1 17 326 AAC Minutes 10 10 17

,41 17-326 Report No: Meeting Date December 13, 2017 Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District STAFF RE PO RT TO: FRO...

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Report No: Meeting Date

December 13, 2017

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District




ACTransit Board of Directors Michael A. Hursh, General Manager


Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes of October 10, 2017

BRIEFING ITEM RECOMMENDED AcrlON(s) Considerreceiving the Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes of October 10, 2017 BACKGROUND/RATIONALE

The Minutes for October 1.0,20]-7 were approved by the Accessibility Advisory Committee on November 14, 2017. Major topics included Review of December Service Changesand an Update on TransbayTomorrow. The Accessibility Advisory Committee was established by the Board of Directors in 1991 to

review, comment and advise the Board of Directors and District staff regarding the implementation and enhancement of planning programs and services for seniors and people with disabilities. The committee consists of 14 members with two members being appointed by each of the seven elected members of the District's Board of Directors. Committee members servea one-yearterm. BUDaETARy/!jlSCAL !wpAf!. There is no budgetary or fiscalimpact associatedwith this report ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES

Thisreport is being provided to inform the Board of the activities of the AccessibilityAdvisory Committee ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS

This report does not recommend an action PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION/POLICIES

Staff Report 17-287 Accessibi[ity Advisory Committee Minutes of September1.2, 2017 A'nACHMENTS

1. AACMinutesfor October10,2017

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Approved by:

Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Executive Director of Planning & Engineering


Robert del Rosario, Director of Service Development Mallory Nestor-Brush, Accessible Services Manager Kim Ridgeway, Accessible Services Specialist Tammy Kyllo,Administrative Coordinator


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Staff Report 17-326 Attachment I

AAC Minutes

October 10, 2017


1. Roll Call and Introduction of New Members and Guests AAC members present: JanetAbelson Chonita Chew PamFadem Shirley Cressey SusanGonzalez Saleem ShgkirGilmore(1:18) JamesRobson,Chair Tanya Washington BarbaraWilliams Hale Zukas AAC members absent Mary Clutts (excused) Don Queen(excused)

Jim Gonsalves(excused) Will Scott (excused)


Mallory Nestor-Brush, Accessible Services Manager Tammy Kyllo, Administrative Coordinator Sally Goodman, Title VI Program Administrator


Chris Mullin

2. Order of Agenda The order of agendawas approved 3. Approval of Minutes MOTION: Fadem /Cressey approved the September 12, 2017 AAC meeting minutes. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES

10: Abelson, Chew, Cressey,Fadem, Gilmore, Gonzalez, Robson, Washington, Williams, Zukas ABSENT 4: Clutts, Gonsalves, Queen,Scott

4. Revielv of 2017Update to AC Transit's Title VI Program Sally Goodman,Title VI Program Administrator, gave an overview on what Title VI covers and what programs elements have changed. Recipients of Federal funds must document compliance with regulations by submitting an updatedTitle VI Program to the FTA every three years. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal funding. Recognizing that low income neighborhoodsand communities of color disproportionately bear environmental burdens, Executive Order 12898 mandates a commitment to addressenvironmental justice for people of color and low income populations; Executive Order 13166 requires recipients of Federal funding to provide meaningful accessto persons with limited proficiency in English. Page I of 3 3 of 5

AC Transit's 2017 Title VI Programdescribeshow District staff implementednew elementsfrom the 2014 program, includes updated Public Participation and Language Assistance Plans, and codifies sub-

recipient monitoring and assistancepolicies and protocols. It also includes a summary of public engagementCharts, equity analyses, and service monitoring conducted since the last program update; new data, in tables and maps, that describe the AC Transit service area and ridership; and information about how the District handles complaints, recruits to advisory committees, and notifies the public of their rights underthe program.

The AAC hadthe following concerns: e Why isn't American Sign Languagecovered under Title VI. Sally replied Title VI prohibits discriminationbasedon national origin and that is why the District provides foreign language translation and interpretation; American Sign Language, ASL is protected under the ADA. e Bus service for the School District.is not covered. School service is exempted by the AC Transit Board policy that covers Title Vl; however, the Board can direct staff to do an equity study on any proposedchanges at any time. Sally encouragedthe AAC to email her with any questions at $gQlld1}4p(aactransit.or. 5. Discussion on Priority Seating Mallory Nestor-Brush, Accessible Services Manager, began the discussion of priority seating on AC Transit. Drivers can request a person vacatea seat, but cannot require them to do so. Mzillory askedthe committee to brainstorm ideas for messages,or slogans for to give to the Marketing Department regarding information to the public. The following are ideas from the AAC: e Largergraphics behind priority seating e Hidden disabilities needspublic awareness e Reachout to youths to be part of the solution; youth ambassadors o Gift cardsto helppromote o Partnerwith the City or youth groups o Work with teacherson building modules for youth e Use the wording, "Federal and State requires. . ." e Slogansor campaigns o Make room for all o Sharethe space o Safe and accessible rides for everyone e Review what other agenciesare doing e AVA -- messageboard on priority seating The Committee would like to create a sub-committee on priority seating and partnering with youth/youth ambassadors.

6. Chair Report None.

7. Board Liaison Report None.

8. Review of Lift/Ramp Road Call Report The Committeereviewed the report for the period of August 27, 2017 lift/ramp roadcalls were chargeable.

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9. ServiceReviewAdvisoryCommittee(SRAC)Report None.

10. Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) PAPCO Report Hale Zukas reported that ACTC may be discontinuing the wheelchair breakdown program. The shop moved to San Mateo and currently no bids have been received. Committee members were asked to email Hale to refer vendors or have interested vendors contact ACTC. 11. Public Comments None.

12. Member Communications and Announcements e Chonita Chew thanked everyone who helped or attended the 14th Annual Healthy Living Festival. e Hale Zukas reminded the Committee that they can bring their own containers and drink tap water insteadof bottle water. 13. Staff Communications and Announcements Mallory Nestor-Brush, Accessible Services Manager, shared Joyce Roy's email regarding Operators failing to stop close to the curb and how that is hazardous for seniors. Fadem stated that anyone can ask the driver to lower the ramp or kneeler. 14. Set Next Agenda & Meeting Date The next AAC Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at AC Transit, 1600 Franklin Street, 2'd floor Board Room. Agenda items will include a Report on Preventative Maintenance and Road Calls and a Review of December Service changes.

15. Ad:journment The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m

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