05 25 16 Board Minutes


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MINUTES RegularMeeting of the Boardof Directors ACTransit General Offices 2ndFloor Board Room 1600 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94612 \A/ednesday,May 25, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. Closed Session: 4:30 p.m.(Items 5A-5C) MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS H



Teleconference: Director Jeff Davis, Ward 5 8 Shaw Court Redwood City, California BOARD OFFICERS


Alameda-ContraCosta Transit District

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - H. E. Christian Peeples, President



Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.

The Alameda-ContraCosta Transit District Board of Directors held a regular meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Prior to the start of the meeting, General Counsel Denise Standridge confirmed that all requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Govt. Code Sections 54950, et seq.) and the provisions of Board Policy 100, Section4.8 regardingteleconferencedmeetings were met in order for Director Davis to participate in the meeting and advised that all votes

mustbe taken by roll call vote. /An a#fdav/tverify/ngthat the teleconference location was accessible to persons with disabilities and \l that the agenda was posted at the teleconference location at least 72 I hours prior to the start of the meeting is attached as Exhibit A.]

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of I Closed Session. All Board members were present. The District I Secretary announced that the Board would convene in Closed Session I to discuss Items 5A-C as listed on the agenda. Closed Session concluded at 4:49 p.m.

The Board of Directors meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m., with President Peeples presiding



Present: Wallace, Harper, Williams, Davis, Young, Ortiz, Peeples 2


Jane Kramer commented on transparency and accountability with regard to the Board's decision at the prior meeting to seek grant funding for both fuelcelland electric bus technologies. She added that

data-drivendecision-making, not wishful thinking, would bring in secure grant money and the means to provide service to the public. 3



MOTION: WALLACE/WILLIAMS to receive the items on the Consent Calendaras indicated. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Wallace, Williams, Harper, Davis, Young, Ortiz, Peeples

3A. I Consider receiving Retirement Board minutes of April 14, 2016 (Report 16-156). 3B

Consider receiving Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes of April 12, 2016 (Report 16-115).

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3C. I Consider receiving the Monthly Report on Investments for March 2016 (Report 16-100). 3D. I Consider receiving the FY 2015-16 Third Quarter Travel and Meeting ExpenseReport for Directors and Board Officers (Report 16-116). 3E. I Consider receiving the FY2015-16 Third Quarter Employee and Non Employee Out-of-State Travel Report (Report 16-117). 3F. I Consider receiving the FY 2015-16 Third Quarter Surplus and Obsolete Materials Report(Report 16-118).


! REGULAR CALENDAR ExternalAffairs Items


Considersetting a public hearing on June 22, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. to extend the District's existing parcel tax at current levels with no


increase for 20 years in Special District One on the November 8, 2016 ballot (Report 15-148b).

[A Powerpoint presentation given at the meeting is incorporatedinto the fife by reference.] Director of Legislative Affairs and Community Relations Beverly Greene presentedthe staff report.

MOTION:ORTIZ/WALLACE to set a public hearing on June 22, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. to extend the District's existing parcel tax at current levels with no increasefor 20 years in SpeciaIDistrictOne on the November 8, 2016ballot. Themotion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Ortiz, Wallace, Harper, Williams, Davis, Young, Peeples

4B. I Considerreceivingthe Monthly LegislativeReport and approval of


legislative positions(Report 16-119). Director of Legislative Affairs and Community Relations Beverly Greene presentedthe staff report.

Vice President Ortiz commented on Governor Brown's proposal to includean increasein the gas tax as part of the state budget,noting that the Metropolitan Transportation Commissionwas also considering a ballot measure in November to increase the gas tax. She asked if any proposals for transportation funding before the State Senate and Assembly included gas taxes. Staff is to research and provide the Board with information of the various gas tax proposals at the state and local Invnlc Alameda-ContraCostaTransit District

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MOTION: ORTIZ/PEEPLES to receive the Monthly Legislative Report The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Ortiz, Peeples, Wallace, Harper, Williams, Davis, Young

Financeand Audit Items:

4C. I Consider receiving report on the Proposed FY 2016-17 Annual


Operating and Capital Budget (Report 16-046c).

[A Powerpoint presentation given at the meeting is incorporated into thefile by reference.] Chief Financial Officer Claudia Allen introduced the item, advising that

the budgetaryapproachwas focusedon the implementation of service improvements while maintaining fiscalsustainability. She then turned the meeting over to Director of Management and Budget Donald Eckert and Manager of CapitalPlanning and Grants ChrisAndrichak for the staff report. Membersof the Boardinquired about the following The Metropolitan Transportation Commission's elimination of no-cost Clipper cards for institutional programs and their impact on the Measure BB Youth Pass (Ortiz). /D/rector of Marketing and CommunicationsMichele Joseph reported that the cost might be passedalong to the District. General Manager Michael Hursh added that the Alameda County Transportation Commission was notified of the change and staff was still working out the details of the youth pass agreement.] Prioritizationof capital project needs and whether operating money or reserves would be used to complete critical projects

or bus purchasesif funding was suddenly unavailable(Harper). [Mr. Andrichak advised that projects aren't added to the capital budget unless there is assurance that the .funding to complete the project is in peace.] If the project in the Capital Budget to upgrade PeopleSoft included a budget module (Harper). //Ws.,4//en advised that a new system of budgeting was a top priority and stab was researching various applications.] The stability of salestax and redevelopment monies(Williams). [Mr. Eckert advised that stag assumed conservative growth in these two areas.] Information was requestedon the number of vacant positions and the length of time unfilled (Ortiz). //Wr. F/ursh adv/sed that

the Board would begin receiving monthly personnel activity reports for greater transparency.] Alameda-Contra CostaTransitDistrict

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The need for additional staffing in the Retirement Department tort\z'l. [Retirement System Manager Hugo Wildmann advised that the complexity of the work, a backlog in processingwork, as we]] as a needfor succession p]anningjustified the request.] Whether a realistic approach in determining long-range expenses,such as labor cost, was being applied (Harper). /A4r. Eckert advised that staff budgets expenses based on a historical view of expensesas a percentage of revenues.] The appearanceof budgetary anomalies in 1) the percentage of pension cost increases between groups of represented employees; 2) proposed figures for Workers' Compensation versusprior year's actuals; and 3) expensesfor temporary help kt\arper) [Mr. Eckert advised that stag: would reexamine the pension allocation figures and that the fluctuations in the Workers'Compensationbudget was largely due to an actuarial adjustment that occurred in FY 2014-].5 that was booked as an expense. He added that departmental budgetsfor temporary services were being consolidated into the budgetfor the Human ResourcesDepartment jor better control.] An increase in salaries of 20%, compared with a 40% increase in fringe benefits sharper). /A,{r. Eckert exp/a/ned that /r/nge benefits increased by a ratio of 1.15 to I salary. He advised that stab wi]] reexamine the a]]ocations between departments.] The needfor an additional$6 million in funding for five batterye\ectr\c buses. [Mr. Andrichak advised that the $1.5 million listed in the budget was the FTA Lana award the District just

received,whichwon't becomeavailableto February2017.He advisedthat the matchingfunds have not yet beenidentified, but can be added at mid-year once additional grant funds have been identified.j

Mr. Eckertclosedby sayingthat staff would review all the comments received from the Board and make the necessary adjustments.

Public Comment: Jane Kramer inquired about the meaning of particular words/phrases

usedin the staff reportwith regardto the District'sfinancialcondition, service improvements, infrastructure and technology upgrades, etc.

MOTION:ORTIZ/WILLIAMSto receive report on the Proposed FY201617 Annual Operatingand Capital Budget. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Ortiz, Williams, Wallace, Harper, Davis, Young, Peeples

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4D. jConsider authorizing the GeneraIManagerto enter into contracts and approve renewal rates for Kaiser Permanente, Health Net, Vision Service Plan, Metlife Dental, and Standard Life and Disability Insurance Plans(Report 16-113).


There was no presentation of the staff report President Peeples asked why active District employees over the age of

65 were not requiredto sign up for Medicare,notingthat other agenciesrequire it and it would savethe District money. SeniorHuman ResourcesAdministrator RachelLightburn reported that anyone who is actively working was not required to enrollin a supplementalplan such

as a Medicare Part B plan. An item will be agendized for a future meeting to discuss the options available to the District.

MOTION:WILLIAMS/ORTIZto authorize the General Manager to enter into contracts and approve renewal rates for Kaiser Permanente, Health Net, Vision Service Plan, Metlife Dental, and Standard Life and Disability Insurance Plans. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Williams, Ortiz, Wallace, Harper, Davis, Young, Peeples 4E

Consider receiving an analysis of funding alternatives for the


remaining capital commitment for the Transbay Transit Center [Requested by President Peeples - 2/24/16](Report 16-074). Capital Planning and Grants Manager Chris Andrichak presented the staff report. Members of the Board inquired about the Passenger Facility Charge and the sale of the land beneath the temporary terminaland whether the sale could be accomplishedif the Bus Storage Facility was not completed. Director Harper commented that it was going to be difficult to find the additional funds needed for the District's contribution. which is one of the reasons why an investment by the Retirement

Board in the project that would yie]d a 4 ]./2% return was worth pursuing. He also thought the use of the District's reservescould be another worthwhile approach.

Mr. Andrichak advisedthat a follow-up report could be provided once the TransbayJoint PowersAuthority receivesthe results of the master leaseeresponses. MOTION:ORTIZ/HARPER to receivethe analysisof funding alternatives for the remaining capital commitment for the Transbay Transit Center. The motion carried by the following vote:

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AYES:7:Ortiz, Harper, Wallace, Williams, Davis, Young, Peeples

PlanningItems: 4F

Consider receiving report on the implementation of AC Go, including service changes associated with the Summer Sign-up scheduled for implementation on June 26, 2016 [Requested by Vice President Ortiz - 4/27/16] (Report 16-120).


ServicePlanning Manager Michael Eshleman and Marketing and Communications Manager Kim McCarl presented the staff report.

Membersof the Boardinquiredabout operator shortages, the criteria for posting service change notices, the ability of the Customer Service Call Center to handle

a spike in calls, outreach

to the


Committee, and outreach to Line Iriders.

Notingthe level of support in the AsianCommunityfor the route, President Peeples inquired about outreach to Line 58L riders who would be impacted by the elimination of the line. Director of Service Development and Planning Robert del Rosario advised that since AC Go was now in the implementation stage, direct communications with Line 58Lriderswould be made primarily through eNews. PresidentPeeples warnedthat this particular changewould not be easyto implement.

MOTION:WILLIAMS/ORTIZ to receive report on the implementation of AC Go, including service changes associated with the Summer Sign-up scheduledfor implementation on June 26, 2016. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Williams, Ortiz, Wallace, Harper, Davis, Young, Peeples

4G. I Consider receiving monthly update on the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project with O. C. Jones & Sons(Report 16-111).


Director of Capital Projects Ramakrishna Pochiraju and Senior Project Manager Mitra Moheb presented the staff report. President Peeples asked about the status of discussions with East Bay MUD regarding the pavement depth issue. Mr. Pochiraju advised that EastBay MUD has requested confirmation of approval of the reduced

pavementdepthsfrom Caltransandthe city of Oaklandandthat staff from the two agencieswould meet on Friday. ExecutiveDirector of Planning and Engineering MichaelCannelladvised

that East Bay MUD now knows that AC Transit will not accept responsibility for anything that happens underground after construction of the BRTis complete. He hoped that allconcerns would be mitigated with the proposed low-depth pavement scheme Alameda-ContraCostaTransit District

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MOTION:WILLIAMS/ORTIZto receive the monthly update on the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project with O. C. Jones & Sons. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Williams, Ortiz, Wallace, Harper, Davis, Young, Peeples

4H. I Considerauthorizing the issuanceof a solicitation for a Requestfor Qualifications for construction management services associated with


the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (Report 16-149).

ExecutiveDirector MichaelCannellpresented the staff report MOTION:WILLIAMS/HARPER to authorize the issuance of a solicitation

for a Requestfor Qualificationsfor construction managementservices associated with the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Williams, Harper, Wallace, Davis, Young, Ortiz, Peeples 41

Considerauthorizingthe issuance of a solicitationfor a Requestfor


Proposals for Community Outreach and Public Engagement Services associated with the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (Report 16150)

External Affairs RepresentativeClaudia Burgos presented the staff report. Vice President Ortiz was pleased that the construction management and community outreach contracts were being separated. She called for tighter controls, performance metrics, and better managementof the contract.

Director Harper felt this was an excellent opportunity to hire temporary employees. MOTION: ORTIZ/WILLIAMSto authorize the issuance of a solicitation for a Request for Proposals for Community Outreach and Public Engagement Services associated with the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Ortiz, Williams, Wallace, Harper, Davis, Young, Peeples

Operations Items: 4J. I Consider award of contracts to Parsons, Interactive



AECOM,STV,Inc. and Chow Engineeringfor on-call architecture and engineering services(Report 15-083a). Alameda-Contra Costa Tra nsit District

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Therewas no presentationof the staff report MOTION: YOUNG/WILLIAMSto award contracts to Parsons, Interactive Resources, AECOM, SIV, Inc. and Chow Engineering for on-call

architecture and engineering services. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Young, Williams, Wallace, Harper, Davis, Ortiz, Peeples

4K. I Considerauthorizing the General Manager to enter into a contract with Alliant to provide employee benefits brokerage and consulting services(Report 15-274a).


Therewas no presentationof the staff report MOTION: YOUNG/ORTIZto authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with Alliant to provide employee benefits brokerage and consulting services. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES:7:Young, Ortiz, Wallace, Harper, Williams, Davis, Peeples

BoardAdministrative Matters:

4L. IConsider approving the draft agenda for the Joint Board of


Directors/Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting(Report 16-139). District Secretary Linda Nemeroff presented the staff report

MOTION: ORTIZ/WILLIAMS to approvethe draft agendafor the Joint Board of Directors/Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting. motion carried by the following vote:


AYER:7: Ortiz, Williams, Wallace, Harper, Davis,Young, Peeples 5


CLOSED SESSION/REPORT OUT Therewas nothing to report out of ClosedSession


Conferencewith LegalCounsel-PotentiaILitigation IGovernment Code Section 54956.9(b))(Two Cases)


Conferencewith Labor Negotiators IGovernment Code Section 54957.6):

AgencyDesignatedRepresentative: GeneraIManager Emp[oyee Organizations: ATU Loca] ].92, AFSCME Loca] 3916, IBEW Local 1245,

Unrepresented Employees

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Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Government Code Section S49S71

Title: General Manager, GeneralCounsel, District Secretary



Director Wallace requested a ban on the use of aerosol sprays on buses.(Director Peeplesconcurred) Director Williams requested a report on the Wellness Program President Peeples requested a report on the first six months of the bike

lane on Telegraph. The report is to include, but not be limited to ridership before and after implementation of the bike lane, bus speeds, accidents,etc. 7



The General Manager's report was presented for information only and is incorporated into the file by reference as Staff Report 16-157.




Members of the Board commented on meetings and events attended sincethe last meeting. 9.


There being no further business to come before the Board of Directors.

the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 5:00 p.m


LindaA. Nemeroff District Secretary

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