO 1o 52 weeks ____ •• -- __ ---- __ •••• __ ••• 2710 49 weeks •• ---- -- •• ---- -- ______ -·---26 weeks or less .... -- ---- -· -- -- -- -- -- ... --- -

Not high school groduo1e ---- ____ •. __ -·Untmployed or not in labor force--·--M•lt, wart.•• In 1969 -· ______ .... __ _ SO to 52 wetks ------ -- __ ---- -- __ ---· --27 to 49 weeks -··- ••••.• __ •• -- ______ ••• 26wee-ks or lus _____ .,_·-·----·---------


11 18

77 20

71 13

107 22

115 26

54 10

54 15

73 15

230 103 22

105 12 4

133 31 22 17

222 59 38 29

1 447 794 337 316

852 506 240 106


552 165 78

l 138 768 222 148

280 98 43 3 1 671 1 179 227 265

1 061 297 309 462


588 269 113 206

120 345 200 275

l 123 411 389 323

1 677 631 433 613

1 874 1 254 321 299 1 561 655 370 536

1 921 329

1 159 105 235 105 6 26 216 25 411 196 39 96

l 147 38 530 390

1 638 73 741 517 38 55 250

2 408 210 799 565 75 73 416 148 399 172 51 237

3 522 280 704 513 137 98 874 324 582 296 262 261

2 674 352 94 59 68 172 880 !89 539 190 101 279




204 176

60 19



INDUSTRY Tot•I t•pleyetl, 16 ytors okl end •-er ..



Construction __ ... __ .... ________ .... _.... _·- ___ _ Manufacturing __ .... __ ---- ____ ... _________ _ Durable goods -- •• ---· ---- ··-- _______ _

Tronsportation .... __ .... ______ .... ___________ _ Communic.otions, utilit~s. & sonita:ry services Wholesale r:md retail trade ....... -........... -.,. .. Fina-nee~ insurance, businus & repair servietl Professional and related service.$ __________ .. .. tduc:ationol servicn ---------------- .... .. Public administration .. _______ ---- ______ .... __ Of her industries .. ~ __ .... ____ .... .,_ ....... _.. __ .... _




23 - 564


60 41

35 83 428 232 308 169 95 351

20 52 152 44 226 66 37 48

63 295 94 41 82


Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures {percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

lanes barough town

lee Center

2 950 105 2 845 2 123 659 474 87 70 28 4 S9

3 389 194 3 195 2 454 544 388 70 76 10 30 167

2 567 I 7S3 688 482 206 61 145 62 30 26 27 22 104

3 124 2 098 882 491 391 91 300 222 9 69

54.0 19.2 76.2 84.5 99.3 82.7

63.2 21.7 96.6 99.1 98.2 90.6




Leicester town

Lee town

Center (U)

6 426 257

3 140 95 3 045 2 394 477 351 lS 87 24 30 144

9 100 450 8 650 7 357 1 021 739

857 823 781 124 6S7 196 461 323 9 117 12 61 192

2 897 1 764 719 43S 284 59 22S 134

8 250 5 662

60.8 18.4 89.7 99.4 99.9 91.4 S2.9

64.6 6.8 68.6 99.9 88.8 99.9 86.4



5.7 1.9

16.8 6.0

1 901 12 so 140 278 316 669 232 204 12.2

3 388 19 86 215 461 606 1 207 396 398 12.3

1 076 830 77.1 830 804 26 3.1 246 100 146 1 266 539 42.6 539 501 38 7.1 727 501 226 112 12




Lenox town




5 696 407 5 289 3 635 1 332 866 202 221 43 29 293

7 567 454 7 113 3 44S 3 20S I 159 630 918 498 208 2SS

2 764 77 2 687 1 91S 639 3S3 79 137 70 36 97

5 2 2 1 1

6 984

2 455 I 483 838 S41 297 72 22S 84 7 44 90 21 113

Lunenburg town

Manchester town

Mans fie Id Center (U)

6 380 206 6 174 4 496 1 461 918 210 209 124 49 168

7 419 503 6 916 5 657 947 736

5 151 367 4 784 3 449 1 259 784 225 228 22 33 43

4 778 282 4 496 3 603 701 474 67 104 56 33 159

5 3 2 I

6 4 I I

726 617 823 228 59S 187 408 219 lSl 32 1S8 128

4 311 2 915 1 2S3 444 909 49S 314 166 27 45 76 18 12S

81.3 97.4 92.4 91.2 60.l 21.1 7.0 6.4

PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---for41lgn born-----------------------Native -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----

Born in State of residence-----------------Born in different State -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ----Northeast -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---North CentroL. -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- South -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -

West .• -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Born abroad, at sea, etc __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -State of birth not reported -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

6 169 4 831 I 066 747 137 113 69 S4 218

SS 174 S3 71 201

72 100 39 66 246

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and over __ Same house -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- - - ----

Different house In United States ---- ____ ----Some county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Different county------------------------

Some State __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Different State __ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -Northeast __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _______ _ North Centro L. __ -- -- ______________ _ South-----------------------------


Abrood .--------------------·---------·--

Moved, 1965 residence not reported ______ ----


7 137

5 3 1 1

298 808 187 174 013 307 706 408 108 149 41 226

2 9S3 3 317 862 2 4SS 237 2 218 362 54S 749 562 42S 289

58.4 8.9 68.I 99.9 86.2 87.0 75.1 38.9 13.5 7.8

55.1 20.7 80.8 98.3 99.9 99.9 46.0 38.2 19.2 2.8

66,2 34.3 93.0 99.2 92.0 9S.9 69.6 21.4 18.9 8.8

1 540 20 9 98 143 341 S23 261 l4S 12.3

4 702 72

3 218 7



402 619 I 186 I 491 582 294 12.0

2 018 I 558 77.2 1 SS8 I S07 S1 3.3 460 247 213

1 074 70.3 7S2 734 18 2.4 319 272 47

2 238 999 44.6 999 925 74 7.4 I 239 914 325 208 43

6 62 23 28 386

I 978 1 530 448 121 327 1S3 II llS 48 42 568


711 230 212 418 794 195 599 267 87 74 171 76 193

881 351 989 313 676 449 227 101 52 29 46 25 516

4 2 I I


SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Perct1t enrolltcl, 3 to 34 yean old ____ _ 3 ond 4 years old •• __ -- -- __ -- -- -- ________ _

Sand 6 years old------------------------7 to 13 years old •• -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ____ -·--


14 ond IS yeors old---------------------16 and 17 years old---------------------18 and 19 years old-----------·---------20and 21 yeors old---------------------- 22 to 24 yeors old •• __ -- -- -- -- -- -- ______ •• 2S to 34 yeors old _______________________ _

... ... ... 3.2




18.0 S.7

56.7 6.9 86.1 97.6 8S.3 99.3 63.1 lS.8 lS.4 7.9

63.7 14.2 96.6 97.9 89.5 99.9 7S.6 43.0 16.9 6.2

64.2 S4.4 99.9 9S.l 99,9 91.1 7S.3 3S.8 26.3 8.0

1 333 21 4 8S 73 229 S74 16S 182 12.4

3 212 31 24 138 1S6 561 1 218 S29 S5S 12.6

3 998 9

2 894 10

181 289 429 1 266 367 6S7 12.S

3 712 II 9 34 122 194 1 16S S74 I 673 14.9

386 430 751 I 522 416 429 12.2

149 272 927 739 732 13.1

2 538 27 28 210 285 478 I oos 26! 244 12.2

3 106 2 405 77.4 2 392 2 342 so 2.1 701 480 221

1 936 1 471 76.0 I 471 1 414 S7 3.9 46S 218 247

2 426 2 133 87.9 I 442 1 421 21 1.S 293 214 79

135 71S 85.6 684 660 24 3.S 120 82 38

1 941 I 682 86.7 1 630 1 589 41 2.S 2S9 141 118

2 387 2 046 85.7 2 013 I 936 77 3.8 341 16S 176

1 60 1 315 80.1 I 306 I 280 26 2.0 327 195 132

1 472 1 189 80.8 1 183 I 124 S9 s.o 283 128 155

1 061 4SI 42.S 451 447 4 0.9 610 468 142

3 126 I 3S3 43.3 I 3S3 1 302 S\ 3.8 1 773 I 379 394

2 177 847 38.9 847 801 46 5.4 1 330 846 484

883 36S 41.3 36S 3S8 7 1.9 518 411 107

1 840 724 39.3 724 690 34 4.7 1 116 808 308

1 755 801 4S.6 801 786 15 1.9 9S4 672 282

197 23

95 16

2 057 839 40.8 839 818 21 2.5 1 218 988 230 160

2 535 I 15S 4S.6 I 151 I 077 74 6.4 \ 380 l 098 282


2 286 747 32.7 747 738 9 1.2 I 539 1 3SS 184 199 36 202 38

230 39


74 12


152 8

181 10

435 184 17

145 39 6

282 82

231 74 4 4


89.4 99.1 85.2 99.3

... ...



YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Total persons, 25 yean old and over __ No school years completed ________________ _Elementary: 1 to 4 years ____ -- __________ _ S to 7 yeor•-·--------------- 8 years--------------------High school: 1to3 years ________________ _ 4 yeors --------------------- College, I to 3 yeors ----------------4 yeors or more ____ -- _______ _ Median school years completed ____________ _

1 554



27 79 118 306 676 143 20s 12.4

Mele, 16 yean alcl and aver ________ _ labor force ____________________________ _Percent of total __________________ ---- Civilian labor__________ force----------------------Employed •• ________________ _-

984 78S 79.8 78S





Unemployed __ •• __ •• __________________ _-

Percent of civilian labor force _________ _ Nat in lobar force _______________________ _-

Under 6S yeors ------------------------ -

65 years ond over _____________________ _


Ft1n1le 1 16 years old ond over ------- laborPercent force __ -------------_ of-------------total _____________________ Civilian lobar force-----------------------


Employed -· •• -- -- -- ____ -· __ •••• ______ _ Unemployed ______________________ -----


Percent of civilian labor force---------- Not in labor force-----------------------Under 65 and yearsover __ _____________________ ----------------------_ 65 years


Mole, 14 and 15 years old---------labor force ______________________ ---- __ _-


Female, 14 and 15 years old ________ _

lobar farce----------------------------- 6


Not enra11:'d 1~· ~c h~~1 _~ ~~~~·-~·~- == == == :: :: : Not high school graduate _______________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force ------- 11

~~ :~ ~~ :::~·: ~~~k:•;:~:~~~~:::::::::::::: --

26 weeks or less ________________________ _


Fett11le 1 worked In 1969 ___________ _

~~ ~e:~.~~:~~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::


76S 20 2.S 199 116 83 924 381 41.2 381 364 17 4.5 S43 469 74 48

8 99 4

11 42 4




9 85

165 14

111 9

312 39 16

706 197 85 8



342 88 22 4

2 776 I 819 497 460

1 590 .1 103 308 179

2 269 I 6SS 318 293

762 523 134 105

l 785 1 296 273 216

2 184 1 470 431 283

1 454 981 276 197

1 209 472 389 348

9'3 S93 I S3 247 553 237 173 143

235 104 39 21 1 223 894 225 104

1 596 630 573 393

1 050 346 306 398

1 001 314 306 381

469 200 132 137

1 009 434 32S 250

1 412 486 453 473

919 34\ 2S6 322

910 473 238 269

2 432 168 890 291 68 16 460 121 428 260 Sl 230

1 181 72 360 273 28 28 206 107 302 141 46 32

3 644 234 I 169 844 113 102 770 281 728 371 122 125

2 215 117 611 419 42 37 240 197 713 448 58 200

2 159 100 482 389 17 8 271 273 779 345 119 110

1 018 36 300 233 17 27 144 85 267 142 99 43

2 407 110 730 609 31 70 372 192 596 303 16S 141

3 013 160 1 130 580

I 970

1 910 IOS 738 S28 S8 37 375 ISO 339 140 4S 63



154 33 13

115 30





833 S71 179 83

910 609 208 93

18 4 1 724 1 107 406 211

492 21S 133 144

640 238 236 166

1 129 72 Sl8 422 21 33 172

1 305 88 482 128 26 3 233 64 227 147 17 16S






76 22 14








INDUSTRY Total employed, 16 years old and ever _ Construction ___ _


Manufacturing ___ ::::==================== Tr~~;;~:~ofi~~ds -- -- ---- -------- -- ------- Communication~~ -;tiiiti;s:-&-s~-nit"a-rY-;;;vi~;; ~ho\esole and retail trade ____ .... __________ _ Finance: insurance, business & repair services_ Professional and related services .... _________ _ Ed,ucationol services ___________________ _ Pub11e administration Other industries ____


-====::::========::==== --

56 1S7 77 12 88



111 291 236 50

64 599 196 513 282 147 142

30S 305 S86 2SS 95 199



Table 117. Social and labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Doto based on sample. see text. For minimum bose tor derived figures (percent, median, etc.) end meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Mons field

town PLACE OF BIRTH Totol pop•lotlOft ___________________ _ F•ttltn •or11 -----.. -- .. ------------... -Native., _____ ------_ .... - .... -- ________ _ Born in State ()f residence-----------.... --.. -Born in different State---.. ----------------Northea>t •••• --·- •• __ --·- ____ •••••••••• Horth Centro!. ••• ----------------------South -- ---- ---- ---------------- __ ---·-

West---- .... __ -------- .................... -------Born abroad, ot seo, etc ..................... ~---------

State of birth not reported ................ v

............. ..

Morion town

9 939 489 9 450 7 663 1 431 1 048 139 164 80 56 300

3 328 191

8 866

3 124 2 107 901 360 521 271 250 100 88 27 35 14 102

3 137 2 417

599 391 89 78 41

17 104

Marshfield Compact (U)


sett town

2 427 76 2 351 1 866 432 272 65 42 53 11 42

4 500

2 164 1 175 832 280 552 351 201 107 19 38 37 77

4 122 1 957 1 958 705 1 253 776 477 314 18 95 50 29 178

152 4 348 3 238 978

60'I 165 144 /,()

47 85


Mayo.rd town

Medfield town

Medway Center (U)

Medway town




Village (U)

9 710 866

9 821 584 9 237 5 963 2 809 1 599

3 729 230 3 499 2 829 580

7 829 441 7 388 5 824 1 415 894 202 204 115 18 131

2 437 126 2 311 1 911 314 242 22 50

3 470 239 3 231 2 791 297 227 31 24 15 32 111

4 150 81 4 069 3 264 636 524 56 41 17 20 147

6 259 262 5 997 4 838 691 490 105

7 4 2 1 1

2 255 1 524 665 402 263 216 47 32 5 10

3 183 2 099 843 662 181 81 100 77 11 7 5 84 157

3 658 2 094 1 314 829 465 262 223 201

5 3 2 1

8 844 7 089 1 261 866 159 138 96 83 411


#I 51



195 73 392


8 929 4 483 3 701 951 2 750 677 1 873 835 400 423 215 127 618

3 362 2 086 1 154 507 647 361 286 137 61



19 67

Merrimac ough Center town (U)

69 27 53 415

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Totol populttloa, 5 yHrt elcl ancl ovet .. .. $(1.me house .......................................................... .. Different hou&e in United Stoles ------------

-Some State-- -- ---- __ -- ---- ,..,. ------ __ -

Same county-------------------------Different county -----------------------

Different State -- __ • ___________ •••• ---

Northeast -- __ -- __ -- ____ -- __ ....... ---

-West •• ____ •• __ -- •• ------ -----· •••

Horth Centro! •• __ ---- ____ --------.South ____ •• ______ •• __________ •• _.

Abroad •• -- •• -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- ---- -- •

Moved, 1965 residence not reported .... ______ _-

5 2 1 1 1

849 700 058 642 158 484 289 27 60 108 18 299


B 786

5 653 2 430 1 959 471 157 314 228 20 40 26 80 623

76 12 12 110

000 060 645 167 478 801

617 264 163 146 104 56 239





16 6 5 245

694 146 089 420

669 466 18)

28 431

i I



111 29 41


SCHOOL ENROLLMENT P•rtHt Hrt11tcl, 3 t• 34 years old .. __ _ 3 and 4 year5 old-----------------------5 ond 6 years old---------- ... ·--·--------- 7 to 13 yeorl old_ ••• ---- •••• -- •• __ ••••••• 14 and 15 years old------------·--·-----16 and 17 years old-·----------·--------· 18 and 19 years old----·---·---·--------20ond 21 years old---------·-----------22 to 24 years old •• ________ •••• ______ -·-25 to 34 years old •• ____ •• ________ -------- -



1.7 73.1 96.0 92.8 88.5 71.6 20.8 11.2 6.0

66,2 13.9 79.5 95.2 82.3 99,9 82.0

... ...

63.0 3.4 53.4 99.9 90.3 88.3

... ... ...

59.6 16.0 93.2 97.9 99.9 99.9 17.8

.. .

7.6 1.7

1 782 25 25 116 140 353 724 227 172 12.3

3 749 42 36 184 268 721 1 502 578 418 12,4

1 415 13 14 150 196 260 535 180 67 12.1

2 036 85 75 412 257 433 527 151 96 10.3

2 227

2 198 1 866 84.9 1 855 1 811 44 2,4 332 180 152

843 677 80.3 677 623 54 8.0 166 81 85

1 204 993 82.5 993 958 35 3.5 211 134 77

l 221

30 1.3 660 457 203

1 075 917 85.3 913 888 25 2.7 158 92 66

63.5 12.2 69.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 71.8 48.1 16.1 1.9

5 270 106



8.9 11.2

5 206 49 56 331 466 997 2 140 608 559 12.3

1 887

1 130

2 5U

5 372

30 7 112 89 389 550 311 399 12.6

14 25 44 119 590 148 190 12.6

15 21 150 168 389 891 446 466 12.6

160 113 437 585 1 050 2 112 505 410 12.2

3 047 2 495 81.9 2 489 2 402 87 3.5 552 280 272

I 067 805 75.4 801 758 43 5.4 262 170 92

615 579 84.5

1 207 464 38.4 464

Not in labor force .. ________ ,. _____________ _U11der 65 years __ ---- ____ .... ________ .... __ 65 years ond over _____________________ _

3 391 1 557 45.9 1 557 1 524 33 2.1 1 834 1 402 432

ts yens ol• _.. __ .... ___ _labor force------------------ __ ---------

177 27


59.6 3.8 76.5 98.7 99.9 99.9 58.9 16.8 10.6 8.3

49.2 13.3 65.3 99.9 99.9 88.2 28.0 22.6 6.2 3.9

51.0 8.1 75.4 96.3

99.9 99.9 64.3



55.7 95.0 90.7

46.1 4.1 56.3 97.8


53,3 6.6 66.7 96.1 85.8 94.5





... .. .




--· 3.7





60,3 99.9 99.2 82.3 81.4 20.1 2.9 1.0


-to 3 yeors ---·-------------41 years _______ ., ___ ,. ________ _ 1to3 years----------------- -

Total persou, 25 yeors old anti oveir __

No school years completed ........... __ .... ---- __ _Elementary: l to 4 years----------------5 to 7 yeors ----------------· 8 years---- -- ............ --------High school, Colloge,

-4 yea.rs or more ....... _________ _ Median scliooi yeor:s completed ______ ---- __ _-

EMPLOYMENT STATUS M•••, 16 yi11n old Hd onr ________ _ Labor force __________ -- ---- __ .... __ ------ .. Percent total______ ... ------------------· laborofforce .. ____________ .,. __ .._



Employed ______ •• __ •• -----· __________ _ Unemployed __ •• __ •• __ •••••• ---- -- -- __ Percent of dvitian labor force _________ _


Not in labor force -- ____ ............ -- _________ _Und.er 65 years -- .... -- -- ---- .... ____ .... ___ _ 65 years and over .... -------------------f1m0Je, 16 yHn oW 114 aver------LabarPercent force ...... ---------------------........_ of Iota\ _____________________ (jvilian labor force------------ __ ---------


Employed __ •• -- ____________ •• __ ---· __ _ Unemployed -- •••• -- -- ---- -- •.•• -- -- -·Percent cf c.ivilian labor force ____ -- ----



Mole, 14 Hd

Ftmtlt, 1" ' " 15


okf ________ _


77 155 385 542 1 675 943 1 387 12.8

9 3 168 245 632 774 244 152 12.1

3 495 93 41 401 434 721 1 240 318 247 12.0

1 457

3 180

2 973

l 189

2 746

2 313

86.4 2 739 2 633 106 3.9 434 190 244


570 9 1.6 106 64 42

81.6 1 171 1 128 43 3.7 268 153 115

15 3.2 743 548 195

107 258 36.5 258 246 12 4,7 449 380 69

1 621 642 39.6 642 608 34 5.3 979 747 232

3 470 1 505 43.4 I 505 1 448 57 3.8 1 965 1 425 540

3 327 1 056 31.7 1 051 1 002 49 4.7 2 271 1 865 406

1 214 575 47.4 570 534 36 6.3 639 483 156

2 458 1 116 45.4 1 111 1 016 95 8.6 1 342 1 081 261

866 387 44.7 387 363 24 6.2 479 340 139

1 365 701 51.4 701 682 19 2.7 664 505 159

1 438 663 46.1 663 614 49 7.4 775

49 11

68 7

91 6

116 48

221 17

80 12






31 5


124 32

154 5

76 11

47 5





137 28 18

113 49 18

295 72 41 4



2 308 2 278

1 010 82.7 1 004 954 50 5.0 211

79 132

571 204

1 963 1 508 76.8 1 508 1 428 80 5.3 455 226 229 2 360 1 047 44.4 1 044 947 97 9.3 1 313 837 476

196 15

91 10




130 5

217 19


426 162

163 32

125 11


367 148 48 10

311 78 28 11

167 55


6 6

114 65 24


294 90 18


2 611 1 861 515 235

913 631 145 137

622 456 91 75

I 264

2 470 1 896 355 219


263 156

2 IH 2 038 562 275


142 47 24 4

956 679 203 74

1 942 1 448 332 162

728 460 176 92

1 042 685 218 139

1 063 726 240 97

1 640 991 389 260

1 900 835 572 493

586 224 147 215

321 134 86 101

752 306 218 228

1 161 758 547 556

1 381 481 441 459

666 2'12 184 190

1 304 587 368 349

470 188 138 144

802 363 257 182

794 360 216 218

1 221 536 405 287

1 736 164 463 240 37 89 370 74 368 176 67 104

3 280 182 1 062 706 ' 58 ' 47

2 827 120 914 621 51 59 612 252 596 210 89 134

986 100 328 201 14 47 222 42 150 62 35 48

1 640 60 948 442 38 17 262 37 186 110 31 61

1 568

2 375

57 793 299 651 289 136 125

&16 82 144 65 6 25 219 92 156 98 59 33

4 081 227 1 835 1 481

Communications, utilities. & sonitory services _ Whoiesale and retail trade------ __ ... -- .. - __ .. Finance. insurcmce, business & repair s.ervices._ Professionol and related services __ -----·---Educotionol services-------------------Publiic administration .... __ .... ______ ------ ......... Other industries ____ ---- .... ---- .... __ -- ---- __

1 207 160 253 156 25 73 168 82 246 131

1 422

Durable goods ____ -·-- •• -- -- ______ •• __ •

3 926 259 1 529 1 217

labor force __ .... ---- .... ______ ........ __ ---- __ _ MaN, U to 21 yeors oW .. ---------Not enrolled in school ............................ ------Not htgh school graduate __ ..... -~ _________ _ Unemployed or not in labor forcie ------M•le, w1rtcedl1111t69 ___ ., _________ _ 50 1o 52 weeks ---- ____ -- __ -- •• -- ---- •• -27 1o 49 weeks •• ____ •• __ •• -- -- ----·- •••• 26weeks or less .. ~------------------ ......... ft111tle, W•rli:ff bl 1969 - .. ---------50 to 52 weeks-------------·----·-·----- -

-27 to 49 weeks--·----------------------- 26 weeks or less ....... ---------------------- -







INDUSTRY Yitai 111ploy1d 1 16 yeor• eW e"ct ever _ Construction ____ .. _____ .... ____ ... _., __ ......... __ Man11fo:cturing ........... ________ -- ______ ......... _

Transportation .... ________ ........ ------ ______ .. -


23- 566



68 132

50 42 824 335 388 158 138 242

60'I 322 792



56 416 264 26 30 355 118 337 116 31 53

I !



665 478

690 293



48 258 105 198 81 88 46

61 446 190 485 168 139 92



I i


Tobie 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to l 0,000: 1970-Continued [Doto based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places



MillisClicquot (U)


Monson town

Montague town

5 795 288 5 507 4 254 1 080 667 105 193 115 35 138

7 355 281 7 074 5 609 1 317 1 032 100 163 22

8 508 405 8 103 6 725 1 143 863 90 120 70 45 190

3 063 580 360 85 90

5 142 3 016 1 984 785 1 199 784 415 232 75 93 15 32 110

6 837

7 889

3 757

4 451

5 256

2 176 1 330 846 460 386 289 14 75 8 17 187

2 289 1 685 604 213 391 170 77 31 113 68 276

2 581 959

45.5 4.5 72.7 85.8 77.0 74.3 31.3 18.5 5.5 10.0

55.9 10.7 82.1 98.1 99.9 88.4 46.5 28.4 12.7 3.5

59.0 4.7 91.4 99.9 99.9 99.9 68.D 33.9 24.3 15.0

54.8 33.3 99.9 99.9 99.9 88.3 28.8 10.0 5.9

4 269 483 191

2 349 14 10 87 57 381 1 007 359 434 12.6

2 264 26 36 134 149 419 943 274 283 12.4

2 144

417 841 1 324 279 290 11.l

4 847 85 114 549 572 1 044 1 849 335 299 12.0

Millis town





Newbury town

Norfolk town

North Amherst {U)

3 804 103 3 701 2 831

4 656 157 4 499 3 446 814

2 4'8 179 2 319 1 114 I 074 565 203 140 166 24 107


ough town

Compact (U)

PLACE OF BIRTH Totol populatlOll-- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---foreign bom -----------------------Native -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -

Born in State of residence-.. ----------------

Born In different State -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Northeast -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---North Centro! __ -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ----South -- -- ---- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -----

Wes'-- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ------

Barn abroad, at sea, etc __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -----State of birth not reported------------------

4 044 316 3 728 3 125 445 257 57 101 30 6 152

3 217 119 3 098 2 545 446 310 41 41

3 705 2 347 1 220 775

2 901 1 972 869 358 511 360 151 101 40 10

54 13 94

24 124

4 114 267 3 847

45 67 137

3 774 171 3 603

2 237 926 559 122 185 60 73 367

643 418 116 60 49 44 183

452 145 181 36 77 162

9 218 394 824 696 743 285 151 253

8 6 1 1


3 321 353 2 968 2 427 366 285 6

54 21





2 292

8 298

3 021 1 907 970 843 127 24 103 55 12 13 23 38 106

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total populatla, 5 yt1rs old and over __

Same house .......... ------------------------Different house in United States ------------Same county -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Different county -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----Same State ........ -- -- .... -- .... -- -- .... ------ _

445 242

Northeast ........ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----

203 119

Moved, 1965 residence not reported ______ ----


Different Stote __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -North Centro!__ -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ ----South -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- West-- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -------Abroad -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----






554 405 190 215 104 8 86 17 54 163

3 471 1 980 1 168 387 781 284

497 215 32 170 80 68 255

3 501 2 371 1 025 646

379 270 109 76


20 32 73

4 226 2 176 l 679 643 l 036 752

284 149 35 48 52 28 343


4 974

1 187 147 1 040 516 524 304 21 62 137 97 561

2 923 1 648 1 275 630 645 341 79 217 8 129 272


59.1 16.0 62.9 99.6 99.9 89.9

54.1 3.9 71.4 99.9 99.9

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Plrnnt tnraUed, 3 to 34 years old ____ _ 3 and 4 years old------------------------5 and 6 years old------------------------7 ta 13 years old _________________________ _


14 and 15 years old---------------------16ond17 years old---------------------18ond 19 years old---------------------20 ond 21 years old---------------------22 to 24 years old _______________________ _ 25 to 34 years old------------------------ -





98.4 99.9 91.2

96.4 98.2 90.l 99.9



89.7 99.1 85.5 99.9 64.7 36.2 6.0 7.9



7.3 5.7


. ..

4.4 3.7



62.7 20.5 66.9 99.9 90.6 70.5 78.6



45.9 10.8 65.4 99.6 99.9 98.1 33.9 22.0 6.6 1.6

... ... 99.9 ... ... ...




89.8 63.7 35.8

40.6 24.5 6.6


1 051


4 563 7

1 141

42 249

29 76 117 213 606 16.6

261 764 l 658 817 765 12.6

105 389 271 404 419 143 93 10.0

2 756 2 371 86.0 2 354 2 297 57 385 211 174

1 040 811 78.0 806 783 23 2.9 229 107 122

... 8.3



Total persons, 25 years aid and aver __

No school years completed __ -- -- -- -- ______ _Elementary: l to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years---------------------


High schooh 1 to3yeors ________________ _

4 yeors--------------------1 to 3 years __ -- -- -- -- ______ _



4 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed __________ ---

2 346 42 53 138 308 545 835 220 205 12.1

1 625 13 71 110 280 659 257 230 12.5

2 965 23 13 115 180 458 1 195 479 502 12,6

1 259 1 003 79.7 1 003 969 34 3.4 256 151 105

957 804 84.0 799 757 42 5.3 153 53 100

1 /14 1 434 83.7 1 424 1 320 104 7.3 280 132 148

2 543 1 617 63.6 1 597 1 527 70 4.4 926 764 162

2 865 2 192 76.5 2 179 2 069 110 5.0 673 345 328

1 424 1 162 81.6 1 149 1 110 39 3,4 262 155 107

1 293 1 056 81.7 990 959 31 3.1 237 130 107

1 214 995 82.0 995


968 615 63.5 615 592 23 3.7 353 320 33

1 506 606 40.2 606 588 18 3.0 900 618 282

1 070 502 46,9 502 492 10 2.0 568

1 895 905 47.8 905 887 18 2.0 990 807 183

2 713 985 36.3 985

1 502 654 43.5 654 622 32

1 313 525 40.0 525 514 11 2.1 788 593 195

l 266 551 43,5 551 540 11 2.0 715 599 116

941 425 45.2 425 396 29 6.8 516 431 85

1 180 533



1 320 1 276



848 591 257

1 473 616 41.8 616 597 19 3.1 857 578 279

2 959 1 320

40 4,1 1 728 1 366 362

3 226 1 523 47.2 1 523 1 421 102 6.7 1 703 1 144 559

57 10.7 647

128 6 127

198 17 115 14

58 26

43 4

88 6


211 11

97 19


65 6

92 7


33 8 10




161 19

434 125 55

161 48 11 7

213 31 4

401 95 35 16 2 482 1 784

118 46 35



6 15 96 134 325 823 393 352 12.6

2 565 22 40 208 251


#I 926

404 270 12.3


EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 yean old and ovtr ________ _

Labor force ________ ---- ________________ _ Percent of to to I _____________________ _Civilian labor force----------------------Employed---- __ ---- ______ ---- __ ---- --- Unemployed __________________________ _ Percent of civilian labor force _________ _ Not in labor force _______________________ _-

Under 65 years------------------------ -

65 years and over _____________________ _


Female, 16 yean old and over -------

Labor force----------------------------Percent of total _____________________ _ Civilian labor force ______________________ _Employed ____________________________ _ Unemployed ____________________ ------_

Percent of civilian lobar force---------- Not in labor force------------------------ Under 65 and yearsover __ _____________________ ----------------------_65 years Mole, 14 and 15 years old---------Labor force ________________________ ----- F1111le, 14 and 15 years old ________ _

96 19 65 5

Mile, 16 to 21 years oltl ----------Not enrolled in school ____________________ _


Not high school graduate _______________ _

32 19


Labor force ____ ~- -------- __ -- __________ _-


Unemployed or not in labor force ______ _-

50 to 52 ::~k's ~:~~e~-I~-~~~~============== --

~r ~.!~sv:,~e~~•::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50 to 52 ~:~~~·'-~-·-~~~~~- ~- ~- == :: :: :: :: :: ~r ~e:~s':~e~e~s::====== :::::::::: ===~ =:: 1


444 124




145 4 146 29

132 60 19

222 76 30 11

313 184 107 80

66 6 55


12 213

949 46 4.6 219 112 107

1 905 945 49.6 945 930 15 1.6 960 866



3.3 1 639 1 300 339


455 192


172 123

840 613 119 108

1 500 1 097 215 188

1 727 1 257 329 141

2 354 1 567 491 296

1 244 828 268 148


198 103 44 39 196 1 828 219 149




689 293 202 194

615 283 160 172

1 126

1 872 831 566

761 322 229 210

757 273 199 285

602 215 219 168

653 272 186 195

651 147 187 317

1 673

508 294 324

1 185 477 417 291

676 240 195 241

1 557

1 249

2 207 117 626 315 63

2 472 185 904 568 38

3 490

1 732 86 437 357 85

1 463


403 188 574 215 68 116

335 143 630 228 50 143

1 470 128 439 293 32 9 269 109 327 108 58 99

988 17 61 16 17


1 556 279 57 19 71 55 354 156 261 79 89 234

3 573 171 1 170 980 113 75 767 311 693 306 91 182


1 060




10 6

209 121 33 5 1 131 721 233 177

1 068 743




4 874 332 265


574 546 553


882 631 157


Total tlllployed, 16 years old and over _



Communications, utilities, & sanitary services. Wholesale and retail trade Finance: ins1.•rance, busines;-&- ;;p""a-i~-s;~~k;~: Professional and related services •• _________ _Ebdl' ucotionol services ___________________ _ Pu 1c administration Other industries •• -





509 347 48 26 256 97 362 115

383 191 40 52 197 111 278 113 33 78

77 127


310 1 057 635 105 112 582 141 883 473 79 221

49 340 167 396 126 118 54

129 365 218 54 52 248 131 323 160 62 99


83 48 684 558 17 61

1 259 61 660

462 21 10 197 77

172 47 35 26


Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, $ee text. For minimum bcse for derived figuru (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] North Brookfield Center (U)

North Brookfield


North Pembroke




,.,......... --"-- -- .... --------------

2 691 92

3 '67

2 881

Born in State of residence ................................. ..

2 243 312 221 39 23 29 10 34

2 554 107 2 447 1 483 839 762 45 5 27 34 91

2 359 1 446 726

2 456 1 231 1 051 275 776 596 180 65 54 38 23 21 153

3 132 1 991

52.1 5.8

Towns and Places

North Plymouth (U)

North Sci1uote (U)

3 434

s 507


147 5 360 3 915 1 329 974 239 93 23 25 91

Norton 1own





Center (U)


9 487 559

7 796 211 7 585 6 102 1 202 793 204 127 78 32 249

3 847 220 3 627 2 941 545 504 10 25

6 118 288 5 830 4 793 797 693 59 39



3 036 63 2 973 1 778 842 599 152 37 54

22 119

31 209


552 528 439 235 204 167 I 037 708 45 171 113 171 414

6 917 4 171 2 401 l 020 1 381 994 387 141 100 105 41 17 328

3 489 2 349 1 066 518 548 400 148 107

5 600 3 833 1 381 685

64.1 21.9 90.7 98.9 99.9 88.7 69.2 37.5 5.8 7.7

57.5 6.1 77.8 99.8 99.9 99.9


61.2 12.7 60.1 97.2 99.9 99.5 82.2 71.7 19.8 4.5


56.2 4.9 62.5 99.9 94,3 99.9 59.5 10.4 10.1 3.6

2 180 79 130 396 252 450 715 120 38 10.6

2 742 32 24 47 86 203 875 650 825 13.5

4 281 47 39 370 572 1 027 1 413 394 419 12. 1

3 964 19 27 122 109

2 109 4 50 123 316 531 783 180 122 12.0

2 619 2 181 63.3 2 170 2 130 40 1.8 438 210 228

2 316 1 973 85.2 1 968 l 928 40 2.0 343 262

1 154 861

3 972 1 885 47.5 1 885 1 847 38 2.0 2 087 l 787 300

2 422 935 38.6 935 913 22 2.4 1 467 1 230 257

1 411

Orleans town

Otis (U)

PLACE OF BIRTH Tot•• populotl•-- __________ ---- __ ,._

... Natl-wt-· -- -- __ -- ---- __ .... ______ ........ ..

Born in different State------------------ .. -


Northeast ____ -- __ ---- ---- ______ -· ____ ·North Central_. -- •• ·- ·-·- -- ·- -- -- •••• ·South -- __ ·- ·- -- ·- •• ··-· •• -- -- -- - . -- •• West .... -------- .................................... -- -- ..


Born abroad, ot sea, etc ..................................... _ Stote of birth not reported----·------·--··-


2 59'

132 3 135 3 285 427 309 44 34 40 10 113

170 2 711 2 38'1 239 148 35 36 20 29 54

2 953

2 600 248 160 31 48 9 28 77

I 928

6 227 2 235 1 581 250 323 81 75 391


5 667 247 5 420 718 4 ll7 1 246 857 1 457 557 415 170

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total pepuletloa, 5 Y••rt oW a111d over .. S.ome hOU$e ................................ __ .................... ..


Different house in United States ........ -------Same county ..................................... __ ------



Oifftrent county __ ................ __ .................... .. -

. Northeast -- ______ -- __ ---- __ ---- --- .

Some State .... __ .... ___ .............................. .. Different State·- ____ ·-··-· •• ·- ••••••• North Central •• __ -- -- __________ ----


West---- ________ -------- -- __ ----Abroad·- .. ____ ·- .• ------·--· __ --·-·-··- Mo..,ed, 1965 residence not reported __ ---- ... _South---·-···--······-----·------

2 374

l 677

3 615 2 582

579 508 71 32 39 19 8




6 25 93

53.0 7.3 81.8 89.l 80.0 81.0



78 32

6 25 341

370 130 240 147 23 48 22 8 179

56.5 5.2 90.2 95.6 90.4 89.6


41.3 B.l

53.4 79.5 99.9 99.9


9.4 0.9


46 26 8

960 768 192 90 102 102



4 913 2 835 2 087 558 1 529 956 573 387 105 53 28 7 54

8 4 3 1 2 1

26 15




696 513 183 142 26 15


17 369

2 838 l 603 950 424 526 110 416 270 70 48 28 14 271

5 022 109 3 755 62 3 693 288 3 405


42.4 7.9 75.5

BIO 591 1 226

778 598 560

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Ptrcut 111r0Hed, 3 to 34 years olll ___ _ 3 ond 4 veors old-··----··-·-·----·-··--5 and 6 years old ______ ------ __________ ... 1to13 yeors old·----·----··-·-·-···---·14ond 15 years old··-·-···-·---····-·-·· 16ond 17 years old·----··-·-·-··-·-·-·-· 18and 19 years old----··------····---·-20 and 21 years old-·-·-······- .. __ ·····22 10 24 years old __ ·- __ -· --·· ·- __ •..• __ .. 25to34 years old_··--·-·----·-····


. .




. ..



... ... ...

99.9 99.9

... .. .

68.7 26.8 83.9 97.8 97.4 81.2 84.3










... ...





... ...

99.9 99.3 28.7 1.8 4.0 0.7

3 422 4 7l 229 528 669 1 257 270 174 12.0

2 090

2 151 9 16 20 82 356 l 213 225 230 12.5

1 907 1 444 75.7 1 434 1 418 16

1 064 714 67.1 711



YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Total persGJ11, 25 yHn old and over __

824 662 60.3 654 647 7

857 765 89.3 765 725 40 5.2 92 52 40

1 147 914 79.7 914 863 51 5.6 156

1 581 l 293 61.8 1 288 1 263 5 0.4 288 185 103

1 365 676 49.5

932 477 51.2 477 477

934 400 42.8 400 370 30 7.5 534 413 121

1 420 610 43,0 610 578 32 5.2 810 507 303

1 693 574 33.9 574 553 21 3.7 1 119 884 235

59 22



74 9

129 18

158 26


45 5


174 35

191 16


108 39 26


117 700 85.7 682

years------ ______ .......... .

l to 3 years •••• ·- __ •.. _____ _

4 years or more ________ ......... .. Medi
1 %23 1 050 85.9 l 032 986 46 4.5 173 81 92


8 years.~"-----------------High school: 1 to3years ... ____________ ,. __ 4

l 425

2 127 26

51 to4years----------------to 7 years ________________ ..


1 491 10 14 25 131 219 482 214 396 12.7

1 398 5 39 146 202 375 450 92 89 11.5

No school years completed •• ______________ _


50 201 313 522 726 159 130 11.7

9 22 23 103 262 614 227 145 12.4

467 1 491 832 897 12.8


14 9 125 260 670 485 527 13.0

EMPLOYMENT STATUS M•L•, l6 y.. rs oW Hd eYtr------~-Lobor force-·--·-----------------------Percent of to1o1 ................................... . Civilian lobar force •• __ • _....... __ -- ---- ---

Employed ____ -· -· •..• __ ·- •• -· -· __ -· __ _ Unemployed __ -· .••. ____ •.•. __ -- -· •• ---

Under 65 yeoro •. __ -· ..•. -· -· ________ ·65 years and over ........... ,.. ............... . -

Percent of civilian labor force _______ ., __ Not in lobor force------------------------

Fut1l1, 16 yeon oW Hd over------Lobor force ______________ •••• ______ ... __ _ Percent total. .............. --~---- .. -Civilian labor offorce __________ .. ___________ _


Employed··--···-·--·--·-·----···-·--· Unemployed •• __ •.•• -· __ ·-·--·-·-·-·-·. Percent of civihan labor force----------

Not in labor force--------·--------------- Under 65. years ______ ........ __ -- -- ___ • __

65 years and over ............................ . Mal•~ 14 Hd lS yeon ohl ----------

660 22 3.2 117 57 60 899 462 51.4 462 457 5

l.l 437 286 151

676 665 11 1.6 689 479 210

1.1 162 65 97


455 305 150

233 77

74.6 851 641 10 1.2 293 169 124


2 022 1 932 95.5 71 61 10

463 229 234

14 2.0 350 127 223

804 493 311

2 268 964 42.5 964 920 44 4.6 l 304 854 450

1 357 472 34.8 472 422 50 10.6 885 511 374

205 28

102 8

160 23

47 20

70 27

216 16

90 29





103 15

342 107 51 13

357 62 10

241 66 20 4



607 43.0 607 567 40



90 76 14 1 352 479 35.4 362 351

11 3.0 873 652 21

65 8


60 4

84 9

122 66 31 10

172 76 35 14



95 50 31

SO to 52 week•-·-·-------····-······-··· 27 10 49 woek• •••. ·- __ ·- •.•• -- -· ·--. -- -· -


270 48 10 5

743 500 195 48

1 112 754 245 113

740 482 163 95

774 534 140 100

976 679 202 95

l 393 1 033 222 138


151 28 4 4

2 293 1 691 370 232

2 105 1 522 317 266

1 591 1 104 332 155

824 514 152 158

1 922 1 513 291

fe1Hle, woritff ift 1969 --··-·--·--- 50 1052 weeks-·-----------···-·······-· 27 to 49 weeks--···--·-···--··-·-·-·-···


971 649 209 113

760 281 314 165

547 225 170 152

524 202 133 189

726 311 202 213

737 234 198 305

2 616

1 120 414 291 415

729 276 259 194

1 179 432 422 325

631 191 218 222

619 165 150 304

1 651 82 820

1 124

3 977 175 1 569 1 165 43 34 680 164 983

1 408 64 722 469 27 21 212 24 257 137 37 44

2 338 137 1 206 835 55 36 317 47 392 206 52


48 52

1 836 131 319 169 47 83 427 197 438 162 71 123

1 119 172 137 90 5 75

411 47 118

1 441 129 499 149 12 49 346 90 171 63 74 71

2 841 205 576 381


1 095 136 273 200 47 39 223 92 185

Labor force ____________ ---- ------ ........ . F•••le, 14aM1S


okl ••...••• _

labor force------·---------------------· M•lt, 16 to 21 yton aW •• ---- ---- _ Not enrolled in schooL ...................... . Not high school grcduote ---- __ .......... .


Unemployed Qr not in labor force ....... .. M•I•, workelll lft 1969 _____________ _

26 weeks or leas ______ ........... -- -- -- __ ... __ ..

26 weeks or less __ ...... __ ---- -- -- ..... ---- ..


199 222 109






667 697 1 252

48 13 6

484 380 39



INDUSTRY Totol H1plor1d, 16 yurs old ond ower. Construction ------ ________ ....... ~- __ ---- Manufacturing •• ____ -· ..... ---- ____ .......... ..

. Durable goods ____ •.•••••••. ·--· __ ---··

Transportation ..... ,.,_ .. __ .•• --- _.... ____ •• __ .. Communications, utilities, & sanitary services. Wholesale and retail trade ...................... .. Finonce, insurance. business & repair services .. Professional and related services •• ---------Educational services-------------------Publte odministration ...... ____ ... ______ -----Other in.du:strtes~- ... __ .. _........... _... ~- __ ...... ..


23 - 568


1 117 51 557 262 17 9 165 54 145 69 37 82

360 25 9 223 80 225 113 37 150

79 165 86 34 24 122 26


668 107 222

111 74 526 416 593 258 143 197


276 124 197 70 48 85

6 96 91



146 31 75 25 25 33


Table 117. Social and labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to l 0,000: 1970-Cantinued (Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, s&e text]

Towns and Places



Oxford Center (U)

Center (U)

Po.xton town

Pepperell town

Plainville town

Plymouth Center CU)

town Center



town town

6 143 157 5 986 5 123 707 623 32 20 32 36 120

3 649 186 3 463 2 816 527 360 70 53 24 3 117

3 646 181 3 465 2 685 702 481 129 77 15 29 49

5 827 236 5 591 3 808 l 530 l 147 81 241 61 107 146

4 774 166 4 608 3 337 l 078

6 940 422 6 518

2 836 197 2 639 l 752 476 295 62

2 901 197 2 704 1 765 508 304 66

5 3 1 1

526 670 545 256 289 55 234 131

3 401 2 373 735 553 182 74 108 102

s 213

46 19 292

6 5 266

3 346 1 638 l 548 936 612 239 373 218 102 20 33 24 136

4 186 2 435 1 625 657 968 635 333 161 65 88 19

60.4 15.0 88.7 96.l 96.8 93.3 42.6 33.3 4.0 3.4


77.5 20.3 99.9 94.2 99.9 99.9 99.9 74.1

52.1 7.9 52.4 99.9 86.5 99.9 43.1 7.5 5.1 4.7

54.2 2.3 62.9 94.0 99.9 91.5 66.9

Roynhom Center (U)

Raynham town

2 526 90 2 436 I 782 537 401 105 14 17 24 93

6 693 278 6 415 5 126 l 118 811 160 107 40 33 138

2 289 l 450 713 266 447 193

6 4 1 1



Rockport Center (U)

6 512 246 266 095 989 724 68 129 68 34 148

4 229 275 3 954 2 876 933 489 218 164 62 30 115

4 007 2 391


PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -foreign born -----------------------Native __ -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -----

Born in Stafe of residence-----------------Born In different State -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- Northeast -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---North Central __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- South ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- West __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- --

Born abroad, at sea, etc ___________________ _ Stote of birth not reported -- -- -- -- __ ---- ___ _

5 400 842



150 147 37 21 172

50 138 114 52 224



42 22 389

61 22


411 845 299 586 713 401 312 154 20 74 64 15 252

2 662 1 812 796 434 362 74 288 164

2 714 1 849 604 442 362 74 288 164

48 25 29

76 48 25 36




5.3 8.6

50.5 4.1 82.3 95.0 99.9 99.0 47.5 21.4 3.7 5.4

2 422 5 13 141 278 552 878 360 195 12.3

4 372 62 65 417 472 920 1 585 481 370 12.2

6 3 2 2

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and over __

Some house------------------------------

Different house in United States ____ ---- ---- _ Some county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _

Different county -----------------------Same State __________ -- -- ____________ _ Different State -- ____ -- -- -- ____ -- -- -- __ Northeast __ -- ---- -- -- -- ____ ---- ___ _ North Central __ -- -- -- -- ______ -- ____ _ Sou1h __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ______ ---- _ Wes1-----------------------------Abroad ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Moved, 1965 residence not reported _________ _



2 730 2 123 1 334 789 299 490 283 70 97 40 72 288



6 3 2 1



210 13 31

130 070 885 012 873 515 358 269 13 76

48 76


5 932 3 590 2 127 992 l 135 208 927 820 11 62 34 25 190

54.5 9.1 59,4 99.2 92.8 99.9 48.8 21.7 6.8 1.6

68.5 99.9 85.3 99.9 72.1





1 363 739 624 280 344 219 68 36 19 7 246

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 yean olcl_ ___ _ 3 and 4 years old-------------------------

5 ond 6 years old------------------------7lo13 years old-------------------------14 ond 15 years old----------------------16ond 17 years old----------------------18 ond 19 yeors old----------------------20 and 21 years old----------------------22 to 34 24 yeors -----------------------_ 25 lo yeors old old •• ________________________


49.1 96.4 90.6 82.3

... ...




... ...


60.6 11.9 87.2 97.4 91.0








54.9 7.3 70.6 98.4 95.0 66.1 74.3 24.4 8.4 1.5

1 862 16 51 242 209 400 534 188 222 12.0

1 898 16 51 255 209 407 546 192 222 12.0

1 242 24 6 27 115 200 526 166 178 12.5

3 531 94 48 207 340 657 l 358 432 395 12.3

3 391 17 65 260 436 712 1 237 352 292 12.1

2 798 16 31 147 177 472 899 470 586 12.6

2 331 l 697 72.8 1 662 1 575 87 5.2 634 234 400

1 061 758 71.4 748 677 71 9.5 303 162 121

1 083 774 71.5 755 684 71 9.4 309 188 121

745 678 91.0 666 644 22 3.3 67 37 30

2 102 l 756 83.5 1 653 1 594 59 3.6 346 191 155

1 407 1 000 71.l 996 898 96 9.8 407 154 253

2 920 1 157 39.6 1 157 1 096 61 5.3 l 763 957 806

1 194 397 33.2 397 311 86 21.7 797 539 258

1 217 410 33.7 410 324 66 21.0 807 545 262

757 389 51.4 389 363 6 1.5 368 319 49

2 059 1 777 86.3 1 765 1 707 58 3.3 282 162 120 2 188 1 133 51.8 l 133 1 094 39 3.4 l 055 871 184

2 096 946 45.2 948 913 35 3.7 1 148 903 245

1 879 617 32.8 617 565 52 8.4 1 262 673 589

83 13

35 5

158 9


35 5 33

68 6 87

154 11 165 5

141 23 207 8

64 6 65 36

82 20 7

91 34 20 12

91 34 20 12

110 41 7


286 90 20 13

315 124 34 20

177 42 6

1 861 l 129 477 255

927 403 285 239

949 414 290 245

676 531 101 44

1 837 1 323 344 170

1 149 1 305 346 198

1 116 690 251 175

944 369 271 304

1 443 489 495 459

639 127 109 403

652 133 116 403

414 201 107 106

1 271 619 366 266

1 104 490 317 297

804 228 262 314

1 894 85 1 013 741 36 20 296 48 268 107 58 70

2 671 230 453 251 78 157 628 157 623 247 177 168

988 116 60 7 20 8

1 008 118 66 7 20 8 299 77 136 35 45 239

1 027 53 331 211 11 27 195 77 238 87 37 58

2 801 186 655 524 55 95 532 149 676 233 95 158

2 507 225 861 685 90 55 524 169 373 146 49 161

l 463




3 OBS 13 32 263 311 850 1 121 279 196 12.0

2 148 41 44 246 292 484 640 268 133 11.8

1 823

86 141 239 628 368 353 12.7

2 879 20 31 190 326 702 1 038 310 262 12.2

1 809 1 558 86.1 I 558 I 509 49 3.1 251 135 116 2 083 912 43.8 912 878 34 3.7 l 171 906 265

1 204 945 78.5 945 927 16 1.9 259 104 155

1 052 879 83.6 879 857 22 2.5 173 122 51

1 781 1 404 78.8 I 328 I 281 47 3.5 377 179 198

1 386 1 217 87.B 1 217 1 187 30 2.5 169 61 88

1 405 688 49.0 688 660 28 4.1 717 407 310

1 950 621 42. l 821 790 31 3.8 l 129 869 260

1 605 718 44.7 718 707 11 1.5 887 664 203

Male, 14 and 15 years old _________ _ lobar force----------------------------female, 14 and 15 years old ________ _ labor force-----------------------------

141 12

87 9

1 466 599 40.9 599 563 16 2.7 867 766 101 65 11

101 16

82 9

172 22

94 21


106 5

110 4

Mole, 16 to 21 y11n old-----------Not enrolled in school ____ ---- ____________ _ Not high school graduate---- ____ -------Unemployed or not in labor force ______ _

320 103 44 4

133 59 21 6

166 21

1 619 l 108 343 168

979 744 171 64

960 728 117 115

1 461 1 103 226 132

167 36 9 5 244 1 905 235 104



269 143 54 23

1 100 408 339 353

741 388 240 113

984 275 266 443

97' 368 295 316

2 387 141 900 544 101 28 543 166 356 168 83 69

1 587 57 720 402 50 44 231 78 324 151 26 57

1 440 68 388 306 19 68 233 127 433 265 36 68

2 071 175 812 285 53 31 385 BB 260 140 99 168


... ...





10.7 4.6

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Total persons, 25 yeon old and over __ _ No school years completed __ -- -- ___________ _ Elementary: l to 4 yeorS-----------------to 7 yeors-----------------85 years _____________________ _

High school: l to 3 years-----------------4 years-------- -- ---- -------l to 3 years-----------------4 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed _____________ _

'ol1 (allege:



EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 yean old and over _________ _ Labor force-----------------------------Percent of total----------------------Civilian labor force __ -- ________ -- -- -- -- -- -Employed ________ -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- ---Unemployed ________________________ ---Percent of civilian labor force __ -------Not in labor force ______ -- __ -- ____ -- -- ---- Under 65 years ________________ ---- ---65 years and over __________________ ----



F1mal11 16 years old and over -------labor force __________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Percent of total ______________ -------Civilion labor force-----------------------Employed ______ .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Unemployed ________________ -- ______ -- Percent of civilian lobar force ______ ---Not in labor force _______________________ _ Under 65 years ____________________ ----65 years and over __________________ -----





50 to 52 :e ~k~ ~~~-'~}~- ~~~~=: :: :: :: :: :: == 27 lo 49 weeks-------------------------26 weeks or less _________________________ _ 1 6

!~~~~,-~~-~~~~- ~. ~-==== :::: :::: -

SO to 52 27 to 49 weeks-------------------------26 weeks or less ________________________ _







INDUSTRY Total employed, 16 years old and over __



Communicotionsl utilities, & sanitary services_ Wholesale and retail trade ________________ _ Finance, insurance, business & repair services. Professional and related services ___________ _ p ~d_ucotionol services--------------------


O~h~~ i~~~~~:f:~~~i~~== == == == :: :: :: == :: == == --


'199 70 136 35 38 239


105 244 160 31 22 328 111 419 197 83 120

23- 569

Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970- Continued

Tobie 117.

[Doto based on sample, see text. For min•mum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places


Rutland town






Center (U)



Shore Acres-Sand Hiiis (U)

3 040 67 2 973 2 A52 428 JlO 41 69 8 13 80

3 198 160 3 038 2 222 481

4 179

5 239 229 5 010 2 535 2 150 1 124 360 449 197 142 1S3

3 738 208 3 530 2 692

3 316 206 3 110 2 058 959 635 192 97 35 22 71

4 909 281 4 628 2 663 I 6411 6J9 322 484 20J 177 140

2 949 151 2 798 2 033 587 321 48 165 53 26 152

2 965 113 2 852 2 309 360 263 43

2 757 l S55 780 523 257 55 202

2 899 l 676 93J

4 898 I 592 2 760 424 2 336 90'I I 427 585 314 283 245 234 312

3 408 l 934 I 222

4 463 2 090 1 787 530 I 257 290 967 284

2 651 1 341 l 117 479 6J8 454 1B4


55 43 14 11 1S2

2 609 l 764 759 363 396 301 95 12 10 63 10


2 980 1 491 l 328 533 795 194 601 492 79 24 6 49 112


63.9 40.3 90.4 9S.5 99.9 87.4

68.9 22.2 89.5 95.4 99.4 99.9

63.5 16.7 72.8 99.9 82.6 93.0


. .. ... . ..

l 634 27 48 154 164 465 515 144 97 11.6

3 040

1 762 I 400 79.5 I 400 l 377 23 1.6 362 235 127

893 746 S3.5 736 714 22 J.O 147 82 65







ton town

Southborough town

South Lancaster (U)

PLACE OF BIRTH Tot1l population ____________ --------

5 636

F•relt• I.era -----------------.. ------

Nttfve __ ---- ......... - ...... __ ........ ------ __ _

346 5 290

Born tn State of residence ------ .. --.. - .... - ..... - ...

3 951

B()rn in different State---------------------

l 172 650 241 202 79 37 124

Northeast .... -- -- ---- -- -- -- .... ________ ---North Centro I. ••• ---- -- ---- -------------

South ________ -- ___ • -- •••• ________ ----West •• ______ •• ____ •••• _. ______ --------

Born obrood, at sea, etc ______________ .., ____ _

Stote of birth not reported ..... -- ________ .... ___ _

372 47

47 15 16 319

'5 4 014 3 306 642 511 59 50 22 3J !OJ

662 409 104 87 62 38 138

69 5 41 122

5 798 249 5 549 3 991 l 227 963 131 69 44 59 272

2 679

265 2 414 I 150

966 622 123 143 98 119 159

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Same house __ ......... __ ---- ------ __________ _-Different hDUH in United States .... __ ........ ---T1t11 p•fl•latlM, 5 yHn eld oa4 •Hr ..

-Different State __ ---- ________________ _-

Same county--------------------------

Different county __ .......................................... ... Same State ........ ------·----- _______ .. __


Northeast-· •• -- -- •• -- ____________ _ ............ --------_ North Central South ________ •• ______ •• __ _________

-Moved, 1965 residence not reported ________ _ West •• ---- •• -------- __ •• __ •••• __ _ Abroad •• __ •• __ ........ ---------- •••••••

5 290 3 25S l 766 951 615 412 403 254 68 54 27

14 252

99 56 34 13 6 116

677 256 84 172 121 27



5 2S5

3 763 2 J65 I 270 972 298 64 234 88 67 47 32



468 754 513 241 67 20 108 46


289 20J 262 324




5 248 2 712 1 905 458 I 447 990 457 279 113 58 7 94 537

2 461 1 102 l 032 393 639 126 513 287 133 59 34 101 226

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT hRHt '"r0Hetl 1 3 I• 34 years oW ___ _


3 and 4 years old------------------------ 5 ond 6yeors old-----------------------7 to lJ years old •••• ---------- __ •••• __ ••• 14 and 15 years old---------------------16 and 17 yeors old---------------------IS and 19 years old---------------------· 'Oond 21 years old---------------------- 22 to 24 years old •• ______ ---- ________ ---25 to J4 years old _______________________ _


55.5 20.3 78.l 99.9 89.4 99.9 68.0 37.2 7.8 5.S

63.5 24.2 60.8 99.9 99.9 95.6

3 737 16



54.9 9.9 96.4




45.3 8.3 63.6 99.9 82.5 79.2 35.9 9.1 6.6 7.9

1 918 14 2S 36 86 150 851 J83 368 12.8

1 711 12 17 26 20 135 471 J39 691 14.5

2 168 19 40 216 311 394 765 272 151 12.1

l 444 8

2 240 I 837 82.0 8J2 803 29 3.5 403 209 194

l 100 975 88.6 970 923 47 4.8 125

1 005 848 84.4 848 Sl7 31 3.7 157

856 670 78.3 666 626 40 6.0 IS6 114



l 723 l 482 86.0 944 915 29 3.1 241 170 71


995 806 Sl.O 801 795 6 0.7 189 123 66

1 672 689 41.2 588 527 61 10.4 983 695 28S

l 285 561 45.2 5Sl 571 10 1.7 704 493 211

1 060 452 42.6 452 448 4 0.9 608 496 112

1 642 828 50.4 765 700 65 S.5 814 684 lJO

958 360 37.6 360 353 7 l.9 598 492 106

946 362 40.4 372 361 11 3.0 564 454 110

l 847 742 40.2 742 722 20 2.7 l 105 907 19S

I 123 620 55.2 620 600 20 3.2 503 367 136



77.9 98.8 95.7 96.4 56.0


... 20.4 7.4


14.0 7.2

S2.9 98.4 95.9 85.1 22.I 2.9 4.2



l 640 10 14 57 105 3J9 667 299 149 12.4

1 724 9 24 122 241 2SI 653 259 1J5 12.3

2 265 16 30 224 364 52J 860 156 92 11.9

2 571

1 921 I 414 73.6 l 410 I 2SO 130 9.2 507 236 271

942 782 83.0 782 756 26 J.3 160 77

I 041 768 73.8 768 734 34 4.4 273 147 126

1 288 974 75.6 974 928 46 4.7 JU 154 160

2 483 S88 35.S SSS 801 87 9.S I 595 S84

l 010

l 106 551 49.6 551

... ...

97.4 78.0 99.9





52.6 5.0 78.4 98.0 92.7 99.9


62.3 24.6 89.5 94.5 99.9 85.1 82.6

56.6 13.2 2.1



6S.O 94.6


84.3 59.l 54.2 12.1

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED T1tail persoes, 25 ytor1 old Hd ower __ No school years CQmpleted ________________ .,. El-ementary: 1to4 years_ .. ______________ _ 5 to 7 yeors -------- __ •••• __ _

B veers--------------------High school: 1to3 years-- .. --------------

4 year$ ____ -------- ________ _


I years to J yeors ----------------A or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _


41 18S 265 620 1 20S 605 794 12.6



90 174 277 1 059 515 430 12.7


58 263 623 160 277 12.5


38 101 166 476 l 144 439 676 12.6

l 241 29 16 85

71 276 331 233 198 12.4

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 fH'1 11d .nd ner ________ _ labor force-----------------------------

Civilian labor force------------------·---Percent of total ____ .... ____________ ----

Employed •• __ •• __ ---- ---- •• __________ _ Unemployed •• __ -·-----·---- •• __ •••• __ • Percent of civilian lobar force"--------"Not io labor force-------------- __ -------- -

Under 65 years-----------------------65 years. and over----------------------

F•••lt, 16 yHn old Htl 1wer -----~-


lobarPercent force----------------------------of total ______ -- _____________ _-

Civilian labor force----------------------Employed __ ---- __ ---- __ •• ______ •• ____ _ Unemployed ____ •• ____ .• ____ •• __ •• ____ _ Percent of civilian labor force---------- Hot in force ________ -- -- ___________ _ Un.der 65 years _______________________ _65 years and over ______ -- ________ ---- __ Mile. 14 11tl 15 y11n old __ ---- ---- lobar force----------------------------- Fe11o'l1, 14•H15 years olid ________ _ lobar f.orce ----------------------------- ~obor


Mele, 16 to 21 yHn old----------Not enrolTed in school_ ___________________ _ Hot high school graduate •••• ____ -------Unemployed or not in labor force------Mile, worloo4 Ito 1969. ____________ _

-50 to 52 weeks-------------------·-----27 to 49 weeks ____ ---- __________ •••• ___ _26 weeks or 1ess -- __ ---- -------- ________ _-

26 weeks or Jess ____ ---- ____________ ----F11Hlt, wtricH la 1969 ____ --------

50 to 52 weeks ---- ________ •••••••• ---· ••

27 to 49 woeks ------ ________ •••••• ------ -


406 149

l 453 623 42.9 623 599 24 3.9 830 644 186

92 25 62 21


249 60 6



19 8 4

l 583 915 400 268 1 092 J05

711 71

6 90 48




lttol___________________________ ••pt.y1d 1 16 y••n. old ad..,.,__Con$truction Monufacturing ______ ---- __ ------ ________ _

2 081 126 374 232 55 48 442 155 590 285 88 203

439 43.5 439 408 Jl 7.1 571 440 131

544 7 1.3







81 18

103 14

85 12

102 21

61 6

94 5

150 16

46 6

61 8

78 5

90 18


71 6

41 5

88 23



40 10

115 39 20

579 436 41 6

149 49 23 12



153 72 27 12

412 258 74 28

155 27 3

150 35 22

252 15 5

856 622 143 91

l 052 697 263 92

l 891 I 3J7 372 182


253 52 11 7

847 510 231 106


993 675 209 109

882 606 197 79

1 522 l 112 262 14S

769 573 89 107

835 640 100 95

l 565 l 130 273 162

795 449 217 129

529 211 160 158

641 Jl9 144 178

796 271 243 282

863 J06 248 J09

692 265 257 170

541 173 148 220

l 033 401 326 306

502 169 154 179

435 197 120 118

986 390 257 339

773 294 242 237

l 164

l 271 78 362 280 14 31 176 104 373 125 40 100

l 527 106 643 414 30

l 330 229 144 91 29 51 277 124 242 160 100 134

1 494 105 217 111 57 57 289 171 397 216 llS S3

l 265 78 202 IJS 22 39 212 198 396 211 47 71

l 615 80 593 229 32 27 277 58 280 153 lJI 137

979 117 118 85 31 6 190 134 237 87 72 74

l 156 132 440 236 29 32 182 67 143 44 30 101

2 099 124 546 373 59 94 423 210 432 244 92 119

l 314 59 424 184 9 26 118 70 535 334 29 44








Durable goods __________ •••••• __ •• ____ _Transportation ______________ .,. _________ ,._ .. Communications. utilities, & sanitary services_ Wholesale and retail trade ______ .., _________ _ Finance, insurance, business & repair services_ Professionol ond reloled services ___________ _EducoHo-nol services ___________________ _Public _____________________ _Other industries __ .... ______ .. _____________ ..... odmin~strotion



64 352 275 52 36 232 99 202 94 49 7S

30 285

99 155 74

69 110


Tobie 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and mecning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places


South Yarmouth




Center (U)

6 330 250 6 080 4 131 I 790 1 416 171 171 32 41 118

5 380 302 5 078 3 228 1 019 796 84 98 39 36 793

5 895 168 5 727 4 997 S27 397 44

5 3 I l

4 918 2 392 l 913 601 l 312 771 541 376 2S 63 77 24 S89

5 3 l 1

Spencer town



Stow town


Sutton town


Three Rivers (U)

8 779 309 8 470 7 2S4 842 590 95 82 75 94 280

4 247 160 4 087 3 2S2 631 448

3 969 237 3 732 2 763 860 SS3 lSl

4 878 209 4 669 3 S29 934 6S2 112 116 54 37 169

4 590 194 4 396 3 824 426 331 59 3S 3 56 86

5 839 329 5 510 4 786 595 489 62 29 lS 34 9S

3 366 281 3 078 2 698 260 230 16 10 4 51 69

7 989 s 416 2 037 l 732 30S 65 240 96 39 28 77 Sl 485

3 801 2 369 1 270 963 307 120 187 61

3 518 2 012 l 250 S89 661 308 353 128

4 404 2 309 1 458 894

5 386 4 270 l 035 872 163 98

84 97 44 96 160

3 089 l 984 885 640 24S 165 80 52 16 5 7 36 184

4 802 2 498 2 103 787 l 316 435 881

SS 32 39 19 123

4 125 2 S91 l 330 1 181 149 29 120 63 14 2S 18 6 198

53.6 4.3 88.3 99.0 97.4 98.3 43.5 32.6 8.1 4,4

55.1 S.2 91.7 98.3 94.4 96.6

54.9 12.l 6S.l 99.9 99.9 99.4 62,6 17.4 19.7

83.9 8S.1 99.9 99.1

46.4 3.S S5.2 91.0 99.9

... ...

73.7 27.0 79.5 99.9 98.4 99.9 49.6




8.8 13.9

4 869 33 81 737 838 912 l 507 514 247 11.5

2 230 12 13 77 253 509 798 29S 273 12.3

2 859 2 306 80.7 2 290 2 221 69 3.0 S53 243 310 3 153 l 414 44.8 l 414 l 366 48 3.4 l 739 l 190 S49 179 28 178 8 368 164 67 10 2 449 l 73S S03 211 1 647 735 S42 370

l 433 1 2S3 87.4 l 2S3 l 222 31





Townsend town

PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ -- -- ------ ---- ---Forelt• born -----------------------Native -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -----

Born in State of residence -- -- -- ---- -- -- ----

Born in different State---------------------

Horlheast -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---North CentroL_ -- ---- ---- ---- -- -- ------South -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -------

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - --


Born abroad, ot sea, etc __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Stole of birth not reported -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

62 24 78 125

6S 63 SS 21 183

BO 76 34


5 225 203 022 038 868 138 347 302 81

5 3 1 1



4 384 164 4 220 3 332 782 553 110 92 27 23 83

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total populatlOft, 5 ytors old and over __ Some house -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

Different house in United States ------------Some county---------------------------

Different county -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Same State __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Different Stole -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Northeast ____ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---North CentroL- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --South __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- __ _ West------ -- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---Abrood -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Moved, 1965 residence not reported -- ---- ___ _ SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Percent t1tr0Ue4, 3 lo 34 ynn old ____ _ J5 ond end 64 yeors years old------------------------old ________ -- _____________ _

7 to 13 yeors old-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _______ _ 14 ond lS yeors old---------------------- 16ond 17 yeors old---------------------- 18 ond 19 yeors old---------------------- 20 ond 21 years old---------------------22 to 24 yeors old-----------------------2S to 34 yeors old __ -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- _____ _-


722 604 881 131 7SO 145

60S 387 44 162 12 73 164

335 661 377 178 199 62 137 83 14 20 20 41


54.7 17.4 85.7 94.S 99.9 77.8 73,8 33.3 8.7 2.9

55.2 23.3 92.4 97.6 86.6 99.9 59.4

3 149 24 26 221 370 700 l 334 261 213 12.2

3 363 12 4 135 206 510 l 473 628 39S 12.6

3 288

2 096 I 776

l 729 l 101 63.7 l 08S l 066 19 1.8 628 247 381

1 886 l S23 80.8 l Sl8 l 472



46.6 27.4 8.3 3.8


S64 261 303 196 46 39 22 14 623

6S S7 8


407 23S 12S 114 75 126




56.7 20.2 83.7 98.5 93.6 92.l 36.l

49.3 98.9 98.7 86.S 42.0


9.4 7.1

10.3 2.1

35.4 99.9 93.8 87.3 6S.5 13.0 10.4

2 151 28 30 84 145 349 760 316 439 12.6

2 681 13 50

2 491 7 29 349 371 395 883 28S 172 12.1

3 233 247 119 371 433 793 1 018 164 88 10.7

1 946 S4 52 306 221 514 595 123 81 11.0

2 632 12

1 176 995 84.6 98S 972 13 1.3 181 62 119 1 293 542 41.9

l 593 l 367 85.8 1 367 1 324 43 3.1 226 117 109 1 642 844 Sl.4 844 811 33 3.9 798 610 188 101 23 118 9 226 86 33 6 l 455 l 049 266 140 1 012 399 352 261

1 474 l 277 86-6 1 277 l 253 24 1.9 197 63 134

2 114 1 437 6S.O l 437 1 411 26 1.8

l 123 898 80.0 893 848 45 5.0 22S 91 134 1 264 S68 44.9 568 S36 32 S.6 696 490 206 53

1 556 l 321 84.9 l 301 l 281 20

2 135 132 799 711 17 15 55S 85









3 '86 2 730 1 132

6S6 476 270 206 147 11 37 11 8 116

56.6 5.0 67.8 94.9 92.7 91.0 71.3 29.0 3.8 2.6



Tottl persoftl, 25 years old and over __ No school yeors completed __ -- -- -- -- ______ _Elementary: 1to4 yeors----------------- 5 to 7 years ____ -- __________ _ 8 years--------------------High schooh l to 3 yeors ________________ _4 years ____________________ _-


l to 3 yeors -----------------

4 years or more _____________ _


Median school years completed -- ---- ---- ---


63 533 S73 639 988 309 183 11.2

245 334 546

771 330 392 12.2


33 94 234 793 551 915 13.8

2 335 17 33 163 284 399 992 304 143 12.3

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mali, 16 y1111n old and over ________ _


labor force -- ______ -- -- -- __ -- -- ________ _Percent of to to I _____________________ _ Civilian labor____________________________ force-----------------------_Employed

Unemployed---- ________________ ---- --- Percent of civilian labor force ______ ---- -

Not in labor force _______________________ _ Under 6S yeors _______________________ _65 years and over __ ---- __________ ------ female, 16 years old ond over------Labor force ________ ---- ______ ---- ______ _Percent of total _____________________ _ Civilian labor farce-----------------------

Employed ____________ -- -- -- ____ -- ____ _ Unemployed __________________________ _-

Percent of civilian labor force _________ _Not in lobar force------------------------ Under 65 years ______________ ---- _____ _ 65 years and over _____________________ _-


Male, 14 anti 15 years old---------Labor force ________ ---- ________________ _-

Ftmalt, 14 and 15 years old ________ _ labor force----------------------------11




enroll:d i~ ~:h!~1 _ _ !~:~ _: ~-== :: :: == ::: Not high school groduote ____________ ----



Unemployed or not in labor force------- -

50 to 52 !'e~:'s ~~~k-e~- ~-~~~~ :: :: :::: :: :::: 27 to 49 weeks _________________________ _1

26weeks or less-------------------------


1 6

!~~::'-~-·~~~~~~- ~- ~_:::::::::::: -~~ ~~~s~~e~~s::::::::::::::::::::::::: -

50 to 52

84.7 I 648 l 615 33 2.0 320 192 128 2 042 841 41.2 841 794 47 S.6 l 201 I 010 191 155 11 139 5 331 135 43 21 1 922 l 468 264 190 1 045 401 31S 329

2 116 643 30.4 643 61S 28 4.4 l 473 864 609 138


46 3.0 363 147 216 2 181 994 4S.6 994 949 45

4.S l 187 766 421 106 14 123

123 36 134 49 10 5 1 227 768 299 160

1 623 l 112 3S5 156

879 297 198 384

l 178 520 378 280

l 681 246 148 96 13 28 523 146 282 113 117 178

2 421 104 l 092 708 60 47 S29 203 297 141 47 42


230 108 S3


2.5 180 88 92 l 355 600 44.3 600 584 16 2.7

7SS 628 127 66 17 115 17 243 107 16


l 316 899 2S8 1S9 726 222 276 228

S42 527 15 2.8 7Sl S81 170 108 7 77 8 107 41 9 6 1 082 814 163 105 619 322 141 1S6

1 580 660 41.8 660 608 52 7.9 920 683 237 81 lS 69


157 80 38

677 518 159 1 897 993 52.3 993 968 25 2.S 904 679 225 135 6 124 10

1 324 922 260 142

341 116 56 3S 1 564 1 006 318 240

772 288 223 261

I 133 532 374 227

1 861 149 734 Sl7 26 56 293 162 282 100 36 123

2 379 131 l 217 l 043 44 S8 263 ll1 39S 12S


1.5 235 1S9 76

1 353 l 179 87.l l 148 l 109 39 3.4 174 9S 79

903 681 169 53 643 30S 151 187

1 387 l 025 195 167 742 208 215 319

1 541 768 49.8 768 738 30 3.9 773 595 178 120 13 99 4 184 74 40 28 l 226 91S 193 118 886 390 270 226

1 384 S8 Bl 5 472 12 20 184 34 163 58 S4 44

1 868 106 554 391 37 49 366 216 391 167 51 98

l 847 93 712 309 38 64 399 130 245 137 66 100



8 134 65 31


1 640 612 37.3 612 S87 2S 4.1 l 028 901 127 168 17 153 10 236 28 7


INDUSTRY Constructr;~el employetl, 16 years old and over _


MonufccturinQ::::: :: ::::::: :::: ::: :::: :: Tr~nu;;:~:a~i~~ds -- -- -- -- -- .. - -- -- -- -- -- --- Communication~~ -u-tiiitie-s~-g-s-a-nifa_r_y_;;;vi~;;: -

ond retail trade ________________ _Finance: insurance, business & repair services_ Prafess1onol and related services ___________ _ Educational services ___________________ _Public administration_ Other industries ____ ~holes ale

I "l


-===::::::::::::====:: -

2 409 19S 888 679 127 52 490 129 310 132 S8 160


3 587 177 l 528 l 018 112

72 749 290 464 197 63 132

1 106 lSO

SSS 328 59 40 396 134 264 136 24 184

1 499 110 558 471 5 26 187 151 301 146 49 112

344 236 37 151

34 126


Table 117. Social and labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970- Continued (Doto bosed on somple see tel't

Towns and Places

Turners Foils (Ul

Tyngsbor. ovgh town

5 1$1 296 4 855 4 048 689 516 51 99 23 18 100

4 2 1 1

For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, e1c.) ond meaning of symbols, see textl


Upton town

Uxbridge Center (U)

4 204 127 4 077 3 386 532 416 17 84 15 20 139

3 484 163 3 321 2 717 515 380 76 45 14 14 75

3 364 201 3 163 2 639 443 378 23 33 9 6 75

8 253 448 7 805 6 252 1 274 1 088

754 982 551 207 344 95 249 136 59 23 31 61 160

3 734

3 197 2 203 940 446 494 334 160 32 34 85 9

3 127 2 325 704 579 125 54 71 28

7 5 1 1



539 346 960 523 437 142 295 226 21 28 20 15 218

58.4 18.0 86.0 98.0 99.9 85.3 45.1

56.1 3.1 56.5 99.9 99.9 99.9 37.7




55.0 92.4 90.6 97.0

7.0 76.9 99.9 96.4 91.6 55.2 37.9

16.2 2.6

3.4 3.3

21.9 13.0 2.3

83.9 99.9 9'1.9 84.6 55.7 62.3

3 054 46 71 349 299 667 1 214 239 169 12.1

2 159 6

1 952

1 718 1 306 76.0 1 306 1 247 59 4.5 412 179 233 1 988 931 46.8 931 866 65 7.0 1 057 662 395 119 17 121

1 306 1 127 86.3 1 127 1 097 30 2.7 179 120 59 1 398 645 46.1 645 615 30 4.7 753 594 159 89 7 102



219 42

182 63 28



Ware town

Warren town


Westborough Center (U)

West Boylston town

West 8ridge. water town

6 665 544 6 121 5 206 743 625 55 25 38 36 136

8 187 635 7 552 6 405 961 799 66 40 56 36 150

3 575 234 3 341 2 770 414 316 24 54 20 27 130

3 770 150 3 620 2 697 774 554 93 60 67 44 105

4 474 209 4 265 3 445 638 403 105 96 34 29 153

6 411 273 6 138 5 205 764 477 135 108 44 36 133

7 152 294 6 151 5 541 492 352 56 70 14 43 782

6 4 1 1

7 5 2 I

3 305 2 008 1 099 587 512 339 173 72 38 36 27 6 192

3 528 1 863 1 513 848 665 245 420 300 28 8 84 83 69

4 094 2 588 1 216 717 499 296 203 91

6 3 1 1

106 6 83 207

043 932 807 379 428 126 302 150 78 54 20 30 274

6 619 3 907 2 185 1 028 1157 1 043 114 74 16 18 6 7 520



57.4 9.7 82.7 99.9 89.5 99,9 64.4 47.7 17.1 7.8

66.8 9.6 96.9 98.6 95.2 91.3 79.6 50.6 10.2 5.0

62.0 3.1 65.6 96.1 83.l! 89.1 67.1 79.9 26.4 7.3

Wore Center (U)

PLACE OF BIRTH Total pepulotl""-----··--- .. ---· ---· for.it" ltor• -------------------- .. --.. ,Native -- __ .... ---- __ .... -- -- ______ --·-· Born in State of rHideoce -----------------Born i1' dtffertnt State .... __ .......... _______ .. ---N.oriheost -- ·- ____ ---- __ .... -- -- _...... -- ... __ Nor1h Centro!__ ________ ·-·- •••• --------South -· ........ ------ ·--- •• __ •••• ----West •• __ -- ........ __ ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -·--

Sorn abroad. ot s.eo, etc ............................. . State of birth not reported _________________ _


81 39 60 219

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Ttt•I '•puht1ttt, 5 yetn .W and onr .. Same house ............................................. ..

Different houn in United States ____ ....... ----

Some county-------------------------Different county ,.. ---- .............. ---- ............ ..


Some S1ate •• _________ ,._ .. -- __ ---- ---Different S1ate ____ ........... _ -- -- -- -- -- -- _ No.rtheost __________ .... ,. ___________ ..

North Central.. •• __ •••• ______ ._ ... . South •• ---- ---- __________ ·- .... .. West---------------------·------Abrood __ .......... ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -· -- • Moved, 1965 residence not reported ________ _

2 369 1 164 813 351 78 273 173


73 27 24 177



23 20


133 112 626 005 621 398 223 215

8 -

536 066 052 263 789 535 254 231 15 8



57 338

57 361


53.2 8.7 74.5 99.7 95.3 85.1 33.3 34.6 9.9 2.7

56.0 4.2 99.9 96.7 91.8 80.8


52.2 10.6 72.9 9'1.1 94.2 86.8 31.0 32.5 10.6 3.4

16.1 5.2

95.0 99.9 99.9 99.0 91.2 67.3 62.7 8.0

1 '91 13 56 303 264 398 590 228 139 11.7

4 568 24 144 711 707 961 1 258 477 286 11.2

3 932 52 109 671 702 886 1 111 206 195 10.5

4 873 61 120 798 850 1 106 1 432 251 255 10.6

1 960 40 86 261 339 373 617 163 81 11.0

1 776 4 16 45 32 216 605 369 489 13.0

2 440 10 25 110 183 416 900 412 384 12.5

3 567 15 8 142 264 598 1 417 586 537 12.5

3 216

1 113 934 79.6 927 899 28 3.0 239 112 127 1 278 646 50.5 646 601 45 7.0 632 387 245 53

2 723 2 217 81.4 2 204 2 116 88 4.0 506 246 260 2 971 1 443 48.6 l 443 1 365 78 5.4 1 528 1 053 475 166 6 164 13 439 127 64 24 2 378 I 554

2 775 2 260 81.4 2 256 2 171 85 3.8 515 246 269 3 105 1 539 49.6 1 539 1 516 23 1.5 1 566 1 053 513 199 33 145 14 328

1 140 950 83.3 950 914 36 3.8 190 95 95 1 258 630 50.1 630 623 7 1.1 628 443 185 86 5 73

994 719 198 77 702 380 198 124

1 128 700 189 239 761 206 167 388

1 428 1 186 83.1 1 172 1 136 36 3.1 242 118 124 1 703 801 47.0 801 786 15 1.9 902 590 312 105 8 104 7 182 45 4 4 1 272 919 220 133 935 441 215 279

2 128 1 755 82.5 1 755 1 731 24 1.4 373 212 161 2 265 1 108 48.9 1 108 1 077 31 2.8 1 157 857 300 195 18 178 9 339 59 6 6 1 858 1 291 404 163 1 259 532 342 385

2 222 1 641 73.9 1 641 1 611 30 1.8 581 428 153 2139 1 210 42.6 1 210 1176 34 2.8 1 629 1343 286 139 42 126 15

37 4 2 442 1 554 591 297 1 857 879 551 427

1 245 969 77.8 969 954 15 1.5 276 213 63 1 448 520 35.9 520 511 9 1.7 928 787 141 104 21 78 8 316 35 8

324 1 674 726 540 408

2 226 1 797 80.7 1 793 1 718 75 4.2 429 212 217 2 574 1 271 49.4 1 271 l 258 13 1.0 1 303 856 447 136 25 124 14 260 110 29 4 1 953 1 256 466 231 1 515 761 425 329

88 30 13 2 016 1 227 390 399 1 901 585 464 852

3 481 167 1 729 761 98 119 475 199 478 162 47 169

2 976 321 1 473 369 9 32 311 98 529 214 69 134

3 687 405 1 773 459 9 50 428 146 633 252 83 160

1 537 85 874 336 18 23 165 38 172 92 37 125

1 465 67 382 272 9 4 311 136 342 206 40 174

1 922 89 594 514 47 63 323 158 486 168 85 71

2 808 157 990 784 34 65 614 219 584 253 45 100

2 717 207 663 343 120 109 548 231 561 313 148 200


-7 to 13 years old .• __ -------- __________ ...... 14 ond l5year.s old---------------------- 16 ond 17 year1 old---------------·------ 18 ond 19 years old·------------------·-- 20 and 21 yeo" aid--------·----------·-- 22 to 24 yeors old ••••..•••.•• -- •••• __ ---- hfCHt Hrollietl. 3 to 34 yoors ohL. __ 3 and 4 year5 old ____________ - __________ _ 5 and 6 years old ________ ... __ -- __ ... _____ _

25 to 34 yeori old •.• ------·---··---------- -





... ...

YEARS Of SCHOOL COMPLETED Total peruns, 25 yoon old and nor __ No school years complet-ed ..•• ____________ _


1 ta4 years ________________ _5 to 7 y-eors ......................... .. 8 years ______________ ---- __ _ High 1Chool. 1to3 yeors ________________ _ 4 years-----·-- ______ ------- College, 1to3 years ________________ _ 4 years or more ... ________ -- __ Med~an school years completed------------ESementory:



243 511 713 229 190 12.1


25 192 222 419 753 235 101 12.2

44 24 110 300 761 1 502 288 257 12.3



M1le, 16 yoan old t•cl ov•r-------~ .. labor force __ ---- _____ . ________________ _


Percent of total _____________________ _

Civilian labor force ________ .,_,. ___________ _Employed -- -- -- •• -- •• __ •••• -- •• ____ --- Unemployed---- _________ ,. __________ --Percent of civilian labor force ____ -- -- __ Not in labor force-----------------------·Under 65 year$ ____ -- ____ ---- _________ _ 65 year$ and over _____________________ _ fe"'•l•t 16 ytors old onlll over -------

labor force __________ -· __ ..... __ •• ____ --Percent of total ____ •. ____________ -- __ Civilian labor force--------·-------------Employed •••••• ______________ •• __ .....


Unemployed __ •. ______________________ .. Percent of civilian labor force _________ _

Not in labor forte __ ------ -- ---- _________ _ Under 65 years __ ------ •. __ •. ____ -- -- __ 65 years end over ................ - ... --------


Malo. 14 Hd 1S yttn old -· __ ... ___ _ Labor force __ ---- __ ---- ____ -· ... ---- ____ _

Fo1111lo, 14 ond 15 yetr'I old ________ _ lobar force ______________ -- __________ .....

M•le, 16 to 21 yoars oli -----------

Not enrolled in schooL ............. ------------Not high school graduate .... -- __ ..... "_ - -- .... Unemployed or not in lobar force ____ ,...,_ Mole, ••riced kt 19H ... ________ ... __ SO to 52 weeks----·--------- •. ______ •.••

27 to 49 weeks •••• __ ---··--- •. __ •••• --·26 wteks or leu ____ ------ __ -- -- ______ ---



SO to 52 weeks •••• ------ ____ •••. __ •••• __ Fon.111, w•rbcl Jn 1969 ......... __ ...... ..


27 to 49 weeks .... -·---··--- •• ______ ---2-6 week's or less -- ---- ............ ____________ _


1 377 696 299 182 1 119 502 331 286

1 204 767 290 147 816 285 258 273

2 113 199 634 366 65 88 394 79 472 229 57 125

1 712 171 609

1 152 917 79.6 917 877 40 4.4 235 119 116 1 267 594 46.9 594 467 127 21.4 673 471 202 78 12 61 6 185 58 23 12 997


193 136 729 296 204 229

70 9 176 46 26 5 1 025 688 176 161 734 348 238 148

1 344 125 578 392 18 50 198 33 241 89 21 80

1 500 62 738 285 34 59 188 97 216 81 32 74





134 54 34




INDUSTRY Tot1I H1ployolll, 16 yeors •kl and over_ Cons.truction __ ---- __ ------ __ .... __ ,. ___ ........ Manufocturing ____ .... ____________________ _ Durable goods----------···-----------Transportation ....... __ .. _____ ......... __ .... ______ _ Communications, utilities, & sanitary services. .. Wholesale and retail trade ____ ...... __ ........... .. Finance, insurance. bus.iness & repoir services .. Professional and related services ... ________ .... Educational services------ .. ------------Public administration •• ________ -- ---------Other industries ...... __ ...................... --------


23- 572



32 58 316 68 274 140 135 49


Table 117. Social and Labor Force Characteristics for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


(Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meoning of symbols, see text] West

Towns and Places

Williams· town Center




town town

Winchendon town


Center (U)

39 235

4 285 203 4 082 1 785 1 648 1 075 282 201 90 33 616

8 454 334 8 120 4 163 3 090 2 091 469 364 166 77 790

3 997 194 3 803 3 067 586 487 19 55 25 33 117

6 569 299 6 270 5 1-00 950 810 29 65 46 36 184

7 494 273 7 221 6 029 1 003 751 85 97 70 21 168

670 620 623 308 315 129 186 92 25 52 17 28 399

3 297 1 882 l 030 565 465 188 277 208 6 26 37 16 369

4 062 1 627 I 480 417 1 063 171 892 550 179 115 48 34 921

1 924

3 2 1 1

5 3 1 1

1 114 4 939 1 990 1 160 830 618 212 116 33 57 6 39 146

66.0 42.2 79.0 98.B 92.B 88.1



49.1 14.2 83.8 95.1 86.1 83.8 36.9 14.3 5.5 5.9

... ...

78.6 97.7 99.9 99.9 71.2 73.2 64.5



69.6 37.8 85.7 99.9 99.9 93.1 80.4 71.2 55.2 2.4

2 122

Westminster town





Yarmouth (Ul


2 576 1 916 498 407 16 53 22 57 105

4 273 278 3 995 3 206 699 535 96 37 31 25 65

9 791 455 9 336 B 063 877 570 158 90 59 71 305

3 699 237 3 462 2 171 593 476 60 46

5 210 579 4 631 3 774 656 488 40 88 40 46 155

3 540 139 3 401 2 302 825 618 129 64

2 402 1 179 1 133 717 416 198 218 165 15 28 10 6 84

3 937 2 680 1 045 657 388 200 188 91 62 14 21 17 195

8 5 3 2

934 510 180 543 637 133 504 328 20 141 15 34 210

3 443 1 810 1 293 494 799 558 241 208

4 2 1 1

55.4 9.2 85.1 90.9 95.8

52.1 6.3 58.5 97.3 99.2 82.7 63.9 25.3 15.8 2.8




Wilbraham Center (U)


PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---foreign barn------------------------

Native -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Born in State of residence -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

Born ln different State -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Northeast -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---North CentroL- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- South -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----West-- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

Born abroad, at sea, etc __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---State of birth not reported -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

2 653


11 16 682


RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, S years old and over __ some house -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Different house in United States ------------Some county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -

Different county __ -- __ -- -- _____________ _

Some State •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Different State------ -- __ ---- -- ____ ---Northeast -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

North CentroL-- ------ ______ ------South -- __ -- -- -- __ -- ____ -- ________ _ West __ ------------------ -- -------Abroad -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Moved, 1965 residence not reported _________ _




29 311

3 2 1 1

764 797 051 746 236 1 510 992 267 156 95 74 1 289

660 260 228 011 217 65 152 134


948 864 867 461 406 139 267 162


14 4 21 151

27 78 29 188



62.1 95.2 99.9 93.1

55.6 96.0 99.9 95.5 32.9 19.2 10.6



Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ___ _ 3 ond 4 years old __ ---- -- ______ -- _______ _5 and 6 years old __ -- -- -- ________ ---- ___ _ 7to13 years old--------------------------



59.0 3.6 66.7 96.8 95.6 98.1 99.9 49.0 8.5 5.2

Total persani, 25 years old and over __ No school years completed ________________ _Elementary: 1to4 years ________________ _

1 573 13 28 126 215 363 524 174 130 12.1

2 407 33 51 229 215 571 815 290 203 12.1

5 516 107 169 I 039 817 I 348 1 393 343 300 10.4

2 302 4 19 37 186 372 898 501 285 12.6

2 977 87 54 425 463 634 836 298 180 11.2

2 002 20 76 121 203 725 303 543 12.8

33 140 237 275 566 295 576 12.7

4 259 10 56 317 384 600 1 242 515 1 135 12.6

831 650 78.2 650 645 5 0.8 181 69 112

1 438 1 149 79.9 1 149 1 125 24 2.1 289 166 121

3 258 2 572 78.9 2 529 2 407 122 4.B 666 342 344

1 233 656 69.4 651 839 12 1.4 377 133 244

1 670 1 261 75.5 1 261 1 197 64 5.1 409 161 246

1 127 918 81.5 914 866 26 3.1 209 131 78

2 027 1 322 65.2 1 322 1 296 26 2.0 705 551 154

953 399 41.9 399 366 13 3.3 554 323 231

1 515 700 46.2 700 663 37 5.3 615 620 195

3 467 I 616 46.6 1 616 I 540 76 4.7 1 851 1 439 412

1 511 552 36.5 552 547 5 0.9 959 586 373

2 012 866 43.0 666 811 55 6.4 1 146 728 416

1 282 507 39.5 507 507

1 399 500 35.7 500 500

775 642 133

63 6 103

104 5

182 49

45 14

77 4








14 ond 15 years old ---- ______ ---- ____ ---16 ond 17 yeors old---------------------18 ond 19 yeors aid -- -- ______ -- -- _______ _20ond 21 yeors old---------------------22 to 24 yeors old ____________ ---- ____ ---25 to 34 years old _______________________ _





76.6 96.0 71.0 99.9 81.3





42.9 6.8 62.9 86.B 81.7 48.9 44.5 11.1 10.7 1.9

2 259 14 31 313 345 533 758 159 106 11.4

3 616 17 85 523 570 858 1 122 267 174 11.1

4 128 305 137 291 299 917 1 344 416 419 12.1

3 580 2 349 65.6 2 349 2 299 50 2.1 1 231 955 276

1 283 1 088 84.8 1 081 1 056 25 2.3 195 73 122

2 109 1 787 84.7 1 776 1 721 55 3.1 322 117 205

2 567 1 486 57.9 1 486 1 450 36 2.4 1 081 900 181

899 562 317

2 744 1 070 39.0 1 070 1 040 30 2.8 1 674 1 175 499

2 316 1 026 44.3 1 026 998 28 2.7 1 290 851 439

2 661 989 37.2 989 976 13 1.3 1 672 1 304 368

57 3

111 19

1 498 735 49.1 735 721 14 1.9 763 443 320 109 20

204 29 145 12



16.9 16.8 1.2



5 to 7 years-----------------

8 years---- ____ ------------High school: 1to3 years.----------------

4 years--------------------1to3 years----------------4 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ______ ---- ---




EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 years old and over ________ _ LobarPercent force----------------------------of total _____________________ _ Civilian labor____________________________ force-----------------------_ Employed


Unemployed __________________________ _

Percent of civilian labor force---------- -

Nol in labor force ____________________ ----


Under 65 ond years-----------------------65 yeors over _____________________ _-


Female, 16 years old and over ______ _ labor force __ ------ ____________________ _Percent of total _____________________ _ Civilian lobar force----------------------Employed __ ·--- ______________________ _


Unemployed ______ -- ____ -- ---- __ -- ---- Percent of civilian labor force _________ _-

Not in labor force __ ---- ______________ ---Under 65 and yeors -----------------------65 years over _____________________ _


Malt, 14 ond 15 years aid---------- labor farce ____________________________ _ female, 14 aad 15 years old_ _______ _

Labor force ____________________________ _










84 3

169 3



164 31 129 15

870 141 5

169 89 20 10

266 120 47 14

387 219 120 105

Male, 16 to 21 years old----------Not enrolled in school ____________________ _ Not high school groduate _______________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force-------

95 36 8

176 49 15 6

420 163 91 18

169 54 5 5

213 91 13

148 52 28 14


1 328 167 16 6

::~;~ ~~~lc-'~-i~-~~~~==============

692 558 102 32 490 256 121 113

1 262 924 204 134

2 726 1 846 632 246

950 556 259 133

1 359 914 297 146

967 769 128 70

1 755 627 284 644

3 061 1 342 522 1 197

1 154 815 196 143

1 897 1 264 404 229

1 605 1 081 331 193

849 333 236 280

1 960 799 617 544

714 232 191 291

1 110 454 322 334

675 268 152 255

719 243 197 279

1 402 514 427 461

849 395 273 181

1 229 538 404 287

1 106 616 296 194

1 031 77 362 237 46 48 203 38 164 65 24 47

1 788 60 679 377 51 35 397 105 323 135 31 107

3 947 350 1 353 394 120 87 782 276 527 225 125 325

1 386 214 87 42 26 64 403 123 263 79 51 113

2 008 49 1 019 664 34 40 302 BO 331 143 50 103

1 393 86 423 236 23 58 216 182 296 207 49 56

1 796 54 378 293 17

3 339 124 673 707 26 23 434 65 1 447 955 95 252

1 777 121 778 608 36 21 333 57 331 178 31 69

2 719 162 1 287 975 51 41 446 97 472 234 64 97

2 426 153 765 559 35 42 356 179 619 250 148 129


27 to 49 weeks ____ ------ __ ---- _________ _-

50 to 52

26 weeks or less __ ------ __ ------ ________ -


Female, worked tn 1969 -----------50 to 52 weeks--------------------------


~r ~e:~s-:~e~ss;::::::::::::::::=::: ===== -



INDUSTRY Total employed, 16 years old and over_ Construction Manufacturing:::::::::::::::====:::::::: Tr~nu:;:~~o~i~~ds -- -- ---- -------- -- -- ----- Communication~~ -u-tilitie-s~-i-s-a-nii;;y-;;,:.;i~;; = ~holesale and retail trade ________________ _ Fmonce! insurance, business & repair services_ Professional and related services ___________ _



Pu~~~c~~~i:i~:r~t~~ces ---- -------- -------- Other industries __ -~==::::::::::==::====== -


5 233 24 930 567 65 90


23 - 573

Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Data based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Belcher-

Towns and Places

Acushnet town

Ashburnham town


3 254 252 63 43 237 162 46 184 96 520 548 112 137 814 722 92 164 151 42 27 291 164 39 73 24 1 276 126 53 23 43 74 381 88 459 320 140 19 34

1 350 218 18 107 160 160

3 629 632 97 84 321 321

BB 42 222 16-0 27 37 217 191 26 41 37

205 127 730 564 151 147 422 306 116 132 117 15 11 465 274 61 101 15 1 392 199 78 59

3 254 2 757 254 141 224 19

l 350

2 000 38 27 59 84 46 114 185 143 181 178 395 326 198

886 5 14 28 38 27 37 52 83 66 66 157 133 136 34 6 $10 318 $11 329 64


Athol Center CU)

Ayer Center

Tolal employff, 16 yeara oW •n4 ov•r ....... _ Health workers---------------------------

Teachers, e-lemtntory and secondory schools_ __ Managers and administrators _,. -- -- .... -- ---.. __ _Solorled -- -- ---- __________ •• -- -- ---- -- -- • Self-employed in relail trade ________________ _

--Retail trade -.------------------ -- --·----- Clerical and kindred workers .................................. .. Craftsmen, foremen. and kindred workers __ .... __ .. Mechanics and repairmen ................ ----------- Construction craftsmen ...................................... .. OperDtives. except tron"Sport .................................. .. Manufacturing .................................. -- ---- ------ Nonmonufacturing industries ........ ______ .......... .. Transport equipment laborers, except formoperatives _____ ,, __ ,,--------------____ ,. ________ _ Farmers and form managers-----------------... Form laborers and farm foremen--------------

Soles workers---·---------------------- .... --

Service workers 1 .... ,,. .. ____________ .... ____ .... __ .... Cleanin.g and food service workers----------Protective $ervice workers ......... __ .............. : ...... ..


Pri~~~o~:~:i:~~i~~~r::~~~e-~-~r~e~~ :: :: =~: ~:: F•••le •••ltye4, a yHri ohl Hll twer ...... Professional, technical, and kindred workers .... -~ ..

Health workers--------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ......


Managers and adminislrotors ........................ ____ .. Sales workers-----------------.. -----------Clerical and kindred workers------------------ Secretorie-s. stenographers, and typi$h ............ .. Operatives. including. transport-------------·-Nondurable goods manufacturing-----------Service workers, except private household ...... __ _PrivQte household workers .. _______ .. _.. __ ...... ___ _ Other occupations ....... __ ........ ______ -· .... __ ---- ..




Tetll Htpleytcl. 16 yHn olli 111nd over ___ _ Private woge and salary workers ____ ---- ------ Government worker's----- .. ------------------ -

Local government wotkers .... ____ ........ __ ------ Self-employed workers----------------------Unpaid family workers------------·--- ............ ..





5 193 92 6 85 9 536 105 18 73 20 31 157 68 74 16 117 9 23

Bellingham Center (U)


1 408 207 33 32 168 149 10 114 46 282 210 44 66 226 178 48 64 31

2 482 250 76 85 71 59 4 124 83 304


1 948 239 50 51 109 76 23 104 53 340 304 55 117 288 212 76 70 102 22 49 318 135 15 168 3 769 117 41 41 21 34 259 111 63 29 195 3 57

Ayer town

Barre town

Center (U)

2 096 258 36 40 162 153

1 287 165 36 52 120 90 20 52 48 290 123 45 44 174 131 43 50 87 12 4 177 116 17 23 13 621 93 32 18 30 14 202 73 115 35 97 13 57

2 293 300 53 87 178 144 20 99 71 493 241 87 76 406 319 87 113 126 17 4 303 189 35 44 13 1 029 145 49 53 30 38 335 140 240 86 158 13 70

1 592 200 39 60 120 104 5 51 15 274 282 70 53 348 305 43 50 59 13 B

575 105 13 35 47 37 5 52 18 94 78 11 34 43 30 13 9 42 4 12 86 26 11 49 3 235 54 9 32 14 13 73 32 12


125 66 369 408 108 107 334 280 54 104 88 10 16 212 121 15 71 10 755 95 31 27 28 37 277 56 165 88 129 10 14




11 89 62 7


473 108 113 709 646 63 114 114 10 6 287 140 25 108 20 1 016 110 71 31 4 71 192 76 404 266 161 20 54

110 558 198 169 34 283 15 28

409 203 44 128 31 1 540 146 46 78 18 106 528 129 407 162 235 31 69

3 629 3 066 437 257 96 6

3 817 3 212 374 261 219 12

2 096 1 738 279 127 79

1 287 876 321 162 84 6

2 293 1 587 576 243 119 11

1 592 1 251 222 138 91 28

575 304 226 49 41 4

1 948 1 129 659 122 126 32

1 408 1 173 188 54 47

2 482 2 086 238 151 144 14

2 163

2 513 25 28 109 94 109 151 168 141 240 193 394 468 331 54 8 $9 992 $10 619

1 256 11 6 30 37 26 40 26 70 49 100 230 278 321 32


1 791 42 39 96 110 141 138 166 157 135 156 193 205 164 43 4 $8 033 $9 069 178 $5 545 3 003 $5 725 $6 670 1 212 $2 659 $3 622 267 $3 559 $2 789

934 27 11 29 25 20 29 37 121 104 52 160 121 166 24 6 150 066 108 119 185 441 398 251 795 192 124 578

354 4

1 158 41 16 39 64

948 16 12 13


10 36 28 41 129 72 220 195 157 15 4 $11 064 $11 567 57

1 629 16 25 79 62 76 102 76 142 153 165 274 251


1 Di>2 256 155 25 7

3 817 409 93 136 198 150 34 188 118 699 630 82 86 1 106 I 045 61 68 61 18

Belchertown town


OCCUPATION Professfon.ol, 1ec.hnk:al, and kindred workers ___ ,._ ...


Avon town


98 12 54 10 597


26 30 18 5 226 93 146 127 92 10 12


46 3

20 6 473 77 23 27 13 49 173 80 96 35 57 6



INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS lomlllH ----··--------·····------_less than All $1,000 ___________________________ $1,000 to $1,999 ____ ---- __________ ---- _____ _ $2.000 to $2,999 ____ ---- -- ____________ -----$3,000 to $3,999 __ •• ______ •• _______________ _ $4,000 to $4,999 .. ________________ ---- _____ _$5,000 to $5,999 ________ •••••• __ -·-------·-· $6,000 to $6,999 ---- ______ •• __ •• ______ -----$7,000 to $7,999 ---- ________________ -------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ •••• ________________ ---$9,000 to $9,999 ---- -· •• ______ •• ------ -----$10.000 to $11,999 •• ·--- ________ -------- ___ _ $12,000 to $14,999 •• ____ •• ____ •• ___________ _ $15,000 to $24,999 •.•• __ ·- •• --·- -- ---· -- ---· $25,000 to $49,999 •• ________ ------ ---- ____ •• $50,000 or more __________________ ---- ____ ••



-Median income-------·--·--·--------------- Mean income __ ............ __ ........... -- ............ ------- fomilies with female head-------------------- Mean income .... __ ....................... __ ........ __ ----All families and unrelated individuals ----------Median income--------------------------Mean income __ .... ______ ................ __ ................ .. All unrelated individuals---------------------- . Median income---·----------------------Meon income -- ____ -- -- ... -- __ .... ---- ... ----Female unrelated indi\liduQls __ ..... __ ------ ... ----Mean incorne .... ______ .. ____ ... __ .... ---- ____ _ Per capita income of persons_,. _______________ _



$9 691 $9 868 $6 2 $8 $8 $2 $3 $2 $2

132 406 347 826 872 347 625 132 194 369 679

1 070 $9 152 $9 957 164 $2 333 $3 347 119 $2 871 $3 010

11 46 24 34 70 61 58 91 121 188 350 516 537 54



$12 148 $12 530 $8 2 $11 $11 $3

$4 $3 $3

167 618 482 341 509 319 517 592 186 616 234


$12 032 $12 355

18 29 54 86 52 104 96 62 84 107 104 62 34 4 $6 089 $9 517

107 287 440 346 251 164 536 715 126 090 103

1 230 $7 055 $8 123 327 $3 328 $4 274 209 $3 378 $3 020

2 513 2 208 $9 876 232 $7 234 21

1 256 l 153 $12 284 82

903 854 $6 266 87

641 $1 724 184 $1 389 1 090 $1 686



$5 3 $8 $8 $3 $4 $3 $3

261 985 424 409 967 911 189 412 604 451 168


$10 $11


17 27 22 13 19 20 29 11 45 56 63 23 5 $10 667 $12 074

$9 $10

42 60 93 130 69 145 176 135 49 5 029 362 119 005 514 943 896 356 929 135 127 417


174 32



$9 494 $9 827 168 $5 382 1 977 $8 457 $6 536 348 $1 855 $2 494 219 $1 914

$3 018

$1 877

$2 327

$2 666

$2 645

934 651 $10 231 93

354 307 $11 762 51

948 891 $11 269 59


168 $1 510 26

182 $1 205 36

248 $1 272 46

172 $1 792 59


1 158 1 036 $9 743 120 $7 466 34

1 629 1 492 $9 107


1 791 1 681 $8 169 161 $4 826 26


165 $1 429 29

105 $1 725 44

425 $1 253

364 $2 066

678 $1 830

... 10 ...

166 $1 931

443 $1 258

329 $1 203

50 5.5

168 9.4 $1 498 42 159 31.5 $691 765 11.5 336 68.2

24 6.8

102 8.6 $1 493 27 130 36.5 $1 117 473 10.2 155 66.4

$8 1 $11 $11 $2 $3 $3 $3


$6 1 $6 $9 $2 $3 $2



$7 1 $7 $6


$2 $4

451 $8 708 $10 593 97

... 63 ...



I 060 $10 555 $10 567 112 $1 622 $2 106 88

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES AR fent.lffe' -------------------·----With woge or salary income ____ ---- ____ ....... __ Mean wage or solar'y income __ ......... ____ ........ . . With non farm self-emp'°yment income ............. __

Mean nonform self-employment income ... __ .... .. With. form self-employment income ____________ _ Mtan form self-employment income -- ............. . With Social Security incamr ............ -- .. w·•·-----Mean Social Security income ____________ ,, __ _ With public assistance or public welfare income ..... Mean public assistance or pubiic welfare income With other income-......... __ .... __ ...... __ -- .... -- .... ----Mean other income __ .... ---- __ -- .......................... --


2 000 1 805 $9 339 218 $5 797 37

816 816 $10 494 64


2 163 2 032 $11 870 137 $6 324 8

501 $1 319 69

219 $1 463 74

$1 800 89

755 $1 142

$1 907

877 $1 607

29 3.3

79 3.7










. ..


. ..

... ...

363 $1 989



.. .


... ...

172 $6 347 19 382 $1 316 128 $1 324 513 $1 154

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' F••lllfs __ .......... ---- __ ........ ------ __ .......... __ ......... ... Percent of all familiu ---- ________ ............ __


Mean income deficit----------------------Families with female head-----------------Uorelott4 l1ulM


1ncludes allocated coses not shown separately.

23- 574


134 6.7 $1 702 39 120 34.6 $871 607 7.8 249 53.0 1

10 77



180 5.2 40


17 78 24.5 415 4.7 177 78.0

125 5.0 $1 363 62 340 37.3 $742 880 9.1 332 43.7

40 3.2


24 47 25.5

. ..

187 3.5 46



21 103 31.5 $884 254 7.8 64


...5.733 108 43.0 $927 349 9.6 182 40.1



26 ... ...

110 6.3 44

40 4.2


22 42 37.5


211 5.0 120 19.2

102 6.3 $1 337 40 180 51.7 $1 119 573 9.0 189 58.7

... ... . . Excludes mmotes of mst1tut1ons and members of the Armed Forces l1vmg in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. GENERAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:

1970- Continued

(Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places




Total .,nploytd, 16 yeors old and over----_

1 350

Professional, technical, and kindred workers -- -- -Health workers -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Teachers, elementary and secondary schools_ __ _ Managers and administrators ----------------"'Soloried ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---Self·emplayed in retail trod•-----------------Sales workers -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Retail trade------------------------------Clerico! and kindred workers -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- - ... -

381 43 87 368 333 13 139 36 137 99 14 30 33 24 9

Craftsmen. foremen, and kindred workers--------

Mechanics and repairmen __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Construction craftsmen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ Operatives, except transport -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- Monufgcturing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .. -- -- -- Nonmanufacturing industries ________ -- ---- __ _ Transport equipment operatives -- -- __ -- ---- __ -Laborers, except form -----------------------formers and form managers------------------form laborers and form foremen --------------Service workers' -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cleaning o.nd food service workers -- __ --.-- __ .... Protective service wor~ers------------------Personal and health service workers_ ________ _Prlvote household workers __ -- ________ -- ---- __ _ fH1tl1 employed, 16 yeors old and over __ ....

Professional, technical, and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schools .... -Managers and administrators ____ -- .... -- ------ -Sales workers -- -- -- ---- ---- -- __ -- ____ ------ _ Clerical and kindred workers------------------Secretaries, stenographers, and typists -------Operoflvn, including transport ---- .... __ -- ______ _ Nondurable goods manufacturing ____ -- ---- __ Service workers, except private household __ -- -- -Private household workers __ -- ____ - - __ -- ______ _ Other occvpotions -- .... __ .... ________ -- _________ _

Boylston town

1 133 252 46 81 81



Center (U)

1 772 295

39 109 95 71 19 99

76 5 117 86 206 187 31 37 88 74 14 63 26

6 27 6

46 238

259 52 60 408 380 28 56 77




9 99 63 8 24 5 465 120 29 47

145 91 4 43 3 423 134 3S 72 20 25 111 62 6

15 230 )49 46




152 29 70 16 39 170 51 196 134 118


172 38 33 12 67 5 10

6 106 3 18

Carlisle town

Centerville CUJ

Charlton town

Chatham town



Cohasset town

Dolton town

Deerfield towll


1 057 339 J9 28 225 202

1 074 150 18 33 223 168 21 114

1 743 19S 21 59 98

1 636

1 235

2 492

2 062

184 25 61 85

615 92 117 464 419

2 883 621

1 629

270 23

299 46 105 115 90

39S 66 117 263 166 24 261 134 284 363 41 171 72 12 60 83 71


73 JO 153 38 10 14 43 28 15 23

S6 151 IOS

38 12




44 22 189 379 68 73 407 311 96

222 157 37 165 86 222 271 19 176 35 5 30








10 5 103 61 20 22 )7

229 60


61 20

346 65 29 24


59 18 14 68 40 108 32

27 24 128 63 18




51 17 16

143 20 12

1 772 1 274 383 189 110

1 057 827 127 87 103

1 074 790 165 103 119





24 19 225 139 14 61 16 596 8S 21 49 32

11 134 43

141 50 166 16


165 SI 37 40

47 567 120 18 S5 30 7S 158 49 11


106 42

75 5 20 15 217 221

11 303 74 354 235


48 39 304 253 Sl 31 73

42 71 41 30 37 61





Sl 32

147 53 86 62 815 217 41 90 Sl 73 254 136



422 92 25 35 5 10 163 58 99 24 28



142 62 8





1 743 1 496 156 106 91

1 636 1 073 263 175 300

1 235 1 030 128 50 73

2 492




1 712 17 13 16 32 43 28 48 78 58 87 154 286 479 318

95 108 305 269 16 170 107 S88 362 52 69 437 422 15 53 80 14 4 23S 132 23 71 14 1 045 212 85 44 30 97 456 164 83 71 139 4 24

13 89 63

268 205 78

64 225

180 45 25 40 58 67

201 134 6 61 37 102

139 41 40 18 19 218 112 112





2S3 161 3S 30 17 769


32 73 48 125 212 56



120 37 39

127 17 17

2 883 2 388 342 235 143 10

1 629 1 080 393 109 134

2 062 1 329 33] 216 39S 7

l 880

917 11

CLASS OF WORKER Tot1l omployed, 16 years old and onr ----Private wage and salary workers-------------- -


Government workers ---- __ -- ____ -- __ -- -----local government workers -- _____ .. __ -- -----Self·employed workers-----------------------Unpaid family workers __ -- ------ -- -- ---- ---- _

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS ----·--------------------less than Allfomlll11 $1,000 ___________________________ _


$1,000 to $1,999 •• -------------------------- $2,000 ta $2,999 •••••• -- __ -- •• ______________ _ $3,000 ta $3,999 ____ •••• __ •• _______________ _ $4,000 ta $4,999 ____ •••• __ •• -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- $5,000 to $5,999 __________ •• ________ •• ---- __ $6,000 to $6,999 __ -- __ •• __ -- __________ •• ___ _ $7,000 to $7, ?99 -- -· •••• __ -- -- __ -- ____ •• ____ _ $8,000 ta $8,999 ___________________________ _ $9,000 to $9,999 ______ •• __ -- ____ -- __ --------$10.000 to $11, 999 •• ______ -- -- __ -- __ •. ____ -- $12,000 ta $14,999 ____ •• ___________________ _ $15.000 lo $24, 999 _________________________ _$25,000 ta $49,999-- ______ ---- __ -- __ ---- •• -- $50,000 or mare ____ ---- ___________________ _


Median income ____ ---- ____ ------ ______ -----Mean income __ ---- ______ -------- __ -------- __ Fomifies with female head -- .. ----------------- Mean Income ______________ -- __ ---- __ -- ---All famili!s and unrelated individuals __ -- ---- --Median income---------------------------Meon income .... __ ---- ____ ------ __ -- --------


All unrelated individuals ____ ..... ---- ______ ---- __ Median income ______________________ ., ____ _ Mean income .... __ ---- __ .... ________ ---------Female unrelated individuals ______________ -- -- _ Mean income ..... ____________ .... ______ -------Per capita income of persons------------------


1 350 1 002 227 166 102 19

I 133



11 5




908 179 155 46



22 16 13 9 36 78 74 72 405 170 43 $18 346 $21 231 51 1 025 $17 800 $20 366 60

... ...





1 010 9 18


24 24 32

35 24 116 161 168 54


$12 829 $13 503

$10 $11

39 $11 $12 $5 $5

824 862 100 147 750 639 96

$1 1 $8 $9 $2


24 53 36 66 96 70 60 61 107 200 152 48 10 224 595 108 489 357 022 667 347 855 057 243 853 273



$5 177

$3 610


965 879 $17 4S6 121 $11 399 10



$12 865 49

$10 743 104 $8 606






803 19 20 26 23 57 34 41 57


4 5 5 8 8 9 10 28 18 19 88 323 171 6 $19 613 $20 571


20 17 192 106 139 45 7 $10 911 $12 278


!04 822 041 780 261 238 $1 91S $3 455 140 $2 861

$5 113

$3 71S

702 644

803 634 $10 081 156 $9 617

757 $18 947 $19 577 55



$8 1 $8 $10



1 0.1 16 24 38 37 11 65 74 127 91 50 215 111 152 30

1 359 62 34 10 104 49 93 126 112

$9 7SO $10 2S2 52

$9 070 $11 127 126 $6 420 1 805 $7 S99 $9 508 446 $3 125


1 339 $8 525 $9 208 298 $S 031 $5 561 157 $4 446 $2 786

84 79 109 177 216 104


9 9 5 17 13 34 40 62 97 70 142 139 108 23


$10 394 $11 069 43

1 901 387 298 199

SS $14 958 $18 956

15 13 23 63 81 89 93 89 128 106 316 424 380 44 16 $11 519 $12 509 134 $1 431 2 215 $10 716 $11 273 335 $1 989 $4 336 261 $3 536 $3 369



25 28 51 74 88 69 40 79 176 155 144 43


$10 278 $11 066 96

1 905 65 41 95 91 185 lSO 67 110 113 103 263 212 309 80

21 $9 345 $10 976 207 $7 485 2 522 $7 448 $9 291 617 $3 029 $4 090 430 $3 426 $3 618

$3 727


157 818 130 !23 380 418 $3 880 $5 830 281 $4 225

$3 738

$3 078

$5 022

1 359 951 $9 285 354 $8 070

768 714 $10 769 41

l 712 1 S61 $16 168 267 $11 525

1 880 1 727 $11 712 185 $4 261 18

917 881 $9 500 89

318 $1 811


261 $1 759 65

197 $1 504

967 $3 613

710 $2 753

530 $2 JOO

1 071 $3 849

163 8.6 $1 4SB 20

$4 S77



$9 S4S $9 994 150 $4 727 $4 486 82

$10 2 $13 $16

1 246 $9 106 $9 615 259 $2 738 $4 084 126 $2 935 $3 152

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES All lomm.1 ---·----------------------

With wage or solory income-----------------.Mean wage or salary income .... ______ ---- ___ _With nonform self-employment income------ ___ _Mean nonform self-employment income-------With farm self·employment income .... __________ _ Mton farm self-employment income _________ _ Wifh Social Security income __________ -------- .... .Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income




159 $1 975 5

. 574 "

$5 964



127 $1 535 25

... 319

1 010


186 $1 730 35

... 425

$1 317

$1 977

16 2.4

48 4.8

$18 036 122 $8 722 21 99





276 $1 657 5


490 $3 239

340 $4 387


19 11.1

1 041 947 $9 875 110 $4 885 23 184 $1 604



342 $1 226


340 $1 826 26

. 541 "

...14 i38

$1 517 41


$5 143

271 $1 169



23 3.0

$2 183 26 151 33.9

50 33.3






1 905 1 302 $8 708 427 $9 032


744 $1 911 71

.. .

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' f••llJes ________________ --------------------

MPercent of all families ___________________ _


F eon Income deficit-----------------------Uar:l~~~~..~~tl~ut:1mole head ------------------

Percent of off u~~;iaf;d-i~d1';id~~is-::::::::: P Mean Income deficit-----------------------


•n••s ___________________________________ _-

Percent of all persons ____________ -------Reated children under 18 yeors .. 'Percent living with both parents------------


'Includes allocated coses not shown separately.

16 1.7


12 21

.... "

95 2.4 39











... 242

2.9 27

6.0 66








28 1.0 5


35 llO 46.2 $905 481 16.8 195 41.0

89 8.S

.JS "




395 9.3 128 64.8

$995 427





. 125 "

4.2 22


30 1.8


9 112 26.B $1 123 186 2.7 27 "






150 44.8 $600 414 5.6 141

96 37.1


212 5.6



182 29.5 $986 738 11.4 245 55.9

2Excludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 1-4 years.




Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Doto based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Eost

Towns and Places




town Dover town



Bridge· Duxbury town water town

OCCUPATION ht•I 1m.ployecl, 16 yeors old and over .... __ _ Professional, technical, and kindred worker$,.. ____ _ Heallh workers-------------------------·-·

'Teochers, elf/imentary and secondary sch.ools ___ _ Managers and administrators __ ,._ --------------

Salaried ____ ........ _,. .. _.............. ____ ........ ____ _

320 48 106 196


Self-employed in retoil trade ............................... .. Soles workers .......................................................... ..

-Clerlcol and kindred workers .................................. .. Retail tr.ode ________ ....................... __ .... __ ...... ..

Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers ............ ..

Mechanics and repairmen ..................................... .. Construction craftsmen--------------------

1 995


Operatives, except transport,. ____________ ,. ___ _ Manufacturing .... ________________ .... _____ .. __ Nonmanufacturing industries---------------Trans.port equipment operatives __ ------ ______ .. Laborers, except ....... -------------------Farmers and formform monogers __ ., ________ ,. _____ _


Farm lob.orers and form foremen ---- ---------Service workers• ____ ------·- ____ -----------Cleaning and food service workers ____ ---- .... _ Protective service workers __________ .,. ______ _ Personal and health service worker5---------- Privafe house-hold workers ........ ____ ... -- .... - .... - __ hnielt Htployell, 16 yHn old ••II over .. _.. Professional, technic:ol. and kindre-d workers ____ _

Health workers---------------------------


165 60 25 63 10

759 153 33 74 17 32 236 89 147 52 127 6 41

447 68 24 15


1 995 I S07 345 207 143


1 197 14 5 31 33 39

Teachers. elementary and secondary schools __ _Managers ond administrators __________ ------ .. SolH workers-------------------------- .. --Clerical and kindred workers ... __ .... __________ .. _ Secretaries, stenographer$. and typists ------Op~rotives. including tronspart __________ -----Nondurable goods manufacturing ______ ---· __ Serv~ce workers, except private household ______ _ Privote househol-d workers ____ •• ____________ .... Other occupations ________ ... ____ •• -- __ ---- -- _-



5 94 62 341 335 77 80 290 258 32 69 79 55 11 199 101 6 71 6

1 293 162 30 37 46 27 14 25 14 207 249 79 75 308 303 5 40 76 5

Total 1111p~oyM, 16 y11n old onid over ... __ Private w.age and salary workers ________ ------Government workers------------------------ local government worker$ ... ______ ...... -----Self.employed workers -- ______ ... -- •• -- ....... __ _ Unpaid family workers ... ____________ -- .... ____ _



1 771 491 95 61 423 358

II 290 88 167 99


60 32 14 18 20 70 5 23 105 49 31 25

46 530 141 38 38 40 87 141 62 5

3 642 382

S2 104 247 215 24 168 86 450 699 128 146 888 783 105 130

211 28 27 408 228 30 88 4

1 318 135 46 34

2 624 619 104 129 483 418 31 376 113 357 304 73 93 97 74 23 411 41 32 38 190 139 30 21 39

3 260 415 58 155 281 231 15 176 70 547 530 93 168 512 377 135 197 109 6 9 468 253 62 1411 10

1 032 170 37 38 114 110 4 83 33 149 181 63 68 94 31 63 15 48

835 230 68 91 44 89 278 64 61 25 76 3S 22

1 214 177 47 93 30 57 434 160 208 102 267 5 36

419 73 24 21 24 41 149 19 23


32 61 303 115 416 300 2SS 4 112

1 293 l 078 125 87 80 10

1 771 1 264 264 161 234 9

3 642 3 199 236 181 197 10

2 624 1 921

806 20 12 27 21 35 30 15 107 45 99 136 130 112 17

1 167

2 069 11 37 73 48 89 91 131 171 199 197 323 370 291 38

l 921 22 16 36 50 47 64 24 81 131 88 239 320 515 243 4S $13 S23 $16 155

14 134


135 97 67 10 19




East Falmouth (U)

40S 315 284 14

Essex town

1 107 157 3S 3S 114 114


104 61 108 173 32 43 13S 107 28

Folmouth Center (U)

Foxborough Center (U)

Franklin Center (U)

Freetown town

2 215 370 Sl 112 236 168 36 186 96 450 397 122 117 89 31

1 690 415 S6 100 166 143 14 87 44 361 228

3 389 515 108 98 291 233 41 224 145 499 439 67 164

1 593 224



S6 89

48 5 18 157 114

5 149 63 12 35 24


313 200 28 51 23


38 29

863 176

80 24 5

406 69 35 21 28 51 85 26 33 17 105 29 6

3 260 2 447 588 368 209 16

1 032 709 195 107 123 5

2 014 lS 19 56 48


S2 42 178 129 49 49 27


4 1S9

SI 23 85 16

S62 443 119 122 134


11 S92 218 106 216


20 31 132 72 12 81 56 179 296 62 79 319 263 56 58 67 13 27 193 70 41 67 4

1 269 206

1S7 23 10

682 144 47 64 10 32 299 148 70 5 98 16 13

1 107 858 138 83 IOI 10

2 215 1 S47 424 223 22S 19

1 690 1 302 286 213 95 7

3 389 2 534 637 285 206 12

1 593 I 203 256 129

696 11 4 19 26 31 62 30 34 31 46 84 1S3 143 22

$11 119 $11 641

$10 247 $10 737

$11 286 $11 462

1 511 26 33 94 55 IOI 63 110 97 114 91 196 209 280 36 6 $9 687 $10 S37

1 073 4 15 17


42 19 35 29 23 44 43 51 51 41 85 169 107 33

36 70 38 90 84 89 182 189 206 33 5 $10 863 $11 867

1 954 19 38 51 36 71 96 96 17S 127 157 292 361 382 48 5 $10 760 $11 588

1 075 10 4 62 32 21 50 92 60 118 131 163 188 113 24 7 $9 676 $10 779

105 $5 875 935 $8 809 $9 921 IS8 $4 471 $5 907 79

215 880 183 765 965 672 $3 396 $5 431 461 $4 79S

I 489 $9 189 $9 992 416 $4 179 $5 156 287 $4 lSO

186 $8 079 3 171 $1 273 $1 9SI 1 217 $1 334 $2 111 701 $2 015


3S 87 36 73 343 102 45


Bl 71 22 76 354 126 248 57 331



545 71 11 20 18 24 144 52 139

72 120 4 25

122 12

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All fontUles -·-- __ ----·- ....... -·----len thon $1.000 •••• --·-····---------·-----· $1,000 to $1.999 ____ ---- ·--- •. __ -·---------$2.000 to $2,999 •• -- ··-···---- __ -----------$3,000 to $3,999-- .• ---- •••••••••••••• -· ---- $4.000 to $4,999---------------------------$5,000 to $S.999 •••• __ •• -· •••••• __ -·-··- ___ _ $6,000 to $6,999 __________ •••.•••• __ -· -----$7,000 to $7,999 ..•••.•.•• ·--···-··--------$8,000 to $8.999 •. __ •••. ________ -- •••• -----$9,000 to $9.999 •• __ •• ____ •••• ________ -----$10,000 to $11,999 ____ • _____ ------ __ -· __ -·-$12.000 to $14,999---·-·-····--------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ •• __ .••.•• ____ •• __ ---- __ $25,000 to $49,999 •• -··----------------····· $50,000 or more __ ·- •• ____ •• __________ -·-· ••




Median income __ ... ______ ---- ____ ----------Mean in-come ... __ .... __ ............ __ •• ____________ _ Families with femole head ___________________ _ Meon income __________ ... ---- ________ ----- All families ond unreloted individual$ ______ ---- _ Median income ... ______ ---- ... __ -- -- .... ____ .. Mean income ... -- ... __ -- •• ____ -- -- -- -- ---- ..

All unrelated individuals---------------------Median income __ ... ____ ... ______ ............... --M-eon income ______________________ ------Female unrelated mdividuals ... ____________ ----Mton income __ .... ____ -- .... __ -- -- -- -- -- -- ..... Per capito income of persons ... ______ ... _______ _

51 64 86 109 102 189 228 191 41 14 $10 683 $12 132 58


$9 919 $10 423



-s -

14 10

II 32 19 30 76 96 370 377 122 $22 716 $27 794



$9 937 $10 S67

SS 62 92 165 127 161 370 422 3SO







$1 385


$9 183 $9 134 176 $1 8'11 $3 226 131 $2 8'13

184 $6 837 2 877 $8 026 $8 430 808 $2 S51 $2 958 306 $3 242

$1 005

I 381 $20 171 $24 456 214 $4 118 $6 250 118 $7 022

2 327 $12 145 $14 397 406 $4 852 $6 083 273 $4 446

2 420 $10 154 $10 338 406 $2 722 $3 876 251 $2 705

$3 329

$3 006

$7 434

$3 023

$4 409

$3 010

$3 135

$3 402

$3 3S3

$3 641

$2 8Sl

$2 948

1 197 1 100 $11 501 112 $1 766 47

806 $10 365 66

1 167 1 027 $21 087 311 $1S 105

2 069 I 912 $9 939 190 $5 188 29

1 921 I 686 $13 290 369 $9 S96 46

2 014 1 843 $11 IOI 264 $5 096 31

777 624 $9 81S 126 $8 284 21

696 604 $10 319 110 $6 765 12

1 511 1 250 $9 075 247 $6 S86

1 073 959 $10 833 98

I 954 1 778 $10 351 220 $10 459 17

1 075 963 $10 261 143 $6 729 4

131 $1 711 38

146 $1 780 41

377 $1 844 83

204 $1 739 42

368 $1 658 99

217 $1 410 60

259 $2 713

813 $2 613

520 $2 761

665 $1 684

364 $895


117 7.7 $1 487 80 181 26.9 $657 593 10.3 233 12.9

87 4.S

72 6.7

10 121 29.1 $638 207

23 170 34.1 $748 477

4 27 17.8




130 65.4

I 380 $9 794 $11 09S 183 $4 300 $4 313 131 $3 81



47 "'

$9 $9 $2 $4 $3

919 402 894 223 649 998 IS3 301

$4 2 $7 $8





I 227 $9 310 $10 211 152 $4 370 $6 193 71


TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES ------------···-··-···· With wageAHorlo•Rlu salary -income _________________ _ Mean wage or salary income ... _____________ _ With no.nfarm self-employment income .... -- ---- __


Mean nonform self-employment income _. ----With form self-employment income ____________ _ Mean form self-emp~oyment income __ -- .... __ -- . With Social Security income ________ ., _________ _ Mean Social Security income ________ ........... .. With public a55i5tance or public welfare income __ Mean public ossi5tonce or pubfic wetfore income With other income .... __ ------ __ -- .... -- -- .......... .. Mean other income ____ ---- ... __ .... __ ... _____ _


·-· 189





$1 455 37

163 $1 549 25

172 $1 476 5

485 $1 021

272 $938

$1 270





429 $1 205 98 " 708 $1 468



. ..

408 $1 8S9 10

317 $1 70S 57

1 059 $3 984

797 $1 213

316 $2 734

74 3.7

98 12.6








... . ..

. .. . ..

.. .

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' F1nihM1 ....................... -------------------··-Percenl of oll families-------------------~


Mean income defidt -----------------·---·Familie5 with female head·---------------·- U1n1et•i h11UwWueh ....... ____ ... ____ .... ___ .,. ... ·- -Percent of oil unrelated individuals---------

38 20.8

Mean income deficit----------------------· Percent of all persons ____ .... _____________ _ R-eloled children under 1B ye-ors,.._ -- ... -- -- ___ _Percent living wilh both parents ____ ,, _____ _

297 6.4 130 69.2

P1no1s ....... __ ---- __ ---------- _____________ _


lncludes allocated

23 - 57 6


not shown Hparately.


4.5 ... 12


51 6.3


1S 1.3



4 64 36.4

50 27.S



218 7.4 51



2.3 19


117 5.7 $1 314 46 91 18.S

78 19.2

541 7.0 236 47.9

287 3.8 115 25.2



.3.028.. ...

. ..

36 128 31.5 $930 421 S.I 174 42.5


38 30 19.0

. ..

367 12.4 164 21.3

5.3 ... 17 81 36.3


233 8.7 87


31 2.9


. ..


358 8.6 156 93.6

Exdudes inmates of 1nsfltut1ons and members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.


Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:

19 70- Continued

[Octa based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see te>
Towns and Places



town town

Gronby town

Barringt-0n Center CU)








2 042 458

2 016 366

1 345

3 021


228 59


72 103 172 138 21 116 76 307 358 102

104 245

2 173 4;3 100 87 169 156 7 177 87 334 320

1 809 338

50 94

l 926 432 92 102 186 167 9 131 100 198 310 75 100 251 212 39 62 21 10 33 270 159 38 58 22 677 154 62 67 23 55 165 91 111 24 136

829 189 70 59 II 94 252 69 149



T•tal employed, 16 years old a,,d over ____ _

Prcfess\onol, technical, and kindred workers-----Health workers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --·----Teochers, elementary and secondary schools---Monogers and administrators -- -- -- -- -- --------

Salaried ---- -- -- ---- -- ......... -- -- -- -- -------Self-employed in retail trade-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

sa~:1:1o~~:J! :::::: :::::: :::::::::::: :::::::

Clerical and kindred workers ____ ,. _____________ .. craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers--------

Mechanics and repairmen __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Construction craftsmen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Operatives, ex_cept transport ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Manufoctunng -- -- ---.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Nonmanufacturing industries __ -- __ -- __ ---- __ ... Transport equipment operatives ---------------Laborers,ond except ----------------------formers formfarm managers ____________ .. _____ _

Form laborers and farm foremen --------------Service workers• -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cleaning and food service w_orkers -- __ -- -- -- __ Ptotective service workers ____ ..... -- ____ -- ____ .. Personal ond-·health service workers .. .,. __ .... ____ ... Private household workers--------------------fe111:1le '"'ployed, 16 ytors old and over ___ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers -- __ --

Heolth workers -- __ -- ____ -- -- -- -- ______ •• __

Teachers., elementary and secondary schools __ -Monogers and administrators ______________ .,. __ _ Sale5 workers -- -- -- ---- ------ ---- -------- -- Clerical and kindred workers ____ -- -- ____ ---- __ .. Secretaries, stenographers, and typists -------Operatives, including transport ________________ _ Nondurable goods manufacturing __ •• ________ _

Service workers, except private household _______ _ Private household workers--------------------01fler occupations -- __ -- ______ -- __ -- -- ---- ___ _

88 173 168 5 168 128 248 300 86 95 277 233

44 90 46 15 10 228 158 28 42 29 721 165 53 46


67 169 51 111 14 119 29 41





I 252

2 524

162 23 51 115 103 7



3 021 2 450 329 223 232 10

1 926 1 446 299 208 173 8

2 173 1 674 362 241 131 6

1 809 1 102 507 157 167 33

1 !l52

2 524


2 055

166 111 102 27

324 260 145

844 13 34 49 16 43 36 52 I 14 52 59 116 145 108

I 825 18 76 72 52

I 360


36 20 20 34 24

875 9 10 23

1 580



22 $9 763 $11 068

1 253 34 23 36 20 17 44 41 62 85 137 177 242 286 37 12 $11 441 $12 800

181 199 137 503 373



74 12 144






2 016 l 531 338 146 138 9

1 345 l 080 199 148 56 10

l 343 25 30 21 33 54 44

244 159

II 61 20 588 114

52 24 18 64 150





89 5 100 84 207 160 57 57 184 146 38 32 76


122 B II


60 57 116 94 11 54 23 281 242 45 107 181 100 81 59 69 98 125 230 147 12 56 16 719 149 43 29 20 28 229 111 7l 14 163 10 49

156 456 393 63 108 149 15 23 427 233 28 153 49 I 232 211 85 41 46 117 377 121 146 28 248

304 243 61 67 47 37 25 209 111 19 79 8 698 152 58 61 27 51 235 70 92


46 69

295 268 27 144 66 8 7 180 92 16 62


25 112


123 272 248 9 190 BO

72 35 152


284 46

306 Bl

82 174

110 64

66 132 111 21

84 41

77 BO


4 26 250 ISO 12

10 134 90 11 28






I 633 366 63 70 135 101 8 128

2 633 342 46 105 224 178 24 205 113 460 532 149

37 216 280 48 68 215 179 36 84 32 9




498 117 60 32 18

204 66 71 32 76 320 100 58 12 155 78 33

33 71 4 20

20 82 174 113

5 80 34 198 256 58 127


53 II 42 10 121 17



385 69 23 40 9 11 122 35 79

I 244 158

369 308 61 78 105


5 309 159 31 103 4

163 94 18 51


Horwich Center (U)


94 12 25 46 468 69 14 51 52

980 113

25 58 33 86

18 163 83 67

22 158 75 18


156 t85




184 4 40

97 46

2 633 2 097 358 250 178

, 244 825 162 146 252 5

1 120 6 13 25 27 52 36 52 42 78 89 225 230 201 44

1 618 45

1 061 31 45 58 43 83 73

$11 244 $12 023

$11 224 $11 629


5 19



Total employed, 16 years old and over ____ _

Private wage and salary workers -- -- ______ ---- _ Government workers ______________ ---- ------ _ local government workers ____________ ---- __ _ Self-employed workers -- -- -- •• ________ -------Unpaid family workers -- __ ---- ________ --------

2 042 I 588 319

177 122 13


1 633 l 403

12B 82 102



INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Leu thon $1,000 to $2,000 to $3,000 to $4,000 to $5,000 to to $6,000

All f•mffi.11 -------------------------$1,000 __ -- __________________ ---- __ _ $1,999 ____________________________ _

$2,999 •• -- -- -- -- __________________ _ $3,999 __ -- ______ -- -- __ -- •• ________ _ $4,999 __ -- •••••• -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- $5,999 •• --------------------------$6,999 __________ •• ________________ _ $7,000 to $7,999 __ •••• ________________ ---- __ _ $8,000 to $8,999 __ •••• ____ -- •• -- -- •• -- ------$9,000 to $9,999 ____________________________ _ $10,000 to $11,999 ________ -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- $12,000 to $14,999 ••••. ---------------------$15,000 to $24,999--------------------------$25,000 to $49,999 __________________________ _ $50.000 or more __ •••• __ •• -- ______ •• ------ __ _

1 314 13 5 29

44 27 52 32 88 101 80 207 275 337 24


53 94 153 121 194 250 224




75 116 90 173 145 122 247 303 280 34

15 50


17 38 55 79 117 91 239 288 322 36

$11 715

Median income -- __________ ---- ______ -------Mean income ______ ---- __ ------ ______ --------

$11 $12 039

Families with female head--------------------Mean income __ ------------ ________ ------ -All families and unrelated individuals __ -------- __ Median income---------------------------Mean i,,come . ___ ---- ______ -- __ -- -- -- ---- -All unrelated individuals----------------------· Median income---------------------------Mean income .. ___ ---- ______ -- __ -- -- ------ -Female unrelated individuals ____________ -- -- -- -Mean incorne __________________ .. ___ -- __ -- -Per co pita income of persons ... ________________ -


I 618 $9 539 $10 135 275 $1 986 $4 163 74


1 186 $7 522 $8 211 342 $3 093 $3 617 256 $3 369

159 483 652 476 512 827 $2 128 $2 873 568 $3 009


I 480 $11 046 $11 109 166 $2 743 $3 746 104 $2 905

l 598 $9 913 $11 301 345 $3 196 $5 860 245 $4 830

1 $11 052 $11 251 198 $3 45~ ~ 940 146 $3 850

$3 134

$3 002

$3 028

$3 035

$3 526

1 314 I 216 $11 381 177 $5 555 16

1 343 I 227 $10 595 I 18 $9 280 41

844 733 $9 144 85

1 82S 1 587 $9 355 228 $9 134 30

1 253 1 153 $10 752 154 $9 333

193 $1 776 52

212 $1 500 26

212 $1 703 51


485 $1 170

371 $1 948

408 $1 591 1ll $1 103 794 $2 944

89 6.6




$!0 448 $11 357 63

$9 220 $10 072 97

$7 2 $7 $8

$12 169

38 44 45

77 40 142

202 206 38 5 $11 514 $12 097

11 27 17 31 56 59 76 56

17 28 14 29 122 84 103 179 135

96 26


$9 985 $10 516



1 337 $9 809 366 $2 561

995 $9 431 $9 717 120 $3 545


$3 893

98 11 I 184 241 477 96 40 $12 797 $15 018


5 32 17 26 52 78 90 91 192 353 362 297 48


47 102 61 80 173 117 83 49 16 $8 795 $10 308

121 $5 183


130 940 927 157 192 347 $3 360 $4 877 217 $3 806


148 478 942 571 647 254 $2 896 $4 125 137 $3 646

$3 228

$3 4Bl

$2 787

$3 991

$3 136

$2 906

$3 317

1 360 1 250 $11 566 176 $5 333 9

91! 880 $10 206 152 $7 376 96

875 778 $10 054 123 $5 468

1 580 1 438 $12 867 201 $10 496 6

1 120 1 039 $11 323 146 $4 996 9

I 688 1 566 $11 038 216 $4 961 9

l 061 708 $8 544 239 $7 592 8

225 $1 617 51

246 $1 384 56

185 $1 481 36

106 $2 001 36

282 $1 937

160 $1 531 39

304 $1 546 53

437 $1 721 24



$4 043

$1 215

505 $2 354

315 $1 452

802 $3 175

459 $1 4o2

623 $1 232

504 $4 489

97 7.7

28 2.1


44 2.6

47 4.2

65 3.9


15 56 28.3

15 111 32.0 $1 014 227

18 40 26.0


248 5.5 114 77.2

324 4.6 158 25.3

126 11.9 $1 028 25 109 25.l $880 501 13.1 165 84.8



$B 982



$8 I $11 $13

64 1 274 $10 627 $1 l 163 154 $4 645 $4 910 92

$7 1 $10 $10

$10 1 $7 $8

108 086 496 056


435 $3 690 $4 188 355 $4 006

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES AH lontlllts ------ __ ---- __ ---- --------

With wage or salary income ,.._ ---- ____ --------!'Aeon woge or salary income ________________ _ nonfotm self·employment income ... --------_ ,Mean non form self-employment income _______ _ With form self-employment income __________ .... __ .Mean !arm self·emplayment income __ --------With Social Security income-------------------.Mton Social Security income----------------Wllh public osslstonce or public welfare income __ _ !iitan public assistance or public welfare income ..



INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' Ft111fflet ____________________________________ _ M Pere.en I of all fo~ilies ____________________ _ F eon income deficit ______ ---- _____________ _

Ui~l~~~~"ri~l~uf: ~ale head ____________ .... -----



$1 080 52



48 28.9

12 95 40.9

Related children under 18 years ______ --------_ Percent living with both parents ------------

270 5.2 128 21.9

440 8.1 150 78.7

Po~o~o'n-~n~~:~~~!~c~t_::::::::::::::=::::::::: ercent of all persons ______________ .. _____ _ 11ncludes allocated cases not shown separately.





Percent of all u~~;iof~d-i~di;id~~is-----------




. ..

.. .

24 120 35.l $939 415 12.9 99



163 8.9 $1 133 43 312 40.8 $1 069 165

12.0 224 71.9

...11 ...


142 41.2 $1 041 44$

8.8 139 53.2


122 2.2 19






. ..

17 114 33.2 $896 371 10.0 108 63.0




...4.312 25 20.8


180 5.2 85



3.6 36




35 74

.. .

.. .

. ..

:excludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed Forces living In barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under l.4 years.



Tobie 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: [Data based on sample set text

Towns and Places





l 921 268 36 105 216 155 5 125 55 269 461 86 242 85 11 74 23 151 17

1 159 219

For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Hopedole Center (U)

Hopedale town

Hopkin1on town

1 147 245 55 45 104 79 7 39 39 202 184 18 32 196 lal 15 37 40

1 638 303 61 51 161 132 11 71 62 230 280 34 66 295 276 19 52 63 4 165 90 23

2 408 410 71 61 184 150 11 175 61 37a 429 104 1oa 296 235 61 88 66 15 74 269 160 24





621 89 51

Ipswich Hull town

Hyannis (U)

Center (U)

3 522

2 674 345 64 113 279 218 10 18a 101 377


Tot•I ••,LtyH, 16 yHn old and H•r ____ _

Professional. technicolf and k~ndred workers .,._ -- -Heclth workers ________ .. ___ .,_ .... ____ .............. ..

Teachers, element.cry and secondory schools ...... _ Managers. and administrators .... ________ ---- ...... .. Salaried -- •• ---------------------- -------Self-employed Jn retail trode •• -----·--·--·----

Sales. worker1 __ .......................................................... .. Retail trade ........................ ,.. ....... -- .......................... ..

ci.ricol and kindred workers -- -~ .... -- ...................... .. Craftsmen, foremen. and kindrtd workers-------Mechanics ond repairmen .. ____ ,. _____________ _ Construction craftsmen ......................................... ..

Operatives, except transport ...................................... ..

Manufacturing ________ -- ____________ ---- __ _

Honmonufacturing industries __ --------------Transport equipment operotlves ____ ---- -------laborers, eJ

,, .... ••pktytlll, 16 .,.••" •kl •Ml ,.,., _- -



46 a3



698 109 20 68 57 31 211 106 31


Tot•I .,.,i.yellll, 16


okl H4 ov.r ___ _


Private wage ond salary workers .... __ .... ____ ........ Government workers-----------------------local government workers ........ ____ .... __ ---- __ Self-employed workers----------------------Unpaid family workers-----------------------

66 95 68 27 71 42 133 229 39 94 119 101 18 14 50 22 15 181 109 10 53 11

223 154

Professional. technical. ond kindred workers ......... Health workers---·------------------·--- .. Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ..... Managers and odmtnistrators __ .... __ ---- ------- Soles workers-------------- .. --------------Clerical and kindred workers---·--------,,----Secre-tories, stenographers, and typistS- ............ .. Operatives, including transport ______ .................. .. Nondurable 9oods manufocturing __ ...... _____ _ Service workers, except private household ........... .. Private hovsehold workers .... _________________ _ Other occupolions ____ .... -- ____ -- .... ---- -------




44 23 21 8

2 196 420 32 148 193 17a


la9 ao 304




l 152 lal 36

1 036 155 52 73 45 90 313 76 85

913 167 60 81 15 44 218 94


189 69 149

152 146 54 49 23 78 317 120 99



91 14 30

134 24 31

36 223 12 20

2 408 l 952 274 154 la2

1 147 967 121 64 49 10

1 638 l 380 160

786 21 19 13 14 21 8 62 51 62 74 l4a 149 135

751 4 11 21 25

1 050 7 24 25 28 15 36 64 65 73

45 18 18 23 165 54 86 50 51 8 19

1 485 286 16 121 143 128

623 356 35 149

1 159 730 31a 114 102 9



536 237 126 136 23




1 921 l 307 267 J9a 342



Kingston Center (U)

2 144 387 85 92 148 137 6 162 96 289 241 69 79 396 313 a3 70 84 11 12 299 191 26 53

449 95 33 46 16 37 123 62 40 30 114 11 13

150 83 26


24 24 42

HJ.4 68 10

566 74 114 3a2 316 35 302 193 601 630 124 263 245 152 93 125 92 15

453 a2 230 155 35 120 a7 111



69 68 128 425 175


3 522 2 428 699

3a5 377 18





59 181 270 82 46 140 106 34 71 53

405 119

75 225 155 70 112 a3




6 226 133 22 60 28

180 104 18

47 93 11




1 634 230 64

46 134 lOa 9 77 45 219 277 53 79 251 192 59 60 51 16 21 293 107 43 125 5

781 144 22 78 43 70 225 78 83 29 144 28 44


l 634 l 200

117 54 41 10 35 162

306 42 -



43 47 126 3a 70 24 lla 28 39

2 674 2 la4 316 234 174

2 144 l 738 236 154 170

1 485 1 091 274 laa 115

2 196 l 659 359 239 173




983 3a 21

1 467 45 21 55 63

1 085


49 145 33


53 125 71 149

5 13

2a1 117 147

Lancaster town

2 644 407 76 84 242 185 32 59 25 495 390 74 62 470 371

99 30 73 10 4 446 219 23 148 18 l 134 157 42 54 11 29 404 193 204 126 252 18 59 2 644 2 216 310 152 118


INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS ~II fo•Ule1 --·------------·---·····~·" than $1 ,000 •• __ ---- ---- __ •••••••••• ___ _ $1,000 to $1 ,999 •. __ ............ -- •• __ .... -$2,000 to $2,999 ________________ •••• __ •••••• $3,000 to $3,999 ••.• ------ ________ •• _______ _ $4,000 to $4,999 •. __ ---· ------ __ •• ______ •.•. $5,000 to $5,999 •. __ •• __ ---· •••••• ______ •• __ $6,000 to $6,999-.......................... . $7,000 to $7,999 •• __ •••• ---- •••••••• __ •• ·--$8,000 to $8,999 ••.••••. -- ______ •••••.•••. __ $9,000 to $9,999 •• ____ •••••••••••••••••• -- -$10,000 to $11,999 •••.•.•••••••••••••••••••• $12,000 to $14,999 •••.•.•••••••••••.•••••••• $15,000 to $24,999-------------------------$25,000 to $49,999 ____ •••••••• ______ •• ---- __ $50,000 or more •••••••••••••••••.••••••••••

-----. Median income----------------------------Mean income .... ---- __ ------ __ -- .... ---- -- ----families with female .head-------------------Mean income---- ____ .... ---- ________ ------Ali families and unrelated individuals ----------Mtdion in-come--------------------------Mtan income __ .. - ..... - .... __ .... __ .... ____ .... ----- All unrelated individuals ..... ---- ______ ------ .. Med~on in.come----------·---------------Mean income ____ ---- ........... ____ ----------Female unrelated indivjduols ____________ ., .. ____ _ Mean income-------- ________________ -----


Per capita income of persons_ ___ .... __ ---- .......... .. .

l 666 42 45 79 79 105 117 I 13 181 11a 163 195 216 127 64 22 $8 610 $10 185 158 077 247 352 627 581 $3 736 $4 159 $9 2 $7 $a


30 44 45 42 52 158 153 122

72 225 210 163




4 $10 649 $10 864 72

3 $11 222 $12 204

3 $11 031 $11 606



939 018 167 153 432 467 105 63a

972 646 060 221 064 774 161 612

l 297 $10 03a $10 144 247 $2 192 $3 083 179 $3 122

l 819 $10 321 $11 471 301 $2 530 $3 a95 198 $4 552

$3 174

$3 044

751 665 $11 172 73

$10 $10



$3 $3 307

1 666 l 170 $8 506 332 $6 800 12

786 715 $9 861 107 $6 a59 44

$9 $10 $2 $2 $2

2 279

40 50 87 79 119 aa 117 183 138 116 362 340 436 101 23 $10 677 $11 979


276 567

1 756 32 82 9a 113 129 97 143 100 129 91 208 206 302 21 5 $8 651 $10 016

$4 649 $5 650 254 $4 000

305 177 719 43a 003 963 $3 375 $4 331 579 $3 528

$3 472

$3 120

1 050 936 $10 878 112 $9 113

1 518 l 422 $11 766 17a $10 573 15

226 $1 647 42

258 $1 341 37 524 $1 351

$1 683

$3 279

$3 a13


l 518 20 13 17 17 54 52 57 115 125 122 231 271 350 58 16 $11 446 $12 973

$7 2 $9 $10


$5 2 $6 $a

1 321 3a 10 36 56

a1 57 62 114 67 113 157 186 275

56 7 $10 261 $11 698 $7 l $a $9

la4 Ola 793 172

55 49 3a 32 a6 57 59 87 114 155 155 33 4 $9 649 $10 723 $4 l $7 $9

127 542 264 885 131 2a1

59 56 116 69 105 132 219 230 231 42

4 $9 943 $10 a10 $4 l $9 $9

147 533 801 016 613 334



45 27 26 17 28 120 91 ao 199 193 197 2a 15 $10 a99 $12 114 aa

1 404 19 9 46 52 64

77 86 74 108 59 210 288 256 47

9 $11 029 $11 648 141 238 191 932 268 787 $1 393 $2 238 502 $2 097 $6 2 $6 $8

472 $2 724 $3 479 317 $3 137

$2 796 $3 563 184 $3 666

$2 975 $4 355 222 $4 428

I 414 $9 266 $9 a90 329 $1 630 $2 552 224 $2 729

$3 la8

$3 364

$2 97a

$2 926

$3 172

$2 984

2 279 2 002 $10 376 375 $8 439 29

l 756 l 519 $9 069 197 $7 966

1 321 l 178 $10 702 149 $10 159 5

983 853 $9 730 127 $7 567 9

l 467 I 310 $9 9ao 192 $6 024 14

l 085 992 $10 587 153 $9 517 11

1 404 1 265 $10 801 158 $7 186 24

517 $1 560 142 $1 933 863 $2 229

45a $1 673 125 $1 355 547 $2 390

325 $1 617 43

229 $1 701

279 $1 676


204 $1 461 20

244 $1 411 46

510 $1 476

428 $1 939

568 $1 833

466 $1 471

552 $1 972

186 8.2 $1 455 67 121 21.l $1 Oa7 823 8.3 377 56.0

191 10.9 $1 387 104 300 31.2 $800 928 13.8 313 15.0

397 669 595


TYPE Of INCOME IN 1969 Of FAMILIES AN lo•Rlt• ------·--···-···-------·With wage or salory income ................. - ............... ... Mean wage or salary income ........................... .. With nonform self-employment income __ .............. .. " Mean nonform ult-employment incom-e ------With farm self-employment income ____________ _ Mean form self·employment income---------- . Wit:h Social StcurJty income .......... - .. -----------Meon Social Security income .... -------------With public os,$istance or public welfare focome ·Mean public ossistonce or public wtlfare incorne With other income __ ---- ______ .... -----------·_ Mean other income .. ----·------------------ -



... 684

... 155

... --


$1 840 24

$1 431 14

195 $1 900 22

811 $4 243

264 $1 373

352 $1 930

392 $1 890

31 4.1

47 4.5












.. . ...


. ..


INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' F•INts ---- ------ -- -- -- ---- ......... ------- .. -- -- Percent of all families------ ________ ---- ....

u.......,.111111,.tWw••1, __ ........ __________ ........ ------ .Mean income deficit-----..--------·--------Fomiliu with female heod ., ____________ ,. ___ _

Percent of oil unre-lcted individuals--------- . Mean income deficit---·---------- .. --------. Pemas ____ .......................... -·-------- ---------Percent of all persons .... __________ .............. ..

-Related children under 16 yeors •••••••••••••• Percent Jiving with both parents ___ ,, ______ _. qncludes ollocoted eases not shown separately.

23 - 578


137 8.2 $1 108 29 162 27.9 $642 576 9.8 165 84.8


...6.14 55 35.9


249 a.a a6




108 48.9 $753 232 7.8 61

116 47.0 $737 272



6.5 66


51 3.4 ... 14 114 37.9 $787 304 5.1 105 53.3

81 6.1


33 164 34.7 $998 413 8.3 9a


93 9.5 ... 64



69 24.6

$2 047 71 69 20.7

467 12.2 235 20.4

549 9.3 287 34.8



41 3.a

79 5.6



175 53.2 $1 366 303 7.2 51

166 42.7 $1 083 489 9.1 161 35.4


. ..


:excludH inmates of 1nst1tut1ons and members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.


Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:

1970- Continued

[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ood meaning of symbols, see text)

Towns and Places

Lonesborough town

Lee Center


lee town

Center (U)

1 129 260 5 45 118 98 10 69 50 134 149 27 54 168 150 18 35 37 21 11 120 74 10 32 7 364 70

1 305 235 36 68 120 106 6 83 57 206 145 31 41 195 164 31 51 37

2 432 442 69 96 230 216 6 154 113 380 296 52

1 181 223 26 60 170 114 29 40 17 222 160 36 33 173 144 29 38 19


Total employtcl, 16 years old a1ul over-----

Professional, technical, and kindred workers -- -- --

Health workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Managers and administrators -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -SalSelf-employed aried ---------------------------------in retail trade-----------------Soles workers------------------------------~etoil


Clerical and kindred workers -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Craftsmen, foremen, a.nd kindred workers _______ _ Mechanics and repairmen __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Construction craftsmen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Operatives, ex_cept transport -- -- -- __ -- -- ____ -- _ Monufocturmg -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ Nonmonufocturing industries -- -- ____________ _ Transport equipment operatives -- -- -- -- ---- ___ _ loborers 1 except farm -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Formers and farm managers -- ---- __ -- --------Farm labaren and farm foremen--------------Service workers 1 -- -- -- -- - - -- • - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - Cleaning and food seryice workers-----------Protective service workers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ _ Personc.1 oo.d healt~ s~rvice worker_s __________ _ Private household workers -- -- -- -- ______ ---- __ _ flMole ••ployed, 16 yean old and over ___ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers -- -- -Health workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schoolL--Monogers and administrators -- -- ____ -------- __ Soles workers------------------------------Clerico\ and kindred workers __ -- -- ____________ _ Secretaries, stenographers, and typists-------Operatives, including transport -- -- ____________ Nondurable goods manufacturing ____________ Service workers, except private household _______ _ Private household workers __ -- -- -- ___________ _ Other occupations ___________________________ _

CLASS OF WORKER Tot1l 111ployed, 16 ytart old and over----Private wage and salary workers------------ __


Government workers __ -- -- -- -- -- ___________ _ Local government workers -- -- -- ___________ _Self-employed workers ________ ---- ---- ------ __ Unpaid family workers ____ ---- ____ ------------

BO 349 299

50 94 88 3 26 335 274 3 43 35



40 121 51 40 25 70 7 16

25 180 41 40 17 100 31 17

129 924 149 73 56

1 305 1 080 126 112 86 13

2 432 2 035 260 198 120 17

1 111 958 145

825 4 11 21 21


925 190 43 69 12 49 311 102


71 41 230 35 27

Leicester town Lenox town

3 644 527

77 172 279 218 34 133 71 720 610 114 171 614 505 109 180 130 20 25 386 209 31 120 20


22 180 130 3 32 31 501 108 14 46




127 61 5 51 9 447 88 26 31 14 15 168 89 64 16 80 9 9

1 302 242 74 103 33 59 469 170 212 75 219 20




2 215 631 73 184 322 302 6 118 72 356 191 32 76 206 164 42 34 58

2 159 863 70 104 339 311 6 154 71 346 129 24 43 98 87 11 11 42 4

242 167

142 71 20 41 31


55 57

801 207 60 102 46

44 290 141 28 5 129 52 5

Littleton Common (U)

1 018 262 25 79 100 83 6 46 7 162 153 46 15 127 103 24 20 13





2 407 674

3 013 517 81 165 244 208



4 131 68 8 42


149 268 223 21 131 48 417 312 82 57 239 200 39 51 44 18 22 225 129 13 61 6

731 263 39 75 33 56 282 78 4

351 88 25 57 10 21 118 35 47

221 72 107 20 53 303 115 95

58 31 11


2 159 1 490 428 217 229 12

1 018 721 242 139 55

1 721 9







109 6 11

9 218 115 475 421 88 87 557 462 95 88 109 15 4 336 240 26 51 29 1 077 212 66 91 28 104 331 97 163 91 150 29 60

Manchester town

l 970 570 104 150 270 240 5 173 62

277 168 52 49 98 66 32 33 110


15 209 103 43 58 47 690 204 69 98 10 64 212 136 19


123 47 11

Mansfield Center (U)

1 910 289 32 91 128 115 9 102 69 384 321 80 64 355 259 96 54 73 4


195 113 26 26 5

786 120 11 70 12 49 278 103 161 39 116 5 45




3 644 3 044 418 298 162 20

2 215 1 847 267 157 101

1 574 16 28 29 32 59 90 118 106 86 108 264 300 276 57 5 $10 871 $11 591

715 11 5 10 30 6 33 37 35 52 71 110 182 116 12 5 $11 227 $11 805

2 208 33 23 58 62 43 109 145 128 204 233 322 453 341 49 5 $10 410 $11 180

1 344 26 8 27 78

$10 428 $11 884

88 125 176 523 346 115 $17 361 $22 601

196 024 932 684 184 358 $3 183 $3 997 229 $3 607


1 124 $8 111 $8 386 409 $1 637 $2 407 141 $2 909

191 034 858 086 409 650 $2 148 $3 391 273 $3 040

104 $6 390 1 862 $8 923 $10 084 518 $3 297 $5 414 296 $4 136

2 222 $13 733 $18 858 501 $3 395 $6 002 129 $5 150

117 78



2 407 1 788 469 302 145


3 013 2 246 492 325 265 10

1 970 1 456 335 251 170 9

1 910 1 574 262 163 74

1 891 34 31 15 15 94 71 112 127 125 142 308 374 373 59

1 205 8 14 42

$11 166 $11 987

1 272 15 15 30 19 41 32 49 63 89 85 161 164 269 200 40 $12 677 $16 625

118 694 200 316 006 309 $3 750 $4 997 158 $4 320

l 618 $10 928 $14 388 346 $4 850 $6 163 214 $4 092

133 $7 697 1 515 $9 230 $9 677 310 $2 741 $3 782 249 $3 049



than to to to to to lo or

AH fo•llles -------------------------_ less $1,000 ___________________________ $1,000 to $1,999 ___________________________ _ $2,000 $2,999 ____ ---- __ •.•. _____________ _ $3,000 to $3,999 -- _________________________ _ $4,000 $4,999 ___________________________ _ $5,000 to $5, 999 ____ •. _____________________ _ $6,000 $6,999 -- ____ •. ______________ ---- __ $7,000 to $7, 999 •• __ •. ______ •. _____________ _ $8,000 $8,999 ___________________________ _ $9,000 to $9 ,999 ___________________________ _ $10,000 $11.999 _________________________ _ $12,000 to $14.999 _________________________ _$15,000 $24,999 ____________ .• ______ ---- -$25,000 to $49,999 _________________________ _$50,000 more ____________ •• _____________ _

774 22 13 25 10 8 39 27 31 48 58 159 160 143 31

Median income ____________________ ---------Mean income ____ ------ __________ -----------Families with female head-------------------- Mean income ____________ ---- ______ ------All families and unrelated individuals __ --------Median income--------------------------Mean income ______ -------- ______ ---------AU unrelated individuals _____________________ _ Median income---------------------------Meon income ____ ---- ________________ ----Female unrelated individuals __________________ _ Mean income ______ ---------- ____ --------Per capita income of persons __________________ _

$11 333 $11 730







38 80 27 45 65 146 155 120 37 5 $10 692 $11 641

65 66 50 96 130 89 173 152 309 75



11 8 27 43 94 79



13 6 10 29 62 18 33 31 27 130 152 140 18 7 $11 677 $12 422



1 568 12 13 22

40 55 71 28 62 55 98 298 370 339 98 7 $12 243 $13 170




71 64 25 100 81 92 199 202 223 22 12 $10 558 $11 194


102 842 030 581 257 205 $3 515 $4 691 131 $3 753


110 029 835 370 864 267 $3 217 $4 197 156 $3 105

$3 306

$3 162

$3 080

$3 032

$2 963

$3 440

$5 569

$3 194

$3 407

$3 279

$4 545

$3 102

774 711 $11 073 82

825 742 $10 390 101 $8 395 11

1 574 1 456 $10 538 161 $7 285 17

715 645 $11 375 82

2 201 2 026 $10 769 201 $5 764 24

1 344 1 196 $11 384 97

1 721 1 538 $17 000 331 $15 205 42

676 638 $11 551 90

1 561 1 472 $12 014 202 $6 453 23

1 891 l 654 $11 487 277 $6 478 25

1 272 1 110 $13 927 217 $11 887 6

1 205 1 065 $10 710 96

$1 698 24

$1 774 57

204 $1 480 36

213 $1 916 55

$1 622

766 $1 629

623 $4 447

469 $1 583


942 $10 427 $1 o 427 168 $4 000 $4 419 86

$6 1 $9 $10

$7 1 $9 $10


$7 2 $9 $9

. ..

$10 $10 $2 $4

819 700 953 143 786 007 93

$8 1 $11 $11

$5 2 $10 $11

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES All fo•Ules --------------------------

With wage or salary income------------------ .Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ W1th nan form self-employment income _________ _Mean nonform self.employment income-------With farm self-employment income ________ -----W~e~n ~arm self:em.ployment income---------- oc1ol Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Secul'ity income ____ ------ .. ____ _ With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income -


Wi~e~~h~~~-~~i~~-;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::: INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' fooAlts ___________________________________ _

Percent of all families ___________________ _Mean income deficit------------------~---Ui~l:t~~~n~~~.f=1~ale head ------------------Percent of all u~-r;~f;d-i~di;id~~is-:::::::::_

,.~:r~"~~:~_d:!i~'.t_:::::::::::::::::::::::· ercent of all persons ___________________ _-


ReIoted children under 18 years ________ ---- __ Percent living with both parents __ ---- ------

!Includes allocated cases not shown separately.


... 122


... 333

$1 618 42

215 $1 924 35

$1 726 65

326 $1 599

$1 110

$1 416


49 6.3 "'

... 364

... 609

93 5.9

43 5.2



... -


191 $1 558 25

316 $1 221

774 $1 066

604 $1 792

1 169 $6 319

. ..

16 2.2


52 97 27.1

5 95 49.0

187 6.4 61

214 6.4 104 47.1

469 7.4 212 46.2

174 5.9 54




253 $1 868 53

21 40 19.5



366 $1 680 85


19 36 21.4







...3.923 150 34.5 $708 455 5.1 133 64.7


71 5.8


17 107 25.4 $1 023 410 7.8 145 48.3


26 1.5





...3 300 $1 396 25 3.7


. 220 "

... 738 49 3.1


.. . 291 ...

79 4.2


. ..

51 4.0


5 70 25.7

6 66 46.2

20 90 33.7

27 82 26.5

11 42 12.1

176 2.4 46

168 6.1 52

261 4.1 88

344 4.6 133 47.4

173 3.4 39





... . ..


.. .


. ..


. ..

51 4.8


19 127 41.0 $942 321 6.9 102 48.0

1excludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



23- 579

Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: (Data baHd on sample see text


Towns and Places

1970- Continued

For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meoning of symbols, see text]

Man•field town

Morion town


3 926 610 91 163 269 231

I 207 217 13 66 199 180 14 43

116 149 23 60 112 100 12 85 48 126 108 16 47


Maftopoisett town

Maynord town

Medfield town

Medway Center (U)

Medway town

Mendon town

Merino Village (U)

Merrimac town

1 736 414

4 081 627 89 55 255 209

3 280 852 130 158

l 422 228



627 9 273 91 550 265


2 827 509 122 66 281 252

986 106 20 38 82 68 6 75 46 126 207 37 67 168 123 45 14 36 27 5 136 80 8

I 640 184 15 62 95 80 15 56

1 568 191 23 30 115 102


36 212 297 49 67 422 330 92 73 60



Tcital ••pltyff, 16 'fHH tld and over ____ .. Profe-nionol, technical, and kindred workers _____ _ Heol1h worktrs ____ -- -------- -- ------------

Teachers, elementary and s.econdory schools ___ _ Monogen and odministraton ------------------

Soloried .. ------------ -------- -----------Self-employed in _,.retail trad•-------------·--Soles workers,. .... ___________ ,. ____ ,. _______ _ Retail trode ____ .... ---- ______ -- -- __ ............ __ .

Clerical and kindred workers _____ ------- ........ __ Craftsmen, foremen. and kindred workers .... __ ... .. Mechanics and repoirmen. _____ ........................ .. Con'Struction craftsmen -------------------- .

Manufacturing ____ ------------ -- -- ... -- -- -- industries __ -- - .. _,, -- -- ___ ,. Transport equipment ope-ratives -- .... -----.. -- .... laborers, except form __ ---- ........ -- .... _.... _____ _ farm en ond form managers ..... ____ ,._ .................. . Form laborers and form foremen-------------Service workers• .... __ ---- .... __ .... __ .... _________ _Cleaning and food Hf"vtce workers-----------

Operatives. except transport ............ ____ .............. .. Nonmanufoctur~ng

,rotedive service w.9r'ken .. _____ ........ -------__.Personal and health service workers __ .... ----·Private household workers ...................................... _ Ft1..alt ••plo~•, 16 yeora ol.t Hll 4'Yer .... _ P-roft5sionol, technical. and kindred workers ____ _ Health workers ------ ............ -- .... ---- ------Te-ochers, elementary and secondary schools .... .. Managers and administrators .... __ .... -- ........ - ...... .. Soles workers .... ____ .... __ ........................ ·--- .. _... Clerical and kindred wotkets -----------------Secretaries, 5.ttnogrophers. and typists------Operatives, including transport---------------· Nondurable goods monufocturing ______ ---- __ Service workers. except private hollsehold ______ _ Privat' household workers __ ... _- ... -- ---- ----·Other occupations ______ . _______ ._ ... __ ---- __ _





Total 111mploytcl, 16 yun: old 01ul over ___ _ Private wage end salary w.orkers __ .. _____ -----Government workers ---- ________________ .... __ . local government workers __ .... ________ -----S.elf·employed workers----------------------Unpoid family workers __________ • ___ .... ______ _


9 254 156 739 668 156 167 722 590 132

88 118 10



179 212 21 80 71 39 32 42 51


428 220 82 96 20

127 57 10

1 524 242 64 109 35 88 531 207 329

449 68 8 49 22 16 157 52 21

40 66

45 119 257 232 6 152 182 246 27 98 158 120 38 46 73

54 23 31 37 15 7



181 113 21 47 22

123 50 35 23



63 14 39 7

24 91 26 9



232 158 455 477 135 88 396 260 136 80 51 13 15 307 155 32 114 11

242 71 29 260 160 100 48 43

9 6 154 105 12 31 11 534 110 56 38 5 58 147 49


682 72 15 24 22 13 152 38 233 179 132

614 86 23 30 23 29 142 41 229 51 80



295 101 200 124 188 9 21

l 640 1 420 136 97 79 5

1 568 1 238 213 123 117

2 375 1 691 567 288 108

990 6 24 40 38

1 084 14 10 29 52

1 476 32 26



51 53 63 106 78 167 178 110 12

73 67 83 102 73 162 193 125 42

60 82 92 142 108 100 183 303 179

l 422 I 080 256 127 69 17

2 827 2 231 433 198 146 17

986 804 92

2 504 19 23 62 52 73 93 154 157 257 214 445 459

2 160 12 10

874 5 17 15 21

1 826 9 28 25 41 32 46 63 120

598 3 16


816 566 159 117 86



1 736 l 341 259 221 125 11

863 34 12 14 10 41 25 68 67 54 25 140 120 189 59 5 $11 164 $13 300

537 4

I 201 26

6 12 21 17 24 16 18 40 76 118 149 31 5 $12 877 $13 599

43 84 91 41 83 73 63 176 224 200 61 6 $10 756 $11 647




363 40 11 15 24 29 94 32 75 34 89 4 8

3 280 2 545 597 307 130 8

1 207 902 202 155

64 44 177



SS 371 388 69 97 «5 324 121 89 131 5 10 361 191 47 112 9

I 016 161 89 43 40 96 329 133 134 67 213 11 32

4 081 3 521 371 219 184 5

3 926 3 178 531 330 217

47 127 22


4 74




37 59

69 183 160 12 69




90 66 9

52 397 158

232 280 55 43 468 431

2 375 314 59

8 116 58 20 33

4() 97 11 22



77 110 36


147 102 210

1 002 241 83 99 10



44 95 220 155 65 51 43 5 21 282 137 15 116


l 448 117 73 23 41 51 481 241 466 96 226 36 30

608 172 36 68 16 51 156 61

226 20 53


40 177 125 741 631 178 152 853 711 142 118 195 5 10 433 241



Middlebor. ough Center (U)

47 85 5

191 121 15



947 145 47 64 43





INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All laalll.................. __ •• ----less than $1,000 ••••• ----·-·------------·-·· $1,000 to $1,999 •••.•••••.•••••.•. __ •• -----$2,000 to $2,999 •. __ .•••.••. -- •.•. -- ------ -$3,000 to $3,999----------------·····------$4,000 to $4,999 •. __ ---- •.•.•••.•••• -------$5,000 to $5,999 •.•••••••••••••••••• ____ •• __ . $6,000 to $6,999 ____ ··-- •••••.•• ____ --·- ___ _ $7,000 to $7.999 •• __ •••• __ •••••.•.•. ______ .• $8,000 to $8,999 ____ ---- •• __ ••••..•. __ -----$9,000 to $9,999 ______ •• __ •• ---- •••• -------$10,000 to $11,999 __ •. ____ •• __ •..••• __ -----$12,000 to $14,999 •• __ •• __ •••••••••. -------$15,000 to $24,999 __ •••• __ •••••••••••• ---- __ $25,000 to $49,999.--------··--·------------ . $50,000 or more •• ______ •••••• -- •••• -- ------




Median income----------------------------Mean income .... ______ .... __ ... ______ ................. __ ..


f.omilieswith female head-------------- .. ----Mean income ____ ---- ____ ....... __ ... ------ --All families and unrel.ated indi\1iduals ----------Median incomt ................................................. _ Mean iflcome ........................ -- .................... ----All unrelated individuols ......................... ~-------Medion income--------------------------Mean income __ -------- .............. - ........ ------Female unrelated individuals ............... -- -- .............. .. Mean income __ ---- __ ........... ____ -- ................. .. Per capita income- of person5 ........... -- ........ __ ...... .. .


2 477 23 38 76 66 112 99 66

206 157 192 399 470

484 66 23 $11 020 $11 648 210




2 983 $9 967 $10 378 506 $3 378 $4 159 349 $3 604

1 095 $9 883 $11 489 232 $2 971 $4 751 190 $4 796


$3 123

$3 775

2 477 2 197 $11 068 290 $7 511 10

163 769 $11 963

$7 681



114 619

436 60


$10 665 $11 222

267 902 194 521 767 690 $3 308 $4 488 393 $3 211

23 26 27 58


49 64

21 52 94 225 4()9 837 251 43 $15 609 $17 135

168 178 148 33

179 360 392 343 71

14 17 25 45 60 37 63 116 74 100 28

$11 071 $11 827

$11 406 $12 092

$10 328 $11 685

$9 641 $9 873

$9 726 $10 440

$9 830 $10 827

110 797 469 343 604 309 $3 603 $4 905 224 $4 099


1 036 $10 278 $10 789 162 $2 294 $5 188 119 $3 636

122 $8 150 1 300 $8 833 $9 423 216 $2 455 $4 321 166 $3 486

195 770 992 025 109 516 $2 961 $4 195 323 $3 518



40 76 54






123 097 111 734 124 285 $3 042 $4 920 202 $4 088




45 11


354 198 296 $3 115 $4 323 185 $3 667


108 398 220 434 626 230 $2 961 $3 255 183 $3 189

$3 176

$3 378

$3 229

$3 954

$2 991

$2 991

$3 184

$3 046

$2 973

$2 983


1 201 l 054 $11 298 143 $5 164

2 504 2 325 $10 560 215

874 819 $10 903

I 826 1 685 $11 616 149 $5 595 23

598 535 $10 456 92

990 903 $9 539 91

1 084 986 $9 747 112 $5 906 7

1 476 1 350 $9 806 127 $7 097 9 357 $1 300 101 $1 669 618 $1 918

$12 254 $12 732 63



$5 1 $9 $10


$8 3 $9 $9

$8 2 $14 $15


$9 2 $10 $11

... $9 $10 $2


750 417 183 152 767 275 78

$6 1 $8 $8

$6 1 $8 $9

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES All lo•Uhs -------· ·--- •• -·---------

With wage or salary income-----------------Mean woge or soSary income ............ __ ............. .. With nonform self-employment income ........ -----Mean nonform Hlf-employment income ............ .. With farm self-employment income __ -- ------ .... .. Meon farm self-employment income---------With Sociol Se<:urity income .............. ___________ _ Mean Sacio5 Security income---------------Wi1h public assistance or public welfare income .... Mean public. o.uistonce or ptJblic welfare income With other incomt ... ~ .. ----------·-----------Mean other income ....... --------------------

-INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' 1...111e1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- •• -· -· -- -- -- Percent of all families __ ------ ____ -------Mean income deficit---------------------- ... Families with femcle head ------· ....... -- __ ., __ _Uorthte.t ldM

Percent cf all unrelated individuals--------Mean income deficH ----------------------P•t1•11• ......... __ -- ........ ____ ---- ............................. .. Percent of all p.ersons ...... ----------.... ----Relcted children under 18 years ... ______ ,.,. ___ _ Percent living with both porenb .................... ..


'lnclude.s ollocattd coses not shown Hporately.

23 - 580



422 $1 697 130 $1 307 932 $1 566 129 5.2 $1 411

33 171 33.8 $885 644 6.5 235 61.7


-··11 156 $1 776 51


361 $3 MJO 65 7.5 ... 5

67 28.9

... 29'

8.9 105 74.3

470 $12 739 115 $7 409 7




154 $1 926 19 3.5


$5 654 5

2 160 2 066 $15 541 177 $11 183 14

$1 559 63

$1 642 93

236 $1 651 57

$1 366 21

282 $1 500 63

142 $1 351 23

230 $1 222 51

243 $1 864 43

624 $1 543

995 $1 468

l 248 $1 898

348 $2 000

696 $1 605

236 $1 207

275 $919

314 $1 721





...31 ...

95 32.1


128 5.3 65


.. .

345 7.7 154 53.9

-·472 ·-·



92 3.7


34 195 28.3 $752 503 5.2 146 13.0











.. .








90 29.1


57 35.2


96 33.7

42 27.6

43 18.7


216 2.4 51


405 5.2 171 71.9


376 10.8 186 36.0

$770 473 11.4 212 64.6

... ...


...725 ... 151






34 5.7



7.2 61




84 7.7


30 103

.. .

100 6.8 $1 751 45 184 35.7 $692 569 9.5 231 54.l

lExcludes mmotes of mst1tuhons and members of the Armed Forces hvmg in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years .


Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Towns and Places

Middleton town

MillisCllcquot (Ul

1 557 274 62 53 119 108 4

1 249 260 44 43 100 85


87 49 240 180 66 41 162 l14 4B 54 43 10 5 104 55 15 34 4


ftltill ""Ploytcl, 16 years old and over-----

Professlono\, technical, and kindred workers---- __

~=~~~he~~~~=~se~io-r)..-~~d -;e-c~~d~-rY- ;;h-;;i; == :: Monogers and administrators -- -- ,,._ -- -- ---- -- -Soloried -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -Self-employed in retail trod•-----------------Soles workers -- .,_ -- -- -- -- -- -- -... -- -- -- ---- -- Retail trade------------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers _______ _ Mechanics and repairmen-- -- -- -- -- _________ _ Construction craftsmen ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --Operatives, except transport -- -- -- ______ ------ _ Manufacturing -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Nonmonufocturing industries ______________ --Transport equipment operatives -- -- -- __ -------Laborers, except farm-----------------------Formers and form managers------------------Form laborers and form foremen ____________ .,. __ Service workers 1 - - -- ---- - - - - - - - .. - - - - -- - - - - - - Cleaning and food service workers -- ---------Protective service workers .... __________ .. _____ _ Personal and health service workers ________ . ,. __ Privo1e household workers--------------------f11ul1 1mployecf, 16 years old aind over ___ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Monagers and administrators -- ______ ------- .. -Sales workers -- ____ ---- ---- ________ ------ __ _ Clerical and kindred workers------------------Secretories, stenographers, and typis1s -------Operatives, including transport ______ -- __ -- -- __ _ Nondurable goods manufacturing ______ -- ____ Service workers, except private household _______ _ Private household workers -- -- ____ -- -- __ -- ____ _ Other occupations -- -- -- -- ______________ -- -- __


30 288 218 65 43 258 196 62 36 64


33 183 81 26 76 7

Millis town

2 207 SJJ BO 91 229 196 19 141

Monson town

2 472 424 I 12 141 226 189 28 120 51 356

Montague town









3 490 402 118 54 255 203

1 732 407

1 556 217



1 470 246 45

62 297 208 47 108 47 331 159 22 17 163 101 62 22 30

35 181 lOB

1 463 336 62 B8 172 155



40 154 149

North Amherst CU)


I 259

17 6 19 94 4B 12 24 4

3 573 700 126 114 446 407 14 306 107 530 443 133 101 486 403 83 98 61 16 21 452 290 56 101 14


1 276



255 Ba


66 25 100 378 165 204 55 258 14 42

22 10 131 19 157 42 94

988 544 27 86 92 7B



5 138 67 247 232 23 100 154 122 32


83 32 222 249 42 76 139 93 46 62 55 9 3 127 90 17 17 6

597 103 19 35 36 74 153 42 48 IS 142 34 7

514 158 53 55 8 26 156 59 55 18 88 6 17

540 80 25 20 35 54 165 78 43 26 119 22



1 556 1 050 188 137 293

1 463 1 083 215 108 165

1 470 1 107 272 103 91

338 599 102 51

94 105 426 372 54 78 74 22 7 372 142 55 133 7

161 122 634 595 121 143 624 511 113 79 136 6 16 539 339 32 163 43

887 197 61 34 21 65 318 153 96 39 174 8 8

945 200 75 87 47 41 244 107 157 51 238 7 11

1 421 198 87 SQ 29 79 476 196 231 98 328 43 37

622 150 59 42 38 33 243 127 31

2 207 l 665 428

2 472 1 797 472 188 194 9

3 490 2 676 613 233 195 6

1 732 1 326 242

1 529 15 29 34 45

2 300 58 54 51


74 137 163 162 203 206 352 397 307 13 5 $9 631 $9 869

979 6 21 10 5 16 43 43 42 49 95 121 176 269 69 14 $12 656 $14 608




$3 720

280 $6 121 2 981 $8 215 $8 434 681 $2 727 $3 589 419 $3 214

I 312 $11 081 $12 850 333 $5 146 $7 682 140 $4 350

1 467 $7 064 $7 872 463 $2 615 $3 623 266 $3 667

l 151 $10 708 $12 076 191 $5 458 $6 120 126 $5 911

I 143 $10 319 $11 065 237 $3 868 $4 259 149 $3 757

1 299 $3 807 $6 805 683 $1 700 $2 453 317 $2 571

71 398 270 75 73 201 127 74 113 68 15 5 244 78 34 132 12

588 120 53 33 12 15 219 85 115 21 90 7 10

492 112 29 13 16 49 174 72 66 39 75

l 557 1 135 332 145 75 15

1 249 956 241 126 52


101 13

916 10


1 331




199 74 22 88 16

II 106 16 5

115 94 197 324 55 236 121 32 B9 24 82 5 10 240

117 18 41

26 51 16 18 166 94 23 49


Northbridge Northborough town

33 5 134 17 13


28 9 19


20 65

9 10 95 26 13


56 4


129 47 41 74 54 14 19 14 219 233 53 34 355 318 37 34



150 40 21 63







Total employed, 16 years aid and over ____ _

Private wage and sa\ory workers--------------Government workers ______ -- __________ ------local government workers------------------Self.employed workers -- -- ------ __ -- ---- -----Unpaid family workers -- -- __ ---- __ -- ---- ------

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS lomlllH ---- ----------------------_ less than All $1,000 ____________________________ $1,000 ta $1,999 ____________________________ _ $2,000 to $2,999 __________ -- ________ ------ __ _ $3,000 to $3,999 ____________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --$4,000 to $4,999 __________________ ---- -- -- __ _ $5,000 ta $5,999 __________________ ---- ______ _ $6,000 ta $6,999 ______ -- __ -- ________________ _ $7,000 to $7,999 ____________________________ _ $8,000 to $8,999 __ .. ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ $9,000 ta $9,999 ________________ -- -- ____ -- __ _ $10,000 to $11,999 __________________________ _ $12,000 to $14,999 ____________________ ---- __ _ $15,000 to $24,999 _________________________ _ $25,000 to $49,999 ____________________ ---- __ $50,000 or more ___________________________ _Median income-----------------------------Mean income ______________ -- -- __ -- -- ---- -- - -


Families with female head-------------------- Mean income __________________ -- ------ ---All families and unrelated individuals __________ _

Median income---------------------------Meon income ______________________ -------All unrelated individuals ____________ -------- __ Median income---------------------------Mean income ______________________ -------Female unrelated indlvlduals ________________ ,. __ Meon income ____________________ ---------Per capita income of persons _________________ _



$11 037 $11 805

3 18 13 10 36

12 18 17 33 55 20 50 70 103 227 313 344

II 41 35 34 ll6 188 174 30 5 $12 638 $13 469


1 153 $9 929 $10 263 237 $3 472 $4 301 135 $3 019




17 34 19 51 39 55 56 78 191 130 212 24



. .. $11 $11 $3 $3 $2

912 041 357 198 000 739 113 843

64 5 $12 580 $13 475 116 855 681 042 563 350 $3 644 $4 293 202 $3 745

$B I $11 $11

50 54 124 132 201 190 254

250 68 3 $10 005 $11 519 121 827 913 189 123 384 $4 038 $4 565

$7 I $9 $10



111 149 15



1 004 32 26

960 15 18 31 18 14 46 48 75 74 33 120 187 208 67 6 $11 BOO $13 261

64 71 19 61 61 115 90 80 129 105


22 10 $8 5B9 $9 831


906 10 26 10 10 31 28 36 23 78 65 135 198 224 27 5 $12 015 $12 845




616 27 19 25 39 18 33 39 35 51 17 62 66 134 51


$10 161 $11 631


3 573 2 895 461 265 192 25

1 259 I 065 126 53 63

2 185 15 34 31 37 65 66 71 105 59 136 370 494 613 85 4 $12 629 $13 203


$9 459 $9 761

127 443 531 762 066 346 $3 136 $4 886 219 $3 163

1 048 $8 653 $8 676 !84 $2 538 $3 585 117 $2 857

$7 2 $11 $12



4 57

53 40

24 61

SB 90 98 169 101 96 13





$3 016

$3 266

$3 398

$2 676

$2 926

$4 152

$3 044

$3 663

$2 821

$3 525

$3 333

$2 766


916 841 $10 750 84

714 667 $12 6B8 68

960 840 $11 953 154 $7 755 27

906 825 $11 758 82

616 579 $9 973 51


979 902 $12 526 165 $8 917 5

1 OQ.4


1 529 1 404 $10 669 212 $5 566 30

2 300 2 089 $9 086


l 331 1 235 $12 466 133 $8 951 17


864 763 $9 102 105 $5 467 10


... 27 ...

...16 142

2 JBS 2 057 $12 393 220 $6 469 26


334 $1 654 54

249 $1 503 55

448 $2 693

993 $1 255

330 $1 348


23 2.7



With wage or salary income .. ----------------Mean wage or salary income ______ ----------With nonfarm self·employment income _________ _Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self-employment income-------------Mean form self-employment income ____ -----With Social Security income---------------- .. --~eon Social Security income ------ __ --------W11h public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income ___________________________ _ Mean other income---------- ________ ------



175 $1 722 54 373 $1 193


356 $1 162


188 $1 777

--· 223


$1 522 62

625 $1 551

602 $1 883


79 5.2



205 $7 018 16 616 $1 560 136 $1 350 977 $1 134


190 $1 513 56

790 $8 249

290 $7 071

10 $1 721 43

193 !!'I 751 46

$1 707 22

457 $2 592

307 $2 811

485 $2 144

194 $1 491

37 3.8


118 11.8 $1 078 30 ISO 35.7 $694




12.8 1!9 46.2

5.6 96












INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' F1111lllts ______________ ------------ -----------


Percent of all families _,.. ________________ --Mean Income deficit-----------------------u,.~:l~ti!i:~n~l~l~!:.~ole head _________________ _

5.2 ... 10

Percent of oil u~~~iaf;d-i~div"'id~~is-::::::::::

71 30.0



~~n -~n~~~al~~~~j~~t-=:==: :::::: == =::: === ====_ Percent all persons ___________________ Re101ed children under J8 years __________ ---- Percent living with both parents -----------11ncludes allocated coses not shown separately.


309 8.2 123 75.6

18 2.5


. ..

8 73 36.9

98 28.0

137 4.3 33

236 4.1 74





26 106 27.6 $839 379 6.4 121 73.6

135 5.9 $1 987 69 211 31.0 $814 680 8.0 230 43.9


16 56 16.8

151 3.7 29

45 4,7 ... 22 34 17.B



44 4.9


6 77 32.5


287 7.4 135 95.6

61 9.9


32 403 59.0 $1 013 551 22.3 67




19 103 29.8 $1 030 385 4.2 142 45.8

JO 71 38.6

.. .

146 4.5 39

.. .

2excludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.




Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:

Table 118.

[Dato based on sample

Towns and Places


text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

North Brookfield Center (U)

North Brookfield town

1 117 104 4 47 85 65 20 54 24 146 171 33 32 277 261 16 44 81

1 651 142 16 58 97

1 124 357 23

77 20


Northfield 1own

North Pembroke (U)

North Plymouth (U)

North Scituate (U)

Norton town

Norwell town

Orange Center (U)

Orange town

Orleans town

1 441 117 19 23 114 84 21 95 50 230 220 45 70 331 275 56

1 836 523 66 97

2 141 736 122 127 351 319 5 290 102 444 375 102

1 408 184 33

2 338 276 55 91 142 99 22 95

1 119 212 32 47 186 147 5 104 57 157 232 19 96 38 33 5


51 54 16 4 145 82 17 46 34 553 159 39 61 20 55 169


3 977 625 36 100 205 184 6 198 94 587 636 115 139 871 760 111 62 135 27 25 571 370 21 126 35 1 847 345 33 78 22 72 468 183

36 13

27 5 80 34 9

1 441 I 147 175 117 110 9


Tet1i ••,&.yeti, 16 ynn .W 111• av., .. _.... _ ProhS$ior.al, technicot, and kindred workers ............ .. Health workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and stteondory schools ....... .. Managers and adminhtrator'S ---- ............................ .. Soloried -- __ -- -- ------ --·- ---- -- -- •• -- •••• Sett-employtd in retail trade •••••••••••••••••• Sales workers .. --------------- ............................... .. Retoll trade ____ •• --·- __ ---- •••• __ •• ------ _ Clerlcol and kindrtd workers __________________ _ Craftsmen, foremen. ond kindred workers ................ .. Mechanics and re:poirmtn ..... ._ .................................... ..

. Operatives. uccept transport __ .................... ---- .. .. Construction craftsmen ....................................... . .

Manufacturing ............................................ ---- .. .. No.nmonufocturing industries .... __ .... __ ............ __ Transport equipment operotivu ................ ______ _Laborers, except form ____ .., ___________ ,. _____ _ Formers ond form managers-------.. -----·---- Form toborers and form foremen -------------- . S1trvice workers• ________ ---- __ ........ -------- __ and food service workers----------- Cleon~nv


114 53 13 48 31


Protective service worktr$ _.. -- .... -- -- .... -- -- .... Personal an~ health.service wcrkers _________ _Private househo~d workers ................ ---- ......... _.... .. h••" ••p'°Jetl, 16 r••n HI •"4 ••., .... .. . Professional, technical, and kindred workers----Health workers--------------------------- . Teoehers, e'ementary and secondary schools __ _ Managers and administrators----------------Sale1 workers ................................ ________ ............ .. . Oericol and kindred workers-------------- ..... -Secretofies. stenographers, and typists __ .. __ .. _ Operatives, including transport---------------- . Nondurable goods manufacturing .... ---- ____ ... Service workers, except private house-hold ______ _ Private household workers ... ______ ------ __ .... __ Other occupotion5 _...... ____ .... -- ____ -- -- • _..... _.. -


457 68 4 36 14 17 93 35 128 100 86 31 20



82 33 196 253 65 52 436 414 22 72 107 29 26 173 98 13 62 38 665 88 16 44 19 21 134 53 205 166 129 38 31


171 115 14 25 12 156 107 21

40 84

49 35 42 62

20 27 129 92 22 10


477 195 23 85 42

5 123 47 8 8 84



I 095 182 34 51 85 85


37 164 267 42 100 110 70

40 47 38 5





51 14 24

75 25 39 36



290 279 5 258 83 257 138 22 62 66 49



186 128 58 84 92 16 5 238 114 33

84 24

10 97

74 13 65 47 151 223 35 51 416 394


45 55


167 92 24 46 5

67 244 430 67 95 672 637 35 81 110 4 11 248 147 24 72 25

24 25 3 3 129 60

6 13 6 422 114 15 37 11

567 92 18 45 26 38 109 57 178 84 69 5 50

920 140 36 66 40 52 183

60 387 35 54

237 83 84 30 86 315 135 95 19 102 18 30

1 836 1 338 312 230 181 5

3 977 3 426 357 232 176 18

2 841 2 168 420 255 239 14

1 408 1 092 220 157 92 4

2 338 l 875 316 218 138 9

1 119 797 123

1 020

1 236

21 26 22

2 012 10 48 57 40 38 62 135 81 191 149 407 383 372 36 3 $10 958 $11 497

1 838 10 17 24 22 48 25 33 64 68 71 315 357 597 153

925 14 12 35 53

BO 60 65 73 91 94 75 142 114 17

1 547 27 22 55 67 122 122 106 120 179 136 162 222 186 21


15 43 48 68

$8 715 $9 729

$8 740 $9 570

370 69 25 34 26 26 134 58

578 49 15 23 13

41 155 65 190 162







71 283 123 136 25 61


Otis (U)

412 60 31 10 5 5


45 35

88 13



75 11

6 9


90 65


15 10 351 56 31 10 5


112 35 26





77 10







••piev••, 1' yHra •ltil ... •nr __ .. . .


Private wage and salary worker.s .... __________ .. .. Government workers ... __________ .... __ .... _____ _ local government workers ............ ____ ........ ___ _ Self.employed workers----------------------Unpaid family workers .... __ .... __ ................. ------ ..

INCOME OF FAMIUES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS AU foMllles ---·-·-----·------·-----l .. s than $1.000 ••••••••••••••••••• ---·----$1,000 to $1,999 •••••••••••••••••••••• -- •••• $2,000 to $2,999 __ -- __ -- __ -----· -- -- -- -- •••• $3,000 to $3,999 ____ •. ____ -·-------- _______ _ . $4,000 to $4,999 •• __ •• ------ ---- ______ •• ___ _ . $5,000 to $5,999-. ··---- -··-·--------- •• -- •• . $6,000 lo $6,999-----------······-···-·····$7,000 to $7,999 •• -- •••• ··--·---·· -- •••• -- •• $8,000 lo $8,999 •• ____ -----·---· •• -· __ •••• -- . $9,000 to $9,999 •••• --·- ---·--·- •••••• __ •••• $10,000 to $1 l.'1119 -· --·- ·----··--- •••••• -- -$12,000 to $U,999 -- -- ---- ------ -· •• -- -- -- -$15,000 to $24,999 __ ---- __ -------- ---- _____ _ $25,000 to $49,999 •••• ------ -··- •• ---- •• -- •• $50,000 or more •••• ·--- ____ •••••• __ •• __ •••• Medion income----------------------------Mean income .... ---- ........ __ ---- ____ .... -- ------Families with female head-------------------Mean income ............... -- -- -- .................. ------All Fornili-es and unrelated indi-viduols __ .... ---- ...... Median income __ ---- __ .... ------ __ .... ---- --Mean income ................ ---- __ ---- ____ .... ----All unrelated individua•s ----------------------



Mean income------ -- .... ------ .... -- -- -----Per capita income of persons .... ____ .... ____ -- ........ .



AN fa1olle1 ---···-····------···---With wog1 or salary income------------·----- . Mean wage or soJory income _______________ _ With nonform seU-employm1nt income .................. .. Mean il'lOnform self-employment income-----With form self·employment income ___________ _ -Meon form self..employment in-come---------With Social Security in-come _________________ _ -Meon Sodal Security income---------- .. ----- . Wtth public assistance or public welfare Income •• Mean public assistance or public welfnre lncom With other income .... ---- ______ .... __ .... __ .... ___ _ -Mean other income ____ -------- ........... __ ---- .



,..... -- ------------------------- -- --------..-

947 5 16 37 33 19 30 74 43 56 122 149 172 178 13

621 5


$10 482 $11 207


Mtdion income----------------------- .. --Mtan income __ ------ ............................. ----- -Fem-ale unrelated individuols _________________ _

628 5 10 24 23 3 23 48 43 29 86 83 127 115 9




1 124 893 145

62 4

1 651 I 386 148 78 113 4

1 117 942 109




$10 517 $11 133 85


64 81 5


9 30 18 45 55 40 41 134 99 121 19


$10 933 $11 557


1 095

S« 160 104 91


693 19


11 12 34 35 41 41 55 150 121 152



87 84 86 108 49 127 159

14 11 24 49 58 142 196





4 $11 220 $11 870

4 $8 315 $9 125

164 16 $15 458 $16 649

... ... 52 ...

103 627 356 878 713 336 $2 763 $3 426 290 $2 951

l 449 $13 969 $14 988 213 $3 433 $5 341 156 $4 322


2 098 $7 214 $7 907 551 $2 675 $3 237 407 $3 010

I 281 $8 716 $11 290 404 $4 256 $4 984 273 $5 097

$2 116 $2 604 119 $1 356

$3 959

$3 901

$2 713

$2 721

$4 762

$2 027

1 020 873 $8 636 145 $4 926

1 236 1 101 $15 045 227 $9 115 17

2 012 1 863 $10 841 213 $6 050 17

1 838 1 654 $14 288 302 $9 059 15


1 547 1 332 $9 027 171 $6 032 16

877 603 $12 355 167 $8 803

1 100 1 100 $7 946 24


239 $1 409 78

178 $1 534 23

112 $591

434 $1 438

546 $2 951


105 10.3 $1 016 38 90 26.8

44 3.6

$3 308

$3 024

$3 040

U8 590 $10 360 59

947 858 $10 438 81

621 575 $10 022 83

693 $11 599 91

... 135


... 33 ...


$1 568 31

180 $1 558 48

$1 610 22

195 $1 556

344 $1 423

298 $2 395





$7 509 $8 177 17

$1 502

$2 916


42 62 165 170 159 97 124 108 82 61

l 301 $6 899 $1 934 376 $2 935 $3 518 270 $3 299

$2 890



5 14 11

$1 515

859 $9 482 $9 747 238 $4 353 $5 026 160 $4 165



54 37 71 81 161 140 76 20 $10 975 $14 195

1 100

2 092 $13 050 $14 626 254 $5 600 $6 696 165 $5 809

$6 1 $6 $7

1 216 $9 359 $9 479 269 $3 196 $3 656 162 $2 874

$3 $3


34 $13 866 $15 722

18 5 40 27 70 47 30


174 $6 326 3 793 $6 315 $7 104 1 781 $937 $2 142 1 560 $1 703 $2 851



834 152 263 206 217 338 134 724

$9 $9


74 187 12

412 314 85 35 13

$10 828 $11 141 74


. ..







316 $1 469

109 $1 317 802 $1 200



176 $8 950 111 $7 196



... 344

221 $1 655 27

215 $1 738 61

$1 714 70

824 $2 542

423 $1 927

649 $1 651






348 $2 067 21


542 $5 143


2 049 $5 213 $5 595



... 31


.. 4.

399 $486


Percent of all families .................. ____ ........ .. Mean income deficit .......................................... .. Families with female heod ........ ,. ___ ,.. __ .,. _____ _ Uo..totu l•olfwhl••ls -····- •••• ··---- ··-···--· Percent of oll v.nreloted individuals-------Mt(ln incomt deficit---------------------..... ......... _ Percent of all persons __ ,, ____ ., _____ .,. ____ Relottd children under 18 years ____________ _ Percent ~iving with both :parents __ ... ,.., ...........

'"'"' -- -- -- -- --

---- -- -- ............. ----

--. -·-----. -· ----

1ncludes olloeate-d cosH not shown separately.


23 - 582


33 5.3

46 4.9


10 1.6


3.8 ... 14

81 34.0



14 55 26.7

14 75 27.9

197 7.3 80

243 6.1






. ..





..99. 3.5 35



409 11.9 139 35.3

5 72 33.8

... 209

3.8 56


116 5.8 $1 246 44 296 40.2 $1 492

718 8.6 212 49.5

47 2.6

65 7.0

94 6.1

37 4.2

19 54 21.3


36 118 31.4 $534



243 3.1 99


198 35.9 $799 506 8.4 156 62.2

116 28.7 $843 260 8.6 80



. ..

9.1 131 55.0






461 9.7 281 93.6

2fxclud•s inmates of 1nshtut1ons and members of the Armed Forces living in barracks., college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.


Table 118.

Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


(Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places

Oxford Center (U)

Palmer Center (U)

2 387 252 47 60 163 139 19 1B7 105 431 370 Bl B4 444 395 49 132 93

1 587 209 41 84 87 63 10 81 56 217 226 42 lB 391 353 38 97 57


Total employed, 16 yean old and ov.r ____ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers -- ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _

Managers and administrators -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----

Salaried -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -Self-employed In retoil trade __ -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Soles workers -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ -

Retail trode ------------------------------Clerical and kindred workers -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers--------

Mechanics and repairmen __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Construction craftsmen---------------------

Operatives, except transport------------------Manufacturing -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Nonmonufocturing industries -- -- -- __________ _ Tron sport equipment operatives -- -- -- -- ---- ___ _ Lo borers, except form -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Farmen and form managers------------------farm laborers and form foremen --------------Servlce workers 1 - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cleaning ond food service workers ____ ---- ---Protective Service workers __ -------------- __ _ Personal and health service workers ________ -- -, Private household workers ____ -- .. - -- ---- ---- __ _



Pox1on town

Provincetown Center (U)

Pepperell town

Plainville town

Plymouth Center (U)

1 194 303 47 54 153 146 3 48 18 319 329 53 47 412 3Bl 31 69 28


2 671 436 114 96 231 IB3 28 lBl 131 495 3BO 66 166 249 175 74 121 107 5

11 55 6

2 071 302 46 75 173 119 12 131 87 320 326 74 115 380 332 48 133 57 34 29 165 107 22 25 21


437 223 72 110 22

200 119 lB 49 21

1 0'16 225 BO 80 25 97 359 99 113 63 245 15 17

311 3B 9 8 42 34 37 9 23 14 9B 21 lB

lB 49 21 324 3B 9 B 42 34 44 9 29 20 9B 21 lB

1 440 394 54 B6 212 185 11 78 31 2B4 159 31 42 97 67 30 30 30 4 B 13B

988 98 14 12 135 49 39 79 47 53 170 22

111 47 lB 29 33 152


Provincetown town

Raynham Center (U)

Raynham town

Rehoboth town

Rockport Center (U)

1 001 9B

1 027 58 50 122

2 101 541 169 137 304 260 23 203 89 443 430 75 116 3B5 314 71 70 46 17 53 309 145 49 100

2 507


1 463 402 62 104 156 106 38 115 89 238 169 43 56 93 43



913 149 64 60 54 34 300 136 204 32 129 19 24

565 166 44 65 20 61 161 54 39

29 46

1 094 243 104 86 37 46 3BO 135 164 96 172

2 801 2 123 475 206 193 10

2 507 2 034 23B 171 232 3

1 463 973 266 205 224

1 689 7 10 14 31 24 51 104 B4 BB 132 332 33B 3B2 BO 12 $11 B04 $13 226

1 628 2B 10 49 43 49 57 91 122 163 134 271 2BB 264 50 9 $10 502 $11 549

1 105 16 9 3B 36 68 6B 83 73 102 58 144 139 179 78 14 $10 021 $12 003

107 538 956 628 280 328 $2 627 $3 979 157 $3 590

153 $B 492 I 742 $7 308 $9 509 637 $2 892 $5 183 460 $4 878

12 135 49 39 79 47 60 177 22 111 53 24 29 33 152





104 44 172 136 11 32 108 90 18 38 15


15 295 195 32 6B 5

5 205 125 5 70 12

878 93 18 44 17 69 272 109 1B6 90 1B7 5 49

660 103 29 51 14 36 174 79 171 5B 145 12 5

583 170 36 6B 26 10 217 90 31 5 102 6 21

790 120 36 54 24 46 247 73 205 139 B5 21 42

707 127 32 49 9 14 233 78 162 55 134

2 387 2 010 263 161 93 21

1 587 l 246 237 151 94 10

1 440 1 106 215 133 9B 21

2 071 l 645 244 161 1B2

l 894

2 671 l 940 516 350 209 6

988 619 112 69 241 16

1 008 626 119 69 247 16

l 027

1 601 198 91 90 5



----$50,000 or more·--------------------------- -

1 494 15 9 32 54 27 50 BO 111 130 128 301 2B9 224 3B 6 $10 738 $11 195

25 15 27 9 23 10 4B 31 47 120 201 219 48 6 $12 806 $14 107

1 412 4B 20 29 7B 29 69 62 101 B6 156 276 212 210 32 4 $10 203 $10 717

1 172 9 5 47 45 22 41 32 75 92 107 19B 228 243 2B

1 874 35 50 65 60 122 135 117 197 118 161 309 190 269 37

687 32 49 56 29 27 94 42 82 55 50 49 67 50 5

706 32 49 56 41 27 94 42 B2 62 50 49 67 50 5

629 4

13 14 54 62 53 57 39 54 B4 213 136 155 30 6 $10 516 $11 275

$11 121 $11 357

$9 236 $10 222

$7 177 $7 B89

$7 146 $7 819


133 142 314 915 346 344 $3 324 $3 905 21B $3 3BB



1 373 $10 272 $10 300 201 $2 629 $4 13B 144 $3 325

281 $6 413 2 709 $7 352 $11 349 B35 $3 2B7 $4 145 580 $3 522


l 299 $9 740 $10 032 459 $94B $2 575 417 $1 82B

119 844 700 256 402 28B $2 447 $2 951 167 $2 475


$6 544

1 276 $5 006 $5 B56 589 $2 720 $3 484 312 $2 429

l 30B $4 921 $5 B20 602 $2 717 $3 476 316 $2 418

692 $11 921 $14 079 63

·-· 38 ...

132 B25 931 293 324 242 $4 931 $6 026 142 $5 300

fe1111l1 employed, 16 years old anti over -- __

Professional, technical, and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers -- ____ -- -- -- -- ------ ---- ___ _ Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Managers and administrators-----------------Sales workers ______ ---- ____________ ---- ___ _ Clericolond kindred workers _________________ _ Secretaries, stenographers, and typists _______ _ Operatives, including transport----------------Nondurable goods manufacturing -- __________ _ Service workers, except private household _______ _ Private household workers ___________________ _ Other occupations ______ -- -- -- -- -- ___________ _


CLASS OF WORKER Totol 1111ployed, 16 years old and over----


Private wage and salary workers-------------Government workers ------------------------ Local government workers -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- " SeJf.employed workers __ -- -- -- -- -- __ ------ --Unpoid family workers----------------------- -



7 226 105 20 96





23 B3 52 5 22


383 72 28 30 20 26 147 51



857 115 70 50 5

306 68 79 211 153 14

112 73 3B6 529 97 167 432 370 62 163 61 27 7 254 16B 19 48 19



50 33 BO


5 134 76 11 41 3B





INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All families-------------------------

less than $1,000 ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- _________ _ $1,000 to $1,999 ____ ---- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -----$2,000 to $2.999---------------------------$3,000 to $3,999-- ________________ -- -- ---- -$4.000 to $4,999 ____________ ---- ____ ---- ---$5.000 to $5.999 ___________________________ _ $6.000 to $6.999 ____________ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---$7,000 to $7,999---------------------------$8.000 ta $B,999 ____ ---- ______________ -----$9,000 ta $9,999 ____________________ -------$10,000 to $11,999 _________________________ _ $12,000 to $14,999 _________________________ _ $15,000 to $24,999 _________________________ _ $25,000 to $49,999 _________________________ _


Median income----------------------------Mean income ______________________________ _

Families female head--------------------_ Mean wilh income ____________________________ All families and unrelated individuals __________ _Median income--------------------------Mean income __________ ---- ____________ -- AU unrelated individuals ________________ ---- __ Median income--------------------------Mean income __________ -- -- -- __ -- -- ------Female unrelated individuals __________________ _ Mean income---- ________________ -------- Per capita income of persons ____________ ---- __



$9 l $8 $9



$6 1 $9 $9






5 5 5 19 21 28 16 21 50 118 128 147 50 12 $12 527 $14 B53


$B l $11 $12

$7 l $9 $10


l 678 $10 186 $10 297 1B4 $2 367 $3 OOB 123 $2 726


$2 Bll

$3 400

$3 572

$2 761

$2 9B2

$3 275

$2 691

$2 6Bl

$3 843

$3 559

$3 100

$3 958

All fomllles ------------------------- With wage or salary income------------------ Mean wage or salary income ____________ ---With nanform self-employment income _________ _" Mean nonfarm self·employment income------Wilh farm self-employment income ________ ----_ Mean form self-employment income ____ ---- __ With Social Security income __________________ _Mean Social Security income _______________ _ With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public as sis tonce or public welfare income With other income __________________________ _ Mean other income ________________ -------- -

1 494 1 405 $10 164 124 $5 931 6

970 B46 $10 091 95

840 760 $13 097 106 $7 490 4

1 412 1 243 $9 396 150 $11 025 57

1 172 1 100 $11 029 102 $4 701 3

1 874 l 542 $9 021 264 $11 420 20

687 560 $6 1B5 185 $6 BBB 5

706 573 $6 1B5 191 $6 76B 5

629 579 $12 612 45

1 689 l 564 $11 B30 215 $10 671 24

1 621 l 457 $10 399 208 $9 383 49

1 105 865 $10 446 235 $6 469

llB $1 535 27

241 $1 752 B6

173 $1 7B2 35

601 $1 651 91

192 $1 052 6B

192 $1 052 6B


254 $1 571 33

2B2 $1 645 57

320 $1 633

301 $2 017

669 $1 563

644 $1 722


14 2.2

38 2.2




INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' lomll~•------------------------------------

Percent of all u~-r;ia-t;d-i~di~id~~is-==:====== -Pe~::,"_ ~n~~~~-d~~i~~t-=== == :: ===: ==== ====_-R rercent of all persons ==== ___________________ -

Percent of all families ____ ---- ________ -- -- Meon income deficit----------------------u"~:l~t~~jn~~l~uf:1~ale head _________________ _

e ated children under l B years _____________ _ Percent living with both parents----------- -

!Includes allocated cases not shown separately.

272 $1 441 63


592 $2 053 49 3.3


17 64 34.B


291 4.8 142 49.3

...4 ...

210 $2 050 44


417 $2 010


549 $2 107

46 5.5

107 7.6 $1 595 27 109 37.B $566 519 9.0 200 70.0


68 19.8

19 62 3B.5

202 5.6 5B

220 6.6 66



390 $2 329

31 3.2 ... 13





... ...







387 $901

l 024 $1 Bl 7

297 $1 258

304 $1 237

67 5.7

140 7.5 $1 511 86 198 23.7 $759 689 10.1 274 43.1

92 13.4

92 13.0

22 198 33.6 $1 149 410 14.6 36

22 198 33.4 $1 149 410 14.3 36


28 71 35.3


302 6.4 100 60.0









4 6


56 2.2 33



·-·9 59 24.4


204 3.1 79

.. .



71 4.4


22 97 38.0


375 5.8 144 56.3




$3 645 41


19 205 32.2 $881 331 7.8


2fxcludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed Forces living in borrocks, college students in dormitories. and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



23 -583

Table 118.

Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970- Continued [Dato based on sample see text

Towns and Places





2 081 540 90 lSS 228 168 38 161 130 293 233 48 67 192 111 81 47 109

1 164 186 16 36 120 92 2B 50 16 151 227 66 29 141 104 37 38 17 37 10 183 110 10 51 4 408 61 6 30 21 16 123 S2 47

For minimum bos.e for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text}

Rutklnd town

Salisbury town





Center (UJ


1 278 183 48 41 88 BB

1 527 166 21 36 162 96 32 69 32 176 324 61 79 3B2 323 59 63 40

1 330 19S 23 77 181 133 21 134 54 205 229 25 142 89 49 40 40 39 13 13 164 127 17 6 28 527 98 17 59 25 64 193

1 494 331 40 111 207 181 10 183 74 262 173 19 76 72 39 33 19 47

1 265 34S 64 96 278 252 9 213 111 171


10 73 33 16 24 24 448 ISO 39 65 13 9S 122 40 6

OCCUPATION Total em,loytd, 16 Y"rt old oncl over.., ___ ,..

Professionol, technical, and kindred worker$·--- __

Health worker$ ............................................ _____ _ Te-ochers, elementory and secondary sc.hools .... __ M-anogers and odmini$trotors .................................. .. Soloried ........ ________ .. ___ ............ ____ ........ ----

Stlf·employed in retail trode ............ -- .................. .. Solis workers. .... -- ------ ---------- ................... .. Reloil trode ·-----------------------------


Cltri-col and kindred workers------ .... ------ .... __


Cr1;1f1smen, foremen, and kindred workers ______ .. Mechcnlcs. and repairmen ...................... ,. ............ ..

-Honmanufocturin.g industries------ _________ _Transport equipment operatives ---------------

Construction craftsmen ........ ---- .... ---- .... __ .. .. Operotives, except__tron$port ------------------_ M0-n11focturing -- _______________________

Laborers. except form---- .. -----------------Formers ond form managers __ ....... __ -- __ -- ... __ farm laborers ond form foremen ______ .,_ ------


Service worken 1 __________ - - - - - - ___________ _ Cltoning and food service workers __ -------- .. Prote<;tive service workers ______________ ---Personal and health service Work.ers .... __ -- ___ _ Private household workers ....... ____ -- -- .... -- __ .. .. Fet111le empleyttl, 16 yeora eld •11d •vel' .... .. Professional, technical, and kindred workers ____ .. Keolth workers __ ------ ____________ .... ____ .. Ttachers. elementary and secondary s.c.hools ...... Managers and administrators __________ ---- __ _ Soles workers __ ........ ---- ______ -- __ ---- -- ___ _ Clerical ond kind red worker$ ____ .. ___ .,. ___ -- ___ _

Secretaries. stenographers. ond typists __ ~- __ • Operatives, including transport---------------Nondurable goods manufacturing----------- .. Service workers. except private househotd ______ _ Private household workers ______________ ---- __ Other occupations __ ... __ . _____________ ---- __ _



5 194 125 16 47 74 801 208 56 79 31 84 19S 65 90 29 108 74 11


117 4 19


63 28 209 236 45 66 132 121 11 53 43 24 6 236 131 11 70 5 544 9S 43 25 25 28 182 44 35 6 160 5 14

5 14 118 71 6 36 8 5'9 74 21 30 45 3S 130 40 219 95 7S 8 13


43 10 71 28 5


1B8 83 34 42 12 571 160 40 83 8 68 225 74 22 10 76 12



15 14 47 24 23 23 15


Shirley town

1 615 2S6 64 70 127 llB


70 26 264 223 64 42 369 306 63 59 63 5 16 1S2 95


26 19 17

36 11 700 94 49 34 15 34 199 74 202 141 111 11 34

1 265 893 265 163 102 5

798 4 17 9 9


Shore Acres-Sand Hills (U)

979 188 15 40 90 B3 7 B6 39 220 1S3 21 69 60 20 40 17 30 3


123 46 18 43 9 353 74 lS 29 19 18 154 29 27

Southampton town

1 156 152 34 18 110 72 6 34 7 115 240 73 49 212 184 28 65 36 31 16 121 73 6 27 24 361 70 34 9



12 74 27 110 S3 68 14 13

1 615 1 196 372 107 43 4

979 718 188 150 69 4

1 149 14 14 33 38 62 111 89 102 65 94 191 124 159 53



S2 9

Southborough town

2 099 472 74 91 373 329 27 156 S3 344 240 68 65 191 136 55 23 84 6 20 190 123 21 37


722 167 54 52 S2 36 246 102 7S 12 119

South Lancaster (U)

1 314 171 32 39 99 68 23 22 9 261 167 23 31 258 215 43 3 37


291 140 14 86 5 600 73 23 22



9 224 120 112 67 155 5 22

1 156 904 131 60 115 6

2 099 1 706 224 111 169

1 314 1 122 131 65 61

782 17 16 10 27 27 24 13 68 46 82 176 129 107 40


CLASS OF WORKER Tttal Htployed", 16 yHr1 old ond over ........ Private wage and salary workers-------------Government workers ....... ______________ ---- .... lo-col government workers __ .... _____________ _ Self-employed workers __ .... __________________ _ Unpaid fomily workers ____ ............ ---- -- -- ____ _

1 164 876 161 95 114 13

1 278 9SO 26S 139 63

749 5 7 8 30 39 37 41 23 42 55 120 1S2 160 30

736 4

$11 458 $11 992 49

$10 912 $11 S49

880 5S6 7S8 131 089 70S 95

$3 079

1 043 $8 86S $9 573 307 $3 792 $4 834 140 $4 306 $3 197

1 482 1 188 $10 326 313 $7 164

749 68S $10 913 94

736 661 $10 816 74



1 368 362 281 331



1 527 1 164 20S 105 144 14

1 330 912 262 159 14S 11

1 494 1 032 324 246 138

1 082 10 32 74 63 52 48 69 98 100 116 156 140 118 6

1 146 15 22 69

893 9 18 29 20 25 51 29 37 29 37 156 166 210 77

$B 950 $9 088 142 $4 626 1 334 $7 827 $7 930 252 $2 222 $2 9S9 1S2 $3 086 $2 S47

$9 602 $10 748 122 $6 130 2 427 $4 610 $6 718 1 281 $2 366 $3 113 349 $3 206 $3 124

$12 117 $13 320 86 1 13S $10 970 $11 S61 242 $3 365 $5 070 177 $4 266 $3 sos

927 $16 029 $17 095 129 $5 906 $7 117 78 $4 785

1 629 $7 149 $8 S44 480 $3 014 $3 485 175 $3 154 $2 BBS

1 012 937 $8 64S 140 $6 392 11

1 146 946 $9 S32 lS\ $7 608 29

893 792 $12 547 13B $7 345 10

798 707 $17 572 9S

1 149 1 094 $9 811 79




INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Allf•,.Dles ------------------------Less than $1.000 •• ______ •. -- ______ -- -- ---- __ $1,000 to $1,999 ____ ---- ---- ---------------$2,000 ta $2,999 •• ______ -------------------$3,000 to $3,999 •. __________ ---- -- ---- ---- __ $4,000 to $4,999 ________ ---- ______ ---- ---- __ $5,000 ta $5,999 -- ________ -- -- -- •• -- ------ __ $6,000 to $6,999 ________ ---· ______ -- ·- -- ___ _ $7,000 to $7,999 •• ____ -- ---- __ -- -- -- ·- ---- -$B,OOO ta $8,999 __________ •• __________ -- ___ _ $9.-000 ta $9,999 ______________________ ---- __ $10,000 to $11,999 ______ ---------- ---------$12,000 to $14,999 ____________________ --·· __ $15,000 to $24,999 ________ ---- ________ ---- __ $2S,OOO lo $49,999 ____ •. __________ --·--- ___ _ $SO,OOO or more ____________ •. _____________ _




Median income----------------------------Mean jncame .... -- -- .... ____ ------ -- -- ........ __ .... Fomilies with female head ______________ .. ____ _ Mean income __________ ---- .... ___________ _ AJI families and unrelated individuals ... ________ ..


Median income---------------~----------Mean income .. - -- __ -- .... -- -- ---- .. - .... -- ____ -

All unrelated individuals __


----·0w-- __ ------ ....... -

Median income---------------------------

Mean income ______________ .... __ .. _....... ____ ..


Female unrelated individuals ... _.. __ .. _.. ___ ...... ___ .. Mean income -- -- _______________ - .... -- ___ _

Per capita income of persons ... ______ .... ---- ___ _

1 482 21 9 43 56 72 97 102 125 137 73 180 202 244 107 14 $10 067 $12 067 198 $B 477 2 291 $7 724 $9 704 809 $3 057 $5 377 596 $4 933 $3 978



$10 $10 $3 $3



2S 17 30 27 37 65 44 62 114 107 188 11






55 6S 87 83 74 BS 137 156 211 34





7 14 39 27 64 111 293 lBl 8 $17 833 $1B 70B 38



$9 495 $10 657 67


12 22 36 26 22 54 49 6S 115 147 135 27 5 $11 200 $12 103 76

$10 693 $11 2S6 64

849 $10 268 $11 133 129 $6 393 $5 719 94

906 $10 330 $10 818 124 $5 667 $8 054 53


1 435 8 13 31 41 11 27 40 68 58 102 190 294 441 70 41 $13 311 $15 402 112 $9 163 1 663 $12 434 $14 193 228 $2 409 $6 588 151 $2 882

$3 190

$3 332

$4 054


782 689 $10 836 90

I 435 1 292 $13 641 189 $10 375 6







625 9 9 32 31 38 45 37 35 50 29 107 127 62 10 4 $9 914 $10 147 B4 1 251 $3 202 $5 852 626 $1 242 $1 563 386 $1 787 $2 715

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES All f•MRle• ------------------------Withwoge orsolory income .............................. .. Mean wage or salary in.come ........ __ ... ---- ..... .. With nanform self-employment income _________ _ Mean nonfarm self-employment income __ ---With farm self-employment income ... _________ _

-----Mean form self.employment income---------With Social Security income _________________ _ -Meon Social Security income---------------- With pubUc anistonce or public welfare income __ Mean public ossTstonce or public welfore income With other income __ .... ______ ---- __ • ___ ---- __ Mean other income __ ........ ________ -------- ....--INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY


f•111llies .............. -· -- ...... -- __ ........... -- ... ~M

........ - - - -


Percent of oH fomiliu ........ -- __ ....... -- ---- .. Meon incamt deficit ---- .... __ .... __ .... __ .... ___ _---


Familits with female head---·---·------ ... --U•..-late.t hulMduols ............................ __ ---- __ .... __ Percent of all unrelated individuals .............. .. Mecm income deficit .......................................... .. -



Ptrttns .................................................................. .. Pe-r-c:ent 0-f oft persons ................. __________ _ Reloted children under 18 year1 ............. _______ _ Percent living with both parents ___ ... _____ _


IJndudes allocated coses not shown separately.

23- 584







431 $1 511 95

·-· 120

--· 12'1

$1 339 42

$1 780 39

$1 426 57

210 $1 S96 24

157 $1 300 38

105 $1 996 13

739 $3 529

315 $2 271

335 $2 004

27B $1 629

622 $2 741

437 $1 547

469 $2 739


126 11.6 $1 636 S3 111 44.0 $1 OS7 692 16.8 366 46.7

86 7.S


51 3.4


32 4.3


3.5 ...



253 31.3 $824 399 7.1 72

46 35.1

7 93 J0.3

180 6.1 7S

217 7.1 76



... --·









... ---

30 3.8




--· 191



$1 954 28

126 $1 442 14

440 $1 666

269 $1 955

327 $1 526

590 $3 573

195 $1 599


27 3.8

38 4.9

52 3.6


13 35 28.2

29 94 41.2

135 4.6 3S

294 5.1 109 lS.6


...7.111 55 24.4

394 9.6 131 28.2

255 6.8 84

136 4.1 73

381 8.3 202 81.2



...19 149 $1 446 31

31 24.0



121 $1 563 39

72 2'1.8



625 545 $9 885 91

$1 379 5

95 27.2


6SO $11 495 92



·-·12 11 8.5


154 S.2 89








SI 37 113 49.6 $1 037 362 15.9 144 39.6

:Excludes inmates of inst11ut1ons and members of the Armed Farces living tn barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.


Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


(Oota based on sample. see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc:.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Towns and Places


South Yarmouth






Center (U)



Stow town


2 409 308 56 73 174 148 15 109 52 331 483 ll l

l 681

2 421


3 587 295 60 76

1 806 339

1 499

193 37 67 210 166


55 75 165 160 5 60 34 196 216 44 91 183 154

2 135 335 39 91 306 269 12 177 94 213 386 49 97 270 232 38 36 41


Total employff, 16 Y••1rs old and over-----

Professional, technical, and kindred workers-----Heollh workers---------------------------Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Managers ond administrators .... -- -- -- -- .,. _____ --

~~:f.~i~dpl~y;d-1~-~;t~il-t~~d~== :: :: :: == :::::: :: Sa~:1 ~1o;:O'J! == :: :: :::= :: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :::

Clerico\ and kindred workers .... -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers .... __ -- .... Mechanics and repairmeO--------- ... ---------Construction crofts men -- .. _ -- -- -- -- -- ------ Qp1:irotives, except transport .. _____ ~- ____ ------ _ Manufacturing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ., _____ Nonmonufacturing industries ____ -- ..... __ ---- __ _ transport equipment operatives ______ .... _______ _ Laborers, except -----------------------formers and farmfarm managers .. ____ ,. ____________ _

92 474 384 90 140 75


Totcil employed, 16 years old and ov.r ___ _ Private wage and salary workers ________ ---- __ _ Governmenf workers ---- ______________ ---- __ _ Local government workers ____________ ---- __ _ Self.employed workers------------------------

Unpaid family wor'kers __ -- -- ____________ ---- __

INCOME OF FAMILIES ANO UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS famJllts -------------·------------_ Less than Alf $1,000 •• __________________________ $1,000 to $1,999-. __________________________ _ $2,000 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -_ $3,000 "to $2,999-. $3,999 ____________________________ $4,000 to $4,999 •• __________________________ _ $5.000 to $5,999-. ______ ---- ________________ _ $MOO $6,999 ____________________________ _ $7,000 to $7,999 ____________________________ _ $8,000 $B,999 •• ________________ ---- ---- __ _ $9,000 to $9 ,999 ____________________________ _ $10,000 to $11.999 __________________________ _ $12,000 to $14,999 __ ---- ____________________ _

to to

30 232 141 21 51

237 190 30 236 l 12 554 625 163 121 912 821 91 233 117 36 18 324 174 13 115

409 351 105

57 673 616

57 144



207 124

4 72



794 97 4S 47 37 43

615 124 51 32






178 56

82 317 104 281 155


42 172 132 32 130 52 217 240 16 Bl 337 250 87

77 53 26

55 152

118 16 18



29 54 26 13 6 102 71

l1 20 14



353 251 10 83 10


163 6 17

ll 7

1 166 123 49 48 57 90 436 !57 387 l82 203



2 409 2 020 201 166 166 22

1 681 I 200 289 197 192

2 421 2 079 192 129 135 lS

3 013 269 181 277 28

l 577 23 17 IS 34 54

1 563 S2 47

150 124 62 176 190 289 23 7 $8 722 $10 257

1 578 14 28 75 52 70 63 98 139 157 179 267 235 193 5 3 $9 520 $9 901

2 317 30 39 BO BO 113 89 111 220 210 246 385 358 326 25 3 $9 752 $10 308

60 4 $11 107 $12 21 l

158 821 022 593 873 459 $2 271 $4 159 329 $3 322

150 $6 965 2 006 $8 341 $8 585 428 $3 918 $3 732 301 $3 427

189 432 838 750 114 521 $3 793 $3 BOJ 328 $3 373



1 294 $10 288 $10 940 188 $1 B85 $3 462 106 $2 303

1 165 $12 104 $12 602 170 $4 444 $5 771 102 $5 451

I 536 $9 889

$3 276

$2 923

$2 947

$3 346

2 317 2 040 $9 677 277 $7 174 40

116 l 7S 57 168


$10 761 $11 326

117 913 882 747 125 :!05 $2 934 $3 916 102 $2 966

$6 l $9 $10

$2 999





55 110 120 70

72 85 98 150 132 285 317 248 47





fgmifies with female head ______________ ---- __ _ Mean income ________________________ ---- -All families and unrelated individuals ______ -- ---Median income ______________ ---- __ ---- ___ _ Mean income ______ ---- ___________________ _ All unrelated individuals ______________________ _ Median income _______________________ ,. ___ _ Mean income _____________________________ _ Female unrelated individuals ___________________ _ Mean income ____ ---- _____________________ _ Percapifo income of persons_,. ________________ _

30 174 94

265 165 31 42


$15,000 $24,999--------------------------$25,000 to $49,999 •• ________________________ _ $50,000 or more ____________________________ _

Median income-----------------------------Mean income -- ________________________ ------

ll 150 117 242 327 81 104 ll5 34 81 14 47



form laborers and form foremen __ .......... __ -- ---- _ Service workers 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cleoninq and food service workers __ -- ______ .... Protective service workers .. _.......... -- ---- ------Personal and health service workers_ .. __ ,,. _____ ..1 Private household workers -- -- ____ -- __ .... ______ .. hmale employed, 16 years old cind over __ .. .. Professional, technical, and kindred workers -- -- .. .. Health workers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Teachers, elementary and secondary schools __ .... Monoqers and odministr'atars -----------------Soles workers -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Clerical and kindred wor'kers -- ______ ---- ---- __ _ Secretor'ies. stenographers, and typists -------Oper'olives, including transport __________ ------ _ Nondurable goods monufoctudng ____________ _ Service workers, except private household _______ _ Private household wor'kers ____________________ _ Other occupations ___________________________ _


64 61 230 156



$5 2 $7 $8



3 587

$6 2 $8 $9

584 143 31 31 27 51 141

42 97

64 92 4 29

I 806 I 513

527 149

SS 48

l1 22 164 43 99 7 52 ll 19

811 144 39 81 69 68 162 70 116 10 187 10


Sutton town


Three Rivers (U)

Topsfield town



l 861

2 379

l 314

I 868

213 50 39 112

224 103









107 B4

39 60 436 411





175 68 209 155

l 847 216 26 40 158 l 14 20 142

14 82 56 296 357

94 112 395 356 39 115 20 191 20

85 6 608 59 23 25 7 18 251 66 127




31 17 17 21 157 37 199

587 164 31 52 8 53 180 77

25 37 261 69

262 31





738 76

22 36 41 36

255 40 142 93 112

I 168

I 841

l 502 219

1 429 236 138 166 16

53 29 54 26 39 79 49 97 215 187


45 14 70

14 25 19 62

56 57



968 148

1 384 1 181 157

1 197

35 16 $11 312 $12 710

11 56

2 379





l 244


29 61 3 10 176 119 10 26




6 11 90



119 94 157 232



1 106

23 51 17 38 61 55 119 212 292 64 6 $13 083 $13 769


28 35


1 861 l 519



50 353 320 33 66 90 19 44 156 100 5 46

109 6 31

2 135 1 808 192 139 125 10



67 328 273 35

7 102 9 19

1 499 1 172 18B 127 121 lB


49 50

63 76 Bl



213 264

60 113 71

23 238 109 10 112 22



446 417


68 6

132 74 142 19


71 53 340 422 47 83 739



124 157


1 936 260 93 157 26





132 lS


1 321 29 35 27 43

934 43 16 26


45 54

23 4B

58 92 119 93 221 195 185 57

86 126 98 174 192 231 160 21


$10 538 $11 619

$9 675 $10 277





52 58 106 183 139 123 15 5 $9 981 $10 380

17 18 13 5 37 25 37 25 43 l4l 173 559 136 20 $16 530 $17 180

I 101




37 24 44 50 72 81 83 212 175 218 55 13 $11 156 $13 829

$3 048

$4 151 159 $3 952


I 304 $10 317 $12 222 203 $2 862 $3 507 163 $2 949

$3 710

$4 259 $3 629

124 $7 377 I 106 $9 l 70 $9 247 172 $2 460 $3 095 103 $2 963

$3 172

$2 585

$3 101

$4 265

$3 657

1 106 1 036 $11 307 135 $6 625 60

995 908 $12 995 129 $7 693 40

1 244 1 165 $11 525 162 $4 371 6

1 197 1 057 $10 000 226 $9 354 38

l 3%1 l 187 $9 476 166 $7 705 13

934 809 $10 497 :26

1 259 I 172 $15 507 133 $7 779

1 101 986 $10 964 169 $16 867 36

187 $1 549 43

154 $1 461 17

251 $1 356 39

224 $1 728 26

295 $1 407 40

230 $1 635 39

164 $1 354

188 $1 639

391 $1 371

465 $1 422




$2 378

566 $1 295

$1 193

$1 695

717 $3 037

421 $1 790

10 0.8


60 4.8


41 43 36.6

12 36 28.6

18 42 20.7

319 9.5

261 5.0 107 77.6

112 2.6


$11 4BB


$4 091 $6 280 159

I 387 $9 773 $10 511 190 $2 250 $3 528 138

$6 I $8 $9

13B 701 641


I 259 JO



745 082

320 $4 444



1 385 $15 510 $16 113 126 $4 429 $5 450 BO



TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES All fomlll11 --------------------------

Withwage or solory income------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With oanform self-employment income __ ------ __ _ Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self-employment income ........ ______ ---Mean form self-employment income----------With Social Security income ___________________ _ ~eon s.ociol Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income ________________________ ---Mean other income ______ ------ ____ --------_

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' fomll~•-- ____________________________ ------M Perc.ent of all families __ ---- __ ---- __ -------

eon mcome deficit-----------------------------------------Per'cent of oil u~-r~iaf~d-i~df;id~~is-=========~

u11~1~~~~.~~1~11f1e1~ole heod


ercent of all persons--------------------Related children under JB years ________ ---- __ _ Percent living with both parents ___________ _ 'Includes allocated coses not shown separately.

1 577 I 475

1 563 I 104

1 578 1 410

$10 725

$9 849


238 $7 150

$9 267 146

$5 681


$7 270




$1 608 28

$2 286 45

$1 802 69

475 $1 705 91


638 $3 479

556 $1 318

871 $1 266

128 8.2 $1 917 59 186

67 4.2

102 4.4 $1 744 39 126 24.2 $883 467 5.4 159 53.5



$1 175

so 3.2


18 64 21.0


218 3.4 56






40.5 $1 052 611 ll.4 202


20 116 27.l $895 333 5.7 88







45 4.1




. ..

.. . 27


.. .


27 15.9

63 21.6

79 41.6





104 70.2


111 2.3 23

184 4.l 65


12 90




2Excludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed Forces living in


.. .






.. .



90 6.6


36 72



367 6.7 124 58.l

'ici . ..

76 8.1

... ...

111 8.1



.. .




.. .


.. . 39


college students in dormitories, end urtrelated individuals under 14 years.


Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970- Continued

Table 118.

[O at o based on s a mPle • s-ee text

Towns and Places

Turners. foils CU)

Tyngsbor· ough town

2 113

I 712

226 73 35 160 141

239 31 70 138 116 4 75 57 284 336 91 123 319 264 55 73 69

For minimum Dose for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Upton town

Uxbridge Center (U)

Uxbridge town

Ware Center (U)

1 500 136 37 35 105 88 7 75 47 298 236 54 42 312 307 5 37 96

3 481 331 B9

2 976 278 42 87 174 133 25 79 52 475 419 60 91 895 820 75 61 123 57 19 390 133 25 70

OCCUPATION Tttel Htpleytcl, 16 y11rs •W ad ner ., __ ,__ Profess.ional. technical, and ktndred workers_.,.,._.,.


Heol1h workers _. . -----.. - .. ------ __ ................ .. .

Soles workers .......................................................... . Re1oll trade---------------·····-···---·-- Clericol and kindred workers .................................... .. Teochers, elementary and secondary schools. .... .. Managers and odminis.trctors ----·- ......... __ ......... .. SGloried -· -- ---- •••••••• ·-- ••••••••• ---·. S.lf-employed in retail trade._ ••••••••••••••• " "

Crafts.men, foremen. and 'kindred workers ............ .. Mechanic1 and repoirmtn .......... ,. ......................... .. Construction craftsmen ....................................... . . Oper-ottves, except transport __ .................... - .. , . .... .. Monufoctu-ring .. Hanmonofocturlng industries---------------Transport equipment operatives------------·-- " Labarers, except form--·------------- .. ------ Formers ond farm managers-------------.. ---- Form laborers and form foremen ......................... .. Service workers 1 .... ____ .... ____ .... __ .... __ ............ __ Clef!ni~g a~d food urvice workers .................... .. " Protective service worker$,._ ........ ------ .......... .. " Personal and holth service workers .. ________ _ Priv-ate household workers .................... ---- .......... .. " N

......................... __ .... - - - - - - - - - - - -



,...... '"'''°"'.' Profe.ssionol, technical, and kindred

16 .,..,. ........ •"Hof .... .. workers ........ _ Health work-en---------------------------

Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ...... Manager• and odminis:trotor$ --~-------------Sales workers __________________ ,. ___ ,. ______ _


Cle-rical and kindred worker$ -- -- -- -- -- __ ... -- ,.. Secretaries, s.tenog:rophers, and typists.------Op·ercit1ves, including transport---------------Nondurable goods manufacturing __ -- __ .......... .. Ser11i(e workers, except private household ______ _ Pri\lote hous.ehold workers .......... _____ ............ __ .. .. Other occupations __ .... __ . _______ -- .. _.. _.... ____ _"


124 100 411 338 58 82 345 274 71 60 89


327 210 21 96 28 866 110 50 31 29 58 300 138 124 54 199 2B 18

-179 125 16 2B

1 344 209 27 45 56 46

10 58 2B 222 310 Bl 57 226 206 20 40 74 24 4 121 27 ll



615 87 31 31 7 34 190 62 157 83 119

467 69 27 28




32 202 19 56 29 75




191 163 18 139 71 556 593 135 111 925 860

65 84 206 18 24 392 215 37 123 22 1 365 114 64 44 29 50 3B2 94 463 311 256 22 49


Ware town


3 687 302 42 102 249 190 35 120 73 546 556 86 152 1 094 l 004 90 85 15B

1 537 122 31 41 77 64 13 37 4 26B 231 21 60 538 464 74 43 49 16 5 146 77 23 46 5 623 57 21 26


Wenham town

l 465 391 100 7B 276 246


150 104 196 128 31 21 81 64 17 13 30 14 19 102 64 23 15 65 511 125 57 44 21 Bl 143 43 21 17 5B 54 B

Westbor· ough Center (U)

West Boylston town

1 922 439 83 97 185 150 22 118 38 367 16B 27 49 250 198 52 80 42 258 157 22 68 15 716 1B5 72 76 24 39 272 104 6B 13 172 10 16

2 808 5BO 127 130 299 283 13 207 128 5B1 403 51 66 320 251 69 28 67 16 12 2B3 169 7 71 12 1 077 216 97 69 32 101 430 117 101 46 162 12 23

2 717 362 18 124 304 240 23 148 109 544 447 96 145 319 290 29 135 63 20 52 354 160 42 142 39 1 176 158 18 86 51 80 415 120 196


West Bridge. water town


24 481 192 30 97 6 1 516 136 37 62 40 67 447 113 540 441 220 6 60

3 481 3 064 245 174 162 10

2 976 2 401 415 195 146 14

3 687 2 939 517 238 207 24

1 537 1 301 144 83 82 10

1 465 l 193 142 83 130

1 922 1 432 382 195 98 10

2 808 2 337 344 270 115 12

2 787 2 069 553 330 150 15

909 14 4 33 42 21 22 52 101 91 77 183 129 130 10

879 7

I 494 $8 395 $12 302 615 $859 $1 859 429 $1 582 $4 B83

1 130 16 23 10 36 33 32 42 40 106 99 173 177 290 47 6 $11 4BO $12 B34 118 $B 477 1 543 $9 B76 $10 820 413 $5 269 $5 307 276 $4 490 $3 726

l 600 11 5 20 21 34 72 41 72 111 95 230 352 43B 74 24 $12 750 $14 415 125 $10 515 1 828 $11 Bl7 $13 207 22B $4 366 $4 731 163 $4 435 $3 827

l 504

$9 632 $10 223 266 $6 707 2 722 $8 407 $B 796 547 $2 635 $3 123 334 $2 584 $2 857

1 758 42 41 74 56 92 BB 107 148 103 175 314 266 227 20 5 $9 731 $10 155 192 $7 9B6 2 312 $8 174 $8 751 554 $4 011 $4 293 359 $3 142 $3 035

2 177

88 44 27 69 62 92 71 116 132 193 10

2 175 25 16 78 125 127 79 146 161 206 197 295 330 380 10

$11 238 $11 970 147 $8 089 2 774 $5 789 $7 330 l 270 $1 121 $1 B36 869 $1 403 $2 862

2 175 2 006 $9 503 156 $5 996 22

1 758 l 557 $9 824 114 $7 4Bl 15


879 784 $16 561 155 $8 095 12

1 130 1 054 $11 718 121 $1 828 8

1 600 1 454 $13 207 128 $14 779 10

1 504 1 399 $10 952 172 $6 463 31

113 $1 693 4

21B $1 454 47

288 $1 990 54

286 $1 666 43

519 $5 320

540 $1 583

715 $1 769

552 $1 686

10 1B3 88 27 63 12 601 46

28 18 19 32 204 55

153 129 115 12 20



l 712 1 316 259 119 137

1 500 1 314 139



1 344 1 047 192 116 105

1 398 28 44 41 78 48 101 129 89 114 102 21B 246 151 9

1 042 21 31 18 26 29 46 75 118 70 125 177 156 145

179 4 10 32 37 21 47 51 41

931 8


1 258 131 37 57 30 47 391 95 440 352 173 6


4 l9B 5B 270 200 70 5 19


210 33 33

CLASS OF WORKER T1t1I IS11pl.8y·1d, 16 r••n olil ..... ov-•r -- --

Private wage and salary workers. ____ .... __ .... ___ _ Government workers ______ ........ __ ............... ---- " local government workers __ ............ _________ _ Self-employed workers-······--···-·····-···· Unpaid fami1y workers ........ ---- -- ---------- .. --

2 113 1 691 307 159 109







•H lo•ilff• -······--·······-·····-··

Less then $1,0DO __________ •••••••••••••••••• " $1,000 to $1.999 •••••• ----·-····----·-······ $2,000 to $2,999 •• ·-··---------············· " $3.DOO to $3,999 •••••••••••••••••••• --·-···· " $4,000 to $4,999 •••• ·--· •• __ •••••• -------- •• " $5,000 to $5,999 •••• ·-··--····----------···· $6,000 to $6,999 __ •••••••••••••• -- -- •••••••• " $1,000 to $7,999 ____ •••••••••••.•••••• ---··· " $8,000 to $8,999 •••• __ •••• __ ·- •••••••• ···--· $9,000 to $9,999 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " $10,000 to $11.999 •••••••••••• -· •••••••••• __ " $12,000 to $14,999 •••••••••.•• -· •••••••••••• $15,000 to $24,999 __ -· •••••••••••••••••••••• $25,000 to $49,999 •.•• __ •••••••••••••••••••• $50,0DO or more •••• -· .. ···-·---···-········ " Median income __ ................ __ ........... ---- __ ----Meon income ________ ---- ______ ........ __ .... -----




Families wHh female head--------------------

Mean incame ______________ ........ ____ .... __ .... ..


AH fomilies and unrelot&d individuals ____ .......... ..

Median income __ ------ ____ --------------- " Meon income---- __ ---- .... ________________ _


unrelated individuals---------------- .. ----- " Median income __________ ---- .... ____ ... ---- ..

Mean income __ ............ ______ ... __ ...... __ ----·

female unrelated individuals __ .... ______ ....... ---- .. Mean income ____ .. _. __ .... ____ .... ____ ....... __

Per capita income .of persons ... ____ .... ____ ---- __ "


$9 265 $9 441 186 $5 573 1 855 $7 353 $7 94B 457 $2 542 $3 383 273 $3 038 $2 842



83 148 135 215




5 $9 696 $10 046 77

$10 791 $10 994 58

l 282 $8 Bll $B 967 240 $3 902 $4 279 133 $3 539 $2 727

1 ci64 $9 590 $9 534 185 $2 015 $2 596 111 $2 550 $2 957

$9 746 $10 777 124 $1 445 1 198 $8 274 $9 090 26() $2 560 $3 003 157 $2 465 $3 147

1 042 968 $9 468 130 $4 305

879 769 $10 868 92

938 B5B $10 337 45





$9 $10 $8 2 $8 $8

$4 $4 $3 $3

47 47 74 56 122 93 131 1B7 151 225 358 345 307 29 5 802 393 214 085 B17 512 982 640 000 185 399 068 085


$9 968 $10 357 100 $7 627 1 207 $8 445 $8 677 298 $3 368 $3 553 169 $3 5B4 $2 936


14 23 13 16 44 15 73 32 88 155 232 111 56 $14 216 $19 60B 49




42 29 60 44 53 116 106 l11 273 272 321 55


TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES AH l••lll"' .••••.•.•••••.•••.•• -· •. "" With wage or sal-ory income----------------- "" Mean wage or salary income __________ ,.._,. __ _ With nonfarm self-employment income ........ ----Mean nonfarm self·empioyment income __ .... __ "" With form self-employment income ........ __ .......... . -· Mean form setf--employment income .... ______ _.. With Social Security income ______ ------ ____ .. .. -Mean Social Security jncome ------ ................ .. -With public assi&tcince or public welfare income .. .. Mean public ass.istonce or public welfare incom With other income-... ______ -------- ____ .... ---- .. Mean other income ............. -------- __ ........ .. -·

. ..


,.............. -- -- .... -- ___ -- ........ -- ---- ------ ....

1 391 l 258 $8 787 118 $5 928



$1 562 91

$1 318 89

596 $1 146

$1 348

89 6.4

78 7.5

45 152 33.3 $841 441 8.6 138 33.3





. ..

212 $1 413 36

$1 647 61

359 $994

342 $1 404


... 596

$1 485 135 $7B6 800 $1 313


2 177 l 926 $10 010 166 $7 907 39

... 4B4

909 787 $9 914 62


418 $1 447 77

$1 448 93

189 $1 359 57

827 $1 201

1 002 $1 151

372 $1 963

132 7.5 $1 253 25 133 24.0 $968 486 7.3 119 65.5

143 6.6 $1 287 25 167 26.l $945 547 6.7 124 66.9

. ..











Percont of oil families···--·--·-········· Meon income deficit ........ _..... ______________ _ -Families with femoto head-----·------····· .. Uorehlt•i lodlvi
__ ...... ..


.. Percent of oll persons ________ ....... _____ .... _

P•n11s __ ---- ------- ................ ---- -- -- -- -- ---


iq1oted children under IB years ••• ----······ "" Percent living with both portnts ------·--· 1


lncludes olWc.ated CO$H not shown separately,

23- 586





3.9 ...







28 90 34.6

298 7.1 126 46.a

177 5.1 39

272 8.1 78

... ...



113 5.2 $1 610 58 205 37.5 $963 700 8.5 268 33.6

41 4.5


24 113 37.9 $1 035 262 7.4 7B


18 2.0


7 178 52.2 $1 394 228 6.5 23


48 4.2


13 67 16.2


238 5.3 Bl


38 2.4

. ..

B 38 16.7

... 205

3.3 95



...4.122 505 70.0 $990 801 12.3 204 58.8

'Excludes inmates of 1nsfltut1ons and members of the Armed Farces ltving in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated Individuals under 14 years.


Table 118. Occupation and Income for Towns and Places of 2,500 to 10,000:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median 1 etc.) and meonino of symbols, see text] West

Towns and Places

West Yarmouth




3 947 442 82 131 251 187 30 219 150 505 706 210 190 872 76B 104 191 146 95 29 442 202 65 131 49 1 540 182 62 73 44 74 405 146 512 457 228 45 50

1 386 191 43 35 234 186 19 136 57 199 247 25 121 47 6 41 39 50 6

2 (1(18

1 788 1 453 241 142 89 5

3 947 3 041 463 257 423 20

1 386 1 056 157 101 167 6

2 008

712 9 10 34 28 18 34 49 58 62 46 138 77 143 6

1 125 6 6 33 19 64 22 58 63 67 89 210 205 243 40

1 039 10 29 34

$10 116 $10 330

$11 290 $11 853 51

2 556 34 45 108 112 117 193 131 182 229 220 442 378 323 32 10 $9 577 $10 163 167 $5 632 3 051 $8 612 $9 069 495 $2 250 $3 416 314 $3 444 $2 842

1 365 22 17 52 53 BO 51 125 128 108 142 204 180 168 20 15 $9 327 $10 676

Westminster town



1 788 304 68 65 154 124 21 83 40 263 261 67 52 366 315 51 32 49 10 16 240 147 10 73 10 663 132 SB 53 26 36 188 52 112 46 144 10 15

1 031 814 101 49 94 22




Total employed1 16 years old and over----Professional, technical, and kindred workers -- ___ _ Health workers -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _

Managers and administrators------------------

Salaried -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Self-employed in retail trade __ -- -- ____ ---- ___ _

Sales workers -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------

Retail trade------------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers--------

Mechanics and repairmen __ -- -- -- ____ ---- ___ _ Construction craftsmen ______ -- ____________ _ Operatives, except transport __ -- -- -- __________ _ Manufacturing -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Nanmanufacturing industries __________ ---- __ _ Transport equipment operatives -- -- ___________ _ Laborers, except farm -----------------------Formers and farm managers------------------Form laborers and form foremen --------------Service workers 1 -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Cleaning and food service workers ___________ _ Protective service workers------------------Personol and health service workers ____ ---- __ _ Private household workers---------------------

1 031 117 27 19 75 51 10 68 32 195 193 28 41 177 165 12 31 11 15



72 6 53 9 386 46 18 9 13 38 131 20 58 39 BO

female employed, 16 years old and over ___ _

Professional, technical. and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers ___________________________ _ Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Managers and administrators ---- -- ______ -----Sales workers ______ -------- __________ -----Clerical and kindred workers ______ -- _________ _Secretaries, stenographers, and typists -------Operatives, including transport---------------- Nondurable goods manufacturing -----------Service workers, except private household ______ _ Private household workers ___________________ _ Other occupations ___________________________ _




Totol employed, 16 years old and Her---Prlvote wage end salary workers-------------Government workers __________________ ------ local government workers ____________ -----Self·employed workers ________________ -------Unpaid family workers ________________ ------ __




241 41 85 80 74 6 75

56 3B9 375 73 50 469 397 72 54 86 5 6 208 78


225 148 10 28 12 547 99 43 24 60 57 155 36 26 6 138 12

5 9B 20 811 95 27 48 15 31 274 98 191 72 155 20 30


1 702 233 156 62 11

Wilbraham Center (U)

town Center CU)

Williamstown town


1 393 347 32 127 214 200 4 107 32 291 168 27 32 90 55 35 44 9 15

1 796 576 44 85 159 129 21 78 55

1 777 208

507 134 21 83 25 38 207 50 20 20 57 9 17

4 409 19B 15 28 31 5(1(1 164 17 46 11 21 lOB 51 80 12 71 28 17

3 339 1 048 103 198 336 273 42 138 84 404 306 46 64 2B3 204 79 72 72 26 12 5B6 331 15 58 56 1 040 340 71 101 20 43 265 115 143 12 135 53 41

1 393 1 080 222 185 86 5

1 796 1 469 180 140 133 14


912 B 45 38 37 44 55 32 47 53 23 107 132 197 84 10 $11 383 $14 235 77


99 29 23 42 9

Winchendon town


5 227 132 6 B3 lB 721 111 60 46 23 13 175 61 209 46 142 18 30

2 719 281 87 98 171 144 8 134 93 288 399 104 91 872 B23 49 104 128 9 5 310 167 12 121 18 998 141 70 62 37 18 220 66 335 74 194 18 35

2 426 511 109 99 155 117 15 85 48 470 3BB BO 112 296 261 35 44 54 4 2B 387 194 2B 149 4 976 242 80

3 339 2 642 376 261 284 37

1 777 1 357 275 186 119 26

2 719 2 138 380 240 166 35

2 426 1 70B 566 200 146 6

1 904 24 61 55 75 83 87 86 82 152 94 237 320 386 146 16 $11 291 $13 368 154 $6 704 3 662 $4 604 $B 142 1 758 $1 385 $2 482 327 $3 582 $3 546

1 035 9 31 44 56 19 lB 71 92 123 109 188 138 96 29 12 $9 500 $10 655 128 $6 46B 1 340 $8 417 $9 086 305 $2 816 $3 764 223 $3 352

1 675 33 43 48 84 42 76 107 147 204 192 264 229 155 39 12 $9 279 $10 221 180 $6 062 2 121 $8 354 $8 876 446 $2 830 $3 822 305 $3 435

1 337 40 25 24 26 41 51 56 37 Bl 88 166 263 390 49

$3 OB2

$2 900

I 774 $;0 07B $11 178 437 $5 049 $6 514 289 $4 417 $2 6B2

912 794 $12 091 161 $6 767

1 904 1 656 $11 304 315 $8 102 15

1 035 980 $9 063 122 $9 376 5

1 675 1 578 $8 802 198 $7 948 14

1 337 1 191 $12 124 188 $7 417 13

323 $1 577 107 $1 152 576 $1 748

214 $1 633 61

142 8.5 $1 951 50 121 27.1 $838 881 13.6 445 49.0

83 6.2

204 138 20 26 139 B9 50 35 23


Center (U)

77 70 108 Bl B 97 61 224 229 57 47 516 4BO 36 57 BB



77 14 39 319 t07 Bl 28 243 4 34


families------------------------Less th on All $1,000 ___________________________ _



$1,000 to $1,999---------------------------$2,000 to $2.999 ____________ ---- ___________ _ $3,000 to $3,999---------------------------$4,000 to $4,999---------------------------- $5,000 to $5,999---------------------------- $6,000 to $6,999---------------------------$7,000 to $7,999---------------------------$8,000 to $8,999---------------------------$9,000 to $9.999 ______________________ -----$10,000 to $11,999 _________________________ _$12,000 to $14,999-------------------------$15,000 to $24,999 _________________________ _


$25,000 to $49,999-------------------------$50,000 or more ___________________________ _


Medianincome income----------------------------Mean ______________________________ _

Families with female heod __________________ -Mean Income ______ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- All families ond unrelated individuals -- -- ---- -- Median income--------------------------Mean income ______ ---- ________ -- -- -- ---- All unrelated individuals _____________________ _ Median income--------------------------Mean income ________________________ ----_






$2 976

$3 357


712 632 $9 673 65

1 125 989 $11 527 127 $4 963 10

$9 $9 $3 $4

832 300 528 120 500 773 94


1 355 $10 350 $10 600 230 $3 926 $4 472 134 $3 840

Female unrelated individuals ________________ --Mean income __________________ -- -- -- ----Per capita income of persons __ ---- __ ----------



$B $10 $6 1 $7 $8 $4 $4

$4 $3

47 t23 65 91 51 32 138 134 t60 32 9 716 452 122 155 404 304 977 365 300 778 226 064 434

153 935 764 000 126 399 $2 940 $3 822 314 $3 264

$5 1 $8 $9

10 8 5 9 24 31 10 45 26 63 135 173 294 77 15 $13 673 $15 402 41 1 041 $12 754 $14 235 116 $4 727 $4 927 72



2 164 $2 626 $1 495 1 252 $1 396 $2 586 238 $3 754 $3 817

$3 103

$4 187

l 039 788 $B 78B 159 $7 159

1 365 1 239 $9 142 114 $13 217

925 826 $14 801 98

289 $2 173 47

401 $1 416 106 $1 050 622 $1 705

165 $1 648 22

260 $1 766 2B

451 $1 730 60

203 $1 532 55

438 $2 229

487 $3 636

1 005 $3 257

373 $1 640

58 6.4

123 6.5 $1 241 31 348 49.5 $845 713 9.8 114 70.2

73 7.1


$12 3B2 $12 702 88

TYPE OF INCOME IN 1969 OF FAMILIES All fomlHu -------------------------

Wilhwoge or salary income-----------------Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonfarm self-employment income _________ _Mean nonfarm self-employment income------With form self-employment income ________ ----_ Mean form self-employment income---------With Sociol Security income __________________ _ .Mean Social Security income---------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income __________________________ _Mean olher income ______________ ----------


INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' Families ___________________________________ _

Percent of all families __________ -- ______ -- Mean income deficit----------------------Un;~,~~~~n~~'t~uf:1~ole head------------------ Percent of oll u~-r;io-t;d-i~di~id~~is-=========

Pe~::sn-~n~~~~-d~~~~t-======================= Percent of all persons_ __________________ _Related children under 18 years _____________ _Percent living with both parents----------- -

!Includes allocated cases not shown separately.

... 20 ."


153 $1 601 27

205 $1 609 24

310 $1 753

519 $1 821


49 6.9



27 2.4



13 68 29.6

228 9.2 99

148 3.5 24

13 38





2 556 2 232 $8 933 396 $6 855 106 $5 612 606 $1 277 155 $1 285 1 051 $1 670 166 6.5 $1 504 44 203 41.0 $671 824 B.4 2Bl 66.5



586 $3 441 67 6.4


19 115 31.5 $961 397 10.7 149 46.3


72 5.3


39 116 29.l $743 356 6.9 157 18.5





28 3.0



19 16.4


93 2.6 16





16 252 51.9 $772 378 11.0 14










29 85 27.9

. ..

397 10.1 189 47.6


.. .


584 $1 223



31 83 19.0

. ..

403 7.1 184 61.4

2Excludes inmates of institutions and members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, ond unrelated individuals under 14 years.



23 - 587

Social Characteristics for Counties:

Table 119.

[Dato based on sample see text


For minimum boH for derived figures. (percent median, etc.) ond meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties Barnstable




036 018 383 635 018 332 218 771 156 291 231 l 006 236 2 787 6 744 37 604 48 147 1 650 86 797 2 897

6 117 4 288 1 379 450 1 829 225 70

637 887 425 715 162 060 112 212 172 19 505 19 732 3 193 5 336 11 956 382 l 268 472 12 186 33 222 67 623 183 l 011 1 604 34 499 5 993

5 547 1 313





59 46 10 2 12 l

459 312 111 35 146 10 14 2 6 26 l 2

NATIVITY, PARENTAGE, AND COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Totol populotloin ... ______ - ...... ,. ___ ---

Native of native parentoge ................................ .. Native of foreign or mixed parentoge ______ .,,. Foreign bor:n .........................................................

Totol foreign stock---·-----------United Kingdom-·------ __ ·- -- .. __ -------lroland ______ •• ·- __ ---- __ ·- -· •• _______ _ Sweden __ •• ____ • ___________ •••••••••• __ Germony 1 .................... - - - - - - - - ........ - - - - - - .. ..



Polond -- __ •••••••• ------ •• -·-- _______ _

Czechoslovo'kio ............................. -- ____ ........ .. AU$tria .... ____ ......................................... -- ...... .. Hungary .... ____ ................................. ____ ........ ..

U.S.S.R. -- -- -- ---- •• -- •• -------· •• -- -- • ltoly •••••. -- -- ---- ------ -- -·-·---- ----

Canodo ........................ -------- .... -- .............. ..

Mexico ............ __ .................... ~- ...................... ..


96 656 73 281 18 016 5 359 23 375 3 916 2 126 1 093 1 439 469 147 174 128 383 1 470 5 376


2 4

l 8 7


12 236

Cuba ____ ---- •••• -- ---- __ •••••• ---- -- -- -

Other America ............................................. ---- All other and not reported .................... _____ _ Per$c>ns of Spanish language2 ____ ... ______ _ Other persons of Spanish surnome:r -------Persons of Spanisl\ origin or de1cent __ ----Persons cf Puerto Rican birth or parentage __

149 110 30 8 39 3 2

402 317 914 171 085 876 589 355 636 993 204 948 182 232 559 755 83 95 236 3.42 737

6 399 513


1 010 75

l 324 91



444 271 122 50 173 16 6 1 2 9


39 13 31 31 7 50 74 338


34 833


.. .




210 342 387 481 868 150 497 302 769 3 133 110 586 61 393 643 3 103 32 36 80 l 973 304


5 948 1 902

84 76

6 17 37 1 20 9

050 305 650 095 745 849 798 073 060 379 349 096 311 120 124 208 217 284 609 268 913

.. .

8 747 6 624



Tot1I ____ -- ---- -- -- -- ---------English ________ -- __ •• ____ ••.••. ______ •• French ---- ____ ...... ---- ---- __ ---- -----Germon -·- ____ .. ___ - • ____________ ---- __ _ Spanish _______________________________ _


96 70 2 l

656 935 414 530 300 21 477

149 110 9 3

402 590 962 027 450 25 373

91 098 55 668 23 544 25.8 14 148 3 507 3 942 l 947 I 171 10 715

141 406 105 436 29 120 20.6 22 049 2 946 3 025 1 100 868 5 982

89 43 37 13 23 1 1 11 11 1

137 84 44 30 14

887 251 953 083 341 259

59 210 45 400 3 489 977 197 9 147

459 302 49 6 8 92

5 719 4 257 1 214 21.2 913 147 131 23 42 206

587 525 479 959 77 943 13.3 53 338 10 394 10 309 3 902 5 833 23 790

56 837 43 232 11 264 19.8 8 667 l 060 l 041 496 351 1 990

423 608 311 199 86 648 20.5 55 618 9 347 18 057 3 626 8 899 16 862

5 3 2 1

585 363 189 132 56 2 5 26 29 l 2 17 3 5 3 7

54 34 17 10 6

421 247 145 101 43 3 3 12 30 2 2 16 4 7 2 7

036 622 813 586 158 857

6 117 4 969 133 25

392 635 316 896 54 716 13.9 42 540 4 336 5 588 2 252 4 958 16 065

407 249 123 93 30 1 1 12 17 l

444 248 55 2 2 13.4



637 461 49 6 4 116

050 554 666 760 015 055



Total 111tlve pop1,1lotlon ___________ _ Born in S1ote of re!iiidence ________ •• __ -- --

Born Percen1 in different State------------------of to1ol ____________________ _ Northeast •••• ---- __ •• _______________ _ North CentroL .. __ ... ____ .. ______ ---- __ _South------------------------------West ___________________________ .. ___ .,. Born abroad, at sea, etc.--------------.. -Stote of birth not reported _______________ _


RESIDENCE IN 1965 Tat1I popul•tlon, 5 yeon o-ld 1nd ower

Some house •• ______________ ---- ______ ...



Different house in United States ---- ____ •• _ Some county ..... -- _____________ • ____ _ Different county-----·--------------·-In Armed Forces in 1965 ···-------Persons college in 1965 -- ___ Same Stateotfendin.g ________________________ Different State __ ..... __ ... __ ..... __ •• __ In Armed Forces in 1965 __________ ,. Persons attending college in 1965 ___ _





Northeo$t ,... -- ..••__________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --_Norfh Central_



So\Jth ---- -- ------ ---- -----· -- -- • •. __ -------------·---------Abrood West •. __ .. ____ •• __________ •••.•. __ •. In Armed ForcH in 1965 -----------·-·· Moved, 1965 residence not reported ..... ___ _"

5 l 2 1 1


481 611 381 801 580 322 316 722 858 207 723 913 507 546 892 854 403 635

l 3 10 1 7 1 I


607 158 917 507 410 400 538 719 691 323 035 03.4 089 816 752 911 141 621

12 1 2 l 14 20

365 341 749 488 261 358 942 522 739 l 16 944 304 582 623 230 255 551 020

698 221 216 237 979 17 57 490 489 17 57 357 42 90



759 565 080 467 613 201 165 884 729 817 736 187 665 404 473 745 937 25 369

3 3 2


800 292 129 459 670 300 792 113 557 254 384 142 376 540 499 377 128 002

388 OBI 224 857 367 152 863 593 774 966 443 695 133 016 930 997 973 21 086



Different county in 1965 ••. _ .• ______ •. ___ _ In Armed Forces, 1970 .................. . Inmate of institution, 1970 ..... ____ ... ___ _ Attending college, 1970 ______ ... _______ _ living with one or both parents •••. __ •. Hot living with portnt:li---·----------Different State in 1965---··-------------- ln Armed Forces, 1970 ____ -~. _.. " .... ____ _ Inmate of institution, 1970 ... _______ .•• -Attending college, 1970 ________________ _ Uving with one or both parents _______ _ Not Hving with parents---------------

2 850 l 983 219 648 143 505 2 059 1 709 131 219 48 171

2 145 39 355 I 751 93 1 658 l 405 39 217 1 149 59 1 090

3 699 611 598 2 490 337 2 153 2 235 527 121 1 587 163 1 424

16 24 24


34 743 26 959 77.6 2 l 18 5 666

56 208 49 358 87.8 2 397 4 453

-World Wor II ••• --·-··--······-····--- World Wor I---------------·--------- Other service ... -- .... ______ .... __ ... ___ - ..... Nonveteran _.. _............ ____ ... __ .... __ .... ___ _ -

29 528 14 437 48.9 2 047 2 057 571 6 103 2 072 1 587 15 091

49 347 23 128 46.9 3 117 3 445 485 10 947 1 553 3 581 26 219




24 7 17

6 242 504 642 5 096 534 4 562 3 561 396 182 2 983 309 2 674

1 026 13 134 879 58 821 359 7 22 330 46 284

9 093 3 820 457 4 816 352 4 464 6 558 3 491 100 2 967 214 2 753

180 542 136 052 75.4 31 426 13 064

2 276 l 947 85.5 54 275

256 380 184 121 71.8 53 688 18 571

23 755 16 937 71.3 5 099 1 719

181 814 148 386 81.6 21 820 11 608

142 926 63 546 44.5 9 359 10 243 l 723 30 023 3 647 B 551 79 380

2 034 837 41.2 68 176 16 374 95 108 1 197

204 872 100 654 49.l 14 250 16 585 3 383 46 504 6 306 13 626 104 218

19 906 8 813 44.3 l 287 1 229 236 4 113 663 l 285 11 093

144 661 68 661 47.5 11 200 10 270 1 BOB 32 091 3 732 9 560 76 000

-40 --

PLACE OF WORI( AN workers .... ____ .......... _. ~- ____ • Worked in county of residence-·---------- Percent of all workers-----·----------Wo-rked outside county of residence __ . ____ _Ploce of work not reported ______________ _

VETtRAN STATUS ClvUkl" mal•, 16 years ol4 nllf ower __

Veteron ____ ........... __ ... ________ ...... ____ _ Percent of tota-1 .... ---- __ ...... ____ ,.. ___ _ Vietnam conflict __________ ---- ·- ____ .... Korean conflict ....... ------------------- Korean conflict and World War II .... __ ........



1ncludes West Germany and Eo:st Germany.



'See text for defm1t1on.


Table 119.

Social Characteristics for Counties:


{Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meoning of symbols, see text]









NATIVITY, PARENTAGE, AND COUNTRY Of ORIGIN Total population __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

Native of native poren!oge -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Native of foreign or mixed parentage -- -- ---foreign born---------------------------TotDI foreign 1toc:lc ---------------Uniied Kingdom -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---lrelond -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Sweden-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

Germony• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Polond -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

123 91 26 6 32 2 2

Canada -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mexico -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Cubo •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Other America---- -- ------ -- -- -- --------All other and not reported----------------Persons of Spanish longucge2 _____________ _ Other persons of Spanish surnome 2 ________ _ Persons of Spanish origin or descent ____ ---Persons of Puerto Rican birth or parentage __ _

1 397 915 352 129 482 36 58 8 13 14 l 3 1 26 97 128

267 242 238 787 025 982 334 568 438 417 446 756 997 327 059 011 817 401 343 129 993

3 774 3 024 599 151 750 105 57

446 347

12 794 3 168


123 83 11 2

981 095 071 254 524 27 037

1 397 267 l 034 210 69 893 16 117 8 582 268 465

3 774 2 990 118 40 12 614

605 474 13 7 2 106

117 438 82 246 25 070 21.3 15 977 4 000 3 555 l 538 l 287 8 835

l 267 217 980 931 219 958 17.4 133 794 37 247 33 785 15 132 13 399 52 929

3 603 2 237 926 25.7 559 122 185 60 73 367

560 499 445 947 89 986 16.l 60 109 13 651 11 860 4 366 3 623 20 943

315 563 258 438 41 861 13.3 27 141 5 979 6 247 2 494 2 246 13 018

641 652 479 lll 113 066 17.6 55 973 12 707 40 109 4 277 10 175 39 300

588 740 471 461 87 568 14.9 60 419 9 943 12 948 4 258 7 003 22 708

115 62 41 15 25

694 253 758 929 829 585 455 372 457 381 530 379 977 928 173 604 251 079

1 278 761 432 264 167 6 25 70 96 5 17 49 16 18 11 26 2 58

471 633 390 931 459 376 808 567 872 073 652 715 679 827 651 295 494 153

3 471 l 980 1 168 387 781 19 54 284 497 19 28 215 32 170 80 68 15 255

SSS 349 178 76 101 2 9 66 34 1 4 19

299 171 112 55

789 477 876 121 755 778 462 254 501 190 210 185 691 586 039 717 534 719

678 349 270 179 91 2 16 40 51 1 10 30 6 11 3 19 1 38

561 781 955 032 923 426 383 071 852 845 973 715 171 593 373 718 050 107

585 361 184 130 53 2 4 20 33 2 3 16 5 7 3 7 1 32

717 562 267 958 309 505 866 101 208 182 133 794 147 670 597 579 555 309

12 888 184 774 11 930 101 11 829 5 404 151 206 5 047 40 5 007

34 3 2 27 1 26 24 3

088 478 728 882 510 372 122 188 369 20 565 803 19 762

30 23

4 567 391 1 747 2 429 480 1 949 l 295 317 301 677 171 506

32 1 1 29

289 318 834 137 511 626 376 016 356 004 169 835

12 5 1 6


12 338 567 l 631 10 140 1 382 8 758 6 943 462 138 6 343 471 5 872

901 447 216 238 429 809 046 091 185 770 239 531

47 896 28 780 60.1 12 612 6 504

570 950 380 006 66.6 152 404 38 540

1 614 1 383 85.7 18 213

244 346 113 849 46.6 115 272 15 225

124 497 67 412 54.1 48 155 8 930

298 154 210 278 70.5 59 246 28 630

259 073 204 924 79.1 35 095 19 054

43 532 16 960 39.0 3 165 2 562 396 7 770 944 2 123 26 572

451 760 212 898 47.1 33 678 36 943 6 691 94 738 11 080 29 768 238 862

1 233 653 53.0 77 91 18 333 76 58 580

191 168 95 311 49.9 13 689 15 589 3 390 43 875 5 159 13 609 95 857

103 433 53 773 52.0 8 577 9 648 1 940 22 412 3 002 8 194 49 660

243 171 98 977 40.7 18 663 15 236 2 420 43 270 6 954 12 434 144 194

207 097 95 628 46.2 14 287 14 752 2 778 45 129 5 323 13 359 111 469

2 8

Czechoslovakia -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Austria -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Hungary -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---U.S.S.R. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---lloly -------------- ---------------------

981 450 176 355 531 415 286 284 084 574 349 839 76 732 445 924 16 13 203 291 863

l 8



l 6 63 12



20 6 5 10 16


605 405 154 45 199 20 30 5 6 7 2

35 224

20 29 43

265 12

l 30 3




051 465 390 196 586 063 742 218 095 692 601 122 682 671 857 206 125 428 900 184 627

.. .

3 543 231

333 249 66 17 13 8 9 3 2 2

3 11 20

18 2

314 535 208 571 779 964 118 444 950 686 167 821 243 055 907 952 76 189 691 516 195

2 313 278

735 458 182 94 276 14 54 2 6 11 2 23 59 41 3 11 44 19

189 317 486 386 872 782 765 516 206 692 445 021 626 234 605 998 343 005 553 081 462


18 942 8 133

637 430 158 48 207 13 17 9 5 16 1 7 26 64 l 41 5

969 880 178 911 089 577 466 852 616 691 967 220 546 053 574 620 189 294 153 269 331


5 333 2 156

MOTHER TONGUE FOR SELECTED GROUPS Tota( ______ ---------------------


French ---- -------- --------------------Germon -·-- ---- -- ---------------- -----Spanish--------------------------------Oiher -------------------- -- -------- ----

051 856 946 312 253 684

333 269 8 3 1 50

314 509 758 468 184 395

735 520 12 7 16 178

189 216 244 455 404 870

637 425 79 6 3 122

969 249 734 701 767 518

STATE OF BIRTH Toto( natlve population-------------

Born in State of residence----------------Born in different State-------------------Percent of total __________________ ---Northeast ____________________________ _ North Central _________________________ _ Soulh .• -------- -------- ------ ---- ---Wes1------------------------ ---- ---_ Born abroad, at sea, etc __________________ State of birth not reported ________________ _

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, S years old and ovtr _

Same house ________ ---- ________________ _ Different house in United States ___________ _ Some county ________________ -- _______ _ Different county ----------------------In Armed Forces in 1965 -----------Persons attending college in 1965 ----Some State ____ ---- ______________ ---Different State ______ -- ________ -- __ --In Armed Forces in 1965 ___________ _ Persons attending college in 1965 ____ _ Northeast ________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --North Central__---- _______________ _ South ------ ____ ------ -------- ___ __ Wes! ____________________________

2 14 11

Abrood •.•• ______________________ -------

1 6 1 l l l

In Armed Forces in 1965 ---------------Moved, 1965 residence not reported ________ _


5 6 3 5 22

974 922 150 848 302 783 696 332 970 957 900 620 139 787 424 865 709 037

57 1 3 40 17 1 1 9 2 3 2 2 12

RESIDENCE IN 1965 OF SELECTED CLASSES OF MIGRANTS Different county in 1965 __________________ _ In Armed Forces, 1970 _________________ _ Inmate of institution, 1970 ______________ _ Atlending college, 1970 _________________ _ living with one or both parents ________ _ Not living with parents _______________ _ Dilferent Siote in 1965---------------- ___ _ In Armed Forces. 1970 -------------- -·-Inmate of institution, 1970 ______________ _ Altending college, 1970 •• _______________ _ Living with one or both parents ________ _ Not living with parents _______________ _

-7 -7

23 23



28 21 1 20 19

5 9 5 3 3

PLACE OF WORK All workers----------------------

Worked in county of residence ------------Percent of all workers ______________ ---Worked outside county of residence ________ _ Place of work not reported ------------ __ _

VETERAN STATUS Clvlllon mole, 16 years old and over __ _

Veteran __

Percenf-oT to-t~i == :: :: == == == :: :: :: :: :: Vietnam conflict----------------------Korean conflict-----------------------Korean conflict and World War II World Wor II •• __ -------- ____ World Wor I

-===:=:::: No~~~~;r~~rv~~~~=~=~=======~=====:======= 1

lncludes West Germany end East Germany.

2see text for definition.



Educational and Family Characteristics for Counties:

Table 120.


[Data based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbolsi see text]

Counties Barnstable







24 665 507 286 1 612 l 535 14 773 14 457 6 531 6 022 1 242

43 515 1 093 289 2 571 2 407 23 791 20 641 11 367 9 764 4 693 58.5 17.9 83.4 97.7 98.9

117 931 2 018 559 5 843 3 398 70 787 57 470 27 863 22 281 11 420

1 567 41

\BO 229 3 800 657 7 712 3 908 103 108 83 083 45 812 38 253 19 797 56.9 13.l 73.1 98.2 97.5

17 239 280 109 779 760 9 327 8 808 4 816 4 549 2 037

134 121 2 164 514 7 236 6 007 74 371 60 739 33 745 28 010 16 605

59.3 14.5 75.5 99.0 98.8 95.2 58.4 37.2 22.6 7.3

56.9 11.9 81.8 98.4 97.9 91.6 60.6 35.5 14.9 6.1

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Tet11 ..,.n..i, 3 t1 34 y••n •hL ___ _ Nunery school-------- .. ---------------Public -- •• __ ........ -- •• -- -- -- -- -- --· Kindergarten ________ ........ __ ............. -- ........ ... Public ________ •• __ •• __ •• --· _........ .


Elementary (1to8 yeorsl---·····------···


Public------ ____ ----·------- ________ _ (1 to 4 years)------·-·------Publlc -- -- -----------------· ______ --·

High school


Col~e -- --·- ---- -- ·-·- •••• -- -- ---- ----


PenHt •,.rollH, 3 tt 34 yeers .W ....... 3 and 4 years old----------------------5 and 6 years old----------------------· 7 to 13 years old •• ---------------------14 ond 15 years old--------------------16 ond 17 years old--------------------18ond 19 years old--·--·--------------20ond yeorsold. old----------·---------· 22 to 2421ye-0rs _____________________ _ 25 to 34 ye<1rs old ______________________ _


55.2 23.1 79.6 99.1 98.0 89.2 48.6 13.7 4.8 3.9

53.9 11.0 75.2 97.0 94.7 86.3

94.4 61.4 35.6 13.2 4.6

55.0 30.9 10.2 4.4

20 108 108 916 885 437 412 65 58.9 19.4 99.9 99.9 99.5 88.0 52.3 14.0

92.4 64.7 31.2 12.2 6.2





Mole, 25 yHrs eW and over ........ -- .. .. Ho school yeors complete-d ... __ .... ____ -- ...... .. Elementary; 1 to4yeors ................ - ............ .. S to 7 years _______________ _

8 yeors ........ __ -------- .... __ .... High school, I to 3 years _______________ _4 ye-ors __ .,_---------------College, 1 to 3 years •• __ .... __ -- -- -4


ye-ars or more ____________ _


Median s.chool years completed ...................... .. Percent high school graduates ____________ _

S to 7 yeo-r$ -· _____________ . ., 81 yeors-------------------to 3 years _______________ _ 4 years---------------- ___ _ 1to3 years _______________ _4 years ormore-------------

Fe1Hlt, 25 yeon old ""I over _____ _ No school years completed _______________ _


High "School;


l ta 4 years _______________ _-

Medion s.chool years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates ____ ,. _______ _-

26 307 178 339 1 294 2 003 4 229 9 671 3 976 4 617 12.5 69.4

38 823


115 5 5 21 16 23

618 421 817 141 483 887 25 950 7 748 9 241 10.\ 37.1

1 689 45 11 146 179 256 591 225 236 12.4 62.3 2 155

4 702 12 851 6 139 4 188 12.6 73.8

839 4 493 5 047 7 348 12 075 3 256 5 461 12.1 53.6 45 239 661 835 4 277 5 312 8 571 17 162 4 848 3 573 12.2 56.6

15 507 I 096 2 278 6 752 5 381 16 756 980 4 031 6 999 4 746

25 078 3 163 4 107 9 564 8 2« 27 943 1 989 7 583 11 920 6 451

25 3 5 9 12 13 5 2

37 125 5 515 9 475 15 280 20 227 22 470 10 817 5 451

113 994 16 968 28 937 46 596 60 983 69 615 32 187 18 930

I 601

577 649 351 304 206 316 32 917

2 268 2 247 1 457 1 091

21 13 21 13

-657 455 1 7B9 1 466 81.9

31 392 241 313 1 074

I 884

165 2 3 14 17 31 52 18 25


12.3 58.4 195 768 3 582 3 910 14 507 20 536 35 445 79 014 23 769 15 005 12.3 60.2

15 951 168 293 1 257 I 883 3 455 5 456 1 499 1 938 12.2 55.8 17 939 275 222 1 081 1 782 3 503 7 279 2 225 1 572 12.3 61.7

464 390 222 368 297 076 850


137 6 6 22 19 27 37 9 6

143 301 617 915 902 938 506 950 014 10.4 39.0

73 18 16 22 15

725 907 276 832 710 081 076 311 709 985

944 122 198 366 258 I 063 82 301 466 214

107 12 16 39 38 124 9 31 52 31

698 175 806 858 859 B52 857 004 500


9 975 925 1 799 4 132 3 119 II 170 714 3 229 4 413 2 814

160 24 40 66 86 98 45 26

276 445 663 016 524 284 911 407

15 1 3 5 7 8 4 2

7 33 86 182 325 893 3« 285 12.5 70.6

116 l 3 12 12 26 35 10 14

740 893 236 332 289 232 815 568 375 12.1 52.0 136 099 2 852 3 681 13 278 13 931 28 151 52 790 12 215 9 201 12.1 54.5



Male, 20 to 49 years oW ....... ---_ No high schooL _______________________ High school, 1 to 3 years .. __ •• __ .. -- .. .. High school, -4 years __ ---------- __ -- .... . College, 1 year or more ____ ---- ______ -- _

----No high school •• __________ -- -- -- ---- _. _ High school, 1 to 3 years •• __ •••• __ ... _.. --High school, 4 years .. __ -- -- -- -- -- -- •. -College, 1 year or more ...... ,. ... ____ ,, ___ _--fe1111le 1 15 to 44 '(Hrl old __ •••• __


15 26 29 13

BO 10 15 29 24 91 8 25 38 19

262 281 971 532 478 638 857 261 468 052



FainAlts ____ ---- .......... __ -- __ ... .

Wilh own children under 3 years. ________ .,_ With own children under 6 years _________ _ With own children under 12 years ______ -·With own children under" 18 years. _______ _ With s.ons./daughters under 25 years -· ___ _-· With sons./daughlers l3to 19 year's ______ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 2.4 years_ _____ _

s.. ~f•mlllts


2 784 2 592 1 574 927

277 239 126 60

1 759 1 812 988 632

1 114 1 547 138 341 1.1 37 888 77 719 64 069 214 563 188 506 87.9

151 179 13 491 0.9 3 090 7 025 5 764 19 445 17 081 87.8

1.0 26 753 55 501 46 612 155 065 131 298 84.7

4 915 15 030 3 058

7 705 25 208 3 272

24 030 73 134 3 043

3 435

34 703 108 949 3 139

3 001 9 431 3 143

24 272 75 892 3 127


2 403

4 238 78 1 532 142 276

10 764 695 3 219 2 023 371 610 2 060 1 786


13 114 1 889 4 454 637 1 037 63 2 819 2 215


13 609 57 2 495 2 099 755 2 067 4 065 2 071

--· Morried '°"''"-----------------.Percent in subfamilies ________________ • __ -Whh own children under 6 years _________ _


115 269 17 913 29 B03 46 020 63 318 71 144 33 284 18 237


18 years. __ _

Humber of own children under 18 ye-ors_ •••



u•••r 11 years old _________ _..


living wilh both parents------·---------Percent Df total----------------------

141 973 279 673 757 643 518 141

8 875 18 197 14 675 so 214 43 926 87.5

Hus•and-wH111 su•f1MHlts ... ____ •• _

With husband under 45 years __ ......... .

505 118 244 997 543

213 354 582 758 794 359 133

7U 1 104 98 462 1.5 26 640 54 089 45 178 146 511 125 485 85.6

----children under SubfemHhl• with ft••I• hed ...... .

Number of own children under 18 ye-ors.. ....

With own chi1dre-n under 18 years ..... ____ -


532 698 251 210 256 433 22 770 1.1 5 299 10 607 9 451 30 463 25 138 82.5

------ .. -------------

Humber of own

94B 504


1 350 1.6 336

688 1 022 91 357

CHILDREN EVER IORN We•en, 35 to 44 years •Id, ntr marrMd ____ _

Children ever born ___________________ _ P-er l ,000 women ever married ______ _

269 924

TYPE OF GROUP QUARTERS P1rs111 1 In er.up q111r1er1 .......... .. Inmate of mental hospitoL .......... _.... ~- __ ".. tnmote of home fer the aged ....... " ...... __ .. lnmattl' of other institution -~ _~ .. _... ____ -· .. In rooming house---------------------- -In mililory barracks .. ----------------·-- .. In college dormitory-------------------Orher ---- __ ---- ____ ·--- .... __ ---· ----





23 - 590



628 281 71 1 073 223 127

1 772 438

563 136 29


24 214


Table 120. Educational and Family Characteristics for Counties:


{Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]







226 802 079 288 854 393 908 909 621 834

'64 18

187 401 4 119 590 8 860 6 263 101 814 87 047 46 897 40 386 25 711

99 172

57.3 15.2 78.9 98.6 97.8 92.8 65.1 42.1 21.1 9.6

54.8 33.3 99.9 99.9 99.9 88.3 28.8 10.0 5.9



SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 to 34 years old_ ____ _ Nursery school-------------------------Public ---- ------ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Kindergorten -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---Public ------ ---- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Elementary (1 to 8 yeors)-----------------Public -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---High school (1to4 years)----------------Public -- ---- -- ------ -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---College -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --Parcent 11uolled, 3 to 34 years old ___ _

44 931 486 101 1 651 1 405 16 490 14 545 8 252 7 395 18 052

424 8 1 21 15 225 193 98 83 69

63,3 11.5 80.1 99.8 98.4 96.2 70.6 66.3 36.6 14.8

~ ~m : : : ~~-========================

14 ond 15 yeors old---------------------16 and 17 yeors old---------------------18 and 19 years old---------------------20 and 21 years old---------------------22 to 24 years aid •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -25 to 34 yeors old •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


44 44 568 568 305 293 29

60.1 15.7 75.9 98.9 97.9 93.3 70.3 44.9 18.6 7.7


2 090 320 5 084 2 924 59 645 56 149 24 509 22 068 7 844 55.2 10.5 71.7 98.4 97.2 93.8 57.3 30.0 10.2 4.8

206 3 1 13 12 95 70 42 30 51

116 265 713 125 070 391 717 668 754 737

182 936 2 800 721 9 281 6 945 101 758 84 649 45 714 37 336 23 383

53.6 17.6 80.4 98.0 97.1 88.5 66.1 43.B 22.8 9.1

56.5 10.4 77.8 98.3 98.1 91.7 61.5 35.4 15.1 5.8

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Mile, 25 yeors old and over ________ _

29 337 324 549 2 711 3 637 6 315 7 637 2 744 5 420 12.1 53.9

351 4 6 24 27 62 105 39 81

911 356 320 475 611 480 984 242 443 12.5 64.4

1 020 20 20 96 54 194 423 86 127 12.3 62.4

152 1 1 7 10 24 50 20 36

464 632 734 378 223 357 303 301 536 12.6 70.3

31 999 481 551 2 607 3 490 5 865 10 648 4 265 4 092 12.3 59.4

411 6 7 25 32 69 167 51 50

137 655 358 728 032 982 019 595 768 12.4 65.5

1 244 6 16 38 95 225 520 188 156 12.5 69.5

180 2 2 7 11 25 81 27 23

503 224 050 519 501 274 825 037 073 12.5 73.1

92 1 1 5 6 18

Malt, 20 to 49 yean aid _________ _ No high school.. _______________________ _ High school, 1to3 years ________________ _ High school, 4 years ____________________ _ College, l year or more _________________ _

23 2 3 6 11

993 364 630 713 286

259 21 36 82 118

140 811 193 948 188

624 72 95 325 132

104 6 13 36 48

ftMala, 15 to 44 y11rs old ________ _ Na high school.. _______________________ _

30 1 5 10 12

508 431 470 978 629

290 19 65 112 93

625 561 156 680 228

695 40 221 265 169

26 3 6 10 14 16 7 3

751 890 675 774 348 080 501 916

340 56 92 146 188 214 97 58

976 023 385 779 813 169 669 686

1 004 115 204 328 462 518 239 127

498 515

6 243 5 744

21 45

1 401 1 421

297 187

3 884 2 468

2 530 2 581 1 553 1 128

167 246

2 129 2 867

21 45

883 1 311


296 834 1.3 87 744 172 512 149 630


With husband under 45 years __________ -- _

23 708 1.3 6 348 13 112 11 318

186 413 394

124 618 1.5 33 537 63 254 56 874

Total under 18 years old __________ _ living with both parents _________________ _Percent of total ______________________ _-

34 917 30 614 87.7

472 025 421 149 89.2

1 171 978 83.5

129 664 1.2 36 292 75 835 60 166 210 474 190 946 90.7

504 766 370 1.2 754 760 457

126 550 111 393 88.0

5 620 17 469 3 108

75 369 235 947 3 131

191 394 2 063

34 505 110 797 3 211

17 919 59 569 3 324

No school years completed ____ -- -- -- -- ____ _ Elementory1 1to4 years ________________ _ 5 to 7 years-----------------

8 years.-------------------High school. 41to3 yearsyeor•----------------____________________ _ College,

1to3 yeors -----------------

4 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed---- -- -- ____ _ Percent high school graduates __________ ----

Female, 25 ytars old and over-------

No school years completed ________________ _ Elementary: l to 4 years _______________ _


5 ta 7 yeors ____ ---- ____ -- __ 8 years ____________________ _ High school. 1ta3 yeors ----------------College,

4 years--------------------


1ta3 years _______________ _ 4 years or more ____________ _

Median school years completed---- __ ---- __ Percent high school graduates ____________ _

83 679

182 193 4 029 5 780 18 405 19 479 38 835 56 132 16 461 23 072 12.1 52.5

165 2 3 19 22 34

854 176 169 023 518 061 40 593 12 270 8 044 12.4 65.6

223 6 6 20 23 45 85 18 16

535 438 643 495 590 842 430 586 511 12.1 53.9

189 118 3 339 4 258 19 339 24 319 38 291 67 157 20 190 12 225 12.1 52.7

106 500 136 401 069

58 5 10 22 19

330 838 439 668 385

131 16 23 43 46

208 729 766 874 839

111 16 20 37 36

530 809 458

123 5 26 49 41

083 535 578 577 393

65 4 17 28 15

726 196 450 280 800

165 15 38 62

600 363 128 817 49 292

122 12 35 48 26

371 536 204 601 030

146 22 37 62 81 92 45 26

689 204 847 414 910 638 298 234

80 15 25 38 48 53 23 12

755 035 212 410 364 443 485 729

166 042 25 975 42 127 64 122 81 999 95 678 42 225 29 622

158 24 40 65 85 96 46 26

711 063 414 077 353 636 212 286

1 5 7 17 28 10 12

909 375 932 659 581 039 053 131 12.3 60.0


302 819 869 166 370 45 408 17 769 19 412 12.0 50.0




High school, l to 3 years ________________ _ High school, 4 years ____________________ _ College, 1 year or more------------------ -



FAMILY COMPOSITION f11t1lll1s ______________________ --


With own children under 3 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ With own children under 12 years_ ________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _With sons/daughters under 25 years ______ _


With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years _______ _ SvbfomlllH ---------------------

Number of own children under 18 years ____ _ HusltHll~wlfe sultfamllles _________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ____ _Svltfe111llle1 with ftmale head ______ _ Number of own children under 18 years ____ _-



Percent == ==== :::: == Wlth own children under 6 years __________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _


845 557

71 23 43 37

3 4 1 1

875 025 904 138

2 451 2 560 1 346 988

1 789 2 629

210 725 153 466 72.8

1 005 1 433 131 058 1.0 37 976 77 123 63 581 212 389 185 977 87.6

30 765 102 083 3 318

32 468 104 031 3 204

CHILDREN EVER BORN Wo111H, 35 to 44 years old, ever morrltd _____ _

Children ever born ____________________ _Per 1,000 women ever married-------- -

TYPE OF GROUP QUARTERS Perso111, In group quarters _________ _ :nmote of mental hospital_ _______________ _nmate of home for the aged _____________ _ :nmote jf other institution ____ ---- _______ _ro_,_m ng house ______________________ _-


I~ ~0 1l!:~y d~~~~~ks -- ---------- ------ --- Other ________ __:_ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: : 1


20 798 2 428 456 1 427 253


15 966 268

45 1 8 6 2 1 19 5


726 002 507 475 587 378 915 862









16 3 3 1 1

911 256 351 865 485 143 4 799 2 012

7 1 2 1

463 078 697 194 641 22 687 1 144

41 1 7 2 3

444 048 824 768 382 890 19 522 6 010


27 3 6 1 1 5 6 3

633 551 140 222 466 060 683 511

23 - 591

Employment Characteristics for Counties:

Table 121.


(Data based on 50mple, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. medion, etc.) and meoning of symbols, see text)

Counties Barnstable







32 383

49 467 37 862 76.5 37 770 36 296 1 474 3.9 11 605 593 3 923 2 078 5 011 55 472 23 916 43.1 23 910 22 618 1 292 5.4 31 556 l 110 3 069 18 491 8 886 7 672 2 073 663 220

144 370 113 498 78.6 112 137 106 901 5 236 4.7 30 872 2 012 6 654 7 931 14 275 169 367 79 393

2 053 1 599 77.9 1 599 1 520 79

205 894 163 445 79.4 162 320 156 035 6 285 3.9


42 449

129 98 227 2 516 850 33.8 850 826

11 623

19 987 15 027 75.2 14 951 14 474 477 3.2 4 960 314 1 475 944 2 227 22 222 9 969 44.9 9 969 9 521 MB 4.5 12 253 380 1 472 6 658 3 743

149 165 118 192 78.9 112 919 108 760 4 159 3.7 31 673 1 819 9 912 6 497 13 445 171 571 75 748 44.l 75 523 71 461 4 062 5.4 95 823 2 539 10 747 56 681 25 856 22 877 7 576 3 131 1 074

996 945 564 096 091 637 773 206 297 161 433

5S 472 9 664 2 511 10 429 5 8B9 32 895 13 902 8 829 2 164 9244 5 033

169 29 10 31 19 98 46 26 9 27 16

25.2 42.5 69.9

15.0 35.0 54.3 69.6 86.2 96.6 96.4 91.0 24.6 8.3 32.3 52.7 59.5 56.9 40.7 55.6 55.1 9.1

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Malt, 16 yean eW DAii '"•'---------Labor force ...... _-- .... ____ -- ......... -- .. - -- - - -- -

-Employed ---------- ---- __ -------- ·-· Unemployed •• __ -------- __ --------·-· Percent of civilian labor force .. Nof 1n labor force------------------------Percent of totcil ............................ -----Civilir:m labor force ......................... - ............. .. M

__ - - - -


lnmote of in$titution ........ ------ ____ .... ---Enrolled in school ........................................... .. Otnm 65 Under 65 and yeors •• ____________ -·--·------·-·yean over ,, __ -

Female, 16 ynr1 oW .,.4 tver ------- Labor forc-e ........................................................ .. Perttnt of totaL .................................... .. Civmon labor force ........................................ .. Employed -- ·--· ---·---- -- ·---------- Unemployed---------- ........................... .. Percent of civition labor force-------- Not in loborforce ------------------------ Inmate cf institution ______________ ---- __ Enrolled in school -- ... ------------------Other, Under 65 years ________________ _65



over._ .. ,. __________ .,

Mele, 16 ft 21 ye•ri eld __________ .,


Not e-nroiled in school ____ ---- ______ .. - ____ _

Not high school graduate __ ---- ______ ---Unemployed or not in labor force-------


23 120 71-4 20 325 19 812 513 2.5 9 263 310 1 429 2 273 5 251 36 996 13 433 36.3 13 298 12 506 792 6.0 23 563 537 1 440 13 627 7 959 3 973 1 644 371 126


79 393 76 307 3 086 3.9 89 974 3 241 B 635 51 551 26 547 20 044 7 948 4 475 1 374




2.8 l 666


113 92B 625 312 129 50 4

2 450 8 19 241 108

971 405 279 295 44.9

108 247 103 882 4 365 4.0 132 984 4 236 13 112 7B 122 37 514 28 604 9 011 3 543 1 1B6

2 930 775 291 108



W••111, l6 yHrs eld ""' With owo children under 6 years .... _______ _

In labor force _______________________ _With own children 6 to 17 years only .... ---- In labor force ............ -----------------Morrlttl wo111ul husband prnent __________ --in labor force __________ ---- _________ _. Wtth own children under 6 years _________ _ Jn lobar force •• __ ---- ____________ -~ __

WHh own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _in labor force ________ .. ______________ _

36 5 1 6 3 22 7

5 1 5 2

367 052 146 754 020 110 506 067 087 359 357

2 516 374 77

13.B 50.5 69.4 75.8 89.5 95.3 95.5 89.0 24-4

32.l 50.3


206 1 397 458 364 77 343 163

241 41 10 45 24 138 56 37 9 39 20

279 275 734 365 351 030 648 785 307 660 488

22 3 1 4 2 13

6 3 3 2

222 344 023 396 639 492 137 063 896 883 247

171 29 7 33 18 98 42 26 6 28 15

571 897 447 143 317 273 113 475 330 639 300


lo 24 years-------------------

14 and 15 years------------------

ond 19years _________________ _ond 21 years------------------

16 and 17 yeor$------------------

1B 20 22 25

to 34 35 to 44 45 to 64 65 years


90.6 95.9 95.5 82.5 21.7

yeors ______ .. __ ••• _____ •

years ______ •.•.. - __ -- -- • years---- __ -- ---- __ ,.. ___ _ and over _______________ _

-18 ond 19 yeors------------------ 20 and 21 y&or&-----------------22 to 24 years __ • _____________ -- _-

15.9 36.1 49.7 51.4 48.2 41.9 49.9 44.9 9.1

hmale: 16ond 14ond 15y-eo:rs ---------------_ 17 y•ors_...... ________________

25 to 3.4 yea:rs------------------35 to .4.4 years ______________ -- ... -45 to 6.4 years _____________ .. __ -- 65 years. and ove-r ---------------- -

7-4 39.3 57.7 64.8 58.9 49.4 58-6 57.4 8.9

13.B 45.6 63.5 74.2 88.6 96.5 96.6 91.2 27.3



93.6 86.6 92.2 42.2


15.3 58.B 69.3 75.5 92.6 94.7 90.9 23.7 14.0 30.6 52.9 55.6 51.3 46.2 60.6 58.6 9.7

8.7 40.1 54.0 61.6 60.0 42.2 50.5 SB.2 12.3


·-· ...

27.8 4B.O 47.5 11.l

13.4 41.7 SB.3



87.S 95.9 96.3 91.2 25.4 7.0 34.8 51.6 55.5 54.8 41.9 53.2 57.4 9.9

WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED M•&. 1 16 yHrs- old: Hiii .vtr ... __ -- ____ ---- __ _

50 to 52 weeks ______ •• ________ •. __ ---27 10 49week•----·-------·----------26 week5 or leu __ ------ ---- ____ ------F..111111 16 yHn olcl Hiii over ---.. -- __ ---· --50 lo 52 weeks-----------·-----------27 to 49 weeks ... __ ---- ____________ ........ 26 weeks o.r less __ ---- ______________ ---


25 543 16 987 4 598 3 958 17 547 6 295 4 495 6 757

41 25 10 6 29 12 8 8

665 571 018 076 187 430

19 13 2 1 3

36 29 3 2 2

296 771



120 81 25 13 92

458 042 946 470


40 468

29 353 22 824

1 717 994

467 256 1 156 501 176 479

174 115 37 21 127

788 575 669 544


54 294

38 615 34 735

757 216 130 411 388 156 719 513

127 B7 24 15 91 3B 27 25

415 034 538 843 322 149 295 87B

14 474 10 687 2 311 886 1 422 54 9 521 7 203 1 950 1 110 278 90 680 312 326 42 92 40 25 27

108 88 13 7 6

760 469 261 272 933 97 461 311 238 970 418 494

6 283 18B 316 287

49 1 2 1

16 11 3 2 12 5 3 3

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVE R llhlt Hpltyej __________ -· ______________ •


Private wage or salary workers ---------Government workers __ ......... ---- ________ _ local government workers ____________ _ Self·employ-ed workers------------------ . Unpo)d family workers __________ -- -- ---f11aelt ew1pltyed ______ ---- ____________ ---Private wage or salary workers _. __ -- -- -Government workers------------------Local government workers ____________ _ Self-employed workers __ ---- ________ ---Unpaid family worke-rs ____ ---- _________ _


M•it ••ploy••, l1t ogrlcultur• ________ -- ~- -- -- . Wage or salary workers __________, __ .... --Self·employed workers ______________ --Unpaid family workers •• ___ .. ____ ---- ....... fet1tal• '"''"'''· la •1rkutture __ -- _________ _ Wage -or salary workers ____ ---- _______ _ Self·employed workers-------------~--Un-paid family workers ________________ _


812 204 999 535 553 56 12 506 9 031 2 5.44 1 681 642



257 721 58 22 618 18 492 3 211 2 452 769 146

586 335 229 22 77 55 17

106 BS 13 6 7 76 65 9 6 1 1 1


680 386 288 6 173 97 54 22

' 675 308 1 096 301

16 118 298 763 605

48 1 3 2

901 540 397 782 799 165 307 041 399 121 495 372 778 178 581 19 279 170 74

1 520 972 176 112 372


826 579 178 130 62 7 92 38 54


27 16 4



461 536 170 272

616 38 15 21

156 124 20 10 11

035 306 033 759 526 170 103 882 B4 100 16 601 10 545 2 623 558 1 411 829 517 65 387 264 BO 43

71 58 11 7 1

1 120 720 363 37 328 212 56 60

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MAUS• Mole, 30 to 49 ytan aid la 1970 ___________ _ Nonworker ii\ 1965, n-onworker in 1970 ...... Nonworker in 1965, worktr in 1970 _____ _ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ____ ••




70 1 3 2

195 425 900 882

677 124 685 989

The conc.-pt "worker .. includes the employed plu$ members of the Armed Forces.




Table 121. Employment Characteristics for Counties:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figure!' (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]









43 891 29 617 67.5 29 288 28 300 988 3.4 14 274 2 141 6 857 2 403 2 873 49 308 21 238 43.l 21 214 20 463 751 3.5 28 070 l 885 8 273 12 465 5 447

456 961 363 726 79.6 358 445 346 827 11 618 3.2 93 235 6 005 36 244 17 706 33 280 SU 691 235 592 45.4 235 400 227 030 8 370 3.6 283 099 9 109 30 049 174 300 69 641 72 653 20 444 6 806 2 410

1 293 1 056 81.7 990 959 31 3.1 237 4 49 81 103 1 473 616 41.8 616 597 19 3.1 857 21 61 517 258 209 121 33 5

192 195 154 988 80.6 153 989 149 699 4 290 2.8 37 207 3 839 13 080 6 196 14 092 225 591 99 630 44.2 99 611 96 408 3 203 3.2 125 961 4 212 14 103 76 760 30 886 28 558 7 103 2 293 882

104 030 83 100 79.9 82 441 79 122 3 319 4.0 20 930 3 041 5 666 4 324 7 899 114 925 48 456 42.2 48 446 46 182 2 264 4.7 66 469 l 808 6 139 43 354 15 168 14 277 4 481 l 618 551

245 168 177 989 72.6 175 981 167 535 8 446 4.8 67 179 5 502 20 979 17 770 22 928 302 594 143 118 47.3 143 010 137 587 5 423 3.8 159 476 5 661 20 684 88 279 44 852 41 14 6 2

677 201 051 598

214 314 168 862 78.8 161 511 155 627 5 884 3.6 45 452 4 233 13 458 8 696 19 065 235 133 l 05 335 44.8 1OS 266 100 914 4 352 4.1 129 798 6 046 12 839 76 055 34 858 35 046 12 196 4 432 1 278

518 93 21 95 48 295 118 87 18 84 40

691 898 455 242 032 624 627 556 649 190 695

1 473 220 101 245 104 851 350 185 97 216 85

225 38 7 43 21 129 49 35 6 39 18

114 25 5 22 11 71 27 23 5 20 9

302 42 9 39 18 124 49 33 7 29 13

594 836 906 232 714 025 207 038 245 514 908

14.2 40.6 32.4 45.3 71.7 86.4 90.0 86.4 28.4 11.9 33.7 26.6 48. l 56.6 47.0 57.3 56.6 11.9

16.4 46.5 57.7 66.9 81.4 93.2 96.7 91.9 31.7


11.0 44.4 56.8 62.2 64.7 42.6 48.4 55.8 12.6

41.4 43.5 51.9 18.2

759 907 392 460 297 434 503 360

397 560 264 127 77 561 55 872 281 266 \18 832 83 314 79 120

1 131 721 233 177 757 273 199 285

166 115 30 21 119 50 34 34

976 548 046 382 344 342 818 184

89 61 17 10 59 23 17 18

374 321 4\1 642 934 533 791 610

827 358 611 250 568 290 030 803 990 992 180 057


627 122 71 210

149 116 20 10 12

79 61 11 5 6

597 423 66

96 76 17



83 25


122 083 186 729 762 91 182 979 341 211 565 297

2 969 2 083 841 45 829 583 179 67

26 10 16


699 647 747 197 164 141 408 386 179 790 348 495 128 794 330 4 313 217 69 27

461 767 064 020

38 l 1 1

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 years old and over -- __ -- ----

Labor f~~~~e;;t _o_f _t_oi~i::::::


Civilian labor force----------------------


:: :: :::: :::: :: :::: :: :: ::::

Percent of civilian labor force--------Not in labor force-------------------------

Inmate of institution -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Enrolled in school----------------------Other• Under 65 years------------------

65 years and over -- -- ________ ----

f1mal1, 16 years old and over ____ ----

Labor fp~~~e~t-o-(fof~i::::::::::::::::::::: Civilian labor force ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

~~;~:l~~;d :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::::

Percent of civilian labor force--------Not in labor force -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Inmate of institution -- ---- ---- ---- -- ----Enrolled school ----------------------Other. in Under 65 years _________________ _ 65 years and over _______________ _ Male, 16 to 21 years old ________ ----

Nat enrolled in schoo1----------------------

Not high school groduote ________________ _

Unemployed or not in labor force--------

11 324 2 780 610 207

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE Of OWN CHILDREN W11u,., 16 years old and onr _______________ _ With own children under 6 yeors----------ln labor force ____________________ ----With own children 6 to 17 years onlv-------

ln labor force-------------------------

M1rrftd women, husbond present ______ ---- ___ _

In labor force __ ------ ________________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years onlY------ln labor force ________________________ _

49 6 2 7 4 23 \l

6 l 6 3

308 785 279 574 600 700 093 284 979 710 910

591 128 806 799 223 180 055 970 691 489 214

925 625 828 908 901 427 780 787 065 019 911

23S 40 10 43 24 136 58 37 9 38

133 750 955 600 581 379 932


660 337 20 963


14 and 15 years __________________ _ 16 and 17 years __________________ _ 18 ond 19 years_ _________________ _

20 and 21 years------------------22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 ta 64 years-------------------65 yeors and over----------------Female: 14 and 15 years __________________ _ 16 ond 17 years __________________ _ 18 and 19 years __________________ _ 20 ond 21 years __________________ _ 22 to 24 years ___________________ _ 25 to 34 years---- ____________ ---35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and aver ________________ _

16.0 45.4 60.4 68.0 81.9 93.3 96.3 93.2 36.4

... ... ...


94.6 93.4 88.3 48.8


15.8 44.3 67.5 74.4 87.0 95.6 95.3 88.8 29.l 9.3 38.6 55.5 55.4 52.l 36.2 48.9 54.4 12.3

10.6 43.8 53.4 63.2 65.7 41.0 45.4 54.l 14.0

... ...

... ...

14.3 44.8 51.6 63.8 75.7 90.5 91.7 85.4 28.2 9.0 44.l 49.7 59.7 68.6 49.8 50.6 57.4 14.l

14.6 50.0 64.7 73.9 86.5 95.7 95.7 90.B 26.8

198 116 47 34 170 75 50 44

387 463 613 311 875 814 327 734

182 729

167 128 30 13 8

8.6 41.5 56.7 59.6 54.2 41.8 53.9 57.0 11.0

WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Molt, 16 yeors old and over _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks ____________________ ----27 la 49 weeks ______________________ ---

26 weeks or less __ ------ _______________ _ h1111l1, l6 years old and over---------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks __________________ ---- --26 weeks or less __ ------ _______________ _

36 19 7 9 30 9 0 12

120 38 23 126 52 38 34

382 412 935 572 846 852 874

535 475 117 331 765 178 587 299 898 893 994 396 594 421 163 10 153 137 16

155 127 17 9 10

627 347 092 713 889 299 914 016 914 156 327 657

103 518 653 847

68 l 2 2

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Mall employed ______ ---- ____________ -- -- --

Private wage or salary workers __________ _ Government workers ________________ ---local government workers _____________ _ Self-employed workers __________________ _ Unpaid family workers ____________ ---- __ _ fe111ll 1111ploy1d ____ ------------ -------- --Private wage or salary workers----------Government workers ______________ -- ---Local government workers __ ------ _____ _ Self-employed workers ________________ --Unpaid family workers __________________ _ Mile 1111ploy1d, 111 ogrlculture ________________ _ Woge or salary workers _________________ _ Self-employed workers __________ ------ --Unpaid family workers ________________ ---

'*W" employed, In agriculture ________ --------

Seft~:m0;1~~!~r~:rk~~:r~= :::::::: ::: ::: : ::

Unpaid family workers ______ ------ ______ _

28 300 19 548 6 374 l 553 2 320 58 20 463 14 309 5 486 l 927 506 162

346 273 48 23 24 227 l 83 36 23 5 l

1 092 682 372 38 177 125 19 33




46 35 0 6 l

137 112 22 11 l

1 230 808 406 16 298 212 66 20


100 83 14 10


2 149 l 305 799 45 441 320 60 61

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES 1 Mele, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 _____________ _

Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ----Nonwarker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 --------

12 091 917 789 451

158 3 9 5

739 632 545 787

<134 16 51 14

68 l 3 2

260 076 799 972

70 3 6 4

224 861 838 650


The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



23 - 593

Table 122. Occupation and Earnings for Counties: 1970 [Doto based on sample. see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties Barnstable





Fron kiln


32 318 5 204 304 282 607 1 279 410 2 322 3 919 254 957 1 670 373 665 2 995 1 563 1 432 4 854 5 541 495

58 914

183 208 19 976 2 071 1 021 3 095

2 346

259 917 44 596 6 914 1 979 5 501 8 722 4 645 16 835 22 815 5 244 4 924 9 647 1 518 1 482 18 671 11 102 7 569 46 451 34 671 2 545 4 656 5 750 8 144 13 576 44 883 20 002 17 315 7 566 6 631 8 892 1 447 3 481 3 964 442 525 29 734 5 564 9 970 4 462 3 319 3 940 1 606

23 995 3 708 227 179 575 934 231 1 562 1 817 231 383 811 173 219 1 336 880 456 3 728 3 447 327 347 567 892 1 314 3 932 1 884 1 353 695 757 1 154 308 282 564 342 352 3 134 841 l 064 538 306 299 288

110 221 25 144 2 782 l 182 3 474 6 685 2 097 8 924 14 353

543 000 163 784 492 5 104 3 266 7 941 6 775 1 166 34 394 4 280 11 869 18 245 1 790 21 862 9 755 9 014 3 093 275 555 69 118 15 547 1 350 6 356 4 065 2 219 214 l 522

521 1 707 440 113 591 15 548 344 611 506 105 2 856 479 945 l 432 222 l 374 543 642 189 62 90 20 66 l 881 253 839 475 204 39 288

71 461

1 634 589 518 46 481

185 57 58 41 29

1 120 530 332 42 216

974 349 171


37 9

592 191 59

242 212

53 67

187 155

OCCUPATION Totol om,i.y..i, 16 yoon oW 1"4 over----Profeuional, technical, and kindred workers-----Engineers -------- ------------ __ ---- ------Physicians, dentists, and related practitioners __ _ Health workeri, except practitioners __________ _ Teachers. elementary and secondary sch0<>ls ___ _ Technician•. except health -----------··--·-Other professional workers----------------Managers and administrators. except farm -----Salaried: Manufacturing -- -------------Retail trade-----------··---Other industries •.•• ______ •••• Self.employed: Other Retail industries_ trade------------·----____________ _



Soles workers ---- •• -------- ---------------Retail trade -----------------------------Other than retail trade-------·------------Clerical and kindred workers-----------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers ______ _ Automobile mechanics, including body repairmen Mechanics and repairmen, except automobile __ Metal craftsmen, exttpt mechanics ---------Construction craftsmen ---·-.. -..... --.. ---·---Other craftsmen -------------------------Operatlvu, except transport-----------------Durable goods manufacturing --------------Nondurable goods manufacturing __ ---- ____ •• Nonmonufocturing indu•tries -- __ ---- -- -- --·Transport equipment operatives ·-·------------Laborers, except farm ----·----·---·-··-----Construction laborers ------ -- •••••• -------freight. stock, and material handlers __ -·-··-Other loborero, except form ________________ _

----. -.-

~~;:e{a'b~~:r!":~ !.~~,~;!~~;;-:::: ::::::::::--

Cleaning service workers-------------.. - ......... food service workers---------------·------ Health service workers .. __ ---- __ ---- __ ----- Personal service workers _________________ ...... Protective service worker•------------------ Privote household workers ••••••••• ----------- Ft••lt Hlpltytd, 16 yo on ohl ootl ovor __ • Professional, technical, and kindred workers----- ~"" workers, - ----except ----------_.Health nurses-______________ Teachers, elementary and •econdary schools ••• Technicians, except health------------------ Other professional workers----------------- Managm and administrators, except form------ Soles workers------------------------------ Retail trade -·-···------------------------ . Other than retail trade ---- ---· ------ ______ • Clerical and kindred worken ---·-------------- Bookkeepers ________ ---------- __ ------ ••• . 6~h~~t~r~;~.l'!~~i~~~h~~~~ ~~~-t:~:~~- :: :: :::.Craftsmen, foremen. and kindred workers ••••••• Operatives, except transport------------------ Durable goods manufacturing--·------------ Nondurable goods manufacturing ------------ Nonmcnufacturtng industries-- .. ~------------ Transport equipment operatives _______ .......... --- Laborers. except farm ----------------------- ~~~~ei~5b~~:r:c~::d Ta~~,~~!,;;e;;- :: :: :: :: :::: :: -Service workers, except private household'------ Cler!ning service workers------------------- Food service workers-------··------------- Health service workers •• ---·--------------- Personal service workers-----------· -- ----- Protective Hrvice workers .... ------ ................... .. Service workers, except private household'------


157 2 555 1 872 1 745


195 1 041 B38 1 626 326 279 1 021 130 166 4 663 1 051 l 683 415 397 423 637 12 506 2 451 469 160 867 62 893 672 1 255 885 370 3 734 675 957 2 102

10 786 1 699 388 l 223 2 379 l 294 3 803 4 602 1 124 852 1 799 412 415 3 308 2 204 1 104 10 373 7 393 546 767 1 049 2 031 3 000 10 462 5 992 3 213 1 257 1 638 2 023 339 688 996 328 210 7 155 1 847 2 235 1 096 763 675 636 22 611 4 045 920


5 -480 1 588


76 307 9 112 2 290 603 3 742 151 2 326 1 810 3 884 3 358 526 20 130 2 877 6 351 10 902 l 918 27 782 7 017 18 892 1 873 153 745 51 89 9 886 873 3 498 3 119 1 537 151 747

126 158 37 17 45 7 52 33 27 22 5 309 60 83 166 5 39 7 7 25

35 10 20 5

35 2 638 421 1 168 353 234 18 593

35 3 610 484 1 404 1 012 472 44 598

Mate tm,Wytd, 14 ootl 15 Y"" .W --·-White-collar workers •. -- __ •• ------ ---- __ ----Blue-collar workers ••••• -----··-----·-------- Farm workers------------------------------ . Servitt workers, including private household-----

474 113 257

1 096



401 160 86 21 134

White-collor workers •• ------·-···- -- --------- Blue-collar workers __ ---------· ______ --------

241 77 21

244 60 32 4 87 61

573 222 130 10 151 60


Private household workers •••••• _____________ _


fH•lt t•pltyH, 14 ood 15 yun ohl ••••

Form workers------------------------------ Service workers, except private household •.••••. Private household workers. __________________ _ -

97 46


20 122 11 27 247 43 71 28 50 26 62

706 20 514 3 949 6 018 3 736 2 342 3 051 814

798 337 107 354 46 64



12 139 302 14 74 144 22 48 124 83 41 354 485 42 38 12 334 59 121 20 12 89 77 214

6 721 11 701 2 236 2 587 4 683 1 192 1 003 10 246 6 418 3 828 27 512 26 973 2 034 3 203 3 384 6 593 11 759 50 284 15 994 28 698 5 592 5 808 8 035 1 978 2 775 3 282

1 476 132 1 251 754 1 576 1 384 192 7 687 791 2 818 4 078 380 3 581 1 780 1 350 451 157 149


322 12 28 68



13 176 15 59 28 45




293 58 236


103 16 4 1 5





2 909

3 429 6 290 916


13 914 8 052 5 862 33 763 25 702 1 764 3 518 4 839 4 748 10 B33 32 045 14 796 12 042 5 207 5 906 6 425 1 043 2 844 2 53B 410 567 21 061 4322 6 726 2 778 2 713 3 020 931 11 125 2 657 706 4 645


2 945 2 248 5 896 4 940 956 25 102 2 882 7 565 14 655 l 6B5 12 448 4 843 5 869 1 736 222 583 51 149 11 033 l 030 4 530 2 541 l 915 212 919




$1 563


$3 026 3 610 2 544

Mate, 16 yton oW ootl over with toroloop• Professional, managerial, and kindred workers __ _ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers •• ____ _ Operatives, including Lobortrs, except farmtransport------·--------• _________________ •• __ _ Formers and form managers _________________ _ Farm laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen _Ft1oolt, 16 Y"" thl ud over wltli Hroltts•

Clerical and kindred workers.·----·---------·Operatives, including transport---------------·

•includes allocated cosu. not shown separately.


10 736 7 573 6 123 4 516 5 682 2 192

$7 621 10 608

8 036 6 975 5 168 4 730 3 375

170 9 642 7 607 6 019 286 5 831 3 925

$3 745 4 147 4 064

$3 414 3 861 3 370


521 250 188 030

$8 008 11 533

$1 9 7 6 5 5 l

356 893 696 232 500 896


$7 169 10 459 8 336 7 209 5 104 5 138 l 7B1

$3 235

$3 727 4 176 3 871

$3 469 4 008 3 903

$3 579 3 944 3 739


9 6 6 3


... ...



3 590

8 261 6 652 4 870 5 171 3 352

•Includes persons on other occupation groups, not shown separately.


Table 122. Occupation and Earnings for Counties: 1970-Continued (Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]







48 763 9 550 510 348 1 260 1 750 560 5 122 3 336 602

1 556

246 107

51 847 7 010 3 530 6 215 8 848 3 725 22 519 26 971 5 243 5 248 13 589 1 080 1 Bil 22 694 11 303 11 391 52 899 30 625 2 418 3 437 3 441 8 340 12 989 20 342 7 914 6 734 5 694 6 308 6 818 1 212 3 236 2 370 270 398 24 949 4 297 B 059 4 149 2 940 3 954 1 986

125 304 19 421 2 262 740 2 603 4 719 1 613 7 484 12 403 2 311 2 752 5 636 748 956 10 139 5 185 4 954 21 291 20 141 1 832 2 250 2 149 5 993 7 917 16 037 5 056 7 436 3 545 4 705 4 586 964 1 909 I 713 382 548 14 720 2 282 5 177 2 466 1 545 2 218 931

305 49 3 2

1 518 337 279 2 627 1 510 1 117 8 326 6 108 501 682 838 1 783 2 304 6 826 2 351 3 128 1 347 1 262 1 582 334 504 744 532 460 7 754 1 518 2 686 1 149 878 437 400

573 857 123 180 18 356 5 701 12 011 20 204 10 623 56 285 52 989 11 871 9 216 26 174 2 533 3 195 41 311 22 451 18 860 121 776 69 363 5 898 8 851 7 415 17 639 29 560 64 202 27 463 22 721 14 018 17 192 17 504 3 378 7 973 6 153 814 1 291 60 772 12 218 19 149 B 418 6 625 10 043 3 463 227 030 44 251 8 206 3 084 14 504 1 299 17 158 7 481 16 119 13 513 2 606 90 564 9 877 36 328 44 359 3 400 30 794 12 860 13 168 4 766 692 1 305 141 268 28 754 2 359 11 961 7 402 4 080 630 3 261

597 103 19


96 408 19 604 4 223 1 642 6 229 382 7 128 3 341 8 415 6 822 1 593 39 718 4 911 14 874 19 933 1 188 8 181 2 759 3 461 1 961 349 610 48 76 12 975 817 5 312 3 723 1 929 216 1 903

46 182 7785 1 840 572 3 144 103 2 126 1 508 3 743 2 991 752 15 573 2 413 5 265 7 895 853 7 135 1 877 4 300 958 400 341 62 83 7 867 438 3 649 2 171 921 104 832

137 23 5 2 6

Service workers, except private household' _____ _ Cleaning service workers-------------------food service workers---------------------Heolth service workers_ ___ -- -- ------ -- ----Personal service workers ______________ -----Protective service workers ____________ ------ Private household workers ____ ------ -- __ ------

20 463 4 278 857 252 I 186 98 1 885 526 1 072 870 202 6 474 608 2 246 3 620 300 2 823 829 1 509 485 54 114 27 79 4 361 470 1 809 881 628 30 355

Malo ••played, 14 and 15 years old -----White·collor workers-------- __ -- ---- ---- -----Blue-collor workers ______ •. ____ ------------ •• form workers-----------------------------Service workers, including private household _____ _

310 92 76 37 105

4 146


1 913



960 337 285 48 290

197 39 23

2 756 925 315 13 889 614



OCCUPATION Total employed, 16 years old ond over----Professlonol, technical, and kindred workers-----Engineers ---------------- ------ ----------Physicians, dentists, and rela)~d practitioners --Heolth workers, except proct1t1oners __________ _ Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Technicians, e_xcept health ------------ ------Other professional workers-----------------Monogers and administrators, except form ------Soloriedo Monufocturmg ______ ---------Retail trade-----------------Other industries ________ ------Self-employed: Other Retail industries trade -- --______________ -- -- ____ ------_

So~:t~i°~~:J: :::::: :::::::::::::: :::: ::::::: Other than retail trade---------------------Clerical ond kindred workers__ -- -- -- ---- ------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-------Automobile mechanics, including body repairmen_ Mechanics and repairmen, except automobile --Metol craftsmen, except mechanics ----------Construction craftsmen --------------------Other craftsmen -- -------- ------ ---- ------Operatives, except transport -- ---- -- ---- ------ _ Ouroble goods manufacturing -- -- ------ ---- __ Nondurable goods monufocturing -- ____ ------Nonmanulocturing industries .• -- -- ______ ----Transport equipment operatives -- __ -- ____ •• ---laborers, except form -----------------------Construction laborers------------ ____ ------freight, stock, ond moteriol handlers---------Olher laborers, except form __ -- -- ---- _______ _ formers ond form managers __________________ _ form laborers ond form foremen --------------Service workers, except private household'------Cleaning service workers -- -- -- -- -- __ -------Food service workers ________ -------- ______ _ Heollh service workers __ -- -- -- -- -- _________ _ Personal service workers-------------------Protective service workers __ -- ---- ____ ------Private household workers ____ -- ---- ____ ------f1111al1 ernployed, 16 yean old and aver ___ _

Professional, technical, ond kindred workers-----Nurses -- -- ---- -- ---- ___________________ _ Health workers, except nurses _______________ _ Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Technicians, except health-----------------Other professional workers----------------- Monogers and administrators, except form-----Soles workers •• ____________ ------ ____ ------Reloil trade __ •. ____________ ---- ---- ------Olher than retail trade ________________ ------


Clericol ond kindred workers------------------Bookkeepers ____ ------------ --------------

M~~~t~[~~rcoi t~~~i~~~h~~~-- ~~~-t!~'.~t:_ :: :: :::--

craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-------Operatives, except transport------------------ Ouroble goods monufocturing ---------------Nondurable goods monufocturing -----------Nonmonufocturing industries __________ ------ Tronsporl equipment operatives _______________ _ laborers, except form ------------------------


~~~~el~5b:~:r:0~~ Ta~~o~~~~men- :: :: :::: :::::: --



-F111al1 1mploy1d, 14 and 15 years old_ __ _ White·collor workers_ ___ ---------- -- ---- ----- Blue-collor workers __________ ---------- __ -- -- form workers-----------------------------Service workers, except private household ______ _Private household workers_ _______ ------------ -


74 61

1 613 1 294 110 1 129

217 4 27 19 35 17 115 181


35 73 22 51 115 94 21 197 324 33 22


236 33 121 5 27 89 24 82 12 20


5 10 240 35 82 21 20 18 40




36 74 63 11

153 23 42 88 3 48 5 15 28

-4 -

142 15 55 21 20





77 496 l 203

382 91


a 406 a 352

3 740 23 509 17 827 1 885 3 717 10 161 1 041 1 023 18 084 10 815 7 269 Bl 937 32 367 2 258 3 757 3 042 8 620 14 690 32 849 9 920 13 115 9 814 10 378 12 461 2 347 5 858 4 256 117 185 47 339 9 789 13 335 7 141 5 478 6 456 2 128

100 914 15 541 4 572 1 057 5 648 324 3 940 2 895 6 714 5 752 962 32 407 4 393 10 698 17 316 2 726 20 866 7 911 10 645 2 310 341 891 76 113 16 973 1 721 6 363 5 140 2 405 239 1 371

1 470 476 463 10 521

1 711 681 522 106 402


393 96 5 338 49

937 349 94 4 277 213

so -

180 191

256 541 36 735 4 085 1 695 5 928 8 981 3 119 12 927 19 120 4 561 3 817 7 842 I 524 1 376 15 870 9 223 6 647 44 402 38 201 2 749 4 337 6 810 7 922 16 383 50 789 25 428 18 610 6 751 8 268 9 402 1 839 4 035 3 528 880 785 30 633 6 226 9 612 5 791 3 623 3 475 1 456

587 261 352 263 011 584 9 051 4 016 8 274 6 565 1 709 60 024 5 448 22 986 31 590 1 720 15 637 3 779 8 226 3 632 176 1 072 21 36 21 385 2 774 6 576 6 056 3 330 300 1 965

606 185

423 307

122 450 036 407


f arm laborers, except unpaid, and farm foremen __

$7 9 7 7 3 3 2

Cl , ftmole, 16 years okl and avtr with earnlnt•' enco.1ond kindred workers------------------ 0perot1ves, including transport----------------

$3 207 3 322 3 612

Malt, 16 yean ohl and over with earnlng12


Professional, monageriol, ond kindred workers---Croflsrpen, foremen, and kindred workers-------rpbrotives, including transport -- ---- ---- ---- -- fo orers, except form -----------------------ormers and farm managers------------------



'Includes ollocoted cases, not shown separately.

287 471 988 089 961 977 843

$8 12 8 7

545 073 631 057 5 003 5 400 3 103

$6 905 9 175 6 819

$9 12 9 7

265 698 071 396 4 056 9 273 3 817

$8 369 11 550 8 462 7 028 4 932 5 354 3 609

$6 8 7 6

944 709 713 485 5 424 2 941 5 942

$7 723 10 404 8 234 7 014 4 645 5 2\3 2 904

$3 993 4 415 3 753

$2 802 4 250

$3 962

$3 453

$4 m 4 488 3 651

$3 570 4 024 3 518

... ... ... ...


4 3SB 3 551

4 015 3 515

'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 123.

Industry of Employed Persons and Occupation of Experienced Unemployed Persons for Counties: 1970 [Dato based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols., see text)

Counties Berk!ihire






51 914 887 35 3 0.51 23 312 207 l 098 l 216 11 587 45 1 328 204 1 339 1 034 1 048 4 206 109 431 411 589 651 I 159 I 312 l 552 I 400 l 028 3 165 668 1 461 1 120 749 1 777 379 2 105 1 731 3 080 2 158 316 864 l 327 2 087

183 208 2 940 180 10 640 77 355 1 083 6 346 3 919 7 983 1 740 13 604 2 245 25 190 2 279 l 267 11 699 279 2 143 l 479 2 063 2 753 6 878 5 192 4 722

2 346 138

Textiles end fabricated textile products ______________ ,._ Prin1ing. publishing, and allied industries -------------Chemicnls and allied products----------------------Other nondurable good$ (inc.I, not specified mfg. indus.) __ RaUroads and railway express urvice ........................ ______ _ Trucking service and warehousino-.......................................... .. Othtr transportation ........ _.......... __ ........ ____ ................. ___ -Communications ........................ __ .................................... __ .. .. . Utilities arid -sanltory services------------------------- Wholesale trade .......................... -- -- .... -- .... -------------- .. Food, bakery, and dairy stores ........ _.... _.... ---- -- ............ __ . Eating end drinking places---------------------------- . General men:hcndise retailing ~- ........... __ - .. -- ................ .. Mot.or vehide reteiling and service stations---- __ ........... .. Other retail trade----------------------------------Bonking and credit ogencies ............. ____________________ _ Insurance, real estate, ond other finance ____ ............ ____ .. .. . Business end repair services-------------------------- Private households .............. __ .............. _.... __ ....... __ .... . Other personal services -- ........ __ ---- ... -- __ ................ ___ _ Entertainment and recreation serv~ces . _.................. ___ _ HospitOI$ .... -- -- -- -- ---..--- -- ---- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- .... ---Health services, except hospitals ...... ____ .. ____ ...... ______ _ Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges-government .. Elementary. secondary schools, and colleges-private----Other educotion and ki:ndred services _________ ........... ,. ___ _ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership or9onilations legal. engineering. and miscellaneous professional services_ Public: administration ....... -- .... __ .... ____ .... ___ . ________ -·_ .-

32 318 914 10 4 242 2 460 68 154 176 223 242 683 84 78 412 68 272 35 212 391 572 718 632 878 1 563 625 982 3 680 534 1 496 845 721 1 911 267 792 823 2 036 311 239 475 1 816 2 138

259 917 2 478 174 12 525 89 718 1 256 4 596 11 173 22 561 9 259 7 035 3 062 6 141 2 937 2 739 18 959 481 2 421 3 476 3 505 3 762 10 481 6 890 8 105

23 995 821 43 1 819 6 769 238 507 2 650 135 23 528 162 309 130 643 310 222 183 242 484 417 492 626 546 617 352 314 267 493 285 623 136 979 779 379 020 168 335 513 761

180 221 l 484 145 7 908 63 045 769 9 214 8 398 3 407 5 517 7 553 2 007 4 068 5 287 3 188 13 637 636 2 297 I 279 2 370 2 537 7 637 5 330 5 372 6 168 3 109 9 924 2 867 7 677 4 697 968 4 292 l 200 6 776 3 701 9 687 3 388 788 2 492 3 954 8 493

Tot1l ~nnployell, 14 and 15 yHts olcl ____ .,. ............ .. Agriculture ___ • ____ .................... ________ ....... ____ .... ____ .. Nonogric:ulture industries __ ......... ______ .......... ____ ...... _... ..

715 16 699

645 35 610

1 669

351 54 297

1 712 56 1 656

M1l1 tMpl1y1d, 16 y•1rs olll Hd over .... __ ............ __ . Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------Construction and mining .................. __ ........ -------- ____ •• Manufac:turing ________ .... __ -- __ ---- ........ ____ ........ ____ ... . Furniture ond lumber and wood products ............... _____ _Mete! industries ........ ____ -·· ..... ________ ...... -- .......... .. Machinery, including electrical .................. ____ -----·_ Transportation e-quipment.. .. ____ •• ____ .. ---------~--- Olher durable goods. ................... __ •• ____ ---· -- ....... __ _ food ond kindred products_ ________________________ _ TeKtiles and fabricated textile products __ ... __ .... ______ .. Printing, publishing, ond aliied indusfries ____ ... -- .......... .. Oth'l!r nondurable goods {incL not specified mfg. indus.) .. . -. Transportotfon __ ............. __ ..... __________ ---- ....... -- -Communications, utilities. and sanitary services __ .... ___ ...•

19 812 829 4 039 I 675 49 140 235 233 408 65 46 261 238 556 932

36 296 714 2 958 17 008 185 721 9 813 45 945 183 738 681 3 697 752 825

Wholeuile trade ........... ---- ........... __ -------------·----_ Foo-dj bakery, and dairy products---------------------- Eolirig. and drinking places------------------------ .. ·-Other retail trade----------------------------------Finance, insurance, and reel estate--------------------Business and repair services ...... ----------------------Personal services.. .. -- ....... -- ... -- ... -- -- -- ---- ---- .... - . -- Enterteinment and recreation services ------------------ Health services, including hospitals ________ ... __ ................ .. Eleme.ntory, secondary schools, and colleges-government .. Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges-private ... __ .. Other education ond kindred services __ ....... ____ -- __ .... __ _ Other professional and related services----------------Public adrninis.trotion .. ___ ....... ____ .................... __ -- .... ____ ..

542 492 645 000 162 650 003 201 415 768 95 79 169 560


INDUSTRY Total utployH, 16 years ot4 anti oYer __ ,. ____ ,. ____ _

Agriculture, forestry, end fisheries ---- ---- _______ .,. _____ _ Mining ____________ ---- ____ .. _________ ----- ---- ____ _

Construction ________ -- __ -- .......... ______ ........ ___________ _ Monufocturing ________ ---- ......... __ .... __ ................ -- -- ____ .. furniture-and lumber and wood producu ................ ______ _ Metal industries .... ---- __ ---- __ .. _.... __ ---- ........ ____ .... __ Machinery. except electric.al .... __ ---------------------ElectTico1 machinery. equipment, and supplies .................. __ _ Transportation equipment .................... __ ................ -- .... __ .. .. Other durable goods __ --·--- •• ·------.--····-···----

Food ond kindred products ____________________ ., _____ _






Mele- em plowed, 14 Hd 15 yHrs tl4 ____ ,, _____ ...... Agric;:uUure ........ ________ .... ____ ............ ____ ------ ...... __ .. Nonagric1.1Uure industries ............. __ ............ ____ .............. __ ..

3 l 1

l l

3 3 10 2 3 3 3 7 4 7 2 2 3 7

563 012 125 219 543 165 884 882 801 236 100 852 694 435 198 213 662

84 1 585 106 2 10 43

450 158 7






20 7 24


20 70 5 37 18 74 74 18 78 248 31 93 41 85 142 33 85 83 82 5 8 32 77 161 35 5 30 1 520 Ill 436 118

876 786 648 980 012 845 881 248 729 212 128 86 086 522

901 628 360 146 696 5 282 7 788 l 636 7 786 l 702 8 209 I 491 B 556 3 428 3 400 5 145 3 385 2 337 9 740 2 818 2 558 l 801 551 3 061 3 014 799 105 2 466 6 159

401 31 370

8 4 15 4 8 6 l 6 l 10 7 11 5 l 3 6 13

105 394 385 460 214 653 855 311 520 148 056 551 391 271 287 757 543

2 608 86 2 522

2 1

108 l 7 44

317 295 153 l 483 277 384 251 85 387 l 091 427 28 456 539

5 3 2 9 4 3 l

48 79

859 122 811 784 503 120 989 080 857 379 104 379 5 385 9 066

1 096 74 l 022

35 5 30

1 634 63 l 571

185 46 139

1 120 51 1 069

1 422 138 54 63 392 347 251 5 160

5 097 327 155 231 1 348 1 343 1 180 72 388

79 17

6 087 866 253 421 l 603 1 417 949 56 507

458 9 22 27 114 128 92 32 34

3 981 380 189 277 l 010 l 043 522 86 430

781 104 105 177 86 8

l 222


4 074 416 440 925 1 430 99

255 24

247 31

2 917 134 134 501 1 616 175 14 213 46


435 42 34 125 100 22 16 81

3 844 204 231 983 l 612 181 41 399 25


16 458

l l

7 4 3 14 6 5 2 1 3 4 2


14 474 729 l 771 4 623 177 372 2 095 12 325 126 223 194 l 099 605 573

l 1

18 65 30 227 65 24 Bl 18 59 13 5


035 024 931 705 039 758 108 033 763 097 102 101 704 246 691

2 l

24 20 90 33

156 2 11 60 l 3 22 8 4 2 3 2 13 5 4



5 37 32




7 8 4 4 l l 3 11 3 3

2 3 l 2 6

760 156 589 532 589 848 630 906 596 567 500 032 864 625 171 885 089 374 989 758 524 739 763 216 363 236 187 982 582

LAST OCCUPATION OF EXPERIENCED UNEMPLOYED a\1le, 16 yHrt okl ond •ver1 ------------------Professional, technicol, 011d rnonogerial workers .... ___ .... __ Soles workers------------------------·- .. -------··-Cler~cal and kindred workers __ .... ____ .. _____ .. - ............ _-CroHsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ .. ___________ _ Operatives, in-eluding transport----- .. ------------------ leborers. except form----·-------------------------Farm workers .... ____ .... __ .... ---- ... -----· __ ---- -- -- -- -Service workers, including private household ....... ________ ..


fe1Hle, 16 years old 1ttllf avui _________________ _

Professional, technlcol ond monog-eriol workers---------- 1

Soles workers ............ ---- ................ ---- -----------·- -- -- Clerical and kindred workt-rs .................. ---- ---------- ..... .. . Optrctives, including tron,port -----------------------Other blue-collar workers .. _____ .... ---- .... __ ............... --form workers ....................................... ---- ................... -- -Service workers, except private household .... __ ---- .... __ .... .. Private house-hold worken ......... ,.,,. .... __ .... __ ...................... __



502 89 29 28 118 93 63




132 76 299 369 25



6 19 32




-5 --



514 21


lncludes persons who lost worked mare than 10 years ago, not shown separately.

23 - 596



Tobie 123.

Industry of Employed Persons and Occupation of Experienced Unemployed Persons for Counties: 1970- Continued {Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]









48 763 1 330 32 2 816 12 438 203 1 327 1 183 253 321 l 887 363 1 761 997 721 3 422 42 391 230 477 538 913 1 127 l 361

I 556

246 107 1 540 197 13 691 55 493 1 082 4 593 6 662 7 923 5 241 7 983 2 118 4 671 6 008 1 434 7 778 668

2 787 966 6 632 3 672 374 559 2 014 l 576

573 857 3 986 521 29 693 152 567 2 623 10 839 21 179 34 872 7 960 17 990 8 497 11 113 11 582 4 708 21 204 l 906 7 142 7 613 9 180 7 150 26 821 15 906 15 065 17 123 8 531 30 470 10 792 23 166 22 332 3 660 13 033 3 221 24 255 14 223 27 822 28 670 3 834 7 657 25 797 31 721

43 18 18 31 39 89

2 520 523 054 870 505 290 386 647 424 884 307 970 288 166 5 622 1 611 11 324 7 578 12 499 8 166 l 608 3 675 10 116 12 485

125 304 1 684 153 9 516 33 082 878 2 861 2 546 3 199 3 738 3 370 l 887 2 822 2 981 774 8 026 273 2 060 l 844 2 250 2 390 5 370 4 412 4 460 3 336 2 806 7 713 2 133 4 648 3 590 889 3 100 677 4 548 3 683 7 388 1 648 566 1 406 3 591 6 088

305 122 948 118 13 804 55 540 1 124 4 369 4 499 6 582 4 105 6 521 4 902 7 100 6 833 l 489 8 016 1 328 3 281 8 165 6 207 4 660 13 627 7 491 11 119 9 193 2 954 16 444 8 194 19 767 11 442 2 055 10 687 2 418 22 251 6 919 10 420 11 885 2 320 6 759 12 720 22 406

256 541 2 633 271 12 498 98 485 5 876 16 355 16 965 4 305 I 909 16 016 2 002 10 189 5 125 3 170 16 573 346 3 688 l 493 2 800 3 618 10 920 6 766 7 300 s 578 4 312 14 084 3 155 7 437 s 958 1 584 5 514 1 505 12 171 6 983 12 135 6 198 l 396 3 593 5 273 8 847

507 47 460

6 902 174 6 728

10 4 6

3 116 110 3 006

1 566 58 l 508

2 351 21 2 330

2 648 125 2 523

INDUSTRY Ttital employed, 16 yaan old and aver ---- ________ _ Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -Mining -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- ---

Construction -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Manufacturing __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

Furniture and lumber ond wood products ______________ _

Metol industries __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -- -Machinery, except electrical __ -- -- ________ ------ _____ _ Electrical m~chinery. equipment, and supplies----------Transportaf1on equipment __ -- -- -- -- __ ---- ------ _____ _ Olher duroble goods -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -Food and kindred products ____________ ------ ________ _ Textiles and fabricated textile products ---------------Prinling, publishing, and allied industries --------------Chemicals and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus,)_ __ Railroads and railway express service ____ ------ ________ _ Trucking service and warehousing __ -- ____ ------ ________ _

~~~~~~~~rj~~·:·~~~================================== Utilities and sanitary services--------------------------

Wholesale trod•-- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- ___________________ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------Ealing and drinking places----------------------------General merchandise retailing ______________ ---- _______ _ Motor vehicle retailing and service stations __ ---- ________ _ Other retail trade -- -- -- -- ___________________________ _ Banking and credit agencies---------------------------lnsuronce, real estate, and other finance ________________ _ Business and repair services--------------------------Private households -- -- ______________________________ _ Other personal services------------------------------Entertainment and recreation services __________________ _ Hospitals __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Health services, except hospitals -- -- ___________________ _ Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges- government __ Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges- private _____ _ Other education and kindred services ___________________ _ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations _ Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services __ Public administration _________________________________ _

792 797 2 687 491 868 830 410 1 336


Total employed, 14 and 1.5 years aid--------------

Agriculture -- _______________________________________ _ Nonagriculture industries -- __ -- -- -- ___________________ _ Mal• employed, 16 years old and over---------- __ Agriculture, forestry, ond fisheries---------------------Construction and mining ____ -- -- -- -- __________________ _ Manufacturing ____________ -- -- -- -- ______ ---- ------ __ Furniture and lumber and wood products __ -------- ___ _Metal industries ______ -- - _-- -- -- ______ -------- ____ _Machinery, including electrical ______________________ _ Tronsporlolion equipment ____ -- -- ____________ -- ____ - Other durable goods ______________________________ _Food and kindred products-------------------------- Textiles and fobricated textile products ______ ------ __ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries-------------Other nondurable goods {incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Transportation __________________________ ---- _______ _ Communications, utilities, and sanitary services---------- _, Wholesole trode ________________________ -------- _____ _ Food, bakery, ond dairy products----------------------Eating and drinking places----------------------------Other retail trade ______________________________ -- - - -fingnce, insurance, and real estate ______ ------ _________ _ Business and repair services--------------------------Personal services ________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Entertainment and recreation services ------------------Health services, including hospitals __________ ------ _____ _ Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges-government __ Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges - private _____ _ Other education and kindred services __________ ---- __ ----


~~~iJ~ ~~o~~~~~f;a~~oann-~ ~~~~~~ _s_e~~~~e~_ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

employed, 14 and 15 yean old--------------_ AgricultureMole _________________________________________ Honogriculture industries ______________________ -- _____ _

28 l 2 B l l l



l 3 1 l l

300 153 649 456 180 162 187 271 067 311 843 577 858 604 661

346 3 28 102 l 8 38 7 12 5 4 7 16 14

784 688 515 464 719 642 560 201 214 380 248 76 092 192

20 9 6 30 17 15 6 2 11 9 15 l 19 23

827 157 275 753 973 286 085 110 623 879 894 741 162 142

10 577 055 616 876 198 057 926 375 103 054 641 304 137 431 150

310 47 263

4 146 156 3 990

944 95 40


279 57 -14 5







16 55 17 38 6

88 41 28 30 161 20 66 70 67 108 19 72


959 40 276 33







7 12 56 45 6 66 24 123 15 45 52 15 35 6

3 5 3 13 7 7 7 4 15 5 12 8 2

149 l 13 40 3 11 4 5 l 2 4 6 5 6 10 4 3 14 9 5 2 1



4 3

39 78

7 9


699 227 DOB 443 882 759 044 833 621 540 550 191 023 558 131

79 1 9 22

183 370 343 827 485 898 599 134 682 289 613 490 664 555

4 2 l 7 3 2 l

2 4 3 2 l l 2 5 3 3

2 2 2 4

122 382 240 902 683 282 149 524 511 416 074 106 157 446 269 424 743 835 830 947 892 403 482 203 646 726 161 894 697

167 535 753 13 019 35 001 913 3 335 7 979 3 686 4 110 3 303 2 080 4 091 5 504 10 535 5 923 9 4 6 14 10 7

5 l 7 3 5 1 9 15

872 662 350 595 218 276 419 518 946 374 104 041 148 781

155 2 12 67 3 12 16 I 10 l 4 3 11 4 4

627 192 183 634 893 997 579 782 897 646 884 303 653 797 276

7 3 3 13 4 4 2

999 910 137 032 774 524 308 949 345 912 894 451 609 701

4 4 2 4 6

4 4

l 913 104 l 809

960 58 902

1 470 16 l 454

1 711 121 l 590


4 159 779

255 159 155 30 135

11 277 2 035 516 765 3 064 2 194 1 470 85 1 088

316 1 215 651 522 19 362

3 225 408 130 143 1 014 668 503 64 251

7 971 972 379 885 1 745 l 450 l 235 29 l 169

5 682 487 202 245 1 776 l 498 987 36 424

707 85 50 154 211 30 21 121 6

7 858 l 077 496 2 348 2 408 246 9 793 61


2 965 394 288 901 638 82

2 0•1 179 143 468 762 117

5 027 456 363 l 631 l 327 101


417 39

278 32

794 101

4 108 247 256 695 2 000 173 12 490 47


LAST OCCUPATION OF EXPERIENCED UNEMPLOYED Male, 16 yeon old and over•-------------------Professional, technical, and managerial workers ______ -- -Soles workers __________________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers _______________ _ Operatives, including transport-------------------------

~~~~r~~~~:~se~~ ~~r-~

=::: ::::: :: ==: :::::

_: =::::::::::: Service workers, including private household _____________ _ Ftmole, 16 years old and over'-------------------

~rlfessional, technical, and managerial workers __________ _ Co es workers ____ ------ ______________ ------ ____ ----01erical and kindred workers--------------------------0peratives, including transport ____________ ---- ____ -- -F~~: ~~rek~~!lar workers ____________ ------ ___________ _

s .


p~~~~= ~0o:skeeh~fde~~e/kte~;~v_o~~ -~~~s_e_h_o~~:::::::::::::::: 1





14 -


-10 5





lncludes persons who last worked more than 10 years ogo, not shown separately.



Table 124. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Counties: [Doto bosed on sample, see text. For minimum base for



figures {percent, median, etc,) and meaning of symbols, see text}

Counties Barn•table


25 ,48 663 679 I 065 1 367 1 561 1 BIO 1 759 1 927 1 735 I 689 3 159 3 209 4 002 1 159 164 $9 242 $10 820 2 715 $6 273 35 998 $1 362 $9 000 10 050 $3 058 $4 301 5 873 $3 950 $3 357

37 825 516 736 1 251 1 359 1 466 1 999 2 110 2 769 3 049 2 865 5 914 6 137 6 196 1 229 229 $10 268 $11 330 3 990 $7 221 50 595 $8 537 $9 401 12 770 $2 320 $3 687 7 567 $3 203 $3 203

7 539 8 599 9 308 9 383 17 667 16 592 14 784 2 617 525 $9 487 $10 319 13 553 $6 536 149 337 $7 915 $8 704 35 343 $2 416 $3 494 23 783 $2 878 $2 938

37 33 $10 3 $7

113 100 $9 10 $8








Less thon $1,000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $1,000 to $1,999 __ •• ·----··---··--.-----·- •• $2,000 to $2,999 •••• ---- •• --·-··--····-··--- $3,000 to $3,999 •••• ---- ------------.--·-··· $4,000 to $4,999 •••• ---- __ -----------------$5,000 to $5,999 ............................ $6,000 to $6,999 •••••••• -----·------ __ •••••• $7,000 to p,999 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $8,000 to $8,999 ••••••••••• ________________ _ $9,000 to $9,999 •••• ---- ---- ---·.----- •••••• $10,000 to $11,999 ...... ··---- ............. . $12,000 to $14,999 •• ·--- •••• __ •••••••••••••• $15,000 to $24,999 ------ •••• ·----- ---- ---- •• $25,000 to $49,999 ......................... . $50,000 or more •••••••••••••••••••••••••••. .



.... .-


Median income ------ .. ---------------------- Mean income __ -- ---------- ------ ____ ------Fomllie• with femolt head -------·······--·-·Mean incom-e .... __ -------------.... - ................ ... All families and unrelated individuals •••• ·-···--


Median income--------------------------- . Mean income -- .... ---------------- __ -------


All unrelated individuo•s ---------------------Median income-----------------------.. -- .. Mean income---------------- ............ _____ ,,_


Female unrelated individuals ........................ __ ......... _ Mean income __ ... _.., __ _. __ ,. __ ....... ______ . , ____ _ Per capita income of persons __ ,. ___ ,._.., ____ . . ___ _

113 2 2 5 5 5

1 601 48 40 45 46 89 162 164 132 129 135 173 134 229 68 7 $8 578 $10 266 194 $5 291 2 415 $6 761 $8 153 814 $3 172 $3 999 584 $3 528 $3 237

160 2 2 4 4 5 7 8 9 11 11 23 26 32 6 1 $10 $12 18 $1 212 $9 $10 51 $2 $4 34 $3 $3

276 492 895 723 878 970 101 368 740 258 530 807 698 275 982 559 939 471 174 407 087 141 444 811 824 171 587 463 490

994 532 652 050 352 798 949 633 410 521 508 875 565

I 601 1 330 $7 997 437 $6 999 16

160 142 $11 16 $8

276 831 294 695 672 670 317 990 604 495 364 410 517

104 6.5 $1 229 $1 449 20.2 2.62 30

994 139 486 184 089 434

6 648

15 141 268 280 390 649 731 853 1 039 1 118 1 175 1 221 2 358 2 387 2 279 316 77 $9 874 $10 633 1 377 $7 013 20 580 $7 987 $8 792 5 439 $2 559 $3 668 3 301 $2 977 $3 075

115 2 2 3 4 4 5

6 7 8 9 17 19 19 3 $10 $11 14 $6 156 $8 $9 41 $2 $3 24 $3 $3

269 147 070 786 571 861 536 433 677 707 164 315 123 109 922 848 310 532 177 809 740 431 445 471 565 645 765 086 240

TYPE Of INCOME OF FAMILIES All fo1oMlet ----·-------------------With woge or salary income-..----------------Mean wage or $Olary in.come .... -------------With nonfarm self-employment income .. ___ -----Meon nonfarm ulf·employment income------With farm s.elf·employment income ______ ------Mean form self-employment income ____ ---- .. With Social Se-ctJrity income ...... ---------------Mean Soctal Security income---------------With public assistance or .public welfare income .... Mean pvblic assiuonee or public welfare income With other income ____ ---- ..... __ -- ______ ------Mean other income ......... ____ ........ __ ---- ..... ___ _.



25 20 $9 4 $8 $3 7 $1 $1 11 $3

948 121 155 485 518 191 190 295 827 950 658 928 591


8 $1 2 $1 16 $2

825 610 314 921 574 397 260 443 660 616 214 215 054

$3 27 $1 8 $1 42 $1


400 $1 337 108 $1 088 646 $3 166

$3 34 $1 9 $1 67 $2

15 13 $9 1 $7 $2 3 $1 $1 6 $1

141 317 498 766 594 460 424 375 649 750 212 982 934

115 102 $10 9 $8 $2 23 $1 7 $1 47 $2

269 584 499 738 909 552 171 730 647 172 670 435 387


F1111hlt1 -- ............ -- ·- ___ .. __ .,._ ~- ________ ---- .. - . Percent of oll families __ ---------------Mean family income ---- ........ -- ______ ------ _ Mean income deficit----------------------Percent receiving public assistance- income .......... Meon size of family----------------------With -re-lated childre-n under 18 years ............... _ Mean number of related children under 18 yr Families with female head-----------------With reloted


Civilian mole heads under 65 years __________ _-

.fa11Hy httllls ------·--·----------------------

Percent in labor force ...................................... .. u.reksted ldlvlth1•ll -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ . Percent of all unre~ated indivtduols ............ .. . Mean income---- ..................................... __ ......... .. Mean Income deficH ................... ____________ _ Percent reeeiving public assistance income ..........

,.,...... Percent -- -- -- --of-- ....persons ---- -- ....-- ------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- .. all

Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _ Percent 65 year.sand over _____________ .. ., .... _. Pucent receiving Social Securify income ... --R.eloted children under 18 years _________ ., ___ _. Pucent living with both po rents __ .... ------H•a.:1eh•W1 __ .... __ .... __ ---- ........ __ ... ________ --Percent of oll household• ••.• ____ -·---·· In owner occupied housing units .... __ ..... ______ _ Mean value of unit---------------------In renter occupied housing units------------ -· Mean 9ross rent-----------------------Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities ....




lamUle1 __ .... __ ---- .... __ .... ---- __ ... ____ .. _ -----Percent of all families ________ •• __ ---- ....

Mean income deficit ................. __ ·- ............... __ _ Fomilies with female head ........ ______ • ______ _ U•rtlttt4 idlvhlnh __ -·-- ---- ______ ... __ ......... .. .Percent of oil u:11related individuals __ ..... __ _ Mean income deficit-----------------------

P•n••• Percent ... ____ ........ -------- __ ... ---- ... __ -----of oll persons _________________ _Related children under 18 yeors _________ ,. ___ _ Percent living with both parents __ -· ...... ----

..•. -- -- ------------


2 134 8.2 $1 654 $1 570 8.6 3.53 1 245 2.91 801 682 2 134 713 66.8 2 705 30.B $855 $944 5.6 10 245 10.9 21.9 25.B 70.4 3 727 40.6 3 950 12.B 2 663 $23 761 1 287 $105 2.2

2 321 6.1 $1 937 $1 385 23.4 3.60 1 446 2.82 834 735 2 321 908 77.5 4 068 36.0 $904 $906 7.1 12 432 8.5 25.7 27.2 79.0 4 092 48.3 4 200 10.9 I 418 $14 826 2 782 $88 7.9

' 289 B.1 $1 983 $1 391 27.8 3.60 5 842 2.82 3 438 2 926 ' 289 3 639 70.9 12 1'8 37.0 $933 $866 14.1 45 669 10.5 25.1 26.5 75.3 16 432 50.5 15 951 13.3 3 736 $15 311 12 215 $78 B.5

1 475 5.7 $1 280 612 2 021 23.0 $729 6 982 7.4 2 272 31.0

I 3'1 3.7 $1 220 492 3 063 27.1 $668 7 988 5.4 2 401 47.7

5 413 4.7 $1 248 2 042 8 681 26.3 $674 28 269 6.5 9 709 49.4

3 344 12.9 $1 695 1 049 3 385 38.5 $1 158 15 673 16.6

3 609 9.5 $1 579 1 118 5 143 45.5 $1 119 18 221 12.3 6 257 58.3

14 Oil 12.3 $1 631 4 441 15 785 47.9 $1 067 67 020 15.3 24 666

9 380 5.9 $1 843 $1 474 23.7 3.51 5 974 2.75 3 897 3 310 9 380 3 401 74.8 15 '30 32.5 $917 $883 11.8 48 822 7.8 26.6 29.4 76.8 16 518 42.9 11 758 10.8 5 095 $18 731 13 663 $90 8.7

836 5.5 $1 590 $1 492 17.5 3.37 486 2.69 261 216 836 388 69.3 2 031 37.5 $896 $913 11.1 4 849 8.3 25.9 29.5 77.0 1 349 58.3 1 828 12.2 669 $13 222 1 159 $82 15.2

8 015 7.0 $1 949 $1 467 30.8 3.68 5 520 2.88 3 838 3 367 I 015 2 712 74.6 12 218 34.3 $911 $897 10.2 41 690 9.3 22.6 24.0 77.9 15 908 38.2 14 742 11.7 3 620 $16 500 11 122 $86 6.5


5 924 3.7 $1 274 2 563 11 595 23.6 $670 32 119 5.1 10 267 39.3

556 3.7 $1 281 183 1 560 28.B $659 3 333 5.7 775 55.4

4 882 4.2 $1 282 2 321 8 880 24.9 $684 26 233 5.8 9 029 37.4

173 10.8 $1 446 54 329 40.4 $1 101 198 14.7 252 43.3

13 884 B.7 $1 691 5 113 20 410 41.7 $1 085 70 43, 11.2 24 554 52.0

I 413 9.3 $1 544 385 2 588 47.7 $1 116 7 886 13.5 2 619 69.8

11 994 10.4 $1 697 4 880 15 410 43.2 $1 117 60 693 13.4 23 656 48.3


28 20 104 15


252 31.0 $888 $916

9.5 524 8.6 41.0 42.0 82.3 112 33.0 303 15.4 228 $19 368

75 8.6

88 5.5


24 182 22.4 $722 421 6.9 83



.... --

........ ---- .. --- -- . .. -

Percent of all fomllie5 .. - -· .......... ~ ....... - ...... .. .

Fomities with ftmole htod ........ -- _................. -·--

Mean income deficit·-----·-------------- .. -

Uo,.lottd hodlvl4HI• •••••••••• ·-----·-·-······ Percent of all unre~oted individuals ------Mean income deficit ---------- .... ____ ........... ..


Pen••• .... __________ ................................. ____ ...... .. -


Percent of all persons ................................... .. Related children under 18 yeor$ ............ - ............ .. Percent living with both parents ................... .. .. 1

5 929 53.6


Excludes inmates of institutions~ members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, coHege students in dormitories. and unrelate
23 - 598



Table 124. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 for Counties:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median~ etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]



INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All families--------------------------

lll l !l~l!l!l: ~ l!l l !l !~ ! $10.000 $12.000 $15,000 $25.000

to to to to

$11,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -· -- --$14,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --$24,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --$49,999---------------------------

~~d~~O i~~o~~re_:::: :::: ::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: Mean income -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Families with female head ---- ---------- ------Mean income------------ -- -- ---- ---------All families and unrelated individuals -----------Median income---------------------------Mean income------------------------------

All unrelated individuals -- -- -- ____ -- -- ________ _ Median income---------------------------Mean income---------------- ______ -------Female unrelated individuals ______ -- -- _________ _ Mean income-------- __ -- ------ ____ -------Per capita income of persons ______ -- -- ________ _ TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All fomlllos --------------------------

With wage or salary Income------------------Mean wage or salary income __ -- -- ---- ------With nonform self·employment income ____ ------Mean nonfarm self·employment income-------With farm self-employment income-------------Meon farm self-employment income __________ _ With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public we Ifore income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income .. With other income ________ -- ------ ---- -------Mean other income ____ -- __ -- __ -- -- ________ _


26 751 456 489 778 856 1 073 1 128 1 491 1 876 2 160 2 027 4 077 4 498 4 596 1 091 155 $10 511 $11 631 2 551 $7 757 52 193 $5 197 $1 095 25 442 $1 384 $2 326 14 457 $2 093 $3 008

340 4 4 7 8 10 12 14 18 21 22 48 58 81 22 4

26 24 $10 3 $1 $2 5 $1 $1 12 $1

751 082 486 055 938 543 559 361 578 901 294 488 871


$13 37 $8 469 $9 $11 128 $2 $4 75 $3 $3

976 414 708 927 934 234 474 155 282 727 742 273 949 425 532 200 860 646 150 673 068 733 129 092 976 428 350 991 747

1 004 32 26 64 71 19 61 61 115 90 80 129 105 119 22 10 $8 589 $9 831 96

340 309 $12 36 $9 1 $2 66 $1 15 $1 153 $2

976 664 255 931 666 356 773 642 637 260 488 532 380

1 004 790 $8 249 290 $7 071 10



1 467 $7 064 $7 872 463 $2 615 $3 623 286 $3 667 $3 044


194 $1 721 43


307 $2 811


146 1 1 2

3 3 4 5 6 8

9 20 26 38 12 2 $12 $14 14 $9 194 $10 $12 47 $3 $5 33

$4 $4

146 132 $13 17 $10 $5 28 $1 4 $1 70 $2

689 444 747 433 046 664 472 250 869 196 229 425 305 715 162 732 749 976 204 708 433 762 540 744 494 056 054 486 041 669 999 199 894 525 426 399 509 692 919 386 949 758


80 1 1 2 2 2 3 3

5 5 6 12 14 15 3 $10 $12 8 $7 101 $9 $10 20 $2 $4 13 $3 $3 80 72 $11 9 $7 $2 14 $1 4 $1 31 $1


240 186 107 322 827 348

778 210 734 161 953 019 799 603 468 998 143 018 289 507 651 495 752 891 079 246 405 220 755 643 233 703 406 708 866 754 606 250 579 778 900


166 4 4 7 8


10 10 11 12

11 20 22 25 4

042 474 461 805 880 186 014 724 683 445 945 981 603 342 869 630 280 374 199 018


158 711

2 120 2 483

5 239 5 412 6 047 7 8 11 12 12 25 26 27 5

$9 $10 35 $7 301 176 $6 175 $7 533 135 134 $2 833 $4 044 80 021 $3 545 $3 108

$10 $11 16 $7 216 $8 $9 57 $2 $3 31 $3 $3

166 143 $9 11 $6

158 142 $10 14 $8 1 $3 34 $1

$3 38 $1 21 $1 55


042 357 882 426 958 273 764 325 619 432 940 666 185

0 $1 65 $1

300 593 265 636

699 046 617 081 225 948 444 469 899 581 350 547 384 639 535 642 813 134 192 711 257 612 946 375 309 142 389 605 339 464 384 743




"""~·--- --------- -- ----- -- -- -------_ Percent of all families __________________ Mean family income ---- __ ------ __ ---------Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _____ _ Meon size of family ------~~---------------­ With reloted children under 18 yeors ---------Mean number of related children under 18 yr _ Families with female head------------------children under 18 years --------_ 1••111With headsrelated ________________________________ Civilian mole heads under 65 yeors_ __________ _ Percent in labor force ____________________ _ U•rtloted lndlYlduals __________________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals -------Mean income ______ ---- ______________ -----Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ... ___ _ Ptno111 ______________________________ ------Percent of all persons __________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over ________________ --Percent receiving Social Security income _____ _ Related children under 18 years ______________ _ Percent living with both parents ________ ---H1111••olds ---------------- ________ ---------Percent of all households _______________ _ In owner occupied housing units _____________ _ Mean value of unit----------------------In renter occupied housing units-------------Mean gross rent------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities __ _

1 533 5.7 $1 694 $1 496 7.8 3.33 772 2.89 394 297 1 533 724 68.4 5 586 45,1 $868 $998 4.5 10 697 10.0 17.4 19.9 74.6 2 258 57.4 3 010 10.6 I 028 $17 277 1 982 $98 10.5

16 050 4.7 $1 829 $1 549 20.1 3.59 10 416 2.75 6 242 5 221 16 050 6 844 71.0 31 346 28.8 $863 $962 6.9 88 903 6.5 20.4 23.4 72.5 28 545 48.5 30 709 8.4 8 574 $22 131 22 135 $114 6.9

INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL 1 1•• 11~.-- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -· ---- -· ·---Percent of all families ________ ---- ____ --Mean income deficit-----------------------Fomilies with female head------------------U•rtlated lndMduols ____________________ ------Percent of all unrelated individuals _______ _ Mean income deficit-----------------------Ptno1u -------------------- ------ ____ ------Percent of all persons __________________ _ Related children under 18 years ______________ _ Percent living with both parents ______ ------

944 3.5 $1 364 305 4 481 36.2 $704 7 678 6.4 1 466 49.9

10 211 3.0 $1 347 3 906 23 605 21.7 $737 59 535 4.3 17 712 47.6

2 332 8.7 $1 649 576 6 529 52.7 $1 281 14 436 12.1 3 448 63.3

23 982 7.0 $1 745 8 261 38 976 35.8 $1 184 126 225 9.1 42 780 57,2

118 11.8 $1 786 $1 078 22.9 2.75 57

5 190 3.5 $1 712 $1 551 15.6 3.47 3 008 2.81 1 932 1 515 5 190 2 012 75.5 11 113 25.7 $846 $972 5.1 29 141 4.9 24.0 27.0 74.4 8 526 50.3 10 667 6.6 4 546 $21 794 6 121 $134 3.4

4 392 5.4 $1 815 $1 638 24.5 3.81 3 120 2.91 1 832 1 620 4 392 1 785 76.6 6 650 33.0 $881 $928 8.8 23 363 7.1 20.7 23.1 73.4 9 185 48.3 7 812 9.1 3 615 $16 856 4 197 $96 8.2

18 43l 11.1 $2 074 $1 511 43.9 3.90 13 911 2.90 10 191 9 111 18 433 5 998 66.2 35 895 30.6 $836 $1 011 11.1 107 716 15.3 14.1 16.2 68.6 40 498 32.4 34 911 16.7 2 120 $17 833 32 791 $114 8.3

2 806 3.5 $1 440 1 269 4 850 24.0 $725 15 425 4.7 5 837 41.4

ID 805 6.5 $1 357 5 931 27 830 23.7 $767 69 005


3 421 2.3 $1 327 1 294 8 477 19.6 $740 20 356 3.4 5 724 49.5

23 478 31.4

5 327 3.4 $1 298 2 139 11 677 25.0 $719 31 321 5.0 10 096 46.9

166 16.5 $1 361 41 180 42.9 $983 667 18.0 188 59.0

7 764 5.3 $1 731 2 596 14 249 32.9 $1 160 42 044 7.0 13 172 56.9

6 617 8.2 $1 820 2 382 8 361 41.4 $1 142 34 285 10.4 13 985 55.9

26 372 15.9 $1 824 13 052 45 392 38.7 $1 211 147 723 20.4 56 742 40.7

13 845 8.7 $1 639 4 599 20 260 43.3 $1 125 71 673 11.5 25 511 58.0


30 24 118 63


150 35.7 $1 110 $694 7.3 474 12.8 23.2 25.3 79.2 119 46.2 208 16.7 154 $36 778 54

... 3.4

56 5.6


25 90 21.4


244 6.6 62


8 896

5.6 $1 963 $1 454 24.6 3.70 5 523 3.03 3 425 2 793 8 896 3 342 76.9 15 779 33.8 $874 $932 8.0 48 675 7.9 25.1 27.1 77.5 16 664 49.4 16 652 10.2 4 867 $16 858 11 785 $86 9.2


fo11lll11 ____________ ---- ____________________ _

Percent of all families ________________ -- Mean income deficit-----------------------Families with female head ------------------U11rtlated lndlvlduals ___________ . ______________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals --------

,,~::1n-~~~:~-d~~i~~t-=====::::::::::::::::::: R Percent of all persons __________________ _ 1 eoted children under 18 years ______________ _ Percent living with both parents __________ -1

E~cludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in borrocks, college students In dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.



23 - 599

Tobie 125. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Counties:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties With 400 or More Negro Population



1 890 61 l 829 594 925 278 103 509 35 47 263

1 691 48 1 643 755 714 232 27 455





23 532 523 23 009 10 233 11 048 1 891 578 8 286 293 351 1 377

892 61 831 227 383 129 40 176 38 13 208

20 7 10 7 3

867 257 392 17 375 113 262 55




16 1 15 8 5

814 688 126 451 180 949 576 3 482 173 343 1 152

3 070 276 2 794 1 497 996 187 58 704 47 48 253

4 767 254 4 513 2 824 1 303 213 61 989 40 19 367

105 6 98 51 36 4 1 30

15 6 6 2 3 1 2

119 896 027 670 357 332 025 590 282 857 296 989 1 207

2 927 1 123 1 279 141 1 138 832 306 86 50 153 17 194 331

4 103 1 959 1 786 877 909 629 280 128 24 128

91 32 46 37 9 1 7 2

5 1 2 1 I

32 326

718 288 701 298 403 493 910 046 482 5 167 215 3 493 9 236

5 106 217 64 225 180 2 487 2 274 1 108 1 006 1 069

906 27 5 96 68 404 388 I 18 118 261

1 325 27 11 75 53 816 784 302 302 105

34 262 1 052 645 3 326 3 143 20 610 19 192 6 744 6 268 2 530

2 311 58 38 188 167 1 275 1 162 333 311 457

53.9 30.7 88.1 87.7 84.6 94.3 57.4 44.9 13.9 15.0

49.l 25.6 76.5 85.0 53.2 60.5 40.6 27.8 12.7

48.4 6.3 48.8 87.3 98.3 76.1 58.2 12.1 17.6 4.1

51.5 19.7 79.6 96.2 94.4 86.5 47.2 16.3 8.6 5.1

57.3 16.8 92.4 99.9 99.9 99.9 53.9 33.8 21.4 9.2

3 982 32 103 412 261 819 1 211 454 690 12.3 59. I

793 16 23 87 104 153 203 8B 119 12.1 51.7

1 144 23 14 186 135 303 287 106 90 11.1 42.2

20 013 334 939 2 759 2 052 5 021 6 147 1 750 1 Oil 11.3 44.5

1 312 17 67 165 126 326 384 138

4 841 73 131 401 423 1 06A 1 695 532 542 12.2 57.0

801 14 6 120 58 144 322 103 34 12.2 57.3

1 164 32 18 122 163 255 423 92 59 I 1.9 49.3

26 067 278 972 3 248 2 684 7 023 9 195 1 778 889 11.5 45.5

1 191 15 42 142 148 336 329 115 64 11.2 42.7

3 847 623 1 040 1 755 2 246 2 440 992 513

539 88 163 263 331 368 142 81

974 206 357 507 632 656 278 123

23 5 9 13 16 17 6 3

544 508 553 966 303 455 494 294

1 171 238 447 629 707 769 298 138



PLACE OF BIRTH Tot11l popul•tl°"-- ..... ------ ______ .... _ Fortlt• liiorn .. ----------------------

4 610 316

4 523 227

4 294

4 296


3 049 814 262 56 464 32 67 364

2 443 1 314 246 95 954 19 119 420

1 534 508 729 80 649 84 565 249 30 202 84 102 195

l 473 524 752 330 422 65 357 116 17 217 7 18 179

3 809 1 958 1 157 793 364 136 228 145 28 38 17 207 487

4 034 1 411 2 008 1 330 678 268 410 136 47 213 14 112 503

459 51 51 37 25 296 296 71 66 4

495 20 13 44 44 282 268 92

1 486 81 Mi 41 959 950 321 310 79

l 561 32 25 74 46 967 953 411 399 77

8 134 160 107 669 654 5 162 4 961 1 543 I 510

40.3 54.1


57.2 33.0 68.6 93.1 99.9 92.6 62.5 4.0 16.6 4.9

53.8 9.0 75.3 94.7 99.9 95.0 47.9 28.3 7.0 2.5

53.7 17.8 82.8 95.7 87.4 82.6 47.3 21.1 7.0 4.7

74 109 32 26 10.9 A2.9

1 09& 46 28 233 180 275 234 47 55 9.7 30.6

874 23 41 125 73 200 270 89 53 11.6 47.1

4 483 120 218 491 340 1 186 1 63S 362 128 11.7 47.5

418 12 15 65 9 95 150 43 29 12.1 53.l

1 192 39 36 252 162 259 330 60 54 10.2 37.2


33 149 109 215 381 55 33 11.7 48.1

5 428 103 263 570 549 1 493 1 881 375 194 11.5 45.1

222 265 307 108 55

406 79 116 200 251 271 94 36

1 055 224 359 571 704 742 297 168

936 275 405 548 653 692 270 131

S•iltf•111ltlt1 -- .. -----------------Number of own children under 18 years ........

30 16

19 19

11 11

14 9

180 226


105 120

9 17

30 28

826 994

36 65

Number of own children under 18 years ____ _




9 4

65 36



47 27

4 12



181 114

6 12

34 52

5 5

21 24

604 826

21 44

Noth••-~ -- ..... ---- ......... -- .................. ----

Born in State of residence ..................................... ..

Horth Centro'---·--··-· __ ------------- South -- -- -- -- -- -- ---· -- -- - - -- ---- -- - West ____ •••• -··----- •••••••• -- -------

Born in different State ....................................... .. Northeo&,t ................ ---- ..... __ ................. ____ _

Born abroad, at seo, etc .................................... .. Stole of birth not reported •••••••••••••••• -


218 231 987 975 975 572 725 302 376 1 178 8 859

6 073 315 5 758 2 490 2 682 437 217 1 958 70 124 462



Tolol populotlM, 5 yeor1 •I• and •vtr

Same house ................. ------ ........................... .. Different house in United States----------Same county--·----------·-------~---

Different county ................................. ____ .. ..

Some State ........ ---------.............. ____ _

Different State ... ---- _______________ _

Norlheosl •.•• ---- __ -·-- •••••••••• North Central. ..... ------ ••••••••• South---------------------····-W~st .. --------------------------Abroad •••••• ---· __ ••••••••••••••••••••

Moved. 1965 residence n.ot reported __ -- ----



571 548 764 165 599 118 3 481 1 202 434 1 588

257 526 1 733

40 67 100 48 170


480 661 612 266 346 154 1 192 243 158 731 60 388 819

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Tot•l 11malld, 3 le 34 yean old ____ _.

Nurury school-------- .. ---------------Public •• __ •• ---- -- •• ---- -· •• -- -- -- -- Kindergarten __ -- ________ ... -~ ____ -- .... __ Public .••••• -- •••• -- -- -- •• -- -- ---- -- Elementary (1 to 8 years) ______ ., _____ .. ___ _ Public---- •• ---- •••••••••• ----·-····High school (1 to 4 years} •••• ______ ••.• __ Pvblic __________ ...... -- __ .... ---- ______ ..


College •• ---- •• -- •. -- •• -- -·-··----- ---Pnnnt enrolled, 3 to 34 1ean old __ _ 3 and 4 yeors. old _.. ______ -- -- __ .... ______ 5 and 6 year~ old----------------------7 to 13 years old •• __ ---- •••••.•• ---- •••. 14 and 15 years old------------------ ••• 16and 17 years old----------------····· 18 and 19 years old--------------------20 ond 21 years old-.-----------········ 22 to 24 years old •• --------------------25 to 34 years old •••••••••••••••••••.•••






... 89.4


... ...







... ...


389 9 25 81




439 6


19 19 57 57 53 48 304 65.9

... ... ...

... ...




. ..


--1to3yeors •••.•••••• ._ ___ _4 years-------------------- 1 to 3 ye
Male, 25 yHn oU anti oYtr .......... _ ....

No :school yeors completed ........ -- ____ .... ---Elementary1 l to 4 yeors, ____ -- ____ ---- .... 5 to 7 years ...................... ____ _ 8 yeDrs ------ -- ---- --------

High school, College,

4 years or more_ .. __________ _.

Median scho()I years completed ______ ---- __ Percent high school groduatu _______ ,, ____ _ """'''' 25 yHr1old1114 onr .. _... __ _ No school years completed .. ___ .,. _____ .. ____ _

Bye-ors -- __ - .. ---- ---- -- -· -- 1 to3years ••••.••••••••... 4 ye-ors ....... __ ---- _________ _ 1lo3 yeors •••••••••••.•••• 4 yea.rs or more .. ___________ _


42 18 80 262 18 24 12.3 67.3 422


l fo 4 ye-ors -- -- .... ________ -5 to 7 years ••••••••••••••••


Mtdii:m ~chool years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates ____________ _

39 100 169 36 40 12.2 58.1

Elementary! High $ChOol. College,



185 5 10 6 22 16

17 6 103 16.3 68.1 155


14 8 12 22 25 25 49 12.9 63.9

67 11.4 44.9


,.,.u1., _______________________ _ With With With With With With

own children under 3 years •• __ ---- __ _ own children \lnder 6 years_ _________ _ own children under 12 years-- _______ _ own children under 18 years ....... _____ _ sons/.da1J19h1ers under !25 years ---- __ _ sons/daughters 13 to 19 yeors. .. __ .... __


With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years •••••• __


H111ll1ftd ..wlft u.,fo111Hlt1 ----------

420 118




5 1 2 3 3 3 1

242 221 079 047 724 935 597 664


5 37 48 52 55 7 3


hbf••llit1 whh f•••lt ball-------

16 16

19 19

5 5

5 5

100 168


734 554 75.5

497 447 64.1

1 870 I 150 61.5

2 180 1 441 66.1

10 720 5 791 54.0

149 83 55.7

5 672 3 686 65.0

1 002 737 73.6

2 027 1 450 71.5

45 639 21 682 47.5

2 360 1 478 62.6

70 153

74 192

270 861 3 189

236 934 3 958

1 463 5 178 3 539



849 2 427 2 859

164 438 2 671

234 889 3 799

5 560 19 459 3 500

245 904 3 690

Number of own children under 18 years •• __ _ Peno1u u-•ier \I y•era

Llvlng with bath parent•-·-·------·-------

Percent of 1otol ... ______ ... ____ .. a., ____



CHILDREN EVER BORN W•••n, 35 to 44 yr. th11 ner morrietl

Children ever barn __ -- _,. __ -- ___________ _ Per 1,000 women ever married---------

23 - 600







Table 126.

Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Counties:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures. (percent, median, etc.) end meaning of symbols, see text)

Counties With 400 or More Negro Population












650 519 79.8 270 246 24 8.9 131

516 355 68.8 350 336 14 4.0 161 15 59 52 35 526 212 40.3 212 192 20 9.4 314 12 31 221 50

l 383 996 72.0 954 881 73 7.7 387 82 93 109 103

l 178 918 77.9 876 830 46 5.3 260 16 104 69 71

6 178 4 871 78.8 4 232 3 894 338 8.0 1 307 139 446 483 239

401 154 38.4 130 115 15 11.5 247

5 477 4 019 73,4 3 765 3 630 135 3.6 1 458 279 528 292 359

1 142 579 50.7 568 553 15 2,6 563 389 BO

27 364 19 862 72.6 19 617 18 225 I 392 7.1 7 502 701 2 132 3 117 I 552

2 163


l 445 1 052 72.8 1 026 889 137 13,4 393 112 84 90 107

l 519 725 47.7 725 661 64 8.8 794 53 145

1 365 624 45.7 617 595 22 3.6 741 26 77 549 89

7 555 3 424 45.3 3 391 3 022 369 10.9 4 131 73 646 3 006 406

358 162 45.3 162 141 21 13.0 196 35 144

6 261 3 628 57.9 3 616 3 485 131 3.6 2 633 125



1 052 591 56.2 591 582 9 1.5 461 41 105 267 48

1 483 718 48.4 718 655 63 8.8 765 23 83 533 126

36 213 16 692 46.1 16 663 15 655 1 008 6.0 19 521 315 2 227 14 380 2 599

1 7U 859 50.2 854 825 29 3.4 851 79 134 529 109

189 49 24 4

l 192 604 348 181

173 86 12 12

1 077 402 220 118

222 128 92 79

219 101 60 32

5 232 2 479 1 405 838

667 317 145 12

1 519 320 150 342 215 673 373 202 98 209 140

1 365 396 136 243 132 663 281 287 94 161 95

7 555 2 027 732 1 578 895 3 401 1 658 1 220 493 940 553

358 37 24 B B 51 33 32 19 4

6 261 973 389 1 129 852 2 585 1 490 730 308 720 505

I 052 155 38 146 79 439 201 136 32 112 54

1 4a3 397 142 273 168 782 341 317 102 161 86


16.9 24.6

10.0 19.8 56.6 77.2 87.9 93.7 92.4 84.2 28.0

8.1 35.8 41.3 63.5 70.3 84.4 92.7 89.9 30.7

..... . ...

...... ... ... ... 81.8

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 yean old and over _________ _ Labor f~~~~eOt _o_f_tO-t~i::::::::::~:::::::::: Civilian labor force---------------------Employed -- -- -- ------ -- ---------- ---Unemployed -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

Percent of civilian labor force ________ _

Naltn~~~:~~ r~~~i~ufio-;:: == ====== =========== Enrolled in school----------------------Under 65 yeors ------------------


65 years and over _______________ _


28 63 40

Percent of civilian labor force -- -- ----No1 in labor force------------------------Inmate of institution __ -- -- ____ ---- __ ----Enrolled in school----------------------Other; Under 65 years _________________ _ 65 years and over ____________ ----

553 247 44.7 220 184 36 16.4 306 8 33 212 53

Mole, 16 to 21 yeors old-----------Not enrolled in school _____________________ _ Not high school graduate ______ ----------Unemployed or not in labor force ____ ----

120 79 29 5

104 35 17

553 153 57 111 54 331 136 128 41 97 49

526 127 36 110 87 288

Female, 16 years old and over--------

Labor f~~~~ent-o-(t_o_t~i: =:: Civilian labor force----------------------

===== =====::


Employed -- -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- ____ ---Unemployed -- ____ -- -- __ -- __ -- ____ ----

444 152 207 101 63 33


72 103 72



409 I 475


1 573 72.7 1 019 924 95 9.3 590 112 251 141 86

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Wtm1n, 16 years old and over----------------

With own children under 6 years ________ --In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In labor force ________________________ _ Mtrrled wom111, hVlband present __________ ---In labor force ________________________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ In lobar force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In labor force ________________________ _

117 87 28 84 61




3 372 6 448 3 147 u 295 6 457 5 100 2 105 3 233 I 775

1 710 438 183 218 125 711 393 284 119 161 102

12.2 32.1 49.0 66.1 81.1 86.8 85.9 83.6 22.9

51.2 84.3 76.1 89.0 87.4 75.6 29.4

45.5 61.5 51.7 58.4 48.1 53.8 32.5

9 868



14 and 15 yeorL-----------------16 and 17 years __________________ _

18and19 yeors.·----------------20 and 21 yeors-------------------



24 years--------------------

25 to 34 years-------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 ta 64 years-------------------65 years and over-----------------

Female: 14 and 15 yearS------------------16 18 20 22

and 17 years------------------and 19 years __________________ _ and 21 years __________________ _ to 24 years ___________________ _

25 35 45 65

to 34 years-------------------to 44 years-------------------to 64 years--------------------

years and over ________________ _

... ...


90.9 81.9 85.3

... -

... ...






... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...



86.3 87.3 86.3 21.7





. .. .. .

100.0 96.0 87.0 82.7

... 5.0 ... ...



..... .



... 27.7 ... ... ...

8.2 36.0 48.5 566 56.8 64.0 73.5 70.2 18.0

727 4 137 1 893 1 249 995

709 495 110 104 708 319 244 145

1 120 643 312 165 873 300 360 213

21 634 12 404 5 991 3 239 20 323 8 122 6 901 5 300

1 7'1 904 501 376 1 083 384 293 406

3 630 2 707 809 204 114

553 420 107 25 26

889 642 221 60 26

924 784 116 50 24

3 485 2 579 863 381 43

582 500 67 26 10 5

655 463 181

18 225 15 269 2 334 592 596 26 15 655 12 220 3 241 1 369 176 I8

35 26 9


25 18 7

450 211 140 99 357 53 146 158

1 043 589 268 186 819 364 226 229

991 555 313 123 793 307 255 231

5 278 2 981 1 556 741 4 214 1 507 1 339 1 438

293 91 40 162 255 43 84 128

4 542 2 645

336 286 39 11

Bil 658 194 89 29

830 702 98 32 30

3 894 3 248 528 235 118

115 85 25

661 458 181 79 18 4

595 480 105 44 10

3 022 2 364 626 351 27 5

... ... ...


60.3 57.6 21.9

75.2 50.4 37.4 55.5 45.7 27.4

... ...

87.3 83.2 33.3


... 36.2 ...

56.7 63.0 55.4 11.9



... ... ... ... . ..

9.1 26.2 47.0 52.7 49.9 46.4 49.2 57.5 15.1

15.8 41.9 43.3 51.0 49.9 59.1 47.0 15.3


29.9 51.4 59.8 76.8



.. .

55.B 61.0 69.8

.... .. ..... . 43.8


WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Milt, 16 years old and over _________________ _


50 to 52 weeks-----·------------------27 to 49 weeks __ ----------------------26 weeks or less ______________ -- ____ ---Fe1111ole, 16 yeon old and over ____________ ---50 to 52 weeks ____________________ -----


27 to 49 weeks-------------------------

26 weeks or less ____________ ---- __ ------

108 91 305 108 61 136

I 170

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Mile employed ________________________ ----

Private wage or salary workers ________ --Government workers ________________ ---local government workers _____________ _ Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------Ft1111lt employed __________________________ _ Private wage or salary workers ________ --Government workers -------------------local government workers _____________ _ Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid fomlly workers---- __________ ----Mile employed, In 1griculture ________________ _ Woge or salary workers _________________ _ Self·employed workers ________________ --Unpaid family workers ________________ --Ft111ole employed, In agriculture ______________ -Woge or salary workers_ ________________ _ Self.employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers __________________ _

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Mol1, 30 to 49 yeors old In 1970 _____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 -~--­ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------~ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 -------1

246 172 43 16 31

184 151 33 19



16 6



16 16



192 164 28 12




B 28











38 34 4



5 141 118 10



5 5






589 88 69 31

440 18 73 49

2 482 87 304 227

98 42 25 27





5 5






13 5



1 983 104 219 107




72 11






391 86 18 46

563 71 26 42


825 603 204 85 18


76 48 18 10 39 35 4

16 13 3

9 942 787 1 460 l 000

630 42 64 79






The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



23 - 601

Table 127. Occupation, Earnings, and Industry of the Negro Population for Counties:


[Dota based on sample see teie.t For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties With 400 or More Negro Population












430 34 8 6

521 87 7 9

1 542 200 63 91 45 41 4 22 11 144 150 2B 34

7 115 1 363 202 184 214 763 299 26B 31 234 BB 1 602 513 99 118

1 135 212 51 10 25 126 79

1 544 220 48 56 16 100 63 56 7 30 19 243 146 47 21

33 880 3 411 86B 437 400 1 706 1 139 1 012 127 991 657 7 532 3 473 751 651

1m 173 55 47

71 21 21

6 916 551 124 198 34 195 204 184 20 203 128 970 772 206 127

256 99 17 19

20 20 5 15 8 8 46 36

I 425 172 17 3 36 116 42 38 4 52 47 208 122 26 31 428 185 171 72 58 120 10

11 7

1 061 465 390 206 173 213 17 17 11 1 177 571 316 100 104 452

169 54 63 52 14 34 5

OCCUPATION Tet•I 1111ploye.t, 16 yeort ohl ond over-----

Professional, technical. and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers---------.. -- .. ---------------

Teachers., elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Tec:hnicicns, except health -- ..... -- __ .,._ -- ---- --Other professional workers .................................... .. Managers ond administrators, except form ............ .. Solorled •••• -- -- ------ ____ •• ________ ---- __ Self-employed •• -- •••••• ____ •• ____ •• ______ •• Soles workers -- -- __ ---- -- ............ __ ---- ---- -- ..


Retail trade ........................................................... .. Clerical and kindred workers .................................... ..

Crofhmen, foremen, and kindred workers ............... .. Mechanics ond repairmen ................. ____ ---- ___ _ Construction craftsmen __ ---- ____ ---- ______ _ Optratives, except tron$port ___ ,..,. _____________ _ Dllrable goads monvfocturing ---------------Nondurable goods manufacturing------------Nonmanufocturing industries __________ ........... ,. Transport equipment operatives .... ______ ------Laborers, except fotm __ ............ -- __ .... ---- ........ .. Construction laborers .......................................... .. Formers and form managers-------------- .. --.. Form laborers and farm foremen .......................... .. Service workers. except private househo\d1 -----Cleoning and food service workers----------Health service workers. ................ ________ ----Personol se-rvice workers .................................... .. Protective service workers ............ _____ .. ---- -Private h.ousehold wo:rker-s ________________ ........





64 27 7 30 20 25 6 10 22 120 80

Female ••ployt•, 16 yHrJ old 11d ower .. __




21 12 33 41 18 3

141 97 36 B 24 50 9



234 90 42 41 29 52

147 73 25 4 7 71

1 998 949 688 361 271 415 54 4 34 1 272 508 381 166 92 222

552 221 266 65 22 109 45 4



63 10 10


15 15 60







50 32 13


42 30



184 14 8 6

8 8 24 10

192 40 7 9 5 7 7 17 7


661 119 37 29 11 11 11 97 42 17

595 55 17 3 3 40 35 143 55 9

3 022 353 113 154 50 102 81 739 163 64

47 27 20

46 38 6

243 230 13

176 137 39

743 626








82 30 25 4 71

699 179 343 96 222

40 27 13

247 882 513 565 507

$3 548



Prafe.ssionol. technical. and kindred workers----- Health workers ....... _________ . ., ____________ ,,_ Teachers. elementary ond seco"dQry schools ...... Manc.gers and odmini$.trotors, except farm-----Soles wo.rkers -- -.. ------------- .. ------------ Retail trade------------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers-------------- ... - .. .. Secretaries, stenographers, ond typists ----- .. ... Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers ............ .. Operatives, -except transport-----------------Manufocturin9 .. ,.. __ ................ ---- .... ---------- Nonmanufacturing industnes ............ __ ............ __ Transport equipment operatives ............................ .. Laborers, except farm ______ ............ __ .... __ ---- _ Form workers-----------------------------Service worker$, except private household 2 - - - - - Cleaning ond food service workers----------Health service workers ____ ............ __ .... ______ _ Personal service workers ... ,.,. ........ ----------Private household workers ________ .... ----------






6 16 52 29








14 30

40 42 29 47





-141 63 11 19


5 33



72 7 50 34 160 97 16 18


171 43 59 27 12 149

3 485 536 151 159 80 82 51 l 147 388 43


532 433 99










BS 47 6 6 5 5 100 26 16

72 30


599 195 263 64 434

115 14 54 19 149

615 039 922 179 395

$1 762 11 044




M•••, 16 yean ctld and over with eamhtgs 3 Professional, manogeriol, and kindred workers .. ,,_ Crofts.men, foremen, end kindred workers ______ _ Optirotives, including transport---------------Laborers, except farm----------------------Formers and form managers------------------ Form laborers. except unpaid, and form foremen ..

$4 670

$6 115


... 7 378


... -


$1 909

... ...

$2 563


$3 427


$3 289 3 361 3 486


$3 843 4 43B 4 323

$3 556

3 233

$3 067 4 321 3 330

$2 355


430 32


1 542 12

6 916 47

256 5

7 115

l 135

B6 660 8 69 140 16 86 21 129 24

1 425 10 7 49 624 4 23 175 103 56 18 75 9

6 7


222 1 842 35 81 520 134 380 69 83 99 441 48


I 11 150 188

4 24 31 12 15 128 47 30 150 54 9 80 90 87 64


45 40 247 145

11 31

402 127 170 105 64 103 25 7 22 202 63 86 6 29 42

1B6 21B 967 001 231 729 390 49 46 7 226 3 156 l 796 775 294 867

655 118 31 51 15 11 11 174 40 13

15 655 1 776 662 373 276 468 375 5 666 1 702 170

825 113 35 35 14 16 16 183 43 36

187 152 35

2 666 1 660 606 35 180 26 3 570 l 036 l 541 496 616

195 157 38






71 61 61


93 13 66 6 37

6 2 1 2 I l

394 175 139 80 116 116 19

3 18 374 179 92 61




13 5 196 60 61 53 54


ft111tl11, 16 )'HTJ ohl end over with eorn1•1•l

Clerical and kindred workers ........ ________ ---- .... Op"rotives. including transport .... __ .... ---- .... ---- -

... ...

... ...


$5 7 5 5 5

395 800 846 174 270

... ...

$5 7 5 6 2

836 294 833 138 985


$6 7 6 6 5


. ..






$6 9 6 6 4

... ...

... ......



$6 9 7 6 4

536 304 867 167 B75

... ...

$5 7 6 5 4

841 387 278 977 860



$5 6 7 6 4

$00 B33 214 125 850

..... .

$3 233 3 125 2 813

$3 846 3 953 3 930

$3 248 1 991 3 531


1 544 25

65 32 49 10 26 28

95 462 5 44 75 46 57 28 46 4

33 880 115 19 1 516 7 390 692 1 556 646 1 043 817 657 458

1 749 21 4 89 569 26 136 64 7 100 5 43 36

157 20

1 404 292

150 37

29 44

856 1 257


I 284

17 17 105 86 39

544 722 2 694 2 670 1 412

... ...

INDUSTRY Total enipltyed, 16 y11n aid o•d n•r ----

Agriculture, forestry, ond fisheries ........ ,._ ---- ..... ,. Mining ........ --.. _.. ........ - ........__--...--____ -- --....--______________ -- -- ---- ---- --.. Construction


Manufacturing -- ........ __ .... ____ .... ____ ---- ---- .. .. Furniture and lumber and wood products.. ........ .. Metal industries .... ---- __ ............ __ ........ ____ .... _ Machinery, in.eluding electrical __ ........ __ ............ .. Tronsportotion equipment ............ __ .................... _ Other durable goods ____ •••• ____________ ••• Food and kindred ;products. ...... ______________ _ Textiles and fabricated textile products ............ .. Printing, publishing. ond allied industries -----Other nondurable .goods {inclu-ding not .specified manufacturing industries) ....... ____ ....... __ ... -- Trucking service and warehousing .... __ ... __ ---- __ Other transportation ______ ......... ______ .. _____ .. Communications, utilities, and sanitary services __ Wholesale trade .... ____________ .... __________ ...... Food, bokery, and dairy stores-------------·-Eating and drinking places-------------------Other retail trade --------------------------· Finance. in$t.:1rance, and real estate __ ........ ______ .. Business and repair services ---- ______ ... ---- __ Privcte households _._ ---- __ .... ____ .... __ .... _____ _ Other personal services---------------------Entertainment and recreation serv;ces ---- ------_ Hospitals .... __________ .... ___________________ Educational ond kindred services ______________ _ Other professional and re\oted services --------- Public administration .. _------------ .................... ..






lnclodes allocated coses, not shown separately.

23- 602





9 4



28B 2 620 40 361 348 390 463 72 169 79








167 5

161 27

698 41


11 15


126 134 202

51 16

25 76 50 15

119 135

4 43 29 10 31 126 58 36 66 73 13 26 51 40 102



14 32 23 11 17 86 22 33 36 59


3 14

99 16 19 27 41



18 29 34




-7 -


17 208







25 B





77 122 472 355 185 199 266 50 535 456 409 332



-33 12 -

22 110 56


Includes protective service workers and allocated coses, not s.hown separately.



77 89 296 356 223

390 271 59 634 736 624 746

30 280 11






35 5 117 139 117 97

1 841 168 3 462 1 993 3 055 1 809

14 46

59 23 26 155 62 22 48 56 7 114 154 196 47

:i1ncludes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.


Table 128.

Income and Poverty Status in 1969 of the Negro Population for Counties:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties With 400 or More Negro Population










420 22 35 B 27 53 42 33 52 44 38 21 34 11

406 33 16 33 15 55 32 13 62 3 19 62 27 36

1 055 68 32 81 119 75 133 58 68 65 66 149 71 70

936 58 26 84 36 83 64 79 114 45 85 87 72 95 B

5 242 273 249 386 429 433 486 430 368 422 281 609 553 288 35


539 16 18 5 12 21 32 19 32 30 20 86 94 141 13

$6 697 $6 718 85

$7 097 $7 297 65

671 750 137 251 181 491 47

583 692 705 177 458 053 73

$6 336 $7 137 316 $4 745 1 516 $5 171 $5 961 461 $2 843 $3 269 171 $2 145 $2 087

$7 333 $8 DOB 249 $4 063 1 289 $5 831 $6 762 353 $2 160 $3 457 173 $3 584 $1 942

$6 849 $7 457 l 585 $4 086 7 438 $5 546 $6 325 2 196 $3 189 $3 625 1 030 $2 564 $2 009

3 847 137 73 146 232 213 288 203 235 220 278 498 572 669 70 13 $9 635 $10 267 972 $5 855 6 698 $5 691 $7 207 2 851 $2 269 $3 077 1 546 $2 828 $2 855

974 16 34 70 66 37 74 73 87 71 33 103 152 133 15 10 423 858 235 111 431 599 825 457 809 490 173 156 419

l 055 867 $7 450 51

936 836 $1 655 67

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All fomilias --------------------------

1"~ l ! i ~:[~!'.!'.! '.! l~ [l 1'. !

$10,000 to $11,999 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -

i\Hgg l~ mJ~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Mean income -- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -------Families with female heed __ ---- ____ ---- ------Mean income -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -All families and unrelated individuals __ -- _______ _ Median income---------------------------Mean income -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ---All unr~lot~d individuals ____ -- -- ____ -- ________ _ Median income----------------------------

Mean income -- -- ---- __ -- -- __ ---- _________ _

femole unrelated individuals __ -- _______________ _ Mean income---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----

Per capita income of persons ____ ---------------



$4 $5 $2 $2



$4 $5 $1 $2


$1 841

$1 986

420 368 $6 665 28

406 381 $1 360


... 46 ... 87 ...








7 3 13 9 13 4

... ...



$1 $2 $1 $1 $1 $1

598 367 717 526 067 565 265 550 873


$11 500 $11 584 74

1 050 $5 196 $7 204 511 $1 957 $2 584 375 $2 332 $2 480

$8 $9 $6 1 $6 $7 $2 $3 $2 $2


23 l 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 l 2 2 1 $6 $7 9 $4 36 $5 $5 12 $3 $3 6 $2 $2

544 291 132 107 300 184 042 088 535 562 406 325 033 391 134 14 343 194 233 361 030 020 947 486 035 595 377 910 059


1 171 53 27 75 78 78 126 62 167 83 82 114 147 75 4


$7 518 $1 989 272 $4 284 2 459 $3 786 $5 027 l 288 $1 751 $2 333 419 $2 132 $2 047

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES All fam11i11 --------------------------

With woge or salary income------------------Meonwoge or salary income ________________ _ With nonfarm self-employment income -- -- -- ----Mean nonform self·employmenl income-------With form self.employment income _____________ _ Mean form self-employment income----------With Social Security income •• -- ______ -- ---- ---Mean Social Security income -- __________ ----With public assistance or public welfare income --Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ Wilh other income ________ ---- __________ ---- __ Mean other income __________________ ---- __ _

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL' f1•Ul11 ____________________________________ _ Percent of oil families __________________ _ Mean fomily income ____ •• _________________ _ Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public ass is lance income ____ -Mean size of family-----------------------Wiftt related children under 18 years---------Mean number of related children under 18 yr_ families with female head------------------With related children under 18 years --------



... 19 ...







69 16.4

59 14.5

... ... 57 ...




5 242 4 448 $7 590 121 $6 785 4

$1 259 213 $2 087 203 $1 440

113 $1 349 205 $2 019 108 $1 370

$1 686 1 316 $2 050 753 $1 038




56 40.3

72 51.1



318 18.0 20.B 20.1

245 15.2 10.6 13.9

159 48.4 101 21.B 82


22.4 27

669 46.2 301 25.2 35


...61 ...

266 $83 8.6

213 $110 9.3

l 234 23.5 $2 281 $1 494 52.0 4.16 1 088 3.09 866 831 l 234 306 76.5 619 33.4 $753 $1 088 26.3 5 755 25.2 5.2 4.4 55.8 3 450 19.9 1 553 26.4 111 $11 232 1 442 $106 l.6

69 16.4

55 13.5

33 42 30.2

27 62 44.0

363 20.5 159 48.4

211 12.7 67

156 14.8 $1 365 75 103 23.6 $1 052 692 15.7 347 47.3

106 11.3 $1 646 78 116 35.4 $794 528 11.B 282 14.2

725 13.8 $1 263 507 488 26.3 $848 3 390 14.7 1 828 25.7


Percent of oil unrelated individuals ____ ----

38 86 61.9

105 25.9 $1 730 38 85 60.3

Related children under 18 years ______________ _ Percent living with both parents ------------

518 29.3 215 52.6

459 27.6 188 44.7

363 34.4 $1 988 184 168 38.5 $1 390 l 641 37.2 889 48.7

244 26.1 $2 068 140 181 55.2 $1 252 1 147 25.6 606 30.9

1 684 32.l $1 919 l 046 740 39.9 $1 330 8 250 35.8 4 916 29.3

F1111lly h1ad1 ______________________ ---- __ ---Civilian male heads under 65 years ___________ _

Percent in labor force--------------------U11r1lattd Individuals _________________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individoals ------Mean income ________________________ -----Mean income deficit-----------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _____ _ Persons ___________________________________ _ Percent of all persons _________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over __________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income _____ _ Related children under 18 years _____________ _Percent living with both parents-----------Howseholds ____________________________ -----Percent ofoll households--------------In owner occupied housing units------------Mean valuf of unit----------------------In renter occupied housing units ____ - - _______ _ Mean gross rent---·-------------------- Percent locking some or oil plumbing facilities __ -

... ...

33 28 69 18

... ...


... 19 ...

... ... ... ...

31 27 59 28



... ...

88 ...

265 25.1 $2 305 $1 592 43.0 4.37 222 3.23 136 125 265 103 85.4 133 30.5 $633 $1 229 20.3 l 292 29.5 6.9 6.5

180 19.2 $1 986 $1 718 37.2 4.14 168 3.00 125 125 180 39

496 24.8 248 23.8 35

... 602

... ...


148 45.1 $797 $1 041 31.1 893 20.3 9.0 6.5

.. .


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' Fo1nlll11 •• ------ ________ ---------- -- -- -- -----

Percent of all fcmilies------------------Mean income deficit-----------------------families with female head _________________ _ Unrtlottd Individuals _______ • _________________ _

Percent of all unreloled individuals-------Mean income deficit __________________ ---- -P1n111 ____________________________________ _

Percent of all persons _________________ _ Related children under 18 years ______________ _ Percent living with both parents------------

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL' f111111le1 __________ ------ ------ --------------Percent of all families ____________ -- -- --Mean income deficit-----------------------Families with female head -------------------

U1tr1lahd l11dlvldual1 ____________________ ------ _

P.~oe:1nPercent -~"~~~ ~-d~!i~~t-= == =====: == ~ ==: =: =: :: ==-of oil persons-------------------


















... ... ... ... -

-4 4


158 53.9 $737 $1 196


166 31.9 10.2 7.2



40 25.2 12



3 847 3 570 $9 829 223 $3 968 610 $1 463 361 $1 783 998 $1 992

430 11.2 $1 798 $1 701 32.8 3.74 380 2.46 266 249 430 126 78.6 921 38.3 $875 $981 12.B 2 531 16.l 13.3 12.9 BO.I 952 35.2 788 17.6 66


281 7.3 $1 470 168 690 28.7 $769 1 754 10.8 604 36.1




... 179 61.1 $1 508 183 24.l




... 20 ...

193 $1 281 170 $1 721 226 $1 458

47 8.7

134 13.8 $2 617 $1 153 33.6 4.12 105 3.04 73 67 134 38


... .. .

.. . 47 .. . 34 34 47 10


162 38.8 $652 $1 211 2.5 346 14.0 7.2 6.6

606 15.B $2 001 348 l 143 47.6 $1 205 3 486 21.5 l 355 44.2

974 852 $9 477 56

...46 ...

111 $2 138

.. .

722 $107 4.2

48.5 $812 142 18.7



... ...

539 525 $10 693 34

.. .

107 13.l 60 9.9 37

179 40.0 $839 $1 015 17.9 731 16.0 16.6 15.6 82.5 338 32.0 223 19.7 89


134 $96 9.9


... 23 .. . 39 7.2


145 34.8 $847 258


...70 60 11.l

.. .

34 224 53.7 $1 276 457 17.5 130 28.5

65 6.7

23 544 18 879 $7 403 719 $5 297 28

.. . 2 623

$1 7 $2 3 $1

495 488 270 116 549

5 957 25.3 $2 262 $1 621 61.3 4.31 5 389 3.12 4 357 4 193 5 957 l 430 62.4 3 581 30.4 $778 $1 076 25.4 29 268 28.4 4.4 5.1 56.B 16 465 19.1 7 720 28.0 188 $14 154 7 532 $104 4.7

1 171 l 024 $7 798 51

.. . 3 ...

208 $1 420 196 $2 013 245 $1 806 213 18.2 $2 442 $1 319 52.6 4.13 181 2.96 145 134 213 52


248 41.4 $685 $1 178 6.9 1 128 22.4 8.2 7.2


525 22.3 287 21.7 11

.. .

276 $107 7.7

48 131 29.3 $824 402 8.7 167 10.2

3 491 14.8 $1 432 2 571 2 792 23.7 $844 17 619 16.9 9 837 18.5

9.8 $1 209 79 208 34.7 $894 564 10.5 189 11.6

202 20.7 $1 519 100 199 44.5 $1 342 1 036 22.4 449 43.2

8 089 34.4 $2 045 5 534 4 743 40.2 $1 218 39 117 37.6 22 018 25.6

263 22.5 $1 886 158 324 54. l $1 319 1 4n 26.6 681 33.6



Excludes inmates of Institutions, members of the Armed forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, Dnd unrelated individuals vnder 14 yeDrs.




23- 603


Table 129. General Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language for Counties:

{Doto based on sample see 1ext. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond meaning of symbols, see text)

Counties With 400 or More Persons of Spanish language






513 39 49 27 67 37 18 34 28 33 18 65 36 33 7 7 15

737 97 90

2 897

9 1 1 1

283 200 139 139 100 148 141 57 30 6 8 70

5 993 903 783 584 691 553 507 448 389 377 261 175 83 87 59 24 69

159 324 29 32.9

284 412

1 465 I 267 86 17.2

2 710 2 981 152 20.3

5 236

1 293 194 202 191

2 980

5 043 951 831 626 541 437 387 301 284 183 197 123 43





3 627 260 396 538 324 263 253 219 231 350 197 128 118 121 86 71 72

2 195 283 300 303 213 161 189 168 114 132 108 87 33 25 50 8 21

1 428 2 058 229 25.6

1 041 1 040 79 20.0

8 310 9 945 693 21.3

1 710 99 186 311 151 101 136 117 110 166

1 132

9 1 1 1



AGE TGtol, ______ ah 09es.---- . ------- -- -- - - - --_ Un.der S years ____ .. __________ 5 to 9 yeors. .... -- __ -- ---- --- ..... -- ... ---- __

10to14 yeor$-·-··--------·--·-----·-·- 15 to 19 years-........................ . 20 to 24 years •••• ---· __ .••.•.•••••• ---- 25 to 29 yeors •••••.•.•••• ------ -- ••.••• 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 10 44 4510 49

yeors ......................... .

years .. ____ •.•...•.•• __ ---- ___ _ years .••• __ ................ __ .• years _____ ,. __________ ,. ________ _

50 to 54 yeo"-·········-·-·------·---·· 55 to 59 years •••• ., •••. ------ __ -- ••.• __ 60 to 64 ye-ors ................ -------------- __ 6510 69 years ......................... . 70 to 74 years ........... --------------· 75 yea.rs and over ......................... ~---------



Under 18 years -~ .................... -- ____ ....... __ .. 21 years end aver ............................... ~---65 years ond over ........ __ -- -- -- ............ __ -- .. Median age------------·---------------


Mole, ttt 11es -------- __ ...... __ ...... Under Syears -----------------------~-·

S to 9 years __ ---- ______ ---- ____ ------ __ 10 to l-4 years. _____ ---- -- -· -- -- -- ___ . -- 15 to 19 years. ______ . _•. ___ .. ___ . _. ___ • 20 25 30 35

to 24 yeon. _____ ---- .. ______ ------ __ -to 29 years ......................... . to 34 years .• ---- __________ ..... _____ _to 39 yeors ....................... .. -



40to44yieors •..•••. ------·--------

4S 10 49 veors ....................... . -

50to54years._______ _ 5$1o59yeors ____________ ·--·-------- 60 to 64 years .•.. -------- ___ _ 6Sto69y-eors. ___________________ -----

-•• _•• -

241 16 15 12 25 22 13 13 19 13 12 21 14 25 7 7

77 50 45 59 30 85

30 62 32 20


15 19 26

60 25.8 376 41 45 47 30 30 22 18

70 164 19 35.7

140 209 29 24.2

-25 to 29 years .......... ______ ........ .. 30 to 34 years .•••.. ----·· ........... .. 35 to 39 years ...... __ ............... .·40 to 44 years •••. ____ ... __ • ___ .. __ •• __ •• -

272 21

361 56 45 30 20 15 37 12 51 13 25 19 7



0911." •. - •• ___ -- - •• - ••

Under 5yeors ·--·------···------·-----5 ta9 yeon •••••.•.•...•••••••.•.•...• IOto 14years .... ·-·-···--------·--··· 15 to 19 years·------··---·------------· 20 to 24 years. ______ . _.. _.. • _ . _• ____ .

45 to 49 years •• ---·-·---··------------·

50 to54 years •.•••...•. -·--·-------·-55 to 59 yeors ......................... .



15 42 15 5 21 9 20 6 44


77 85 62 80 47 4 055 169 16.4

883 125 75

69 104 110 120 62 89 28 36 18 13

12 2 1 1 1 1 1




993 205 480 155 142 476 389 996 774 772 430 387 234 162 164




333 474 34 23.I

5 491 6 687 371 21.7

19 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1

462 003 331 006 805 272 933 536 117 965 668 499 429 205 286 208 197

5 331 931 836

468 506 547 578

409 300 160

155 86 98 73 73 70 41 2 470

2 497 164 19.3


1 377 I 490 86 20.4

2 715 2 032 105 16.0

143 247 9 25.9

2 905 3 404 166 21.6

708 945 107 25.3

548 535 48 19.6

4 437 4 683 320 20.1

I 336 I 304 91 IB.9

4 870 805 714 739 486 459 468 321 200 260

477 65 33 37 95 63 45 32 40 6 29

6 325 1 059 746 518 552 746 676 459 369 357 218

-20 5

128 120 69 66 70


9 738 1 489 1 074 891 848 1 245 952 862 482 496 380 266 232 146 150 122 101

2 459 363 451 182 226 239 288

77 34 51 42 19 23

1 917 161 210 227 173 162 117 102 121 184 126 90 54 68 44 35 43

1 063 112 166 159 87


3 013 357 447 301 386 294 292 239 137 183 131 76 61 43 27 19 20

2 586 3 283 205 21.9

720 122 26.1

493 505 31 20.5

3 873 5 262 373 22.3

1 134 I 193 93 19.7

993 560 314 993 773 220 321 245 76 2 667 6 356 223

3 627 3 429 867 760 683 77 107 37 70 667 1 724 171

2 195 2 175 523 476 447 29 47 41 6 431 1 207 14

19 462 18 982 5 165 4 163 3 129 1 054 982 584 398 2 943 10 241 633

5 331 5 078 I 256 I 129 1 051 78


Under 18 years--------··-·-------·-----21 yeonondover ....• -------·--·-----65 years and over ........ --------------M-ediunoge -------------- .. ·----·-·---· -


59 114 117 37 05 69 27 17

17 37 13 13

913 756 545 365 l 027 896 855 622 484 443 369 200

6 668 1 146 734 637 590 730 713 537 405 415 212 215 106 62 95 45 26

73 72


75 years ond over ______ -- .• __ •. __



7 14 8

70 to 74yeors. _________________ ------·

518 470 365


612 640 16 20.0 1 604 324

268 174 162 169 83 66 67 63 63 52 30 13 8 8

546 336 283 305 259 215 209 252 194 130 99 22 44 32 5 49


20 61 24


406 60 42 32 9 47 75 30 49 22 7

11 13

-9 -



93 70 57

724 514 257 115 957 l 027 981 674 635 467




38 64 53 42 36 29

54 16 7 33 8 7

233 197 59 138 86 96

42 51 31 28 41 22

171 134 144 126 81


BO 117 75 44 75 49 33 17 18 17

2 872 548 385 286 280 308 290 232 151 96


177 149 64 74 44 47 42 45 29 19



15 years end over_. _••. _.•.•. _. _. _.• _•. _


5 18


69 160 10 31.0

144 203 31 27.0

853 627 70 16.1

1 333 1 491 66 20.3

2 521 2 023 84 16.8

190 227 25 20.7

513 473 174 117 117

737 702 182 169 169

913 708 279 984




5 993 5 902 1 475 1 305 l 167 138 170 97 73 1 154 3 214

9 9 2 I

57 30

2 897 2 842 778 633 498 135 145


424 295 218 77 I 476 5 813 140

883 769 205 174 168 6 31 24 7 166 375 23

205 34 171

114 13 101

433 47 386

198 51 147

20 12 8

480 96 384

253 44 209

60 10 64 years ............ ------··--·-··· 65 to 69 y•ors_ ........................ .. 70 to 74 years_ ......................... .

Under 18 years--------··-···· 21 yeors. and over •. ___ _ -65 years and over. __ .


Medi on age __ .... _.. _. ___ .....



l 113



In households......... -----·--------Head of houuhold.. •. . ...•. --"'-· __ _ Fom1ty head .. __ .• _ Mal• ........ ..

Female---- ....... . Primary individual._ •.... _... .. •.•.• Male .. --·--------------------- .•

female ........... ·----···------·Wife of head •.•••.•.....•.........•.. Other relative of heod _.•.. .. Hot related to hfod __ ..... __ .•. In group quarters-----~-----·~-~Inmate of institution ___ . ___ . _ Other----~------------------


12 12 3 2 2




123 167 9

159 345 16

474 I 572 18

40 14 26

35 7 28

55 21 34

91 24 67

117 64 27

169 103 68

633 473 312

1 305 983 591

1 984 1 686 1 080

174 119 62

2 993 2 145 1 474

760 493 198

476 326 200

4 183 2 954 I 855

l 129

117 64 27

169 103 68

471 350 251

1 137 841 525

1 485 1 264 830

164 109 62

2 688 1 984 1 397

659 466 194

447 297 182

2 963 2 078 1 281

1 015 715 523

135 103 61

138 121

424 376 221

6 6

220 139

77 27 4

29 29 18

l 054

77 68

66 63 I 016 2 732



With own children under 18 v.eor$ ________ ,._ With own children under 6 yeC1rs _________ _.. Mu1!.ancl-w1fe famlllu


•. ___ , _

With own children under 18 yeor$---~~----­ With own chitdren under 6 years~- __ -· __ .. ..


faMlt1H with female head ____ ... _. __ With own children under 18 y~rs ___ .,_~-- .. With Qwn children unc;ler 6 ye-ors _________ _

23- 604







835 549

768 558


47 29


Table 130.

Social Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language for Counties:


[Doto based on sample, see tex1. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties With 400 or More Persons of Spanish Language



513 46 467 174 228 122 19 40 47 50 15

737 118 619 229 247 138 8 54 47 135 8

474 239 165 46 119 21 98 58

640 400 174 63 111

25 15 37 33

41 26 44 22

2 379 706 893 549 344 102 242 121 42 66 13 382 398


234 5

867 6



2 897 472



5 1 4 2

993 708 285 117 649 375 42 147 85 1 312 207

9 913 739 9 174 2 953 1 289 692 158 296 143 4 836 96

883 82 801 292 223 134 23 34 32 256 30

12 3 9 4 2 1

3 1 2 1

5 1 2 1

090 416 071 162 909 423 486 403 28 6 49 l 180 423

8 1 3 2 1

157 797 915 636 279 101 1 178 746 95 222 115 2 085 360

758 193 356 103 253 60 193 85 71 7 30 100 109

10 3 4 2 2

1 914 58

339 16

100 45 1 172 1 019 414 364 170

3 391 54 40 299 272 2 387 2 139 473 400 178

49.0 17.1 63.3 96.4 97.2 89.5 42.2 15.3 5.7 8.7

49.0 11.1 77.3 96.8 83.7 63.2 30.4 11.7 0.9 6.7


1 251

9.4 29.6

1 657 95 303 294 177 273 221 133 161 8.8 31.1

216 8 22 20 18 34 22 11 81 12.3 52.8

2 831 46

113 173 122 178 237 162 202 11.6 48.0 1 228 42 109 233 200 161 317 91 75 9.6 39.3

1 667 141 226 380 133 259 383 76 69 8.7 31.7

184 7 7 15 7 29 49 25 45 12.6 64.7

2 704






PLACE OF BIRTH Total populatfon __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Foreign born -----------------------

Natlv•---------------------- ------

Born jn State of residence ----------------Born in different State -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Northeast -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- North Central __ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -South -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -West-- -- -- ------ ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---

Born abroad, at sea, etc __ -- ------ -- -- -- --S!ole of birth not reported -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

2 425

1 206 298 181 17 79 21 883 38

993 297 696 378 445 100 281 573 491 2 669 204

627 222 658 553 331 65 120 37 161 33

2 195 389 1 806 1 067 417 194 34 103 86 275 47

19 6 12 4 1

5 331 944 4 387 1 729 1 002 366 76 359 '201 1 583 73

788 007 478 141 337 680 1 657 601 189 469 398 2 357 946

3 367 1 286 1 365 430 935 569 366 210 66 77 13 565 151

1 912 546 972 414 558 208 350 172 49 67 62 181 213

16 3 6 4 2

459 033 613 559 054 715 1 339 769 83 304 183 5 663 1 150

4 400 866 2 131 1 177 954 129 825 431 12 178 204 841 562

4 195 199 21 305 247 2 120 1 855 693 634 878

1 353 20

BOS 13

l 616

84 733 651 278 231 228

49 43 458 400 199 183 86

5 107 106 86 423 411 3 498 3 148 945 804 735

19 13 141 112 1 063 914 203 166 190

49.3 22.0 85.0 96.1 92.6 88.8 54.6 27.8 16.0 15.S

64.4 16.5 78.7 97.5 91.0 89.9

54.9 16.5 67.9 95.9 95.4

61.3 29.6 10.6



43.9 13.0 66.6 93.8 90.1 68.2 41.0 19.5 17.2. 8.5

44.2 8.1 73.2 98.9 88.4 63.4 26.2 8.0 13.6 9.5

64 147 149 322 13.8 71.7

476 25 11 6 25 87 161 93 68 12.5 67.6

3 854 181 401 689 309 607 710 418 539 10.7 43.3

1 065 62 52 150 115 188 167 119 212 11.4 46.8

984 57 12 67 78 111 346 157 156 12.5 67.0

4S9 7 4 37 40 100 196 29 46 12.2 59.0

4 191 259 422 941 365 676 928 308 292 9.S 36.5

978 34 64 193 70 159 246 104 108 11.4 46.8

476 86 200 274 326 362 142 72

4 1 1 2 2 3 1


462 546 916 974 393 754 98 397 144 6 139 410

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total populatlon, 5 years old and onr _ Some house -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- --Different house in United States------------

Some county-------------------------Different county-----------------------

Some State-------- -- -- -- -- -- -------Different State -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- -- _ Northeast -- -- ______ -- -- ____ -- -- __ _ North Central ______________ -------South---------------·----------West ___________________________ _

Abroad __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Moved, 1965 residence not reported ________ _



111 44


SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total tnroll1d, 3 to 34 y1ors old ____ _ Nursery school------------------------Public-------------------- ____ ------Kindergarten ---- ------ -- -- -- ---- ------- Public .. -. -- ---- -·-- -------- --------Elementary (1to8 yeors>-------------·--Public ---- ------ -----·-· ---- ------ --High school (I to4yeors) -·-·-·---------- Public-------------------- -- ---------College __ -·-----·---------·-·---· _____ _ Perunt enrolled, 3 to 34 years aid __ _ 3 ond 4 years old ______________________ _ 5 ond 6 years old ______________________ _


7to13 years old-··--·-------------·---· 14 and 15 years old-·------------------16 and 17 years old--------------------18 and 19 years old-------·------------20ond 21 years old-···-·-----------·-·22 to 24 years old __ -- ____ -· ·- _____ . -· __ _ 25 to 34 years old_. ____ .. __________ ·- __ _




76 76 51 37 14

2S 25 142 135 27 13 35




... ... ...

36 669 645 114 81 34 46.4 3.2 80.4 87.?



. ..







... ...

... ... . ..-

... -




3.8 2.1



7 7 109 102 76 62 131

......... ...... ... ...





... . .. ...

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED M1l1, 25 yun old ond over _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary: 1 to4yeors _______________ _ 5 to 7 years _______________ _ 8 years ________ -----------High school: I to 3 years _______________ _ 4 years ___________________ _-



1to3 years---------------4 years or more ____________ _-


Median school years completed ___ • _______ _ Percent high school graduates ____________ _

Female, 25 y1ars aid and our ---- __ No school yeors completed _______________ _Elementary: 1to4 years---------------5 to 7 years _______________ _ 8 years ______ -------- _____ _ High school: 1to3 yeors ---------------- 4 years __ ..• -------- __ ---- __ College: I to 3 years---------------4 years or more ____________ _Median school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates •• __________ _-



38 29 27 42 12.8 65.8

13 20 33 20 49 48 13.3 63.9




533 27 96 106 22 124 46 48




77 278 128 345 668 330 959 12.8 69.1

862 32 14 84


8 9 46 33 29 20 12.3 56.6

20 22 17 46 75 15 12.8 69.7

507 75 28 92 109 59 78 19 47 8.5 28.4

117 14 27 41 64

169 37 68 80 103 113 49 26

633 215 312 445 473 496 121 52

1 305 400 591 834 983 1 007 344 182

l 984 789 1 080 1 481 1 686 1 715 575 244

174 50 62 101 119 125 42 11

2 993 965 1 474 1 842 2 145 2 269 676 305

760 123 198 382 493 501 188






51 54



42 18




18 9





159 142 89.3

284 284 100.0

1 465 998 68.1

2 710 2 294 84.6

5 236 3 789 72.4

48 113

124 404 3 258

294 947 3 221

440 I 785 4 057




63 104 253 161 341 847 413 522 12.5 65.9

FAMILIES Famlll1s ______ ------ ___________ _ own children under 3 years __________ _own children under 6 years ____ ------own children under 12 years _________ _ own children under 18 years _________ _W~th sons/daughters under 25 years ______ _ With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years_ ______ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years_ ______ _

With With With With


Subfamlllts --------------------Number of own children undel' 18 years.. __ _ Husband.wife subfamlllts ---------Number of own children under 18 years ____ _Subfomtlles with f1mole head ______ _ Number of own children under 18 years .• __ _


Plrsons under 18 yeors old ________ _ Living wilh both parents_ ________________ _ Percent of total ______________________ _-

64 37













34 -

183 262 855 557 954 132 011 542

1 129 383 558 727 768 796 192 48

14 14

225 184

11 3

1 7

124 26



6 6


7 7

83 140


333 307 92.2

5 491 4 990 90.9

1 428 1 290 90.3

1 041 973 93.5

8 310 5 061 60.9

2 470 2 149 87.0

46 94

685 2 002 2 923

268 86S 3 228

119 322 2 706

843 2 749 3 261

213 863 4 052




29 40





23 - 605

Tobie 131.


Employment Characteristics of Persons of Spanish Language for Counties: {Doto based on sample, tee text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties With 400 or More Persons of Spanish language












179 135 75.4 100 91 9

243 188 77.4 1B8 180 8 4.3 55 7 21 5 22 223 102 45,7 102 102

6'4 599 86.3 567 516 51 9.() 95 21

2 552 1 99B 78.3 1 826 1 58B 238 13.0 554 14 155 310 75 2 522 851 33.7

263 203 77.2 203 196 7 3.4 60 13 10 37

654 520 79.5 495 462 13 2.6 134 12 62 37 23 594 230 38.7 230 200 30 13.0 364

146 696 66 368 176 120 45



44 297 23 139 39 17 12

5 646 4 168 73.6 4 114 3 747 367 8.9 I 478 81 476 709 212 6 153 2 633 42.6 2 625 2 416 209 8.0 3 520 15 371 2 799 335 1 164 642 486 204

1 601 I 365 B5.3 l 164 1 125 39 3.4 236 24 73 84 55 1 413 550 38.9 550 527 23 4.2 863

47 342 70 69 54 48 26

751 93 11.0 1 671 15 148 1 432 76 610 381 334 161

3 970 3 273 82.4 3 130 2 991 139 4.4 697 36 450 127 84 3 908 1 860 47.6 1 860 1 758 102 5.5 2 048 5 280 l 581 182 697 319 168 17

1 068 829

58 16 806 347 43.1 347 333 14 4.0 459

1 756 l 420 80.9 1 406 l 317 89 6.3 336 24 130 131 51 1 842 934 50.7 934 913 21 2.2 90B

806 293 116 144 67 468 235 232 1()7 1()2 52

1 842 596 200 387 24() 1 176 566 546 176 316 220

2 522 1 067 213 594 244 1 482 467 824 182 439 194

322 60 23 53 37 172 100 60 23 47 31

3 908 1 486 391 651 416 2 713 1 171 I 403 358 589 377

1 300 196 31 3()B 136 713 230 192 31 285 113

594 203 30 126 55 438 145 178 24 115 44

6 153 1 937 449 1 052 517 3 045 l 184 l 316 321 755 398

1 413 568 178 206 89 1 031 388 539 178 188 77

10.0 19.0



... ... ......


11.9 43.5 64.9 68.1 81.9 66.6 94.0 96.3 40.4


33.6 76.9 33.5

6.5 38.3 43.0 65.0 63.4 46.9 66.9 49.2

24.7 35.7 63.7 80.3 91.9 94.2 89.5 74.1 23.8 9.3 32.4 22.9 41.3 27.2 30.5 41.I 49.4


... ... ... ... ...

5.0 40.2 64.4 49.6 5B.4 38.0 51.7 60.5 5.4

133 65 32 36 101 35 28 3B

192 120 51 21 99 56 12 31

586 36B 202 16 371 179 118 74

1 468 873 421 174 1 112 477 285 350

2 033 1 2BO 407 346 973 253 356 364

225 136 46 43 208 64 46 98

3 561 2 298 758 505 2 156 753 713 690

91 59 15 7 17

180 156 17 4 7

516 471 8 8 37

1 317 1 160 87 31 70

1 588

196 120 61 15 15



333 307 21



102 B2 13 5 7

913 829 67 40 17

751 613 128 101 4 6 76

137 99 38 7

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 ye1n old ca-.cl over _________ _ Lober force- _____ ., ___ ... ________ .,. __ .., .. ______ _

Percent of totQI ------ ---- ...... __ --.Civilian lcbcr______ forcie --------.... ---------------Employed _______________ _ Unemployed------··----····--------·· Percent of-civilian labor force--------Not in loborforce ___________ ,. ____ .. ______ _

Inmate of institut~on __ ---- __ ...... __ .... ------

Enrolled in .chool ---·-·----·-··"-·----Other, Under65 years-.-----------···· 65


yecn and over .. ,. ........... ______ _

femolt, 16 years 1W '"" onr ........... ..

labor force ............ ------ ---- ................ ----Percent of total ______ .... __ ..... ------ .... Civilian labor force--------------------Employed ........................ --Unemployed •• __ -·-· __ --·---------··Peircent of civilian labor fo.rce.,. _______ --------_ Not in labor force _______________




Inmate of institution--------------------

Enrolled in school---------------------Other, Under 65 yeors •• __ ------ •..•••• 65 years and over--------------Male, 16 t• 21 ye11rs eW ---.-------Not enrolled in schooL-------------------Not high school graduate _______________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force ____ -- -





25 19 202 89 44.1 82 82



7 19 77 10 IS




-121 -6 84 31 48 20







322 162 50.3 162 137 25 15.4 160


86 54 20 23 11 11

77.6 829 829



239 36 106 45 52 1 300 567 43.6 567 553 14 2.5 733 15 132 49B BB 142 15 10



97 705 61 318 232 113 46



W•"en, 16 years old ontl ever ______ .. _______ _ With own children under 6 years _________ _ ln labor force _______________________ _ Wtth own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In labor forc:e _______________________ _ M1rrie4 w•mH, huiiand prese.-1 ____________ _In labor force •• _____________________ _ With own children under6yeor5 _________ _




In labor force.----------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only __ -·-~ In labor force _______________________ _


202 27 20 40 11 123 46 27 20 40 11

223 63 13 33 14 159 62

63 13 33 14

PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE 14ond IS years _________________ _. 16 ond 17 years •• __________ •• ___ _ lB ond 19 yea"------------·----· 20 ond 21 years .•••• ------------- . 22 ta 24 years------------------25 lo 34 yeors --··-····---------· 35 to 44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------65 yeors ondover ---------------Fe-mole: 14 and 15 years. ________________ _ 16 ond 17 years. ••.•••••••••••• __ IS and 19 years _________________ _ 20ond 21 years •••••••••••••••••• . 22to 24 yeors ------·--·····-···· 25 to 34 years-·--------------··· 35 to 44 years-----··-------·-··· 4510 64 yeon ------------------65 ye-ors and over ______ •• _______ _







...... ... ... ...


... ...




... ....... ... ...-



... ... ... 80.5 100.0 90.8

.... ..

... ...



92.7 95.0 96.2 84.1




... . ..



... . .. ......


. ..

14.5 55.4 61.l 68.7 71.3 82.1 85.9 75.8 32.5 13.3 17.7 39.9 45.7 46.9 42.3 57.2 46.4 8.0

904 591 184 129 713 295 214 204

578 349 159 70 331 120 102 109

4 346 2 512 1 136 698 3 019 l 349 901 769

1 429 909 344 176

2 991 2 603 242 93 146

829 597 127 35 105

482 360 65 43 57

3 747 3 347 332 158 6B

1125 1 040 47 20 38

1 758 l 490 216 107 38 14 148 148

553 450 85 37 18

200 175

5 14

2 416 2 122 280 118 14

527 456 57 41 14

11 6 5

26 26

9 9

. ..

... ... ...

86.6 90.9 95.1 44.9




... ... 29.7 44.3 56.B 15.6


90.9 92.l BS.3

. ..

... ...... ... . ..

25.5 5B.O 44.4

76.7 90.0 82.3 95.4 92.7 91.7





50.6 37.8 46.5 30.9


WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED MoJt, 16 yeors old ind •wer ____ ....... ____ . __ _


50 ta 52 weeks---·-···--·········----27 lo 49 weeks __ ---------- ________ ---- 26 weeks or less __ ---· __________ ------Fe1H5e, 16 yHr' ohl 1nd ovtr --------------50 to 52 weeks··----------------·····- 27 to 49 weeks __ -------- __________ •• -26 weeks or less.------- -------------



249 216 229

CU.SS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD ANO OVE R Male tmpltyed ______ ••.• ______ •. ________ _

Ptivote wage or salary workers _________ _ Go\lernment worken ________ .• ________ _Local government workers __________ -·_ Self-employed workers------------------ . Unpaid fomilv wor'kers ______________ •• -Feiult eniplay .. ______ -·-·-- __________ ~- __ Privat-e wage o:r salory workers __ ---- ---- . Government workers ________________ _ Local government workers. ____________ _ Self-employed war ken ______________ ---Unpoid fomily workers ____ ---- ____ •• ___ . Mole employed, in a9rlcoltur1 ____________ • _~. Woge o:r salary workers.---------------Self-emplayed workers _. ____________ --- _ Unpaid family worken ____ ... ___________ _ Feinalt empleyecl, 111 •trkulture ____ -· ____ -- __ _ Wage or salary workers.---------------· Self.empioyed workers _____ ., ___________ _ Unpoid family workers _________________ _ -~












18 18

13 13

15 15






28 8





27 19 8










34 34





965 58 104 124

108 6 4 31


-7 7 --














464 14 43 18

279 8 28 10

2 064 1B9 300 249

560 12 86 45



4 4



M1le 1 30 to-49 yHrs oW In 1970 ____________ _


Nonworker in 1965. nonworker in 1970 ___ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ______ _ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _ 1


49 8

1 396 132 78 60




785 28 147 61

1 569 76 106 114

The concept "worker"' indudes 1he employed plus members of the Armed Forces.

23 - 606




Tobie 132. Occupation, Earnings, and Industry of Persons of Spanish Language for Counties:


{Doto based on sample, see- text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) end meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties With 400 or More Persons of Spanish Language












173 22

282 90 8 4 7 71 40 33 7 7 7 26 10

849 129 12 8 18 91 18 6 12 21 14 94 111 21 14

2 230 299 29 15 76 179 115 94 21 90 62 208 195 53 37

2 339 208 21 62 4 121 91 81 10 105 40 268 256 80 39

333 98

4 749 1 148 170 104 104 770 389 343 46 221 114 910 386 92 41

1 382 359 74 50 25 210 185 143 42 120 58 226 145 39 37

682 79

42 93 57 36 46 14 86 103 20 41

6 163 824 160 122 Ill 411 219 168 31 158 83 l 169 660 259 126

1 652 240 50 46 13 131 27 27

50 20 30

372 134 166 72 8


894 374 376 144 50 112 16

74 45 25 4


961 150 721 90 46 113

886 350 374 162 38 121 42

126 57 43 26 24 35 7

125 6 102 17 20 36 14

1 490 473 614 403 154 311 29

688 324 329 35 6 60

6 93 49 31

26 61 20 35 6

9 l 118 674 233 142 21 51

161 57 54 21 8

OCCUPATION Total 1mploy1d, 16 years old and over-----

Professional, technical, and kindred workers.: ____ _

~:~~~he~~~~:~ e~ia-rY-~~d-;e-c-o~-d~-rY- ;ch-;oi; :: :: 5

Technicians, except health -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Other professional workers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Managers and administrators, except form------Salaried -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Self-employed •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Sales workers -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Retail trade -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Clerical and kindred workers -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ -- -- -Mechanics and repoirmen--------------------

Construction craftsmen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- __ _ Operatives, except transport.-- -- __ -- ---- ------ _ Durable goods monufoctunng -- -- __ -- -- -- ___ _ Nondurable goods manufacturing __ -- -- -- ____ Nonmonutacturing industries -- ______ -- ------ _ Transport equipment operatives ---------------Laborers, except form-----------------------Construction laborers __ -- -- -- ____ -- -- ______ _ formers and farm managers------------------Form laborers and farm foremen --------------Service workers, except private household•------Cleaning and food service workers-----------HeoUh service workers---------------------Personal service workers -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- ___ _ Protective service workers __________________ _ Private household workers--------------------female employed, 16 years old ond over ___ _

Professional, technico I, and kindred workers _____ _ Health workers __ ---- ____ -- ____________ ---Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ___ _ Managers and administrators, except farm------Soles workers -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ________ ------ _ Retail and trade -- ----workers --------- ---- ---- -------_ Clerical kindred __________________ Secretaries, stenographers, and typists -------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-------Operatives, except transport------------------Manufacturing ________ -- -- ---- __ ---- ------Nonmanufacturing industries ________________ _ Transport equipment operatives---------------Laborers, except form-----------------------form workers------------------------------Service workers, except private household'------Cleaning and food service workers ______ -- ___ _ Health service workers _____________________ _ Personal service workers-------------------Privote household workers ____________________ _

7 -

15 41 20 21 15 15 15 11



15 9


6 6 8 8









171 163 8

476 413 63

29S 213 62

22 22


16 7

7 34 93 39 38 12 12

333 42 7

10 15 15 8


8 7 7 19 7

11 9 9 63

56 46 162


9 9

18 18

16 9 7 16


913 86 23 7









44 33



$5 953


$5 979 10 490 6 724 262 4 833









13 18 5 13

22 22




102 12

158 89 33 14 8 20



7 7



82 8



1 758 364




137 53



39 27

751 69 17 23 13 18 16 210 61





18 5 13

37 37

117 226 93 57 35 18 12

12 7 79 26 11 15

130 425 252 73 41 18 89


B 9 7



30 9 7


BO 74 62 55 35 603 256 20 353 267 86




34 12 7





19 7 191 66 68 32 84



9 7




26 11


13 63


553 99 15 42 6 Sl 37 190 47 13

200 11

74 53 21

73 65





7 6 6 7


49 \8 31 63


-5 -

14 14 60 24 8


44 25 115 307 108 49




2 416 291 91 65 25 78 S4 851 310 23

527 65 11 34

610 433 177

271 249 22

8 6



17 17 78 44 19




4 66 16 29 21

480 212 183 65 51


MEDIAN EARNINGS IN 1969 OF PERSONS IN IXPIRllNCID CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Male, 16 years old ond over with earnlngsJ _ Professional, monogeriOI, and kindred workers ___ _ Craftsmen, foremen, ond kindred workers _______ _ Operatives, including transport----------------Laborers, except form-----------------------farmers and form managers __________________ _ Forrn laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen __

female, 16 years old and over with eornln91J_ Clerical and kindred workers __________________ _ Operatives, including transport-----------------


... ... ... ... -

$7 632 12 569

.. .... ...



5 317

411 1S6 536 433 071

$5 681


1 888


$3 082 2 036 3 506

$2 750




... ... ...


$3 28\


... ...

. ..

3 327

$3 546 4 522 3 401


282 6

849 40

2 230 33

2 339 110



34 489

65 1 128 24 217 62

7 96


65 I 262 12 32 192 63


252 17

43 4 14


169 26 197 72

333 356 296 757 231

$8 600 10 995 8 364

$7 359 11 250

. .. ... -

... ...... ...-

$3 472 3 462 3 365

$3 687 4 521

$3 397

4 749 155

l 382

... 2 274




$7 11 7 5 4





$5 6 5 5 3

.. .

$5 8 6 5 4

623 228 233 293 301



$6 147 9 000 6 42S 5 101



. .. ...

$3 647 3 770 3 707

$3 410


682 26

6 163 9

112 1 543 24 81 578 71 158 115 172 51

72 332 11 40 99 38 12 7 41 21

65 207 6 6 24 19 33 10 37

174 1 646 37 132 300 72 200 156 365 87

1 652 4 14 63 995 46 133 102 20 222


293 28

63 19

297 48

327 6


25 55 201 161 163 387 306 16S 69 101 19 259 560 294 106

8 7 56 26 29 145 96 44 69 40

72 6 30 12 29 13 25 65 42 17 7 6 7 30 26 25

106 123 246 154

7 12 64 25 18 72 31 35

... ...



3 328



Agricultur!~'f~r~~fr~~eod~dl :i:h::i~:I~ ~~c1_ ::~r-= ~: ~: Mining ------_______________________________ ____ ------ ---------------------_ Construction Manufacturing ______________________________ _ Furniture ond lumber and wood products_ _____ _ Metal industries •• __________________ ------ -Machinery, including electrical _______________ _ Transportation equipment_ _______ ---- __ -- ___ _ Other durable goods _______________________ _ Food and kindred products ________ ---- ____ --Te~ti!es and fabricated textile products _______ _ Prmtmg, publishing, and allied industries ------Other nondurable goods (including not specified manufacturing industries) __________________ _ Trucking service ond warehousing ______________ _ Other tronsporto1ion _________________________ _ Communications, utilities, and sanitary services __ _ Wholesale trade ___ _ ~o~d. bakery, and dai;y;;o;es-::~============== ohlmg and drinking places--------------------O·' er retail trade __ ---------- __ ------ -------fmonce, insurance, and real estate ~~i~i~:es~~~sde~~rdo;r services ____



~~~ee:i!t~~~~~ o~~~~c:e~a=t~;~ ~~;~i~~~=

== == == == == = Hospitals __________ ---- __________ == == :: ::::: Educational and kindred services Othe,r professional and related s;r~ic-e~-========== Public administration _________________________ _ 1

lncludes allocated coses, not shown separately.


30 24 7

















72 77

119 19 124









76 8

569 12

268 20

7 6 60

20 17 55 60 51 214 69 27 20 35 10 82 68 60 50

26 7 92 16 46 145 95 78 12 84 18



10 6



18 20 7



16 29

-9 7 -6


-8 II 46 17 7


5 60 27 7 6


20 32 40 6

BO 143 92 78





-6 -

12 14


-7 7 23 98 52


21ncludes protective service workers ond allocated cases, not shown separately.





5 113 \02 134 74






98 42

211 456 653 304 28 400 20 691 351 416 123

81 22

104 91 6

lncludes persons in other occupation groups. not shown separately.


23- 607

Table 133. Income and Poverty Status in 1969 of Persons of Spanish Language for Counties:


(Doto ba5ed on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Counties With 400 or More Persons of Sponish Language













169 16 13

633 31 22 92 62 29 38 61

1 305 62 16 47 53 104

174 4

$8 895 $9 585 138 $4 745 1 591 $7 540 $8 495 286 $3 150 $3 520 115 $3 364 $2 308

$5 879 $6 667 424 $3 670 2 562 $5 104 $5 782 578 $2 344 $2 745 167 $1 738 $1 513

$9 250 $9 952 6

2 993 121 45 124 75 200 180 242 159 206 129 385 376 612 121 18 $10 081 $11 318 220 $5 451 3 910 $7 921 $9 412 917 $2 302 $3 193 327 $2 603 $2 842

760 7 19 7 28 30 28 22 45 25 54 102 107 198 78 10 $12 364 $15 070 77

476 17 4 10 16 19 62 18 34 29 22 37 85 95 21 7 $10 378 $12 189 29

1 161 $8 663 $10 953 401 $1 708 $3 149 254 $3 240 $3 639

545 $9 304 $11 135 69

4 183 290 232 377 383 391 433 280 337 226 239 293 335 290 65 12 $5 967 $7 315 1 054 $5 345 6 117 $5 073 $6 219 1 934 $3 410 $3 849 769 $3 397 $1 988

1 129 15 43 73 51

150 206 174 22

1 984 122 64 145 249 215 224 200 197 108 103 135 102 107 13

1 305 1 178 $9 105 113 $5 919

1 984 1 619 $6 705 84

174 174 $9 401 17

760 693 $12 129 106 $10 406

476 431 $9 610 92



2 993 2 784 $10 821 223 $7 885 9 268 $1 176 243 $1 538 880 $1 467

112 $1 522 27





INCOME OF FAMIUES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All lo11Ploo ......................... . LeH than $1.000 •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• $1.000 ta $1.999 •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• $2,000 ta $2,999 •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• $3,000 ta $3,999 •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••. $4,000 ta $4,999 •••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••• $5,000 ta $5,999 •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• $6,000 ta $6,999 •••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••• $7,000 ta $7,999 ........................... . $8,000 ta $8,999 •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• $9,000 ta $9,999 •.•••••.•••••••••.•••••.•••• $10,000 ta $11,999 ..•••.•.•••••••••••.•••••• $12,000 ta $14,999 •••••••••••••••.•••••••••. $15.000 ta $24,999 •••••.•••••••.•••.•••••••• $25,000 ta $49,999 •••••••••••••••.••••.••••• . $50,000 or mare ........................... . . Median income---- ________ .......... ------------




-18 24


11 8 35 7

6 6 6 6 29 22 36 15

$10 455 $12 515

$11 207 $1 l 765

209 $7 306 $8 333 92

226 $9 500 $9 513 57




Mean income __ ---- __ .... ----,,. _____ ---- __ ----_ Families with fema\f head---------·------·--- . Mean income·------- __________ ...... __ ----_ All fomili-n and unrelated individuals .................... .. Median income __ ........................................... .. Mean income ... __ ---- __ ........... ___ • ____ ----_

All unrelated individual!; ............................ __ ......... . . Median income---------·-------- ............... .

Mean income- ____ ----.,_-· -- ___ . ____ •• ----. Female unrelated individuals _______ • ______ -· ~. _. Meon income ___________________ • __ .·-· __ _ Per capita income cf persons •• -- ____ -· ____ ---- .

-8 -6





27 81 102 25 29


$3 441

$2 973

117 85

169 141 $10 281 40

633 518 $7 521 20









75 112 81


$6 697 $6 963 135 $3 499 830 $5 549 $7 308 197 $2 717 $8 415 102 $2 100 $2 225







7 7 8 13 13 27 6 8 31 35 6 9


329 $4 537 $5 920 155 $994 $1 393 87


$2 264



.. . ... 6

$2 775

84 108

72 65 120 64 164 126 106 27

11 $8 446 $9 704 78 1 526 $6 173 $7 854 397 $2 007 $2 592 124 $3 515 $2 252


•H h•lllH ........................ .

With wage or s.olorv income------------------ . Mean wo9e or salorv income .• ____ •• ______ •. With nonform self.employment income •. _______ _ Meon nonform s.elf-employment income ______ _ With form self-employment 1ncome ____________ _. Mean farm self.employment income ________ .,_ . With Social Security income __________________ ., Mean Social Security income---------------- . With public ass.istance or public welfare income •• . Mean public assistance or public welfare income . With other income •• ______________ ... __ ...... __ _ Mean other income •. _.. ___ •••• ________ ---- .





____ ••


... --




Percent of all unrelated individuals __ ... __ _ Mean income -- ____ -- -- -- -- .... -- -- -- -- -- -- _ Mean income deficit ____ -- ______ -- -- ______ _ Percent receiving public assistance income •• __ _

ll"en.oas ____________ ---- __________ -· ----·--- .

Percent of all persons •• __________ ....... .. Perce-nt receiving- Soc1al Se-curity income •• ____ _ Per.ee-nt 65 years and over __ ... ______ .. ______ _. Percent receiving Social Securi1y income ..... _ Related children under 18 yeors •.•. _____ . _. __ . Percent livmng with both po rents ______ ·--- _ ______________________________ .... _


Percent of all households ______________ _ In owner oc<:upied housing units ....... __ --- .. _ Mean value of unit ____________ ..... _____ _. In renter QCCupjed housing units ______ .. _. __ .. _ Meon gross rent _______________________ _. Percent lacking some or ell plumbing facilities._ .

-. -




-27 ... ... ... 27

29 29

... 20 ... ... ... 127 17. 7 10.2 10.2


... ...



892 15.0 3.1 3.5

524 42.4 206 15.0

1 982 53.5 654 30.5

... ...

860 30.1 4.4 3.7



... .. . ...

.. . -




117 9.0 $1 592 50 22 8.5

541 18.9 326 46.0

561 9.4 326 30.7

307 15.5 $1 388 144 186 40.3 $808 1 617 16.5 894 47.9

215 34.0 $2 310 88

238 18.2 $2 340 83



64 24.8


101 16.0 $1 586 29 36 19.B

122 16.7 35


22 12.6

36 19.8

583 29.4 $2 726 $1 559 47.2 4.92 551 3.39 274 255 583 287 66.2 210 45.5 $740 $1 170 15.2 3 079 31.6 2.8 1.0

29 17.2


30 6.3

186 14.3 $2 209 $1 792 29.6 4.45 180 2.77 83 83 186 97




186 29.4 $2 234 $1 643 59.1 4.43 170 3.18 88 88 186 77

654 $99 2.1

... ...





-- ---- --




__ ............of oil fomilies -- ____ ----... --___--~ ___---Perc:-ent .. ___---_. Mean income deficit---------------------·'" Families with female head-----------------U•rtkited.11ultwfll.,•ls ________ ,. __ ..... ___________ _ Percent of oll unrelated individuals ·-----Mean income deficit----------------- .. ----Pe"o11111 .... -·-- __ .... ,,. .... __ ....... ------ ---------- . Percent of oll penon5 ___ ,. _____________ _ Related children 1Jnder 18 yeors .. ------------- . Percent 1i1Jing with bo-th parents----------.


20 17. I

29 17.2








130 27.5 57




130 17.8 35








Excludes inmates of in•titutions, members of the Arme-d Forces hvmg

23- 608





206 $102 9.7





156 $1 923 80

$105 12.9




173 $1 630 542 $2 520 223 $1 447

38.2 202 28.5 3




148 $1 356 101 $2 198 273 $2 534

35 25.5 22








.. .

... 659


18 11.4 11

-- ---- -- -- . -·- -- -- -- -- -- -· -- -- -- -- .


... ...-


Percent of all families ___ ••• ____ ... ____ .... . Mean income deficit------------- .. -------- ... Famil .. s with female heod ----~------------- .

Percent of all unrelated individuals ______ .. Mean income deficit----------------------P•n•tt• Percent ----------------------------------of all persons.. ________________ _ Related children under 18 years _____________ _.Percent Uving with both parents ______ ---- _



.... --

U•rel•••• i••fvl••ols ................. __ ... ____ ... ____ . . .

29 17.2







U•rtlotetf ltuU'lhfVlh __ ---- ________ ---- __ .......... ..




f••lll•• -- -- -· .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . Percent of oll families ~h . Mean family income-· •• -- -- __ -- .... __ ------ _ Mean income deficit ______ -- ____ ---- ------ _. Pe-rcent receiving public assist once income ____ _ Mean si:ze of family __ •• ________ .......... ---- _ With related children under 18 years ........... . Mean number of related children under 18 yr . Families wilh female head------------------ With related children under 18 years------Fo•HY he•41 -- ... ____ ..... ____ ------ ... ____ ....... . Civilian male heads under 65 yeors •• ________ .. Percent in labor force ___________________ _.

... -

... 1 170 40.8 743 45.2


38.4 1 349 22.6 811 61.9

barracks, college students

783 39.5 $2 095 310 237 51.3 $1 489 4 180 42.7 2 557 59.8

in dormitories,

15 5

... 47 ...



270 $6 413


138 $3 264


153 45.3 $527 $1 349

131 16.7 5.3 5.3

1 304 10.3 l.2 2.4

308 8.8 l.9 l.9

128 5.9


625 60.2 369 12. 1 20


.. .


. ..





22 22


...28... -


22.0 4 35


4 2.3

211 7.0 $1 624 31 145 22.9 $805 910 7.0 367 59.9

33 3.8 5


22 12.6






144 16.6 53


11 11

42 31





74 9.6 13

. ..

349 $141 3.0

24 ... ...


... ... 42 ...


... -

... -


462 15.4 $1 962 92 253 40.0 $1 176 2 082 16.1 956 65.7


... . .. 33 4.3


7 149 44.1 $902 252 7.0 52

31 6.5


107 $2 099 202 $2 651

.. .

1 449 $121 4.9

166 $112 3.0

21 4.4

765 18.3 $1 605 347 456 26.5 $956 3 932 20.3 2 164 42.0

105 9.3 $1 100 42 41 18.5

1 581 37.8 $2 307 660 678 39.4 $1 433 7 998 41.4 4 385 48.5

236 20.9 $1 943 53

16 16 31 9

.25.. . .. ...



40 8.1



. ..

. ..

12 25 ... ...

96 4.4 31


67 14.1




161 14.9 $2 638 $1 503 34.5 5.01 137 3.66 42 42


165 48.8 $1 691 323 9.0 82

$1 I $2

404 175 255 191 396 260

1 129 I 023 $9 108 84

1 248 29.8 $2 210 $1 799 59.5 4.60 1 085 3.24 583 543 1 248 599 50.4 560 32.6 $698 $1 220 9.5 6 301 33.0 2.1 2.6 37.3 3 513 43.8 1 456 30.2 7

... .. . ... ... 31 ...





302 10.1 $1 688 $1 818 20.5 3.71 267 2.09 57 57 302 234 70.1 185 29.2 $823 $1 038

... ...

42 5.5


4 183 3 220 $7 957 124 $3 394 7


16 32



320 14.7 163 83.4



110 71.8 81 36.5



923 18.1


..2.8. 574 71.6 197 16.7 31



10.7 311 62.7


36.5 1 320 25.5 774 75.8

and unreloted individuals under 14 years .




Table 134. Social and Industrial Characteristics of the Rural Nonfarm Population:


[Data based on samplef see text. For minimum base for derived figu-res (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties Barnstable













56 511 55 611 543 357

43 780 43 475 223 82

74 718 74 286 299 133

6 003 5 666 224 113

66 170 6S 869 142 159

33 769 33 595 99 75

47 206 46 922 242 42

36 210 35 940 94 176

119 523 118 246 711 566

3 764 3 628 101 3S

69 014 68 018 741 255

128 388 126 084 1 911 393

174 917 173 920 558 509

27 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 17 4

006 047 499 751 246 690 530 294 218 520 481 525 344 496 594 230 541 944 159 365 32.9

21 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

36 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1

514 694 352 218 079 129 450 419 898 516 181 004 742 317 869 722 924 14 273 20 742 2 515 26.6

2 843 206 266 300 269 144 184 122 177 116 182 1S6 154 165 1S2 111 139 968 l 761 402 32.2

32 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1

836 109 969 215 165 475 819 751 185 472 077 770 572 194 687 689 687 13 502 18 017 2 063 26.3

16 1 1 1 1 1 1

741 321 571 927 623 217 127 825 796 1 053 1 017 1 066 913 709 544 360 672 5 956 10 014 1 576 28.2

23 1 2 2 2 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1

18 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

I 790

35 3 4 4 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

29 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 8 20 5

505 950 464 753 019 66S 553 285 440 574 482 874 764 056 008 549 069 592 084 626 38.7

22 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

38 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

3 160 19S 199 216 262 164 156 162 126 173 194 183 236 191 189 180 334 769 2 251 703 42.9

33 2 3 3 2 l 2 2 2 2 1 1 l 1

334 699 790 809 871 861 047 097 359 244 990 990 447 155 954 860 1 161 12 236 19 739 2 975 29.0

17 1 1 1 1 1 1

028 263 458 718 545 282 013 832 860 1 067 1 010 1 118 958 814 526 554 1 010 5 489 10 838 2 090 31.4

23 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1

909 99S 543 650 952 470 740 290 414 675 657 289 149 881 734 671 799 8 589 14 464 2 204 28.9

11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

56 55 19 15 4 13 21


43 41 12 10 2 9 18

6 6 2 1

66 64 18 16 2 14 31

33 33 10 8 1 7 14

47 45 13 11 1 10 21

36 3S 10 9 1 8 16

RACE Total ------ -- -- -- -- ---- -- .. --- ---


- - -- - - - - ---- - - - - -

NOllrO ---- ------ -- ---- ------ -- -- ------ --

Other races-----------------------------


AGE Mole, aH 1111 ------------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- -


5 to 9 years---------------------------10 to 14 yeors-------------------------- lS to 19 yeors-------------------------- 20 to 24 years •• ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- 2S to 29 yeors •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -30 to 34 yeors-------------------------- 3S to 39 years-------------------------- -



to 44 yeors-------------------------- -

45 to 49 50 to 54 SS to 59 60 ta 64 6S 70 ta ta 69 74

yeors-------------------------- years·------------------------- yeors-------------------------years ______ -- -- ---- -- _________ _ years -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --_years •• _________________________

75 years and aver -- __ -- -- -- -- -- __ ...... __ _Under 18 years--·---------------------- -

~~ ~:~~: ~~~ ~~:~ == == == :::::: :: :: :::: :: : --

Under 5 years -- -- -- ____ ---- ______ ---- __ 5 lo 9 yeors---------------------------- Median age----------------------------

Fe•alt, oU '1"------------------ -

10 ta 14 years _________________________ _


15 ta 19 years-------------------------20 to 24 years _________________________ _-


2S ta 29 yea"-------------------------- 30 ta 34 years .. __ -- -- -- --.. -- _________ _ 3S ta 39 years __________ •• ________ ---- __ 40 to 44 years .... ________ ---- ___________ _4S to 49 years-------------------------- 50 lo S4 years-------------------------- 5S ta 60 to S9 64 years-------------------------yeors _________________________ _65 to 69 years _________________________ _-


70 la 74 yeors·------------------------75 years ond over ______________________ _-

Under 18 and years------------------------21 years over ______________________ _-


65 years and over----------------------- Medion age----------------------------


872 366 313 182 263 361 187 244 280 334 176 049 96S 744 546 730 7 937 12 638 2 020 28.0 168 773 350 328 702 463 428 153 250 226 386 157 235 912 867 679 1 259 7 551 13 708 2 805 30.2


422 936 199 584 890 597 224 250 458 225 290 63S 414 053 840 1 187 13 598 22 4S9 3 080 27.1

297 966 659 767 170 361 531 483 208 587 610 480 062 840 611 459 503 8 938 13 45S 1 573 27.4

1 1 1

130 615 954 076 687 424 377 069 991 058 151 021 823 652 462 298 472 867

121 808 611 682 677 984 328 622 339 396 529 181 227 701 177 740 1 119 25 097 31 759 3 036 24.7

080 598 986 877 633 285 327 022 052 155 092 036 896 598 526 286

60 5 7 7 5 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 24 34 4

6 10 540 1 232 26.1

59 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 1 1

402 631 411 362 320 317 774 187 286 047 709 957 119 783

156 174 159 157 129

66 134 73 153 74 129 92 83 100 34 75 569 1 097 209 31.9 l 974

041 724 S38 153 017 920 S02 600 426 405 023 654 230 053 SS5 S35 713 14 Sl4 19 258 1 803 2S.3

63 6 8 6

699 753 175 996 s 395 3 314 4 303 4 132 3 955 3 975 3 602 3 286 2 792 2 317 1 7S6 1 273 1 675 25 751 3S 703 4 704 26.4

924 132 972 495 280 796 s 526 5 144 5 115 s 063 s 354 4 877 4 222 3 526 2 301 1 753 2 368 34 284 49 008 6 422 26.6

33 3 4 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 l

64 689 6 539 7 650 7 181 4 979 3 707 4 973 4 088 3 661 3 775 3 820 3 328 2 641 2 361 2 145 1 464 2 377 24 779 37 700 5 986 27.3

18 063


027 108 241 038 499 26.5

140 201 122 173 99 122 110 90 101 141 132 117 85 116 99 126 602 l 306 341 36.1

249 298 116 670 759 601 392 392 160 899 617 272 055 783 801 902 13 631 19 292 2 486 26.7

3 764 3 669 1 342 999 343 846 l 431 50 95 2S 70

69 64 16 lS 1 14 32


523 138 480 073 407 653 978 027 385 805 S80

711 6 574 10 750 1 S23 27.5


16 8 9 10 8 4

7 9 9 7

758 584 131 573 s 529 5 871 5 251 4 820 5 282 5 288 s 184 4 329 3 668 2 723 2 201 3 871 31 689 S2 720 8 795 28.8

RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD l•tal p1pulatlon _________________ _ In households ____________________ ---- __ _Head of household •• ______ •• __________ _Family head _______________________ _

Primary individual __________________ _Wife of head ________________________ • Other relative of head _________________ _Not related ta head ___________________ _In group quarters ______________________ _Inmate______________________________ of institution-------------------_ Other -

323 606 586 020 546 41S 756 1 188 6B4 504

780 984 936 844 092 637 927 484 1 796 999 797

74 711

72 952 21 18 2 16 34

243 722 521 799 350 560 1 766 271 1 49S

003 003 264 570 694 1 345 2 263 131


170 993 608 200 408 6S8 121 606 1 177 516 661


769 263 634 686 948 813 176 640 506 352 154

206 62S 445 716 729 S24 215 441 1 S81 1 508 73

210 892 74S 219 S26 253 180 714 318

119 118 32 29 3 26 S7 1 1


014 381 981 412 S69 256 633 511 4 633 4 138 495

128 126 36 31

388 104 184 170 5 014 28 261 60 609 1 050 2 284 1 579 705

174 169 49 42 6 38 79 1 5 3 1

987 380 666 962 704 389 973 352 607 685 922

737 071 655 061 685 499 546 061 159 12.2

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Tetol, 25 yeors old ud over _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _Elementary: 1 to 4 years---------------- -

34 427 279 432 l 348 2 243 4 914 13 40S 6 093 5 713 12.6

24 168 145 378 1 911 2 999 4 160 8 720 2 492 3 363 12.3

39 215

520 677 4 198 4 604 8 561 13 336 3 886 3 431 12.l

3 782 52 44 232 361 559 1 454 SS9 S21 12.4

35 207 286 260 1 548 2 584 s 506 12 540 5 680 6 803 12.6

18 844 287 235 1 137 2 172 3 618 6 897 2 082 2 416 12.3

25 673 665 465 1 832 2 496 5 285 9 926 2 369 2 635 12.2

19 075 16S 251 1 356 2 005 3 667 6 007 2 227 3 397 12.3

60 720 333 496 2 675 3 884 8 362 20 048 9 766 15 136 12.7

2 254 26 36 134 149 414 938 274 283 12.4

35 570 48S 468 1 700 2 464 5 690 13 159 s 262 6 342 12.S

67 699 S36 757 3 942 5 144 13 241 25 665 9 562 8 832 12.4

93 1 1 9 11 18 31 11 9


2 868 8 734 3 04S

2 318 7 8S2 3 387

4 429 13 729 3 100

262 924 3 S27

4 393 13 9SO 3 176

1 847 5 730 3 102

2 122 8 996 3 188

2 092 6 921 3 308

8 046 25 601 3 182

191 394 2 063

4 305 14 103 3 276

7 179 23 264 3 241

9 634 32 024 3 324

T1tal, ••dtr 18 yun old---------living with both parents _________________ _Percent of total _____________________ _ -

17 536 14 248 81.3

IS 488 13 943 90.0

27 871 25 016 89.8

1 737 1 414 81.4

25 738 23 640 91.8

11 4-45 10 267 89.7

17 527 15 510 88.5

13 441 12 189 90.7

49 338 45 580 92.4

1 171 978 83,5

28 145 25 638 91.l

50 530 45 180 89.4

65 973 59 020 89.5

19 527 654 2 674 1 611 1 050

16 897 379 l 147 5 934 3 845

30 154 683 2 372 10 597 6 352

2 300 124 444 1S8 107

25 417 533 1 390 7 857 628

13 769 401 1 133 3 849 2 189

11 070 314 1 2S5 6 983 4 120

14 702 402 1 131 3 773 1 795

44 525 697 2 868 14 266 9 642

I 551

35 279 57 19

23 977 359 l 696 7 474 4 971

46 487 900 4 378 11 373 6 743

69 1 4 2B 17

320 022 101 397 403

142 620 46S 023 338

791 2 405 999 3 727 1 51S

1 523 6 123 787 5 078 2 991

132 497 227 372 346

1 3B3 4 719 BOS 5 230 3 570

758 2 146 491 3 829 l 162

972 3 162 351 3 008 2 025

534 2 426 467 4 562 1 407

863 574 IBS 577 495

126 354 175 261 264

966 4 649 662 4 817 3 354

3 11 1 12 6

416 72S 904 160 595

439 16

229 21

284 14

21 5

321 20

169 36

243 17

203 28

583 52

10 4

265 42

5 to 7 years _______________ _



8 years-------------------- High school, 41ta3 yearsyears---------------___________________ _College, 1 la 3 years---------------- 4 years or more ____________ _

Median school years completed ______ ---- __ --



d_ Wo•H, 35 ta 44 yr, thl, tvtr Children ever born _____________________ _ Per 1,000 women ever married---------- -




----~"i{~J:~l~~o~~~~i:::::::::::::::::::::::---Tetal ••ployed, 16 yeon old and over

Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries __ ------

Transportation, communication and other public utilities _____________;..·___________ _ Wholesale ond retail trade _______________ _Personal services __________________ -----Profeuionol and related services -Other industries ________ --



Agriculture ____ ------ ____________ ---- __ -Totol ••ployed, 14 111cl 15 years old


1 4 1 4 3



1 7 1 9 6

3 9 1 8 6

083 918 500 755 580


555 39

772 72

23 - 609

Table 135. Economic Characteristics of the Rural Nonfarm Population: (Data baud on sample see text


For minimum base far derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties Barnstable













19 066 13 208 69.3 12 411 12 108 303 2.4 5 858 2 364 3 494

14 595 11 111 76.1 11 097 10 705 392 3.5 3 484 2 015 1 469

23 568 19 505 82.8 192'12 18 605 687 3.6 4 ()63 2 240 1 823

2 022 1 568

20 791 17 082 82.2 17 014 16 429 585 3.4 3 709 2 246 1 463

11 538 8 701 75.4 8 662 8 399 263 3.0 2 837 1 593 1 244

15 305

12 066 9 706 80.4 9 557 9 271 286 3.0 2 360 1 538 822

36 581 30 749 84.1 29 977 29 057 920 3.1 5 832 3 757 2 075

1 288 1 051 81.6 985 954 31 3.1 237 130 107

21 917 16 387 74.8 16 333 15 869 464 2.8 5 530 4 241 1 289

40 470 32 197 79.6 31 899 30 492 1 407 4.4 8 273 5 045 3 228

56 246 45 556 81.0 45 363 43 851 1 512 3.3 10 690 5 959 4731

2 485 835 33.6 835 811 24 2.9 1 650 1 025 625

16 177 6 731 41.6 6 725 6 406 319 4.7 9 446 7 467 1 979

12 250

5 521 45.1 5 521 5 370 151 2.7 6 711 4 838 1 873

38 671 16 112 41.7 16 080 15 468 612 3.8 22 559 18 591 3 968

1 468 616 42.0 616 597 19 3.1 852 573 279

21 577 8 440 39.1 6 440 6 106 332 3.9 13 137 11 003 2 134

42 151 16 940 40.2 16 940 15 995 945 25 211 19 990 5 221

59 674 26 480 4'1.4 26 471 25 469 1 002 3.8 33 194 25 280 7 914

1 274 303

791 113

1 139 157

837 106


1 092 96 2 089 660 267 136

755 110 1 903 443

43 4 65 6 209 121 33 5

1 480 183 1 498 94 2 998

4 167 540

697 68

2 776 392 2 693 222 5 459 1 674 602 325

2 645 396

1 044 159 2 230 813 239 90

22 340 9 423 42.2 9 423 9 056 365 3.9 12 917 10 328 2 589 1 676 226 1 460 131 3 036 845 304

12 232


15 349 6 523 42.5 6 523 6 192 331 5.1 8 826 6 363 2 463 937 195 134 43 2 163 570 181

25 901 12 015


21 836 7 878 36.1 7 860 7 419 441 5.6 13 958 8 844 5 114

2 552 211

3 761 295 8 158 2 552 I 072 267

11 664 1 794 1 428 738 686 3 005 2 723 447 71 5 62 705

9 271 1 838 1 020 474 486 2 356 1 622 478 100 11 126 756

29 7 5 2 1 5 3

1 763

5 431 1 278 119 320 1 662 747 126 4 13 33 1 033


M11", 16 yHn .W 11fld ...., ___...... __ Labor force -- ---- ------ ------ ____ .... _,. __

Percent of total.-------------------Civilian lobar force---------------------· Employed -- •• -- ------ -----· -- -- -- -· -Unemployed __ ----------·--·-- __ •••• __


Percent of civilian labor force --------- .

Not In labor force--------------------·-· Under 65 years •• __ ··-- ____ ·- --------65 years and over-----------·--··-····


fe•11Je, 16 YllWI ohl ••• Hitt -----· labor force ---------- __ ------ ----------



Percent of total--------------------- -

Civilian lobar force •• -- -- ---------------- Employed ------ -- -- •• ---- -·---- ------ Unemployed -- __ -· •••••••••••• ·----· •• Percent of civilian lobar force-·-···-·· Not in lobar force----------·---········Under 65 years··-···-----------·--·· 65 year$ and over __ ---------------- __ ..


llole, U ••• 15 yean .W ---·---·labor force-·---------·-·---·---------· F•••lt, 14 ••111115 yem .W ............ .. Labor force---------------·-----·-----


Mlle.. 1'· to 21 YHn old --------Not enrolled in school. ••_______________ _ Not high school graduate _____________ _--

Unemployed or not in labor force-----


••pier••, 16 yetn oW



------·Farm laborers, unpaid fomily workers----- -Farm laborers, exc. unpaid, & farm foremen Service workers, including private household ---

12 108 I 775




Profes1ionol, technical, and kindred workers Mana9ers and admrnistrators, except farm ..·Sales worker$-----------------------·Clerical and kindred workers ____________ _ -Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ -Operatives., including transport __ --------loboren. except -----------------Farmers cmd farmfarm m-anogers ____________ _

51 10 705 2 125 1 432 418 516 2 340 2 361 553

152 17 135


7 419 1 602 316 791 2 197 512 221

6 1'2 l 292 259 352 1 905 800 148 11

11 549 1 869 311 3 514 2 839 354 II

811 158 33 27 309 39 5 4

9 058 1 929 319 635 2 752 1 398 209 15

30 1 379 371

8 1 t 82 235

10 I 920 165

6 168 62

28 1 546 227

5 370 1 055 189 258 1 579 893 154 14 4 30 1 038 156


186 13 173 43 4 39

205 14 191

28 5 23

200 15 185

101 31 70



10 844 125 179 303 356 387 607

18 722 233 258 536 537 509 843 1 006 1 225 1 522 1 6'l'I 3 237 3 367 3 225 508 87 $10 657 $11 474

Mole ••ploye4, 14 H4 15 yom 014 .. Farm workers __ -· -· ---- ______________ _·Nonform worktrs ---------------------fe•ole ••ploy••, 14 •-"- 15 yHn .W Form worktrs -·----------·----- ... --·--- ·Nonform worker.s ----------------------







.......... __________________ _-·

6 406 1 013 224 515 2 145 1 199 207

1 449









16 3 3 1


12 218 79.8 11 997 11 664 333 2.8 3 087 1 969 1 118

8 399 1 394 824 404 440 1 894 1 931 610 63


Profeuional, hchnicol, and kindred workers 'Manoger:s and adminislrotors 1 except farm_ Soles workers ________________________ _ C~rical and kindred workers------------Operatives, including transport ______ ----Other blue.collar workers __________ -----formen a.nd farm managers------------ .. .. Form laborers, unpQid family workers ---.-- _-farm ~ab-orers, exc. unpaid, & farm foremen Service workers, except private household ... .. Private household workers ____________ ......


1 489 164 263 91 45 480 154 214


1 793 525 243 90


1 089


102 28 110 9 312 129 50 4





18 605 2 422 2 223 1 115 1 192 5 244 3 771 831 165

1 489 79 5.0 454 218 236

429 803 078 136 784 3 277 2 231 749 86 4 142 1 139

1 973 l 143 735 3 204 1 079 914 79


Fo•a .. ••pMyotl, 16 years •W 1M ..,.

46.4 12 015 11 549 466 3.9 13 886 11 186 2 700 1 509 235 1 622 94 3 160 1 004 395 141

17.5 1 568




10 1 022 71

5 687 46.4 5 677 5 431 246 4.3 6 563 5 18'1 1 374

115 24


057 820 448 155 597 344

667 971 94


30 4 4 2 1 7 4 1

492 821 505 521 726 787 542








16 200 156 164 360 463 387 587 633 731 917 983 2 231 2 821 4 381 1 147 239 $12 519 $14 371

8 686 119 157 213 289 322 472 591 663 677 707 1 432 1 390 1 395 217 42 $10 186 $10 936

11 716 124 167 201 304 366 387 604 686 904 950 I 840 2 336 2 264 542 41 $11 266 $12 332

9 219 199 176 184 224 312 342 465 581 880 753 1 371 1 601 1 723 357 51 $10 720 $11 844

29 073 375 256 468 538 566 788 856 1 154 1 501 1 890 3 978 4 571 8 099 3 441 592 $13 422 $16 250




95 1 110

344 2 448

597 103 36 74 153 48 7

8 108 I 574 274 524 2 935 937 251

15 995 3 077 582 1 243 5 249 2 019 409 29

25 469 4308 733 I 372 7 653 5 741 905 24


4 19 1 400 190

38 2 978 371

52 4347 334

175 36 139

354 39 315

72 2 039 331


851 136 901 280 624 973

321 166 4 319 3 354

15 468 3 396 578 1 095 5 340 2 205 382 30


43 6 4 2 2 10 10 2



10 104




869 412 921 237 107 242 097


336 216 9 207


15 3 2 1 1 3 2

5 310 1 507 521 180


106 24 82 97


954 114 145 41 44 321 97 78

969 440 302












513 62 451 259





999 32 26 64 71 19 61 61 115 90 80 124 105 119 22 10 $8 561 $9 830

15 412 153 155 170 213 286 372 426

31 170 489 401 775 777 1 015 1 185 1 304 2 040 2 074 2 420 5 123 5 504 6 387 1 488 188 $11 212 $12 453 318 587 631 179 065 461 974 367 788 801

42 962 411 548 1 081 1 149 1 281 1 733 2 184 3 094 3 300 3 565 7 095 7 695 8 142 1 463 221 $10 884 $11 877 3 239 $7 589 52 533 $9 744 $10 490 9 571 $3 020 $4 267 5 554 $3 387









Lets than $1,00D-----------·--------·-$1,000 to $1,999---·······-----------·· -$2,000 to $2,999.·--··----------------- -$3,000 to $3,999-----------·-·····----· $4,000 to $4,999 •••• ·- ····------ -· ----$5,000 to $5,999-------·---·--··------$6,000 to $6,999 •••••••••••••••• _____ _ $7.000 to $7,999---·----·--·-····-·--$8,000 to $8,999 __ -· __ -------· -· ·- ·--$9,000 to $9,999 •••• -- -·---· ---· __ ---$10,000 to $11,999-------------------$12,000 to $14,999-------------------$15,000 to $24,999 •• -- --·--- ------ ___ _ $25,000 to $49,999 •• --····-·---------$50,000 or more •• ---·-··------------- ·-· Median income ..... ____ .... ____ .... -- -- __ -- -

------· ---·----· -------


Mean income ........ __________ ----------- ·-·


Fomilies with female head--------------

Mean income ..... __ ---- ... ------------_ --· ,t,11 families and unrelated individuals ---·- --· Median income--------------------- ·-Mean income ........................ __________ _... ,t,11 unrelated individuals •••••• -- -- __ ---- --Median income ---------------------... Mean income ______ -------- ________ .. Femci1e unrelated individuals ________ .... __ _... Mean income_.,_,. _________________ ,._



Per capita income of persons ________ ,.. __ _



15 516 404 341 598 839 912 1 047 1 010 1 026 1 033 I 091 1 809 1 925 2 531 911 109 $9 534 $11 308


1 570 48

40 45

46 89 155 153 125 129 135 173 134 223 68 7 $8 651 $10 299

$10 $11

809 960 815 620 693 893 466 35 352 512

584 212 339 $4 427 3 268 $4 091

$7 14 $8 $9 3 $2 $3 1 $3

807 783 154 835 747 310 498 966 784 553

$3 537

$3 161

$3 088

t 160 7.4 $1 687 414 1 482 30.4 $990 s 556 10.0 2 002 37.7

596 $1 402 166 953 33.3 $1 075 3 173 7.5 1 084 61.2

1 063 5.7 $1 430 'l
$1 449 28 252 31.0 $923 524 8.7 112 33.0

I 495 $6 466 20 $7 $9 5 $3



1 1 1

1 $7 23 $9 $9 4 $1 $3 3 $2

304 155 217 500 914 495 983 414 081 714

194 291 384 760 148 814 $3 172 $3 999 584 $3 528

033 821 748 143 641 548 166 $4 742 2 220 $3 823

$7 11 $8 $9 2 $2 $3

$3 255

$3 788

$3 133

$3 279


718 4.4 $1 564 224 1 066 32.6 $1 074 3 963 6.1 I 520 53.9

410 4.7 $1 502 105 1 058 39.4 $961 2 459 7.4 664 58.4

510 4.4 $1 518 206 614 28.6 $737 2 435 5.3 892 42.D

$5 2 $6 $8

1 $7 19 $11 $12 3 $3

609 273 370 563 278 684 611 914 I 518 $2 912

$7 13 $10 $11 2 $3 $4 1 $3

834 824 864 276 124 148 543 539 190 687

702 542 638 437 300 419 702 414 057 $4 479

745 610 869 094 687 796 685 214 760 $4 177

1 462 $7 045 $7 864 463 $2 615 $3 623 286 $3 667

$3 310

$4 177

$3 039

$3 680

$3 264

$3 157

560 6.1 $1 766 138 813 36.1 $992 2 825 7.9 952

1 093 3.8 $1 715 356 1 363 29.3 $951 s 397 4.6 2 140 49.3

123 12.3 $1 063 30 150 35.7

474 3.1 $1 769 192 695 28.8 $1 058 2 492 3.9 986 51.3

1 592 5.1 $1 726 528 2 171 33.6 $1 032 8 359

1 968 4.6 $1 484 619 2 836 31.7 $1 028 10 664 6.3 4 019 57.4

$7 11 $9 $10 2 $2 $4 1

1 $8 33 $12 $14 4 $3 $5 2

586 890 125 235 983 188 272 356 $13 101 $15 574 1 2 2 4 1

96 $8 17 $12 $14 2 $3 $5 1 $4

909 964 870 030 132 458 672 067 484 838

2 $7 37 $10 $11

6 $2 $4 3 $3


, -- -- -- -- .......--- -- ..... -- -------- -- -··--Percent of oil fomllie•------------

Meon income deficit-- ...--..... ---------- ---

·-u....i.1..i 1o111Y111.o1s ·--- -·-·-- _______ ·-· ... Families with female head -·-·--·-·--·

hrcent of oil unrelated individuals _ Mean income deficit----------------- ...


Pen.at-------------------·-----------Per(ent of all persons-----------Relote



$106 489 13.2 127 49.6

6.6 3 360 55.7

'Exdudes inmates of institutions. members of the Armed forces living in barracks, college student& in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.

23 - 610



Table 136.

Social and Industrial Characteristics of the Rural Farm Population:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum hose for derived figures (percent median etc} and meaning af symbols, see text]






Eu ex









227 227

1 378 1 378

2 058 2 050 3

114 57

1 031 1 031

1 101 1 797 4

1 062 1 062

2 261 2 261



1 920 I 854 61 5

4 051


... ... ...

731 738


2 110 2 165 15



601 13 71 93 79 32 16 13 26 38 41 62 16 41 9 9 42

1 183 52

68 25 16 7 38 58 34 47 50 28 25 36 20

919 32 59 86 90 41 49 37 45 48 73 97 63 56 39 30 74

l 177 55 108 120 113 81 85 51 76

... ... ... ... ... ...... ...

44 69

71 82 78 49 38 49 67

374 25 16 62 42 7 34 13 17 32 13 25 28 29 9 4 18

938 83 63 68 113 51 40 37 25 36 82 99 87 62 46 17 29

2 100 89 159 195 223 146 98 53 76 110 138 199 168 131 109 69 137

52 31 6

170 372 81 41.l

234 636 143 42.1


413 704 161 33.9

355 770 154 32.6

129 229 31 30.4

278 37.8

589 I 411 315 40.5




461 10 27 36 39 25 14 19 28 30 43

-5 --

1 078 41 112 112 119 53 10 42 97 97 36 95

32 32 21 22 28


l 003 66 90 78 104 73 60 55 28 63 59 64 65 51

10 34

30 63 43

77 29 41


982 63 67 103 103 68 55 23 27 65 99 103 59 51 26 26 44

1 951 99 146 167 160 125 69 89 45 91 180 150 190 109 101 67 163

153 284 44 38.0

356 679 136 37.6

309 641 147 32.8

1\2 230 58 37.8

316 631 96 36.7

531 1 355 331 44.1

1 062 1 062 281 266 15 248 526 7

2 261 2 261 581 527

2 110 2 096 598 554 44 460 1 000 38 84

738 738 206 168 38 141 375 16

l 920 1 920 614 496 118 397 893 16





Ttlll -- -- ------ ---- -------------

-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hegro -------- -- -- -- -------- ------ ---- -Other races -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -








4 051




-5~ 9 pm-------------- 10 to 14 yeors-------------------------- 15 lo 19 year&-------------------------- 20 to 24 yeors •••• -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ------ 25 to 29 yeors-------------------------- 30 ta 34 years •• -- -- -------- -- -- -- ------ 35 to 39 yeors-- -- -- ---- -- -- __ -- -- ---- --
142 26 4 5 17 9 15 4 5 5

60 ~~pm------------- -


75yeors and over ______________________ _



732 44 75 111 71 8 35 24 40 32 63 56 39 42 43 10 39

Under 18 yeors ------------------------- -

43 90 19 28.3

301 431 92 34,6

335 605 109 36.8

85 3

6-46 40 35 91 75 6 21 30 43 47 58 42 61 14 23 28 32

1 030 45 73 158 117 32 31 39 78 80 70 45 71 62 H 36 29

231 405 83 37.9

341 627 129 36.3

l 378 I 378 415 342 73 291 658 14

2 051 2 058 582 498 84 481 966 29

Malt, el 1111 -------------------

Under 5 years--------------------------

M pm-- - - - - - - - -


---55 to 59 years--------------------------

10 23

65 to 69 years .. -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- 70 to 74 years-------------------------- -



~~ ~::~: :~~ ~~=~


:::::::::::: --

Median age---------------------------- -

•t"------------ ------

Ft••lt, 11 Under S years-------------------------- 5~ 9 10 to 14 year&-------------------------- 15 to 19 yeors-------------------------20 to 24 yeors·------------------------25 lo 29 yeors-------------------------30 to 34 yeors .. ____ -- __ -- -- ___________ _ 35 to 39 yeors-------------------------- 40 to 44 yeors-------------------------45 to 49 yeor&-------------------------- 50 to 54 Y""-------------------------55 to 59 yeors·------------------------- 60 to 64 years-------------------------- 65 to 69 yeors-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeors-------------------------75 years and over----------------------- -



Under 18 years -- __________ -- __________ _ ~~ ~:~~:age~~~___________________________ ~~:~ :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :::: :: :_-Median -



-6 5 12

11 13







77 25


l 028



10 7 28 7

96 126 135

29 37 19

68 89 96 57

57 62 35 30 44


-6 --6 -

7 12



5 8

-7 6




570 25 38



106 337 71 45.3

28 65 92 97

55 28

40 42 58 55 63 55 76 51 22 55 262 585 128 39.3

340 60 28.9 461 37 35 39

66 10 15 10 31 35 41 61 20 17


66 192 152 45 50 44 52 79

86 98

69 37 48




... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ...

... ... ...

...... ...

... ...


595 92

36-4 18 34 32 34 30 13 6 27 38 32 33 9



RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Tttel pepulat1H _________________ _

In households .. ______ ---- ________ ------_ Heod of household ____________________ _ Fomlly heod _______________________ _Primary individual __________________ _Wife al head ________________________ _Other relative of head _________________ _ Not related to head ___________________ _In group quarters ______________________ _


Inmate of institution-------------------Other __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- - -

227 227 70 65

5 65 87






l 101 1 771 551 460 91 447 735 38 30



683 9 6 42 45 66 284 125 106 12.6

1 156 9 36 88 109 237 402 147 128 12.2

53 167


100 334 3 340

52 52

276 276 100.0

46 14 6

114 114 31 31


31 52




1 199 61 31 154 127 303 327


I 031 1 026 296 274 22 238 479 13





54 461 1 182 37





... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...



4 4 l 1

051 051 268 085 183 955 1 728 100

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary: l to 4 years _______________ _ to 7 years---------------8S years __________________ -High school, 1 to 3 years _______________ _




T1tel, 25 yun oW 11d over _______ _




7 9 16 17 71 12 20 12.4



4 years-------------------- -

1 to 3 years----------------4 years or more ____________ _

Median school years completed ____ --------



62 123 133 307 115 82 12.3




22 30 10

121 11.2


15 284

141 512 3 631


532 465 87.4

676 98.4

563 264 20 63 54

865 323 31 126 71

587 9



... ... ... ...

4 23 28 52 157 105 69 12.7

1 131 17 24 118 134 144 390 171 140 12.3

2 542 37 54 242 236 528 798 385 262 12.2

52 180

83 310


136 369 2 713

241 199 82.6

594 471 79.3

1 120 976 87.I

352 101 11 53 28

858 258 45 137 102

1 '68 698 88 372 188


57 55

52 137 11 122 96

66 205 33 367 139




1 317 34 16 101 216 227 440 211 72 12.1

l 292 21 31 78 133 238 415 146 230 12.3

66 196


161 679 4 217



... ...

496 459 92.5

314 384 100.0

769 702 91.3

664 559 84.2

... ... ...

506 245 20 50 32

853 327 61 108 48

433 189 30 90 75

968 346 55 141 78

1 030 324 55 197 89





50 115 19 177 65

29 132 16 179 98

25 8

9 4

5 42 110 110 221 50 40 12.1


... .........


CHILDREN EVER BOIN W••H, 35 to 44 yr. old, evar •arried

Children ever born •. ____________ ------ __ _ Per 1,000 women ever married _________ _-


I l I



I l









T1t1I, Ul4tr 18 yean ehl _________ _ living with both parents ______ ---------- __ Percent of total ____ ---.. ________ ---- __ -

51 51




INDUSTRY OF THE EMPLOYED Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries ________ _.

T•••• ••,toyed, 16 YHn •kl ..11





Transportotion, communication, and other public utilities __________ ------ _________ _ Wholesole ond retail trade Personal services ________ :::::::::::::::: Professionol and related services _________ _ Other industries ________________ -------- ..--



T•t•I ••pleyetl, 14 Hd 15 y11n tld _-

Agriculture ___________________________ _



36 13

5 5


11 12 8





142 22 121 70

19 73 34 16 8






33 16 192

















... ... '"


... ...... ... ...


51 12





23 - 611

Table 137.

Economic Characteristics of the Rural Farm Population:


[Doto baHd on sample se-e text For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Counties Barnstable









107 58 54.2 58 58

475 381

741 560 75.6 560 555 5 0.9 181 121 60 730 328 44.9 328 310 18 5.5 402

31 31

421 367 87.2 367 358

724 570 78.7 570 570

408 323 79.2 323 312 11 3.4 85 61 24 330 133 40.3 133 121 12 9.0 197 153 44 28 5 29

839 627 74.7 622

884 726 82.1 715 698 17 2.4 158 74 84 742 357 48.1 357 332 25 7.0 385 265 120 34 4 47 5 142 54 37


M•k, 16 y11n .W ... tYer _______ _

---. . Fe••h, 16. ye•n oW Hcl ..,,, _____ _ LobarPercent forct ---------------------------of 1otal _____________ .. ., _____ _Civllion labor force •.•••••••••••••••.•••. Employtd .......................... __ Unemployed •••••• __ •••••••••••••••••• Percent of civHion lobor force--------Not in lobor force------·········-······Under 65 yeors ····--·--·····-··--···· -65 years and over .......................................... ____ _-

Labor force---------------------··----- Pertonl of totol ••••••••••••••••••••• Civlllon labor lorco ··-----···-··--···---Employod __ •• ---- __ ---- __ ---- __ ---- __ Unemployed _________________________ _ Percent of civilian labor force ___ .., ____ _ Not in labor force -- ______ -- -- __ ------ -- .. Under 65 and years-----···-···-·····----65 years over .. _____ .., ________ ,. ..........

Mole, 14 od 15 Y•m old ••••••••• Lobor force-·-·-----···-···············

.w _______ _

labo-r force -- ...... __ ..... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ,..... , 14 ••• 15 YHr1

••... 16 to 21 yun old ---------- Not enrolled in •chool ................... . Not high •chool graduate •••••••••••••.

49 35 14 77 27 27 27


25 25

381 372 9 2.4 94 56 38 464 191 41.2 191 191



205 68 S4 8 39 8 52






.a.i ..11 •wer Pl'ofeuional, 1echnici:il, and kindred workers


Unemployed or not in lobor force __ ........



110 46 10 7S 10 144 35 10




... 31 31



...1515 15

-16 16 7 7


OCCUPATION Mile ••,toy•d, 16 years


S55 67 28 11 10 84 40 21 224 10 36 24 310 40 10 14 92 50 5 22 14 8 50 5 10


a -8

10 10 5 5

6S 10

342 27 6 15 25 17 21 13 30 14 20 35 39 49 18 13 $9 150 $12 373 22

491 15 6 30 27 32 42 33 25 44 26 57 29 77 40 15 $8 886 $12 591 17

.. ·-· Service workers, including private household ..

17 5 28 -8 -

female emplaiy14, 16 yt1rs eld Hd eve r.


--Clerical and kindred workers ____ ................ _ Craftsmen, foremen. ond kindred workers __ -.. Managers and administrators. except farm .. -· So~u workers ________ ------ -----------

Operatives, including trans port ________ .... ..

Laborers, except form ____ .... ____ ............ __ -·

Formers and form managers ........................ .. Form laborers, unpaid family work.en ........ .. Farm laborers, exc. unpaid, & form foremen


-· Managers ond administrators. e-xcept form .. -· Sale-s workers ______________ .... __ .... __ .... _


Clerical and kindred workers ____________ _.. Operatives. including transport __________ _ Other blue·-c.ollor workers _______________ _ -· -· Farmers and form managers ... - __ --------_ ·Form laborer$, unpaid family workers. ----Form laborers. exc. unpaid. & form foremen Service workers, except private houHhold __ Private household workers ______________ _


Professional, technical, end kindred workers



-· ·--

Milt employd, 14 and 1S years •hi Farm workers---·--------------------- ·-

Nonform workers __ ... __ ------ ___ ............ .. ·-

f•"'•'- ••pleyed, 14 Hd 15 r••rs ekl Farm workers "'""-- __ --·-- ________ •• .,. ___ _ .. Nanform workers---------------------- ..

INCOME OF FAMIUES AND PERSONS All f••lllH --------------------


Len than $1.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·$1,000 to $1,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -$2,000 to $2,999 •••••••••••••• -- •••••• _-$3,000 to $3,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·$<4,000 to $4,999 •••••••••••• ---·-··· •• _ $5,000 10 $5,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·$6,000 lo $6,999 •••••••••• __ -----··--- _ $7,000 to $7,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $8,000 to $8,999 •• ··-····-······-······-· $9,000 to $9,999 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·$10,000 to $11,999 •••••••• ---· ••••••••• $!2,000 to $14,999 ••••••••••••••••• ___ _·$15,000 to $24,999 •••••••• -----·-·---- _·$25,000 ta $<49,999 •••••• __ -----· ••••••• ·$50,000 or more •••••.••••••.••••••••. Median income-------------------... ---Mean income __ ---- ________ .... ---------- ..


.. ·-



Fomllie$ with femole heod -·-----·-·----· .. Mean income---- ........ ______ -------- .... -All families and unrelated individuals ------ -Median incomt .............. - .... ------------ --· Meon income---- -- ------ .. - -- -------- -· All unrelated individuoh ·---.------···-- --Median incomt ---------------~---- .. Mean income---- __ ---------------- .. Female unrelated individuals ____________ _ Mean income .... _____________________ _--·


Per co pita income of persons-- -- -- .... -- __ ---

372 49 25





----12 10

25 4

4 -





16 21 33 12 192 6 9 9 191 27


55 25 6 30 9


28 11


... 425


$7 617 $10 842 83


... ... ...



... 47 ...

$3 308

$3 339




$7 $12

611 917 309 113 682 066 60


Mean income deficit --·-------------- ·-Families with female heod ··-------·-- ... Umloltd iodttld•olo ·····-······-·····--


Ptrcent of all unrelated individuals • ·-· Mean income deficit-----------------

PtneA1 .... ---- ............ -- ............. ------ -- .. ..

--· ---

Percent of all persons ................. ___ _-·Related children under 18 yeors ••...•.• ··Percent living whh both parents -----




... ...



35 15.4 13





-8 7 -7





7 11 7

6 -


... -

31 ... ... --

358 34 43 16 19 19 15


123 18 55 16 148 28 9 11 62


24 10



s 5

-274 10

10 -

16 15 10 6 5 15 52 43 69 19 4 $11 923 $15 284 12 314 $11 241 $13 686 40

265 123 S2 18 49 9 99 16


570 34 43


81 54 38 227 42 27 24 283 68 6 5 86 31 5 6 13 7 47 9 18 10 8 9



68 11


312 10 16 13 26 52 38 11 106 17 12 11 121 12



21 25 6 26 10 7 14

5 5





460 30 10 23 41 30 14 18 30 14 19 46 61 95 29

266 17 15 21 10



22 22 11 28 30 61 18

$10 043

$10 286

$11 084 10

$11 582 11

... 619

288 $9 364 $10 931 22

13.5 82

11.4 94

... 234



61 5.9 18



211 12.l 77


698 89 86 36 31 60 79 16 128




135 38 332 82 11 37 84 40 9 20 4 10 24 11 4 4





S27 10 13 32 14 25 30 10 24 38 28 56 89 113 45

SS4 15 4 10 17 24 49 14 35 32 23 57 100 99 48 27 $11 895 $16 690


$11 $12 748



618 $9 786 $11 306 91

...23 709

... ... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ...


... ... ... ...

... ...

... ...


... ... ... ... ...



... ... ...

... ...

... ...


... ... ...




31 6

127 25






226 52 31 4 24 26 16 10 53

S73 45 52 17 31 133 84 20 138 5 48




5 5 126 10


18 41 10 4 9


17 5 12 4



285 33 19

11 80 10 14 16 10 7 85










1 325 105 90 57 22 133 251 44 455 30 75 63 643 120 28 30 141 139 13 39 16 14 84 19 10 5 5





168 5

20 5 33 33 44 17

496 9 11 9 17 23 43 5 29 60 24 64 79 87 36

l 015 12 30 67 38 70 60 38 70 52 29 134 139 233

$12 909 $14 603 14

$10 563 $11 950 63

16 $10 843 $12 301 51

222 $11 297 $12 224 54


11 -



.. .


I 343 $8 549 $10 802 258 $3 342 $4 497 113 $4 117 $3 552

$3 488

33 6.0

... ... ... ...

. ..

.. .




67 26.0



9 6.7


6.5 27


4.0 27

311 7.7 125 87.2

32 12.0


604 19 41 24 14 79 79 24 210 17 69 28 364 47 17 28 114 58 9 14 10 4 54 9 15 8 7 10

... ...


843 581 262 94 10 76


51 11.1 46 28.9



$3 674


27 23.9



... ... ...


34 25 9 276 131 47.5 131 126 5 3.8 145 103 42 19 4


$2 954


421 294 127 81 15 St 10 139 23 5


1 615 1 357 84.0 I 357 1 325 32 2.4 258 121 137 1 509 666 44.l 666 643 23

$4 392


$3 252



... ... ... ...

712 579 81.3 579 573 6 1.0 133 90 43 718 296 41.2 296 285 II 3.7 422 344 78 33

$3 050


$4 199

3.6 ... 21 ... ...

789 368 46.6 368 364 4

... ...

260 226 86.9 226 226


$2 327






$3 701 42

18 2.9 212 124

... ... ... ... ...


630 $8 846 $10 543 134 $5 000 $5 335 65




... ...


$9 109 $13 558 155 $2 139 $2 363 43

. ..




-5 -7 -7






... 186

6 6

19 6

64 90 671 283 42.2 283 283





B 13





$7 538 $9 270 159 $2 696 $<4 024 40


f•••• Percent -- -- -- .of. ---------------------··all families __ ----------


9 2.5 54 29 25 384 155 40.4 155 148 7 4.5 229 168 61 46 5 4





7 ... ... 109 10.3 25



42 8.0

... -






SB 37.4

8.3 83

8.9 63

... 188 ...

... 194 ...

... ...

... ... ... ......

... ... ... ... ...

... ...


3.0 5 18


20 4.0





.. .

Excludu inmat•s of ins1itutions~ memben of the Armed Forces living in borracks, college s.tudents in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years.

23 - 612



Table C-1.

Number of Persons and Housing Units in Sample, by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Residence: 1970 Toto! housing units

Total persons

Unweighted sample count

Unweig.hted sample count

The State Percent of 1OO·percent

Percent of 1DO.percent

l OO·percent count

Number of persons


100-percent count

Number of housing units


689 170

1 103 151 936 867


1 890 400

19.4 19.1

1 559 077

371 710 307 039 64 671

19.7 19.7 19.5


The State __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----

4 817 915 871 255

~oe~~:t~~~0o'lit~~-== ::::: =::::: ~== =~==: ==::

166 284

331 323

Table C-2. Percent of Allocation or Substitution for Nonresponse for Selected Characteristics,


Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Residence: 1970 [Data based on sample, see text. The term "allocation" means that o chorocteristic was assigned in the absence of a machine-readable entry or changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) Nonmetropolitan

Metropolitan Urban

The State Total persons (number)--------------------Persons with two or more sample characteristics


Persons with one or more allocotions or substitutions __ Percent of total-----------------------------


The State


Central cities

Other urban





5 689 170

4 817 939

1 726 387

2 630 083

461 469

871 231

453 826

417 405

5 515 060 96.9 l 925 629 33.B

4 677 336 97.l I 623 072 33.7

l 664 251

2 561 561 97.4 845 932 32.2

451 524 97.B 136 734

837 724 96.2 302 557



434 014 95.6 164 959 36.3

403 710 96.7 137 598 33.0

5 689 170 2.7 2.0 2.3 3.9

1 726 387 3.3 2.1 2.4

2 630 083 2.4

461 469

871 231 2.l

4.0 5.6 6.7 6.2 11.7

453 826 2.7 2.1 2.5 4.1 6.2 7.6 6.8 11.4

417 405 2.8 2.1 2.5


2.3 3.6 4.2 5.3 4.8 8.4

l.8 2.0 3.1 3.6 4.4 4.2 10.2


640 406 37.1


Farm·nonfarm residence---.. __ -- ---... ---------------

5.9 5.4 9.2

4 817 939 2.7 1.9 2.3 3.9 4.6 5.7 5.3 8.7

Persoos, 3 ta 34 yean old (nu,.ber)----------School enrollment ·- -- .... ·--- -- ____ ---- -----·----

2 934 641 5.6

2 479 658 5.4

871 979 6.7

1 353 706 4.8

253 973


454 '6.5 "

237 298 7.6

217 685 5.3

3 to 34 yeors aid enrolled In s
l 665 083

1 414 945 3.3

476 463 4.0

789 533 2.9

148 949 2.7

250 138



126 01 4.7

123 657 3.7

Ptrsotts, 25 years old aitd over (number) __ ......... _ Highest grade completed --·-----------------------

3 142 463 9.0

2 666 911 8.9

964 171 9.9

1 460 234 8.5

242 572 7.2

475 486 9.3

246 289 10.0

229 197 8.4

Women ever married (numbtr) -------~ .. ------

719 116 4.0

604 827 3.9

204 333 4.8

335 160 3.6

65 334 3.0

114 289

57 457 4.6

56 832 4.1

Ptr1tnt, 14 yeatt old artd over (numher) -------

4 228 646 3.0 5.0

1 315 138 3.4 5.8 3.1 2.7

l 953 386

2.7 4.4 2.5 2.0

320 253 2.4 3.5 1.9 1.6

639 869 3.\ 5.6 2.9 2.7

340 131

299 731 3.2 5.1


3 588 777 3.0 4.8 2.7 2.2

13.0 13.9 12.l

12.7 13.6 11.9

13.5 14.4 12.7

12.3 13.l 11.7

11.8 13.3 I0.4

14.5 15.7 13.3

15.2 16.4 14.2

13,6 14,9 12.4

. . Employed persons, 16 ye•n old and over (nu111ber) .. Ma1or industry. group----------------------------Mo1or group-------------------------Closs aloccupot1on worker ____ •. ________________ -·------ ___ _

2 298 169 6.9

1 963 176 6.8 7.5 6.5

702 675 7.9 8.6

174 808 5.6 6.5 5.1

334 993 7.3 8.3

174 503



1 085 693 6.3 6.9 6.0

160 490 6.8 7.9 6.3

Persons who worked In 1969 (number) .. -------_ Weeks worked •. ________________________________

2 742 193 6.8

2 326 042 6.6

844 042 7.8

1 276 235 6.1

205 765

223 224


416 151 7.5

192 927 6.6

Persons, l6 to 64 years old (numbtr)----------

3 372 285

2 864 956 6.1 10.4

1 030 567 7.1 12.5

l 568 515

265 874 4.8 8.1

507 329 6.7 10.9

269 235 7.7 12.2

238 094

l 175 761 20.8

414 662 21.2 11.6 1.5 0.5 7.1 7.4 8.9

649 242 20.6

111 851 20.9 11.5 2.4

215 221

1OS 073 22.5 12.4 3.2


6.8 6.6 9.4

110 148 22.9 13.3 2.4 0.6 7.0

6.8 9.5


Total persons (numbtr)--------------------Relotionship ____ .... ---- -- ______ -------·-------·~ Race ____ .... -- ---------- -- ---- -- ---- -------- -- _

--- -- ------ - ---------

~~:i~lty- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: ~~~7~o~:n~~~~reser11-ii~~;;:::::::::::::::::::::


Children ever born __ -- __ -- ---- -- __ ---- -------·-- -Moritol slatus __________ ------ __ ---- ____ --------labor force status. _______________ -------------- .. In labor force •• ________ ------ __ -------------- __ Not in lobar force-------------------·---------Total money income: Both mes---- ____________ -· -- ------ -------- __ Mole •• ---- __ -- ________ ---- .. ____ ------------Female ______________ ---- ____ -- ---- -- •• ---- ---

~r.~~lft~0~'.r~~~~n~- :: :::: :::: :: :: :: :: :::: :::: :::: -Total 1" famlllos (numbtr)-------------"-------- -1

Wage ~~:ci1~~~~~cecime:::::::::::::::::::::::::::_ Nanform self·em ployment income ______ ------- ___ _Forni self-employment income-------- ... -----------Social Security income----------- ... ---------------Public assistance or public welfare income. __________ _ Other ·income ________________________ ----------_




rt6 ,>~ 1{!' 6.2 10.5

l 390 982 21.1 11.7 2.1 0.6


6.6 8.9



1.9 0.6 6.4 6.6 8.8

4.5 5.5 6.7 6.4


S.6 9.4


2.1 0.5 6.1 6.2 8.8


0.9 5.5






22.7 12.9

2.8 0.9


6.0 3.1 3.0

8.8 7.0




4.9 5.8



2.7 2.4

S.5 9.5

1.1 6.6


23 - 613

Selected Characteristics Before Substitution and Allocation for Nonresponse, by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Residence: 1970

Table C-3.

[Doto based an sample, see text. The term "allocation" means that a characteristic was assigned in the .absence of a mochi~e-readoble entry or changed to make consistent wtth other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures {percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Nonmetropollton


The State

Urban The Stole


population --------------·····


Central cities

Other urban





453 826

417 405


5 689 170

4 817 939

1 726 387

2 630 083

Ul 4'9

871 231


16 310 5 150 295 522 565

7 186 4 390 526 420 227

1 574 098 152 289

2 409 283 220 800

7 186 407 145 47 138

9 124 759 769 102 338

401 974 51 852

9 124 357 795 50 486

2 670 010 2 907 305 111 855

2 251 728 2 472 609 93 602

792 080 898 401 35 906

1 232 874 1 347 678 49 531

226 774 226 530 8 165

418 282 434 696 18 253

216 724 227 525 9 577

201 558 207 171 8 676


5 358 167 30 132

4 520 159 27 111

375 385 013 166

1 535 134 14 42

130 880 213 164

2 537 305 21 618 11 472 59 688

447 940 2 887 1 328 9 314

838 7 3 21

341 886 296 708

435 755 4 920 1 805 11 346

402 586 2 966 1 491 10 362


459 525 539 503 435 353 279 609 640 518 359 241 221

386 441 456 426 371


136 143 146 152 154 107 75 164 189 165 125 85 77

561 722 358 592 236 240 990 963 502 995 977 823 428

72 84 83 77 64 53 44 90 93 78 55 37 35

764 510 253 594 458 685 462 825 546 467 301 351 015

FARft\ RESIDENCE form •••• ···-·--·--·------···-·-··--·-···-Nonfarm •• ---- ---------------- -------·----· Not reported -------------------------------

SEX Male ---- -- ------ -- ---- -- ------------------ Female •• -·-- ---------- ---- ---------------Hot reported-------------------------------


RACE White •• ---- -------- ------ -- --------------Negro •• -- •••• ------ ------ ---- ------------Other •••• -··- ------ ----------------------Hot reported-------------------------------

716 271



AGE Under 5 years----------·------------------5 to 9 years·------------------------------10 to 14 yeors------------------------------ 15 to 19 yeors------------------------------ 20 to 24 years •• ---------------------------25 to 29 years.·---------------------------30 to 34 years·----------------------------35 to 44 years ••• --------------------------45 to 54 years.----------------------------55 to 64 yeor•------------------------------ 65 to 74 years·----------------------------75 years end over·-------------------------Decade and/or year not reported •• __ ---- -- ____ _

347 791

908 925

950 558 748 196 975 052 438 935 347


235 518 547 439 304 204 186

281 655 331 492 873 286 371 429 585 137 584 332

208 244 256 233 192 163 131 294 305 239 158 106 94

267 629 768 805


587 477 712 615 175 882 468 583

41 52 53 39 25 29 27 58 52 34 19 12 14

755 930 529 934 141 046 819 696 312 415 278 293 321

36 41 40 42 40 27 21 45 47 41 30 21 18

402 049 090 328 328 307 639 003 990 686 200 039 765

36 43 43 35 24 26 22 45 45 36 25 16 16

362 461 163 266 130 378 823 822 556 781 101 312 250

NATIVITY Native ____ ---- ____ ---- ________ ------ ______ _


Foreign born ------------------------------- -


Nat reported-------------------------------

4 941 459 476 086 271 625

4 168 084 426 881 222 974

1 440 001 191 427 94 959

2 303 208 215 319 111 556

424 875 20 135 16 459

773 375 49 205 48 651

395 409 30 195 28 222

377 966 19 010 20 429

3 538 521' I 816 964 333 677

2 947 079 1 595 631 275 229

994 863 615 573 115 951

1 621 126 870 110 138 847

331 090 109 948 20 431

591 450 221 333 58 448

292 975 126 465 34 386

298 475 94 868 24 062

NATIVITY OF PARENTS Native parentage __ -- •• __ ---------- ---- -----Foreign or mixed parentage __ ------ ______ ----Nat reported-------------------------------


YEAR MOVED INTO PRESENT HOUSE 1969 and 1970------------------------------ 1968 -- -- -- -- -· -- -- -------- ---- ------ ------ 1967 --- --- --- -------- -- -- -- -------- ----_ 1965 and 1966 _____________________________

-1960 to 1964-------------------------------1950 to 1959 .. ---------·------------------- 1949 or earlier __ ---- __ -------- ____ ---------- Always lived in this house-------------------- Not reported ------------------------------- -

989 528 389 643 959 1 010 528 329 309

669 398 847 458 724 947 002 768 357

825 448 331 546 820 869 441 278 255

615 947 198 537 124 935 133 993 457

347 168 123 189 263 269 162 92 110

494 439 179 787 564 278 024 352 270

404 235 172 297 471 518 244 159 125

840 824 900 274 662 014 508 342 719

73 44 35 59 84 82 34 27 19

281 684 119 476 898 643 601 299 468

164 79 58 96 139 141 86 50 53

054 451 649 921 600 012 869 775 900

91 41 29 45 71 70 47 25 30

346 131 649 746 485 788 593 367 721

5 372 1 723 1 167 2 407 74 164 152

301 458 129 247 467 362 507

4 559 1 464 980 2 049 65 129 128

707 031 448 345 883 454 778

1 616 559 322 704 30 53 56

608 346 857 002 403 099 680

2 501 781 556 1 132 31 65 62

833 134 286 485 928 484 766

441 123 101 212 3 10 9

266 551 305 858 552 871 332

812 259 186 357 8 34 23

594 427 681 902 584 908 729

413 136 93 179 4 27 12

701 477 613 137 474 919 206

398 893 122 950 93 068 178 765 4 110 6 989 11 523

4 228 646 1 198 976 2 453 273 65 090 343 614 106 551 126 232

3 581 117

1 315 408 694 31 125 41 45

138 585 325 445 483 732 013

1 953 544 1 160 23 151 43 53

386 756 043 175 799 196 592

320 253 79 989 209 459 3 043 17 054 5 984 7 767

639 165 389 7 49 15 19

869 646 446 427 278 639 860

340 95 196 4 28 8 10

131 695 855 561 441 843 297

299 738 69 951 192 591 2 866 20 837 6 796 9 563

1 665 30 83 862 384 247 56

1 414 26 71 727 326 217 46

476 7 27 234 102 85 18

463 188 697 505 699 506 868

789 15 36 406 188 119 23

533 681 445 375 074 783 175

14' 3 7 86 36 11 4

250 3 11 135 57 30 10

138 980 670 844 644 566 434

126 481 1 986 5 710 65 255 27 699 19 912 5 919

123 657 1 994 5 960 70 589 29 945 10 654 4 515

72 38 29 51 68 70 39 25 23

708 320 000 175 115 224 276 408 179



Population in households ---------------------_ Head of househofd ________________________ Wife of head---------------·------------Other relative of head.------------------·-Honrelative of head.----------------------Populotian in group quarters-----------------Nat reported -------------------------------

MARITAL STATUS rears .U ... ower _________________ _ Single •• ______ -------- ------ ________ ----Married ____ -·-· ------ ---- •• __ •• ____ ----- Separated •••••• -----··- -- -- -----------Widowed ---------------- ·--· -----------Divorced •• ------ __ ---·----. _____ -- -- ---- _ Hot reported -----------------------------

P1n ..1,




1 033 330 2 063 827 57 663 294 336 90 912 106 372

LEVEL OF SCHOOL ........ 3 ,, 34 ' " "

.w ........... __ _-

Nur11ry •chaol ----------------------------- Kindergarten __ ---------··----------------Elementary school ______________ •• ----------High •chool --------------------------·----College -- ---- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- ---------Not reported ------------------------------


23- 614


083 060 314 873 525 803 508

945 080 644 029 881 237 074

949 211 502 149 108 948 031


Table C-3. Selected Characteristics Before Substitution and Allocation for Nonresponse, and Nonmetropolitan Residence: 1970-Continued

by Metropolitan

[Doto based on ~ample., see text. The term "allocation" means that a choraCferistic was assigned In the absence of a machine-readable entry or changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures {percent, median, etc.) and meaning al symbols, see text] Metropolitan

The State

Non metropolitan

Urban The State


Central cities

Other urban





HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED P1rso11, 25 ynn old alMI aver __________ _ No school years completed---------------·----Elementory, l to 4 years------·-------------5 and 6 years-------------------7 years------------------------8 years-------------------------

3 142 57 60 131 105 277

463 315 985 233 457 487

2 666 50 52 113 87 230

977 598 927 020 619 422

964 26 29 60 43 105

171 930 205 123 476 997

1 460 20 21 46 37 106

High school: 1 to 3 years---------------------

528 l 017 314 200 165 281

935 943 978 736 890 504

447 866 263 172 145 237

109 686 584 275 234 503

180 281 70 37 33 95

152 263 345 963 159 558

504 162 112 96 124

4 2 2 2

009 308 281 194 86 I 508 192

009 489 103 867 236 491 029

3 403 1 964 1 949 1 876 72 l 279 159

120 751 104 503 601 145 224

2 298 ·377 176 148 428 281 305

169 992 259 609 497 664 493

1 963 327 150 130 380 233 252

334 758 535 884 524 215

64 72 3 4 247 12 174

717 188 587 489 698 508 468

60 1 2 210 10 146

2 298 17 1 110 367 264

169 734 603 662 441 477

123 93 337 124 64 67 12 441 112 157


14 years------------------------r~·:r~~~·==::::::::::::::::::: 5 years or more ______ ------------

Not reported --------------------------------

234 975 100 177 023 046

242 2 2 6 7 18

572 693 622 720 120 379

475 6 0 18 17 47

486 717 058 213 838 065

246 4 5 11 10 25

289 474 307 001 548 758

229 2 2 7 7 21

197 243 751 212 290 307

229 432

345 059 081 464 532

37 81 31 22 15 17

525 078 180 231 611 413

Bl 151 51 28 20 44

826 257 394 461 656 001

42 75 24 12 9 24

967 058 478 483 503 712

38 76 26 15 11 19

859 199 916 978 153 289

l 848 668 1 083 506 l 077 331 1 041 776 35 555 686 286 78 876

299 176 175 169 6 112 10

335 601 257 141 116 693 041

605 343 331 318 13 229 32

889 738 999 364 635 346 805

323 182 172 165 7 121 19

712 921 687 087 600 630 161

282 160 159 153 6 107 13

817 312 277 035 716 644

1 085 201 94 79 215 129 116

174 32 18 11 25 24 20

808 750 522 418 734 513 800

334 50 25 18 47 48 53

993 658 501 074 613 140 278

174 25 11 9 26 23 31

503 275 874 331 134 055 226

160 25 13 8 21 25 22

490 383 627 743 479 085 052

5 488

9 11 1 l 37 2 27

174 770 639 574 168 487 917

4 401 6 273 196 293 19 986 l 155 15 304

4 5 1 l 17 l 12

773 497 443 281 182 332 613

334 993 6 428 312 20 707 66 093 38 652

174 503 1 795 105 8 542 37 707 21 146

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Persons. 16 years old and over __________ _ Labor force -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----Civilian labor force------------·-----------Employed -- -- ____ -- ---- ------ -- ____ ---- _ Unemployed -- -- ____ -- -- ______ ---- ------ _ Not in labor force--------------------------·Nol reported -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ------

1 255 117 704 644 696 516 665 586 30 930 480 166 70 307


MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP Employed persons, 16 years old and over __ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers------

Mgnogers and administrative, except farm -------

Sales workers -- -- -- ____ ---- ____ ------------Clerical end kindred workers -- ____ ------ ______ _ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers _______ _ Operatives, except transport-------------------

Transport equipment operatives ____________ ---laborers, except form ---- -- -- ____ ---- __ ---- __

Formers and form managers------------------Form laborers and form foremen --------------Service workers, except private household _______ _ Private household workers ____________ ------ --Nol reported--------------------------------


55 543 418 948 915 530 021 551

702 93 37 39 139 79 114

675 537 922 233 319 387 806

693 047 314 884 831 624 609

20 324 25 904 134 626 87 705 3 398 60 380

29 731 29 633 577 l 189 106 876 5 536 74 842

702 675 2 279 297 28 551 94 534 103 597

1 085 693 5 168 768 50 416 173 340 102 991

4 1 1 15 1 11

881 237 100 949 087 329

MAJOR INDUSTRY GROUP Employed persons, 16 years old and over __ _ Aqriculture, forestry, ond fisheries-------------Mining -- ________ -- ______ -- ______ ---- ------ _

Construction __________________________ ------

Monufocturing, durable goods_ _______ -------- __ Manufacturing, nondurable goods_ _____________ _ Transport~!i?n,

finance, insurance, and real estate _____________ _ Business and repair service ______ ---- -- __ -----Personal services ________ ---- ____ ------------Entertainment and recreation services -----------

Professional end related services ___ - __ -- __ -----Public administration ____________ -------------Not reported ________ ------ ____________ ------

174 808 3 859 226 10 988 33 474 19 237

160 490 4 633 207 12 165 28 386 17 506

II I 89 301 225

306 291 955 348 825

904 368 451 608 914

109 83 290 113 57

128 066 199 746 140

38 26 99 39 18

208 229 330 720 369

62 49 166 65 33

267 720 962 660 527

8 7 23 8

907 366 5 244

14 10 47 10 7

776 302 252 862 774

7 418 5 786 25 172 5 370 3 831

7 4 22 5 3

811 325 303 877 691

56 10 379 100 133

618 670 098 665 121

21 3 130 40 55


517 057 300

30 5 216 54 67

025 978 767 118 986

4 628 970 31 814 6 490 9 835

11 1 62 12 24

193 655 205 212 570

5 532 874 31 551 6 096 13 578

5 661 781 30 654 6 116 10 992

4 009 009 1 434 274 158 096 245 988 219 732 217 938 280 456 I 205 686 246 839

3 403 120 1 219 230 134 669 210 459 186 812 183 907 236 326 1 027 497 204 220

1 255 421 52 80 71 69 82 388 88

117 647 522 477 993 089 555 202 632

1 848 682 70 113 99 99 131 549 101

668 646 857 029 863 541 991 154 587

299 114 11 16 14 15 21 90 14

335 937 290 953 956 277 780 141 001

605 215 23 35 32 34 44 178 42

889 044 427 529 920 031 130 189 619

323 112 13 19 17 18 23 93 25

2 298 169 I 716 555 313 288 112 028 5 968 150 330

1 963 I 473 266 90 4 128

702 523 97 25 1 54

675 860 815 122 407 471

1 085 818 146 53 2 64

693 610 608 461 374 640

174 130 22 11

808 843 562 768 686 8 949

334 243 46 21 1 22

993 242 303 677 501 270

174 129 23 9

communications, and other

public utli1t10s ____ -- __ -- ---- -- -- ---- ------ --Wholesale trade ______ ------ _________________ _ Reio ii trade ____________ ---- ____ ------ -------

l 963 176




358 516 080 492 943

WEEKS WORKED Persons, 16 years old and 011er __________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------------48 end 49 weeks----------------------------40 to 47 weeks-----------------------------27 to 39 weeks-----------------------------14 to 26 weeks-----------------------------13 weeks or less ________ -------- ____________ _ Did work __________________________ in 1969 ------------------------Not not reported ------

712 933 139 107 643 540 492 486 372

282 102 10 16 15 15 20 84 17

503 085 608 003 573 12 234

160 114 22 12

177 111 288 422 277 491 638 703 247

CLASS OF WORKER . Employed persons, 16 year1 old and ov1r --Pnvote wage or salary workers ----------------

~~j"rnment workers ------------------------' ·employed workers-----------------------Unpaid family workers-----------------------Not reported --------------------------------


176 313 985 351 467 060

490 157 695 674 928 10 036


Table C-3. Selected Characteristics Before Substitution and Allocation for Nonresponse, by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Residence: 1970-Continued [Dato based on sample, see text. The term "allocction" moons that a chorocleristic was assigned in the .absence of o mochi~e-readoble entry or changed to moke consislent with other entries during the computer editing. for minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Nonmetropolitan


The State

Urban The State


Central cities

Other urban





1 39(1 982

1 175 761

414 662 326 739 7 342 7 316 14 933 15 686 16 839 19 024 21 015 24 384 26 087 25 599 46 866 46 946 45 455 7 828 l 419 $9 420 87 923

649 242 515 799

111 857 BB 529 963 870 l 531 1 759 2 073 2 785 3 376 4 409 5 480 6 537 14 144 16 392 21 146 5 926 l 138 $12 062 23 328

215 221 166 388 2 400 2 745 4 850 5 685 6 475 B 539 9 594 12 128 13 598 13 318 26 015 27 805 27 555 4 883

110 148 84 979 l 262 l 564 2 688 3 000 3 564 4 553 5 109 6 444 6 959 6 623 13 340 14 239 13 170 2 075

$10 297 48 833

$10 108 25 169

105 073 Bl 409 1 138 l 181 2 162 2 685 2 911 3 986 4 485 5 684 6 639 6 695 12 675 13 566 14 385 2 808 409 $10 495 23 664

238 190 38 40 24 17 14 14

$2 99

011 590 272 171 189 994 677 975 791 876 942 204 963 252 520 207 557 868 421

228 585 181 837 34 095 34 066 21 497 15 240 13 054 13 729 11 371 9 435 7 104 4 733 7 316 4 866 3 834 l 183 314 $3 083 46 748



All f1•11fe1 -·-----------------------·

R•re: ~~"~n~~J;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::--


$l.ooo to $1,999-------------------------$2,000 10 $2.999-------------------------$3,000 lo $3,999 __ •••• -------- ____ •• ----·$4,0001o $4.999 ·-·----------------------$5,000 lo $5,999 _________________________ _

$6,000 lo $6,999 ·------------------------- . $7,000 $7,999-------------------------$8,000 lo lo $8,999 _________________________ _.


$9,000 lo $9,999.·--····------------·----·

$10,000 lo $11,999 ______ -----------------· $12,000 lo $14,999 ----·------·------------ $15,000 to $24,999 -·-- •• -----·-----·-·---· $25.000 to $49.999 •• ---------·--------·--$50.000 or mor•-···----------------···--Median income ______ ,.. .... _,.. ___ .. ___________ _


Income nol reporled -·-·-·-----------------·-


1 097 455 16 305 17 456 32 688 36 062 40 408 48 573 55 574 69 292 78 838 81 476 164 987 184 694 213 918 48 302 8 882 $10 873 293 527

931 13 14 27

067 905



30 377

33 933 40 034 45 980 57 164 c5 240 68 158 138 972 156 889 186 363 43 419 8 084 $10 981 244 694


6 525 11 374 12 932 15 021 18 225 21 589 28 371 33 673 36 022 77 962 93 551 119 762 29 665 5 527 $11 759 133 443



INCOME IN 1969 OF UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS AU u11relttod 1Hlvkl•al1 _______________ _ Reporting on income .. ------------------------ less rhon $1,000.------------------------$1.000 lo $1,999 -------------- -- ---------· $2,000 lo $2,999-------------------------$3,000 lo $3,999 .. -------- •• -- -----------$4.000 lo $4,999-------------------------$5.000 lo $5,999 ... ----------------------$0.000 to $6,999-------------------------$7.000 lo $7,999 ••••••.• _________________ _ $8,000 10 $8.999 -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------------ $9,000 lo $9, 999 __ ---·-· ____ •• __ ---------- $10,000 lo $11,999 ______ •• ______ -·-------- $12,000 lo $14,999 •••.•••••• __ -----·------ $15,000 to $24,999 -------- __ -------------$25,000 to $49,999 ------ ____ -------------$50,000 or more. ••••••••• -----------·----




Medion income---------------------------


Income not reported·------------------------ -

572 964 454 189 89 130

92 776

57 40 33 33 27 21 15 10 14 9 7 2

051 145 160 403 171 165 509 423 674 188 314 434 644 $2 792 116 775

488 388 75 77 48 33 28 28 23 18 13 9 12





917 245 505 825 335 499 '119 11 366 B 627 6 106 3 992 4 951 3 036 2 274 827 210 $2 673 47 940

20 569 15 836 2 932 2 600 l 867 l 419 l 124 1 127 l 054

814 732 479 696 350 412 197 33 $3 366 4 733

84 65 13 15 8 6 4 4

3 2 1 l

953 599 858 607 862 151 483 428 380 289 567 219

1 711 936 794 227 87 $2 376 19 354

56 024 42 830 9 202 ll 140

6 4 2 2 l 1

134 147 859 605 989 258 937 676 844 493 381 122 43 $2 175 13 194

28 929

22 769 4 656 4 467 2 728 2 004 l 624 l 823 l 391 l 031 630 543 867 443 413 105 44 $2 829 6 160



Without income •• ____ ---- ________ ---- ------With income •• ---- -- ------------------ ----·- Mean nor income .... __ ,._-----------.. --------... -_ Income reporled ________________________

4 228 758 2 921 $5 548

646 809 051 797 786

3 588 645 2 487 $5 456

108 491 868 178

1 315 214 923 $4 177

138 970 075 936 093

1 953 360 I 351 $6 241

386 377 823 336 186

320 69 212 $6 37

253 761 593 941 899

639 113 433 $5 92

869 701 560 389 608

340 56 231 $5 51


104 793

299 57 201 $5 40

738 205 718 716 815

w'.tt.~~r~~~~ln9;:: :::::: :::: :: :::: :: :: :: :::: -

Earnings not reporled •••• __ •. ---- ______ ••.••. -

l 453 2 464 $6 311

247 100 144 299

1 235 449 2 096 333 $6 226 256 995

463 754 $5 97

158 163 300 817

660 1 155 $6 136

781 751 669 854

111 186 $7 22

510 419 225 324

217 367 $5 54

798 767 677 304

114 195 $5 30

388 712 419 031

103 172 $5 24

410 055 969 273

Wilhout Social Security income ............... . . Wilh Social Security incom•------------------· . Meon Social Securily income--------------·· Social Security income not reported---------- .. -

3 537 524 $1 166

119 398 139


3 006 443 $1 138

416 681 142 680

l 072 443


1 652 229 $1 71

288 788 167 310

281 29 $1 9

685 061 145 507

531 80 $1 27

303 717 119 849

279 44 $1 15

755 586 104 790

251 36 $1 12

548 131 138 059

Wilhoul public assistance income ____ •• ------·- With public ossistonce income ...• -----·------- Mean public assistonu income __ ............. ---Public assistance income not reported --·-------

3 955 109 $1 164

055 511 362 080

3 354 96 $1 137

802 664 383 311

l 199 622

l 848 669 34 580

306 3 $1 9

511 797 170 945

600 12 $1 26

253 847 201 769

316 941 7 801 $1 159 15 389

283 312 5 046 $1 265 11 380

3 094 905 $1 229

052 125 734 469

2 626 772 $1 190

133 122 751 522

1 398 452 $1 101

235 69 $1 15

280 632 973 341

467 133 $1 38

919 003 635 947

248 69 $1 22

219 63 $1 16

Persons, 14 yffn old and

OVlr .................. ..

Without eornings .••••• __ ---- •• ---- __ ••.••••• -

-Without olher incom•------------------------ With other income .. ________ •••• __ ----------Mean other income _______________________ _ Other income nol reported ___________________ _-



184 832 $1 111 57 863 58 287 $1 467 57 229

992 249 $1 73

071 774 618 293

$1 266 70 137 782 716 790 888

131 496

347 534 450 250

572 469 837 697


Tobie C-4.

Percent of Allocation or Substitution for Nonresponse for Selected Characteristics, for Towns and Places of 10,000 or More and Counties: 1970 (O~tCI based on ~ample •. see text. The term "allocation" means that a characteristic was assigned in the absence of a machine-readable entry or changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text} Total population

Towns and Places of 10,000 or More Counties

Persons 14 years end over Women ever morried,



Form· nonform residence

15 to 44

Persons 25 years old and over-

years old-


Children ever born

grade completed

to 34 years eMotledLevel of school

2.2 3.7 1.0 1.7 3.2 3.6 3.2 3.3 2.8 3.3

7.1 6.4 5.7 5.9 7.0 B.3 7.4 9.1 B.3 B.l

3.7 4.0 2.9 1.5 14.1 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5

Persons 3

Persons 16 to 64 years

tabor force status

Total tomilies.Family income


Not in labor force


Vocational 2r0-inlng

2.7 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.4 2.5 2.2 5.2 4.5 2.l

2.3 2.1 1.1 1.1 2.3 2.0 1.7 8.7 1.0 2.2

1.5 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.6 l.5 1.3 16.2 12.5 1.B

12.2 15.l 10.3 10.1 15.4 14.I 12.7 27.B 24.5 11.7

5.0 3.7 5.0 4.7 5.5 3.9 3.5 31.4 26.0 5.9


20.4 26.1 20.8 20.7 27.4 25.7 23.3 12.6 21.0 19.5

8.3 8.6 7.5 6.3 15.9 7.6 4.5 8.3 8.5 5.5

2.5 2.6 2.3 2.5 B.O 2.7 1.7 3.3 3.7 3.l

2.2 1.6 2.1 1.1 7.1 1.9 1.8 2.5 2.6 2.2

1.9 2.0 1.7 1.1 6.7 1.9 0.7 1.9 1.6 1.7

10.7 15.1 11.0 8.2 28.4 9.6 10.6 14.l 12.0 9.2

4.3 5.1 3.6 1.l 14.4 3.8 2.5 6.5 6.1 4.9

7.3 8.1 7.2 4. 7 19.2 9.4 5.0 10.5 9.4 7.2

18.5 26.2 18.5 14.7 35.7 14.6 19.9 23.3 22.6 16.4

5.7 3.3 3.1 4.7 4,5 5.6 2.5 6.8 3.4 2.8

10.9 4.4 7.8 12.8 9.3 13.4 5.5 11.8 5.2 5.6

4.2 3.0 2.7 2.2 3.3 3.6 2.4 3.6 3.7 l.5

3.9 2.8 1.3 l.6 3.1 3.9 1.6 4.3 1.6 l.5

3.l 1.8 1.2 l.9 2.2 2.6 1.2 3.2 1.6 l.1

13.6 11.3 8.6 16.7 12.7 17.9 11.5 14.4 9.1 9.4

8.4 3.3 3.2 9.1 6.7 9.0 3.3 9.6 4.6 4.7

13.8 6.5 4.8 16.l 11.5 11.7 6.0 15.4 5.7 5.7

20.7 19.2 15.4 22.9 19.9 28.4 20.9 20.0 15.4 16.4

3.7 4.0 3.3 3.0 3.8 22 3.2 4.4 3.8 1.8

8.4 7.9 7.3 6.5 9.0 7.0 8.3 9.4 10.6 7.3

3.7 3.2 3.0 2.3 3.2 l.4 3.7 4.4 3.2 2.2

2.5 2.0 1.8 1.6 2.6 1.9 2.6 3.3 3.7 2.3

1.8 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.1 2.4 2.4 2.2 l.1

ll.9' 10.9 12.3 12.2 17.6 12.1 12.0 13.5 13.l 10.0

6.5 5.9 4.7 B.1 5.2 7.5 6.1 5.6 6.6 3.9

12.0 9.6 7.5 10.3 10.3 8.5 8.6 10.6 10.4 5.7

21.5 18.7 19.9 19.3 27.0 20.8 20.6 23.3 21.4 14.6

2.5 4.4 4.3 4.l l l.3 3.9 3.2 2.8 3.6 2.2

6.9 6.8 5.9 8.9 17.9 7.5 8.1 13.2 10.2 4.l

3.2 3.3 2.8 4.5 16.0 2.4 3.7 2.2 2.7 2.1

2.l 1.9 1.7 2.3 9.9 l .8 1.2 l.7 2.3

1.6 l.6 l.6 1.9 7.7 1.7 1.1 1.3 l.5 2.1

6.0 8.8 10.3 11.6 26.0 13.2 10.8 6.9 ll.2 10.6

5.1 4.4 3.6 5.9 16.4 4.2 5.2 5.2 6.6 3.7

ll.I 8.3 6.7 13.1 18.5 7.7 9.4 7.0 7.9 7.0

15.7 16.4 18.7 19.2 35.3 22.1 18.7 11.7 14.8 15.7

3.6 3.8 3.1 2.3 2.9 3.6 1.6 4.7 4.3 2.4

15.3 10.0 14.2 8.7 8.0 8.6 7.9 8.2 7.4 8.4

3.0 46 2.6 3.3 3.l 3.2 2.8 3.6 2.2 2.5

1.6 2.9 1.4 2.l 1.9 2.1 l.0 2.7 1.8 2.2

1.3 2.2 1.6 l.9 l.7 1.6 0.9 2.5 l.2 2.0

18.4 14.4 9.6 13.0 13.4 16.2 9.5 13.8 12.2 12.4

7.5 6.8 4.1 5.0 4.7 3.3 4.0 5.3 3.7 3.9

10.0 1l.I 7.7 9.l B.9 8.1 7.5 9.4 6.4 13.0

23.5 23.9 18.2 19.7 21.4 28.4 16.7 22.5 21.5 24.6


2.4 l.I J.9 1.6 1.6 7.2 6.7 3.0



6.3 4.0 9.4 6.4 6.3 9.3 10.0 7.3 6.7 7.2

2.0 1.4 2.9 2.9 2.6 l.9 6.7 3.6 2.2 l.8

l.6 1.2 2.2 1.6 l.6 3.0 3.4 2.l l.4 1.7

l.7 1.l 2.1 l.J 1.3 2.6 2.9 2.2 1.6 1.6

16.3 8.7 14.0 11.2 11.7 14.9 13.9 16.6 10.3 12.7

3.0 3.4 5.6 3.6 3.2 7.1 7.8 5.3 5.3 4.6

6.5 6.6 11.8 4.5 4.6 12.5 12.6 10.5 7.3 9.5

29.0 15.9 21.8 21.3 22.2 26.4 22.0 29.0 18.7 23.9

5.l 2.9 4.4 2.6 3.5 3.3 4.0 3.4 4.5 3.5

11.6 6.4 9.6 6.9 10.3 7.4 8.0 7.6 9.4 7.4

4.4 2.4 3.4 5.5 2.0 2.0 3.8 4.0 3.7 l.1

3.4 2.2 2.6 2.4 2.5 1.8 2.2 3.0 2.8 2.0

3.l 1.4 2.3 1.8 1.8 1.3 l .4 l.8 2.7 1.6

13.4 12.0 14.7 9.2 12.7 10.7 11.7 10.4 13.l 9.1

6.6 5.2 5.3 4.7 6.6 5.9 4.7 6.2 6.6 2.2

12.5 6.3 11.5 7.5 10.8 7.0 8.7 10.2 9.7 6.4

21.9 23.7 25.1 17.4 21.1 18.5 19.I 16.8 19.9 14.6

3.8 4.6 2.2 l.7 3.2 3.7 2.4 3.8 5.5 5.1 3.7

9.1 9.5 5.4 5.4 7.0 8.2 6.8 7.4 10.3 11.3 9.1

3.1 4.9 2.l l.8 l.4 3.2 2.0 3.0 6.5 4.5 3.0

2.3 2.7 1.2 l.3 l.5 2.0 1.6 1.7 2.8 3.2 2.7

l.8 1.9 1.4 1.5 1.8 2.4 1.2 1.5 2.9 3.4 2.5

12.6 12.5 9.7 10.4 11.6 10.3 9.5 12.4 13.4 15.3 14.4

4.0 5.5 2.5 2.8 7.l 6.2 3.6 2.5


22.2 18.0 17.8 18.0 22.8 16.8 17.1 24.l 20.6 24.8 23.4

sample information



Year moved in

98.3 97.9 98.6 98.6 97.5 98.2 98.4 80.0 85.3 97.7

3.6 4.3 3.4 3.2 3.4 2.8 2.5 3.8 3.6 2.9

3.0 4.2 2.6 2.4 3.4 2.4 3.2 23.7 17.7 3.2

4.7 3.4 2.4 2.6 4.4 3.4 3.1 25.4 18.7 3.9

97.7 97.1 97.9 98.7 87.4 98.2 98.7 97. l 97.6 97.7

3.1 3.0 3.8 2.6 7.3 3.2 3.0 4.3 4.0 3. l

3.8 5.0 3.6 2.2 13.9 3.4 2.4 4.6 4.2 3.7

4.:i 4.8 4.5 3.1 15.3 3.9 3.4 4.8 4.5 4.4

... ... ...

95.3 97.8 98.6 97.0 96.5 95.8 98.6 94.6 97.6 98.4

4.7 4.1 2.6 3.8 4.3 6.3 2.4 5.3 2.9 2.3

6.5 3.7 2.8 6.0 5.0 6.3 2.2 7.2 3.3 3.1

7.0 4.0 3.1 7.5

... ...

96.9 97.7 97.7 97.9 97.4 98.4 96.3 96.3 96.3 97.6

3.1 3.5 3.5 2.2 2.7 3.7 3.2 5.8 4.5 4.0

4.9 4.0 4.0 3.6 4.0 2.8 4.8 5.4 5.2 3.6

5.3 4.3 5.0 4.5 4.4 2.8 5.6 6.8 5.6 4.6

97.6 97.8 98.3 97.6 85.2 98.4 99.0 98.3 97.5 98.2

2.9 3.2 2.9 4.3 8.1 3.7 2.7 2.5 3.0 3.2

3.5 3.4 3.l 4.2 16.2 3.7 5.5 2.7 4.5 3.5

4.4 3.B 16.2 4.8 19.4 3.9 4.4 3.5 5.6 3.7

98.5 96.8 98. l 96.7 97.2 98.3 99.2 97.0 98.5 97.7

3.3 4.6 2.2 4.l 4.0 5.0 2.l 3.7 2.7 2.9

3.0 4.9 3.5 5.2 4.7 2.5 4.5 5.0 4.4 3.4

3.5 5.4 4.0 4.8 4.2 3.1 3.7 5.6 3.9 4.2

Holden town ______ •• ______ •• ________________ _ Holliston lawn ____________ •• ________________ _ Holyoke __________ ---- __ •• ____ ------ _______ _ Hudson Center (U) _____ • _____________________ _ Hudson town _______________________________ _ Ipswich town _______________________________ _ Lawrence ______________ ------ ______ --------Leominster---------------------------------Lexington town-----------------------------Longmeadow town---------------------------

98.6 99.l 97.2 98.4 98.5 96.6 95.4 98.3 98.1 97.8

3.1 l.4 3.5 3.l 2.9 3.7 4.7 3.7 2.8 2.7

4.l 2.5 4.3 3.0 J.l 4.5 6.3 3.8 3.2 4.0

3.3 2.5 4.8 4.J J.9 4.4 7.l 4.3 3.4 4.1

Lowell .................................. - .. .

96.8 98.0 97.0 97.7 97.4 97.9 97.6 96.8 96.9 98.4

5.l 3.2 4.6 3.0 4.l 2.5 3.1 3.7 4.4 2.9

5.5 4.0 4.8 4.6 4.2 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.9 2.6

5.9 3.9 5.0 3.2 4.4 3.4 4.3 5.5 5.6 3.3

98.l 96.3 98.5 98.7 98.7 97.2 98.6 97.3 96.5 96.7 97.1

4.l 3.5 2.0 l.8 3.9 4.2 3.4 3.6 4.6 4.4 3.4

3.4 4.9 2.6 2.6 4.0 4.5 3.1 3.9 5.2 5.9 5.2

4.4 5.7 3.8 3.6 3.6 4.6 3.3 4.l 12.9

Lob or



TOWNS AND PLACES OF 10,000 OR MORE Abington town-- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---

Acton town -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- --Adams Center (U) ............................

town-------------------------------~~0e~~:y17e~t~~ "{u·>= :: ::: :: ::::::==== ===== :::


Amesbury town -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Amherst Cenler (U) -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- --Amherst town -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- --Andover town -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- --,A.rlington town •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Athol town __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --

Allleboro -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -------- ----Auburn town -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Barnstable town -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Bedford town •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Bellingham town----------------------------Belmont !own-------------------------------Beverly •• -- -- -- -- -· -- ------ -- -· ------ ------Billerica town •• ____ •• ________________ ------ __ Boston -- ---- -- ---· -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -----

Bourne -- -- --________ -- -- -- - -.•--______________ - - -- -- -- ---- --_ Braintreetown town•••••••. Bridgewater town -- -- ______ •• ____ .... _______ _ Brockton -- -- -- -- -· -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- Brookline town -- -- •• ____ -- -- _______________ _ Burlington town-. __ •• ______ •• _. _____________ _

Cambridge ____ -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- ---- ContCln town-------------------------------Chelmsford town __________ -- ________________ _ Chelsea..

____________ •. ____________ ------ _

Chicopee •• __ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------Clinton 1own ______ -- ____ ---- __________ -----Concord town __________ . __ -- ______ ----------Danvers town ______________________________ _ Dartmouth town •• -· ____ •• ______________ ----Dedham town------·-----------------------Dracut town •. __ -- ____________ ------ ____ ----Eoslhornpton lawn--------------------------East Longmeadow town----------------------foston town •• ________________________ ------Everelt •.•• __ ·- __ •• ______ ---- ______________ _ Fairhaven town-----·-··---------------------

foll River ______________________ -------------

Falmouth town .• __________________ -- ________ _ Fitchburg __ •. __________________ ------------Fart Devens (U) _____________________________ _ Foxborough town---------------------------Framingham !own ___________________________ _ Franklin town _______________________________ _ Gordner ____ •• ______________________ -------Gloucester ______________________ ------ _____ _ Grafton lawn. ______________________________ _

Greenfield Center

(U) ________________________ _

Greenfield town • -----------------------Hanover lawn ________________________ ------Harvard town-------------------------------

Haverhill ............................ _______ _ Hingham town ___________ ••• ________________ _ Holbrook town ..• ____________________________ _

Ludlow town _______________________________ _

Lynn ...................................... .

Lynnfield town ______________________________ _

Molden .................................... .

~~~~;1~;t::y;~;:;~/;~;~;~;;;;;:;;;I;; Methuen town

1~ : ;~:1:1!ili i~il l ili l lil


5.7 6.1 3.7 7.9 4.1 3.2

5.9 5.2

... ... ...

... ...

... ... ...

... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...



... ...


... ... ... ...


... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ...

... ... ... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...



... ... ...


... ... ...


... ... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...





9.6 2.6 9.3 9.0 8.1 8.0 7.3

. - ....

5.8 9.8 7.4


8.5 8.7 7.1 8.5 8.7 6.8 4.8 10.9 11.3 10.5

23 - 617

Table C-4. Percent of AUocation or Substitution for Nonresponse for Selected Characteristics, for Towns and Places of 10,000 or More and Counties: 1970-Continued [Dato based 011 sample, see text. The term "allocation" means that a characteristic wos assigned in the absence of a machine.readable entry or changed to make consistent with other entries durin9 the computer editing. For minimum bas.e for derived figures (percent. median, etc,) and meaning of symbols, see text} Total population

Penons 14 yeors and over

Towns and Places of 10,000 Persons with sample inform at ion



Year moved in

98.1 97.1 98.1 97.8 97.4 97.4 98.3 95.6 99.0 97.3

2.7 4.3 3.9 2.6 4.3 2.6 3.3 4.8 33 3.1

3_5 4.5 3.7 3.3 3.7 3.6 3.1 5.7 2.7 4.0

4.4 4.6 4_5 3.4 4.6 4.6 3.9 7.4 2.7 4.6

97_6 96.9 97.1 97.4 96.9 97.6 97.5 97.4 96.1 98.4

2.7 3.7 3.9 4.4 33 3.3 2.9 2.9 4_7 3.4

3.0 5.2 4.6 4.5 4.5 3.1 4.1 3.9 5.6 2.7

4.5 5.2 4.4 5.3 5.5 3.3 5, 1 5.0 6.9 3.4

97.8 97.5 96.8 98.1 98.0 95.1 96.1 96.7 97.5 96 6

2.6 3.5 2.4 2.4 3.1 5.2 4.9 4.5 3.7 4_5

3.8 5.2 4.0 4.5 1.5 6.7 5.8 5. 1 5.0 5.2


Stonehom ----------Stoughlo:n town------------·---town _______ .-· ____________ ---- __ _ Sudbury town----------··------·----·-----Swompscott town ____ •.•. ~- ____ -· ______ •• __ _ Swansea town ____ •• ____________ •• ______ •• __ Taunton •• -· -· __ •• ______ ... ____ -·-- --------. Ttwhbury town ____ ... __ •• -· ____ •• ---· •••• __ Wakefield town _.. __ •• __________ -· •• ________ .. Walpole town •••••. -- ... -- ____ •• -- •••• __ ,,._ - - Waltham •• __ •• -~ ___ ........ ____________ •• ___ _

97.7 96.9 98.5 98.1 98.5 93.9 97.0 97.5 98.6 97.4

2.8 3.6 3.6 2.9 3.8 5.5 3.7 3.8 2-4 3.6

3.4 4.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 7.2 4.6 4.5 2.4 5.6

3.5 4.4 4.0 4.0 5.7 8.4 4.9 4.4 2.7 6.0

Wareham town----------- .. ----------------Watertown town __________ •••. ________ ------ .

96.7 97.3 97.7 96.l 96.5 98.1 97.7 98.2 99.1 98.9

4.5 4.0 2.0 4.6 4.6 2.9 2.6 3. 1 2.2 2.2

4.6 5.1 4.0 5.8 5.0 3.3 3.7 3.1 2.3 5.4

6.1 42 3.5 6.2 5.6 3_5 4.4 3.6 2.5 3.7

98.0 97.8 97.6 97.5 97.9 97.9 99.2 97.2 97.2 97.8 79.5

2.6 2.8 3.6 3.3 4.5 2.5 22 2.3 3.9 4.9 12.0

3.1 3.1 4.0 3.7 3.8 3-6 1.5 4.6 4.2 50 22.3

3.4 3_7 4.5 4.4 4,6 3.6 2.2 4.7 5.2 5.0 22.4

89.6 97.6 97.l 98.2 97.2 980 97.4 94.3 97.2 93.0 97.5 97.2 95.5 97.9

7.6 3.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.4 3.B 3.7 3.7 80 36 3.6 4.5 3.7

12.3 4.6 4.4 3.9 4.4 3.7 4.2 76 4.5 10.2 4.0

13.4 4.6 7.4 5.7 4.9 4.1 4.7 8.1 4.9 12.0 4.4 5.0 6.7 4.4


Women ever married, 15 to 4-4 years oldChildren ever born

labor force status

Persons 25 years old and overHighest grade completed

Persons 3 to 34 years enrolledlevel of school

Labor force

Not in labor force

5.9 1.0 2.8

7.7 8.8 7.6 7.9 7.8 7.7 8.7 7.4 6.2 8.4

3.4 2.8 1.9 1.8 1.4 2.4 1.5 4.5 1.3 3.8

1.4 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.0 4,0 1.4 2.7

1.2 2.3 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.4 2.2 1.3 1.8

8.3 20.4 9.2 12.3 13.4 11.2 10.5 14.2 12.7 12.1

1.4 2.8 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.7 3.8 2.7 5.6 3.3

5.6 9.3 8.4 10.6 8.9 7.3 8.9 7.0 12.4 7.1

3.7 3.3 4.3 3.5 3.3 2.8 3,6 4.4 3.1 2.1

2.0 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 1.9 3.8 1.6

1.4 2.2 1.6 2.2 2.4 1.4 2.1 1.5 2.7 1.1

3.3 5.8 4.2 2.7 3.4 6.3 3.4 2.8 4.2 4.2

7.3 6.5 8.8 7.8 6.4 12.1 9.7 8.8 5_9 9.1

1.9 4.3 4.3 3.7 2.3 3.5 2.9 2.4 1.8 3.7

2.5 1.8 3.5 1.6 1.8 4.4 3.1 2.7 1.8 2.8

2.2 3.4 2.4 2.4 1.0 8.0 26 2.4 2.0 4.0

7.8 9.2 5.8 7.0 5.7 15.1 9.2 7.3 5.4 10.0

2.5 2.6 1.7 2.5 1.7 7.4 3.9 3.3 2.1 3.8

2.2 3.0 1.7 1.4 1.7 4.0 3. 1 2.5 2.0 3.2

4.5 4.4 4,1 5_9 4.8 3.2 4.2 2.2 2.0 LO

9.9 8.9 6.1 11-1 10.6 6.0 6.8 5.4 4.8 5.8

3.2 4.1 2.6 3.2 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.0

2.3 2.1 1.0


2.9 2.4 1.8 3.6 3.2 1.5 2.0 1.6 1.1 2.1

6.2 5.5 7.9 7.7 4.6 5.5 6.3 8.5 8.2 9_5 22.4

2.1 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.7 3.7 1.7 4.6 3.8 2.4 24.7

1.7 2.0 2. 1 1.6 1.6 1.8 1-1 2.0 2.5 2.5 10.9

1.2 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.4


3_5 1.8 3.8 2.4 3.5 3.2 2.2 3.0 3.6 3.4 22.1

12.3 10.5 103 21.3 9.7 10.6 7.9 9.6 8.2 19.1 8.7 10.2 8.8 10.1

10.3 2.8 4_3 1.8 4,1 2.7 3.5 3.9 3.9 11.9 3.4 3.7 5.4 3.1

15.2 8.0 9.0 5.7 8.9 6.6 7.9 9.1 8.7 11.9 8.8 8.4 10.6 8.2

10.2 2.8 4.2 3.6 3.4 2.0 2.9 4.0 3.0 8.1 3.0 3.3 4.2 2.8

6.6 2.1 2.5 3.0 2.6 1.8 2.3 3.4 2.7 5.7 2.3 2.5 3-7 2.0

or More Farmnonfarm residence

Persons 16 to 64 years


Total familiesFtlmi1y Income

3.6 6.8 4.2 4,3 6,1 5.6 5.0 5. 1 1.7 4.5

7.0 17.2 5.8 6,1 8.6 8.8 9.5 9.4 6.4 7.3

15.5 21.7 17.2 19.6 23.3 21.0 19.2 22.9 22.8 20.1

12.9 16.6 13.8 13.9 12.2 11.3 11.3 11.0 15.1 11.5

2,6 5.5 4.3 6.6 6.4 4,9 6.4 2.5 6.4 4.5

4,2 9,4 8.0 11.0 10.3 9,1 10.4 6.9 13.4 9.9

22.0 28.1 21.2 22.7 22.0 21.0 19.3 19.0 24.5 22.5

2.5 1.6 2.5 1.0 1.3 3.1 3.1 2.7 2.0 2.4

11.3 14.8 13.5 10.9 10.9 13.6 14.5 14.6 10.2 12.7

7,3 3.9 4,7 5.9 3. 1 8.5 11.9 10.1 4.3 5.8

9.0 5.6 7,1 9.9 7.0 14.2 14.3 12.9 8.4 11.0

22.0 27.4 22.8 19.1 19.1 20.4 22.3 23.7 18.6 20.6

1.8 1.5

10.4 11.3 10.4 10.6 9.7 16.6 13.1 11.9 10.9 14.0

2.7 4.3 7.9 3.6 2.4 8.0 7.0 5.1 4.1 7.0

7.4 10.1 8.1 6.8 7.2 15.3 12.5 8.6 5.8 13.6

17.5 19.8 19.1 21.0 17,6 25.9 21.8 20.1 17.8 19.0

16.3 10.7 11.4 14.4 13.9 10.2 10.9 12.3 8.1 15.4

6.7 6.6 7.6 6.4 5.8 3.1 5.7 7.3 4.3 9.3

11-1 11.3 7.0 12.9 12.2 6.9 12.4 10.3 7.3 9.8

26.8 17.9 21.7 22.5 22.2 18.6 22.1 22.1 15.1 23.5

1.5 1.9 1.8 2.4 10.4

7.6 8.6 12.6 8.3 13.8 9.2 11.0 13.4 11.8 14.2 33.9

4_7 4.8 3.8 6.1 3.2 4.2 3.6 3.6 5.3 7.9 17.9

7.8 5.6 7.2 9,8 6.1 6.9 6.1 7.4 9.1 13.9 24.4

12.9 15.9 22.7 14.4 27.3 17.3 19.8 24.8 21.9 21.1 44.1

6.4 1.9 2.2 1.9 2.1 1.3 1.9 4.4 2. 1 4.2 1.8 2.0 3.0 1.9

23.7 13.7 12.3 12.6 13.4 11.8 12.1 17.5 12.2 20.7 12.1 12.6 13.4 13.2

12.8 4.9 5.5 3.7 5,6 3,8 5.4 10.4 6.0 5.9 5.2 5.9 8.1 5.6

17.0 8.6 10.4 8.0 9.7 7.9 9.9 18.9 9.8 10.1 8.5 10.0 13.4 10.0

32.5 23.4 20.3 22.0 22.7 20.6 20.6 21.6 19.7 30.5 20.8 20.7 20.8 21.7

Toto\ Vocotional income training


MORE-Continued North Adams---- __ ------------ -- -------- --Northampton __ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ,.. ___ -- ---- .. North Andover town _______________ ,. ________ _ North. Attleborough town __________ ,. _________ _ Northbridge town ... ---- -- ---- -- -- ...... -- ---- ..... North Re

Palmer town __________ ---- ____ ........ ____ ......... Peabody __ •• - - •• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- • - ---- -- Pembroke tow" ... __ -- .... -- -- ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- ..

Pittsfield ____ ---- __ ... -------------- __ ---- __ .. Plymouth town---~------------------------Quincy ....... __________________________ ---- __



Rcr:ndo-lph town ______ ---- ___________________ _ Re-ading town __________ --- _____ -- __________ _ Revere ________ -- ~- ---- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rockland I own • ., -- -- ---- -- - - __ -- -- -- ... ~--· -Salem ______________ ------ _____ -----------Sou9us town __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- Scituate town __________ .,_ •.. ________________ _ Sell'konk town-----------~----------------­ St'loro-n town------------------------------Shrewsbury town------------- ------------Somersel town------·----- .. ·-------------Somerville ____ ---- __ --·- •... __ -·-··--------Southbridge Center (U) . _. ___________________ _ Southbr1dge1own __ ---------------------- Soulh Hadley town----···-····--···----------Springfie~d ------------··-··-----------



-Webster Center Webster town-----··------·---------------- .

Wayland town-· -- -· ---- __ ·- ------ ---· -- ___ _ (U) -- ... -- -- ____ • - - • -- ... ---- --

WeHesley town-----------------.---------·Westborough lawn··------·--------·-··----Westfield ____ -· __ ------·- ________ •. _______ _ Westford town---------------------------·We$ton town ______________ .,. __ -- ____ ---- __ _


We-st Springfield town._·- __ .• __ ._ •. ____ ._---Westwood town·----····------------------Weymouth 1own .,, •. _______________ ,.•• ·- ---- -Whitman town ____ -·--- .. -- -- ..•. -· --·----- -Wilbraham town •.•.• -----·---------------Wilmington town.... • ..... -· -· __ ---- ---- -Winchestu town __ •• ____ ..•. __ .. __ -------- •• Winthrop town -· __ ... -- .. __ •. -· ·- ---- ---· ..• _ Woburn .... ---··-·-···---·-· ~-----------Worcester____ •• ·-----------Yormouth 1own •. . ---------------


5.8 3.7 4.6 7.0 5.4 4.7 4.4 5.9

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2-4 4.2 2.4 2.1 4.0 4.2 3.4



1.7 1.6 3. 1 2.8 1.4 1.3 2.8


1.6 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.4 2.6


Barnstable---- •• ______ ---· __ ------ •.•. ____ Berkshire •. __ ---· ____ .• ______ -·---·--. ___ ·______ ... __ •...• ______ • __ ... _______ •• Dukes _________________________ •• ________ _ E$$ex ____ •••• -- .• -· •. ____________ ... -- __ -- Fra11klin ... __ ·- ____ ... ____________ -·· __ •• __ -· _ Hampden-------- .. ------------- ___ ......... . Hampshire __ •••••. -· __ -- ____ •• ____ •• -Middlesex •• ·-~- ____ ------------ -- •.•. - ----· Nantucket.. ______ ... -· -Norlolk •• ______ ------ __ ·--- •. ________ ·-·- __ Plymouth __ ·--· ___________________________ _ Suffolk ____ -·-· __ ---------- ______________ _ Worces.1er _____ ., __________ ------ ---- .• ____ .. Bristol~-

_ff __

23- 618



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6.2 4.1