1970a ca1 07

Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places: 1970 (Dato based on sample, see text. For meoning of symb...

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Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


(Dato based on sample, see text. For meoning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas Anoheim-Sonta Ano-Garden Grave


Buena Park

Costa Mesa


Garden Grove

Huntington Beach


Santo Ano

313 545 883 106 697 119 653 522 114 515 091 14B 626 861 168 005 875 702 455 097 676 105 046 241 575 793 691 834 534 386 200 984 205 032 380 466 540 382 987 395 145 054 443 116

69 880 714 207 3 804 22 313 377 343 2 830 1 985 4 608 4 168 2 316 1 104 315 1 258 649 2 360 139 1 051 563 1 326 751 2 763 1 890 2 753 2 521 1 843 4 040 1 326 2 293 1 727 1 178 331 2 251 1 507 1 552 1 429 4 277 3 599 678 264 719 1 396 2 952

24 565 220 124 1 476 8 507 240 215 1 066 775 1 282 1 877 679 574 199 413 270 917 54 530 216 312 215 1 269 779 1 110 1 225 581 1 066 350 621 509 454 122 625 646 498 350 l 092 937 155 67 233 377 937

29 408 334 84 1 763 8 362 134 81 1 179 813 1 886 1 726 l 144 121 222 353 262 441 29 162 262 282 272 857 650 1 582 876 805 l 895 494 1 020 867 458 285 753 507 1 268 668 2 280 1 752 528 124 363 886 1 220

35 647 293 243 1 669 11 979 142 229 1 534 1 126 2 777 1 432 1 174 930 203 661 432 1 339 53 315 195 377 248 1 794 974 1 197 1 031 705 l 765 492 l 029 934 605 280 907 604 906 799 3 424 3 033 391 198 384 1 016 1 231

47 376 548 285 3 497 13 354 322 257 1 424 1 267 2 175 3 549 1 313 475 236 834 394 1 108 63 707 582 690 572 1 938 1 504 1 785 1 529 1 299 2 652 732 1 893 l 115 852 184 1 424 796 1 395 935 3 124 2 578 546 170 458 1 050 2 243

43 704 493 506 2 482 12 671 178 150 2 198 1 220 1 580 3 853 1 243 271 210 581 378 809 60 586 846 817 548 1 840 1 133 1 673 1 503 1 218 2 256 683 1 626 972 636 184 988 589 1 122 803 3 629 3 159 470 113 282 973 2 472

30 213 455 133 1 826 7 809 184 141 1 041 659 1 701 1 623 898 244 174 397 215 532 20 389 204 493 398 1 240 731 1 290 1 002 621 1 912 778 1 336 771 537 227 868 519 909 522 2 387 1 752 635 195 428 860 1 353

57 910 1 291 90 4 916 16 010 420 304 1 632 1 473 3 122 2 500 2 622 801 378 826 368 1 564

350 287 6 089 2 671 30 838 119 387 2 695 2 348 16 739 12 277 19 235 27 796 11 987 4 844 1 152 5 689 3 904 10 721 661 5 712 4 467 4 012 5 178 18 386 10 179 10 378 5 694 12 364 17 592 3 553 13 .243 8 051 7 644 520 5 661 5 774 2 888 3 738 16 231 14 186 2 045 668 2 959 8 034 17 715

44 007 552 198 3 550 16 282 336 267 2 207 1 580 2 946 3 390 1 687 760 101 776 509 1 723 135 879 416 579 645 2 155 1 340 l 274 891 1 697 2 203 450 l 273 1 045 971 42 926 910 201 374 1 758 1 523 235 64 332 723 2 142

16 104 167 84 1 404 6 560 196 1B3 920 654 856 1 611 491 455 54 305 162 673 54 476 182 144 194 991 512 494 349 504 543 102 360 299 383 13 243 371 102 75 424 357 67 28 134 196 716

18 147 272 69 1 620 6 174 104 81 967 652 1 200 1 451 757 97 80 271 193 321 24 139 182 160 219 687 442 820 240 717 l 115 167 537 550 368 31 324 303 321 156 914 709 205 41 170 486 899

22 848 238 210 1 533 9 173 133 216 l 219 903 2 052 1 183 909 633 '66 493 325 1 041 53 288 141 200 210 l 438 702 569 342 619 978 195 584 578 501 41 274 343 181 254 1 485 1 365 120 60 202 554 902

30 567 478 271 3 299 10 115 285 243 1 181 1 011 1 375 2 967 918 354 65 570 304 842 53 636 433 335 461 1 620 1 059 930 492 l 197 1 539 202 964 598 727 32 454 428 248 231 1 273 1 127 146 81 235 540 l 636

29 325

432 497 2 299 9 926 163 141 1 783 1 044 1 028 3 247 856 219 99 404 348 594 60 553 688 490 498 1 538 786 856 525 1 083 1 261 281 1 031 600 556 14 424 360 218 267 1 434 1 268 166 31 125 556 1 936

19 184 379 133 l 753 6 016 158 135 835 528 1 218 1 317 671 187 115 299 154 399 20 354 138 233 361 996 574 632 271 557 1 111 299 776 455 453 37 325 335 161 148 899 704 195 32 230 519 987

I ---- ---------- ____ -------- -------- ----AgricultureTata ________ .. __ . _______ -- ____ -- -----. -- -- -- -Nonogriculture industries ---------- ------ --------------

5 550 291 5 259

549 39 510

235 4 231

339 20 319

345 16 329

395 5 390

513 2B 485

______ ------------ -----------AgricultureMale __________________________ •• __ ------------__ ---- __ Nonagriculture industries ---- ---------- .• --------------

3 895 267 3 628

420 35 385

157 4 153

243 20 223

250 16 234

309 5 304

349 28 321



Urbon balance

EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Total ---- __ ---------- ---------------------- A~riculture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------Mmmg ________________ ---- ____ ---------- __ -------- Construction ________ ------------------------------Manufacturing---------- ________ -------------------- Furniture and lumber and wood products _____________ _Primary metal industries --------------------------Fobricoted metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electricoL ______________________ _Electrical machinery, equipment, ond supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products-------------------------- Textile mill ond ether fabricated textile products_ ______ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and ollied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads ond roilwoy express service ____ ------ __ ---- __ Trucking service and warehousing ________ ---- ____ .... ___ _-


~~~~~~~~ri~~;t~~~===========::::::::::=====::::::: -


Utilities and sanitary services ______ .... ------ __ ........ ----- Wholesale trade ______________________________ ------food, bakery, and dairy stores-----------------------Eating and drinking places ____ -- -- -- ____ -- ---- ---- ~- __ General merchandise retailing ____________________ ----Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------Other retail trade ----------------------------------Banking and credit agencies ____ ------ __ ---------- ____ _ lns~rance, real es tote, ond other finance ____ ---- __ ---- -·



~~~~i~s:e~~[c~;e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :--


Private households ________ -- ____________ -----------Other personal services ____ ·- __ .••• ------ ____ .• __ ~--Entertainment and recreation services -----------------Hospitals __________ ---- -- -- ____ .• ____ -- ____ -- -- -- -Health services, except hospitals_ _____________________ _ Elementary and secondary schools ond colleges ---------Government ____________ •. ____ .• ____ .. ____ -------Private -- -- •. -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ------------ ---- -Other education ond kindred services------------------Welfore, religious, ond nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, ond miscellaneous professional services_ Public administration ____________ ---- __ ------------ __ _ Male ________________________ .• ______ -----A~riculture, ond fisheries--------------------Mmmg ____ forestry, •. __________________________________ ---Construction ____ •• __________________ •• ---- ------ __ _ Manufacturing ______ .. __________________ ------------ Furniture ond lumber ond wood products_ ____________ _ Primary metol industries --------------------------- Fobricotcd metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ____ -- ---- ____ •. ------ --- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other tronspartotion equipment ----Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _ Printing, publishing, ond allied industries -------------- Chemical ond allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads ond roilwoy express service------------------ Trucking service ond warehousing _____________________ _



~~~~~~~~ri~~tsot~~~===========::::::::::=::::::::::= -


Utilities ond sonitory services------------------------Whalesole trode •... __ ------ __________ -- __ ---- ------- Food, bakery, and doiry stares-----------------------Eating and drinking ploces __________ ------ -------- ---General merchandise retailing ____ •• ____ .• __ ---- ------. Motor vehicles retailing ond service stations------------- Other re toil trade ________ ------ -------- __ ---- ------ __ Banking and credit agencies_ _____ -------------------- Insurance. real estate, ond other finance----------------


~~~~j~ssse;~i~~~e~_:: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :: :::: :_-

Private households ____ .. ---- __ ---- ---------- -------- Other personal services ____ •• ______ -------------- ----Entertainment and recreation services ________ ------ ----Hospitals ---- ________ ------ ------------ ------------ Health services, except haspltals-----------------------Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ------ ----Government __ •• ______ ----------------------------Private ______________ ------ ---------- ---- -------Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, ond nonprofit membership organizations _ ~~ii·~ engi~e.eringt and miscellaneous professional services __ 1 odmin1strot1on._ ---- -------- ---------- -------- --


544 7 2 33 156 3 2 20 15 28 33 17 6 2 8 5 13 6 6 7 6 23 14 21 17 13 30 9 22 13 8 4 15 9 14 11 40 33 6 2 6 14 24

21 635 223 147 1 658 6 974 164 128 1 036 728 BOl 2 006 753 223 125 243 173' 594 21 317 324 326 275 839 554 915 667 710 1 202 317 583 445 389 121 564 284 582 296 l 170 915 255 29 218 434 1 051

178 587 2 636 1 049 9 774 47 511 936 779 6 423 4 919 8 208 10 245 4 870 1 847 799 2 535 1 842 4 108 186 1 789 2 477 2 267 2 042 8 257 4 591 6 798 5 150 4 312 10 723 3 255 9 240 4 484 2 466 1 557 4 540 2 920 4 406 4 574 15 613 13 474 2 139 773 2 074 5 773 7 350

36 061 l 015 90 4 686 11 232 375 272 1 314 1 015 1 764 2 157 1 557 610 154 587 220 1 207 72 509 251 328 620 1 559 1 033 1 006 766 l 333 l 767 361 1 217 791 1 164 69 770 608 358 277 995 842 153 49 429 671 2 035

14 429 183 143 1 614 5 367 150 116 831 629 509 l 655 469 180 42 144 158 484 21 271 236 192 254 615 395 431 1B2 642 658 128 303 264 342

116 047 2 070 961 8 865 37 573 779 678 5 337 4 129 6 014 8 718 3 558 1 324 376 1 793 1 509 3 358 169 1 602 1 778 1 313 1 661 6 644 3 301 3 284 1 599 3 888 6 265 l 333 5 973 2 802 2 084 194 1 708 1 871 975 1 855 6 241 5 582 659 269 961 3 401 5 407

357 19 338

602 38 564

202 4 198

l 966

229 13 216

461 38 423


1 312 108 1 204


598 391 713 720 2 077 l 390 2 250 2 158 1 454 3 030 1 048 2 421 1 271 1 274 785 2 004 897 1 734 1 075 2 679 2 144 535 212 842 1 460 3 043


185 193 95 63 432 371 61 . 13 113 232 862





113 l 853


Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Bakersfield


Los Angeles-Lang Beach


Urban balance



Urban balance

539 426 139 121 352 233 490 364 660 235 444 I 459 l 213 293 721 620 l 620 l 452 1 535 718 l 915 l 995 4 031 2 441 4 562 3 008 3 591 6 105 1 367 2 843 l 479 2 020 I 612 3 501 788 2 898 2 062 8 917 7 961 956 476 l 657 2 467 10 061

25 l l l 1

943 053 267 546 848 37 120 98 183 42 42 184 321 53 298 97 373 497 282 150 637 443 l 199 637 l 132 1 027 799 l 966 423 946 359 466 440 888 232 918 697 2 745 2 472 273 132 639 649 l 926

62 463 6 945 3 615 4 059 4 853 105 330 195 367 155 196 945 727 181 342 334 976 869 982 413 l 041 l 115 2 223 l 395 2 443 l 726 2 262 3 439 848 1 438 943 l 231 949 1 984 422 1 640 l 190 5 079 4 483 596 260 839 l 514 6 746

138 729 16 893 534 7 120 15 914 l 374 251 782 l 377 513 642 1 613 4 520 1 336 l 281 780 l 445 l 218 2 712 l 159 2 054 2 718 8 876 3 467 4 907 3 360 4 331 8 908 2 237 5 033 2 097 2 596 2 480 4 976 l 282 4 341 3 367 13 033 11 762 1 271 634 2 234 3 449 6 799

58 974 I 866 67 2 896 6 294 547 100 316 521 251 223 658 I 650 410 665 349 604 757 l 060 448 I 049 l 344 3 740 l 472 2 525 l 817 I 784 4 213 I 251 2 744 l 234 I 105 l 248 2 651 614 2 299 l 588 5 758 5 239 519 298 I 324 l 619 3 909

71 11 6 6 7

991 154 618 762 096 194 481 300 610 190 371 1 350 I 054 82 516 564 1 384 l 414 l 429 537 889 l 760 3 205 l 558 1 685 858 3 196 3 501 453 l 675 952 l 788 143 l 209 495 587 531 3 078 2 801 277 97 780 l 035 7 506

15 913 835 1 138 I 432 l 533 27 111 89 16B 33 29 170 259 20 209 81 337 472 254 124 333 407 984 430 535 331 743 l 224 157 568 220 382 33 325 159 205 199 878 799 79 24 304 259 l 425

40 721 5 611 3 360 3 862 4 159 93 330 165 337 119 152 881 645 62 245 320 810 856 913 320 441 986 l 726 893 894 476 l 986 l 942 260 825 608 I 094 74 669 257 321 288 l 746 l 577 169 49 387 664 5 054

89 725

15 100 505 6 658 12 336 l 229 246 651 l 249 419 561 1 355 3 428 494 883 652 1 169 l 169 2 508 894 l 024 2 388 6 828 2 419 2 261 997 3 936 5 245 753 2 747 1 315 2 359 234 1 716 875 1 104 985 5 487 5 029 458 227 1 071 1 604 4 980

35 514 l 663 55 2 689 4 919 482 95 259 468 211 188 551 1 263 152 504 274 472 723 984 358 464 I 152 2 996 I 128 l 203 532 I 630 2 409 403 I 432 736 985 105 881 417 549 373 2 468 2 265 203 111 572 723 2 914

l 147 248 899

228 12 216

743 179 564

l 647 384 1 263

619 28 591

601 114 487

18 967 800 18 167

717 154 563

161 8 153

442 101 341

l 270 288 982

524 28 496

445 78 367

13 168 686 12 482







48 252 2 826 565 3 439 27 007 395 9 439· 2 903 128 431 6 407 770 904 565 28 586 105 24 193 328 83 690 75 718 610 186 83 772 281 153 799 734 91 852 l 758 36 621 574 51 657 477 44 931 229 26 103 69 982 560 368 11 186 l 040 37 132 50 286 377 810 51 913 782 42 894 3 558 137 065 l 365 65 419 l 697 96 304 l 111 76 040 l 791 SB 904 3 398 152 535 668 58 866 1 732 118 732 625 86 626 52 194 974 778 32 045 l 547 85 389 481 54 528 l 465 95 023 l 294 63 926 4 903 183 103 4 451 139 266 452 43 837 253 12 582 655 44 405 l 356 90 219 2 080 133 468

28 182 126 87 l 308 5 629 214 157 540 601 678 428 638 406 516 658 248 545 395 339 279 663 796 l 895 649 767 l 061 530 l 523 l 057 I 226 612 342 196 787 264 830 654 2 353 l 895 458 107 595 l 011 2 101

21 817 165 141 l 604 7 192 213 276 879 776 279 2 347 707 220 120 314 300 761 44 490 205 373 233 I 161 570 874 579 647 l 245 344 517 432 445 103 545 173 812 379 l 152 925 227 59 309 333 691

41 262 228 38 l 550 12 545 399 96 906 I 067 1 505 4 607 l 580 378 398 718 302 589 152 328 488 1 220 643 2 473 932 l 438 955 944 l 893 l 011 l 649 l 244 723 300 I 031 1 972 l 188 728 l 921 l 504 417 178 526 l 141 l 823

24 846 267 78 l 236 9 690 348 499 l 028 922 918 2 750 961 336 221 280 481 946 50 416 1 012 256 255 970 646 780 524 451 865 348 488 653 399 136 586 229 975 317 l 247 I 025 222 81 318 455 l 118

23 971 150 37 I 128 8 771 360 576 1 039 714 515 1 919 1 264 429 408 114 378 1 055 69 429 374 416 566 788 417 439 427 461 823 321 394 406 471 277 568 152 1 444 394 l 638 I 319 319 45 529 322 l 715

31 445 1 727 254 2 940 22 902 382 7 733 2 720 118 206 4 931 542 471 505 22 734 20 874 105 277 65 797 553 58 902 148 51 149 240 124 794 60 028 ·. 611 l 323 26 399 218 14 954 295 30 704 198 17 952 48 184 458 353 10 179 962 32 976 319 36 268 441 25 687 685 34 817 2 646 100 117 913 45 728 795 49 852 369 24 638 I 662 52 492 2 081 85 536 246 20 651 999 61 517 412 53 115 884 44 045 78 3 875 596 35 157 322 37 986 401 23 926 21 566 444 2 231 69 515 2 062 52 535 169 16 980 93 4 961 351 19 875 657 48 933 l 532 92 530

15 897

13 894 146 137 I 507 5 368 166 214 700 610 177 l 795 488 169 32 193 241 583 44 435 171 227 186 754 355 430 147 585 684 98 269 243 369 18 184 79 177 84 417 298 119 10 129 132 509

24 984 172 18 l 377 8 540 264 67 682 872 783 3 484 977 275 128 507 171 330 146 265 322 674 551 l 635 664 711 309 815 l 115 328 905 702 610 51 462 1 393 229 223 624 495 129 63 225 554 l 301

15 995

14 488 116 30 1 111 6 146 298 526 828 495 223 I 642 615 279 134 71 268 767 64 401 337 133 466 601 314 176 204 455 458 75 156 251 429 15 224 144 345 56 468 365 103 18 159 91 l 045





6 145

315 10 305

128 5 123


104 6 98

250 10 240

97 5 92


EMPlOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OlD AND OVER Total ____ -- ---- ____ ---------------- -------- -

~~~\~~It~~~~ ~~r_e_s~~·-~~~-f~~h_e~~~s-===================== Construction ____________ ------ __ ---- ---- __ ---- _____ _Manufacturing -- -- -- -· __ ·- -· --···----·--·--·--------Furniture and lumber and wood products-----------··-· Primary metol industries --------------------------- Fobricoted metol industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except e~ctrica'------------------------­ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Matar vehicles and other transportation equipment -----Other durable goods ______________________________ _


--g~~~~nl~~fi~~t:t'.~~================================= Utilities and sanitary services------------------------- Wholesale trade ____ ------------·-------------------- Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing -·----------------------- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------- Other retail trade ----------------------------------- Banking and credit agencies--------------------------- lnsuronce, real estate, and other finance---------------- ~~ ~~j~s:e~i7~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :::: :: :::: :::::-Private households __ ------------ ---------------- ---- Other personal services ------------------------------ Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __________ ------------ __ ---- ------ ------ __ Health services, except hospitals_ _____________________ _ -

Food and kindred products-------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------Chemical and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads service ond railway express service ------------------_Trucking and warehousing _____________________

Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ____ -- -------------- ---------- -------- Private ---- __ -- -- __ ------------ -----------------Other education and kindred services------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services. Public administration ______ --------------------------- -


Malo ________ ------ __ -------------- -------- AQriculture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------

-~~~~iuciion·:::::: :::: :::::::::::=:::::======::::::Monufocturing ______________ -- -------------- -------- Furniture and lumber ond wood products. ____________ _ Primary metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal Industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical_. ______________________ _Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles ond other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Faod and kindred products-------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _-Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads service and railway express service ------------------_ Trucking and warehousing _____________________ Other transportation--------------------------------Communications __ -- ________ ---- ------ ---- __ ---- ---Utilities and sanitary services------------------------- Wholesale trade ____ ---------------------------- -- --Food, bakery, and dairy stores -----------------------Eating and drinking places ____ ------ ------ ---- -------General merchandise retailing------------------------Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------Other retail trade __ ------ ---- __ ---------- ----------Banking and credit agencies •• ------------------------- lnsurance, real estate, and other finance----------------

----:~~~~~s;e~i~~~e~-=: :: :: :: : : : : :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :: == :::-Private ha use ho Ids -- __ •• ____ ------------------------ Other personal services ______ ------------------------ Entertainment ond recreation services ------------------ ~~~ri~0~!,.:;;.;es:-ex-cej,i·h·;;pii,;"1s::::::::::::::::::::::: -Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ________________ ---------------------Private __ -- __ ---- ---- ____ -- ---- ------------------ Other education and kindred services __ ----------------- Welfare, religious, ond nonprofit membership organizations ~~~~ ~~~l;i~\~~~lo~~~ -~ ~_°~~~~~~~~ ::~~~~s~~~~ ~~~~~~~=--

109 13 7 7 8

l 3



110 43 066 849 163 118 387 460 355 360 498 321 156 464 201 366 338 271 167 320 552 368 467 348 288 474 780 391 600 359 303 11 284 182 224 143 746 604 142 32 247 496 438


227 78 l 144 6 977 251 404 835 719 442 2 219 615 220 66 165 340 701 44 411 854 111 212 653 440 316 163 416 477 91 247 470 369 21 215 165 235 56 554 457 97 35 105 192 717


------ •• __ •• __ •• ---- ---------- -------AgricultureMalo __________________________________ ---- __ _Nonagriculture industries __ ---- ----------------------- Total ---- •• __ •• ____ ------ __ ---------------Agriculture ____ -------------------- __ --------------- Nonagriculture Industries __ ---- ______ -----------------






155 116




Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Con.


East Los Angeles (U)

El Monte

40 595 231 140 2 106 12 543 376 591 1 830 1 702 675 2 377 1 179 776 259 658 457 1 663 265 1 254 408 712 659 3 226 979 1 529 1 330 1 147 2 066 764 1 077 83B 785 184 922 320 1 435 902 1 925 1 580 345 138 419 829 1 462

32 888 350 36 1 615 13 731 1 261 831 l 457 720 809 826 1 042 1 580 2 394 448 446 1 917 363 831 222 339 31B 2 080 754 928 1 294 530 1 560 540 664 490 686 213 970 177 683 32B 1 100 922 178 90 496 371 1 129

26 027 285 84 1 838 9 170 515 418 1 019 1 141 907 896 1 648 433 583 417 279 914 222 578 251 449 356 1 369 738 720 756 603 1 211 493 582 548 531 160 746 249 470 542 1 133 983 150 105 374 424 1 03B

60 036 359 141 2 611 13 403 436 220 1 187 1 432 l 282 2 063 2 305 659 639 1 355 815 1 010 496 445 597 1 326 1 055 3 347 1 544 1 805 1 404 1 361 3 200 1 980 3 683 1 964 1 003 518 1 790 1 270 2 744 2 045 3 066 2 233 833 311 1 174 2 476 2 898

25 337 180 103 1 690 9 184 258 517 1 360 1 315 444 1 920 786 557 44 471 315 1 197 216 1 008 265 306 514 2 124 652 729 435 961 1 119 304 589 489 618 27 396 191 333 303 626 530 96 51 195 435 1 094

20 686 309 31 1 560 9 209 1 047 811 1 297 597 583 757 736 1 096 535 293 366 1 091 345 767 173 104 269 1 545 550 536 383 505 849 115 243 286 634 10 434 122 181 51 356 285 71 58 212 150 699

16 454 207 84 1 718 6 145 379 360 735 844 462 770 l 044 331 113 283 194 610 212 548 215 170 322 1 081 557 302 255 556 6B8 113 242 350 445 24 344 161 71 40 387 338 49 57 156 211 793

278 5 273


198 5 193


Long Beach

Los Angeles


139 523 1 150 796 926 10 665 1 422 2 398 6 197 45 402 276 500 33 799 10 676 774 901 6 154 2 499 23 299 23 018 2 361 1 321 35 906 53 214 13 021 3 660 32 328 1 545 13 974 809 29 448 1 664 18 264 1 486 8 017 3 758 22 202 3 966 234 1 872 10 362 3 195 19 935 2 445 21 295 2 231 16 606 6 216 52 658 25 218 2 761 41 679 5 934 4 029 28 592 21 976 3 266 7 730 67 854 2 466 26 019 60 267 4 909 3 236 42 839 2 455 22 871 16 975 1 426 40 814 4 527 31 319 l 721 6 236 42 112 3 897 26 965 10 840 71 605 9 286 54 280 1 554 17 325 64B 5 623 2 692 20 187 43 727 3 599 8 612 54 347

32 817 244 174 2 263 12 028 481 655 1 534 1 267 703 2 514 1 004 731 306 437 550 l 846 234 1 359 289 512 453 2 006 938 1 145 1 062 758 1 223 560 484 524 661 156 720 354 1 169 372 1 259 1 039 220 54 297 467 1 032

47 812 727 lll 2 082 8 535 243 209 620 1 532 1 325 610 1 113 233 602 844 362 842 76 311 427 792 701 1 511 759 1 391 1 455 805 2 589 1 359 2 329 1 438 720 1 450 1 965 555 1 709 1 660 5 834 2 4B6 3 348 309 1 126 2 597 2 489

19 814 122 54 l 200 7 331 485 377 960 742 566 923 615 661 475 375 293 859 263 830 146 275 369 1 423 506 559 622 369 691 430 404 325 318 59 517 153 434 29B 777 621 156 45 206 247 841

83 997 646 1 261 5 676 24 658 585 786 1 988 1 895 865 9 708 2 352 957 230 l 065 1 165 3 062 189 1 579 2 486 1 171 1 827 4 665 1 881 2 780 1 214 2 939 4 356 856 2 644 2 068 2 110 158 1 717 1 015 1 399 1 276 3 997 3 506 491 240 1 200 1 687 6 100

684 428 9 257 1 584 41 882 188 446 8 912 5 376 18 968 17 752 22 106 43 897 21 694 9 787 8 287 12 388 5 235 14 044 3 578 9 196 14 550 10 070 13 204 38 654 17 935 23 490 9 742 19 654 39 084 9 201 29 194 25 455 19 016 1 904 17 602 22 176 11 758 9 710 27 404 21 036 6 368 2 403 8 90B 23 941 35 430

21 872 193 164 2 145 9 002 372 574 1 266 1 035 444 2 039

27 655 633 92 1 954 5 730 166 170 519 1 010 815 529 762 212 167 644 224 512 76 275 308 290 568 1 160 557 771 471 698 1 326 527 l 369 931 629 184 756 379 484 587 2 924 839 2 085 104 581 1 589 1 702

13 023 108 54, 1 105 5 306 371 342 765 556 409 831 400 449 118 275 205 585 243 742 120 104 2B7 944 359 286 181 345 391 97 179 184 297

330 9 321

863 24 839

6 840 243 6 597



367 25 342

123 11 112

248 9 239

633 16 617

4 661 210 4 451


247 25 222




23 896 155 53 996 9 942 209 128 970 1 527 1 413 3 186 943 195 240 368 237 526 43 230 1 056 431 318 814 491 949 435 444 l 009 487 586 759 470 94 497 293 510 256 903 674 229 69 229 555 822

42 512 565 83 1 426 12 598 484 181 1 235 1 711 l 833 3 146 1 202 356 560 667 349 874 41 338 2 256 825 647 l 771 771 1 311 973 852 2 125 1 094 1 649 1 469 762 112 1 367 649 1 198 857 2 443 1 624 819 223 655 993 2 459

33 535 136 299 1 996 10 980 270 318 866 941 548 4 685 870 399 200 388

35 043 301 91 2 265 9 041 292 183 671 1 180 815 1 667 1 3B7 464 182 901 470 629 462 370 388 613 803 2 440 1 134 937 416 1 192 1 610 882 1 862 1 139 829 50 665 954 685 719 1 102 737 365 77 600 1 382 2 014

14 361 150 53 923 6 523 149 100 617 1 038 657 2 371 600 142 65 267 148 369 43 196 804 204 252 496 332 431 117 404 557 275 494 367 5 145 191 62 46 320 237 83 15 67 257 533

24 560 541 55 1 23B 8 451 372 143 B90 1 308 1 009 2 369 720 219 225 433 190 573 35 261 1 368 349 460 1 085 497 649 367 723 1 087 330 740 880 636 18 606 410 238 180 806 47B 328 103 266 473 1 706

21 665 90 273 1 850 8 506 182 280 722 798 381 3 538 705 323 68 262 276 971 129 577 319 363 402 1 218 623 567 316 662 890 187 393 419 464 27 319 165 197 127 611 538 73 43 146 340 1 442

184 18 166

488 19 469

170 9 161

158 4 154

126 18 108

318 19 299

101 9 92

120 4 116

Glendale Hawthorne

Pasadena Pico Rivera


-~~~~~~uction·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-Manufacturing -- -- -- ---- ______ -- -- -- ---- -- ____ -- ___ _ furniture and lumber and wood products-------------- Primary metal Industries ---------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical .. -- ---------------- ----- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Total ---------- -------------------- -------forestry, and fisheries---------------------




-. ---g~~~~~~~~fi~~:t~~~=====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Utilities and sanitary services ------------------------- Wholesale trade ____ -------------------------- __ ----- food, bakery, and dairy stares ------------------------ Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing ------------------------- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------Olher retail Banking and trade credit----------------------------------agencies __________________________ _lns~ronce, re~! estate, and other finance---------------- ~~~~j~5s5e~i;~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :Private households __ ---- ---- ____ -------------------- Other personal services ------------------------------ Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __ ---- ____ -------- ______ -------------- ---- Health services, except hospitals ____ ------------------_ -

Other durable goods------------------------------Food and kindred products_ ________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products-------Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------Chemical and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (Incl. not specified mfg, indus.) __ Railroads service and railway express service ------------------_ Trucking ond warehousing _____________________

Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ______ -------------- __ ---------------- Private ---- ______ ------ ________ -------------- ___ _ Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Public administration ______________ ---------- __ ------_

Male __ ---- __________ ---------------------- A~riculture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------- Mining -- ---- __________ ---- ---------- ------ ---- ---- Construction -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ------------ -- ---- - Manufacturing ________ ------------------------------ Furniture and lumber ond wood products-------------- Primory metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electricaL-----------------------Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Matar vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goads------------------------------Food and kindred products .. __ -------------------- __ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products ________ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries --------------Chemical and allied products------------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg, indus.) __ _ Railroads service and railway express service -------------------_ Trucking and warehousing ______________________


Utilities ond sanitary services ____________ c ____________ _ Wholesale trade ______________ ---- __________ ---- __ -- -Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------Eating and drinkin~ places----------------------------General merchondtse retailing -------------------------Motor vehicles retailing and service stations-------------Other retail trade -----------------------------------Banking and credit agencies---------------------------~ns~ronce, re~! estate, and other finance----------------usmess services ---- ------ ---- ________ ., _______ ------

Repair services ____ ---------- ------------------ -----Private households __ ---- -------- ------ ------------ --Other personal services ------·-----------------------Entertainment and recreation services ------------------Hosftitols __________ ------ ---------------_ Heath services, except-----------hospitals _______________________ tlementary and secondary schools and colleges ----------Government---- ________ --------------------------Private ____ ---- ____ ---------------- ------ --------Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations _ ~e~o.I, engi~e.ering, and miscellaneous professional services __ u he odmm1strohon------------ __ -------------- ------



1 155 144 636 404 573 484 1 619 939 1 193 1 355 727 1 708 602 679 667 559 184 957 268 1 162 488 1 828 1 547 281 123 384 656 1 783


513 84 291 389 1 283 213 1 231 234 291 349 1 386 672 577 303 698 675 86 241 322 600 17 245 236 299 68 521 440 81 27 100 194 781


241 104 B2 47 345 301 44

27 81 140 624

EMPLOYED PERSONS 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD Total ------------ __ ---- ------ ------ --------egriculture -- .,-- -- -:-- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---onogriculture industries -----· -------- ---------------Male ______ ---- ____________________ ---- ---· _ Agriculture ______________ ---- ____________ ------ -- -- -Nonagriculture industries ------ ------------------------









11 BB


Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan sta1istical areas-Can. Modesto

Los Angeles-Long Beach-Con.

Redondo Beach

Sonia Monica

South Gato


West Covina


Urban balance

23 161 104 100 1 174 8 837 214 249 1 537 1 005 l 090 2 316 1 002 90 271 355 258 450 19 119 898 471 230 702 578 l 024 590 548 939 277 533 739 451 167 664 215 463 310 1 234 989 245 55 269 493 958

40 949 461 74 1 307 8 619 190 185 l 364 693 1 325 l 719 l 459 141 266 545 220 512 38 123 856 1 321 450 1 280 649 1 639 769 857 2 730 906 2 361 2 003 694 585 1 407 912 1 854 1 099 3 264 2 568 696 243 683 2 018 1 747

24 332 149 61 926 10 327 425 646 1 565 1 240 652 1 561 1 064 532 505 396 335 1 406 149 705 293 401 305 1 672 697 766 731 443 1 011 321 572 443 489 161 497 213 506 288 732 550 182 64 266 282 862

59 994 409 185 2 153 20 768 454 945 3 267 2 453 2 330 6 131 1 586 369 306 739 784 1 404 65 356 2 293 1 046 797 2 197 1 443 2 079 2 159 1 220 2 938 1 097 1 926 1 646 818 281 I 194 639 1 665 1 231 4 253 3 523 730 256 5B8 1 404 2 888

27 468 218 134 1 732 7 018 183 242 l 142 713 825 540 1 170 404 270 747 269 513 162 650 254 650 492 l 598 8B7 966 928 690 l 372 700 l 006 576 460 164 407 267 754 654 2 146 l 742 404 73 412 613 1 485

30 936 215 296 1 423 7 649 308 272 896 1 030 609 1 038 768 393 332 631 388 984 220 521 185 603 522 2 254 704 730 l 128 696 l 848 658 1 103 631 418 300 612 307 737 1 033 3 369 2 403 966 164 560 771 1 279

14 313 86 83 1 116 6 021 154 212 1 072 709 485 1 875 592 53 76 218 208 367 19 108 594 262 195 456 406 436 158 451 489 71 302 506 376 33 258 146 70 102 512 466 46 14 131


19 220 419 79 1 439 6 525 112 398 1 682 598 419 975 937 186 103 261 148 706 98 303 217 457 524 817 607 464 282 732 682 164 441 298 432 28 341 243 403 168 1 242 1 060 182 61 298 297 1 159

22 827 425 49 1 206 5 805 169 140 1 045 523 773 1 304 847 86 101 368 94 355 38 114 579 580 344 B54 429 852 262 699 1 469 320 l 295 1 076 537 80 556 656 425 344 1 340 1 087 253 104 306 932 1 151

15 052 138 50 832 6 994 290 524 1 045 931 370 1 291 735 330 100 235 223 920 131 604 247 206 274 989 444 331 234 389 529 70 273 257 422 11 158 160 152 55 228 182 46 11 138 126 599

37 192 307 170 1 988 15 372 351 766 2 518 1 882 1 484 4 769 1 053 266 134 488 585 1 076 58 285 l 646 620 684 1 574 949 1 002 514 l 090 1 564 365 1 034 1 082 691 33 450 344 327 295 1 456 1 247 209 87 259 797 2 149

17 661 165 129 1 630 5 120 145 238 910 564 534 464 777 328 91 505 180 384 148 595 150 378 419 l 268 628 507 323 616 852 277 582 392 412 23 185 137 157 251 671 564 107 32 212 310 l 092

19 249 173 263 1 274 5 905 231 234 781 822 462 870 564 321 94 481 266 779 196 427 109 324 448 1 570 481 368 291 586 1 071 259 745 390 335 78 210 180 151 416 1 263 922 341 46 257 474 959

Total __ ---- ------ ------ __ ---- -------------Agriculture ____ ---- -- -- ________________ ------ __ ---- - Nonagriculture industries ________ -------------------- _

307 5 302

226 16 210

222 214

66 6 60

380 26 354

181 5 176

224 5 219

173 10 163

167 8 159

61 6 55

253 26 227

107 5 102




Urban balance

766 082 8 124 2 944 39 176 226 558 8 755 B 579 29 045 24 896 24 108 37 325 29 379 10 892 11 011 12 699 7 968 21 901 3 316 12 926 13 327 13 061 11 965 40 008 19 365 23 541 21 331 16 996 39 402 14 049 27 585 20 858 13 552 7 172 19 427 10 832 21 511 16 858 51 755 39 298 12 457 3 237 10 123 22 773 34 310

65 232 7 099 153 4 073 12 676 298 40 l 056 370

22 619 627 54 1 208 4 144 106 5 414 132 78 63 439 1 886 18 301 224 478 92 451 117 451 257 945 578 8B9 743 702 1 646 434 773 334 485 289 743 174 881 706 2 010 1 708 302 133 625 568 1 560

23 523 1 508 59 1 537 5 198 104 7 421 132 65 130 355 3 065 11 250 135 523 90 609 151 237 574 995 613 774 544 892 l 580 259 572 285 481 385 615 148 923 601 1 831 1 517 314 76 405 414 l 167

485 6 2 36 163 6 7 22 19 15 31 18 8 3 8 5 15 3 11 9 6 9 29 13 11 6 15 21 5 15 13 11

387 613 579 085 400 923 336 651 736 039 068 692 288 509 858 671 629 060 695 379 892 962 923 375 483 955 104 862 213 978 420 588 981 7 726 7 569 5 043 5 981 19 658 14 754 4 904 1 193 4 687 12 B36 25 147

42 259 6 345 147 3 855 9 356 229 35 909 337 155 205 869 4 B25 6 445 371 970 194 1 319 202 373 1 063 1 922 1 051 970 562 1 877 2 626 241 1 069 375 1 163 77 648 266 501 533 2 007 1 720 287 94 524 465 2 434

13 969 524 54 1 130 3 175 79 5 342 116 63 48 358 1 361 237 194 372 77 421 76 198 202 715 416 462 294 632 1 015 122 502 192 410 13 281 100 167 274 811 694 117 51 265 229 1 161

14 858 1 226 53 1 470 3 760 72 2 381 118 61 118 292 2 066 6 159 113 372 90 517 99 123 457 706 409 357 198 795 1 028 82 403 109 410 12 223 84 214 141 725 610 115 23 175 148 821

203 40 163

6 039

5 753


796 214 582

283 37 246

277 45 232

133 24 109

4 160 235 3 925

533 181 352

166 37 129

194 35 159

EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Totol ______________ ---- ____ -- __ -- ______ -- -- Aqriculture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------


Monulactu ring ____ -- __ ---- ____________ ------ ________ _ Furniture and lumber and woad products ______________ _ Primary metal industries ---------------------------fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except olectricoL ______________________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, ond supplies _________ _Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products-------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Roilroods and railway express service ------------------ -


Trucking servtce and warehausing---------------------- -

g~~~~n~~~~~~~t~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -Utilities and sanitary services ________ ---- ---- __ ------- -


Wholesale trade ____ ------------ __ ---- __ ---- __ ------Food, bakery, and dairy stores -----------------------Eating and drinking places---------------------------General merchandise retailing __________________ ------- -Motor vehicles retailing and service stations ____________ _Other retail trade----------------------------------- Banking and credit agencies •• __________ ------ __ ------- Insurance, real estate, and other finance---------------- -

~~~~j~5:e;~ic~~e~-== :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :::::::: :::::::--

Private households __ -- -- ______________ ------ _______ _ Other persanal services------------------------------ Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals -- -- - -except -- -- ------- -- _____________________ - . -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- --_Health services, hospitals_ Elementary and secondary schools ond colleges---------- Government -- ---- -------- ______ ---- ------ -------Private __________ ---- ____________ ------ ___ ----- __ Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership org

Male ------ ---------- ____ ------------------

A~r[culture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------


Mining __ -- -- - - -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- -- -- ---- Construction __ -- -- -- ---- ____________ ------ __ ------ _Manufacturing ______ -------- ________ ---------------- Furniture and lumber and wood products _____________ _ Primary metal industries __________ -------- --------- fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical. _______________ --------_ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other transparlatian equipment ____ _Other durable goods ________________ ------ --------- Food and kindred products_ ________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service _________________ _ Trucking service -0nd warehousing __________ -------- ___ _Other transportation ______________ ---- ________ ------Communications ____________________ -------- _______ _ Utiltties and sanitary services __________ --------------- Wholesale trade ______ ---- ____________ ------ __ ------_ Food, bakery, ond dairy stores------------------------ Eating and drinking places ______________ -------- _____ _ General merchandise retailing ____________ ------ ------ _Motor vehicles retailing and service stations_., __________ _-Other retail trade----------------------------------Banking ond credit agencies--------------------------lns~rance, re~I es.late, and olher finance---------------- -





~~~~j~ssse::rc~~e~_:: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :::::: :::::: :::: :: : --

Private households -- ------ ------ __ ------ ____ -------- Of her personal services ______ ------ ____ ---------- ___ _Entertainment and recreation services _____ Hospitals ______ -------- __ ------ ------ ______ ---- ---Health services, except hos pi to ls_ _______________ ------- Elementary and secondary schools ond colleges ---------- Government _____ Private ________ ------ ________________ ------ _____ _Other education ond kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Leiol, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Pu lie adm inistrotion ________________ ------------ ----- M _____ M _____ M


M ________ - - - - - - - - - - ______ - - - - ___ _

31 072 475 85 1 585 8 756 147 419 2 070


743 1 083 I 447 215 325 412 173 950 106 336 265 770 621 983 810 1 025 835 749 1 407 513 822 462 492 336 963 345 1 702 724 3 043 2 432 611 133 606 624 1 499




232 1 031 6 985 59 639 440 l 349 209 1 495 353 B25 1 283 2 600 1 550 2 169 1 597 2 109 4 193 834 1 600 770 1 343 968 1 771 418 2 365 1 728 4 991 4 209 782 270 1 202 1 204 3 384



Male ---- -------------- __ ---------- -------Agriculture __________ ---- ______ --------------------_ Nonagriculture industries ________ ------ --------------- 6- 528 CALIFORNIA



Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based on somple, see text. For mooning of symbols see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Oxnard-Ventura



Ventura (San Total



Urban balance


18 662 189 26 l 360 6 299 68 36 421 865 l 687 l 853 467 120 66 352 105 259 26 212 195 358 297 664 681 551 565 385 916 221 601 423 280 50 362 252 576 277 l 503 l 293 210 26 99 340 928

22 313 398 899 l 547 2 235 40 52 97 267 256 225 239 262 73 292 119 313 25 200 158 325 405 847 543 l 113 870 663 l 382 424 863 555 270 226 567 243 740 729 l 820 l 563 257 144 467 666 2 989

SS 391 3 137 941 4 056 9 951 101 108 751 l 223 2 107 l 920 793 570 319 608 262 l 189 68 564 809 787 744 2 874 l 260 1 699 l 556 I 419 2 683 782 l 552 l 265 820 722 l 324 764 2 236 l 199 4 535 3 537 998 207 674 l 361 5 402

287 248 8 609 447 17 733 26 282 l 654 352 l 563 l 090 508 4 251 2 778 5 896 351 3 945 l 039 2 855 5 081 3 283 2 670 5 813 6 099 11 119 6 622 10 127 7 919 7 590 16 416 4 039 10 532 4 479 4 503 3 982 9 1B7 2 877 9 586 6 559 28 205 24 829 3 376 l 899 5 521 7 185 52 884

36 173 272 42 2 003 2 735 13B 4 120 161 95 406 308 321 30 696 145 311 261 238 181 l 131 575 l 761 790 987 l 251 943 2 210 628 2 162 700 420 292 l 059 424 l 121 l 273 3 937 3 455 482 282 780 l 099 6 616

14 036

216 131 223 141 598 493 105 25 163 277 2 886

12 724 149 26 l 314 4 734 59 31 393 549 l 086 1 592 385 110 20 244 85 180 22 197 175 243 257 449 432 278 204 357 578 69 384 315 269 8 170 161 139 56 665 570 95 4 69 173 827

168 114 202 20 195 122 148 332 628 389 502 352 596 780 138 524 367 241 27 208 136 142 222 737 640 97 64 232 402 2 252

36 124 2 535 909 3 852 7 373 80 88 609 913 l 439 l 662 621 382 61 400 224 894 68 529 739 490 638 1 927 888 683 540 l 327 l 392 230 l 001 976 722 122 523 537 616 416 l 804 1 429 375 62 285 806 4 134

176 710 7 417 432 16 177 21 081 l 524 344 l 445 988 412 3 669 2 372 4 495 153 2 752 869 2 058 4 859 3 022 l 986 2 713 5 070 8 858 4 9BS 5 129 2 418 6 900 9 254 l 415 6 345 2 613 3 955 446 3 174 1 739 2 110 2 178 12 461 11 412 1 049 694 2 292 3 494 33 493

266 42 224

179 31 148

212 18 194

711 110 601

3 057 300 2 757


Simi Valley

901 568 227 936 391 276 342 624 873 896 555 899 823 626 431 688 358 193 308 519 062 948 354 20B 422 934 476 632 948 779 937 BBS 242 080 593 856 786 335 344 991 486 619 173 001

24 953 2 567 114 l 320 3 523 53 132 248 408 648 277 230 734 IOI B2 133 477 67 218 226 449 312 1 304 519 889 737 713 l 223 418 507 542 356 121 596 179 I 033 370 l 592 l 309 283 62 312 578 4 106

852 015 106 499 982 222 272 340 131 240 918 435 221

15 592 2 003 110 l 262 2 218 44 91 184 336 372 22B 136 411 16 45 74 281 67 196 207 255 282 785 388 429 308 655 724 143 234 336 330

ArdenArcade (U) Sacramento

Urban balance



94 479 l 402 46 5 367 8 392 509 103 466 270 125 497 794 2 752 150 l 504 282 940 1 828 932 964 l 682 2 161 3 795 2 422 3 425 2 748 2 108 5 875 l 294 3 352 l SIB 1 616 l 511 3 249 846 3 083 2 084 6 488 5 634 854 806 2 201 2 521 20 763

124 269 2 444 191 7 639 12 423 559 202 831 504 256 2 934 l 466 2 191 139 l 527 518 l 296 2 572 l 639 l 174 2 488 2 588 4 835 2 743 4 651 3 467 3 537 6 663 l 801 4 245 2 018 l 900 l 599 3 503 l 157 4 049 2 612 14 761 13 172 l 589 706 2 117 2 881 21 866

77 690 10 020 507 3 935 7 969 374 116 130 228 243 248 715 3 075 20B 658 218 l 756 214 760 681 l 241 l 101 3 6B2 l 890 3 693 2 155 2 299 5 321 1 062 2 284 1 113 l 079 l 520 3 975 914 2 065 2 018 6 369 s 337 l 032 545 1 240 I 920 6 118

8 299 252 37 360 480 15

21 441 215 42 l 742 2 134 111 4 110 151 75 336 243 274 25 468 124 213 235 210 127 550 445 l 391 571 637 477 832 l 200 264 l 295 385 363 72 379 240 197 594 l 465 l 346 119 129 310 598 4 342

SS 775

77 500

41 4 814 6 377 466 103 443 239 9B 425 670 l 962 4B l 075 225 623 l 760 861 810 672 l 781 2 871 l 891 1 938 753 l 938 3 229 414 l 920 797 l 448 127 l 157 580 670 619 2 486 2 262 224 293 813 l 266 12 274

I 985 186 7 029 10 299 514 198 760 456 225 2 541 l 279 l 748 70 1 075 451 982 2 461 l 520 825 l 199 2 164 3 941 2 023 2 130 l 032 3 212 3 749 624 2 594 l 261 l 652 157 l 120 639 B44 823 7 113 6 557 556 230 944 l 324 14 420

47 171 7 986 475 3 741 5 43B 309 51 105 199 202 214 595 I 727 62 382 179 l 413 204 657 467 620 l 009 2 645 l 242 l 711 616 2 055 2 879 373 l 377 714 963 305 l 326 549 386 593 2 655 2 281 374 219 62'1 l 045 4 292

4 514 225 28 346 294 15

405 29 376

872 57 815

l 387 85 l 302

1 159 278 881


826 230 596



Aqr!cultur!~'~reslrv~-ariciiisiierie_s_:=:=:=:=:=:::===:=::: Mining -- __ -- -- -- -- ---- __________ ------ ______ ------ -

Construction ______ ---- -- ____________________ ------- Manufacturing---- __ ---- __________ ---------- __ ------ Furniture and lumber and wood products _____________ _ Primary metal industries --------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electricoL. __________ -------- ____ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehiclesgoads and other transportation equipment -----_ other durable ______________________________ Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products-------- Printi~g. publish\n~, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and olhe products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. ir.dus.) __ Railroads and railway express service __________ ---- ___ _Trucking service and warehousing ________________ ------ Other transportation ________________________________ _ Communica lions ___________________________________ _ Utilities and sanitary services ________________________ _Wholesale trade ________________________ -------- ____ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores _______________________ _ Eating and drinking places ___________________________ _ General merchandise retailing __________________ ------ _Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------Other retail Banking and trade credit----------------------------------agencies ______________ -------- ____ _-


--lns~ronce, re~I estate, and other finance---------------- -

131 8 2 8 23 l 2 4 4 l I l 2 1 1 2 1 6 3 4 3 3 6 l

~~;~1~5ie~~Jcv~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :: :::::-

3 2 I




Private households ______________________ ---- _______ _ Other personal services _____________________________ _Hospitals __________ -- -- __________ ---- __ -- ________ -- Heollh services, except hospitals. _____ -- __ -- __________ _ Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government __ -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- Private -- ____ .. __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Entertainment and recreation services ------------------

Other education and kindred services __ -- __________ ---- - Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services Public administration ________________________________ _



Mole ______ -- -- __________ -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---Aqr!culture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------- Mining ____________ ---- ________ -- -- ____ -- __ -- ---- -Construction __________ -- __________ ---- -- __________ _ Manufacturing ________ -- ____ -- __ -- ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- Furniture and lumber and wood products_ ____________ _ Primary metal industries--------------------------- fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical-- ______ -- __ -- __ ---- ____ _Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products-------------------------- Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goads (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service -- -- -- -- __ -- -- ---- Trucking service and warehousing __ -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -




:= ::: :: =:::=: :: :::: :: :=:::::::: Utilities and sanitary services __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --Wholesale trade •• -- __ -- __ -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- ----- Food, bakery, and dairy stores __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing __ -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- --- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------Other retail trode ----------------------------------Banking and credit agencies_. -- -- -- -- ---- ------ -- -- --- lns~rance, re~I estate, and other finance----------------

:~~61~5s5e;:{c~~e~- :: :: :::: :::: :: :: :::: :::::::::: :::::-Private households ____ -- __ -- -- -- -- ------ ---- ---- ---- Other personal services __ ---- ---- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- Enter)alnment and recreotion services ------------------ Hospitals ______________ ---- __ ---- ---- ---- ------ -- -- Health services, except hospitals-. -- ---- -- -- -- --------- Elementary and secondary schools ond colleges---------- Government __________ ---- -- -- -- ---- -~ -- -- ---- -- -- Private __________________ ------ ------ -- -- ---- -- -- Other education ond kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizat,ions ~~1~i~ ~d~\':i;\~ci\io~~~ -~ ~:~~~~:~~~ ~~~~:~s~~~~ ~~:~~~:~: -



4 2 10 0


l 3 14 85 7 2 8 16 l 2 3 3 l l


925 552 l 625 184 l 225 l 360 l 240 l 676 4 232 2 239 l 961 l 448 3 191 3 750 611 2 313 2 100 l 716 177 l 214 I 052 l 190 917 4 231 3 417 814 163 769 l 784 10 507


310 823 l 469 1 678 25 52 66 243 195 206 184 219 4

I 175


4 17 48 31 62 96 3B 116 6 47


43 112 lBO 121 208 241 575 294 203 680 160 326 121 131 184 678 159 250 342 975 814 161 B7 115 206 779


4 17 35 31 33 57 11 81 6 4


39 7B 68 115 16B 162 2B2 75 188 320 4B 204 61 121 49 263 100 45 125 379 337 42 42 57 103 529

EMPLOYED PERSONS 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD Total __________ ---- ---- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- Agriculture ____________________ -- -- -- -- -----------Nonogriculture industries -- -- -- -- -------- -------- ----- -

-Mole ________ -- ---- -- ---------- ---- ---- ---- Agriculture---- ______ ---- ______ -- ---- -- -------- ---- -Nonogriculture industries -- __ -- ---------- ------------


l 494 255 1 239 1 041 193 848

173 20 153


123 27 96

161 18 143

486 79 407

2 282 277 2 005

296 29 267

693 44 649

977 BO 897






Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning cf symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More {or Central Cities} Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Solinas-Monterey-Con.

EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Total _____________________________________ _ A~rlculture, forestry, and fisheries ___________________ _ Mming ------------ ---------------------------- ___ _ Construction ____ ---------- __ -------- -------------- _ Manufacturing __ -------------- -------- ------ ------ _ Furniture end lumber end wood products ------------Primary metal industries--------------------------Fabricated metal Industries (lncludlng not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical -----------------------Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ________ _ Motor vehicles end other tronspcrtoticn equipment ___ _Other durable gcod•------ ____ ---- ---- ------------ Food and kindred products-----------------------Textile mill and other fobricoted textile products ------ Printing, publishing, and allied Industries------------Chemical end allied products_ ______________ ·------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. Indus.) Railroads and railway express service ________________ _ Trucking service end warehousing -------------------Other transportation ____________________ ----------Communications ______ ---- ________ ---- __ ----------Utilities end sanitary services-----------------------Wholesale trade -- ____ ---- ______ ------------------- Food, bakery, end dairy stores_ _____________________ _ Eating and drinking places __________________________ _ General merchandise retailing------------------------ Motor vehicles retailing and service stations ___________ _ Other retail trade ____ ---------- -------------------Banking and credit agencies ------------------------Insurance, real estate, and other finance ______________ _-





~~:~~s;e ~[;':~~·- == == ==== == ==== ==== ==== ::::=: :: :: == -


Private households ---------- ---------------- ------Other personal services----------------------------- Enter1ainme-nt and recreation services ----------------- -

~~~ft~"!~ r-Vices,-;;;;p1· hospiiols· == :: ==== == :: :: ==== :: =---

Elementary and secondary schools end colleges--------- Government __ ---------------- __ -------------- __ _ Private ____ -- ---- -------------- ------ -------- -- - Other education and kindred services------------------ Welfore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services Public odministrotion ------------------------------- -


Mal•------------------------------------Aqriculture, forestry, and fisheries_ __________________ _ Mming __ ------ ---- ________ ----------------------Construction ____ ---------- -------- ---------------- Monufocturlng -- ---------- __ ------ ---------------- Furniture and lumber and wood products -----------Primary metal industries-------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ----------------------- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ________ _Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ___ _Other durable goods ____________ -------· •• --------


Food and kindred products -----------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products ------ Printing, publishing, and allied industries ____________ _Chemical and allied products ______________________ _ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. Indus.) Railroads and railway express service ________________ _-Trucking service ond warehousing -------------------- Other transportation ------ ________ ------ -------- __ _Communications ____ ------ ____ ------ -------------- _Utilities ond sanitary services-----------------------Wholesale trade ____ -------------------- __Food, bakery, and---------dairy stores ______________________

Eating and drinking ploces--------------------------- Generol merchandise retelling------------------------ Motor vehicles retailing and service stations ___________ _Other retail trade---------------------------------- Banking and credit agencies------------------------- estate, end other finance ______________ _ Business services ______ ---- -------- -------- ------ __ Repair services -- ---- -- •• ---------- -------- -------- Prtvote households ________ ---------- ____ ---- ______ _ Other personal service•----------------------------- Entertoinment ond recreation services----------------- ~~~r.i~o~!,:-;;~es,-ex;.-pt-hospiiols-:: :: ==== :: :::: :::::::Elementary and secondary schools and colleges--------- -Govern menL _____ ------ ______ --- ________ • -- -- •• _ Private---- __ ----------------------------------_ Other education and kindred services__ -- -- ------ ---- __ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ~~i~i~ ~~~~~i~~~a~lo~n~-~'.~:e~l~~~~~~-~r~!~~~i~~~'. ~~~~i:~~ lns~ronce, re~I

El Cajon

Son Diego (urban port)

Urban bolonce

19 260 200 20 1 974 3 321 97 58 688 239 374 939 336 135 113 212 49 81 4 171 232 366 331 693 698 703 715 841 1 217 395 719 335 396 146 741 198 647 653 1 495 1 304 191 87 265 479 1 218

227 203 3 198 185 11 401 40 292 637 129 0 255 2 890 4 982 12 041 3 110 1 651 1 635 2 990 634 1 33B 177 1 210 3 555 3 962 3 285 7 435 4 934 9 783 7 192 4 948 13 648 4 396 9 259 5 529 3 616 3 525 10 601 3 355 7 986 6 638 21 485 17 743 3 742 1 531 4 448 9 169 20 460

135 720 3 715 205 11 268 23 130 617 152 2 897 1 852 3 627 6 750 2 255 1 065 933 1 724 293 965 81 1 179 1 735 2 388 2 374 4 548 3 571 5 650 4 909 4 470 8 488 2 160 4 751 2 432 2 353 1 815 5 412 1 951 3 687 3 841 11 705 9 901 1 804 646 2 335 3 429 11 492

270 132 180 2 564 187 144 45 101 56 108 11 116 279 148 173 504 445 350 402 446 680 106 478 175 260 43 358 193 76 181 700 619 81 85 163 184 2 075

12 477 165 20 1 872 2 700 81 53 567 200 272 840 294 127 56 113 49 48 4 151 189 182 286 569 486 331 252 726 784 132 405 208 346 6 182 159 127 154 666 579 87 28 129 245 973

136 345 2 766 154 10 529 30 652 551 113 6 695 2 026 3 142 10 553 2 481 1 276 384 2 109 514 808 164 1 067 2 803 1 873 2 749 5 527 3 521 4 873 2 518 4 444 7 325 1 646 5 341 3 145 3 030 530 4 158 2 037 1 861 2 123 0 977 7 569 1 408 621 2 060 4 955 14 896

84 749 2 828 199 10 551 17 264 530 121 2 465 1 254 2 218 5 935 1 774 847 124 1 131 234 631 81 1 080 1 415 1 250 2 063 3 514 2 491 2 605 1 663 3 941 4 462 674 2 987 1 466 2 094 384 1 864 1 184 690 1 036 5 072 4 437 635 246 1 229 1 787 0 629

4 949 309 4 640

216 17 199

168 29 139

2 265 84 2 181

1 878 100 1 778

3 495 241 3 254

182 17 165

136 23 113

1 618 79 1 539

1 272 59 1 213

Chula Vista

Urban balance


34 299 554 90 2 245 4 191 109 976 383 214 167 301 586 425 190 406 124 310 1 091 206 173 545 719 1 182 1 000 1 463 1 448 865 2 166 549 1 273 740 632 488 1 268 278 1 835 705 2 603 2 232 371 128 1 003 929 3 930

214 605 8 123 1 156 15 210 40 153 1 150 6 883 5 305 2 093 3 016 6 441 6 120 2 217 1 009 1 759 1 497 2 663 3 229 2 644 1 708 4 604 4 374 7 209 5 855 8 886 6 045 6 485 13 094 3 105 6 133 3 693 4 171 2 910 8 453 2 566 8 238 4 683 18 389 14 480 3 909 772 3 142 4 635 14 940

430 495 10 209 533 28 279 75 464 1 569 385 12 72B 5 538 9 853 23 521 6 357 3 265 2 994 5 370 1 124 2 760 307 2 914 6 244 7 442 6 664 14 259 10 396 17 773 14 351 11 384 26 224 7 776 16 480 9 009 7 027 6 117 18 549 6 197 13 353 12 408 38 814 32 492 6 322 2 594 7 754 14 343 37 631

22 006 212 41 1 169 4 939 130

31 733 1 038 71 2 435 7 301 139 1 074 535 490 608 2 031 806 409 83 528 176 422 88 291 223 375 543 1 548 898 765 542 1 250 1 516 412 1 272 659 703 112 459 274 491 453 3 477 2 769 708 78 501 701 3 257

20 636 494 85 2 037 3 163 91 926 299 162 116 267 449 297 9 284 79 184 1 062 185 167 331 580 955 664 697 507 804 1 137 149 750 456 571 62 360 170 550 253 919 834 85 33 425 348 2 722

136 489 6 610 1 097 14 319 31 994 983 6 369 4 358 1 719 1 848 5 617 5 075 1 606 198 1 157 1 191 1 873 3 050 2 410 1 169 2 815 3 778 5 482 3 945 3 669 1 875 5 754 7 111 912 3 757 2 366 3 678 447 3 304 1 639 1 684 1 312 7 608 6 069 1 539 139 1 718 2 178 10 669

265 415 0 421 488 26 418 57 418 1 329 327 10 478 3 938 6 252 20 588 5 048 2 569 630 3 628 922 1 709 290 2 604 4 962 3 683 5 635 10 846 7 305 0 547 5 046 10 093 14 151 2 692 9 911 5 321 6 051 1 064 7 001 3 877 2 8B5 3 736 16 551 14 175 2 376 1 038 3 765 7 687 27 929

13 858 197 37 1 096 3 897 110

229 6 223

733 32 701

236 17 219

2 321 194 2 127

139 6 133

515 32 483

160 17 143

1 667 152 1 515

Son Riverside Bernordino


Urban bolonce

Toto I


22 830 2 737 17 1 054 3 569 217 53 72 72 93 92 212 1 518 16 136 129 959 64 309 178 426 361 1 534 582 899 595 747 1 501 330 591 321 313 281 630 191 732 575 1 694 1 479 215 54 388 503 1 654

31 049 2 678 186 1 582 2 316 84 20 12 78 74 60 241 714 140 345 64 484 38 229 302 492 413 1 176 827 1 819 I 039 973 2 280 467 997 492 435 807 2 162 472 821 797 2 736 2 209 527 351 513 854 2 795

375 023 18 359 2 639 25 350 66 600 1 764 10 420 0 068 3 626 5 623 11 365 9 754 4 023 1 879 3 335 2 245 4 498 5 007 3 992 2 825 7 227 7 492 12 708 10 069 15 043 10 503 11 005 21 702 5 584 10 958 6 415 6 933 5 349 14 336 4 188 14 010 8 253 34 232 27 335 6 897 1 419 6 152 8 611 28 062

23 435 643 57 1 392 7 367 164 688 1 276 371 1 053 1 134 834 546 256 197 206 642 83 265 293 375 398 814 627 847 632 615 1 275 384 453 283 430 308 691 143 641 504 1 718 1 428 290 101 367 535 1 194

51 627 1 156 76 2 605 9 206 149 1 235 635 627 944 2 397 937 555 304 632 230 561 92 313 323 745 631 2 044 1 241 1 697 1 530 1 391 2 666 1 002 1 969 1 056 809 692 1 225 473 2 068 1 455 7 954 6 180 1 774 230 1 069 1 381 4 528

14 254 1 996 17 1 013 2 571 162 22 61 66 87 86 193 855

17 601

238 020 15 260 2 521 23 805 52 539 1 531 9 615 6 637 2 914 3 396 9 836 8 128 2 984 365 2 334 1 767 3 032 4 776 3 674 1 993 4 379 6 396 9 677 6 797 6 280 3 344 9 818 11 790 1 746 6 694 4 167 6 101 895 5 564 2 668 3 051 2 447 14 204 11 509 2 695 310 3 111 3 985 20 028

15 042

93 113 833 59 257 142 204 340 1 088 400 465 191 685 938 111 369 234 291 40 188 92 126 142 643 587 56 16 200 282 1 154

2 098 168 1 507 1 497 79 4 12 59 57 43 173 416 51 178 41 384 33 193 212 263 384 795 539 782 298 860 1 095 180 577 282 360 156 698 296 173 202 1 161 944 217 141 214 433 2 004

543 57 1 290 5 478 148 652 1 028 261 586 977 664 457 47 134 159 365 79 250 206 208 372 663 427 327 211 547 714 103 239 211 369 65 270 107 114 82 749 644 105 23 159 240 939

334 106 228

471 92 379

4 248 454 3 794

228 79 149

344 75 269

3 034 369 2 665


Son Diego

Son Bernardino-Riverside-Ontario


336 136 269 3 028 241 189 224 169 65 152 15 140 348 376 208 658 632 777 968 554 1 305 462 737 278 290 225 859 285 509 607 1 804 1 560 244 160 314 433 2 701



Total ____ --------____ --------------------_ -Male_.·--·------ __ ----------------------- Agriculturo ____ ---- •• ------ ----------------------- Nonogriculture industries ________ -------- ________ -- __ Agriculture ____ ---------- __ ---------- ------------Nona griculture industries ______ -- ---- ---- __ ---- ---- __



Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas- Con. Son Froncisco...Ooklond

Fremont (urban port)

Hayward (urban port)


Redwood City


Son Francisco

San Leandro

193 199 498 289 612 253 581 221 360 268 659 1 154 1 022 633 l BBS 862 1 064 l 009 551 2 139 l 209 l 785 734 680 128 955 324 l 036 566 1 389 1 165 224 101 489 756 2 278

36 546 525 56 2 371 10 630 249 695 1 296 806 1 748 2 218 971 792 79 440 565 771 265 778 1 002 503 643 l 908 948 l 126 l 33B 887 l 789 619 l 035 774 471 179 597 309 818 713 3 079 2 696 383 116 2B4 829 1 954

36 615 217 20 2 297 9 145 267 601 1 194 1 140 679 1 221 1 007 1 425 43 498 260 810 298 1 020 1 135 728 712 2 063 887 l 183 l 252 913 2 004 637 1 289 808 730 207 688 277 1 278 635 2 527 2 139 388 146 405 736 2 378

139 133 1 417 265 7 019 22 274 487 1 262 2 086 2 104 l 033 2 580 3 108 3 108 830 1 770 969 2 937 1 449 2 102 4 038 2 967 2 878 6 316 3 086 4 122 3 606 2 133 8 368 2 530 6 521 3 334 2 469 2 561 5 562 1 366 5 445 3 867 9 708 7 726 1 982 674 3 340 6 014 13 702

25 895 317 21 1 625 6 564 126 309 410 551 2 786 232 666 252 92 504 244 392 156 249 l 240 552 354 l 290 545 1 063 573 568 l 528 423 888 737 470 292 787 195 1 034 523 1 449 1 069 380 117 250 695 l 390

29 788 236 110 2 225 6 375 84 323 558 389 329 770 641 511 64 378 462 1 866 368 524 950 480 704 1 333 689 706 657 676 l 576 493 987 546 512 597 986 199 1 070 671 2 232 1 997 235 131 493 752 2 510

318 311 1 855 627 12 189 37 341 1 174 795 2 9B6 1 865 l 633 3 570 2 887 4 793 6 183 5 988 1 138 4 329 2 515 3 366 14 947 7 301 6 309 15 477 6 2B5 14 035 7 582 3 137 18 306 13 351 23 789 10 415 5 240 4 878 15 468 3 872 16 449 7 244 17 218 13 093 4 125 l 834 7 489 14 480 25 312

29 660 269 51 1 535 7 412 338 263 811 1 545 447 554 704 1 476 57 432 228 557 363 1 114 634 538 505 2 071 926 853 l 112 632 l 508 639 l 084 629 544 173 837 230 627 566 1 476 1 207 269 100 359 597 2 276

192 210 194 162 1 134 1 051 83 37 159 446 1 906

17 582 172 11 1 585 2 721 121 59 300 170 130 432 251 391 76 444 149 198 198 579 933 407 543 l 314 630 615 314 530 l 097 310 875 471 541 22 367 241 250 163 540 479 61 38 202 311 1 602

24 656 386 50 2 224 8 127 168 647 l 094 638 820 2 048 773 537 37 310 450 605 239 764 909 263 552 l 611 722 537 453 801 900 220 644 497 441 38 239 212 134 173 1 330 1 166 164 22 165 417 1 586

23 SOB 135 20 2 169 7 050 201 554 985 866 422 1 126 717 989 18 401 191 580 284 908 996 355 618 1 596 640 557 355 776 1 010 152 622 519 660 24 206 214 178 111 l 060 893 167 45 1B6 355 l 707

Bl 467 1 104 195 6 501 16 856 404 1 073 1 745 l 734 711 2 408 2 340 2 262 218 1 208 719 2 034 1 285 l 851 3 428 l 062 2 408 4 700 2 152 2 328 l 197 1 901 4 374 807 2 873 l 987 2 020 244 1 992 920 1 248 1 135 3 471 2 815 656 231 1 543 2 929 8 725

15 767 275 21 1 533 4 519 111 182 361 476 l 592 218 496 182 37 388 171 305 127 208 1 054 280 286 974 345 477 242 514 787 108 459 418 373 63 258 118 168 148 588 440 148 38 99 339 948

18 353 167 86 2 083 5 167 74 299 488 316 168 752 513 353 15 264 347 1 578 309 427 855 133 596 963 403 342 206 616 850 126 438 306 436 39 304 114 159 152 829 720 109 42 224 313 1 668

175 719 l 367 365 10 460 24 039 939 634 2 369 1 527 1 257 3 337 2 171 3 176 l 266 4 078 712 2 573 1 791 2 916 11 284 2 432 4 861 10 097 4 441 9 394 2 411 2 673 9 722 5 024 10 566 5 515 4 121 615 7 520 2 662 4 977 2 730 6 193 4 711 1 482 898 3 37B 7 344 15 923

18 701 217 29 1 332 5 144 190 217 690 l 055 293 497 510 878 16 262 176 360 332 990 469 240 448 l 543 681 450 316 526 838 235 516 359 451 13 320 89 126 244 591 485 106 20 140 292 l 750


10 356

465 21 444

273 4 269

292 13 279

307 9 298

964 38 926

240 4 236

254 20 234

1 621 44 1 577

197 4 193

215 10 205

344 14 330

180 4 176

214 13 201

228 9 219

641 33 608

160 4 156

205 16 189

l 192 44 l 148

151 4 147





Daly City

Total ____ -------------- -------------------- - l 267 643 13 602 forestry, and fisheries--------------------2 666 ~~~~~~uction·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 68 210 211 280 Manufacturing---__ -------------------------------Furniture and lumtler and wood products. ____________ _5 082 10 645 Primary metal industries --------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) 19 751 17 065 Machinery, except electrical •• ------ __ --------------- 22 365 Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ---------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- 19 584 21 195 Other durable goods------------------------------23 486 Food and kindred products-------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products. ______ _9 537 22 059 Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- 11 745 Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. ir.dus.) __ 28 766 9 179 Railroads service and railway express service ------------------_ Trucking and warehousing _____________________ 18 563 47 918 g~~~~~~~ri~~t;t'.~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-- 26 975 24 767 Ulilities and sanitary services------------------------Wholesale trade __________________ ------------------- 64 788 27 732 Food, bakerJ,, and dairy stores ------------------------ 42 040 Eating and rinking places---------------------------33 385 General merchandise retailing ------------------------- 22 972 Motor vehicles retailing and service stotians------------- 72 416 Other retail trade ----------------------------------- 33 624 Banking and credit agencies ... ------------------------ 67 221 lns~rance, re~I estate, and other finance---------------35 843 :~~~~s:e;:fc'~~e~22 135 17 133 Private households __ ---- ------ ---- -------- ---------42 131 Other personal services ------------------------------ 13 605 Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __________ ------ ________ ---------- -------- 47 932 Health services, except hospitals ________ --------------- 31 742 95 583 Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- 77 510 Government __________ -------------------- __ ------ 18 073 Private ____ ---- __ ---- -- __ ------ -------------- ---- 6 541 Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations 23 048 Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services __ 52 158 Public administration. _____________ ------------------- 92 454

24 520 206 55 996 3 796 57 200 413 411 167 433 479 516 119 403 155 443 211 521 1 048 686 433 l 421 534 866 764 436 l 552 822 1 348 515 402 203 654 302 623 673 1 163 991 172 69 444 668 3 109

50 562 602 89 1 374 4 895 90 256 251 326 267 473 608 341 135 717 545 886 175 229 922 686 687 l 011 649 l 1B6 714 491 2 534 764 1 984 1 314 485 1 299 1 375 592 1 627 1 819 12 985 11 100 1 885 583 1 469 4 288 3 734

32 774 300 111 2 665 5 628 53 342 473 281 720 377 463 379 66 527 623 1 324 199 540 606 958 916 l 429 l 059 985 l 356 l 029 l 753 748 l 279 677 576 325 724 331 1 285 718 2 668 2 403 265 146 368 855 2 540

29 494 190 20 1 739 3 869 160 63

236 798 108 114 671 878 145 404 704 832 004 128 482 713 517 924 940 513 380 436 992 527 421 304 622 334 491 560 746 331 817 435 561 366 970 238 343 978 967 011 431 467 134 148

13 988 174 42 861 2 844 18 118 348 356 139 389 366 310 50 257 112 381 172 438 730 275 362 961 340 380 189 393 768 274 499 301 317 26 209 185 79 172 417 356 61 19 155 331 2 075

28 035 473 60 l 254 3 561 73 214 207 268 206 448 482 247 39 416 340 621 157 190 713 176 556 703 428 656 283 431 l 348 267 1 029 836 412 213 553 372 400 737 6 594 5 600 994 183 588 2 576 2 286

21 272 245 101 2 507 4 660 53 303 434 238 378 331 388 323 39 402 553 l 218 171 487 489 580 848 1 182 735 447 392 868 939 332 799 463 533

Agricultur~·~~~=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Nonogriculture ind us tries ________________________ ---- __

10 677 467 10 210

201 11 190


7 785 406 7 379

158 11 147






:::::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::-

M~ - -- -- --- ---- - --- - ------------ ---


Awiculture. forestry, and fisheries--------------------Mining -- -- -- __ ---- ------ __ ---- __ -- -- ------------ -- Construction ________ ------ ------ __ ------------ ---- -Manufacturing ______ ---- -- ------ __ ------ -----------Furniture and lumber and woad products. ____________ _ Primary metal industries ---------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical .... ____ ----------------- Electrical machinery. equipment, and supplies __ -- ------ Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----Other durable goods-------------------------------Food and kindred products..------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products. _______ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries --------------Chemical and allied products------------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. Indus.) ••• Railroads service and railway express service ------------------·_ Trucking and warehousing ______________________ Other transportation __ ---- ____ -----------------------Communications ______________ ------ -------- --------Utilities and sanitary services -------------------------Wholesale trade .• -- __ -------- ---- -- -- ---------- ---- -Food, bakery, and dairy stares ____ ---· ---- ---- ------ --Eating and drinking places------------------------"---General merchandise retailing ________ ---- __ ---- __ -----Motor vehicles retailing and service stations-------------Other Bankingretail and trade credit-----------------------------------agencies ___________________________ _ lns~rance, re~I estate, and other finance-----------------

~~~~j~~e~!~~;e~_:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :::: ::

Private households __ -------- ____ ------ --------------Other personal services ------------------------------Entertainment and recreation services -------------------


Elementary ond secondary schools and colleges ----------Government __ ---- ________ .. .., ____ ------------------Private ------ __ -------------- ---------------- ----Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations _ Le~al, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services __ Pu lie administration .• -------- __ ----------------------

770 10 2 62 156 3 9 16 13 13 18 16 16 2 15 8 21 7 16 37 11 20 47 19 23 10 20 38 12 35 21 18 2 17 8 12


38 31 7 2 10

29 63




Nonogrlculture industries ---------------- --------------



Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Son Froncisco-Oaklond- Con.

Santo Barbara

San Jase

Mounloin View

Polo Alto (urban port)

San Jose (urban part)

Sonia Clora


Urban balance

Santo Barbara

Urban balance

980 092 453 964 7B6 135 146 883 589 507 918 377 327 95 076 165 568 131 730 739 717 391 260 152 795 158 559 389 539 444 656 355 137 896 973 054 474 446 487 959 621 509 124 436

28 303 804 47 1 417 2 675 38 30 97 173 1 131 135 424 135 23 333 38 118 8 159 235 540 500 985 537 1 1B3 617 B55 2 213 534 1 271 1 150 469 996 1 550 269 1 398 981 2 991 2 360 631 220 611 1 487 1 601

54 999 2 395 1 167 2 924 B 044 93 100 1 544 373 2 189 728 718 1 094 55 634 122 394 108 461 380 I 072 756 I 882 l 319 2 104 1 418 I 457 3 491 887 l 649 2 140 759 731 2 002 604 1 444 1 197 7 207 6 150 1 057 311 770 2 160 4 160

73 507 l 749 116 6 224 24 364 314 321 5 284 3 447 6 476 2 303 2 036 1 580 148 1 070 451 934 3B8 l 125 1 725 943 1 100 3 261 1 560 1 801 732 2 362 3 365 619 2 758 2 122 1 330 301 1 063 537 803 1 340 5 250 3 357 1 B93 213 740 2 141 3 475

57 841 4 414 1 368 4 694 B 242 111 118 1 632 504 2 077 801 937 748 39 755 133 387 131 618 596 1 145 1 150 2 35B l 378 1 839 731 2 352 3 434 483 2 206 2 673 1 186 478 l 463 563 652 729 5 049 4 308 741 218 749 2 110 4 B32

15 861 689 42 1 315 1 623 32 21 86 149 546 116 254 88 B 237 21 65 B 149 180 300 396 698 340 620 246 777 l 190 128 797 762 401 254 606 183 29B 246 1 307 1 055 252 77 284 753 l 192

34 319 2 074 1 087 2 799 5 812 75 88 1 333 332 l 402 635 493 620 25 415 107 287 108 3B6 306 759 643 1 347 883 1 028 453 1 350 1 997 311 1 059 1 609 66B 130 715 325 2B3 365 3 161 2 796 365 103 391 l 049 3 llB

427 34 393

1 375 112 I 263

l 120 95 1 025

383 34 349

582 36 546

286 2B 25B

925 102 823

748 70 678

252 19 233

395 31 364

Son Mateo

Urban balance

35 452 441 20 1 787 5 249 128 143 502 417 1 087 332 411 484 158 733 298 556 140 343 3 166 621 567 2 306 909 1 142 1 153 591 2 205 820 1 809 1 058 566 651 1 352 470 1 093 1 073 1 996 l 650 346 171 561 1 132 2 060

454 125 5 213 1 073 28 393 83 67B 1 817 4 836 7 994 6 855 10 871 6 059 8 274 8 346 1 409 8 789 5 724 12 704 2 689 6 778 16 335 9 532 8 867 25 275 9 959 12 972 11 719 10 339 25 908 10 225 22 600 13 586 8 607 5 323 11 525 4 905 14 991 12 008 35 721 28 722 6 999 2 220 6 607 19 299 27 778

409 077 26 026 24 321 6 641 170 444 368 26 30 22 480 1 006 785 125 097 B 78B 5 412 1 233 20 69 l 423 107 85 23 162 1 123 651 17 612 B45 430 40 542 4 468 2 516 7 687 109 217 9 648 483 779 8 869 99 191 955 40 15 6 011 542 521 2 373 168 185 5 582 265 272 l 412 76 45 4 363 78 148 6 830 431 603 7 165 310 283 4 621 238 186 15 383 920 611 8 041 371 276 13 105 614 759 9 34t 597 410 9 256 515 241 20 453 1 189 1 141 6 724 350 483 13 91B 955 1 235 12 169 l 110 1 065 6 429 336 274 4 347 17B 477 10 054 671 574 3 462 273 196 13 251 l 135 1 178 9 576 518 678 36 737 2 366 3 986 26 113 1 463 1 731 10 624 903 2 255 1 939 268 69 5 728 187 511 12 810 972 1 664 17 377 860 1 075

161 538 1 726 115 9 972 48 306 467 514 8 548 9 127 11 873 3 594 3 390 4 786 514 2 198 896 2 399 619 2 030 2 250 3 391 2 04B 6 709 3 705 5 398 3 889 4 006 8 281 2 994 5 209 4 44B 3 042 1 441 4 264 1 389 4 962 3 542 13 074 11 052 2 022 736 2 546 4 163 7 283

35 614 317 27 1 781 12 800 212 125 2 871 1 242 4 602 581 1 093 719 94 433 220 608 155 410 471 640 434 1 221 752 1 387 949 819 1 698 495 909 1 008 515 339 784 296 1 230 573 2 576 1 627 949 96 427 804 l 701

39 296 469 5 I 586 15 993 107 235 3 585 1 372 7 133 532 1 092 484 58 611 293 491 109 275 900 722 406 1 452 614 1 272 l 021 844 1 533 572 I 101 I 403 577 316 862 246 l 007 772 2 329 1 754 575 123 352 987 l 448

113 259 2 205 127 6 540 31 719 351 337 6 074 4 191 9 608 2 477 2 616 2 309 234 1 605 589 1 328 393 1 275 2 070 1 755 1 204 4 144 2 185 3 453 2 365 2 616 6 173 1 737 4 231 3 039 1 571 1 4B7 2 693 972 3 624 3 261 11 656 7 962 3 694 626 1 569 3 904 4 665

21 468 400 15 l 644 3 812 105 107 392 348 590 303 272 370 80 561 237 447 117 290 2 449 302 422 l 626 595 625 363 540 I 158 361 1 094 602 451 94 579 332 201 357 719 604 115 45 208 619 1 448

292 590 4 080 974 26 056 64 6BI 1 378 4 235 6 712 5 575 6 B53 5 477 6 35B 6 129 799 6 292 4 521 10 352 2 278 6 026 12 524 5 214 7 508 19 396 6 930 6 447 3 422 9 393 14 086 4 375 14 333 8 981 7 335 l 065 4 398 3 142 3 950 4 BIO 14 614 11 906 2 ?OB 775 3 156 12 173 20 46B

260 464 5 224 347 21 125 92 470 1 114 1 248 19 671 14 083 25 670 7 105 7 468 6 043 384 4 074 l 745 3 865 1 341 3 907 5 637 3 693 4 056 12 079 5 755 6 866 2 883 8 380 11 515 2 256 B 567 8 039 5 431 788 3 888 2 025 2 987 2 987 15 558 10 519 5 039 595 2 556 7 022 12 487

104 870 1 405 115 9 392 36 848 417 458 7 404 7 377 7 527 3 432 2 786 3 259 173 1 661 714 1 640 579 1 823 l 956 l 747 1 774 5 46B 2 776 2 917 1 237 3 676 4 788 964 3 130 3 018 2 618 215 l 696 82B I 025 810 5 417 4 657 760 240 1 168 2 184 5 056

21 918 282 27 1 680 8 791 191 111 2 326 906 2 570 525 814 462 10 277 144 455 144 384 435 275 384 909 520 689 248 724 937 130 560 572 430 33 293 196 252 126 1 113 622 491 19 107 404 1 254

24 814 335 5 l 476 11 004 104 198 2 905 l 058 4 302 427 745 312 31 423 210 289 98 254 795 440 354 1 116 422 669 323 775 832 187 634 895 490 64 305 143 221 217 939 656 283 37 151 550 l 083


4 934 211 4 723

4 395 258 4 137

176 22 154

1 734 46 l 688

284 5 279

3 657 176 3 4Bl

3 097 222 2 875

163 22 141

l 224 30 l 194

196 5 191



EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Total ______ ------ __________________ ---- ____ _ AQ

Insurance, rec~ estate, and other finance---------------- -

:~~~[~5s5e;:rc~i~e~-:: == :: :: :::: :: :: == :: :::::::::: :: :: : -

Private households _________________________________ _ Other personol services------------------------------ Entertoinm-ent o nd recreoticrn1 services __________ ------ __ -

~~~r.i~o~~r~i,-e-s~-;,~~pt-h;;spit~i~::::::::::::::::::::::: --

Elementary and_.,secondary schools ond colleges----------_ Government ___________________________________ Private .• _______________________________________ _ Other education and kindred services __________________ _ Welfare, religious, ond nonprofit membership organizations

~~bli~ ~d~~~i~~~na1ia~~~ ~i~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~s~~~~~~~~v~~~~: -

Mal• ______ ---- ________ ------------ ---- ___ _A~r!culture, forestry, and fisheries ______ -------- ______ _ Mmmg ________________________ ------ _____________ _Construction ______________________________________ _Monulocturing ______________________ -------------- __ Furniture and lumber and wood products_ ____________ _-Primary metal industries --------------------------Fabricated metal industries !including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ________ ---------- ______ _Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehicles ond other tronsportotion equipment----Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical ond allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads ond railway express service------------------ Trucking service and warehousing ____ ---- ______ -------- Other transportation .• ---- ______________________ ----_ Communicolions ________________ ------ ------ _______ _Utilities and sanitary services ______________ ------ ____ _ Wholesale trade __________________________ ------ ____ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores--------------------·--Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing------------------------Motor vehicles retaili.ng and s.ervic;e stations------------- Other retail Banking and trade credit----------------------------------agencies __________________ ------ __ _


-~~~~J~s:e~~icv~~e~- :: :: :: :: == :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : : : -Private house ho Ids ____ ------ __ ---- ---- __ ---- _______ _ Other personal services------------------------------ lns~ronce, re~I

estate, and other finance----------------

Entertainment and recreation services------------------ Hospitals __________ -------- ______ ---------- _______ _ Health services, except hospitals .. ____ -------------- __ _Elementary ond secondary schools and colleges---------- Government __________ -------- ________ -------- ___ _Private ________ ---- ------------- ________________ _ Other education ond ~indred services __________________ _ Welfare, religious, ond nonprofit membership organizations


~~if;~ ~~~~ii~~~a~io~~~ ~i:::~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~v~~~~:

14 838 14 287 365 134 26 20 903 690 5 760 4 056 64 17 53 87 924 556 605 355 2 693 1 847 168 93 553 378 138 85 19 3 255 327 111 98 210 177 72 45 130 53 367 283 135 109 220 133 640 430 237 164 334 341 166 147 420 219 640 651 187 146 520 746 650 720 265 223 31 111 245 213 109 150 204 430 117 300 835 1 63B 472 531 363 l 107 13 73 119 234 538 1 048 590 7BO

94 5 1 4 11 1 3 1 1 1

I 1 3 2 3 2 2 6 1 3 3 I 2 3 3 2 11 9 I l 4 6

EMPLOYED PERSONS 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD Toto I ________ ---------- ------------ -------- Agriculture ____ ------------------------------------_ Nonogritulture industries __ ---------- ---- ------------ _Male ______ ---- ---------------------------- Agriculture ____ -------------------- ____ ------------_ -

Nonogrkulture industries __ ---- __________ ------------ _


6- 532



274 196





284 213




Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas- Con. Santa Raso

Urbanized areas Vallejo-Napa


Santo Roso

Urban balance

Toto I


Urban balance


No po


18 320 352 16 966 1 621 241 12 41 123 151 117 329 153 42 204 36 172 67 191 277 399 392 725 609 608 927 587 1 530 576 1 318 297 264 373 702 113 1 014 671 1 498 1 329 169 85 429 496 1 217

22 996 740 105 1 574 3 272 564 69 116 295 193 350 478 604 83 273 34 213 124 367 413 456 541 824 710 894 718 986 1 583 441 795 374 314 277 899 155 1 403 736 1 765 1 459 306 88 347 582 1 513

101 430 9 604 169 5 732 16 008 1 024 315 798 1 304 279 770 2 021 6 007 150 757 569 2 014 1 317 2 344 1 377 1 215 1 828 4 327 2 374 3 461 2 496 2 390 6 265 1 394 2 336 1 459 l 837 1 292 3 121 916 3 866 2 443 7 440 5 560 1 880 355 1 697 1 897 10 470

37 782 1 462 31 1 756 5 108 439 122 307 313 110 243 700 1 585 29 291 126 843 475 599 604 570 664 1 863 1 027 1 373 1 164 829 2 670 668 1 074 599 552 513 1 251 367 1 923 992 3 424 2 295 1 129 194 854 894 4 282

40 391 1 645 90 2 456 7 211 395 140 226 690 137 404 885 2 765 88 302 304 875 655 1 009 456 506 706 1 700 980 1 555 932 1 107 2 625 554 950 624 867 557 1 296 400 1 406 1 020 3 167 2 546 621 130 644 752 4 391

78 884 2 854 316 4 186 15 838 135 865 424 313 201 7 846 1 126 2 182 533 716 205 1 292 212 674 1 469 1 194 1 333 1 670 1 677 3 268 2 056 2 224 4 561 1 080 1 878 900 1 017 1 404 2 498 685 5 081 2 000 6 829 5 187 l 642 313 1 185 1 892 8 590

13 724 227 39 768 3 049 36 305 78 66 63 1 489 271 150 191 91 39 270 16 98 231 370 181 319 316 427 382 433 812 162 317 115 193 253 460 120 1 473 502 1 004 900 104 41 211 317 888

22 777

2 071 2 631 478 1 739 687 915 207 989 302 1 225 623 2 422 2 086 336 43 498 760 2 973

10 794 262 16 883 1 339 229 12 41 101 105 110 270 133 26 146 36 130 67 173 237 166 363 596 473 315 278 547 872 217 778 193 240 57 259 47 276 190 680 607 73 15 166 232 857

14 599 569 87 1 514 2 546 508 49 111 253 110 310 357 465 50 195 29 109 110 330 311 277 497 675 490 393 275 886 976 163 436 310 294 34 355 82 390 201 774 667 107 14 153 280 1 177

66 862 8 615 163 5 256 12 637 825 309 728 1 135 248 655 1 644 4 553 43 510 489 1 498 1 271 2 079 1 138 596 1 558 3 309 1 733 1 436 835 2 145 3 715 436 1 357 961 1 589 97 1 193 580 995 659 3 034 2 225 809 109 840 832 7 694

23 691 1 296 31 1 525 4 136 355 116 299 259 104 201 623 1 178 24 226 121 630 460 510 531 248 521 l 455 765 777 399 741 1 535 206 595 337 479 41 486 233 536 302 1 327 867 460 80 431 408 3 300

26 200 1 399 84 2 293 5 604 330 140 188 616 118 355 661 2 057 14 217 249 659 635 908 386 245 641 1 302 734 506 307 1 001 1 560 176 576 436 731 38 484 244 343 277 1 424 1 118 306 18 317 311 3 220

49 257 2 589 307 3 935 13 072 97 797 390 263 126 6 799 944 1 827 129 465 158 1 077 185 581 1 103 584 1 106 l 372 1 094 1 305 670 1 990 2 346 308 1 086 596 919 154 866 447 1 364 631 2 799 2 148 651 78 565 815 6 390

Total __ ---- ---- __ -------- ---------Agriculture __________________________ ----------------__ ---- -Nonagriculture industries __ ------ ______ ----------------

818 83 735

241 25 216

291 13 278

1 185 239 946

396 36 360

514 56 458

Male ---------- ---- ____ --------------------Agriculture ____________________ -- ____ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Nonog riculture industries ------ __ ----------------------

521 71 450

197 25 172

158 5 153

970 214 756

349 36 313

401 45 356


Urban balance

Bakers· field

61 3 3 4 4

193 65 369 29 140 358 334 430 452 457 915 697 529 374 343 499 267 372 475 741 216 135 458 626 407 219 71 403 540 440

27 250 618 199 1 265 4 080 45 133 185 119 51 1 371 295 974 93 286 59 469 133 252 628 271 456 623 615 1 477 762 783 1 576 458 726 304 272 369 831 262 1 219 596 3 093 1 977 1 116 143 436 577 4 226

92 594 3 155 104 5 239 10 655 990 183 605 972 389 375 1 247 2 513 748 1 092 524 1 017 1 096 1 773 749 1 650 1 889 6 121 2 384 3 735 2 690 2 853 6 681 1 717 4 221 1 771 1 852 I 773 3 856 1 009 3 440 2 532 9 142 8 310 832 465 l 871 2 710 5 461

8 632 207 39 731 2 540 32 286 63 57 47 1 350 215 116 76 63 33 202 16 88 184 164 166 267 236 194 128 398 447 63 175 57 183 32 165 78 498 146 448 417 31 10 99 171 702

14 038 91 19 940 5 249 25 196 74 53 26 3 449 289 601 6 137 60 333 18 120 249 162 307 376 281 404 280 462 675 70 239 169 325 17 290 134 216 144 589 517 72 27 134 223 1 828

16 330 568 199 1 180 3 335 36 128 166 110 24 1 216 239 789 31 168 35 393 117 215 483 127 390 496 412 552 193 669 768 124 434 195 248 29 223 172 219 150 1 292 829 463 36 255 205 3 044

39 2 3 4 4

027 664 387 227 099 88 382 238 422 85 150 385 699 77 395 233 945 1 224 893 312 631 1 015 2 252 923 1 078 669 2 021 2 590 328 1 177 593 1 188 62 725 340 459 409 1 705 1 512 193 63 521 715 2 757

57 366 2 803 92 4 860 8 336 874 178 502 871 326 313 1 040 1 921 301

1 029 92 937

207 9 198

206 5 201

413 34 379

651 85 566

1 077 80 997

682 78 604

149 5 144


263 29 234

422 55 367

868 67 801


EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Total ____ ------ ---- __ ---- ---------- --------AQr!culture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------Mining -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ ---------- ---- -- --Construction ______ ---------- ____ ---- ---------------Manufacturing ____________________ ------------------Furniture and lumber and wood products ______________ _ Primary metal industries ________ ---- __ -------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) _ Machinery, except electrical ____ -- ---- ------ __ -------Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies----------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment -----Other durable goods-------------------------------Food ond kindred products __ ------------------------Textile mill ond other fobricoted textile products_ _______ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries --------------Chemical and allied products __________ ------ ________ _ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. ir.dus.) __ _ Railroads and railway express service ______ ---- ____ ---- _ Trucking service and warehousing __________________ ----_ Other transportation ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ___ __ Communications ____________________________________ Utilities and sanitary services--------------------------

Wholesale trade ______________________________ ------ __ Food, bakery, ond dairy stores---·--------------------Eating ond drinking places----------------------------General merchandise retailing ____________ ------ ------ __ Ma.tor vehicles retailing and service stations-------------Other retail trade-----------------------------------Banking ond credit agencies ____ ---- -- ---- ------ ---- ---lns~ronce, re~I estate, and other finance-----------------

~~~~~s:e;~Jc~1~e~- == :: :: :::: :: :: :: :::: :: ::::::::::::::

Private households ______________ ---- ____________ ----Other personal services -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- __ -- -- ---- Entertainment and recreation services -------------- ---. . ----_ Hospitals ______________________________________ Health services, except hospitals _______________________ _ Elementary and secondary schools ond colleges ---------- Government __ -- -- __ -- -- __________ -- ---- -- ---- ----Private ______________________________________ ----Other education ond kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, ond nonprofit membership orgonizotions _ legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services __ Public administration __________ ---- ______ ------ __ ---- -Male ---- ______ ---- ____ -- __ -- ---- __ ------ --A~riculture, forestry, ond fisheries ________________ ---- __ Minmg --- --__------- -- -- -- ------__------- --------------_ Construction ------____________ ---- _________ Manufacturing ____ -- __ -- -- __ -- -- -- ---------- ------ --Furniture ond lumber ond wood products_ _____________ _ Primary metal industries ______ -- ______ ---------- ___ _ Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal)_ Machinery, except electrical __________________ -------Electrical machinery, equipment, ond supplies ----------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment -----Other durable goods-------------------------------Food ond kindred products __________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products ________ _ Prinling, publishing, ond allied industries --------------Chemical ond allied products------------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. Indus.) __ _ Railroads ond railway express service __________________ _ Trucking service and warehousing __ -- ---- ---- __ ---- -- ·---


Utilities and sonitory services -------------------------Wholesale trod•-- ______________________ -------- __ ---Food, bakery, and dairy stores ------------------------Eating and drinking places -- __________________ -- -- __ --General merchandise retailing ______________ ---- -- ---- -Motor vehicles retailing ond service stations-------------Other retail trade ____ ---- ---- ---------- ---- __ -------Bonking ond credit agencies---------------------------~ns~rance. re~I estate, ond other finance-----------------

R~~~j~5:e~~[cv~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Private households __________ ---- __ ---- ------ --------Other personal services ------------------------------Entertainment and recreation services ------------------Hospitals ______________________________ ------ ______ _ Health services, except hospitals---- ____ ---------------Elementary ond secondary schools and colleges ----------Government ________________________ -- __ ---- ------ Private ____________ ---- ________ ---- -- -- ---- ---- --Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ~ego.I, engi~e.ering 1 ond miscellaneous professional services __ ubhc odmin1Strot1on __________________ ---- ---- -- ------

67 753 4 463 237 4 644 8 627 l 606 147 264 729 506 837 1 391 1 393 203


114 662 240 882 1 115 1 152 1 439 2 335 1 941 2 484 2 153 2 269 4 511 1 300 3 051 901 1 006 1 081 2 556 527 4 207 2 169 5 335 4 558 777 239 1 101 1 721 4 067 42 819 3 735 219 4 442 6 820 1 481 121 253 616 306 758 1 069 1 082 106 534 99 395 218 818 942 626 1 309 1 919 1 378 1 107



19 1 014 6 331 37 234 74 67 58 4 115 334 663



l l l


502 208 716 486 823 102 391 273 463 100 197 449 791 161 540 263 1 093 1 257 980 389 1 290 1 128 2 772 1 443 2 600 2 210 2 259 4 366 944 1 933 932 1 376 995 2 094 492 2 056 1 572 5 287 4 652 635 301 1 179 1 652 3 762


423 815 1 050 1 648 615 804 1 624 4 832 1 743 1 785 829 2 624 3 939 582 2 259 1 084 1 664 175 1 351 681 907 740 3 992 3 667 325 167 852 1 279 4 049






Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Ooto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities} Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Urbanized areas-Con.

Los AngelesLong Beach


OxnardVenturaThousand Oaks Sacramento


San BernardinoRiverside

Son Diego

San FranciscoOakland

Son Jose

Santa Barbara

Santo Rosa

1 224 11 2 64 204 4 8 18 16 21 23 19 23 9 21 10 26 8 17 46 26 23 62 26 41 32 21 70 32 65 33 21 16 41 13 47 30 91 74 17 6 22 48 91

525 354 276 479 340 965 735 637 475 413 723 633 03B 508 420 557 236 959 679 976 232 564 835 731 22B 700 994 279 967 970 465 435 869 172 02B 050 671 815 315 500 361 428 406 262

395 650 5 012 298 21 415 121 787 1 212 1 383 22 784 17 109 40 166 7 247 9 395 B OBl 943 5 905 2 341 5 221 1 3B7 4 102 6 696 7 057 4 440 14 907 7 792 12 709 9 143 8 826 19 797 6 560 13 592 12 035 6 252 4 195 9 704 3 362 13 034 9 270 35 559 25 206 10 353 1 904 5 545 12 396 16 874

50 991 1 505 144 2 728 5 457 82 60 170 326 2 434 364 751 229 69 640 69 263 29 236 440 869 774 1 665 1 046 2 104 1 117 1 329 3 840 911 2 296 1 936 752 1 315 2 273 510 2 173 1 517 7 201 5 849 1 352 419 933 2 881 2 591

26 121 592 53 1 623 2 553 325 26 88 199 250 183 552 307 42 296 41 244 118 294 439 532 599 1 069 840 895 1 235 964 2 001 6B4 1 605 433 392 484 1 036 156 1 467 894 2 115 1 827 28B 118 590 689 1 651

EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Total ____ -------- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- -- Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------Mining ---- ---- ____________ ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - --

Construction ________ ------ ---- ____ ---- ---- ---- _____ _

Mo nufacturing __ -- -- ---- __ -- ______ ---- __ ---- __ -- ____ _ Furniture and lumber and wood products_ _____________ _ Primary metal industries ---------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) • Machinery, except electrico'-------------------------Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies----------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment -----Other durable goods-------------------------------Food ond kindred products--------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products ________ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries --------------Chemical ond allied products------------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. nat specified mfg. indus.) ••• Railroads and railway express service ------------------·_ Trucking service and warehousing ______________________ Other tro nsportotion __ ------ __ ---- __________ ------ ___ _ Communications ---------- __ -------------------- ____ _ Utilities and sanitary services-------------------------Wholesale trade .. ------------------------------ _____ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores -----------------------Eating and drinking places----------------------------General merchandise retailing -------------------------Motor vehicles retci!ing and service stations-------------Other retail Banking and trade credit-----------------------------------agencies. _________________________ _ Insurance, real estate, ond other finance----------------



~~~~ni~s:e;~rc':~e~- :: :: :::: :: :: :::::::::::::: :::::: :::-


Private households ---------------- ---------------- __ Other personal services __ ---- ________ ------ ---------- Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals ------except __ ---------------__ ------ ----------_Health services, hospitals. _____________________ Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ______ ------------------------------ __ Private ____ ---- __ -------------- __ ------ ------ ___ _ Other education ond kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, ond mlscelloneaus professianol services_ Public administration .. -------------------------- ____ _


Molt -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -------------------- AQr[culture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------Mining ______ ------ -------- -------------------- ___ _Construction ---- ------------------------- __ __Man ufocturing---__________ ----_________________________ Furniture and lumber end wood products. ____________ _-Primary metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ______ -------------- ____ _Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment----Other durable goods------------------------------Faod end kindred products-------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _ Printing, publishing, and allied Industries -------------- Chemical and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not speclfied mfg. Indus.) ••


----Railroads. and railway express service------------------ -

Trucking service end warehousing ____ -------------- ___ _-


Utilities and sanitary services __ ---- -------------- ____ _Wholesale trade __________________ ---------------- __ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores-----------------------Eating and drinking places-------------------·-------General merchandise retailing ------------------------Motor "8hicles retailing end service stations ____________ _Other retail trade ----------------------------------Banking and credit ogencies---------------------------

---1 Wi~~~~~eser~i~;;t~~~-~~~-·~~~~ _ '.~~~~~:::::::::::=:::: -Repair services ------ ---------- ------------ ________ _


Private households ---------- ________ -------- _______ _Other personal services ------------ ------ ___________ _Entertainment and recreation services -------- _________ _ Hospitals __ ---------------- ______ -------------- ___ _ Health services, except hospitals ______________________ _ Elementary and secondary schools end colleges ---------Government ______ ---- __________ ------ ___________ _ Private __ ------------------------------------ ___ _Other education and kindred services------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Public odmin Isl ration •. ------ ______________ ------ ____ _


3 339 34 11 159 924 31 28 105 90

35 841 1 371 98 2 149 7 329 154 5 675 195 133 98 690 3 704 23 462 336 854 12B 799 210 613 497 1 553 904 1 370 1 061 1 171 2 467 522 1 075 513 7B7 509 1 079 246 1 452 1 046 2 8B7 2 400 4B7 161 871 738 2 235

87 4 1 5 14

183 108 43 54 52 30 84 11 43 55 5B 4B 159 79 116 93 71 lBl 67 138 9B 60 35 99 62 109 74 220 170 50 14 50 102 153

912 614 978 516 904 717 276 397 062 424 203 606 B61 664 617 748 329 996 775 805 846 035 454 325 304 470 883 556 787 108 548 816 773 002 651 197 754 465 412 053 592 04B 934 776

746 516 321 419 133 178 281 980 1 796 2 901 2 324 1 151 1 350 302 878 435 1 557 149 799 1 143 1 447 1 222 4 044 1 997 3 238 2 826 2 342 4 497 1 428 2 750 2 115 1 179 779 1 974 1 067 3 544 1 870 6 781 5 521 1 260 367 1 195 2 342 11 262

231 146 3 149 236 14 096 21 255 1 154 270 1 340 811 440 3 586 2 255 4 607 2B9 3 473 B18 2 212 4 577 2 533 2 153 4 973 4 B61 9 773 5 516 8 151 7 079 5 944 13 437 3 434 8 992 3 9B6 3 600 2 944 7 279 2 204 7 323 5 352 lB 740 16 269 2 471 1 647 4 722 5 707 47 483

24 096 2 86B 17 1 170 3 765 234 64 72 72 103 102 229 1 565 16 136 129 1 043 64 349 197 447 367 1 677 600 922 605 794 1 570 335 605 344 355 292 701 201 807 595 1 742 1 513 229 54 405 533 1 715

196 417 5 072 482 12 B76 37 457 1 098 7 981 3 593 2 071 2 610 6 571 5 171 2 314 1 083 1 913 851 2 201 2 64B 1 935 1 152 2 94B 3 170 7 375 5 306 6 915 6 248 5 306 10 909 3 175 6 294 3 962 3 571 2 646 5 514 1 709 9 178 4 719 20 599 15 B05 4 794 736 3 812 4 577 16 126

384 204 6 555 412 24 035 67 93B 1 379 296 11 718 4 385 8 522 22 366 5 399 2 BOB 2 776 4 B99 991 2 399 277 2 501 5 713 6 682 5 789 12 594 9 304 16 028 13 093 9 934 23 336 7 170 14 B42 8 316 6 386 5 337 16 793 5 512 12 369 11 238 35 005 29 318 5 6B7 2 34B 7 105 13 037 34 555

2 056 29 10 147 65B 25 24 83 70 69 149 71 31 16 36 21 59 10 38 40 29 39 117 55 59 30 64 102 23 72 60 51 4 40 42 26 24 84 65 19 5 22 55 107

056 034 063 245 930 438 589 619 460 482 105 692 699 058 008 664 116 B92 908 236 249 130 8BO 735 590 172 203 232 978 793 OB9 415 299 134 915 631 914 387 344 043 540 627 666 169

22 459 1 143 92 2 033 5 487 112 5 576 174 114 83 561 2 5B9

56 3 1 5 10

140 372 2 499 231 12 719 17 009 1 049 270 1 245 727 366 3 085 1 914 3 480 131 2 483 697 1 562 4 372 2 326 1 672 2 296 4 010 7 680 4 177 4 326 2 158 5 406 7 444 1 220 5 331 2 258 3 158 315 2 515 1 334 1 517 1 826 7 493 6 754 739 611 1 929 2 795 29 745

15 043 2 106 17 1 129 2 707 179 22 61 66 97 91 210 B69

34B 291 634 113 732 136 266 426 1 110 642 727 418 1 032 1 553 156 717 259 668 17 398 150 331 352 1 181 987 194 56 357 283 1 624

273 570 236 124 278 133 220 804 1 401 1 956 2 013 863 879 71 540 348 1 050 144 747 1 033 814 1 045 2 773 1 430 1 435 1 073 2 165 2 524 473 1 632 1 495 1 070 93 730 734 881 656 2 668 2 204 464 130 579 1 373 8 36B

93 113 906 59 297 155 209 346 1 181 405 470 191 732 977 116 375 246 327 45 194 96 148 142 656 600 56 16 200 297 1 204

122 879 4 229 449 12 049 30 166 955 7 366 3 041 1 671 1 660 5 725 4 328 1 701 180 1 403 630 1 506 2 538 1 749 79B 1 652 2 728 5 666 3 549 2 893 2 052 4 739 6 073 1 010 3 890 2 451 3 224 427 1 842 1 013 2 233 1 390 8 631 6 777 1 854 167 1 839 2 080 11 352

234 857 5 329 377 22 34B 51 946 1 203 266 9 594 3 220 5 353 19 550 4 333 2 196 591 3 321 825 1 494 260 2 235 4 568 3 202 4 911 9 576 6 566 7 761 4 558 8 779 12 522 2 477 8 792 4 861 5 479 918 6 289 3 396 2 678 3 379 14 779 12 630 2 149 965 3 450 6 887 25 569

738 960 8 838 1 742 5B 551 151 426 3 768 7 456 15 462 13 219 13 085 21 454 15 051 16 341 2 620 15 101 7 967 19 902 7 316 15 525 36 648 11 508 19 300 45 797 18 540 23 319 10 131 19 590 37 321 12 398 34 357 19 912 17 828 2 508 17 047 8 546 11 868 11 023 37 069 30 277 6 792 2 38B 10 060 26 168 62 236

251 391 4 030 277 20 135 89 947 1 09B 1 208 19 335 13 659 25 3B7 6 718 7 283 5 521 372 4 013 1 71B 3 635 1 316 3 670 5 542 3 627 3 896 11 710 5 602 6 671 2 825 7 983 11 081 2 212 8 316 7 943 5 315 746 3 762 1 959 2 923 2 898 14 992 10 117 4 875 587 2 496 6 836 12 094

29 878 1 305 129 2 551 3 581 67 51 150 279 1 394 313 468 161 29 458 47 164 29 226 328 526 639 1 232 688 1 126 420 1 229 2 245 291 1 476 1 338 642 333 945 302 456 467 3 297 2 790 507 144 480 1 538 1 915

15 744 437 53 1 502 2 060 308 26 88 164 157 170 440 261 26 211 41 168 113 269 363 236 555 890 639 435 402 871 1 176 256 910 300 356 71 413 57 412 257 962 849 113 24 227 328 1 170

23 956 1 077 22 879

459 57 402

959 131 828

2 345 166 2 179

342 106 236

2 009 119 1 890

4 291 230 4 061

10 169 345 9 824

4 224 205 4 019


40 558

293 29 264

16 667 939 15 72B

281 47 234

649 93 556

1 747 148 1 599

231 79 152

1 455 112 1 343

3 021 178 2 843

7 338 301 7 037

2 976 173 2 803

396 25 371

233 25 208






Totol ---- ---- ------------ ---- ________ ---- __ Ag ricu!tu re ________ ------------ ____________ ------ __ _ Nonogriculture industries ---------------------------- _ Molt __ -- ____ ---------- __ ---------- ---- ___ _ Agriculture -- -- __ -- -- -·-- -- __ -- -- ---- __ ---- -- -- -- -- Nanagriculture industries ____ --------------------------




Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based an sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Urbanized areas-Con.

SeasideMonterey Simi Valley




ArdenAnaheim Arcade (U)




Buena Pork


EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER 27 905 705 159 l 369 1 568 42 4 11 45 94 76 206 270 160 386 40 226 16 167 309 562 438 627 702 1 766 1 047 846 2 276 507 1 067 486 447 863 2 279 528 802 968 2 913 2 361 552 410 478 863 2 737

18 795 193 31 1 381 6 345 68 36 427 865 1 687 1 870 473 126 66 363 105 259 26 212 195 358 297 664 681 551 565 385 929 221 607 429 280 55 368 257 576 277 1 509 1 293 216 26 99 340 938

55 284 2 169 48 2 891 7 874 712 175 394 613 178 456 979 2 361 61 409 221 1 315 758 1 069 889 783 947 2 801 1 423 2 000 1 693 1 210 3 794 900 1 561 888 1 066 723 1 825 537 2 651 1 384 4 869 3 425 1 444 243 1 171 l 274 5 843

24 520 206 55 996 3 796 57 200 413 411 167 433 479 516 119 403 155 443 211 521 1 048 686 433 1 421 534 866 764 436 1 552 822 1 348 515 402 203 654 302 623 673 1 163 991 172 69 444 668 3 109

28 182 126 87 1 308 5 629 214 157 540 601 678 428 638 406 516 650 248 545 395 339 279 663 796 1 895 649 767 1 061 530 1 523 1 057 1 226 612 342 196 787 264 830 654 2 353 1 895 458 107 595 1 011 2 101

69 880 714 207 3 804 22 313 377 343 2 830 1 985 4 608 4 168 2 316 1 104 315 1 258 649 2 360 139 1 051 563 1 326 751 2 763 1 890 2 753 2 521 1 843 4 040 1 326 2 293 1 727 1 178 331 2 251 1 507 1 552 1 429 4 277 3 599 678 264 719 1 396 2 952

36 173 272 42 2 003 2 735 138 4 120 161 95 406 308 321 30 696 145 311 261 238 181 1 131 575 1 761 790 987 1 251 943 2 210 628 2 162 700 420 292 1 059 424 1 121 1 273 3 937 3 455 482 282 780 1 099 6 616

25 943 1 053 1 267 1 546 1 848 37 120 98 183 42 42 184 321 53 290 97 373 497 282 150 637 443 1 199 637 1 132 l 027 799 1 966 423 946 359 466 440 888 232 918 697 2 745 2 472 273 132 639 649 1 926

21 817 165 141 1 604 7 192 213 276 879 776 279 2 347 707 220 120 314 300 761 44 490 205 373 233 1 161 570 874 579 647 1 245 344 517 432 445 103 545 173 812 379 1 152 925 227 59 309 333 691

50 562 602 89 1 374 4 895 90 256 251 326 267 473 600 341 135 717 545 886 175 229 922 686 687 1 011 649 1 186 714 491 2 534 764 1 984 l 314 485 1 299 1 375 592 1 627 1 819 12 985 11 100 1 885 583 1 469 4 288 3 734

24 565 220 124 1 476 8 507 240 215 1 066 775 1 282 1 877 679 574 199 413 270 917 54 530 216 312 215 1 269 779 1 110 1 225 581 1 066 350 621 509 454 122 625 646 498 350 1 092 937 155 67 233 377 937

41 262 228 3B 1 550 12 545 399 96 906 1 067 1 505 4 607 1 580 378 398 718 302 589 152 328 488 1 220 643 2 473 932 1 438 955 944 1 893 1 011 l 649 1 244 723 300 1 031 1 972 l 188 728 1 921 1 504 417 178 526 1 141 1 823

15 123 603 132 1 291 982 42 4 11 45 73 64 124 140 56 226 30 167 11 131 195 262 408 513 465 846 250 762 1 136 187 648 269 374 176 786 336 138 269 1 209 986 223 178 207 453 1 906

12 824

153 31 1 335 4 769 59 31 399 549 1 086 1 609 385 116 20 250 85 180 22 197 175 243 257 449 432 278 204 357 591 69 384 321 269 8 176 161 139 56 665 570 95 4 69 173 837

35 195 1 878 42 2 592 6 380 576 169 378 542 167 404 855 1 750 34 323 210 972 723 931 775 359 776 2 195 1 052 1 003 555 1 102 2 194 264 915 533 938 65 689 344 766 455 1 996 1 371 625 85 582 555 4 451

13 988 174 42 861 2 844 18 118 348 356 139 389 366 310 50 257 112 381 172 438 730 275 362 961 340 380 189 393 768 274 499 301 317 26 209 185 79 172 417 356 61 19 155 331 2 075

15 897 110 43 l 066 3 849 163 118 387 460 355 360 498 321 156 464 201 366 338 271 167 320 552 1 368 467 348 288 474 780 391 600 359 303 11 284 182 224 143 746 604 142 32 247 496 1 438

44 007 552 198 3 550 16 282 336 267 2 207 1 580 2 946 3 390 1 687 760 101 776 509 1 723 135 879 416 579 645 2 155 1 340 1 274 891 1 697 2 203 450 1 273 1 045 971 42 926 910 201 374 1 758 1 523 235 64 332 723 2 142

21 441 215 42 l 742 2 134 111 4 110 151 75 336 243 274 25 468 124 213 235 210 127 550 445 1 391 571 637 477 832 1 200 264 1 295 385 363 72 379 240 197 594 1 465 1 346 119 129 310 598 4 342

15 913 835 l 138 1 432 1 533 27 111 89 168 33 29 170 259 20 209 81 337 472 254 124 333 407 984 430 535 331 743 1 224 157 568 220 382 33 325 159 205 199 878 799 79 24 304 259 1 425

13 894 146 137 1 507 5 368 166 214 700 610 177 1 795 488 169 32 193 241 583 44 435 171 227 186 754 355 430 147 585 684 98 269 243 369 18 184 79 177 84 417 298 119 10 129 132 509

28 035 473 60 1 254 3 561 73 214 207 268 206 448 482 247 39 416 340 621 157 190 713 176 556 703 428 656 283 431 1 348 267 1 029 836 412 213 553 372 400 737 6 594 5 600 994 183 588 2 576 2 286

16 104 167 84 1 404 6 560 196 183 920 654 856 1 611 491 455 54 305 162 673 54 476 182 144 194 991 512 494 349 504 543 102 360 299 383 13 243 371 102 75 424 357 67 28 134 196 716

24 984 172 18 1 377 8 540 264 67 682 872 783 3 484 977 275 128 507 171 330 146 265 322 674 551 1 635 664 711 309 815 1 115 328 905 702 610 51 462 1 393 229 223 624 495 129 63 225 554 1 301

355 23 332

179 31 148

614 55 559

201 11 190


gricu lure industries------------------------------

549 39 510

405 29 376

228 12 216

151 6 145

366 10 356

235 4 231

315 10 305

______ ------ __ ---- ------------ --------AgricultureMale __________________________ -- ---- ---- -- -- -Nonagricu lture industries ---------------· --------------

259 16 243

123 27 96

514 50 464

158 11 147


420 35 385

296 29 267

161 8 153

104 6 98

215 10 205

157 4 153

250 10 240

Toto! ---- __ -------- ------ ____ -------- ------ Aqr!culture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------- Mining ------______________________________________ -- ------------ ------------------ __ ----_Construction


Manufacturing -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- ---- -- ---- __ ---- __ Furniture and lumber and wood products-------------Primory metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical •• -- ------ ------ ---- __ --Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ---------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred praducts-------------------------Textile mill and other fabricated textile products-------Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. ir.dus.) __ Railroads service and railway express service ------------------_ Trucking and warehousing _____________________




g~~~~~~~ri~~t~t~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -

Utilities and sanitary services ------------------------- Wholesale trade •• __ ------ __ ------------------------Food, bakery, and dairy stores -----------------------Eating and drinking places---------------------------General merchandise retailing ------------------------Motor vehicles retailing ond service stations------------- Other Bankingretail ondtrade credit----------------------------------agencies_ _________________________ _ lns~ronce, re~I estate, and other finance---------------Business services ____ ---- -- .. - ____ -- __ -------- ------Repair services ________________ ------ __ ------ __ ----- -

---Private households __ ---- ____ ---- __ -------------- ---- Other personal services __ ------ ____ ---- ---- __ ---- ---- -

fntertoinment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __________ ---- __________ -------------- ---- Heollh services, except hospitals __ ------ __ ------------_ Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ______ -------------------------------- Private __ ---- ____ ------ ---- ____ ---- ---------- ___ _Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations -


~~b~i~ ~~~'i;i~~~na1io~~ ~i~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~s~~~~l-~~~v~~~~: -

Malt ________ ---- __ ---- ---------------- ---- AQr!culture, forestry, and fisheries __ ------ ------ ---- __ _Mm mg __ -- -- ---- __ ------ __ ---------------- ---- ---- Construction ______ ---- -------- __ -------- ---------- _ Manufacturing __ ---- ________ -----------------------Furniture and lumber and wood products _____________ _ Primary metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical •. ____ ------------------- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment----Other durable goods------------------------------Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service -----------------Trucking service and warehousing _____________________ _--


g~~~~~~~~ri~~t~t~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -Utilities and sanitary services ------------------------- Wholesale trade .... __ ------------------------------- Food, bakery, and dairy stores ____ ------ -- ---- ---- -- __ Eating and drinking places---------------------------General merchandise retailing ------------------------- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------- Other retail trade----------------------------------- Banking and credit agencles---------------------------



~nu',~~~~~es:r~~~."s' t~~~-~~~-~t~:~ _''.~~~~e_::::::::::::::::_-

Repair services __ .. ___ ---- ---- -- ---------------------Private households __ ------ -- -------- -------- --------Other personal services ------------------------------ Entertainment and recreation services ------------------


Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ----------Government------ -- ------ ---------- ------ --------Private ____ ------ -- -------- -------- --------------Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations _ Leial, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services .. Pu lie administration.------------- __ -----------------EMPLOYED PERSONS 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD Total ------ ____ ---------------- ---- ---------

~~~~ul\u r;-· -,-- ___ " __ ------ ____________ ------ _____ _







Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based an sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Places -Con.


Chula Vista



Costa Mesa

Daly City


East Los Angeles (U)

El Caian

El Monte



23 971 150 37 1 128 B 771 360 576 1 039 714 515 1 919 1 264 429 408 114 378 1 055 69 429 374 416 566 788 417 439 427 461 823 321 394 406 471 277 568 152 l 444 394 1 638 1 319 319 45 529 322 1 715

32 774 300 111 2 665 5 628 53 342 473 281 720 377 463 379 66 527 623 l 324 199 540 606 958 916 l 429 1 059 985 l 356 1 029 l 753 748 1 279 677 576 325 724 331 l 285 718 2 668 2 403 265 146 368 855 2 540

29 408 334 84 1 763 8 362 134 81 1 179 813 1 886 1 726 l 144 121 222 353 262 441 29 162 262 282 272 857 650 1 582 876 805 1 895 494 1 020 867 458 285 753 507 l 268 668 2 280 1 752 528 124 363 886 1 220

29 494 190 20 1 739 3 869 )60 63 440 193 199 498 289 612 253 581 221 360 268 659 1 154 l 022 633 1 885 862 1 064 1 009 551 2 139 1 209 1 785 734 680 128 955 324 1 036 566 1 369 1 165 224 101 489 756 2 278

40 595 231 140 2 106 12 543 376 591 l 830 1 702 675 2 377 1 179 776 259 658 457 l 663 265 1 254 408 712 659 3 226 979 l 529 1 330 l 147 2 066 764 l 077 838 785 184 922 320 l 435 902 1 925 1 580 345 138 419 829 I 462

32 888 350 36 1 615 13 731 1 261 831 1 457 720 809 826 I 042 1 580 2 394 448 446 1 917 363 831 222 339 318 2 080 754 928 l 294 530 1 560 540 664 490 686 213 970 177 683 328 1 100 922 178 90 496 371 1 129

19 260 200 20 1 974 3 321 97 58 688 239 374 939 336 135 113 212 49 81 4 171 232 366 331 693 698 703 715 841 l 217 395 719 335 396 146 741 198 647 653 l 495 l 304 191 87 265 479 1 218

26 027 285 84 l 838 9 170 515 418 1 019 1 141 907 896 1 648 433 583 417 279 914 222 578 251 449 356 l 369 738 720 756 603 1 211 493 582 548 531 160 748 249 470 542 l 133 983 150 105 374 424 1 038

37 040 571 56 2 407 10 726 249 704 1 301 806 1 753 2 232 1 007 803 79 443 570 779 265 783 1 017 503 651 1 943 953 1 142 l 347 895 1 799 619 1 045 783 471 185 602 309 829 713 3 126 2 696 430 116 342 865 1 977

58 974

14 488 116 30 I Ill 6 146 298 526 828 495 223 1 642 615 279 134 71 268 767 64 401 337 133 466 601 314 176 204 455 458 75 156 251 429 15 224 144 345 56 468 365 103 18 159 91 I 045

21 272 245 101 2 507 4 660 53 303 434 238 378 331 388 323 39 402 553 1 218 171 487 489 580 848 1 182 735 447 392 868 939 332 799 463 533 54 192 210 194 162 I 134 l 051 83 37 159 446 1 906

18 147 272 69 l 620 6 174 104 81 967 652 1 200 1 451 757 97 80 271 193 321 24 139 182 160 219 687 442 820 240 717 l 115 167 537 550 368 31 324 303 321 156 914 709 205 41 170 486 B99

17 582 172 11 1 585 2 721 121

300 170 130 432 251 391 76 444 149 198 198 579 933 407 543 l 314 630 615 314 530 1 097 310 875 471 541 22 367 241 250 163 540 479 61 38 202 311 l 602

25 337 180 103 1 890 9 184 258 517 l 360 1 315 444 1 920 786 557 44 471 315 1 197 216 1 008 265 306 514 2 124 652 729 435 961 l 119 304 589 489 618 27 396 191 333 303 626 530 96 51 195 435 1 094

20 686 309 31 1 560 9 209 1 047 811 1 297 597 583 757 736 1 096 535 293 366 1 091 345 767 173 104 269 1 545 550 536 383 505 849 115 243 286 634 10 434 122 181 51 356 285 71 58 212 150 699

12 477 165 20 1 872 2 700 81 53 567 200 272 840 294 127 56 113 49 48 4 151 189 182 286 569 486 331 252 726 784 132 405 208 346 6 182 159 127 154 666 579 87 28 129 245 973

16 454 207 84 1 718 6 145 379 360 735 844 482 770 1 044 331 283 194 610 212 548 215 170 322 l 081 557 302 255 556 688 113 242 350 445 24 344 161 71 40 387 338 49 57 156 211 793

24 960 427 50 2 260 8 195 168 647 1 099 638 820 2 062 803 545 37 313 455 608 239 769 924 263 556 1 640 727 543 457 809 905 220 649 506 441 38 244 212 134 173 1 330 l 166 164 22 190 434 1 603

35 574 l 663 55 2 689 4 919 482 95 259 468 211 188 551 1 263 152 504 274 472

465 21 444

339 20 319

273 4 269

278 5 273


168 29 139

184 lB 166

292 13 279

619 2B 591

344 14 330

243 20 223

180 4 176

198 5 193

136 23 113

126 18 108

214 13 201

28 496


Total ______ ---- ----------------------------Aqr!tulture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------Mining -- -- --------- -- ____ -------------------------_ Construction _______________________________________ Mo nufacturing __________________________ ---- _______ _ Furniture and lumber and wood products_ _____________ _Primary metal industries ---------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal)_ Machinery, except electrical __________ ---------- _____ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehicles ond other transportation equipment ----Other durable goads------------------------------- Food "nd kindred product•-------------------------Textlie mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _Printing, publishing, ond allied industries ---------.---- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service-----------------Trucking service and warehousing _____________________ _Other transportation ________ -------------------- __ ---


Communications __________________ ------ ____ -------- -

Utilities and sanHory servic-e.s ------------------------- Wholesale trade ____________ ------------ ____ --------- Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing __ ---- __ -------- __ ------- Motor ve-hicles retailing and service stations------------- Other Bankingretail and trade----------------------------------credit agencies __________________________ _Insurance, real estate, and other finance---------------- -

~~~~~ssse:~fc~i~e~-== :: ==== :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::Private households ______ ---- ______ ---- __ ---- --------

Olher personal services ------------------------------ Entertainment and recreation services------------------_Hospitals _________________________________________ Health services, except hospitals----------------------- Elementary ond secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ________________________ ------------ __ Private ____________________________ ------------ __ Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Public administration-- -- -- ____ ---- -- -- -- -------- -- -- Mole ________ ------ __________ ---- ____ -----Agr!culture, forestry, and fisheries ____________________ _Mining -- -- -- ________________ ---- ------ ---- __ ------ Construction ________________ ---- ---- __________ ----Manufacturing ______________ ------ _________________ _Furniture and lumber and woad products _____________ _-Primary metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, excepl electrical__ ____ ---- ____ ------ ____ _Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Matar vehicles and other transportation equipment __ --- Other durable goods ______ ---- ____ ---------- ______ _Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goads (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service ------------------ Trucking service and warehousing _____________________ _ Other lransportation __ ------ ________________________ _-


24 846 267 78 1 236 9 690 348 499 1 028 922 918 2 750 961 336 221 280 481 946

22 006 212 41 l 169 4 939 130





l 012

256 255 970 646 780 524 451 865 348 488 653 399 136 586 229 975 317 l 247 ) 025 222 81 31B 455 1 118


1 1


336 136 269 028 241 189 224 169 65 152 15 140 348 376 208 658 632 777 968 554 305 462 737 278 290 225 859 285 509 607 804 560 244 160 314 433 701

15 995 227 78 1 144 6 977 251 404 835 719 442 2 219 615 220 66 165 340 701 44 411 854 111 212 653 440 316 163 416 477 91 247 470 369 21 215 165 235 56 554 457 97 35 105 192

13 858 197 37 l 096 3 897 110


270 132 180 2 564 187 144 45 101 56 108 11 116 279 148 173 504 445 350 402 446 680 106 478 175 260 43 358 193 76 181 700 619 81 85 163 184 2 075

Total ______ ------ ---- ______ -------- -------Agriculture __________ ------ __________ ------ __ ------Nanagriculture industries ________ ---- __ -------------- _-

128 5 123

216 17 199



97 5 92

182 17 165




Commuf!ications ______ ------ ______ ------ ---- _______ _-

Utilities and sanitary services ------------------------- Wholesale trade ____ ------ ______ ------ __ -------- ____ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ Eating and drinking places---------------------------General merchandise relailing ------------------------- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------- Other Bankingretail and trade oredit----------------------------------agencies_ _________________________ _ lns~rance, re~I estate, and other finance---------------- -


~~~~~~5:e:!fc~~e~. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :--

Priva le households __ ------------ ------ -- ---- _______ _Other personal services -----------------------------Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals -------- ______ ------ ____ ---------- __ ------ Health services, except hospitals ____ ------------------- Elementary and secondary schaals and colleges ----------



Government---- ______ ------------------ ____ ------ -

Private -------- __ ------------------ __ ------------ Other education ond kindred services------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Leiol, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Pu lie administration-- ________________ ------ __ ------- -




1 866 67 2 896 6 294 547 100 316 521 251 223 658 1 650 410 665 349 604 757 l 060 448 1 049 ) 344 3 740 ) 472 2 525 1 817 1 784 4 213 l 251 2 744 1 234 l 105 I 248 2 651 614 2 299 1 588 5 758 5 239 519 298 I 324 l 619 3 909


984 358 464 1 152 2 996 1 128 1 203 532 l 630 2 409 403 I 432 736 985 105 881 417 549 373 2 468 2 265 203 lll 572 723 2 914



Male __ ---- ------ ------ ____ -------- -------Agriculture -- ______ ------ ____________ ------ ---- ----- Nanagriculture industries __________ ---- ------ ---------







134 87





Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued (Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Places- Con.


Gorden Grove


Huntington Beach



35 647 293 243 1 669 Jl 979 142 229 1 534 J J26 2 777 I 432 1 174 930 203 661 432 1 339 53 315 195 377 248 1 794 974 l 197 l 03J 705 l 765 492 1 029 934 605 280 907 604 906 799 3 424 3 033 391 198 364 l 016 1 231

47 376 548 285 3 497 13 354 322 257 l 424 l 267 2 J75 3 549 1 313 475 236 834 394 1 108 63 707 582 690 572 1 938 l 504 1 785 J 529 1 299 2 652 732 1 893 1 115 852 184 l 424 796 1 395 935 3 124 2 578 546 J70 458 1 050 2 243

60 036 359 141 2 61 J 13 403 436 220 1 187 1 432 1 282 2 063 2 305 659 639 l 355 815 l 010 496 445 597 1 326 1 055 3 347 1 544 1 805 l 404 l 361 3 200 1 980 3 683 l 964 l 003 518 1 790 1 270 2 744 2 045 3 066 2 233 833

23 896 155 53 996 9 942 209 J28 970 1 527 1 4J3 3 186 943 195 240 368 237 526 43 230 l 056 431 318 814 491 949 435 444 l 009 487 586 759 470 94 497 293 510 256 903 674 229 69 229 555 822

36 639 217 20 2 297 9 149 267 601 1 J94 1 J40 679 1 221 1 007 1 425 43 498 260 814 298 1 020 l 135 726 712 2 067 887 1 183 1 252 913 2 007 637 1 293 808 730 207 668 277 l 278 639 2 532 2 144 388 146 405 736 2 378

43 704 493 506 2 482 12 67J 178 150 2 198 1 220 l 580 3 B53 1 243 271 210 581 378 809 60 586 646 817 548 1 840 l 133 1 673 J 503 1 218 2 256 683 1 626 972 636 184 986 589 l 122 803 3 629 3 J59 470 113 282 973 2 472

42 512 565 63 J 426 12 598 484 161 1 235 J 711 l 833 3 146 1 202 356 560 667 349 874 41 338 2 256 825 647 l 771 771 1 311 973 852 2 125 1 094 l 649 l 469 762 112 1 367 649 l 198 857 2 443 1 624 819 223 655 993 2 459

33 535 136 299 I 996 JO 980 270 318 866 941 548 4 685 870 399 200 388 340 l 155 144 636 404 573 484 l 619 939 1 193 1 355 727 1 706 602 679 667 559 184 957 268 l 162 488 1 828 l 547 281 123 384 656 1 783

Pu lie administration ... _-------- -- ------ __ ------ --------

202 554 902

30 567 476 27J 3 299 10 115 285 243 1 J81 l 011 l 375 2 967 918 354 65 570 304 642 53 636 433 335 461 l 620 1 059 930 492 l 197 1 539 202 964 596 727 32 454 428 248 231 l 273 l 127 146 81 235 540 1 636

35 043 301 91 2 265 9 041 292 183 871 l 180 815 l 667 1 387 464 182 901 470 629 462 370 388 613 803 2 440 1 134 937 416 l 192 1 610 882 I 862 1 139 629

~~~~~~~~~'. :: :: :: :::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::_-

22 848 238 210 1 533 9 173 133 216 I 219 903 2 052 1 183 909 633 66 493 325 l 041 53 288 141 200 210 1 438 702 569 342 619 978 195 564 578 501 41 274 343 181 254 1 485 1 365 120

14 361 150 53 923 6 523 149 100 617 l 038 657 2 371 600 142 65 267 148 369 43 196 804 204 252 496 332 431 117 404 557

685 954 685 719 1 102 737 365 77 600 l 382 2 014

29 325 432 497 2 299 9 926 163 141 1 783 l 044 1 028 3 247 856 219 99 404 348 594 60 553 688 490 498 1 538 786 856 525 l 083 l 261 281 1 031 600 556 J4 424 360 218 267 l 434 1 268 166 31 125 556 J 936

24 560 541 55 1 238 8 451 372 143 890 1 308 l 009 2 369 720 219 225 433 190 573 35 261 l 368 349

275 494 367 5 145 191 62 46 320 237 83 15 67 257 533

23 525 135 20 2 169 7 054 201 554 985 866 422 1 126 717 989 18 401 191 584 284 908 996 355 618 l 600 640 557 355 776 l 010 152 626 519 660 24 206 214 J78 I 11 1 065 B98 167 45 186 355 J 707

21 665 90 273 1 850 8 506 182 280 722 796 381 3 538 705 323 66 262 276 971 129 577 319 363 402 1 218 623 567 316 662 890 187 393 419 464 27 3J9 165 197 127 611 538 73 43 146 340 J 442

Total -------- __ ------ ____ ---------------- __ _ Agriculture_.------ __ ------ ______ -------------------Nonagriculture industries ---------------- --------------

345 16 329

395 5 390

488 19 469

170 9 161

307 9 298

513 28 485

158 4 154


250 16 234

309 5 304

318 19 299

101 9 92

228 9 219

349 28 321

120 4 116

Glendale Hawthorne

Lon~ Beoc

Las Angeles

Mades lo

139 523 1 150 796 926 10 665 1 422 2 398 6 197 45 402 33 799 276 500 JO 676 774 901 6 154 2 499 23 299 2 361 23 018 35 906 1 321 13 02J 53 214 3 660 32 328 1 545 13 974 809 29 448 18 264 l 664 l 486 8 017 3 758 22 202 234 3 966 1 872 10 362 3 195 19 935 2 445 21 295 2 231 16 606 6 216 52 658 2 761 25 218 5 934 41 679 4 029 28 592 3 266 21 976 7 730 67 854 2 468 26 019 4 909 60 287 3 236 42 839 2 455 22 871 1 426 16 975 4 527 40 814 l 721 31 319 6 236 42 112 3 897 26 965 10 840 71 605 9 286 54 260 l 554 17 325 648 5 623 2 692 20 187 3 599 43 727 B 612 54 347

22 619 627 54 1 208 4 J44 106 5 414 132 78 63 439 l 886 lB

Mountain View



Total ____ ------ ____ -------------- ------ ___ _

Aqriculture, forestry, and fisheries ______ -------- ______ _ Mining -- __________________ ---------- ____ ------ ___ _ Construction __ ---- __ ---- __ ---- ---------- ____ ------ _ Manufacturing __________ -- ________ -------------- ___ _ Furniture and lumber and wood products-------------Primary metal industries --------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ____________ ------ ______ _ Eleclricol machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Molar vehicles and other transportation equipment----Other durable goods ______________ ---- __ ---------- _ Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries-------------Chemical and allied products __________ -- ____ ---- ___ _-Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service-----------------Trucking service and warehousing ________ ------ _______ _-


Utilities and sanitary services------------------------- g~~~~~~~ri~~·~t'.~~=========::::::::::::::=::::::::: -

Wholesale trade ____ -- __________ -- ------ -- __ ---- ----- Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ Ealing and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing ________ ---- ---- ---- ----- Motor vehicles retailing and service stolions------------- Olher Bankingretail and trade credit----------------------------------agencies __________________________ _ los~ronce, re~I estate, and other finance _______________ _ -


~~~~ni~ssse:~Jcv~~e~- == == :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :--

Private households ____________________________ ---- __ Other personal services ______________________ ------ __ -Entertainment and recreation services ------------------_Hospitals _________________________________________

Health services, except hospitals __ -- ______ -- ---------- _-

Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government ____ -- ______ -- __ -- __ ---- -- ---- ------ -- Private ________ -- ---- -- __ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious. and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Public administration ____ -- __________________ --------- -


Male ____________________ ---------- __ ------ forestry, ond fisheries--------------------- Mining -- ______ ---- -- ____________ ---- -- ------ ---- -- Construction ______ -- __ -- __ -- -- -- ---- __ ---- -- ---- --Manufacturing ____ -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- ------ -------- -- -furniture and lumber and wood products-------------- Primory melol industries --------------------------- Fabricated me1ol industries (including not specified metal) Machinery. except electrical_ ___________ ---- -- __ -- __ _Electrical machinery. equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ___ __ Other durable goods __ -- __________ -- __ -- -- ------ --Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries-------------Chemical and allied products __________ -- -- ---- ____ -- -Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service ------------------ Trucking service and warehousing ________ -- -- ---- -- __ -Other transportation -- ---- __ -- ____ ------ -- -- __ -- ____ -Communications .., ___ -- __ -- ________ -- __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -



Utilities and sanitary services ____________ ---- __ ---- ----

Wholesale trade ____ -- -- -- ---- __ -- ---- __ ------------ - Fo~d. bakery., o~d dairy stores ______________ ------ ---Eating and drinking places ________________________ ---- General merchandise retailing ____________ ---------- __ _ Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------Other retail trade----------------------------------- Banking and credit agencies ______________ ------ __ ----_ Insurance, real estate, and other finance----------------

~~~~~~5s5e;!fc~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :::: :: ::

Private households ______________ -------- ---- ---- ----Other personal services ______________ ---- ---- ---- ----Entertainment ond recreation services ------------------ Hospitals ____________ ---- __ -------------- -------- --Health services, except hospitals_ _________ -------------Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ----------Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations leri,al, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services __



l 174 2 476 2 898




1 085 497 649 367 723 l 087 330 740 860 636 '18 606 410 238 J80 606 478 328 103 268 473 1 706


224 478 92 451

117 451 257 945 578 889 743 702 1 646 434 773 334 485 289

743 174 681 706 2 010

26 026 444 26 1 006 8 788 69 85 1 113 845 4 468 217 779 191 40 521

185 265 76 146

603 310 238 920 371 759 .597

515 l 189 483 955 J J JO 336 178 671 196 1 135 518

l 706 302

2 366 J 463 903

625 568 1 560

187 972 860 14 838 365 26 903 5 760 64 53 924 605 2 693



83 997 846 1 261 5 676 24 658 585 786 1 986 l 695 865 9 708 2 352 957 230 J 065 l 165 3 062 189 l 579 2 488 1 171 1 827 4 665 l 881 2 780 1 214 2 939 4 356 856 2 644 2 068 2 110 158 l 717 l 015 l 399 l 276 3 997 3 506 491 240 l 200 l 687 6 JOO

684 428 9 257 l 564 41 882 lB8 446 8 912 5 376 18 968 17 752 22 106 43 897 21 694 9 787 8 287 12 388 5 235 14 044 3 578 9 196 14 550 10 070 13 204 38 654 17 935 23 490 9 742 19 654 39 064 9 201 29 194 25 455 19 016 I 904 17 602 22 176 11 758 9 710 27 404 21 036 6 368 2 403 8 908 23 941 35 430

13 969 524 54 I 130 3 175 79 5 342 116 63 48 358 1 361



6 840



9 321

24 839

243 6 597

37 246

22 154

248 9 239


4 66! 210 4 451




237 194 372 77

421 76 198 202 715 416 462 294 632 l 015 122 502 192 410 13 281 100 167 274 811 694 117 51 265 229 l 161


553 136 19 255 111 177 72 130 367 135 220 640 237 334 166 420 640 187 520 650 265 31

245 109 204 117 835 472 363 13 119 538 590


Nonagriculture industries __ -------- --------------------


16 617

37 129

22 141


Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see fextl

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More



Redondo Beach

Redwood City

19 814 122 54 1 200 7 331 485 377 960 742 566 923 615 661 475 375 293 859 263 830 146 275 369 1 423 506 559 622 369 691 430 404 325 318 59 517 153 434 29B 777 621 156 45 206 247 B41

31 072 475 85 1 5B5 8 756 147 419 2 070 772 743 1 OB3 1 447 215 325 412 173 950 106 336 265 770 621 983 810 1 025 835 749 1 407 513 822 462 492 336 963 345 1 702 724 3 043 2 432 611 133 606 624 1 499

23 161 104 100 1 174 8 837 214 249 1 537 1 005 1 090 2 316 1 002 90 271 355 258 450 19 119 B98 471 230 702 57B 1 024 590 548 939 277 533 739 451 167 664 215 463 310 1 234 989 245 55 269 493 95B

25 895 317 21 1 625 6 564 126 309 410 551 2 786 232 666 252 92 504 244 392 156 249 1 240 552 354 1 290 545 1 063 573 56B 1 528 423 BBB 737 470 292 787 195 1 034 523 1 449 1 069 3BO 117 250 695 1 390

29 718

13 023 108 54 1 105 5 306 371 342 765 556 409 831 400 449 118 275 205 5B5 243 742 120 104 2B7 944 359 2B6 1Bl 345 391 97 179 184 297

19 220 419 79 1 439 6 525 112 398 1 682 598 419 975 937 186 103 261 148 706 9B 303 217 457 524 B17 607 464 282 732 682 164 441 29B 432 28 341 243 403 16B 1 242 1 060 182 61 298 297 1 159

14 313 B6 B3 1 116 6 021 154 212 1 072 709 485 l B75 592 53 76 218 20B 367 19 108 594 262 195 456 406 436 15B 451 489 71 302 506 376 33 258 146 70 102 512 466 46 14 131 272 640

15 767 275 21 1 533 4 519 111 182 361 476 1 592 21B 496 182 37 388 171 305 127 20B 1 054 280 286 974 345 477 242 514 787 108 459 41B 373 63 25B 118 168 14B 588 440 14B 3B 99 339 948

18 353 167 B6 2 OB3 5 167 74 299 488 316 168 752 513 353 15 264 347 1 578 309 427 855 133 596 963 403 342 206 616 850 126 438 306 436 39 304 114 159 152

123 11

307 5 302

226 16 210

240 4 236

254 20 234


224 5 219

173 10 163

160 4 156

205 16 189

Pasadena Pico Rivero






Palo Alfa

32 817 244 174 2 263 12 028 481 655 1 534 1 267 703 2 514 1 004 731 306 437 550 1 846 234 1 359 289 512 453 2 006 938 1 145 1 082 758 1 223 560 484 524 661 156 720 354 I 169 372 l 259 1 039 220 54 297 467 l 032

139 133 1 417 265 7 019 22 274 487 1 262 2 086 2 104 1 033 2 580 3 108 3 108 830 1 770 969 2 937 1 449 2 102 4 038 2 967 2 878 6 316 3 086 4 122 3 606 2 133 8 368 2 530 6 52i 3 334 2 469 2 561 5 562 1 366 5 445 3 867 9 708 7 726 1 982 674 3 340 6 014 13 702

23 435 643 57 1 392 7 367 164 688 1 276 371 I 053 1 134 834 546 256 197 206 642 83 265 293 375 398 814 627 847 632 615 l 275 3B4 453 2B3 430 308 691 143 641 504 1 718 1 428 290 101 367 535 l 194

30 213 455 i33 1 826 7 809 184 141 1 041 659 1 701 1 623 B98 244 174 397 215 532 20 3B9 204 493 398 1 240 731 1 290 1 002 621 1 912 778 1 336 771 537 227 868 519 909 522 2 3B7 1 752 635 195 428 060 1 353

24 953 2 567 114 I 320 3 523 53 132 248 40B 648 277 230 734 101 82 133 477 67 218 226 449 312 1 304 519 889 737 713 1 223 418 507 542 356 121 596 179 1 033 370 1 592 1 309 283 62 312 578 4 106

24 370 170 30 785 5 433 20 107 655 434 2 520 109 483 99 15 551 168 272 45 78 431 283 186 611 276 619 410 241 1 141 350 1 241 1 065 274 477 574 279 1 178 678 3 997 1 734 2 263 268 511 1 664 1 075

47 812 727

21 872 193 164 2 145 9 002 372 574 1 266 1 035 444 2 039

81 467 1 104 195 6 501 16 856 404 1 073 1 745 1 734 711 2 408 2 340 2 262 2i8 1 208 719 2 034 1 285 1 851 3 428 1 062 2 408 4 700 2 152 2 328 1 197 1 901 4 374 807 2 873 1 987 2 020 244 1 992 920 1 248 1 135 3 471 2 815 656 231 l 543 2 929 B 725

15 042 543 57 1 290 5 478 148 652 1 028 261 586 977 664 457 47 134 159 365 79 250 206 208 372 663 427 327 211 547 714 103 239

19 184 379 133 1 753 6 016 158 135 B35 528 1 218 1 317 671 1B7 115 299 154 399 20 354 138 233 361 996 574 632 271 557 1 111 299 776 455 453 37 325 335 161 148 899 704 195 32 230 519 987

15 592 2 003 110 1 262 2 21B 44 91 184 336 372 228 136 411 16 45 74 281 67 196 207 255 2B2 785 388 429 308 655 724 143 234 336 330 216 131 223 141 598 493 105 25 163 277 2 886

14 316 134 20 690 4 073 17 87 560 359 1 851 93 37B 85 3 332 9B 210 45 53 283 109 133 430 164 341 147 219 651 146 752 720 223 111 213 156 430 300 1 638 531 1 107 73 234 1 048 7BO

27 655 633 92 1 954 5 730 166 170 519 1 010 815 529 762 212 167 644 224 512 76 275 308 290 561) 1 160 557 771 471 698 1 326 527 1 369 931 629 184 756 379

964 38 926 6-11 33 600

229 6 223

357 19 33B 229 13 216

266 42 224

284 284

367 25 342

173 20 153




Total ------------ ________ ------------------Aqriculture, forestry, ond fisheries---------------------Mmmg ---- ---------------- ------ ---------------- -- Const ruction -- __ -- ____ ------ ------ __ ----- _____ ---- __ Mon ufocturing ______ ---- ---- ________________________ _ Furniture ond lumber and wood products ______________ _ Primary metal industries ---------------------------Fobricofed metal industries (including nof specified metal) Machinery, except electrical __ ---------------- __ ----- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other fronsporfofion equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Tex file mill ond of her fobricoted textile products------ __ Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. ir.dus.) __ Railroads and railway express service-----------------Trucking service ond warehousing _____________________ _-Other transportation ____ -- ____________ -------- ----- __ Communicofions ------------------ ------ ____ ------ __ Utilities and sanitary services ------------------------- Wholesale trade ____________________________________ _ Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ Eating ond drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing ------------------------- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------- Other Bankingretail and trade credit----------------------------------agencies __________________________ _ lns~ronce, re~I es tote, and other finance---------------- -


~~~~~5s5e~fc~~e~- :: :: :: :::::: :: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: :: : : : --

Private households __ -------- ---------------------- __ Other personal services -----------------------------Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __ ----except __ ------------------------- --------_ Heolfh services, hospifols ______________________ Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- -

-Government ______ ------ __ ------------------------ Private -------- ------------ ________ ------------ __ Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legel, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services. Public odm lnlsfration •• __________ --------------------- M• - - - and - ---- ---------- Aqriculfure, forestry, fisheries--------------------Mmmg __ -------- __ -------------- ------------------ Construction -----__ -----__ ---------------------. Manufacturing ______________________ -------- _______ _Furniture ond lumber and wood products. ____________ _Primary mefol industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified mefol) Machinery, except elecf rlcoL _______________________ _Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies-------·-- Motor vehicles and other transporfotion equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Food ond kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, end allled industries -------------- Chemical and allied products----------·----·-------- Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) •• Railroads service and railway express service ------------------_Trucking and warehousing _____________________ g~~~~rnl~~li~~f~t~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-Utilities ond sanitary services------------------------- Wholesale fro de •. ____ ------ ________ ----------------_ Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ -

Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing ------------------------- Motor vehicles ref oiling and service sfotions ____ --------- Other Ba11kingretail andfrode credit---------------------·------------agencies .• ________________________ _ lns~ronce, re~! estate, and other finance -- --·----------- -

-~~~~~~s:e~:i~e1~e~_:: :: :::::::: :::::: :: :::: :: :::::::::-Private households ____ -·-- __ -------- __ -------- _____ _ -

Other personal services -·-------------------------·-- Enterfoinmenf and recreation services -----------------Hosfiitols •• ____ ------ ---- __ -------- __ ---------- ---Heo th services, except hospitals_ _____________________ _ Elementary ond______________ secondary schools end _________________ colleges ----------_Government ------


Private ____ -------- ---·------------ ---------- ___ _Other education and kindred services------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Le~ol, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services _Pu lie odministrotion ________________________________ _




513 84 291 389 1 283 213 1 231 234 291 349 l 386 672 577 303 698 675 B6 241 322 600 17 245 23B 299 6B 521 440 81 27 100 194 781


369 65 270 107 114 B2 749 644 105 23 159 240 939



2 082 8 535 243 209 620 1 532 1 325 610 1 113 233 602 844 362 842 76 311 427 792 701 1 511 759 1 391 1 455 805 2 589 1 359 2 329 1 438 720 l 450 l 965 555 1 709 l 660 5 834 2 486 3 34B 309 l 126 2 597 2 489


587 2 924 839 2 085 104 581 1 589 1 702


241 104 82 47 345 301 44 27 Bl 140 624


110 2 225 6 375 84 323 55B 3B9 329 770 641 511 64 378 462 1 B66 368 524 950 4BO 704 l 333 689 706 657 676 1 576 493 987 546 512 597 986 199 1 070 671 2 232 1 997 235 131 493 752 2 510


720 109 42 224 313 1 668


Agricultur~·~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --

Agriculfur~:~'-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-Nonogriculture industries -------------- --------------- Nonagriculture industries -------------- ---------------

6- 538




210 149



139 6 133




247 25 222


11 88


Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More




San Solinas Bernardino

51 627 1 156 76 2 605 9 206 149 l 235 635 627 944 2 397 937 555 304 632 230 561 92 313 323 745 631 2 044 1 241 1 697 1 530 1 391 2 666 1 002 1 969 1 056 809 692 1 225 473 2 068 1 455 7 954 6 180 1 774 230 l 069 l 381 4 528

94 479 1 402 46 5 367 B 392 509 103 466 270 125 497 794 2 752 150 1 504 282 940 1 828 932 964 1 682 2 161 3 795 2 422 3 425 2 748 2 108 5 875 1 294 3 352 1 518 1 616 1 511 3 249 846 3 083 2 084 6 488 5 634 854 806 2 201 2 521 20 763

22 830 2 737 17 1 054 3 569 217 53 72 72 93 92 212 1 518 16 136 129 959 64 309 178 426 361 1 534 582 899 595 747 1 501 330 591 321 313 281 630 191 732 575 1 694 1 479 215 54 388 503 1 654

31 733 l 038 71 2 435 7 301 139 1 074 535 490 608 2 031 806 409 83 528 176 422 88 291 223 375 543 I 548 898 765 542 1 250 l 516 412 I 272 659 703 112 459 274 491 453 3 477 2 769 708 78 501 701 3 257

55 775 l 175 41 4 814 6 377 466 103 443 239 98 425 670 1 962 48 l 075 225 623 1 760 861 810 672 1 781 2 871 1 891 1 93B 753 1 938 3 229 414 l 920 797 1 448 127 l 157 580 670 619 2 486 2 262 224 293 813 1 266 12 274

14 254 l 996 17 1 013 2 571 162 22 61 66 87 86 193 855

Total ______________ ------ ------------------Agriculture ____________________________ ---- __ -- -- ---Nonogriculture industries ------ ------------------------

733 32 701

Agricultur~~'.'.======================================= Nonogriculture industries -------- -------- ---- ----------

515 32 483

Son Diego

Son Francisco

San Jose

Son Leandro Son Mateo

34 299 554 90 2 245 4 191 109 976 383 214 167 301 586 425 190 406 124 310 1 091 206 173 545 719 1 182 1 000 1 463 1 448 865 2 166 549 1 273 740 632 488 l 268 278 1 835 705 2 603 2 232 371 128 l 003 929 3 930

228 112 3 271 185 11 469 40 392 643 129 0 265 2 914 4 994 12 052 3 115 1 661 1 641 2 995 634 1 349 177 1 210 3 565 3 971 3 304 7 459 4 954 9 796 7 240 4 965 13 703 4 412 9 274 5 565 3 631 3 532 10 621 3 380 8 009 6 663 21 641 17 834 3 807 1 536 4 470 9 197 20 520

318 311 1 855 627 12 189 37 341 1 174 795 2 986 1 865 1 633 3 570 2 887 4 793 6 183 5 988 1 138 4 329 2 515 3 366 14 947 7 301 6 309 15 477 6 285 14 035 7 582 3 137 18 306 13 351 23 7B9 10 415 5 240 4 878 15 468 3 872 16 449 7 244 17 218 13 093 4 125 l 834 7 489 14 480 25 312

162 057 1 750 115 10 010 48 515 467 514 8 576 9 230 11 909 3 600 3 394 4 786 514 2 213 902 2 410 619 2 047 2 261 3 403 2 048 6 720 3 705 5 39B 3 900 4 016 8 296 2 999 5 243 4 464 3 051 1 441 4 268 I 389 4 972 3 563 13 110 11 088 2 022 736 2 551 4 174 7 293

29 660 269 51 1 535 7 412 338 263 811 1 545 447 554 704 1 476 57 432 228 557 363 1 114 634 538 505 2 071 926 853 1 112 632 1 508 639 1 084 629 544 173 837 230 627 566 1 476 1 207 269 100 359 597 2 276

93 113 833 59 257 142 204 340 1 088 400 465 191 685 938 111 369 234 291 40 188 92 126 142 643 587 56 16 200 2B2 I 154

20 636 494 85 2 037 3 163 91 926 299 162 116 267 449 297 9 284 79 184 I 062 185 167 331 580 955 664 697 507 804 1 137 149 750 456 571 62 360 170 550 253 919 834 85 33 425 348 2 722

136 938 2 839 154 10 597 30 720 557 113 6 705 2 040 3 148 10 558 2 486 1 282 384 2 114 514 819 164 1 067 2 807 1 877 2 758 5 545 3 536 4 882 2 536 4 461 7 365 1 652 5 346 3 170 3 045 530 4 168 2 058 1 861 2 128 9 070 7 625 l 445 626 2 067 4 967 14 942

175 719 1 367 365 10 460 24 039 939 634 2 369 1 527 1 257 3 337 2 171 3 176 1 266 4 078 712 2 573 l 791 2 916 11 284 2 432 4 861 10 097 4 441 9 394 2 411 2 673 9 722 5 024 10 566 5 515 4 121 615 7 520 2 662 4 977 2 730 6 193 4711 1 482 898 3 378 7 344 15 923

105 264 l 429 115 9 430 37 042 417 458 7 432 7 465 7 563 3 438 2 790 3 259 173 1 676 720 1 651 579 1 840 1 967 1 759 1 774 5 479 2 776 2 917 1 237 3 6B6 4 794 964 3 157 3 034 2 627 215 1 700 828 1 025 810 5 422 4 662 760 240 1 168 2 184 5 066

872 57 815

334 106 228

236 17 219

2 281 91 2 190

1 621 44 1 577

693 44 649

228 79 149

160 17 143

1 630 B6 1 544

l 192 44 1 148

Santo Ano

Santo Barbaro

Sonia Clora

35 452 441 20 l 787 5 249 128 143 502 417 1 087 332 411 484 158 733 298 556 140 343 3 166 621 567 2 306 909 1 142 1 153 591 2 205 820 I 809 1 058 566 651 1 352 470 1 093 1 073 1 996 1 650 346 171 561 1 132 2 060

57 910 1 291 90 4 916 16 010 420 304 1 632 1 473 3 122 2 500 2 622 801 378 826 368 1 564 77 598 391 713 720 2 077 1 390 2 250 2 158 1 454 3 030 1 048 2 421 1 271 1 274 785 2 004 897 1 734 1 075 2 679 2 144 535 212 842 1 460 3 043

28 303 804 47 l 417 2 675 38 30 97 173 1 131 135 424 135 23 333 38 118 8 159 235 540 500 985 537 1 183 617 855 2 213 534 1 271 1 150 469 996 1 550 269 1 398 981 2 991 2 360 631 220 611 1 4B7 1 601

35 614 317 27 1 781 12 BOO 212 125 2 871 1 242 4 602 581 1 093 719 94 433 220 608 155 410 471 640 434 1 221 752 1 387 949 819 1 698 495 909 l 008 515 339 784 296 1 230 573 2 576 1 627 949 96 427 804 1 701

18 701 217 29 l 332 5 144 190 217 690 I 055 293 497 510 878 16 262 176 360 332 990 469 240 448 l 543 681 450 316 526 838 235 516 359 451 13 320 89 126 244 591 485 106 20 140 292 1 750

21 468 400 15 l 644 3 812 105 107 392 348 590 303 272 370 80 561 237 447 117 290 2 449 302 422 1 626 595 625 363 540 l 158 361 1 094 602 451 94 579 332 201 357 719 604 115 45 208 619 l 448

36 061 1 015 90 4 686 11 232 375 272 1 314 1 015 1 764 2 157 1 557 610 154 587 220 1 207 72 509 251 328 620 1 559 1 033 l 006 766 1 333 l 767 361 1 217 791 1 164 69 770 608 358 277 995 842 153 49 429 671 2 035

15 861 6B9 42 1 315 l 623 32 21 86 149 546 116 254 88 8 237 21 65 B 149 180 300 396 698 340 620 246 777 1 190 128 797 762 401 254 606 183 298 246 1 307 1 055 252 77 284 753 1 192

21 918 282 27 1 680 8 791 191 111 2 326 906 2 570 525 814 462 10 277 144 455 144 384 435 275 384 909 520 689 248 724 937 130 560 572 430 33 293 196 252 126 1 113 622 491 19 107 404 1 254

1 756 56 1 700

197 4 193


602 38 564

383 34 349

284 5 279

l 239 40 1 199

151 4 147


461 38 423

252 19 233

196 5 191

EMPLOYED PERSONS 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Toto I __ ---- -------------------------------- AQriculture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------Mining -- __ -- ---- __ ---------- __ ------ ------ -------- Construction __ ---- -------- __ ----------------------Man ufocturing -- -- -- -- -- __________ ---- _____________ _ Furniture and lumber and wood products_ ____________ _ Primary metal industries --------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ____________ ------------- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------- Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products-------------------------- Textile mill and other fabricated textile products-------Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------- Chemical and allied products-----------------------Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg, Indus.) •• Railroads and railway express service------------------ Trucking service and warehousing _____________________ _


-~~~~~r~~~r1~~t~t~~~================================= Utilities and sanitary services ------------------------- Wholesale trade •••• ____ ----------------------------_ food, bakery, ond dairy stores------------------------ Eating and drinking places---------------------------- General merchandise retailing ____________ -------- ----- Motor vehicles retailing ond service stations------------- Other Bankingretail ondtrade credit----------------------------------agencies __________________________ _Insurance, real estate, and other finance---------------- -

:~~~J~s:e~fcv:~e~- :: :: :::: :::: :::::: :: :: :::::::::::::-Private households ______________ ------ __ -----------Other personal services ____________ ---- __ ---- ____ ---- -Entertainment ond recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __________ ---- __________ ------------------ Health services, except hospitals_ _____________________ _ Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------- -

Private __________ ---- -------- __ ------ ---- _______ _Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations legal, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services_ Public administration .. -- -- ____ -------- ______ --------- Male ____________________ ---------- __ ------ A~r!culture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------- Mining -- __________ ---- __ ------ __ ------------------ Construction __________ •• ________ -- -- --------------- Manufacturing---- ____ ---------------- __ ------------ Furniture and lumber and wood products _____________ _Primary metal industries --------------------------- Government __________ -------- ______ ------ __ ------

Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical •• ________ ------------ --- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Matar vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goods __________ ------ ______ -------- _-


Food and kindred products •• ______ ---- __ ---- -- ------Textile mill ond other fabricated textile products ________ _ Printing, publishing, and allied industries -------------Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (Incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express service -----------------Trucking service and warehousing __ ---- -- __________ ---Other transportation ____________ ----------------------


Communications ______ -- ---- ---- ------ -- ---- -------- -

Utilities and sanitary services ____ •• ---- __ ------ ---- ---Wholesale trade __________ ------ ____ •• __ -------------Food, bokerJ,, and dairy stores ------------------------ Eating and rinking places ____ ---- __ ------ ---- __ -- ---General merchandise retailing -------------------------Motor vehicles retailing and service stations-------------Other retail trade -----------------------------------Banking and credit ogencies •• ------------------------- lns~ronce, re~I estate, and other finance---------------- -


Susmess services ________ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- -- ---- --- -


Repoir services __________ ---- ____ ---------- ---- ---- Private households ____ ---- ______ ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ----Other personal services------------------------------Entertainment and recreation services __________ ,. _______ _ Hosriitols ________________________ -------------- ____ _ Heo lh services, except hospilols_ ______________________ _ Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ----------Government ____ -- __ -- __ -- ------ ------------------Private ________ ---------- ---------- __ ------ __ ----Other education and kindred services-------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations _ leiol, engineering, and miscellaneous professional services __ Pu lie administration ______________ ---- -- --------------









Table 87. Industry of Employed Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For meoning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Santa Monica

Santa Roso Simi Valley South Gate



Ventura (San Buenaventuro)

West Covino


22 777 112 19 1 014 6 331 37 234 74 67 58 4 115 334 663 122 193 65 369 29 140 358 334 430 452 457 915 697 529 1 374 343 499 267 372 475 741 216 1 135 458 1 626 1 407 219 71 403 540 2 440

22 313 398 899 1 547 2 235 40 52 97 267 256 225 239 262 73 292 119 313 25 200 158 325 405 847 543 1 113 870 663 1 3B2 424 863 555 270 226 567 243 740 729 1 B20 1 563 257 144 467 666 2 989

27 468 218 134 1 732 7 018 183 242 1 142 713 825 540 1 170 404 270 747 269 513 162 650 254 650 492 1 598 887 966 928 690 1 372 700 1 006 576 460 164 407 267 754 654 2 146 1 742 404 73 412 613 1 485

21 635 223 147 1 658 6 974 164 128 1 036 728 BOl 2 006 753 223 125 243 173 594 21 317 324 326 275 839 554 915 667 710 1 202 317 583 445 389 121 564 284 582 296 1 170 915 255 29 218 434 1 051

30 936 215 296 1 423 7 649 308 272 896 1 030

987 1 448

1B5 2 153 20 768 454 945 3 267 2 453 2 330 6 131 1 5B6 369 306 739 7B4 1 404 65 356 2 293 1 046 797 2 197 1 443 2 079 2 159 1 220 2 938 1 097 1 .926 1 64.\ 818 281 1 194 639 1 665 1 231 4 253 3 523 730 256 5B8 1 404 2 BBB

17 661

14 429 183 143 1 614 5 367 150 116 831 629 509 1 655 469 180 42 144 158 484 21 271 236 192 254 615 395 431 182 642 658 128 303 264 342

19 249 173 263 1 274 5905 231 234 781 822 462 870





37 782 1 462 31 1 756 5 108 439 122 307 313 110 243 700 1 585 29 291 126

1 503 1 293 210 26 99 340 928

24 332 149 61 926 10 327 425 646 1 565 1 240 652 1 561 1 064 532 505 396 335 1 406 149 705 293 401 305 1 672 697 766 731 443 I 011 321 572 443 489 161 497 213 506 2B8 732 550 1B2 64 266 282 862

10 794 262 16 883 1 339 229 12 41 101 105 110 270 133 26 146 36 130 67 173 237 166 363 596 473 315 278 547 872 217 778 193 240 57 259 47 276 190 680 607 73 15 166 232 B57

12 724 149 26 l 314 4 734 59 31 393 549 1 086 l 592 385 110 20 244 85 180 22 197 175 243 257 449 432 278 204 357 57B 69 3B4 315 269 8 170 161 139 56 665 570 95 4 69 173 827

15 052 13B 50 832 6 994 290 524 1 045 931 370 1 291 735 330 100 235 223 920 131 604 247 206 274 989 444 331 234 389 529 70 273 257 422 11 158 160 152 55 228 182 46 11 138 126 599

23 691 1 296 31 l 525 4 136 355 116 299 259 104 201 623 1 178 24 226 121 630 460 510 531 248 521 1 455 765 777 399 741 1 535 206 595 337 479 41 486 233 536 302 1 327 867 460 80 431 408 3 300

24 814 335 5 1 476 11 004 104 198 2 905 1 058 4 302 427 745 312 31 423 210 289 9B 254 795 440 354 1 116 422 669 323 775 832 187 634 895 490 64 305 143 221 217 939 656 283 37 151 550 1 083

37 192 307 170 1 988 15 372 351 766 2 518 1 B82 1 484 4 769 1 053 266 134 488 585 1 076 58 285 1 646 620 684 1 574 949 1 002 514 1 090 1 564 365 1 034 1 082 691 33 450 344 327 295 1 456 1 247 209 87 259 797 2 149

14 038 91 19 940 5 249 25 196 74 53 26 3 449 289 601 6 137 60 333 18 120 249 162 307 376 2Bl 404 280 462 675 70 239 169 325 17 290 134 216 144 589 517 72 27 134 223 1 828

14 036 310 823 1 469 1 678 25 52 66 243 195 206 1B4 219 4 168 114 202 20 195 122 14B 332 628 389 502 352 596 7BO 138 524 367 241 27 208 136 142 222 737 640 97 64 232 402 2 252

222 8 214

241 25 216


31 148

66 6 60

396 36


427 34 393

380 26 354

206 5 201

212 18 194

167 8 159

197 25 172

123 27 96

61 6 55

349 36 313

286 28 258

253 26 227


161 lB 143

40 949 461 74 1 307 8 619 190 1B5 1 364 693 1 325 1 719 1 459 141 266 545 220 512 38 123 856 1 321 450 1 280 649 1 639 769 857 2 730 906 2 361 2 003 694 585 1 407 912 1 854 1 099 3 264 2 568 696 243 683 2 018 1 747

18 320 352 16 966 1 621 241 12 41 123 151 117 329 153 42 204 36 172 67 191 277 399 392 725 609 608 927 587 1 530 576 1 318 297 264 373 702 113 1 014 671 1 498 1 329 169 85 429 496 1 217

ia 662

22 827 425 49 I 206 5 805 169 140 1 045 523 773 1 304 847 86 101 368 94 355 38 114 579 580 344 854 429 B52 262 699 1 469 320 1 295 1 076 537 80 556 656 425 344 1 340 1 087 253 104 306 932 1 151

Total ---- ____ ------ ____ -------------------- Agriculture •• ------------------ -- -- ---- ------------- Nonogriculture industries ---- ---- -- ------------------- -


Total ____ ------ ----------------------------Aqr[culture, forestry, and fisheries---------------------Mrnmg -- ---- ---------- ------------------------ ___ _Construction __ ---- ---------------------------------Manufacturing--------------------------------------Furniture and lumber and wood products _____________ _Primary metal industries ---------------------------Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal)_ Machinery, except electrical _________________________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Motor vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products _________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products_ ______ _Printing, publishing, and allied industries-------------- Chemical and allied products------------------------ Other nondurable goods (incl. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads ser.ice and railway express ser.ice ------------------_Trucking and warehousing _____________________


Other transportation--------------------------------- Comm unicatians ------ _____ .. ____ ---- __ ------ __ ------ Utilities and sonitory ser.ices ------------------------- Wholesale trade ________ -- -- ---- -- ---- --------------- Food, bakery, and dairy stores __________ ------ ------ __ Eating and drinking places---------------------------General merchandise retailing------------------------Motor vehicles retailing and service stations------------- Other retail trade----------------------------------- Banking and credit agencies--------------------------- lns~rance, re~I estate, and other finance---------------- -


~~~~J~s5se~!;~v~~e~- :: :: :: :: :::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::-

Private households __ ---- ---- __________ ------ -------- Other personal services __ ---------- ---------- -------- Entertainment and recreation services ------------------ Hospitals __________________ ---- __ ---- ------ -------- Health services, except hospitals..--------------------Elementary and secondary schools and colleges ---------Government ____ ---------- ____ -------------------- Private __ -------- -------- __________ -------------- Other education and kindred services------------------- Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Legal, engineering, ond miscellaneous professional services_ Public administration ______ ---- ____________ ---- ______ _


Male ---- ______ ---- ---------------- -------- Aqr\culture, forestry, and fisheries--------------------- Mmmg -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- ---------------- -------- Construction ________ -------------------------- ----Manufacturing ______ -------------------------------- Furniture and lumber and wood products_ ____________ _Primary metal industries--------------------------- Fabricated metal industries (including not specified metal) Machinery, except electrical ____ --------------------- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies---------Matar vehicles and other transportation equipment ----- Other durable goods------------------------------- Food and kindred products. ________________________ _ Textile mill and other fabricated textile products _______ _Printing, publishing, ond allied industries-------------- Chemical ond allied products ------------------------ Other nondurable goods {ind. not specified mfg. indus.) __ Railroads and railway express ser.ice ------------------ Trucking service and warehousing _____________________ _Other tro nsportation __ ---- ---- -------------- -- __ ----- Communfcations -- ______ ---- ---- ------------ __ ------ Utilities and sanitary services------------------------- Wholesale trade __ -- ____ ------ -------- ------ -- -- ----- Food, bakery, and dairy stores------------------------ Eating and drinking ploces ---------------------------General merchandise retailing ------------------------- Motor vehicles retailing and service stations ____________ _Other retail trade----------------------------------- Banking and credit agencies. ___ -- -- -- -- -- ---- --------Insurance, real estate, and other finance---------------- -





~~~~1~s;e~:~~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :::: :::::::::-

Private households ________ ---- __ ------ ----- --------- Other personal services-----------------------------Entertainment ond recreation services -----------------Hospitals ---- ---- ______ ---- ____ ------------------ __ Health services, except hospitals.. __ -- __ ------ --------- Elementary ond secondary schools and colleges ---------- Government---- ______ ---- __ -- ---- ---------------- Private ____ ---- ---- __ -- ______ ------ -------------Other education and kindred services------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations -


-~~ili~ ~~~~;i~~~a~lo~~~ ~ ~~:~~~:~~~ ~~~'.~~s~~~~~=:~v~::~: --

1 6

1 1

189 26 360 299 68 36 421 865 687 853 467 120 66 352 105 259 26 212 195 358 297 664 681 551 565 385 916 221 601 423 280 50 362 252 576 277


475 599 604 570 664 1 863 1 027 1 373 1 164 829 2 670 668 1 074 599 552 513 1 251 367 1 923 992 3 424 2 295 1 129 194 854 894 4 282

39 296 469 5 1 586 15 993 107 235 3 585 1 372 7 133 532 l 092 484 58 611 293 491 109 275 900 722 406 1 452 614 1 272 1 021 844 1 533 572 1 101 1 403 577 316 862 246 1 007 772 2 329 1 754 575 123 352

59 994 409

165 129 1 630 5 120 145 238 910 564 534 464 777 32B 91 505 180 384 148 595 150 378 419 1 268 628 507 323 616 852 277 582 392 412 23 185 137 157 251 671 564 107 32 212 310 1 092


1 038 768 393 332 631 388 984 220 521 185 603 522 2 254 704 730 1 128 696 1 848 658 1 103 631 418 300 612 307 737 1 033 3 369 2 403 966 164 560 771 1 279


185 193 95 63 432 371 61 13 113 232 862

321 94 481 266 779 196 427 109 324 448 1 570 481 368 291 586 1 071 259 745 39-0 335 78 210 180 151 416 I 263 922 341 46 257 474 959

181 5 176

202 4 198

203 40 163

107 5 102


133 24 109



Male ________ -----------------------------Agriculture •. ------ __ ------------------------------ Nonagriculture industries ---------- ------------------- -








Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970 [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Mali, 16 years old and over ________________ _

50 to S2 weeks-----------------------27 weeks to 49 weeks-----------------------26 or less ______________________ _ Malt, 16 to 24 years old------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked-----------------Male, 25 to 64 years aid ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less-----------------------

Mala-, 65 years old and over ________________ _

Median weeks worked -----------------f1111alt, 16 years old and over ---------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 49 weeks-----------------------26 to weeks or less_ _____________________ _ female, 16 to 24 years old _________________ _ SO to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks femolt, 25 toor39less----------------------y1ar1 old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------U w~~ Femalt, 40 toITT~~----------59 yeors old_ ________________ _ SO to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ________________ ------female, 60 years old and over ---------------

Median weeks worked -----------------CLASS OF WORKER

M.alt employed, 16 years old and over---------

Private wage and salary workers--------Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federal government workers------------State government workers __ ------------Local government workers ________ ---- --Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers-----------------Femole tmployed, 16 yeors old ond ovtr _______ _ Private wage and salary workers--------Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federal government workers------------State government workers_ _________ -- -- _ Local government workers __ ------------Self-employed workers ________ -------- __ Unpaid family workers-----------------Male employed 1 In agriculture----------------

Woge and salary workers--------------Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers-----------------female employed, In agriculture ________ ---- __ Wage and salary workers --------------Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- --


LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Malt, 16 yeurs old and over1 --------------- Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs

Soles workers-------------------------

Clerical and kindred workers------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ Operatives, including transport----------laborers, except form -----------------Form workers ______________ ---- ______ _ Service workers, including private household hmole, 16 years old and over1 _____________ _ Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _ Sales workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------ Operatives, including transport---------- Other blue-collar workers ____ -----------form workers-----------------------Service workers, except private household. Private household workers __ ---------- __ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD- WORKED IN 1969 Malt, 14 and 15 ytars old----------------- Form occupations --------------------- Nanform occupations ------------ ---- -- Ft~:I•, 14 ond 1~ yoars old_ _______________ _ rm occupot1ons ---------------------Nonform occupolians ------------------LABOR MOBILITY FOR SELECTED GROUPS' Malt, 30 lo 49 years old In 1970 ___________ _Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------ h•olt, 16 to 44 ytars old In 1965, no own chlldra n under 6 ytors old In 1965_ _______________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ Worker in 1965 ____________________ _ Nonworker in 1970 ---------------No own children under 5 years in 1970 __ _Worker in 1965 --------------------- Nonworker in 1970 ---------------- hmalt, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to 10, no own children under 6 --------------- Nonworker 1965____________________ --------------------_ Worker inin 1970 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 ________ _


Standard metropolitan statistical areas Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove



Bueno Pork

Costa Mesa


Garden Grove

Huntington Beach


Santa Ano


Urban balance

401 272 84 44 87 32

781 693 540 548 077 449 43.3 303 645 235 406 56 908 11 331 11 059 47.6 251 161 98 428 76 778 75 955 69 743 16 770 21 553 31 420 80 547 31 631 25 584 23 332 86 119 43 784 2S 438 16 897 14 752 47.2

49 409 33 055 10 874 5 480 11 408 4 278 43.9 36 616 28 171 7 114 1 331 l 385 48.5 33 289 13 720 10 045 9 524 9 995 2 707 3 031 4 257 9 366 3 949 2 944 2 473 12 099 6 215 3 S59 2 325 1 829 49.2

17 12 3 1 3 1

707 228 609 870 691 248 41.9 13 739 10 888 2 482 369 277 41.5 11 045 4 327 3 366 3 352 2 888 683 827 1 378 3 890 1 476 1 285 1 129 3 888 2 028 1 147 713 379 44.0

20 630 12 874 5 058 2 698 4 695 1 538 41.7 15 265 11 112 3 348 BOS 670 42.5 14 394 5 928 4 223 4 243 4 202 961 1 310 1 931 4 088 1 712 1 283 1 093 5 172 2 836 1 420 916 932 48.7

25 17 5 3 5 1

630 288 129 213 957 862 37.0 19 016 15 043 3 263 710 657 52.0 16 353 6 545 4 943 4 865 s 068 1 167 1 555 2 346 4 344 1 814 1 444 1 086 6 044 3 142 1 657 1 245 897 49.5

34 23 7 3 6 2

235 280 394 561 823 343 42.7 26 653 20 604 5 072 977 759 46.6 21 561 8 804 6 663 6 094 5 912 l 493 1 906 2 513 7 185 3 015 2 226 1 944 7 410 3 857 2 213 1 340 l 054 4S.1

32 23 6 2 5 2

263 103 217 943 539 040 42.8 26 147 20 765 4 467 915 577 52.0 18 924 6 951 5 831 6 142 4 923 1 076 1 486 2 361 7 359 2 698 2 292 2 369 5 863 2 842 1 866 l 155 779 4S.7

21 528 14 589 4 361 2 578 4 584 1 429 38.7 16 363 12 897 2 875 591 581 48.3 14 131 s 559 4 307 4 265 3 911 851 1 232 1 828 4 615 1 918 1 391 1 306 4 676 2 435 1 359 882 929 46.S

42 26 11 4 10 4

457 417 107 933 037 153 47.6 30 992 21 709 7 717 l 566 1 428 43.B 28 684 11 216 8 811 8 657 8 055 2 018 2 523 3 514 8 938 3 266 2 967 2 705 9 516 5 001 2 743 l 772 2 175 46.1

16 009 11 024 3 385 1 600 2 969 1 013 40.9 12 674 9 863 2 415 396 366 41.4 9 603 3 610 2 844 3 149 2 370 519 811 1 040 3 738 1 353 1 112 1 273 3 098 1 S79 785 734 397 47.6

136 95 26 14 28 11

350 279 6 10 7 23 29

287 1S7 615 244 358 774 300 454 194 026 149 608 1 089 4 095 6 606 23 584 7 986 2 147 5 902 3 726 2 136 40 1 424 1 088 180 156

44 007 35 910 S72 1 142 689 2 839 3 381 46 25 873 20 888 103 437 720 2 649 908 271 552 321 231

16 104 13 4S5 163 490 213 846 1 064 36 8 461 6 971 50 140 162 764 326 98 167 123 44

18 147 14 230 278 428 572 1 228 1 680 9 11 261 8 580 38 115 737 1 1S8 S04 167 229 90 139

22 848 18 438 660 476 690 1 559 1 666 19 12 799 9 580 74 173 583 1 737 571 155 238 153 BS

29 325 23 078 486 1 086 628 2 338 2 170 25 14 379 10 722 89 364 549 2 070 S39 135 427 292 135




43 12 2

45 4 6

36 061 29 445 321 1 219 S37 2 182 2 601 77 21 849 17 335 60 668 626 2 253 755 212 l 005 773 219 13 270 221 19 30

116 90 3 2 2 8 11

53 49 4

19 184 15 280 318 382 327 1 465 1 699 31 11 029 8 580 53 180 270 1 407 489 103 354 187 158 9 76 65 11

14 429 11 732 116 798 210 784 888 17 7 206 5 823 14 197 155 671 288 72 171 117 54

162 117 31 14

30 567 24 269 352 1 180 500 2 075 2 S06 37 16 809 13 188 64 449 450 1 983 540 199 472 231 236 5 70 52 5 13

16 158 3 853 1 053 1 128 3 S08 3 281 1 609 113 1 580 13 336 l 426 l 226 4 520 3 063 345 39 1 952 202

2 192 S51 111 197 457 463 216 10 177 1 908 193 199 712 450 63

772 166 49 33 16S 180 67

926 216 103 48 238 163 71

74 244 241 19

87 810 97 69 311 113 11

216 5

71 12

143 3S

131 8

1 517 321 72 120 331 334 207 10 122 1 232 92 127 381 333 29 6 210 22

l 199 302 64 103 322 248 61

112 725

l 078 339 42 50 220 235 102 11 79 939 109 105 336 182 25

99 1 071 141 128 359 140 15 4 210 17

6 250 234 6 016 2 568 32 2 S36

759 29 730 236 4 232

253 4 249 109

395 5 390 138

553 5 548 193

513 11 502 217



382 16 366 176 5 171

















61 41 5 15



40 19 6 15

041 010 346 685 885 363 43.9 102 937 81 769 17 647 3 521 4 219 48.2 80 603 31 020 24 920 24 663 21 449 5 177 6 567 9 705 26 334 10 166 8 451 7 717 27 542 13 526 8 389 s 627 5 278 45.9 047 818 212 957 743 149 234 146 62 540 46 643 517 1 297 2 210 8 672 2 988 730 1 984 1 187 784 13 545 406 78 61

575 106 29 45 134 136 57 8 60 612 50 61 152 181 26

6 8S 14

2 092 324 87 143 449 527 286 39 230 1 520 105 71 406 538 75 B 237 20

115 5

4 851 1 314 410 338 954 841 467 27 489 3 771 511 332 1 320 725 82 15 514 64


371 30 341 172 6 166

670 58 612 240 9 231

200 4 196 92 4 88

2 072 72 2 000 948 4 944



790 136 73 46 223 138 58 8 103 650 62 5S 2Sl 1S6



187 2 10 7

298 S88 431 376

22 122 295 1 390 972

8 966 70 404 280

8 845 265 Sl5 463

10 918 132 729 499

16 606 229 885 606

17 007 131 679 683

10 392 95 467 472

18 190 527 1 494 940

8 198 102 386 298

63 969 727 3 322 2 096

175 42 20 13 133 62 12

871 194 049 543 677 580 273

22 976 5 250 2 S38 1 S66 17 726 8 623 1 657

7 446 1 6S9 688 454 5 787 2 777 524

9 830 2 085 981 594 7 745 3 783 780

11 196 2 099 897 616 9 097 4 268 720

15 3 l l 11

056 462 490 017 S94 s 60S 950

14 560 4 266 2 295 1 673 10 294 5 087 1 139

9 259 2 297 1 lSS 787 6 962 3 313 678

18 617 s 298 2 113 1 336 13 319 6 083 l 110

6 753 1 997 882 593 4 756 2 208 500

58 13 6 4 44 20 4

291 311 770 744 980 288 062

2 799 6 485 56 290 1 958 4 444 39 962 648 12 536 606 ~~ 12 044 11ncludes persons who lost worked more than 10 years ago, net shown separately.

2 546 1 804

3 234 2 315 616 698

5 269 3 634 1 16S l 174

5 111 3 646 1 086 1 038

3 480 2 483 8S9 779

2 747 1 940 672 543

19 14 4 3

244 029 29S 816






4 3 1 1

796 279 138 167

'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.


6 - 541

Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based an sample see text Far minimum base far derived figures (percent median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN


Malo, 16 yHrs old and over-----------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Malo, 16 ta 24 years aid ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked -----------------Malo, 25 lo 64 years old ------------------50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Mal1, 65 ytars old and over-----------------

Median weeks worked ------------------

Female, 16 years old and over ---------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------lemole, 16 ta 24 yoan old_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 weeks to 49 weeks----------------------26 or less _____________________ _ Female, 25 ta 39 years old_ _______________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks female, 40 taor59less---------------------years old_ _______________ _50 to 52 weeks ----------------------- 27 to 49 weeks----------------------- 26 weeks or less---------------------- -


Femole, 60 years old and


OV'er --------------

Median weeks worked ----------------- -

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Bakersfield


Urban balance

BB 57 18 12 19 6

152 103 220 829 073 730 38.1 65 855 48 929 13 070 3 856 3 224 47.0 52 179 19 677 12 834 19 668 12 791 2 615 2 825 7 351 16 399 5 890 4 271 6 238 19 482 9 474 4 970 5 038 3 507 49.2

18 219 12 414 3 457 2 348 3 599 1 223 34.4 13 946 10 812 2 464 670 674 52.0 12 432 5 681 3 041 3 710 2 993 797 689 1 507 3 784 1 728 954 1 102 4 675 2 610 1 187 878 980 52.0

51 781 33 503 10 627 7 651 11 923 4 392 41.0 3B 132 28 428 7 436 2 268 1 726 41.4 30 851 11 213 7 618 12 020 7 763 1 580 1 736 4 447 9 713 3 312 2 556 3 845 11 484 5 510 2 894 3 080 1 891 43.9

71 991 51 689 929 5 073 1 566 6 332 7 249 82 37 548 25 110 164 1 860 811 7 304 2 001 462 11 OB4 9 507 1 553 24 2 256 2 070 145 41

15 913 11 239 248 381 450 2 143 1 680 20 10 030 6 684 52 165 214 2 394 476 97 826 649 177


Las Angeles-Lang Beach


Total 108 66 23 19 25 7


Urban balance







913 086 523 304 351 144 28.4 78 636 56 569 16 614 5 453 4 926 49.2 71 133 27 454 16 868 26 811 20 084 4 808 4 149 11 127 20 617 7 836 5 352 7 429 25 174 12 449 6 123 6 602 5 258 47.0

42 27 8 7 10 3

867 021 212 634 582 274 31.3 30 441 22 821 5 395 2 225 1 844 52.0 30 902 13 858 7 419 9 625 9 178 2 469 2 206 4 503 8 758 3 989 2 263 2 506 10 543 6 159 2 308 2 076 2 423 52.0

37 23 8 6

921 320 274 327 a 122 2 443 29.3 27 731 20 177 5 854 1 700 1 468 48.9 25 052 9 475 5 890 9 687 6 907 1 678 1 285 3 944 7 306 2 638 1 930 2 738 9 039 4 387 2 268 2 384 1 800 45.0

1 995 866 1 285 572 460 027 250 267 394 175 133 441 41.3 1 517 982 1 112 942 320 775 84 265 B3 709 49.1 1 375 083 602 362 415 167 357 554 345 340 93 571 106 046 145 723 404 620 177 697 127 898 99 025 501 793 271 886 147 343 82 564 123 330 49.5

17 11 3 2 3 1

749 875 765 109 401 228 43.5 13 244 10 134 2 413 697 1 104 49.2 14 526 7 334 4 254 2 938 3 656 1 249 1 033 1 374 3 570 1 814 1 130 626 5 133 3 151 1 511 471 2 167 52.0

15 683 9 933 4 088 1 662 4 076 1 709 48.2 11 25B 8 082 2 644 532 349 43.9 10 343 4 346 3 043 2 954 3 612 1 008 1 127 1 477 2 449 1 019 795 635 3 645 2 000 962 683 637 52.0

28 19 5 3 4 1

216 119 827 270 847 649 40.7 21 995 16 772 4 127 1 096 l 374 52.0 20 047 9 543 5 545 4 959 4 482 1 276 1 295 1 911 5 125 2 367 1 486 1 272 8 335 4 952 2 193 1 190 2 105 48.5

18 12 3 1 2

056 528 743 785 930 907 35.7 14 8B3 11 508 2 851 524 243 47.0 11 289 4 741 3 276 3 272 2 415 574 653 1 188 4 726 2 058 1 442 1 226 3 759 1 958 1 050 751 389 45.1

16 10 4 2 3 1

89 725 63 977 1 473 2 374 3 527 7 858 11 776 213 49 004 34 491 281 1 004 2 372 8 171 2 242 724 14 807 10 658 4 046 103 1 772 1 500 190 82

35 574 25 411 441 1 218 1 741 4 085 3 081 38 23 400 16 745 80 491 1 192 3 910 832 230 1 572 1 238 323 11 198 194 4

1 727 254 1 352 479 34 805 58 026 32 218 123 771 158 234 2 526 1 099 311 863 765 6 867 29 036 29 382 124 252 44 025 8 851 21 779 9 907 11 626 246 3 951 2 649 975 327

13 894 11 651 235 395 234 649 953 12 7 923 6 263 50 109 226 958 303 64 131 74 57

24 984 20 067 409 507 257 1 893 2 218 42 16 278 13 545 113 208 227 1 556 631 111 157 71 86

14 4BB 11 072 28 1 144 236 1 386 637 13 9 483 6 528 38 662 299 1 777 187 30 116 63 53

16 11




15 4

56 27 22 7

15 995 13 187 87 751 196 997 847 17 8 851 6 951 36 367 159 1 037 297 40 217 95 116 6 40 40


31 445 22 656 750 824 1 360 2 591 3 952 62 16 807 11 858 144 310 843 2 689 820 287 2 853 2 409 441 3 494 437 36 21

15 897 11 871 202 618 441 1 729 1 216 22 12 285 9 173 39 246 484 1 907 390 85 110 31 79


40 721 29 134 493 3 881 882 3 302 3 497 25 21 742 14 506 56 1 371 497 4 096 1 030 242 5 597 5 019 574 4 1 322 1 264 46 12


34 13 16 5

4 341 203 lll 105 869 949 716 1 007 359 2 946 216 203 637 406 71 642 532 163

809 33 31 33 165 213 160 100 74 498 67 31 122 87 22 14 98 53

2 537 94 80 57 486 527 429 648 201 1 845 113 153 366 259 35 484 297 91

6 622 401 273 281 1 083 1 564 840 1 570 590 4 712 294 280 968 1 481 118 528 760 195

2 513 196 131 142 454 653 357 275 295 1 792 119 147 505 350 21 72 426 112

2 41B 166 113 118 407 565 330 462 253 1 875 120 105 331 765 65 185 213 57

106 20 6 8 22 26 10

491 997 080 457 266 265 205 528 10 800 70 487 8 730 5 152 22 366 17 860 2 296 129 9 861 1 581


1 042 122 35 37 252 403 83 12 98 639 45 25 121 274 49

1 3B3 70 30 111 227 523 195 13 206 989 41 38 237 374 46

1 BOl 731 1 070 777 280 497

310 60 250 79 7 72

1 100 451 649 526 200 326

2 685 1 128 1 557 1 311 566 745

755 109 646 290 70 220

962 322 640 479 175

21 598 349 21 249 9 512 101 9 411

37 429 1 430 2 529 2 297

7 644 317 511 420

22 107 762 1 432 1 308

44 177 1 961 3 208 3 574

16 916 910 1 209 1 326

15 635 607 1 066 1 164

860 31 67 53

34 8 3 2 26 11 2

B 266 1 843 756 472 6 423 3 116 584

20 435 4 915 1 958 1 284 15 520 6 621 1 739

47 10 4 2 37 15 4

433 156 021 624 277 769 131

20 931 4 439 1 859 1 138 16 492 7 019 1 597

16 265 3 594 1 558 1 108 12 671 5 551 1 536

919 193 88 53 726 356 62

13 9 2 2

989 650 672 990

5 268 3 568 1 123 1 319

818 225 484 109 310 088 41.3 13 202 9 001 3 399 802 306 48.5 12 100 4 811 4 103 3 186 3 119 805 942 1 372 4 691 1 952 1 633 1 106 3 866 1 819 1 423 624 424 52.0


Malt employed, 16 years old and aver __ ---- __ -

Local government workers _____________ _Self·em~loyed workers----------------- Unpoid family workers ________________ _ Female employed, 16 years old and over__ ____ _Private wage end salary workers ------ __ Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers ---------- __ Stole government workers_ ___________ -- Local government workers_ ____________ _ Self·employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers ________________ _ Malt employed, In agrkulture ______________ _Woge and salary workers-------------Sell-employed workers ________ ------ __ _Unpaid lorn ily workers __ ---- __ ------ __ _ Female employed, rn agriculture _____________ _Woge and salary workers-------------- Self·employed workers __ ---- __ --------- Unpaid family workers----------------- Private wage and salary workers ------ __ Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers-----------State government workers _____________ _

LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Malt, 16 years -aid. and o-ver• ---------------


Professional, technical, & manogeriol wkrs Sales workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ Craftsmen, foremen, ond kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport -------- __ Laborers, excepl form ----------------- Farm workers------------------------ Service workers, including private household -

Female, 16 years old and averl ______ ------ __ Professional, technical, & monageriol wkrs -


Sales workers-----------------------Clerical and kindred workers __ -------- __ Operatives, including transport ---------- Other blue·collor workers ______ --------farm workers ____ -------------------- Service workers, except private household_ Private household workers _____________ _-

14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Male, 14 ood 15 years old-----------------


Form oc:cupotions --------------------- -

Nonform occupations-----------------Femoto, 14 ond 15 years old_ ______________ _Form occupations--------------------- Nonform occupations------------------ 1.ABOR MOBILITY FOR SELECTED GROUPS'

Mole, 30 to 49 yeors old In 1970 ___________ _


Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 __ _Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 _____ _ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------ Female, 16 lo 44 yeors old In 1965, no own children under 6 years old In 1965 ________________ _



With own children under 5 years in 197Q __ Worker in 1965 --------------------- Nonworker in 1970 ---------------- No own children under 5 years in 1970 __ _Worker in 1965--------------------Nonworker in 1970 ---------------Ftmate, 21 to 49 ln 1970, with ow• children 6 lo

Nonworker in 1965 -------------------- Worker in 1970 __ ---------- --------- -

939 162 203 134 777 649 994


218 202 16

11 880 2 500 7 154 8 417 5 105 1 725 2 516 531 1 548 Worker in 1965, worker In 1970 --------- 2 267 1 ~41 569 'Includes persons who lost worked more than 10 years ogo, not shown separately.

10 1 no own children under 6 ---------------








149 69 30 123 129 49 7 56 509 31 55 224 76 5

759 116 43 46 162 254 75

1 503 370 75 94 376 328 138

63 455 55 24 179 77 33

122 1 011 164 73 328 241 31

80 11

77 5


101 5

196 20




177 99

343 128

176 16 160


155 55 55





4 51

401 670 005 634

5 997 195 480 234

5 549 85 416 347

10 275 222 762 635

9 979 146 590 462

8 504 491 856 679

197 125 024 783 072 664 489

8 656 1 775 943 620 6 881 3 789 413

7 220 1 828 751 488 5 392 2 486 488

12 440 2 464 1 161 766 9 976 5 477 860

7 654 2 051 922 475 5 603 2 676 626

7 882 2 080 735 276 5 802 2 644 606

2 426 1 588

3 253 1 926 565 1 040

3 095 1 836 636 938






5 348 228 883 1 480 1 347 3 617 154 291 962 954 975 47 092 296 291 1 112 56 683 423 288 2The concept "worker" Includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.







216 91




Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN


Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-long Beach-Con.


El Monte



14 361 12 353 174 408 133 514 934 19 9 S3S 8 175

24 560 19 790 268 888 310 1 802 1 752 18 17 952 14 556 96 533 296 l 843 582 142 S41 403 138

21 665 17 298 231 1 155 263 l 512 1 395 42 11 870 9 357 24 309 267 l 394 449 94 85 62 23

83 997 62 198 1 236

24 18

46 41




l S66 365 84 138 361 396 129 18 75 906 125 51 322 251 12

1 063 134 65 97 304 277 98 5 83 794 49 124 235 227 19


90 9




182 88

180 78

336 4 332 101

985 10 975 394 394

18 410 11 606 4 802 2 002 4 083 1 758 48.6 13 682 9 516 3 302 864 645 52.0 12 297 5 141 3 738 3 418 3 669 1 028 1 175 l 466 3 576 l 426 J 144 J 006 4 041 2 200 l 114 727 1 011 49.4

38 26 7 4

Malo employed, 16 years old and over---------

2S 337

Privote wage and solory workers--------Employee of own corporation----------Federol government workers------------Stote government workers---- ____ ---- __ _ Loco I government workers __ -- __ ------ __ _ Self.employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers __________ -------Female employed, 16 years old ond aver_ ______ _ Private woge ond salary workers --------Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federol government workers ______ --·---Stote government workers __ -- __ ----·- __ _ local government workers ________ ------_ Self·employed workers-----------------Unpoid fomily workers------------------

20 689 837 435 281 1 795 2 122

20 686 17 733 90 712 213 958 I 010 60 12 202 10 249 33 283 237 1 134 243 56 309 146 145 18 35 30

16 454 13 828 199 323 204 1 027 l 050 22 9 S73 7 900 75 117 232 916 336 72 207 96 111

35 043 27 452 840 874 449 2 649 3 601 18 24 993 20 565 174 354 298 2 548 1 037 191 291 134 157

78 36 19 23

58 58

890 72 43 51 266 281 89 5 83 602 9 38 159 250 29

1 635 363 136 145 384 305 126 8 141 1 111 168 110 346 274 23

993 191 41 82 246 281 74

105 5

151 9

Malt, 65 rrars 014 and awer ________________ _

Medion weeks worked ------------------

Female, 16 years old and over ___ ., __________ _

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 49 weeks-----------------------26 to weeks or less ______________________ _ Fo,.ale, 16 to 24 yeors old_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks--------·--------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less-----------·----------h,.ale, 2S ta 39 years old-----------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 49 weeks-----------------------26 to weeks or less_ _____________________ _ Fomole, 40 to S9 years aid_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------female, 60 years old and over ---------------

Median weeks worked ------------------

2 444

43.8 S80 718 402 460 818 49.7 30 368 15 034 8 415 6 939 6 523 2 119 l 888 2 516 7 617 3 907 2 118 J 592 11 852 6 878 3 241 l 733 4 396 49.6 29 22 5 1 2

28 18 6 3

Long Beoch

130 886 704 540 460 l 502 39.0 19 130 15 170 3 321 639 S40 47.4 14 607 6 478 4 179 3 950 3 333 831 898 I 604 4 470 1 956 1 301 l 213 6 087 3 332 1 755 I 000 717 52.0

143 274 277 592 s 358 1 885 41.8 17 851 11 939 4 459 1 453 934 49.5 15 719 6 497 4 809 4 413 4 783 1 379 I 383 2 021 4 680 1 918 I 417 l 345 s 067 2 643 I 660 764 1 189 49.l

832 536 867 429 6 434


253 546 429 278 s 549 1 999 43.9 21 557 16 034 4 369 1 154 1 147 48.S 21 655 11 001 6 334 4 320 s 394 1 819 l 811 1 764 6 375 3 311 1 881 1 183 7 937 4 756 2 195 986 1 949 52.0

24 14 6 3

50 to 52 weeks-·---------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Male, 16 to 24 years old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Medion weeks worked -----------------Male, 25 to 64 years old------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _


16 256 10 981 3 666 1 609 3 040 1 201 46.4 12 804 9 631 2 592 581 412 44.1 11 470 5 667 3 227 2 576 3 080 1 034 905 l 141 3 667 1 899 1 057 71J 4 089 2 448 1 060 581 634 48.6

408 616 862 930 s 773 2 125 43.4 21 741 17 082 3 938 721 894 49.1 18 635 8 649 5 441 4 545 5 345 1 571 l 620 2 154 4 636 2 163 1 436 J 037 7 529 4 295 2 066 l 148 l 125 52.0

Male, 16 years aid and over-----------------

28 19 5 2

East Los Angeles (U)

24 16 4 2 4

110 71 25 14 28 13

821 332 216 273 938 172 49.0 76 959 55 972 16 083 4 904 4 924 48.5 71 398 30 619 21 989 18 790 20 2S4 5 244 6 774 6 236 17 086 7 174 5 564 4 348 26 48S 14 517 7 650 4 318 7 S73 47.6

Los Angeles 803 496 197 109 157

240 036 789 415 122

50 837

Norwalk 24 16 5 2

841 197 949 695 s 635

31 19 7 4 6 l

S02 795 171 536 S73 829 37.0 22 570 16 789 4 567 l 214 2 359 52.0 24 620 11 209 7 395 6 216

Pico Rivera

1 670 1 816 2 372 6 134 2 755 2 129 1 250 8 662 4 802 2 400

14 290 9 352 3 193 1 745 2 862 825 34.3 11 088 8 362 2 312 414 340 49.4 8 721 3 783 2 543 2 395 2 232 658 558 I 016 2 800 1 269 852 679 3 241 1 615 996

392 49.5

4 166 49.2

448 52.0

21 872 18 799 134 494 404 1 124 1 025

27 6SS 20 762 665 1 057 528 2 097 3 163 48 20 157 15 850 151 532 451 2 224 962 138 614 213 394 7 80 66 14

13 023 10 984 132 328 190 866 647 8 6 791 5 808 16

643 46 20 27 178 203 78 16 75 487 10 27 114 211 26 3 48

1 923

40.4 684 632 188 864 434 49.1 S79 433 254 617 178 498 146 318 142 989 38 972 44 864 59 153 172 077 76 812 55 694 39 571 208 758 112 163 62 618 33 977 SS 609 49.5

41.4 18 847 14 104 4 095 648 359 49.7 14 202 5 748 4 045 4 409 3 942 1 025 1 124 I ,793 4 639 1 829 1 253 1 557 s 229 2 707 1 547

684 428 526 865 15 777 23 199 14 893 47 182 71 188 I IOI 466 368 365 581 3 041 14 091 13 384 49 807 19 669 3 836 8 751 3 236 5 388 127 1 368 866 388 114

608 427 140 40 37



5 858

1 460



Male employed, In agriculture ---- ____ --------

Woge ond salary workers --------------Self·employed workers __ ---- __ -- ------ -Unpaid fomily workers ________ ------ ___ _ Female ernployed, In agriculture __ ---- __ ------_ Woge and solory workers ---------------

Self·employed workers-------------·---Unpaid family workers -- ______ ------ __ --

LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Molt, 16 years old and over1 ---------------..

Professional, technicol, & managerial wkrs _ Soles workers __ ------ ______ ---- __ ----Clerical and kindred workers------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ Operotives, including transport __ -- --·- __ _ Laborers, except form __ ---- ------ -- __ -Farm workers -- __ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- __ _ Service workers, including private household_

Female, 16 years old and over1 ______________ _

Professional, technical, & monageriol wkrs _ Sales workers ------------------------Clerical ond kindred workers------------Operatives, including transport----------Other blue·coilor workers_ ______________ _ Farm workers------------------------Service workers, except private household __ Private household workers ____ ---- __ ----14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Malo, 14 and 15 yours old-----------------Form occupations ---------------------Nonfarm occupations ______ ------ __ ----Fomole, 14 and 15 Y"" aid_ _______________ _ Form occupotions ---------------------Nonform occupations-------------------


15 2SB 12 226 218 143 268 I 899 558 164 169 95 74


51 37 4 10


Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _ Fomalt, 16 to 44 years aid In 196S, no own children under 6 years old In 1965_ ________________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970---_ Worker in 1965-____________________ Nonworker in 1970 ________________ _ No own children under 5 years in 1970 ---Worker in 1965---------------------Nonworker in 1970 ---- -----------·Female, 21 lo 49 In 1970, wllh awn children 6 to 10, no own children under 6 ---------------Nonworker in 1965 --------------------Worker in 1970---------------------Worker in 1965, worker In 1970 _________ _




1 715 7 808 6 991 110 SS 526 41 009 326 2 512 1 926 7 529 2 099 451 765 293 469



33 24 18


s 281

1 094 178 80 66 292 326 84

1 522 23 31 140 329 604 259

50 706 48 64 314 154 12

90 841 20 26 136 458 66

82 6


336 6 330 103



219 100

5 176 109

481 5 476 245








11 401 204 561 587

10 981 805 947 I 107

7 393 247 697 553

14 917 328 l 096 656

7 013

245 551 423

10 778 322 998 682

10 845 132 402 537

39 I 2 2

021 338 767 733

348 16 32 25

12 986 2 240

11 449 3 309 l 079 569 8 140 3 582 796

8 088 2 297 813 487 5 791 2 828 584

18 3 l 1 14 7 1

7 671 l 741 850 476 5 930 3 123 432

13 881 2 918 l 434 840 10 963 6 268 822

10 359 2 202 1 040 687 8 157 3 874 765

47 9 4 2 38 18 3

907 628 244 725 279 311 422

391 76 34 20 314 156 27







Malo, 30 to 49 yHrs old In 1970 ____________ _



278 100 660 252 70 lSO 44 102 4 5 5

5 175


577 10 746 5 246 816




3 06S 2 204 2 884 1 523 2 094 2 007 445 608 504 673 'Includes persons who last worked more than 10 years ogo, not shown separotely.




061 650 907 183 411 692 027

78 sso

78 21 214 146 9







683 311 407 1 242 I 511 483 9 607 3 S98 476 291 I 179 590 128 15 7J1




49 1l 2 4 9 10 4


10 94S 8 946 15 161 445 985 336 72

193 127 66


Sl 30 21



S62 395 891 367 181 813 620 215 5 546 32 263 4 718 2 199 10 277 7 493 l 019 45 4 380 972

1 226 137 46 82 305 430 152 14 60 934 44 70 281 339 37 6

1 437 364 103 115 245 238 113 13 204 925 151 85 287 158 32


138 50

7 530 90 7 440 3 676 34 3 642


3 77S 1 940 2 30S 3 539 8 84S 84 2 441 1 215 1 398 2 528 5 903 56 851 522 807 427 1 721 16 1 086 585 783 768 2 157 21 'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed




112 586 150


104 71 33


14 10 4



284 79

407 13 394 224

220 11 209




329 239 358 918

11 939 461 575 705

11 766 460 1 299 542

6 911 236 349 302

486 622 943 579 864 125 387

10 806 2 502 861 522 8 304 3 649 756

14 494 2 803 1 412 882 11 691 5 619 790

6 021 l 284 556 302 4 737 2 288 451

3 590 2 539 674 773

2 848 l 761 579 858

2 105 1 505 449 469

642 022 995 937 Forces.







Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols see text)

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More 1969 av WEEKS WORKED Malo, 16 years old and over ________________ _ 50 lo 52 weeks -----------------------27 weeks lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 or less ______________________ _ Mole, 16 to 24 years old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median wooks worked -----------------Mole, 25 to 64 years old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or loss----------------------Mole, 65 years old ond over----------------Median weeks worked ------------------


Female, 16 ye-ors old and over --------------~~ il woe~------------ 27 49 weeks----------------------26 lo weeks or less _____________________ _


Femole, 16 lo 24 yeors old_ _______________ _50 lo 52 woeks ----------------------27 lo 49 weeks ----------------------- 26 weoks -- -------------------Fomole, 25 loor39less yom old_ _______________ _50 lo 52 weeks----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks Femole, 40 toor59les'---------------------ytm old ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 lo 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------

---Feinal1, 60 years old ud over -w------------ Median weoks worked ----------------- -



Male employed, 16 years old and over-------Privole wage and salary workers -------Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers-----------Stole government workers_ ____________ _Local government workers _____________ _-Self·emplayed workers ------ ______ ---- _Unpaid family workers----------------Female employed, 16 yom old and"'"------- Private wage ond salary workors -------Employeo of own corporation _________ _ Federal government workers -----------Stole government workers _____________ _-local government workers _____________ _Self·employed workers----------------Unpaid family workors ----------------- Male tmployod, In agri

Female employed, In agrlculture ________ ------ Wogo and salary workors -------------- -

Self.employed workers----------------- Unpaid family worker'----------------lAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Malo, 16 years old ond over• --------------Professional, technical, & monogeriol wkrs Sales workers------------------------ Cloricol ond kindrod workers------------ Craftsmen, foremon, and kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport---------- loborors, except form ----------------Form workers------------------------ Service workers, including private household



Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Con.



Redondo Beach

Sonia Monico

22 551 13 905 5 508 3 138 5 186 1 821 42.4 16 424 11 686 3 785 953 941 45.3 15 321 6 227 4 562 4 532 4 268 999 1 352 1 917 4 673 1 876 1 408 1 389 5 255 2 919 1 393 943 1 125 46.3

16 225 10 853 3 541 1 831 3 443 1 315 44.3 12 456 9 415 2 427 614 326 48.2 11 139 5 122 2 998 3 019 3 163 977 1 054 1 132 3 664 1 772 907 985 3 594 2 041 852 701 718 48.0

26 359 15 879 6 895 3 585 4 738 1 359 38.0 19 969 13 809 4 683 1 477 1 652 48.6 22 464 10 286 7 162 5 016 5 277 1 439 2 030 1 808 6 472 3 068 2 148 1 256 7 524 4 291 2 128 1 105 3 191 49.3

16 11 3 1 2

872 274 937 661 939 l 284 48.3 13 035 9 569 2 871 595 898 48.7 11 460 5 877 3 133 2 450 2 633 872 802 959 2 855 1 368 825 662 4 620 2 836 1 195 589 1 352 52.0

41 29 7 4 7 2

189 395 618 176 723 477 40.2 32 583 26 455 5 089 1 039 883 52.0 27 619 12 520 8 202 6 897 7 474 2 154 2 243 3 077 8 449 3 800 2 661 1 986 10 284 5 840 2 983 1 461 1 412 52.0

19 13 3 2 3 1

332 355 615 162 788 046 33.6 15 174 12 165 2 632 377 370 43.6 12 205 4 956 3 670 3 579 3 155 816 888 1 451 3 804 1 509 I 171 1 124 4 877 2 445 1 520 912 369 52.0

21 14 4 3 5 1

819 471 281 067 233 464 32.3 15 594 12 505 2 620 469 992 52.0 15 066 5 787 4 831 4 448 4 505 914 1 358 2 233 3 035 1 234 963 838 5 948 3 031 1 974 943 1 578 46.7

544 364 118 62 102 33

961 235 021 705 454 407 40.3 421 975 321 130 82 351 18 494 20 532 49.2 354 422 150 839 106 097 97 486 87 371 22 478 25 602 39 291 108 637 45 720 34 128 28 789 130 797 69 573 38 587 22 637 27 617 49.2

50 32 10 7 10 3

806 390 440 976 521 731 36.5 37 932 27 603 7 623 2 706 2 353 48.2 33 799 12 251 8 540 13 008 8 203 1 865 1 866 4 472 10 275 3 565 2 717 3 993 12 570 5 734 3 214 3 622 2 751 43.4

16 11 2 2 3 1

358 355 770 233 245 259 38.3 12 383 9 746 2 017 620 730 49.2 11 724 4 889 3 004 3 831 2 848 837 679 1 332 3 945 1 489 1 049 1 407 3 934 2 103 1 031 800 997 48.3

18 10 4 3 4 1

19 220 14 426 185 660 980 1 753 1 374 27 11 852 8 537 41 289 963 1 533 463 67 406 257 149

14 313 11 986 128 309 207 941 866 4 8 848 7 366 32 229 66 839 303 45 80 52 28

15 052 12 877 170 361 86 774 931 23 9 280 7 986 43 126 101 737 277 53 138 66 72

17 661 14 039 402 366 292 1 419 1 517 28 9 807 7 425 67 165 262 1 497 346 112 158 71 82 5 53 43

485 384 10 14 7 34 43

18 18

37 192 30 141 509 961 409 3 111 2 528 42 22 802 18 006 78 402 455 2 977 827 135 297 125 166 6 102 65 37

19 249 15 045 512 376 296 l 604 l 922 6 11 687 8 910 73 135 398 1 682 478 84 173 108 65

56 48 8

22 827 17 067 249 826 878 1 438 2 577 41 18 122 14 083 62 623 880 1 567 867 102 406 205 197 4 36 31 5



42 259 30 572 559 1 552 1 044 3 093 5 836 162 22 973 16 837 77 548 862 3 323 995 408 6 329 4 065 2 154 110 754 605 73 76

13 969 10 195 251 659 408 1 343 1 358 6 8 650 6 096 38 230 375 1 415 384 150 520 410 104 6 103 89


387 299 558 742 593 647 372 734 280 695 221 273 1 932 5 811 6 559 33 245 11 329 2 478 6 358 3 197 3 100 61 1 432 988 329 115

14 858 11 268 138 551 386 1 058 1 553 42 8 665 6 522 25 179 262 1 243 322 137 1 219 994 220 5 282 255 18 9

655 120 44 43 137 182 73 5 51 550 68 42 201 111 10 78 10

25 346 4 452 l 481 1 731 5 823 6 844 2 475 130 2 249 17 260 1 781 1 227 5 493 4 863 572 42 2 427 290

3 408 167 127 98 666 1 131 405 546 262 3 108 222 143 335 1 551 142 131 435 92

827 47 57 41 177 231 139 49 86 805 66 62 140 291 56 5 136 13

1 372 85 58 112 777 54 51 179 40

6 833 115 6 718 2 982 58 2 924

1 170 461 709 625 158 467

317 44 273 216 26 190

425 149 276 188 38 150


1 495 192 82 93 308 464 192 11 148 905 46 99 262 294 7




870 173 36 49 237 188


South Gate







West Covina




37 33 4

Urban balance



5 9

Urban balance 460 955 314 191 178 379 35.2 13 516 9 250 3 10-4 1 162 766 45.7 12 896 4 358 3 347 5 191 3 159 590 737 1 832 3 590 1 177 1 006 1 407 5 149 2 214 1 314 1 621 998 42.3

856 72 25 105 213 279 63 5 83 477 24 24 140 190 17

1 663 401 131 145 322 361 122

672 70 32 98 156 163 77

107 654 85 61 194 172 13

1 590 470 103 127 317 255 142 7 142 968 160 89 364 155 30

176 1 152 141 130 380 231 51

76 488 56 99 175 93

141 10

98 4

113 20

48 12

148 25


4 42 15

383 15 368 131


245 121

131 11 120 29

415 4 411 183

192 4 188 105




240 52




254 30 224 109 5 104

9 438 534 749 675

6 840 118 367 369

10 305 538 1 125 816

6 000 147 421 413

19 549 147 881 750

9 467 94 489 290

7 938 119 350 204

245 6 16 11

976 705 267 876

21 302 960 1 375 1 884

7 116 208 427 483

7 523 437 512 737

9 810 2 152 880 522 7 658 3 353 557

7 842 2 064 1 076 777 5 778 3 040 530

14 587 2 235 1 112 710 12 352 6 597 1 001

7 127 1 814 783 494 5 313 2 836 431

19 433 3 610 1 904 1 204 15 823 8 007 1 272

8 192 1 357 717 442 6 835 3 278 536

9 392 l 690 743

235 54 25 15 181 87 15

861 495 071 860 366 082 684

21 4 1 1 16 7 2

200 486 831 128 714 201 020

7 230 1 726 803 476 5 504 2 580 565

B 022

1 967 1 863 1 278 1 177 445 412 ~94 552 526 •Includes persons who lost worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.

1 534 961 335 453

6 959 4 671 1 271 1 585

2 326 1 493 481 575

2 446 1 625 410 595

F1enal1 16 years old and ov1r1 _____ ,.. _______ _Profossional, technical, & managerial wkrs Soles workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ Operatives, including transport---------Other blue·collor workers ______________ _Form workers-----------------------Service workers, except private household_ Private household workers _____________ _1

14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Malt, 14 and 15 years old------"---------- Form occupations--------------------- Nonform occupations-----------------foMale, 14 and 15 ytars old _______________ _Farm occupalions --------------------- Nonform occupations ------------------

Malt, 30 49 yoars old In 1970 ___________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 __ _Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------ Worker in 1965, nonwarker in 1970 _____ _-















1 540

64 32 47 248 521 191 300 131


hMole, to 44oldyoors old In _______________ 1965, no own chlldre under 616years In 1965_ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970 ___ Worker in 1965-___________________ Nonworker in 1970 _______________ _NoWorker own children under 5 years In 1970 __ __in 1965-___________________ Nonwarker in 1970 _______________ _ Ftmolt, 21 lo 49 In 1970, with own chlldren 6 to 10, no own children u•der 6 --------------Nonworker in 1965 -------------------- Worker in 1970--------------------Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 ________ _





6- 544


2 692 1 922 580

5 3 1 1

506 756 199 403


7 702 3 473 538

3 095 2 159 73 380 2 266 1 572 50 685 696 377 15 399 576 369 16 961 •The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of !he Armed Forces.

1 597 597 359 6 425 2 722 794


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc.} and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 8Y WEEKS WORKED

Male, 16 years old and aver _______________ _-


50 to 52 weeks-----·----------------27 weeks ta 49 weeks·---------------------26 or less _____________________ _Male, 16 to 24 years old -----------------50 to 52 weeks----------------------- Median weeks worked ----------------- Male, 25 lo 64 years old------------------ 50 to 52 weeks·---------------------- 27 lo 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or less---------------------- -


Male1 65 years old and over _______________ _-

Median weeks worked ----------------- -

Female, 16 years old and over-------------- -

50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 Female,weeks 16 toor24less---------------------years old ________________ _-


50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 lo 49 weeks----------------------26 female,weeks 25 toor39less.---------------------years old _________________ _

50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Femol•, 40 toorS9less---------------------years old_ _______________ _50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less------------------·--- Female, 60 years old and over-------------- Median weeks worked ----------------- CLASS OF WORKER

Male employed, 16 years old and aver-------- -

Private wage ond salary workers-------- Employee of awn corporotion. ________ _ Federal government workers-----------State government warkers_ ____________ _local government workers_ ____________ _ Self-employed workers __________ ------ _Unpaid family workers -- -- __ ---- ---- ---Female employed, 16 years old and over ______ _Private wage and salary workers-------- Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federal government workers-----------Stale government workers_ ____________ _ local government workers_ ____________ _ Self-employed workers ________ ------ __ _ Unpaid family workers------------------


--Male employed, In agriculture ________ ---- __ _ Woge and salary workers ---------·---- Self-employed workers __ ·- ______ ------ __ Unpaid family workers-----------------female employed, In agrlculture _____________ _Wage and salary workers -------------- Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers -- ---- ______ ---- _LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Male, 16 years old and over1 _____ ,. ________ _ Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _ Sales workers ------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ Operatives, including transport----------laborers, except form -----------------Farm workers------------------------Service workers, including private household_

Female, 16 years old and overi __________ ,. ___ . ,. Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _

Soles workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Operatives, including transport ____ ---- -- _ Other blue-collar workers_. __ -- __ -------Form workers------------------------Service workers, except private household •• Private household workers __ ------------_ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Male, 14 and lS years old-----------------Farm occupations ------------·--------Nonfarm occupations ______ ---- __ ------Female, 14 ond 15 years old ________________ _ Form occupations ______ ------ ------ ___ _ Nonfarm occupations ______ ---- __ ------ _ LABOR MOBILITY FOR SELECTED GROUPS'

Male, 30 ta 49 years aid In 1970 ____________ _

Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ___ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------Female, 16 ta 44 r,ears old In 196S, no own children under 6 ytars o d In 1965-________________ _ With own children under 5 years in l97Q __ _ Worker in 1965---------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------No awn children under 5 years in 1970 ---Worker in 1965-.-------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------Female, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con.


Simi Valley

356 575 777 004 916 590 40.8 77 241 58 426 15 805 3 010 3 199 49.6 61 227 23 093 18 140 19 994 lS 941 3 462 4 544 7 935 20 123 7 346 6 208 6 569 21 314 10 660 6 267 4 367 3 849 46.1

18 618 11 934 4 486 2 198 4 341 l 565 42.6 13 772 10 076 3 087 609

14 9 3 l 2

Total 102 67 22 12 21 7

Nonworker in 1965 --------------------Worker 1970worker .--------------------Worker in in1965, in 197Q _________ _

Ventura (San Buenaventura)


ArdenArcade (U)

lS 592 10 437 129 2 699 383 l 053 989 31 9 361 6 194 24 l 214 567 l 041 245 100 1 960 l 823 137

12 724 10 137 69 379 174 l 250 776 8 5 938 4 763 11 94 139 780 105 57 149 74 75



14 036 9 184 262 l 543 302 l 653 l 323 31 8 277 5 460 64 370 296 l 602 436 113 301 226 75

527 5 23

25 9 6

84 74 5 5

4 S93 631 207 221 l 132 978 631 252 530 3 180 311 285 959 839 104 59 445 88

817 111 24 49 173 189 158 33 80 750 27 68 240 230 36 17 96 8

806 128 36 28 225 251 50 16 66 477 30 23 157 177 5 11 52 8

591 85 44 33 159 97 76 7 90 416 79 38 145 50 4

1 759 332 l 427 662 74 588

376 93 283 166 46 120

179 16 163 83 4 79

2S8 13 245 68

432 196 311 496

8 393 172 549 505

8 133 52 323 416

1 007

133 298 337

21 238 777 926 l 070

96 3 6 6

4S9 617 338 169

10 131 126 620 399

27 l 2 l

40 567 10 698 4 917 3 280 29 869 13 817 3 123

8 113 2 092 875 531 6 021 2 857 610

5 333 l 921 975 671 3 412 l 556 382

6 766 l 600 757 505 5 166 2 753 515

17 402 4 452 2 057 l 389 12 950 5 623 l 339

98 21 8 5 77 34 6

182 042 989 637 140 563 213

12 960 2 136 l 104 710 10 824 4 942 589

30 6 2 l 24 11 l

48 l 2 2


14 891 10 423

2 430 1 621 481





221 142 45 33 49 15

892 661 469 762 343 164 35.2 165 276 124 298 30 716 10 262 1 273 47.6 144 309 63 986 35 332 44 969 40 048 9 906 10 366 19 776 43 071 19 469 10 824 12 778 Sl 337 29 742 11 916 9 679 9 853 49.8

25 17 4 3

36 124 26 060 418 3 236 970 2 754 3 036 68 19 267 13 621 136 l 100 l 073 2 399 826 248 2 496 2 102 390 4

176 103 2 22 19 15 15

710 151 518 510 668 245 843 293 538 867 426 932 229 065 432 013 127 564 443 120 139 791 222 126

21 441 12 116 499 3 060 2 489 l 635 2 128 13 14 732 8 533 95 l 079 2 161 2 238 541 180 184 94 90

l 972 267 79 95 494 354 275 141 267 1 306 163 132 350 332 59 18 180 39

12 317 l 196

987 174 126 39 262 157

792 155 637 26S 19 246

3 638 451 3 187 1 36S 170 l 195


563 25 9



569 721 442 413

7 19 15 4 1 1

4 2 1


688 3 653 2 369 l 524 499 l 578 8 04S 954 734 2 787 936 240 188 l 534 244





100 66 19 14 23 7

SS 715

31 586 735 6 354 7 081 5 730 4 951 73 38 704 21 557 93 1 907 8 544 5 068 I 441 187 1 121 636 471 14 204 185 13 6



819 722 780 317 607 727 37.3 15 1s1 58 110 13 119 3 922 2 061 46.l 61 SS8 26 208 15 243 20 107 17 S59 4 195 4 660 8 704 20 741 8 990 5 143 6 608 20 344 11 666 4 751 3 907 2 914 48.4

83 48 20 14 33 12

SS2 379 927 246 803 312 43.2 47 069 34 766 9 643 2 660 2 680 49.3 41 139 16 606 10 996 13 537 11 545 2 642 3 184 5 719 11 98S 4 617 3 363 4 005 14 446 7 839 3 636 2 971 3 163 49.2

995 932 832 231 190 389 46.9 s S34 4 425 841 268 271 45.7 4 974 2 228 l 325 l 421 1 673 526 489 658 1 338 530 415 393 l 623 l 015 341 267 340 41.9

71 soo 46 320 943 11 428 8 201 6 078 5 401 72 46 769 27 138 141 4 289 7 121 6 131 l 701 389 1 867 l 372 490 5 440 349 52 39

47 171 32 704 693 3 599 l 311 3 630 5 831 96 30 519 21 684 169 2 148 689 3 912 l 596 490 7 767 6 402 l 343 22 2 027 l 832 118 77

4 514 2 839 92 611 123 333 604 4 3 785 2 682 10 385 100 430 176 12

s 135

2 807

314 60 8 27 57 11 108

8 5 l I 3 l





27 22 5




4 403 355 246 262 l 212 781 696 170 665 2 743 261 228 930 496 107 34 462 100

514 355 340 530 095· 527 182 586 660 462 337 375 263 94 90 735 112

217 87 167 655 653 451 284 288 2 670 210 219 574 725 113 224 476 80

407 14 393 178 11 167

1 022 63 959 309 11 298

1 628 155 l 473 630 57 573

1 368 450 916 717 220 497

92 28

22S 115 194 787

4S 700 887 2 770 2 577

26 136 833 2 003 l 824

2 9S8 42 208 173

99S 369 767 574 626 632 805

44 10 4 2 33 14 2

099 518 327 607 581 825 996

26 6 2 l 20 8 l

3 613

16 11 3 3

2S7 689 444 376


15 142 764 144 112 271 40 16



31 204 3 03S 21 811 2 134 6 269 580 7 088 779 2The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the 2 038 1 349 433 526

6 4 l l

110 62

621 563 858 200 s 840 2 068 41.2 19 llS 15 172 3 104 639 666 49.6 18 017 8 794 4 796 4 427 5 618 l 814 1 583 2 221 4 620 2 342 l 276 l 002 6 794 4 116 l 668 l 010 98S 52.0

148 394 554 200 727 168 37.l so 297 36 790 9 811 3 696 3 124 48.6 49 S32 23 306 12 016 14 210 12 611 3 315 3 336 5 960 13 43S 6 541 3 328 3 566 18 813 11 127 4 313 3 373 4 673 49.9

85 8S2 61 225 979 8 123 2 030 7 276 7 037 161 46 049 32 371 247 2 890 2 219 6 281 l 738 550 6 900 5 801 l 090 9 1 S35 l 414 66 55


137 801 751 585 284 601 39.9 33 461 25 601 6 585 1 275 1 392 46.0 25 931 9 739 7 652 8 540 6 727 1 469 l 867 3 391 8 30S 2 987 2 449 2 869 9 151 4 572 2 810 l 769 1 748 45.4

67 42 14 10 13 4

52.0 12 407 4 619 3 729 4 059 3 774 805 I 212 I 757 3 801 l 488 l 165 l 148 4 116 l 991 l 174 951 716 48.6

681 48.4 10 631 4 312 3 007 3 312 2 S63 577 688 1 298 3 107 1 239 886 982 4 082 2 181 l 141 760 879 44.9

45 29 9 5 10 3

Urban balance


16 10 3 l 3 l


020 631 587 802 310 245 45.2 12 029 9 078 2 468

Urban balance


082 787 029 266 204 624 36.3 11 746 9 089 2 314 343 132 52.0 1 869 2 708 2 503 2 658 1 794 364 520 890 3 S92 l 228 l 216 l 148 2 289 l 026 701 562 194 40.5

2 865 l 997 680 n~J ~92 654 'Includes persons who last worked more than 10 yeors ago, not shown separately.

10, no own children under 6 ----------------



8 370 5 377 1 523 2 295 Armed Forces.

l l


741 629 773 880 112 769 959

1 836

5 250 l 655 2 009


43 275 37 37 60 49


62 18 92




899 420 328 2 714 1 227 243 753 548 177 175


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based an sample see text For minimum base far derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities} Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN


Male1 16 years old and over-----------------

50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Malo, 16 to 24 yam old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked -----------------Malo, 25 to 64 yaars old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks -----------------------26 weeks or Jess-----------------------

Male, 65 years aid and over-----------------

Median weeks worked -----------------Female, 16 years old and over ---------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 woeks Fomolo, 16 toor24less----------------------years old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks -----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Fomale, 25 to 39 years old"----------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks ar less----------------------Fomolt, 40 to 59 years old-----------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Female, 60 yurs old and over ---------------

Median weeks worked ------------------


Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Solinas-Monterey-Con.


San Bernardina-Riverside-Ontario

San Diego

Sa Ii nos

Urban balance

16 10 3 2 3 1

362 594 653 115 638 363 41.5 12 036 B 924 2 545 567 688 46.4 11 314 4 6BO 2 986 3 64B 3 022 708 739 I 575 3 076 I 276 Bl4 986 4 334 2 279 I 205 850 882 48.7

30 18 7 4 12 4

859 631 401 B27 019 546 44.0 17 861 13 561 3 401 899 979 52.0 17 940 7 435 4 B62 5 643 4 930 I 054 I 463 2 413 5 331 2 169 I 503 l 659 6 290 3 517 l 549 l 224 1 389 52.0

298 l B7 70 40 69 26

656 953 212 491 138 559 44.5 215 972 155 938 47 152 12 8B2 13 546 43.9 181 303 6B 821 54 371 SB 111 46 150 10 155 13 257 22 738 53 784 19 639 16 771 17 174 64 945 31 831 19 5B8 13 526 16 424 47.2

16 947 10 428 4 467 2 052 3 563 l 222 43.3 12 716 0 937 3 059 720 668 48.3 11 073 4 024 3 528 3 521 3 040 767 859 1 414 3 523 1 251 1 120 l 152 3 627 1 679 1 255 693 883 45.0

38 24 8 5 9 2

183 005 461 717 395 753 36.9 27 311 20 560 5 300 1 451 1 477 4B.2 25 931 9 983 7 B96 0 052 7 714 1 684 2 267 3 763 7 324 2 886 2 347 2 091 8 942 4 630 2 665 1 647 1 951 46.8

25 15 6 3 5 2

741 665 412 664 715 178 44.5 18 871 13 02B 4 464 l 379 1 155 44.0 17 637 7 576 5 065 4 996 4 544 1 148 1 317 2 079 4 891 2 071 l 430 1 390 6 532 3 523 1 930 l 079 1 670 52.0

173 109 40 22 41 16

353 960 406 9B7 071 453 45.9 124 640 90 526 26 992 7 122 7 642 42.9 102 948 39 12B 30 951 32 869 25 774 5 581 7 384 12 809 31 603 11 690 9 922 9 991 36 588 17 906 11 073 7 609 8 983 48.0

320 931 106 2B3 709 090 4B.2 262 914 200 376 49 503 13 035 12 697 47.l 221 205 86 OOB 67 124 68 073 66 110 15 324 20 457 30 329 63 193 24 448 20 434 18 311 75 345 39 213 21 414 14 71B 16 557 47.3

18 12 3 2 4 l

712 9B5 6Bl 046 261 BB3 48.6 14 005 10 912 2 51B 575 446 48.2 11 332 4 245 3 673 3 414 3 539 773 l 209 I 557 3 133 l 131 I 095 907 4 009 2 130 1 142 737 651 43.3

14 9 3 1 3 1

418 3BO 345 693 470 273 43.2 10 508 7 962 2 117 429 440 42.9 8 920 3 430 2 827 2 663 2 796 607 984 l 205 2 424 955 720 749 3 167 I 676 961 530 533 42.0

224 136 54 33 82 31

14 254 10 619 249 575 430 I 258 I 352 20 8 576 6 176 44 301 170 I 490 314 125 1 982 I 804 178

17 601

11 600 225 2 014 464 l 419 2 OB3 21 13 448 9 504 109 I 186 339 I 445 722 252 2 024 I 745 279

15 042 11 991 148 472 514 1 038 l 007 20 B 393 6 579 41 244 3B8 884 256 42 539 396 143

136 489 100 717 1 740 7 000 4 447 10 763 13 344 218 78 116 55 851 3BB 3 363 3 098 10 762 4 063 979 6 287 4 836 1 406 45 1 474 1 176 210 88

265 184 4 24 9 21 24

415 599 445 520 040 906 999 351 080 558 936 247 396 064 267 54B 246 659 534 53 684 206 364 114

13 858 9 574 159 I 885 236 1 17B 978 7 8 148 5 783 31 636 225 1 131 314 59 157

12 477 9 303 168 733 343 956 I 118 24 6 783 5 085 18 168 267 827 356 80 149 108 41

136 94 2 13 5 11 11

573 497 25 51

31 733 21 307 388 l 957 2 245 3 328 2 825 71 19 894 12 935 71 712 l 477 3 830 760 180 999 679 305 15 112 63 36 13

20 636

741 727 10 4

238 020 171 7BI 3 044 12 611 9 152 19 826 23 999 451 137 003 95 704 713 5 920 6 363 20 371 7 108 I 537 14 663 10 976 3 562 125 3 032 2 475 406 151

836 26 42 6B 118 275 91 135 Bl 911 48 44 175 347 44 110 109 28

1 010 93 25 41 313 206 161 44 127 l 012 96 104 249 162 37 71 252 30

12 826 1 55B 62B 536 3 620 2 876 l 715 499 l 301 9 089 760 818 2 8B2 l 606 312 185 l 846 306

924 100 25 44 209 303 106 17 109 763 31

7 192 923 393 312 2 076 1 597 912 272 655 5 249 437 429 l 746 948 177 105 1 061 141

15 711 2 549

690 144 40 51 159 115 BO 12 89 741 109 70 341 77 13

419 155 264 235 Bl 154

545 134 411 288 93 195

4 770 666 4 104 1 769 151 I 618

2 625 321 2 304 1 071 87 984

4 951 235 4 716 2 119 79 2 040

6 575 213 474 355

9 947 200 753 615

125 5 8 7

6 734 l 721 787 451 5 013 2 476 542

11 451 2 789 l OBl 764 8 662 3 692 796

119 28 11 7 91 40 8




Son Bernardina

Urban balance

Total 432 272 99 60 156 67

Chula Vista

Son Diego El Coion (urban port) 024 451 157 416 408 740 45.7 135 177 101 B57 26 144 7 176 6 439 4B.3 120 935 47 B32 37 056 36 047 38 022 9 045 11 953 17 024 34 353 13 874 11 155 9 324 39 512 20 921 11 245 7 346 9 048 48.4

Urban balance 146 97 31 IB 56 2B

746 444 142 160 251 459 52.0 86 381 67 261 15 331 3 789 4 114 45.9 68 79B 26 484 20 330 21 984 19 231 4 376 5 629 9 226 20 059 7 515 6 512 6 032 24 284 12 369 6 810 5 105 5 224 46.4


Malo employed, 16 years old and over--------Private wage and salary workers--------Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers -----------State government workers _____________ _-Local government workers _____________ _Self·em~loyed workers----------------Unpaid family workers------------------


Female employed, 16 years old and over _______ _

Private wage and salary workers -------- Employee of own corporation _________ _federal government workers-----------State government workers __ ------------ local government workers__-----------Self-employed Unpaid family workers----------------workers _________________ _Mole employed, In agriculture __________ ----- Wage ond salary workers -------------- Self-employed Unpaid family workers----------------workers ________________ _Femole employed, In agriculture __ ---- __ -----Woge and salary workers-------------- Self-employed workers ____ ---- ________ _ Unpaid family workers ________________ _



LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Male, 16 years aid and over• __ .,.., ________ ,. __ Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs -

--fema~•~ 16- years old and over1 __ ---- __ ------ Soles workers-----------------------Clerical and kindred workers-----------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport ____ ------ Laborers, except form ----------------Form workers-----------------------Service workers, including private household

Professional, technical, & monogerial wkrs Sales workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ Operatives, including transport---------Other blue·collor warkers--------------- -


Form workers------------------------

Service workers, except private household_ Private household workers ________ ------ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Mole, 14 and 15 ytm old----------------Farm occupations--------------------- Nonform occupations ______ ---- __ -----Female, 14 and 15 years old_ ______________ _-


-LABOR MOBILITY FOR SELECTED GROUPS' Male, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ___________ _ Nonwarker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 __ _Form occupations---------------------

Nonform occupalions ------------------

Nanworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -----Worker in 1965, nanworker in 1970 _____ _Famole, 16 to 44 years old Jn 1965, no own ohlldre -n undtr 6 years old in 1965-_______________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ Worker in 1965 --------------_ Nonworker in -------1970 ________________ No own children under 5 years in 1970 ___ _ Worker in 1965 _____________________ _ Nanworker in 1970 ________________ _ Ftmale, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to


10, no owll children under 6 ----------------


3 396 2 183 799 1~2 962 'includes persons who last worked more than 10 years ago, not shown

Nanworker 1965_____________________ ---------------------_ Worker inin1970 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 _________ _

6 - 546


2 038 1 298



100 90 10


13 702 239 1 525 914 2 554 1 911 30 13 663 8 611 55 696 849 2 501 659 147 459 23B 211 10 38 19 19


l 307

145 6

1 532 224 82 77 430 299 193 43 164 1 008 72 144 370 133 33 6 126 45

181 4 177 87

689 34 655 242

341 62 279 122




266 013 241 614

6 905 172 465 345

16 284 515 925 709

10 783 1 020 821 800

73 2 4 4

944 311 236 213 633 154 834

6 929 l 924 758 537 5 005 2 192 3B5

17 3 l l 13 6 1

12 361 2 694 1 002 592 9 667 4 114 797

67 16 6 4 50 22

39 530 28 222 0 733 8 194 separately.


175 280 18




276 659 664 042 617 208 175

135 71 55 375 209 240 11 197 879 90 63 2B7 103 39 9 207 53


165 117 10 6 21 0 l 7 4 2 1 l




15 15



1 071 l 021 4 lBl 2 796 1 845 208 l 932 11 493 l 508 l 176 3 84B l 508 331 83 2 196 363


657 113 61 13 225 133 62


233 9 224 64

220 18 202 43




84 59 1 7 2 7 8 50 36 3 l 6 3


237 453 471 366 067 445 163 971 152 269 207 697 274 071 570

2 655 1 815 808 32 838

583 188 67

8 802 l 469 602 679 2 239 l 443 1 037 76 1 198 6 463 896 643 2 111 811 194 35 I 315 199

4 608 664 303 202 l 335 940 504 88 530 3 372 382 333 1 084 536 lOB 3B 603 131

2 233 64 2 169 963 14 949

1 853 96 l 757 836

40 796

037 595 598 5B9

150 3 10 7

746 520 538 596

8 167 123 431 322

5 828 103 276 284

77 2 5 4

373 094 894 162

49 422 829 3 317 2 228

735 846 686 258 889 602 4 744

158 36 14 10 122 52 11

288 122 713 371 166 619 178

8 985 2 271 973 682 6 714 2 774 667

6 692 1 569 666 494 5 123 2 254 463

86 18 7 5 67 29 5

585 956 612 323 629 666 918

48 11 4 3 36 15 3

039 606 708 359 433 473 453

1 861 1 375 385 3B2

21 15 4 4

606 224 146 690

14 10 3 2

957 894 429 934

2 339 5 118 3 383 23 688 43 896 2 1 662 3 703 2 324 16 892 31 530 l 547 736 5 274 8 958 !J~ 537 818 4 854 a 919 'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed


1 l


80 17


5 3 11 3

35 23 12

43 463 59 65 171 28 5 5 109 3


90 64

345 283 182 460 532 190 758 122 858 BSO 459 860 902 740 812 694 942 111 826 5 388 330 41 17

626 927 475 446 Forces.


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Mule, 16 years old and over ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Male, 16 to 24 yeors old------------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------

Median weeks worked ------------------

Male, 25 to 64 yoors old------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------

26 weeks or less-----------------------

Male, 65 years old and over-----------------

Median weeks worked -----------------Ftmale, 16 years old and over --------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 49 weeks-----------------------26 to weeks or less __________________ ----hmale, 16 to 24 years old_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Female, 25 to 39 years old_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Femalo, 40 to 59 years old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Fema1e, 60 years old and over ---------------

Median weeks worked ------------------

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. San Francisco-Oakland





Fremont Hayward Daly City (urban port) (urban part)

Private wage and salary workers --------Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federal government workers------------State government workers_ _____________ _ Local government workers------ __ ---- __ _ Self·employed workers ____________ -----Unpaid family workers------------------

Female employed, 16 years old and over_ ______ _

Private wage and salary workers --------Employee al own corporation __________ _ Federal government workers------------State government workers--------------local government workers_ _____________ _ Self·employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers __ ---- ____ ---- __ -Male employed, in agriculture ______ ---- __ ----

Wage and salary workers --------------Self·employed workers __ ------ _________ _ Unpaid family workers _________________ _ Fem-ale employed, In agriculture ______________ _

Woge and salary workers --------------Self·employed workers __ ---- ____ ---- __ -Unpaid family workers-----------------LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYEO Male, 16 years old and over1 ___________ .. ___ _

Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _ Sales workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers__ Operatives, including transport----------Laborers, except form -----------------Farm workers ------------------------Service workers, including private household. Female, 16 years aid and over1 ______________ _ Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _

Soles workers ------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Operatives, including transport----------Other blue·collor worker'---------------Farm workers------------------------Service workers, except private household __ Private household workers ____ ----------_ 14 AND 1S YEARS OLD- WORKED IN 1969 Male, 14 and 15 yoors old-----------------form occupations __ ---- __ -------- __ -- __ Nonform occupations ______ ---- __ ------Female, 14 and 15 yeors old ________________ _ Farm occupations---------------------Nonform occupations-------------------

Nanworker in 1970 ----------------Female, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to 10, no own children under 6 ---------------Nonworker 1965_____________________ ---------------------_ Worker inin1970 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 _________ _


San Francisco Son Leandro

411 908 767 736 300 352 38.7 686 317 506 741 141 258 38 318 38 794 49.6 616 486 284 391 174 513 157 582 157 007 44 120 46 034 66 853 184 936 86 342 55 315 43 279 218 959 125 137 58 580 35 242 55 584 52.0

24 16 5 2 8 4

528 880 110 538 597 578 52.0 15 138 11 930 2 549 659 793 49.3 13 263 6 537 3 439 3 287 3 846 l 202 1 131 1 513 3 638 1 637 l 088 913 4 669 3 072 970 627 1 110 52.0

37 16 10 11 13 2

474 241 002 231 876 153 23.0 21 945 13 274 5 672 2 999 1 653 49.8 30 316 10 691 9 388 10 237 12 056 2 062 3 553 6 441 8 569 3 416 2 995 2 158 7 158 3 986 2 038 1 134 2 533 49.7

23 16 4 2 4 1

578 405 845 328 520 593 40.3 18 692 14 602 3 538 552 366 52.0 14 383 6 237 4 056 4 090 3 547 948 l 063 1 536 4 997 2 099 1 378 l 520 5 291 2 952 l 442 897 548 48.5

19 13 4 l 3 l

923 945 028 950 839 619 46.3 15 415 11 990 2 685 740 669 52.0 14 326 7 171 3 884 3 271 3 955 1 420 l 093 l 442 4 556 2 212 1 315 1 029 4 931 3 024 1 255 652 884 52.0

27 040 18 690 5 536 2 614 5 003 1 544 37.1 21 613 17 160 3 970 483 424 44.6 15 119 6 200 4 613 4 306 3 528 804 l 121 l 603 6 043 2 491 1 901 l 651 4 994 2 659 1 422 913 554 47.3

26 17 6 3 6 2

732 491 098 143 180 254 42.3 19 950 15 001 4 112 837 602 44.0 16 755 6 960 4 944 4 851 5 131 1 360 1 682 2 089 5 300 2 322 1 513 l 465 5 546 2 966 1 517 1 063 778 44.8

100 60 26 14 21 7

740 108 237 395 327 428 41.5 73 585 49 914 18 274 5 397 s 828 49.4 72 936 32 977 21 134 18 825 18 511 5 187 5 187 8 137 19 968 9 402 6 301 4 265 25 830 14 093 7 364 4 373 8 627 52.0

17 11 3 1 3 1

558 816 745 997 697 429 45.0 13 043 9 999 2 425 619 818 49.3 12 170 6 045 3 487 2 638 3 268 1 114 983 1 171 3 345 1 716 905 724 4 681 2 791 l 286 604 876 49.8

21 13 4 2 3 1

212 626 934 652 890 250 39.l 16 686 12 066 3 657 963 636 49.0 14 312 6 533 4 059 3 720 3 244 963 1 056 1 225 4 279 1 910 1 294 1 075 5 778 3 148 l 512 1 118 1 011 52.0

430 751 790 889 882 537 39.8 160 364 107 728 39 584 13 052 13 184 49.8 169 055 85 411 49 327 34 317 41 297 13 099 13 128 15 070 50 687 26 351 15 930 8 406 56 535 34 666 15 110 6 759 20 536 52.0

20 915 14 647 4 192 2 076 3 857 1 234 39.4 16 182 12 994 2 761 427 876 49.5 13 334 6 691 3 328 3 315 3 264 1 070 905 I 289 3 095 1 593 758 744 5 839 3 450 1 365 1 024 1 136 52.0

770 560 13 53 29 56 69 1 497 365 2 26 22 58 20 3 10 5 4

13 988 9 696 173 1 959 269 933 l 110 21 10 532 7 809 35 1 028 271 1 027 322 75 169 106 63

28 035 14 743 282 2 405 6 090 2 104 2 634 59 22 527 12 031 48 1 464 4 552 3 393 960 127 394 191 193 10 98 86 12

21 272 15 873 169 1 582 577 l 945 l 285 10 11 502 8 326 39 477 328 1 973 326 72 211 156 55

17 582 12 936 261 l 349 440 1 473 1 368 16 11 912 9 482 56 645 328 1 051 359 47 159 99 60

24 656 19 628 327 1 270 427 l 854 l 452 25 11 890 8 905 63 288 471 1 716 450 60 382 281 101

23 508 18 610 249 l 454 656 1 307 1 457 24 13 107 10 103 40 425 547 1 630 327 75 128 107 21

81 57 l 8 2 5 7

467 593 111 464 573 392 328 117 57 666 40 321 276 4 898 2 675 6 914 2 447 411 1 066 624 442

15 767 12 723 287 556 133 1 221 1 125 9 10 128 8 031 21 229 116 1 321 381 50 266 154 112

175 125 2 14 5 13 16

18 18

139 121 18

80 80

286 245 32 9

42 33 5 4

719 428 791 012 314 994 748 223 592 691 608 959 123 264 713 842 214 783 426 5 402 330 53 19

18 701 14 311 329 l 375 316 I 203 1 485 11 10 959 B 864 33 376 173 I 117 340 89 199 121 78

55 48

18 353 13 351 153 1 622 690 l 471 l 185 34 11 435 7 936 39 748 752 l 470 439 90 136 67 65 4 59 48 11

993 72 55 51 405 168 95

923 81 78 35 218 270 129 20 92 852 84 107 247 215 29 13 111 14

1 354 91 79 116 356 367 200 19 126 997 55 90 308 261 27

6 345 655 300 537 1 430 1 539 895 54 860 4 392 428 313 1 408 851 149 21 837 200

1 296 86 86 73 290 353 214

92 413 32 18 198 57 4 5 75 5

174 868 68 61 230 228 31 7 163 43

12 953 1 938 738 1 718 2 501 2 122 1 273 117 2 353 7 099 978 554 2 579 921 216 33 l 168 228

789 114 39 44 179 212 116

68 90 162 BO 10

843 123 62 54 215 222 114 5 48 473 48 54 156 63 25

642 65 36 33 250 91 65

56 518 62 41 215 58 25

2 468 502 152 328 389 387 328 26 322 1 901 416 160 637 223 17

376 27 349 108



235 93 93


249 82 4 78

1 903 50 1 853 876 20 856

273 10 263 84


1 156 29 1 127 586 5 581

236 455 734 629 149 632 246 125 407 926 439 582 367 064 761 707 159 993 073 93 2 602 2 117 362 123

42 5 2 3 10 8 5


32 21








902 801 464 935 166 533 388 466 721 869 555 466 987 710 834 111 696 945

697 72 26 65 199 190 84

83 10

260 106

101 25

80 11

12 386 440 11 946 5 118 88 5 030

286 286 72

413 12 401 258

302 10 292 141



468 6 462 172 7 165


436 52 384 145 8 137

5 28 3 2 9 4 4








Malt, 30 to 49 yeors old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------Female, 16 to 44 r.ears aid In 1965, no own chlldran under 6 years o din 1965_ ________________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ _ Worker in 1965 ____ ---------------- __ Nonworker in 1970----------------NoWorker own children 5 years in 1970 ----_ In 1965under _____________________

Redwood City

910 585 203 120 185 60


Male employed, 16 years old and aver---------



138 571







199 34



215 127 55 31 41 13

142 108 8 6 12 5 1





52 43 5 4


70 654 47 83 208 105 14


122 9



384 15 32 19

077 759 009 973

8 029 202 575 326

11 162 764 1 575 896

11 406 126 473 317

8 794 169 635 293

14 195 105 643 485

11 354 193 629 548

38 883 2 491 5 123 2 935

6 711 206 490 294

8 568 357 852 524

86 5 9 6

505 628 899 139

8 062 164 390 257

426 82 38 24 343 161 25

044 873 139 355 171 728 089

9 411 2 239 906 601 7 172 3 638 527

20 674 2 516 1 026 581 18 158 6 694 1 354

10 179 2 573 1 185 793 7 606 3 423 537

9 772 2 263 l 194 702 7 509 3 782 468

10 651 2 665 l 226 829 7 986 3 809 760

12 197 2 760 l 071 677 9 437 4 218 703

47 9 3 2 38 17 3

871 225 597 075 646 861 066

7 927 1 693 849 543 6 234 3 227 417

9 652 2 286 890 472 7 366 3 311 671

114 16 7 4 97 49 6

641 700 459 063 941 166 335

9 001 1 498 607 381 7 503 3 734 552

4 186 3 009 929 896

2 592 1 684 554 766

5 071 3 656 l 114 1 086

3 493 2 468 704 806

9 6 l 2

774 187 985 761

1 677 1 121 420 481

2 516 l 599 513 725

16 308 10 030 3 431 5 319

2 205 l 546 448 540

1 953 2 800 101 955 1 591 1 277 70 201 592 21 533 375 977 ?5 066 557 1 lncludes persons who last worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.


•The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample see text Far minimum base for derived figures (percent median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Male, 16 years old and over----------------50 to 52 weeks -----------------------27 weeks to 49 weeks-----------------------26 or less ______________________ _ Male, 16 to 24 yean aid ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked -----------------Male, 2S ta 64 years aid ------------------50 to 52 weeks -----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or old les'----------------------Male, 65 years and over ________________ _ Median weeks worked -----------------female, 16 ytars old and aver ---------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks -----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Fe.,alt, 16 to 24 years ol'-----------------50 to 52 weeks ---------------------- __ 27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or les'----------------------Fe11ale, 25 to 39 yHrs ol'-----------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Female, 40 loor59less----------------------yoars old _________________ _ 50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Female, 60 years of.cl and over ---------------

Median weeks worked __ ------ ----------


Standard metropolitan statistical areas- Con. San Francisco-Oakland-Con.

San Mateo

Urban balance

San Jose


Mountain View

23 935 16 582 4 595 2 75B 4 324 1 383 38.1 18 483 14 652 3 128 703 1 128 49.7 16 715 8 043 4 531 4 141 4 048 l 141 1 223 l 684 4 382 2 163 1 136 1 083 6 566 3 893 l 726 947 1 719 49.9

329 227 64 38 59 18

761 196 330 235 S62 515 35.7 259 212 203 345 45 886 9 981 10 987 49.6 203 S27 90 890 55 493 57 144 48 920 13 190 13 323 22 407 62 814 27 771 17 880 17 163 77 317 42 591 20 507 14 219 14 476 52.0

302 197 64 40 6S 19

368 755 333 280 868 515 35.2 228 566 174 782 43 697 10 087 7 934 48.6 194 953 77 000 56 322 61 631 56 682 13 892 16 302 26 488 64 239 26 377 19 495 18 367 62 843 31 711 17 343 13 789 11 189 48.4

17 413 11 728 3 756 I 929 3 924 1 620 46.3 13 045 9 894 2 481 670

21 468 16 538 448 1 182 240 l 368 2 103 37 13 984 11 056 79 425 228 1 650 523 102 395 126 269

292 217 6 15 10 21 27

260 208 4 8 4 17 20

464 960 270 569 929 OB5 502 419 148 613 113 219 708 3 767 4 845 19 232 6 074 1 476 5 154 2 941 2 125 88 1 407 1 023 278 106

677 792 3 227 2 375 1 690 135 l 210 9 132 1 147 801 3 261 1 526 255 27 l 321 226

13 209 2 311 627 800 3 334 2 959 1 459 197 I 473 10 694 923 828 2 924 3 507 333 124 1 501 182

5 568 166 5 402 2 203 34 2 169

5 175 497 4 678 2 036 208 1 828

Palo Alto (urban part)

Son Jose (urban port)

16 903 10 454 3 527 2 922 3 sos 634 23.5 12 672 9 491 2 319 862 726 49.2 12 355 5 370 3 653 3 332 2 865 668 B40 1 357 3 448 1 422 l 202 824 4 702 2 590 1 250 862 1 340 52.0

120 77 27 15 25 7

14 838 12 433 188 580 156 716 907 46 11 188 9 050 41 435 173 1 087 355 BB 365 185 166 14 79 43 21 15

14 287 11 018 412 685 166 940 1 442 36 10 034 7 407 54 360 201 1 490 513 63 134 67 67

104 84 l 3 2 7 7

710 200 18 60 192 109 67

596 156 55 93


49.5 13 362 6 098 4 328 2 936 4 452 1 538 1 540 1 374 4 706 2 182 1 617 907 3 548 2 035 983 530 656


031 558 000 473 617 700 37.0 91 559 68 574 18 647 4 338 2 855 48.9 77 054 28 984 22 247 25 823 23 283 5 739 6 733 10 811 27 007 10 572 8 045 8 390 22 678 10 918 6 301 5 459 4 086 47.5

Santa Barbara

Santa Claro


Urban balance


Santa Barbera

Urban balance

25 556 16 391 5 492 3 673 6 450 1 950 35.2 18 544 14 224 3 540 780 562 47.1 17 768 7 231 5 149 5 388 5 715 l 367 1 682 2 666 5 571 2 594 1 702 1 275 5 543 2 869 1 499 1 175 939 46.1

28 20 5 2 5 2

351 538 071 742 698 156 44.4 22 133 18 210 3 322 601 520 42.5 18 507 8 267 5 094 5 146 5 356 I 620 1 579 2 157 6 058 2 728 1 777 1 553 6 276 3 524 1 558 1 194 817 48.5

86 619 56 234 17 835 12 550 19 096 4 975 29.l 6S 024 50 178 12 238 2 608 2 499 48.5 52 041 19 630 14 889 17 522 14 012 2 692 3 692 7 628 16 050 6 356 4 775 4 919 18 873 9 261 5 481 4 131 3 106 47.6

75 47 15 11 20 6

289 760 583 946 190 539 35.3 52 106 39 729 9 760 2 617 2 993 52.0 49 815 18 953 14 152 16 710 15 893 3 102 4 313 8 478 13 679 5 547 4 177 3 955 15 741 8 262 4 379 3 100 4 502 48.4

18 11 4 2 3 I

394 338 417 639 914 489 41.3 13 331 9 290 3 023 l 018 1 149 49.6 15 273 6 907 4 571 3 795 3 761 1 089 1 111 1 561 3 664 1 745 1 154 765 5 588 3 034 1 650 904 2 260 48.9

48 30 9 8 14 4

870 591 318 032 506 344 260 137 668 641 206 394 312 947 924 450 376 820 533 23 321 271 24 26

21 918 18 076 218 857 361 1 457 1 127 40 13 696 11 054 37 328 507 1 346 3B4 77 282 179 89 14 35 19 11


24 814 20 900 299 1 035 242 1 158 1 458 21 14 482 11 810 54 433 284 1 361 500 94 329 158 167 4 134 83 28 23

73 507 57 330 1 672 2 295 1 315 5 089 7 392 86 39 752 29 349 306 763 1 242 5 596 2 139 663 1 723 973 741 9 446 318 101 27

57 841 40 231 865 3 426 3 096 4 931 6 066 91 37 139 26 066 204 1 259 2 264 5 496 1 676 378 4 246 3 096 1 113 37 662 561 86 15

15 861 11 079 206 526 712 l 556 1 969 19 12 442 9 264 73 125 573 1 670 690 120 620 307 307 6 115 89 26


34 319 23 937 471 2 SOB 2 063 2 817 2 932 62 20 680 13 948 BO 1 037 1 551 3 234 685 225 2 019 1 538 460 21 305 268 26 11

5 796 884 261 258 1 455 1 477 694 75 672 4 950 356 406 1 382 1 791 136 30 661 52

1 155 234 31 51 343 230 104 21 141 1 118 71 73 273 383 41 5 197 29

1 087 176 51 84 309 239 88 8 128 987 101 85 294 313 28 10 105 20

3 552 599 196 244 B54 781 427 62 372 2 580 204 192 676 849 85 46 363 51

3 447 499 158 154 849 582 492 145 552 2 504 287 270 789 351 63 56 504 100

912 147 59 27 246 109 161 19 139 747 74 77 265 62 37 14 141 57

2 157 317 77 127 500 378 298 95 360 1 571 174 175 492 246 26 32 331 43

2 011 125 1 886 729 46 683

314 12 302 149 149

425 41 384 189 10 179

1 670 235 1 435 702 lll 591

1 052 172 880 448 40 408

246 17 229 133 10 123

661 111 550 220 17 203

257 745· 305 207 870 625 33.6 32 107 25 476 5 350 I 281 1 280 52.0 29 245 10 028 8 070 11 147 11 049 1 731 2 964 6 354 8 564 3 332 2 566 2 666 7 994 4 270 2 085 1 639 l 638 44.2


Malt tmployed, 16 years okl and ovtr ---------

Privale wage and salary workers -------- Employee af own corporation _________ _Federal government workers------------State government workers ______________ _ local government workers _____________ _ Self·employed Unpaid fomily workers----------------workers_ ________________ _ftmalt unploy.d, 16 years old and over ______ _-

Private wage and solory workers -------- Employee of own torporation _________ _Federal government workers------------ State government worker•-------------- Locol government workers _____________ _Self·employed workers----------------- Unpaid fomily workers _________________ _

Male employedr 111- agrltulturt ----------------

Wage and salary workers --------------Self·employed workers----------------Unpaid fomily workers __ --------------- -

Female em ployed, In agrkulture __ ______ ---- __ _

Woge and salary workers --------------Self·employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers-----------------LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Male, 16 y111rs aid and over1 ---------------Professional, technical, I!. manogeriol wkrs _


Soles workers-----------------------Clerical and kindred workers-----------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport---------- Laborers, except form ----------------Farm workers---------------------- -- Service workers, including private household Female, 16 ytors old and over'-------------- Professional, technitol, I!. managerial wkrs Sales workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ Operatives, Including 1ransport ---------- Other blue·collor workers ______ ------ __ _Farm workers-----------------------Service workers, except private household_ Private household workers-------------- 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD- WORKED IN t 969 Male, 14 and 15 yun old-----------------form occupations---------------------Nonform occupations __ ---·---- -- ---- __ f110al1, 14 and 15 years old _______________ _ form occupations--------------------- Nonform occupations------------------ -



41 41


946 195 77 67 263 105 108 11 120 489 51 50 215 49 12


69 20 321


321 145



590 120 790 468 874 135 583 410 161 535 119 07B 1 017 6 268 5 543 21 482 7 614 1 550 3 850 2 278 l 558 14 1 087 861 176 50 11 902 l 713


467 64 41 164 75 21 5 86 4

1 2 7 1 l


36 32 4



50 37


85 390 115 20 89 31 18


70 14

209 10 199 30





56 42


291 158




Male, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -----Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _ Female, 16 to 44 yoars old In 1965, no own children under 6 years old In 1965-_ ---- -----------With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ _ Worker in 1965 -- ____ ---- ---------- __ Nonworker in 1970 ________________ _ No own children under 5 years in 1970 ---Worker in 1965 __ -------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------Fomale, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own
273 779 450 07B

136 2 8 6

479 849 049 247

6 652 122 548 291

7 273 240 664 442

56 l 3 2

175 238 425 710

10 978 367 476 537

13 043 87 683 375

38 972 705 1 964 1 719

30 197 604 2 654 1 457

6 817 277 724 462

19 631 250 1 585 798

145 231 32 466 16 OBI 11 254 112 765 51 987 B 467

136 32 15 10 104 47 8

964 917 695 734 047 400 500

9 755 l 744 911 533 8 011 4 191 469

8 525 l 285 690 545 7 240 3 108 439

54 14 7 4 39 17 3

442 847 115 928 595 715 489

11 874 2 726 1 219 785 9 148 4 241 690

13 554 3 230 1 649 1 146 10 324 5 088 868

36 8 3 2 27 12 2

32 6 3 2 25 10 2

250 9B5 247 079 265 407 256

9 144 l 632 725 413 7 512 3 647 662

19 4 2 1 15 5 1

700 638 180 433 062 731 304

2 286 44 241 41 058 l 679 29 556 32 113 567 9 297 8 503 Q 264 8 524 502 11ncludes persons who lost worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.

1 464 993 367

8 904 6 384 2 158 1 B56

1 586 1 061 436 369

6 4 1 1

216 526 458 251



9 309 118 614 392 10 758 2 117 1 173 753 8 641 4 477 588

151 4 9 6

038 416 821 586 622 185 290

1 900 17 342 3 380 3 906 12 101 12 215 1 377 2 337 2 820 9 135 3 444 409 739 848 2 452 ~71 410 3 703 867 814 2 145 2The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued · [Doto based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning al symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Male, 16 yaar1 old and over_.,. ______________ _


27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Male, 16 lo 24 years old------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked --------·--------Male, 25 lo 64 yean old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less-·---------------------

Male, 65 years old and over ________________ _

Median worked -----------------F•••'-, 16 weeks yean old and over _________ .,. ____ _ SO lo S2 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------r...alt, 16 to 24 yean old-----------------50 to S2 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Fo11ale, 25 loor39less----------------------years old_ ________________ _ SO lo S2 weeks-----------------------27 la 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Fomalt, 40 toor59less----------------------years old_ ________________ _ ~lo S2 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------female, 60 years old and over ____ ,.. _________ _ Medion weeks worked ------------------

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Can. Santa Rosa

Urbanized areas Vallejo-Napa


Santa Roso

Urban balance


Urban balance



669 S62 463 644 491 846 39.3 38 279 28 342 7 4DS 2 532 2 899 48.6 33 287 14 966 7 674 10 647 8 262 2 285 1 932 4 045 9 139 3 995 2 264 2 BBQ 12 280 6 987 2 643 2 6SD 3 606 48.6

12 797 8 60B 2 23S 1 9S4 2 697 947 38.2 9 358 7 364 1 466 52B 742 41.9 9 615 4 77B 2 OlB 2 B19 2 438 77B 559 1 101 2 462 1 209 S6S 688 3 513 2 226 665 622 1 202 48.4

17 226 11 416 3 S94 2 216 3 282 1 247 40.0 13 063 9 755 2 622 686 881 47.9 11 188 4 967 2 857 3 364 2 828 751 771 1 306 3 342 1 518 832 992 3 878 2 188 910 780 1 140 45.8

80 48 lB 12 16 4

166 680 SSS 931 473 87S 33.3 59 292 42 205 13 125 3 962 4 401 40.6 49 805 lB 993 12 390 18 422 12 695 2 370 3 272 7 053 13 471 5 131 3 396 4944 19 636 9 6B6 4 806 5 144 4 003 46.8

28 652 17 031 6 S39 s 082 6 540 1 867 32.2 20 463 14 564 4 412 1 4B7 1 649 41.9 20 220 7 436 5 475 7 309 6 107 1 053 1 736 3 318 5 294 2 OS2 1 439 1 803 7 103 3 461 1 899 1 743 1 716 52.0

30 951 20 161 6 460 4 330 5 724 1 847 36.6 23 769 17 811 4 673 1 285 1 458 33.7 20 006 B 069 4 783 7 154 4 393 BB9 1 062 2 442 5 578 2 169 1 377 2 032 8 385 4 323 1 9B3 2 079 1 650 43.5

71 039 SD 015 12 723 B 301 19 129 9 333 49.7 49 392 39 504 7 587 2 301 2 518 4B.8 39 907 17 437 9 933 12 537 11 026 2 717 3 002 5 307 11 709 4 952 3 OB7 3 670 14 211 B 229 3 133 2 849 2 961 52.0

9 600 6 907 1 650 1 043 1 900 7BO 4S.2 7 319 5 932 1 064 323 381 52.0 6 375 3 274 1 279 1 B22 1 470 393 325 752 1 866 897 4S2 517 2 426 1 603 391 432 613 52.0

410 S36 6SS 219 383 5S9 49.4 13 244 10 649 1 989 606 783 46.7 11 408 5 006 3 056

42 819 28 S72 770 2 224 2 315 3 244 6 358 106 24 934 17 098 140 648 2 004 3 330 1 521 333 3 589 2 OB2 1 4S2 5S 678 504 15B 16

10 794 7 163 239 490 S40 1 061 1 526 14 7 526 5 313 S3 132 436 1 122 399 124 222 131 91

14 599 10 419 244 9BD 744 97B 1 46S 13 8 397 6 070 39 2S6 648 963 383 77 542 4S9 B3

66 862 45 272 990 s 644 2 612 5 047 8 096 191 34 568 23 3S6 212 2 125 1 730 5 067 1 701 SB9 8 577 5 B46 2 62B 103 989 761 161 67

23 691 15 773 33B 2 1B4 l 04S 2 4SO 2 202 37 14 091 9 526 76 708 791 2 3B3 SS7 126 1 287 l 042 240 5 166 146 20

49 257 26 538 566 11 553 2 930 3 793 4 372 71 29 627 lB S56 113 3 266 2 492 3 806 1 251 256 2 507 1 616 860 31 258 174 7S 9

8 632 4 748 122 1 773 777 724 596 14 5 092 3 179 14 296 748 615 231 23 175 142 33


26 200 17 811 430 2 441 1 187 1 943 2 772 46 14 191 9 765 72 898 65B 1 919 664 287 1 383 988 364 31 246 210 19 17

72 S8 14

161 150

3 115 205 152 163 BBS 710 406 199 373 1 831 115 115 50B 3S9 66 46 41S 92


1 026 60 41 40 307 256 125 76 117 691 32 36 208 130 18 4 177 21

5 018 349

123 1 205 1 376 683 747 394 3 474 196 287 7Sl 1 208 121 193 492 lSl

1 824 197 63 60 336 512 202 244 190 1 443 126 112 300 S08 36 44 229 47

2 040 107 49 37 519 597 37B 18S 1S9 1 396 57 127 332 446 S5 104 166 86

2 800 233 62 124 882 634 422 118 321 2 355 244 224 706 352 70 3S S40 BS

1 034 224 810 521 SS 466

256 15 241 123 6 117

260 23 237

1 678 4S7 1 221 503 99 404

494 6B 426 146 18 12B

668 91 S77 225 19 206

660 161 S61 488

5 299 163 447 335

7 489 290 S27 47B

32 1 2 2

337 421 361 211

10 942 719 938 641

22 210 4 62B 2 02S l 373 17 582 7 046 1 740

5 810

1 222 570 383 4 S88 2 162 443

7 305 1 714 746 536 5 591 2 2S9 577

33 202 7 269 3 001 1 964 2S 933 11 393 2 799

13 140 2 817 1 231 787 10 323 4 364 1 032

1 761 1 267 454 31u1

2 450 1 699 659

10 050 7 019 1 911 ? 09R

Total 51 33 10 7 10 3



Urban balance

19 13 3 2 5 2

30 21 5 3 9 5

036 4S8 058



3 043 727 750 1 566 2 959 1 297 B74 7BB 4 461 2 S17 1 192 752 945 49.7

652 1B9 52.0 19 835 16 008 2 B61 966 549 49.5 15 601 6 134 4 079 5 388 5 092 1 169 1 561 2 362 5 269 2 091 l 328 l 850 4 488 2 S27 968 993 752 48.9

45 29 9 6 9 3

021 342 2S4 425 055 035 35.6 34 359 25 5S8 6 706 2 095 1 607 48.4 29 180 12 394 7 140 9 646 7 080 1 813 1 S86 3 681 9 055 3 737 2 310 3 OOB 10 957 5 793 2 791 2 373 2 088 52.0

702 676 402 624 405 051 31.5 49 618 37 249 9 011 3 358 2 679 52.0 47 498 20 969 11 OBB 15 441 13 850 3 786 3 118 6 946 13 617 5 9S2 3 4B5 4 180 16 573 9 467 3 649 3 4S7 3 458 52.0

14 038 6 485 166 4 986 516 1 074 973 4 8 739 5 351 45 1 276 522 1 238 2B5 67 91 BO 11

16 330 9 395 1S5 3 S02 931 1 308 1 177 17 10 920 6 952 27 1 4SB S55 l 420 417 118 544 377 167

39 027 29 307 595 867 B74 4 064 3 B80 35 22 475 lS 4B6 84 332 449 4 929 1 065 214 2 641 2 190 451

21 21

50 3B 12


544 500 36 8

57 366 40 9S4 1 067 1 828 2 B50 s 730 s 931 73 35 228 25 095 205 693 1 822 5 821 1 414 3B3 2 654 2 054 5B9 11 342 317 14 11

391 2B 5 23 125 80 69 14 47 309 47 22 109 30 5

795 74 21 33 25B 189 136

69 12

139 29

1 126 80 31 46 345 262 156 52 154 1 149 100 106 331 219 36 24 279 33

2 324 70 78 52 484 614 474 326 221 1 374 107 132 341 221 49 12S 270 107

4 138 305 228 226 80S 970 612 502 476 2 857 215 211 72B 650 54 179 S86 164

1 077 202 87S 684 82 602

195 21 174 66




189 148 17 131

479 BB 391 365 56 309

772 209 S63 285 54 231

1 349 252 1 097 594 184 410

12 953 311 723 836

28 567 1 563 1 894 1 S87

4 090 114 240 142

6 590 214 394 292

12 498 761 767 819

19 061 822 1 301 1 171

27 796 1 316 1 919 2 OS4

12 971 2 998 1 245 799 9 973 4 64S 1 047

28 6 3 2 21 9 2

3 990 971 S29 346 3 019 1 409 326

7 936 1 871 715 486 6 065 2 696 493

11 785 3 317 1 427 970 8 468 3 3S5 871

19 821 4 483 1 799 1 126 lS 338 6 94B 1 550

32 561 6 978 2 985 1 937 25 583 10 923 2 591

3 346


68 43 13 11 16 5


Male omployod, 16 yean old and over--------Private wage and salary workers --------Employee of own corporolion __________ _ Federal government workers------------Stale governmenl workers--------------loto\ governmenl workers_ _____________ _ Self-employed workers-------------·---Unpaid family workers-------------·---Female employed, 16 years old and over _______ _

Privale wage and salary workers --------Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federalgovernmenl governmentworkers_ workers_____________ -------------_ Slote Local government warkers----------·---Se\f-employed Unpaid family workers-------------·---workers. ________________ _ Male employed, In agricuhure ----------------

Wage and salary workers --------------Self-employed workers ________ -------- __ Unpaid family workers------------------

Female employed, 111 agriculture ________ ---- __ _

Wage ond salary workers --------------Self-employed Unpaid family workers-----------------workers. ________________ _ I.AST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED

Molt, 16 years old and ovtr• ---------------Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _ Sales workers------------------------Clerico\ ond kindred workers------------Craflsmen, foremen, and kindred workers -Operatives, including transport----------Laborers, except farm -- ---- -- __ ------ __ Farm workers ------------------------Service workers, including private household. Ft11111t, 16 years old and ov1r1 ______________ _

Professional, technical, & manogeriol wkrs _ Sales workers------------------------Clerico! and kindred workers------------Operalives, including tronsport -----------_ Other blue-collar workers _______________ Form workers------------------------Service workers, except private household __ Private household workers -- -- ____ -·-- __ _ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Malt, 14 and 15 years aid -----------------Form occupations---------------------Nonfarm occupations-·----------------Female, 14 and 15 years old ________________ _ Form occupolions ----------------·----Nanfarm occupations-------------·-----



58 36 63 164 181 105 34 75 427 43 43 96 72 9 14 100 33


Malt, 30 lo 49 yean old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 196S, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 196S, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 196S, nonworker In 1970 ______ _ Fomole, lo 44o~ears old In_________________ 1965, no own chlldron_ under 616yeors In 1965 With own children under 5 yeors in 197Q __ _ Worker in 1965 __ -------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------No own children under 5 years in 1970 __ -Worker in 196S---------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------Female, 21 lo 49 In 1970, with own chlldron 6 to 10, no own chlldron under 6 ---------------Nonworker 196S_____________________ ---------------------_ Worker inin 1970 Worker in 196S, worker in 197Q _________ _

21 1 1 1

7 044 5 077

l ~rJ





9 16B


'Includes persons who lasl worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.



625 971 023 OS6 654 OS3 113








BO 614 B6 63 184 39 22



3 298 4 433 9 025 1 467 2 2 104 3 168 6 434 1 029 l 709 801 l 82B 296 BM ~02 8Sl 1 818 'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed

052 373 460

470 Forces.


4 031 2 938 836 779


6 4 1 l

413 464 403 342

8 6 1 2

985 177 BOO 065


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Mole, 16 years old and over----------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Mala, 16 ta 24 years old------------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------

Median weeks worked ------------------

Male, 25 ta 64 years aid ------------------50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Mole, 65 years aid and over ________________ _

Median weeks worked ------------------

Famale, 16 years old and over __________ .. ___ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Female, 16 ta 24 years old_ ________________ _ 50 lo 52 weoks -----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks __ -------------------Female, 2S toor39less yeors old_ _______________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 lo 49 weeks---------------------·-

--26 weeks or less---------------------- Female, 40 to 59 years old_ _______________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------·------------ 27 la 49 weeks-----·----------------- 26 weeks or less------·--------------- Femole, 60 years old aitd over -------------- Median weeks worked ______ ----------- -

Urbanized areas - Con.

OxnardVenturaThousand Oaks

Los Angeleslong Beach


2 365 842 1 532 958 541 628 291 256 473 691 161 088 41.5 1 798 702 1 328 443 375 867 94 392 93 449 49.0 1 613 303 694 734 489 467 429 102 412 710 109 677 126 862 176 171 480 996 207 436 152 688 120 872 582 683 312 652 172 072 97 959 136 914 49.3

27 092 17 575 5 450 4 067 5 604 2 024 38.5 20 373 15 021 3 907 1 445 1 115 49.1 19 026 7 233 4 937 6 856 4 608 1 160 1 092 2 356 6 123 2 165 1 662 2 296 6 856 3 313 l 817 1 726 1 439 44.6

67 44 14 7 14 5

576 826 821 929 806 154 40.8 so 762 38 714 10 139 1 909 2 008 49.2 41 792 15 717 12 495 13 580 11 218 2 375 3 383 5 460 13 272 4 998 3 944 4 330 14 654 7 293 4 380 2 981 2 648 45.9

2 056 056 1 619 454 40 692 65 567 39 323 144 508 184 232 2 972 1 283 856 1 007 425 7 764 32 525 36 213 145 799 51 060 10 834 27 846 13 963 13 597 286 5 393 3 790 1 lll 492

22 459 16 734 342 1 007 591 1 895 2 198 34 13 382 9 699 43 341 488 2 091 528 235 1 136 892 233 11 228 204 10 14

56 273 38 771 695 6 937 1 385 4 631 4 440 109 31 473 21 239 188 2 442 1 693 4 449 1 250 400 3 504 3 053 447 4 933 875 30 28

016 465 079 599 702 678 631 670 12 267 83 585 9 911 6 365 26 695 21 156 2 630 164 11 848 1 753

1 853 89 73 72 345 579 241 269 179 1 690 123 102 192 811 81 43 248 38

27 134 630 26 504 11 784 143 11 641 l 033 322

Son BernardinoRiverside

Santo Barbara


172 114 35 23 36 12

767 363 149 255 236 104 39.8 131 212 99 890 23 730 7 592 5 319 48.3 116 071 53 548 29 027 33 496 30 732 8 434 8 417 13 881 35 054 16 354 8 791 9 909 42 407 24 918 9 927 7 562 1 878 49.6

17 277 11 121 3 942 2 214 3 820 l 447 41.6 12 762 9 360 2 801 601 695 47.0 11 875 4 916 3 135 3 824 3 147 729 759 1 659 3 289 1 372 878 1 039 4 527 2 378 1 270 879 912 49.0

383 397 892 094 851 835 41.6 110 627 80 101 24 006 6 520 5 905 44.7 96 535 37 849 28 900 29 786 26 060 5 744 7 660 12 656 28 985 11 248 8 965 8 772 33 927 17 500 10 054 6 373 7 563 48.3

598 629 995 974 181 962 48.3 233 734 178 066 44 182 11 486 10 683 47.4 200 238 77 975 61 225 61 038 60 950 14 018 19 091 27 841 56 943 22 237 18 646 16 060 67 620 35 388 19 217 13 015 14 725 47.6

878 564 197 117 182 59

700 395 129 176 098 985 39.3 658 541 485 986 135 433 37 122 38 061 49.6 600 564 278 501 170 281 151 782 153 961 43 184 45 305 65 472 178 130 83 998 53 513 40 619 213 676 122 871 57 116 33 689 54 797 52.0

291 190 62 38 63 18

577 750 056 771 468 729 35.2 220 594 168 754 42 120 9 720 7 515 48.6 188 682 74 763 54 667 59 252 55 039 13 492 15 869 25 678 62 107 25 572 18 961 17 574 60 755 30 840 16 797 13 118 10 781 48.4

36 20 8 7

751 935 264 552 11 239 2 660 27.2 23 843 17 417 4 888 l 538 1 669 52.0 28 412 10 845 8 024 9 543 10 491 1 879 2 834 5 778 6 562 2 974 2 038 1 550 8 461 4 655 2 352 1 454 2 898 48.7

18 910 12 199 3 782 2 929 4 041 l 380 36.8 13 929 10 467 2 626 836 940 40.2 13 570 6 411 3 034 4 125 3 633 l 041 901 1 691 3 700 l 777 874 l 049 4 818 2 943 981 894 1 419 47.2

140 82 1 20 14 12 11

372 414 971 179 235 057 334 153 774 987 288 057 637 967 475 651 323 459 850 14 608 482 65 61

15 043 11 219 254 598 450 l 326 1 430 20 9 053 6 561 44 307 177 1 540 334 134 2 092 1 914 178

122 87 l 7 5 11 10

234 163 3 22 8 19 21

738 534 13 56 26 54 66

251 202 4 8 4 16 19

391 182 050 447 669 419 321 353 144 259 110 113 678 3 709 4 696 18 575 5 749 1 417 3 969 2 208 1 697 64 976 691 189 96

29 878 20 330 455 912 2 427 2 638 3 535 36 21 113 14 916 103 272 1 845 2 904 985 191 l 181 631 539 11 184 130 43 11

15 744 10 815 326 727 780 1 432 1 972 18 10 377 7 357 73 203 675 1 443 546 153 393 273 120

762 743 15 4

879 662 298 032 686 543 769 187 538 476 281 011 985 181 130 755 000 767 190 43 809 550 190 69

2 780 438 122 167 696 511 384 136 326 2 095 247 206 659 472 63 25 312 43

9 779 938 692 585 2 864 l 833 l 199 319 l 320 6 433 782 651 2 293 740 193 71 l 174 187

948 26 42 68 168 300 128 135 81 910 48 48 187 363 44 126 120 28

6 934 842 359 243 2 160 1 436 1 010 169 668 4 556 390 470 1 551 716 161 53 835 162

14 216 2 299 989 919 3 802 2 505 1 642 166 I 799 10 542 l 386 l 056 3 572 1 383 290 55 2 022 326

534 648 401 874 777 325 071 346 663 960 501 449 738 323 800 103 594 921

12 730 2 241 608 786 3 244 2 840 1 378 134 1 450 10 187 902 812 2 849 3 246 315 66 1 463 170

1 772 318 99 98 366 216 282 55 328 1 239 162 133 414 104 47 14 263 71

1 232 74 69 83 296 327 160 69 145 710 61 52 190 125 23 14 167 38

542 100 442 342 48 294

1 199 198 1 001 456 65 391

2 669

163 2 506 959 51 908

427 155 272 241 87 154

2 238 225 2 013 807 13 794

4 317 182 4 135 1 828 54 1 774

11 572 296 11 276 5 004 95 4 909

4 795 356 4 439 1 875 123 1 752

463 27 436 226 10 216

322 23 299 156 15 141

11 616 535 747 1 002

31 638 939 1 496 1 650

75 316 1 952 5 025 4 349

6 973 229 506 370

65 2 3 3

043 834 951 810

133 3 9 6

966 022 387 676

365 15 30 19

326 285 655 137

131 683

13 211 373 l 362 696

7 875 259 576 607

79 17 7 4 62 28

7 086 1 830 831 487 5 256 2 592 563

65 15 6 3 50 22 4

770 406 152 917 364 097 417

143 32 13 9 110 48 9

636 740 213 290 896 026 936

413 79 36 22 334 158 24

217 145 019 727 072 383 161

132 31 15 10 100 45 8

827 891 250 432 936 990 085

17 230 3 083 1 524 935 14 147 5 850 l 168

8 491 1 849 815 558 6 642 3 020 658

39 666 28 588 8 145 R 231

3 592 2 466

2 633

151 94 35 21 34 11

San Diego

Son FranciscoOakland


379 240 86 51 135 57

Son Jose

Santa Rosa


Mole lmployed, 16 years old and over __ ------ -

--Male employed, in agriculture ---- __________ _Private wage and salary workers -------Employee of own corporalion _________ _Federal government workers-----------State governmenl workers_ ____________ _locol governmenl workers_ ____________ _ Self-employod workers----------------- Unpaid family workers----------------Femala employed, 16 years aid and'"'------Private wage ond salary workers-------- Employee of own corporation _________ _ federal govornment workers----------·State government workers_ ____________ _ local government workers-------------- Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers----------------Woge and salary workers -------------- Self.employed workers----------------- Unpaid famir, workers----------------- -

Femol• employ• , In a.grlctilture _____________ _-

Wage and salary workers-------------- Self-employed workers----------------Unpaid family workers----------------- -


LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Male, 16 years old and over'--------------- -

Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs Sales workers-----------------------Clerical ond kindred workers ___________ _ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport---------- Loboms, except farm ----------------- Farm workers---------------------.. -- Service workers, including private household


Soles workers---------------------·-- Clerical and kindred workers---- __ ------ -

Ftmalt, 16 years old and ovarl _____________ _ Professional, tochnical, & managerial wkrs -

Operatives, including transport---------- Olher blue.collar workers--------------_ Form workers-----------------------Service workers, except privote household_ Private household workers _____________ _ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Malt, 14 and 15 years old ----------------- form occupations--------------------- Nonform occupations-------·---------femolo, 14 and 15 years old_ ______________ _


-Form occupations------------------ .. -- Nonform occupolions ------------------ -

122 24 7 9 25 29 11

90 51 7 15 11 3 2 l


73 50 3 3 12 3 4 2 l

149 106 9 5 19 7 l 4 2 1 1

857 233 773 767 147 381 023 306 347 195 721 499 922 264 112 355 305 704 564 37 144 854 206 84

960 726 221 910 023 216 129 956 485 565 356 933 2 371 27 065 21 986 56 145 19 915 3 521 8 217 4 863 3 321 33 2 314 1 914 313 87 41 5 2 3 9 8 5 5 27 3 2 9 4 4


Mole, 30 ta 49 yms old In 1970 ___________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 __ _-Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------ Worker in 1965, nanworker in 1970 ------ famolo, 16 to 44 old In 1965, no own chlldren under 6 years o d In 1965_ _________ ------- With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ Worker in 1965-. __________________ _


-Nonworker In 1970 ----------------


No own children under 5 years in 1970 __ _Worker in 1965-------~---·--------­ Nonworker in 1970 -------------·-- Femalo, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to


10, no own children under 6 --------------Nonworker 1965____________________ -----------------·--_Worker inIn 1970 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 ________ _


33 722 76 498 60 532 1 084 232 106 65 851 415 73

130 973 495 958 157 767 344

11 842 2 571 1 070 646 9 271 4 151 1 070

28 094 7 099 3 267 2 110 20 995 9 912 2 184

281 191 58 68

947 793 840 35R

3 867 2 549 742 94n

9 449 6 624 2 021 2 161

'Includes persons who lost worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.

6 -550


139 110 392 586 029 708 4 775

25 311 2 165 21 081 38 884 17 506 l 363 15 029 27 852 4 942 454 7 867 558 5 941 630 439 8 03~ 'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the


96 039 65 593 20 419 24 Jn2 Armed Forces.

2 709 7 615 6 023



127 107 20


l 893 662 510


Tobie 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years aid and ave•----------------50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Male, 16 la 24 years aid------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked ~----------------Male, 25 to 64 years aid ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Mole, 65 years aid and over ________________ _ Median weeks worked -----------------Ftmat., 16 ytar1 old and over --------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Female, 16 ta 24 ytars aid ________________ __ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Female, 25 toor39less----------------------years old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 49 weeks-----------------------26 to weeks or less ______________________ _ Female, 40 ta 59 years aid. ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 49 weeks-----------------------26 to weeks or less ______________________ _ Fernale, 60 years old and over __ .., ___________ .,.

Median weeks worked-----------------CLASS OF WORKER Male employed, 16 years old and aver--------Private wage and solory workers --------Employee of own corporation __________ _ Federal government workers------------Stole government workers.. ____ ------ __ _ Local government workers.. ______ ---- --Self-employed workers ---- ____ ---- ---- -Unpaid family workers-----------------Female employed, 16 years aid and aver __ ---- __ Private wage ond salary workers --------Employee of own corporotion __________ _ Federal government workers------------Slate government workers_ _____________ _ local government workers_ _______ ---- __ _ Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers-----------------Male employed, In agriculture _______________ _ Wage and salary workers--------------Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers-----------------female employed, in agrkulture ______________ _

Wage ond salary workers --------------Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers-----------------UST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYEO

Male, 16 years old and over' ---- ______ ---- __ Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _

Soles workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers ____________ _ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ Operatives, including transport----------Laborers, excepl form -- ---- ____ ---- ---Farm workers------------------------Service workers, including private household. female, 16 years old cind over1 ______________ _ Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _ Soles workers------------------------Clerico\ and kindred workers------------Operatives, including transport----------Other blue-collar workers------ ______ ---Form workers------------------------Service workers, excepl private household.. Privole household workers -- __ ---- ------ _ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Mole, 14 and 15 years old-----------------Farm occupations ---------------------Nonfarm occupations ____________ .. ---- _ Female, 14 and 15 years old ________________ _ Form occupations -- ---- ______ -------- -Nonfarm occupations ------------------LABOR MOBIUTY FOR SELECTED GROUPS' Mola, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nanworker in I 970 ___ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _ Female, 16 to 44 years old In 1965, no own children und1r 6 years old In 196$. ________________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970.c._ Worker in 1965 _____________________ Nonworker in 1970 ----------------NoWorker own chilrlren 5 years in 1970 ----_ in 1965vnder _____________________ Nonworker in 1970 ----------------Female, 21 ta 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to

Urbanized oreos - Con.

Seo sideMonterey 31 19 6 4 13 5

Simi Volley

238 663 647 928 257 249 45.3 17 051 13 881 2 362 808 930 52.0 16 951 7 526 4 419 5 006 s 027 1 292 1 531 2 204 4 788 1 983 1 361 1 444 5 790 3 558 1 219 1 013 1 346 52.0

206 850 079 277 242 632 36.4 11 828 9 144 2 335 349 136 52.0 7 955 2 740 2 530 2 685 1 825 389 530 906

15 123 9 372 230 2 074 341 1 271 2 048 17 12 782 9 038 68 1 273 236 1 476 673 86 468 233 235

12 824

102 87 10

40 25 9 6



14 9 3 1 2

3 611

1 240 1 223 1 148 2 325 1 041 711 573 194 40.5 10 211 69 379 174 1 260 792 8 5 971 4 791 11 94 139 780 105 62 153 78 75



Stockton 42 25 9 7


371 942 398 9 231 2 594 31.6 31 192 21 980 6 969 2 243 2 288 39.2 29 100 10 673 7 727 10 700 8 101 1 348 2 224 4 529 7 795 2 922 2 061 2 812 10 867 5 286 2 875 2 706 2 337 49.1 35 195 23 812 483 3 089 1 573 3 275 3 385 61 20 089 13 568 108

1 015 1 161 3 270 861 214 1 858 1 480 354 24 291 250 30 JI

Nonworker 1965_____________________ ---------------------_ Worker inin1970 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 _________ _

21 441 12 116 499 3 060 2 489 1 635 2 128 13 14 732 8 533 95 1 079 2 161 2 238 541 180 184 94 90

15 913 11 239 248 381 450 2 143 1 680 20 10 030 6 684 52 165 214 2 394 476 97 826 649 177

13 894 11 651 235 395 234 649 953 12 7 923 6 263 50 109 226 958 303 64 131 74 57

32 21 11

16 11

162 117 31 14

57 41

218 202 16




2 192 551 111 197

987 174 126 39 262 157 72 15 142 764 144 112 271 40 16

809 33 31 33 165 213 160 100 74


697 72 26 65 199 190 84







286 72




9 379

8 187 52 334

16 616 908 1 284 1 167

8 029 202 575 326

5 997

s 383

18 947 4 194 l 775 1 141 14 753 6 429 l 506

9 411


1 941 988 678 3 442 1 566 392

2 792 1 883 628

2 877 2 009 686


15 683 9 933 4 088 1 662 4 076 1 709 48.2 11 258 8 082 2 644 532 349 43.9 10 343 4 346 3 043 2 954 3 612 1 008 1 127 1 477 2 449 1 019 795 635 3 645 2 000 962 683 637 52.0

44 007 35 910 572 I 142 689 2 839 3 381 46 25 873 20 888 103 437 720 2 649 908 271 552 321 231

790 106 684 229 18 211

l1 544 2 761 1 188 843 8 783 3 896 804

18 219 12 414 3 457 2 348 3 599 1 223 34.4 13 946 10 812 2 464 670 674 52.0 12 432 5 681 3 041 3 710 2 993 797 689 1 507 3 784 1 728 954 1 102 4 675 2 610 1 187 878 980 52.0

15 897 11 871 202 618 441 1 729 1 216 22 12 285 9 173 39 246 484 1 907 390 85 110 31 79

179 16 163 83 4 79

723 472

2 707 3 031 4 257 9 366 3 949 2 944 2 473 12 099 6 215 3 559 2 325 1 829 49.2

621 563 858 200 840 068 41.2 19 115 15 172 3 104 839 666 49.6 18 017 8 794 4 796 4 427 5 618 1 814 1 583 2 221 4 620 2 342 1 276 I 002 6 794 4 116 1 668 I 010 985 52.0

13 988 9 696 173 1 959 269 933 1 110 21 10 532 7 809 35 1 028 271 1 027 322 75 169 106 63

11 875 3 765 2 109 3 401 1 228 43.S 13 244 10 134 2 413 697 1 104 49.2 14 526 7 334 4 254 2 938 3 656 1 249 1 033 I 374 3 570 1 814 1 130 626 5 133 3 151 l 511 471 2 167 52.0

352 5 347 145 7 138 187


17 749

909 120 115 262 72 27 9 254 33


Arden· Arcade (U)



528 880 110 538 597 578 52.0 1513$ 11 930 2 549 659 793 49.3 13 263 6 537 3 439 3 287 3 846 1 202 1 131 1 513 3 638 1 637 1 088 913 4 669 3 072 970 627 1 110 52.0

823 436 310 303 2 154 150 170 508 699 60 116 299 105


5 365 3 621 l 029 ]AS ~54 1 211 'includes persons who last worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.

10, no own children under 6 ----------------

24 16 5 2 8 4


815 128 36 28 225 256 54 16 66 486 30 23 161 182 5 11 52 8

880 127 33 61 254 101 178 9

2 935 243 74 79



56 518 62 41 215 58 25

69 30 123 129 49 7 56 509 31 55 224 76 5







2 239 906 601 7 172 3 638 527 l 953


49 33 10 5 11 4

409 055 874 480 408 278 43.9 36 616 28 171 7 114 1 331 1 385 48.5 33 289 13 720 10 045 9 524 9 995



463 216 10 177 l 908 193 199 712 450 63


25 17 4 3 5 2




15 4

37 16 10 11 13 2

474 241 002 231 876 153 23.0 21 945 13 274 5 672 2 999 1 653 49.8

Bueno Pork 17 12 3 1 3 1

707 228 609 870 691 248 41.9 13 739 10 888 2 482

369 277 41.5

30 316

11 045

10 691 9 388 10 237

4 327 3 366 3 352

12 056

2 062 3 553 6 441 8 569 3 416 2 995 2 158 7 158 3 986 2 038 1 134 2 533 49.7 28 035 14 743 282 2 405 6 090 2 104 2 634 59

22 527 12 031 48 I 464 4 552 3 393 960 127 394 191 193 JO 98 86 12


2 888

683 827 1 378 3 890 1 476 1 285 1 129 3 888 2 028 1 147 713 379 44.0 16 104 13 455 163 490 213 846 1 064 36 8 461 6 971 50 140

162 764 326 98 167 123 44



77 5

260 106

71 12


67 31 122 87 22 14





20 047

9 543 5 545 4 959 4 482 1 276 1 295 1 911 5 125 2 367 1 486 1 272 8 335 4 952 2 193 1 190 2 105 48.5 24 984 20 067 409 507 257 1 893 2 218 42 16 278 13 545 113 208 227 1 556 631 111 157 71 86


l 503





216 119 827 270 847 649 40.7 21 995 16 772 4 127 1 096 1 374 52.0

772 166 49 33 165

112 725 50 74 244 241 19

43 46 162

28 19 5 3 4 I

56 27 22 7

63 455 55 24 179 77 33



53 49 4

2 468 502 152 328 389 387 328 26 322 1 901 416 160 637 223 17






370 75 94 376 328




I Oil

164 73 328 241 31


216 5



29 730 236 4 232

407 14 393 178 11 167

310 60 250 79 7 72

177 99

413 12 401 258

249 109

343 128





195 480 234

22 122 295 1 390 972

10 131 126 620 399

7 644 317 511 420

5 549 85 416 347

11 162

8 966

10 275 222 762 635

8 656 1 775 943 620 6 881 3 789 413

22 976 5 250 2 538 1 566 17 726 8 623 1 657

12 960 2 136 1 104 710 10 824 4 942 589

8 266

1 843 756 472 6 423 3 116 584

7 220 1 828 751 488 5 392 2 486 488

20 674 2 516 1 026 581 18 158 6 694 1 354

7 446

1 659 688 454 5 787 2 777 524

12 440 2 464 1 161 766

1 480 962 296 423

6 485 4 444 1 344 I 560

3 035 2 134 580 779

2 500 1 725 531 569

2 800 1 591 592 977

2 799 1 958 648 606







1 347 954 291 288 •The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces. l 277 375 557




1 575 896

253 4


70 404 280

135 343


9 976

5 477 860 2 426 1 588 541 670


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Doto based an sample see text

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols see text) Places-Con.


Chula Vista

18 056

18 12 3 2 4 1

712 985 681 046 261 883 48.6 14 005 10 912 2 518 575 446 48.2 11 332 4 245 3 673 3 414 3 539 773 I 209 l 557 3 133 I 131 I 095 907 4 009 2 130 1 142 737 651 43.3

16 10 4 2 3 1

818 225 484 109 310 088 41.3 13 202 9 001 3 399 802 306 48.5 12 100 4 811 4 103 3 186 3 119 805 942 1 372 4 691 1 952 1 633 1 106 3 866 1 819 1 423 624 424 52.0

15 995 13 187 87 751 196 997 847 17 8 851 6 951 36 367 159 1 037 297 40 217 95 116 6 40 40

13 858 9 574 159 1 885 236 1 178 978 7 8 148 5 783 31 636 225 1 131 314 59 157 117 40

1 042 122 35 37 252 403 83 12 98 639 45 25 121 274

Costa Mesa

Daly City


23 16 4 2 4 1

578 405 845 328 520 593 40.3 18 692 14 602 3 538 552 366 52.0 14 383 6 237 4 056 4 090 3 547 948 1 063 l 536 4 997 2 099 1 378 1 520 5 291 2 952 1 442 897 548 48.5

20 630 12 874 5 058 2 698 4 695 1 538 41.7 15 265 11 112 3 348 805 670 42.5 14 394 5 928 4 223 4 243 4 202 961 1 310 1 931 4 088 1 712 1 283 1 093 5 172 2 836 l 420 916 932 48.7

19 923 13 945 4 028 1 950 3 839 1 619 46.3 15 415 11 990 2 685 740 669 52.0 14 326 7 171 3 884 3 271 3 955 1 420 1 093 1 442 4 556 2 212 1 315 1 029 4 931 3 024 1 255 652 884 52.0

28 408 19 616 5 862 2 930 5 773 2 125 43.4 21 741 17 082 3 938 721 894 49.1 18 635 B 649 s 441 4 545 5 345 l 571 1 620 2 154 4 636 2 163 1 436 1 037 7 529 4 295 2 086 1 148 1 125 52.0

14 488 11 072 28 1 144 236 1 386 637 13 9 483 6 528 38 662 299 1 777 187 30 116 63 53

21 272 15 873 169 1 582 577 l 945 1 285 10 11 502 8 326 39 477 328 1 973 326 72 211 156 55

18 147 14 230 278 428 572 1 228 1 680 9 11 261 8 580 38 115 737 1 158 504 167 229 90 139

17 582 12 936 261 1 349 440 1 473 1 368 16 11 912 9 482 56 645 328 1 051 359 47 159 99 60

25 337 20 689 837 435 281 1 795 2 122 15 15 258 12 226 218 143 268 1 899 558 164 169 95 74

15 15

34 13 16 5

55 48

57 43 12 2

18 18

51 37 4 10

690 144 40 51 159 115

1 383 70 30

926 216 103 48 238 163 71

87 810 97 69 311 113 11

843 123 62 54 215 222 114 5 48 473 48 54 156 63 25

1 094 178 80 66 292 326 84


12 89 741 109 70 341 77 13

227 523 195 13 206 989 41 38 237 374 46

993 72 55 51 405 168 95 5 138 571 68 90 162 80 10

101 5

80 17

196 20

101 25

143 35

80 11

82 6

176 16 160

233 9 224 64


395 5 390 138

302 10 292 141

336 6 330 103



468 6 462 172 7 165




9 979 146 590 462

8 167 123 431 322

8 504 491 856 679

11 406 126 473 317

8 845 265 515 463

7 654 2 051 922 475 5 603 2 676 626

8 985 2 271 973 682 6 714 2 774 667

7 882 2 080 735 276 5 802 2 644 606

10 179 2 573 l 185 793 7 606 3 423 537

2 626 1 927

3 095 1 836

4 186 3 009


3 253 l 926 565 1 040

WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WOIKED Male, 16 years aid and over----------------50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------

U wee~ ff~SS------------

Malo, 16 to 24 years old-------------------

50 to 52 weeks -----------------------Median weeks worked ------------------

Malo, 25 to 64 yoan old -------------------

50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------27 ta 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less-----------------------

Male, 65 years aid and ever---.. -------------

Median weeks worked ------------------

F111alt, 16 yean otcl and aver ---------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------foo11le, 16 lo 24 years old _________________ _ SO to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Fe•olo, 25 loor39less----------------------years old _________________ _ SO to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or less.____________________ _ Fo1Hle, 40 It 59 yeon old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------


'"''"' 60 yHn eld Hd avtr -------------- -

Median weeks worked----------------- WORKER Mole ••p1oyd, 16 ytars old aod o"r -------- Private wage and solory workers-------Employee of own corporotion _________ _ Federal government workers-----------State government workers _____________ _local government workers •• -----------Self-employed -------------_Unpaid family workers workers ____ ________________ F1m1lo ••ployed, 16 years ol
12 528 3 743 1 785 2 930 907 35.7 14 883 11 508 2 851 524 243 47.0 11 289 4 741 3 276 3 272 2 415 574 653 1 188 4 726 2 058 1 442 1 226 3 759 1 958 1 050 751 389 45.1



East Los Angeles (U)

El Caion

El Monte

24 14 6 3

143 274 277 592 5 358 1 885 41.8 17 851 11 939 4 459 1 453 934 49.5 15 719 6 497 4 809 4 413 4 783 1 379 1 383 2 021 4 680 1 918 1 417 1 345 5 067 2 643 1 660 764 1 189 49.1

14 418 9 380 3 345 1 693 3 470 1 273 43.2 10 508 7 962 2 117 429 440 42.9 8 920 3 430 2 827 2 663 2 796 607 984 1 205 2 424 955 720 749 3 167 1 676 961 530 533 42.0

20 686 17 733 90 712 213 958 1 010 60 12 202 10 249 33 283 237 1 134

12 477



18 410 11 606 4 802 2 002 4 083 1 758 48.6 13 682 9 516 3 302 864 645 52.0 12 297 5 141 3 738 3 418 3 669 1 028 1 175 1 466 3 576 1 426 1 144 1 006 4 041 2 200 1 114 727 1 011 49.4

27 19 5 2 5 1

382 129 603 650 102 576 37.3 21 841 17 355 3 998 488 439 46.4 15 374 6 284 4 710 4 380 3 597 815 l 131 1 651 6 115 2 512 1 934 1 669 5 053 2 684 1 452 917 609 47.8

42 867 27 021 8 212 7 634 10 582 3 274 31.3 30 441 22 821 s 395 2 225 I 844 52.0 30 902 13 858 7 419 9 625 9 178 2 469 2 206 4 503 8 758 3 989 2 263 2 506 10 543 6 159 2 308 2 076 2 423 52.0

16 454 13 828 199 323 204 1 027 1 050 22 9 573 7 900 75 117 232 916 336 72 207 96 111

24 960 19 866 332 1 277 432 1 872 1 488 25 12 080 9 070 63 294 479 l 716 455 66 423 307 116

35 23 12

78 36 19 23

144 121 23

35 574 25 411 441 1 218 1 741 4 085 3 081 38 23 400 16 745 80 491 1 192 3 910 832 230 1 572 1 238 323 11 198 194 4

1 522 23 31 140 329 604 259 25 90 841 20 26 136 458 Mi 4 77 15

657 113 61 13 225 133 62

890 72 43 51 266 281 89 5 83 602 9 38 159 250 29

926 81 78 35 218 273 129 20 92 869 84 107 264 215 29 13 111 14

2 513 196 131 142 454 653 357 275 295 1 792 119 147 505 350 21 72 426 112


220 18 202 43





436 52 384 152 8 144

755 109 646 290 70 220

8 794 169 635 293

11 401 204 561 587

10 981 805 947 1 107

5 828 103 276 284

7 393 247 697 553

14 335 105 668 485

16 916 910 1 209 1 326

9 830 2 085 981 594 7 745 3 783 780

9 772 2 263 1 194 702 7 509 3 782 468

12 986

11 449 3 309 1 079 569 8 140 3 582 796

6 692 1 569 666 494 s 123 2 254 463

8 088 2 297 813 487 5 791 2 828 584

10 802 2 116 1 259 847 8 086 3 859 775

20 931 4 439 1 859 1 138 16 492 7 019 1 597

2 546 1 804

2 592 1 684


---Male employed, In agrlcuhure --------------- Woge and salary workers -------------- Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers ________________ _

fl•alt ••ployed, In agriculture •. ______ ---- __ --


Woge ond salary workers -------------Self·employed workers----------------Unpaid family workers----------------- -

LAST OCCUPATION Of EXP. UNEMPLOYED Mole, 16 y11rs old ond over' --------------Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs -



Soles workers-----------------------Clerical and kindred workers-----------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers. Operatives, including transport---------- Laborers, except form ----------------Farm workers ____ -------------------- Service workers, including privote householdFt•alt, 16 yt1rs ohl -.d over•-------------- Professional, technical, & monageriol wkrs Soles workers-----------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------ Operatives, including transport---------- Other blue-collar workers--------------Form workers------------------------ Service workers, except private household. Private household workers.------------- 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Mole, 14 ind 15 yurs old----------------Farm occupations --------------------- Nonfarm occupations-----------------Fe11ale, 14 ad 15 years al







4 51











216 91



'Includes persons who lost worked more !hon 10 yoors ago, not shown separately.















50 706 48 64 314 154 12


2 240 942 577 10 746 5 246 816 2 884 2 007 608


56 309 146 145 18 35 30


219 1,00

9 303 168 733 343

956 1 118 24 6 783 5 085 18 168 267 827 356 80 149 108 41



43 463 59 65 171 28 5 5 109 3


3 065 1 861 2 094 1 375 521 ~~ ~73 713 ~~ 2The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.






105 5 181 5 176 109

2 204 1 523 445 504

5 3 1 1

108 693 118 086


5 268 3 568 1 123 1 319


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years old and over _______________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or less _____________________ _ Male, 16 lo 24 yoan old------------------ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------Median weeks worked ----------------- Male, 25 lo 64 ytars old ------------------ 50 lo 52 weeks----------------------27 lo 49 weeks----------------------- 26 weeks or less---------------------- -


Male, 65 years old and over---- .. ----------- Median weeks worked ----------------- ftma~, 16 y.ars aid and over -------------- 50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------27 ta 49 weeks----------------------- 26 weeks Female, 16 toor24less---------------------years old_ _______________ _50 lo 52 weeks----------------------- 27 weeks lo 49 weeks----------------------26 or less _____________________ _ Female, 25 to 39 years old ________________ _ 50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------- 26 weeks Female, 40 toor59less---------------------years old ________________ _50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 ta 49 weeks----------------------- 26 weeks or less-----·---------------femalt, 60 years old and over -------------Median weeks worked ----------------- CLASS OF WORKER Mole employed, 16 years old and over-------Private wage ond salory workers _______ _ Employee of awn corporation _________ _ Federal government workers-----------Stale government workers-------------Local government workers ______ -------Self-employed workers ________ -------- _ Unpaid family workers-----------------Female employed, 16 yoars old and over ______ _ Private wage and salary workers-------Employee of own corporation. ________ _ Federal government workers------------State government workers _____________ _ Local government workers ______ --------Self-employed workers __ -- ---- __ ---- ---Unpaid family workers------------------



Mila employed, In agriculture __________ .,. ____ _


Woge ond salary workers -------------Sell-employed workers ________ ------ ___ _ Unpaid family workers-----------------Female employed, In agrlculture ________ ---- __ _ Woge and salary workers -------------- Self-employed workers __ -- __ -- __ ---- ---Unpaid family workers----------------- LAU OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Ma1e, 16 years old and over'---------------Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _ Soles workers ------------------------Clerkol and kindred workers------------Craftsmen, foremen, ond kindred workers __ Operatives. including transport----------Laborers, except form ________ -------- __ Farm workers------------------------Service workers, including private household_ Female, l6 years old and over'--------------Prafessionol, technical, & monageriol wkrs _ Sales workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Operatives, including transport----------Other blue-collar workers _______________ _ Form workers------------------------Service workers, except private household __ Private household workers __ ------------_ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Mo~e, 14 and 15 ,YIGrl aid-----------------arm occupations __ ---- _____ .. -------- __

Nanfarm occupations------------------Female, 14 ••d 15 years old_ _______________ _ Form occupations----------------------

Nonlorm occupations------------------LABOR MOBILITY FOR SELECTED GROUPS' Mole, 30 lo 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nanworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ___ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _ Female, 16 to 44 r.oars old In 1965, no own children under 6 years o d In 1965 _________________ _ With own children under 5 yeors in 1970 __ __ Worker in 1965 _____________________



Garden Grove




Huntington Beach



Long Beach

Los Angeles


Mountain View

25 17 5 3 5 l

630 288 129 213 957 862 37.0 19 016 15 043 3 263 710 657 52.0 16 353 6 545 4 943 4 865 5 068 l 167 1 555 2 346 4 344 l 814 l 444 1 086 6 044 3 142 l 657 l 245 897 49.5

34 23 7 3 6 2

235 280 394 561 823 343 42.7 26 653 20 604 5 072 977 759 46.6 21 561 8 804 6 663 6 094 5 912 1 493 l 906 2 513 7 185 3 015 2 226 l 944 7 410 3 857 2 213 l 340 1 054 45.l

38 26 7 4 6 2

832 536 867 429 434 444 43.8 29 580 22 718 5 402 l 460 2 818 49.7 30 388 15 034 0 415 6 939 6 523 2 119 1 888 2 516 7 617 3 907 2 118 1 592 11 852 6 878 3 241 1 733 4 396 49.6

16 10 3 l 3 l

256 981 666 609 040 201 46.4 12 804 9 631 2 592 581 412 44.l 11 470 5 667 3 227 2 576 3 080 l 034 905 l 141 3 667 1 899 l 057 711 4 089 2 448 1 060 581 634 48.6

26 17 6 3 6 2

754 504 107 143 180 254 42.3 19 972 15 014 4 121 837 602 44.0 16 768 6 973 4 944 4 851 5 134 1 363 1 682 2 089 5 306 2 328 1 513 l 465 5 550 2 970 l 517 l 063 778 44.8

32 23 6 2 5 2

263 103 217 943 539 040 42.8 26 147 20 765 4 467 915 577 52.0 18 924 6 951 5 831 6 142 4 923 1 076 1 486 2 361 7 359 2 698 2 292 2 369 5 863 2 842 1 866 l 155 779 45.7

28 253 18 546 6 429 3 278 5 549 1 999 43.9 21 557 16 034 4 369 1 154 1 147 48.5 21 655 11 001 6 334 4 320 5 394 1 819 l 811 l 764 6 375 3 311 l 881 1 183 7 937 4 756 2 195 986 1 949 52.0

130 886 704 540 460 502 39.0 19 130 15 170 3 321 639 540 47.4 14 607 6 478 4 179 3 950 3 333 831 898 l 604 4 470 1 956 l 301 l 213 6 087 3 332 1 755 1 000 717 52.0

110 71 25 14 28 13

821 332 216 273 938 172 49.0 76 959 55 972 16 083 4 904 4 924 48.5 71 398 30 619 21 989 18 790 20 254 5 244 6 774 8 236 17 086 7 174 5 564 4 348 26 485 14 517 7 650 4 318 1 573 49.6

803 496 197 109 157 50

240 036 789 415 122 837 40.4 608 684 427 632 140 188 40 864 37 434 49.l 579 433 254 617 178 498 146 318 142 989 38 972 44 864 59 153 172 077 76 812 55 694 39 571 208 758 112 163 62 618 33 977 55 609 49.5

358 355 770 233 245 259 38,3 12 383 9 746 2 017 620 730 49.2 11 724 4 889 3 004 3 831 2 848 837 679 l 332 3 945 l 489 1 049 l 407 3 934 2 103 l 031 800 997 48.3

756 929 924 620 46.3 13 045 9 894 2 481 670 444 49.5 13 362 6 098 4 328 2 936 4 452 l 538 l 540 1 374 4 706 2 182 1 617 907 3 548 2 035 983 530 656 52.0

22 848 18 438 660 476 690 l 559 1 666 19 12 799 9 580 74 173 583 l 737 571 155 238 153 85

30 567 24 269 352 l 180 500 2 075 2 506 37 16 809 13 188 64 449 450 1 983 540 199 472 231 236 5 70 52 5 13

35 043 27 452 840 874 449 2 649 3 601 18 24 993 20 565 174 354 298 2 548 l 037 191 291 134 157

14 361 12 353 174 408 133 514 934 19 9 535 8 175 14 278 100 660 252 70 150 44 102 4 5 5

23 525 18 622 249 l 454 661 l 307 l 457 24 13 114 10 110 40 425 547 l 630 327 75 128 107 21

29 325 23 078 486 l 086 628 2 338 2 170 25 14 379 10 722 89 364 549 2 070 539 135 427 292 135

24 560 19 790 268 888 310 l 802 l 752 18 17 952 14 556 96 533 296 1 843 582 142 541 403 138

21 665 17 298 231 1 155 263 1 512 1 395 42 11 870 9 357 24 309 267 1 394 449 94 85 62 23

83 62 l 5 l 7 6

684 526 15 23 14 47 71 1 466 365 3 14 13 49 19 3 8 3 5

80 80

61 41 5 15

24 18


46 41 5

997 198 236 175 715 808 991 110 SS 526 41 009 326 2 512 1 926 7 529 2 099 451 765 293 469 3 75 33 24 18

13 969 10 195 251 659 408 1 343 1 358 6 8 650 6 096 38 230 375 l 415 384 150 520 410 104 6 103 89 5 9

14 838 12 433 188 580 156 716 907 46 11 188 9 050 41 435 173 l 087 355 88 365 185 166 14 79 43 21 15

1 635 363 136 145 384 305 126 8 141 1 111 168 110 346 274 23

993 191 41 82 246 281 74

1 199 302

1 566 365 84 138 361 396 129 18 75 906 125 51 322 251 12

1 063 134 65 97 304 277 98 5 83 794 49 124 235 227 19

5 281 683

49 11 2 4 9 10 4

710 200 18 60 192 109 67

151 9


90 9




562 395 891 367 181 813 620 215 546 263 718 199 277 493 019 45 380 972

827 47 57 41 177 231 139 49 86 805 66 62 140 291 56

131 8

1 517 321 72 120 331 334 207 10 122 1 232 92 127 381 333 29 6 210 22

382 16 366 176

553 5 548 193

481 5 476 245




317 44 273 216 26 190

209 10 199 30


7 530 90 7 440 3 676 34 3 642

10 918 132 729 499 11 196 2 099 897 616 9 097 4 268 720


55 45 4 6 1 078 339 42 50 220 235 102 11 79 939 109 105 336 182 25




58 58




78 550 78 21 214 146 9




l 359 91 84 116 356 367 200 19 126 997 55 90 308 261 27


103 322 248 61




24 16 4 2 4 l




407 1 242 l 511 483 9 607 3 598 476 291 1 179 590 128 15



428 865 777 199 893 182 188 101 368 581 041 091 384 807 669 836 751 236 388 127 l 368 866 388 114

5 32 4 2 10 7 1

16 11 2 2 3 1

17 413

11 728 3 l 3 1


64 467 64 41 164 75 21 5 86 4

199 34

99 1 071 141 128 359 140 15 4 210 17

376 27 349 108

513 11 502 217


182 88

180 78

336 4 332 101

975 394








16 606 229 885 606

14 917 328 l 096 656

7 013 245 551 423

11 371 202 637 548

17 007 131 679 683

10 778 322 998 682

10 845 132 402 537

39 021 1 338 2 767 2 733

348 16 32 25

329 239 358 918

1 116

208 427 483

6 652 122 548 291

15 056 3 462 1 490 1 017 11 594 5 605 950

18 061 3 650 l 907 1 183 14 411 7 692 1 027

1 671

1 741 850 476 5 930 3 123 432

12 204 2 760 1 071 677 9 444 4 222 703

14 560 4 266 2 295 1 673 10 294 5 087 l 139

13 881 2 918 l 434

10 359 2 202 l 040 687 8 157 3 874 765

47 9 4 2 38 18 3

907 628 244 725 279 311 422

391 76 34 20 314 156 27

486 622 943 579 864 125 387

7 230 1 726 803 476 5 504 2 580 565

9 755 l 744 911 533 8 011 4 191 469

1 940 1 215

3 493 2 468

3 539 2 528 807 768

8 5 1 2

845 903 721 157

84 56 16 21

642 022 995 937

2 326 1 493 481 575

1 464 993 367 371




Nanworker in 1970----------------No own children under 5 years in 1970 ---Worker in 1965---------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------Fe;nole, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 ta 3 775 5 269 3 234 1O, no own children under 6 ---------------2 441 3 634 2 315 Nonwarker 1965_____________________ --------------------_ Worker inin1970 l 165 616 1m A9R l 174 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 ---------!Includes persons who last worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.







5 3 1 l

111 646 086 038




10 963 6 268 822

2 305 1 398






136 13



The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample see text For min;mum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]



Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 8Y WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years aldand ""'---------------- 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or less __ -------------- _____ _Male, 16 to 24 years old------------------ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------- -


Median weeks worked----------------- -


Mole, 25 to 64 years old-----------------50 27 to to 52 49 weeks----------------------weeks ______________________ _ 26 weeks or old less---------------------Male, 65 years and over _______________ _

Median weeks worked----------------- -

Female, 16 years old andi over-------------- -

50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 to 49 weeks----------------------26 weeks or l•SS---------------------Female, 16 to 24 years old ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 weeks lo 49 weeks----------------------26 or less_ ____________________ _ Female, 25 to 39 years old ________________ _50 to 52 weeks----------------------- 27 weeks to 49 weeks----------------------26 or less _____________________ _Female, 40 to 59 yeors aid ________________ _50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 weeks to 49 weeks----------------------26 or less_ ____________________ _-


female, 60 years old and over __ ------------ Median weeks worked ----------------- ClASS OF WORKER

Male employed, 16 ye-ars old and aver--------


?rivote wage and salary workers-------- Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers------------ -


State government workers ______ ------ __ local government workers_ ____________ _Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers----------------- Female employed, 16 years old and over ______ _Private wnge 011d salary workers-------Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers-----------State QDvernment workers _____________ _-local government workers _____________ _ Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid fomily workers----------------- -


Male employed, In agriculture __ ---------- __ _-

Woge and salary workers -------------- Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers-----------------


female employed, In agrkulture _____________ _-

Wage ond salary workers -------------Self-employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers----------------- lASl OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED MGle, 16 years aid and over1 __ ------------- Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs -

Soles workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport _________ _laborers, except farm ----------------- Form workers ____ ------ __ -----------Service workers, including private household

Female, 16 years old and over'-------------- Professionol, technical, & monogeriol wkrs Soles workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ O~erotives, including transport ---------Other blue·collor workers_ _____________ _--

Service workers, except private household_ Private household workers __ ------ _____ _-

Form workers------------------------

14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Malt, 14 and 15 years old -----------------


Farm occupations --------------------- Nonform occupations-----------------Femalt, 14 and 15 yoors old _______________ _Form occupations --------------------Nc:mfarm occupations------------------ -



Mole, 30 to 49 yoors old In 1970 ___________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 __ _Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 -----Femalo, 16 to 44 yoon old In 1965, ••own childrt undor 6 yoars old In 1965-_______________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ Worker in 1965 --------------------Nonworker in 1970 ---------------NoWorker own children 5 years in 1970 __ _ in 1965under ____________________ _





24 841 16 197 5 949 2 695 5 635 1 923 41.4 18 847 14 104 4 095 648 359 49.7 14 202 5 748 4 045 4 409 3 942 l 025 l 124 1 793 4 639 l 829 1 253 1 557 5 229 2 707 l 547 975 392 49.5

100 60 26 14 21 7

740 108 237 395 327 428 41.5 73 585 49 914 18 274 5 397 5 828 49.4 72 936 32 977 21 134 18 825 18 511 5 187 5 187 8 137 19 968 9 402 6 301 4 265 25 830 14 093 7 364 4 373 8 627 52.0

16 947 10 428 4467 2 052 3 563 1 222 43.3 12 716 8 937 3 059 720 668 48.3 11 073 4 024 3 528 3 521 3 040 767 859 1 414 3 523 l 251 1 120 1 152 3 627 1 679 1 255 693 883 45.0

21 14 4 2 4 1

528 589 361 578 584 429 38.7 16 363 12 897 2 875 591 581 48.3 14 131 5 559 4 307 4 265 3 911 851 1 232 1 828 4 615 1 918 I 391 I 306 4 676 2 435 1 359 882 929 46.5

18 618 11 934 4 486 2 198 4 341 1 565 42.6 13 772 10 076 3 087 609 505 52.0 12 407 4 619 3 729 4 059 3 774 805 1 212 1 757 3 801 1 488 1 165 1 148 4 116 1 991 1 174 951 716 48.6

16 10 3 2 3

939 477 533 929 505 634 23.5 12 699 9 509 2 325 865 735 49.3 12 375 5 377 3 657 3 341 2 874 668 840 l 366 3 451 1 425 1 202 824 4 706 2 590 1 254 862 l 344 52.0

31 19 7 4 6 1

502 795 171 536 573 829 37.0 22 570 16 789 4 567 1 214 2 359 52.0 24 820 11 209 7 395 6 216 5 858 l 670 1 816 2 372 6 134 2 755 2 129 l 250 8 662 4 802 2 400 1 460 4 166 49.2

14 9 3 1 2

290 352 193 745 862 825 34.3 11 088 8 362 2 312 414 340 49.4 8 721 3 783 2 543 2 395 2 232 658 558 l 016 2 800 1 269 852 679 3 241 1 615 996 630 448 52.0

22 13 5 3 5 1

21 872 18 799 134 494 404 l 124 l 025 26 10 945 8 946 15 161 445 985 336 72 193 127 66

81 57 l 8 2 5 7

467 593 lll 464 573 392 328 117 57 666 40 321 276 4 898 2 675 6 914 2 447 411 1 066 624 442

15 042

15 592 10 437 129 2 699 383 1 053 989 31 9 361 6 194 24 1 214 567 1 041 245 100 l 960 1 823 137

14 316 11 047 412 685 166 940 1 442 36 10 054 7 424 54 360 204 1 490 513 63 134 67 67

19 220 14 426 185 660 980 l 753 1 374 27 11 852 8 537 41 289 963 1 533 463 67 406 257 149

100 90


286 245 32 9

555 527 5 23

36 32 4

27 655 20 762 665 l 057 528 2 097 3 163 48 20 157 15 850 151 532 451 2 224 962 138 614 213 394 7 80 66 14

13 023 10 984 132 326 190 866 647 8 6 791 5 808 16 112 112 586 150 23 104 71 33

51 30 21

19 184 15 280 318 382 327 1 465 I 699 31 11 029 0 580 53 180 270 1 407 489 103 354 187 158 9 76 65 11

14 10 4

1 226 137 46 82 305 430 152 14 60 934 44 70 281 339 37 6 129 4

6 345 655 300 537 1 430 1 539 895 54 860 4 392 428 313 l 408 851 149 21 837 200

924 100 25 44 209 303 106 17 109 763 31 77 175 280 18

790 136 73 46 223 138 58 8 103 650 62 55 251 156


596 156 55 93 112 50 37

643 46 20 27 178 203 78 16 75 487 10 27 114

145 6

6 85 14

85 390 115 20 89 31 18

1 437 364 103 115 245 238 113 13 204 925 151 85 287 158 32





1 156 29 1 127 586 5 581

181 4

371 30 341




284 79




11 991 148 472 514 1 038 1 007 20 8 393 6 579 41 244 388 884 256 42 539 396 143










6 166



24 49 173 189 158 33 80 750 27 68 240 230 36 17 96






376 93 283 166 46 120





Pico Rivera




26 3 48

Redwood City 558 816 745 997 697 429 45.0 13 043 9 999 2 425 619 818 49.3 12 170 6 045 3 487 2 638 3 268 1 114 983 1 171 3 345 1 716 905 724 4 681 2 791 l 286 604 876 49.8

21 212 13 626 4 934 2 652 3 890 1 250 39.1 16 686 12 066 3 657 963 636 49.0 14 312 6 533 4 059 3 720 3 244 963 1 056 1 225 4 U9 1 910 1 294 1 075 5 778 3 148 1 512 I 118 1 011 52.0

14 313 11 986 128 309 207 941 866 4 8 848 7 366 32 229 66 839 303 45 80 52 28

15 767 12 723 287 556 133 1 221 1 125 9 10 128 8 031 21 229 116 1 321 381 50 266 154 112

56 48 8

18 18


42 33 5 4

18 353 13 351 153 1 622 690 1 471 1 185 34 11 435 7 936 39 748 752 1 470 439 90 136 67 65 4 59 48 11

1 495 192 82 93 308 464 192 11 148 905 46 99 262 294 7

870 173 36 49 237 188 80

642 65 36 33 250 91 65

107 654 85 61 194 172 13

141 10

98 4

92 413 32 18 198 57 4 5 75 5

66 86 73 290 353 214 11 174 868 66 61 230 228 31 7 163 43




240 52

235 93

249 82 4 78




16 10 3 l 3 1

225 853 541 831 443 315 44.3 12 456 9 415 2 427 614 326 48.2 11 139 5 122 2 998 3 019 3 163


17 11 3 1 3 1

905 508 138 186 821 42.4 16 424 11 686 3 785 953 941 45.3 15 321 6 227 4 562 4 532 4 268 999 1 352 1 917 4 673 1 876 1 408 l 389 5 255 2 919 1 393 943 1 125 46.3



Redondo Beach

1 1 3 1


054 132 664 772 907 985 3 594 2 041 852 701 718 48.0







407 13 394 224


291 158


383 15 368 131


















1 296


-• ----

11 939 461 575 705

38 2 5 2

883 491 123 935

6 905 172 465 345

10 392 95 467 472

8 393


7 294 243 664 442

11 766 460 l 299 542

6 911 236 349 302

9 438 534 749 675

6 840 118 367 369

6 711 206 490 294

8 568

549 505

10 806 2 502 861 522 8 304 3 649 756

47 9 3 2 38 17 3

871 225 597 075 646 861 066

6 929

9 259 2 297 l 155 787 6 962 3 313 678

8 113 2 092 875 531 6 021 2 857 610

8 541 1 294 695 550 7 247 3 111 439

14 494 2 803 1 412 882 11 691 5 619 790

6 021 1 284 556 302 4 737 2 288 451

9 810

7 842 2 064 1 076 777 5 778 3 040 530

7 927 1 693 849 543 6 234 3 227 417

9 652

2 286 890 472 7 366 3 311 671


3 590 2 539 674 773

9 774 6 187

2 339 1 662 547 537

3 480

2 430 1 621 481 592

1 908 1 381 409 414

1 967 l 278 445 552

1 677 1 121 420 481

2 516 1 599 513 725

Nonworker in 1970 ---------------- Femalo, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 I0 to, no own children under h--------------Nonworker 1965____________________ --------------------_Worker inin197Q Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 ---------


1 924 758 537 5 005 2 192 385

761 'Includes persons who lost worked more than 10 yeors ago, not shown seporotely.




Palo Alto

2 152 880 522 7 658 3 353 557

2 848 2 105 2 1 761 1 505 1 579 449 858 469 'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed 2 483 859 779

692 922 580 594 Forces.

357 852 524


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning af symbols, see text]

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Mole, 16 years old and over----------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks -----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Mole, 16 to 24 years old------------------50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------Median weeks worked -----------------Mole, 25 to 64 years old ------------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 ta 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Male, 65 years old and over--- .. ------------Median weeks worked -----------------Female, 16 years old and over --------------50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------V~ fi wee~-----------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Female, 16 to 24 years old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 weeks lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 or less ______________________ _ Female, 25 to 39 yeors old_ ________________ _ 50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks Female, 40 toor59less----------------------years old _________________ _ 50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______________________ _ Female, 60 years old and over --------------Median weeks worked -----------------CLASS OF WORKER Male employed, 16 years old and over--------Private wage and salary workers--------Employee of own corporation----------Federal government workers------------Stale government workers __ ---- __ ---- __ _ Local government workers--------------_ Self·employed workers __________ ---- ___ _ Unpaid family workers-----------------Female employed, 16 years old and over _______ _ Private wage and salary workers--------Employee of own corporation __________ _ federal government workers------------State government workers __ ------ -- ____ _ Local government workers ________ ------_

Self-employed workers ________ ---- _____ _ Unpaid family workers ______ ---- _______ _ Male employed, in agriculture _______________ _

Woge and salary workers ---------------_ Self-employed workers _________________ Unpaid family workers-----------------Female employed, In agriculture ________ ------_ Wage and salary workers --------------Self·employed workers ______________ ---Unpaid family workers-----------------LAST OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Male, 16 years old and over1 ---------------Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs _

Sales workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ Operatives, including transport -- -- -- -- -- _ Laborers. excepl farm _________________ _ Form workers------------------------Service workers, including private household_ Female, 16 years old and over1 ______________ _ Professional, lechnical, & managerial wkrs _ Sales workers------------------------Clerical and kindred workers------------Operolives, including lransport __ -- -- __ -- _ Other blue-collar workers ________ ------ __ Farm workers------------------------Service workers. except private household __ Private household workers_ _______ ---- __ _ 14 AND 15 YEARS OLD-WORKED IN 1969 Molt, 14 and 15 years old------------------


Riverside Sacramento

San Francisco

San Jase San Leandra

San Mateo

Santa Ana

Santa Barbara

Santa Clara

148 394 554 200 727 168 37.1 50 297 36 790 9 811 3 696 3 124 48.6 49 532 23 306 12 016 14 210 12 611 3 315 3 336 5 960 13 435 6 541 3 328 3 566 18 813 11 127 4 313 3 373 4 673 49.9

16 362 10 594 3 653 2 115 3 638 1 363 41.5 12 036 8 924 2 545 567 688 46.4 11 314 4 680 2 986 3 648 3 022 708 739 1 575 3 076 l 276 814 986 4 334 2 279 1 205 850 882 48.7

25 15 6 3 5 2

741 665 412 664 715 178 44.5 18 871 13 028 4 464 l 379 1 155 44.0 17 637 7 576 5 065 4 996 4 544 l 148 l 317 2 079 4 891 2 071 1 430 l 390 6 532 3 523 l 930 1 079 1 670 52.0

224 136 54 33 82 31

876 942 364 570 643 835 45.6 135 761 102 248 26 273 7 240 6 472 48.2 121 438 48 002 37 183 36 253 38 212 9 094 11 975 17 143 34 490 13 921 11 202 9 367 39 638 20 991 11 287 7 360 9 098 48.3

215 127 55 31 41 13

430 751 790 889 882 537 39.8 160 364 107 728 39 584 13 052 13 184 49.8 169 055 BS 411 49 327 34 317 41 297 13 099 13 128 15 070 so 687 26 351 15 930 8 406 56 535 34 666 15 110 6 759 20 536 52.0

120 77 27 15 25 7

476 884 077 515 654 700 36.9 91 948 68 894 18 707 4 347 2 874 48.8 77 265 29 024 22 335 25 906 23 318 5 745 6 757 10 816 27 121 10 592 8 090 8 439 22 730 10 922 6 320 5 488 4 096 47.5

20 915 14 647 4 192 2 076 3 857 l 234 39.4 16 182 12 994 2 761 427 876 49.5 13 334 6 691 3 328 3 315 3 264 l 070 905 l 289 3 095 1 593 758 744 5 839 3 450 1 365 1 024 1 136 52.0

23 16 4 2 4 1

935 582 595 758 324 383 38.1 18 483 14 652 3 128 703 1 128 49.7 16 715 8 043 4 531 4 141 4 048 1 141 l 223 1 684 4 382 2 163 1 136 l 083 6 566 3 893 1 726 947 1 719 49.9

42 457 26 417 11 107 4 933 10 037 4 153 47.6 30 992 21 709 7 717 1 566 1 428 43.8 28 684 11 216 8 811 8 657 8 055 2 018 2 523 3 514 8 938 3 266 2 967 2 705 9 516 5 001 2 743 l 772 2 175 46.l

18 11 4 2 3 l

394 338 417 639 914 489 41.3 13 331 9 290 3 023 1 018 l 149 49.6 15 273 6 907 4 571 3 795 3 761 l 089 l 111 l 561 3 664 1 745 1 154 765 5 588 3 034 1 650 904 2 260 48.9

25 556 16 391 5 492 3 673 6 450 l 950 35.2 18 544 14 224 3 540 780 562 47.1 17 768 7 231 5 149 5 38B 5 715 1 367 1 682 2 666 5 571 2 594 1 702 1 275 5 543 2 869 1 499 1 175 939 46.l

31 733 21 307 388 1 957 2 245 3 328 2 825 71 19 894 12 935 71 712 l 477 3 830 760 180 999 679 305 15 112 63 36 13

55 775 31 586 735 6 354 7 081 5 730 4 951 73 38 704 21 557 93 1 907 8 544 5 068 1 441 187 1 121 636 471 14 204 185 13 6

14 254 10 619 249 575 430 1 258 1 352 20 8 576 6 176 44 301 170 l 490 314 125 1 982 1 804 178

20 636 13 702 239 l 525 914 2 554 1 911 30 13 663 8 811 55 696 849 2 501 659 147 459 238 211 10 38 19 19

175 125 2 14 5 13 16

719 428 791 012 314 994 748 223 592 691 608 959 123 264 713 842 214 783 426 5 402 330 53 19

105 264 84 928 1 341 3 032 2 506 7 364 7 297 137 56 793 42 716 206 1 394 2 317 7 982 1 934 450 1 400 832 545 23 321 271 24 26

18 701 14 311 329 1 375 316 1 203 1 485 11 10 959 8 864 33 376 173 1 117 340 89 199 121 78

21 468 16 538 448 1 182 240 1 368 2 103 37 13 984 11 056 79 425 228 1 650 523 102 395 126 269

52 43 5 4

41 41


136 938 94 731 2 182 13 501 5 561 11 230 11 793 122 91 174 65 084 465 5 893 3 917 11 769 3 817 694 2 010 1 169 836 5 388 330 41 17

36 061 29 445 321 1 219 537 2 182 2 601 77 21 849 17 335 60 668 626 2 253 755 212 1 005 773 219 13 270 221 19 30

15 861 11 079 206 526 712 l 556 l 969 19 12 442 9 264 73 125 573 l 670 690 120 620 307 307 6 115 89 26


21 918 18 076 218 857 361 1 457 1 127 40 13 696 11 054 37 328 507 l 346 384 77 282 179 89 14 35 19 11 5

1 532 224 82 77 430 299 193 43 184 1 008 72 144 370 133 33 6 126 45

4 403 355 246 262 l 212 781 696 170 665 2 743 261 228 930 496 107 34 462 100

836 26 42 68 118 275 91 135 81 911 48 44 175 347 44 110 109 28

1 307 135 71 55 375 209 240 11 197 879 90 63 287 103 39 9 207 53

8 822 1 469 602 685 2 253 1 443 1 037 76 1 198 6 485 901 648 2 114 816 194 35 1 319 199

12 953 1 938 738 l 718 2 501 2 122 l 273 117 2 353 7 099 978 554 2 579 921 216 33 1 168 228

5 810 893 261 258 l 460 l 477 694 75 672 4 954 360 406 1 382 l 791 136 30 661 52

789 114 39 44 179 212 116 70 654 47 83 208 105 14

946 195 77 67 263 105 108 11 120 489 51 50 215 49 12

122 9

69 20

2 092 324 87 143 449 527 286 39 230 1 520 105 71 406 538 75 8 237 20

912 147 59 27 246 109 161 19 139 747 74 77 265 62 37 14 141 57

1 155 234 31 51 343 230 104 21 141 1 118 71 73 273 383 41 5 197 29

689 34 655 242

1 022 63 959 309 11 298

419 155 264 235 81 154

341 62 279 122

2 245 71 2 174 967 14 953

1 903 50 1 853 876 20 856

2 033 137 1 896 736 46 690

273 10 263 84



246 17 229 133 10 123

314 12 302 149


670 58 612 240 9 231


Nonform occupations ______ ------ ______ _



741 727 10 4


142 108 8 6 12 5 1








321 145





16 284 515 925 709

27 l 2 1

225 115 194 787

6 575 213 474 355

10 783 1 020 821 800

77 2 5 4

627 094 921 162

86 sos 5 628 9 899 6 139

56 1 3 2

490 249 435 729

8 062 164 390 257

9 309 118 614 392

18 190 527 1 494 940

6 817 277 724 462

10 978 367 476 537

17 3 l 1 13 6 1

30 6 2 1 24 11 1

995 369 767 574 626 632 805

6 734 1 721 787 451 5 013 2 476 542

12 361 2 694 l 002 592 9 667 4 114 797

86 19 7 5 67 29 5

937 100 691 360 837 742 933

114 641 16 700 7 459 4 063 97 941 49 166 6 335

54 14 7 4 39 17 3

625 927 157 970 698 747 499

9 001 l 498 607 381 7 503 3 734 552

10 758 2 117 l 173 753 8 641 4 477 588

18 617 5 298 2 113 1 336 13 319 6 083 1 110

9 144 1 632 725 413 7 512 3 647 662

11 874 2 726 1 219 7B5 9 14B 4 241 690

3 383 2 324 736 818

21 15 4 4

646 253 156 697

1 586 1 061 436 369

3 380 2 337 739 867

276 659 664 042 617 208 175

8 370 2 038 5 118 1 298 3 703 5 377 420 1 523 1 180 578 2 295 1 042 'Includes persons who last worked more than 10 years ago, nol shown separately.


San Diego

67 42 14 10 13 4

Nanform occupations------------------Ftmale, 14 and 15 years old ________________ _ Farm occupolians ----------------------

Nonworker in 1970 ----------------No own children under 5 years in 1970 ---Worker In 1965---------------------Nonworker in 1970 ----------------female, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to 10, no own children under 6 ---------------Nonworker 1965_____________________ ---------------------_ Worker inin1970 Worker in 1965, worker in 1970 _________ _

San Bernardino

38 183 24 OD5 8 461 5 717 9 395 2 753 36.9 27 311 20 560 5 300 l 451 1 477 48.2 25 931 9 983 7 896 8 052 7 714 l 684 2 267 3 763 7 324 2 886 2 347 2 091 8 942 4 630 2 665 l 647 1 951 46.8

Farm occupations ________________ ---- __

LABOR MOBILITY FOR SELECTED GROUPS' Mole, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ___ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------Female, 16 to 44 r.e•rs old In 1965, no own children undtr 6 years o d In 1965-________________ _ With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ __ Worker in 1965 _____________________


16 10 3 5

308 030 431 319

17 12 3 3 >The concept "worker" includes the employed

445 2 205 2 297 l 546 1 467 448 540 718 plus members of the Armed

286 679 567 502 Forces.

4 3 1 l

796 279 138 167


Table 88. Weeks Worked, Class of Worker, Last Occupation of the Experienced Unemployed, and Labor Mobility, for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols, see text)

SMSA's Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEHS WORUD Male, 16 years aid and over----- .. -----------

50 ta 52 weeks-----------------------27 ta 4911.1eeks -----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Male, 16 lo 24 years old ------------------50 la 52 weeks-----------------------Medlon weeks worked-----------------Male, 25 lo 64 yoan old ------------------50 lo 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks __ ---------------------26 weeks or less----------------------Male, 65 ytars old and oyer ---------- ------Median weeks worked ------------------

Female, 16 years oW and over-... -------------

50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less----------------------fe,.,•I•, 16 to 24 years old_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 weeks to 49 weeks-----------------------26 or less ______________________ _ Ft01ale, 25 ta 39 yoars old_ ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ______ ----------------Fo .. olt, 40 lo 59 years old _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 weeks to 49 weeks-----------------------26 or less ______________________ _ Fa .. aleJ 60 yHn oW an• over --------------Median weeks worked------------------



Santa Monica

Santa Rosa

Simi Valley

26 15 6 3 4 1

359 879 895 585 738 359 38.0 19 969 13 809 4 683 1 477 1 652 48.6 22 464 10 286 7 162 5 016 5 277 1 439 2 030 1 808 6 472 3 068 2 148 1 256 7 524 4 291 2 128 1 105 3 191 49.3

12 797 8 608 2 235 1 954 2 697 947 38.2 9 358 7 364 1 466 528 742 41.9 9 615 4 778 2 018 2 819 2 438 778 559 1 101 2 462 1 209 565 688 3 513 2 226 665 622 1 202 48.4

22 827 17 067 249 826 878 1 438 2 577 41 18 122 14 083 62 623 880 1 567 867 102 406 205 197 4 36 31 5

West Covina

West· minster

16 020 10 631 3 587 1 802 3 310 1 245 45.2 12 029 9 078 2 468 483 681 48.4 10 631 4 312 3 007 3 312 2 563 577 688 1 298 3 107 1 239 886 982 4 082 2 181 1 141 760 879 44.9

19 13 3 2 3 1

332 355 815 162 788 046 33.6 15 174 12 165 2 632 377 370 43.6 12 205 4 956 3 670 3 579 3 155 816 888 1 451 3 804 1 509 1 171 1 124 4 877 2 445 1 520 912 369 52.0

16 11 3 1 2 1

009 024 385 600 969 013 40.9 12 674 9 863 2 415 396 366 41.4 9 603 3 610 2 844 3 149 2 370 519 811 1 040 3 738 1 353 1 112 1 273 3 098 1 579 785 734 397 47.6

21 819 14 471 4 281 3 067 5 233 1 464 32.3 15 594 12 505 2 620 469 992 52.0 15 066 5 787 4 831 4 448 4 505 914 1 358 2 233 3 035 1 234 963 838 5 948 3 031 1 974 943 1 578 46.7

14 038 6 485 166 4 986 516 1 074 973 4 8 739 5 351 45 1 276 522 1 238 285 67 91 80 11

14 036 9 184 262 1 543 302 1 653 1 323 31 8 277 5 460 64 370 296 1 602 436 113 301 226 75

14 429 11 732 116 798 210 784 888

19 249 15 045 512 376 296 1 604 1 922 6 11 687 8 910 73 135 398 1 682 478 84

21 21

84 74 5 5

17 661 14 039 402 366 292 1 419 1 517 28 9 807 7 425 67 165 262 1 497 346 112 158 71 82 5 53 43

Soutll Gate



14 082 9 787 3 029 1 266 2 204 624 36.3 11 746 9 089 2 314 343 132 52.0 7 869 2708 2 503 2 658 1 794 384 520 890 3 592 1 228 1 216 1 148 2 289 1 026 701 562 194 40.5

16 11 3 1 2 1

28 652 17 031 6 539 5 082 6 540 1 867 32.2 20 463 14 564 4 412 1 487 1 649 41.9 20 220 7 436 5 475 7 309 6 107 1 053 1 736 3 318 5 294 2 052 1 439 1 803 7 103 3 461 1 899 1 743 1 716 52.0

28 351 20 538 5 071 2 742 5 698 2 156 44.4 22 133 18 210 3 322 601 520 42.5 18 507 8 267 5 094 5 146 5 356 1 620 1 579 2 157 6 058 2 728 1 777 1 553 6 276 3 524 1 558 1 194 817 48.5

41 29 7 4 7 2

189 395 618 176 723 477 40.2 32 583 26 455 5 089 1 039 883 52.0 27 619 12 520 8 202 6 897 7 474 2 154 2 243 3 077 8 449 3 BOO 2 661 1 988 10 284 5 840 2 983 1 461 1 412 52.0

19 13 3 2 5 2

410 536 655 219 383 559 49.4 13 244 10 649 1 989 606 783 46.7 11 408 5 006 3 056 3 346 3 043 727 750 1 566 2 959 1 297 874 788 4 461 2 517 1 192 752 945 49.7

10 794 7 163 239 490 540 1 061 l 526 14 7 526 5 313 53 132 436 1 122 399 124 222 131 91

12 724 10 137 69 379 174 1 250 776 8 s 938 4 763 11 94 139 780 105 57 149 74 75

15 052 12 877 170 361 86 774 931 23 9 280 7 986 43 126 101 737 277 53 138 66

24 814 20 900

72 58 14

11 11


40 25 9 6

23 691 15 773 338 2 184 1 045 2 450 2 202 37 14 091 9 526 76 708 791 2 383 557 126 1 287 1 042 240 5 166 146 20

37 192 30 141 509 961 409 3 lll 2 528 42 22 802 18 006 78 402 455 2 977 827 135 297 125 166 6 102 65 37

721 58 36 63 164 181 105 34 75 427 43 43 96 72 9 14 100 33

806 128 36 28 225 251 50 16 66 477 30 23 157 177 5 11 52 8

856 72 25 105 213 279 63 5 83 477 24 24 140 190 17

179 16 163 83 4 79

131 11


256 15 241 123 6 117

10 305 538 1 125 816

5 299 163 447 335

14 587 2 235 1 112 710 12 352 6 597 1 001

5 810 1 222 570 383 4 588 2 162 443

1 863 l 177

1 761 1 267 454


274 937 661 939 284 48.3 13 035 9 569 2 871 595 898 48.7 11 460 5 877 3 133 2 450 2 633 872 802 959 2 855 1 368 825 662 4 620 2 836 1 195 589 l 352 52.0


Ventura (San Buenaven· tura)




Male employod, 16 years old and over---------


Private wage and salory workers-------Employee of own corporation _________ _Federal government workers-----------Stale government workers ______________ _ local government workers _____________ _ Self·employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers----------------Femole employed, 16 years old and ..., ______ _Private wage and solory workers -------Employee of own corporation _________ _ federal government workers-----------State government workers _____________ _ locol government workers_ ____________ _Self·employed workers----------------- Unpaid family workers----------------- Male employed, In agrlcutturo -------- ------- Wage ond salary workers -------------- Self·employed workers----------------- Unpaid lomilv workers----------------Female employed, In agricuhura _____________ _ Wage salary workers --------------_ Se lf·emond ployed workers ________________

-Unpaid family workers----------------- -

LASl OCCUPATION OF EXP. UNEMPLOYED Malt, 16 years o~d and over1 --------------- Professional, technical, & managerial wkrs -

Sales workers------------------------ Clerical and kindred workers------------ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers_ Operatives, including transport ----~----­ Laborers, except farm ----------------Farm workers-----------------------Service work


LA80R M081ltTY FOR SELECTED GROUPS' Male, 30 ta 49 ytart old 1n 1970 ___________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nanworker in 1970 __ _Nonworker In 1965, worker in 1970 ------ Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------ Fomale, 16 ta 44 r,oars old 1n 1965, no ow• chlldren under 6 years o din 1965 ________________ _


With own children under 5 years in 1970 __ Worker in 1965-.-------------------Nonworker in 1970---------------No own children under 5 years in 1970 ___ _ Worker in 1965in --------------------Nonworker 1970 _______________ _ Female, 21 to 49 In 1970, with own children 6 to 10, no own chlldrtn under'---------------Nonworker in 1965 --------------------Worker in 1970---------------------Worker In 1965, worker in 1970 ________ _-



1 590 470 103 127 317 255 142 7 142 968 160 89 364 155 30


113 20 245


245 121







1 035 242 1 158 1 458 21 14 482 11 810 54 433 284 1 361 500 94 329 158 167 4 134 83 28 23




1 663 401 131 145 322 361 122

795 74 21 33 258 189 136

300 508 36 44 229 47

1 087 176 51 84 309 239 88 8 128 987 101 85 294 313 28 10 105 20

176 l 152 141 130 380 231 51

80 614 86 63 184 39 22 5 139 29

425 41 384 189 10 179

415 4 411 183


494 68 426 146 18 128

8 133 52 323 416

6 000 147 421 413

10 942 719 938 641

13 043 87 683 375

19 549 147 881 750

6 590

5 333 1 921 975 671 3 412 1 556 382

7 127 1 814 783 494 5 3.13 2 836 431

13 140 2 817 1 231 787 10 323 4 364 1 032

13 554 3 230 1 649 1 146 10 324 5 088 868

19 433 3 610 1 904 1 204 15 823 8 007 1 272

1 534 961 335 453

3 298 2 104 709 851

3 906 2 820 848 814

2 865 1 997 680 OJ.A 654 'includes persons who last worked more than 10 years ago, not shown separately.





48 12

120 29



1 824 197 63 60 336 512 202 244 190 1 443 126 112



148 25





591 85 44 33 159 97 76 7 90 416 79 38 145 50 4



10 672 70 32 98 156 163 77


76 488 56 99 175 93



7 206 5 823 14 197 155 671 288 72 171 117



108 65

40 19 6 15

37 33 4

575 106 29 45 134 136 57 8 60 612 50 61 152 181 26

655 120 44 43 137 182 73 5 51 i 550 68 42 201 111 10

115 5

78 10

254 30 224 109 5 104








4 42 15

258 13 245 68

192 4 188 105



200 4 196 92 4 88

214 394 292

7 007 133 298 337

9 467 94 489 290

8 198 102 386 298

7 938 119 350 204

7 936 1 871 715 486 6 065 2 696 493

6 766 1 600 757 505 5 166 2 753 515

8 192 1 357 717 442 6 835 3 278 536

6 753 1 997 882 593 4 756 2 208 500

9 392 1 690 743 466 7702 3 473 538

3 095 2 266 696

2 747 1 940 672 543

2 159 1 572 377 369

189 189 148 17 131


5 506 2 052 2 038 3 756 l 373 1 349 1 199 460 433 1 403 470 526 'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.




Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

~t. f

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas Anaheim-Santo Ano-Gorden Grove



Bueno Pork

Cosio Mesa


Gorden Grove

Huntington Beach


361 062 5 798 5 292 7 560 9 896 11 287 13 226 15 004 17 015 19 891 21 843 48 479 64 235 95 623 22 123 3 790 $12 245 $13 675 $3 796 0.319 32 683 $7 115

43 277 647 704 l 024 1 075 1 387 1 622 1 894 2 222 2 664 2 846 6 140 8 196 10 656 l 899 301 $11 809 $13 077 $3 716 0.301 4 228 $6 618

15 637 207 185 228 312 432 423 625 769 862 l 277 2 673 3 154 3 846 581 63 $11 869 $13 239 $3 391 0.271 1 393 $6 837

18 020 383 344 511 528 715 837 832 l 220 1 047 1 061 2 297 3 058 4 292 809 86 $11 334 $12 272 $3 530 0.321 2 164 $6 844

22 128 330 317 377 590 576 680 973 l 001 1 173 l 321 2 633 3 287 6 360 2 094 416 $12 998 $15 176 $4 326 0.357 2 016 $8 001

30 817 436 449 569 778 814 l 053 1 106 1 541 l 947 2 178 5 060 6 158 7 594 992 142 $11 793 $12 524 $3 352 0.273 2 710 $6 702

29 631 429 355 557 611 761 824 1 017 1 242 1 349 1 635 4 247 5 768 8 670 l 808 358 $12 930 $14 048 $3 786 0.299 2 254 $7 317

19 411 328 237 390 469 645 649 798 818 1 048 l 097 2 776 3 560 5 459 1 026 lll $12 380 $13 414 $3 668 0.297 1 822 $7 150

38 588 907 782 1 047 1 699 1 820 2 136 2 419 2 571 2 704 2 904 5 290 6 253 6 792 l 112 152 $10 115 $10 966 $2 968 0.319 4 623 $6 388

14 956 192 223 374 419 338 561 615 794 886 l 135 2 443 3 102 3 514 326 34 $11 589 $12 011 $3 149 0.270 1 290 $6 412

108 108 14 147 15 281 13 983 10 650 8 037 7 706 7 177 6 678 5 214 3 802 5 982 4 487 3 698 982 284 $3 999 $5 446 0.469 57 883 $4 502 469 170 $10 554 $11 779

12 748 l 332 1 491 1 586 1 205 1 005 1 016 982 939 739 582 842 528 418 68 15 $4 756 $5 605 0.428 6 916 $4 213 56 025 $10 301 $11 377

2 627 357 356 257 202 214 133 213 174 194 106 188 126 77 25 5 $4 661 $5 693 0.445 1 351 $4 040 18 264 $11 123 $12 153

7 545 959 l 062 l 060 748 568 575 564 397 321 266 374 395 205 51

6 578 861 729 761 618 558 514 459 465 336 279 486 331 137 44

$3 924 $5 107 0.449 4 141 $3 704 25 565 $9 084 $10 157

7 661 l 288 l 080 974 689 504 508 455 410 364 287 474 313 241 55 19 $3 709 $5 239 0.484 4 137 $4 309 29 789 $10 642 $12 620

$4 573 $5 355 0.421 3 534 $3 928 37 395 $10 810 $11 263

5 540 600 602 768 558 369 374 358 372 289 226 404 287 258 64 11 $4 656 $6 162 0.456 2 622 $4 605 35 171 $11 845 $12 806

5 251 961 844 741 549 397 378 222 260 231 127 216 194 105 16 10 $3 145 $4 389 0.478 3 267 $3 454 24 662 $10 763 $11 492

12 165 1 707 1 815 1 597 l 407 998 942 1 013 781 471 340 458 276 248 66 46 $3 685 $4 848 0.459 6 840 $3 918 50 753 $8 547 $9 500

2 538 409 346 282 222 152 221 208 118 144 93 121 124 BB 5 5 $4 066 $5 218 0.461 1 383 $4 168 17 494 $10 792 $11 025

095 872 874 451 147 088 995 650 690 044 472 343 879 856 567 167 $4 228 $5 904 0.479 22 686 $5 249 166 946 $11 122 $12 755

361 322 $12 43 $8 2 $4 52 $1 15 $1 152 $2 108 72 $5 5 $5

062 076 463 846 820 654 733 145 725 242 186 671 730 108 662 672 430 617 354 642 200 113 639 065 789 773 899

43 39 $11 5 $7

15 14 $12 l $7

18 16 $11 2 $7

22 20 $13 2 $9

30 28 $11 3 $7

29 27 $13 3 $8

19 17 $12 2 $7

14 956 13 886 $11 384 1 386 $6 173 45

124 106 $13 16 $10 l $4 21 $1 3 $1 59 $3 42 26 $5 2 $6

641 864 704 908 066 003 941

Santa Ano Westminster

Urban balance



I.:. I~ .


Total ______________________________ _ Less lhon $1,000 ____________________________ _

$1,000 ta $1,999 ----------------------------$2,000 to $2,999----------------------------$3,000 $4,000 to to $3,999----------------------------$4,999 ____________________________ _ $5,000 to $5.999----------------------------$6,000 to $6,999----------------------------$7,000 to $7.999----------------------------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ ---- ---- ----------------$9,000 __ --------- ---------------- __ $10,000tota$9,999 $11,999 __________________________ $12,000 to $14,999·-------------------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ ---- __ ------------------$25,000 to $49,999--------------------------$50,000 or more ____ -------------- ____ ------_

Median income -----------------------------Mecn income ______ -------------------------Mean income per family member --------------Index of income concentrotion-----------------Fomilies with female head -----------------~--Mean income_., ________ ------------------ ....

124 851 1 836 1 607 2 427 3 330 3 663 4 295 4 579 4 686 6 089 6 185 14 585 21 230 37 326 11 000 2 013 $13 292 $15 064 $4 291 0.340 9 924 $7 685

Unrelated Individuals Totol ______ ---- ____ ---------- ------Less than $1,000 ____ -------- ---- -- ----------$1,000 to $1,999 ____________ ------ ----------$2,000 to $2,999 ____ -------- ---------------- _ $3,000 to $3,999 ____ ------ __ ---- -- ----------$4,000 to $4,999 ---- ---- ________ ------------$5,000 lo $5,999 ____ ---- •••• ----------------. $6,000 to $6,999 __ ---------- ------ ----------$7,000 to $7,999 ____ -------- ------ •••• ------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ ------ ------ ______ ------$9,000 to $9 ,999 ________ ---- ------ ------ ----$10,000 to $11,999 ______ ---------- ----------$12,000 to $14,999 ·-------------------------$15,000 to $24,999--------------------------$25,000 to $49,999 __ ---- ____ -- ---- ----------$50,000 or more----------------------------Median income-----------------------------Mean income-------------------- ........................ Index of income concentration _________________ _ Female unrelated individuals. ••• -------------- __ Mean income ____ ---------- __ -------------All families and unrelated individuals -----------Median income---------------------------Mean income ____ ---- ______ •• --------------



42 4 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 l 2 l l


With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonform sell-employment income __________ _ .Mean nonlarm self-employment income-------With form self-employment mcome _____________ _ Mean farmSecurity self-employment income-----------_ With Social income ___________________ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income --Mean public assistance or public welfare income. With other income---------------------------Mean other income.·----------------------All onrtlattd lndlvlduals ________________ •

With wage or salary income---------·-··-----Meon wage or salary income----------------With nonfarm self-employment income __________ _ .Mean nonfarm self-employment income-------With form self-employment mcome _____________ _ Meon farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income.------------------Meon Socio! Security income----------------Wi!h public assistance or public welfare income --M•an public assistance or public welfare Income_ With other income---------------------------Meon other income-------------·----------Per capita income of persons-------------------

$1 26 $1 5 11 9 $2 $3

277 668 931 131 719 252 $9 738 5 599 $1 590 2 098 $1 168 16 691 $2 354 12 748 9 144 $6 177 629 $5 414 41

637 786 293 530 401 70

020 113 349 403 465 80

$1 2 $1

128 207 671 845 597 183 630 956 685 846 222 607 446 661 385 568 397 988 12

$2 3 $1 l $1 11 $1 6 4 $6

817 214 705 502 393 173 219 586 637 598 189 690 855 578 775 024 290 820 15

$1 764 770 $1 093 5 165 $1 707 2 627 1 863 $6 729 142 $5 250 12

2 724 $1 681 930 $1 134 7 594 $1 903 7 545 5 302 $5 831 393 $3 396 10

$1 091 721 $1 033 4 214 $1 835 $3 855

538 $1 031 176 $956 735 $1 019 $3 436

$1 072 567 $1 048 2 473 $1 587 $3 580

l 585 $1 102 384 $1 273 2 723 $2 034 $4 369

1 i44 $1 116 371 $1 007 l 907 $1 631 $3 439

$9 12 9 0 5

186 022 764 065 209

$9 11 10 0 6

$8 12 8 7 4

854 190 942 199 259

$9 13 9 7 3

777 613 574 366 766

$9 11 9 8 6

249 770 848 236 035

5 $4 4 4

161 257 867 354

$4 245 4 808 4 509

$4 2cii 4 615 4 389



$4 266






$1 10 $2 7 5 $5 $5


631 336 023 275 925 134 $4 632 2 958 $1 675 960 $1 094 12 224 $1 997 5 540 4 130 $6 637 305 $4 902 36

411 678 260 639 719 207 017 598 596 757 048 860 024 251 440 888 244 190 30

38 34 $10 3 $6


l 392 $1 074 361 $1 075 1 933 $1 671 $3 680

3 $1 1 $1 4 $2 $3


070 177 125 270 402 103

$1 081 199 $1 085 816 $2 069 $3 234

649 120 388 281 786

$9 678 12 919 10 041 7 828 5 025

$1 10 8 7 5

927 996 733 203 608

$9 585 12 331 9 932 B 196 6 462

2 964 $4 295 4 883 4 091

$4 021

$1 086 363 $1 022 1 899 $1 982 $3 887

$2 2 $1 $1 8 $2 5 3 $4 $4

$2 5 $1 2 $1 13 $2 12 7 $5 $4

588 719 236 752 916 256 350 991 604 740 328 420 084 165 479 427 607 721 45


$1 687 802 $1 191 5 233 $1 656 2 538 l 663 $5 772 146 $7 291 19


851 306 532 830 296 180 534 659 843 665 173 435 694 095 703 684 166 564 122 $924 11 613 $1 147 l 304 $1 012 17 921 $3 782 $4 420

MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Molt, 16 y11r1 aid and aver wlth eamlng11 -·····--Professional, managerial, and kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-----Operatives, including transport --------------Laborers, except farm ---------------------.. Formers and form managers.---------------Form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen.

F..tlt, 16 yttn old and over with .an1ln911 _______ _

Clerical and kindred workers----------------Operatives, including transport ---------------

$9 12 9 7 5 0 3 $4 4 4


782 162

340 955 116 501 152




4 853 4 421

4 806 4 596

$10 13 10 8 4



4 602 3 638

4 266 $4 013 4 728 3 940




4 488 3 991

$10 13 9 8 4 10 3 $4 4 3

721 642 964 018 171 825 548 321 839 941

'Includes persons in other occupation groups. not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places:


Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (p.rcent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Bakersfield

Los Angeles-Lang Beach




Urban balance

83 503 2 132 2 677 4 441 5 365 5 274 5 310 5 506 5 712 5 693 5 743 10 229 10 773 11 974 2 377 297 $8 937 $9 946 $2 757 0.358 B 700 $5 202

17 832 476 499 946 972 928 944 928 971 1 140 1 077 2 320 2 902 3 142 534 53 $10 030 $10 654 $3 058 0.344 2 437 $5 408

48 808 1 203 l 536 2 627 3 239 3 116 3 097 3 347 3 393 3 412 3 445 5 837 5 915 6 991 1 434 216 $8 834 $9 974 $2 724 0.358 5 176 $5 088


Urban balance







102 2 3 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 6 11 12 13 3

046 586 677 075 247 781 581 529 077 191 317 948 417 767 409 444 $8 622 $9 901 $2 707 0.377 12 076 $5 231

41 277 948 1 607 2 355 2 768 2 464 2 419 2 446 2 774 2 942 2 805 5 011 5 790 5 978 903 67 $8 971 $9 707 $2 791 0.348 6 254 $5 434

36 588 776 l 086 2 184 2 484 2 146 2 279 2 270 2 545 2 732 2 304 4 335 4 370 5 134 l 656 287 $8 924 $10 627 $2 924 0.392 3980 $5 103

1 769 331 38 262 39 491 59 195 70 690 74 425 82 064 91 902 103 449 108 723 109 220 220 690 268 669 376 204 103 884 22 463 $10 972 $12 783 $3 727 0.361 236 571 $6 726

17 233 236 384 507 698 596 760 947 1 171 1 107 1 056 2 299 2 905 3 738 757 72 $11 004 $12 089 $3 996 0.322 2 094 $8 324

14 082 284 219 476 488 576 718 841 933 I 067 l 246 2 136 2 211 2 473 367 47 $10 181 $10 987 $3 462 0.306 1 497 $6 405

25 245 330 330 588 839 892 l 137 l 431 1 335 1 517 1 648 3 430 4 210 6 090 1 322 146 $11 502 $12 612 $4 117 0.318 2 957 $6 823

16 299 249 203 331 318 536 552 786 832 995 I 081 2 327 3 487 4 087 467 48 $11 948 $12 371 $2 950 0.269 1 367 $6 455

17 182 671 657 822 961 956 1 087 1 210 1 143 l 487 1 487 2 149 2 239 2 011 263 39 $8 729 $9 332 $2 180 0.338 3 413 $5 435

35 7 8 6 2 2 l I 1

217 056 385 269 913 754 621 651 542

5 390 655 773 834 436 413 424 337 439 242 205 294 236 97 5

904 090 260 227 831 774 986 884 717 633 483 809 612 514 84

2 545 451 259 297 174 188 196 163 168 149 139 187 134 35 5

4 201 766 686 512 379 364 295 299 206 239 145 181 66 49 14

$5 274 $6 134 0.433 6 271 $4 759 36 149 $9 598 $10 658

$4 487 $5 131 0.431 l 301 $3 593 18 844 $11 078 $11 393

$3 360 $4 186 0.455 2 008 $3 106 21 383 $7 761 $8 321

082 578 417 511 935 76

25 22 $11 3 $6

245 511 820 183 948 60

16 15 $11 1 $6

299 337 783 380 339 73

17 182 14 973 $9 297 979 $5 220 25

524 696 395 233 691 769 904 489 019 565 $5 119 16

1 $1 1 $1 4 $1 2 1 $6


2 $1 2 $1 3 $1 4 2 $5




Toto! ____ ---- ---- -----------------Less lhan $1.000 to $1,000---------------------------$1,999-__________________________ _$2,000 ta $2,999---------------------------- $3,000 to $3,999-- --------------------------$4,000 $5,000 to to $4,999---------------------------$5,999 ___________________________ _$6,000 to $6,999---------------------------$7,000 to $7,999---------------------------$8,000 to $8,999---------------------------- $9,000 to $9,999---------------------------- $10,000 $12,000 to to $11,999-------------------------$14,999 _________________________ _$15,000 to $24,999-------------------------- $25,000 ta $49, ____ ---------- ------------_$50,000 or mare999 ___________________________



Median income ----------------------------- Meon income -- ---- ---- -------- ____ ., ___ -- -- - Moon income per family member -------------- Index of income concentration ________________ _Families with female head-------------------- Mean income----------------------------Unrelated Individuals


Toto I __ ---- ---------- __ ------ _____ _ Less !hon $1,000---------------------------$1,000 to $1,999---------------------------$2,000 to $2,999---------------------------- $3,000 to $3,999---------------------------- $4,000 to $4,999---------------------------$5,000 to $5,999 ---- ---------- -------- -----$6,000 to $6,999---------------------------- $7,000 ta $7,999---------------------------- $8,000 to $8,999.--------------------------- $9,000 to $9, 999 ____ -- __ -- ---- __ ------ ------ $10,000 ta $11,999 ______ -------- -----------$12,000 to $14,999 •• -----------------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ ---- -------------- ------ $25,000 to $49,999 ---- ----------------------_$50,000 or more ___________________________

Median income----------------------------- Mean income ---- ________ ------ -- ---- -- ----- Index of income concentration ________________ _Female unrelated individuals __________________ _ Mean income---- __ ----------------------- All families and unrelated individuals ----------- Median income --------------------------- Mean income----------------------------- -

24 4 5 4 2 l I

571 307 849 500 173 366 050 913 I 056 612 659 910 590 449 118 17 $2 473 $3 864 0.499 12 843 $3 010 108 074 $1 469 $8 563

528 229 356 073 487 386 269 285 346 218 192 301 212 129 40 5 $2 633 $4 237 0.505 3 938 $3 270 24 360 $8 063 $8 935

096 411 592 738 254 741 613 508 532 278 338 456 291 271 66 7 $2 382 $3 696 0.504 7 063 $2 907 62 904 $7 364 $8 567

139 216 463 341 990 169 865 425 079 842 574 904 571 463 208 29 $2 298 $3 529 0.504 19 561 $3 079 137 185 $6 830 $8 269

20 028 4 225 4 618 3 653 I 649 1 274 984 918 639 456 383 506 312 273 117 21 $2 321 $3 569 0.506 11 302 $3 100 61 305 $6 502 $7 701

832 021 014 246 865 189 552 177' 747 721 615 508 901 528 501 579 157 723 24

48 42 $9 4 $8

808 204 360 619 930 695 382 909 634 300 662 541 852 096 638 733 383 204 53

102 85 $8 11 $8 6 $4 18 $1 13 $1 31 $1 35 19 $3 1 $5

41 34 $9 4 $7


$3 11 $1

$7 557 10 148 8 391 6 497 4 753 5 957 2 244 $3 653 4 283 2 902

6 l 1 1

14 2 3 2 1

9 l 2 l

834 866 519 774 856 569 570 320 278


114 261 212 156 58 4 $2 300 $3 542 0.505 5 925 $3 131 46 422 $7 536 $9 126

876 214 121 110 132 340 121 197 77 687 65 524 64 517 59 189 51 983 42 318 29 433 42 884 31 542 26 020 7 957 2 513 $3 817 $5 257 0.470 468 873 $4 247 2 645 545 $8 462 $10 290

9 l l 1 . '

SOB 370 535 339 225 44 5 $3 984 $5 132 0.439 6 311 $4 461 26 450 $8 455 $9 665

10 l l 1


$3 993 $4 879 0.426 2 853 $3 723 19 472 $8 680 $9 297






With wage or salary income ------------------ Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonfarm self·employment income _________ _-~eon nonform self·employment income------With form self·employmenl income ____________ _Mean form self-employmenl income---------- With Social Securily incom•------------------Mean Social Security income---------------- Wilh public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income--------------------------Meon other income------------------------ All unrelated Individuals _______________ _ With wage or salary income-----------------Mean WQge or salary income _______________ _With nonfarm self·employment incom•---------- Meon nonform self·emplayment income------With form self-employment income ____________ _-Mean form self.employment income---------- With Social Security incom•------------------- Meon Social Security income---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income--------------------------Meon other income _______________________ _-




Per capita income of persons _________________ _-

83 70 $9 8 $8 1 $5 14 $1 8 $1 23 $1 24 13 $4 $4 $4 8 $1 4 $1 6 $1 $2

503 766 363 832 489 953 497 452 673 577 618 531 880 571 222 951 694 772 198 194 044 098 036 163 317 867 823

17 15 $10 2 $8

l $1 1 $1 1 $1 $3


139 126 157 710 948 149

4 $1 2 $1 3 $1 $2

075 308 183 582 796 781

$1 11 $2 $2

046 780 867 866 917 208 643 696 609 053 647 944 990 139 086 934 246 032 628 224 364 070 206 202 089 002 761

818 470 765 459 099 833 980 373 195 310

$8 11 8 7 5 B 2 $3 4 2

478 379 809 146 213 375 844 978 462 360

$7 809 11 812 8 720 7 413 4 815 9 103 3 553 $3 315 4 181 2 252

$7 10 8 6 4 6 3 $3 4 2

104 714 126 480 760 825 424 343 119 594

$4 3 $1 1 $1 5 $1 6 3 $5 $7

$5 7 $1 5 $1 13 $1 14 7 $4 $4


277 859 175 056 565 361 $1 973 8 145 $1 661 5 397 $1 694 14 306 $1 870 20 028 11 345 $4 033 672 $5 228 128 $3 638 6 038 $1 086 2 850 $1 205 6 403 $1 835 $2 863

36 30 $9 4 $10

588 881 364 976 716 799 $4 276 6 358 $1 600 4 534 $1 602 11 634 $2 190 9 834 5 091 $3 918 408 $5 254 114 $5 419 3 400 $1 057 1 554 $1 244 3 427 $1 924 $2 953

1 769 331 1 549 153 $11 620 220 633 $9 255 8 830 $3 121 299 287 $1 643 146 574 $1 500 703 923 $2 608 876 214 566 679 $5 897 45 765 $5 667 1 918 $2 960 218 467 $1 110 78 385 $1 107 300 348 $2 229 $3 884

$7 476 11 565 8 080 6 479 4 725 8 111 3 313 $3 268 4 008 2 452

$8 12 8 7 5 6 4 $4 5 3

17 14 $11 1 $6

233 913 302 888 042 66

14 12 $10 l $6

3 981 $1 725 897 $1 229 8 475 $2 124 9 217 5 317 $6 138 421 $4 051 47

1 $1 1 $1 5 $1 5 3 $5

966 645 088 232 156 647 390 502 976 191 $4 504 15

4 $1 l $1 11 $1 10 7 $7

3 417 $1 120 654 $1 046 4 196 $1 996 $4 141

1 404 $1 042 676 $1 077 1 682 $1 366 $3 588

2 $1 171 795 $1 038 4 238 $1 748 $4 343

$1 115 237 $985 728 $1 209 $3 006

$1 $2

$8 10 9 7 5

$8 10 9 7 6

$9 12 9 7 5

$9 12 9 8 7

$7 284 a 956 8 314 7 091 7 002


480 158 382 785 663 545 687 527 113 $3 778 4



608 971 830 322 872 201 428 620 130 $3 662



$1 $1

946 117 663 241 941 683 276


Professional, managerial, and kindred workers _Craftsmen, foremen, ond kindred workers----- Operatives, including transport -------------- Laborers, except Farmers and formfarm--------------------managers _______________ _form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen -

Female, 16 years old and over with earnings1 ______ _Clerical and kindre
$7 11 8 7


7 3 $3 4 2

505 345 967 198 681 866 254 461 051 887

503 855 180 529 337


$4 970 5 400 4 301

311 476 172 888 280


$4 256 4 871 4 270

091 219 502 364 974


$4 834 5 429 3 985

243 125 814 370 207



$4 544 5 394 4 010



$4 4 521 3 852

1nclucfes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.





Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: Continued


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Con.


East Los Angeles (U)

El Monte





24 565 306 418 467 507 620 878 869 l 277 1 415 1 691 3 281 4 302 6 527 1 742 265 $12 386 $13 916 $4 303 0.324 2 173 $7 842

23 752 944 961 l 199 1 580 1 892 1 977 2 033 2 073 2 035 1 776 2 582 2 238 2 161 261 40 $7 622 $8 389 $2 064 0.345 4 643 $5 431

17 746 409 503 842 951 l 075 1 022 1 399 1 346 1 351 1 292 2 564 2 534 2 179 260 19 $8 981 $9 534 $2 712 0.322 2 463 $5 006

36 620 554 580 l 057 l 433 l 394 l 600 1 688 2 083 2 190 2 088 4 412 5 712 8 713 2 582 534 $11 651 $13 543 $4 475 0.357 4 596 $7 834

14 199 128 180 339 411 550 633 715 785 886 1 045 2 221 2 748 3 118 409 31 $11 285 $11 772 $3 563 0,281 1 775 $7 180

24 400 323 464 708 857 1 030 1 156 1 270 l 628 1 692 1 626 3 243 4 298 5 132 857 116 $10 892 $11 783 $3 903 0.313 3 229 $7 394

22 035 266 283 296 376 453 642 844 895 1 264 1 762 3 797 4 677 5 645 705 130 $12 089 $12 966 $3 587 0.263 1 716 $7 599

893 356 340 626 552 444 606 377 748 950 853 294 613 048 157 929 $10 282 $11 804 $3 869 0.361 12 588 $6 289

612 126 459 175 679 503 442 343 294 196 130 140 60 53 12

6 376 788 1 064 1 082 507 543 506 470 366 260 221 254 180 111 24

$2 614 $3 475 0.448 3 959 $2 742 30 364 $6 524 $7 319

$3 501 $4 530 0.439 3 396 $3 405 24 122 $7 526 $8 211

20 186 2 209 2 981 2 528 1 639 1 667 1 795 1 589 1 517 1 122 670 1 142 638 515 129 45 $4 442 $5 311 0.435 13 201 $4 277 56 806 $8 631 $10 618

5 843 462 605 602 361 412 621 548 554 413 348 442 230 215 24 6 $5 772 $6 183 0.393 2 777 $4 354 20 042 $9 586 $10 143

15 424 1 655 1 912 1 705 1 091 1 240 1 421 1 253 1 119 l 052 702 913 745 516 Bl 19 $5 077 $5 712 0.423 7 995 $4 629 39 824 $8 394 $9 432

2 828 428 282 390 255 171 195 131 197 188 144 238 118 65 22 4 $4 345 $5 584 0.447 1 719 $4 586 24 863 $11 472 $12 126

70 838 9 165 13 353 12 348 7 205 5 002 4 565 3 932 3 399 2 663 1 978 2 916 2 313 l 474 375 150 $3 077 $4 593 0.467 35 881 $3 833 163 731 $6 892 $8 684

23 752 20 264 $8 137 1 364 $6 809 58

17 15 $9 1 $6

746 604 262 552 011 51

36 31 $12 5 $9

14 13 $11 1 $7

22 20 $12 2 $8

92 78 $10 9 $9

5 270 $1 522 4 284 $1 700 5 202 $1 763 6 612 3 344 $4 811 196 $3 807

2 $1 2 $1 5 $1 6 3 $5


Long Beach Los Angeles



Pico Rivero

694 719 17 984 18 202 27 953 32 028 34 122 36 227 38 262 41 108 41 318 39 149 78 569 94 288 139 693 45 091 10 725 $10 535 $12 764 $3 794 0.397 112 580 $6 548

21 602 389 331 442 569 498 720 932 l 575 1 793 1 854 3 864 4 213 4 065 325 32 $10 879 $11 285 $2 851 0.258 l 886 $6 422

28 479 574 567 l 108 l 298 1 396 l 407 1 566 1 862 1 695 1 580 2 878 3 676 5 567 2 577 728 $10 825 $14 236 $4 500 0.443 4 384 $7 121

12 755 211 247 290 353 434 484 661 763 1 118 1 097 1 948 2 366 2 550 225 B $10 739 $11 208 $2 779 0.272 1 207 $6 994

443 662 64 364 66 598 62 484 40 866 34 076 32 846 29 326 25 129 20 908 13 739 19 979 14 755 13 034 4 184 1 374 $3 695 $5 165 0.481 228 603 $4 215 1 138 381 $7 511 $9 802

3 581 522 518 489 233 284 260 295 234 211 122 170 162 71 10

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families Total ---- ---------- ----------------Less than $1,000 ____ ---- ---------- ----------$1,000 to $1,999 ------------ ----------------$2,000 to $2,999 ____ ---- ---------- ----------$3.000 to $3,999----------------------------$4,000 to $4,999 ____ ---- ---------- ----------$5,000 to $5,999----------------------------$6,000 to $6,999 ____ -------- ---- -- __ --------$7 ,000 to $7 ,999 ------------ ---------------- _ $8,000 to $8,999 ____ ------ __ ------ -- --------$9 ,000 to $9 ,999 ---- -------- ------ ------ ---- _ $10,000 to $11,999 __ ---- -- ------ ______ ------$12,000 to $14,999--------------------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ ---- -- ------ __ ----------. $25,000 to $49,999 __ ---- ---------- ----------$50,000 or more -- __ ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- ------ Median income -----------------------------Meoo income __ ------ ______ ---- ______ -------Mean income per family member --------------Index of income concentrotion-----------------Families with female head --------------------Mean income ______ -- -- __ ---- -------------Unrelated Individuals ______ ---------- ____ ---- ------ __ Less than Total $1,000 ____________________________ $1,000 to $1,999 __ ------ __ ------ ______ ------$2,000 lo $2,999 ____ ---- -- -- -- -- __ ---- ------$3,000 to $3,999 ____ ---- -------- -- ---------- _ $4,000 to $4,999 ______________ -------- __ ----$5,000 to $5,999 ____ ---- -------- ______ ------$6,000 to $6,999 ---- -- __ -- __ ------ ----------$7 ,000 to $7 ,999 ____ -------- __________ ------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------$9.000 to $9,999 ____ ---- ---- ---- __ -- -- ------$10,000 to $11,999 __ -- -- -- -- -- -------- ------$12,000 to $14,999 __ ---- -------- -- ---- ------$15,000 to to $24,999 -- -- -- -- __ ---- -- -- ------ __ $25,000 $49,999 __ __________________________ $50,000 or more ____________________________ _ Median income---------------- .. -------------

Mean income---- __ ------------ -- -- -- -- -----Index of income concentration _________________ _ Female unrelated individuals __ ---- ____ -------- __ Mean income ________ -- -- ...... ---- ---- __ -----All families and unrelated individuals -----------Median income __ ------ ---- __ -- ---- -- ---- -Mean income---- __ ---- ______ --------------

7 697 757 864 707 439 605 678 625 559 528 426 615 516 301 71 6 $5 703 $6 346 0.411 4 011 $4 801 32 262 $10 767 $12 110

6 1 1 l



92 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 11 13 18 4

$4 100 $4 875 0.441 1 831 $3 41 l 25 183 $10 159 $10 374

338 877 504 085 413 685 335 284 073 766 607 900 727 692 270 120 $3 499 $5 377 0.504 12 825 $4 961 49 817 $7 276 $10 442

719 625 478 207 642 922 873 207 614 947 584 433 849 662 823 741 776 563 883 104 788 111 031 131 612 217 977

21 20 $10 1 $5

602 294 835 609 558 63

28 23 $12 4 $9

2 $1 1 $1 6 $1 3 2 $6


$8 017 12 266 a 475 6 506 5 449 6 167 3 987 $4 421 5 039 3 728


21 2 3 3 2 1 1 l 1

2 155 346 271 240 182 162 161 184 136 87 124 114 96 48 4


$4 238 $4 969 0.441 1 153 $3 541 14 910 $9 921 $10 307

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND • UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All famllles -------------------------With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or solory income ________________ _ With nonfarm self-employment income __________ _ .Mean nonfarm seJf.employment income-------With farm self·employment income _____________ _ Mean form self-employment income----------With Social Security income-------------------Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income---------------------------Mean other income------------------------All unrelated Individuals ________ --------With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nanform self·employment income __________ _ ,Mean nonfarm self·employment income-------With form self·employment income _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income-------------------Mean Social Security Income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other lncome---------------------------Mean other income------------------------Per copito income of persons __________________ _

24 22 $12 3 $10

565 530 566 055 237 121 $3 926 3 171 $1 632 1 131 $1 123 10 367 $1 982 7 697 5 583 $7 215 363 $4 280 8


645 169 410 368 390 376 793 632 252 $4 821 5


$2 7 $1 2 $1 18 $2 20 12 $6 l $3

620 446 136 128 651 212 946 726 704 063 261 452 625 186 098 198 049 935 22

1 526 $1 143 450 $1 037 2 662 $1 811 $4 397

2 $1 1 $1 1 $1 $2

207 086 217 193 552 480 157

$1 107 972 $1 158 1 968 $1 545 $2 862

6 826 $1 125 1 691 $1 062 8 490 $2 189 $4 572

Male, 16 years aid and over with eamingsi ---------

$9 12 9 8 6

419 660 647 314 039

$6 359 B 144 7 248 6 195 5 849

$7 666 9 470 B 591 7 019 6 246

$8 12 8 6 4

Female, 16 years old and over with eamlngs1 _______ _

$4 85i 5 235 4 661

$3 686 4 284 3 599


199 141 055 398 079 73

24 21 $11 2 $7

400 707 073 503 144 75

2 669 $1 581 773 $1 220 5 583 $1 358 5 843 4 499 $6 892 250 $3 770 10

4 $1 1 $1 10 $1 15 10 $6


648 441 256 182 925 424 808 581 592 $4 809 11

2 466 $1 688 1 007 $1 096 9 215 $1 502 2 828 1 920 $6 429 124 $7 006 16

l 646 $1 156 365 $1 163 1 922 $1 320 $3 823

3 477 $1 097 867 $1 053 5 491 $1 710 $4 187

620 $1 038 174 $1 129 1 026 $1 650 $3 626

893 491 742 903 136 580 $2 140 19 405 $1 701 7 193 $1 303 43 592 $2 736 70 838 43 958 $5 125 2 856 $5 703 161 $2 427 20 504 $1 093 6 771 $1 126 26 102 $2 043 $3 983

$8 11 9 7 6

$8 10 9 7 6

318 916 125 374 246

$9 11 9 8 6

549 711 839 951 308

$8 11 8 7 5

4 288 $5 290 5 461 4 604



$4 49i 5 001 3 900

035 512 134 151 205 53

694 597 $11 95 $9 2 $2 123 $1 68 $1 271 $2 443 291 $5 24 $5 $4 100 $1 41 $1 142 $2 $3

479 879 030 434 421 179 -$137 6 294 $1 720 2 368 $1 486 14 183 $4 378 21 338 12 597 $5 248 1 081 $6 222 32

12 755 11 793 $10 834 959 $5 491 45

$1 134 323 $1 028 920 $1 353 $2 862

6 $1 1 $1 9 $3 $4


080 617 066 624 389 620

$1 $2

476 133 188 112 531 734 839

$8 10 9 8 6

$7 12 7 5 4

748 259 789 858 951

$8 10 9 8 6

339 554 329 102 603

583 468 382 073 540 581 407 028 103 $5 188


1 975 $1 623 1 060 $1 354 3 749 $1 359 2 155 1 422 $6 272 31




$1 $1

MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Professional. managerial, and kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-----Operatives, including transport--------------Laborers, except form ---------------------Farmers end farm managers----------------Farm laborers, except unpaid, end farm foremen_

Clerical and kindred workers----------------Operatives, including transport---------------





4 596 3 788

813 410 885 704 815


$4 959 5 437 4 088

771 200 386 762 270


$4 960 5 467 4 643


4 943 4 768

479 673 880 511 928


653 871 522 564 280


$4 024 4 684 3 994


$4 270 4 841 3 717

.. .

$4 350 4 886 4 333

•Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Doto based on sample, see tex!. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see !ext]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan stafis!ical areas-Con. Modesto

Los Angeles-Long Beach-Con.

Torrance West Covino


Urban balance



16 576 380 427 614 702 812 993 1 094 I 141 1 267 1 089 2 402 2 681 2 526 405 43 $9 788 $10 463 $3 485 0.321 1 957 $6 621

35 212 336 399 467 617 634 916 1 178 1 200 l 631 1 815 4 746 6 790 12 074 2 241 168 $13 620 $14 354 $4 111 0.276 2 983 $8 103

16 841 205 240 214 263 354 392 458 717 785 1 050 2 398 3 609 5 017 977 162 $13 118 $14 143 $3 675 0.281 1 187 $7 698

19 643 198 250 514 607 713 705 912 829 1 096 l 106 2 344 3 009 5 212 1 846 302 $12 546 $14 678 $4 497 0.367 1 864 $8 115

496 093 9 409 9 491 13 763 17 092 17 031 19 827 23 399 28 432 30 011 31 648 65 122 79 923 111 995 31 703 7 247 $11 472 $13 438 $3 742 0.354 54 761 $6 974

709 081 866 725 627 350 227 465 502 464 245 6 124 6 546 6 497 1 688 302 $8 725 $!0 085 $2 886 0.377 5 290 $5 456

16 266 327 464

21 577 3 080 2 627 2 738 1 866 1 824 1 711 l 473 1 333 1 073 762 1 126 942 735 228 59 $4 262 $5 518 0.468 12 583 $4 706 44 311 $7 219 $9 216

6 980 795 I 161 950 522 459 701 540 544 443 223 351 166 92 27 6 $4 135 $4 835 0.418 4 248 $3 853 23 556 $7 966 $8 796

10 625 757 995 947 700 740 827 1 060 811 800 634 925 805 506 118

2 740

7 612 1 325 1 370 1 098 677 497 431 497 384 286 226 335 155 252 52 27 $3 019 $4 817 0.554 5 031 $3 949 27 255 $9 930 $11 924

167 368 22 899 24 827 21 322 13 360 11 646 11 893 11 994 10 893 8 389 6 170 9 063 6 696 5 659 1 943 614 $4 110 $5 622 0.475 92 897 $4 369 663 461 $9 689 $11 466

14 2 3 2 1

$6 327 $6 832 0.389 5 480 $5 210 45 837 $11 924 $12 610

424 281 261 229 169 176 189 195 230 1l5 224 90 93 54 10 $5 034 $6 311 0.485 1 433 $4 567 19 581 $12 180 $13 048

16 576 14 385 $10 132 1 298 $7 033 34

35 32 $13 4 $7

16 15 $12 2 $9

19 17 $12 2 $12

3 645 $1 723 1 214 $1 281 6 151 $1 713 6 980 4 213 $6 073 199 $5 287 34

212 923 287 144 685 180 $4 461 3 993 $1 529 1 094 $1 183 16 067 $1 738 10 625 8 299 $7 424 474 $4 339 19 l 737 $1 126 520 $960 3 776 $1 710 $4 294

496 093 440 602 $12 142 61 946 $9 725 2 831 $3 109 75 895 $1 664 35 337 $1 470 194 974 $2 703 167 368 107 019 $6 289 9 146 $6 437 441 $2 550 43 902 $1 117 14 133 $1 059 59 689 $2 412 $3 873

50 709 41 897 $8 978 5 916 $9 859 3 814 $4 483 10 384 $1 604 6 301 $1 523 16 461 $2 042 14 876 7 183 $4 713 512 $4 668 296 $5 491 5 739 $997 2 822 $1 168 4 612 $1 919 $2 924


Redondo Beach

Sonia Monico

South Gate

21 003 416 569 726 1 098 1 039 1 128 1 307 1 328 l 438 1 431 2 987 3 249 3 666 541 80 $10 014 $l0 691 $2 975 0.324 2 541 $6 081

14 436 191 270 400 472 524 518 580 891 989 1 lOl 2 249 2 592 3 170 445 44 $11 140 $11 837 $3 398 0.289 1 774 $6 845

22 734 420 594 729 870 1 049 1 222 1 365 1 347 1 440 1 305 2 587 3 186 4800 1 557 263 $10 793 $12 725 $4 442 0.381 3 613 $8 074

8 368 1 250 1 459 1 277 767 574 691 430 495 386 285 378 l77 153 37 9 $3 258 $4 522 0.464 4 720 $3 873 29 371 $8 072 $8 933

5 493 525

Urban balance


__ ------- -------------- ------_ Less !hon lotal $1,000 ___________________________ $1,000 lo $1,999 ____ ------------------------ $2,000 lo $2,999 ---- -----------------------$3,000 $3,999 ___________________________ ____ ------------------ ------_ $4,000 lo lo $4,999 $5,000 lo $5,999 ______ ---------- -----------$6,000 lo $6,999 ______ -------- -------------- $7,000 lo $7,999 ---- ------------------------ $8,000 lo $8,999---------------------------- $9,000 lolo$9,999---------------------------$10,000 $11,999 _________________________ _ $12,000 lo $14,999 _________________________ _ $15,000 lo $24,999-------------------------$25,000 lo $49,999 ______________ ------------ $50,000 or more ___________________________ _

--Median income----------------------------- Mean income -- ______ ---- ------ ------------- Index of income concenfrafian ---- -- ------ ----- Female unrelated individuals__---- __ ----------- Mean income---------- __ ---- __ ----------- -

All families and unrelated individuals ----------- Median income --------------------------- Mean income__________ -- ---- -- ------ -- ---


729 727 459 341 393 412 354 299 278 371 306 221 62 16 $4 899 $6 057 0.445 2 973 $4 256 19 929 $9 646 $l0 244


50 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

876 665 649 812 196 860 637 702 586 358 324 503 270 219 74 21 $2 400 $3 747 0.500 9 062 $3 133 65 585 $7 228 $8 648


849 707 849 1 091 1 089 1 073 2 343 2 585 2 699 701 126 $10 274 $11 285 $3 321 0.351 1 889 $5 855 5 476 812 1 066 1 053 406 330 317 340 258 163 120 281 168 133 21 8 $2 817 $4 419 0.485 3 578 $3 700 21 742 $8 5l0 $9 556


19 209 377 833 1 284 1 691 l 501 l 404 I 404 I 314 l 357 I 190 2 092 2 201 2 003 447 111 $7 845 $9 351 $2 670 0.378 2 217 $5 046 6 1 1 1

179 248 733 215 492 325 189 237 201 130 160 129 57 31 28 4 $2 089 $3 131 0.479 :} 808 $2 766 25 388 $6 245 $7 837


-All vnrolahd lndlvldvals. ___________ ---With wage or salary income -----------------Mean wage or salary income _______________ _Wi!h nanform self-employment income _________ _Meon nonform self-employment income------Wi!h form self-employmen! income ____________ _Meon farm self-employment income---------With Social Security income_ _________________ _Mean Social Security income---------------- With public assls!once or public welfare income __ Mean public assis!once or public welfare income All famlllts -------------------------

Wilh wage or salary income -----------------Me
With other income--------------------------Mean a!her income------------------------ Per capifa income of persans------------------



Male, 16 years old and over wl!h earnings'-------- -

Professional, managerial, and kindred workers. Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers----- Operatives, including transport-------------- Laborers, except farm --------------------formers and form managers---------------Form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen femalo, 16 years aid and aver with 1arnln1•'------Clerical and kindred workers---------------Operofives, including transport--------------


21 18 $10 2 $6

003 354 206 145 038 64

14 436 13 247 $11 245 1 374 $6 304 36

3 786 $1 755 2 244 $1 584 7 650 $1 805 8 368 4 95) $5 159 376 $4 469 15

1 97i $1 557 981 $1 255 5 582 $1 603 5 493 3 852 $6 621 355 $6 448


22 734 19 308 $11 331 3 415 $7 640 123 $665 5 198 $1 599 1 391 $1 172 11 552 $2 977 21 577 )3 570 $6 098 1 237 $5 826 59

$1 068 974 $) 045 2 963 $2 306 $3 012


1 260 $1 130 475 $1 018 1 878 $1 885 $3 660

5 779 $1 099 1 355 $1 042 8 703 $2 460 $4 655

2 269 $1 112 908 $1 098 2 376 $1 501 $3 642

$8 049 10 967 8 662 7 407 5 419

$8 11 9 7 5

952 809 455 964 415

$8 11 8 6 5

217 761 054 770 227

$8 9 9 7 6

3 704 $4 035 4 453 3 803

$4 4i7 5 130 4 200



$4 999



5 355 3 770

180 998 294 814 013


5 323 4 706

841 695 832 218 706 100 $783 1 990 $1 622 660 $1 086 6 413 $1 754 2 740 2 000 $7 009 110 $3 945


643 268 947 749 302 166 $2 060 3 657 $1 753 1 043 $1 343 10 123 $2 250 7 612 4 499 $4 969 375 $6 834 38

$2 896 $3 768

2 588 $1 104 576 $1 044 3 339 $2 471 $4 490

$10 345 13 127 10 313 8 139 4 884

$9 12 10 8 6

970 721 533 182 283

$9 13 9 7 3




$4 isi 4 662 3 629



5 275 4 755

410 $) 154 84



4 684 4 003

593 455 575 235 884


$8 950 12 924 9 232 7 559 5 847 7 278 4 259 $4 425 5 002 4 010

$7 10 8 6 5 6 3 $3 4 2

551 784 431 947 016 663 934 385 247 537

16 14 $10 1 $10 $2 2 $1 1 $1 5 $2 5 2 $5 $5 I

266 010 355 940 145 219 635 734 647 411 503 763 015 476 862 527 210 427 39

$3 4 $1 3 $1 5 $1 6 2

$4 $4

209 670 413 979 690 469 525 217 567 150 585 972 912 179 831 057 161 434 29


2 486 $967 1 357 $1 137 1 937 $1 604 $2 685

741 335 202 214 273

$7 141 10 052 B 084 6 287 5 020 9 958 3 120 $2 985 4 218 2 318

$1 030 968 $1 236 1 720 $2 306 $3 380

$8 11 9 8 4

19 15 $8 1 $l1

3 660 $4 097 4 456 2 564


1ncludes persons in other occupation groups, no! shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Can. Sacramento



Toto I


Simi Valley

Ventura (San Buenoven· tura)

Urban balance


ArdenArcade (U)


91 366 l 919 l 751 2 713 3 262 3 634 3 935 4 459 5 087 5 709 5 732 12 883 15 574 20 289 3 977 442 $11 162 $12 054 $3 196 0.323 8 115 $6 219

16 436 497 341 584 770 853 869 1 159 l 003 l 195 l 062 2 lBl 2 562 2 854 447 59 $9 892 $10 751 $2 782 0.331 2 136 $5 880

13 020 163 164 1B4 231 259 283 428 521 758 853 2 501 3 017 3 300 327 31 $12 164 $12 614 $2 961 0.247 683 $6 525

15 008 236 191 486 495 569 652 634 754 896 892 2 190 2 347 3 752 837 77 $11 552 $12 742 $3 739 0.324 1 455 $6 554

39 804 859 935 1 289 l 498 1 596 1 762 1 877 2 192 2 320 2 460 5 125 6 630 9 051 1 999 211 $11 215 $12 195 $3 274 0.333 3 327 $5 971

203 704 4 562 4 527 7 161 9 100 8 941 10 371 11 609 13 007 14 162 13 638 26 380 31 296 39 607 8 178 l 165 $10 362 $11 524 $3 276 0.339 22 423 $6 235

22 254 345 243 395 590 596 815 870 1 066 l 149 1 255 2 729 3 852 6 058 1 910 3Bl $12 836 $14 703 $4 428 0.346 2 173 $7 747

65 798 1 611 l 747 2 811 3 732 3 518 3 785 3 961 4 144 4 581 4 207 7 497 9 498 11 769 2 517 420 $9 715 $11 177 $3 304 0.355 9 397 $6 429

651 924 865 820 555 506 455 5 249 6 189 6 827 6 587 12 852 14 851 17 925 2 819 227 $10 443 $11 216 $3 074 0.311 9 158 $5 725

26 267 4 558 4 751 3 628 2 628 l 851 I 524 I 417 l 301 1 045 713 1 227 832 632 151 9 $3 075 $4 457 0.490 12 457 $3 839 117 633 $9 565 $10 357

5 301 790 776 783 538 428 329 291 401 198 175 238 190 136 24 4 $3 560 $4 792 0,460 2 502 $3 998 21 737 $0 328 $9 297

977 228 116 82 BB 52 72 49 52 58 37 83 23 32

s 313

5 $3 710 $4 993 0.517 531 $3 992 13 997 $11 796 $12 083

$3 680 $4 879 0.464 3 075 $3 916 20 321 $9 691 $10 686

$2 794 $4 151 0.492 5 394 $3 764 52 097 $9 351 $10 297

8 565 891 958 963 810 701 614 655 599 576 379 576 425 307 82 29 $4 942 $6 116 0.430 4 595 $5 061 30 819 569 12 316

31 313 4 512 6 339 5 365 2 701 2 142 l 988 2 040 1 587 1 042 878 1 170 805 607 123 14 $2 896 $4 270 0.472 18 073 $3 734 97 111 402 8 950

27 424 5 417 6 071 4 213 2 684 1 576 l 488 I 329 994 845 718 B80 644 458 94 13 $2 528 $3 B03 0.495 12 836 $3 166 119 075 $8 808 $9 509

91 366 80 979 $11 190 10 129 $8 000 1 433 f4 677 3 181 $1 660 5 028 $1 363 34 108 $2 282 26 267 17 222 $4 979 l 071 $4 424 198 $3 844 6 019 $1 089 2 000 $1 106 '7788 $2 179 $3 252

16 14 $9 1 $9

13 12 $12 l $6

15 12 $11 2 $8

39 34 $11 4 $8

91 82 $10 9 $6 l $3 11 $1 7 $1 37 $1 27 19 $4

Urban balance



INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families Totol ---- ------ -------- ------------Less than $1,000 ________ -------- ________ ----$1,000 ta -------------------------_ $2,000 to $1,999 $2,999 ____ ____________________________ $3,000 to $3,999 ____ ---- ---------- ---- -------_ $4,000 to $4,999 ____________________________ $5,000 to $5,999 __________________ ----------$6,000 to $6,999 ---- ____ ---- ------ ---- ------$7,000 to $7,999 ____ ------ ____ -------------- _ $8,000 to $8,999 ____ ---- ---- ------ ----------$9 ,000 tata$9$11,999 ,999 ______ ------------ ---- -------_ $10,000 __________________________ $12,000 to $14,999 ---------- ------ ----------$15,000 ta $24,999 __ ---- -- __ -- -------------- $25,000 ta $49,999--------------------------$50,000 or more ____________________________ _ Median income -----------------------------Mean income---- __ ------ __ ---------- _____ .. __ Meon income per family member --------------Index of income concentration __ ------ -- __ -----Families with female head ---------------------

Mean income ______ -----------------------Unrelated Individuals Totol ____________________ ----------less than $1,000 ________ ---------- ----------$1,000 to $1,999----------------------------$2,000 to $2,999 ________ -------- __ ---- ------$3,000 to $3,999 ______ ---- __ ---------- ---- __ _ $4,000 to $4,999 ____ ---- ______ ---- ----------$5,000 to $5,999----------------------------$6,000 ta $6,999----------------------------$7,000 ta $7,999----------------------------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ ------ ________ -- --------$9,000 ta $9,999 __________________ ---- __ ----$10,000 to $11,999--------------------------$12,000 to $14,999--------------------------$15,000 ta $24,999--------------------------$25,000 to $49,999--------------------------$50,000 or mare __________ ------ __ ---- ------ _


Meon income---------------- -- __ -----------Index of income concentration ______ -----------Female unrelated individuals ___________________ _

Mean income ____ ------ __ ---- ____ ---- __ .., __ _ Ali families ond unrelated individuals -----------Medianincome income______________ ---------------------------Mean -------- ____ ., __ _

633 929 757 496 447 390 336 255 254 194 2B2 158 144 38


12 2 2 l l

293 259 537 700 303 765 628 620 481 465 279 556 404 238 58



76 13 15 11 6 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1

464 780 368 720 852 B89 471 409 412 694 \OB 847 046 446 356 66 $2 775 $4 172 0.488 39 863 $3 581 280 168 $0 350 $9 517



203 704 178 774 $10 532 22 672 $8 192 4 341 $3 537 31 315 $1 708 18 533 $1 479 86 052 $2 120 76 464 48 962 $4 597 2 929 $5 121 449 $2 720 18 813 $1 118 B \79 $1 092 26 729 $1 788 $3 340

22 20 $12 3 $11

65 55 $10 7 $B

$8 365 11 686 0m 7 314 5 630 6 393 3 729 $4 334 5 015 2 956

$9 13 9 7 3

91 l 1 2 3 3 4

57 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 9 2

105 253 431 220 850 046 669 616 957 747 786 627 995 147 517 244 $9 730 $10 936 $3 077 0.358 6 196 $6 130

6 368 106 146 215 289 345 319 289 452 418 492 905 988 l 146 241 17 $10 250 $11 220 $3 424 0.329 701 $7 745

42 0 8 7 4 3 2 1 1 l

633 666 403 350 829 055 433 931 441 041 585 1 136 947 599 197 20 $2 578 $3 682 0.4B9 11 215 $4 397 99 738 $6 120 $7 B35

5 207 809 1 065 795 489 312 346 321 218 165 114 220 168 164 11 10 $2 918 $4 410 0.495 l 750 $4 582 11 575 $6 904 $8 157

57 49 $9 6 $9 l $6 8 $1 3 $1 22 $3 42 32 $3 1 $5

105 038 354 651 080 216 642 767 623 887 424 029 520 633 237 516 740 871 397 $2 553 6 171 $1 011 1 794 $1 052 9 103 $2 666 $3 140

6 368 5 558 $9 790 725 $8 95S 5

$7 10 8 6 5 7 3 $3 4 2

$7 10 8 5

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All famllles -------------------------With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonform self·employment income----------.Meon nonfarm self-employment income-------With farm self-employment income _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income-------·--------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare Income_ With other incame---------------------------Mean other income ________________________ _ All unrelated Individuals ________________ _ With wage or salary income ---------·--------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonform self-employment income __________ _ Mean nanform self-employment income-------With form self.employment income __ -----------Mean farm self·emplayrnent income----------With Social Security lncame-------------------Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income---------------------------Mean other incame-------------------·-··-Per capita Income of person'-------------------

$12 2 $1 1 $1 5 $2 5 3 $5 $7

436 858 723 406 041 158 363 204 468 254 469 711 188 301 B03 282 162 968 28

020 279 038 270 003 83

1 164 $1 576 527 $1 145 3 Bll $1 505 977 503 $6 329 41

"6 215 $969 83

977 $1 039 408 $1 149 1 476 $1 640 $2 912


$2 442 $2 987

$2 2 $1 $1 6 $2 5 2 $5 $4

008 995 574 013 901 158 389 579 736 B60 455 695 510 313 938 820 277 962 9

$3 6 $1 2 $1 15 $2 12 0 $4 $3

804 682 482 584 125 471 600 211 6B3 061 305 254 300 293 441 503 451 309 91

l 72B $1 147 609 $1 214 2 026 $2 332 $3 823

2 596 $1 086 864 $1 019 3 219 $2 349 $3 286

$9 12 9 7 4

$9 12 9 7 5 6 3 $3 4 2

254 107 696 225 479 216 $770 2 701 $1 671 969 $1 333 12 014 $2 407 8 565 6 767 $6 001 389 $6 B4B 24


$1 071 292 $866 3 216 $2 274 $4 603

798 912 140 097 270 506 $2 692 13 131 $1 742 8 74B $1 594 28 163 $2 543 31 313 16 996 $5 079 l 333 $4 735 107 $700 10 235 $1 131 5 186 $1 113 11 710 $2 010 $3 425

651 821 491 123 901 141 298 154


$2 5 $1 2 $1 8 $1 $3

050 389 334 697 424 302 139 730 748 109 776 267 113 012 093 089 378 116

$8 11 8 7 5 7 3 $4 4 3

567 430 851 488 631 026 547 133 854 271



$1 543 283 $1 196 3 170 $2 764 5 207 4 047 $4 241 194 $7 439 5


$1 034 213 $950 1 602 $2 132 $3 595

MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS M11le, 16 years old and over with eamlngs1 --------Professional, managerial, and kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-----Operatives, including transport--------------Laborers, except farm __ ---- ---- ---- __ -----Formers and form managers----------------Farm laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen_ female, 16 yeurs old and over with earnings 1 __ -----Clerical and kindred workers----------------Operatives, including transport----·----------

$8 12 9 7 5 8 4 $3 4 3

900 469 410 381 540 185 160 773 449 018

$7 586 11 311 B 664 6 571 5 760 11 BOO 3 978 $3 644 4 447 2 627

$10 12 10 8 6

027 371 199 663 990


$4 004 4 457 3 962

436 357 705 794 519

5 654 $4 114 4 497 3 005

105 944 488 240 382 571 760 696 435 928

715 042 355 416 593


$5 003 5 076 3 545

$7 11 8 7 5 4 2 $4 5 2

896 530 511 105 917 719 643 480 196 711

402 998 615 764 072 540 822 393 232 5B9

671 466 757 5B2 5 073




4 545 2 506

'includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data hosed on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Solinas-Monterey-Con.

Son Diego

San Bernardino-Riverside-Ontario

Total Chula Vista

El Cajon

Son Diego (urban part)

Urban balance

18 212 645 322 496 698 709 846 1 057 1 249 1 311 1 096 2 539 3 145 3 562 482 55 $10 533 $11 148 $3 246 0.314 1 908 $5 454

13 837 309 285 513 6B8 573 714 718 928 l 057 909 2 028 2 195 2 360 503 57 $10 221 $11 117 $3 276 0.332 1 567 $5 890

163 381 5 504 3 647 5 535 7 254 8 185 9 642 9 377 10 435 10 369 10 080 19 867 23 556 30 760 7 698 l 47~ $10 167 $11 668 $3 441 0.367 22 022 $6 010

109 676 2 625 2 354 3 695 5 516 5 862 6 656 6 453 7 373 7 594 7 501 14 960 16 065 18 525 3 910 567 $9 895 $11 001 $3 142 0.340 10 814 $6 127

4 815 757 705 865 458 367 268 328 250 184 103 222 214 78 16

4 025 565 696 561 420 352 233 237 165 188 149 186 140 133

133 23 27 22 13 9 8 6 5 3 2 3 2 2



$3 176 $4 468 0.457 2 908 $3 479 23 027 $6 999 $9 751

$3 454 $4 612 0.475 2 322 $3 460 17 862 $8 782 $9 651

059 476 171 711 545 683 262 775 398 803 730 661 665 389 621 167 $2 699 $3 952 0.486 47 592 $3 939 296 440 $6 223 $8 205

67 957 10 613 16 617 13 140 6 015 4 528 3 737 2 814 2 319 l 583 1 002 1 477 1 123 754 184 51 $2 514 $3 503 0.460 17 728 $3 717 177 633 $6 589 $8 132

163 139 $10 17 $8

109 676 92 655 $9 941 12 408 $6 449 1 503 $2 324 20 129 $1 751 5 987 $1 368 49 673 $2 691 67 957 51 735 $3 474 2 260 $3 813 325 $4 473 10 749 $1 014 2 961 $1 067 16 036 $2 129 $3 184


Urban balance




Son Bernardino

Urban balance

14 969 273 339 532 687 623 794 770 1 052 l 029 l 096 2 034 2 319 2 701 653 67 $10 285 $11 422 $3 201 0.339 l 662 $6 061

24 385 669 725 1 057 l 358 1 559 1 788 1 747 1 548 I 594 1 511 3 210 3 170 3 422 948 79 $9 098 $10 261 $2 916 0.371 3 136 $5 661

291 573 7 608 8 559 14 007 17 309 17 124 17 206 18 474 19 746 20 311 19 999 36 603 39 048 44 742 9 167 1 670 $9 272 $10 478 $3 006 0.360 28 228 $5 504

16 595 432 443 594 942 817 872 1 063 1 140 1 192 1 300 2 452 2 458 2 493 334 63 $9 617 $10 271 $2 885 0.323 1 755 $6 103

34 838 859 935 1 122 1 369 I 632 1 514 l 635 2 167 2 285 2 244 4 476 5 446 6 949 1 747 258 $10 651 $11 914 $3 378 0.352 3 971 $6 020

25 852 825 842 1 295 1 641 1 653 1 659 1 885 1 894 l 871 1 779 2 936 3 252 3 437 716 165 $8 658 $10 003 $2 876 0.365 3 927 $5 093

170 424 4 084 4 514 8 203 9 B04 9 746 10 121 10 818 11 484 12 235 12 285 21 833 23 024 26 376 4 965 932 $9 342 $10 484 $2 997 0.350 15 839 $5 520

326 707 9 871 7 039 10 998 15 058 16 325 19 058 18 691 21 060 21 595 20 854 42 123 48 244 59 545 13 829 2 417 $10 133 $11 435 $3 330 0.356 37 713 $6 000

4 662 832 675 986 408 357 185 246 183 148 87 201 217 97 40

15 013 2 805 2 810 2 353 1 748 1 074 1 005 736 585 516 245 428 353 249 100 6 $2 804 $3 925 0.486 5 120 $4 462 39 398 $6 301 $7 847

552 301 834 531 915 752 362 776 122 035 283 192 267 505 534 143 $2 574 $3 875 0.487 55 367 $3 392 395 125 $7 453 $8 747

4 430 727 l 043 677 398 271 297 222 211 137 90 138 126 67

10 730 1 705 2 182 l 994 l 103 740 566 576 500 355 258 300 299 101 37 14 $2 741 $3 962 0.458 6 441 $3 436 36 582 $6 848 $8 231

57 621 9 491 12 991 10 721 5 597 3 577 3 067 2 574 2 367 1 637 1 262 1 B57 I 209 836 323 112 $2 590 $3 946 0.485 30 710 $3 478 228 045 $7 629 $8 832

222 37 48 39 23 15 12 10 8 5 4 5 4 3

$2 657 $3 980 0.482 2 825 $3 150 21 025 $8 274 $8 945

14 445 3 432 2 873 2 166 1 131 966 660 680 531 489 330 544 308 253 70 12 $2 424 $3 807 0.520 8 447 $3 337 49 283 $8 277 $9 538

405 981 950 914 669 532 B62 391 417 853 183 751 273 528 879 222 $2 608 $3 782 0-482 73 421 $3 834 549 112 $6 595 $8 335

16 14 $9 1 $6

838 519 782 290 391 441 $2 111 5 552 $1 697 2 465 $1 404 14 608 $2 476 14 445 9 117 $4 088 529 $4 627 38

25 21 $9 2 $8

852 331 172 758 330 179 733 458 753 496 691 673 465 730 303 067 440 121 45

170 136 $9 18 $8 2 $3 37 $1 14 $1 64 $2 57 31 $4 2 $4

326 276 $10 36 $8 3 $2 57 $1 19 $1 152 $3 222 166 $3 7 $4

l 595 $1 096 659 $1 113 1 461 $1 606 $2 931

3 646 $1 012 1 477 $1 138 5 216 $1 893 $3 379

3 $1 2 $1 3 $1 $2


$1 19 $1 6 $1 19 $2 $3

424 463 846 777 141 053 252 432 807 515 470 241 724 621 349 463 128 956 237 613 699 112 689 133 392 426 044

$7 10 8 7 4

$8 176 11 305 8 654 7 198 3 935 1 900 3 347 $3 911 4 305 3 569

$7 457 10 107 7 987 7 171 5 610

$8 11 8 7 5 5 3 $3 4 3

125 152 646 511 320 462 624 664 365 215

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families Toto! ------ ---- ---------- -------- __ _ less than $1,000----------------------------$1,000 to $1,999 ---- ____ -------------------- _ $2,000 to $2,999----------------------------$3,000 to $3,999 ------ __ ---- ---------------- _ $4,000 to $4,999 -- __ ---- ------------------ __ _ $5,000 to $5,999 ---- ____ ------------------ __ _ $6,000 to $6,999 -- __ ---- ------ -------- ---- __ _ $7,000 to $7,999---------------------------- $8,000 to $8,999---------------------------$9,000 to $9,999---------------------------- $10,000 $11, 999 __ ---- ------------------ ___$12,000 to to $14,999 _________________________ $15,000 to $24,999-------------------------- $25,000 to $49,999-------------------------- $50,000 or more---------------------------- Median income ----------------------------Meon income __ -- ---- ---- -------- __ --------- Meon income per family member-------------- -


Index of income concentration---.. ____ ---- ____ _-

Families with female head --------------------


Mean tncome ______ ---- __ ------ -------- __ _

Unrelated Individuals Toto! ________ ------ __ ---- ------ ___ _ Less than $1,000 ___________________________ _ $1,000 to $1,999 __________________ ---------- $2,000 to $2,999 -- ________________ -------- __ $3,000 to $3,999 __ -- __ ------ ---------------- $4,000 to $4,999 ______ ------ ______ ---------- $5,000 -- __ ------ __ ---- ------ ----_$6,000 to to $5,999 $6,999 __ ___________________________ $7,000 to $7,999 ______ ------ __ ---- -------- __ $8,000 to $6,999 ---- ------------------------ $9,000 to $9,999 ______ ------ ______ ---------$10,000 to $11,999 ____ ------ ______ ---------- $12,000 to $14,999 -- -- __ ---- ------ ---- -- __ -- $15,000 to $24,999 ____ ------ ______ ------ ---- $25,000 to $49, 999__________________________ ____ ------ ------ ----------_ $50,000 or more_



Median income ----------------------------- Meon income ______ ------------------------- Index of income concentrction .... ______________ _ Female unrelated individuals __________________ _-


Mean income---- -- __________ .... ------ ----- -

All families and unrelated individuals ----------- Median income --------------------------Mean Lncome __ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- __ --------- TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS



All faml1111 ------------------------With wage or salary income-----------------Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonform sell-employment income _________ _,Mean nonfarm self·employment income------With form self·employment income ____________ _ Mean form selhmployment income---------With Social Security income __________________ _ Mean Socio I Security income---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income--------------------------Meon other income __ -- ---- ---------------- All unrtlatod lndl•lduols_ ______________ _ With wage or salary income------------------ Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonform self-employment income _________ _Mean nontorm self·employment income------- With farm self-employment income------------- Meon form self-employment income---------- With Social Security lncom•------------------- Meon Social Security income ---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income __ --_______________________ -- -- -------------------_Mean other income Per capito income of persons_ ________________ _






Professional, monogeriol, ond kindred workers _ Craftsmen, foremen, ond kindred workers----Operatives, including transport-------------laborers, except farm --------------------- Farmers ond farm managers---------------- Form laborers, except unpaid, and farm foremen female, 16 years old and o•er wltk earnlngs'------- Clericol ond kindred workers---------------- Operatives, including transport-------------- -


$2 836 $4 392 0.487 2 701 $3 979 19 631 $8 742 $9 752

14 13 $10 1 $9

103 18 22 18 9 6 5 4 4 3 2 3 2 1

969 304 110 579 947 161 $7 391 2 152 $1 633 1 344 $1 438 5 560 $2 540 4 662 2 684 $4 918 224 $6 171 46

24 20 $8 2 $8

385 757 643 667 602 228 $8 937 3 811 $1 617 1 538 $1 431 9 331 $4 015 15 013 10 828 $3 758 751 $3 928 97

291 237 $9 32 $8

1 404 $1 048 589 $1 252 1 605 $2 094 $3 266

2 752 $1 016 713 $985 3 815 $3 032 $3 061

$3 63 $1 25 $1 109 $2 103 56 $4 3 $4 966 528 $1 875 34 209 $1 095 12 500 $1 142 34 397 $2 223 $3 046

$7 901 11 424 8 720 7 220 5 065 12 606 3 618 $3 649 4 486 2 603

$7 10 8 6 5 8 3 $3 3 2

197 402 587 260 252 438 890 274 981 638


$7 11 8 7 5 6 3 $3 4 3

573 751 780 807 186 768 748 354 780 498 483 767 668 552 978 433 917

940 074 562 344 103 901 814 633 331 265



595 591 850 439 748 164 $2 224 2 919 $1 646 1 513 $1 337 5 646 $1 739 4 430 2 246 $5 188 148 $7 686 28

818 871 643 144 464

5 636 $3 536 4 079 3 653

34 30 $10 4 $8


$3 5 $1 3 $1 9 $2 10 5 $5 $4

058 013 213 883 843 914

2 :i52 $3 806 4 599 2 971

18 212 16 090 $10 273 1 615 $7 425 74

$2 36 $1 11 $1 60 $2 $3

707 889 213 390 540 925 839 958 696 696 310 348 032 405 705 729 586 222 913 521 990 031 296 054 966 215 392

$8 11 8 7 5 5 4 $3 4 3

358 557 959 391 165 844 014 808 351 596


13 12 $10 1 $8

837 034 152 664 558 70

2 568 $1 641 1 000 $1 276 8 357 $2 414 4 815 2 688 $5 269 132 $4 620 9

2 225 $1 642 898 $1 127 5 767 $2 185 4 025 2 352 $5 682 144 $4 372 11

l 508 $1 039 389 $1 056 2 066 $2 306 $3 327

1 i7:i $1 040 400 $1 156 1 444 $1 995 $3 341

$8 718 11 371 9 538 7 929 5 173

$8 11 9 7 5

554 172 125 516 136

$3 976 4 337 4 291






4 198 3 422

381 499 326 648 716 818 $2 610 28 304 $1 658 10 828 $1 294 78 229 $3 184 133 059 100 480 $3 867 4 670 $4 309 452 $956 21 874 $1 036 7 156 $1 035 39 306 $2 207 $3 533

$8 11 8 7 5 5 4 $3 4 3

245 727 769 183 166 192 005 927 499 663

$8 11 9 7 5 5 3 $3 4 3

389 297 032 579 233 914 918 637 155 480

'intludes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.

6 - 562



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Stondord metropolitan statistical areas-Con. San Francisca-Oakland





Daly City

Fremont (urban part)

Hor.word urban port)


Redwood City


San Francisco

San Leandro

776 750 16 390 15 772 22 535 25 440 26 618 30 044 33 825 38 894 44 433 44 858 99 384 129 099 189 634 50 580 9 244 $11 802 $13 429 $3 969 0.348 93 329 $7 177

17 786 642 371 517 640 797 943 1 069 l 164 1 067 986 2 067 2 825 3 762 811 125 $10 674 $11 768 $3 708 0.346 2 637 $6 133

24 379 742 767 l 125 l 257 l 270 l 423 1 443 l 590 l 238 1 352 2 521 2 865 4 659 1 807 320 $9 987 $12 362 $4 065 0.426 4 636 $7 124

21 415 298 267 287 378 551 644 653 931 1 069 1 306 3 351 4 749 6 176 726 27 $12 614 $12 960 $3 454 0.258 1 716 $6 894

17 691 354 259 286 371 395 580 714 825 1 139 954 2 702 3 492 4 688 861 71 $12 229 $13 066 $3 734 0.287 1 726 $8 158

23 944 302 279 293 396 431 501 632 844 1 454 1 584 4 042 5 376 6 707 978 125 $12 677 $13 426 $3 365 0.259 1 540 $7 335

23 807 501 453 574 688 733 839 1 168 1 283 1 629 1 895 3 888 4 450 5 055 591 60 $11 101 $11 657 $3 241 0.283 2 241 $6 401

88 975 2 670 3 122 4 356 4 576 4 421 4 731 5 148 5 945 6 161 5 362 10 206 11 765 15 823 3 958 731 $9 626 $11 279 $3 459 0.378 15 612 $6 461

15 292 201 209 392 478 382 527 769 799 857 867 2 079 2 759 4 147 739 87 $12 094 $12 957 $4 090 0.299 l 674 $7 840

20 686 549 476 866 831 1 019 1 022 957 1 265 1 314 1 498 3 009 3 260 3 941 624 55 $10 363 $11 027 $3 183 0.329 3 168 $5 726

165 342 4 933 4 454 6 881 7 259 7 414 8 208 9 466 9 703 9 757 9 803 19 068 23 497 33 072 9 647 2 180 $10 503 $12 507 $3 931 0.388 27 252 $7 481

19 577 276 269 422 424 741 576 732 908 l 251 l 376 2 904 3 825 4 966 745 160 $11 936 $12 909 $4 014 0.287 1 831 $7 120

13 854 l 541 2 680 2 424 1 419 1 244 892 689 647 574 340 567 500 264 68 5 $3 199 $4 492 0.448 4 346 $4 431 31 640 $6 973 $8 582

40 893 10 768 7 233 5 721 4 009 2 647 1 988 1 535 1 415 1 234 858 1 256 l 079 834 263 53 $2 427 $3 808 0.533 19 459 $3 617 65 272 $4 259 $7 003

4 233 508 571 664 303 279 289 239 237 268 218 316 196 120 25

4 955 529 422 479 438 337 507 381 460 453 250 325 294 66 14

3 212 399 340 366 205 226 218 146 279 244 168 250 231 125 15

$5 537 $5 719 0.376 2 540 $4 688 22 646 $10 786 $11 459

$5 321 $5 952 0.425 l 583 $4 182 27 156 $11 990 $12 542

66 506 10 356 10 813 10 284 5 940 4 658 4 676 3 922 3 773 3 145 2 557 2 857 1 865 1 236 340 84 $3 303 $4 619 0.465 34 160 $3 913 155 481 $6 787 $8 430

6 554 617 782 747 500 551 465 669 443 366 267 558 363 181 40 5 $5 172 $5 876 0.409 3 513 $4 489 21 846 $10 027 $10 833

6 889 905 1 262 1 086 470 407 417 448 472 403 214 374 242 176 9 4 $3 407 $4 797 0.462 3 553 $3 445 27 575 $8 778 $9 471

182 24 24 22 16 13 15 15 12 9 7 9 6 4 1

$4 253 $5 397 0.443 2 148 $4 617 25 648 $11 562 $11 712

6 501 1 026 789 907 546 473 421 487 389 362 274 263 351 176 27 10 $3 968 $5 171 0.455 3 379 $3 854 30 308 $9 870 $10 266

015 122 369 523 243 273 238 066 524 519 038 181 138 948 397 436 $4 283 $5 354 0.451 91 864 $4 751 347 357 $6 765 $8 759

5 414 545 767 603 469 517 313 470 415 343 213 319 260 136 35 9 $4 625 $5 591 0.423 3 394 $4 461 24 991 $10 537 $11 324

21 19 $12 2 $7

415 780 318 142 031 147 418 091 710 194 328 830 523 233 016 155 219 813 26

17 691 16 420 $11 953 1 927 $9 030 46

23 22 $12 2 $8

23 21 $10 2 $7

88 73 $10 10 $8

15 13 $11 1 $9

165 138 $10 20 $9

19 577 17 276 $11 900 2 212 $9 494 97

$1 l $1 $3

836 160 279 129 787 379 862

975 998 191 025 950 388 $3 788 19 375 $1 719 12 330 $1 620 35 820 $2 929 66 506 40 505 $5 363 2 669 $4 525 111 $4 953 17 550 $1 157 0 001 $1 145 22 970 $2 081 $3 651

$9 11 10 8 7

153 430 392 342 577

$7 911 10 911 8 602 7 337 6 771 8 071 3 159 $4 586 5 137 3 941

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families ______ ------------ __ -----------_ less than Total $1,000 ____________________________ $1,000 lo $1,999 ____ ------------------------$2,000 to $3,999 $2,999 ----------- ______ -----------_ $3,000 to ____________________________ $4,000 to $4,999 ____________________________ _ $5,000 to $5, 999 ____ -------------------- ____ _ $6,000 to $6,999 ________ ------ ________ ------$7,000 to $7,999 ___________________________ __ $8,000 to $8,999 ____________ -------------- __ _ $9.000 to $9, 999 ____ -------- __________ ------$10,000 to $11,999 ____ ---- __ ---- ____ --------$12,000 to $14,999 __________ ----------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ ---- ____________ --------$25,000 to $49,999 __ ------ ____________ ---- __ _ $50,000 or more ____________________________ _ Median income -- ____ ---- __ ------ ______ -----Mean income __ ---- __ ---- ____ -.. -------------Meon income per family member --------------Index of income concentration _________________ _ Families with female head--------------------Mean income __________________ ------------

Unrelated Individuals



Less !hon $1,000 to $2,000 to $3,000 to $4,000 lo $5,000 to $6,000 to to $7,000

Total __________ ---- ----------------$1,000 ____________________ ------ __ _ $1.999 ____________________________ _ $2,999 ____ ---- -------- ------ ______ _ $3, 999 ____________ ----------------$4,999----------------------------$5,999 ____ -------- ______ ------ ----$6, 999 ____________________________ ____ ---- ---- ------------ ____ __ $7,999

$8,000 to $8, 999 ______________________ ------$9,000 to $9, 999 ____________ ------------ ____ _ $10,000 to $11,999--------------------------$12,000 to $14,999--------------------------$15,000 to $24, 999 ________________ ---- -- ----$25,000 to $49,999 __________________________ _ $50,000 or more __________________ ----------Medion income ______ ---- ______ •- __ ---------Mean income ____________ ---- ______ ---- _____ _ Index of income concentration _________________ _ Female unrelated individuals __________ ---------Mean income ____________________ ---- -- ----

All families ond unrelated individuals -----------Median income______ ---------------------------Mean income ---- ___________________ _

444 64 63 57 38 31 32 31 27 22 17 23 17 12 3

390 823 858 329 808 278 985 011 275 445 028 399 048 737 506 860 $3 932 $5 228 0.467 226 242 $4 541 1 221 140 $8 803 $10 445




TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All famllles -------------------------With wage or solory income ------------------Mean woge or salary income----------------With nonform self-employment income----------.Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self·employment mcome •. -----------Mean form self-employment income----------With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------With public ossistonce or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income. With other income---------------------------Mean other income __________ -- ------ ------ _ All unrelated Individuals_ _____ ----------With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or salary income----------------With nonfarm self-employment income __________ _ ,Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self-employment income _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income-------------------Meon Social Security income----------------Wtth public ossistance or public welfare tncome __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income---------------------------Meon other income·-----------------------Per capita income of persons __________________ _

776 678 $11 97 $9 5 $2 132 $1 58 $1 344 $3 444 297 $5 21 $5 1 $1 96 $1 35 $1 158 $2 $4

750 438 949 402 908 317 919 106 700 265 449 998 031 390 642 664 146 455 175 971 109 148 770 074 463 343 122

$9 12 9 7 6 6 3 $4 5 4

037 250 772 998 625 688 950 811 155 198

17 786 15 610 $10 756 1 813 $8 476 79

24 20 $10 3 $8

379 646 462 837 364 194 094 494 723 257 410 543 361 893

2 749 $1 687 933 $1 257 7 813 $2 576 13 854 10 904 $4 604 439 $3 720 36

$1 4 $1 2 $1 12 $3 40 29 711J $3 710 1 889 $3 368 87

$1 2 $1 l $1 8 $1 4 3 $6

2 69i $1 119 668 $1 013 3 978 $1 842 $3 830

4 833 $1 047 1 811 $898 16 186 $1 984 $3 949

853 $1 118 320 $985 1 377 $1 554 $3 538

$9 11 9 8 6

080 669 730 119 631

$6 349 8 674 7 903 6 017 5 128

$10 12 10 8 6

$5 oi3 5 311 4 256

$3 942 3 942 2 920



2 020 $1 572 832 $1 168 7 107 $1 859 4 955 3 678 $6 463 194 $4 195 8 $1

944 475 579 356 491 220 $1 379 2 163 $1 603 1 100 $1 207 8 138 $1 678 3 212 2 230 $6 954 172 $5 997 13


$1 088 196 $999 918 $1 830 $3 436

807 956 985 073 925 74

2 92i $1 562 1 722 $1 390 7 879 $1 633 6 Sol 4 548 $5 952 276 $4 380 37


$1 011 469 $1 124 1 943 $1 801 $3 347

292 695 938 605 471 52

$1 145 590 $1 053 2 305 $1 845 $4 274

1 918 $1 142 1 088 $1 243 2 153 $1 629 $3 314

$1 37 $1 14 $1 63 $2 $4

342 349 908 692 821 630 254 944 679 258 501 143 696 015 618 754 675 118 366 424 784 167 591 055 166 376 289

$9 12 10 7 5

$8 11 9 0 7

$7 10 8 7 6

631 403 637 151 864

$9 412 11 928 10 183 8 762 7749

2 667 $5 092 5 339 3 615

$4 804 5 066 5 090

2 544 $1 683 950 $1 150 6 894 $2 042 6 554 4 601 $6 648 295 $4 330 10


20 18 $10 l $7

686 060 527 771 467 117 $792 3 435 $1 751 2 968 $1 637 7 120 $1 939 6 889 3 999 $6 146 314 $4 536 5

$3 37 $1 15 $1 75 $3 182 123 $5 8 $6

3 727 $1 756 889 $1 321 8 404 $2 147 5 414 3 389 $6 640 154 $6 192


1 655 $1 143 376 $1 094 2 271 $1 986 $4 118


Professional, managerial, ond kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers __ ---Operatives, including transport--------------Laborers, except form ---------------------Formers and farm managers----------------Farm laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen ... Ftmale, 16 years old and over with earnlngsi _______ _ Clerical ond kindred workers----------------Operatives, including transport---------------



070 294 243 860 351

.. . 560

5 036 4 495


$5 054 5 266 4 644

$10 12 10 9 7

183 418 876 113 373



$4 525

4 750 5 102

$8 10 9 8 7

853 926 836 149 046




4 878 4 548

279 052 385 791 595


$4 92i 5 167 5 536

551 002 624 092 172


$4 454 5 091 4 224


'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, medion, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text}

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. San Francisca-Oakland - Can.

San Mateo Urban balance

Santa Barbara

Son Jose

Toto I

Mountain Vif!W

Polo Alto (urban port)

Son Jose (urban part)

Santa Clara


Urbon balance


Santa Barbaro

Urbon balance

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Fa millet Total ____ ------ ---- ------ ----------less than $1,000 __ ------ -------- ------------$1.000 to $1,999 __ --------------------------$2,000 to $2,999 .. ------ --------------------$3,000 to $3,999----------------------------$4,000 to $4,999 -------- -------- ------------$5,000 to $5,999 ·---------------------------$6,000 to $6,999----------------------------$7,000 to $7,999----------------------------$8,000 to $8,999 __ -------------------------- $9,000 to $9,999 ----------------------------$10,000 to $11,999 -------------------------- $12,000 to $14,999--------------------------$15,000 lo $24, 999 __ ------------------------ $25,000 to $49,999-------------------------- $50,000 or more---------------------------- Median income ------------------------------

Meon income--------------------------------


Moon income perconcentration fomily member --------------_ Index of income ________________ Families with female head -------------------Mean income ______ -----------.. ----------Unr&lated Individuals I ------ ---------· ____ ---- _____ _Less than Toto $1.000 ___________________________ _ $1,000 to $1,999 ___________________________ _ $2,000 ta $2,999 ___________________________ _$3,000 ta $3,999 ___________________________ _$4,000 $5,000 to to $4,999·--------------------------$5,999 ___________________________ _$6,000 to $6,999 ___________________________ _ $7,000 to $7,999 ___________________________ _ $8,000 ta $8,999 ___________________________ _$9,000 lo $9,999.--------------------------- $10,000 to $11,999 ---- ---------------------- $12,000 to $14,999 -------------- ------------ $15,000 to $24,999 ______________ -------- ___ _$25,000 or to $49,999 .-------------------------_$50,000 more ___________________________



Median income______________________________ ·----------------------------_Mean income Index of income concentration ________________ _Femole unrelated individuals __________________ _Mean income----------------------------All families and unreloted individuols ----------Median income --------------------------- Mean income . . ---------------------------- -


21 523 282 334 366 439 601 750 674 893 1 155 1 079 2 752 4 040 6 049 1 838 271 $13 067 $14 703 $4 534 0.330 2 295 $7 536

298 4 4 5 7 7 8

435 231 186 656 022 284 576 9 841 11 986 15 137 15 799 38 621 53 429 86 238 25 605 4 824 $13 172 $15 064 $4 316 0.337 25 603 $7 574

262 584 3 887 4 066 5 755 6 924 7 879 8 692 11 152 11 975 14 283 15 190 34 375 46 842 72 612 16 777 2 175 $12 456 $13 644 $3 750 0.316 24 599 $7 263

12 988 156 214 346 311 456 591 601 657 786 820 1 701 2 296 3 462 559 32 $11 830 $12 547 $3 996 0.297 1 396 $7 720

14 099 169 101 200 293 415 390 565 538 647 635 1 245 1 840 4 899 1 863 299 $15 023 $16 820 $5 153 0.358 1 529 $9 255

106 970 1 699 1 871 2 554 3 045 3 162 3 823 4 601 5 171 6 113 6 679 15 437 20 609 27 441 4 394 371 $11 913 $12 556 $3 338 0.292 10 510 $6 868

21 535 255 356 492 556 704 784 1 055 1 000 1 238 l 216 2 913 4 424 5 715 777 50 $12 135 $12 566 $3 490 0.284 2 135 $6 800

25 107 292 290 462 525 643 711 882 1 176 . 1 258 1 423 3 160 4 819 8 184 1 188 94 $13 078 $13 583 $3 882 0.279 2 358 $7 428

75 634 1 162 1 102 1 523 1 899 2 262 2 138 3 095 3 151 3 909 4 061 9 187 11 966 21 403 7 512 1 264 $13 085 $15 148 $4 139 0.358 6 293 $7 492

63 721 1 176 1 373 2 242 2 899 3 110 3 191 3 882 4 076 4 106 3 981 8 027 9 555 12 854 2 798 451 $10 455 $11 696 $3 359 0.343 6 332 $6 481

18 053 329 541 955 1 008 1 067 1 027 1 131 1 218 1 202 1 067 2 062 2 206 3 181 962 97 $9 514 $11 123 $3 566 0.384 2 602 $6 545

37 781 637 709 1 063 1 614 1 660 I 763 2 224 2 419 2 464 2 460 5 121 6 230 7 976 1 213 168 $10 718 $11 578 $3 168 0.316 3 206 $6 059

8 852 920 881 876 694 673 708 690 564 624 374 666 567 475 120 20 $5 540 $6 553 0.442 5 373 $5 477 30 375 $10 942 $12 328

88 360 11 311 11 818 9 678 7 028 5 566 6 412 6 070 5 426 4 784 4 056 6 294 4 756 3 857 l 075 229 $4 781 $6 044 0.468 48 676 $5 048 386 795 $11 404 $13 003

97 017

9 862 728 726 670 706 707 785 859 822 768 651 972 744 600 108 16 $6 709 $7 287 0.389 4 876 $5 517 22 850 $9 364 $10 277

9 055 1 121 1 104 1 153 827 617 577 505 606 409 342 599 528 499 148 20 $4 523 $6 203 0.485 5 312 $5 620 23 154 $10 394 $12 668

37 096 7 051 6 260 5 444 3 223 2 413 2 179 2 010 1 888 1 420 1 176 1 716 1 326 773 190 27 $2 962 $4 437 0.488 19 795 $3 577 144 066 $10 029 $10 465

8 748 1 628 1 431 953 758 544 508 543 554 414 337 458 325 214 81

6 759

23 650 5 180 4 313 2 879 1 739 1 240 1 228 1 142 1 169 804 647 1 357 969 667 251 65 $2 810 $5 003 0.528 12 085 $4 557 99 284 $10 948 $12 731

39 031 10 092 7 884 5 636 3 636 2 288 1 944 1 705 1 139 999 774 1 105 830 731 223 45 $2 273 $3 631 0.534 20 079 $3 324 102 752 $7 061 $8 632

12 886 1 859 2 284 1 925 1 246 971 967 858 582 521 329 483 432 313 87 29 $3 301 $4 717 0.475 7 925 $4 288 30 939 $6 649 $8 455

23 411 7 646 5 258 3 322 2 067 1 095 610 753 461 407 370 493 312 300 105 12 $1 772 $2 902 0.550 10 663 $2 510 61 192 $6 978 $8 259

21 523 19 005 $12 715 2 907 $10 691 151 $3 391 3 719 $1 741 850 $1 159 10 883 $3 285 8 852 5 919 $6 966 449 $5 629 34

298 266 $13 41 $10 2 $2 42 $1 15 $1 141 $3 88 57 $6 5 $5

584 046 432 705 835 886 933 382 619 183 435 225 184 017 753 488 214 793 334 706 908 065 769 028 996 234 855

12 988 12 055 $11 844 1 413 $5 885 118 $4 369 1 536 $1 600 706 $1 099 5 511 $1 473 9 862 8 502 $7 457 420 $4 724 19

14 099 12 474 $14 479 2 403 $9 390 66

106 97 $11 11 $7

107 527 678 578 778 200 835 901 599 133 188 477 599 759 397 234 257 607 24

75 67 $13 11 $11 1 l4 0 $1 4 $1 35 $2 23 16

$988 337 $877 3 344 $1 424 $4 608


2 666 $1 090 405 $1 027 4 298 $3 048 $5 284

7 $1 3 $1 12 $1 $3


4 $1 1 $1 8 $3 $4

053 446 092 756 066 174

63 721 54 890 $10 331 7 627 $8 999 1 022 $5 035 10 225 $1 701 3 865 $1 418 25 013 $3 262 39 031 25 895 $3 475 ' 1 400 $5 023 110 $3 011 8 025 $1 089 2 089 $1 081 13 100 $2 547 $3 369

18 14 $9 2 $8

2 35i $1 639 404 $1 243 8 752 $3 372 9 055 6 195 $6 151 528 $4 146 43

970 343 724 450 537 606 $3 090 13 736 $1 630 8 561 $1 530 42 899 $1 821 37 096 25 874 $4 827 1 429 $4 604 80

786 027 180 896 217 6 274 3 525 $4 409 4 910 4 237

$9 340

$11 295

$10 295 13 144 10 321 8 095 6 855

$10 14 10 7 5 6 3 $4 4 4

374 382 347 930 692 745 550 180 634 210

16 14 11 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 5 4 3

768 759 872 880 092 959 642 737 429 604 754 434 073 874 140 $3 648 $5 221 0.491 50 658 $4 340 359 601 $10 362 $11 372


$3 478 $4 799 0.486 4 470 $3 802 30 283 $9 881 $10 322

602 590 545 463 491 580 486 642 540 416 564 487 285 59 9 $6 223 $6 732 0.387 3 393 $5 163 31 866 $11 566 $12 130



All lommos ------------ ------------With wage or salary income-----------------· Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonform self-employment income. ________ _-Mean nonform self-employment income------With form self-employment income ____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income ---------With Social Security income __________________ _ Mean Social Security income---------------- With public assistance ar public welfare income __ Mean publk assistance or public welfare income_With ether income __________________________ Mean other income------------------------ -


All uoroloted lodMduols _______________ _

With woge er salary income -----------------Mean wage or solory income _______________ _-


With nonfarm self-employment income _________ _.Mean nonform self-employment income------With form self-employment income ____________ _ Mean farm self-employmenl income---------- With Social Security incom•------------------Mean Social Security income---------------- With publfc asslstonce or public welfare income __ Mean public osslstonce or public welfare income With other inc•m•--------------------------Mean other income _______________________ _ Per capita income of persons _________________ _


435 084 170 237 882 027 678 249 715 864 332 383 137 360 610 496 104 910 336 $1 772 21 480 $1 150 6 571 $1 074 34 047 $2 857 $4 404

262 238 $12 31 $8

$10 364 13 540 10 434 8 484 6 118 6 680 4 484 $4 799 5 135 4 606

$9 13 10 7 6


$1 135 440 $978 3 681 $2 998 $4 754


$3 34 $1 17 $1


$2 97 69 $5 4 $4 $4 17 $1 6 $1 33 $2 $3

21 535 20 016 $11 828 l 893 $6 891 135 $2 487 2 732 $1 552 1 454 $1 243 8 606 $1 678 8 748 6 616 $5 116 315 $3 543 17

399 085 583 022 005 762 404

1 529 $1 023 577 $1 026 2 810 $1 728 $3 572

$9 479

$9 223

25 23 $12 2 $6 $4 2 $1 1 $1 11 $1 6 5

$7 $4

$1 060 324 $939 2 229 $1 743 $4 066

634 227 347 117 082 070 594 311 624 471 442 679 722 650 138 $4 862 1 140 $5 293 95


$6 4 $1 1 $1 8 $3 12 6 $4 $5

053 400 725 576 417 135 694 432 685 484 375 193 499 886 647 835 631 373 15

37 33 $10 3 $8


954 469 835 565 390 $5 861 4 569 $1 730 2 096 $1 471 13 916 $2 575 23 411 17 566 $2 829 572 $4 677 68

4 $1 1 $1 5 $3 $3

614 100 159 121 566 389 761

2 819 $1 066 792 $999 6 547 $1 781 $3 092

$7 10 8 5 4

513 788 271 768 817

3 $3 4 3

214 965 599 105

$8 406 11 597 9 096 7 243 4 152 7 714 3 639 $3 261 4 091 2 664



Male, 1& years aid ond over with eomlngs' -------Professional, monogerial, ond kindred workers _Craflsmen, foremen, and kindred workers----Operatives, including transport-------------Laborers, except farm --------------------Farmers and farm managers---------------- Farm laborers. except unpaid, and farm foremen Female, 16 years old ond aver with earnlng•'------- Clerical and kindred workers---------------- Operatives, including transport-------------- -

$9 13 10 8 6

984 069 437 209 339


$4 884 5 004 5 023

11 616 9 915 7 874 6 261

4 260 $5 261 5 303 5 373

13 879 9 963 6 010 3 354

... $5 osa

5 243 4 681

12 10 7 6 5 2 $4 4 3

442 091 904 462 056 209 181 767 768

11 957

10 309

6 007 6 697 4


$4 399

5 036 4 434




5 243 5 104

$8 11 8 6 4 8 4 $3 4 2

133 513 884 895 459 245 192 532 239 797

•Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown seporotely.




Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data based an sample, see text. Far minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning af symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metrapalitan statistical areas-Can. Santo Raso


Santo Rosa

Urban balance

52 1 l 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 7 7 8 I

13 331 264 405 517 601 679 699 543 650 769 829 1 859 2 181 2 640 595 100 $10 763 $11 822 $3 664 0.352 I 572 $6 476

17 978 385 627 935 991 874 961 892 l 078 l 273 I 416 2 801 2 857 2 509 345 34 $9 687 $9 981 $2 864 0.325 I 930 $5 667

20 4 4 3 l l l

6 006 I 070 l 445 899 494 364 367 311 182 209 178 181 160 105 31 10 $2 543 $4 000 0.498 4 056 $3 407 19 337 $8 183 $9 392


Urbanized areas Valleio-Napa


Urban balance




Urban balance


73 l 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 10 10 10 2

26 338 863 923 l 397 l 531 1 345 l 259 l 455 l 627 1 868 l 689 3 627 3 842 3 722 995 195 $9 533 $10 686 $3 110 0.375 3 805 $5 166

30 329 659 812 1 347 1 491 1 568 1 482 1 511 2 065 2 274 2 432 4 327 4 371 4 825 l 039 126 $9 804 $10 757 $3 078 0.340 3 105 $6 032

62 539 1 619 l 620 2 078 2 981 3 010 3 547 3 682 3 761 4 037 4 250 8 594 10 056 11 117 1 979 208 $10 159 $10 926 $3 165 0.329 5 874 $5 598

9 472 185 235 361 403 410 378 429 505 565 574 1 447 l 713 l 899 338 30 $10 955 $11 518 $3 395 0.321 931 $5 927

17 520 414 426 541 742 764 988 983 971 l 017 1 150 2 563 2 982 3 417 528 34 $10 596 $11 144 $3 336 0.321 l 900 $5 852

24 263 704 645 770 1 277 1 270 1 570 1 612 1 607 l 784 l 777 3 238 3 740 3 704 521 44 $9 502 $10 174 $2 826 0.327 2 316 $4 981

45 074 l 244 l 382 2 512 2 916 2 607 2 462 2 652 2 893 3 080 2 924 5 638 6 240 6 908 l 394 222 $9 270 $10 281 $2 889 0.365 5 757 $5 160

28 6 5 5 2 I l 1

14 580 3 513 2 622 2 893 l 082 907 657 624 493 496 341 441 189 233 73 16 $2 399 $3 623 0.531 7 319 $3 297 40 918 $6 706 $8 169

8 479

25 301 4 660 5 570 3 923 2 583 1 627 l 344 l 215 l 009 718 725 897 609 310 74 37 $2 617 $3 876 0.479 10 812 $3 341 87 840 $7 935 $8 895

3 423 512 668 530 290 236 194 240 205 104 140 133 90 52 23 6 $3 005 $4 446 0.468 2 019 $3 728 12 895 $8 996 $9 640

9 472 8 128 $10 762 882 $10 403 43



INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families ----------------- ------ -------_ Less than Total $1,000 ____________________________ $1,000 to to $2,999-_ $1, 999 -- __________________________ ---------------- -----------_ $2,000 $3,000 to $3,999 -------- ------ -------- ------$4,000 to $4,999----------------------------$5,000 to $5,999 -- __ ---- ---- ---- __ ----------$6,000 to $6,999 ---- ---- ---- ---------------- _ $7,000 to $7,999 ---- ---- ---- ____ ------------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ ------ ______ ------------$9,000 to $9,999 ____________________________ _ $10,000 to $11,999--------------------------$12,000 to to $24,999 $14,999 --------------- ---- ------ __ $15,000 __________________________ $25,000 to $49,999 __________________________ _ $50,000 or more -- -- ---- ---- ____ ------------Median income -----------------------------Mean income---------------- __ --------------

Mean income per family member --------------Index of income concentration __ ------ ____ -----Families with female heed --------------------Mean income ______________________ -------Unrelated Individuals Total ______________ ---------- ------ _ Less than $1,000 __ -- ---- -- __ ------ ____ ------ _ $1,000 to $1,999 ---- __________ ---- ____ ------$2,000 ta $2,999 ______ ------ __ ---- ---- ------ _ $3,000 to $3,999 -- __ -- ------ __________ ------$4,000 to $4, 999 ____________ ------ ---- ------$5,000 to $5,999 ____ ---- __ ---- __________ ----$6,000 to $6, 999 -- -- ------ __ ---- ________ ----$7 ,000 to $7 ,999 ____ ---- -- __ ---- -------- ----$8,000 to $8,999----------------------------$9,000 ta $9,999 ---- ------ -------- ---- ------$10,000 to $11,999 -- ____ -- ________ ---- ------ _ $12,000 to $14,999 __________________________ _ $15,000 to $24,999 ____________________ ------$25,000 to $49, 999 ____ ------ __________ ------$50,000 or more---- ________ -----------------

Median income -----------------------------Mean income---- -- __ -- __________ ---- ------ -Index of Income concentration ____ ---- -- __ ---- -female unrelated individuals ___________________ _ Mean income ______ -----------------------All families end unrelated individuals -----------Median income ---------------------------Mean income ______ ---- __ ---- __ ---- __ ------

936 407 919 752 784 774 072 644 304 427 546 275 693 351 739 249 $9 673 $10 866 $3 217 0.355 5 143 $5 937 222 389 766 187 766 197 028 908 607 539 444 588 435 261 97 10 $2 300 $3 548 0,504 12 017 $3 112 73 158 $7 508 $8 843

6 1 l l

593 412 635 080 578 407 223 299 209 201 129 194 137 66 23


$2 231 $3 390 0.496 4 135 $2 951 24 571 $7 767 $8 213

264 956 203 523 922 904 735 lll 805 352 184 153 468 929 563 456 $9 602 $10 689 $3 063 0.360 8 049 $5 659 461 194 739 387 556 795 305 255 998 807 601 891 410 382 116 25 $2 426 $3 567 0.505 13 998 $3 262 101 725 $7 565 $8 697

l 552 2 121 l 497 705 427 374 432 377 210 194 302 169 80 30 9 $2 378 $3 672 0.483 4 922 $3 241 38 808 $8 396 $9 209

7 l l l

13 2 3 2 l

66 l 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 8 8 9 2

343 437 313 737 270 835 748 963 409 692 459 060 903 915 299 303 $9 172 $10 323 $2 935 0.366 8 895 $5 408

397 239 694 113 673 453 436 407 320 227 214 296 220 66 20 19 $2 688 $4 117 0.473 3 164 $3 607 24 917 $8 237 $9 058

10 964 2 057 2 644 l 739 1 283 693 505 445 362 281 222 370 209 126 16 12 $2 449 $3 562 0.480 3 744 $3 030 35 227 $7 203 $8 116

767 615 081 468 038 833 629 604 611 332 387 506 350 227 Bl 5 $2 481 $3 878 0.503 8 356 $3 022 58 841 $7 679 $8 783

518 347 242 787 227 674 385 145 824 676 472 702 459 393 160 25 $2 349 $3 620 0.508 15 126 $3 142 92 861 $7 061 $8 409

17 520

24 21 $9 l $7

45 37 $9 5 $9

66 55 $9 7 $9

26 5 6 4 2 l l I

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All families -------------------------With wage or salary income------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonfarm self·employment income __________ _ .Mean nonfarm self-employment income-------With farm self·employment mcome _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income --Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income---------------------------Mean other income ________________________ _ All unrelated Individuals ________________ _ With wage or salary income------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonfarm self·employment income __________ _ ,Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self·employment mcame-------------Mean form self-employment income----------With Social Security income ______________ ---- __ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income ____ ---- ____ -------- __ ---- -Mean other income ________________________ _ 'Per capita income of persons __________________ _

936 638 600 140 777 136 687 294 790 317 392 061 724 222 030 143 867 313 209 989 324 108 128 108 012 066 177

13 10 $10 2 $9

2 262 $1 116 685 $1 126 2 308 $2 216 $3 664

2 585 $1 087 755 $1 044 2 336 $2 089 $2 894

$8 237 11 003 8 982 7 414 5 305 6 064 3 918 $3 785 4 203 2 930

$8 11 9 6 4

$8 10 8 7 5

52 41 $9 7 $8 2 $4 12 $1 4 $1 20 $3 20 10 $4 $5 $2 7 $1 2 $1 7 $2 $3

$3 3 $1 $1 6 $3 6 3 $4 $7

331 707 465 058 351 161 381 268 863 884 339 141 010 006 185 321 238 611 19

17 14 $9 l $8 $1 3 $1 l $1 5 $2 6 3 $4 $5

978 800 442 881 686 151 332 830 786 608 433 691 463 593 027 164 235 170 20

73 61 $9 8 $9 4 $5 13 $1 8 $1 25 $2 28 15 $4 l $4

26 338 22 412 $9 668 2 864 $10 255 341 $3 930 4 896 $1 555 3 505 $1 538 9 772 $2 154 14 580 8 137 $4 130 548 $4 056 80

$5 9 $1 4 $1 8 $1 $3

264 949 590 525 513 065 451 535 595 142 470 027 087 461 404 148 105 414 369 011 557 015 671 155 128 945 061

4 735 $981 2 701 $1 201 4 477 $1 922 $3 121

3 $1 l $1 2 $1 $3

042 609 089 622 945 101

62 539 54 166 $10 102 5 695 $8 968 l 365 $4 637 9 474 $1 602 4 015 $1 367 24 232 $2 396 25 301 16 612 $4 325 667 $5 319 155 $2 430 5 406 $1 027 l 782 $1 059 7 985 $1 860 $3 153

$7 10 8 7 5 7 3 $3 4 2

777 925 832 363 914 621 340 642 397 577

$7 734 10 519 8 822 7 084 6 198 7 100 2 424 $3 658 4 219 2 322

$8 245 11 506 8 869 7 488 5 807 7 640 3 342 $3 670 4 529 2 728

$8 774 11 256 9 575 8 381 6 083 6 981 3 807 $3 882 4 468 3 150

30 26 $9 3 $9 $4 5 $1 3 $1 10

$1 8 3 $4


329 040 813 752 023 641 986 574 604 202 394 632 904 479 937 736 341 971 41


074 988 622 101 463 501 480 931 699 859 681 476 022 767 757 222 368 281 44

574 474 448 348 194 397 596 716 171 $5 764 13

263 676 528 769 722 281 $3 328 2 760 $1 673 l 330 $1 356 8 964 $2 152 10 964 8 596 $3 758 255 $3 570 64

$1 077 408 $1 200 l 289 $1 889 $3 474

l 646 $1 022 688 $976 2 835 $1 906 $3 393

i 4ia $1 068 383 $1 034 2 573 $1 504 $2 858

$1 2 $1 3 $1 $2

138 443 183 754 954 949

$4 7 $1 3 $1 8 $1 $2

$9 11 9 8 5

$9 11 9 8 6

$8 510 10 384 9 193 8 331 5 411 9 500 3 986 $3 369 4 248 2 630

$8 11 8 7 5 9 3 $3 4 2

146 457 708 282 118 650 075 715 328 461

$7 683 10 810 s 315 6 559 4 729 6 308 2 497 $3 625 4 231 2 895


$1 647 714 $1 288 3 867 $2 297 3 423 1 824 $5 600 114 $7 935

l 092

15 $10 l $7

225 539 558 614 74

2 $1 l $1 7 $2 7 4 $4


$5 7 $1 4 $1


$2 13


$5 $6


$2 12 $1 8 $1 22 $2 26 14 $4 $5

343 977 477 698 311 864 844 101 655 112 681 726 048 518 920 059 934 505 194 948 903 088 800 231 640 858 985


Professional, managerial, and kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-----Operatives, including transport--------------laborers, except farm ---------------------Formers and farm managers----------------Form laborers, except unpaid, and farm foremen_ ftmalt, 16 yean old and over with aarnlngs•-------Clerical and kindred workers----------------Operatives, including transport ---------------

982 761 061 944 627

3 175 $4 178 4 487 2600


671 935 790 909


$3 694 4 214 3 280

237 805 950 433 844


$4 242 4 403 3 662

162 572 821 736 787


$4 272 4 899 3 776

'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Urbanized areas-Con.

Los AngelesLong Beach

Total ____ ------ ____ ----------------Less than $1,000 ____ -- -- ---- ---- ------------$1,000 to $1,999 ______ -- -- __ ----------------$2,000 to to $2,999 __ ------ ---------- ---------- _$3,000 $3,999 ____________________________ $4,000 to $4,999----------------------------$5,000 ____ -------- ---------- -------_ $6,000 to to $5,999 $6,999 ____________________________ $7,000 to $7,999 ----------------------------$6,000 to $6, 999 ______ ---------------- -----$9 ,000 to $9, 999 ____ -----------------------$10,000 to $1 l,999 •• ------------------------ $12,000 to $14, 999 -------------- ------ ------ $15,000 to $24,999 -------------------------$25,000 to $49,999-------------------------- $50,000 or more---------------------------- Median inc.ame ----------------------------- Mean income __ ----------------------------- Mean income per fomily member -------------Index of income concentration ________________ _ Families with female head -------------------- Meon income ________ ---------------- ____ _


2 102 709 43 662 44 522 66 141 80 180 65 009 94 662 106 461 120 001 127 928 130 522 266 662 327 919 461 032 122 284 25 724 $11 142 $12 879 $3 717 0.359 266 392 $6 766

Unrelated Individuals Total ____________ -------- __ ---- ___ _ Less than $1,000---------------------------- $1,000 to $1,999---------------------------$2,000 to $2,999---------------------------- $3,000 to $3,999 -------- -------------------- $4,000 ta $4,999 ------------ ---- -----------$5,000 to $5,999 ________ ---------- ---------- $6,000 to $6,999 -------- ---------- ---------- $7,000 to $7 ,999 ________ ---- ______ -- ---- ---- $8,000 to $8,999 ____________________ -------- $9,000 to $9,999---------------------------- $10,000 ta $11,999-------------------------- $12,000 to $14,999 ________________ ------ ---$15,000 to $24,999-------------------------$25,000 to $49,999-------------------------- $50,000 or more---------------------------- Median income ----------------------------- Mean income -- ------ ---- -- -- -- ------------Index al income concentration ________________ _ Female unrelated individuols __ -- ________ ------Mean income -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ -- ----- All families and unrelated individuals ----------- Medianincome income____________________________ ---------------------------_ Mean

966 935 132 904 144 136 132 736 86 643 72 262 71 429 65 657 57 674 46 644 32 670 48 016 35 258 28 841 8 724 2 741 $3 849 $5 276 0.471 519 581 $4 252 3 069 644 $B 746 $10 484


OxnardVenturaThousand Oaks



27 715 549 1 014 1 427 1 833 l 786 1 608 1 629 1 867 l 899 l 764 3 522 3 862 3 798 965 192 $9 139 $10 408 $3 005 0.371 3 213 $5 256

59 607 1 279 l 013 l 668 2 103 2 299 2 598 2 959 3 115 3 506 3 545 7 810 9 871 14 345 3 163 313 $11 464 $12 529 $3 368 0.324 5 809 $6 196

163 930 3 599 3 451 5 423 7 266 6 953 8 108 9 103 10 189 11 353 11 036 21 167 26 033 32 786 6 471 992 $10 518 $11 670 $3 325 0.335 19 342 $6 254

15 858 298 354 569 720 682 658 836 l 114 1 090 l 197 2 154 2 446 2 803 670 67 $10 196 $11 320 $3 150 0.339 1 745 $5 992

18 630 3 020 3 222 2 507 1 809 1 333 l 108 l 041 986 796 600 923 673 492 116 4 $3 313 $4 684 0.480 8 851 $3 957 78 237 $9 665 $10 661

55 950 7 961 10 152 8 663 5 126 3 658 3 748 3 770 2 978 2 273 1 813 2 408 1 676 1 241 236 47 $3 234 $4 576 0.466 30 481 $3 900 219 880 $8 704 $9 865

4 829 855 697 l 002 439 391 198 261 183 161 87 201 217 97 40

59 53 $11 6 $8

163 930 144 866 $10 678 17 722 $8 187 1 491 $2 115 24 929 $1 734 15 830 $1 502 70 923 $2 129 55 950 34 396 $5 285 2 229 $4 925 195 $2 670 15 119 $1 130 6 973 $1 096 19 908 $1 909 $3 431

15 14 $10 l $9

$8 500 11 853 8 814 7 399 5 714 5 177 2 565 $4 493 5 095 3 066

$7 11 0 7 4 12 3 $3 4 2

Son Diego

Son FranciscoOakland

Son Jose

Santo Barbaro

Santo Rosa

146 3 3 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 18 20 23 4

802 762 927 320 796 143 197 199 988 596 534 663 564 527 783 603 $9 520 $10 703 $3 016 0.349 16 335 $5 483

2as 159 8 708 6 160 9 376 13 170 14 409 16 656 16 342 18 886 19 060 18 439 37 119 42 516 52 964 12 255 2 079 $10 154 $11 455 $3 337 0.353 34 813 $6 038

746 919 16 010 15 295 21 866 24 631 26 147 29 495 33 210 37 943 42 487 43 093 95 155 123 230 181 052 48 366 8 939 $11 750 $13 393 $3 983 0.348 91 926 $7 200

253 286 3 690 3 839 5 448 6 485 7 474 8 318 10 571 11 514 13 754 14 643 33 176 45 518 70 559 16 201 2 094 $12 509 $13 688 $3 770 0.309 23 890 $7 297

30 510 517 737 1 271 l 450 l 542 l 446 1 672 1 866 1 929 1 723 3 692 4 467 6 355 1 625 218 $10 597 $11 893 $3 640 0.359 3 570 $6 732

19 564 461 639 873 1 006 939 l 106 841 l 001 1 240 1 351 2 860 3 077 3 346 724 100 $10 227 $11 045 $3 303 0.351 2 320 $6 079

51 402 9 814 11 219 6 946 4 559 3 355 2 530 2 383 2 006 1 592 1 227 l 732 1 111 666 209 53 $2 522 $3 797 0.489 30 060 $3 267 198 204 $7 746 $8 912

196 32 41 34 20 14 11 9 7 5 3 5 4 3

069 727 094 679 966 202 833 622 820 546 803 421 043 273 802 218 $2 696 $3 903 0.480 67 469 $3 883 484 228 $6 697 $8 397

441 679 64 087 63 667 56 944 38 720 31 161 32 876 31 053 27 219 22 323 16 614 23 167 16 825 12 545 3 404 874 $3 933 $5 224 0.465 224 357 $4 552 l 188 596 $6 679 $10 358

146 802 124 394 $9 980 16 003 $7 796 l 970 $2 832 27 985 $1 732 14 579 $1 540 56 237 $2 284 51 402 28 202 $4 477 1 622 $4 698 163 $1 519 16 904 $1 055 7 331 $1 152 18 511 $1 828 $3 044

288 159 246 770 $10 214 31 657 $8 559 2 192 $2 406 49 428 $1 683 17 846 $1 294 135 463 $2 938 196 069 146 669 $3 661 6 822 $4 198 716 $2 518 33 095 $1 030 10 403 $1 047 56 319 $2 195 $3 420

$7 992 11 031 8 513 7 411 5 338 4 573 3 034 $3 773 4 398 3 263

$8 354 11 596 8 950 7 368 5 159 5 667 4 076 $3 836 4 386 3 630

Son BernardinoRiverside





8 l 2 1

606 449 000 692 608 484 404 459 371 263 174 324 192 148 30 8 $2 505 $3 881 0.490 5 467 $3 263 36 321 $7 544 $8 662


$2 861 $4 364 0.487 2 757 $3 949 20 687 $8 709 $9 697

94 16 14 11 7 5 5 5 5 4 3 5 4 3

395 166 207 499 667 965 817 515 652 350 564 641 356 032 831 133 $3 695 $5 250 0.468 49 465 $4 360 347 681 $10 397 $11 397

28 8 5 3 2 1 1 1

425 522 950 928 231 463 281 227 764 739 468 650 551 457 159 35 $1 956 $3 355 0.549 15 659 $3 195 58 935 $5 681 $7 775

746 919 651 860 $11 697 93 492 $9 909 4 038 $2 428 128 656 $1 698 56 471 $1 444 336 147 $3 043 441 679 296 849 $5 643 20 859 $5 440 l 062 $1 936 94 670 $1 147 35 279 $1 073 158 276 $2 339 $4 140

253 229 $12 30 $8 2 $3 32 $1 16 $1

30 25 $10 4 $8

$8 971 12 155 9 736 7 967 6 629 6 913 3 622 $4 829 5 161 4 220

$9 13 10 7 6 6 3 $4 4 4

8 248 l 734 2 022 l 218 626 465 472 409 245 252 216 236 192 114 37 10 $2 302 $3 682 0.504 5 360 $3 173 27 812 $7 879 $8 861



All families------------------------With wage or salary income -----------------Mean wage or salary income _______________ _With nonfarm s.lf-employment income _________ _ .Mean nonfarm self-employment income------- With farm self·employment income_ ___________ _Mean farm self-employment income---------- With Social Security income------------------Mean Social Security income---------------With public ossistonce or public welfare income -Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income--------------------------Mean other income _______________________ _


All unrelated lndl•iduals __ ---------- ---- With wage or solory income -----------------Meon wage or salary income _______________ _With nonform self·employment income _________ _Mean nonfarm self-employment income------- With farm self·employment income ____________ _ Meon form self-employment income---------With Social Security income------------------- Meon Sociol Security income--·------------- With public assistance or public welfare income -Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income--------------------------Meon other income.----------------------Per capita incom• of persons------------------ -


27 23 $9 2 $11

3 $1 l $1 2 $2 $3

000 847 213 532 024 053

i 75

3 886 $1 098 1 433 $1 128 5 492 $2 072 $3 422

$8 12 9 7 5 7 4 $4 5 3

$8 11 8 7 4 11 3 $3 4 2

081 210 731 309 712 111 172 634 372 377

$9 12 9 7 5 10 4 $3 4 2

$2 5 $1 3 $1 6 $1 8 4 $5 $4

715 343 521 999 107 506 969 170 585 583 572 867 981 606 151 150 288 633 58

607 337 489 820 442 642 $6 108 8 220 $1 612 3 352 $1 368 24 040 $2 274 18 630 12 792 $5 157 797 $4 636 90

2 102 709 l 851 686 $11 714 260 446 $9 155 11 068 $3 479 344 248 $1 648 162 112 $1 470 842 106 $2 567 966 935 628 823 $5 696 50 121 $5 643 2 219 $2 682 240 160 $1 108 83 664 $1 104 332 896 $2 241 $3 866


858 102 036 683 837 161 $7 391 2 272 $1 627 1 433 $1 441 5 739 $2 525 4 829 2 812 $4 876 229 $6 102 46 l 436 $1 048 605 $1 246 1 635 $2 068 $3 218

286 940 484 527 792 094 928 992 619 410 427 111 727 $2 175 94 395 68 357 $5 502 4 079 $4 678 257 $5 348 17 165 $1 068 6 500 $1 022 33 201 $2 230 $3 877

$5 6 $1 l $1 13 $3 28 16 $3 $5

510 115 391 404 779 216 396 368 724 949 364 556 571 425 447 025 970 135 66

19 15 $10 2 $9

564 871 065 605 049 213

$2 972 4 410 $1 835 1 536 $1 412 7 887 $2 774 8 248 4 432 $4 012 307 $7 266 23

5 $1 1 $1 10 $2 $3


079 436 059 124 636 554

2 848 $1 121 907 $1 115 2 917 $2 082 $3 311

$7 10 8 5 4 5 2 $3 4 2

667 857 535 960 254 500 119 622 224 804

$8 11 8 7 5

MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Male, 16 years aid and over with earnings•-------- Professional, monogerial, and kindred workers_ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers----- Operatives, including tronsport ------------·Laborers, except form --------------------- Farmers and form monogers ---------------Form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen Female, 16 years old and over with earnlngs'------- Clerical and kindred workers _______________ _ Operatives, including tronspart -------- __ ----


627 406 054 274 598 005 170 421 015 914

058 756 407 093 042 625 128 895 472 918

875 404 670 266 897 806 658 632 461 619

829 032 216 936 274 416 404 443 920 313

643 364 877 276 057

3 39:.i: $4 039 4 412 2 813

'includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.

6- 566



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Urbanized areas-Con.



Simi Volley

22 644 571 604 864 l 162 1 338 1 506 l 468 1 488 l 468 l 493 2 983 3 076 3 610 946 67 $9 571 $10 725 $3 264 0.361 2 884 $6 229

13 150 163 175 204 240 259 283 434 527 758 876 2 520 3 028 3 314 338 31 $12 135 $12 588 $2 964 0.248 694 $6 460

18 379 3 259 3 504 2 887 2 052 1 218 1 261 943 723 623 341 601 457 402 92 16 $2 840 $4 064 0.492 5 927 $4 618 41 023 $6 118 $7 741

1 032 242 121 98 103 52 72 54 52 58 37 83 23 32

5 $3 534 $4 852 0.516 566 $3 893 14 182 $11 754 $12 026

276 262 549 512 382 096 832 778 659 562 428 569 277 260 90 20 $2 378 $3 617 0.514 9 183 $3 305 58 381 $7 148 $8 401

22 19 $9 2 $8

644 192 013 561 846 105 $7 720 3 629 $1 607 l 093 $1 291 10 223 $3 830 18 379 13 798 $3 865 853 $4 444 102 $2 201 2 921 $1 025 694 $934 4 935 $2 778 $3 408

13 12 $12 l $6

40 34 $9 4 $9

$7 611 10 464 8 723 6 267 5 078

$10 12 10 8 6





ArdenArcade (U)




Bueno Pork


17 786 642 371 517 640 797 943 1 069 l 164 l 067 986 2 067 2 825 3 762 811 125 $10 674 $11 768 $3 708 0,346 2 637 $6 133

17 233 236 384 507 698 596 760 947 1 171 l 107 l 056 2 299 2 905 3 738 757 72 $11 004 $12 089 $3 996 0.322 2 094 $8 324

43 277 647 704 l 024 l 075 l 387 1 622 l 894 2 222 2 664 2 846 6 140 8 196 10 656 l 899 301 $11 809 $13 077 $3 716 0.301 4 228 $6 618

22 254 345 243 395 590 596 815 870 1 066 l 149 l 255 2 729 3 852 6 058 l 910 381 $12 836 $14 703 $4 428 0.346 2 173 $7 747

17 832 476 499 946 972 928 944 928 971 l 140 1 077 2 320 2 902 3 142 534 53 $10 030 $10 654 $3 058 0.344 2 437 $5 408

14 082 284 219 476 48B 576 718 841 933 1 067 l 246 2 136 2 211 2 473 367 47 $10 181 $10 987 $3 462 0.306 l 497 $6 405

24 379 742 767 1 125 1 257 l 270 l 423 1 443 l 590 1 238 l 352 2 521 2 865 4 659 l 807 320 $9 987 $12 362 $4 065 0.426 4 636 $7 124

15 637 207 185 228 312 432 423 625 769 862 l 277 2 673 3 154 3 846 581 63 $11 869 $13 239 $3 391 0.271 l 393 $6 837

25 245 330 330 588 839

748 332 491 586 205 005 016 982 939 739 582 842 528 418 68 15 $4 756 $5 605 0.428 6 916 $4 213 56 025 $10 301 $11 377

8 565 891 958 963 810 701 614 655 599 576 379 576 425 307 82 29 $4 942 $6 116 0.430 4 595 $5 061 30 819 $10 569 $12 316

22 254 20 107 $12 696 3 225 $11 479 216 $770 2 701 $1 671 969 $1 333 12 014 $2 407 8 565 6 767 $6 001 389 $6 848 24

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families Total ---- __ ---- ---- ---- ------------Less than $1,000 ____ ---------- --------------$1,000 to $1,999 -- __ -------- ---- -- ----------$2,000 to $2,999 ____ ---------------- -- ------$3,000 to $3,999 ____ ---- ____ ------ ----------$4,000 to $4,999----------------------------$5,000 to $5,999----------------------------$6,000 -------- -- -- -------------_ $7 ,000 to to $6,999 $7,999 ____ ____________________________ $8,000 to $8, 999 __________ ---------------- --$9 ,000 to $9,999----------------------------$10,000 to $11,999 __ ------ ------ -- -- ---- ____ _ $12,000 to $14,999--------------------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ -------- ------------ ----$25,000 lo $49,999 __ -------- ---- -- -- ------ __ _ $50,000 or more----------------------------Median income______ -----------------------------Mean income ...,_-------- ______________ .,_



Mean income per family member --------------Index of income concentration ____ -- ------ -----Families with female head --------------------Mean Income---------- -- -------- -- -- -----Unrelated Individuals ______ -- ______ -----------------_ Less than Total $1,000 ____________________________ $1,000 to $1,999 ________ ------ ---- -- ---- -----_ $2,000 lo $2,999 ____________________________ $3,000 to $3,999 ____ ------ ______ ---------- __ _ $4,000 to $4,999 __ ------ ---- -- -- ---------- --$5,000 to $5,999 ______ -- ---- ---- -- ---- ------ _ $6,000 to $6,999 ______ -------- -·---------- __ _ $7,000 to $7,999----------------------------$8,000 to $8,999 ____ ---- __ -- ------ __ -------- _ $9,000 to $9,999----------------------------$10,000 to $11,999 ______ -- ________ ---------- _ $12,000 lo $14,999 __ ---- -- -- -- -- ---------- -- $15,000 to $24,999 ______ ---- __ -- -- ---------- _ $25,000 to $49,999 __ ---- -- ------ -- ---------- _ $50,000 or mor•----------------------------Median income ____ ---- __ ------ ____ ------ ___ _ Mean income ___________ . ,. __ ---------- __ -----Index of income concentration _________________ _ Female unrelated Individuals ___________________ _ Mean income __________________ -----------All families and unrelated individuals -----------Median income ---------------------------Mean income ______ -------- ____ -----------.-


40 1 1 2 2

105 275 318 103 397 2 131 1 956 2 115 2 613 2 839 2 837 5 396 5 629 5 755 l 483 258 $9 460 $10 582 $3 048 0.370 5 492 $5 330 18 4 3 3 l 1

13 854

l 2 2 l 1

541 680 424 419 244 892 689 647 574 340 567 500 264 68 5 $3 199 $4 492 0.448 4 346 $4 431 31 640 $6 973 $8 582

9 l l 1

217 056 385 269 913 754 621 651 542 508 370 535 339 225 44 5 $3 984 $5 132 0.439 6 311 $4 461 26 450 $8 455 $9 665

12 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 1 l 1

528 229 356 073 487 386 269 285 346 218 192 301 212 129 40 5 $2 633 $4 237 0.505 3 938 $3 270 24 360 $8 063 $8 935

5 390 655 773 834 436 413 424 337 439 242 205 294 236 97 5


$3 993 $4 879 0.426 2 853 $3 723 19 472 $8 680 $9 297

40 10 7 5 4 2 1 l

893 768 233 721 009 647 988 535 l 415 I 234 858 l 256 l 079 834 263 53 $2 427 $3 808 0.533 19 459 $3 617 65 272 $4 259 $7 003

2 627 357 356 257 202 214 133 213 174 194 106 188 126 77 25 5 $4 661 $5 693 0.445 l 351 $4 040 18 264 $11 123 $12 153

1 1 1 1 1 3


137 431 335 517 648 430 4 210 6 090 1 322 146 $11 502 $12 612 $4 117 0.318 2 957 $6 823 10 1 1 1

904 090 260 227 831 774 986 884 717 633 483 809 612 514 84


$5 274 $6 134 0.433 6 271 $4 759 36 149 $9 598 $10 658

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All famlll11 -------------------------With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or salary income----------------With nonlarm self-employment income __________ _ .Mean nonform self-employment income-------With farm self-employment income __ ---- __ ---- __ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income__ With other Income ___________________________ Mean other lncome------------------------All unrelated lndlvlduals ______ ------ ----With wage or salary income ------------------Mean wage or salary Income ________________ _

With nonlarm self-employment income __________ _ .Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self-employment income _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security lncome-------------------Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare Income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare Income-_ With other income ___________________________ Meon other income ________________________ _ Per capita income of persons __________________ _

150 379 016 297 030 83

l 2i:2 $1 560 538 $1 143 3 851 $1 515 1 032 607 $6 177 41

. '6 24i

$983 89

328 $2 320 $2 989

105 206 614 573 505 527 $4 009 7 526 $1 533 5 409 $1 524 14 591 $2 068 18 276 9 929 $4 195 715 $4 300 101 $5 456 6 080 $976 3 549 $1 182 5 461 $1 959 $3 069

2 749 $1 687 933 $1 257 7 813 $2 576 13 854 10 904 $4 604 439 $3 720 36

3 98i $1 725 897 $1 229 8 475 $2 124 9 217 5 317 $6 138 421 $4 051 47

43 277 39 668 $11 931 5 131 $7 719 252 $9 738 5 599 $1 590 2 098 $1 168 16 691 $2 354 12 748 9 144 $6 177 629 $5 414 41

2 a9i $1 119 668 $1 013 3 978 $1 842 $3 830

3 4i7 $1 120 654 $1 046 4 196 $1 996 $4 141

2 aii $1 091 721 $1 033 4 214 $1 835 $3 855

l 226 $1 071 292 $866 3 216 $2 274 $4 603

$9 11 9 8 6

$8 10 9 7 5

503 855 180 529 337

$9 12 9 8 5

186 022 764 065 209

$9 13 9 7 3

$4 970 5 400 4 301

5 $4 4 4

161 257 867 354

$5 003 5 076 3 545

17 786 15 610 $10 756 1 813 $8 476 79

17 14 $11 l $6

233 913 302 888 042 66

17 15 $10 2 $8

832 021 014 246 865 189 $4 552 3 177 $1 747 l 721 $1 615 5 508 $1 901 6 528 3 501 $5 579 157 $1 723 24

14 082 12 578 $10 417 1 511 $6 935 76


l 464 $1 042 676 $1 077 l 682 $1 366 $3 588

4 a:i:i $1 047 1 811 $898 16 186 $1 984 $3 949

$1 031 176 $956 735 $1 019 $3 436


2 ?iii $1 171 795 $1 038 4 238 $1 748 $4 343

$8 10 9 7 6

$6 8 7 6 5

$9 11 10 8 6

340 955 116 581 152

$9 12 9 7 5

$1 l $1 l $1 $3

139 126 157 710 948 149

1 966 $1 645 1 088 $1 232 5 156 $1 647 5 390 3 502 $5 976 191 $4 504 15

24 20 $10 3 $8 $1 4 $1 2 $1 12 $3 40 29 $3 1 $3

379 646 462 837 364 194 094 494 723 257 410 543 361 893 760 710 889 368 87

15 14 $12 1 $7

637 786 293 530 401 70

25 245 22 511 $11 820 3 183 $6 948 60

l 8i4 $1 764 770 $1 093 5 165 $1 707 2 627 l 863 $6 729 142 $5 250 12

$1 696 1 395 $1 233 11 691 $1 769 10 904 7 489 $1 019 565 $5 119 16


MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Male, 16 years old and aver with earnings'--------Professional, managerial, and kindred workers __ grafts'!''"· !orem~n, and kindred workers-----perot1ves, including transport--------------Laborers, except form ---------------------Formers and farm managers----------------Form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen_ Female, 16 years old and over with earnings•_..,. _____ _ g1erica! and .kindr~d workers----------------perotives, including transport---------------

2 66:i $3 529 4 195 2 889

004 372 174 660 857


$4 ooi 4 423 3 975

$7 10 8 7 5 7 2 $3 4 2

800 791 755 154 868 467 600 639 290 413

080 669 730 119 631


$5 oi3 5 311 4 256


715 042 355 416 593 "'

$8 478 11 379 8 809 7 146 5 213 8 375 2 844 $3 978 4 462 2 360

311 476 172 888 280


$4 256 4 871 4 270

349 674 903 017 128


$3 942 3 942 2 920


$4 245 4 808 4 509

091 219 502 364 974


$4 834 5 429 3 985

'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Concord Costa Mesa

Daly City


East Los Angeles (U)

El Cajon

El Monte



21 415 298 267 287 378 551 644 653 931 1 069 1 306 3 351 4 749 6 176 728 27 $12 614 $12 960 $3 454 0.258 1 716 $6 894

18 020 383 344 511 528 715 837 832 1 220 1 047 1 061 2 297 3 058 4 292 809 86 $11 334 $12 272 $3 530 0.321 2 164 $6 844

17 691 354 259 286 371 395 580 714 825 1 139 954 2 702 3 492 4 688 861 71 $12 229 $13 066 $3 734 0.287 1 726 $8 158

24 565 306 418 467 507 620 878 869 1 277 1 415 1 691 3 281 4 302 6 527 1 742 265 $12 386 $13 916 $4 303 0.324 2 173 $7 842

23 752 944 961 1 199 1 580 1 892 1 977 2 033 2 073 2 035 1 776 2 582 2 238 2 161 261 40 $7 622 $8 389 $2 064 0.345 4 643 $5 431

13 837 309 285 513 688 573 714 718 928 1 057 909 2 028 2 195 2 360 503 57 $10 221 $11 117 $3 276 0.332 1 567 $5 890

17 746 409 503 842 951 1 075 1 022 1 399 1 346 1 351 1 292 2 564 2 534 2 179 260 19 $8 981 $9 534 $2 712 0.322 2 463 $5 006

24 246 302 290 298 396 440 523 650 860 1 498 1 602 4 077 5 405 6 770 1 010 125 $12 659 $13 414 $3 364 0.261 1 570 $7 388

41 277 948 1 607 2 355 2 768 2 464 2 419 2446 2 774 2 942 2 805 5 011 5 790 5 978 903 67 $8 971 $9 707 $2 791 0.348 6 254 $5 434

4 201 766 686 512 379 364 295 299 206 239 145 181 66 49 14

4 233 508 571 664 303 279 289 239 237 268 218 316 196 120 25

7 545 959 1 062 1 060 748 568 575 564 397 321 266 374 395 205 51

4 955 529 422 479 438 337 507 381 460 453 250 325 294 66 14

612 126 459 175 679 503 442 343 294 196 130 140 60 53 12

4 025 565 696 561 420 352 233 237 165 188 149 186 140 133




6 376 788 1 064 1 082 507 543 506 470 366 260 221 254 180 111 24

3 417 496 365 376 242 226 234 151 285 244 168 254 236 125 15

$3 360 $4 186 0.455 2 008 $3 106 21 383 $7 761 $8 321

$4 253 $5 397 0.443 2 148 $4 617 25 648 $11 562 $11 712

$3 924 $5 107 0.449 4 141 $3 704 25 565 $9 084 $10 157

$5 537 $5 719 0.376 2 540 $4 688 22 646 $10 786 $11 459

7 697 757 864 707 439 605 678 625 559 528 426 615 516 301 71 6 $5 703 $6 346 0.411 4 011 $4 801 32 262 767 12 110

$2 614 $3 475 0.448 3 959 $2 742 30 364 $6 524 $7 319

$3 454 $4 612 0.475 2 322 $3 460 17 862 $8 782 $9 651

$3 501 $4 530 0.439 3 396 $3 405 24 122 $7 526 $8 211

$5 015 $5 741 0.439 1 744 $3 955 27 663 $11 933 $12 466

20 028 4 225 4 618 3 653 1 649 1 274 984 918 639 456 383 506 312 273 117 21 $2 321 $3 569 0.506 11 302 $3 100 61 305 $6 502 $7 701

212 090 273 615 425 74

17 182 14 973 $9 297 979 $5 220 25

21 19 $12 2 $7

18 020 16113 $11 349 2 403 $7 465 80

17 691 16 420 $11 953 1 927 $9 030 46

17 15 $9 1 $6

24 22 $12 2 $8

568 641 000 276 357 414 815 688 269 132 $4 620 9

2 45i $1 608 2 971 $1 830 3 322 $1 872 4 201 2 428 $5 620 130 $3 662

415 780 318 142 031 147 418 091 710 194 328 830 523 233 016 155 219 813 26

2 724 $1 681 930 $1 134 7 594 $1 903 7 545 5 302 $5 831 393 $3 396 10

2 626 $1 572 832 $1 168 7 107 $1 859 4 955 3 678 $6 463 194 $4 195 8

$3 3 $1 1 $1 10 $1 7 5 $7

$1 115 237 $985 728 $1 209 $3 006

1 568 $1 039 389 $1 056 2 066 $2 306 $3 327

946 $1 117 663 $1 241 941 $1 683 $2 276


1 697 $1 072 567 $1 048 2 473 $1 587 $3 580

836 $1 160 279 $1 129 1 787 $1 379 $3 862

$9 243 12 125 9 814 8 370 7 207

$8 11 9 7 5

718 371 538 929 173

$7 284 8 956 8 314 7 091 7 002

$8 12 0 7 4

$9 11 10 8 7

$4 544 5 394 4 010



$4 isi 4 521 3 852


Chuta Vista


16 299 249 203 331 318 536 552 786 832 995 1 081 2 327 3 487 4 087 467 48 $11 948 $12 371 $2 950 0.269 1 367 $6 455

18 212 645 322 496 698 709 846 1 057 1 249 1 311 1 096 2 539 3 145 3 562 482 55 $10 533 $11 148 $3 246 0.314 1 908 $5 454

17 182 671 657 822 961 956 1 087 1 210 1 143 1 487 1 487 2 149 2 239 2 011 263 39 $8 729 $9 332 $2 180 0.338 3 413 $5 435


2 545 451 259 297 174 188 196 163 168 149 139 187 134 35 5

4 815 757 705 865 458 367 268 328 250 184 103 222 214 78 16

Mean inc:ome __ ---- ______ ---- __ ---- __ ----All families ond unrelated individuals ----------Median income ________________ ------ ----- Meon income -- ---- ---- --~----- ---- -- -----

$4 487 $5 131 0.431 I 301 $3 593 18 844 $11 078 $11 393

$3 176 $4 468 0.457 2 908 $3 479 23 027 $8 999 $9 751

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUAlS Famili05 Total ---- __ ---- __ ---- __ -------------

$1,000 __ ---- __________ ------------$1.999----------------------------$2,999----------------------------$3,999----------------------------$4,999 ____________________________ _ $5,000 to $5,999----------------------------$6,000 to $6,999 __ ------ --------------------$7,000 to $7,999 __ ------ --------------------$8,000 ------ ------ ---------------_ $9,000 to to $8,999 $9,999 __ ____________________________ $10,000 to $11,999 ________ ------ ___________ ;_ $12,000 to $14,999 ____ ---- ------ ------------· $15,000 to $24, 999 ________ ------ ------------$25,000 to $49,999 _________________________ _ $50,000 or more __________ ---- ____ ---------- Less than $1,000 to $2,000 to $3,000 to $4,000 to


Median income_____________________________ __ ---------------------------Mean income .. __ Mean income per family member -------------- Index of income concentration ________________ _Families with female head -------------------- Mean income------------------------------ -

Unrelated Individuals __ ___________________________ ------------------ ----------_Less than Total $1.000 $1,000 ta $1.999. __________________________ _$2,000 to $2,999 ___________________________ _$3,000 to $3,999---------------------------$4,000 ta $4,999---------------------------$5,000 to $5,999 ___________________________ _ $6,000 to $6,999---------------------------$7,000 to to $7,999---------------------------$8,000 $8,999 ___________________________ _$9,000 toto$9,999---------------------------$10,000 $11,999 _________________________ _-


$12,000 to to $24,999 $14,999 -------------------------$15,000 _________________________ _$25,000 to $49,999-------------------------- ·$50,000 or more---------------------------- Median income----------------------------Mecn income ____ ---- ______ ----------------Index of income concentration---- __ ----------- Female unrelated individuals __ ---------- __ ----- -









6 1 1 1



TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUAlS All lamllles ------------------------- With wage or salary income -----------------Meon wage or salary income---------------- With nonfarm sell-employment income _________ _ Mean nonfarm self-employment income------With farm self-employment income ____________ _Mean farm self.employment income---------With Social Security income __________________ _ Mean Social Security income---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other income __________________________ _Mean other income _______________________ _All vnrelatad Individuals_ ______________ _ With wage or solory income ------------------ Me



16 299 15 337 $11 783 1 380 $6 339 73

18 16 $10 1 $7


2 $1 l $1 8 $2 4 2 $5

$1 480 1 158 $1 382 4 785 $1 663 2 545 I 687 $6 527 113 $3 778 4



$1 2 $1 1 $1 8 $1 4 3 $6 $3

$1 118 320 $985 1 377 $1 554 $3 538

24 22 $12 3 $10

752 264 137 364 809 58

13 837 12 034 $10 152 1 664 $8 558 70

270 522 284 700 202 763 612 344 811 196 $3 807

2 225 $1 642 898 $1 127 5 767 $2 185 4 025 2 352 $5 682 144 $4 372 11

1 526 $1 143 450 $1 037 2 662 $1 811 $4 397

2 $1 1 $1 1 $1 $2

207 086 217 193 552 480 157

1 i7:i $1 040 400 $1 156 1 444 $1 995 $3 341

1 9:i2 $1 107 972 $1 158 1 968 $1 545 $2 862

$9 12 9 8 6

$6 8 7 6 5

359 144 248 195 849

$8 11 9 7 5

$7 9 8 7 6



530 566 055 237 121 926 171 632 131 123 367 982 697 583 215 363 280 8

23 20 $8 1 $6 5 $1 4 $1 5 $1 6 3 $4


746 604 262 552 011 51


$1 2 $1 5 $1 6 3 $5

645 169 410 368 390 376 793 632 252 $4 821 5

$1 2 $1 1 $1 8 $1 3 2 $6 $5

246 701 574 379 525 242 465 246 614 116 218 258 717 417 354 766 178 773 19


$1 031 196 $999 948 $1 793 $3 434

41 277 34 859 $9 175 4 056 $7 565 361 $1 973 8 145 $1 661 5 397 $1 694 14 306 $1 870 20 028 11 345 $4 033 672 $5 228 128 $3 638 6 038 $1 086 2 850 $1 205 6 403 $1 835 $2 863



Male, 16 years old and aver with .amlngsl -------Professional, managerial, ond kindred workers_ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers----Operatives, including transport-------------- Laborers, except farm --------------------Formers and farm managers_ ______________ _ farm laborers, except unpaid. and farm foremen Female, 16 years a.Id and ovtr wit~ aan1inigs' .. -----Clerical and kindred workers---------------- Operatives, including transport -------------- -




4 337 4 291


$10 12 10 8 6

070 294 243 860 351


$4 560 5 036 4 495

854 190 942 199 259


$4 2o3 4 615 4 389

153 430 392 342 577


$5 054 5 266 4 644

419 660 647 314 039



$4 5 235 4 661


$3 686 4 284 3 599

554 172 125 516 136


$3 744 4 198 3 422

666 470 591 019 246


$3 935 4 596 3 788

$10 12 10 9 7 7 5 $4 4 5

181 420 887 111 363 500 242 492 715 073

$7 557 10 148 8 391 6 497 4753 5 957 2 244 $3 653 4 283 2 902

'includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.




Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: Continued


CDoto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More



Gorden Grove




Huntington Beach


22 128 330 317 377 590 576 680 973 1 001 l 173 1 321 2 633 3 287 6 360 2 094 416 $12 998 $15 176 $4 326 0.357 2 016 $8 001

30 817 436 449 569 778 814 1 053 1 106 1 541 1 947 2 178 5 060 6 158 7 594 992 142 $11 793 $12 524 $3 352 0.273 2 710 $6 702

36 620 554 580 1 057 1 433 1 394 1 600 1 688 2 083 2 190 2 088 4 412 5 712 8 713 2 582 534 $11 651 $13 543 $4 475 0.357 4 596 $7 834

14 199 128 180 339 411 550 633 715 785 886 1 045 2 221 2 748 3 118 409 31 $11 285 $11 772 $3 563 0.281 1 775 $7 180

23 825 501 453 574 688 733 839 1 168 1 283 1 637 1 895 3 898 4 450 5 055 591 60 $11 099 $11 655 $3 241 0.283 2 241 $6 401

29 631 429 355 557 611 761 824 1 017 1 242 1 349 1 635 4 247 5 768 8 670 1 808 358 $12 930 $14 048 $3 786 0.299 2 254 $7 317

24 400 323 464 708 857 1 030 1 156 1 270 1 628 1 692 1 626 3 243 4 298 5 132 857 116 $10 892 $11 783 $3 903 0.313 3 229 $7 394

22 035 266 283 296 376 453 642 844 895 1 264 1 762 3 797 4 677 5 645 705 130 $12 089 $12 966 $3 587 0.263 1 716 $7 599

92 893 2 356 2 340 3 626 4 552 4 444 4 606 5 377 5 748 5 950 5 853 11 294 13 613 18 048 4 157 929 i10 282 11 804 $3 869 0.361 12 588 $6 289

7 661 1 288 1 080 974 689 504 508 455 410 364 287 474 313 241 55 19 $3 709 $5 239 0.484 4 137 $4 309 29 789 $10 642 $12 620

6 578 861 729 761 618 558 514 459 465 336 279 486 331 137 44 $4 573 $5 355 0.421 3 534 $3 928 37 395 $10 810 $11 263

186 209 981 528 639 667 795 589 517 122 670 1 142 638 515 129 45 $4 442 $5 311 0.435 13 201 $4 277 56 806 $8 631 $10 618

5 843 462 605 602 361 412 621 548 554 413 348 442 230 215 24 6 $5 772 $6 183 0.393 2 777 $4 354 20 042 $9 586 $10 143

6 509 1 030 789 907 546 473 421 487 393 362 274 263 351 176 27 10 $3 968 $5 169 0.454 3 379 $3 854 30 334 $9 868 $10 263

5 540 600 602 768 558 369 374 358 372 289 226 404 287 258 64 11 $4 656 $6 162 0.456 2 622 $4 605 35 171 $11 845 $12 806

15 424 1 655 1 912 1 705 1 091 1 240 1 421 1 253 1 119 1 052 702 913 745 516 81 19 $5 077 $5 712 0.423 7 995 $4 629 39 824 $8 394 $9 432

2 828 428 282 390 255 171 195 131 197 188 144 238 118 65 22 4 $4 345 $5 584 0.447 1 719 $4 586 24 863 $11 472 $12 126

70 838 9 165 13 353 12 348 7 205 5 002 4 565 3 932 3 399 2 663 1 978 2 916 2 313 1 474 375 150 $3 077 $4 593 0.467 35 881 $3 833 163 731 $6 892 $8 684

22 20 $13 2 $9

30 28 $11 3 $7

36 31 $12 5 $9

620 446 136 128 651 212 $2 946 7 726 $1 704 2 063 $1 261 18 452 $2 625 20 186 12 098 $6 198 1 049 $3 935 22

14 199 13 141 $11 055 1 398 $7 079 73

23 21 $10 2 $7

29 27 $13 3 $8

22 20 $12 2 $8

92 78 $10 9 $9

2 009 $1 581 773 $1 220 5 583 $1 358 5 843 4 499 $6 892 250 $3 770 10

2 921 $1 562 1 722 $1 390 7 879 $1 633 6 509 4 552 $5 955 276 $4 380 41


Mountain View

719 984 202 953 028 122 227 262 108 318 149 569 288 693 091 725 535 764 $3 794 0.397 112 580 $6 548

16 266 327 464 614 749 849 707 849 1 091 1 089 1 073 2 343 2 585 2 699 701 126 $10 274 $11 285 $3 321 0.351 1 889 $5 855

12 988 156 214 346 311 456 591 601 657 786 820 l 701 2 296 3 462 559 32 $11 830 $12 547 $3 996 0.297 1 396 $7 720

443 662 64 364 66 598 62 484 40 866 34 076 32 846 29 326 25 129 20 908 13 739 19 979 14 755 13 034 4 184 1 374 $3 695 $5 165 0.481 228 603 $4 215 1 138 381 511 9 802

s 476

9 862

Lakewood Long Beach las Angeles

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families Total ____________________ ---------- _ Less than $1,000 ____ -------- ------ __ --------$1,000 to $1,999----------------------------$2,000 to $2,999 ____ ------ __ ------ __ ---- ----$3,000 to $3,999 __________ ------ __ ------ ----$4,000 to $4,999----------------------------$5,000 to $5,999 ____ -------- ______ ----------$6,000 to $6,999 ____ ------------ ---- -- -- ----$7,000 to $7,999 ____ -------- -- -- ------------ $8,000 to $8,999 __________ -- -------- --------$9,000 to $9,999 ____ -------- ------ ____ ---- __ _ $10,000 lo $11,999 ________ ---- ______ ------ __ _ $12,000 lo $14,999 __________________________ _ $15,000 to $24,999 ________ -- ------ ------ ----$25,000 lo $49,999--------------------------$50,000 or more----------------------------Median Income ____ ------ ____ -- __ ------ ---- __ Mean income ____________________ -------- ___ _ Mean income per family member --------------Index of income concentration __________ ------ __ Families with female head --------------------Meon income __ -- __________ -- __ ---- -------U"related Individuals Total ______ ---- ______ ---- __ -------- _ Less than $1,000 __________ ---- ____ ---- ---- __ _ $1,000 to $1,999----------------------------$2,000 lo $2,999 ____ ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- $3,000 to $3,999----------------------------$4,000 lo $4,999 ____ ---- __ -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- $5,000 lo $5,999 ____ -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- ------ $6,000 lo $6,999 ____ -- __ ---- __ -- ------ ------ $7,000 to $7,999 ____ -- ______ -- ---- -- --------$8,000 to $8,999----------------------------$9,000 to $9 ,999 __________ -------- ----------$10,000 to $11, 999 ____________ -- -------- ____ $12,000 to $14,999--------------------------$15,000 to $24,999 ____________ ---- ---- ---- __ _ $25,000 to $49,999 __________ ---- -- ---- ------ $50,000 or more----------------------------Median income ______________ ---- ---- ____ ---Mean income ________ -- __________ ---- -- -- ---.. lndex of income concentration ______________ ---Female unrelated individuals .• ________________ -Mean income ______________ ----------------

All families and unrelated individuals -----------Median income---------------------------Meal\ income ______ .... ______ .... ________ .... -- --


20 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

694 17 lB 27 32 34 36 38 41 41 39 78 94 139 45 10 $10 $12


812 1 066 1 053 406 330 317 340 258 163 120 281 168 133 21 8 $2 817 $4 419 0,485 3 578 $3 700 21 742 $8 510 $9 556

728 726 670 706 707 785 859 822 768 651 972 744 600 108 16 $6 709 $7 287 0.389 4 876 $5 517 22 850 $9 364 $10 277

TYPE OF INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS All families-------------------------With woge or solory income------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonform self·employment income __________ _ .Mean nonfarm self-employment income-------With form self-employment income -- ---- __ ---- -Mean formSecurity self-employment income-----------_ With Social income ___________________ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfore income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income ____ -------- -- __ ---- ---- ---M.an other income __ ---- ________ -- -- ---- -- All unrelated lndivldual•-----------------

With wage or solory income ------------------Mean wage or salary income ________________ _ With nonfarm self-employment income __________ _ Mean nonfarm self-employment income-------With form sell·employment income _____________ _ Mean form self-employment income----------With Sociol 5ecurity income ___________________ _ Mean Social Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income -- _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income_ With other income---------------------------Mean other income ____________________ ----Per capita income of persons __________________ _

$1 2 $1 $1 10 $2 7 5 $5 $5

128 207 671 845 597 183 630 956 685 846 222 607 446 661 385 568 397 988 12

817 214 705 502 393 173 $2 219 3 586 $1 637 1 598 $1 189 11 690 $1 855 6 578 4 775 $6 024 290 $5 820 15

825 974 983 073 925 74

$1 102 384 $1 273 2 723 $2 034 $4 369

1 144 $1 116 371 $1 007 1 907 $1 631 $3 439

6 826 $1 125 1 691 $1 062 8 490 $2 189 $4 572

1 040 $1 156 365 $1 163 1 922 $1 320 $3 823

1 276 $1 011 469 $1 124 1 943 $1 801 $3 347

Male, 16. yacrs old and over with earnings'---------

$9 777 13 613 9 574 7 366 3 766

$9 11 9 8 6

$8 12 8 6 4

$8 11 9 7 6

$8 10 9 8 7

Female, 16 years old and over with earnlngs'-------~lerica! and .kindr~d workers-----------------

$4 300 4 853 4 421

$4 266 4 806 4 596


631 336 023 275 925 134 632 958 675 960 094 224 997 540 130 637 305 902 36

24 400 21 707 $11 073 2 503 $7 144 75 4 671 $1 648 1 441 $1 256 10 182 $1 925 15 424 10 808 $6 581 592 $4 809 11

2 466 $1 688 1 007 $1 096 9 215 $1 502 2 828 1 920 $6 429 124 $7 006 16

976 $1 086 363 $1 022 1 899 $1 982 $3 887

3 477 $1 097 867 $1 053 5 491 $1 710 $4 187

$8 10 9 7 6

$4 2 $1 $1 12 $1 5

4 $6 $4

035 512 134 151 205 53

694 597 $11 95 $9 2 $2 123

$1 038 174 $1 129 1 026 $1 650 $3 626

$2 20 $1 6 $1 26 $2 $3

893 491 742 903 136 580 140 405 701 193 303 592 736 838 958 125 856 703 161 427 504 093 771 126 102 043 963

$9 11 9 8 6

549 711 839 951 308

$8 479 11 673 8 880 7 511 5 928

$4 424 4 943 4768

$4 49i 5 001 3 900


$2 19 $1 7 $1 43 $2 70 43 $5 2 $5

16 14 $10 1 $10

$4 100 $1 41 $1 142 $2 $3

719 625 478 207 642 922 873 207 614 947 584 433 849 662 823 741 776 563 883 104 788 111 031 131 612 217 977

$8 12 8 6 5 6 3 $4 5 3

017 266 475 506 449 167 987 421 039 728


8 $1 271 $2 443 291 $5 24 $5

266 010 355 940 145 219 635 734 647 411 503 763 015 476 862 527 210 427 39

12 988 12 055 $11 844 1 413 $5 885 118 $4 369 1 536 $1 600 706 $1 099 5 511 $1 473 9 862 8 502 $7 457 420 $4 724 19

1 9i6 $1 030 968 $1 236 1 720 $2 306 $3 380

837 $988 337 $877 3 344 $1 424 $4 608

$8 11 9 8 4

$9 11 9 7 6

$2 2 $1 1 $1 5 $2 5 2 $5 $5

MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Professional, managerial, and kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, ond kindred workers-----Operatives, including transport--------------Laborers, except form ---------------------Formers and form managers----------------Farm laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen_

perahves, including transport ---------------


249 770 848 236 035


813 410 885 704 815


$4 959 5 437 4 088

771 200 386 762 270


$4 960 5 467 4 643

849 926 836 146 059


$4 453 4 877 4 548

$10 13 10 8 4

649 120 388 281 786

2 964 $4 295 4 883 4 091

318 916 125 374 246

4 288 $5 290 5 461 4 604



741 335 202 214 273

3 660 $4 097

4 456 2 564

340 616 915 874 261


$5 261 5 303 5 373

'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Doto bosed on sample see text. For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meoning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More







Polo Alto


Pico Rivera


Redondo Beach

Redwood City


21 003 416 569 726 l 098 1 039 1 128 l 307 l 328 l 438 l 431 2 987 3 249 3 666 541 80 $10 014 $10 691 $2 975 0.324 2 541 $6 081

14 436 191 270 400 472 524 518 580 891 989 1 101 2 249 2 592 3 170 445 44 $11 140 $11 837 $3 398 0.289 1 774 $6 845

15 292 201 209 392 478 382 527 769 799 857 867 2 079 2 759 4 147 739 87 $12 094 $12 957 $4 090 0.299 1 674 $7 840

20 686 549 476 866 831 1 019 l 022 957 1 265 1 314 l 498 3 009 3 260 3 941 624 55 $10 363 $11 027 $3 183 0.329 3 168 $5 726

5 493 525 729 727 459 341 393 412 354 299 278 371 306 221 62 16 $4 899 $6 057 0.445 2 973 $4 256 19 929 $9 646 $10 244

6 554 617 782 747 500 551 465 669 443 366 267 558 363 181 40 5 $5 172 $5 876 0.409 3 513 $4 489 21 846 $10 027 $10 833

6 889 905 1 262 1 086 470 407 417 448 472 403 214 374 242 176 9 4 $3 407 $4 797 0.462 3 553 $3 445 27 575 $8 778 $9 471

14 13 $11 1 $6

15 13 $11 l $9

INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families ____ ------ ---- __ ---- -----------_ Less than Totol $1,00Q ____________________________ $1,000 to $1,999 ----------------------------$2,000 to $2,999 __ ---------- ----------------$3,000 to $3,999 ________ ------ --------------$4,000 to $4,999 ---- ------------------------$5,000 to $5,999 ________ ------ --------------$6,000 to $6,999 ________ ------ --------------$7 ,000 to $7,999 ---- ------------------------ $8,000 to $8, 999 -- -- ---- --------------------$9 ,000 loto$9,999----------------------------$10,000 $11,999_ ________________________ _ $12,000 to $14,999 __ ------------------------$15,000 to $24,999 __ ----.-------------------_ $25,000 to $49,999 _________________________ $50,000 or more ___________________________ _

-Median income ----------------------------- Mean income __ ---- __________ --------------- Mean income per family member-------------- Index of income concentration ________________ _ Families with female head -------------------- Mean income ________________ -------------


Unrelated Individuals Toto I ________________________ -----Les1 than $1,000. __________________________ _ $1,000 to $1,999 ___________________________ _ $2,000 to $2,999 ___________________________ _ $3,000 to $3,999---------------------------$4,000 to $4,999---------------------------$5,000 to $5, 999 __________ ------ ---- _______ _ $6,000 to $6,999---------------------------$7,000 to $7,999 -- __ ------ -----------------$8,000 to $8, 999 ________ ---- ------------ ___ _ $9,000 to $9,999 ___________________________ _ $10,000 to $11.999 __ ------ __ ---------- -----$12,000 to $14,999 __ -----------------------$15,000 to $24, 999 __ ------------ ____ -------$25,000 to $49,999 _________________________ _ $50,000 or more---------------------------Medi-an income ----------------------------Mean income ______ -------------------------

----------Index of income concentrCJtion .................................... ... Female unrelated individuals •• __ ---- ______ ----- Meon income----------------------------- All families ond unrelated individuals ----------- Median income __ -----------.. ------------- Mean income---------- ____ -~-- ______ ----- -

21 602 389 331 442 569 498 720 932 l 575 1 793 1 854 3 864 4 213 4 065 325 32 $10 879 $11 285 $2 851 0.258 l 886 $6 422

975 670 122 356 576 421 731 148 945 161 362 206 765 823 958 731 $9 626 $11 279 $3 459 0.378 15 612 $6 461

16 595 432 443 594 942 817 872 1 063 1 140 1 192 1 300 2 452 2 458 2 493 334 63 $9 617 $10 271 $2 885 0.323 1 755 $6 103

19 411 328 237 390 469 645 649 798 818 l 048 1 097 2 776 3 560 5 459 1 026 11l $12 380 $13 414 $3 668 0.297 1 822 $7 150

16 436 497 341 584 770 853 869 l 159 1 003 1 195 1 062 2 181 2 562 2 854 447 59 $9 892 $10 751 $2 782 0.331 2 136 $5 880

14 133 169 101 204 297 415 390 565 538 647 635 1 245 l 843 4 909 1 876 299 $15 036 $16 825 $5 152 0.358 1 533 $9 236

28 479 574 567 1 108 l 298 l 396 l 407 1 566 l 862 l 695 1 580 2 878 3 676 5 567 2 577 728 $10 825 $14 236 $4 500 0.443 4 384 $7 121

12 755 211 247 290 353 434 484 661 763 1 118 l 097 l 948 2 366 2 550 225 8 $10 739 $11 208 $2 779 0.272 1 207 $6 994

3 581 522 518 489 233 284 260 295 234 211 122 170 162 71

4 430 727 l 043 677 398 271 297 222 211 137 90 138 126 67 26 $2 657 $3 980 0.482 2 825 $3 150 21 025 $8 274 $8 945

5 251 961 844 741 549 397 378 222 260 231 127 216 194 105 16 10 $3 145 $4 389 0.478 3 267 $3 454 24 662 $10 763 $11 492

5 301 790 776 783 538 428 329 291 401 198 175 238 190 136 24 4 $3 560 $4 792 0.460 2 502 $3 998 21 737 $8 328 $9 297

9 061 1 121 1 104 1 153 827 617 577 511 606 409 342 599 528 499 148 20 $4 528 $6 203 0.484 5 312 $5 620 23 194 $10 400 $12 676

21 338 2 877 3 504 3 085 2 413 l 685 l 335 1 284 1 073 766 607 900 727 692 270 120 $3 499 $5 377 0.504 12 825 $4 961 49 817 $7 276 $10 442

2 155 346 271 240 182 162 161 184 136 87 124 114 96 48 4

$4 100 $4 875 0.441 1 831 $3 411 25 183 $10 159 $10 374

66 506 10 356 10 813 10 284 5 940 4 658 4 676 3 922 3 773 3 145 2 557 2 857 l 865 1 236 340 84 $3 303 $4 619 0.465 34 160 $3 913 155 481 $6 787 $8 430

21 20 $10 1 $5

88 73 $10 10 $8

16 14 $9 1 $6

19 17 $12 2 $7

14 12 $14 2 $9

28 23 $12 4 $9



88 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 10 11 15 3



$4 238 $4 969 0.441 1 153 $3 541 14 910 $9 921 $10 307

8 1 1 l

368 250 459 277 767 574 691 430 495 386 285 378 177 153 37 9 $3 258 $4 522 0.464 4 720 $3 873 29 371 $8 072 $8 933



All famlllu ------------------------With woge or salary income------------------ Mecn wag.e or sa~ary income _______________ _ With nonform self·employment income _________ _-.Mean nonform self-employment income------Wllh form self-employment mcome ____________ _Mean form self-employment income---------- With Social Security income ____________ ------_ Meon Social Security income---------------- With public ossistonce or public welfare income __ Meon public assistance or public welfare income With other income--------------------------Mean other income _______________________ _ All onrelated lndMduals _______________ _ With woge or salary income------------------ Mean wage or solory income •• _____________ _With nonform self-employment income _________ _Mean nonform self-employment income ------Wilh form self-employment income ____________ _ Mean form self·employment income---------With Social Security incom'------------------Mean Social Security income ---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With other incom•--------------------------Meon other income __ ---------------------- Per capita income of persons __ ----------------



602 294 835 609 558 63


2 $1 583 1 468 $1 382 6 073 $1 540 3 581 2 407 $6 028 103 $5 188


$1 $2

740 134 323 028 920 353 862

$8 10 9 8 6

653 871 522 564 280

$1 $1

975 998 191 025 950 388 $3 788 19 375 $1 719 12 330 $1 620 35 820 $2 929 66 506 40 505 $5 363 2 669 $4 525 111 $4 953 17 550 $1 157 8 007 $1 145 22 970 $2 081 $3 651

411 678 260 639 719 207 017 598 596 757 048 860 024 251 440 888 244 190 30

16 436 14 858 $9 723 1 406 $9 041 158 $12 363 2 204 $1 468 1 254 $1 469 5 711 $2 188 5 301 3 803 $5 282 162 $7 968 28

1 595 $1 096 659 $1 113 1 461 $1 606 $2 931

1 392 $1 074 361 $1 075 1 933 $1 671 $3 6RO


$7 10 8 7 4

$9 12 10 7 5

$2 2 $1 1 $1 5 $1 4 2 $5 $7

595 591 850 439 748 164 224 919 646 513 337 646 739 430 246 188 148 686 28

$2 2 $1 $1 8 $2 5 3 $4 $4

$1 039 408 $1 149 1 476 $1 640 $2 912

133 504 490 406 378 66

12 755 11 793 $10 834 959 $5 491 45

21 18 $10 2 $6

003 354 206 145 038 64

2 366 $1 638 408 $1 251 8 774 $3 370 9 061 6 201 $6 151 528 $4 146 43

479 879 030 434 421 179 -$137 6 294 $1 720 2 368 $1 486 14 183 $4 378 21 338 12 597 $5 248 1 081 $6 222 32


3 $1 2 $1 7 $1 8 4 $5

2 666 $1 090 405 $1 027 4 298 $3 048 $5 282

6 964 $1 080 1 617 $1 066 9 624 $3 389 $4 620



755 244 584 650 805 368 951 159 376 $4 469 15

1 97i $1 557 981 $1 255 5 582 $1 603 5 493 3 852 $6 621 355 $6 448 10

2 544 $1 683 950 $1 150 6 894 $2 042 6 554 4 601 $6 648 295 $4 330 10

686 060 527 771 467 117 $792 3 435 $1 751 2 968 $1 637 7 120 $1 9~9 6 889 3 999 $6 146 314 $4 536 5

2 576 $1 068 974 $1 045 2 963 $2 306 $3 012

1 260 $1 130 475 $1 018 1 878 $1 885 $3 660

1 546 $1 145 590 $1 053 2 305 $1 845 $4 274

1 $1 l $1 2 $1 $3


$1 $2

476 133 188 112 531 734 839

$9 12 10 7 5

$8 11 9 8 7

551 002 624 092 172

$1 l $1 3 $1 2 1 $6

623 060 354 749 359 155 422 272 31



$1 $1

436 247 245 374 304 36

292 695 938 605 471 52


20 18 $10 1 $7

142 OBS 243 153 629 314

MEDIAN EARNINGS OF PERSONS IN EXPERIENCED CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE FOR SELECTED OCCUPATION GROUPS Malt, 16 year.sold an.d O¥erwith 11:1rnlngs1 -------- Professional, managerial, and kindred workers _ Crofts men, foremen, and kindred workers----Operatives, including transport-------------- Loborers, except farm --------------------- Formers ond form managers---------------- Form laborers, except unpaid, and form foremen Female, 16 years old and ovar with eamln.gsi ______ _ Clericol and kindred workers---------------- Operatives, including transport-------------- -




$4 024 4 684 3 994

$7 911 10 911 8 602 7 337 6 771 8 071 3 159 $4 586 5 137 3 941

818 871 643 144 464

5 6:i6 $3 536 4 079 3 653

678 919 041 828 025

5 756 $4 021 4 602 3 638

$7 586 11 311 8 664 6 571 5 760 11 800 3 978 $3 644 4 447 2 627

$11 13 9 6 3

305 887 963 010 354

$7 12 7 5 4

748 259 789 858 951

$8 10 9 8 6

339 554 329 102 603

$8 049 10 967 8 662 7 407 5 419

$8 11 9 7 5


$4 270



3 764 $4 035 4 453 3 803

$4 4i7 5 130 4 200


$5 5 236 4 681

... ...

4 841 3 717


4 886 4 333

952 809 455 964 415


279 052 385 791 595


$4 92i 5 167 5 536


$4 454 5 091 4 224

'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.




Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: Continued


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More





Son Bernardino

San Diego

San Francisco

San Jose

Son Leandra

San Mateo

Santa Ana

Santa Borbora Santa Claro


Total ____ -------- ------ ------------ less !hon $1,000---------------------------$1,000 to $1,999---------------------------$2,000 to $2,999---------------------------- $3,000 to $3,999---------------------------$4,000 to $4,999 ____ -----------------------$5,000 to $5,999---------------------------- $6,000 to $6,999---------------------------- $7,000 to $7,999---------------------------$8,000 to $B,999---------------------------- $9,000 to $9,999---------------------------- $10,000 to $11,999-------------------------$12,000 to $14,999-------------------------- $15,000 to to $24,999-------------------------$25,000 $49,999 _________________________ _ $50,000 or more---------------------------Median income ______ ,..________ ,. ____________ _ Mean income------ __ ------------ __ --------- Mean income per family member -------------Index of income concentration ________________ _ Families with female heod --------------------


-Me-an income-------- __ ------------------- -

34 838 859 935 1 122 l 369 1 632 1 514 1 835 2 167 2 285 2 244 4 476 5 446 6 949 l 747 258 $10 651 $11 914 $3 37B 0.352 3 971 $6 020

65 l l 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 7 9 11 2

798 611 747 811 732 51B 7B5 961 144 581 207 497 498 769 517 420 $9 715 $11 177 $3 304 0.355 9 397 $6 429

14 969 273 339 532 6B7 623 794 770 1 052 l 029 1 096 2 034 2 319 2 701 653 67 $10 285 $11 422 $3 201 0.339 1 662 $6 061

25 852 825 B42 1 295 l 641 l 653 1 659 1 B85 1 B94 l B71 l 779 2 93B 3 252 3 437 716 165 fB 658 $ 0 003 $2 B76 0.365 3 927 $5 093

164 174 5 540 3 663 5 545 7 296 B 223 9 722 9 414 10 471 10 419 10 135 19 949 23 707 30 882 7 736 1 472 $10 166 $11 664 $3 442 0.366 22 073 $6 006

165 342 4 933 4 454 6 881 7 259 7 414 0 200 9 466 9 703 9 757 9 B03 19 068 23 497 33 072 9 647 2 180 $10 503 $12 507 $3 931 0.388 27 252 $7 4Bl

107 384 1 710 l B71 2 554 3 051 3 174 3 82B 4 612 5 186 6 118 6 684 15 465 20 685 27 638 4 426 3B2 $11 927 $12 575 $3 340 0.290 10 51B $6 871

19 577 276 269 422 424 741 576 732 90B l 251 1 376 2 904 3 B25 4 96B 745 160 $11 938 $12 909 $4 014 0.2B7 1 B31 $7 120

21 523 2B2 334 366 439 601 750 674 B93 l 155 1 079 2 752 4 040 6 049 1 B3B 271 $13 067 $14 703 $4 534 0.330 2 295 $7 536

38 588 907 782 1 047 1 699 1 820 2 136 2 419 2 571 2 704 2 904 5 290 6 253 6 792 1 112 152 $10 115 $10 966 $2 96B 0.319 4 623 $6 388

14 445 3 432 2 873 2 166 l 131 966 660 6BO 531 489 330 544 308 253 70 12 $2 424 $3 807 0.520 B 447 $3 337 49 2B3 $8 277 $9 538

31 313 4 512 6 339 5 365 2 701 2 142 l 9BB 2 040 1 5B7 1 042 87B l 170 805 607 123 14 $2 896 $4 270 0.472 lB 073 $3 734 97 111 $7 402 $B 950

4 662 B32 675 986 40B 357 185

10 730 1 705 2 1B2 1 994 1 103 740 566 576 500 355 258 300 299 101 37 14 $2 741 $3 962 0.458 6 441 $3 436 36 5B2 $6 848 $B 231

133 482 23 632 27 229 22 779 13 560 9 702 B 287 6 798 5 415 3 803 2 748 3 671 2 674 2 396 621 167 $2 697 $3 950 0.487 47 756 $3 936 297 656 $6 225 $8 205

182 015 24 122 24 369 22 523 16 243 13 273 15 23B 15 066 12 524 9 519 7 038 9 lBl 6 13B 4 948 1 397 436 $4 283 $5 354 0.451 91 864 $4 751 347 357 $6 765 $8 759

37 144 7 069 6 270 5 444 3 229 2 413 2 179 2 010 1 888 1 420 1 182 1 716 1 334 773 190 27 $2 961 $4 436 0.489 19 Bl6 $3 576 144 52B $10 043 $10 4B4

5 414 545 767 603 469 517 313 470 415 343 213 319 260 136 35 9 $4 625 $5 591 0.423 3 394 $4 461 24 991 $10 537 $11 324

8 852 920 BBl 876 694 673 708 690 564 624 374 666 567 475 120 20 $5 540 $6 553 0.442 5 373 $5 477 30 375 $10 942 $12 328

12 165 1 707 1 815 1 597 1 407 998 942 1 013 7Bl 471 340 45B 276 248 66 46 $3 685 $4 B4B 0.459 6 B40 $3 918 50 753 $8 547 $9 500

25 21 $9 2 $B

164 140 $10 17 $8

165 138 $10 20 $9

107 97 $11 11 $7

19 17 $11 2 $9

577 276 900 212 494 97

21 19 $12 2 $10

3 727 $1 756 8B9 $1 321 B 404 $2 147 5 414 3 3B9 $6 640 154 $6 192

$1 10 $3 8 5

18 053 329 541 955 1 OOB l 067 1 027 l 131 1 218 1 202 l 067 2 062 2 206 3 lBl 962 97 $9 514 $11 123 $3 566 0.3B4 2 602 $6 545

21 535 255 356 492 556 704 784 l 055 1 000 l 238 l 216 2 913 4 424 5 715 777 50 $12 135 $12 566 $3 490 0.2B4 2 135 $6 BOO

Unrelated Individuals

Total ______ -------- ------ ---------- Lm than $1,000---------------------------$1,000 to $1,999---------------------------- $2,000 to $2,999---------------------------- $3,000 to $3,999---------------------------$4,000 to $4,999---------------------------$5,000 to $5,999---------------------------- $6,000 ____ -- ------ __ ---- ----------_ $7,000 to to $6,999 $7,999 ___________________________ $8,000 to $B,999 ___________________________ _$9,000 to $9,999---------------------------$10,000 to $11,999 ____ ---------------------$12,000 to $14,999-------------------------$15,000 to $24,999-------------------------- $25,000 or to $49,999-------------------------$50,000 mare ___________________________ _-



Median income -----------------------------Mean income __ ------ __________ -------------Index of income concentration _________________ _ Female unrelated individuals------------------- Meon income ____ ---------- -- __ ----------- All families and unrelated individuals -----------Median income_____________________________ ---------------------------_ Mean income



183 148 87 201 217 97 40


$2 B36 $4 392 0.487 2 701 $3 979 19 631 $B 742 $9 752

12 1 2 1 1

886 859 284 925 246 971 967 858 5B2 521 329 483 432 313 87 29 $3 301 $4 717 0.475 7 925 $4 288 30 939 $6 649 $8 455

8 748 1 628 1 431 953 758 544 508 543 554 414 337 458 325 214 Bl


$3 478 $4 799 0.486 4 470 $3 802 30 283 $9 8Bl $10 322



All famlllos ------------------------With wage or salary Income------------------Meon woge or salary income ________________ _ With nonform self-employment income __________ _ .Mean nonfarm self-employment income-------With form self-employment income _____________ _ Mean farm self-employment income----------With Social Security incame-------------------Mean Soclol Security income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ Mean public assistance or public welfare income__ With other income ___________________________ Meon other income------------------------ All unrolattd individuals ______ -----------

With wage or salary income------------------Mean wage or salary income'---------------With nanform self-employment income _________ _Mean nonform self-employment income-------With form self-employment Income _____________ _ Mean form self-employment income----------With Social Security income-------------------Mean Social Security Income----------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ _ .Mean pu~lic assistance or public welfare income_ With other income---------------------------Meon other income ________________________ _ Per capita income of persons-------------------

3 646 $1 012 1 477 $1 138 5 216 $1 B93 $3 379

65 798 55 912 $10 140 7 097 $B 270 506 $2 692 13 131 $1 742 B 748 $1 594 2B 163 $2 543 31 313 16 996 $5 079 1 333 $4 735 107 $700 10 235 $1 131 5 186 $1 113 11 71B $2 OlB $3 425

$8 176 11 305 B 654 7 19B 3 935 1 900 3 347 $3 911 4305 3 569

$7 896 11 530 B 511 7 105 5 917 4 719 2 643 $4 480 5 196 2 711

34 30 $10 4 $B

838 519 7B2 290 391 441

$2 111 5 552 $1 697 2 465 $1 404 14 60B $2 476 14 445 9 117 $4 088 529 $4 627 3B

14 969 13 304 $10 110 1 579 $9 947 161 $7 391 2 152 $1 633 1 344 $1 438 5 560 $2 540 4 662 2 684 $4 918 224 $6 171 46

$3 5 $1 3 $1 9 $2 10 5 $5 $4

852 331 172 758 330 179 733 45B 753 496 691 673 465 730 303 067 440 121 45

1 464 $1 048 5B9 $1 252 l 605 $2 094 $3 266

3 886 $1 05B 2 013 $1 213 3 BB3 $1 B43 $2 914

$7 11 8 7 5 12 3 $3 4 2

$7 10 7 7 5

174 125 325 699 702 833 $2 593 28 489 $1 65B 10 B51 $1 295 7B 633 $3 1B7 133 482 100 B33 $3 B64 4 6BO $4 302 452 $956 21 910 $1 036 7 168 $1 035 39 424 $2 205 $3 532

342 349 90B 692 B21 630 $3 254 37 944 $1 679 15 258 $1 501 75 143 $3 696 182 015 123 618 $5 754 B 675 $6 llB 366 $1 424 37 7B4 fl 167 4 591 $1 055 63 166 $2 376 $4 2B9

384 724 739 505 521 642 $2 929 13 758 $1 6'1!1 B 579 $1 530 43 150 $1 836 37 144 25 887 $4 B28 1 4'1!1 $4 604 BO 7 4i7 $1 084 3 5B3 $1 022 12 03B $1 765 $3 406

$3 3 $1


523 005 715 907 691 151 391 719 741 850 159 BB3 285 852 919 966 449 629 34

38 34 $10 3 $6 $2 5 $1 2 $1 13 $2 12 7 $5 $4

588 719 236 752 916 256 350 991 604 740 328 420 084 165 479 427 607 721 45

18 053

14 $9 2 $8 $6 4 $1 l $1 8 $3 12 6 $4 $5

400 725 576 417 135 694 432 685 484 375 193 499 886 647 835 631 373 15

21 535 20 016 $11 828 1 893 $6 891 135 $2 487 2 732 $1 552 1 454 $1 243 B 606 $1 678 8 748 6 616 $5 116 315 $3 543 17

-1 655


$1 143 376 $1 094 2 271 $1 986 $4 llB

2 3Bl $1 135 440 $978 3 6Bl $2 99B $4 754

3 582 $1 070 1 177 $1 125 4 270 $2 402 $3 103

4 $1 l $1 5 $3 $3

614 100 159 121 566 389 761

$1 023 577 $1 026 2 810 $1 728 $3 572

$9 412 11 92B 10 183 B 762 7 749

$9 13 10 8 6

984 069 437 209 339

$7 10 8 7 5

$7 10 8 5 4

513 7B8 271 768 817

$9 11 10 8 6



4 266 $4 013 4 728 3 940



Professional. managerial, ond kindred workers __ Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers-----Operatives, including transport --------------laborers, except form ---------------------Formers and farm managers-·--------------Form laborers. except unpaid, and form foremenfeOlale, 16 years old and over with oomlngs'-------Clerical and kindred workers----------------Operatives, including transport ---------------

901 424 720 220 065 806 61B 649 48B 603

457 107 987 171 610

2 352 $3 806 4 599 2 971

$8 11 8 7 5 5 4 $3 4 3

240 715 765 180 167 000 029 926 499 659

$7 631 10 403 B 637 7 151 6 B64 2 $5 5 3

667 092 339 615

$9 490 12 460 10 089 7 906 6 462 4 500 2 31B $4 181 4 764 3 768


$4 8ci4 5 066 5 090


5 004 5 023

927 996 733 203 608

3 214 $3 965

4 599 3 105

223 957 309 007 697

4 727 $4 399 5 038 4 434

'Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 89. Income in 1969 of Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970Continued [Data based an sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Santo Monica

Santo Rosa

Simi Valley

South Gate





Ventura (Son Buenoventura)

13 331

13 020 163 164 184 231 259 283 428 521 758 853 2 501 3 017 3 300 327 31 $12 164 $12 614 $2 961 0.247 683 $6 525

16 576 380 427 614 702 812 993 1 094 1 141 1 267 1 089 2 402 2 6Bl 2 526 405 43 $9 7BB $10 463 $3 485 0.321 1 957 $6 621

26 338 863 923 1 397 1 531 1 345 1 259 1 455 1 627 1 B68 1 689 3 627 3 842 3 722 995 195 $9 533 $10 686 $3 110 0.375 3 B05 $5 166

25 107 292 290 4<>2 525 643

35 212 336 399 467 617 634 916 1 178 1 200 l 631 1 815 4 746 6 790 12 074 2 241 168 $13 620 $14 354 $4 111 0.276 2 983 $8 103

17 520 414 426 541 742 764 988 983 971 1 017 1 150 2 563 2 982 3 417 528 34 $10 596 $11 144 $3 336 0.321 1 900 $5 852

15 008 236 191 486 495 569 652 634 754 896 892 2 190 2 347 3 752 837 77 $11 552 $12 742 $3 739 0.324 1 455 $6 554

16 841 205 240 214 263 354 392 458 717 785 1 050 2 398 3 609 5 017 977 162 $13 118 $14 143 $3 675 0.281 1 187 $1 698

14 956 192 223 374 419 338 561 615 794 8B6 1 135 2 443 3 102 3 514 326 34 $11 589 $12 011 $3 149 0.270 1 290 $6 412

19 643 198 250 514 607 713 705 912 829 1 096 1 106 2 3« 3 OO'I 5 212 1 846 302 $12 546 $14 67B $4 497 0.367 1 864 $8 115

977 228 116 82 88 52 72 49 52 58 37 83 23 32

6 980

14 580 3 513 2 622 2 B93 1 082 907 657 624 493 496 341 441 189 233 73 16 $2 399 $3 623 0.531 7 319 $3 297 40 918 $6 706 $8 169

10 625 757 995 947 700 740 827 1 060 811 800 634 925 805

7 397 1 239 1 694 1 113 673 453 436 407 320 227 214 296 220 66 20 19 $2 688 $4 117 0.473 3 164 $3 607 24 917 $8 237 $9 058

5 313 633 929 757 496 447 390 336 255 254 194 282 158 144 38

2 740 424 281 261 229 169 176 189 195 230 115 224 90 93 54 10 $5 034 $6 311 0.485 1 433 $4 567 19 581 $12 180 $13 048

2 538 409 346 282 222 152 221 20B llB 144 93 121 124 BB 5 5 $4 066 $5 21B 0.461 1 383 $4 168 17 494 $10 792 $11 025

7 1 1 l

16 15 $12 2 $9

14 13 $11 1 $6

Wes! Covina



INCOME OF FAMILIES AND UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS Families Total •• ____ -------- ------ ____ ------Less than $1,000 .•• -------------------------$1,000 to $1,999 -------------------- --------$2,000 to $2,999...-------------------------$3,000 to $3,999 ---- ---------------- --------$4,000 to $4,999 ---- -------- -------- --------$5,000 to $5,999 .. ---------------------------

l~:~ :~ 1~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


$8,000 to $8,999 ____ -----------------------$9,000 to $9,999 •• __ -------- -------- -------- $10,000 to $11,999-------------------------$12,000 ta $14,999 --------------------------$15,000 ta $24,999 -------------------------- $25,000 to $49,999-------------------------$50,000 or more ___________________________ _

Median income ----·------------------------ Mean Income---- ______ ---- __ --------------Mean income per family member -------------Index of income cancentrotian ••• _____________ _ Families witn female head -----------------"-Mean income ____ -------------------------

Unrelated Individuals


__ ------- •• -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- --_lm tnan Total $1,000 ___________________________ $1,000 to $1,999 ___________________________ _-

$2,000 to $2, 999 ---- ---- -------------------- -


$3,000 to $3,999 •• -------------------------$4,000 to $4,999·--------------------------- $5,000 lo $5,999---------------------------$6,000 to $6,999---------------------------$7,000 to $7,999·--------------------------$B,000 to $8,999 •• -------------------------$9,000 to $9,999.--------------------------$10,000 to $11,999 _________________________ _ $12,000 to $14,999 _________________________ _ $15,000 to $24,999 -- -- •• ---- ---- __ -- ---- ---$25,000 to $49,999-------------------------$50,000 or more·--------------------------Median income----------------------------- Mean Income •• --------------------------_ Index of income concentration -________________ Female unrelated individuals ____ --------------- Mean income .. --- __ -------- ........ ---------.... All families ond unrelated individuals ----------- Median income --------------------------Mean income __ ------ ........ -- -- ____ -- --- -

22 734 420 594 729 870 1 049 l 222 1 365 1 347 1 440 1 305 2 587 3 186 4 800 1 557 263 $10 793 $12 725 $4 442 0.3Bl 3 613 $8 074 21 577 3 OBO 2 627 2 73B 1 866 1 824

I 711

1 473 1 333 1 073 762 1 126 942 735 228 59 $4 262 $5 518 0.468 12 583 $4 706 44 311 $7 219 $9 216

264 405 517 601 679 699 543 650 769 829 1 859 2 181 2 640 595 100 $10 763 $11 822 $3 664 0.352 1 572 $6 476 6 006 1 070 1 445 B99 494 364 367 311 182 209 178 181 160 105 31 10 $2 543 $4000 0.49B 4 056 $3 407 19 337 $B 183 $9 392


$3 710 $4 993 0.517 531 $3 992 13 997 $11 796 $12 083

795 1 161 950 522 459 701 540 544 443 223 351 166 92 27 6 $4 135 $4 B35 0.418 4 248 $3 B53 23 556 ~ 966 796



I 176

1 1 3 4 8 1

258 423 160 819 184 188 94 $13 078 $13 583 $3 882 0.279 2 358 $7 428 6 759

602 590 545 463 491 580 486 642 540 416 564 487 285 59 9 $6 223 $6 732 0.387 3 393 $5 163 31 866 566 12 130





$6 327

$6 832 0.389 5 480 $5 210 45 837 $11 924 $12 610


$3 680 $4 879 0.464 3 075 $3 916 20 321 $9 691 $10 686

612 325 370 09B 677 497 431 497 384 286 226 335 155 252 52 27 $3 019 $4 B17 0.554 5 031 $3 949 27 255 $9 930 $11 924


With wage or solory income ------------------ Mean wage or salary incom•---------------With nonform self-employment income. ________ _ !Jtean nonfarm self-employment income------With farm self-employment 1ncome ____________ _ Mean farm self-employment Income---------With Social Security income ••• ---------------Mean Social Security income---------------With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare income With o!her income .. ______________ ---- -- •• __ • Mean other income-------------- -- -------- -


AU ••relot1d lodlvlduah. ______________ _


With wage or salary income-----------------Mean wage or salary income _______________ _ With nonform self-•mployment lncome _________ _ !Jtean nonform self-employment income------W1lh form self·employment income. ___________ _Moan form self-employment income---------- With Social Security incame------------------Meon Social Security income---------------- With public assistance or public welfare income __ Mean public assistance or public welfare Income With other income •••• ----------------------Mean other incom•---------------------·-- Per capita income of persons------------------

22 19 $11 3 $1

734 30B 331 415 640 123 $665 5 198 $1 599 1 391 $1 172 11 552 $2 977 21 577 13 570 $6 098 1 237 $5 B26 59

13 331 10 707 $10 465 2 058 $9 351 161 $3 381 3 268 $1 B63 8B4 $1 339 6 141 $3 010 6 006 3 185 $4 321 238 $7 611 19

5 779 $1 099 1 355 $1 042 8 703 $2 460 $4 655

2 262 $1 116 6B5 $1 126 2 308 $2 216 $3 664

$8 217 11 761 8 054 6 770 5 227

$8 11 9 6 4

982 761 061 944 627



13 12 $12 1

020 279 038 270 $6 003 83

1 i64 $1 576 527 $1 145 3 811 $1 505 977 583 $6 329 41

"i. 2;5

$969 83 296 $2 442 $2 987

!6 576 14 3B5 $10 132 1 298 $7 033 34 3 $1 1 $1 6 $1 6 4 $6


723 214 2Bl 151 713 980 213 073 199 $5 2B7 34

2 269 $1 112 908 $1 098 2 376 $1 501 $3 642

26 338 22 412 $9 668 2 864 $10 255 341 $3 930 4 896 $1 555 3 505 $1 538 9 772 $2 154 14 580 8 137 $4 130 548 $4 056 80

25 23 $12 2

107 527 678 578 $6 778 200 $4 835 2 901 $1 599 1 133 $1 188 11 477 $1 599 6 759 5 397 $7 234 257 $4 607 24

dji; $981 2 701 $1 201 4 477 $1 922 $3 121


$1 060 324 $939 2 229 $1 743 $4 066

35 32 $13 4 $1

212 923 2B7 144 685 180 $4 461 3 993 $1 529 1 094 $1 183 16 067 $1 738 !O 625 8 299 $7 424 474 $4 339 19 1 7j7 $1 126 520 $960 3 776 $1 710 $4 294

17 15 $10 1 $7

520 225 539 558 614 74

2 $1 1 $1 7 $2 7 4 $4


574 474 448


194 397 596 716 171 $5 764 13 1 646 $1 022 688 $976 2 835 $1 906 $3 393

15 008 12 995 $11 574 2 013 $8 901 158 $2 389 2 579 $1 736 860 $1 455 6 695 $2 510 5 3!3 2 938 $5 820 277 $4 962 9


$1 147 $1 2 $2 $3


214 026 332 823

84! 695 832 218 706 100 $783 1 990 $1 622 660 $1 086 6 413 $1 754 2 740 2 000

956 886 384 386 173 45

19 643

17 268

1 727 $1 687 B02 $1 191 5 233 $1 656 2 538 1 663 $5 772 146 $7 291 19

$12 947 2 749 $12 302 166 $2 060 3 657 $1 753 1 043 343 0 123 $2 250 7 612 4 499 $4 969 375 $6 834 38

$2 896 $3 768

625 $1 081 199 $1 085 816 $2 069 $3 234

$1 104 576 $1 044 3 339 $2 471 $4 490


110 $3 945


410 $1 154 84






Malt, 16 ytan old ad om with tanilnts 1 -------Professional, manogeriol, and kindred workers _Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers ••••• Operatives, Including transport -- -- ---------Laborers, except farm --------------------farmers and farm managers---------------Farm laborers, except unpaid, and farm foremen fo\llalt, 16 yean old 1ohvtr wbh mnlng•'------Clerical and kindred workers ______ ---------Operatives, including transport -- __ ----------



$4 ;35 5 355 3 770

$4 178

4 487 2 600

$10 027 12 371 10 199 B 663 6 990


$4 ci04 4 457 3 962

$8 9 9 7 6

180 998 294 B14 013


$4 999 5 323 4 706

$7 734 10 519 8 822 7 084 6 198 7 100 2 424 $3 658 4 219 2 322

$10 13 10 8 6

295 144 321 095 855

.. .

$4 ;.48 5 243 5 104

$10 13 10 8 4

345 127 313 139 B84

$9 162 11 572 9 821 8 736 6 787

$9 436 12 357 9705 7 794 4 519

$9 12 10 8 6

970 721 533 182 283

$9 585 12 331 9 932 e 196 6 462

$9 59! 13 455 9 515 7 235 3 884

$4 ;;; 5 275 4 755

$4 :i7:i 4 899 3 776

5 $4 4 3

$4 :ii.a 4 684 4 003

$3 4 48B

$4 i5:i 4 662 3 629



654 114 497 005


.. . 954

3 991


•Includes persons in other occupation groups, not shown separately.



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students In dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas Anaheim-Santo Ano-Garden Grove

AU INCOME LEVELS Faml1111 __________________ ---- ---- __ Percent receiving public assistance Income ______ _ Meon size of fomily -----·------------------- With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------- With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years -------Percent of heads in labor farce---------f111lly head1 ------------------------ Percent 65 years end over-------------------Civilian male fomilyfarce heads_____________________ under 65 years-------_ Percent In labor Unrelated lndlvldual1 ________ ------ ___ _ Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and aver-------------------- Ptno11 ---- ____ -------------------Percent receiving Social Security income________ _Percent 65 years and aver-------------------Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _




-In owner occupied housing units -----------·--- Meon value of unit------------------------ In renter occupied housing units--------------- Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities. __ _Hau11hold1 ------------ ---- --------- -



Buena Park

Costa Mesa


Garden Grove

Huntington Beach


Santa Ana


Urban bolance

361 062 4.2 3.60 228 382 2.28 32 683 24 072 8 724 66.9 361 062 9.0 291 431 96.0 101 162 5.6 26.3 1 401 954 7.1 6.7 393 073 240 225 $29 997 152 848 $150 0.4

43 277 4.8 3.52 26 691 2.18 4 228 3 121 1 151 67.9 43 277 7.0 35 958 96.0 12 748 5.7 21.9 165 041 6.4 5.8 77.4 49 336 25 938 $27 128 23 398 $145 0.4

15 637 4.9 3.90 11 346 2.37 1 393 1 123 400 67.5 15 637 4.1 13 572 97.6 2 627 6.7 18.3 63 676 4.7 3.3 81.6 16 866 11 297 $24 301 5 569 $152 0.3

18 020 5.2 3.48 10 740 2.16 2 164 1 593 529 74.5 18 020 9.1 14 231 95.4 7 243 7.8 22.2 69 886 7.9 7.1 80.6 21 994 10 368 $28 857 11 626 $146 0.5

22 128 3.8 3.51 13 302 2.20· 2 016 1 424 410 69.B 22 128 8.3 18 390 96.3 7 183 5.3 20.8 84 802 6.6 6.2 75.9 26 135 15 502 $30 661 10 633 $148 0.3

30 817 5.2 3.74 20 672 2.34 2 710 2 066 819 67.6 30 817 6.0 25 955 96.5 6 578 5.6 17.8 121 728 5.0 4.4 76.7 33 875 22 239 $25 558 11 636 $151 0.3

29 631 3.2 3.71 20 485 2.27 2 254 1 732 667 74.7 29 631 4.9 25 669 96.5 5 540 6.6 17.1 115 481 4.5 3.7 76.6 30 219 20 815 $30 753 9 404 $162 0.5

19 411 3.9 3.66 12 766 2.29 1 822 1 319 413 73.4 19 411 7.4 16 041 97.0 4 821 7.5 30.8 75 813 6.5 6.0 78.7 21 841 13 750 $29 625 8 091 $146 0.4

38 588 7.1 3.69 24 327 2.42 4 623 3 393 1 608 63.6 38 588 9.4 29 186 95.6 12 165 9.7 30.6 154 727 7.8 7.3 77.3 44 635 23 714 $23 931 20 921 $134 0.9

14 956 5.4 3.81 10 680 2.39 1 290 l 092 478 65.1 14 956 5.7 12 624 96.4 2 538 7.8 24.4 59 583 5.1 4.0 79.8 14 940 10 341 $26 765 4 599 $146 0.4

124 851 2.9 3.51 75 028 2.27 9 924 7 036 2 203 62.9 124 851 12.6 96 941 95.4 38 335 3.4 31.4 476 647 9.0 9.1 77.7 129 851 84 172 $34 570 45 679 $161 0.4

18 608 5.2 $1 680 $1 687 15.4 3.62 13 315 2.60 7 573 6 932 3 612 44.1 18 608 13.2 8 237 78.6 23 115 22.8 $812 $1 023 5.8 34.0 90 484 6.5 14.1 13.8 75.9 34 504 45.8 29 133 7.4 10 970 $26 367 18 163 $131 1.4

2 256 5.2 11 688 1 657 15.6 3.53 1 664 2.44 977 920 532 45.5 2 256 11.4 1 009 79.6 2 598 20.4 $860 $964 6.2 40.1 10 570 6.4 16.5 14.5 82.3 4 009 43.2 3 546 7.2 1 189 $24 748 2 357 $131 1.2

662 4.2 $1 789 $1 818 20.1 3.95 522 2.80 295 273 179 53.1 662 9.2 311 79.4 661 25.2 $808 $1 019 12.4 34.2 3 274 5.1 13.2 10.9 88.2 1 486 44.8 988 5.9 418 $23 119 570 $133 0.6

1 181 6.6 $1 505 $1 581 17.9 3.26 758 2.35 453 405 179 51.4 1 181 19.0 511 82.6 1 565 21.6 $878 $953 7.3 39.0 5 411 7.7 19.5 18.7 80.3 1 889 49.5 2 055 9.3 ·591 $23 285 l 464 $131 2.1

948 4.3 $1 538 $1 804 14.3 3.56 632 2.59 388 322 130 44.6 948 13.4 460 81.7 1 798 25.0 $797 $1 070 2.8 22.9 5 175 6.1 13.4 12.3 76.4 1 591 42.7 1 833 7.0 623 $25 046 1 210 $137 0.8

1 460 4.7 $1 663 $1 769 16.1 3.66 1 096 2.55 667 618 352 44.3 1 460 10.6 646 84.4 1 467 22.3 $736 $1 102 5,8 28.6 6 816 5.6 11.4 10.1 75.8 2 776 41.0 1 995 5.9 880 $23 807 1 115 $135 0.3

1 330 4.5 $1 653 $1 772 12.0 3.64 1 013 2.55 537 499 258 60.1 1 330 5.9 710 79.6 1 123 20.3 $845 $1 013 6.9 28.9 5 961 5.2 9.4 8.7 72.4 2 624 50.2 1 793 5.9 751 $21 210 1 042 $134


948 4.9 $1 540 $1 709 16.2 3.59 667 2.53 347 330 119 47.9 948 12.4 481 85.0 1 333 27.6 $860 $966 6.1 40.8 4 735 6.2 14.2 16.3 67.8 1 640 45.7 1 642 7.5 793 $26 264 849 $129 1.9

3 120 8.1 $1 972 $1 709 24.0 4.08 2 353 3.03 1 299 1 213 762 42.7 3 120 12.2 1 352 72.6 3 080 25.3 $197 $1 030 9.7 42.4 15 808 10.2 13.4 13.0 74.2 7 092 46.8 4 766 10.7 1 682 $20 137 3 084 $120 2.2

809 5.4 $1 928 $1 583 18.4 3.80 672 2.46 341 323 176 35.8 809 6.9 395 85.1 686 27.0 $766 $1 080 11.7 33.8 3 760 6.3 10.6 8.9 76.8 l 620 49.5 1 039 7.0 460 $23 407 579 $133 0.6

5 638 4.5 11 588 1 651 10.3 3.44 3 819 2.49 2 193 1 980 908 38.0 56U 16.6 2 276 75.7 8 243 21.5 $792 $1 035 3.8 32.8 27 643 5.8 15.4 16.l 74.8 9 505 45.3 9 118 7.0 3 460 $31 757 5 658 $134 1.4

12 806 3.5 $1 401 5 718 17 334 17.1 $821 63 173 11.8 24 130 41.2

1 592 3.7 $1 332 787 1 850 14.5 $802 7 369 11.9 2 914 39.2

455 2.9 $1 512 228 486 18.5 $843 2 343 7.2 1 093 42.1

786 4.4 $1 359 342 1 096 15.1 $801 3 902 14.6 1 492 47.5

690 3.1 $1 460 313 1 422 19.8 $815 3 788 12.2 1 132 39.3

1 070 3.5 $1 404 512 1 167 17.7 $862 5 005 8.5 2 070 36.1

963 3,2 $1 425 406 828 14.9 $828 4 382 7.1 1 945 47.9

680 3.5 $1 385 272 996 20.7 $753 3 364 13.9 1 197 41.9

2 054 5.3 $1 429 897 2 314 19.0 $834 10 404 12.6 4 514 40.5

510 3.4 353 $1 235 542 21.4 $833 2 474 6.9 1 076 45.7

3 812 3.1 $1 414 1 667 6 198 16.2 $831 19 206 13.3 6 539 40.0

26 451 7.3 $1 915 9 442 30 526 30.2 $1 177 127 864 15.1 48 779 53,0

3 230 7.5 $1 874 1 233 3 514 27.6 $1 106 14 892 15.0 5 498 50.8

876 5.6 $2 166 385

1 681 9.3 $1 785 576 2 176 30.0 $1 080 8 062 18.0 2 796

1 392 6.3 $1 951 464 2 358 32.8 $1 223 7 305 15.4 2 328 52.5

2 017 6.5 $2 019 819 1 983 30.1 $1 214 9 347 12.2 3 708 46.8

1 863 6.3 $1 999 691 1 545 27.9 $1 130 8 398 11.0 3 567 53.7

1 251 6.4 $2 037 404 1 704 35.3 $1 159 6 174 18.6 2 148 54.0

4 640 12.0 $1 926 1 680 4 229 34.8 $1 144 23 569 13.2 10 570 53.9

1 210 8.1 $1 789 447 880 34.7 $1 249 5 521 11.3 2 436 58.3

7 944 6.4 $1 874 2 661 10 645 27.8 $1 210 38 446 \7.7 13 299 52.5


INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Famlllu ____ ------ -------------Percent of---all families _____________ _Meon family income------------------------Meon income deficit------------------------- Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Meon size of family ------------------------- With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------- With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years -------- Percent of heads in labor force---------Fandly head1 -----------------------Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian male heads under 65 years. ___________ _Percent in lobar farce _____________________ _

--Unrelated lndMdu1l1 _________________ _ Percent of oil unrelated individuals __ _-Mean~~~----------------- Mean Income deficit------------------------- Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Persons .... __ -----.. ------------ ------ -


Percent of all persons-------------Percent receiving Social Security income ________ _ Percent 65 years and over.------------------Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _Related children under 18 years---------------Percent living with both parents -------------HoU11hold1 -------------------------


Percent of all households ----------In owner occupied housing units--------------- Meon value of unit-----------------------In renter occupied housing units --------------Mean gross rent-------------------------- Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities ___ _ INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL

-Uortlatod lodlvkluals ------------------ Percent of all unrelated individuals ----

f111llla1 -------- -------- -- ---- ------

Percent of all families-------------Mean income deficit------------------------- Families with female head -------------------Mean income deficit--------------------------

Pan••• ........ ------------------------ -

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years_ ___ ------ -- ----Percent living with both parents -------------INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL

-- -Meo . F111llla1 Pedrce.n! of--·---------------------all families. ____________ _ n income ef1cit -------------------------Families with female head ---------------------


Uortlatod Individuals------------------ -

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit --------------------------

Ptrsons -----------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 yeors----------------Percent living with both parents --------------



32.1 $1 201 4 342 12.3 1 951 50.8



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, elc.) and meaning ot symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Bakersfield

Los Angeles-Long Beach




Urban balance



Urban balance







83 503 10.3 3.61 51 000 2.40 8 700 6 588 2 798 46.4 83 503 11.l 63 621 92.l 22 617 17.8 37.2 323 904 8.7 7.8 76.4 92 085 53 227 $16 151 38 858 $88 1.4

17 832 9.7 3.48 10 516 2.28 2 437 l 814 710 46.6 17 832 12.l 13 531 93.4 6 448 17.5 34.6 68 580 9.3 9.1 73.7 22 367 13 624 $17 904 8 743 $105 1.2

48 808 10.9 3.66 30 890 2.41 5 176 4 024 1 779 44.9 48 808 10.2 36 473 91.9 12 222 18.9 38.5 190 956 8.2 7.1 78.l 55 640 31 750 $15 618 23 690 $85 l.1

102 046 12.8 3.66 60 545 2.46 12 076 a 447 3 685 38.3 102 046 12.6 78 408 91.1 33 376 15.6 34.9 406 634 9.2 8.7 75.8 111 446 66 181 $17 372 45 265 $99 1.5

41 277 13.l 3.48 23 342 2.33 6 254 4 293 1 935 40.6 41 277 13.4 30 145 90.8 18 597 15.3 33.1 162 130 10.7 10.2 76.8 53 760 30 778 $16 277 22 982 $108 l.l

36 SU 12.4 3.63 22 129 2.42 3 980 2 636 l 133 36.5 36 588 11.9 28 687 91.3 9 529 16.3 36.6 142 509 8.4 7.9 75.0 42 030 26 841 $18 670 15 189 $101 0.8

1 769 331 8.3 3.43 l 004 296 2.24 236 571 162 135 67 976 55.9 1 769 331 11.1 1 352 817 94.1 833 47.9 9.4 27.3 6 902 701 9.2 9.0 75.5 2 316 588 1 .078 609 $28 249 1 237 979 $128 l.l

17 233 5.2 3.03 7 306 l.98 2 094 1 085 338 66.0 17 233 17.8 ·12 406 94.3 9 217 7.1 39.7 61 357 14.9 15.4 77.8 23 589 10 613 $25 160 12 976 $120 1.0

14 082 7.7 3.17 7 692 1.96 1 497 1 094 487 66.3 14 082 8.6 11 388 95.2 5 390 12.5 26.0 50 080 8.6 7.8 80.0 17 065 7 274 $24 141 9 791 $127 0.7

25 245 5.5 3.06 11 952 1.95 2 957 l 875 555 75.5 25 245 12.0 19 547 94.6 10 904 7.3 26.l 88 230 10.3 10.0 76.6 33 075 16 729 $28 307 16 346 $127 0.8

16 299 7.1 4.19 12 156 2.58 1 367 l 128 468 57.7 16 299 3.7 14 051 97.1 2 545 9.3 17.3 70 886 3.5 2.7 70.9 15 852 11 610 $26 002 4 242 $141 0.2

17 182

17.3 4.28 12 681 2.80 3 413 2 845 1 407 . 49.4 17 182 5.8 12 832 91.4 4 201 15.8 22.I 77 740 5.4 3.9 73.8 19 657 11 371 $16 565 8 286 $110 0.7

10 522 12.6 $2 181 $1 517 29.6 4.19 7 688 3.12 3 508 3 192 l 783 33.4 10 522 13.2 5 573 71.3 8 005 35.4 $856 $966 17.8 42.8 52 051 16.l 13.0 10.8 76.7 23 593 55.7 14 757 16.0 6 327 $11 845 8 430 $74 3.9

2 096 11.8 $2 060 $1 534 29.7 3.95 l 465 2.96 945 827 430 29.5 2 096 16.9 847 67.9 2 213 34.3 $821 $1 013 19.5 41.3 10 484 15.3 14.4 14.0 68.6 4 317 39.7 3 585 16.0 l 536 $13 085 2 049 $62 3.9

6 246 12.8 $2 253 $1 528 32.1 4.26 4 744 3.11 2 133 l 993 l 153 32.4 6 246 11.5 3 279 72.8 4 470 36.6 $666 $955 16.6 42.4 31 049 16.3 12.4 9.6 81.0 14 563 54.7 8 917 16.0 3 800 $11 489 5 117 $73 3.2

14 522 14.2 $2 260 $1 505 35.6 4.43 10 645 3.37 4 830 4 294 2 424 25.5 14 522 15.8 7 750 69.2 12 525 37.5 $906 $930 13.6 36.0 76 887 18.9 11.5 10.7 76.5 35 667 57.2 20 064 18.0 7 880 $12 779 12 184 $84 4.0

5 332 12.9 $2 169 $1 427 38.8 4.02 3 662 3.15 2 357 2 083 1 194 27.5 5 332 19.3 2 109 64.0 6 794 36.5 $899 $952 11.9 34.4 28 211 17.4 14.9 14.4 77.6 11 555 37.4 9 446 17.6 3 601 $12 887 5 845 $93 2.6

4 684 12.8 $2 305 $1 516 38.l 4.41 3 564 3.31 l 593 l 427 761 23.7 4·684 15.0 2 527 63.l 3 628 38.l $954 $885 13.9 38.4 24 304 17.l 11.6 10.4 77.5 11 555 57.4 6 773 16.l 2 912 $13 261 3 861 $86 1.9

144 580 8.2 $1 870 $1 620 31.2 3.78 105 856 2.78 66 334 59 959 34 190 31.8 144 580 13.7 61 274 71.5 205 728 24.7 $826 $1 012 12.2 37.3 752 554 10.9 14.8 14.8 74.6 291 939 40.0 274 064 11.8 67 392 $22 775 206 672 $106 2.7

926 5.4 $1 594 $1 413 16.3 2.98 466 2.20 322 256 116 35.3 926 29.6 370 66.8 2 173 23.6 $905 $906 5.6 58.0 4 931 8.0 34.6 34.9 82.8 l 035 43.2 2 421 10.3 798 $22 319 1 623 $95 2.4

902 6.4 $1 701 $1 449 25.6 3.17 582 2.25 344 326 183 33.9 902 14.2 434 79.7 . 1 287 23.9 $853 $982 16.0 44.4 4 149 8.3 17.8 19.7 70.1 l 280 42.7 1 714 10.0 484 $20 111 1 230 $109 1.6

1 159 4.6 $1 630 $1 449 19.3 3.22 766 2.25 512 433 181 48.1 1 159 18.5 469 78.0 2 113 19.4 $865 $959 12.4 46.2 5 844 6.6 22.3 23.3 77.2 l 701 40.6 2 645 8.0 649 $24 963 l 796 $107 1.9

942 5.8 $2 120 $1 872 24.9 4.53 802 3.25 420 397 227 38.3 942 6.9 453 86.3 651 25.6 $566 $1 291 14.7 20.4 4 914 6.9 7.1 5.1 59.9 • 2 659 48.4 1 017 6.4 438 $23 334 579 $125 0.3

2 934 17.1 $2 174 $1 854 40.6 4.61 2 529 3.28 l 444 1 357 785 29.4 2 934 5.1 l 363 65.0 1 295 30.8 $730 $1 130 19.6 29.9 14 821 19.1 6.7 4.1 75.7 B 237 42.4 3 660 18.6 1 240 $16 958 2 420 $108 1.1

6 525 7.8 $1 209 2 452 5 720 25.3 $799 32 285 9.6 14 582 50.6

1 329 7.5 $1 227 669 1 640 25.4 $827 6 765 13.3 2 769 34.5

3 865 7.9 $1 214 l 489 3 173 26.0 $792 19 429 8.3 9 173 50.5

8 834 8.7 $1 185 3 298 8 925 26.7 $743 47 400 9.8 21 701 53.3

3 344 8.1 $1 078 1 588 4 925 26.5 $752 18 026 13.4 7 149 34.3

2 lt51 7.8 $1 ·194 l 077 2 551 26.8 $697 15 228 8.8 7 455 54.6

99 323 5.6 $1 265 49 593 153 592 18.4 $609 523 290 13.2 202 662 35.3

635 3.7 $1 115 216 1 528 16.6 $735 3 492 29.7 785 43.9

581 4.1 $1 233 215 960 17.8 $776 2 757 18.2 773 45.l

763 3.0 $1 219 358 1 516 13.9 $789 3 929 20.3 1 152 34.7

657 4.0 $1 499 320 517 20.3 $1 098 3 439 5.5 l 826 42.7

2 057 12.0 $1 399 1 086 1 007 24.0 $916 10 074 3.9 5 467 39.2

15 354 18.4 $1 830 4 376 11 070 48.9 $1 092 74 859 12.4 33 254 61.7

2 888 16.2 $1 897 1 137 2 937 45.5 $1 163 14 269 15.7 5 811 45.7

9 181 18.6 $1 839 2 665 6 313 51.7.. $1 065 45 215 11.3 20 663 61.7

20 181 19.8 $1 906 5 776 17 027 51.0 $1 079 104 411 12.5 46 802 62.2

7 282 17.6 $1 816 2 821 9 348 50.3 $1 088 38 011 16.8 14 742 44.2

6 684 18.3 $1 886 1 971 4 910 51.5 $1 049 33 697 11.9 15 659 62.6

201 110 11.4 ~1 920 l 740 277° 556 33.3 $1 148 1 042 445 16.3 399 528 47.5

1 384 8.0 $1 557 424 2 961 32.1 $1 054 7 068 36.0 1 502 47.9

1 260 8.9 $1 700 430 1 828 33.9 $1 072 5 7U 22.8 l 726

1 633 6.5 $1 709 673 2 790 25.6 $1 124 8 166 24.6 2 448 46.9

1 466 9.0 $2 047 522 864 33.9 $1 370 7 868 6.1 4 244 57.3

3 862 22.5 $2 318

ALL INCOME LEVELS Famlll11 ____________________________ _

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------·---·-------------With related children under 18 years-----------Mean number ot related children under 18 years_ Families with female head -·------·-----------With related children under 18 years --·----·-With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------Family heads-----·----···------·-----

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian mole family heads under 65 years-------Percent in labor force-----------------------

Unr41ated lndlvid•als ---------- -------- _

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over------·-·---------·-Ptrsons ____________ ---- ---- __ -----Percent receiving Social Security income _________ _ Percent 65 years and over---------·-----·---- Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _


Hauuhalds -------·-- ---·-- __ --------

In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean value of unit-----------------------In renter occupied housing units ·--··--·---·--- Mean gross rent-------------------------Percenl locking some or all plumbing facilities ___ _-


INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Families-------·-------------------Percenl of all families. ____________ _Mean family income--··-··-·--···---·----··- Mean income deficit-·---·------·------·-·--- Percenl receiving public assistance income ______ _ Mean size of tomily --------------··-·-----·With related children under 18 years----------- Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head ------·------·-··--With related children under 16 years --------- With related children under 6 years ---·---- Percent of heads in lobar force----------

-Family heads--·----------·---·-···-- Percent 65 years and over--------·----------- Civilian mole heads under 65 years ____________ _ Percent in labor force •• ___________________ _Unrelated lndlvlduals -------·---------- Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean income------------------ ____ --------- Mean income deficit -·----------------------- Percent receiving public assistance Income ______ _Percent 65 years and aver-------------------- P1r1ans ____ ---------------- -------- Percent of all persons _____________ _Percent receiving Social Security income ________ _Percent 65 years and over--·-····-·---------- . Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _Related children under 18 yeors •• ,------------- Percent living with both parents-------·-·-·- Households ____ •• __ •••• ______ -· ---· _


Percent of all households----------- In owner occupied housing units---·-----·-·--· Mean value of unit---·------··-------·---· In renter occupied housing units --·------------ Meon grass rent-------------------------Percent locking same or all plumbing facilities ••.•




Families-·-----····---··----··-··--Percent of all fomilies _____________ _ Mean Income deficit -------------·---------·Families with female hood ··-------·-------·-- -


Unreltted lndMduals ---·------ ·----·-- -

Perso11s ------.. --------------- ------ Percent 65 years and over---------------·---- Related children under 18 years_ ______________ _ Percent living with both parents -··----·----- -

Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _ Mean income deficit-·-----------------·--·-- -

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Famfflos -·-------·-------·---------- -

Percent of all families···----------- Mean income deficit -·----------------------- Families with female head -·----··-·----------


Unr41ated Individuals------------------ -

Percent of all unrelated individuals -·-Mean Income deficit-·-----·---·-------------Ptrsons ________ -------- ______ ,,, _____ _ Percent 65 years and over---------·-----·-··-Related children under 18 yeors--··------------Percent living with both parents -------------




1 70-4

l 692

40.3 $1 275 20 126 4.9 11 274 48.7


Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Data based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-long Beach-Con.


East Los Angeles (U)

ti Monte





24 565 4.6 3.23 12 838 2.00 2 173 1 506 544 72.2 24 565 7.8 20 598 95.5 7 697 5.8 19.9 87 145 6.6 6.3 74.8 30 140 17 103 $28 900 13 037 $139 0.2

23 752 18.0 4.06 15 751 2.68 4 643 3 215 1 586 37.5 23 752 13.3 16 527 91.2 6 612 18.4 35.0 103 154 9.1 7.9 73.9 27 417 10 486 $20 151 16 931 $93 1.5

17 746 12.2 3.51 10 772 2.29 2 463 1 911 902 48.3 17 746 10.1 13 609 93.2 6 376 15.2 29.2 68 752 8.7 7.5 76.9 21 296 8 550 $21 020 12 746 $114 1.2

36 620 5.6 3.03 16 640 1.99 4 596 2 655 894 72.7 36 620 16.9 26 559 94.4 20 186 8.4 37.2 131 012 13.8 14.8 76.l 51 912 20 507 $33 154 31 405 $124


14 199 5.4 3.30 8 293 2.05 1 775 1 248 379 82.6 14 199 6.9 11 449 94.9 5 843 6.2 16.5 52 757 7.1 5.8 80.4 18 016 6 823 $27 163 11 193 $140 0.8

24 400 5.9 3.02 11 270 1.90 3 229 1 976 755 74.8 24 400 12.7 18 351 92.8 14 898 5.8 24.3 88 569 11.3 11.l 78.4 34 073 10 680 $26 409 23 393 $135 1.0

22 035 4.6 3.62 14 227 2.21 1 716 1 241 348 59.5 22 035 5.9 18 947 96.3 2 828 6.2 23.0 82 488 4.8 4.2 75.5 23 831 19 093 $23 728 4 738 $157 0.3

92 893 7.7 3.05 43 404 2.03 12 588 8 099 3 542 51.9 92 893 14.9 64 871 92.2 59 022 11.5 35.7 342 437 14.3 14.l 79.5 132 844 52 944 $25 854 79 900 $118 1.2

1 104 4.5 $1 558 $1 664 16.9 3.42 703 2.44 366 322 177 46.9 1 104 16.l 580 80.5 1 462 19.0 $804 $1 040 7.0 36.1 s 240 6.0 16.3 16.3 78.0 1 708 50.2 1 981 6.6 845 $26 435 1 136 $120 0.4

3 974 16.7 $2 240 $1 734 40.0 4.46 3 263 3.23 l 797 l 673 981 22.9 3 974 13.7 l 776 70.7 2 271 34.3 $858· $973 19.7 42.7 20 010 19.4 10.2 9.1 73.8 10 360 47.8 5 401 19.7 l 242 $17 760 4 159 $87 1.4

1 941 10.9 $2 030 $1 541 37.8 3.93 l 544 2.79 869 831 527 26.9 1 941 12.2 861 71.l 1 614 25.3 $873 $961 17.4 39.8 9 246 13.4 13.6 11.3 78.4 4 362 41.8 2 895 13.6 576 $18 251 2 319 $104 3.4

1 934 5.3 $1 602 $1 425 19.7 3.11 l 190 2.20 737 599 273 37.4 1 934 21.9 851 73.0 4 586 22.7 $895 $917 10.7 55.2 10 605 8.1 29.0 30.6 80.6 2 562 47.9 5 284 10.2 l 100 $26 095 4 184 $102 '1.7

648 4.6 $1 906 $1 348 27.2 3.36 453 2.35 291 274 100 53.0 648 14.2 275 61.l 938 16.l $874 $962 8.2 31.0 3 118 5.9 17.5 14.7 79.2 l 014 39.5 1 188 6.6 308 $23 356 880 $121 2.4

1 303 5.3 $1 699 $1 412 18.8 3.12 861 2.09 561 501 296 44.3 l 303 20.2 516 71.1 2 867 19.2 $846 $987 7.8 46.2 6 937 7.8 25.l 25.7 77.8 l 791 41.9 3 281 9.6 814 $23 713 2 467 $111 2.7

90S 4.1 $1 742 $1 685 15.1 3.69 698 2.61 384 368 142 23.9 905 9.4 430 78.6 668 23.6 $716 $1 142 5.4 23.2 4 008 4.9 9.2 7.9 77.0 l 734 43.0 1 234 5.2 792 $22 491 442 $143

823 3.4 $1 266 294 1 101 14.3 $833 3 909 12.9 l 306 41.7

2 591 10.9 $1 400 l 259 l 635 24.7 $804 12 634 9.0 6 482 40.7

l 257 7.1 $1 228 636 1 199 18.8 $747 6 235 10.2 2 956 36.3

1 292 3.5 $1 161 522 3 322 16.5 $724 7 260 29.9 l 699 46.4

396 2.8 $1 098 185 676 11.6 $780 2 033 11.0 712 39.S

1 544 6.3 $1 886 518 1 922 25.0 $1 194_ 7 166 18.5 2 309 51.9

5 740 24.2 $2 059 2 184 3 135 47.4 $1 094 29 481 9.5 15 263 59.3

2 724 15.3 $1 .878 l 072 2 316 36.3 $1 057 13 165 12.2 5 992 49.1

2 701 7.4 $1 676 931 6 056 30.0 $1 089 14 329 33,4 3 379 52.8

927 6.5 $1 631 373 1 338 22.9 $1 058 4 506 17.2 1 491 49.l

Long Beach Los Angeles



694 719 9.9 3.36 383 601 2.21 112 580 76 845 33 972 54.l 694 719 12.0 508 891 93.4 421 838 9.7 25.0 2 759 118 9.8 9.8 74.0 985 290 382 947 $30 526 602 343 $126 1.5

21 602 6.8 3.96 15 324 2.47 1 886 1 469 542 66.2 21 602 4.1 18 845 95.3 3 581 9.0 22.0 89 093 4.2 3.2 70.7 23 040 16 827 $19 896 6 213 $138 0.3

28 479 12 755 8.3 8.3 3.16 4.03 13 467 8 590 2.17 / 2.56 4 384· 1 207 2 627 851 1 160 330 55.1 55.2 28 479 12 755 18.4 6.9 19 588 10 725 93.4 95.4 20 111 2 155 8.0 8.7 39.4 21.4 110 202 53 593 6.1 14.7 16.4 4.6 73.5 77.8 42 889 13 992 18 231 10 561 $30 187 $21 056 24 658 3 431 $126 $121 1.6 0.5


7 620 8.2 $1 626 $1 572 26.0 3.31 5 115 2.43 3 648 3 251 l 965 30.8 7 620 16.4 2 651 66.2 15 162 25.7 $698 $922 12.8 45.4 40 350 11.8 22.0 22.4 78.0 12 316 34.0 18 019 13.6 3 615 $21 438 14 404 $99 2.7

68 501 9.9 $1 886 $1 606 34.3 3.79 50 477 2.80 33 843 30 544 17 830 31.0 68 501 13.3 27 108 69.8 107 327 25.4 $815 $1 028 12.8 33,5 366 '890 13.3 13.8 14.l 72.8 139 962 35.7 137 553 14.0 26 126 $23 997 lll 427 $104 3.4

1 306 6.0 $1 900 $1 828 24.3 4.09 1 055 2.83 460 425 226 37.2 1 306 9.4 736 79.9 974 27.2 $809 $1 022 9.0 36.9 6 317 7.1 9.3 8.6 69.2 2 925 62.0 1 740 7.6 895 $19 054 845 $124 1.0

2 199 7.7 $1 934 $1 511 34.5 3.68 l 533 2.77 1 064 957 616 33.6 2 199 16.4 847 72. l 4 930 24.5 $845 $984 9.4 47.6 13 014 11.B 20.1 23.6 69.6 4 128 31.3 s 593 13.0 l 461 $22 040 4 132 $101 3.4

874 6.9 $1 999 $1 916 26.9 4.35 681 3.01 292 269 139 23.0 874 15.4 462 77.7 S51 25.6 $624 $1 226 11.8 26.0 4 354 8.1 9.9 8.4 73.2 2 056 59.7 1 137 8.1 634 $17 936 503 $108 0.8

856 3.5 $1 160 383 2 112 14.2 $786 4 811 24.0 l 226 39.9

658 3.0 $1 317 286 520 18.4 $930 2 765 7.7 l 173 41.3

5 330 5.7 $1 266 2 947 10 971 18.6 $723 28 437 19.8 8 986 27.8

47 257 6.8 $1 236 25 355 80 698 19.l $821 256 881 12.6 97 903 30.8

928 4.3 $1 456 375 664 18.5 $926 4 259 7.5 l 949 55,0

1 504 5.3 $1 113 788 3 696 18.4 $773 9 155 22.2 2 937 29.3

613 4.8 $1 493 222 464 21.5 $941 3 124 7.6 l 433 57.7

1 902 7.8. $1 617 749 3 916 26.3 $1 120 9 928 27.4 2 569 46.2

1 253 5.7 $1 985 453 840 29.7 $1 316 5 520 8.7 2 473 53.7

10 795 11.6 $1 792 4 507 21 699 36.8 $1. 028 57 191 25.4 16 588 42.2

93 905 13.5 $1 929 41 247 143 794 34.l $1 169 498 662 15.6 185 970 42.8

l 919 8.9 $2 039 615 1 252 35.0 $1 196 9 421 8.9 4 560 67.0

3 216 11.3 $1 745 1 377 6 659 33.1 $1 125 18 012 25.6 5 474 39.2

1 310 10.3 $2 121 406 733 34.0 $1 319 6 652 9.2 3 298 66.0

Pico Rivera


~Percent r::~~\I;~ p-u-biic-a~sist;nce-fn_c_ome:::::::: Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years_ Families with female head ----·---------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------Family heads-------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian mole family heads under 65 years-------Percent in labor force----------------------Unrelated lndlvlduals -------------------

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Ptnans ------------ __ -------- -------

Percent receiving Social Security Income _________ _ Percent 65 years and over---------------·----Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Households __ -------- ------ ------ ___ _

In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value al unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent locking same or all plumbing facilities ___ _




families __ -------- __ ---------------- -

'. Percent of all families--------------"(Mean family income-------------------------, Mean income deficit-------------------------'-Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years_ Families with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force ----------Family heads------------------------ -

Percent 65 years and over---·----------------Civilian male heads under 65 years _____________ _ Percent in labor force __ -------------- __ ---- Unrelated Individuals ------ ------------ -

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income _________________ ., -- ---- ------ __ Mean income deficit __________ ---- ---- ------ __ Percent receiving public assistance income-------Percent 65 years ond over-------------------- ",.,

Persons ____ ---- ____ ---- _._. ____ -- -----

Percent of all persons ______________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income _________ _ 'Percent 65 years and over--------------------Percent receiving Social Security Income _______ _ Related children under 18 yeors----------------Percent living with both parents -------------Households __ -------- -~ -------- ------

Percent of all households-----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit ------------------------,In renter occupied housing units---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities_ ___ _ INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Families ____ ~------------------------

Percent of all families--------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head ---------------------

Unrelated Individuals __________________ _

Percent of all unrelated individuals---Mean Income deficit-·-----·-----------------Penani ---- ____ ---------- .. ----------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years----------------Percent living with both parents -------------INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL .


____________________________ _

"Percent of all families ______________ _ Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head --------------------'"-

Unrelated Individuals __ ·----------------

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---'Mean income deficit--------------------------

Persons ---- -------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years----------------Percent living with both parents -------- ------



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) end meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Modesto

los Angeles-Long Beach- Con.

Torrance West Covino


Urban balance



Urban balonce

16 576 7.3 3.00 7 535 1.94 1 957 1 165 486 59.3 16 576 14.7 12 413 92.7 6 980 13.0 34.0 56 746 13.1 12.2 80.0 21 759 10 115 $20 300 11 644 $107 0.5

35 212 3.1 3.49 21 462 2.13 2 983 2 161 619 70.0 35 212 5.8 30 080 96.2 10 625 4.9 16.5 133 559 5.3 4.7 78.4 41 642 23 526 $31 155 lB 116 $164 0.5

16 841 3.9 3.85 11 423 2.31 1 187 815 260 76.2 16 841 4.7 14 916 96.7 2 740 3.1 16.6 67 547 4.5 3.5 76.4 18 511 14 597 $25 477 3 914 $160 0.1

19 643 5.3 3.26 10 083 2.05 1 864 1 08B 388 63.1 19 643 13.1 15 56B 96.0 6 761 8.5 40.6 70 871 11.0 11.0 79.3 24 634 15 279 $2B 363 9 355 $129 0.6

496 093 7.1 3.59 303 455 2.32 54 761 39 113 15 569 56.8 496 093 9.6 397 669 94.9 161 220 B.B 27.7 1 942 623 7.7 7.2 75.B 592 888 337 700 $27 820 255 lBB $135 0.6

50 709 12.4 3.50 29 411 2.34 5 290 3 B91 1 563 48.6 50 709 14.1 3B B68 90.0 14 745 19.1 39.B 191 982 10.6 9.8 7B.6 53 100 32 62B $17 951 20 472 $98 1.0

16 266 8.7 3.40 9 749 2.24 1 BB9 1 394 5BO 57.B 16 266 11.6 12 633 92.5 5 476 17.7 38.4 60 753 9.2 9.3 73.7 20 271 12 676 $19 665 7 595 $116 0.6

19 209 16.4 3.50 11 106 2.34 2 217 1 686 707 42.6 19 209 15.4 14 282 87.4 6 048 22.4 40.9 73 333 11.6 10.6 80.S 22 395 13 701 $16 093 8 694 $91 1.0

1 652 7.3 $1 688 $1 352 20.6 3.11 939 2.33 659 531 223 43.0 1 652 22.B 683 73.4 5 274 24.4 $723 $1 132 7.5 32.6 10 416 12.0 21.2 22.8 72.6 2 129 39.1 4 887 12.9 556 $34 107 4 331 $129 3.7

1 233 7.4 Jl 521 1 424 24.6 2.92 679 2.03 428 359 205 21.5 1 233 23.5 531 70.4 1 658 23,8 $902 $912 17.1 55.2 5 261 9.3 26.2 26.3 77.0 1 404 42.5 2 455 11.3 895 $17 574 1 560

684 4.1 $1 593 $1 770 12.0 3.53 473 2.43 220 177 96

m 0.6

1 163 3.3 $1 637 $1 555 15.4 3.33 825 2.2B 501 439 172 45.9 1 163 16.4 505 B9.5 1551 14.6 $847 $980 9.7 32.2 5 422 4.1 17.2 15.1 78.2 1 919 45.9 2 095 5.0 774 $27 332 1 321 $138 3.2

684 11.3 406 85.2 636 23.2 $615 $1 230 6.9 29.6 3 050 4.5 10.6 11.1 63.7 1 196 59.7 924 5.0 576 $23 906 348 $14B 1.2

846 4.3 $1 772 $1 384 21.3 3.36 525 2.53 320 271 166 41.6 846 24.6 362 74.0 1 682 24.9 f963 854 9.3 51.8 4 522 6.4 26.1 27.3 79.5 1 278 47.9 2 002 8.1 737 $21 703 1 265 $103 1.3

35 444 7.1 $1 B79 $1 6B2 29.6 3.90 26 617 2.B4 15 169 13 838 7 617 33.2 35 444 12.5 16 532 73.2 38 484 23.9 $823 $1 009 11.6 3B.8 176 739 9.1 13.5 12.9 75.3 75 097 44.2 57 914 9.8 19 132 $22 205 38 782 $112 1.6

6 002 11.8 $2 100 $1 354 32.2 3.83 3 94B 2.96 1 861 1 659 856 35.2 6 002 21.0 3 015 63.5 5 378 36.5 $890 $925 18.0 45.B 28 387 14.B 17.0 16.5 77.8 11 530 57.6 8 298 15.6 3 660 $13 066 4 638 $B4 2.B

1 428 8.8 $1 B72 $1 433 29.4 3.53 954 2.69 578 536 274 49.3 1 428 23.0 539 67.9 1 577 2B.B $863 $959 15.7 46.4 6 616 10.9 lB.1 19.5 76.8 2 455 42.9 2 498 12.3 1 023 $15 954 1 475 $96 1.6

2 744 14.3 J2 289 1 263 37.8 3.87 1 819 2.96 863 761 417 2B.8 2 744 21.0 1 375 58.9 2 496 41.3 $913 $918 20.9 44.1 13 109 17.9 17.0 16.0 79.0 5 376 5B.7 4 087 lB.2 1 845 $11 607 2 242 $82 3.0

541 3.7 $1 212 267 805 14.7 $730 2 752 13.7 1 036 37.0

1 059 4.1 $1 lOB 450 4 289 19.9 $869 7 561 21.8 1 383 34.4

852 5.1 $1 152 313 1 135 16.3 $760 3 626 22.B 1 000 41.2

767 2.2 $1 343 321 1 127 10.6 $796 3 707 11.9 1 280 43.8

505 3.0 $1 393 162 524 19.1 $972 2 325 9,2 877 59.4

546 2.B $1 099 234 1 155 17.1 $687 2 965 22.4 896 40.1

24 556 4.9 fl 313 1 468 28 562 17.7 $813 123 101 11.4 52 724 39.9

3 697 7.3 $1 041 1 289 3 799 25.B $757 17 483 15.9 6 B56 49.9

912 5.6 $1 165 394 1 123 20.5 $795 4 216 19.6 1 541 34.7

1 622 8,4 $921 587 1 747 2B.9 $752 7 922 14.5 3 157 51.1

1 269 B.B $1 731 517 1 581 28.8 $1 038 6 180 17.1 2 322 47.1

2 265 10.0 $1 666 796 6 884 31.9 $1 272 14 067 24.B 2 9B2 48.2

1 729 Hl.4 $1 645 563 2 367 33.9 $1 024 7 607 26.9 2 079 48.7

1 615 4.6 $1 803 618 2 114 19.9 $1 116 7 627 16.9 2 613 49.9

927 5.5

1 250 6.4 $1 605 420 2 385 35.3 $989 6 369 30.4 1 682 50.2

49 532 10.0 $1 977 18 794 51 711 32.1 $1 149 247 568 14.2 105 079 51.7

8 744 17.2 $1 671 2 302 7 462 50.6 $1 054 40 908 17.5 16 504 63.4

2 025 12.4 $1 738 6BB 2 320 42.4 $1 034 9 420 21.5 3 391 51.7

4 060 21.l $1 595 1 123 3 467 57.3 $1 048 19 168 17.4 7 B17 63.3


Redondo Beach

Santa Monico

South Gate

21 003 10.7 3.59 12 447 2.43 2 541 1 914 908 52.6 21 003 11.7 16 238 93.2 8 339 11.7 31.8 83 813 9.8 8.9 B0.5 25 839 14 351 $1B 539 11 48B $115 0.8

14 436 6.B 3.48 B 926 2.17 1 774 1 344 500 65.2 14 436 7.2 11 670 95.1 5 493 8.6 22.8 55 781 7.0 6.0 Bl.8 17 949 7 697 $26 '297 10 252 $157 0.7

22 734 6.1 2.86 9 065 1.92 3 613 1 937 67B 70.9 22 734 17.1 15 703 92.6 21 577 6.3 27.9 86 696 14.9 15.6 76.5 37 988 7 336 $39 004 30 652 $152 1.2

1 965 9.4 $2 160 $1 609 34.B 4.19 1 4B6 3,14 817 755 49B 32.3 1 965 13.1 930 72.6 2 412 28.9 $856 $987 14.5 39.B 10 643 12.7 15.2 13.6 77.0 4 824 45.3 3 418 13.2 1 147 $16 062 2 271 $106 2.3

905 6.3 $2 012 $1 406 26.5 3.63 643 2.63 396 375 191 26.7 905 15.8 379 73.9 1 138 20.7 fB96 907 10.B 38.1 4 421 7.9 16.7 16.0 B2.3 1 651 40.0 1 643 9.2 412 $21 356 1 231 $126 3.2

1 271 6.1 $1 267 562 1 777 21.3 $798 7 068 12.2 3 070 44.1

2 838 13.5 $1 B97 1 026 3 263 39.1 $1 129 15 488 13.7 6 BB6 53.9

ALL INCOME LEVELS Faollllts -· --·--·---- ----------------Percent receiving public assistance income. ______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With relate
----Ho111holtl1 -·-···-···--------------- In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean vol.e of unit------------------------ In renter occupied housing units-··------------ Mean gross rent---------·---------------- Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities •••• Faollly hHd• ------------------------

Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian mole family heads under 65 years-------Percent In labor force---------------------Uortlated lodlvhlvals -----------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Percent 65 years and over-------------------P1no11 ____________________ .. ___ .. __ _ Percent receiving Sociol Security income ________ _ Percent 65 years and over·------------·--··-Percent receiving Social Security income •••••••

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Fa•ille1 •• __ •••••• ____ ---·--------··


Percent of ell families---·-·-------- Mean family income------------------------Mean income deficit-----------------------·· Percent receiving public assistance income ••.•.•• Mean size of family ----------·--·······-·--- With related children under 18 years ----------· Meon number of related children under lB years Families with female head ---·········----·--· With related children under 18 years -----·--· With related children under 6 years ·····--Percent of heads in lobar force----------

--Fa"'lly heds ----·------------------- Percent 65 years end over·------------------- --

Clvllion mole headsforce under_____________________ 65 years •••••...•••••_ Percent in labor Unrtlat1d lndMduals _________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals •.• Meon lncome------------------------------Meon Income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ••.•.•• Percent 65 years end over-------·------------ Pers1111 ___ ............... ,,. .... ______________ _


Percent of all persons •••• ---------Percent receiving Social Security income________ _ Percent 65 years and over-------------------Percent receiving Social Security income •••.••• Related children under 18 years _______________ _Percent living with bath parents ---·--------- Hou11hol41 ____ .••• ---- ________ ..... Percent of oll households----------- In owner occupied housing units ---------------Mean value of unit -----------------------In renter occupied housing units ---------·--··Mean gross rent-------------------·-·---Percent locking some or ell plumbing facllilies ___ _





~~~-------------Percent of oil families-------------Mean income deficit------------------------Families with female head ····---------------U•rtlat1d ldMdv1l1 ..•• _____________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean income deficit---------------··-------- P1rso••-- __ ---- ........................ -------Percent 65 years and over····-------------··· Related children under 18 years •••••••••••• ___ _Percent living with bath parents ·------------




F111tlle1 .. __ ---- -·-------- -- -- •••••. Percent of ell families. •..•••.•••••• Mean income deficit ---------------·--------- Families with female heed ---·------------··-Uortlattd lodlvW..11 •• _. _____________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals ••• . Mean Income deficit ---------------------···-


P1no11 ..................... ____ .................. ------

Percent 65 years and over-------------------Related children under IB yeorS-----------·---· Percent living with bolh parents -------------




$2 065

268 841 30.7 $1 337 4 252 11.9 1 682 61.8


Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Excludes inmates of Institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Data based an sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Oxnard-Ventura





Simi Valley

Ventura (San Buenaven· tura)

Urban balance


ArdenArcade (U)


Urban balance



91 366 5.5 3.77 60 686 2.43 8 115 6 234 2 509 59.0 91 366 9.2 72 922 95.3 23 004 9.0 28.0 367 551 6.7 6.4 75.5 98 396 63 556 $25 515 34 840 $126 0.5

16 436 7.6 3.86 10 963 2.55 2 136 1 703 741 52.5 16 436 7.0 12 362 94.4 5 301 7.7 19.1 68 817 5.8 5.0 72.3 18 405 10 079 $20 831 8 326 $132 0.7

13 020 4.0 4.26 10 623 2.52 683 545 203 64.5 13 020 3.0 11 963 97.4 977 8.5 22.0 56 449 3.0 2.3 78.2 13 174 11 539 $26 267 1 635 $175 0.1

15 ~~ 3.41 8 698 2.25 1 455 1 021 424 63.7 15 008 12.2 11 806 94.8 5 230 11.6 35.2 56 375 9.7 9.6 75.5 18 088 10 427 $25 490 7 661 $138 0.7

39 804 5.2 3.73 26 117 2.40 3 327 2 608 994 60.2 39 804 10.4 31 054 94.8 9 404 9.2 30.0 157 685 7.3 7.0 77.1 42 526 27 883 $26 535 14 643 $116 0.4

203 704 9.1 3.52 122 539 2.29 22 423 16 584 6 572 53.8 203 704 9.9 154 280 92.7 69 829 11.7 27.1 786 482 7.9 7.4 75.4 236 315 142 343 $20 480 93 972 $118 0.9

22 254 4.4 3.32 12 424 2.04 2 173 1 525 463 68.5 22 254 7.4 17 871 93.6 8 565 3.4 13.6 82 454 6.1 5.5 75.2 27 836 16 545 $25 541 11 291 $145 0.2

65 798 13.3 3.38 35 675 2.27 9 397 6 475 2 784 46.6 65 798 14.1 47 289 90.9 31 302 16.6 34.3 253 927 11.4 11.1 76.0 88 095 49 811 $18 750 38 284 $106 1.4

91 651 7.7 3.65 60 471 2.31 9 158 7 373 2 866 58.7 91 651 6.8 70 070 94.0 23 287 8.6 21.5 357 633 5.7 4.9 75.1 100 667 63 397 $20 083 37 270 $124 0.6

57 105 6.8 3.55 34 559 2.36 6 196 4 754 1 927 54.3 57 \05 11.0 38 189 92.1 20 360 B.8 29.9 223 301 7.8 8.1 71.6 65 751 33 224 $26 719 32 527 $110 1.1

6 368

6 744

550 4.2 $1 874 $1 996 16.4 4.39 451 3.14 210 202 103 45.6 550 8.9 292 75.7 334 34.2 $576 $1 276 6.3 25.4 2 746 4.9 8.6 6.7 81.5 1 420 55.0 581 4.4 436 $24 513 145 $159


17.7 3.98 5 022 2.96 2 631 2 439 1 304 39.7 6 744 14.0 3 099 76.9 7 123 31.0 $807 $1 037 9.7 33.2 33 996 9.2 12.1 11.8 75.2 14 612 49.5 9 230 9.4 3 495 $22 116 5 735 $102 1.3

1 780 10.8 $2 052 $1 852 22.1 4.39 1 467 3.19 798 732 413 36.1 1 780 7.5 808 78.6 1 444 27.2 $821 $1 046 9.3 26.7 9 255 13.4 7.4 6.6 73.6 4 521 44.4 2 208 12.0 621 $18 591 1 587 $110 1.4

17 439 8.6 $1 937 $1 568 32.0 3.83 12 811 2.78 7 068 6 566 3 467 31.4 17 439 12.4 7 961 69.2 22 189 31.8 $868 $974 13.0 29.7 88 922 11.3 12.4 11.7 72.8 35 276 45.6 28 559 12.1 9 793 $16 277 18 766 $103 2.7

932 4.2 $1 324 $1 738 15.1 3.29 681 2.15 385 357 160 46.3 932 6.4 443 72.0 1 653 19.3 $834 $1 021 5.9 24.9 4 718 5.7 12.8 12.0 79.9 1 460 41.4 1 786 6.4 686 $23 575 1 100 $135 1.1

6 873 10.4 $2 061 $1 493 42.9 3.87 5 037 2.84 2 972 2 758 l 563 25.l 6 873 13.9 2 988 62.2 9 522 30.4

7 183 7.8 i1 928 l 634 27.2 3.89 5 555 2.78 3 088 2 904 1 495 35.7 7 183


24.8 3.55 614 2.68 419 377 209 45.9 871 14.8 331 69.2 1 401 26.8 $895 $936 12.7 39.3 4 490 8.0 17.8 17.8 73.5 1 619 39.3 1 687 9.3 542 $22 084 1 145 $112 2.0

3 075 7.7 $1 791 $1 698 14.5 3.81 2 198 2.82 1 098 1 022 511 37.2 3 075 17.2 1 395 76.0 3 190 33.9 $815 $1 021 10.0 34.9 14 897 9.4 13.7 13.6 75.4 6 118 52.0 4 197 9.9 1 684 $22 294 2 513 $91 0.9

935 19.7 36.l 36 118 14.2 14.7 14.2 71.9 14 270 41.6 13 420 15.2 4 108 $14 361 9 312 $92 3,5

3 131 74.1 8 437 36.2 $850 $1 006 7.6 22.7 36 373 10.2 9.3 8.6 73.3 15 303 45.6 10 829 10.8 3 968 $16 745 6 861 $116 1.8

5 496 9.6 $2 083 $1 523 22.1 3.99 4 077 2.97 2 099 1 946 1 035 35.4 5 496 12.8 2 350 71.7 5 886 28.9 $798 $1 038 9.5 31.2 27 842 12.5 11.0 10.8 74.7 11 935 48,3 8 093 12.3 2 625 $20 752 5 468 $103 3,0

408 21.l 164 66.5 763 23.3 $821 $1 034 9.2 29.1 1 997 8.3 17.9 18.4 79.6 473 50.3 854 9.9 307 $26 832 547 $126 2.9

4 573 5.0 $1 412 1 940 5 231 22.7 $856 23 040 10.8 9 787 44.2

1 216 7.4 $1 486 584 1 031 19.4 $902 6 177 5.7 3 025 40.4

381 2.9 $1 708 162 271 27.7 $1 052 1 870 6.7 951 47.2

526 3.5 $1 315 273 961 18.4 $791 2 879 16.2 1 049 39.4

2 121 5.3 $1 362 830 2 359 25.1 $824 10 343 12.1 4 255 46.5

11 460 5.6 $1 272 5 264 16 404 23.5 $768 59 061 10.8 23 158 38.3

668 3.0 $1 456 294 1 278 14.9 $782 3 515 11.8 1 120 41.3

4 516 6.9 $1 142 2 150 6 732 21.5 $759 23 694 13.3 9 263 35.3

4 736 5.2 $1 359 2 349 6 423 27.6 $778 24 349 7.7 10 100 37.6

3 440 6.0 $1 255 1 518 4 470 22.0 $835 17 657 10.0 7 307 41.7

279 4.4 $1 112 83 554 16.9 $858 1 405 14.3 357 57.1

9 931

2 530 15.4 $2 154 983 1 930 36.4 $1 192 13 098 7.1 6 497 53.0

874 6.7 $2 053 292 387 39.6 $1 515 4 295 6.3 2 321 63.8

1 282 8.5 $1 711 530 1 892 36.2 $1 083 6 499 19.9 2 357 47.5

4 486 11.3 $1 908 1 360 3 887 41.3 $1 258 21 255 14.0 8 900 60.3

24 630 12.1 $1 866 8 594 29 521 42.3 $1 135 124 853 13.1 49 526 54.0

1 252 5.6 $1 989 458 2 265 26.4 $1 153 6 345 13.8 1 830 46.0

9 467 14.4 $1 851 3 615 13 146 42.0 $1 073 50 040 16.1 19 120 49.2

10 336 11.3 $1 902 3 790 10 914 46.9 $1 189 51 701 9.7 22 113 54.5

a 022

612 9.6 $1 578 193 1 046 31.9 $1 151 2 839 19.5 686 53.5

ALL INCOME LEVELS Fomlll11 ----------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years_ Fomilies with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in lobar force----------Family heads------------------------Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilion mole family heads under 65 years-------Percent in labor force __ ---- -- ---- ----------Unrelated lhdlvlduals •• __ ---- ______ ---- _ Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------P1nons ______ .. _-- -- ---- -- ---------- -

Percent receiving Social Security income_________ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Percent receiving Social Security income-.-----Housohalds -------------- -----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit ------------------------In renter occupied housing units---------------Meon gross rent--------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ____ _

4.4 3.28 3 597 2.06 701 507 160 67.5 6 368 11.1 3 466 89.9 3 276 6.5 22.6 24 14$ 7.9 8.5 70.2 8 592 3 445 $28 799 5 147 $124 0.9

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL lamlllu ----------------------------Percent of oil families ______________ _ Mean family income-------------------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Meon size of family -------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------Family hoods ____ -- -- ---------- ------Percent 65 yeors and over--------------------Civilion male heads under 65 years-------------Percent in labor force----------------------Unrelated lndlvlduats __________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income-------------------------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------P1rson1 ------------ ---------- -------

Percent of all persons.-------------Percent receiving Social Security income _________ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Related children under 18 years. _______________ _ Percent living with both parents -------------Hou11hold1 __ ---------- -------------Percent of all households -----------In owner occupied housing units ---------------Mean value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units ---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent locking some or oil plumbing facilities ____ _

f11 7318347.4

5.8 fl1 482 806




6.4 f11 404 637

8.8 3.02 256 1.96 125 120 42


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL FotoHle1 •• -----•• ------------------Percent of oil families ______________ _ Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head --------------------Unrelotod lndlvlduol1 ------------------Percent of oil unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit-------------------------P1nons ........ ____ ---- __ .... __ ---- __ ............

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years. _______________ _ Percent living with both parents ---------·----

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL lotoltles ----------------------------_ Percent of all families ______________ Mean Income deficit -------------------------Families with female head --------------------Unrelated lndlvltluals ---------·--------Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit -------------------------Parsons __ ------ ........ ______ .................. __ _

Percent 65 years ond over--------------------Related children under 18 years.----------·----Percent living with both parents --------------

10.9 $1 944 3 298 9 064 39.4 $1 224 49 283 12.5 21 654 58.2


14.0 $1 815 2 530 7 676 37.7 $1 198 39 468 11.3 16 740 56.3


Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:

1970- Continued

[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con.

Urbanized Areas


Urban balance


14 969 9.0 3.57 9 279 2.36 1 662 l 254 540 45.2 14 969 9.2 11 809 94.9 4 662 12.6 32.5 58 074 7.5 7.2 76.3 17 986 9 550 $22 258 8 436 $114 l.6

24 385 6.3 3.52 14 816 2.35 3 136 2 500 980 59.5 24 385 ll.3 14 583 89.8 8 490 8.4 32.5 94 302 8.0 8.6 70.0 29 503 14 993 $27 408 14 510 $112 0.6

291 573 8.7 3.49 165 852 2.40 28 228 20 892 8 620 47.9 291 573 15.8 206 771 91.1 90 235 13.9 39.0 1 106 512 11.5 10.9 79.l 323 417 196 838 $20 083 126 579 $109 1.l

1 259 8.4 $2 070 $1 535 37.8 4.02 979 2.96 606 565 337 27.0 1 259 9.6 549 70.3 1 383 29.7 $753 $1 079 11.2 34.0 6 441 11.l 11.2 10.6 78.2 2 767 39.5 2 010 11.2 474 $18 417 l 536 $95 5.1

2 807 11.5 $2 075 $1 593 17.9 4.03 2 148 2.97 I 109 l 041 511 41.7 2 807 12.2 l 033 67.3 2 502 29.5 $828 $1 019 10.5 34.9 13 827 14.7 10.7 10.4 72.8 6 309 46.6 4 198 14.2 l 518 $19 935 2 680 $110 1.4


803 5.4 $1 211 430 1 055 22.6 $888 4 052 10.7 l 670 27.2

Famlliu ______ •• ---- ____ -----· ------ Percent of all families _____________ _ Mean income deficit-------------·----------- families with female head -------------------- Unrelated Individuals-----------------Percent of all unrelated Individuals __ _ Mean income deficit------------------------Penons ______ ............. __ .... ------ ____ ... .. Percent 65 years and over-------------------Related children under 18 years _______________ _ Percent living with both parents -------------

1 809 12.l $1 844 667 1 900 40.8 $1 180 8 928 13.2 3 680 49.2

Places of 50,000 or More

San Diego

Son 8ernordinG-Riverside-Ontorlo




Son Bernardino

Urban balance


Chula Vista

El Cajon

25 852 13.5 3.48 14 609 2.36 3 927 2 895 1 370 37.7 25 852 14.1 17 317 90.0 10 730 18.8 37.2 100 658 11.5 10.6 76.9 32 654 18 673 396 13 981 $103 0.9

170 424 8.5 3.50 98 188 2.41 15 839 11 823 4 702 48.4 170 424 16.4 120 014 91.7 48 843 13.7 41.9 644 997 11.7 ll.2 79.8 189 573 116 315 $20 068 73 258 $113 0.8

326 707 6.0 3.43 185 237 2.27 37 713 28 139 12 251 50.5 326 707 12.l 220 671 91.6 125 000 9.0 28.B 1 246 753 9.6 9.1 78.0 388 065 208 615 $25 555 179 450 $128 l.4

18 212 5.5 3.43 10 679 2.22 1 908 1 534 634 45.4 18 212 8.6 12 030 92.9 4 815 8.1 33.2 67 351 7.8 7.1 80.6 19 816 11 422 $24 031 8 394 $143 0.5

13 837 6.5 3.39 8 082 2.15 l 567 1 165 425 52.2 13 837 9.9 10 638 93.3 4 025 9.9 29.6 50 983 8.6 7.7 79.2 15 395 8 247 $23 839 7 148 $135 0.6

San Diego (urban part)

Urban balance

163 381 6.6 3.39 91 691 2.24 22 022 16 184 7 232 49.0 163 381 11.7 108 870 91.8 81 010 8.8 26.0 634 984 9.6 9.2 77.2 215 820 105 560 $25 773 110 260 $127 1.9

109 676 5.5 3.50 63 Ill 2,31 10 814 8 239 3 559 52.7 109 676 12.7 73 133 91.3 29 920 9,9 35.0 413 889 9.6 9.1 78.8 117 969 68 635 $24 460 49 334 $130 0.6

ALL INCOME LEVELS fa111lll11 ----------------------------Percent receiving public assistance Income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under l 8 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------With related children under l 8 years --------- With related children under 6 years -------Percent of heads in labor force---------fo111Jly hoods __ ------ __ ---- ---------- Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian male family heads under 65 years------Percent in labor force _____________________ _


Unrelated tndMdools ------------------ Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Penans -- -- ,._ ------ _______ .. -------- Percent receiving Social Security income •. ------Percent 65 years and over-------------------Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _

-Ha•11hold1 ---------- ---- ---- ------ _In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean value al unit------------------------ In renter occupied housing units--------------- Mean gross rent--------------------------


Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ___ _-

34 838 7.1 3.53 21 012 2.29

16 595 9.1 3.56 10 160 2.33 1 755 l 296 650 50.8 16 595 10.7 13 213 94.0 4 430 14.9 38.I 63 503 9.2 8.l 78.8 19 273 11 406 $18 042 ' 7 867 $108 0.5

2 883 l 076 55.5 34 838 10.7 26 227 93.l 12 374 11.9 30.2 135 226 8.5 8.0 76.7 42 539 26 259 $22 369 16 280 $121 1.0

29 939 10.3 $1 901 $1 530 25.5 3.73 19 501 2.91 10 179 9 285 5 160 28.7 29 939 20.0 13 129 67.0 29 196 32.4 $856 $966 13.3 44.7 140 905 12.7 17.1 16.6 76.5 55 928 49.0 43 791 13.5 18 585 $16 026 25 206 $94 2.6

1 711 10.3 $1 982 $1 516 22.4 3.82 1 244 2.76 640 602 399 31.8 l 711 16.5 810 73.7 1 484 33.5 $845 $975 16.3 47.0 8 015 12.6 16.0 14.5 74.3 3 470 48.3 2 652 13.8 976 $14 971 l 676 $95 2.0

2 904 8.3 $1 681 $1 733 26.2 3.68 2 100 2.61 I 243 I 080 546 3Q.4 2 904 14.2 l 264 69.2 4 056 32.8 $827 $1 016 10.3 33.l 14 742 10.9 14.4 13.8 79.7 5 377 47.0 5 204 12.2 2 018 $18 060 3 186 $104 2.6

3 312 12.8 $2 026 $1 579 39.4 3.92 2 461 2.96 l 602 l 481 894 23.9 3 312 12.7 1 267 67.8 3 332 31. l $882 $949 18.5 42.l 16 323 16.2 14.l 13.0 78.0 7 187 36.0 5 327 16.3 1 946 $13 147 3 381 $87 l.9

16 324 9.6 $1 900 $1 525 25.6 3.73 10 693 2.91 5 559 5 147 2 787 28.4 16 324 21.1 6 828 67.7 15 378 31.5 $872 $948 13.l 49.0 76 199 11.8 17.8 17.9 75.8 30 679 47.9 23 937 12.6 10 262 $16 188 13 675 $97 l.9

28 216 8.6 $1 660 $1 720 17.6 3.60 20 650 2.61 12 796 11 985 7 192 32.4 28 216 12.6 9 871 68.2 34 154 27.3 fB45 995 10.2 32.0 135 842 10.9 12.B 12.6 74.9 54 074 39.4 45 775 11.8 14 964 $21 829 30 811 $112 3.5

1 448 8.0 $1 370 $1 966 15.3 3.53 1 084 2.55 744 709 370 25.9 1 448 11.l 423 62.4 1 296 26.9 $760 $1 071 9.0 39.4 6 409 9.5 11.5 13.0 74.9 2 763 35.8 2 021 10.2 843 $22 669 1 178 $133 1.0

1 045 7.6 $1 708 $1 629 18.9 3.51 735 2.63 472 435 256 32.4 1 045 13.2 427 63.0 1 150 28.6 $845 $991 8.5 39.0 4 815 9.4 15.0 14.8 74.4 1 926 36.0 1 571 10.2 537 $21 883 l 034 $121 l.5

15 166 9.3 $1 641 $1 760 19.7 3.61 11 509 2.60 7 740 7 247 4 423 31.0 15 166 10.9 4 891 68.3 21 438 26.5 $871 $975 10.5 28.8 76 261 12.0 12.0 11.8 74.3 30 023 34.5 27 996 13.0 7 584 $21 441 20 412 $111 4.5

8 700 7.9 $1 772 $1 613 15.6 3.61 6 219 2.61 3 316 3 133 l 952 34.6 8 700 13.8 3 173 67.8 8 364 28.0 $842 $989 11.0 38.7 39 719 9.6 13.9 13.6 75.2 16 329 46.3 12 299 10.4 4 802 $20 991 7 497 $114 1.8

1 777 7.3 $1 330 808 1 912 22.5 $798 8 802 10.0 3908 41.4

19 274 6.6 $1 273 7 723 21 153 23.4 $786 91 731 15.1 36 836 41.6

1 077 6.5 $1 309 463 1 081 24.4 $796 5 142 13.9 2 239 43.0

2 110 6.1 $1 344 1 028 3 072 24.8 $796 10 725 11.8 3 968 41.0

2 248 8.7 $1 207 1 259 2 322 21.6 $804 10 842 11.6 4 944 26.7

10 288 6.0 $1 303 4 109 11 051 22.6 $772 49 217 16.2 20 228 41.6

19 390 5.9 $1 462 10 107 25 221 20.2 $799 93 609 11.l 37 248 30.2

l 068 5.9 $1 692 638 978 20.3 $879 4 669 11.7 2 051 25.8

790 5.7 $1 178 403 783 19.5 $870 3 567 12.3 l 507 28.6

10 558 6.5 $1 488 6 082 15 786 19.5 $771 53 394 10.2 21 163 26.2

5 6S2 5.2 $1 404 2 585 6 093 20.4 $811 26 016 11.9 10 559 35,7

4 108 16.8 $1 866 l 395 3 194 37.6 $1 205 19 547 10.2 0 760 52.8

44 071 15.1 $1 766 12 639 39 960 44.3 $1 097 205 527 17.8 81 964 57.9

2 403 14.5 $1 843

4 067 11.7 $1 981 1 594 5 346 43.2 $1 177 20 323 15.6 7 466 51.6

4 676 18.1 $1 902 l 948 4 728 44.1 $1 057 23 491 14.2 10 166 45.8

24 416 14.3 $1 739 6 896 21 294 43.6 $1 074 112 732 19.I 45 386 57.9

40 280 12.3 $1 933 15 434 46 288 37.0 $1 133 195 271 13.7 77 267 49.4

l 893 10.4 $2 244 821 1 829 38.0 $1 146 8 595 14.l 3 524 45.l

1 501 10.8 $1 821 605 1 485 36.9 $1 167 6 569 17.4 2 456 38.5

21 038 12.9 $2 008 9 233 29 163 36.0 $1 116 107 299 13.0 41 555 44.3

13 177 12.0 $1 782 4 161 11 401 38.1 $1 122 60 821 14.0 25 29'1 56.5

3 971



INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Fa111lllt1 -- ----------------------_Percent of all--families_ ____________ Mean family income------------------------Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Mean size of family ------------------------- With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families wilh female head -------------------- With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years -------- Percent of heads in labor force ----------

-Family htads ------------------------ Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Civilian mole heads under65 years------------- Percent in lobar forc"---------------------- U•rolated iodMdual1 __ ------ ____ ------ of all unrelated individuals ---_Mean incomePercent ______________________________ Mean income deficit ------------------------- Percent receiving public assistance incom•------- Percent 65 years and over ___________________ _ Per-sons ---- .... __ ........ ______ ---------- Percent of oil persons _____________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income __ ------- Percent 65 years and aver ___________________ _ Percent receiving Social Security incom•------- Reloted children under 18 years__---- ____ ------ Percent living with both parents ------------- Hauuholds __ -------- __ ------ ---- __ _Percent of oil households----------- In owner occupied housing units--------------Mean value of unit-----------------------In renter occupied housing units --------------- Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent locking same or all plumbing facilities •• __





Famlllt1 ---------------------------Percent of all families _____________ _ Mean income deficit ------------------------" Families with female head -------------------- Uoreloted JodMduals ------------------ Percent of oil unrelated individuals __ _ Mean income deficit ------------------------- P1nons __ ---------------------- ---Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Related children under 18 years _______________ _ Percent living with bath parents -------------







2 029 45,8 $1 109 11 440 15.4 4 954 56.2


Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Dato based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities} Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. San Francisco-Oakland




Daly City

Fremont (urban part)



urban part)


776 750 7.5 3.38 427 735 2.19 93 329 62 386 25 092 54.6 776 750 11.8 591 799 94.0 412 682 8.7 24.8 3 040 783 Persons -------- -------- __ .,. ___ -----Percent receiving Social Security Income ________ _ 9.2 9.3 Percent 65 years and over-------------------Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _ 74.0 1 024 244 Hau11hald1 ____ --------------------505 807 In owner occupied housing units--------------$29 937 Meon value of unit-----------------------518 437 In renter occupied housing units--------------$142 Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent lacking same or all plumbing facilities_ __ _2.7

17 786 5.2 3.17 9 509 2.10 2 637 1 944 965 38.8 17 786 10.6 11 185 93.5 7 401 9.0 29.2 63 847 9.1 9.1 75.4 22 119 7 679 $28 798 14 440 $132 0.9

24 379 9.3 3.04 11 454 1.98 4 636 3 044 1 271 56.6 24 379 15.5 16 572 86.7 34 776 5.2 14.3 108 916 10.3 11.3 71.6 44 000 14 409 $30 082 29 591 $141 2.7

21 415 5.6 3.75 14 712 2.28 1 716 1 369 482 69.7 21 415 5.1 18 438 97.4 3 998 8.0 21.3 84 360 4.5 3.9 76.2 23 306 IS 754 $27 752 7 552 $163 0.1

17 691 4.7 3.50 10 596 2.15 1 726 1 171 347 70.6 17 691 6.1 14 496 94.9 4 955 5.6 19.1 66 854 5.1 5.0 68.2 21 211 12 900 $27 781 8 311 $159 0.5

23 944 4.6 3.99 17 580 2.43 1 540 1 272 421 63.2 23 944 4.1 21 336 97.5 3 212 6.1 19.3 98 749 3.7 3.1 75.4 25 790 19 253 $26 370 6 537 $165 0.3

23 807 7.2 3.60 15 099 2.23 2 241 1 655 652 57.5 23 807 5.9 19 943 95.S 6 326 7.4 19.7 91 948 5.6 4.6 77.6 27 090 14 668 $24 121 12 422 $150 0.5

88 975 13.9 3.26 43 705 2.28 15 612 10 666 5 078 47.8 88 975 15.9 60 053 90.9 61 917 12.9 30.7 352 065 12.8 13.0 74.6 130 528 51 505 $24 825 79 023 $119 3.4

55 626 7.2 $1 734 $1 657 30.4 3.61 39 103 2.64 25 666 22 936 12 770 31.6 55 626 14.7 22 532 69.7 101 609 24.6 $795 $1 056 12.4 31.4 302 591 10.0 14.3 15.3 69.8 102 044 37.5 112 774 11.0 29 530 $24 694 83 244 $116 7.5

1 581 8.9 $1 484 $1 978 17.0 3.67 1 322 2.57 895 878 622 19.0 1 581 7.2 431 64.3 1 399 18.9 $882 $943 15.4 44.7 7 197 11.3 10.9 11.2 72.9 3 328 29.6 2 432 11.0 460 $24 076 1 972 $91 1.6

2 583 10.6 $1 690 $1 425 28.5 3.16 1 594 2.21 1 181 1 022 567 34.2 2 583 10.6 1 179 60.5 12 969 37.3 $763 $1 131 6.1 10.6 21 140 19.4 8.3 8.7 66.7 3 555 29.B 8 651 19.7 1 122 $24 424 7 529 $140 5.1

870 4.1 $1 596 $1 769 24.4 3.55 643 2.53 425 406 207 42.0 870 11.1 345 84.9 892 22.3 $729 $1 004 6.5 30.6 3 982 4.7 11.6 11.4 72.9 1 648 37.6 1 333 5.7 461 $23 742 872 $140 0.8

896 5.1 $1 447 $1 736 13.8 3.26 576 2.28 345 272 90 896 14.3 383 71.3 895 18.1 $742 $1 100 6.9 36.9 3 814 5.7 13.0 14.4 69.9 1 347 44.7 l 405 6.6 657 $23 885 748 $144 0.4

994 4.2 $1 717 $1 973 23.1 4.04 714 3.08 397 364 172 48.3 994 19.4 433 77.4 696 21.7 $735 $1 103 10.5 32.3 4 713 4.8 12.5 12.1 78.1 2 178 41.0 1 351 5.2 804 $25 773 547 $142 1.0

1 548 6.5 $1 672 $1 876 26.4 3.82 1 156 2.72 630 566 305 41.6 1 548 12.5 734 74.5 1 580 25.0 $748 $1 103 7.5 28.7 7 495 8.2 12.1 9.9 76.7 3 155 46.6 2 299 8.5 820 $22 739 1 479 $139 0.9

39 123 5.0 $1 310 19 125 77 302 18.7 $844 216 841 13.9 72 821 34.S

1 143 6.4 $1 683 756 1 064 14.4 $106 5 085 10.5 2 410 19.7

1 709 7.0 $1 162 833 10 388 '29.9 $873 15 767 7.8 2 441 25.7

677 3.2 $1 310 344 626 15.7 $868 2 966 9.9 1 236 30.7

677 3.8 $1 377 257 678 13.7 $906 2 823 13.4 923 42.1

746 3.1 $1 525 293 524 16.3 $918 3 523 9.8 1 635 46.9

74 927 9.6 $1 974 31 106 133 832 32.4 $1 207 404 464 17.0 134 207 43.7

2 166 12.2 $2 203 1 031 2 062 27.9 $1 015 10 101 13.3 4 509 41.3

3 461 14.2 $1 743 1 448 15 889 45.7 $1 352 27 080 9.8 4 763 36.4

1 203 5.6 $2 008 508 1 197 29.9 $1 147 5 646 12.3 2 348 45.4

1 185 6.7 $2 032 407 1 150 23.2 $1 259 5 239 13.6 1 871 51.5

1 336 5.6 $2 274 461 907 28.2 $1 240 6 348 11.9 2 969 49.4

Redwood City


San Francisco

San Leandro

6.2 3.17 7753 1.98 1 674 1 060 403 77.7 15 292 11.3 12 041 95.3 6 554 9.0 22.8 54 997 9.2 8.7 75.1 19 234 8 986 $31 216 10 248 $158 0.7

20 686 14.3 3.46 11 871 2.28 3 168 2 508 1 248 53.9 20 686 9.9 15 484 93.0 6 889 15.8 26.8 78 551 8.6 7.5 77.2 24 853 14 482 $21 326 10 371 $115 2.3

165 342 9.2 3.18 74 975 2.13 27 252 15 872 6 772 50.7 165 342 17.7 110 880 91.1 171 928 8.5 23.9 697 952 13.0 13.9 72.7 272 569 76 080 $30 688 196 489 $138 6.8

19 577 4.5 3.22 9 683 2.05 1 831 1 102 322 81.4 19 577 12.2 15 442 95.4 5 414 6.9 32.5 68 375 10.3 9.8 77.3 23 045 15 044 $26 553 8 001 $142 0.6

10 868 12.2 $1 933 $1 604 44.4 3.82 8 105 2.81 5 876 5 316 3 092 29.5 10 868 13.0 3 756 65.3 16 979 27.4 $825 $1 018 17.5 37.6 58 534 16.6 14.2 15.3 70.2 22 365 30.7 21 640 16.6 4 991 $19 496 16 649 $100 6.9

663 4.3 $1 518 $1 528 14.6 3.10 438 2.02 250 223 122 54.9 663 15.2 318 79.2 1 240 18.9 $851 $993 11.0 33.4 3 297 6.0 19.4 18.7 72.2 896 44.0 1 449 7.5 455 $26 058 994 $131 2.6

2 189 10.6 $2 019 $1 539 43.9 3.82 1 692 2.78 1 211 1 143 671 37.4 2 189 12.2 759 66.5 1 798 26.1 $906 $944 21.9 32.7 10 166 12.9 11.4 9.9 76.6 4 770. 29.8 3 340 13.4 1 104 $18 995 2 236 $101 3.8

16 326 9.9 $1 710 $1 634 30.1 3.53 10 629 2.64 7 200 6 194 3 608 26.8 16 326 18.5 6 547 65.8 40 051 23.3 $799 $1 054 13,9 32.3 97 617 14.0 16.7 18.7 68.6 27 377 37.9 39 788 14.6 6 628 $26 481 33 160 $111 14.4

847 4.3 $1 667 $1 570 17.8 3.46 493 2.80 335 257 113 54.0 847 23.7 334 86.8 1 140 21.1 1884 916 6.8 50.4 4 071 6.0 22.4 22.4 73.9 1 355 44.2 1 608 7.0 785 $24 635 823 $131 0.7

1 172 4.9 $1 441 497 1 257 19.9 $861 5 637 9.3 2 336 42.9

7 634 8.6 $1 197 4 325 12 744 20.6 $815 41 241 14.3 15 718 27.1

474 3.1 $1 217 194 930 14.2 $785 2 429 16.4 663 41.8

1 444 7.0 $1 205 828 1 252 18.2 $784 6 724 8.7 3 142 28.4

11 381. 6.9 $1 304 5 340 30 322 17.6 $845 69 846 17.1 19 574 35.4

602 3.1 $1 252 248 813 15.0 $736 2 845 20.4 933 41.8

2 203 9.3 $2 071 795 l 973 31.2 $1 300 10 475 10.3 4 489 52.3

14 232 16.0 $2 007 6 969 22 654 36.6 $1 163 76 611 16.9 28 413 36.3

991 6.5 $1 654 316 1 668 25.5 $1 138 4 796 19.3 1 316 55.2

2 940 14.2 $1 942 1 513 2 654 38.5 $1 030 14 196 11.8 6 395 35.2

21 823 13.2 $1 955 8 696 52 547 30.6 $1 211 128 920 20.4 35 525 43.6

1 214 6.2 $1 758 431 1 550 28.6 $1 069 5 581 26.1 1 803 45,0



Famlllos -------- -------------------Percent receiving public assistance Income ______ _Mean size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------With related children under 18 years --------- With related children under 6 years -------- Percent of heads in labor force---------Family heads-----------------------Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian male family heads under 65 years------Percent in labor force---------------------Unrelatod lndlvlduals __ •• ____ ---- _____ _ Percent receiving public assistance income ••• ___ _ Pertent 65 years ond over--------------------


15 292

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Families---------------------------- Percent of all families _____________ _ Mean family income------------------------- Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Mean size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years -------- Percent of heads in labor force---------- Family heads-----------------------Percent 65 years and aver-------------------Civilian male heads under 65 years. ___________ _Percent in labor farce _____________________ _ Unrelated Individuals _________________ _ Percent of all unreloted·individuals __ _ Mean Income ____ ------------ __ ------------- Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance Income ______ _Percent 65 years and aver-------------------Persons ---- __ ---------- -----------Percent of oil persans-------------Percent receiving Social Security Income _________ _ Percent 65 years and aver-------------------- Percent receiving Social Security income ••••••• Related children under 18 years _______________ _ Percent living with both parents -------------Hou11hold1 ____ -------- ------ -------Percent of all households-----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units---------------Mean grass rent--------------------------Percent locking same or all plumbing facilities_ __ _




INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Fan111les ---------------------------Percent of all families ______________ _

Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head --------------------Unrelated Individuals __ ------ ---- ------Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit-------------------------Persons ------ -----· ------ ------ -----

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years.---------------Percent living with both parents --------------

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL famllles ______ ----------------Percent of all-----families_ _____________ _ Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head --------------------Unrelated Individuals------------------Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit--------------------------

Percent 6~~:~~! Related children under 18 yeors.------------·--Percent living with both parents --------------




Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated Individuals under 14 years. Data based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Son Froncisco-Oaklo nd- Con.

Santo Borbara

San Jose

San Mateo Urb

Mountain View

298 435 5.3 3.49 178 900 2.20 25 803 18 467 6 356 59.2 298 435 9.1 244 511

262 584

12 988

Polo Alto (urban p<1rt)

San Jose (urban part)

14 099 2.9 3.26 7 587 2.06 1 529 978 161 65.8 14 099 12.2 11 040

1°' 970 8.0 3.76 72 052 2.37 10 510 7 888 3 413 59.5 l°' 970 7.4 88 824 95,4 35 089 10.2 20.4 437 422 6.0 5.3 76.9 122 949 75 721 $27 088 47 228 $148 1.0

21 535 6.8 3.60 13 693 2.19 2 135 1 553 563 76.2 21 535 6.6 17 878 95.9 7 220 8.0 21.2 84 762 5.9 5.3 76.0 25 389 13 782 $25 611 11 607

6 865 6.4 $1 961 $1 666 33.2 3.99 5 192 2.93 2 972 2 751 1 638 37.0 6 865 12.5 3 167 71.4 10 890 31.0

1 112 5.2 $1 780 $1 454 21.0 3.37 730 2.44 370 358 185 41.1 l 112 17.0

Santa Claro


Urban balance


Santo Barbara

Urban balance

18 053

37 711 5.5 3.65 24 776 2.36 3 208 2 614 913 62.3 37 711 8.0 27 551 94.5 15 910 5,0 15.2 153 970 5.7

All INCOME LEVELS Fa.Hlt1 ---·-----·---------·------··· Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family --·----------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------F1•ity heads-·-----·--·-------------Percent 65 years and aver---------·-·--------Civilian mole family heads under 65 years-------Percent in labor force----·--·----------·----

Uortltttd l1sllvldo1l1 •• ________________ _

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Ponoos ------------_ Percent receiving Social-------------·-· Security income _________ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ H1u11h1td1 ----------·----------··---

In owner occupied housing units------··-------Mean value of unit ··-----------·---··-·---In renter occupied housing units -------------·-Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities •. __ _


21 523 3.9 3.24 11 089 2.03 2 295 1 433 525 76.0 21 523 13.0 16 604 96.3 8 846 5.0 28.5 78 641 9.8 10.4 73.8 27 703 14 168 $34 248 13 535 $181 0.8


3.64 168 370 2.30 24 599 18 102 6 826 63.4 262 584 7.7 216 440 95.5 95.2 85 851 88 6G4 7.7 7.6 26.3 20.6 1 127 394 1 044 064 7.1 6.2 6.8 5.7 74.8 76.4 346 124 302 727 228 973 181 433 $32 153 $30 088 117 151 121 294 $158 $156 0.6 o.a


555 77.8 25 107 5.5 20 617 96.7 6 759 4.8 14.0 94 619 5.2 4.2 80.8 27 779 15 247 $30 692 12 532 $164 0.4

3.66 48 633 2.33 6 293 4 629 1 596 59.6 75 634 8.5 62 801 95.1 18 893 7.7 26.6 295 675 6.4 6.1 76.7 82 885 57 256 $33 414 25 629 $155 0.5

63 721 6.1 3.48 37 308 2.30 6 332 4 513 1 659 62.4 63 721 12.3 46 058 92.8 31 520 6.6 26.4 253 381 8.6 9.2 72.6 76 856 38 902 $27 207 37 954 $128 0.9

1 029 $155 5.9

3 954 5.2 $1 746 $1 663 23.6 3.69 2 814 2.62 1 421 1 298 633 36.7 3 954 15.1 1 965 70.3 5 786 30.6 $744 $1 092 8.3 30.7 20 387 6.9 13.7 14.0 76.2 7 286 50.4 6 391 7.7 2 884 $27 721 3 507 $126 1.8

4 873 7.6 $1 902 $1 429 20.4 3.60 3 170 2.70 1 755 1 552 815 42.3 4 873 17.4 2 163 68.5 11 816 37.5 $800 $1 064 6.2 23.6 29 368 11.6 14.0 14.8 72.8 8 514 49.6 9 927 12.9 2 510 $24 262 7 417 $126 2.7


10.9 10.3 69.1 15 338 45.1 11 727 9.5 3 657 $22 589 8 070 $133 3.2

77.6 1 717 23.8 $815 $1 047 9.1 26.7 5 469 6.5 14.5 14.2 78.8 1 789 47,9 l 969 7.8 593 $22 346 1 376 $141 0.5

978 3.9 $1 624 $1 673 16.3 3.48 743 2.29 438 423 188 52.1 978 11.1 390 83.6 1 068 15.8 $704 $1 107 8.9 28.0 4 470 4.7 13.8 11.4 80.7 1 699 42.2 l 445 5.2 439 $25 603 1 006 $153 0.8

12.2 43.7 9 240. 13A 24.6 26.6 76.6 2 416 44.6 4 175 15.7 1 089 $22 610 3 086 $119 4.9

$1 116 3.5 11.3 17 515 11.4 8.1 7.8 72.8 5 418 51.0 5 076 11.B 1 118 $22 835 3 958 $134 0.7

4 691 4.4 $1 299 2 159 8 496 24.2 $802 27 214 9.4 10 640 40.9

712 3.3 $1 195 273 1 298 18.0 $838 3 804 12.2 1 320 45.3

696 2.8 $1 338 322 918 13.6 $781 3 335 11.6 1 215 43.3

2 756 3.6 $1 330 1 073 4 624 24.5


2 971 4.7 $1 230 1 213 9 203 29.2 $823 19 781 12.6 5 244 40.6

900 5.0 $1 136 351 2 726 21.2 $749 5 756 24.0 1 391 40.9

1 696 4.5 $1 286 767 5 743 36.l $850 12 169 6.2 3 432 39.6

l 596 7.4 $1 707 529 2 205 30.5 $1 230 7 719 15.0 2 637 52.6

l 482 5.9 $1 793

5 655 7.5 $1 915 1 801 7 000 37.1 $1 321 28 386 14.2 10 774 58.6

7 320 11.5 $1 669 2 224 14 608 46.3 $1 281 41 896 15.1 13 341 59.2

2 411 13.4 $1 516 808 4 869 37.8 $1 134 12 726 28.2 3 291 49.3

4 125 10.9 $1 749 1 264 • 677 54.5 $1 351 25 321 8.1 8 804 61.7

3.14 6 564 1.99 1 396 954 407 77.9 12 988 7.4 10 206 93.7 9 862 3.4 9.1 50 647 5.7 5.5 72.3 18 741 5 370 $30 293 13 371 $170 0.4

9 055 4.5 24.2 55 076 9.5 10.0 74.4 19 753 10 533 $36 722 9 220 $181 1.4

658 5.1 $1 659 $1 374 17.0 3.20 404 2.22 197 157 82

496 3.5 $1 740 $1 442 9.7 3.24 310 2.28 196 165 56

658 16.6 319 68.3 1 376 14.0 $814 $1 041 6.3 26.1 3 411 6.9 15.5 16.0 76.7 872 58.1 1 374 7.3 373 $25 084 1 001 $148 0.7

496 14.3 234 69.7 2 083 23.0 $834 $1 028 5.8 23.0 3 691 6.7 13.5 16.9 66.3 723 36.8 1 478




25 107 4.5 3.50 15 830 2.14 2 358 1 773

75 634


8.2 3.12 8 110 2.10 2 602 1 575 665 62.4 18 053 20.6 12 193 89.7 12 876 9.0 39.6 69 191 15.7 17.5 74.3 26 561 11 090 $29 019 15 471 $135 1.7

5.5 73.8

43 22 $24 20



366 112

$124 0.4

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL '••lllt1 -- --- -- -- --- ---- -- -- --Percent of---all families _____________ _ Mean family Income------------··-----------Mean income deficit------~------------------Percent receiving public assistance income •• _____ _ Mean size of family ------------··-----------With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head-------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years •••••••• Percent of heads in labor force---------- -


--Unr1l1t14 l1dlvldu1t1 ____________ •••• __ Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _-

-··--------------------Percent 65family yearshHd1 and over ___________________ _ Civilian mole heads under 65 years ____________ _ Percent In labor force.·-------------------- "


Mean income •• ·····---------··------------Mean income deficit -------------------------Percent receiving public assistance Income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over----------·--·-·----

Ptno•• -----------....... ,.,.. __________ _

Percent of all persons _____________ _Percent receiving Social Security income ________ _Pment 65 years and over---------·---------Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Related children under 18 year•-------·---·---- Percent living with both parents -·-----------

-Hoa11h11t11 .................................................. .. Percent of all households-----·····- In owner occupied housing units --------------- Mean value of unit---------------·-------- In renter occupied housing units --------------- Mean gross rent--------·----------------- Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities. __ _-


17.3 3.51 639 2.52 414 350 164 44.S 929 19.5 357 82.9 1 613 18.2 $802 $1 026 7.2 41.9 4 871 6.2 18.4 20.3 71.3 1 616 40.0 1 987 7.2 661 $29 834 1 326 $150 2.1

14 022 4.7 $1 668 $1 704 25.2 3.61 10 234 2.56 6 066 5 555 2 863 34.8 14 022 12.7 6 272 74.4 18 705 21.8 $782 $1 053 10.1 34.7 69 264 6.1 13.3 13.8 69.8 26 212 42.4 23 925 6.9 9 876 $26 596 14 049 $130 1.8

14 657 5.6 $1 853 $1 629 26.5 3.79 10 615 2.75 5 755 5 298 2 867 38.2 14 657 14.0 6 938 72.4 23 590 26.6 $787 $1 061 9. 1 25.8 79 170 7.6 12.3 12.3 72.1 29 151 47.7 25 026 8.3 8 728 $25 114 16 298 $134 2.6

662 3.1 $1 361 320 1 155 13.1 $883 3 477 19.1 1 198 37.1

9 905 3.3 $1 369 4 563 14 189 16.5 $851 50 016 12.3 19 088 39.2

$1 302 4 216 18 497 20.9 $817 55 992 11.4 20 184 43.8

422 3.2 $1 139 141 l 046 10.6 $818 2 369 16.0 561 52.0

323 2.3 $1 266 138 1 597 17.6 $788 2 611 15.8 450 32.0

l 247 5.8 $1 995 571 2 122 24.0 $1 180 6 333 21.6 1 995 37.9

19 145 6.4 $1 985 7 481 25 428 29.6 $1 174 94 746 16.4 34 850 48.8

20 531 7.8 $1 922 7 191 30 017 33,9 $1 246 109 220 12.9 41 010 54.6

936 7.2 $1 629 256 1 760 17.8 $1 220 4 697 17.1 1 197 61.2


9 396

$1 801 260 2 694 29.8 $1 208 4 999 17.7 1 108 42.1

$2 008 3 577 14 178 40.4 $1 211 52 381 11.4 20 760 52.2

4.3 t11 612 702





Pl 302


10.7 22.7 38 292



1 658 9.2 $1 877 $1 241 25.7 3.30

952 2.55

628 496 277 32.9 l 658 26.8 684 63.0 3 771 29.3 f895

2 677 7.1 $1 999 $1 535 19.4 3.87 I 939 2.81 996 939 488 45.7 2 677 11.2 1 165 74.4 7 U4



INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Fa111Hlt1 ---·------ -- ---------- ------

Percent of all families------ __ -----Mean income deficit------------------------families with female head--------------------



u1..lat1d l1dMllHl1 _________________ _

Percenl of oll unrelated individuals __ _Mean income deficit ---···------------------- PonoH -- ---- ---------------------Percent 65 years and over-------------------Related children under 18 years.--------------- Percent living with both parents ------------- "


9 964



14 545 12.4 5 129



Fo111llla1 ---· ---- ______________ •••• ---- ------ _ Percent of--all---families Mean income deficit·----------·-·-------·-·· families with female head ---------------------

Uorelot1d lodM.tuols -------------------

Percent of all unrelated individuals---Mean income deficit ------------------------·· P•nonl ___ .,. ____ ,. ___ ------ ---.. -------

Percent 65 years and over------------····----Reloted children under 18 years--------·-------Percent living with both parents--------------





1 414 20.9 $1 248 6 683 11.0 2 623 49.4



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:

[Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students In dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50 ,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con.


Santa Rosa

Urban balance

52 936 8.2 3.38 28 736 2.31 5 143 3 587 1 323 49.5 52 936 17.6 38 652 90.1 19 615 10.8 38.5 198 411 12.4 12.5 76.8 57 925 35 642 $23 608 22 283 $116 1.0

13 331

17 978

6.6 3.23 6 912 2.16 1 572 l 022 330 72.7 13 331 19.2 9 427 91.7 5 959 11.5 38.6 48 972 14.3 14.3 78.9 16 999 10 163 $24 828 6 836 $128 1.3

8.9 3.49 10 490 2.34 1 930 1 439 556 41.7 17 978 15.6 13 212 91.2 6 515 11.6 41.2 69 174 11.6 11.6 77.7 21 209 12 865 $21 117 8 344 $119 0.9

5 525 10.4 $1 724 $1 434 19.6 3.35 3 106 2.60 l 618 l 396 674 30.0 5 525 27.6 2 515 63.4 a 078 41.2 $834 $986 7.8 39.5 26 568 13.4 21.0 21.9 75.3 7 982 52.1 9 155 15,8 4 174 $20 028 4 981 $104 2.9

1 030 7.7 $1 597 $1 435 14.8 3.24 562 2.54 347 297 127 48.0 1 030 26.5 442 67.9 2 211 37.l $898 $924 6.8 43.8 5 552 11.3 24.9 25.9 78.7 1 419 48.l 2 392 14.l l 038 $20 831 1 354 $113 3.5

3 590 6.8 $1 182 1 137 6 052 30.9 $773 17 925 20.0 5 178 48.4

1 791

Urbanized areas Vallejo-Napa


Santa Rosa



Urban balance


No pa


73 264 11.1 3.49 42 561 2.33 8 049 5 572 2 372 42.9 73 264 12.9 56 341 93.6 26 500 17.6 38.7 282 202 10.l 9.8 76.8 81 914 49 352 $18 343 32 562 $100 2.6

26 338 13.3 3.44 15 060 2.32 3 805 2 793 1 266 38.4 26 338 12.8 19 364 94.2 12 973 20.8 38.2 103 474 11.3 10.9 76.1 34 903 18 668 $17 886 16 235 $103 3.9

30 329 10.6 3.49 17 774 2.29 3 105 2 033 821 48.0 30 329 12.9 23 624 93.7 8 270 19.5 44.6 114 245 10.1 9.5 79.1 35 663 23 569 $18 170 12 094 $102 1.3

62 539 6.4 3.45 36 511 2.29 5 874 4 483 2 014 53.5 62 539 11.4 42 430 92.8 18 377 9.7 32.l 234 257 7.8 8.3 69.7 68 313 39 650 $21 611 28 663 $109 0.7

9 472 7.5 3.39 5 455 2.20 931 656 280 78.9 9 472 13.3 7 305 94.3 3 414 12.0 35.2 35 54-4 9.1 10.1 67.4 11 389 7 110 $22 635 4 279 $125 0.4

17 520 8.4 3.34 9 393 2.23 1 900 1 379 637 51.3 17 520 12.5 12 107 91.6 6 194 11. l 29.3 64 725 8.5 9.3 65.5 20 788 12 238 $19 491 8 550 $107 0.9

1 859 10.3 $1 873 $1 391 26.2 3.45 1 174 2.63 703 624 322 28.6 1 859 25,4 740 66.9 2 681 41.2 $860 $971 9.3 40.2 9 088 13.1 20.4 21.0 78.1 3 067 43.2 3 374 15.9 1 312 $17 861 2 062 $109 2.7

8 179 11.2 $1 936 $1 525 33.0 3.85 5 685 2.88 3 133 2 750 l 450 26.8 a 119 17.2 3 846 73.7 9 114 34.4 $814 $1 004 16.9 42.6 40 576 14.4 15.7 15.3 74.3 16 095 46.8 12 807 15.6 4 985 $13 856 7 822

2 838 9.4 $1 963 $1 455 32.8 3.67 1 884 2.78 1 070 908 438 26.5 2 838 21.7 l 262 66.3 2 997 36.2 $893 $927 19.7 52.8 13 405 11.7 20.6 19.4 79.0 5 201 46.3 4 928 13.8 2 311 $13 842 2 617 $84 4.0

5 489 8.8 $1 768 $1 599 20.7 3.58 3 748 2.64 2 181 1 980 1 114 34.6 5 489 16.5 l 927 69.3 5 909 32.2 $814 $1 021 11.3 36.8 25 586 10.9 13.3 15.0 68.7 9 813 44.7 8 243 12.1 3 181 $18 170 5 062 $100 1.5

694 7.3 $1 685 $1 379 18.6 3.08 383 2.21 223 197 93

l 466 8.4 $1 802 $1 595 27.0 3.63 1 025 2.62 704 587 332 34.6 1 466 15.6 485 67.2 l 963 31.7


3 559 13.5 $1 974 $1 595 41.6 3.91 2 643 2.89 1 740 1 560 895 27.2 3 559 12.9 1 440 78.9 4 292 33.1 $809 $1 040 19.1 38.8 18 191 17.6 12.9 13.2 68.6 7 498 34.7 6 188 17.7 l 856 $13 191 4 332 $88 7.6

686 5.1 $1 141 257 1 638 27.5 $695 3 860 24.8 958 38.9

1 080 6.0 $1 256 1 949 29.9 $780 5 688 17.9 l 853 38.9

5 355 7.3 $1 216 2 274 6 972 26.3 $785 27 278 14.6 10 897 41.3

2 486 9.4 $1 196 l 290 3 315 25.6 $810 12 907 12.8 5 422 31.1

1 811 6.0 $1 186 760 2 186 26.4 $728 8 786 18.6 3 425 39.9

1 451 10.9 $1 684 454 2 866 48.1 $1 116 1 512 28.4 1 886 47.2

2 592 14.4 $1 694 814 3 455 53.0 $1 159 12 429 23.5 4 105 52.2

11 295 15.4 $1 862 3 718 12 666 47.8 $1 110 55 774 17.4 21 502 53.9

4 653 17.7 $2 005 1 984 6 083 46.9 $1 122 24 017 16.3 9 478 42.7

4 076 13.4 $1 739 l 302 4 211 50.9 $1 052 19 303 20.8 7 275 54.9

Urban balance



45 074 10.8 3.56 27 294 2.35 5 757 4 411 1 852 43.5 45 074 11.4 34 668 92.2

66 343 12.2 3,52 38 525



Fa11lllt1 ---------------------------· Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Mean size of family ------------------------- With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Fomifies with female heod -------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years -------Percent of heads in labor force ----------


--Unrtlettd l1dlvhlual1 ------------------ Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Family hods------------------------

Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian male family heads under 65 years------Percent in labor force _____________________ _

hnm _____________ _

Percent receiving Social Security income ________ _Percent 65 years and aver-------------------Percent receiving Social Security incame ______ _

-Ho111hold1 ------------------------- In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean volue of unit ------------------------ In renter occupied housing units--------------- Mean gross rent------------·------------Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities ___ _-

24 263


3.60 lS 821 2.33 2 316 1 942 938 48.5 24 263 7.6 14 365 93.7 5 295 7.2 26.8 92 644 5.4 5.4 73.4 26 m 13 792 $20 549 12 589 $107 0.4

13 687

17.8 37.4 174 102 9.2 8.3 76.9 53 746 34 109 $16 958 19 637 $100 0.8


8 895 6 223 2 726 39.9 66 343 12.3 50 136 91.1 25 046 15.2 32.5 258 401 9.5 9.0 75.6 82 048 49 342 $17 794 32 706 $109 0.9


--Family heads •• ________ •• __ ---- ------ Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian mole heads under 65 years ____________ _Percent in lobar force---------------------- Unrtlatod lndMduat1 _________________ _ Percent of off unrelated individuals --- Mean income __ ----------------------------- Mean income deficit __ ---- ---- --------------- Percent receiving public assistance Income. _____ _Percent 65 years and aver-------------------- Famlllts ---- ------------------------

Percent of all families-------------- Mean family Income------------------------- Mean Income deficit ------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income------- Meon size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years-------Percent of heads in labor force---------- -

P1non1 _____________ ,. __ ------------

Percent of all persons_ ____________ _-Percent receiving Social Security income---------Percent 65 years and over·------------------Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _Related children under 18 yeors---------------Percent living with bath parents ------------HouHhahl1 ------ -------------- -----Percent of all households-----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units ---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ••••




a 247

9.0 23.6 26.4 72.9 825 48.l 1 261 11.l 603 $18 010 658 $113 0.8

15.2 30.0 1 284 11.3 11.8 13.7 56.0 2 644 41.0 2 523 12.1 927 $16 657 1 596 $97 1.9

18.8 3.80 1 796 2.71 1 007 971 592 31.8 2 295 9.2 630 69.0 l 625 30.7 $880 $964 8.6 31.0 10 348 11.2 7.9 8.6 73.5 4 879 42.9 3111 11.8 1 005 $18 045 2 106 $105 1.1

5 766 12.8 $2 125 $1 558 33.3 4.10 4 275 3.05 2 335 2 130 l 190 28.2 5 766 13.5 2 755 70.5 4 937 36.l t839 994 17.4 41.0 28 604 16.4 13.1 11.4 74,5 12 776 45.5 a 859 16.5 3 958 $12 197 4 901 $81 2.4

38.6 4.09 5 853 3.17 3 395 3 033 1 733 27.2 a 247 17.8 3 611 62.7 9 281 37.1 1916 934 12.3 34.2 43 050 16.7 13.6 13.1 76.3 18 366 43.2 13 676 16.7 5 424 $13 373 8 252 $93 2.4

3 747 6.0 $1 301 1 715 4 361 23.7 $835 17 314 14.9 6 625 34.6

474 5.0 $1 086 157 741 21.7 $843 2 168 25.1 591 44.3

999 5.7 $1 276 532 1 38' 22.4 $826 4 901 12.5 l 836 33.0

1 612 6.6 $1 410 860 1 159 21.9 $795 1 138 8.1 3 404 30.5

3 668 8.1 $1 232 1 637 3 596 26.3 $819 18 458 10.1 8 319 41.7

5 152 7.8 $1 108 2 322 6 627 26.5 $743 27 508 11.5 11 754 39.9

1 768 12.4 $1 851 2 587 7 655 41.7 $1 190 35 809 15,3 13 941 54.7

990 10.5 $1 604 294 1 394 40.8 $1 144 4 414 27.7 l 170 55.4

1 978 11.3 $1 924 823 2 551 41.2 $1 172 9 826 14.3 3 682 49.5

3 439 14.2 $1 897 1 196 2 128 40.2 $1 134 15 441 9.0 7 187 56.0

a 134 18.0 $1 894 2 855 6 696 48.9 $1 127 39 518 13.3 17 141 52.2

11 461 17.3 $1 829 4 087 12 604 50.3 $1 085 58 659 14.9 24 062 50.1


694 29.4 297 74.1 1 050 30.8 $840 $992 11.6 44.9 3 187

~72 91

2 295

ll1 7417959.5


f21 454 187


h•m"-------------- -

Percent of oil families-----·--------Mean income deficit-------------------------Fomilie1 with female head ----------·-·--------

Uortfattd ltldlvldual1 ________ •••• ______ _

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit---------------------·--·Ptrso•s ____________ .., ________,,, ------ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 yeors---------~------­ Percent living with both parents --------------



'"'"""' -------------------·---------

Percent of all famllles.- •• ----------Meon Income deficit-------------------------Families with female head --------------------Unrtfaltd lndMduols -------------·-----

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit __ ---- •• -· __ •••• -- __ -----Persons __ ---------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 yeors--------------·-Percent living with both parents -·------------

14.7 $1 696 1 971 10 309 52.6 $1 179 36 $55 23.8 11 052 58.0



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


(Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Urbanized oreos - Con.


OxnardVenturaThousand Oaks


Sa Ii nos

San BernardinoRiverside

Son Diego

San FranciscoOakland

San Jose

Santo Barbara

Santa Rosa

2 102 709 7.7 3.46 l 220 105 2.25 26a 392 la5 a8a 76 a28 57.0 2 102 709 10.6 1 625 992 94.4 923 031 9.1 27.0 8 208 128 a.a a.5 75.9 2 687 906 1 301 917 $28 295 l 385 989 $131 1.0

27 715 12.9 3.46 16 615 2.28 3 213 2 462 l 084 49.9 27 715 12.5 21 269 89.4 8 606 21.5 38.8 104 605 9.9 9.4 77.0 33 025 20 642 $18 100 12 383 $105 0.7

59 607 5.6 3.72 39 081 2.40 5 809 4 555 1 825 60.4 59 607 a.4 47 219 95.3 16 503 8.7 25.1 238 m 6.5 6.0 75.5 66 530 41 235 $26 055 25 295 $134 0.5

163 930 9.7 3.51 9a 928 2.27 19 342 14 390 5 766 53.5 163 930 9.6 123 403 92.8 54 404 12.a 28,2 629 771 8.0 7.3 75.7 196 744 119 524 $20 060 77 220 $119 0.9

15 858 9.0 3.59 9 893 2.37 1 745 l 315 573 48.3 15 858 9.1 12 546 94.8 4 829 12.5 32.1 61 816 7.4 7.0 76.0 18 745 9 969 $22 114 8 776 $114 1.6

146 802 9.9 3.55 87 797 2.37 16 335 12 256 5 130 45.0 146 802 12.9 106 554 92.1 45 869 16.0 3a.1 566 856 I0.2 9.4 79.3 171 241 106 077 $19 598 65 164 $112 0.8

288 159 6.2 3.43 164 100 2.26 34 813 25 919 11 282 49.3 288 159 11.5 193 675 91.a 115 017 9.0 28.1 1 104 297 9.3 a.a 77.a 351 860 184 196 $25 252 167 664 $129 1.4

746 919 7.6 3.36 405 739 2.1a 91 926 61 275 24 790 54.9 746 919 12.0 563 502 93.a 408 963 a.6 24.7 2 920 664 9.4 9.5 73.8 995 224 4a1 752 $29 872 513 472 $142 2.a

253 286 6.5 3.63 162 365 2.29 23 a90 17 576 6 5a5 63.a 253 286 7.7 2oa 937 95.3 86 103 7.5 20.2 1 005 649 6.2 5.7 76.5 294 169 176 12a $30 047 118 041 $158 0.7

30 510 6.4 3.27 15 756 2.16 3 570 2 365 866 63.3 30 510 16.8 22 345 91.3 23 178 6.2 25.5 122 854 11.a 12.a 74.6 41 789 19 627 $30 165 22 162 $145 I.I

19 564 7.9 3.34 10 714 2.24 2 320 l 607 591 60.7 19 564 17.2 14 100 91.2 8 131 11.2 35.9 73 549 12.6 12.4 79.3 23 850 14 020 $23 467 9 830 $127 1.3

162 471 7.7 $1 855 $1 62a 29.6 3.77 119 oaa 2.77 73 723 66 794 37 944 32.8 162 471 13.5 69 556 72.5 226 339 24.5 $825 $1 012 11.7 37.1 639 567 10.2 14.7 14.6 74.7 326 764 40.6 302 139 11.2 77 701 $22 996 224 438 $108 2.6

3 238 11.7 $2 14a $1 346 36.5 3.77 2 214 2.84 l 154 I 048 56a 39.1 3 238 20.5 1 479 60.4 2 930 34.0 $a97 $930 21.4 43.9 15 145 14.5 16.5 16.0 7a.7 6 168 52.2 4 966 15.0 2 137 $13 245 2 829 $87 2.2

4 380 7.3 $1 873 $1 785 19.3 4.02 3 442 2.90 1 896 l 742 930 40.3 4 380 10.3 l 945 77.4 4 865 29.5 $835 $1 020 9.4 30.4 22 491 9.4 10.2 9.9 74.4 9 ao8 46.4 6 275 9.4 2 106 $22 209 4 169 $106 1.2

13 740 8.4 $1 945 $1 595 34.8 3.a7 10 465 2.78 5 969 5 623 3 064 30.9 13 740 11.0 6 023 68.1 15 311 28.l $a63 $977 16.3 34.0 68 498 10.9 12.2 11.6 72.3 28 955 43.2 23 102 11.7 7 979 $15 993 15 123 $101 2.a

l 372 8,7 $2 133 $1 540 37.5 4.12 1 077 3.01 639 598 350 29.7 l 372 9.9 619 71.2 1 428 29.6 $760 $1 073 l l.6 34.l 7 076 11.4 11.2 10.2 77.9 3 093 42.3 2 134 11.4 536 $18 108 1 598 $96 4.8

14 438 9.a $1 913 $1 620 31.6 3.85 10 495 2.86 5 966 5 477 3 108 25.4 14 438 14.3 6 255 6a.9 14 716 32.l 1871 954 15.2 44.5 70 341 12.4 15.l 14.4 77.4 29 609 44.3 22 750 13.3 9 279 $15 128 13 471 $95 1.9

24 894 8.6 $1 663 $1 734 18.2 3.62 la 614 2.60 11 751 11 020 6 696 31.3 24 894 11.4 8 369 67.6 30 867 26.8 $a59 $984 10.5 31.6 120 946 11.0 12.4 12.2 74.6 48 615 3a.l 41 991 11.9 13 ooa $21 459 28 9a3 $113 3.5

53 963 7.2 $1 72a $1 658 30.3 3.60 37 853 2.63 25 076 22 34a 12 543 32.0 53 963 14.7 21 529 69.3 100 255 24.5 $79a $1 053 12.5 31.2 294 536 10.l 14.3 15.4 69.5 9a 245 37.l 110 806 11.1 2a 472 $24 613 82 334 $117 7.6

13 735 5.4 $1 831 $1 62a 26.6 3.74 9 954 2.70 5 475 5 056 2 731 38.6 13 735 13.6 6 482 72.3 22 593 26.2 $789 $1 060 9.1 25.l 74 021 7.4 12.3 12.I 72.7 26 905 46.3 23 867 a.I a 21a $25 150 15 669 $136 2.3

2 306 7.6 $1 7a4 $1 306 19.a 3.23 1 295 2.44 ao8 667 362 34.a 2 306 24.0 1 052 64.2 9 329 40.2 $a14 $1 063 5,9 19.7 16 769 13.6 16.4 17.0 75.l 3 145 43.8 6 433 15.4 l 464 $24 916 4 969 $13a 3.2

1 640 9.4 $1 716 $1 451 20.4 3.38 l 094 2.62 674 590 286 39.2 1 640 25.5 754 64.1 3 277 40.3 $857 $975 6.0 36.4 9 495 12.9 20.7 21.0 79.5 2 818 47.5 3 639 15.3 l 420 $20 029 2 219 $116 3.8

111 575 5.3 $1 2a2 55 172 168 994 18.3 $a10 583 989 13.0 227 247 36.0

2 018 7.3 $1 017 803 2 043 23.7 $781 9 394 15.3 3 719 43.5

2 989 5.0 $1 457 1 376 3 508 21.3 $851 15 378 8.6 6 725 43.5

9 186 5.6 $1 272 4 454 11 146 20.5 $78a 45 824 10.8 19 291 36.7

872 5.5 $1 216 453 1 083 22.4 $887 4 387 10.5 I 844 30.4

9 666 6.6 $1 305 4 568 10 564 23.0 $779 47 136 13.0 20 203 38.2

17 185 6.0 $1 469 9 311 22 612 19.7 $791 83 605 10.6 33 698 2a.9

38 025 5.1 $1 311 18 755 76 116 18.6 $a42 211 265 14.0 70 365 33.9

9 375 3.7 $1 300 4 014 17 715 20.6 $a16 52 556 11.l la 666 42.6

1 275 4.2 $1 239 486 7 289 31.4 $816 11 567 14.0 l 941 3a.5

1 145 5.9 $1 253 482 2 446 30.l $757 6 320 19.l 1 812 39.2

226 667 10.a $1 921 91 054 304 962 33.0 $1 150 1 166 513 16.1 449 190 4a,2

4 706 17.0 $1 671 l 420 4 196 48.8 $1 033 21 922 17.7 8 756 59.0

6 284 10.5 $2 035 2 353 6 238 37.8 $1 207 31 799 10.6 14 111 54.3

19 141 11.7 $1 913 7 266 21 009 3a.6 $1 110 95 969 13.1 39 78a 51.1

1 962 12.4 $1 a66 719 1 945 4D.3 $1 183 9 699 12.a 4 079 50.9

20 914 14.2 $1 871 7 350 20 374

35 336 12.3 $1 955 14 175 41 986 36.5 $1 121 173 539 13.2 69 111 4a.1

72 740 9.7 $1 972 30 429 132 189 32.3 $1 204 394 197 17.l 129 654 43.4

19 265 7.6 $1 916 6 874 28 826 33.5 $1 243 102 440 12.9 3a 001 53.6

3 345 11.0 $1 560 l 056 11 437 49.3 $1 292 22 234 18.9 4 459 49.7

2 553 13.0 $1 732 a21 4 186 51.5 $1 173 12 786 23.2 3 770 50.5

Los AngelesLong Beach

ALL INCOME LEVELS Fam Illes-----------------------------

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under la years-----------Mean number of related children under 18 years_ Families with fomole head --------------------With related children under 18 years---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor farce----------family heads -------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian mole family heads under 65 years-------Percent in labor force __ --------------------Unrelated lndlvlduals -------- -----------

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over-------------------Persons __ -- -----.. - . . ----------------Percent receiving Social Security income________ _ Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _-


Hou11holds -------------------------


In owner occupied housing units--------------Mean volue of unit ------------------------ In renter occupied housing units --------------- Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent locking some or oil plumbing facilities ___ _-

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Famlllos ____ ---- -------------- ------


Percent of all families-------------Mean family income------------------------Mean Income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Mean size of family ------------------------- With related children under 18 years ----------- Mean number of related children under 1a years Families with female head ----··-------------- With related children under 18 years--------- . With related children under 6 years -------- Percent of heads in labor force----------


Percent 65Family yearshoods----------··-----------· and over ___________________ _Civilian mole heads under 65 years ____________ _ Percent in labor force _____________________ _-


Unrelated Jodlvlduals_ ___________ -- -- __ -

Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean income------------------------------Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Percent 65 years and over ___________________ _

--Persons---- __ ------ __ -------------- Percent of all persons_ ____________ _ Percent receiving Social Security income __ ------- Percent 65 years ond over-------------------- Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _Related children under 18 yeors---------------- Percent living with both parents ------------- Houstholds -------------------------


Percent of all households----------In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean value of unit------------------------ In renter occupied housing units --------------Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities. __ _ INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL

Famllles -------------------·------·Percent of all families _____________ _-

Mean income deficit ------------------------- Families with fomole head ---------------·---- Unrelated lndlvlduals ------------------ Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean income deficit ------------------------- Ptnons _______________ .. ______ ,.. ____ _


Percent 65 years and over-------------------Related children under 18 yeors---------------Percent living with both parents -·--·-------- . INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL

-Unrelated lndlvlduah ---- -------------- Percent of all unrelated individuals -·- Mean income deficit ____ ------ •• --·----- ----- Famlllt1 ____ -----------------------·

Percent of all families-·---·-------- Mean income deficit---------------------·-·Families with female head --------------------

__ .,_-------------------Percent 65Persons---years and over ___________________ _. Related children under 18 yeors-----·---------- Percent living with both parents -------------


6- 582



$1 080 101 614 16.0 42 443 53.6



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning al symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Urbanized areas-Con.



Simi Volley





ArdenArcade (U)




Buena Pork


22 644 4.8 3.29 12 825 2.16 2 884 2 230 823 57.l 22 644 12.1 12 153 89.0 9 925 7.0 29.0 84 334 8.9 9.7 70.4 29 395 13 636 $29 528 15 759 $116 0.4

13 150 4.1 4.25 10 675 2.51 694 545 203 64.5 13 150 3.2 12 050 97.4 1 032 8.6 22.8 56 883 3.2 2.4 78.2 13 334 11 646 $26 194 1 688 $173 0.1

40 105 13.5 3.47 23 127 2.34 5 492 3 902 1 768 39.1 40 105 12.5 29 942 93.4 16 460 21.6 38.7 155 672 10.7 10.1 76.3 50 700 29 347 $17 360 21 353 $102 3.1

17 786 5.2 3,17 9 509 2.10 2 637 1 944 965 38.8 17 786 10.6 11 185 93.5 7 401 9.0 29.2 63 847 9.1 9.1 75.4 22 119 7 679 $28 798 14 440 $132 0.9

17 233 5.2 3,03 7 306 1.98 2 094 1 085 338 66.0 17 233 17.8 12 406 94.3 9 217 7.1 39.7 61 357 14.9 15.4 77.8 23 589 10 613 $25 160 12 976 $120 1.0

43 277 4.8 3.52 26 691 2.18 4 228 3 121 1 151 67.9 43 277 7.0 35 958 96.0 12 748 5.7 21.9 165 041 6.4 5.8 77.4 49 336 25 938 $27 128 23 398 $145 0.4

22 254 4.4 3.32 12 424 2.04 2 173 1 525 463 68.5 22 254 7.4 17 871 93.6 8 565 3.4 13.6 82 454 6.1 5.5 75.2 27 836 16 545 $25 541 11 291 $145 0.2

17 832 9.7 3.48 10 516 2.28 2 437 1 814 710 46.6 17 832 12.1 13 531 93.4 6 448 17.5 34.6 68 580 9.3 9.1 73.7 22 367 13 624 $17 904 8 743 $105 1.2

14 082 7.7 3.17 7 692 1.96 1 497 1 094 487 66.3 14 082 8.6 11 388 95.2 5 390 12.5 28.0 so 080 8.6 7.8 80.0 17 065 7 274 $24 141 9 791 $127 0.7

24 379 9.3 3.04 11 454 1.98 4 636 3 044 1 271 56.6 24 379 15.5 16 572 86.7 34 776 5.2 14.3 108 916 10.3 11.3 71.6 44 000 14 409 $30 082 29 591 $141 2.7

15 637 4.9 3.90 11 346 2.37 1 393 1 123 400 67.5 1S 637 4.1 13 572 97.6 2 627 6.7 18.3 63 676 4.7 3.3 81.6 16 866 11 297 $24 301 5 569 $152 0.3

25 245 5.5 3.06 11 952 1.95 2 957 1 875 555 75.5 25 245 12.0 19 547 94.6 10 904 7.3 26.1 88 230 10.3 10.0 76.6 33 075 16 729 $28 307 16 346 $127 0.8

2 047 9.0 $1 766 $1 611 13.9 3.56 l 449 2.64 849 802 389 36.8 2 047 14.9 630 63.8 2 595 26.1 $827 $1 022 8.9 31.8 9 879 11.7 13.0 13.6 75.2 3 728 38.5 3 560 12.1 1 256 $22 987 2 304 $115 l.4

567 4.3 $1 883 $1 953 16.9 4.34 457 3.13 216 202 103 45.6 567 9,5 298 76.2 353 34.2 $574 $1 278 5.9 25.5 2 811 4.9 9.1 7.2 80.8 1 430 55.3 608 4.6 452 $24 071 156 $154


5 230 13.0 $1 990 $1 563 40.3 3.88 3 828 2.88 2 399 2 115 1 173 26.3 5 230 14.5 2 231 74.3 5 635 34.2 $821 $1 024 20.7 41.3 25 926 16.7 13.8 13.6 70.8 10 841 38.3 8 752 17.3 3 003 $12 924 5 749 $87 6.6

1 581 8.9 $1 484 $1 978 17.0 3.67 1 322 2.57 895 878 622 19.0 1 581 7.2 431 64.3 1 399 18.9 $882 $943 15.4 44.7 7 197 11.3 10.9 11.2 72.9 3 328 29.6 2 432 11.0 460 $24 076 l 972 $91 1.6

926 5.4 $1 594 $1 413 16.3 2.98 466 2.20 322 256 116 35,3 926 29.6 370 66.8 2 173 23.6 $905 $906 5.6 58.0 4 931 8.0 34.6 34.9 82.8 1 035 43.2 2 421 10.3 798 $22 319 l 623 $95 2.4

2 256 5.2 $1 688 $1 657 15.6 3.53 1 664 2.44 977 920 532 45.5 2 256 11.4 1 009 79.6 2 598 20.4 $860 $964 6.2 40.1 10 570 6.4 16.5 14.5 82.3 4 009 43.2 3 546 7.2 1 189 $24 748 2 357 $131 1.2

932 4.2 $1 324 $1 738 15.1 3.29 681 2.15 385 357 160 46.3 932 6.4 443 72.0 l 653 19.3 $834 $1 021 5.9 24.9 4 718 5.7 12.8 12,0 79.9 l 460 41.4 1 786 6.4 686 $23 575 1 100 $135 l.1

2 096 11.8 $2 060 $1 534 29.7 3.95 1 465 2.98 945 827 430 29.5 2 096 16,9 847 67.9 2 213 34,3 $821 $1 013 19.5 41.3 10 484 15.3 14.4 14.0 68.6 4 317 39.7 3 585 16.0 1 536 $13 085 2 049 $82 3.9

902 6.4 $1 701 $1 449 25.6 3.17 582 2.25 344 326 183 33.9 902 14.2 434 79.7 1 287 23.9 $853 $982 16.0 44.4 4 149 8.3 17.8 19.7 70.l 1 280 42.7 1 714 10.0 484 $20 111 1 230 $109 1.6

2 583 10.6 $1 690 $1 425 28.5 3.16 l 594 2.21 l 181 1 022 567 34.2 2 583 10.6 1 179 60.5 12 969 37.3 $763 $1 131 6.1 10.6 21 140 19.4 8.3 8.7 66.7 3 555 29.8 8 651 19.7 1 122 $24 424 7 529 $140 5.1

662 4.2 $1 789 $1 818 20.1 3.95 522 2.80 295 273 179 53.l 662 9.2 311 79.4 661 25.2 $808 $1 019 12.4 34.2 3 274 5.1 13.2 10.9 88.2 1 486 44.8 988 5.9 418 $23 119 570 $133 0.6

1 159 4.6 $1 630 $1 449 19.3 3.22 766 2.25 512 433 181 48.1 1 159 18.5 469 78.0 2 113 19.4 $865 $959 12.4 46.2 5 844 6.6 22.3 23.3 77.2 1 701 40,6 2 645 8.0 849 $24 963 1 796 $107 1.9

1 366 6.0 $1 355 636 1 951 19.7 $817 6 785 11.8 2 602 32.6

381 2.9 $1 708 162 285 27.6 $1 058 1 884 6.6 951 47.2

3 571 8.9 $1 193 1 744 4 308 26.2 $804 18 002 13.3 7 637 34.l

1 143 6.4 $1 683 756 1 064 14.4 $706 5 085 10.5 2 410 19.7

635 3.7 $1 115 216 1 528 16.6 $735 3 492 29.7 785 43.9

1 592 3.7 $1 332 787 1 850 14.5 $802 7 369 11.9 2 914 39.2

668 3.0 $1 456 294 1 278 14.9 $782 3 515 11.8 1 120 41.3

1 329 7.5 $1 227 669 1 640 25.4 $827 6 765 13.3 2 769 34.5

581 4.1 $1 233 215 960 17.8 $776 2 757 18.2 773 45.l

1 709 7.0 $1 162 833 10 388 29.9 $873 15 767 7.8 2 441 25.7

455 2.9 $1 512 228 486 18,5 $843 2 343 7.2 1 093 42.1

763 3.0 $1 219 358 1 516 13.9 $789 3 929 20.3 1 152 34.7

3 061 13.5 $1 791 1 097 3 387 34.l $1 187 14 299 13.4 s 429 46.9

896 6.8 $2 027 298 416 40.3 $1 497 4 376 6.8 2 331 64.0

7 036 17.5 $1 937 2 784 7 943 48.3 $1 117 35 035 15.8 14 117 46.9

2 166 12.2 $2 203 1 031 2 062 27.9 $1 015 10 101 13.3 4 509 41.3

1 384 8.0 $1 557 424 2 961 32.1 $1 054 7 068 36.0 1 502 47.9

3 230 7.5 $1 874 1 233 3 514 27.6 $1 106 14 892 15.0 5 498 50.8

1 252 5.6 $1 989 458 2 265 26.4 $1 153 6 345 13.8 1 830 46.0

2 888 16.2 $1 897 1 137 2 937 45.5 $1 163 14 269 15.7 5 811 45.7

1 260 8.9 $1 700 430 1 828 33.9 $1 072 5 786 22.8 1 726 46.6

3 461 14.2

876 5.6 $2 166 385 844 32.l $1 201 4 342 12.3 l 951

1 633 6.5 $1 709 673 2 790 25.6 $1 124 8 166 24.6 2 448 46.9

All INCOME LEVELS Families-----------------------------

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------Wilh related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head -·------------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------Family heads-------------------------

Percent 65 years and over------·-------------Civilian male familyforce heads under 65 years--------_ Percent in labor ______________________ Unrelated Individuals ------ __ -----------

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Persons ____ -------- ------ ----------Percent receiving Social Security income _________ _ Percent 65 years and over----------------·---Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Hause holds ____ -------------------- --

In owner occupied housing units-----------·--·Mean value of unit-----------·-------------In renter occupied housing units ---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ____ _

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Famlllts ____ ----·--- ______ ----------Percent of all families ______________ _ Mean family income-------------------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean site of family -------·--·--------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head ---------------·----With related children under 18 years---------· With related children under 6 years --·-----Percent of heads in labor force----------Famlly heads-------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian male headsforce under______________________ 65 yeors--------------_ Percent in labor Unrelated lndlvlduals __________________ _

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---· Mean income---· __ -------------------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Persons __ ,. _____ ---- -- ---- -----------

Percent of all persans.-------------Percent receiving Social Security income _________ _ Percent 65 years ond over--------------------Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Related children under 18 years ________________ _ Percent living with both parents -------------Households __ ---- __ ---------- -- -----·

Percent of all households-----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units------..---------Mean gross rent·-------------------------Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities ____ _

INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL lam Illes------ -- ----·----- ---- -- -----

Percent of all families.-------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Fcmilies with female head ----·---------------Unrelated lndlvldvals -------------------

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit--------------------------

Penons ---- ---- -------------- -- -----

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years ________________ _ Percent living with both parents --------------

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Famlll11 ---------·-----------------· _

Percent of all families--------------Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head ---------------------

Unrelated lndlvlduals -------------------

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit -------------------------Persons ---- ------------------------Percent 65 years and over--------------------Related children under 18 years ________________ _ Percent living with both parents --------------


$1 743 1 448

15 889 45.7 $1 352 27 080 9.8 4 763 36.4



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


[Excludes inmates of Institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Carson Chula Vista


Concord Costa Mesa

Daly City

East Los Downey Angeles (U)

El Cajon

El Monte



24 565 4.6 3.23 12 838 2.00 2 173 1 506 544 72.2 24 565 7.8 20 598 95.5 7 697 5.8 19.9 87 145 6.6 6.3 74.8 30 140 17 103 $28 900 13 037 $139 0.2

23 752 18.0 4.06 15 751 2.68 4 643 3 215 1 586 37.5 23 752 13.3 16 527 91.2 6 612 18.4 35.0 103 154 9.1 7.9 73.9 27 417 10 486 $20 151 16 931 $93 1.5

13 837 6.5 3.39 8 082 2.15 1 567 1 165 425 52.2 13 837 9.9 10 638 93.3 4 025 9.9 29.6 50 983 8.6 7.7 79.2 15 395 8 247 $23 839 7 148 $135 0.6

17 746 12.2 3.51 10 772 2.29 2 463 1 911 902 48.3 17 746 10.1 13 609 93.2 6 376 15.2 29.2 68 752 8.7 7.5 76.9 21 296 8 550 $21 020 12 746 $114 1.2

24 246 4.6 3.99 17 749 2.43 1 570 1 278 421 63.2 24 246 4.3 21 566 97.4 3 417 5,7 20.5 100 102 3.8 3.2 75.2 26 028 19 418 $26 374 6 610 $165 0.3

41 277 13.1 3.48 23 342 2.33 6 254 4 2'13 1 935 40.6 41 277 13.4 30 145 90.8 18 597 15.3 33.1 162 130 10.7 10.2 76.8 53 760 30 778 $16 277 22 982 $108 1.1

3 974 16.7 $2 240 $1 734 40.0 4.46 3 263 3.23 1 797 1 673 981 22.9 3 974 13.7 I 776 70.7 2 271 34.3 $858 $973 19.7 42.7 20 010 19.4 10.2 9.1 73.8 10 360 47.8 5 401 19.7 1 242 $17 760 4 159 $87 1.4

1 045 7.6 $1 708 $1 629 18.9 3.51 735 2.63 472 435 256 32.4 1 045 13.2 427 63.0 1 150 28.6 8.5 39.0 4 815 9.4 15.0 14.8 74.4 1 926 36,0 1 571 10.2 537 $21 883 I 034 $121 1.5

1 941 10.9 $2 030 $1 541 37.8 3.93 1 544 2.79 869 831 527 26.9 1 941 12.2 861 71.1 1 614 25.3 $873 $961 17.4 39.8 9 246 13.4 13.6 11.3 78.4 4 362 41.8 2 895 13.6 576 $18 251 2 319 $104 3.4

1 005 4.1 $1 718 $1 960 23.4 4.02 719 3.07 403 364 172 48.3 1 005 ]9.2 438 77.6 812 23.8 $107 $1 122 9.0 35.2 4 856 4.9 13.4 13.0 77.5 2 183 41.1 1 373 5.3 815 $25 632 558 $143 1.0

34.4 28 211 17.4 14.9 14.4 77.6 11 555 37.4 9 446 17.6 3 601 $-12 887 5 845 $93 2.6

All INCOME LEVELS fto1dlt1 ----------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With reloted children under 18 years-----------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------Family h11d1 -------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian mole familyforce_ heads_____________________ under 65 yeors --------_ Percent in labor Uort!Gttd /1dlvld11l1 ------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------P1t1011 -- -- ---- __ ---- ------ -- ......... --


Percent receiving Social Security income. ________ _ Percent 65 years ond over-------------------Percent receiving Social Security Income______ _

-In owner occupied housing units --------------- Mean value of unit ------------------------ In renter occupied housing units ---------------Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent locking some or ell plumbing focilit/es ___ _Hnlfhtlds -------------------------

16 299 7.1 4.19 12 156 2.58 1 367 I 128 468 57.7 16 299 3.7 14 051 97.I 2 545 9.3 17.3 70 886 3.5 2.7 70.9 15 852 II 610 $26 002 4 242 $141 0.2

18 212 5.5 3.43 10 679 2.22 1 908 1 534 634 45.4 18 212 8.6 12 030 92.9 4 815 8.1 33.2 67 351 7.8 7.1 80.6 19 816 11 422 $24 031 8 394 $143 0.5

17 182 17.3 4.28 12 681 2.80 3 413 2 845 1 407 49.4 17 182 5.8 12 832 91.4 4 201 15.8 22.1 77 740 5.4 3.9 73.8 19 657 11 371 $18 565 8 286 $110 0.1

21 415 5.6 3.75 14 712 2.28 I 716 1 369 482 69.7 21 415 5.1 18 438 97.4 3 998 8.0 21.3 84 360 4.5 3.9 76.2 23 306 15 754 $27 752 1 552 $163 0.1

18 020 5.2 3.48 10 740 2.16 2 164 I 593 529 74.5 18 020 9.1 14 231 95.4 7 243 7.8 22.2 69 886 7.9 7.1 80.6 21 994 10 368 $28 857 11 626 $146 0.5

942 5.8 $2 120 $1 872 24.9 4.53 802 3.25 420 397 227 38.3 942 6.9 453 86.3 651 25.6 $566 $1 291 14.7 20.4 4 914 6.9 7.1 5.1 59.9 2 659 48.4 1 017 6.4 438 $23 334 579 $125 0.3

1 448 8.0 $1 370 $1 966 15.3 3,53 1 084 2.55 744 709 370 25.9 1 448 11.1 423 62.4 1 296 26.9 $760 $1 071 9.0 39.4 6 409 9.5 11.5 13.0 74.9 2 763 35.8 2 021 10.2 843 $22 669 1 178 $133 1.0

2 934 17.1 $2 174 $1 854 40.6 4.61 2 529 3.28 I 444 1 357 785 29.4 2 934 5.1 1 363 65.0 1 295 30.8 $730 $1 130 19.6 29.9 14 821 19.l 6.7 4.1 75.7 8 237 42.4 3 660 18.6 1 240 $16 958 2 420 $108 1.1

870 4.1 $1 596 $1 769 24.4 3.55 643 2.53 425 406 207 42.0 870 11.1 345 84.9 892 22.3 $729 $1 004 6.5 30.6 3 982 4.7 11.6 11.4 72.9 1 648 37.6 1 333 5.7 461 $23 742 872 $140 0.8

1 181 6.6 $1 505 $1 581 17.9 3.26 758 2.35 453 405 179 51.4 1 181 19.0 511 82,6 1 565 21.6 $878 $953 7.3 39.0 5 411 7.7 19.5 18.7 80.3 l 889 49.5 2 055 9.3 591 $23 285 1 464 $131 2.1

896 14.3 383 71.3 895 18.1 $742 $1 100 6.9 36.9 3 814 5.7 13.0 14.4 69.9 1 347 44.7 1 405 6.6 657 $23 885 748 $144 0.4

1 104 4.5 $1 558 $1 664 16.9 3.42 703 2.44 366 322 177 46.9 1 104 16.1 580 80.5 1 462 19.0 $804 $1 040 7.0 36.1 5 240 6.0 16.3 16.3 78.0 1 708 50.2 1 981 6.6 845 $26 435 1 136 $120 0.4

657 4.0 $1 499 320 517 20.3 $1 098 3 439 5.5 1 826 42.7

1 068 5.9 $1 692 638 978 20.3 $879 4 669 11.7 2 051 25.8

2 057 12.0 $1 399 l 086 1 OG7 24.0 $916 10 074 3.9 5 467 39.2

677 3.2 $1 310 344 626 15.7 $868 2 966 9.9 1 236 30.7

786 4.4 $1 359 342 1 096 15.1 $801 3 902 14.6 1 492 47.5

677 3.8 $1 377 257 678 13.7 $906 2 823 13.4 923 42.1

823 3.4 $1 266 2'14 1 101 14.3 $833 3 909 12.9 1 306 41.7

2 S91 10.9 $1 400 1 259 1 635 24.7 $804 12 634 9.0 6 482 40.7

790 5.7 $1 178 403 783 19.5 $870 3 567 12.3 1 507 28.6

1 257 7.1 $1 228 636 1 199 18.8 $747 6 235 10.2 2 956 36.3

751 3.1 $1 518 293 629 18.4 $915 3 643 11.0 1 640 47.1

3 344 8.1 $1 078 1 588 4 925 26.5 $752 18 026 13.4 7 149 34.3

1 466 9.0 $2 047 522 864 33.9 $1 370 7 868 6.1 4 244 57.3

1 893 10.4 $2 244 821 1 829 38.0 $1 146 8 595 14.1 3 524 45.1

3 862 22.5 $2 318 l 704 1 692 40.3 $1 275 20 126 4.9 11 274

1 203 5.6 $2 008 508 1 197 29.9 $1 147 5 646 12.3 2 348 45.4

1 681 9.3 $1 785 576 2 176 30.0 $1 080 8 062 18.0 2 796 56.2

1 185 6.7 $2 032 407 l 150 23.2 $1 259 5 239 13.6 1 871 51.5

1 544 6.3 $1 886 518 1 922 25.0 $1 194 7 166 18.5 2 309 51.9

5 740 24.2 $2 059 2 184 3 135 47.4 $1 094 29 481 9.5 15 263 59.3

1 501 10.8 $1 821 605 1 485 36.9 $1 167 6 569 17.4 2 456 38.5

2 724 15.3 $1 878 1 072 2 316 36.3 $1 057 13 165 12.2 5 992 49.1

1 358 5.6 $2 253 467 1 029 30.1 $1 284 6 548 12.6 2 998 49.9

7 282 17.6 $1 816 2 821 9 348 50.3 $1 088 38 011 16.8 14 742 44.2

17 691 4.7 3.50 10 596 2.15 1 726 1 171 347 70.6 17 691 6.1 14 496 94.9 4 955

5.6 19.1 66 854

5.1 5.0 68.2 21 211 12 900 $27 781 8 311 $159 0.5



fl•lllt•-- -- -----------------------Percent ct all fomllies-------------Mean family income------------------------Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance Income ______ _ Mean size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years----------Meon number of related children under 18 years Families with femole heod -------------------With related children under 18 years--------With related children under 6 years -------Percent of heads in labor force---------fomlly ht1d1 -----------------------Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian male heads under 65 yeors------------Perunt in labor farce·--------------------U1rtlat1d /ndMduols • ________________ _ Percent of all unrelated Individuals --Mean ·income __ •••• ____ -------- ------ __ ----- Mean income deficit -------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 6S years and over-------------------Ptnon 1 ________ ---- ___ ,.., __________ _ Percent of all person•-------------Percent receiving Social Security income________ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Percent receiving Social Security income ______ _ Related children under 18 years _______________ _ Percent living with both parents ------------Hou11htltt1 ------------------------Percent of all households----------· In owner occupied housing units--------------Mean value of unit -----------------------In renter occupied housing units --------------Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities ___ _-






896 5.1 447 1 736 13.8 3.26 576 2.28 345 272 90



~45 91

5 332 12.9 $2 169 $1 427 38.8 4.02 3 662 3.15 2 357 2 083 1 194 27.5 5 332 19.3 2 109 64.0 6 794 36.5 r99 952


INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL f111ltlt1 -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- Percent of oil families---·---------Mean income deficit __ •• ------ __ ------ -- ----Families with female head -------------------- -

U1rtltt1d lodl•/dua/1.----------------- Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean Income deficit------------------------- Peno.. ---------------------------- Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Related children under 18 yeors---------------- Percent living with both parents ------------- -


--Unrwltttd /ndlYlduals __ ---------------- Percenl of oil unrelated individuals __ _Meon income deficit------------------------- Ptno111 -·-------------------------- Percent 65 ~ears and over----------------··-- Related children under 18 yeors---------------- Percent living with both parents ------------- famlllto ____________ ---- -------- ----

Percent of oil fomilles.------------Mean income deficit------------------------Families with female head --------------------




Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Excludes inmates of Institutions, members of the Armed Forces living In barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated Individuals under 14 years. Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More



Gorden Grove




Huntington Beach


22 128 3.8 3.51 13 302 2.20 2 016 1 424 410 69.8 22 128 8.3 18 390 96.3 1 183 5.3 20.8 84 802 6.6 6.2 75.9 26 135 15 502 $30 661 10 633 $148 0.3

30 817 5.2 3.74 20 672 2.34 2 710 2 066 819 67.6 30 817 6.0 25 955 96.5 6 578 5.6 17.8 121 728 5.0 4.4 76.7 33 875 22 239 $25 558 11 636 $151 0.3

36 620 5.6 3.03 16 640 1.99 4 596 2 655 894 72.7 36 620 16.9 26 559 94.4 20 186 8.4 37.2 131 012 13.8 14.8 76.1 51 912 20 507 $33 154 31 405 $124 0.8

14 199 5.4 3.30 8 293 2.05 1 775 1 248 379 82.6 14 199 6.9 11 449 94.9 5 843 6.2 16.5 52 757 7.1 5.8 80.4 18 016 6 823 $27 163 11 193 $140 0.8

23 825 7.2 3.60 15 104 2.23 2 241 1 655 652 57.5 23 825 5.9 19 961 95.5 6 334 7.4 19.7 92 009 5.6 4.6 77.6 27 116 14 681 $24 116 12 435 $150 0.5

29 631 3.2 3.71 20 485 2.27 2 254 1 732 667 74.7 29 631 4.9 25 669 96.5 5 540 6.6 17.1 115 481 4.5 3.7 76.6 30 219 20 815 $30 753 9 404 $162 0.5

24 400 5.9 3.02 11 270 1.90 3 229 1 976 755 74.8 24 400 12.7 18 351 92.8 14 898 5.8 24.3 88 569 11.3 11.1 78.4 34 073 10 680 $26 409 23 393 $135 1.0

22 035 4.6 3.62 14 227 2.21 1 716 1 241 348 59.5 22 035 5.9 18 947 96.3 2 828 6.2 23.0 82 488 4.8 4.2 75.5 23 831 19 093 $23 728 4738 $157 0.3

92 893 7.7 3.05 43 404 2.03 12 588 8 099 3 542 51.9 92 893 14.9 64 871 92.2 59 022 11.5 35.7 342 437 14.3 14.1 79.5 132 844 52 944 $25 854 79 900 $118 1.2

694 719 9.9 3.36 383 601 2.21 112 580 76 845 33 972 54.1 694 719 12.0 508 891 93.4 421 838 9.7 25.0 2 759 118 9.8 9.8 74.0 985 290 382 947 $30 526 602 343 $126 1.5

16 266 8.7 3.40 9 749 2.24 1 889 1 394 580 57.8 16 266 11.6 12 633 92:5 5 476 17.7 38.4 60 753 9.2 9.3 73.7 20 271 12 676 $19 665 7 595 $116 0.6

948 4.3 $1 538 $1 804 14.3 3.56 632 2.59 388 322 130 44.6 948 13.4 460 81.7 1 798 25.0

1 934 5,3 $1 602 $1 425 19.7 3.11 1 190 2.20 737 599 273 37,4 1 934 21.9 851 73.0 4 586 22.7 $895 $917 10.7 55.2 10 605 8.1 29.0 30.6 80.6 2 562 47.9 5 284 10.2 1 100 $26 095 4 184 $102 1.7

648 4.6 $1 906 $1 348 27.2 3.36 453 2.35 291 274 100 53.0 648 14.2 275 61.1 938 16.1 $874 $962 8.2 31.0 3 118 5.9 17.5 14.7 79.2 1 014 39.5 1 188 6.6 308 $23 356 880 $121 2.4

1 548 6.5 $1 672 $1 876 26.4 3.82 1 156 2.72 630 566 305 41.6 1 548 12.5 734 74.5 1 584 25.0 $746 $1 105 7.5 28.7 7 499 8.2 12.1 9.9 76.7 3 155 46.6 2 303 8.5 824 $22 720 1 479 $139 0.9

1 330 4.5 $1 653 $1 772 12.0 3.64 1 013 2.55 537 499 258 60.1 1 330 5.9 710 79.6 1 123 20.3 $845 $1 013 6.9 28.9 5 961 5.2 9.4 8.7 72.4 2 624 50.2 1 793 5.9 751 $27 210 1 042 $134 1.3

1 303 5,3 $1 699 $1 412 18.8 3.12 861 2.09 561 501 296 44.3 1 303 20.2 516 71.1 2 867 19.2

$1 070 2.8 22.9 5 175 6.1 13.4 12.3 76.4 1 591 42.7 1 833 7.0 623 $25 046 1 210 $137 0.8

1 460 4.7 $1 663 $1 769 16.1 3.66 1 096 2.55 667 618 352 44.3 1 460 10.6 646 84.4 1 467 22.3 $736 $1 102 5.8 28.6 6 816 5.6 11.4 10.1 75.8 2 776 41.0 1 995 5.9 880 $23 807 1 115 $135 0.3

46.2 6 937 7.8 25.1 25.7 77.8 1 791 41.9 3 281 9.6 814 $23 713 2 467 $111 2.7

905 4.1 $1 742 $1 685 15.1 3.69 698 2.61 384 368 142 23.9 905 9.4 430 78.6 668 23.6 $716 $1 142 5.4 23.2 4 008 4.9 9.2 7.9 77.0 1 734 43.0 1 234 5.2 792 $22 491 442 $143


7 620 8.2 $1 626 $1 572 26.0 3.31 5 115 2.43 3 648 3 251 1 965 30.8 1 620 16.4 2 651 66.2 15 162 25.7 $898 $922 12.8 45.4 40 350 11.8 22.0 22.4 78.0 12 316 34.0 18 019 13.6 3 615 $21 438 14 404 $99 2.7

68 501 9.9 $1 886 $1 606 34.3 3.79 50 477 2.80 33 843 30 544 17 830 31.0 68 501 13.3 27 108 69.8 107 327 25,4 $815 $1 028 12.8 33,5 366 890 13.3 13.8 14.1 72.8 139 962 35.7 137 553 14.0 26 126 $23 997 111 427 $104 3.4

1 428 8,8 $1 872 $1 433 29.4 3,53 954 2.69 578 536 274 49.3 1 428 23.0 539 67.9 1 577 28.8 !863 959 15.7 46.4 6 616 10.9 18.1 19.5 76.8 2 455 42.9 2 498 12.3 1 023 $15 954 1 475 $96 1.6

690 3.1 $1 460 313 1 422 19.8 $815 3 788 12.2 1 132 39.3

1 070 3.5 $1 404 512 1 167 17.7 $862 5 005 8.5 2 070 36.1

1 292 3.5 $1 161 522 3 322 16.5 $724 7 260 29.9 1 699 46.4

396 2.8 $1 098 185 676 11.6 $780 2 033 11.0 712 39.5

4.9 $1 441 497 1 261 19.9 $863 5 641 9.3 2 336 42.9

l 172

963 3.2 $1 425 406 828 14.9 $828 4 382 7.1 1 945 47.9

856 3.5 $1 160 383 2 112 14.2 $786 4 811 24.0 1 226 39.9

658 3.0 $1 317 286 520 18.4 $930 2 765 7.7 1 173 41.3

5 330 5.7 $1 266 2 947 10 971 18.6 $723 28 437 19.8 8 986 27.8

47 257 6.8 $1 236 25 355 80 698 19.1 $821 256 881 12.6 97 903 30.8

912 5.6 $1 165 394 20.5 $795 4 216 19.6 1 541 34.7

422 3.2 $1 139 141 1 046 10.6 $818 2 369 16.0 561 52.0

1 392 6.3 $1 951

2 017 6.5 $2 019 819 1 983 30.1 $1 214 9 347 12.2 3 708 46.8

2 701 7.4 $1 676 931 6 056 30.0 $1 089 14 329 33.4 3 379 52.8

927 6.5 $1 631 373 1 338 22.9 $1 058 4 506 17.2 1 491 49.1

2 203 9.2 $2 071 795 1 977 31.2 $1 302 10 479 10.3 4 489 52.3

1 863 6.3 $1 999 691 1 545 27.9 $1 130 8 398 11.0 3 567 53.7

1 902 7.8 $1 617 749 3 916 26.3 $1 120 9 928 27.4 2 569 46.2

1 253 5.7 $1 985 453 840 29.7 $1 316 5 520 8.7 2 473 53.7

10 795 11.6 $1 792 4 507 21 699 36.8 $1 028 57 191 25.4 16 588 42.2

93 905 13.5 $1 929 41 247 143 794 34.1 $1 169 498 662 15.6 185 970 42.8

2 025 12.4 $1 738 688 2 320 42.4 $1 034 9 420 21.5 3 391 51.7

936 7.2 $1 629 256 1 760 17.8 $1 220 4 697 17.1 1 197 61.2

Lakewood Long Beach Los Angeles


Mountain View


---Family hoads ------------------------ Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Civilian male family heads under 65 years------- Percent in labor force---------------------- Uortltttd lndMduot1 -----------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Peno•s __ ------ -----------... -------- Percent receiving Social Security Income ________ _ Percent 65 years and over·------------------- Famlllt1 ----------------------------

Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Mean size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years -------Percent of heads in labor force----------

Percent receiving Social Security income------- Hoo11h1ld1 -------------------------


In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean value of unit-----------------------In renter occupied housing units--------------Mean gross rent-------------------------- Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities ___ _

12 988 5.4 3.)4 6 564 1.99 1 396 954


77.9 12 988 7.4 10 206 93.7 9 862 3.4 9.1 50 647 5.7 5.5 72.3 18 741 5 370 $30 293 13 371 $170 0.4

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL Famlllt1 ---- ---- -------------------- -


Percent of all families -- __ ---------Mean family income------------------------Mean income deficit--------------------·---- Percent receiving public assistance Income ______ _ Mean size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head -------------------- With related children under 18 years--------- With related children under 6 years -------Percent of heads In labor force---------- Family heads------------------------ Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian male heads under 65 years_ ___________ _-


-P1no1s ---.... ---------- _ Percent of-----------all persons. _____________

Percent in lobar force ____ -----------------Unrtlatod lndlvldual1 ______________ ----

Percent of all unrelated individuals -- _ Mean Income ______ ------------------------Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and over--------------------

Percent receiving Socialover Security lncome----------_ Percent 65 years and ____________________ Percent receiving Social Security income_______ _ Related children under 18 years_ _______________ _ Percent living with both parents -------------Hou11holds ------ ------ --------------

Percent of all households-----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Meon value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent lacking some or all plumbing locilities ____ _


~~ 7.8

658 5.1 $1 659 $1 374 17.0 3.20 404 2.22 197 157 82


658 16.6 319 68,3 1 376 14.0 $814 $1 041 6.3 26.1 3 481 6.9 15.5 16.0 76.7 872 58.1 1 374 7.3 373 $25 084 1 001 $148 0.7

INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Famlllts -------------------- -- -----_ Percent of oil families ______________ Meon income deficit-------------------------Families with female head --------------------Unrelttod Individuals __ •• ---------------

M . Perce.nt of all unrelated individuals ---eon income def1c1t --------------------------

Penotts ------------ -------------- .. --

Percent children 65 yearsunder and over--------------------Related 18 years ________________ _ Percent living with both parents --------------

l 123

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL FamRlu -------------·--------------_ Percent of all families_ _____________

Mean income deficit-------------------------Families with female head -----·--------------Unrtlttod Individuals ______________ -----

Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit-------------------------Persons .... ------ ---------------------

~ercent 65 years and over---------------------

elated children under 18 years----------------Percent living with both parents --------------


2 358 32.8 $1 223 7 305 15.4 2 328 52.5



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college st~dents in dormitories, and unrelated Individuals under 14 years. Data bosllil on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meomng of symbols, see texlJ

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More







Palo Alto


Plea Rivero


Redondo Beach

Redwood City

21 602 6.8 3.96 15 324 2.47 1 886 1 469 542 66.2 21 602 4. 1 18 845 95.3 3 581 9.0 22.0 89 093 4.2 3.2 70.7 23 040 16 827 $19 896 6 213 $138 0.3

88 975 13.9 3.26 43 705 2.28 15 612 10 666 5 078 47.8 88 975 15.9 60 053 90.9 61 917 12.9 30.7 352 065 12.8 13.0 74.6 130 528 51 505 $24 825 79 023 $119 3.4

16 595 9.1 3.56 10 160 2.33 1 755 1 296 650 50.8 16 595 10.7 13 213 94.0 4 430 14.9 38.1 63 503 9.2 8.1 78.8 19 273 11 406 $18 042 7 867 $108 0.5

19 411 3.9 3.66 12 766 2.29 1 822 l 319 413 73.4 19 411 7.4 16 041 97.0 4 821 7.5 30.8 75 813 6.5 6.0 78.7 21 841 13 750 $29 625 8 091 $146 0.4

16 436 7,6 3.86 10 963 2.55 2 136 1 703

14 133 2.9 3.27 7 616

28 479 8.3 3.16 13 467 2.17 4 384 2 627 1 160 55.1 28 479 18.4 19 588 93.4 20 111 8.0

12 755 8,3 4.03 0 590 2.56 1 207 851 330 55,2 12 755 6.9 10 725

21 003 10.7 3.59 12 447 2.43 2 541 1 914 908 52.6 21 003 11.7 16 238 93.2 8 339 11.7 31.8 83 813 9.8 8.9 80.5 25 839 14 351 $18 539 11 488 $115 0.8

14 436 6.8 3.48 8 926 2.17 1 774 1 344 500 65.2 14 436 7.2 11 670 95.1 5 493 8.6 22.8 55 781 7.0 6.0 81.8 17 949 7 697 $26 297 10 252 $157 0.7

15 292 6.2 3.17 7 753 1.98 1 674 1 060 403 77.7 15 292 11.3 12 041 95.3 6 554 9.0 22.0 54 997 9.2 8.7 75.1 19 234 8 986 $31 216 10 248 $158 0.7

1 306 6.0

10 868 12.2 $1 933 $1 604 44.4 3.B2 8 105 2.81 5 876 5 316 3 092 29.5 10 868 13.0 3 756 65.3 16 979 27.4 $825 $1 018 17.5 37.6 58 534 16.6 14.2 15.3 70.2 22 365 30.7 21 640 16.6 4 991 $19 496 16 649 $100 6.9

1 711 10.3 $1 982 $1 516 22.4 3.B2 1 244 2.76 646 602 399 31.8 1 711 16.S 810 73.7 1 484 33.5 $645 $975 16.J 47.0 8 015 12.6 16.0

948 4.9 $1 540 $1 709 16.2 3.59 667 2.53 347 330 119 47.9 948 12.4 481 85.0 1 333 27.6 $860 $966 6.1 40.8 4 735 6.2 14.2

1 965 9.4 $2 160 $1 609 34.8 4.19 1 486 3.14 817 755 498 32.3 1 965 13.1 930 72.6 2 412 28.9 $856 $987 14.5 39.8 10 643 12.7 15.2 13.6 77.0 4 824 45.3 3 418 13.2 1 147 $16 062 2 271 $106 2.3

905 6.3 $2 012 $1 406 26.5 3.63 643 2.63 396 375 191 26.7 905 15.8 379 73.9 1 138 20.7 $896 $907

663 4.3 $1 518 $1 528 14.6 3. 10 436 2.02 250 223 122 54.9 663 15.2 318 79.2 1 240 18.9 $851 $993 11.0 33.4 3 297





Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Mean size of family -----------------------With related children under 18 years ---------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head -------------------With related children under 18 years --------With related children under 6 years-·----Percent of heads in labor force----------

--Fainlly htods ------------------------ Percent 65 years and over------------------- -Civilian mole family heads under 65 years------ -Percent in labor force·-----------·--·------ Unrelat•d lndlvlduols ------ -------- ---- Percent receiving pubfic assistance income ___ ,.. __ _Percent 65 years and over ___________________ _ Persons ______ ,._-------------.. -----Percent receiving Social Security income ________ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------- Percent receiving Social Security income •• ____ _Housohalds -'-------·-·------------- In owner occupied housing units--------------- Mean value of unit------------------------ In renter occupied housing units-··------------ Mean gross rent-------------·-----------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities_. __ -


5 301 7.7 19,1 68 817 5.8 5.0 72.3 18 405 10 079 $20 831 8 326 $132 0.7

1 533 982 165 64.2 14 133 12.2 11 061 92.6 9 061 4.5 24.2 55 217 9.5 10.0 74.4 19 787 10 555 $36 771 9 232 $181 1.4

1 780 10.8 $2 052 $1 852 22.1 4.39 I 467 3.19 798 732

3.5 $1 742 $1 438 10.4 3.24 314 2.28 200 169


52.5 16 436 7.0 12 362 94.4


110 202 14.7 16.4 73.5

42 889 18 231 $30 187 24 658 $126 1.6


2 155 8,7 21.4 53 593 6.1 4.6 77.8 13 992 10 561 $21 056 3 431 $121


20 416 14.3

3.-16 11 871


3 168 2 508 1 248

53.9 20 686


15 484 93.0 6 889 15.8 26.8 78 $51 8.6 7.5 11.2 24 8S3 14 4&2 $21 326 10 371



INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL famllfes ---- ----------·-------------


Percent of all families·- __ ------ ___ _ Mean family income------------------------Mean income deficit------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _ Mean size of family ------------------------With related children under 18 years ----------Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female head-------------------With related children under 18 years ---·----- With related children under 6 years-------Percent of heads in labor force---------- Family heads------------------------ -


Percent 65 years and over-------------------Civilian mole heads under 65 years ____________ _Porcent in labor force---------------------- Unrelated lodMduals ------------------


Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean income .. -- .. -------------- ........ --------Mean income deficit--·-------·-------------Percent receiving public assistance income ______ _Percent 65 years and over-------------------Pman1 ........ ------ -------- ---------- -

Percent of all person•-------------Percent receiving Social Security income ________ _Percent 65 years and over ___________________ _ Percont reteiving Social Security income ______ _Related children under lB years _______________ _ Percont living with both parents ------------- -


Hmeholds ________________________ _


Percent of oil households---·------- In owner occupied housing units-·--·------·--- Mean value of unit--------------------·--In renter occupied housing units--------------Mean gross rent-------------------------Percent locking some or all plumbing facilities. __ _--

$1 900

$1 828 24.3 4.09 1 055 2.83 460 425 226 37.2 1 306 9.4 736 79.9 974 27.2 $809 $1 022 9.0 36,9 6 317 7.1 9.3 8.8 69,2 2 925 62.0 1 740 7.6 895 $19 054 845 $124 1.0


74.3 3 470 48.3


67.8 1 640 45.7 1 642 7.5


36.1 1 780 7,5 808 78.6 1 444 27.2 $821 $1 046 9.3 26.7 9 255 13.4 7.4


13.8 976 $14 971 1 676 $95 2.0

$26 264 849 $129 1.9

73.6 4 521 44.4 2 208 12.0 621 $18 591 1 587 $110 1.4

1 077 6.5 $1 309 463 I 081 24.4 $796 5 142 13.9 2 239 43.0

680 3.5 $1 385 272 996 20.7 $753 3 364 13.9 1 197 41.9

$1 486 5M I 031 19.4 $902 6 117 5.7 3 025 40.4

2 403 14.5

1 251 6,4 $2 037 404 1 704

2 652


500 14.2 234 69.7 2 083 23.0 $834 $1 028 5,8 23,0 3 703 6.7 13.5 16.9 66.3 730 36.4 1 482 7.5 449 $30 302 1 033 $155 5.9

2 199 7.7 $1 934 $1 511 34.5 3.66 1 533 2.77 1 064 957 616 33.6 2 199 16.4 847 72.1 4 930 24.5 $845 $984 9,4 47.6 13 014 11.8 20.1 23.6 69.8 4 128 31.3 $ 593 13.0 1 461 $22 040 4 132 $101 3.4

327 2.3 $1 252 142 I 597 17.6 $788 2 622 15.8 457 31.5

1 504 5.3 $1 113 788 3 696 18.4 $773 9155 22.2 2 937 29.3

613 4.8 $1 493 222 464 21.S $941 3 124 7.6 1 433

671 4.7 $1 792 264 2 694 29.7 $1 208 5 018 17.7 1 119 41.6

3 216 11.J $1 745 1 377 6 659 33.1 $1 125 18 012 25,6 5 474 39.2




874 6.9 $1 999 $1 916 26.9 4.35 681 3.01 292 269 139 23.0 874 15.4

462 77.7 551 25.6 $624 $1 226 11.8 26.0 4 354 8.1 9.9 8.4 73.2 2 056 59.7 1 137 8.1 634 $17 936 503 $108 0,8

$26 05B 994 $131 2.6

541 3.7 $1 212 267 805

474 3.1 $1 217 194 930


1 271 6.1 $1 267 562 1 777 21.3 $798 7 068 12.2 3 070 44.1

$730 2 752 13.7 1 036 37.0

$785 2 429 16.4 663 41.8

1 310 10.3 $2 121 406 733 34.0 $1 319 6 652 9.2 3 298 66.0

2 838 13.5 $1 897 1 026 3 263 39.1 $1 129 15 488 13.7 6 886 53.9

1 269 8.8 $1 731 517 1 561 28.8 $1 038 6 180 17.1 2 322 47.1


,,...m,s ________ .... __ ------ ---------- -


Percent of all families---- __ -------inco!"e deficit -- ------ -------- --------om11es with female head-------------------- -


Unnlattd lndlvlduals _________________ _



. Percent of oll unrelated individuals __ _ Mean income deficit-------------------------

Ptr10n•---------------------------- ercent 65 years and over------·-------------


Related children under 18 years _______________ _Percent living with both parents------------- -


928 4.3 $1 456 375 664 18.5 $926 4 259 7.5

1 949 55.0

1 634

8.6 $1 197 4 325 12 744

20.6 $815 41 241 14.3 15 718 27.1

1 216 7.4



-- -- ----------- ----_ , Fa11lllt1 Perce---nt of---oil families _____________ Meon income de 1idt __ __ _ Famifies with female head-:_:::::::::::::::::::

Uorelatfd lodMduals ------------------


Percent of oil unrelated individuals Mean income deficit----------------------===-

p t ~1rsan1 ---·-·--···--------------·--yearsunder and over--------------------• te ch'1l~ren lB years _______________ _ Rerlocend Percent living with both parents -------------=



1 919 8.9

$2 039

615 1 252 35.0 $1 196 9 421 8.9 4 560 67.0

14 232 16.0 $2 007 6 969 22 654 36.6 $1 163 76 611 16.9 28 413 36.3

$1 843

777 2 029 45.8 $1 109 11 440 15.4

4 954 56.2


$1 159 6 174 18.6 2 148 54.0

2 530 15.4

$2 154

983 1 930 36.4 $1 192 13 098 7.1 6 497 53.0


38. 1 4 421 7.9 16.7 16.0 82.3 1 651 40.0 I 643 9.2 412 $21 356 l 231 $126 3.2



19.4 18.7


896 44.0 1 449 7.5 455


991 6.5

$1 654

316 1 668 25,5 $1 138 4 796 19.3 1 316 55.2

2 189 10.6 $2 019 $1 539 43.9 3.62 1 692


1 211 I 143 671 37.4 2 189 12.2

759 66.5

1 798 26.1 r944 6 21.9 32.7 10 166 12.9 11.4 9.9 76.6 4 770 29.B 3 340

13..t 1 104 $18 995 2 236

$101 3.8

1 444 7.0 $1 205 826 1 252 lS.2 $784 6 724 8.7 3 142 28.4

2 940 14.2 $1 942 I 513 2 654 38.5 $1 030 14 196 11.8 6 395 35.2


Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More





Son Bernardino

Son Diego

San Francisco

Son Jose

Son Leandro

San Mateo

Sonia Ano

34 838 7.1 3.53 21 012 2.29 3 971 2 883 1 076 55.5 34 838 10.7 26 227 93.1 12 374 11.9 30.2 135 226 8.5 8.0 76.7 42 539 26 259 $22 369 16 280 $121 1.0

65 798 13.3 3.38 35 675 2.27 9 397 6 475 2 784 46.6 65 798 14.1 47 289 90.9 31 302 16.6 34.3 253 927 11.4 11.l 76.0 88 095 49 811 $18 750 38 284 $106 1.4

14 969 9.0 3.57 9 279 2.36 l 662 1 254 540 45.2 14 969 9.2 11 809 94.9 4 662 12.6 32.5 58 074 7.5 7.2 76.3 17 986 9 550 $22 258 8 436 $114 1.6

25 852 13.5 3.48 14 609 2.36 3 927 2 895 l 370 37.7 25 852 14.l 17 317 90.0 10 730 18.8 37.2 100 658 11.5 10.6 76.9 32 654 18 673 $17 396 13 981 $103 0.9

164 174 6.6 3.39 92 056 2.24 22 073 16 220 7 246 49.0 164 174 11.7 109 410 91.7 81 215 8.8 26.0 637 590 9.6 9.2 77.2 216 615 106 143 $25 783 110 472 $127 1.9

165 342 9.2 3.18 74 975 2.13 27 252 15 872 6 772 50.7 165 342 17.7 110 880 91.1 171 928 8.5 23.9 697 952 13.0 13.9 72.7 272 569 76 080 $30 688 196 489 $138 6.8

107 384 8.0 3.76 72 399 2.37 10 518 7 896 3 413 59.5 107 384 7.4 89 204 95.4 35 137 10.2 20.5 439 393 6.0 5.3 76.8 123 346 76 070 $27 142 47 276 $148 l.O

19 577 4.5 3.22 9 683 2.05 1 831 l 102 322 81.4 19 577 12.2 15 442 95.4 5 414 6.9 32.5 68 375 10.3 9.8 77.3 23 045 15 044 $26 553 8 001 $142 0.6

21 523 3.9 3.24 11 089 2.03 2 295 1 433 525 76.0 21 523 13.0 16 604 96.3 8 846 5.0 28.5 78 641 9.8 10.4 73.8 27 703 14 168 $34 248 13 535 $181 0.8

38 588 7.1 3.69 24 327 2.42 4 623 3 393 1 608 63.6 38 588 9.4 29 186 95.6 12 165 9.7 30.6 154 727 7.8 7.3 77.3 44 635 23 714 $23 931 20 921 $134 0.9

18 053 8.2 3.12 8 170 2.10 2 602 1 575 665 62.4 18 053 20.6 12 193 89.7 12 876 9.0 39.6 69 191 15.7 17.5 74.3 26 561 11 090 $29 019 15 471 $135 1.7

21 535 6.8 3.60 13 693 2.19 2 135 1 553 563 76.2 21 535 6.6 17 878 95.9 7 220 8.0 21.2 84 762 5.9 5.3 76.0 25 389 13 782 $25 611 11 607 $157 0.3

2 904 8.3 $1 681 $1 733 26.2 3.68 2 100 2.61 1 243 1 080 546 30.4 2 904 14.2 1 264 69.2 4 056 32.8 $827 $1 016 10.3 33.1 14 742 10.9 14.4 13.8 79.7 5 377 47.0 5 204 12.2 2 018 $18 060 3 186 $104 2.6

6 873 10.4 $2 061 $1 493 42.9 3.87 5 037 2.84 2 972 2 758 1 563 25.1 6 873 13.9 2 988 62.2 9 522 30.4 $905 $935 19.7 36.1 36 118 14.2 14.7 14.2 71.9 14 270 41.6 13 420 15.2 4 108 $14 361 9 312 $92 3.5

1 259 8.4 $2 070 $1 535 37.8 4.02 979 2.96 606 565 337 27.0 1 259 9.6 549 70.3 1 383 29.7 $753 $1 079 11.2 34.0 6 441 11.1 11.2 10.6 78.2 2 767 39.5 2 010 11.2 474 $18 417 1 536 $95 5.1

3 312 12.8 $2 026 $1 579 39.4 3.92 2 461 2.96 1 602 1 481 894 23.9 3 312 12.7 1 267 67.8 3 332 31.1 $882 $949 18.5 42.1 16 323 16.2 14.1 13.0 78.0 7 187 36.0 5 327 16.3 1 946 $13 147 3 381 $87 1.9

15 232 9.3 $1 638 $1 762 19.6 3.61 11 551 2.60 7 767 7 274 4 432 31.0 15 232 10.9 4 919 68.5 21 512 26.S $870 $977 10.4 28.8 76 565 12.0 12.0 11.8 74.3 30 132 34.4 28 063 13.0 7 605 $21 437 20 458 $111 4.4

16 326 9.9 $1 710 $1 634 30.1 3.53 10 629 2.64 7 200 6 194 3 608 26.8 16 326 18.5 6 547 65.8 40 051 23.3 $799 $1 054 13.9 32.3 97 617 14.0 16.7 18.7 6B.6 27 377 37.9 39 788 14.6 6 628 $26 481 33 160 $111 14.4

6 888 6.4 $1 961 $1 666 33.2 3.99 5 204 2.94 2 972 2 751 1 638 37.0 6 888 12.6 3 179 71.3 10 918 31.1 $809 $1 045 10.7 22.8 38 426 8.7 10.9 10.4 68.8 15 397 45.3 11 753 9.5 3 673 $22 660 8 080 $132 3.2

847 4.3 $1 667 $1 570 17.8 3.46 493 2.80 335 257 113 54.0 847 23.7 334 86.8 1 140 21.1 $884 $916 6.8 50.4 4 071 6.0 22.4 22.4 73.9 1 355 44.2 1 608 7.0 785 $24 635 823 $131 0.7

929 4.3 $1 612 $1 702 17.3 3.51 639 2.52 414 350 164 44.5 929 19.5 357 82.9 1 613 18.2 $802 $1 026 7.2 41.9 4 871 6.2 18.4 20.3 71.3 1 616 40.0 1 987 7.2 661 $29 834 1 326 $150 2.1

3 120 8.1 $1 972 $1 709 24.0 4.08 2 353 3.03 1 299 1 213 762 42.7 3 120 12.2 1 352 72.6 3 080 25.3 $797 $1 030 9.7 42.4 15 808 10.2 13.4 13.0 74.2 7 092 46.8 4 766 10.7 1 682 $20 137 3 084 $120 2.2

1 658 9.2 $1 877 $1 241 25.7 3.30 952 2.55 628 496 277 32.9 1 658 26.8 684 63.0 29.3 $895 $944 12.2 43.7 9 240 13.4 24.6 26.6 76.6 2 416 44.6 4 175 15.7 1 OB9 $22 610 3 086 $119 4.9

1 112 5.2 $1 780 $1 454 21.0 3.37 730 2.44 370 358 185 41.1 1 112 17.0 559 77.6 1 717 23.8 $815 $1 047 9.1 26.7 5 469 6.5 14.5 14.2 78.8 1 789 47.9 1 969 7.8 593 $22 346 1 376 $141 0.5

2 110 6.1 $1 344 1 028 3 072 24.8 $796 10 725 11.8 3 968 41.0

4 516 6.9 $1 142 2 150 6 732 21.5 $759 23 694 13.3 9 263 35.3

803 5.4 $1 211 430 1 055 22.6 $888 4 052 10.7 1 670 27.2

2 248 8.7 $1 207 1 259 2 322 21.6 $804 10 842 11.6 4 944 26.7

10 620 6.5 $1 489 6 105 15 860 19.5 $772 53 670 10.2 21 254 26.3

11 381 6.9 $1 304 5 340 30 322 17.6 $845 69 846 17.1 19 574 35.4

4 708 4.4 $1 298 2 159 8 514 24.2 $802 27 291 9.5 10 665 41.1

602 3.1 $1 252 248 813 15.0 $736 2 845 20.4 933 41.8

662 3.1 $1 361 320 1 155 13.1 $883 3 477 19.l 1 198 37.l

2 054 5.3 $1 429 897 2 314 19.0 $834 10 404 12.6 4 514 40.5

900 5.0 $1 136 351 2 726 21.2 $749 5 756 24.0 1 391 40.9

712 3.3 $1 195 273 1 298 18.0 $838 3 804 12.2 1 320 45.3

4 067 11.7 $1 981 1 594 5 346 43.2 $1 177 20 323 15.6 7 466 51.6

9 467 14.4 $1 851 3 615 13 146 42.0 $1 073 50 040 16.1 19 120 49.2

1 809 12.1 $1 844 667 1 900 40.8 $1 180 8 928 13.2 3 680 49.2

4 676 18.1 $1 902 1 948 4 728 44.1 $1 057 23 491 14.2 10 166 45.8

21 113 12.9 $2 011 9 264 29 257 36.0 $1 117 107 656 13.0 41 686 44.3

21 823 13.2 $1 955 8 696 52 547 30.6 $1 211 128 920 20.4 35 525 43.6

9 419 8.8 $2 009 3 577 14 206 40.4 $1 211 52 513 11.4 20 819 52.4

1 214 6.2 $1 758 431 1 550 28.6 $1 069 5 581 26.1 1 803 45.0

1 247 5.8 $1 995 571 2 122 24.0 $1 180 6 333 21.6 1 995 37.9

4 640 12.0 $1 926 1 680 4 229 34.8 $1 144 23 569 13.2 10 570 53.9

2 411 13.4 $1 516 808 4 869 37.8 $1 134 12 726 28.2 3 291 49.3

1 596 7.4 $1 707 529 2 205 30.5 $1 230 7 719 15.0 2 637 52.6

Santo Barbara Santa Claro

ALL INCOME LEVELS Fami1111 ------------ ---- ------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under 18 years -----------Mean number of related children under 18 years_ Families with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years --------Percent of heads in labor force----------Famlly heads-------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian mole familyforce heads______________________ under 65 years--------_ Percent in labor Unrelated individuals __ ---- ------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Percent 65 years and over •• ------------------Persons ________ ---- ________ .. _______ _

Percent receiving Social Security income _________ _ Percent 65 years and over.-------------------Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Households ______ ---- -------- -------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent lacking some or oil plumbing facilities_ ___ _

INCOME LESS THAN POVERTY LEVEL famll\11 ____ -------- ---------- -------

Percent of oll lomilies • _____________ _

~:~~ r~~i~ei~~%~i~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ Mean size of family -------------------------With related children under 18 years-----------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head --------------------With related children under 18 years ---------With related children under 6 years--------Percent of heads in labor force----------family heads-------------------------

Percent 65 years and over--------------------Civilian male heads under 65 years _____________ _ Percent in labor force ______________________ _ Unrelated Individuals __________________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals ___ _ Menn income ______ -------------------------Mean Income deficit-------------------------Percent receiving public assistance income _______ _ hrcent 65 years and over--------------------Persons ________ ---------- -----------

Percent of oil persons ______________ _ Percent receiving Socio\ Security income _________ _ Percent 65 years and over--------------------Percent receiving Social Security income _______ _ Related children under 18 years.. ______________ _ Percent living with both parents -------------Households __ ---- __ ---- __ ------ -----Percent of all households-----------In owner occupied housing units---------------Mean value of unit------------------------In renter occupied housing units---------------Mean gross rent--------------------------Percent locking some or oil plumbing facilities_ ___ _

3 771

INCOME LESS THAN 75 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Fomll\es •• __ -------- ____ ------ -------

Percent of al\ families ______________ _ Mean income deficit-------·-----------------Families with female heod --------------·-----Unrelated lndlvlduals •••• ______________ _ Percent of all unrelated individuals ___ _ Mean income deficit-------------------------Persons -------- ------ ------ __ ... _____ _

Percent 65 yeors ond over--------------------Related children under 18 yeors .••. ------------Percent living with both parents --------------

INCOME LESS THAN 125 PERCENT OF POVERTY LEVEL Famllles ---- ____ -·-- ---- ____ ---------

Percent of all families ______________ _ Meon income deficit-------------------------Families with female heod --------------------Unrtlat1d lndlvlduals ____ ·- ____ -- -- __ -- _ Percent of all unrelated individuals ---Mean income deficit-·-----------------------Penons __ -------------- __ -----------

Percent 65 years under and over--------------------Related children 18 years ________________ _ Percent living with both parents --------------



Table 90. Poverty Status in 1969 of Families and Persons for Areas and Places:


(Excludes inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years. Dato bostd on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Santa Monica Santa Raso

Simi Valley

South Gate





Ventura (San Buenaven· tura)

13 020 4.0 4,26 10 623 2.52 683

16 576 7.3 3.00 7 535 J.94 l 9S7 I 165

26 338 13.3 3.44 15 060 2.32 3 BOS 2 793 l 266 38.4 26 338 12.8 19 364 94.2 12 973 20.8 38.2 103 474 11.3 10.9 76.t 34 i/03 18 668 $17 886 16 235 $103 3.9

25 107 4.5 3.50 15 830 2.14 2 358 1 773 SSS 77.8 25 107 5.5 20 617 96.7 6 759 4.8 14.0 94 619 S.2 4.2 80.8 27 779 15 247 $30 692 12 532 $164 0.4

35 212 3.1 3.49 21 462 2.13 2 983 2 161 619 70.0 35 212 5.8 30 080 96.2 10 625 4.9 16.5 133 559 S.3 4.7 78.4 41 642 23 526 $31 155 18 116 $164 0.5

17 520 8.4 3.34 9 393 2.23 1 900 I 379 637 Sl.3 17 520 12.5 12 107 91.6 6 194 11.l 29.3 64 725 8.5 9.3 65.5 20 788 12 23B $19 491 8 550 $107 0.9

15 008 5.7 3.41 8 698 2.25 I 455 I 021 424 63.7 15 008 12.2 11 806 94.8 5 230 11.6 3S.2 56 375 9.7 9.6 75.5 18 088 10 427 $25 490 7 661 $138 0.7

16 841 3.9 3.85 11 423 2.31 1 187 815 260 76.2 16 841 4.7 14 916 96.7 2 740 3.1 16.6 67 547 4.5 3.5 76.4 18 511 14 597 $2S 477 3 914 $160 0.1

14 956 5.4 3.81 10 680 2.39 1 290 l 092 478 65.l 14 956 5.7 12 624 96.4 2 538 7.8 24.4 59 583 5.1 4.0 79.8 14 940 10 341 $26 765 4 S99 $146 0.4

19 643 5.3 3.26 10 083 2.05 1 864 l 088 388 63.1 19 643 13.1 15 568 96.0 6 761 8.5 40.6 70 871 11.0 11.0 79.3 24 634 IS 279 $28 363 9 355 $129 0.6


978 3.9 $1 624 $1 673 16.3 3.48 743 2.29 438 423 188 52.1 978 11.l 390 83.6 1 068 15.8 $704 $1 107 8.9 28.0 4 470 4.7 13.8 11.4 80.7 I 699 42.2 1 445 5.2 439 $25 603 I 006 $153


1 163 3.3 $1 637 $1 555 15.4 3.33 825 2.28 SOI 439 172 45.9 1 163 16.4 S05 89,5 1 551 14.6 $847 $980 9.7 32,2 5 422 4.1 17.2 JS.I 78.2 l 919 45.9 2 095 5.0 774 $27 332 l 321 $138 3.2

1 466 8.4 $1 802 $1 595 27.0 3.63 l 025 2.62 704 587 332 34.6 1 466 15.6 485 67.2 1 963 31.7 $872 $991 15.2 30.0 7 284 11.3 11.8 13.7 56.0 2 644 41.0 2 523 12.l 927 $16 657 1 S96 $97 1.9

871 5.8 $1 806 $1 482 24.8 3.5S 614 2.68 419 377 209 45,9 871 14.8 331 69.2 1 401 26.8 $895 $936 12.7 39.3 4 490 8.0 17.8 17.8 73.5 I 619 39.3 1 687 9.3 542 $22 084 l 145 $112 2.0

684 4.1 $1 593 $1 770 12.0 3.S3 473 2.43 220 177 96

1 404 42.5 2 455 11.3 895 $17 574 I 560 $93 0.6

3 559 13.5 $1 974 $1 595 41.6 3.91 2 643 2,89 I 740 l 560 895 27.2 3 559 12.9 1 440 76.9 4 292 33.I $809 $1 040 19.1 38.8 18 191 17.6 12.9 13.2 68.6 7 498 34.7 6 188 17.7 l 856 $13 191 4 332 $88 7.6

576 $23 906 348 $148 1.2

809 5.4 $1 928 $1 583 18.4 3.80 672 2.46 341 323 176 35.8 809 6.9 395 85.l 686 27.0 $766 $1 080 11.7 33.8 3 760 6,3 10.6 8.9 76.8 1 620 49.5 1 039 7.0 460 $23 407 579 $133 0.6

846 4.3 $1 772 $1 384 21.3 3.36 525 2.53 320 271 166 41.6 146 24.6 362 74.0 1 682 24.9 $963 $854 9.3 51.8 4 522 6.4 26.l 27.3 79.5 l 278 47.9 2 002 8.1 737 $21 703 I 265 $103 1.3

West Covina



AU INCOME LEVELS Faml!IH ............ ---------- ••••••.

Percent receiving public assistance income ....•••• Mean size of family ---··········-·--······--With related children under 18 years·-··-------Mean number of related children under 18 years. Families with female head ·····---------------With related children under 18 years-····-·--With related children under 6 years·-----·-Percent of heads in labor force···-------· F••lly heads----------------------·-Percent 6S years and over--------------------Civilian male family heads under 65 years-------Percent in labor force ••.• ---------··-------Un1'111atod lndMduah -----·-·-·-----··-Percent receiving public assistance income ••.••.•• Percent 65 years and over---------------------


P1no11 ----------"'--........... _________ _

Percent receiving Social Security income.•••••••• Percent 65 years and over--------·--··--·---Percent receiving Socio! Security income ....••• HouHhalds __ •••••••• __ ••••••••••••• In owner occupied housing units --··----------- Mean value al unit -----------···---------In renter occupied housing units --------------- . Mean gross rent--------------·----------- Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities. ••• -


22 734 6.1 2.86 9 065 1.92 3 613 1 937 678 70.9 22 734 17.l ts 103 92.6 21 577 6.3 27.9 86 696 14.9 15.6 76.S 37 988 7 336 $39 004 30 652 $152 1.2

13 331 6.6 3.23 6 912 2.16 l 572 1 022 330 72.7 13 331 19.2 9 427 91.7 5 959 11.5 38.6 48 972 14.3 14.3 78.9 16 999 10 163 $24 828 6 836 $128 1.3

1 652 7.3 $1 688 $1 352 20.6 3.ll 939 2.33 659 531 223 43.0 1 652 22.8 683 73.4 s 274 24.4 $723 $1 132 7.5 32.6 10 416 12.0 21.2 22.8 72.6 2 129 39.l 4 887 12.9 SS6 $34 107 4 331 $129 3.7

1 030 7.7 $1 S97 $1 435 14.8 3.24 562 2.54 347 297 127 48.0 1 030 26,5 442 67.9 2 211 37.1 1898 924 6.8 43.8 5 552 11.3 24.9 25.9 78.7 I 419 48.1 2 392 14,1 1 038 $20 831 1 3S4 $113 3.S

l 059 4.7 $1 108 450 4 289 19.9 $869 7 561 21.8 l 383 34.4

686 S.I $1 141 2S7 1 638 27.5 $69S 3 860 24.8 958 38.9

381 2.9 $1 708 162 271 27.7 $1 052 1 870 6.7 951 47.2

852 5.1 $1 1S2 313 1 135 16.3 $760 3 626 22.8 I 000 41.2

2 486 9,4 $1 196 1 290 3 315 25.6 $810 12 907 12.8 s 422 31.l

696 2.8 $1 338 322 918 13.6 $781 3 335 11.6 l 215 43.3

767 2.2 $1 343 321 1 127 10.6 $796 3 707 11.9 1 280 43.8

999 5.7 $1 276 532 1 389 22.4 $826 4 901 12.5 l 836 33.0

526 3.5 $1 315 273 961 18.4 $791 2 879 16.2 l 049 39.4

505 3.0 $1 393 162 524 19.1 $972 2 325 9.2 877 59.4

510 3.4 $1 353 235 542 21.4 $833 2 474 6.9 l 076 45.7

546 2.8 $1 099 234 1 155 17.l $687 2 965 22.4 896 40.1

2 265 10.0 $1 666 796 6 884 31.9 $1 272 14 067 24,8 2 982 48,2

1 451 10.9 $1 684 454 2 866 48.t $1 116 7 512 28.4 1 886 47.2


6.7 $2 053 292 387 39.6 $1 515 4 295 6.3 2 321 63.8

1 729 10.4 $1 645 563 2 367 33,9 $1 024 1 607 26.9 2 079 48.7

4 653 17.7 $2 005 l 984 6 083 46.9 $1 122 24 017 16.3 9 478 42.7

1 482 5.9 $1 793 597 1 414 20.9 $1 248 6 683 11.0 2 623 49.4

1 615 4.6 $1 803 618 2 114 19.9 $1 116 7 627 16.9 2 613 49,9

1 978 ll.3 $1 924 823 2 551 41.2 $1 172 9 826 14.3 3 682 49.5

1 282 8.5 $1 711 530 1 892 36.2 $1 083 6 499 19.9 2 357 47.5

927 5.5 $2 065 268 841 30.7 $1 337 4 252 11.9 1 682 61.8

1 210 8.1 $1 789 447 880 34.7 $1 249 5 521 11.3 2 436 58.3

1 250 6.4 $1 605 420 2 385 35.3 $989 6 369 30.4 l 682 50.2


203 64.5 13 020 3.0 11 963 97.4 977 8.5 22.0 56 449 3.0 2.3

78.2 13 174 il 539 $26 267 1 63S $175 0.1


S9.3 16 576 14.7 12 413 92.7 6 980 13.0 34.0 56 746 13.l 12.2 80.0 21 759 10 115 $20 300

ii 644 $107 0.5


,...Percent m.. -- --·------· ---------------- . of all families ••.•....•••••• .

Mean family income------------------------- Mean income deficit ------------------·-····· Percent receiving public assistance income .•..••• Mean size of family ----------·------------·With related children under 18 years------··--- Mean number of related children under 18 years Families with female hood -----------------··· With related children under 18 years __ ------With related children under 6 years-------Percent af heads in labor force·--------- Famffy heads-----------·······-·---- Percent 6S years and over-------------------Civilian male heads under 6S years·----- •. ----Percent In labor force •••••..... ---···------ Unrelatod Individuals·····--·-------·-Percent of all unrelated Individuals ••• Mean income .••••• ···-·--------····· •• ---·- Mean Income deficit-------------··---------Percent receiving public assistance income •••..•• Percen! 65 years and over--··--------··---·-- -


Persons _____ ... ______ ---- - .......... __ ----


Percent at all persons ••••••••••••.• Percent receiving Social Security income •••...... Percent 6S years and over-------------------- Percen! receiving Social Security Income ••••..• Related children under 18 years ••...••••••••••• . Percent living with both parents --······----Hau11hold1 ---------------·--······· Percent of all households----·-····· In owner occupied housing units---··-··--··--- Meon value al unit -----------······------In renter occupied housing units --------------Mean gross rent-------·-··-----------·--Percent lacking some or all plumbing facilities •..• -


550 4.2 $1 874 $1 996 16.4 4.39 451 3.14 210 202 103 45.6 550

8.9 292 75.7 334 34.2 $576 $1 276 6.3 25.4 2 746 4.9 8.6 6.7 81.5 I 420 55.0 581 4.4 436 $24 513 145 $159

l 233 7.4 $1 521 $1 424 24.6 2.92 679 2.03 428 359 205 21.5 1 233 23.5 531 70.4 1 658 23.8 $902 $912 17.1 55.2 s 261 9.3 26.2 26.3



684 11.3 406 8S.2 636 23.2 $615 $1 230 6,9 29.6 3 050 4.5 10.6 11.l 63.7 l 196 59.7 924



Famfflt1 •••• -·----------····-------- Percent of all families-------------Mean income deficit-----------------·------· Families with female head --------····-------· Unrtlattd lodlvldual1 •••••••..••.••••.• Percent of all unrelated individuals __ _Mean income deficit-----·-···--·-··---------



Percent 6S years and over-·-···-------------· Related children under 18 years •..••••••••.•••• P1nans ................................ ------------ -

Percent living with both parents ••••••.•..••• -


POVERTY LEVEL famlll11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -

Percent of all families •..••••.•••••• Mean income deficit---------------··-------Families with female heod ----·--·------·----· Unrelated lndlvlduals ...•••••.••••..••• Percent of all unrelated individuals ••• Mean income deficit---·-----------------·---

P•rsons ____ ........ --------·- ........ ------ Percent 65 years and over--------------------

Related children under 18 years----~----------­ Percent living with both parents ----··-------




Table 91 . Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum bose for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols see text]

Stand a rd Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More {or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

' Standard metropolitan statistical areas Anaheim-Santa Ano-Garden Grove



Buena Park

Costa Mesa


10 235 282 9 953 3 465 5 453 462 733 4 018 240 72 963

200 8 192 76 89 15 13 59 2

66 4 62 16 41 16 11 14



683 33 650




310 21 31 247



80 41 26 13 13

217 169 20 5 15 6 9

644 229 323 112 211 149 62

Garden Grove

Huntington Beach


Santa Ana



147 5 142 51

199 6 193

6 676 165 6 511 2 237 3 562 176 366 2 842 178 49 663


Urban bolo nee

PLACE OF BIRTH Tatel populatlOll __ -------- -------- F•relt,. ~on1 ---·--·--------------Native--------------------------- Born in State of residence ---------------Born In different State ------------------Northeast __ .. __ ---------------------Norlh Central •••. ---------------·-·--South -- ____ •• ----------------------West •• -- __ot.•sea, ----------------------Born abroad. etc •••••••• _________ _State of birth not reported ... ____________ _



200 160 40






239 107 120 13 11 67 29 7 5


14 16 43 4



89 21 29 39




230 95 120 56 64 39 25 8

130 39 73 14 59 53 6 6

191 61 91 22 69




96 53 26


9 17


11 6

1 510 42 1 468 374 946 173 208 549 16 5 143


-----w"'-------------Abroad -- - ___ •••• ---------- ------ --···· Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _Total population, 5 ytars old and ovor Some house---------------------------Different house In United States ---·······Some county--------------------····· Different county ---------------------Same State ____ ..•••••••.•••••••••.• Different Stote •• -••• -------- -------Northeast ____ -----------···-----North Central.. __________________ ______________ _ ~~h

9 2 5 2 2 1 1

075 517 104 198 906 118 788 176 364 1 134 114 416 1 038

196 79 89 36 53 23 30

3 663 146 44 228 208 2 127 2 079 624 607 538





9 -

-5 57 31


35 7

14 16


12 16

7 6





13 9 8 31

86 8



335 13

106 15 10





14 14 6 6 11


26 26 15 15 32









5 158 1 691 3 181 1 675 1 506 541 965 31 219 659 56 300 686

101 18 82 72 10


77 283 43 41 160

2 470 93 34 168 168 1 524 1 509 462 462 223


414 17


10 5

-5 6

1 215 95 919 193 726 243 483




Total torolled, 3 to 34 years old ••••• Nursery school ------------------------Public -- -- ------ ---- •••••••••• ------Kindergarten •••••• -------- ------------. Public -- __ -----------_ Elementary (1 •••••••••••••••• to B years) ________________ Public -- __ •••••• -------- __ ----------



College ____ ---------------------------- Perceot enrolltd, 3 to 34 years old __ 3 and 4 years old---------------------5 ond 6 years aid---------------------7 to 13 years old ••• -------------------14 and 15 years old -------------------16 ond 17 years old-------------------- -lB and 19 years old -------------------20 ond 21 yeors old-------------------22 to 24 years old.--------------------- -25 to 34 years old ••• -------------------



9 43 43 13 13 13 70.5


49.3 23.1 77.2 97.1 97.8 97.3 46.4 12.3 18.4 10.9

Malo, 25 y11rs old aod ovor ••••••• -No school years completed--------------Elementory, 1 lo 4 years--------------5 ta 7 years--------------8 years------------------High school. 1 to 3 years--------------- -4 years------------------College: 1 to 3 years--------------4 years or more.----------Median school years completed __________ _ Percent high school graduates ___________ _

2 044 51 84 196 120 523 556 319 195 12.1 52.3

57 6



1 996 33 58 153 144 518 632 271 187 12.1 54.6


2 164 554 1 025 1 423 1 555 1 597 436 143

Porsoos, uodor 18 years old ------- -Living with both parents ••• -------------Percent of total----------------------

4 446 3 074 69.1

... ... ...... ...

... ...



17 17





32 15

21 21 103 103 52 52 146











13 6




... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


55 18 18 7 56.7




... ...-...-



... ...-





... ... ... ... ...

... ...

52.1 21.4 79.1 99.8 99.9 93.1 48.7 7.1 15.4 7.5




36 36 25 25


... ...-




30 10 266 244 33 16 68 35.8






11.3 15.4



11 4

... ...

15 B 39 120 76 43 12.7 79.4






Fo1nale, 25 y11r1 old aod over ----No school years completed ______________ _ Elementary: 1 to 4 years--------------5 to 7 years--------------B years------------------High school, 1 to 3 years--------------4 years------------------College: to 3 years--------------41 years or more ___________ _ Median school years completed __________ _ Percent high school graduates_ __________ _


13 9 5 19



... ...





-7 4 8




11 15




-7 -...30 12


-6 5 7

120 5 22 17 21 31 24 12.B 63.3 111 3 7


41 9 19 22 28 28 9

12 4 4 12 12 12





162 33 61 110 126 130 43 11

84 56


20 14


119 11 9.2

4 16

13 13

5 10


9 16





11 15 6 15 5

... ...

... ...






... ...

... ...


5 11 6 11 17 4

16 20 22 21 22 12.4 58.6




19 10 3


11 11 24


... 5


5 10 5


1 357 39 79 154 B5 417 348 160 75 11.3 43.0 1 437 18 43 143 117 392 457 187 80 12.0 50.4



-7 6





... ...

43 4 21 27 27 32 9 5

30 4 9 14 14 14 4

30 5 10 18 18 18 5

1 511 370 711 964 1 064 1 092 313 114


235 187 79.6

118 94 79.7

49 44


3 085 2 061 66.8



53 43


14 40




294 966 3 286




-8 5 48

69 35 52 12.7 71.9

FAMILY COMPOSITION With With Wlth With With With With

FalftlllH __ ------ ---- ------ -----

own children under 3 years _________ _ own children under 6 yeors---------own children under 12 years ________ _ own children under 18 yeors--------sons/daughters under 25 years -----sons/doughters 13 to 19 years------sons/daughters 18 to 24 years-------




7 7


CHILDREN EVER BORN Wom11, 35 ta 44 yr. old, ever marrfed. Children ever born.--------------------Per 1,000 women ever married---------


399 1 240 3 108













15 15 15 15



297 119 178 222 232 237 38 13 598 491 62.1




Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Bakersfield




18 632 73 18 559 7 881 9 393 99 629 8 233 432 65 l 220

9 249 19 9 230 3 950 4 564 21 309 3 975 259

Total population, 5 years aid and over_Some house ___________________________ Different house in United Stoles ----------- Same county------------------------Different county ---------------------Same State ______ ------ __ ------ ____ _ Different State __ -------------------- Northeast------------------------ North Central__------ __ ------ ____ _South ____ ------------ ------ ----- West ______ ------------------ ___ _Abraod ------ ______ -------- -----------Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _--

16 736 8 710 6 632 4 630 2 002 777 l 225 62 256 729 178 187 l 207

8 4 2 2

Los Angeles-Long Beach


Urban balance



Urban balance

8 416 44 8 372 3 513 4 331 72 293 3 802 164 65 463

20 207 187 20 020 9 916 a 694 111 609 7 590 384 101 l 309

15 771 140 15 631 7 948 6 42B 81 478 5 593 276 91 I 164

2 046 23 2 023 981 968 13 67 825 63 5 69

7 3 3 2 l

17 9 7 6 l

845 025 566 208 358 811 547 39 93 259 156 96 l 158

13 781 7 012 5 706 4 715 991 537 454 39 82 207 126 96 967

1 952 929 955 749 206 170 36

5 901

910 61 49 69 69 512 504 190 190 78







762 925

8 948 61 8 887 3 865 4 520 296 539 3 558 127 39 463

56 135 279 55 856 26 407 25 722 902 3 083 21 137 600 106 3 541

7 2 4 4

49 23 23 19 4

PLACE OF BIRTH Total papolollan _________________ _-

Foreign born ---------------------- -

Notlve --------------------------Born in Stole of residence ---------------- Born in different State ------------------Northeast---------------------------North Central_. ______ ----------------- South __ ----------------------------West __ ---- ____ ---------------------- Born obrood, at sea, etC-----------------Stote of birth not reported _______________ _





480 598 925 179 326 367 053 3 363 59 594

114 46 59

43 8 31 4 8 19

62 30 22 15 7


6 4

678 807 271 780 344 873 271 928 72 945 12 431 60 514 6 537 15 060 34 370 4 547 4 760 57 394

103 47 51 27 24 12 12

1 445

755 303 388 15 49 315 9



9 43 7







254 760 965 245 720 301 419 8 65 302 44 9 520

552 428 312 169 143 387 756 52 190 395 119 168 644


11 13 12



45 7 22 20 2 2



21 34 26 8 8











891 420 935 OB2 B53 256 597 129 144 270 54 9 527

734 790 141 074 067 553 3 514 435 837 2 026 216 196 2 607

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 ta 34 yaan old_ ___ _ Nursery school __ -- ____ -- -- ______ ---- __ _-Public __ ---- ______ ---------------- __ _Kindergarten __ ---- ------ ______ --------- Public __________ ---------- ----------Elementary (1 to 8 years) ________________ _Public __ ---- ____ --------------------- High school (l to 4 years) ---------------Public ______ ---- -- ---- --------------- College __ ---- ---- ---------- ------ ------ Percent enrolled, 3 ta 34 years old __ _3 and 4 years old----------------------57 and 6 years old----------------------to 13 years old _______________________ _ 14 ond 15 years old--------------------16 and 17 years old--------------------18 and 19 years old--------------------20 and 21 years old --------------------22 to 24 years old----------------------25 to 34 years old----------------------- -

6 784 144 137 488 482 4 077 4 040 I 763 l 709 312

3 096 69 69 223 223 1 792 1 783 818 770 194

3 331 75 68 220 214 2 061 2 033 857 851 118

7 486 382 362 481 481 4 136 4 077 1 762 l 720 725

311 303 391 391 3 189 3 138 1 379 1 337 631


62.2 20.l 83.0 99.0 94.8 82.6 43.9 17.l 7.5 5.2

59.l 19.0 80.6 96.3 89.5 82.4 47.9 13.7 10.2 5.9

64.4 19.I 80.3 99.9 99.9 81.9 40.2 20.2 4.7 3.4

63.4 35.3 81.6 96.5 90.4 91.2 60.3 31.6 23.l 8.7

61.9 36.7 78.9 94.3 87.4 91.4 54.6 31.l 26.2 9.0

Male, 25 years aid and over _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _Elementary: I to 4 years---------------- 5 to 7 years---------------High school: 81 years-------------------to 3 years _______________ _4 years-------------------- College: I to 3 years---------------4 years or more ____________ _Median school years completed ___________ _-Percent high school graduates ____________ _

3 923 155 571 699 497 876 650 401 74 9.1 28.7

1 923 47 259 375 225 428 291 246 52 9.4 30.6

1 676 94 266 258 227 359 327 128 17 9.0 28.2

4 290 230 723 770 515 874 668 352 158 8.8 27.5

3 058 144 481 504 351 663 507 282 126 9.2 29.9

486 15 88 101 59 95 64 50 14 8.7 26.3

167 2 8 18 12 39 49 26 10

984 128 820 325 872 322 742 017 758 12.l 51.5

... ...

4 394 83 397 729 617 I 275 816 356 121 9.9 29.4

2 356 35 196 365 356 672 413 226 93 10.0 31.l

1 833 42 189 313 246 537 367 117 22 9.7 27.6

4 827 111 523 898 551 l 311 909 366 158 9.8 29.7

3 686 68 387 663 419 l 006 718 315 110 9.9 31.0

490 26 44 112 51 97 115 32 13 9.4 32.7

195 476

2 7 20 15 49 60 29 11

134 241 375 023 389 299 392 623 12.l 51.8



4 002 651 l 226 2 002 2 490 2 687 I 460 655

2 073 333 624 969 l 234 I 330 718 328

1 748 288 563 951 l 152 l 230 674 285

4 262 752 l 312 l 953 2 497 2 732 l 383 823

3 301 638 l 090 1 597 2 038 2 228 1 104

455 50


126 193 255 278 131 82

175 33 58 92 112 121 50 24

208 767 964 256 671 317 104 640

30 5 5 5 10 JO 5 5

8 446 4 477 53,0

4 051 I 954 48.2

4 059 2 270 55.9

8 731 4 310 49.4

7 069 3 317 46.9

860 519 60.3

313 296 174 847 55.8





1 003 4 335 4 322

459 I 844 4 017

491 2 279 4 642

972 4 134 4 253

758 3 432 4 52B



45 006 141 950 3 154





253 6 4 15 14 146 137 60 57 24


922 785 014 987 772 181 211 650 756 319 55.1 18.9 81.8 97.6 95.9 88.5 49.4 20.6 13.6 9.0

99.9 99.9 99.9

... ...




6 6 7






5 5




... ...

... ...





3 867 97 20 135 112 2 404 2 173 769 732 462

23 820 524 317 l 371 l 273 14 149 13 447 5 906 5 671 1 870


62.6 15.4 76.6 98.0 93.0 94.2 67.3 44.3 30.8 15.5

63,2 20.7 84.4 97.8 97.5 92.5 57.0 23.3 15.3 9.9


1 907

10 312 83 388 891 838 2 793 3 224 l 636 459 12.1 51.6


11 11



'" ...






No school years completed---------------- Elementory, 5l to to 47 years_ years-------------_________________8 years-------------------- High schooh I to 3 years---------------- 4 years-------------------- College, 3 years---------------4l to years or more ____________ _Median school years completed ___________ _Percent high school graduates ____________ _Female, 25 years aid an-d over _____ _

-16 -6 -

6 11

-5 5


-4 11 8

-5 --8


... 4 --


... ...



6 ......

19 92 92 283 587 531 285 12.8 73.6


2 018


ll 35 59 254








11 59S 137 268 867 804 3 197 3 990 l 841 491 12.1 54.5


500 337 12.8 81.7


1 877 325 660 I 248 l 452 1 507 654 253

11 2 4 7 9 9 4 2


4 407 3 514 79.7

28 184 19 273 68.4


633 2 018 3 188

3 761 14 082 3 744

... ...


---Persons, under 18 years old ___ ,. ___ _ living with both parents _________________ _Percent of total ______________________ _-

Fon1lll11 ---- -- ---------------- __ With own children under 3 yeors----------With own children under 6 years __________ _ With own children under 12 years _________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With sons/daughters under 25 years ------With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years _______ _




5 5 5


-6 6 6 6


837 501 529 528 068 563 607 068

CHILDaEN EVER BORN Wan1en, 35 to 44 yr. aid, ever married Children ever born-- ______ ---- __ --------_ Per 1,000 women ever married----------





Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-Long Beach - Con.


East Los Angeles (U)

El Monte

Glendo le




long Beach

Los Angeles

731 16 715 253 408 17 94 287 10 2 52

110 11 99 65 21


1 757 35 1 722 921 751 19 138 561 33 7 43

10 027 77 9 950 3 837 5 052 174 884 3 851 143 50 l 011


19 092 74 19 018 6 755 10 989 426 l 162 9 078 323 143 l 131

503 5 497 192 262 10 32 214 5 2 40

734 35 573 485 88 25 63 7 26 30

111 17 73 58 15

54 22 24 9 15

16 5 9 6 3


15 8 7


6 15

596 111 733 191 542 697 2 845 242 600 l 820 183 171 1 581

449 180 225 177 48 7 40 4 9 23 3 3 38



Pico Rivero

517 667 850 037 446 138 121 309 878 338 229

296 3 293 73 194 20 7 146 21

18 352 214 18 138 7 268 9 225 365 l 612 6 908 340 26 1 619

60 6 54 11 35

017 913 712 188 524 819 705 468 557 631 049 465 927

296 46 156 98 58 42 16

16 6 8 6 l

66 18 41 31 10 10

6 652 247 180 586 560 3 666 3 510 1 289 l 258 864

155 490 4 117 2 476 9 697 9 022 88 890 83 190 37 310 35 446 15 476


51.9 20.5 89.2 94.9 99.9 86.4 46.5 23.2 15.2 10.7

52.9 18.l 80.8 97.6 96.4 88.0 46.4 19.8 13.2 8.7



Total barn population __ ---------------foreign __________ ., __________ _

Native---- __ --------------------- -

Born in Stole of residence ---------------- Born in different Stole------------------- Northeast __ ------------------ __ ------ North Central ____ --------------------Sou1h--______ -----------_ West ____ -------------__ -- ______________ .c ___ _ Born abroad, ot sea, etC-----------------S1ale of birth not reported _______________ _


334 9 325 127 183 7 26 140 10




49 16 27









58 12 28








14 21



RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total populatlon, 5 years old and over


Same house---------------------------- Different house in United States -----·----Some county------------------------Different county ---------------------Same State ____ -------------- __ ----- Different State-------------------- __ Northeast ____ -------------------North Centro\ ______ --------------- South--------------------------West •• -------------------------Abroad __________ ---------------------- Moved, l 965 residence not reported __ ---- --


289 39 190 158 32 13 19 5

14 -





15 -


1 583 132 l 294 l 116 178 38 140 5 42 66 27 10 147

9 1 6 5

023 862 371 578 793 94 699 48 288 278 85 176 614

50 7 38 38

714 19 3 74 65 393 371 186 186 42

3 515 114 39 195 154 2 046 l 906 723 650 437



56.2 26.3 77,5 98.l 99.9 84.4 70.l 18.6 12.9 12.7










370 528 081 293 788 406 l 382 122 359 760 141 35 1 726




Total anrolled, 3 lo 34 yaars old ____ _ Nursery school------------------------- Public __ ------ __________ -------- ----- Kindergarten -- ------ ---------- ____ ----Public ________________ --------------Elementary (l to 8 years) ________________ _Public ____ ---- -----------------------High school (l to 4 years) ---------------- Public ____________ -------------- ____ _College __ ---- ____________ -- ---------- -·-

101 7

58 29 30 22 6

2 2 63 63 65 26 7

Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years aid_ __ _




3 ond 4 years old 5 and 6 years old ----------------------- 7 to 13 years old-----------------------14 and 15 years old---------·----------16 ond 17 years old--------------------- 18 and 19 years old--------------------20 and 21 years old--------------------- 22 to 24 years old----------------------25 to 34 years old ••. -------------------- -


... ... ... ... ... -




... ... ... ... ...



16 10 10
















99.9 99.9

... ... ...



5 5 24 24 6 6



... .. . ...-

.. .




17 17





5 943 156 104 434 389 3 373 3 093 l 487 1 386 493 51.5 23.7 78.4 98.9 93.0 86. l 47.2 20.2 16.7 8.7


-6 6


... ...----

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Mole, 25 years old and over _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _Elementary: 5l ta to 74 years---------------years _______________ _

70 15 15 10

High school:

5 15 10

17 4 8 53 64 31


12.l 53.7



6 ... ...

94 5 5 4 6 42 22 10




187 4 3 25 2 65 38 42 8 11.7 47. l


45 11 11 22 25 25 10 8



147 11 7.5

17 14

29 106

-~ r;":{~;~rs::::::::::::::::: 4 years-------------------- l to 3 years-----------------

College, 4 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _ Percent high school graduates ____________ _

No school years completed _______________ _Elementary. l to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------- High school: l to 3 years---------------- 4 years-------------------- College, l to 3 years-----------·----Female, 25 years old and over ------

'· ·1:'·,··



4 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ___________ _Percent high school graduates _____________ _








22 12 24 75 130 96 27 12.5 65.5









-5 -





6 6





401 8


3 987 49 235 450 330 l 000 l 097 658 168 11.8 48.2

114 l 6 13 8 26 33 17 6

744 455 311 195 980 954 667 309 873 12.0 50.4

136 l 5 15 10 34 41 19 7


4 010 39 180 381 368 1 138 l 192 545 167 11.7 47.5

083 508 397 384 936 549 272 568 469 12.0 50.2


4 277

4 4 4

l 657 2 409 2 852 3 001 1 020 418

117 22 38 58 72 78 31 15

29 23

8 2a1 4 517 54.9

194 575 99 768 51.3

881 2 606 2 958

29 121 87 139 2 992

2 462 10 87 157 155 263 947 514 329 12.6 72.7


2 502



37 24 55 159 94 24 12.5 69.l

21 123 85 392 789 732 360 12.8 75.2

392 63 157 257 307 313 134 50

2 482 498 883 l 449 l 789 l 871 719 236

853 682 80.0

4 114 3 286 79.9

124 520 4 194

789 l 867 2 366



4 5 -







3 921 99 214 401 373 999 l 009 580 246 11.6 46.8

99 11 4 12 3 21 39 9

5 049 59 206 476 528 l 396 l 452 665


8 3 48 19 4





5 10

5 4



.. . .. . 12


5 3



11.7 47.2

.. .


4 381 780 l 335 2 122 2 729 2 968 1 333 671



7 373 3 590 48.7

FAMILY COMPOSITION .. mes----- --3 ---With ownfachildren under years------------___________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ With own children under 12 yeors----------With own children under 18 yeors----------With sons/daughters under 25 years -------With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years ________ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years ________ _

Persons, under 18 years old _____ ., __ _

living with bath parents __________________ _ Percent of total ________________ ------ __












CHILDREN EVER BORN Women, to 44 yr. old, tver married._ Children ever born35 _______________________ Per l,000 women ever married-----------


11 8 8 11 11








-4 -...



959 163 113 751 059 057 142 858


.. 4. 23 74

.. .

l 126 3 546 3 149

--6 6 6 6 6


...13 4




Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto hosed on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Can. Los Angeles-Long Beach -Con.

Redondo Beach

Santa Monico

10 651 72 10 579 4 322 5 158 384 l 133 3 415 226 56 l 043


9 226 2 523 5 737 4 398 I 339 461 878 45 272 435 126 52 914




Urban balance



Urban balance

124 318 826 123 492 53 953 59 971 2 181 7 809 48 747 l 234 442 9 126

1 826 4 1 822 792 895 22

1 096


1 096 468 550 14 35 486 15

502 270 212 8 42 162



109 45 54 44 10 l 8

969 778 975 1B7 788 869 919 891 2 641 4 732 655 548 8 668

1 624 611 877 536 341 233 108 8

939 372 513 305 208 113 95

475 135

69 31 6 130

64 31 6 48

46 355 1 291 737 3 071 2 804 26 900 25 346 11 073 10 604 4 020

699 42 32 24 24 441 435 132 132 60

294 16 6

58.7 19.6 84.6 97.7 92.5 91.8 55.2 22.0 13.6 8.5

66.3 39.6 66.3 99.9




25 625 336 1 245 2 641 l 803 5 840 7 737 3 999 2 024 12.l 53.1

430 19 81 60 68 109 65 15 13 8.8 21.6

251 6 54 28 49 60 40 5 9 8.8 21.5

29 256 253 940 2 630 1 918 7 406 9 231 4 724 2 154 12.2 55.l

369 20 42 65 51 130 25 36

239 15 30 26 36 103 16 13

9.2 16.5

9.4 12.1


... ...

28 5 10 16 19 21 9 4

156 622 108 188 717 233 285 563

383 102 154 207 259 269 125 73

236 53 88 121 157 167 75 53

103 40 51 60

173 8 4.6

56 286 34 734 61.7

824 462 56.1

451 168 37.3

259 220 84.9

4 20

7 446 25 821 3 468

16 427

62 353

South Gate


West Covino


4 041 69 3 972 l 126 2 180 163 291 l 696 30

33 3 30 10 9





1 170 12 1 158 479 591 46 154 357 34 8 80

605 347 645 151 494 56 438 102 127 202 1 50 563

31 5 12 7 5

1 112 339 722 592 130

1 039 45 32 49 49 568 552 223 223 154


PLACE OF BIRTH Toi.I populatloa __________________ _ Fortlt• borw ----------------------Natln------------------------ ---Born in State of residence ----------------Born In different State-------------------Northeast __ --------------------------North Central. ________________________ _ South ------------------------------West ______________ -- ---- -- ---- -----Born abroad, at sea, etc _________________ _ Stole of birth not reported. ______________ _



61 16 29

16 -

24 5


-5 4 --



48 48

29 19



288 149 131


18 109 4




19 23 112




RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total popularlao, 5 years old and aver Some house---------------------------Different house in United States ----------- Some county------------------------Different county ---------------------Some Stole •• ----------------------Different State __ --------------------_Northeast _______________________

.North Centro'---------------------h~________ --------------West -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ __ Abroad-------------------------------Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _-

48 36 12

12 12 --6

3 l 1 1




63 18 45 27 18 6 12 12


239 16 147 111 36 22 14


82 48


8 6




562 10

187 6

51 51 83 83 47



202 9; 82 13 8

-5 -43

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total moiled, 3 ta 34 years old. ___ _Nursery school------------------------Publk •• -------- ---- ---- __ ---- ------Kindergarten -- •• ____ ---------------- __ _ Public ---__ ------------------_Elementary (1 -----to 8 years) ________________ Public ____ ------ ____ ------ -----------

-Hii~~II~~~l-~l-~~-~~~~~:l_:::::::::::::::: -College ---- __ ---- -- -- __ ---- -------- ---- Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old.._ 3 and 4 years old----------------------- 57 to and136 years years old old----------------------_______________________ _14 and 15 years old---------------------16 and 17 years old--------------------- 18 and 19 years old--------------------- 20 yearsoldold--------------------22 and to 2421years ______________________ _25 to 34 years old •..-------------------- -

4 586

140 94 310 279 2 829 2 732 l 019 l 002 288 61.7 17.8 83.0 96.4 98.7 75.4 48.5 17.2 7.2 13.1




22 16



... ...-......

46.1 20.l 87.8 90.l 93.3 86.5 48.9 1°1°.i 7.7








6 5 5 20

22 328 322 128 128 74










... ... ... ...





258 5





... ...

... ... ... ...


...... ...



189 183 62 62 27

... 97.0 ......


297 26 26 12 12 182 182 44 44



... ... ...

...... -




-------25 yoars old and om ------_No school111.,lt, years completed _______________ -

Mole, 25 yoars okt and over __ ---- __ No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary, l to 4 years---------------5 to 7 years---------------8 years-------------------High school. l to 3 years---------------4 years-------------------College, to 3 years---------------· 4l years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed. __________ _ Percent high school graduates ____________ _


Elementary, 1 to 4 years---------------5 to 7 years---------------8 years-----------·-------High school. 1 to 3 yeors ---------------4 years-------------------College, 3 years---------------4l to years or more ____________ _ Medion school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates------------- -

1 776 38 55 169 82 410 570 317 135 12.2 57.5 2 129 72 64 147 107 476 720 390 153 12.3 59.3



-6 -



--4 -


... ...

1 076 10 67 169 74 222 301 157 76 11.9 49.6 1 181 27 97 145 81 239 347 153 92 12.0 50.1


-6 --5 5 ...-






10 5 5


... ...

9 40 89 78 33 12.8 77.5











14 4 9





..... .




9 13 16 51 91 58 35 12.5 67.4







.. .




12 18 10 37 25 10 4 10.5 33.6 99


5 23 10 24 9 23




With own children under 3 yeor•----------With own children under 6 years----------With own children under 12 years _________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With sonsldoughters under 25 years ------With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years _______ _-

2 103 544 1 034 l 517 1 724 I 762 797 323

15 6 10 15 15 15

Persons, under 18 yeors old _______ _ living with both porent•-----------------Percent of total----------------------- -


5 781 3 795 65.6


679 2 971 4 376

, ... 111.. ____ ---- ------ ----------


1 009 197 299 444 546 596 199 101


35 10


1 374 605 44.0




199 518 2 603







10 15 15 10 5

260 42 70 142 193 202 114 47


559 487 87.1


75 280



3 3 3 3 3



71 25 4

CHILDREN EVER BORN Wo""· to 44 yr. old, ever married_ Children ever born35______________________ Per 1,000 women ever married----------









Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


(Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statisticol areas-Con. Oxnard-Ventura


Ventura (San Buenaventura)

ArdenArcade (U)

Urban balance


1 432 10 1 422 408 785 83 135 535 32 10 219

37 719 376 37 343 14 830 18 931 770 2 287 14 867 1 007 519 3 063

353 5 348 64 222 11 34 163 14

33 11 17 10 7 2 4


1 392 291 688 243 445 112 333 94 64 152 23 72 341

279 572 719 456 263 449 814 347 682 3 002 783 857 3 131

269 75 172 29 143 45 98 38 6 48 6



14 387 446 366 934 934 8 492 8 181 3 218 3 142 1 297




Simi Volley

6 466 6 372 2 459 3 460 277 450 2 580 153 61 392

4 250 53 4 197 1 770 2 260 163 288 1 736 73 51 116

205 21 184 87 81 4 20 57


230 43

5 816 2 120 2 862 1 393 1 469 584 885 228 205 380 72 173 661

3 767 1 627 1 784 984 800 264 536 130 141 216 49 101 255

184 42 142

440 150 225 151 74 65 9 4

2 338 18 12 215 215 1 299 1 283 573 534 233

1 642 12 12 149 149 938 922 414 387 129


12 12 72 72 18 18


14 14 60 60 31 31 41

40 225 225 110 98 63

55.6 6.8 83.0 95.7 99.9 90.3 41.7 28.5 21.9 3.7

59.1 6.8 83.0 90.8 99.9 89.1 44.6 30.0 22.6 4.0





... ... ... ...... -

1 331 29 68 166 135 348 313 157 115 11.3 44.0

760 18 41 90 89 182 176 120 44 11.3 44.7


1 409 15 61 139 79 397 484 170 64 12.0 51.0

929 15 54 94 44 258 314 109 41 12.0 49.9

14 24

28 28 33 3

... ...

lamlllts ---- --------------------own children under 3 years-----------own children under 6 years ___________ _ own children under 12 yeors_ _________ _ own children under 18 years----------sons/daughters under 25 years -------sons/daughters 13 to 19 years ________ _ sons/daughters 18 to 24 years ________ _

1 233 308 512 794 915 949 419 160

865 172 315 544 628 656 295 121

P1nan1, under 18 years okl _... ______ _

2 803 1 881 67.1

358 1 381 3 858



Urban bola nee



27 215 163 27 052 11 886 12 771 413 1 464 10 281 613 211 2 184

8 573 165 8 408 2 499 5 003 314 697 3 687 305 282 624

12 031 173 11 858 3 112 7 599 530 790 5 896 383 499 648

445 10 435 105 251 25 37 181 8 34 45

24 9 12 8 3 1 2

134 224 383 729 654 353 301 113 309 1 513 366 277 2 250

7 457 1 712 4 496 1 512 2 984 714 2 270 175 294 1 408 393 545 704

11 2 6 2 3 1 2

439 213 147 36 ill 52 59 13 7 39

10 466 417 337 744 744 6 268 5 990 2 257 2 186 780

3 503 29 29 160 160 2 044 2 011 838 833 432

4 102 73 65 275 275 2 295 2 224 1 148 1 086 311


PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __________________ _ Fonltn bo.. ----------------------Native ________________ -- -- ------ __ Born In Stote of residence----------------Born in different State -------------------Northeast -- -- -- __ ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- --North CentroL __ ------------ ---------South ---------- ---------------------W~--Born abroad, ot-------------sea, etc __________________ _ State af birth not reported_ _______________ _




528 187 300 27





RESIDENCE IN 1965 Totol populotlon, 5 yean old ond over _ Same house.---------------------------Different house in United States -----------Some county-------------------------Different county ----------------------Same State ______ -------------------Different State •. ------------------ --Northeast------------------------North Central.. ___________________ _ South -- ---- ---------------------W~-- -- -- --- -----Abroad ----------Moved, ---1965-----------residence not-----reported ________ _


142 135 7


-7 --





069 707 194 470 724 423 301 246 #I

l 313 298 793 1 375


14 65

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enroUed, 3 to 34 yean old _____ _ Nursery school __________________ ------ __ Public ____ ------ __ ---------- ______ ----

Kinp~e:irc"~~e~- :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Elementary (1 to 8 yeorsl-----------------Public ---- __ -- ---- --------------------

Hii~~l~~~~l-~1-~~-~~~~~~-::::::::::::::::: ~~~-----------------

Pto'ctal enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ___ _ 3 and 4 years old -----------------------57 and 6 years old-----------------------to 13 years old ________________________ _ 14 ond 15 years old---------------------16 ond 17 yeors old---------------------18 and 19 yeors old---------------------20 ond 21 years old---------------------22 24 years ----------------------_ 25 lo to 34 years old old •• _______________________


......... ...







... ... ... ...




5 21 21 13 13 44


96 81 18 18 28

61.3 21.3 78.1 98.2 93.9 97.6 52.9 28.1 14.6 10.7


...... ... .. -. . .. . ..

62.6 26.2 81.9 99.8 90.6 97.6 54.1 22.6 13.3 9.6

61.2 8.6 64.5 95.3 99.9 99.9 48.4 37.9 18.0 14.0

48.5 17.2 88.3 94.2 90.5 82.8 35.5 11.7 12.7 10.7


8 323 197 583 956 722 1 751 2 283 1 372 459 11.9 49.4


5 598 116 479 676 539 1 191 1 343 959 295 11.5 46.4

1 732 50 33 106 87 259 726 321 150 12.S 69.1

2 662 37 51 184 216 550 1 118 353 153 12.3 61,0


6 220 78 303 697 499 1 549 1 894 869 331 12.0 49.7

1 647 12 35 105 70 347 671 288 119 12.4 65.5

1 953 18 61 138 211 470 615 324 116 12.1 54.0

5 1 2 3 4 4 2

887 231 168 419 079 386 000 963

1 759 368 671 1 132 1 368 1 422 682 257

2 278 446 833 1 387 1 667 1 717 844 317



........ . ... ......-


YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED yean old________________ and ovor ---------_ No schoolMalt, years25completed Elementary, 1 to 4 years----------------5 ta 7 years----------------0

High school:

'r~ a~ears:::::::::::::::::

4 yeors --------------------College, 3 yeors ----------------41 to years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _ Percent high school graduotes-------------Ftmalt, 25 yean old and over ______ _ No school years completed ________________ _ Elementary: 1 to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years--------------------High schooh 1 lo 3 years----------------4 years--------------------College, to 3 yeors ----------------41 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _ Percent high school groduotes .-------------


... ...

129 11 10 26 19 13 35 7 8 8.9 38.8

17 42 27 142 86 24 51 11.3 41.4


-5 -4






9.4 30.0

7 12 7 103 114 29 23 12.2 56.3

8 108 100 363 820 588 1 947 2 632 l 195 463 12.1 52.9

50 5 18 28 41 45 26 11

98 37 43 61 68 70 28 17

209 90 132 157 170 170 66 11

7 880 1 636 2 923 4 673 5 599 5 968 2 771 l 250

67 15 19 24 37 37 22

2 000 l 275 63.8

108 91 84.3

198 105 53.0

480 400 83.3

17 211 10 916 63.4

78 55


12 592 7 345 58.3

4 130 3 197 77.4

4 739 2 983 62.9

138 113 81.9

243 1 044 4 296



69 229

2 230 8 135 3 648



1 604

558 2 017 3 615

525 1 959 3 731


5 -

5 16 6 8







53 49 9 13.0 92.5 67 10


21 21 9

... ...



15 28 53 28 11 12.4 66.2 81


20 3 18 13 15 12


FAMILY COMPOSITION With With With With With With With

Living with both parents------------------Percent of toto1------------------------


21 27 41 55 62 41 23

CHILDREN EVER BORN Womtn, 35 to 44 yr. old, ever married. Children ever born-----------------------Per 1,000 women ever married-----------





5 878 3 665

9 24


Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. Fer minimum hose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Can. Solinas-Monterey-Con.


Urban ho lance

San Bernordino-Rfverside-Ontorio

San Diego

Toto I



Son Bernardino

Urban balance

Toto I

Chula Vista

San Diego El Cajon (urban port)

50 033 382 49 651 19 542 25 677 l 334 3 394 19 764 l J85 714 3 718

1 181 4 1 177 515 624 24 BO 498 22 4 34

7 201 83 7 118 2 92J 3 603 2JO 627 2 594 172 92 502

14 599 73 14 526 6 5JS 6 619 301 841 5 126 351 208 l 184

18 766 137 18 629 6 817 10 028 SJO l 257 7 B55 406 300 l 484

61 730 387 61 343 21 553 34 602 l 823 4 298 27 131 l 350 533 4 655


44 679

1 028 501 423 91 332 250 82 4

6 2 3 1 l

12 5 5 3 2 l J

16 5 8 3 5 2 2

764 990 805 768 037 285 752 379 599 l 272 502 641 l 328

55 18 28 15 12 2 9 J 2 5

052 900 228 802 426 608 818 410 142 276 990 774 7 J50

197 32 J08 85 23

33 24


846 723 218 490 728 062 666 968 I 469 3 497 732 502 5 403

J33 117 400 377 551 467 312 298 404

6 541 221 205 379 369 3 756 3 638 J 551 l 464 634

21 034 661 496 1 486 1 42D 12 403 11 898 4 566 4 376 l 918



18 842

Urban bolone&

PLACE OF BIRTH Total population _________________ _


Foreign born ---------------------- -

Born in Stole of residence ---------------- Born in different Stote ------------------- Northeost ____ ---- -------------------- North Central_ ___ --------------------- South -- -- -- ---- ------ --------------- West __ -----------------------------Born obrood, at sea, etc _________________ _Native __ -------------------------

State of birth not reported _______________ _


791 16 775 293 459 6 58 378 17 5 J8

8 043

735 290 295 186 1D9 47 62

7 195 2 015 3 92D 2 078 l 842 482 l 360

125 7 918 2 22J 4900 330 475 3 813 282 387 410


191 36 J52 18 18 111 5



47 4 43 10 25




52 887 318 52 569 J9 899 28 lOJ J 238 3 156 22 511 l J96 466 4 103

7 664

59 7 605

I 472 5 576 501 965 3 968 142 45 512

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and over



Some house __ -------------------------Different house in United Stoles----------- Same county------------------------- Different county---------------------- Some State ______ ---------------- --- Different Stote __ ---- ------ -------- __ Northeast ____ ------------------ -North Central .• ____ ---- __ ------ __ _South __ ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ --- West __ ---- __ -------- ___________ _Abroad-------------------------------- Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _-

6 98

606 027 504 953 551 453 l 098 145 235 533 185 301 774

18 402 528 442 l 177 I 137 10 819 10 493 4 143 4 OD6 1 735

493 32 19 26 26 287 260 J26 126 22

3 047 93 75 217 210 J 652 l 586 588 569 497

57.9 17.5 87.1 93.7 88.7 90.l 47.9 20.0 4.0 6.3

57.8 19.0 84.4 95.8 94.4 86.7 53.5 23.4 11.9 10.0


63.8 21.5 87.4 97.9 99.9 86.5 68.5 42.7 24.4 15.9

61.6 17.4 92.4 95.7 91.6 94.9 51.l 24.l 9.4 9.2

53.8 19.2 80.0 99.5 94.l 85.2 50.2 18.7 9.5 9.4

1 593 21 37 87 87 211 8D3 242 105 12.4 72.2

10 851 187 801 l 399 935 2 174 3 444 l 279 632 11.9 49.4


1 460 31 56 172 70 206 482 238 205 12.4 63.4

2 790 64 196 421 208 639 851 314 97 J 1.4 45.2

1 550 18 39 93 156 334 537 281 92 12.3 5B.7

11 022

1 602 19 33 145 56 373 510 311 155 12.3 60.9

3 264 39 162 366 279 J 064 979 280 95 11.2 41.5

J6 922

22 530

22 58 92

251 773 225 586 674

10 676 11 854 5 408 6 446 840 l 36B 3 072 1 J66 l 246 3 981

Public -- -- -- ------ ------------------- High school (l to 4 years) ---------------- Public ------ ------ ---------- -------- - College __ ---- -- -- __ ------------------ -- -

197 10 10 12 12 114 114 56 41 5

3 133 63 55 215 2J5 l 842 l 786 794 769 219

Percint enrolled, 3 to 34 ytars old __ _-








790 624 771 264 507 2JO 297 159 259 640 239 170 I 225

23 17 6



19 11





5 6



46 17 23 J4 8 2 6

7 l 4 1 3

017 OBJ 659 145 514 493 3 02J 442 626 1 700 253 192 l 085

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _Nursery school------------------------Public -- ---- ------------------------- -

Kii~"brr,a~~e~-== :: =====: ::== =::::: ==:_-Elementary (1 to==B::years) ________________ -






3 ond 4 years old·---------------------5 end 6 years old----------------------- 7 to 13 years old __ •• ------------------ __ 14 and 15 yeors old--------------------16 ond 17 years old--------------------- lB ond 19 years old--------------------- 20 and 21 years old--------------------- 22 to lo 34 24 years years old----------------------25 old ______________________ _-



...... -


09'.2 ... ... ...



5 800

3 3 l l



38 38


57 44 106 159 1 076 l 014 520 478 J48

54.0 24.0 82.4 95.6 94.4 82.4 41.3 16.3 JS.0 10.2

31.3 25.2 94.7 99.4 99.9 67.9 13.I 3.5 7.2 3.6

... ...

10 593 170 505 1 J51 879 2 400 3 571 l 461 456 J2. l 51.8

1 245 4 29 37 36 449 499 152 39 12.l 55.4


11 625


6 6





49.9 24.0 84.0 96.l 95.3 78.9 30.9 l 1.7 13.l 9.4




.. -. -...-

4 380 48 309 479 393 973 1 441 473 264 12.0 49.7

12 059 J74 534 l 197 915 2 930 4 J57 l 648 5D4 12.l 52.3



14 17 12 5

5 8 6 4

3 730 50 169 43D 292 870 I 231

12 571 101 534 l 190 1 077 3 309 4 072 l 601 687 12.0 50.6


... ... ...

... ...


l 967

604 452 306 247 211 794 983 849 738


l l 11 10 3 3 l

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Malo, 25 years old and DYer ------ __


No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary, 5l to to 47 years---------------years _______________ _ 8 years-------------------High school, 4l to 3 years---------------yeors ___________________ _ College, I to 3 years_ ______________ _ 4 years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed-----------Percent high school graduates_ ___________ _


~S ytars old and o¥Br -----No schoolFemale, years completed _______________ _ Elementory, l to 4 years---------------5 to 7 years---------------8 years-------------------High school. 4l yeors to 3 years---------------___________________ _


College. lo 3 years---------------4l years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed ___________ _Percent high school groduates ____________ _-


236 J6 10 43 3B 40 49 34 6

9.8 37.7



22 19 4J 63 J8 21


9.5 21.2

173 467 l 251 919 2 904 3 389 J 378 541 11.8 48.2


21 32 26 62 SJ 25


10.7 38.7 228 11


52 24 65 41 35


J0.2 33.3


206 12.0 51.4

famllles ______ ---------- -------awn children under 3 years __________ _own children under 6 years __________ _ own children under 12 years_ ________ _ own children under 18 years __ -------sons/daughters under 25 years ------ _ sons/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _ sonsldaughters 18 to 24 years_ ______ _-

---under 18________________ ytan old --------_living withP1rsons, both parents_ Percent ol tofol ______________________ _-



-5 -

5 14 15



4 -

---4 -




... ...


JOl 504 1 135 9B3 3 055 3 724 l 485 638 12.0 50.3

12.I 54.8

25 55 84 225 324 103



FAMILY COMPOSITION With With With With With With With


184 42 62 78 98 98 38 28

1 833 348 667 l 153 l 386 l 429 702 243

10 475 2 104 3 753 5 784 7 018 7 409 3 371 l 44D

231 29 68 99 145 145 90 35

1 576 326 610 908 1 104 l 183 "67 207

3 210 662 l 151 J 821 2 272 2 364 l 143 486

3 767 835 1 468 2 200 2 523 2 688 l 130 516

12 203 2 488 4 440 7 055 8 441 8 931 3 720 1 659

47 8 8 13 13 19 14

12 3 3 3 8 8 5

11 2 3 6 7 8 3 l

143 249 976 334 636 092 406 523

980 219 437 689 768 796 288 136

259 149 57.5

3 875 2 402 62.0

21 872 13 569 62.0

643 294 45.7

3 231

2 168 67.1

7 001 3 878 55.4

7 803 5 045 64.7

25 476 15 494 60.8

71 54

22 893 13 711 59.9

2 339


10 JO

38 108

441 l 626 3 687

2 515 9 540 3 793



330 I 160 3 515

822 3 047 3 707

914 3 841 4 202

3 044 10 806 3 55D


2 831 9 859 3 483

208 927 4 457




J 650 70.5

CHILDREN EVER BORN Wamen, 35 fa 44 yr. old, over married Children ever born----------------------- Per l,000 women ever married---------- -




5 20



Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc,) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Son Francisco-Oakland





594 243 351 183 992 714 715 868 695 663 513

1 833 17 1 816 670 1 017 68 133 790 26 21 108

27 437 237 27 200 11 141 13 229 464 1 217 11 250 298 130 2 700

313 6 307 128 151 46 35 70

297 185 129 148 136 701 92 665 44 036 21 051 22 985 2 278 4 645 13 907 2 155 2 830 28 506

1 606 251 1 080 439 641 168 473 70 63 324 16 45 230

25 070 12 258 10 543 7 458 3 085 1 457 1 628 208 462 823 135 282 1 987

292 45 228 53 175 79 96 56 6 19 15


469 24 11 14 14 318 318 93 73 20

8 788 368 283 489 489 4 306 4 091 1 812 1 682 1 813


Elementary (1 to 8 yearsl----------------- Public ______________ ---------------- _High school (1 to 4 years) ---------------Public ________ ---- ---------- -------- _ College ---------- ________ -------- ------ -

110 092 2 934 2 145 6 140 5 868 61 649 58 174 28 203 26 924 11 166

Parnnl enrolled, 3 to 34 years old.._ 3 and 4 years old ----------------------5 and 6 years old ----------------------- 7 to 13 years old------------------------ 14 ond 15 years old--------------------- 16 ond 17 years old--------------------- 18 and 19 years old--------------------20 yearsoldold--------------------22 and to 2421years ______________________ _ 25 to 34 years old ______________________ _-

56.2 21.5 79.6 97.6 95.7 91.8 53.9 21.9 13.9 8.9


56.9 34.4 90.1 98.6 93.0 96.3 59.7 39.1 18.0 18.6



6 647 100 343 741 652 1 432 1 453 1 274 652 12.0 50.8

Hayward Fremont Daly City (urban part) (urban part)


Redwood City


1 666 24 1 642 678 758 89 144 496 29 48 158

124 671 521 124 150 52 439 55 739 1 093 4300 49 100 1 246 409 15 563

880 5 875 277 497 7 45 417 28 10 91

28 699 63 28 636 13 241 12 457 288 684 11 156 329 71 2 867

95 1 94 37 45 1 3 39 1

1 484 248 1 135 719 416 218 198 30 67 81 20 49 52

112 546 49 557 51 496 38 051 13 445 5 435 8 010

814 187 505 272 233 131 102

86 37 39 28 10 3

7 87 8 13 109

428 210 249 785 464 393 071 896 425 251 499 946 023

47 37 10 10

1 637 5 046 816 746 10 747

25 563 11 622 11 863 7 844 4 019 2 794 1 225 84 170 827 144 108 I 970

42 696 914 645 2 066 1 954 24 349 22 781 11 355 10 849 4 012

11 003 437 357 826 826 5 895 5 765 2 885 2 789 960

28 738 726 559 1 656 1 589 16 223 15 052 7 414 7 081 2 719


58.5 18.4 77.2 99.0 96.5 91.9 59.l 24.4 14.8 8.3

200 13 7 5 5 127 127 36 36 19 38,0

... 94'.2 .........


60.9 28.5 86.3 96.0 99.9 99.9 62.5 22.8 12.0 10.1

51.3 19.0 76.8 96.7 95.7 87.4 43.4 15.2 12.1 7.3

28 264 550 2 026 4 215 2 548 6 838 7 558 3 350 1 179 11.1 42.8

261 10 4 52 22 62 62 29 20 11.l 42.5

5 878 61 428 794 546 I 575 1 337 783 354 11.1 42.1

23 074 308 I 301 3 200 I 864 5 201 6 833 2 994 1 373 11.8 48.5

31 690 463 1 859 3 880 2 718 8 820 8 711 3 834 1 405 11.4 44.0


11 28 7 53 53 34 9 11.9 49.2

6 755 88 336 723 541 1 807 2 126 879 255 11.8 48.3

24 968 404 1 202 3 017 2 077 6 166 7 590 3 157 1 355 11.8 48.5

22 3 7 11 13 14 6 3

San Francisco Son Leandra


-Born in Stole of residence ---------------- Born in different State ------------------- Northeast __ ------------ __ ------------ North Central ____ -------- ____ --------- South ____ --------------------------- West-------------------------------Born obroad, at sea, etc _________________ _State of birth not reported. ______________ _Total population __ ---------------Foreign born ---------------------Native __ ------------------------- -

329 2 327 135 152 4

12 131 3 1 37


10 18

3 530 42 3 488 1 488 1 613 140 197 1 238 38 36 351

382 4 378 165 169 34

3 192

434 56 325 203 122 73 49

128 7 4 40

845 027 818 466 902 714 972 140 076 615 10 835



73 38 27 3 16 8




-mfured~•- - - - - - - - - - - Northeast ---- ---- ---- ------------ North Central __ ---------- __ ------- South ____ -------- --------------- West------ -- ---- ---------------- Abroad ________ ------------ -- ---- ------ Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _Total population, 5 years aid and aver

Some house -- __ -- ------ ---------------Different house in United States ----------- Same county-------------------------Different county ---------------------Some State ____ --------------------- -



1 098 1 777 246 1 531 1 320 211 98 67 28 18 44 273


44 5









SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _Nursery school ------------------------Public __________ ------------ __ -------

-Kinp~~lrc"~~e~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : --






5.4 -


7 7 64 57 36 36 22


... ... ... ... ......

1 331 B 8 74 66 866 825 275 256 108

230 6

7 106 106 83 77 28

746 12 6 37 37 426 421 162 162 109

58.2 7.1 63.9 99.9 83.4 82.1 43.8 20.2






... ... ... ... ...

.. .


.. .

.. . ...



... 4.6





5 -

4 5

3 20 18 19

20 78 60 136 234 214 59 12.5 63.3

12 21 15 9

... ...

11 34 3 60 110 94 35 12.6 68.9



800 6

81 5



4 15 10 19 23 5


20 38 178 375 112 71 12.4 69.8


48 160 53 11 12.4 72.0





6 6

7 7

." --





YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Male, 25 years old and over _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary, 1 to 4 years----------------5 to 7 yeors ---------------8 years ____ -- -- -- -- -------High school. 1 to 3 yeors ---------------4 yeors -------------------College, 1 to 3 years----------------4 years or more-------------Medion school years completed ____ -------Percent high school graduates _____________ _


76 I 4 10 6 18 20 10 4

112 230 740 363 699 175 556 018 331 11.5 45.9

Female, 25 years old and over ------No school years completed----------------Elementory, 1 to 4 years---------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years-------------------High school. 1 to 3 years----------------4 years--------------------College, 1 to 3 years---------------- 4 years or more __________ ... __ _ Median school years completed------------ Percent high school graduates ____________ _

83 I 4 9 6 21 24 10 4

077 160 177 667 742 187 561 946 637 11.8 48.3

11 21 25 24 130 78 6 12.5 72.5

8 093 100 341 915 601 1 464 2 553 I 455 664 12.2 57.7

690 049 320 576 739 819 938 787

334 84 128 204 248 270 96 58

6 714 940 I 662 3 001 3 784 4 217 1 682 1 007

69 12 17 47 57 60 29 3

901 179 267 493 618 626 281 108

61 7 21 32 58 61 36 13

367 97 163 235 283 299 120 47

28 529 4 771 8 500 14 358 17 807 19 354 B 827 4 554

205 45 61 121 128 134 48 23

6 629 1 159 2 213 3 520 4 405 4 839 2 247 1 199

130 064 71 292 54.8

682 391 57.3

8 914 4 438 49.8

138 127 92.0

1 609 1 145 71.2

205 158 77.1

793 640 80.7

50 102 27 553 55.0

242 140 57.9

18 332 61 804 3 371

87 260

1 435 3 838 2 675

26 63

254 791 3 114

29 125

82 328

6 889 24 267 3 523

59 177

6 066


18 16 46 98 122 17


11.4 43.8 295



... ...

-10 -





27 12




4 4 8 9

". . .. 27






FAMILY COMPOSITION With With With With With With With


own children under 3 yeors-----------own children under 6 years ___________ _ own children under 12 years __________ _ own children under 18 years __________ _ sons/daughters under 25 years -------sons/daughters 13 to 19 yeors ________ _ sons/doughters 18 to 24 years ________ _ Parsons, under 18 years old ---------

Living withofboth Percent totalporents.-----------------_______________________ _

75 13 23 38 47 51 22 11

307 955 085 313 829 957 256 277


12 690 7 578 59.7

35 831 17 965 50.1

14 14


1 591

5 319 16 744 3 148



13 13 17 4 4

CHILDREN EVER BORN Women, 35 to 44 yr. old, ever married. Children ever born-----------------------Per 1,000 women ever married-----------







3 813



Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


(Data based on sample see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Standard melropoliton statistical areas-Con. Santo Barbaro

Son Jase

Son Francisco-Oakland - Con.

Polo Alto (urban port)

Son Mateo

Urban balance


Mountain View

2 742 30 2 712 919 1 627 25 161 1 413 28 11 155

39 882

17 926 302 17 624 7 125 9 032 589 1 350 6 685 408 198 1 269

727 39 688 201 380 44 23 270 43 12 95

1 404 39 1 365 461 745 57 91 597

2 475 I 137 1 102 540 562 308 254 18

35 15 16 7 8 5 3

159 55 26 210

669 080 644 735 909 448 461 281 661 2 098 421 563 3 382

15 780 3 816 10 325 4 108 6 217 3 616 2 601 242 582 I 374 403 396 1 243

631 78 406 195 211 104 107 6 28 61 12 47 100

1 310 495 698 306 392 243 149 18 47 5B 26

887 21 12 53 53 442 400 249 215 122

14 395 396 248 885 800 8 233 7 941 3 685 3 550 l 196

7 377 256 156 456 429 3 952 3 811 I 182 1 148 1 531

209 17 17 16 16 95 95 18 18 63

496 33


57.6 22.7 82.3 95.2 91.7 91.7 55.6 22.3 13.6 7.4

58.8 25.4 82.7 98.1 96.6 99.9 67.2 41.7 26.9 15.9



66'.7 93.6 99.3 86.9 66.4 25.0 35.8 7.6



643 11 26 88 50 121 192 126 29 12.1 54.0

9 275 181 548 I 078 866 2 444 2 491 1 078 589 11.4 44.8

3 880 71 169 253 261 664 1 047 852 563 " 12.5 63.5

233 3 11 6 26 12 55 60 60 13.2 75.l


30 14 34 79 95 87 13.3 75.7


8 856 90 374 898 603 2 420 2 490 1 199 782 12.0 50.5

3 699



26 121 79 123 246 114 51 12.1 54.1

103 271 250 707 1 283 588 437 12.4 62.4

---------------------_ With own f111ille1 children--under 3 years __________ With own children under 6 years __________ _ With own children under 12 years _________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _With sons/doughlers under 25 years ------- With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _ With sons/daughters 18 Jo 24 years_ ______ _-

689 120 185 329 440 482 231 98

8 690 I 647 2 959 4 812 5 954 6 373 3 021 1 358


1 020

537 52.6

183 544 2 973

Son Jose (urban port) Santo Clora




527 262 227 23 68 136

Urban balance


Santo Barbero

Urban balance

706 195 423 43 85 257 38 12 76

3 360 103 3 257 l 298 1 693 134 292 1 179 88 97 169

6 123 112 6 011 1 529 3 908 317 529 2 888 174 130 444

2 065 56 2 009 640 1 171 94 89 982 6 9 189

3 813 816 2 631 215 436 1 817 163 121 245

565 86 330 82 248 94 154 7 29 93 25 87 62

2 934 927 l 617 569 1 048 665 383 55 124 185 19 165 225

5 304 909 3 560 1 149 2 411 812 1 599 252 418 773 156 355 480

1 782 597 992 598 394 221 173 38 23 104 8 17 176

3 381 257 2 499 496 2 003 591 1 412 214 395 655 148 338 287


219 6

1 290 48

2 078 45 20 181 173 1 048 978 373 344 431

547 17

1 485 28 6 113 113 751 714 220 199 373

46.6 8.9 73.8 89.6

PLACE OF BIRTH T•l•I p•p•l•tlo•-----------------Fortltn bom ----------------------




Born in State of residence ---------------Born in different State ------------------Northeast -- -------------------------North Centro/ ____ ---------- -- -- ---- -- - South __ ----------------------------- West __ -----------------------------Born abroad, at sea, etc. ________________ _State of birth not reported _______________ _



267 39 615 15 892 19 283 719 I 698 16 294 572 293 4 147


12 147

10 896 117 10 779 4 586 5 432 267 770 4 156 239 42 719





3 869 56



Toto\ populotloo, 5 y11n old and over Some house ________ -------------------Different house in United Stoles ----------Some county------------------------- Different county -- ---- -- -------------- Same Stat•------------------------Different Stole __ -------------------Northeast---____ ----------------_ North Central_ ___________________ South __ ------ ---- ------ --------- West ____ ---- -- -- -- -- ____ -------Abroad-------------------------------Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _-




9 600 2 068 6 832 2 876 3 956 2 301 1 655 146 315 873 321 79 621

425 113 237 69 168 91 77

4 868 152 100 304 291 2 583 2 545 792 783 1 037


6 84 84 18 18 49

14 14 156 130 17 17 26

104 95 722 704 163 150 253

61.3 22.2 78.8 95.6 98.7 98.3 73.S 48.2 35.6 16.9



54.5 33.0 86.5 98.0

... ...

99.9 63.5 38.9 29.3 8.0

48.1 12.l 87.9 88.7 97.7 99.5 43.0 23.7 20.4 13.7

2 178 48 109 180 159 364 557 502 259 12.4 60.5

129 5

762 10 35 28 49 177 243 ll1 109 12.3 60.8

1 224 25 61 104 41 220 442 197 134 12.4 63.2

448 12 40 68 20 112 103 59 34 11.3 43.8

336 138 82 12.6 77.3


1 214 14 60 137 106 198 395 239 65 12.2 57.6



8 10 23 44 13 40 12.6 67.8

688 11 5 37 44 157 255 90 89 12.4 63.1

6 51 83 73 98 159 100 5 11.3 45.9

8 9 34 33 95 236 126 60 12.5 70.2

490 131 211 238 289 312 87 39

719 216 365 538 602 608 187 43


1 S60 1 151 73.8

39 38




SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 ta 34 years aid ____ _Nursery school ------------------------Public __ -------------- ------ -------- Kii~~l~~~~e~_ :: :::: :::::: :: :: :::::: :: :: : Elementary (l to 8 years>----------------Public __ -------------- ------ -------- -


Hi!j.~~ll~~~~~l-~~-~:~~~:>_:::::::::::::::: -


College-------------------------------Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old __ _ 3 ond 4 yoors old----------------------57 ond 6 yoors old_______________________ -----------------------_to 13 years a/d 14 and 15 years old--------------------16 and 17 years old--------------------18 ond 19 years old--------------------- 20 and yearsoldold--------------------22 to 2421years ______________________ _ 25 to 34 years old ______________________ _


... ...

... ... ... ... -


3 244 209 117 117 94

... '19.9 ... ... 41:6


... ...... ... ... ... ...-


... 99.9 ... ... 12.0



68 60 286 253 140 132 36

.. . ... ... --


49,3 13.9 98.4 93.3 99.9 99.9 40.5 24,6 25.l 16.2

YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Malo, 25 yean old ond 0V1r _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _Elementary1 1 to 4 years---------------5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------High school: 41 years to 3 yeo••---------------___________________ _ College, 1 to 3 years •• _____________ _ 4 years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed ____ -------- Percent high school graduates-------------

---25 years old and over -----No schoolF1•11l1, yeors completed _______________ _Elementary: l lo 4 years---------------- 5 lo 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------- High school. 41 years to 3 years---------------___________________ _College: I4 years to 3 years---------------or more ____________ _-

Median school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates_ ___________ _-





148 5 4


4 8 21 26 34 31 13.0 70.5

31 56 38 14 12.6 73.0



28 12.6 74.7

31 44 126 SI 68 12.5 67.9

2 177 44 83 180 153 437 711 362 207 12.3 58.8

3 782 864 1 574 2 371 2 747 2 893 961 437

183 45 70 103 107 107 11 4

315 67 101 153 218 238 110 41

2 217 479 920 1 390 1 620 1 700 611 291

37 65 87 102 102 28 14

174 53 74 111 121 121 26 10

712 171 310 485 534 580 156 77

1 241 351 580 799 914 952 277 91

17 331 10 514 60.7

7 738 5 640 72.9

211 143 67.8

461 319 69.2

5 034 3 509 69.7

197 177 89.8


215 74.1

1 1 146 82.6


2 4&5

1 687 67.9.

526 62.2

2 330 8 467 3 634

876 3 108 3 548



97 172

527 2 132 4 046


161 485 3 012

228 737 3 232

91 298



6 6 28

79 29




4 46 34 5


719 13 21 27 10






under 18 ytars ohl --------

living with both parents____ •• ______ -·---Percent of total ______________________ _


CHILDREN EVER BORN Wo11on, 35 to « yr. old, ever lft•rrled Children ever born ________ -- ---- __ ---- __ _Per f,000 women ever married---------- -


6 -596





42 122




430 3 359


Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas- Con. Santo Roso

Urbanized areas Vallejo-Nope


Urban balance



Urban balance

857 12 845 336 383 6 71 295 11 14 112

15 841 117 15 724 7 635 6 526 136 495 5 611 284 79 1 484

12 017 94 11 923 6 030 4788 100 404 4 096 188 58 1 047

2 689 14 2 675 1 134 1 260 3 56 1 129 72 21 260

757 174 428 143 285 192 93

10 457 4 736 4 623 3 223 l 400 796 604 29 151 332 92 56 1 042

2 454 1 296 958 592 366 219 147

34 121

13 950 6 267 5 964 3 907 2 057 l 285 772 32 158 468 114 85 1 634

20 7 193

5 083 8 128 3 929 4 199 l 773 2 426 410 427 989 600 716 1 611

47 47 57 28 54

362 17 17 46 46 251 251 14 14 34

5 880 176 162 405 399 3 035 2 928 l 735 l 557 529

4 532 162 157 333 333 2 371 2 323 l 200 l 148 466

983 14 5 61 61 597 547 265 265 46

6 395 166 98 380 370 3 815 3 740 l 500 1 464 534


......... ......... ......



64.0 22.0 84.9 94.4 96.l 86.6 77.2 30.8 20.l 16.6



63.4 19.5 83.2 94.9 96.4 92.7 71.8 26.8 18.9 14.6


59.2 20.8 83.l 99.9 94.2 84.3 58.6 22.2 13.0 7.1



2 472 95 277 376 262 668 510 169 115 10.0 32.1

633 43 114 135 74 130 73 41 23 8.3 21.6

3 845 57 246 418 242 969 l 291 441 181 12.0 49.8


Santa Rosa


1 978 25 1 953 901 802 21 107 632 42 23 227

33$ 13 322 174 136


1 720 601 841 302 539 415 124 6 92 26

276 97 148 110 38 38

43 235

9 22

680 23 23 53 53 390 390 97 60 117

164 6 6





Urban balance



17 175 135


15 12 3

11 125 2$ 11 100 5 103 5 114 244 324 4 364 182 76 807

5 523 104 5 419 I 145 3 617 359 448 2 580 230 259 398

14 646

17 040

14 615 6 446 7 066 32 422 6 264 348 13 1 090

17 619 163 17 456 8 863 7 264 94 538 6 321 311 96 I 233

10 4 4 3 1

454 584 172 412 796 616 150 79 252 135 117 956

4 918 540 3 157 719 2 438 649 l 789 260 342 722 465 599 622

4 220 130 87 226 216 2 380 2 319 l 156 1 120 328

2 098 36 11 152 152 1 390 l 384 314 314 206

64,5 24.2 82.4 98.2 93.6 87.7 71.l 26.6 16.4 10.0

PLACE OF BIRTH Totol population ____________ ---- __ Foreign born ---------------------Natlvo __ ------------------------Born in State of residence ---------------Born in different State ------------------Northeast---------------------------North Central ____ --------------------South ---- -- ------------ -------- -- --West __ -----------------------------Born abroad, at sea, efc _________________ _ State of birth not reported----------------

29 82 25


6 469 9 025 603 799 7208 415 335 1 211






RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and aver Same hause---------------------------- Different house in United States ---·------Same county------------------------Different county ---------------------Same State __________________ ------Different State ______ -- ---- ________ -- Northeast------------------------ Horth CenlraL-------------------South ---------------------------

-W~-------------- Abroad -----------------------------Moved, __1965 residence not reported _______ _--




82 11




15 538

095 235 885 847 038 421 617 8 121 424 64 30 945

15 513 7 821 6 567 5 404 1 163 673 490 39 93 220 138 96 1 029

s 308

129 129 318 312 218 181 341 287 302

6 717 372 352 449 449 3 624 3 565 I 569 l 527 703

52.7 16.7 85.0 99.9 91.4 81.6 41.3 19.6 10.7 4.0

62.7 21.8 78.9 99.3 92.9 78.6 44.7 20.3 10.5 5.0

63.2 36.6 81.9 96.J 91.2 90.7 56.6 34.9 24.1 9.7

2 430 29 189 323 177 693 665 235 119 11.2 41.9

1 219

3 005 123 464 574 360 675 433 314 62 8.9 26.9

3 489 159 546 599 392 750 571 332 140 9.2 29.9

2 630 25 142 288 266 699 719 400 91 11.5 46.0


35 42 14 209 333 154 47 12.4 64.0

3 552 45 306 616 552 1 012 633 283 105 9.8 28.7

4 132 90 426 758 470 l 092 826 347 123 9.9 31.4

5 5 5 5 5 5

2 538 357 640 1 164 J 561 1 727 845 445

1 049 258 458 713 807 842 343 102

3 184

514 951 541 942 103 167 536

3 707 678 1 206 1 772 2 268 2 481 l 220 727




21 7 14 14




13 7 4 3 l



Toto! enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _

NuP~bl~ ~:h_~~-::::::::::::::::::::::::: --

~,1 ,,


KiP~bl~ca~~·~_ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: : Elementary (1 to 8 yearsl----------------Public __ -------- ---- -- ------ -- ------ -


-Hi~~blf;~~l-~l-~~-~~~~~~l_:::::::::::::::: -College ______ ---- ---------------------- Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old __ _3 ond 4 years old----------------------- 57 and 6 years old----------------------to 13 years old _______________________ _14 and 15 years old--------------------- 16 and 17 years old--·------------------ 18 and 19 years old--------------------- 20 and yearsaidold--------------------22 ta 2421years ______________________ _25 to 34 years old ______________________ _-


75.5 58.4 4(i.2






... ... ... ...


98.5 99.9 99.9



-2 2


... ...---· ---

3 3 I l


---Ftmolt, 25 years old and aver _____ _- ' Ho school years completed---------------- Elementory. l la 4 years---------------- 5 lo 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------- High school. l la 3 years---------------- 4 years-------------------- College: 3 years---------------4l lo years or more ____________ _Median school years completed ____________ _-


5 20 18 10

30 22 22 47 34


12.0 50.9

3 418 138 420 546 370 919 637 235 153 9.8 30.0 3 615 69 271 549 457 1 096 675 354 144 10.3 32.4

2 789 41 185 423 373 800 561 293 113 10.4 34.7

702 22 86 119 73 249 92 40 21 9.6 21.8

3 584


194 13 15 5 23 70 51 13 4 10.8 35.l

356 98 150 226 246 266 97 35

46 4 21 26 26 34 8 8

185 62 92 139 149 153 45 4

3 312 649 1 166 1 692 2 103 2 285 1 049 616

2 645 573 l 417 l 776 l 924 882 510

559 69 143 235 275 301 151 86

3 623 628 l 115 l 904 2 398 2 605 1 201 556


907 487 53.7

166 76 45.8

400 265 66.3

6 915 3 557 51.4

5 450 2 816 51.7

1 126 596 52.9

7 552 5 093 67.4



4 886 3 123 63.9

2 553 l 892 74.l

6 713 3 369 50.2

7 844 3 763 48.0



38 121

769 3 173 4 126

624 2 547 4 082

137 606 4 423

961 3 583 3 728


638 2 370 3 715

311 1 165 3 746

781 3 399 4 352

3 694 4 494

Male, 25 years aid and over-------No school years completed---------------Elementary, l lo 4 years---------------- 5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------High school: l to 3 years---------------4 years-------------------College1 to 3 years---------------4l years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed-----------Percont high school graduates ____________ _-

369 11 37 50 33 79 103 51 5 11.0 43.l

Percent high school graduates ____ ----------

380 16 27 21 28 113 110 49 16 11.6 46.l

Fomlllu ------ ------------------own children under 3 years-----------own children under 6 years_ __________ _ own children under 12 years __________ _ own children under 18 years __________ _ sons/daughters under 25 years -------sons/daughters 13 ta 19 years_ _______ _ sons/daughters 18 to 24 years_ _______ _

Persons, under 18 years old ______ -- _ Living with both parents_ _________________ _ Percent of total -- ------ -------------- --





-5 17

23 22


-4 -

37 189 340 292 943 l 070 565 148 12.0 49.7

---5 ......-------


14 73 50 244 585 191 62 12.4 68.7


FAMILY COMPOSITION With With With With With With With


1 1 2 l

CHILDREN EVER BORN Women, 35 to « yr. old, ever married_ Children ever born-------------·---------Per 1,000 women ever married-----------

163 ...






Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:

Table 91.


(Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Urbanized areas-Con.

Los AngelesLong Beach


OxnardVenturaThousand Oaks



San BernardinCfRiverside

San Diego

San FranciscoOakland

34 722 291 34 431 14 112 17 094 688 2 014 13 523 869 464 2 761

895 16 879 312 503 6 58 418 21 5 59

30 401 246 30 155 12 721 14 487 733 2 148 10 947 659 441 2 506

59 621 376 59 245 21 305 32 872 1 661 3 894 25 992 l 325 511 4 557

334 262 2 276 331 986 137 514 155 15B 4 914 12 817 133 655 3 772 1 729 37 585

26 10 12 6 6 2 3

985 551 942 841 101 694 407 435 763 l 638 571 829 2 663

52 992 18 801 27 265 15 675 1l 590 2 462 9 12B l 319 1 965 4 890 954 6BO 6 246

11 969 355 309 768 738 7 039 6 796 2 518 2 462 1 289

Santo Barbaro

Santa Roso

6 991 8 882 564 1 325 6 585 408 175 l 244

2 604 77 2 527 840 1 388 125 131 l 093 39 13 286

1 098 25 1 073 487 482 6 86 354 36 4 100

301 523 131 198 138 643 94 127 44 516 21 35B 23 158 2 407 4 632 13 858 2 261 2 893 28 7B9

15 432 3 758 10 102 4 079 6 023 3 498 2 525 232 582 l 308 403 378 l 194

2 243 654 l 219 646 573 357 216 38 48 122 8 55 315

964 271 541 253 28B 195 93

20 790 661 496 1 454 1 388 12 2B8 11 809 4 4B6 4 310 l 901

112 112 3 006 2 174 6 290 6 008 62 843 59 309 28 672 27 387 11 301

7 218 256 156 452 425 3 875 3 767 1 125 1 103 1 510

804 24 14 80 72 343 310 140 132 217


Sl.7 24.2 83.5 96.l 95. l Bl.6 35.8 12.7 13.8 9.6

56.5 21.6 80.1 97.6 95.7 91.B 54.5 22.3 13.9 9.0

58.6 26.5 83.2 97.5 94.5 99.9 66.6 41.7 26.6 16.0

49.0 12.9 74.B 95.5


60.8 19.9 B6.l 98.6 95.8 90.4 57.2 24.4 16.2 12.1

Son Jose


640 15 11 82

2 367 148 51 365

806 043 B30 879 951 197 754 580 211 334 4 629 5 161 57 772

1 387

30 10 16 10

770 909 296 223 6 073 l 930 4 143 299 490 2 689 665 73B 2 827

798 347 301 192 109 47 62

69 31 6 91

5 382 2 010 2 641 1 378 l 263 431 832 194 205 361 72 110 621

856 932 063 169 927 B74 B59 070 124 Bll

582 42 32 7 7 367 361 106 106 60

2 163 18 12 203 203 l 185 l 169 529 502 228

13 623 446 366 903 903 B 129 7 825 3 043 2 967 1 102

55.0 18.9 81.B 97.6 95.B 8B.6 49.5 20.7 13.7 9.1



56.1 8.0 B4.6 94.6 99.9 91.3 43.3 3D.9 23.1 4.0

63.0 23.1 78.7 99.6 93.9 98.4 52.7 25.8 14.7 10.6

219 10 10 12 12 130 125 62 47 5 45.4

524 169 834 519 958 709 127 297 911 12.l 51.5

354 6 66 46 59 89 65 10 13 9.0 24.9

1 223 29 6B 158 135 301 27B 151 103 11.2 43,5

7 148 166 512 787 626 1 410 1 972 1 271 404 12.0 51.0

258 16 10 49 3B 46 54 39 6 10.0 38.4

6 188 112 371 798 444 l 296 1 91B 792 457 12.0 51.2

11 772 174 534 l 192 909 2 823 4 019 l 621 500 12.l 52.2

77 093 1 173 4 804 10 490 6 713 18 402 20 916 10 180 4 415 11.5 46.1

3 795 71 165 248 256 639 l 016 840 560 12.5 63.7

522 12 40 76 25 122 lOB 79 60 11.7 47.3

197 074 2 178 7 272 20 464 15 150 49 847 60 774 29 644 11 745 12.1 51.B

338 20 35 49 46 127 25 36

7 735

90 348 802 557 1 850 2 506 1 148 434 12.1 52.9


6 705

9.5 21.7

276 678 464 l 909 2 041 B64 393 11.9 49.2

12 484 101 534 l 186 l 072 3 279 4 042 l 583 687 12.0 50.6

84 424 1 154 4 256 9 712 6 952 21 435 24 966 11 255 4 694 11.8 48.5

3 636 60 94 267 250 693 1 261 579 432 12.4 62.5


22 19 50 68 18 26

9.4 18.0

1 314 15 61 134 79 371 453 141 60 12.0 49.8

51 BS 78 107 185 123 10 11.9 49.3

242 13 15 10 18 77 70 35 4 11.5 45.0

261 856 431 008 687 493 774

334 BB 134 176 223 233 100 57

1 137 282 459 727 831 861 371 145

7 l 2 4 5 5 2 l

482 552 744 387 289 640 633 197

206 42 62 90 110 110 50 34

587 364 428 714 519 7Bl 121 936

12 089 2 461 4 387 6 977 8 363 8 847 3 689 l 653

76 13 23 39 48 52 23 11


614 265 974

3 707 B52 l 540 2 329 2 702 2 843 937 432

543 151 243 278 332 355 90 43

222 62 104 156 166 17B 53 12


316 898 177 309 56.0

689 367 53.3

2 564 l 666 65.0

16 205 10 091 62.3

317 198 62.5

13 919 8 423 60.5

25 149 15 307 60.9

132 323 73 15B 55.3

7 570 5 502 72.7

959 623 65.0

518 316 61.0

Womtn, 35 lo 44 yr. old, tvtr married Children ever born----------------------Per 1,000 women ever married----------

45 314 142 722 3 150

76 427

316 l 278 4 044

2 126 7 757 3 649

38 108

1 552 5 865 3 779

3 030 10 796 3 563

18 660 62 875 3 370

868 3 042 3 505

100 370 3 700

29 BB

Born in State of residence ----------------Born in different State -------------------Northeast -- ---------- ----------------North CentroL------------------------South ---- -------------------- -------West---- __ --------------------------Born e!c __ ----------------State abroad, of birth at notsea, reported ________________ _

770 7 763 306 393 15 49 31B 9 3 59

17 590 298

977 718 259 467 370 570 820 727 253 440 982

lolal population ______ ---------- __ _ Foreign born ----------------------Na1lve __________ ------------------


1 556 717 746 19 72

5 962 63 5 899 2 306 3 177 258 404

17 292



Tolal population, 5 yoors old and over

Same house---------------------------- Different house in United Stoles----------- Same county -------------------------Different county ---------------------- Same Stat•-------- ________ --------_ Different Stat•-- ______________ ---- __ Northeast __________________ ---- __ North Central __ ---- ______________ _South ________ ------ ____________ ___ __________________ -----------------------__ Abroad West __ ----------Moved, 1965 residence not reported_ ______ _


685 274 348 272 75 14 61 6 15 35


789 486 303 195 108 8



40 22 58 92


82 11


43 109


KinP~1'l?co~~·~-(l ::to::B==yeors) :: == ________________ :: :: :: :: == :: == :: _: Elementary Public __ -------- ---------- -----------High school (l to 4 years) ---------------- Public __ ---------- ____ ------ -------- _College ________ ------ ____ ------ _______ _ Percenl enrolled, 3 lo 34 years aid __ _3 ond 4 years old ----------------------- Tola! enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _


256 6 4 16 14 147 138 61 58 24

57 and years old old----------------------to 136 years _______________________ _14 and 15 years old--------------------- 16 and 17 years old--------------------18 and 19 years old--------------------20 and yearsoldold--------------------22 to 2421years ______________________ _25 to 34 years old-----------------------









... '"

'" '"



46'.7 49.2 21.0 1l.5

23 23 46 46 272 272 71 42 88 62.B '"

9·2.0 "' '" '"



YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Mali, 25 years old and over _______ ...

No school years completed _______________ _Elementary, 1 to 4 years---------------- 5 to 7 years---------------8 years __ -----------------High school, l to 3 years---------------4 years-------------------- College, l to 3 years---------------4 years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduoles-------------

---Female, 25 years old and over ..... -- __ No school years completed _______________ _Elementary. l to 4 years _______________ _5 to 7 years _______________ _8 yeor•-------------------- High school. 4l lo 3 years---------------years -- ____________ ---- __ College, 1 years to 3 years---------------4 or more ____________ _Median school years completed ___________ _Percent high school graduate•------------- -

169 2 8 18 12 39 50 26 10








4 25 27 36 57 44


12.l 52.3

FAMllY COMPOSITION ---------------------With own lamllles children__under 3 years __________ _With own children under 6 years __________ _With own children under 12 years _________ _With own children under l B years _________ _With sons/daughters under 25 years ------- With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years_ ______ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years-------- -


Persons, un.dtr 18 years old ______ .. _

Living with both parents _________________ _Percent of total ______________________ _-

177 037

34 59 93 114 122 50 24

6 l 2 3 4 4 2

944 204 542 091










Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Dato based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Urbanized areas-Con.


Simi Valley



8 078 127 7 951 2 265 4 880 328 499 3 808 245 392 414

205 21 184 87 Bl 4 20 57

14 414 108 14 306 7 051 5 869 103 456 5 061 249 79 1 307

1 833 17 1 816 670 l 017 68 133 790 26 21 108

7 2 3 l 1

276 171 794 889 905 534 l 371 112 228 812 219 591 720

184 42 142

12 672 5 927 5 472 3 724 l 748 997 751 29 156 454 112 63 l 210



3 096 63 55 215 215 l 835 l 773 747 722 236



57.0 17.2 87.7 94.9 89.4 89.2 43.3 19.3 5.3 7.6

No school years completed _______________ _Elementory1 1 to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years--------------------High school: 1 ta 3 years----------------4 years------------·-------College, 3 years----------------41 to years or more. ____________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _ Percent high school graduates _____________ _

l 643 18 37 77 102 226 810 257 116 12.4 72.0


Female, 2$ yean aid and over ------No school years completed----------------Elementory: 1 to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years--------------------High school: 1 to 3 years----------------4 years--------------------College, to 3 years----------------41 years or more _____________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _ Percent high school graduates __ ------------

l 546 18 39 109 150 347 535 255 93 12.2 57.1

Families---- ____ -------------- --With own children under 3 years ___________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ With own children under 12 years __________ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With sons/daughters under 25 years -------With sons/daughters 13 to 19 years_ _______ _ With sons/daughters 18 to 24 years_ _______ _ undor 18 years aid---------_ living withPersons, both parents __________________ Percent of total _______________________ _



ArdenArcade (U)




Buena Park



200 8 192 76 89 15 13 59 2

353 5 348 64 222 11 34 163 14

9 249 19 9 230 3 950 4 564 21 309 3 975 259


62 16 41 16 11 14

66 4




27 437 237 27 200 11 141 13 229 464 1 217 11 250 298 130 2 700


43 B 31 4 8 19

269 75 172 29 143 45 98 38 6 48 6

8 254 4 760 2 965 2 245 720 301 419 8 65 302 44 9 520

45 7 22 20 2 2


25 070 12 258 10 543 7 458 3 085 l 457 1 628 208 462 823 135 282 l 987

3 096 69 69 223 223 l 792 l 783 818 770 194 59,l 19.0 80.6 96,3 89,5 82.4 47.9 13.7 10.2 5.9


8 788


Total population •• ________________ _ Foreign born -----------------.------

Native-------------------------- -Born in State of residence ---------------- Born in different State -------------------Northeast---------------------------North Central__ __ ---------------------South ---- ------- ----------- --West --____ ________ -- ________ -- ________ --Born abroad, at sea, etc .................................................. ... State of birth not reported _______________ _





114 46 59


9 43 7 9


l 606 251 l 080 439 641 168 473 70 63 324 16 45 230

103 47 51 27 24 12 12

196 79 89 36 53 23 30

5 458 176 162 389 389 2 951 2 853 l 430 l 378 512

469 24 11 14 14 318 318 93 73 20


65.3 21.0 86,3 95.5 96.6 91,8 75.2 29.6 19.l 15.6


5.4 -

... ......-

3 034 130 378 491 336 777 579 210 133 9.7 30.4



18 16 46 98 122 17









62 30 22 15 7

--6 4


Total papulatlon, 5 years old and over Same house ________ ---- ---- __ ---------Different house in United States -----------Some county-------------------------Different county ----------------------Same State ______ -------------------Different State ______ ----------------Northeast -- ---------- ---- -- ---- -North Central ________ -------------South -- ---- __ ---- ------ ------ -- _ West •. __ ------------------------ Abroad __ ---- ____ -------------- __ ---- __ Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _-


142 135






14 16



12 16


86 8


9 9



43 13 13 13

5 5 21 21 13 13 44








41 26 13 13



55 21 34 26 8 8



7 6




17 17 -... --

11 11 11 11




Total onrallod, 3 la 34 years old_ ___ _ Nursery school ------------------------Publlc __ ------ ______ ------ ______ ----- Kindergarten __ ---- __ ---- --------------~b~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elemenlory (1 to 8 yeors>----------------- Public __ ------ ____ ---- ---- ---- ______ _-


Hii~~l~~~~l-~1_'.~-4-~~~~~-=::::::::::::::: -

College __ ------ __ ------ -- -- ------ ------Percont onralled, 3 ta 34 years aid.._ 3 and 4 years old-----------------------5 and 6 years old----------------------- ?to 13 years old------------------------ 14 and 15 years old--------------------16 and 17 years old --------------------- 18 and 19 years old--------------------20 and2421years yearsoldold--------------------22 ta ______________________ _ 25 to 34 years old ______________________ _-


12 12 72 72 18 18


...... ... ... -






---6 6 7







... ... ... ... ...


...... ... ...


...... ...

57 6




-11 11 5 5



368 283 489 489 4 306 4 091 1 812 l 6B2 1 813 56,9 34.4 90.1 98.6 93.0 96.3 59.7 39. l 18.0 18.6





...... ...-






YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Male, 25 years old and over--------


5 -

5 16 6 8

... ...



6 -



... ...

... .. .





6 11

... ...

... ...

1 832 365 683 1 156 1 374 1 416 682 245

50 5 18 28 41 45 26 11

3 136 628 1 115 1 620 2 009 2 183 l 009 588

334 84 128 204 248 270 96 58

30 5 5 5 10 10 5 5

3 811 2 343 61.5

108 91 84.3

6 477 3 346 51.7

682 391 57.3


441 1 631 3 698



731 2 996 4 098

87 260

14 24

-· 9


11 21 25 24 130 78 6 12.5 72.5

-5 -4

5 13 9 5 19


53 49 9 13.0 92.5

3 403 59 266 539 432 1 012 643 318 134 10.2 32.2




-5 5 -4

11 8


-7 4 8





21 21 9


l 923 47 259 375 225 428 291 246 52 9.4 30.6 2

356 35 196 365 356 672 413 226 93 10.0 31.1













6 647 100 343 741 652 1 432 l 453 1 274 652 12.0 50.8 8 093 100 341 915 601 1 464 2 553 1 455 664 12.2 57.7





4 ......





11 15








-4 ...-



41 9 19 22 28 28 9

67 15 19 24 37 37 22

2 073 333 624 969 1 234 1 338 718 328


4 051 1 954 48.2

.. 8.

8 914 4 438 49.8



459 1 844 4 017


l 435 3 838 2 675


13 13











--5 5 5


6 714 940 l 662 3 001 3 784 4 217 1 682 1 007

12 4 4 12 12 12


20 14

6 6 6 6 6



Women, 35 la 44 yr. old, ever married. Children ever born-----------------------Per l,000 women ever married-----------







26 61




Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see textl

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities). Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More



Chula Vista



Costa Mesa

Oaly City


8 948 61 8 887 3 865 4 520 296 539 3 558 127 39 463


56 135 279 55 856 26 407 25 722 902 3 083 21 137 600 186 3 541

313 6 307 128 151 40 35 70


3 530

200 160 40

3 488 1 488 1 613 140 197 1 238 38 36 351

334 9 325 127 183 7 26 140 10

49 23 23 19 4

734 790 141 074 067 553 3 514 435 837 2 026 216 196 2 607

292 45 228 53 175 79 96 56



23 820 524 317 1 371 l 273 14 149 13 447 5 906 5 671 1 870



7 7 64 57 36 36 22


63.2 20.7 84.4 97.B 97.5 92.5 57.0 23.3 15.3 9.9




... ...

10 312 83 38B 891 838 2 793 3 224 1 636 459 12.1 51.6

... ...


11 595


East Los Angeles (U)

El Coion

El Monte



731 16 715 253 408 17 94 287 10 2 52

47 4 43 10 25

110 11 99 65 21

387 4 383 165 174 39

15 771 140 15 631 7 948 6 428

6 19





128 7 4 40

478 5 593 276 91 1 164

734 35 573 485 BB

50 19 11


111 17 73 58 15



441 56 332 203 129 80 49

13 781 7 012 5 706 4715 991 537 454 39 82 207 126 96 967

PLACE OF BIRTH Total populallon __________________ _ Foreign hm ---------····------·--Hotlve __ ---------- __ ---- ---------Born in State of residence ----------------Born in different Stole -------·--·--------Northeast ____ --·- __ ------------------North Central..·--- ______ ··------ __ ---South -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---West_. -- -- ____ -- •. _. __ - ----- -- ------Born abroad, at seo, etc __________________ _ Stole of birth not reported •• ---------------



36 152 18 - 18




10 18


7 33








RESIDENCE IN 1965 Totol population, 5 years old and avtr _ Some house----------------------------Differenl house in United Stoles -----------Some county -------------------------Different county ----------------------Some Stole.• -------- __ ------------ __ Different State •• __ ------------------Northeast------------------------North Control •• -------------------South -- __ ------ __ ------------ ---West ____ ------------------------ Abroad ________ -----------------------Moved, 1965 residence not reported_ ______ _


7 891 2 420 4935 4 082 853 256 597 129 144 270 54 9 527

197 32 108 85 23

3 867 97 20 135 112 2 404 2 173 769 732 462


23 17 6 33 24


19 15


217 169 20 5 15 6 9



3 192 1 098 1 777 246 I 531 1 320 211 98 67 28 18 44 273

289 39 190 158 32 13 19 5



7 26 30


T 331 8 8 74 66 866 825 275 256 108

101 7

29 30 22 6

2 2 63 63 65 26 7

58.2 7.1 63.9 99.9 83.4 82.l 43.8 20.2











10 10

6 15








44 5



SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 to 34 yem aid ____ _Nursery school -------------------------Public ________ -------------- -------- _

Kii~ebifc°~~e~- == :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :_Elementary (I to 8 yearsl----------------- Public -- ______ -------- __ ---- --------- High school (I to 4 years)---------------- Public ____________ ------ ---- --------- College -- ______ ---- •• ------------ ------ Porcant anroll1d, 3 to 34 years old __ _-




38 38 11 11 22



62.6 15.4 76.6 98.0 93.0 94.2 67.3 44.3 30.B 15.5

Malo, 25 yoan old and ovor _______ _ No school years completed •• -------------Elementary: I to 4 years---------------- to 7 years---------------85 years ___________________ _ High school: 1 to 3 years _______________ _ 4 years-------------------- College: 1 to 3 years---------------4 years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed. __________ _ Percent high school graduates------------- -

1 907 18 19 92 92 283 587 531 285 12.B 73.6


3 ond 4 years old----------------------- 57 ond years old old----------------------to 136 yeors _______________________ _14 and 15 years old--------------------16 and 17 years old--------------------18 and 19 years old--------------------20 yearsoldold--------------------22 and to 2421years ______________________ _25 to 34 years old ••••••••• ---···-····---

... ... ... ... ...




... ...

... ...


... ...




... ...







6 6







7 106 106 83 77 35












... ...





29 16 10 10

... ... ... ... ...


237 6

... .. .



.. . ...... ... ... ......

5 901 311 303 391 391 3 189 3 138 1 379 I 337 631 61,9 36.7 78.9 94.3 87.4 91.4 54.6 31.1 26.2 9.0



-Ft111aa.1 25 y11n aid aad over ---.. -- No school years completed---------------- Elementory: 1 to 4 years---------------- 5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------- High school: 1 to 3 yeors •• -------------- 4 yeors-------------------- College: to 3 years---------------41 years or more ____________ _Median school years completed. __________ _Percent high school graduates------------- -

2 018 11 11 35 59 254 811 500 337 12.B 81.7


14 17 12 5

-5 -

5 14 15 5

5 ... ...



3 20 18 19

--10 32 18

137 268 867 804 3 197 3 990 1 841 491 12.1 54.5

... ...

11 837 2 501 4 529 7 528 9 068 9 563 4 607 2 068

69 12 17 47 57 60 29 3

28 184 19 273 68.4

138 127 92.0

3 761 14 082 3 744


13 6



-7 ...-

20 78 60 136 234 214 59 12.5 63.3

30 12

800 6


38 178 375 112 71 12.4 69.8


7 ... ...



70 15 15 10


5 15 10

... ...

94 5

5 4 6 42 22 10



17 4 8 53 64 31




5 8 6 4


-4 -16 -6




12 21 15 9

12.1 53.7


. .. ...


187 4 3 25 2 65 38 42 8 11.7 47.1

---4 ......






45 11 11 22 25 25 10 8

12 3 3 3 8 8 5

-6 6



15 10 19 23 5

3 058 144 481 504 351 663 507 282 126 9.2 29.9 3 686 68 387 663 419 1 006 718 315 110 9.9 31.0


.. .


61 7 21 32 58 61 36 13

3 301 638

205 158 77.1

7 069 3 317 46.9

29 125

758 3 432 4 528


.. .


hmmu ___________ _ With With With With With With With


l 877 325 660 1 248 1 452 1 507 654 253

P1non1, under 18 years old -------- -


4 407 3 514 79.7



633 2 018 3 188


own children under 3 yeors __________ _ own children under 6 yeors __________ _ own children under 12 years _________ _ own children under 18 years _________ _ sons/daughters under 25 years ------- sons/doughters 13 to 19 years _______ _ sons/daughters 18 to 24 yeors _______ _


Living with both porents-----------------Percent of total ••.•••••••••••.•••••.••


8 8 13 13 19 14




--7 7 7

-119 11 9.2


901 179 267 493 618 626 281 108


l 609


I 145 71.2


147 11 7.5


29 106



8 8 11

11 11







I 090

I 597 2 038 2 228 I 104 645

CHILDREN EVER BORN Wo1111n, 35 to 44 yr. old, tver married Children ever born-----------·-------·-·Per 1,000 women ever married---------- -

6- 600




5 10



791 3 114




.. .


Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More



Gorden Grove




Huntington Beach

683 33 650 300 310 21 31 247 11



239 107 120 13

49 16 27


11 16

1 757 35 1 722 921 751 19 138 561 33 7 43

1 666 24 1 642 678 758 89 144 496 29 48 158

147 5 142 51 77 14 16 43 4

1 583 132 l 294 l 116 178 38 140 5 42 66 27 10 147

1 484

130 39 73 14 59 53 6 6

714 19 3 74 65 393 371 186 186 42

746 12 6 37 37 426 421 162 162 109





long Beach Los Angeles


19 092 74 19 018 6 755 10 989 426 l 162 9 078 323 143 l 131

503 517 5 667 497 850 192 837 262 446 JO 138 32 121 214 309 5 876 2 338 40 229

1 096 468 550 14 35 486 15 11 67

16 5 9 6 3

596 111 733 191 542 697 2 845 242 600 l 820 183 171 l 581

449 017 180 913 225 712 177 188 48 524 7 819 40 705 4 468 9 557 23 631 3 049 3 465 38 927

939 372 513 305 208 113 95

6 652 247 180 586 560 3 666 3 510 l 289 1 258 864

155 490

294 16 6

Mountain View



Total population __ ---------------foreign bom ---------------------Native--------------------------Born in State of residence ---------------Born in different State ------------------Northeast---------------------------North Central ____ --------------------South________________ -------- __ --------------------West ---- ______ ------ Born abroad, at sea, etc _________________ _State of birth not reported_ ______________ _




67 29 7 5





10 027 77 9 950 3 837 5 052 174 884 3 851 143 50 l 011



58 12 28






1 096


727 39 688 201 380 44 23 270 43 12 95



Tot1I population, 5 years old and over Some house •• -------------------------- Different house in United States ----------- Same county------------------------Different county ---------------------Same State ____ --------------------- m~rem~~-- -

-------- -


Northeast ------------ -----------North CentraL. ---- -------- ------- South -- ---- --------------------- West __ ---- __ -------------------Abroad __ ------ __ ---------------------Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _

644 229 323 112 211 149 62


5 57

230 95 120 56 64 39 25 8

54 22 24 9 15






Totol enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ _ Nursery school ------------------------Public -- ---- ---- -· ------------------- Kip~j,\rc0~~e~-== :: :::::::: :: :: :: :::::: ::: Elementary (1 to 8 yearsl-----------------

---~b~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -High school (1 to 4 years) ---------------- Public -- ---------- ------ ------------- College __ ---- ____ ---------- -- -- -- ------ -

335 13

106 15 10

21 103 103 52 52 146

66 55 18 18 7

Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old_ __ 3 and 4 years old ----------------------- 5 and 6 years old ----------------------7 to 13 years old.----------------------14 and 15 years old --------------------- 16 and 17 years old--------------------18 and 19 years old--------------------- 20 ond 21 years old--------------------22 to 24 years old ••• -------------------25 to 34 years old----------------------- -




15 8 7

248 1 135 719 416 218 198 30 67 81 20 49 52



6 12

9 023 1 862 6 371 5 578 793 94 699 48 288 278 85 176 614

50 7 38 38

3 515 114 39 195 154 2 046 1 906 723 650 437







64 31 6 48

631 78 406 195 211 104 107 6 28 61 12 47 100






... ". ... ... ... ... ... ... ".


...... ...







--14 14 6 6



... ... ...

... ... ... ...





56.2 26.3 77.5 98.l 99.9 84.4 70.l 18.6 12.9 12.7





2 462

22 12 24 75 130 96 27 12.5 65.5


34 3 60 110 94 35 12.6 68.9

401 8


37 24 55 159 94 24 12.5 69.1


48 160 53 11 12.4 72.0

392 63 157 257 307 313 134 50

367 97 163 235 283 299 120 47


853 682 80.0

793 640 80.7


124 520 4 194

82 328



99.9 99.9






5 5 24 24 6 6


... ..-. ...



189 183 62 62 27

209 17 17 16 16 95 95 18 18 63

52.9 18.1



97.6 96.4 88.0 46.4 19.8 13.2 8.7


4 117

2 9 9 88 83 37 35 15

51.9 20.5 89.2 94.9 99.9 86.4 46.5 23.2 15.2 10.7

476 697 022 890 190 310 446 476





.. .

...... ......... ...-




233 3 11 6 26 12 55 60 60 13.2 75.l


YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Malo, 25 years old and over _______ _ No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary, l to 4 years---------------5 to 7 yeors ---------------8 years-------------------High school; l to 3 years---------------4 years-------------------College, 3 years---------------4l to years or more ____________ _ Median school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates __ -----------


---25 yeon old and over ------ No schoolFemale, years completed _______________ _ Elementary, 1 to 4 years---------------- 5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------- High school. l to 3 years---------------- 4 years-------------------- College, to 3 years---------------4l years or more _____________ _Median school years completed ___________ _ Percent high school graduates---------------




17 21 31 24 12.8 63.3 111 3 7


16 20 22 21 22 12.4 58.6



11 6 11 17 4


... ...





17 19 10 3



-17 -10 ...-








10 87 157 155 263 947 514 329 12.6 72.7

-4 --5 ...-


2 502


21 123 85 392 789 732 360 12.8 75.2

4 -


9 16





11 24



.. . -7

.. . -

3 987 49 235 450 330 l 000 l 097 658 168 1\.8 48.2

114 1 6 13 8 26 33 17 6

744 455 311 195 980 954 667 309 873 12.0 50,4

4 010 39 180 381 368 1 138 1 192 545 167 11.7 47.5

136 l 5 15 10 34 41 19 7

083 508 397 384 936 549 272 568 469 12.0 50.2

9.4 12.1

6 28 79 29 28 12,6 74.7

4 277 977 1 657 2 409 2 852 3 001 1 020 418

117 22 38 58 72 78 31 15

959 163 113 751 059 057 142 858

236 53 86 121 157 167 75 53

183 45 70 103 107 107 11 4 211 143 67.8

6 54 28 49 60 40 5 9 8.8 21.5 239 15 30 26 36 103 16 13



-6 6


'""""' --------------------------

162 33 61 110 126 130 43 11

43 4 21 27 27 32 9 5



235 187 79.6

118 94 79.7


Women, 35 to 44 yr. aid, over married. Children ever born ____ -- -- •• ---- -- -- •• -- •• Per 1,000 women ever married-----------




With own children under 3 years----------With own children under 6 years ___________ _ With own children under 12 years _________ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _With sons/daughters under 25 years ------- With sons/daughters 13 to 19 yeors--------With sons/daughters 18 ta 24 years--------hnona, under 18 years aid --------Living with both parent•-----------------Percent of total ••• ---------------------




30 4 9 14 14 14 4

2 482 498 883 1 449 l 789 l 871 719 236


4 114 3 286 79.9


8 231 4 517 54.9

194 575 99 768 51.3

451 168 37.3

789 1 867 2 366


881 2 606 2 958

29 121 87 139 2 992

62 353




-4 4 4 4













Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Dato based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) ond meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More {or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Places - Can.

Redondo Beach

Redwood City


10 651 72 10 579 4 322 5 158 384 l 133 3 415 226 56 l 043


880 5 875 277 497 7 45 417 28 10 91

28 699 63 28 636 13 241 12 457 288 684 11 156 329 71 2 867

9 226 2 523 5 737 4 398 1 339 461 878 45 272 435 126 52 914


814 187 505 272 233 131 102

25 11 11 7 4

4 586 140 94 310 279 2 829 2 732 l 019 l 002 288


61.7 17.8 83.0 96.4 98.7 75.4 48.5 17.2 7.2 13.l






Palo Alta


Pico Rivera


296 3 293 73 194 20 7 146 21

124 671 521 124 150 52 439 55 739 l 093 4 300 49-100 l 246 409 15 563

1 181 4 1 177 515 624 24 80 498 22 4 34

199 6 193 67 89 21 29 39

1 439 39 1 400 493 748 57 94 597

18 352 214 18 138 7 268 9 225 365 l 612 6 908 340 26 l 619

60 6 54 11 35


4 250 53 4 197 l 770 2 260 163 288 l 736 73 51 116

112 49 51 38 13 5 8

546 557 496 051 445 435 010 511 l 637 5 046 816 746 10 747

1 028 501 423 91 332 250 82 4 8 70

191 61 91 22 69 34 35 7 6 13 9 8 31

3 767 l 627 l 784 984 800 264 536 130 141 216 49 101 255

1 365 495 753 306 447 298 149 18 47 58 26

16 6 8 6 l

66 18 41 31 10 10

42 696 914 645 2 066 l 954 24 349 22 781 11 355 10 849 4 012

493 32 19 26 26 287 260 126 126 22


l 642

532 33

26 26 15 15 32

58.5 18.4 77.2 99.0 96.5 91.9 59.l 24.4 14.8 8.3



PLACE OF BIRTH Total population __ ---------------- fo,.lgn born ---------------------- Native--------------------------- -


Born in State of residence ---------------Born in different Stole ------------------- Northeast __ -------------------------North Centro\. ___ --------------------- South ---- ------ -------------- ------West __ -- ------ ---------------------Born etC-----------------State abroad, of birth at notsea, reported_ ______________ _--





12 147


14 21




61 16 29


24 5




----W•-------------Abroad __ ------ -- ------ ------------ ---- Moved, 1965 residence not reported _______ _lotal population, 5 years old and aver

Same house---------------------------- Different house in United States ----------Same county------------------------Different county ---------------------Same State ______ ------------------Different State __ -------------------Northeast---------------------- __ North Central __ ------------------South ---------------------------

296 46 156 98 58 42 16

12 -





6 98



370 528 081 293 788 406 l 382 122 359 760 141 35 l 726





7 87 8 13 109


622 863 844 019 2 794 l 225 84 170 827 144 108 l 970


200 13 7 5 5 127 127 36 36 19

11 003 437 357 826 826 5 895 5 765 2 885 2 789 960




60,9 28.5 86.3 96.0 99.9 99.9 62.5 22.8 12.0 10.l


261 10 4 52 22 62 62 29 20 11. l 42.5

5 878 61 428 794 546 1 575 l 337 783 354 11.l 42.l




11 28 7 53 53 34 9 11.9 49.2

6 755 88 336 723 541 l 807 2 126 879 255 11.8 48.3

48 36 12








Kiptebir~~~e~_:: :::: :: :: :::: :: :::::: :: :::-Elementary (1to8 yearsl----------------- Public ____ ------ ________ -------- ____ _High school (l to 4 years)---------------- Public ____ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ________ --- College -- ------ ______ ------ ------------ -


Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old_ __ 3 and 4 years old----------------------- 5 and 6 years old----------------------7 to 13 years old------------------------ 14 and 15 years old--------------------- 16 and 17 years old--------------------18 and 19 years old--------------------20 and yearsaidold--------------------22 to 2421years ______________________ _ 25 to 34 years old ______________________ _


Tatal onrollod, 3 to 34 years old_ ___ _ Nursery school------------------------- Public ---------- -- __ ---- -- ------ ____ _



17 17








... ... ... ...







... ... ... ... ...




12 12 149 149 938 922 414 387 129 59.l 6.8 83.0 90.8 99.9 89.l 44.6 30.0 22.6 4.0


8 3 268 209 129 117 94 66.8




41.6 19'.5

5 943 156 104 434 389 3 373 3 093 l 487 l 386 493 57.5 23.7 78.4 98.9 93.0 86.l 47.2 20.2 16.7 8.7


--6 6









22 16




... ...



... ... ...




Molt, 25 years old and over ___ .. ___ _

No school years completed _______________ _ Elementary: l to 4 years---------------- 5 ta 7 years---------------8 years-------------------High school: l to 3 years---------------4 years-------------------- College: 3 years---------------4l ta years or more ____________ _Median school years completed ___________ _-Percent high school graduates-------------

Female, 25 years old and over -----Na school years completed _______________ _Elementary: l to 4 years---------------- -

5 to 7 years---------------- 8 years-------------------- High school: l to 3 years---------------- 4 years-------------------College: 3 years---------------4l to years or more ____________ _Median school years completed_ __________ _-Percent high school graduates __ ----------- -




8 3 48 19 4


... ...

28 264 550 2 026 4 215 2 548 6 838 7 558 3 350 l 179 11.l 42.8


21 32 26 62 53 25 11 10.7 38.7


11 15 6 15 5

... ...

31 690 463 l 859 3 880 2 718 8 820 8 711 3 834 I 405 11.4 44.0



28 4 8 14 17 19 8 4

500 358 807 354 827 554

231 29 68 99 145 145 90 35

55 4

50 102 27 553 55.0

643 294 45.7


6 889 24 267 3 523

59 216

99 11 4 12 3 21 39 9


228 11


52 24 65 41 35




760 18 41 90 89 182 176 120 44 11.3 44.7



10 30 14 34 79 95 90 13.3 75.0





-5 4



... ...

929 15 54 94 44 258 314 109 41 12.0 49.9

36 31 44 126 54 68 12.5 68.l

5 049 59 206 476 528 l 396 l 452 665 267 11.7 47.2

30 5 10 18 18 18 5

865 172 315 544 628 656 295 121

322 67 101 157 225 245 113 41

4 381 780 1 335 2 122 2 729 2 968 1 333 671



2 000 l 275 63.8

486 340 70.0

7 373 3 590 48.7



243 l 044 4 296

100 193 l 930

1 126 3 546 3 149




10 5



364 5

3 921 99 214 401 373 999 l 009 580 246 11.6 46.8




5 3



... ...

1 776 38 55 169 82 410 570 317 135 12.2 57.5 2 129 72 64 147 107 476 720 390 153 12.3 59.3



-6 ...-






Penans, under 18 years old-------living with bath parents _________________ _Percent of total----------------------- -

With Wilh With With With With With

famll111 __ ---------------------own children under 3 yeors----------- own children under 6 years __________ _own children under 12 years _________ _ own children under 18 years _________ _ sans/daughters under 25 years ------- sans/daughters 13 to 19 years _______ _sans/daughters 18 ta 24 years _______ _



529 771




6 6 6 6 6'


2 103 544 l 034 1 517 l 724 1 762 797 323

15 6 10 15 15 15

205 45 61 121 128 134 48 23

I 159 2 213 3 520 4 405 4 839 2 247 1 199


242 140 57.9

12 690 7 578 59.7

59 177

1 591 6 066 3 813


5 781 3 795 65.6


679 2 971 4 376


6 629

CHILDREN EVER BORN Women, 35 to 44 yr. old, ever married Children ever barn----------------------Per 1,000 women ever married-----------








Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto based an sample, see text. Far minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More {or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Riverside Sacramento


San Bernardina

San Diego

San Francisco

Santa Barbara

Son Mateo

Santa Ana

2 742 30 2 712 919 l 627 25 161 l 413 2B 11 155

6 676 165 6511 2 237 3 562 176 366 2 842 178 49 663

2 065 56 2 009 640 l 171 94 89

2 475 1 137 l 102 540 562 308 254 18 22 159 55 26 210

5 858 l 691 3 181 1 675 l 506 541 965 31 219 659 56 300 686

1 782 597 992 598 394 221 173 38 23 104 8 17 176

425 113 237 69 168 91 77

887 21 12 53 53 442 400 249 215 122

2 470 93 34 168 168 l 524 l 509 462 462 223

547 17 14 68 60 286 253 140 132 36



52.l 21.4 79.1 99.8 99.9 93.l 48.7 7.1 15.4 7.5

46.6 8.9 73.8 89.6


66"7 93.6 99.3 86.9 66.4 25.0 35.8 7.6


... ...-

1 357 39 79 154 85 417 348 160 75 11.3 43.0

448 12 40 68 20 112 103 59 34 11.3 43.8

m 5 -


643 11 26 88 50 121 192 126 29 12.l 54.0




26 121 79 123 246 ~ 14 51 12.1 54.1

1 437 18 43 143 117 392 457 187 80 12.0 50.4

575 6 51 83 73 98 159 100 5 11.3 45.9

689 120 185 329 440 482 231 98

1 511 370 711 964 l 064 1 092 313 114

490 131 211 238 289 312 87 39


1 020 537 52.6

3 085 2 061 66.8

845 526 62.2

197 177 89.8


294 966 3 286

91 298

San Jase San Leandro

Santo Clara

PLACE OF BIRTH Total populatlon __ ---- -- -- ________ _ Forolgn born ----------------------Native---------------------------Born in State of residence ----------------Born in different State -------------------Northeast __________ ------------------North Central •••• ---------- __ ---------South ______ ---------------· ------ ___ _ W~--------------------Barn abroad, al sea, etc __________________ _ State of birth not reported ________________ _

7 201 83 7 118 2 921 3 603 210 627 2 594 172 92 502

27 215 163 27 052 11 8B6 12 771 413 l 464 10 2Bl 613 211 2 184

791 16 775 293 459 6 58 378 17 5 18

14 599 73 14 526 6 515 6 619 301 841 5 126 351 208 1 184

52 892 318 52 574 19 899 28 106 1 238 3 156 22 516 1 196 466 4 103

95 845 1 027 94 818 37 466 45 902 1 714 3 972 39 140 1 076 615 10 835

6 2 3 1 1

606 027 504 953 551 453 1 098 145 235 533 185 301 774

24 9 12 8 3 l 2

735 290 295 186 109 47 62

12 790 5 624 5 771 3 264 2 507 1 210 1 297 159 259 640 239 170 1 225

46 853 17 723 23 225 14 490 8 735 2 062 6 673 968 l 469 3 504 732 502 5 403

86 37 39 28 10 3 7

3 047 93 75 217 210 l 652 l 586 588 569 497

10 466 417 337 744 744 6 268 5 990 2 257 2 186 780

197 10 10 12

5 800 133 400 377 3 551 3 467 l 312 1 298 404

18 842 604 452 l 306 1 247 11 211 10 794 3 983 3 849 l 738

63.8 21.5 87.4 97.9 99.9 86.5 68.5 42.7 24.4 15.9

62.6 26.2 81.9 99.8 90.6 97.6 54.1 22.6 13.3 9.6


... 96.i ... ... ... ... --

61.6 17.4 92.4 95.7 91.6 94.9 51.l 24.1 9.4 9.2

Male, 25 years old and over--------Na school years completed ________________ _ Elementary, l to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years--------------------High school: l to 3 years----------------4 years--------------------College, 1 to 3 years----------------4 years or more .• ___________ _ Median school years completed ____________ _ Percent high school graduates. ____________ _

1 460 31 56 172 70 206 482 238 205 12.4 63.4

5 598 116 479 676 539 l 191 1 343 959 295 11.5 46.4

236 16 10 43 38 40 49 34 6 9.8 37.7

Female, 25 years old and over ------No school years completed ________________ _ Elementary: l ta 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------8 years--------------------High school: 1 to 3 years----------------4 years--------------------College: l lo 3 years----------------4 years or more_.., ___ ., _______ _ Medion school years completed. ___________ _ Percent high school graduates--------------

1 602 19 33 145 56 373 510 311 155 12.3 60.9

6 220 78 303 697 499 1 549 1 894 869 331 12.0 49.7


Fami1111 ____ -------- ---- ------ __ _ awn children under 3 years_ __________ _ own children under 6 years ___________ _ own children under 12 years __________ _ own children under 18 years.---------sons/daughters under 25 years -------sons/daughters 13 to 19 years_ _______ _ sans/daughters 18 to 24 years---------

1 576 326 610 908 l 104 l 183 467 207

5 1 2 3 4 4 2

under 18 years old ---------_ Living withPersons, both parents __________________ Percent of total------------------------

3 231 2 168 67.l

330 l 160 3 515

10 896 117 10 779 4 586 5 432 267 770 4 156 239 42 719


73 3B 27 3 16 8




6 9 189



527 262 227 23 68 136



RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, $ years old and over _ Some house.---------------------------Different house in United States -----------Same county-------------------------Different county ----------------------Some State ______ ---- -- -------------Different State __ --------------------Northeast ____ ---- __________ ------North Central.----- -- -- -------- ---~~ -West __ ---- __ ---· ____ ------------Abroad ____ ---- __ ---------- __ ----------Moved, 1965 residence not reported ________ _

- - -- --- ----

134 224 383 729 6S4 353 301 113 309 l 513 366

600 068 832 876 956 301 655 146 315 873 321 79 621

47 37

28 738 726 559 l 656 l 589 16 223 15 052 7 414 7 081 2 719

4 868 152 100 304 291 2 583 2 545 792 783 1 037


54.0 24.0 82.4 95.6 94.4 82.4 41.3 16.3 15.0 10.2

51.3 19.0 76.8 96.7 95.7 87.4 43.4 15.2 12.l 7.3

61.3 22.2 78.8 95.6 98.7 98.3 73.5 48.2 35.6 16.9

2 790 64 196 421 208 639 851 314 97 11.4 45.2

10 593 170 505 l 151 879 2 400 3 571 l 461 456 12.1 51.8

23 074 308 l 301 3 200 l 864 5 201 6 833 2 994 1 373 11.8 48.5

2 178 48 109 180 159 364 557 502 259 12.4 60.5

11 625

9.5 21.2

3 264 39 162 366 279 1 064 979 280 95 11.2 41.5

24 968 404 l 202 3 017 2 077 6 166 7 590 3 157 1 355 11.8 48.5

2 177 44 83 180 153 437 711 362 207 12.3 58.8


184 42 62 78 98 98 38 28

3 210 662 1 151 l 821 2 272 2 364 1 143 486

11 2 3 6 7 8 3 1

22 3 7 11 13 14 6 3

307 955 085 313 829 957 256 277

2 217 479 920 l 390 1 620 l 700 611 291

12 592 7 345 58.3

259 149 57.5

7 001 3 878 55.4

22 893 13 711 59.9

35 831 17 965 50.l

5 034 3 509 69.7


1 604 5 878 3 665

38 108

822 3 047 3 707

2 831 9 859 3 483

5 319 16 744 3 148

527 2 132 4 046



2 250


40 22 58 92

428 210 249 785 464 393 071 896 l 425 4 251 499 946 9 023

9 2 6 2 3 2 l





39 38




SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total enrolled, 3 ta 34 years old •• ___ _ Nursery school -------------------------Public __ ---- ---- __ ------ ____ ------ ___ _

Ki~~w~ '.~e.'.'. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::::

Elementary (1 to 8 years) _________________ _ Public ______ ---- ------ ________ --------


College ________________ ---- -- -------- ---

Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ___ _ 3 and 4 years old-----------------------57 and 6 years old-----------------------ta 13 years old ________________________ _

14 ond 15 years old---------------------16 and 17 years old ---------------------18 and 19 years old---------------------20 yearsoldold---------------------22 and ta 2421years _______________________ _ 25 to 34 years old •• ----------------------


114 114 56 41 5


--6 6 7 7


... -... ... --






6 84 84 18 18 49

......... ..... .



19 41 63 18 21


101 504 1 135 983 3 055 3 724 l 485 638 12.0 50.3


--4 4 8 9


22 5



4 8 21 26 34 31 13.0 70.5 95


6 4 46 34 5

... ...

FAMILY COMPOSITION Wilh With With With Wilh With Wilh

887 231 168 419 079 386


143 249 976 334 636 092 406 523



13 13 17 4 4 14

37 65 87 102 102 28 14

CHILDREN EVER BORN Women, to 44 yr. old, 1nr married._ Children ever born35 _______________________ Per 1,000 women ever married-----------





2 973





Table 91. Social Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based an sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More



Santo Monica

Santa Rosa

Simi Volley

South Gate




4 041 69 3 972 1 126 2 180 163 29l 1 696 30 30 636

335 13 322 174 136

205 21 184 87 81 4 20 57

33 3 30 10 9





706 195 423 43 85 257 38 12 76

100 48 4B


12 017 94 11 923 6 030 47BB 100 404 4 096 lBB 5B 1 047

605 347 645 151 494 56 438 102 127 202 7 50 563

276 97 146 110 3B 3B

184 42 142

31 5 12 7 5 5

10 457 4 736 4 623 3 223 l 400 796 604 29 151 332 92 56 1 042


63 18 45 27 18 6 12 12

1 039 45 32 49 49 568 552 223 223 154

164 6 6

46.1 20.1 87.8 90. 1 93.3 86.5 48.9



Ventura (San Buenoventuro)

West Covina



1 170 12 1 158 479 591 46 154 357 34 8 BO



96 53 26

288 149 l31

9 17

18 109 4

1 112 339 722 592 130

108 lB 82 72 10


10 5

PLACE Of BIRTH Totol populotlon __________ ---- _____ Foreign born -----------------------

Native------------------------ ____ Born in State of residence ----------------Born in difterent State -------------------Northeast-------------------------- ___ North Centro[ ____ ------------------ ____ South __ ---- ---- ------------------ ____ West __ -- --at--sea, -- --etc_ -----------------___ Born abroad, __________________ Stole of birth not reported _________________

29 82 25

11 125 25 11 100 5 103 5 114 244 324 4 364 182 : 76 807


10 111 4 454 4 5B4 3 172 1 412 796 616 150 79 252 135 117 956

440 150 225 151 74 65 9 4


21 30

4 220 130 67 226 216 2 380 2 319 1 156 1 120 328


562 10


14 14 60 60 31 31 41

22 22 328 322 128 128 74

36 36 25 25

64.5 24.2 82.4 9B.2 93.6 87.7 71.1 26.6 16.4 10.0



2 430 29 189 323 177 693 665 235 119 11.2 41.9

129 11 10 26 19 13 35 7 8 8.9 3B.8

4 9 40 89 78 33 12.8 77.5

11 4

2 630 25 142 288 266 699. 719 400 91 11.5 46.0




9.4 30.0

9 13 16 51 91 58 35 12.5 67.4

2 538 357 640 1 164 l 561 l 727 B45 445

98 37 43 61 68 70 28 17

260 42 70 142 193 202 114 47


33 14

4 886 3 123 63.9

198 105 53.0

559 487 87.1

60 48

638 2 370 3 715

14 50

75 280

7 35

29 19 4

528 187 300 27 230 43 41

11 6

RESIDENCE IN 1965 Total population, 5 years old and over _ Some house----------------------------Different house in United States -----------Same county-------------------------Difterent county ----------------------Some State ______________________ ---Different State __ -------- ________ ----Northeast ____ -------- ________ ----North Central •• ____________ -------South ______________ •• ____ -------West ________ -------- ______ ------Abroad ______________ ------ ---· __ ------Moved, 1965 residence not reported __ -------

3 1 1 1

142 135 7 7

9 22



330 82 248 94 154 7 29 93 25 87 62

82 48

239 16 147 l1l 36 22 14


SCHOOL ENROLLMENT T•lol enrolled, 3 to 34 years old_ _____ Nursery school -------------------------Public ______ ---- __ ---------- ____ ------

KinPdu'l,'i?c"~~e~- =: == == =====:================

Elementary (1 to 8 yeorsl-----------------Public __________________ ---- ______ ---1 1

Hirub11;~~ -~ -~~-~~~~~~)_:::=:::::::======

College ______________ -------- ____ ------Percent enrolled, 3 to 34 years old ____ 3 and 4 years aid-----------------------57 ond 6 years old-----------------------to 13 years old _________________________ 14 and 15 years old ---------------------16 and 17 years old ---------------------lB and 19 years old ---------------------20 and 21 years old ---------------------22 24 years 25 to to 34 years old-----------------------old ________________________

47 47 57 28 54

102 12 \2 72 72 18 18 83.6

11.1 7.7

4 532 162 157 333 333 2 371 2 323 1 200 1 14B 466

219 6

64.0 22.0 84.9 94.4 96.1 86.6 77.2 30.B 20.1 16.6


2 472 95 277 376 262 666 510 169 115 10.0 32.1

148 5 4

14 14 156 130 17 17 26


6 6 5 5 20



181 I

51 51 B:






YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Male, 25 years old and •var _________ No school years completed _________________ Elementary, 1 to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years-----------------




High school, College,


1 to 3 years-----------------

4 years or more ______________

Median school hears completed _____________ Percent high sc ool groduotes_ _____________

l 076 10 67 169 74


301 157 76 11.9 49.6


5 20 lB 10


5 16 6 B

2 789 41 165 423 373 800 561 293 113 10.4 34.7


31 56 38 14 12.6 73.0

10 5 5



181 27 97 145 Bl 239 347 153 92 12.0 50.1


Families·----------------- _______ own children under 3 years-----------own children under 6 years ____________ own children under 12 years ___________ own children under lB years.·--------sons/daughters under 25 years -------sons/daughters 13 to 19 years_ ________ sons/daughters 18 to 24 years_ ________

009 197 299 444 546 596 199 101

46 4 21 26 26 34 B B

50 5 18 28 41 45 26 11

2 645 573 999 l 417 1 776 1 924 B82 510

174 53 74 111 121 121

Persons, under 18 years old---------

374 605 44.0

166 76 45.6

108 91 84.3

5 450 2 816 51.7

290 215 74.l

32 58

624 2 547 4 082





Female, 25 years old and over ------No school years completed _________________ Elemen1ory. 1 to 4 years----------------5 to 7 years----------------High school,

~ Y~":f~e~r-;:::============== 4 years---------------------

1 lo 3 years _________________ 4 years or more ______________ Median school };ears completed _____________ Percent high sc ool graduates------------·-




5 17 23 22

4 14 24

5 B

10 23 44 13 40 12.6 67.8

14 4 9

28 26 28 33 3

258 5


FAMILY COMPOSITION With With With With With With With

living with both parents--·---------------Percent of total ---- ---------------- ____



20 5 10 15 15 10 5

15 15 15 15 i:

CHILDREN EVER BORN Womtn, 35 to 44 yr, old, ever married. Children ever born ____ ---------------- ____ Per 1,000 women ever married ___________


199 51B 2 603


Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More {or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS

M~~b~~ r;r~: ~~d-~~~ ~~~~ :: :: :::::: :::::::: Percent of total __________________ _ Civilian labor force-------------------Employed -------------------------Unemployed __ ------ __ -------------Percent of civilian labor force ------Not in labor force---------------------·Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school --------------------Other, 65 Under 65 and yeorsover ---------------years _____________ _ Female, 16 years old and over --------------... Labor force ---------------------------Percent of total------------------Civilian labor force--------------------

~~~~il~~ed :: :: :: :::: :::::: :::: :: ::

Percent of civilian labor force ------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school --------------------Other, Under 65 and years---------------65 years over _____________ _ Male, 16 ta 21 years old Not enrolled in school_-------------------__________________ _ Not high school graduate·-------------Unemployed or not in labor force------


Women, 16 years old and over_.., _____________ _ With own children under 6 yeors---------- ln labor force------------------------With own children 6 ta 17 years only _____ _In labor force _______________________ _ Married women, husband present-------------In labor force-----------------------With own children under 6 years _________ _-In lobar force------------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In lobar force _______________________ _


PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Mole, 14 and 15 years-----------------16 and yeors-----------------18 and 17 19 years_ _________________ _ 20 and 21 yeors------------------ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 yeors -------------------35 to 44 yeors ------------------- 45 to 64 yeors ------------------65 yeors and over---------------- Female. 16 14 and ond 15 17 years-----------------years_ ________________ _


18 ond 19 yeors-----------------20 and 21 years_ ________________ _22 to 24 years--------------------

25 35 45 65

ta 34 years-------------------to 44 years------------------to 64 years-------------------years and over-·---------------

WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years old and ovtr-- .. --------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------ 26 weeks or less__------------------ ___ _ female, 16 years old and over --------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------ 27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or leS'------------------------


CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Malt tmplaytd __ ------ ---------- -------- __ Private wage ar salary workers -------·-Government workers -------------------Local government workers-------------Self·emplayed workers __ -- ---- -- ------ -Unpaid fomi~ workers------------------female emplaye ---- ______ ---- __ -------- __ _ Private woge or salary workers ----------Government workers -------------------Local government workers-------------· Self-employed workers ------ ---------- --Unpaid family workers--··--------------Mole employed, In agriculture ______ ------ ____ _ Wo~e or salary worker•-----------------Sel ·employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------Ft,.ale agriculture __ ------------ --_ Woge1mplay1d, or salaryInworkers _________________ Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers -------- -------- __



LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Male, 30 ta 49 years old In 1970-------------Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ----Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 --------

Standard metropolitan statistical areas Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove



Buena Park

Costa Mesa


3 208 2 649 82.6 1 949 1 822 127 6.5 559 137 211 140 71 2 872 1 538 53.6 1 504 1 351 153 10.2 1 334 43 210 965 116 796 501 152 41

71 66

16 16

41 12





12 4


255 202 79.2 185 185

2 872 1 060 567 521 326 1 654 901 831 427 390 224 14.6 30.2 66.0 88.2 89.1 92.3 91.7 83.5 20.4 1.9 19.7 53.1 58.3 78.7 53.8 66.7 46.5 6.7


5 -


... ---



29 29






14 9 5






13 23


-5 22



17 5 5

50 19 10 4

30 4





8 4 4

14 9


7 11 4 -


25 5 14 5 4






...... ...-

... ... -

... --







13 13

27 22


-5 -


--5 ... -



." ... -

2 840 1 713 734 393 1 840 659 602 579

71 39 24 8 28 5 5 18

16 16

12 7 5

15 5 6 4

13 13

1 822 1 426 301 95 92 3 1 351 984 338 150 29

60 43 6

12 8 4

12 5 7


35 25 10


11 11


1 286 60 172 103


8 3 9 9



40' 6





11 11







13 ------


13 6





Garden Grove

Huntington Beach


Santa Ana


68 48

35 31

95 51

22 15



51 47 4

1 829 1 475 80.6 1 307 1 203 104 8.0 354 63 128 101 62 1 964 1 008 51.3 1 008 910 98 9.7 956 16 122 734 84 275 112 44 25

34 6


53 -




-4 -4 68



5 61 46




20 5

30 5




42 11

149 68.7 149 130 19 12.8 68


6 9 5




5 22 6

·44 34 5


-15 5 5




88 26 3

14 5 5



217 44 31 58 52 117 90 44 31 45 39

53 23 6 5

68 21 5 6

47 25 23 6 5

40 18 21 5 6


5 5


-... ...

........ . .... .. ......


...... ... ... ... ... ...

... -... ... ... ... ... . .. ...







... ... ...-







5 31 16 10



11 11 5 5 26 21 11



... -



35 30 5


80 29 28 23 51 10 21 20

1 570 917 452 201. 1 215 408 422 385

47 42

1 203 1 012 136 59 55

...." ...


31 20 6


-5 30


94 33 7 3

17 3 3

15 15 9

36 10 10





-9 3





42 5 8




34 19 4 4 11



92.2 91.4 86.0

46.6 45.8 82.1 53.6 64.8 40.1

185 130 49 10 6




57 27 16 14 33 12 10

8.7 32.4

...... ... ...-


228 118 67 43 170 60 54 56


1 964 786 420 361 221 1 126 590 574 290 258 147

39 30 5 4















910 . 693 200 83 17


30 20 10

-5 5 -

838 41 114 80

Urban balance

'ii 11

-7 7


30 15

·is 15

15 -9 6






11 11



-7 7










597 564 94.5 203 194 9 4.4 33 5 5 19 4 344 214 62.2 180 159 21 11.7 130


19 98 13 216 204 71 11

344 137 76 59 37 231 133 125 71 48 26

...... 9'6'.0



..-. -

.... -.. so.a ... ... ...


584 437 111 36 237 106 73 58

11 6 5

n4 131

15 15


24 11 4 9


15 7 8 4




22 7


159 102 48 26


-5 s -6 6

-181 B 24


The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.




Table 92.

Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Bakersfield



Urban balance

5 401 3 227 59.7 2 796 2 396 400 14.3 2 174 181 557 821 615 5 711 2 008 35.2 2 003 1 751 252 12.6 3 703 20 502 2 517 664 1 180 526 222 161

2 626 1 481 56.4 1 468 1 283 185 12.6 1 145 56 312 424 353 3 055 1 005 32.9 1 005 902 103 10.2 2 05() 15 250 I 364 421 576 233 93 55


5 711 1 272 425 1 218 551 2 657 983 815 267 692 312

PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Mole: 14 and and 15 16 17 years-----------------yeors _________________ _18 and 19 years _________________ _ 20 and 21 year'------------------ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years------------------65 years and over---------------Female: 14 and 15 years_ ________________ _ 16 and 17 year•-----------------18 ond 19 years.----------------20 and 21 years_ ________________ _ 22 ta 24 years------------------25 to 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years------------------65 years and over----------------

3.9 17.4 54.2 75.5 77.5 78.7 82.5 70.0 12.0 5.3 12.6 17.0 55.8 37.0 46.8 50.3 37.0 9.2

9.2 55.0 69.5 72.4 79.4 80.9 69.2 13.l 3.2 10.6 16.9 56.2 37.8 50.2 45.7 34.2 5.4

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 J•an aid and ov••-----------------Labor force ---------------------------Percent of total __________________ _ Civilian labor force-------------------Employed __________ ---- -- ------ ___ _ Unemployed ________________ ---- ___ _ Percent of civilian labor force------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school --------------------Other, Under 65 years---------------65 years ond over -- ------------

F1111alet 16 y.ars old anti over ----------------

Labor force---------------------------Percent of total------------------Civilian labor force--------------------

~~~~~~~;(j :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::


Percent of civilian labor force -----Not In labor force---------------------- Inmate of Institution-----------------Enrolled in school -------------------Other: Under 65 years--------------65 years and over ____________ _

Malt, 16 to 21 years ol
MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Women, 16 ytars old and over--------------- -


With own children under 6 year•---------ln labor force ____________ c__________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _In labor force _______________________ _


Married women, hus.bond present-------------_In labor force _______________________ With own children under 6 years _________ _In labor force _______________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _In lobar force _______________________ _




WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Molt, 16 years aid and aver ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------ 26 weeks or less----------------------- -

Fem•I•, 16 years old and over ---------- .... --- 50 to 52 weeks------------------------ 27 to 49 weeks------------------------ 26 weeks or less----------------------- -

3 719

Los Angeles-Long Beach


Urben balance



220 164 160 965 73.l 158 290 142 081 16 209 10.2 59 199 5 883 16 317 25 292 11 707 258 459 129 320 50.0 129 279 117 012 12 267 9.5 129 139 2 003 19 064 88 242 19 830 37 086 16 143 6 646 4 355

46 24



2 390 1 549 64.8 1 144 935 209 18.3 841 34 229 338 240 2 382 889 37.3 884 745 139 15.7 1 493 5 224 1 036 228 562 278 120 100

5 923 3 187 53.8 3 150 2 577 573 18.2 2 736 265 678 1 034 759 6 506 2 297 35.3 2 297 2 044 253 11.0 4 209

55 791 2 663 700 1 229 358 219 166

4 411 2 413 54.7 2 376 1 952 424 17.8 l 998 182 536 806 474 5 112 1 879 36.8 1 879 1 691 188 10.0 3 233 43 647 2 038 505 991 303 172 146

3 055 678 239 616 264 1 313 514 399 148 324 159

2 382 550 157 532 265 1 181 410 377 95 308 131

6 506 l 413 473 1 201 630 2 813 l 160 754 292 730 385

5 112 1 145 417 971 519 2 088 932 610 '260 559 312


7.3 27.0 55.2 81.9 88.2 81.7 85.9 72.8 12.2 8.3 15.4 13.8

5.3 13.5 42.1 61.8 68.6 79.3 76.6 63.4 13.3 1.4 10.5 25.6 43.2 47.3 44.3 45.7 39.7 9.3

7.2 14.8 41.9 56.8 70.4 78.6 77.9 61.8 12.9 1.8 11.9 27.8 44.3 46.l 48.0 45.2 42.0 9.6 2 840 1 268 816 756 2 263 740 782 741

408 178 106 124 283 73 62 148

171 101 47 23 146 61 48 35

855 112 171 572 454 944 809 701

30 11 7 12 29 24

081 624 181 691 112 164 012 406 170 573 205 231

24 7 17 6

2'0'.7 42.8 54.3 41.8 12.0


15.8 328


76 113 139 613 181 29.5 181 139 42 23.2 432 12 63 279 78 116 16 16 8

613 156 35 134 57 313 105


19 108 45

258 60 29 51 30 114 60 38 19 31 18


88.6 6°2°.2 4.8




3'e'.e -

l 736

293 379 507

798 630 083 085 902 915 887 1 100

1 283 971 215 163 97

935 685 155 47 95

2 577 1 932 481 298 164

1 952 1 416 420 253 116

255 203 43 32 9

142 99 34 18 8

1 751 1 226 465 348 46 14 568 498 70

902 632 249 176 21

745 528 192 154

1 691 1 210 472 295 9


117 79 34 21 3

199 170 29

103 93 10

18 18

62 58 4

43 43




14 259 224 35

2 044 1 486 532 342 20 6 416 365 51



11 --

1 536 191 138 211

624 106 77 86

782 64 54 89

1 656 251 155 360

1 237 213 122 242



812 437 487 l 179

459 861 657 906 627 673 569 103 020 540 240 6.8 18.5 52.1 70.6 80.7 88.2 88.6 78.7 20.7 3.1 10.9 43.3 57.2 61.7 60.0 60.4 52.5 10.6


1 686 898 441 347 1 189 462 356 371

1 830 962 927 2 501 802

3 1 1 1 2

631 303 48.0 303 255

'24 24

-22 -9 13 44


'29 29 -







-44 4 4 10 5 24 9 4 4 5


... ...



... ... -







2 305 1 998 86.7 1 917 1 826 91 4.7 307

14174 10 768 76.0 10 660 9 598 l 062 10.0 3 406 94 1 460 1 476 376 16 377 7 738 47.2 7 734 6 813 921 11.9 8 639 67







-9 6 3





4 4

17 17

4 4

17 17




6 6 6





179 105 23 2 544 l 598 62.8 l 598 1 437 161 10.l 946


237 664 45 295 69 14 6

l 774

6 190 608 2 836 l 023 373 223

2 544 758 441 788 571 1 771 l 184 661 390 704 500

16 377 4 914 2 393 4 440 2 593 8 852 4 551 3 595 1 752 3 164 1 808

5.3 24.5


6.7 12.0 51.8 80.0 81.2 92.6 90.4 82.8 14.4 2.6 8.2 38.I 52.3 62.3 55.8 55.8 46.9 7.1



17 6 7 4

2 029 1 401 452 176 1 739 751 562 426

11 277 6 803 3 084 1 390 8 775 3 387 3 057 2 331

5 5


l 826


1 226 515 308 85

9 598 6 751 2 444 1 214 390 13 6 813 4 340 2 348 1 502 106 19 92 49 43







10 5 5

4 -



10 10



4 4 4 4







78.6 96.4 98.6 91.3



7.3 55.8 49.6 72.5 74.0 69.8 56.9

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Molt employed ____ ---------------·------- Private wage or salary workers ---------Government workers ------------------Local government workers---·--------· Sell·employed workers-----------------Unpaid lamllv workers •• ------------ __ --


Female employed__-------·------------ -- -- -

Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workers ----------·-------Local government workers------------_ Sell· em ployed workers -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- Unpaid family workers-----------------Male employed, In ogrlcohore ---------------Wage or salary workers ______ ----------_ Self·employed workers--------·--------Unpaid family workers __ -------------- __

----Female employed, In agrlculture ___________ Wage or salary workers----------------- Self·employed workers------------------ Unpaid family workers -- ------ -------- -- LAIOR MOBILITY FOR MALES Male, 30 to 49 yeors old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ___ _Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------- Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ------- ~---

2 396 1 799 380 220










175 155 20


26 13


36 4


18 18

1 648 634 1 007 7 273 184 84 5


29 20 9 5




--4 -4 4


-17 17 -





1 437 734 672 464 31


19 7 12



8 3


l 396



31 104 61



26 13 8 5


182 17 22 42

88 7 10 8

163 498 824 802





6 304 372 587 544

'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.




Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:. 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc,) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 years old and over------------------

Labor force---------------------------Percent of total------------------Civilian lobar force-------------------Employed ____ ---- __ ------ __ -------Unemployed ---------------- ------ __ Percent of civilian labor force ------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school --------------------Other. 65 Under 65 and years---------------years over _____________ _ female, 16 years old and over _________ .,. _____ _

Lobar farce ---------------------------Percent of total ____ ---- __ ---- ----Civilian labor force-------------------Employed ____ ---- ---------- -- -- ---Unemployed __ ------ ______ ------ ___ _ Percent of civilian labor farce------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school --------------------Other, Under 65 years _______________ _ 65 years and over-------------Malo, to 21 y1ars aid-------------------Not 16 enrolled m school ___________________ _ Not high school graduate--------------Unemployed or not in labor force------

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Las Angeles-Long Beach-Con.


With own children under 6 years_ _________ _ In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In labor force ________________________ _

Married women, hu1bal\d present--------------_ In labor farce ________________________

With own children under 6 years __________ _ In labor force------------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In labor fore•------------------------PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Mole1 14 ond 15 years __________________ _ 16 and 17 years __________________ _ 18 and 19 years __________________ _ 20 ond 21 years_ _________________ _ 22 to 24 yeors -------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and over----------------Female. 14 and 15 years_ _________________ _ 16 and 17 years __________________ _ 18 and 19 years __________________ _ 20 and 21 years __________________ _ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and over----------------WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Male, 16 years old and over _________________ _

50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less-·-------- __ -- -- ---- ---Female, 16 years old and over ----------------

50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less __________ ------ _______ _


Malo 111ployod ______________ ---- __ ------ __ Private woge or salary workers ----------Government workers ______ ---- ------ ___ _ Local government workers _____________ _ Self-employed Unpaid family workers------------------workers __________________ _ Femole omployod ______ ---------- ------ ----Private wage or salary workers ----------Government workers ______ ------ ------ __ Local government workers_ ____________ _ Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------Male employed, In agriculture ---- ____________ _

Woge or salary workers-----------------Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------Female employed, In agrleulturo __ ---------· ___ _ Wage or solary workers-----------------Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers-----------·------LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Malo, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 _____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ----Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 _______ _

El Monte





39 35


498 426 85.5 422 398 24 5.7 72

24 16


10 8.5 10 10

239 45 18.8 40 40



194 171

4 4

115 30 26.l 30 30

11 12 384 22 5.7 22 22


-107 -


85 71


9 5 37 16 10 10

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Women, 16 years old and oval'----------------

Eost Los Angeles (U)


14 -


32 4

17 5 5 5 6

10 6 4



482 154 75 150 95 320 182 136 57 131 BO

3 221 927 627 898 699 2 180 l 565 760 509 775 595



... ... ... ...

6.9 18.2 47.8


89.0 100,0


11.7 38.9 81.9 74.8 73.4 78.6 63.4 2.8

406 270 116 20 286 158 87 41

2 719 l 908 571 240 2 392 l 066 874 452

21 4

16 16



5 5

'ii 11 -

-12 -7 --

384 8 3 14

"' ...


32 11

17 5

-9 ---

11 11

22 5

362 273 28 23 38 39 37 20 20



22 5 5 6






28 7

... ... ... ... ... ... -



2 999 2 606 86.9 2 593 2 432 161 6.2 393 16 206 123 48 3 221 2 137 66.3 2 137 2 011 126 5.9 l 084 9 216 727 132 355 107 36 28








21 6






47 21 4 482 263 54.6 263 259 4 1.5 219 16 33 170

87 9 4

... ...





95.8 98.4 95.6 47,8






41 10 6 25 30 9 6 15

182 61 62 59 159 43 27 89

35 23 5 7 5 5





40 34 6 4

28 25 3 3

11 11

398 320 59 31 19

2 432 l 567 676 401 189

22 13 6 6 3

5 5


259 165 78 54 16

2 011 l 200 750 550 56 5 98 47 51


10 10 --

30 4 26 26





-6 6



35 15

123 46








-6 -



15 5 10








55.7 59.7








297 22 11 7

1 544 22 200 78



16 16

--8 5 3



4 4 4

-7 --

7 9


4 4

-4 4 4 4






17 4

-4 -


-4 4



Long Beach Los Angeles

5 739 4 406 76.8 3 571 3 166 405 l l.3 l 333 ll2 413 596 212 5 724 2 718 47.5 2 701 2 369 332 12.3 3 006 83 449 2 244 230 1 198 609 196 79

148 902 lOB 203 72.7 106 852 95 579 11 273 10.6 40 699 3 418 10 070 18 305 8 906 178 168 89 121 50.0 89 101 80 621 8 480 9.5 89 047 l 108 11 850 60 644 15 445 23 723 11 022 4 647 3 077

5 724 1 724 748 l 082 588 2 775 l 373 l 104 505 584 306

178 39 18 32 19 73 38 22 11 18 10

18.8 27.5 59.4 82.9 86.5 90.6 88.3 75.8 16.4 2.5 18.8 45.5 53.8 52.6 51.8 50.8 50.3 10.7 4 751 2 805 1 193 753 3 368 l 258 881 l 229 3 166 l 965 l 077 602 124


2 369 1 616 711 335 42



15 7 8


2 181 101 257 249




6 6


115 66 32 15 100 43 33 23



Pico Rivera


5 109 3 780 74.0 3 773 3 384 389 10,3 l 329 25 412 471 421 6 616 3 369 50.9 3 369 3 128 241 7.2 3 247 58 513 l 941 735 834 343 120 90

35 20

4 2.5 4 4

-156 156 --

114 21 18.4 21 21


-4 74

93 89

74 59 59

168 088 756 652 157 436 295 932 272 360 475


6.7 20.l 52.9 69.9 80.9 87.1 87.9 78.4 21.l 3.3 11. l 43.7 58.0 62.7 60.6 60.5 52.8 10.8


-7 7



-7 7



.. -.


430 963 644 823 252 497 388 367

54 21 6 27 26

95 579 67 907 22 185 11 975 5 380 107 80 621 55 535 22 673 14 130 2 265 148 934 358 576

-4 -21


157 97 60


57 801 5 351 7 572 6 120

14 12


17 4



52 40


6 616 l 353 690 l 333 847 2 671 1 398 793 401 710 419 7.7 16.l 54.9 84.5 82.8 94.0 91.8 Bl.5 22.l 3.2 22.4 29.2 54.2 65.4 64.9 67.2 56. l 10.5

.26 20





6 12 4 4 4


8 8




-4 4 ---...

.. .



3 982 2 332 l 086 564 3 955 l 772 l 248 935

16 11 5

3 384 2 202 839 513 325 18 3 128 2 390 602 391 120 16 106 14 85 7 19 19

20 15 5 5



1 909 147 382





-4 -



4 4





•The concept "worker" Includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Stcindard Metropolitcin Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Con.


Redondo Beach

Santa Monica

17 11

1 318 954 72.4 954 895 59 6.2 364 16 59 196 93 1 504 873 58.0 873 827 46 5.3 631 5 102 381 143 143 51 40 23


South Gate


West Covina

19 13

36 31

13 13


333 270 81.1 270 261 9 3.3 63


Urban balance



33 923 25 206 74.3 24 954 22 475 2 479 9.9 8 717 609 3 047 3 606 1 455 39 213 19 486 49.7 19 486 17 749 1 737 8.9 19 727 134 3 455 13 911 2 227 6 329 2 321 919 552

554 323 58.3 309 213 96 31.1 231 41 32 107 51 516 204 39.5 204 161 43 21.1 312 12 36 213 51 85 24 14 10

334 203 60.8 199 140 59 29,6 131 26 17 66 22 342 120 35.1 120 105 15 12.5 222 12 16 154 40 50 10 5 5

132 80 60.6 70 37 33

39 10 5 9 5 19 10 7 3 6 3

516 152 83 93 40 256 132 101 55 50 28

342 100 54 58 20 133 64 49 26 27 13

133 49 26 20 16

... ...

... ...

Urban balance

EMPLOYMENT STATUS Molt, 16 yeors old ond over-----------------Labor force ---------------------------Percent of total __________________ _

Civilian labor force -------------------Employed-------------------------Unemployed __ ---------------------Percent of civilian lobar force ------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school -------------------Other: 65 Under 65 and years---------------years over _____________ _ F11-.le, 16 yurs old ond over ---------------Lobar force --------------------------~ Percent of total __________________ _ Civilian labor force--------------------



:::::::::::::::: :::::::_-

~:~:1~ted Percent of civilian labor force _____ _


Not in labor force---------------------Inmate of institution-----------------Enrolled in school -------------------Other: Under 65 yeor•-·---·--------- 65 years and over ____________ _ Mole, 16 to 21 yurs olcl ------------------Nol enrolled In schoal------------------Not high school graduate-------------Unemployed or not in lobar force -----


2 499 1 801 72.1 1 796 1 608 188 10.5 698 55 314 280 49 2 931 1 439 49.1 1 439 1 260 179 12.4 1 492 63 308 1 007 114 590 225 102 82

11 6 5 6

-6 -9 9 9 9

--5 5






10 10


-5 -5 35 23









3 3


8 4

-11 --


11 5

333 191 57.4 191 171 20 10.5 142


38 95 9 71 15




22 14.0 22 22


135 100 24 11



6 11

·33 24 9 135 43 28 28

·52 11 23 18 133

61 45.9 61





16 45 II 16 10 5 5


Wom1n, 16 years 6ld and over _________ ._ ___ ..,_ .

With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force-----------------------Wlth own children 6·to 17 years only _____ _ In labor force _______________________ _

--Married woman, hlHband present -------------


In labor force-----------------------With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force-----------------------With awn children 6 to 17 years only _____ __ In labor force _______________________


2 931 1 008 522 693 412 l 514 773 727 359 464 264


14 and 15 years _________________ _ 16 and 17 years _________________ _18 and 19 years_ ________________ _ 20 and 21 years _________________ _ 22 to 24 year•------------------- 25 to 34 years---------·--------35 lo ta 64 44 years years------------------45 __________________ _ 65 years and over-·-------------- Female: 14 and 15 years_ ________________ _ 16 and 17 years_ ________________ _ 18 and 19 years _________________ _20 and 21 years _________________ _ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------35 to 44 years---·--------------45 ta 64 years------------------- 65 years and over-----·---------- -



3.7 16.l 34.0 65.4 91.7 92.1 89.7 76.0


5.8 9.4 48.3 59.9 55.4 57.5 61.0 46.8



4 4 5 5




1 504 270 153 201 135 539 332 155 89 119

10 6 6







80.6 83.6 85.5 33.3



... ... 6a:1 64.1 62.3 26.4

-6 6 6 6







35 4 4 10 10 9 9 4 4 5 5


333 92 54 117 71 242 152 81 49 102 56






--9 --4 -

-... ... ... ... ---...-

... ...




31 21 10

303 205 45 53 209 72 Bl 56

96 20 16 60 40

... ... ... ...



... ...

213 454 120 423 388 980 588 070 576 332 604 6.8 16.5 52.5 70.8 82.8 91.7 91.0 79.2 17.1 3.1 9.4 43.5 56.6 57.5 57.7 60,l 51.8 9.7

... ... ...




... ... ii'.i

... ......-



... ...

...... ......... ......

.. . ... ...... ...



49 26 15 11


............... ......-

... ... -



... .. .

... ...

677 309 838 530 321 690 697 934

377 176 99 102 254 62 107 85

240 110 61 69 167 43 69 55


22 475 15 500 5 486 3 213 1 463 26 17 749 11 651 5 565 3 796 500 33 325 124 201

213 163 41 19 9

140 108 27 10 5

37 23 14 9

161 121 35

105 74 31

44 40 4





Mal~ t~6121~~:~~ ~~:~~~~=================-27 to 49 weeks-----------------------· 26 weeks or less ______________________ _Female, 16 yeon old ••dover --------------- 50 to 52 weeks------------------------ 27 to 49 weeks-----------~-----------· 26 weeks or less-----------------------

-CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Male ernplayod ------ ------·- -------- ----- Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workers ------------------- Local government workers------------- Self.em ~loyed workers------------------ Unpaid family workers------------------ Fomole employed __ ------------------------ Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workersworkers ------------------local government ____________ _Self·employed workers ____ ---------- __ ·- Unpaid famil~ workers------·----------- Male employed, • ogdcuhuro ---- ------ __ ---- Woge or salary workers ________________ _ Self-employed workers ---- ·- ------ ------ -

1 885 1 107 507 271 1 555 664 428 463

17 5

1 608 1 070 478 231 60

6 6

895 632 222 103 41

13 10 3 3

31 31

261 163 83 39 15

22 4 18 5

9 9

827 634 180 66 13

10 10

23 19 4

171 112 59 38

6 6


l 260 787 435 184 33 5

12 9 5 4






Male, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker In 1970 ---- Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonwarker in 1970 -------

l 174 83 127 125


Unpaid family workers_ ________________ _ Female trnployod, In agriculture ______________ _Wage or salary workers ________________ _Self·employed Unpaid family workers-----------------workers _________________ _-



6 9









987 609 230 148 1 001 435 380 186



10 3


10 6 4







-5 5 -5 5


65 61


23 10 4 9





-5 5






11 29





26 16 6 3 22 8 7 5


38 32 6


14 175 949 1 478 1 198



5 33 29 4

5 -



34 12 63




13 13


99 26 5 24

48 27 13 63 14 34 15


--5 5 --




5 25

"worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Farces.



Employment Chcuacteristic:s of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:

1970- Continued

[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan '..Statistical Areas places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities} 1 Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


Standard metropolitan statistical areas - Con. Oxnard-Ventura


EMPLOYMENT STA.TUS Male, 16 years old and over-----------------; .Labor f~~~~ent ·of-tot~I===================

Civi~t~il~~~;~~c;= == == == == == == ==== ==== Percent of civilian labor force -------

Not in labor !orc.e - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lnmate of mst1tut1on -------------------

~~~~l~~d 65~n~~~og~ Y~~~;================ years and over _____________ _



16 years old and over -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Labor f~~~~ent -a"°f-tot~i=================== .. ,

Civi~Ydi1~~~;~~c;=== ==== ====== ==== ==== Percent of civilian labor force ____ -- _

Not in labor force -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

~~~ol/:d i~ i~~~i~~1io-~ 0

• 1•


==== ====== ==== == === Other: Under 65 years---------------. 65 years ond over _____________ _ 1


T; 0~·~tNot:n~~11!~ l~ :~h~~I == == == == == == == == == == high school graduate-------------.'

Unemployed or not in labor force------

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF •OWN CHILDREN Women, 16 years old and over---------------'!With own children under 6 years _________ _' In labor force _______________________ _ j With own children 6 to 17 years only -- ___ _j;· In labor force _______________________ _ ~arrled women, husband present------------- i ··In labor force _______________________ _·;·with own children under 6 years _________ _. In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _' In lobar force-----------------~------ .ERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Mole: 14 and 15 years _________________ _16 and 17 years _________________ _ 18 and 19 years _________________ _20 and 21 years _________________ _22 to 24 years---------·---------- 25 to 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years------------------- 65 years and over---------------- ;el)lale: 14 and 15 years_ _______ --·---- ___ _-

l~ ~~~ g~:~~~================== -


~~ ~~~:~:;~;~==================

25 to 34 years------------------- -

35 to 44 years------------------- 6 -

~~ ~~o r~ ~~d~;;r-=======~======== -

WQRKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED ~~() t~6 ~e~~eo~~ ~~d over ____ ------------- -


~r ~e!~s~~e~~;=======================



. ale, 16 years old and over 50 to 52 weeks __ -- -- -- -- ---- -- - -




~~- ~e:~s~~e~~s-========:::::::::::::: --------~--------------



584 368 63.0 170 156 14 8.2 216 84 38 89 5 447 129 28.9 129 105 24 1B.6 318 155 S9 98 6 143 90 24 11

11 146 7 503 67.3 6 336 5 489 847 13.4 3 643 723 l 07S 1 146 699 10 882 s 3S5 49.2 s 342 4 733 609 11.4 s S27 20 1 002 3 844 661 2 032 642 194 157


172 44 16 26 21 75 56 2S 16 23 18

447 125 S7 37 23 179 78 106 38 37 23








Simi Volley

1 928 1 390 72.1 l 122 1 019 103 9.2 538 101 1S3 215 69 2 044 929 4S.5 929 843 86 9.3 1 115 231 162 571 lSl 400 189 79 50

1 097 855 77.9 804 727 77 9.6 242

40 40

94 112 36 l 336 667 49.9 667 616 Sl 7.6 669 71 82 394 122 200 75 44 39


2 044

l 336

538 285 363 217 893 463 377 167 247 142

348 204 279 1S8 598 307 229 lOS 171 91

20.3 33.3 61.6 78.6 80.7 78.8 81.6 81.5 30.7 3.9 25.8 45.0 43.1 58.9 S4.0 52.9 49.3 S.5 l 590

992 407 191 1 154 383 364 407

... ... ...

... 85.4 89.3 87.9 89.6


Ventura (San Buenaventura)

Urban balance




40 40




68 33


33 33


35 16 19


68 17 8 16 10 32 13 17 8





... ... -

194 114 58.8 95 83 12


80 17 21 14 28 172 91 S2.9 91 8S 6

·si -


53 23 57 24 11


... ,,, ... ...

5 128 3 807 74.2 l 511 1 41S 96 6.4 1 321 736 318 209 SB 2 682 1 424 53.1 1 343 1 169 174 13.0 1 258 7 206 932 113

202 176 87.1 93 86 7


723 2 988 5S8 1 322 403 168 144

2 600 2 093 80.S 1 2Sl 1 118 133 10.6 507 6 285 164 52 2 199 1 140 51.8 1 132 9S9 173 lS.3 l OS9 8 227 744 80 619 226 22 9

10 882 2 943 1 433 2 604 1 S31 5 488 2 910 l 946 l 013 l 758 1 037

110 19 8 18 12 66 39 lS 4 11 5

8 341 2 242 1 100 1 869 1 067 3 873 2 037 1 366 741 l 15S 664

2 199 630 299 670 426 l 413 769 S23 242 548 342

2 682 743 327 6SS 434 1 457 777 525 233 451 256

5.S 23.S 58.8 73.2 82.4 79.6 82.S 70.2 15.3


5.1 22.9 S3.9 70.1 8S.7 86.0 90.0 72.9 16.0

5.5 18.5 73.3 81.4 91.2 94.0 92.9 80.3

12.4 3S.O 77.3 88.9 66.1 67.2 86.0 82.2 47.5

4.4 16.0 33.2 65.l S4.7 59_3 S7.4 SO.l 12.7


13.2 49.1 S6.6 46.5 58.7 64.3 49.8


5.1 22.7 53.3 62.7 S4.6 Sl.5 66.6 S7.0 18.9





Urban balance



... ...



... . ..


ArdenArcade (U)


175 143 81.7 109 109 -




23 9 110 65 59.l 6S 6S -


45 19 26


16 -



. ..

··... . .. '''


7 383 5 066 68.6 4 789 4 090 699 14.6 2 317 742 971 604 8 341 4 072 48.B 4 067 3 641 426 10.S 4 269



l 755

l 242 405 76





12 110 61 55.5 61 61 -


49 46 3 50 4S 4 -

110 20 10 16 16 77

4S 20 10 16 16


. .. . .. ... ... . .. ...



3.9 ·-· 4S.8


67.7 S9.8 52.0 6.9

... ...

925 S69 238 118 825 266 280 279

40 28 12 28 14 4 10

143 83 39 21 96 46 34 16

469 305 112 S2 196 52 42 102

8 4 l l 6 2 1 1

172 90S 729 538 169 611 699 859

158 86 29 43 84 19 40 25

5 385 3 225 1 189 971 4 688 2 017 l 327 1 344

2 258 1 478 404 376 l 311 S59 304 448

4 058 2 293 921 844 l 587 724 381 482

189 129 27 33

727 482 236 48 9

40 23 17 13

83 S3 30 21

4 090 1 687 2 14B 48S 249 6 3 641 1 964 1 646 626 31

1 118 471 601 93 46 959 519 420 107 20 39 22 17

23 23 -


116 SB S8 18 18 -

1 415 918 402 88 9S 1 169 816 332 108 15 6 136 113 23

86 42 32


5 489 2 319 2 850 592 314 6 4 733 2 568 2 114 745 Sl 201 121 80


616 369 230 74 17 18 18 -

156 91 54 13 4 7 105 76 29 20 -

... ...




... ...


. ..

... ...

·-... . ..





3.1 14.6 3S.5 62.3 53.2 S9.0 S9.S 49.9 12.4

.. , ...

... ''' ...

... -


... .. . .. , ... .. , ... ...






., alt employed __ __ __ __ _ ~ frivate wage or salary~orke-rs-========== cpovernment workP.rs _ J':·Local government w'O-rke;5------------J'Self-emplo ed work -------------

:ynpa~~:~~~t~~~~:~; == ==== :: ======== == ---

rivate wage or salary~;rke-rs __________ _ .9,overnment workers ---------- .: Local government w'O-rk~;;------------­ Self-e I d ------------- ·Unpo·~~ 1 oy~I workers------------------ ~le 8 1 omd1 ~workers------------------ ! Wag~p oye j 1n agriculture_ _______ ------ __ l,Self-emor so ~ry workers ________________ _10

i ~npaid ~a ~ijy ~~~t:~s -------- -------- -- ·•Jllale employed, in a ric~ltu-r;--------------­ JWage or salary w~rker --------------- \ Self-e.mployed workers s ________________ _ Unpaid family workers================== -

l 019

662 337 9S 13 7 843 527 299 129 17 34' 34 -



11 -


t·i8' 30 to 49 years old in 1970 N~~~~r~er !n 1965, nonwork;r i~ -l-9l0==== Worke; i~rl19n651965, worker i.n 1970 ------- , nonworker m 1970 -----·-




38 103





29 4 4 -





85 S3 32 27 -


8 8 -


3 3 -




408 20 30 51




3 13




2 -


8 8



186 35

5 39


4 566 601 378 554


S9 10



65 39 26












9 -


12 61 40 21 16


6 6







2 903 218 291

l 122

l 502



101 93 154



76 73

4 -





1The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see lext. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Solinas-Monterey-Con.

Ma~~b~~ lo·r~; ~~d-~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::

Percent of total------------------ Civilian labor force-------------------Employed ____ ------------------ ---Unemployed----------------------Percent of civilian labor force ------ Not in labor force ---------------------- Inmate of institution---------------- __ Enrolled in school -------------------Other, 65 Under 65 and years--------------years over ____________ _female, 16 yoars old and aver --------------Labar force --------------------------Percent of total _________________ _Civilian labor force------------------- Em ployed ---- ---------------- ----Unemployed -- ------ -- ________ ----Percent of civilian lobar force-----Not in lobar force---------------------- Inmate of institution ------ ___________ _ Enrolled in school -------------------Other1 Under 6S years ______________ _-65 years ond over ____________ _ Malo, to 21 years old ------------------Not 16 enrolled in school ..••• _____________ _Not high school graduole _____________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force __ --- -


MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Wa1111n, 16 years old and aver--------------With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force __ ---------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _-In lobar force _______________________ _ Married women, husband pre'8nt ---------- __ _ In labor force.----------------------- With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force .• ---------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only _______ _________________




PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male: 16 14 and and 17 15 years_ yeors-----------------________________ _18 and 19 years_ ________________ _20 ond 21 years-----------------22 to 24 years------------------2S to 34 years------------------- 3S to 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years------------------6S years and over---------------Female: 14 and IS yeors------------------ 16 and and 19 17 years yeor'-----------------18 _________________ _ 20 ond 21 years_ ________________ _ 22 to 24 years------------------25 to 34 years------------------35 to 44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------- 65 years and over---------------- -



Male, 16 yaars old and Her ________________ _


-Fenullle, 16 yea.rs otd and aver--------------- SO to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeh or less-----------------------

Urban balance




Son Bernardino

Urban balance

15 469 10 277 66.4 7 823 7 068 755 9.7 5 192 1 563 1 306 1 298 I 025 14 687 6 019 41.0 5 956 5 355 601 10.l 8 668 460 1 352 5 653 1 203 3 418 1 637 636 391

287 225 7B.4 225 205 20 8.9 62

5 88 9 53 15 10 6

2 459 I 997 Bl.2 1 106 1 036 70 6.3 462 4 252 166 40 2 114 l 134 53.6 I 103 942 161 14.6 980 7 178 705 90 697 330 61 10

14 28 14 332 130 39.2 130 115 15 11.5 202 5 51 126 20 47 29 13 9

2 008 1 449 72.2 1 259 l 182 77 6.1 559 70 280 114 95 2 222 1 102 49.6 1 102 997 105 9.5 1 120 7 199 784 130 418 89 23 10

3 777 2 633 69.7 2 304 2 049 255 II.I 1 144 181 340 410 213 4 462 l 742 39.0 1 742 1 588 154 8,8 2 720 164 472 1 772 312 761 313 177 115

6 648 4 134 62.2 2 802 2 515 287 10.2 2 514 1 212 483 445 374 5 029 2 146 42.7 2 122 1 890 232 10.9 2 883 42 478 1 962 401 1 647 926 331 209

21 678 17 931 82.7 9 479 8 558 921 9.7 3 747 368 1 261 1 396 722 17 218 8 052 46.8 7 907 7 195 712 9.0 9 166 131 1 589 6 417 1 029 7 445 5 495 2 319 270

236 59 24 38 25 132 73 45 16 22 12

2 114 607 287 552 374 1 130 626 411 201 371 216

14 687 3 605 I 388 3 083 I 669 7 479 3 359 2 571 1 015 2 044 1 113

332 70 44 69 21 156 78 43 33 45 12

2 222 620 249 491 304 1 168 525 464 183 337 187

4 462 1 052 369 1 047 565 2 015 923 659 225 618 370

5 029 1 409 554 976 536 2 681 1 210 1 031 428 636 338

17 218

13.4 27.6 69.4 96,6 91.1 91.6 93.0 85.6

8.3 19.5 52.0 75.0 76.3 80.5 80.8 73.0 17.5 3.6 11.4 37.6 40.7 46.2 47.8 51.8 45.8 11.6

... ... ...

21.8 18.2 41.4

2.4 15.5 64.0 84.5 78.8 84.7 85.3 73.5 16.3


43.0 37.2 55.4 56.7 61.9 56.6 9.0

6.4 7.2 47.J 41.9 44.4 40.7 48.6 44.8 11.5

10.8 21.6 45.9 71.4 70.2 72.6 71.0 71.2 17.2 3.5 14.6 27.2 40.8 45.8 52.8 50.3 50.9 14.l

8.7 44.4 85.3 93.4 91.7 90.6 90.5 81.7 19.1 6.3 17.2 39.9 55.2 61.8 54.6 51.7 48.3 12.7

241 126 75 40 156 59 36 61

1 650 985 404 261 1 321 578 362 381

2 927 I 516 926 485 2 061 704 743 614

4 783 2 734 I 149 900 2 680 770 875 1 035

205 147 44 17 14

1 182 750 397 107 35

2 049 I 360 588 211 IOI


2 515 1 696 651 266 160 8 l 890 1 306 550 284 19 15 206 153 49 4 21 21





50 to 52 weeks -------------------- ---- 27 to 49 weeks------------------------ 26 weeks or less-----------------------

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Mole employed __________________________ _ Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workersworkers_ ------------------Local government ___________ _Self·emplayed workers ------------------ Unpaid family workers------------------ F11Hlt employed_ _____ ------------ _______ _Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workersworkers ------------------Local government ____________ _Self-employed workers------------------ Unpaid family workers------------------ Male employed, In agrlc•ltura ---------------- Woge or salary workers----------------- Self-employed workers------------------ Unpaid family workers-----------------Femalo employed, In agrlculturo ____________ -- _Woge or salary workers ________________ _Self·employed workers------------------ -

315 233 74.0 225 206 19 8.4 82 28 23 25


236 134 56.8 134 121 13 9.7 102


... ...

... ... ... ... 1·8·.2





5.9 22.6 49.7

... ... ... ...


5'5•. 6 56.5 69.5 54.5 14.2

268 117 101 50 150 56 48 46

2 117 1 374 463 280 1 279 587 297 395

11 597

206 154 33 6 19

1 036 656 323 76 57

108 13 7

629 292 79 15 6 31 21 10

7 068 4 731 1 944 719 385 8 5 355 3 621 1 623 732 91 20 555 410 141 4 43 43


121 --







... 7'9'.4


. .. -

.... .. ...... ...


115 86 19



21 14 7

Unpaid family workers------------------ -




LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES I Molt, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _-

111 11 5 24

988 34 53 61

5 469 609 540 621

92 6 10 6



6 587 2 973 2 037 7 422 2 542 2 338 2 542




San Diego

Son Bernardino-Riverside-Ontario



8.o._o 88.3 87.5 89.0 22.4


997 609 360 158 23 5 35 32 3

-7 7 -

696 34 55 63

1 588 I 063 512 201 13


137 75 62

-3 -

1 443 157 147 138

Son Diego El Cajon (urban port)

Toto I Chula Vista

4 460 1 855 3 850 2 21S 8 641 4 243 3 041 1 225 2 558 1 443

18 10 4 3 9 3 3 2

69 53

30 18


14 14

39 4



60 4 12 16




-7 3

3 3




3 -


34 10 9

60 15 5 8






4 -


-4 -

39 10 JO 5 3


.... .. ...... ... ...-



583 782 323 478 641 827 080 734

53 15 20 18 21

39 23 10 5 6


8 558 5 004 3 115 1 043 425 14 7 195 4 665 2 327 I 008 161 42 188 138 45 5 57 52 5

2 329 354 226 326

6 684 435 660 557



12 12


10 11

16 11 5 5




7 3







-... 18 12 6

-3 -3 -

14 9 5


-3 -3 3




Urban balance

16 445 13 049 79.3 8 930 8 065 865 9.7 3 396 247 1 164 I 292 693 15 808 7 438 47.1 7 338 6 662 676 9.2 8 370 79 I 425 5 895 971 4 457 2 771 I 038 254

4 328 4 127 95.4 473 425 48 10.1 201 13 87 77 24 1 305 579 44.4 534 49B 36 6.7 726 52 164 475 35 2 390 2 171 924 10

15 4 1 3 2 7 3 2 1 2 1

808 026 701 504 000 821 851 675 091 304 294

1 305 410 149 334 215 757 379 347 129 247 149

8.5 38.8 76.3 88.l 88.0 90.6 90.3 82.3 19.8 6.0 17.5 40.1 56.7 61.2 54.6 51.4 49.3 12.5

69•. i 96.4 99.4 98.4 97.4 98.8 79.0

13 8 3 2 8 3 2 2

826 092 354 380 858 560 817 481


10.6 14.9 36.0 43.1 55.8 57.0 29.3


3 957

2 285 829 843 738 260 241 237

8 065 4 707 2 932 980 412 14 6 662 4 301 2 163 952 1S6 42 156 106 4S 5 46 41 5

425 250 168 58 7



5 853 407 583 476

745 16 77 35


498 337 156 48 5


22 22



11 II


•The concept "worker" Includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.




Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent median etc) and meaning of symbols see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More

Standard metropolitan stotisticol areas-Con. Son Francisco-Oakland





Daly City

8 967 6 531

110 106 96.4 63 63

1 015 878 86.5 863 810 53 6.1 137 5 57

Fremont Hayword (urban port) (urban port)


Redwood City






8 023 5 839

30 447 22 529 74.0 21 764 19 279 2 485 11.4 7 918 392 1 955 3 888 1 683 33 087 17 869 54.0 17 796 16 176 l 620 9.1 15 218 122 2 108 10 676 2 312 5 106 2 612 l 138 667

32 32


Male, 16 yaars old ond over ________________ _


~~~~J1~t;ii :: :::::: :::::::: :: :: :::-Percent of civilian labor force __ ---- Not in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution---- _____________ _ Enrolled In school -------------------- Other. Under 65 years--------------- 65 years and over ____________ _ female, 16 yeon old ond ovar --------------- labor force---·----------------------- Percent of total---------------·-- Civilian labor force------------------- ~~~~~l~teii :::::: :::::::::::: :: :::-Percent of civilian labor force ------ Not in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution------------------ Enrolled in school-------------------- Other: Under 65 years--------------- 65 years and over ______ ------- Male, 16 to 21 yean old------------------- Not enrolled in school __________________ _ Not high school graduate __ ------------ Unemployed or not in labor force ----- Lober force--------------------------Percent of total-----------------Civilian labor force •• ________________ _-

102 272 73 454 71.8 70 563 62 764 7 799 11.1 28 818 3 130 8 357 11 647 5 684 110 947 56 674 51.1 56 519 50 666 5 853 10.4 54 273 671 9 021 36 958 7 623 18 890 8 143 3 238 2 051

185 707 90.l 190 173 17 8.9 78 8 27 38 5 414 158 38.2 150 135 15 10.0 256 8 30 199 19 306 268 66 3


6 476 5 741 735 11.3 2 436 38 912 945 541 10 442 5 885 56.4 5 868 5 212 656 11.2 4 557 95 754 2 808 900 1 553 519 176 110

4 4 -

79 45

45 45




10 24

95 65 65 59 6

':io 10 10 10

500 386 77.2 380 356



114 24

21 l 062 738 69.5 738 709 29 3.9 324

51 41.l 51 44 7

92 224 8 186


72 7 11 443 238 53.7 235 216 19 8.1 205 18



443 134 76



·73 18




21 7 -

79 9

1 062 238 153 318 278 650 489 165 114 260 220

124 14 11 39 15 45 19 10 7 31 12




... ... ...

92.5 92.4 89.1




31 19 4

72 4

106 25 5


37 707 26 965


26 179 23 146 3 033 11.6 10 742 333 3 368 4 528 2 513 42 462 20 091 47.3 20 053 17 691 2 362 11.8 22 371 170 3 811 15 159 3 231 6 966 2 659 1 026 678

358 190 53.I 190 178 12 6.3 168 78 13 49 28 294 170 57.8 170 159 11 6.5 124 9 29


5 61 49 25 19


5 738

s 159

579 10.1 2 184 30 885 919 350 9 225 4 379 47.5 4 379 3 903 476 10.9 4 846 30 910 3 370 536 l 660 640 217 146

32 32


27 22

.ii 22

-5 -5 -7 3 3


MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Woman, 16 years old and over--------------- -


With own children under 6 years •• -- -----ln labor force-----------------------Wifh own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In labor force _______________________ _

-Marrl1d women, hUlband preunt ------------- --In labor force •• ---------------------With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force __ -- ____________ -- __ -- With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In lobar force ______________________ _

--PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male, 14 and 15 years ________________ _ -16 and 17 year•----------------- -18 19 yeor•----------------20 and and 21 years_ _______________ _--22 to 24 years------------------ -25 ta 34 years------------------ -35 to 44 years ______________ -- --45 to 64 years------------------ -65 years and over--------------- -Female, 14 and 15 years ________________ _ 16 and 17 years ________________ _-18 and 19 years ________________ _-20 and 21 years ________________ _--22 to 24 years------------------ -25 to 34 years------------------ -35 to 44 years------------------ -45 to 64 years------------------ -65 years and over--------------- -WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKE D Mtle, 16 ytars old and over _______________ _

--26 weeks or less---------------------- -Femalt, 16 years old and over-------------- -50 to 52 weeks----------------------- -27 to 49weeks----------------------- -26 weeks or less---------------------- -CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OV ER Male 1mploy1d __ -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -----· -Private wage or salary workers __ ------- -Government workers --------------·--· -Local government workers. •• _-------- -Self-employed workers----------------- -Unpaid family workers __ ------ -- ------- -fomole employod ------ ---- -- -- -- -- ------ - -Private wage or salary workers --------- -Government workers ------------------ -Local government workers ___________ _ -Self-employed workers----------------- -Unpaid family workers----------------- -Male employed, In agriculture--------------- -Woge or salary workers _______________ _ -Self-employed workers-------- -- ------- -Unpaid family workers----------------- -Female employed, In agrlculturo .• -- -- -- ------ -Woge or salary workers---------------- -Selt-employed workers---------------- --50 to 52 weeks----------------------27 to 49 weeks----------------------- --

Unpaid family workers---------------- ---




Mala, 30 ta 49 years old In 1970 __________ _ Nonworker In 1965, nonworker in 1970 __ Nonworker In 1965, worker in 1970 ----Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ----- ---

110 23 12 23 14 50 27 14 7 14 8

947 735 053 396 269 215 375 311 548 271 639

414 134 35 109 57 213 69 67 21

9.2 21.2 53.5 71.4 79.4 85.9 85.S 80.5 21.l


4.5 15.7 41.5 58.3 62.7 61.7 61.1 52.9 13.3




21.8 24.0 51.4 78.9 72.2 84.9 87.8 83.7 23.8

94.9 100.0 96.5


... ...


13.3 19.3 39.9 68.0 69.4 68.4 72.9 56.5 16.9

... ... ...

62 40 19 6 2

764 274 623 257 848 19 666 933 317 792 274 142 876 600 267 9 264 231 28

173 124 49 19



37 847 4 041 5 412 3 489

209 14 20 4



135 88 43 14 4


10 10



30 21


... ... ... ... ... ... ... -...-



... ...


...... ...


... ......-

91 306 170 119 61 97 77




... ...

... ...




462 008 321 982 167 092 014 407 802 469 088

294 61 34 70 50 160 90 56 29 29 16

8.7 18.8 49.1 71.8 84.1 89.0 87.8 80.9 21.3

......... ... ... -

4.0 17.6 47.8 57.5 75.5 91.3 94.7 80.2 15.7

11.4 25.2 59.7 75.3 78.9 87.6 86.2 80.7 19.8

4.6 12.3 36.3 53.9 61.4 58.0 57.3 50.1 12.5


4.5 14.7 26.9 58.0 57.0 63.0 60.0 44.1 7.4

4.4 18.5 50.7 62.6 65.6 64.1 59.5 56.7 13.1


311 735 541 035 997 042 534 421

23 702 13 123 6 923 3 656 19 528 9 266 6 258 4 004

28 21 7

19 12 6 2

32 21 7 3 4

92 58 26 8 49 24 16 9

879 593 170 116 788 394 256 138

61 39 8 14 51 39 4 8

398 260 73 65 296 103 101

28 678 16 287 7 999 4392 22 815 9 254 7 315 6 246

269 146

5 741 3 388 2 032 561 321

63 35 28 14

810 521 245


356 222 119 19 15

23 14 7 l

178 131 42 18

7 3 1 1 6 2 1 1


5 212 3 078 2 021 699 97 16 29 14 15


23 23

2 894 240 355 290


-45 23 22 17


5 5






82 44

709 433 262 126 11 3 6 6


52 7

-44 41 3 3



537 50 46 5

47 3 9 9


... ...



216 139

72 29 5


4 4


146 868 289 776 984 5 17 691 11 071

6 117

2 300 450 53 391 261 130


182 12


133 114 14 5 13 1 2 1

320 240 251 197

9 2 1 2 l 4 2 1


67 224 105 54 65



159 128 18 18 13


140 31


225 351 244


256 764 497 503 791 l 426 846

... ... ... ... ...

002 822 926 254 592 958 899 735


672 386 196 90 201 71

27 48 30 9


42 9 4 8 5 19 10 5 2 5 3

75.6 82.9 72.3



408 325 291 792 697 668 983 046


... ... ...


78 44 21 12 63 27 19 16

50 31 17 6 1

10 442 1 704 979 2 082 1 493 4 382 2 455 987 540 l 093 748

6 3 1 1 4 2 1 1

5 159 3 368 1 553 422 234 4 3 903 2 427 1 359 518 100 17 32 17 11 4 20 20



2 881 163 396 242

33 6 3 6 3 14 7 3 2 3 2

087 952 587 388 824 058 752 901 084 630 173

279 228 166 517 880 5 16 176 10 335 5 372 2 043 451 18 285 213 72


54 50 4


11 749 1 298 1 671

l 027



16 11 27 22


16 11








27 19 3 5







-4 -

'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see lex!]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS

Mala, 16 years aid and over _________________ _ Labor force -------------------·-------Percent of total __________________ _ Civilian lobar force-------------------Employed-------------------------Unemployed ________ ---- ___________ _ Percent of civilian labor force-----Not in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution ____ ---- __________ _ Enrolled in school -------------------Other: Under 65 years _______________ _ 65 years and over_____________ _ Female, 16 years aid and aver---------------Labor force----·---------------------Percent of total _________________ _


-Civilian labor force------------------- Employed -------------- -------- __ _Unemployed __ ------------------ __ _Percent of civilian lobar force __ -- __ Not in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution------------------ Enrolled in school -------------------- Other: Under 65 years--------------- 65 years and over ____________ _ Male, 14 la 21 ytars old------------------- Not enrolled 1n school------------------- Not high school graduate _____________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force----- -

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. San Francisco-Oakland-Con.

Mountain View

San Mateo

Urban balance


863 698 80.9 684 589 95 13.9 165

5 343 4 057 75.9 3 829 3 563 266 6.9 1 286 195 625 346 120 5 423 3 048 5o.2 3 044 2 739 305 10.0 2 375 79 579 1 562 155 1 008 306 80 48

270 249 92.2 238 234 4 1.7 21

67 280 64 187 70 35 17

12 434 8 300 66.8 7 853 7 093 760 9.7 4 134 1 602 966 1 087 479 12 006 6 358 53.0 6 342 5 707 635 10.0 5 648 169 1 099 3 838 542 2 330 902 368 260

981 177 94 272 180 476 267 104 55 183 119

12 006 2 900 1 508 2 802 1 787 5 955 3 472 1 979 1 040 1 921 1 268

5 423 1 465 868 1 134 743 2 892 1 801 1 200 708 846 546


13.0 15.9 44.9 58.6 78.7 89.2 92.6 78.1 22.7 2.2 15.3 45.8 65.2 59.8 70.8 57.9 53.0 15.9


63'.4 65.8 62.0 31.7

5.9 20.9 53.0 66.7 79.3 74.4 73.7 77.5 20.2 1.6 18.5 47.3 54.0 61.2 59.8 67.2 53,8 13.3

737 422 138 177 648 271 229 148

9 001 5 269 2 139 1 593 7 347 3 101 2 217 2 029

589 436 115 76 38


67 41 981 570 58.1 570 554 16 2.8 411


Santa Barbaro

Son Jose

Polo Alto (urban port)

San Jose (urban part) Santa Clora


2 975 2 248 75.6 2 209 1 987 222 10.0 727 82 363 208 74 3 249 1 674 51.5 1 674 1 482 192 11.5 1 575 31 457 992 95 549 142 56 43

257 60 40 36 29 121 80 43 32 21 14

496 93 75 121 75 228 130 74 60 90 44

3 249 884 481 670 416 1 684 1 008 697 381 500 323



8.4 12.3 37.7 46.4 75.4 90.9 96.6 79.0 26.6 2.8 4.0 38.3 51.8 57.4 63.4 58.4 53.3 10.2


4 12 5 257 154 59.9 154 152 2 1.3 103


5 76 22 6 6


507 357 70.4 357 346 11 3.1 150 34 64 36 16 496 323 65.1 323 293 30 9.3 173 6 19 129 19 120 35


Urban balance


32 9

24 10


1 101 817 74.2 718 689 29 4.0 284 48 151 76 9 972 613 63.1 609 556 53 8.7 359 23 82 240 14 262 104 24 5

172 52 31 33 19 105 70 52 31 29 15

206 72 35 49 44 160 108 65 28 36 31

972 278 194 218 157 546 375 243 164 163 116





124 72.1 124 124


48 21 19 4 4 172 98 57.0 98 84 14

74 7 14 53


218 195 89.4 152 152

-11 12


206 145 70.4 145 131 14 9.7 61






Sonia Barbara

Urban balance

2 099 1 560 74.3 886 779 107 12.1 539 223 169 75 72 1 733 855 49.3 855 764 91 10.6 878

585 428 73.2 428 387 41 9.6 157 14 28 48 67 711 370 52.0 370 347 23 6.2 341

1 443 1 080 74.8 406 360 46 11.3 363 209 134 15 5 979 467 47.7 467 399 68 14.6 512

193 577 108 586 357 89 79

35 211 95 96 40 20 20

153 346 13 490 317 69 59

1 733 589 304 315 174 964 482 482 261 197 91

711 219 108 96 63 342 177 151 77 56 29

979 365 191 211 103 597 300 326 179 141 62


... ...





-Married women, kusband pre11nt ------------- In lobar force------------------------ -

Womenr 16 years old and over--------------With own children under 6 years _________ _In labor force-----------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In lobar force _______________________ _

With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force _______________________ _With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In lobar force _______________________ _


PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE 14 and 15 yeor'-----------------16 and 17 years_ ________________ _18 and 19 yeors------------------ 20 and 21 yeors-----------------22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------35 to 44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------- 65 years and aver---------------Female: 14 and 15 years_ ________________ _ 16 and 17 yeor'-----------------18 and 19 yeors-----------------20 and 21 yeors------------------ 22 to 24 years------------------25 to 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years------------------65 years and over---------------- -



WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Malt, 16 years old and over-----... -----------


50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less·---------------------F11nal11 16 years old a11d ovn --------------50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------ 26 weeks or less-----------------------

... ... ...

97.0 94.6 88.2 "'





... ... ...


'" ... ...


"' ...

9'3"j 77.4



...... "'

... ...

52".8 55.1

4 532 2 601 1 124 807 3 626 1 354 1 267 1 005

251 169 50 32 202 89 77 36

430 240 131 59 347 162 138 47

2 463

7 093 4 817 1 955 746 316 5 5 707 3 686 1 843 919 143 35 109 70 34 5 34 24 10

3 563 2 695 730 340 138

234 198 17 12 19

2 739 1 936 729 357 64 10 64 53 11

5 369 915 595 591

2 105 127 280 181


..."' ... ... ... ... ...-


... ... ...


... ... ... -...-





79.7 84.0 78.6

i1'.9 64.6 61.2 87. 1 96.2 81.4







... ...





Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workers ------------------- Local government workers ____________ _ Self-employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers------------------

-Fomolt employed_ ___ ---------------------- Private wage or salary workers ---------- Government workersworkers_ ------------------Local government ___________ _Self-employed workers-----·------------ Unpaid family workers------------------ Malo omployod, to _______________ _ Woge or salary warker•----------------- Self·employed workers---·-------------- Unpaid family workers-----------------Ftmalt employed, In ogrlculturo ______________ _Woge or salary warkers----------------- Self·employed workers------------------ Unpaid fomlly workers------------------ ogrlcu~urt


554 410 144 93

-5 -5 ---


Molt, 30 to 49 ytors old In 1970 ____________ _Nonwarker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ---Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------- Worker In 1965, nonworker in 1970. _____ _



283 5 37 27



12 7




64.0 57.3 85.3 100.0 83.3





8.7 42.6 58.5 50.2 59.1 65.3 41.7 30.2

6.5•• 6 73.8 52.8 30.0

1 753 1 083 404 266 1 048 331 369 348

476 291 124 61 448 167 150 131

1 215 773 244 198 577 151 209 217



65.2 47.5

. -



42.6 61.4 51.9 54.6 63.3




1 380 609 474 2 090 681 706 703

163 74 55 34 107 35 46 26

190 142 48


940 540 215 185 660 313 211 136

346 244 96 44 6

l 987 1 480 444 211 63

124 96 23 13 5

152 130 22 11

689 522 122 49 45

779 465 286 68 28

387 261 105 28 21

360 179 174 40 7

152 102 45 16 5

293 179 100 63 14

84 76 8 8


347 278

399 252 144 34 3

7 7

556 429 118 82 4 5 9 9

764 535 212 69 12


l 482 1 037 404 165 36 5



161 46 78 37

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVE R Malo 1mployod __________ ---- ______ ---- --- -






-110 9 50






18 28 16




--5 --








1 220 41 127 127

69 12 10




87 39 14 5






24 18 6



148 13 20 6

428 4 13 22






438 44 54 38

599 17 33 51




7 7



32 9 5 12 6 6





12 12

concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of !he Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS

Mf~t,~: fu~~: ~~d-~:~~~~~:::::::::::::::::--

~~~~~l~~ed == == == == == ==== == ==== == =Percent of civilian labor force ------ Not in lobar force---------------------- Inmate of institution------------------ Enrolled in school -------------------- Other: Under 65 years--------------- 65 years and over ____________ _ f11111l1, 16 yeors old and over --------------- Labor force --------------------------- Percent of total------------------ Percent of total-----------------Civilian lobar force ______ ------------- -

Civilian lobor force------------------- Employed ____ ---- ____ ---- --------- Unemployed ______ ------ __ --------_ Percent of civilian lobor force ------ Not in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution-----------------Enrolled in school -------------------- Other: Under 65 ond yeors --------------65 yeors over ____________ _

-Male, to 21 yeors old------------------Not16 enrolled school __________________ _Not high school graduate-------------- Unemployed or not in labor force ----- in

Standard metropolitan statistical areas-Con. Santa Roso


Santa Rosa

583 312 53,5 290 265 25 8.6 271 89 54 89 39 539 225 41.7 225 213 12 5.3 314 72 28 181 33 131 71 14 14

79 51 '.Si 51


28 5 5 13 5 99 56

'56 56


43 23 3 12 5 15


Urbanized areas


Urban balance


Urban balance




5 5

3 195 2 357 73.8 2 232 2 035 197

76 395 90 129 35 21 10

5 421 3 856 7L1 2 707 2 474 233 8.6 l 565 587 357 394 227 4 901 2 303 47.0 2 259 2 006 253 11.2 2 598 143 577 1 613 265 I 162 575 169 124

3 896 1 014 337 754 377 1 689 740 561 230 440 204

880 167 53 148 76 425 175 91 36 99 56

4 901 l 077 486 1 224 734 2 584 l 299 749 337 856 483

2.7 21.3 28.9 60.5 71.9 85.9 89.1 72.4 22.6 2.2 15.8 14.5 30.7 40.6 49.B 53.2 40.3 10.9



8.6 26.8 58.0 71.3 78.7 77.6 86.2 78.9 27.6 7.3 10.9 36.6 56.l 59.6 57.0 55.9 47.8 6.8

2 299 1 264 544 491 1 776 656 452 668

489 236 127 126 400 137 144 119

4 136 2 747 759 630 2 650 1 074 801 775

343 189 140 66 14

2 474 1 114 l 271 173 89

256 194 57 31

2 006 1 178 801 256 27

25 25

21 21



3 269 2 065 63.2 2 052 1 810 242 l l.8 1 204 44 357 492 311 3 896 1 445 37.1 1 445 1 168 277 19.2 2 451 BO 561 I 478 332 612 198 45 40

810 434 53.6 425 343 82 19.3 376 5 80 152 139 880 319 36.3 319 256 63 19.7 561


4 832 2 648 54.8 2 602 2 262 340 13.1 2 184 608 442 671 463 4 934 1 819 36,9 l 819 1 474 345 19.0 3 115 94 650 l 943 428 1 088 400 165 149

254 83 21 45 23 125 39 56 13 32 17

4 934 l 212 402 930 469 2 226 958 674 271 567 276 1.8 15.6 21.3 42.2 56.7 78. I 81.3 68.2 22.0

216 139 64.4 129 112 17 13.2 77 17 43 17 254 87 34.3 87 75 12


14 5 128 20 35 17



5 5




":i -



-4 ----

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Wo111111, 16 years old and over--------------- -

With own children under 6 yeors _________ _In lobar forc•-----------------------With own children 6 to 17 yeors only _____ _In labor force ________ ---- __ -------- __ Manled women, husband present ________ ., ___ _In lobar force _______________________ _ With own children under 6 years _________ _In labor force-----------------------With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _In labor force------------------------


PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male: 14 16 and and 15 17 years-----------------years _________________ _18 ond 19 years_ ________________ _20 and 21 years------------------ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------- 45 lo 64 years------------------- 65 years and over---------------- Female, 14 and 15 yeor•------------------ 16 ond ond 19 17 years yeors-----------------18 _________________ _20 and 21 years------------------ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 lo 44 years------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and over-----------------


WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years aid and OYlr------------------


50 to 52 weeks-----------------------27 lo 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less-----------------------FtMale, 16 ytan old and aver ---------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less------------------------

539 129 49 74 40 238 105 86 34 57 30


... ... '"





'" ... ...


16 12 4 4 16 12 12

a 4 4




...... .........




.... .. ... '" .. . ... ... --

1.9 13.3 17.0 27.8 39.8 50.6 53.5 39.5 10.6


... ... ... ...

374 225 45 104 310 113 60 137

64 41 10 13 57 31 21 5

148 94 13 41 148 47 21 80

3 223

265 185 59 27 13

51 43

112 85 23 19 4

2 262 l 212 960 304 90

l 810

213 119 79 14 12 3 12

56 45

75 32 34

1 474 888 544 280 33 9 130

I 168

--4 -





... ... "'


l 632 748 843 2 266 826 615 825

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Malt tmpltytd •• __ -- ------ ----------------

Private wage or solory workers ----------Government workers -------------------Local government worker•-------------Self-employed Unpaid fam~ workers------------------workers __________________ _

,,,.,,. ""Pltr ---·----------------------Private woge or salary workers ----------Government workers -------------------local government workers-------------Sell·employed workers -- ________________ _ Unpaid family workers------------------Malt tmployed, In agriculture----------------Wage or salary workers _________________ _ Sell-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers-------------------

F•Malt •Mploytd, In agriculture ______ -- ______ --

Wage or solory worker•-----------------Self-employed workers---------------·--Unpaid family workers-------·-·---------

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Malo, 30 ta 49 yean aid In 1970 •• -----------Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ----Nonwarker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970--------



182 38 28 29









8 4 4



6 17 12

963 786 238 61


652 479 249 33 4


74 50 24

13 13

13 13




1 417 244 184 167


I 009

143 143 84



54.7 19.6






52.1 39.0










...---5 5


-3 s 5






249 18 39 65

2 023 235 192 149




-7 7

Urban balance

l 961 l 464

838 13 268 347 210 3 523 l 683 47.8 1 676 1 550 126 7.5 l 840 26 433 1 159 222 596 184 56 33

74.7 440 411 29 6.6 497 354 89 41 13 I 210 592 48.9 555 440 115 20.7 618 12 137 432 37 519 344 84 62

3 523 677 311 887 528 1 830 910 459 204

1 210 387 170 324 199 730 379 282 133


577 327

11.1 26.0 51.6 67.2 83.4 89.4 94.0 83.0 30.7 10.3 9.4 32.4 55.1 67.3 61.5 57.6 49.4 7.0

266 149


81.5 78.0 71.0 83.5 81.6






53.9 55.6

.." ..


4 1174 2 329 57.2 2 310 1 931 379 16.4 1 745 87 436 705 517 4 622 1 617 35.0 1 617 l 406 211 13.0 3 005 20 402 2 031 552 874 364 199 151

4 622


4 977

2 698 54.2 2 661 2 194 467 17.5 2 279 182 612


584 5 673 2 040 36.0 2 040 l 814 226 11.1 3 633 49 710 2 301 573 I 102 319 188 154

1 003 326 964 450 2 073 796 623 200 502 239

5 673 1 293 448 l 091 569 2 364 1 022 677 275 653 350

5,1 19.3 52.6 63.8 74.9 74.6 81.0 69.6 13.S 6.3 12.7 15.6 58.0 42.0 46.9 50.0 37.2 6.9

6.5 13.6 40.4 60.2 67.1 Bo.6 78.0 61.9 11.7 1.6 11.5 27.0 42.9 45.5 46.3 43.8 41.4 8.7

2 640 1 248 723 669 I 946 653 642 651

3 210


2 194

2 552 l 654 491 407 I 990 839 562 589

1 543 1 068 264 211 613 217 226 170

2 035 939 1 039 156 57

167 212 17 32

1 473 290 195 168

1 619 450 272 125

l 550


I 406

929 603 211 18

246 165

984 380 282 28 14 371 319 52

l 814 1 307 498 308 9


16 16

7 7

-1 143 64 115 80




-5 5



112 77 66



49 49


1 059 160 118 168

l 431 910 869 2 526 808 840 878




191 24


22 22

1 393

223 144 273

•The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS


Urbanized areas-Con.

Los AngelesLong Beach


OxnardVenturaThousand Oaks



9 596 6 843 71.3 6 000 5 201 799 13.3 2 753

San BernardinoRiverside

San Diego

San FranciscoOakland

San Jose

19 918 16 305 81.9 9 429 8 512 917 9.7 3 613 272 l 255 1 369 717 17 088 7 981 46.7 7 860 7 148 712 9.1 9 107 131 l 589 6 371 l 016 6 176 4 288 l 567 264

103 159 74 664 72.4 71 722 63 899 7 823 10.9 28 495 2 535 8 453 11 719 5 788 112 623 57 502 51.1 57 335 51 533 5 802 10.l 55 121 664 9 286 37 400 7 771 18 829 7 926 3 066 1 887

112 23 12 23 14 51 27 14 7 14 8

92 34,8 180 26 28 89 37 472 181 38.3 181 149 32 17.7 291 12 32 196 51 61 15 10 10

1 772 l 243 70.1 l 044 941 103 9.9 529 101 148 211 69 1 901 862 45.3 862 786 76 8.8 1 039 226 136 526 151 357 163 79 50

966 1 122 665 10 349 5 129 49.6 5 116 4 522 594 11.6 5 220

337 255 75.7 247 222 25 10.l 82 28 23 25 6 266 155 58.3 155 131 24 15.5 111

931 3 651 638 1 778 524 176 147

5 97 9 53 15 10 6

8 579 5 858 68.3 4 869 4 379 490 10.1 2 721 585 886 729 521 9 127 3 889 42.6 3 869 3 509 360 9.3 5 238 190 913 3 448 687 1 775 676 263 143

825 802 173 331 892 028 343 814 397 855 405

472 146 BO 78 36 229 115 95 52 42 24

1 901 485 268 334 194 808 420 328 150 223 124

10 349 2 789 1 377 2 481 1 446 5 164 2 745 l 814 957 1 650 964

266 63 24 48 30 147 83 45 16 32 17

9 127 2 353 886 l 975 1 143 4 505 2 063 1 595 619 l 262 744

17 088 4 416 l 840 3 833 2 206 8 556 4 212 2 997 1 210 2 541 1 434

7.0 18.7 51.6 70.4 81.0 88.4 88.6 79.0 20.7 3.1 11.l 43.3 57.2 61.9 59.9 60.5 52.5 10.5

... ... ...

21.0 28.6 59.5

... ... ...



76.6 80.5 80.5 30.7 3.9 25.4 47.0 43.1 62.1 54.9 51.5 48.0 5.6

5.3 21.0 60.l 73.6 87.8 88.7 90.7 74.3 16.4 3.3 15.4 37.l 62.B 53.5 59.6 59.4 50,2 12.9

8.8 16.5 59.6 79.0 75.2 82.2 Bl.3 75.8 17.5 3.8 9.3 41.3 38.3 50.2 49.6 52.0 48.9 11.9

8.8 41.1 81.6 92.1 91.3 91.5 91.0 82.1 19.2 5.7 17.2 40, 1 54.3 61.9 54.8 51.8 48. l 12.4

766 444 686 636 001 472 372 157

310 143 88 79 230 57 103 70

1 434 896 363 175 1 092 357 348 387


131 36 14 5

941 617 315 82 9

Private wage or salary workers -- ---- __ -- Government workers ------------···--·- Local government workers ____ --------Self-employed workers __ •• ____ ------ ___ _-Unpaid family workers-----------------Male employtd, In agrlculture •• ---- -·-··· •• __ Woge or salary workers ________________ _ Self-em ploy•d workers __ •• ____ ------ -- -Unpaid family workers-----------------flmale employed, fa agrlcufture ________ ,. _____ _Wage or salary workers ________________ _ Self-employed workers __ ---------------- Unpaid family workers_ ________________ _

149 114 35 11


800 Oil 420 757 202 167 118 168 80 275 34 442 21 675 3 225 226 1 714 695 l 012 7 258 177 76 5

786 494 275 110 17

LAllOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Male, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 ____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ___ _Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker In 1965, nonworker in 1970 ______ _--

89 208 7 410 10 982 B 919

Ma~~b~~ /0Percent r":: ~~cl-~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::_ of total _________________ _

Civilian lobar force--------------------

Employed ------ ---- ------ ---------Unemployed-----------------------Percent of civilian lobar force-----Not in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution-----------------Enrolled in school -------------------Other: Under 65 years--------------65 years and over____________ _Female, 16 years aid and aver --------------Labor farce --------------------------Percent of total __ ---------------Civilian labor force------------------- Employed------------------------Unemployed----------------------Percent of civilian labor force -----Nat in labor force---------------------Inmate of institution ____.____ ---------- Enrolled in school -------------------- Other: 65 Under 65 and years--------------years over____________ _ Malt, 16 to 21 years old ------------------Not enrolled In school------------------- Not high school groduat•-------------Unemployed or not in labor force----- -


222 461 163 015 73.3 160 087 143 800 16 287 10.2 59 446 5 883 16 483 25 370 11 710 260 825 130 632 50.1 130 591 118 168 12 423 9.5 130 193 2 067 19 258 88 984 19 884 37 611 16 431 6 790 4 458

448 268 59.8 264 172




-Married women, husband present------------- In labor force ______________ -------- __ -

Woinen, 16 years old and over---------------

With awn children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force _______________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _In labor force _______________________ _

With own children under 6 year•---------- ln labor force ________ -------------- __ With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _In labor force _______________________ _


260 61 30 52 30 116 61 38 19 31 18

PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male, 14 end 15 years_ ________________ _16 and 17 years_ ________________ _ 18 and 19 years_ ________________ _ 20 and 21 years _________________ _ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------35 to44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------- 65 years and over---------------- Female: 16 14 and and 17 15 years_ years-----------------________________ _-




IB and and 21 19 years_ yeors-----------------20 ________________ _ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------35 to 44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------- 65 years and over---------------- -


... ...




... ... "'

... ... 3'6.3



... ...




... ... ... ...."68.3


Santo Barbara

Santa Rosa

5 234 3 990 76.2 3 798 3 532 266 7.0 1 244 185 603 336 120 5 342 3 002 56.2 2 998 2 693 305 10.2 2 340 67 579 1 539 155 988 306 80 48

817 563 68.9 563 497 66 11.7 254 33 101 53 67 910 466 51.2 466 443 23 4.9 444

268 169 63.1 159 142 17 10.7 99 5 22 50 22 334 143 42.8 143 131 12 8.4 191 32

111 233 100 195 82 25 20

131 25 42 9

623 999 155 869 567 305 845 542 619 621 821

5 342 l 439 856 l 127 740 2 844 l 771 1 174 696 839 543

910 260 140 98 65 411 218 188 109 58 31

334 85 33 49 27 131 51 58 21 36 21

9.4 21.5 53.B 72.6 80.5 86.6 86.0 80.9 21.6 4.8 15.5 41.1 58.7 62.9 61.7 61.1 52.8 13.0

11.7 16.6 44.9 58.6 79.4 89.0 92.8 78.8 23.7 2.3 12.l 45.8 65.2 60.0 71.0 58.1 52.8 14.1

... .. .

...... ... ...

363 378 389 596 682 193 261 228



4·9·.0 88.2 0'5',i,

... ...-




... ...-




40.9 70.2 67.9 52.1 29.0


4 433 2 545 1 108 780 3 562 1 321 1 256 985

676 377 178 121 591 188 183 220

191 122 23 46 196 78 42 76

899 520 485 341 875 19 51 533 32 379 17 722 6 886 1 293 139 891 615 267 9 271 238 28 5

3 532 2 670 724 340 138

497 313 163 41 21

142 107 31 23 4

2 693 l 910 709 343 64 10

443 335 94 32 9 5 18 12 6


38 3 5 3

2 074 124 280 181



WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years old and over ________________ _


50 to 52 weeks------------------------ 27 to 49 weeks------------------------ 26 weeks or less ________ ·--------------- -

female, 16 years aid and aver--------------- -

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVE R Male em played __ ------ ---------- ________ _Private wageworkers or salary_____ workers ----------_Governmen1 .. ____________ Local government workers_ ___________ _Self-employed workers------------------ Unpaid family __worker•-----------------Female employ1d --·- ____________ ---- ___ _50 52 weeks-----------------------27 to to 49 weeks _______________________ _ 26 weeks or less_ _____________________ _



173 102 47 23 148 62 49 36 143 101 34 18 8


18 --


28 28


138 26 5 49


11 11


615 51 38 103

7 280

290 127 113 50 166 61 48 57

6 3 1 1 4 1 1 l

691 658 879 154 645 671 516 458

16 953 9 918 4 026 3 009 9 558 3 792 3 048 2 718

79 45 21 12 64 28 20 16

5 201 2 170 2 735 565 290 6 4 522 2 446 2 025 706 51

222 164 39 6 19


8 512 4 964 3 109 1 037 425 14 7 148 4 628 2 317 1 008 161 42 167 117 45 5 57 52 5

63 40 20 6 2

150 80 70

4 379 2 945 l 217 415 213 4 3 S09 2 249 1 198 548 47 15 220 137 79 4

4 488

1 504 1 288 s 907 2 545 1 640 l 722


18 lB


3 859 287 352 423


131 118 13 7









111 11 5 24

3 161 352 313 342



6 548 423 660 515

341 990 459 419



44 11



12 7






169 13 24 11


77 45 5 9

-8 4 4



87 6

12 18

'The concept "workor" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


!Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc,) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS

Male, 16 years aid and over ________________ _ Lobor force--------------------------Percent of totol-----------------Civilian labor force------------------Employed------------------------- Unemployed __ --------------------- Percent of civilian lobar force ------ Not in labor force--------------------- Inmate of institution-----------------Enrolled in school -------------------- Other: Under 65 years--------------- 65 years and over------------- femaJe, 16 years old and over --------------- Labar farce --------------------------- Percent of tatal---~-------------­ Civilian labor force-------------------


-~~~~i1~t0d ==== ======== == ======= Percent of ==civilian labor force _____ _Nat in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution------------------ Enralled in school -------------------- Other: 65 Under 65 and years--------------years aver _____________ _Male, 16 ta 21 years old------------------Not enrolled in schooJ __________________ _Not high school graduate-------------- Unemployed or not in labor force ____ _-

Urbanized areas-Con.


547 2 072 8!.4 1 129 1 058 71 6.3



4 246 173 52 2 100 l 124 53.5 I 093 943 150 13.7 976 7 167 713 89 725 371 65 10


Simi Valley





40 40

3 987 2 445 6!.3 2 423 2 099 324 13.4 1 542 49 424 633 436 4 658 I 723 37.0 l 723 1 388 335 19.4 2 935 80 625 1 817 413 728 233 66 50

785 707 90.l 190 173 17 8.9 78 B 27 36

46 24

71 66

4 658 1 145 379 888 439 2 048 891 630 260 525 246

414 134 35 109 57

40 40


68 33

·33 33




16 19



414 158 38.2 150 135 15 10.0 256 8 30 199 19 306 268 Ob


24 24

22 -

9 13


'i,ii 60

-5 -5 --




29 29


15 -




9 5

ArdenArcade (U)

175 143 8!.7 109 109

-32 23 -9

2 626 1 481 56.4 1 468 I 263 185 12.6 1 145 56 312 424

19 10

8 967 6 531 72.8 6 476 5 741 735 1\.3 2 436 38 912 945 541 10 442 5 885 56.4 5 868 5 212 656 11.2 4 557 95 754 2 808 900 1 553 519 176 110

16 16

11 11








3 055 678 239 616 264 1 313 514 399 148 324 159

19 26




50 19 10 4

Buena Pork

110 19 8 18 12 66 39 15 4 11 5


44 4 4



45 -

13 23



3 055 1 005 32.9 1 005 902 103 10.2 2 050 15 250 1 364 421 576 233 93 55

110 65 59.l 65 65






-9 6 3


-4 4

4 4


6 6 6


...-4 30




17 17





19 -11 8









MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Womtll, 16 years old and over--------------- -


With awn children under 6 years---------- _ ln lobar force ________________________ With awn children 6 ta 17 years only _____ _In labor force _______________________ _ Manled wo1nen, husband present----~--------_ In labor force _______________________

With awn children under 6 years __________ _In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 lo l 7 years onJy _____ _In labor force _______________________ _ -

PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male: 14 and 15 years------------------16 ond l7 yeors-----------------18 and 19 yeors------------------20 and 21 years-----------------22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------· 35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 years-------------------· 65 years and over----------------Female: 14 and 1S years ____ ------ __ -- ____ _ 16 and 17 year•------------------18 and l'l year•------------------· 20 and 21 yeors------------------22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and aver-----------------


2 100 615 297 527 365 1 143 630 427 211 353 207 11.6 26.2 68.8 95.3 91,6 93.2 92.9 85.5


3,9 20.4 51.0 55·.i, 55.4 69.5 53.4 18.6

WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Male, 16 years old and ovtr-----------------50 lo 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less ________ ---- __ -------- __ Fiem1J1 1 16 years old and' over ---------------.. SO to 52 weeks------------------------27 weeks to 49 weeks------------------------26 or less _______________________ _

2 204 l 433 462 309 1 257 577 292 388

68 17


16 10 32 13 17 B 11 5

-...... ... ... -...... 40 28 12


28 14 4 10

2.1 18.9 33.3 64.2 75.1 86.7 88.4 68.4



69 67 21 72 30


--· 94'.9 100.0 96.5


... "







13.7 17.8 27.7 40.2 53.4 39.9 10.2

2 729 ) 452 667 610 2 127 781 575






24 9 4 4




-... ...-



672 386 196 90 201 71 23 107


173 124 49 19

24 7 17 6


7 12 29 24



25 5 14 5 4



...... "' ...... -

...... -

.... ..



... --


... ... -



71 39 24 8 28 5






9.2 55.0 69.5 72.4 79.4 80.9 69.2 13.l 3.2 10.6 16.9 56.2 37.8 50.2 45.7 34,2 5.4

Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid faml~ workers-------------------

female employo __ ---- -------- __ ------ ----Private wage or salary workers ----------Government workersworkers ---------------.. ---_ local government _____________ Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------Mal• •mpfoy1d, In agrlcu!fu111 ----------------Waf.e or salary worker•-----------------Sel -employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers---------·--------· Fl111ole employed, in agriculture ________ ------ ..... Wage or salary warkerS-----------------Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers-------------------

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALESl y1111n oh! In 1970 _____________ _

Mal#, 30 ta 49

Nonwarker in 1965, noowarker in 1970 ----tlonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 --------

1 058 656 333 72 69

40 23 17 13

2 099


1 124 900 289 75

943 650 272 79 15 6 27 11 16

33 29 4 4

1 388 816 530 274



9 9

-l 016 34 70










72 24




1 226

161 182 142

-135 88 43 14 4


10 10



29 20 9 5





209 14 20





60 43 6

-a 3 9 9






--...-... -



10 442 l 704 979 2 082 1 493 4 382 2 455 987 540 1 093 748 21.8


51.4 78,9 72.2 84.9 87.8 83.7 23.B 13.3 19.3 39.9 68.0 69.4 68.4

30 4

-7 11

-7 4

... ...--



39 26

902 632 249 176 21


5 212 3 078 2 021






-4 -


199 170 29


18 18


624 106



4 4



8 3




s 741



17 6

2 032 561 321



15 5 6 4

3 388




s 5 -



4 4 4

16 16


.. . ... -

1 U3 971 215 163 97


-4 -



1 002 3 822 l 926 1 254 6 592 2 958 l 899 1 735


56.5 16.9

59 10

43 84 19 40 25

JO 10



10 5 5




1 686 898 441 347 1 189 462 356 371

158 86

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AHi> OVER Mole em played ____ ---- ---------- ------ ---Prlvote wage or salary workers ----------Government workersworkers_ -------------------Local government ____________ _





97 16 29 14 15 23 23


2 894 240 355 290


8 4





" 7




17 17













•The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More


EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mole, 16 yoan old ond over ________________ _

--Female, l6 ytan old and over .. --------------Labor force -------·--------·--·-··---- Percent of total------------------ Civilian labor force-----------------·- Employed·------------------------ Unemployed-----------------------Percent of civilian labor force -·-··- labor force --------------------------Percent of total-----------------Civilian labor force----~-------------­ Employed------------------------Unemployed __ -·-- -------------··-Percent of civilian lobar for
Nat in labor force---------------------- Inmate of institution •• ---------------- Enrolled in school ·-----------·------Other. Under 65 years--------------- 65 years and over ____________ _Malt, 16 to 21 yoan old-----------------·Nol enrolled 1n school __________ -·---· __ _ Not high school graduate-------------Unemployed or not in labor farce----- -


MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Wo"'en, 16 years aid and onr --------------- With own children under 6 years _________ _ In labor force _______________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In labor force·----------------------- MarrJetl women, husband pre-uni ---- __ ------- In labor force------------------------ With awn children under 6 years _________ _ In labor farce------------------------ With awn children 6 to 17 years only _____ _ In labor force ••• ----------------·----



Chula Vista



Coste Mesa

Daly City


2 305 1 998 86.7 1 917 1 826 91 4.7 307

69 53

14 174 10 768 76.0 10 660 9 598 1 062 10.0 3 406 94 1 460 1 476 376 16 377 7 738 47.2 7 734 6 813 921 11.9 8 639 67 l 774 6 190 608 2 836 1 023 373 223

110 106 96.4 63 63

41 12

117 10 8.5 10


29 29



1 015 878 86.5 863 810 53 6.1 137 5 57 54 21 1 062 738 69.5 738 709 29 3.9 324

16 377 4 914 2 393 4 440 2 593 8 852 4 551 3 595 1 752 3 164 1 808

79 9


36 27 48 30 9

-5 --


179 105 23 2 544 1 598 62.8 1 598 1 437 161 10.1 946


14 end 15 years-----------------16 and 17 years_ ________________ _lB and 19 years _________________ _ 20 and 21 years------------------ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 ta 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------- 45 ta 64 years------------------- 65 years and over---------------Female, 14 16 and and 15 17 years.----------------years_ ________________ _


-18 and 19 years------------------ -

20 and 21 years _________________ _ 22 to 24 years------------------- 25 to 34 years------------------35 to 44 years------------------- 45 ta 64 years------------------65 years and over----·-----------



CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Malt employed ------------------ --------- -


Private wag• or salary workers ---------Government workers ------------------Local government workers ••••••••••••• Self·employed workers------------------ Unpaid Forni~ worker•------------------ -

hmale emplayo ------ -------------------- -

Self·employed workers-----------------Unpaid family workers. ________________ _-

Private woge or salary workers ---------Government workersworkers_ ----------------•-Local government ___________ _-


Male •mployod, In agriculture----------------Woge or salary workers _________________ _ Self-employed workers •• -- ______________ _


Unpaid family warkers .·---------------Ftmale employed, lo agriculture ____________ ----

Wage or salary workers-----------·-----Self-employed workers •••• c _____________ _ Unpaid family workers.-----------------·




60 16 16 16





34 10 9

2 544 758 441 78B 571 1 771 1 184 661 390 704 500

60 15 5 8

5.3 24.5


78.6 96.4 98.6 91.3



7.3 55.8 49.6 72.5 74.0 69.8 56.9



Malt, 16 y11rs aid end over ________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks------------------------ 27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less··--------------------- F1111al11 1& yean old and onr --------------- 50 to 52 wHks -----------------------27 ta 49 we•ks -----------------------26 weeks or less-----------------------


664 45 295 69 14 6


43 39 4




39 10

10 5 3



... ...

... -



2 029 1 401 452 176 1 739 751 562 426

53 15 20 18 21

1 826 1 226 515 308 85

39 23

1 437 734 672 464 31


19 7 12



6.7 12.0 51.B 80.0 81.2 92.6 90.4 82.B 14.4 2.6 8.2 38.1 52.3 62.3 55.8 55.8 46.9 7.1


10 11


5 6


16 11 5 5




11 277 6 803 3 084 1 390 8 775 3 387 3 057 2 331 9 6 2 l




79 45

40 13

45 45

13 13




10 24


31 19 4


-5 22

27 22

17 5 5


... ... ......



... ... ...


26 13 8 5


6 304 372 587 544













... -


12 5 7




63 35 28 14




12 7 5

45 23 22 17

115 30 26.1 30 30

92.5 92.4 89.1

92 58 26 8 49 24 16 9


11 12 384 22 5.7 22 22



..-. ...-


13 13



13 -




1 396 31 104 61




13 6




362 273 28 23 3B 39 37 20 20

El Cajon

El Monte




39 35

95 65

-12 12 --7


65 59 6


5 5


4 411 2 413 54.7 2 376 l 952 424 17.8 1 998 182 536 806 474 5 112 1 879 36.8 1 879 1 691 188 10.0 3 233 43 647 2 038 505 991 303 172 146

129 14 11 39 15 45 19 10 7 31 12

5 112 1 145 417 971 519 2 088 932 610 260 559 312


7.2 14.8 41.9 56.8 70.4 78.6 77.9 61.B 12.9 l.8 11.9 27.8 44.3 46.1 48.0 45.2 42.0 9.6


14 14

3 3







384 8 3 14



7 3


--......... ... ...



... ... ...-




-... ......-

.:is 7

4 4

-22 5


17 5

12 7 -


22 5 5 6


17 5 5 5 6


...-... .... ..

·30 10 10 10


129 51 39.5 51 44 7

'78 15 23 40


21 7



.. . ... .. .





... ... ...... ... ...

35 23 5 7

61 39 8 14 51 39 4 8

2 840 l 268 816 756 2 263 740 782 741 1 952 1 416 420 253 116


75.6 82.9 72.3


... ...--

879 593 170 116 788 394 256 138

41 10 6 25 30 9 6 15

182 61 62 59 159 43 27 B9





810 521 245 82 44


40 34 6 4

14 9 5

28 25 3 3

59 52 7

-s 5 ------



. 433 262 126 11 3 6 6




10 10


30 4 26 26



537 50 46 5




22 13 6 6 3

-6 6



35 15

123 46



LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Male, 30 to 49 yea" old In 1970 •.••..•••••••• Nonworker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ----Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ...•... =





......... ... ... ... ...



194 171

9 5 37 16 10 10





239 45 18.8 40 40

107 107


92 224 8 186 72 4





85 71

1 062 238 153 318 278 650 489 165 114 260 220


598 751 444 214 390 13 6 813 4 340 2 348 1 502 106 19 92 49 43


12 12

East Los Angeles (U)






12 6

3 -

-3 -

3 3













44 41 3 3


47 3 9 9


1 691 l 210 472 295 9


175 155 20


11 11

1 237 213 122 242

'The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.

6 - 616



Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mole, 16 years old and over------------------

Labor force ---------------------------Percent of total------------------Civilian labor force-------------------Employed ------------ ------ __ -----Unemployed __ ---- -------- __ ------ __ Percent of civilian lobar force------Not in labor !orc.e -,--------------------Inmate of mst1tut1on ------------------Enrolled in school ---- ---- ____ --------Other, 65 Under 65 and years---------------years aver _____________ _ Ftmale, 16 years old and over ---------------Lobar force ---------------------------Percent of total------------------Civilian labor force ______ ---- ____ -----Employed ____ -------- ------ __ -----Unemployed ______ ---- __ ---- _______ _ Percent of civilian labor force------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school--------------------Other, Under 65 years---------------65 years and over ____ -- -- -- ---Mole, 16 to 21 years aid -------------------Not enrolled m school------ ____ ---------Nat high school graduate ______________ _ Unemployed or not in labor force -----MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Women, 16 years old and over---------------With own children under 6 years __________ _ In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In lobar force ________________________ _ Married women, husband present --------------

In labor force ________ ------ __ ---- ____ _ With awn children under 6 years_ _________ _ Jn labor force ________________ --------With awn children 6 to 17 years only ______ _ In labor force __________ ---- __ ------ __ _

PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male, 14 and 15 years_ _________________ _ 16 and 17 years_ _________________ _ 18 and 19 years------------------20 and 21 years __________________ _ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 lo 44 years-------------------45 ta 64 years-------------------65 years and over----------------Female, 16 14 and and 17 15 years_ years------------------_________________ _ 18 and 19 years __________________ _ 20 and 21 years __________________ _ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 ta 34 years-------------------35 ta 44 years __ ---- ______ ------ -45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and aver----------------WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Mote, 16 years old ond over _________________ _ 50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 ta 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less-----------------------Female, 16 yeors old and over ---------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less_ ______________________ _

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Mole employed ______ -------- ------ -------Private wage or salary workers ----------Government ,workersworkers -------------------local government _____________ _ Self-em played workers __________________ _ Unpaid family workers------------------Female employed_ _____ ---------- __ ------ __ _ Private wage or salary workers ----------Government workers -------------------local government workers __ -- -- -------Self-employed workers __ ------ ----------Unpaid family workers __ ------ ----------Mole employed, In agriculture----------------Wage or salary workers_ ________________ _ Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------Female agriculture __ ------------ --_ Wageemployed, or salaryin workers _________________ Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES 1 Male, 30 to 49 years old Jn 1970 _____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nanworker in 1970 ----Nonworker in 1965, worker In 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 _______ _



255 202 79.2 185 185

Gorden Grove




68 48

11 11

40 34 6

"ii 11

498 426 85.5 422 398 24 5,7 72


47 21 4 482 263 54.6 263 259 4 l.5 219 16 33 170

500 386 77.2 380 356 24 6.3 114 24 72 7 11 443 238 53.7 235 216 19 8.1 205 18 60 127


87 9 4

106 25 5

482 154 75 150 95 320 182 136 57 131 80

443 134 76 111 91 306 170 119 '61 .97 77

... ... ... ...







42 11

6 9 5



217 149 68.7 149 130 19 12.8 68


37 31


88 26 3



53 25

32 11

25 20 5

11 11

.28 -

28 14


21 6



5 5



217 44 31 58 52 117 90 44 31 45 39

53 23 6 5

32 4

47 25 23 6 5

10 6 4

... ... ... ...

...... ... ...


... ... ... ... ... ...


... ...... ... ---

... ...--

228 118 67 43 170 60 54 56

57 27 16 14 33 11 12 10

185 130 49 10 6

34 19 4 4 11

94 33 7 3

17 3 3

130 -----



9 3

20 -----









89.0 100.0








.. . ... ...




... ...




.. .

Huntington Beach


30 5



5 22 6


68 21 5 6


40 18 21 5 6



11 6

406 270 116 20 286 158 87 41

398 260 73 65 296 103 101 92

35 30 5


398 320 59 31 19

356 222 119 19 15

31 20 6


165 78 54 16

139 72 29 5




11 5 --

42 5 8






259 -5 -5



297 22 11 7




39 30 5 4

-5 30 15 15 9





12 8

5 4


4 4






7 -

-7 9 --

5 724 1 724 748 1 082 588 2 775 1 373 1 104 505 584 306

178 39 18 32 19 73 38 22 11 18 10

168 088 756 652 157 436 295 932 272 360 475 6.7 20.1 52.9 69.9 80.9 87.1 87.9 78.4 21.1 3.3 11.1 43.7 58.0 62.7 60.6 60.5 52.8 10.8

2 719 1 908 571 240 2 392 1 066 874 452

21 4

4 751 2 805 1 193 753 3 368 1 258 881 1 229

115 430

2 432 1 567 676 401 189

16 16

11.7 38.9 81.9 74.8 73.4 78.6 63.4 2.8




18.8 27.5 59.4 82.9 86.5 90.6 88.3 75.8 16.4 2.5 18.8 45,5 53.8 52.6 51.8 50.8 50.3 10.7


... ... -


. .. .. -. .. . --.. -. -


... ... ... ...

8 5 3

148 902 108 203 72.7 106 852 95 579 11 273 10.6 40 699 3 418 10 070 18 305 8 906 178 168 89 121 50.0 89 101 80 621 8 480 9.5 89 047 1 108 11 850 60 644 15 445 23 723 11 022 4 647 3 077

6.9 18.2 47.8




5 739 4 406 76.8 3 571 3 166 405 11.3 1 333 112 413 596 212 5 724 2 718 47.5 2 701 2 369 332 12.3 3 006 83 449 2 244 230 1 198 609 196 79




16 16

Long Beach Los Angeles

3 221 927 627 898 699 2 180 1 565 760 509 775 595

95.8 98.4 95.6 47.8


5 10

24 16

-4 -4 68



2 999 2 606 86.9 2 593 2 432 161 6.2 393 16 206 123 48 3 221 2 137 66.3 2 137 2 011 126 5.9 1 084 9 216 727 132 355 107 36 28

31 31




35 31





2 01J 1 200 750 550 56 5 98 47 51




4 4 4 4




17 4

-4 -

-4 4




1 544 22 200 78




66 32 15 100 43 33 23

963 644 823 252 497 388 367

3 166 1 965 1 077 602 124

95 67 22 11 5

2 369 1 616 711 335 42

80 55 22 14 2

579 907 185 975 380 107 621 535 673 130 265 148 934 358 576



15 7 8



6 6

157 97 60

-2 181 101 257 249

57 5 7 6


Mountain View

334 203 60.8 199 140 59 29.6 131 26 17 66 22 342 120 35.1 120 105 15 12.5 222 12 16 154 40 50 10 5 5

270 249 92.2 238 234 4 1.7 21

342 100 54 58 20 133 64 49 26 27 13

257 60 40 36 29 121 80 43 32 21 )4

.. . ... ... .... .....


... ... ...


... ... ... ... ... .. . ...


4 12 5 257 154 59.9 154 152 2 1.3 103


5 76 22 6 6



... .... ..


.. .

...... .. . . .. ... .... .. -

240 110 61 69 167 43 69 55

251 169 50 32 202 89 77 36

140 108 27 \0 5

234 198 17 12 19

105 74 31 11

152 102 45 16 5



13 --



801 351 572 120

99 26 5 24



11 6



9 50


The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.




Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Data based on sample, see text For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or Mo re (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS

--------------female, 16 years old and onr -------------- -labor force -------------------------- -Percent of total.---------------- -Civilian labor force------------------ -Employed __ -- ------------------ __ -Unemployed -- ____ ------------ ___ _-Percent of civilian lobar force ____ _-Nat in labor force--------------------- -Inmate of institution----------------- -Enrolled in school ------------------- -Other, 65 Under 65 and years-------------years over___________ _--Mole, 16 to 21 years old -----------------Not enrolled 1n school _________________ _--Not high school graduate ____________ _-Unemployed or not in labor force ___ _--

Malt, 16 yean old and OYlr---------------labor force-------------------------- -Percent of total----------------Civilian labor force------------------ -Employed -- ---------- -----------Unemployed -- ------ ------------ -Percent of civilian labor force ----NatInmate in lobar of force--------------------institution ________________ _ Enrolled in school ------------------Other, 65 Under 65 and years-------------years over ___________ _

MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Women, 16 years old cind over--------------


With own children under 6 years ________ _-In labor force----------------------- -With own children 6 to 17 years only ____ _-In lobar forc•-----------------------

-In labor force----------------------- -With own children under 6 years ________ _-In labor force •• __ -------- __ ------ __ _-With own children 6 ta 17 years only ____ _-In labor farce ____ -------- __________ _ -PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male, 14 ond 15 years ________________ _ 16 ond 17 years_ ________________ _-Marrled women, husband present------------ --


18 and 19 years _________________ _ 20 and 21 years _________________ _ 22 to 24 years------------------25 to 34 years------------------35 to 44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------65 years and over---------------Female, 14 and 15 years_ ________________ _ 16 and 17 years _________________ _18 and 19 years _________________ _ 20 ond 21 years _________________ _22 to 24 years------------------25 to 34 years------------------- 35 to 44 years------------------45 to 64 years------------------- 65 years and over----------------


Places- Con.






Polo Alto


Pica Rivero


160 4 2.5 4 4

37 707 26 965 71.5 26 179 23 146 3 033 11.6 10 742 333 3 368 4 528 2 513 42 462 20 091 47.3 20 053 17 691 2 362 11.8 22 371 170 3 811 15 159 3 231 6 966 2 659 1 026 678

287 225 78.4 225 205 20 8.9 62 6 14 28 14 332 130 39.2 130 115 15 11.5 202 5 51 126 20 47 29 13 9

95 51

1 097 855 77.9 804 727 77 9.6 242

514 357 69.5 357 346 11 3.1 157 34 71 36 16

35 20

2 499 1 801 72.1 1 796 l 608 188 10.5 698 55 314 280 49 2 931 1 439 49.1 1 439 1 260 179 12.4 I 492 63 308 I 007 114

42 462 9 008 4 321 8 982 5 167 19 092 10 014 5 407 2 802 5 469 3 088


156 156


114 21 18.4 21 21


93 89




74 74 59 59



7 7 17 17


7 7


8.7 18.8 49.1 71.8 84.l 89.0 87.8 80.9 21.3 4.6 12.3 36.3 53.9 61.4 58.0 57.3 50.1 12.5

-...-... ... ... -




5 109 3 780 74.0 3 773 3 384 389 10.3 1 329 25 412 471 421 6 616 3 369 50.9 3 369 3 128 241 7.2 3 247 58 513 1 941 735 834 343 120 90

332 70 44 69 21 156 78 43 33 45 12

61 II 11 5 5 26 21 11 11 5 5

l 336

503 93 75 124 78 231 133 74 60 93 47

6 616 l 353 690 1 333 847 2 671 l 398 793 401 710 419


... ... ... ... ... ...

...... ... ... ... ... ...







47 4


44 34



5 61 46

«i6 46


5 5


31 16 10


348 204 279 158 598 307 229 105 171 91


330 65.6 330 300 30 9.1 173 6 19 129 19 120 35




59.8 52.0 6.9

54.1 55.1


7.7 16.1 54.9 84.5 82.8 94.0 91.8 81.5 22.1 3.2 22.4 29.2 54.2 65.4 64.9 67.2 56.1 10.5


... ... ... ...

... ...



94 112 36 1 336 667 49.9 667 616 51 7.6 669 71 82 394 122 200 75



... ... ...

05:4 89.3 87.9 89.6










... ... ...



-15 9



...44 4

-8 8


4 4








225 102 82

2 931 l 008 522 693 412 1 514 773 727 359 464 264 3.7 16.1 34.0 65.4 91.7 92.1 89.7 76.0


5.8 9.4 48.3 59.9 55.4 57.5 61.0 46.8 6.6

WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED Molt, 16 years old ond over ________________ _


54 21




~~ ~e:~s~~;~~;:::::::::::::::::::::::--

27 26

~r ~e:is~~e~~·==:::::::::::::::::::::--

14 12

flmale, 16 years aid and over --------·------

50 to 52 weeks------------------------


28 16 7 4 22 9 7 6

678 287 999 392 815 254 315 246

241 126 75 40 156 59 36 61

80 29 28 23 51 10 21 20

925 569 238 118 825 266 280 279

437 240 131 66 354 165 138 51

3 982 2 332 I 086 564 3 955 I 772 1 248 935

16 11 5

23 14 7 1

146 868 289 776 984 5 691 071 117 300 450 53 391 261 130

205 147 44 17 14

47 42 5

727 482 236 48 9

346 244 96 44 6

3 384

20 15 5 5

1 608 I 070 478 231 60

46 36 10 10

616 369 230 74 17

300 183 103 63 14


18 18


1 260 787 435 184 33 5 15 6 9

CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Mole.employed ---------------- ----------- Private wage or solary workers ---------- Government workersworkers ------------------local government ____________ _~elt-em~loyed workers-----------------fem!~aid workers------------------ Priva't=~·Jge ;,;-;aio~vwo~ke-;.s· :::::::::: Government workers ------------------local government workers Self-employed workers _____ ::::::::::::: Unpaid family workers_ M111 to1ploytd, In a9rlcuhu,; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Woge or solory workers Self-e.mployed workers.::::::::::::::::- Unpaid family workers Female employed, In ogriculiur;:::::::::::::::: Wage or salary workers _________________ _ Self·employed workers Unpaid family workers:::::::::::::::::::







21 17 4




11 6 2

86 19



21 14 7

133 114 14 5


320 240 251 197

92 6 10 6










52 40 8

13 l 2 1

•The concept "worker" includes the em ployed plus members of the Armed Forces.








408 20 30 51

180 21 28 16


Mole, 30 to 49 years old Jn 1970 Nonworker in 1965, nonwork;~i~i-9-70_____ _ Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 ----Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 ::::::::


2 202 839 513 325 18 3 128 2 390 602 391 120 16 106 14 85 7 19 19


1 909 147 382 132

4 4



4 4




1 885 1 107 507 271 1 555 664 428 463



Redondo Beach

Redwood City

17 11

358 190 53.1 190 178 12 6.3 168 78 13 49 28 294 170 57.8 170 159 11 6.5 124 9 29 81 5 61 49 25 19

.ii 6 5

"6 6

--9 9 '«1 9


-5 5


9 4 4 5 5

294 61 34 70


.. --' ...





160 90 56 29 29 16

... ...


269 146 56 67 224 105 54 65


9 5 4



--9 9



-2 -


1 174 83 127 125


8 023

s 839 72.6 s 738 5 159 579


2 184 JO 885 919 350 9 225 4 379 47.5 4 379 3 903 476 10.9 4 846 30 910 3 370 536 1 660 640 217 146

9 n5 2 351 I 244 2 117 1 256 4 764 2 497 l 5()3 791 I 426 846 4.0 17.6 47.8 57.5 75.5 91.3 94.7 80.2 15.7 4.5 14.7 26.9 58.0 57.0 63.0 60.0 44.1 7.4





... ......-

178 131 42 18 5


159 128 18 18 13


---140 31


6 311

3 I 1 4 2 I I

735 541 035 997 042 534 421

5 159 3 368 1 553 422 234 4 3 903 2 427 1 359 518 100 17 32 17


4 20 20



2 881 163 396 242


Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:

Table 92.


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or More (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS Mole, 16 years old and over.----------------Labor force ---------------------------Percent of toto[ __________________ _ Civilian labor force-------------------Employed __________ ---------------Unemployed __ -------- ______ -------Percent of civilian labor force------Not In labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school ____ -- ------ ---- -- --Other, 65 Under 65 and years---------------years over _____________ _ Female, 16 years old and over ---------------Labor force ---------------------------Percent of total •• ----------------Civilian labor__________________ force-------------------Employed ---- ___ _ Unemployed---------- __ -----------Percent of civilian lobar force ------Not in labor force----------------------Inmate of institution------------------Enrolled in school --------------------Other, Under 65 years---------------65 years and over _____________ _ Male, 16 to 21 years old-------------------Not enrolled in school ______ ---- __ ------ __ Not high school graduate--------------Unemployed or not in labor force ------

Places - Con.

Riverside Sacramento

2 008 1 449 72.2 l 259 1 182 77 6.l 559 70 280 114 95 2 222 1 102 49.6 1 102 997 105 9.5 1 120 7 199 784 130 418 89 23 10

7 383 5 066 68.6 4 7B9 4 090 699 14.6 2 317


315 233 74.0 225 206 19 8.4 82 28 23 25 6 236 134 56.8 134 121 13 9.7 102

Son Bernardino

Son Diego

Son Francisco

Son Jose

16 450 13 054 79.4 8 930 8 065 865 9.7 3 396 247 1 164 l 292 693 15 808 7 438 47.l 7 338 6 662 676 9.2 8 370 79 1 425 5 895 971 4 462 2 776 l 038 254

30 447 22 529 74.0 21 764 19 279 2 485 ll.4 7 918 392 1 955 3 888 1 683 33 087 17 869 54.0 17 796 16 176 l 620 9.1 15 218 122 2 108 lO 676 2 312 5 106 2 612 1 138 667

2 975 2 248 75.6 2 209 l 987 222 10.0 727 82 363 208 74 3 249 1 674 51.5 1 674 1 482 192 ll.5 l 575 31 457 992 95 549 142 56 43

33 6 3 6 3 14 7 3 2 3 2

087 952 587 388 824 058 752 901 084 630 173

3 249 884 481 670 416 1 684 l 008 697 381 500 323

11.4 25.2 59.7 75.3 78.9 87.6 86.2 80.7 19.8 4.4 18.5 50.7 62.6 65.6 64.l 59.5 56.7 13.1

8.4 12.3 37.7 46.4 75.4 90.9 96.6 79.0 26.6 2.8 4.0 38.3 51.8 57.4 63.4 58.4 53.3 10.2

723 2 988 558 1 322 403 168 144

88 9 53 15 10 6

3 777 2 633 69.7 2 304 2 049 255 11.l l 144 181 340 410 213 4 462 l 742 39.0 1 742 1 588 154 8.8 2 720 164 472 1 772 312 761 313 177 115

2 222 620 249 491 304 1 168 525 464 183 337 187

8 341 2 242 1 100 1 869 1 067 3 873 2 037 1 366 741 l 155 664

236 59 24 38 25 132 73 45 16 22 12

4 462 l 052 369 l 047 565 2 015 923 659 225 618 370

15 808 4 026 l 701 3 504 2 000 7 821 3 851 2 675 l 091 2 304 1 294

21.8 18.2 41.4

5.l 22.9 53.9 70.1 85.7 86.0 90.0 72.9 16.0

... ... ...


2.4 15.5 64.0 84.5 78.8 84.7 85.3 73.5 16.3 6.4 7.2 47.1 41.9 44.4 40.7 48.6 44.8 11.5

8.5 38.8 76.3 88.1 88.0 90.6 90.3 82.3 19.8 6.0 17.5 40.l 56.7 61.2 54.6 51.4 49.3 12.5


742 971 604 8 341 4 072 48.8 4 067 3 641 426 10.5 4 269



Son Leandro

32 32

.32 32


--27 22 22 22

-5 -5 -

7 3 3


Santa Barbaro

Son Mateo

Santa Ano

863 69B 80.9 684 589 95 13.9 165

585 428 73.2 428 387 41 9.6 157 14 28 48 67 711 370 52.0 370 347 23 6.2 341

67 280 64 187 70 35 17

1 829 1 475 80.6 1 307 l 203 104 8.0 354 63 128 101 62 1 964 l 008 51.3 l 008 910 98 9.7 956 16 122 734 84 275 112 44 25

981 177 94 272 180 476 267 104 55 183 119

1 964 786 420 361 221 1 126 590 574 290 258 147

711 219 108 96 63 342 177 151


8.7 32.4


57 67 41 981 570 58.1 570 554 16 2.8 411



35 211 95 96 40 20 20

Santo Clora

172 124 72.1 124 124



48 21 19 4 4 172 98 57.0 98 84 14 74 7 14 53


32 9


MARITAL STATUS AND PRESENCE OF OWN CHILDREN Womtn, 16 years old and over---------------With own children under 6 years __________ _ In labor force ________________________ _ With own children 6 to 17 yeors only ______ _ In labor force •• ______ -- -- ------ -- -- --Married women, husband present --------------_ In labor force ________________________ With own children under 6 years __________ _ In labor force ____________ ---- __ ---- __ _ With own children 6 ta 17 years only ______ _ In lobar force ________ -- -- -- -- ---- ___ _


PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Male, 14 ond 15 years __________________ _ 16 and 17 years __________________ _ 18 and 19 yeors __________________ _ 20 and 21 years_ _________________ _ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 yeors -------------------35 to 44 years-------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years ond over---------------- Female, 14 and 15 years __________________ _ 16 yeors .. -----------------_ 18 and and 17 19 years __________________ 20 and 21 yeors __________________ _ 22 to 24 years-------------------25 to 34 years-------------------35 lo 44 yeors -------------------45 to 64 years-------------------65 years and over---------------- WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED

Mal•, 16 years old and over _________________ _ 50 lo 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks------------------------26 weeks or less·----------------------female, 16 y111n old and over---------------50 to 52 weeks------------------------27 to 49 weeks-----------------------26 weeks or less ____________ -------- ___ _


CLASS OF WORKER, 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER Male employed __________________ -------- __ Private woge or salary workers ----------Government workers -------------------Loco! government workers _____________ _ Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers------------------f1male employed __________ ----------------Private woge or salary workers ----------Government workers -------------------Local government workers------------ __ Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid fomily workers __________________ _ Male employed, In agriculture----------------Woge or salary warkers-----------------Self·employed workers------------------Unpaid fomil:l'. workers------------------Fema'• emplaye , In agriculture ________ -------Wage or salary workers.----------------Self-employed workers------------------Unpaid family workers-------------------

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Malo, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 _____________ _ Nonworker in 1965, nonwarker in 1970 __ --Nonworker in 1965, worker in 1970 -------Worker in 1965, nonworker in 1970 --------

80.0 88.3 87.5 89.0 22.4



...... i0'.2

... ...... ...-

43.0 37.2 55.4 56.7 61.9 56.6 9.0

4.4 16.0 33.2 65.l 54.7 59.3 57.4 50.l 12.7

1 650 985 404 261 1 321 578 362 381

5 385 3 225 1 189 971 4 688 2 017 1 327 1 344

268 ll7 101 50 150 56 48 46

2 927 l 516 926 485 2 061 704 743 614

1 182 750 397 107 35

4 090 l 687 2 148 485 249 6 3 641 1 964 l 646 626 31

206 154 33 6 19

2 049 l 360 588 211 101

121 108 13 7

1 588 1 063 512 201 13

116 58 58

71 71


997 609 360 158 23 5 35 32 3


... ......






696 34 55 63

2 903 218 291 359

111 11 5 24


7 7



18 18


137 75 62





1 443 157 147 138

13 8 3 2 8 3 2 2



16 11 27 22


16 ll


... ...-

... ...


-... ... --



56 29

.... ..

. ..



94.6 88.2

85.3 92.2 91.4 86.0







63'.4 65.8 62.0 31.7


46'.6 45.8 82.1 53.6 64.8 40.l



... ... ...-

172 52 31 33 19 105 70 52 31 29 15


......... ...

... ...


.....-. .. . ......


65.6 73.8 52.8 30.0

1 570 917 452 201 1 215 408 422 385

476 291 124 61 448 167 150 131

163 74 55 34 107 35 46 26



831 092 354 385 858 560 817 481

23 13 6 3 19 9 6 4

702 123 923 656 528 266 258 004

2 463 l 380 609 474 2 090 681 706 703

28 21 7 27 19 3 5


737 422 138 177 648 271 229 148

8 065 4 707 2 932 980 412 14 6 662 4 301 2 163 952 156 42 156 106 45 5 46 41 5

19 12 6 2

279 228 166 517 880 5 176 335 372 043 451 18 285 213 72

1 987 1 480 444 211 63

32 21 7 3 4

589 436 115 76 38

1 203 l 012 136 59 55

387 261 105 28 21

124 96 23 13 5

1 482 l 037 404 165 36 5 17 17

22 22

554 410 144 93

910 693 200 83 17

347 278 55 32 9 5 12 6 6

84 76

16 10 5 2


54 50 4


5 853 407 583 476


11 l 1 l

749 298 671 027







-5 -





20 lO



5 5




283 5 37 27

838 41 114 80

148 13 20 6





1 220 41 127 127

-4 -






-5 -5 -69 12 10


•The concept "worker" includes the employed plus members of the Armed Forces.








Table 92. Employment Characteristics of the Negro Population for Areas and Places:


[Doto based an sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 50,000 or Mo re (or Central Cities) Urban Balance Urbanized Areas Places of 50,000 or More EMPLOYMENT STATUS Male, 16 yoars aid and aver---------------labor force -------------------------Percent of total----------------Civilian labor force -----------------Employed-----------------------Unemployed __ -------------------- -Percent of civilian lobar force ----Not in labor force---------------------

----------Inmate of institution----------------- -Enrolled in school ------------------- -Other, Under 65 years-------------- -65 years and over------------ -Femalt, 16 years okt and onr -------------- -Lobar force --------------------------Percent of total ________________ _-Civilian labor force ------------------ --

Employed ---- __ ------------------ -Unemployed---------------------- -Percent of civilian lobar force ____ _ Not in lobar force--------------------- -Inmate of institution----------------- -Enrolled in school Other. Under 65 ------------------years_ ____________ _-65 years and over ___________ _ -Malt, 16 to 21 ytars aid -----------------Not enrolled in schoo1-----------------Not high school graduate ____________ _ Unemployed or not in lobar force ___ _--



Places - Con.

Santo Monica

1 318 954 72.4 954 895 59 6.2 364 16 59 196 93 1 504 873 58.0 873 827 46 5.3 631 5 102 381 143 143 51 40 23

Ventura (Son Buenaventura)


With own children under 6 years ________ _ In lobar force ______________________ _ -With own children 6 to 17 yeors only ____ _ In lobar force----------------------- -Married women, husband present-----------In labor force ______ -- ________ ------With own children under 6 yeors ________ _-In lobor force ______________________ _ -With own children 6 to 17 years only ____ _ In lobar force ______________________ _

PERCENT IN LABOR FORCE Mole, 14 ond 15 yeors----------------16 ond 17 years ________________ _ 18 ond 19 years_ ______________ _ 20 ond 21 years_ _______________ : -22 to 24 years-----------------25 to 34 years------------------- 35 lo 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years __ ---------------- 65 years and over---------------= Female. 14 and 15 years_ ________________ _ 16 ond 17 years _________________ _18 and 19 years _________________ _ 20 and 21 years. ________________ _22 to 24 years __________________ _" 25 to 34 yeors ------------------35 to 44 years------------------- 45 to 64 years------------------65 years ond over----------------





79 51

40 40

19 13

40 40

13 13

218 195 89.4 152 152

36 31

·si 51

3 269 2 065 63.2 2 052 l 810 242 11.8 l 204 44 357 492 311 3 896 1 445 37.l l 445 l 168 277 19.2 2 451 80 561 l 478 332 612 198 45 40



194 114 58.8 95 83 12



3 195 2 357 73.8 2 232 2 035 197 8.8 838 13 268 347 210 3 523 1 683 47.8 l 676 l 550 126 7.5 l 840 26 433 159 l 222 596 184 56 33

5 53 23 57 24 11

38 95 9 71 15

3 896 l 014 337 754 377 1 689 740 561 230 440 204

206 72 35 49 44 160 108 65 28 36 31

35 4 4 10 10

3 523 677 311 887 528 1 830 910 459 204 577 327

172 44 16 26 21 75 56 25 16 23 18

2.7 21.3 28.9 60.5 71.9 85.9 89.l 72.4 22.6



... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2.2 15.8 14.5 30.7 40.8 49.8 53.2 40.3 10.9


11.l 26.0 51.6 67.2 83.4 89.4 94.0 83.0 30.7 10.3 9.4 32.4 55.l 67.3 61.5 57.6 49.4 7.0

.... .. ... ... -

-65.1 ......-

2 552 1 654 491 407 1 990 839 562 589

143 83 39 21 96 46 34 16

303 205 45 53 209 72 81 56

2 035 939 l 039 156 57

83 53 30 21

261 163 83 39 15

1 550 929 603 211 18

53 32 27



28 5 5 13 5 99 56 56 56


43 23 3 12 5 15



-6 -


6 10 10

33 33

'iii 10


35 16 19




WORKERS IN 1969 BY WEEKS WORKED MaJ~ 16 yeari old and oYlr ----------------- -


-:~ ~~ ~::t~ F•5•1t, 16 years old and onr ------------=:- 27 26 weeks or less--------------------

~~ ~l~~:~~;:::::::::::::::::::::~~---

68 17 8 16 10 32 13 17





...... ... 68'.i 64.l 62.3 26.4

22 15


99 16 12 4 4 16 12 12 8 4 4


333 270 81.l 270 261 9 3.3 63

South Gate

1 504 270 153 201 135 539 332 155 89 119

80'.6 83.6 85.5 33.3


Simi Volley









206 145 70.4 145 131 14 9.7 61


2 54 5 24 10



31 31




35 23 23 23


12 8 4

11 --

80 17 21 14 28 172 91 52.9 91 85 6 81



Wom111, 16 yeors old ond over _____________ _--

West Covina

Santo Roso

... ... ... ... ...



... ... ...



11 5

... ... ... ...-


10 6 6


6 6 6 6


... ...--



... ...




987 609 230 148 1 001 435 380 186

64 41 10 13 57 31 21 5

40 28 12

13 10 3

28 14 4 10

10 6 4

895 632 222 103 41

51 43 8 4

40 23 17 13

13 10 3 3

827 634 180 66 13

56 45 11 5

33 29 4 4






... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ... -


9 4 4 5 5

... ... ...


... ...



2 299 l 264 544 491 1 776 656 452 668

190 142 48

31· 21 10

161 46 78 37

23 10 4 9

1 810 963 786 238 61

152 130 22 11

31 31





47 11 5 333 191 57.4 191 171 20 10.5 142



-7 -7 --

30 15 ·is 15


157 22 14.0 22 22


135 100 24 11




6 11



-9 6 -7 ---

9 135

333 92 54 117 71 242 152 81 49 102 56


50 4






... ... .... ..... ...




11 11



-7 7

... ... ...






28 28

--9 -4 ...-

... ......



96 20 16 60 40

11 4 9

11 29

11 6 5

22 4 18

15 15





Mole tt•played ------------------------Private wage or salary workers -Government workers ____ ---------Local government workers------------- ~elf-e_m~loy~d workers _____ npa1d am1~ workers-----------------1'"'palt ••pltye ____ -------------- -----rfvote wage or salary workers -~ Government workers _________ Local r,overnment workers telf·e·d'~ oy~d workers _____ ::::::::::::: ,_npo1 ,_ om1 y workers-----------------M"'" tmpovytd, In agriculture -------------- Woge or solary workers _____________ _ Self-employed workers -- -


5 5

,,~~f.o!~:~~!1, ~o~~.%~i~u:~::::::::::::::: -




Wage or salary workers_ ______________ ::_Self-e!"ployed workers---------------Unpo1d family workers __ -----------------

LABOR MOBILITY FOR MALES' Molt, 30 to 49 years old In 1970 Nonworker in 1965, nonworke~1ni-97o·----Nonwor~er in 1965, worker in 1970 ___ ::::: Worker m 1965, nonworker in 1970 _______ _


-434 38 65 61










'The concept "worker" includes the em ployed plus members of the Armed Farces.


-10 10 ------




1 168 652 479 249 33 4 74 50 24


13 13

1 009 143 143 84

-131 87 39 14 5


23 19 4










16 16


-7 7


-8 8 3 3




1 143 64 80




112 59 38

7 8 4


-5 -














-6 6 --





