03 16 05 Board Minutes

MINUTES Boardof DirectoneMeeting Alameda4ontra Gosta Traneit District Wednesday,llllarch {6, 2005 2:00p.m. lTaPe2-1- 267...

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MINUTES Boardof DirectoneMeeting Alameda4ontra Gosta Traneit District Wednesday,llllarch {6, 2005 2:00p.m. lTaPe2-1- 26731

Board of Dlrcctors: (DirectorWard ll) GregHarper,VicePresident, lll Jaquez, DirectorWard Dolores DennisHavashi.DirectorWard lV

JoeWallace,President(DirectorWard l) Joe Bischofrerger,DirectorWardV RebeccaKaplan,Directorat Large H. E. ChristianPeeples,Directorat Large

The Alameda-GontraCostaTransit DistrictBoard of Directorsheld a regularmeetingon Wednesday,March16,2005. The meetingwas calledto orderat 2:10p.m.with President Wallacepresiding. Roll Gall Uponcall of the roll, the followingBoardmembersrespondedwith their names: Directors Jaquez, Kaplan, Hayashi, Bischofrerger,Peeples,Mce PresidentHarper, President Wallace- 7 Publlc Gomment to thepublh,thatis withinthe theBoardat thistimeonanyitemof interest address Anypersonmaydirectly jurisdiction itemwillbeinvited wishing to address a specific agenda offte Board.Speakers subject matterand areallo,rved foreachitem. Two(2)minutes toaddress theBoard atthetimetheitemisbeingconsidered. No publiccommentwas offered. ConeentGalendar byonemotion/one to beroutine andmaybeenacted Calendar areconsidercd ItemslistedundertheConsent fromtheConsent Calendar is desired, andwillbeconsidered anitemmayberemoved vote.lf discussion individually. to approvethe ConsentCalendaras presented MOTION: BISCHOFBERGER/PEEPLES (7,0-0-0). Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: 1.

Peeples,Jaquez,Kaplan,Hayashi,Vice President DirectorsBischofuerger, Harper,PresidentWallace- 7 None- 0 None- 0 None- 0

$pecial FinanceCommittae(illarch 2,2005 meeting)recommendations: r,

Receive: ./ Updateon impactof new Workers Compensationlegislation(GM MemoNo. 05-02$).

AC TransitDistrict Boardof Directors


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I Approve: ./ AdoptReeolutionNo.05-{104 adoptingan amendedandrestatedAC TransitEmployees'Retirement Plan,effectiveJanuary1, ?005(GM MemoNo. 05-026). $pecial OperationsGommittee(lUlarch2, 2005meeting)recommondations: a.

Receive. ./ OperationsCommitteeminutesof February16,2005. Reporton u$eof bio-diesel(GM MemoNo. 05-067). {


FY2004-05 2n*H*"Jff-:",H; Memo No.0s-o4').

: F:,T-?I;:il ff#HIE [:l,s:T3,il"":l':il] os_oos) SpecialPlanningCommittee(lUlarch2, 2005meeting)rocommendations: e.


Receive: ^/ PlanningCommitteeminutesof February2, 2005. ^/ Report on Part 1 of the Transit Capacity and Qualrty of Service Manual(GM MemoNo. 05-082) ^/ Semi-annualupdateon PriorityConidors(GM MemoNo. 05-059). ./ Updateon JaclrLondon$quare/BayArea RapidTransit(BART)In-fill $tation(GM MemoNo. 05-060) ^/ Reporton statusof West Grand-Grand-MacArthur Bus RapidTransit (BRT) lmprovements and coordination with Alameda County CongestionManagementAgencyon the project(GM Memo No. 05061). Reporton statusof RegionalMeasureTwo (RMZ)fundedArdenwood { Parkand Ride(GM MemoNo. 05-069).

Board Matterc: a. b.

ConsiderapprovingBoardminutesof March2, 2005. Authorizetravel for PresidentWallace,DirectorsBischofberger,Hayashi, Jaquez, Peeples, General Manager Fernandezand District $ecretary Martinezto attendthe APTA Annual Bus Roadeo,Meetingand Expo, in Dallas,Texas,$eptember23-28,2005,at an estimatedtotal cost of $2,385 each(DS MemoNo. 05-073)-

RegularCalendar 5.

a proposedfare restructureand set the Considerapprovingfor publicconsideration proposed public hearing on fare restructureat a date, time and location to be determinedby the Board(Continuedfrom Board- 3/2/05)(GM MemoNo. 05-036b) il'ape 2-3 - 28261.

AC TransitDistrict Boardof Directors


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Public$peakerc: Pat Piras read a statementfrom Hale Zukas,AAC Member. Ms. Piras made and issues benefrtsof variousproposals reference to GMMemo0S-036bregarding revenues. relatedto ridershipand the Boardby statingthatoneof hermain First,addressed JulieIny,RealHard/Kids to a publichearingwith the fare proposals concern$is thatthe Boardis forwarding notenoughdataandfull analysison the proposals.Ms. Iny hadconcem$on the thatthe Board exploreotheroptionsto of transfersandalsorequested elimination gainrevenues. BarryBelinsky,RealHard/KidsFirst,addressedthe Boardby voicingthat he was presentbecausetheirfamiliesand community dependon the bus. Mr. Belinslry, opposedFroposal1 dueto it onlyallowsa studentto ridethe bustwicea dayeach thatweeklypas$esshouldbe $15for adultsand$S week. Mr.Belinskysuggested for youth/disabled. the Boardin regardsto AC First,addressed Dominique Murphy,RealHard/Kids Transit meetingwith the communitiesand students. He also stated that if reducingfareswouldincreaseridership*- why not explorewhat can encourage ridertto ridethe busandnotmakeit harderon existingriders. FadeelahMuhyee,RealHardlKidsFirst,addressedthe Boardby statingthat she attendsthesemeetingsbecausethey are concernedon howtheseproposalsare goingto havean impactonfamiliesandthecommunity, CoalitionMember,addressed the Boardby $ummerBrenner,YouthTransportation groupssacrificefor the statingthat she wouldnot like to see otherconstituency sakeof anothergroup. In the caseof the youth,they do ridethe bus morethan that will benefit twicea day. lt's reallyimportantto havethe accessto ac'tivities themandkeepthemfromtrouble. LeReaThomas,Real Hard/KidsFirst,addressedthe Boardby statingthat it's difficultfor her familyto purchasea bus passand it will also be difficultfor other low-income families. the Boardby statingthatthe Districtneedsto gatherenough Pat Piras,addressed Ms.Piras,urgedthatthe information, analysisandoptionson thefarerestructure. perimeters preclude are setat the publichearing. anyoptionswhenthe Districtnot to set a publichearingon Proposals1 through5 ilOTlON: HAYASHIUAQUEU proposed farerestructure, on May18,2005at 3:00p.m.and6:00p.m.at a location to be determined by staffandconsiderplacinga parceltaxmeasureon the ballotin November 2005(7-0-0-0). AC TransitDietrict Boardof Directors


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Proposedfare restructure


and the eliminationof all discountfare media. Proposal1: Buck-a-Ride increasesin fare Proposal?: Raisebasefareto $1.75withcorresponding structure,transfer$0.50and 1 use. Proposal3: Raisebasefare to $2.00,transferis free with 2 uses. Proposal4: Keepcurrentfare strucfureand add a $20.00weeklyadultpass. with continuance of youthand senior/disabled Proposal5: Buck-a-Ride passes. Considerparceltax measureon ballotin November2005.

b. Ayes:

Noes: Abstain: Absent 6.

DirectorsHayashi,Jaquez, Kaplan, Bischofberger,Peeples,Vice -7 PresidentHarper,PresidentWallace None-0 None- 0 None- 0

for action to fowardto theMail of Diredors Planning Gommittee[Reguesf on thesameday perfuardWW.l Considerrecommendingthe followingactions relativeto the Drafr Initial $tudy/NegativeDeclarationfor the Alameda-ContraCosta Transit District Plan:TransbayExprestand Bay Area RapidTransit(BART) RMZ lmplementation Owl: (GCMemoNo.05-071)ltape 3 - 1119]. . . . .

That the report has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental QualityAct, the lmplementing Guidelines,and BoardPolicy51?; Recommendthe noticingof the completionof the environmentaldocumentfor publicreview; Establisha public hearingon April 20, ?005, for considerationof the draft document;and environmental Establisha dateon April 20, 2005for a publichearingon transitrouteschedule Planpursuantto BoardPolicy163. changesof the RM2lmplementation

MOTION: WALLACE|JAQUEZto set a publichearingfor considerationof the draft environmentaldocumentand the transit route schedulechanges of the RM2 lmplementation Planpursuantto BoardPolicy163 on April 20, 2005at AC Transit, 1600Franklin$treet,Oakland,CA at 6:00p.m.(6-1-0-0). Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent

AC TransitDistrict Boardof Directors

Jaquez,Kaplan,Hayashi, PresidentWallace,DirectorsBischofberger, and Vice PresldentHarper- 6 DirectorPeeples- 1 None- 0 None* 0


P a g e 4 o f7

7. I

Considerreport on Short RangeTransitPlan (SRTP)goals and subgoals (Continued fromBoard- 3/2/05)(GMMemoNo.05-070a) [Tape3 * 13281" to approveSRTPgoalsand subgoalsas MOTION: BISCHOFBERGER/HAYA$HI presentedwith an amendmentto AttachmentA, Fage 3, No. 6 subgoal No. 1 to read: "Promote public transit as a way to rcduce tratric congestion,enhance mobilttyand improvethequaliA of lifein thecommunity."(7-0-0-0). Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent


DirectorsBischofrerger,Hayashi,Jaquez, Kaplan, Peeples,Vice PresidentHarperand PresidentWallace- 7 None-0 None- 0 None*0

ExtsrnalAffairc GommitGe (March16, 2005meeting). Consider verbal reports from the Chair of the External Affairs Committeeon legislativematters(Note:Pursuantto PolicyNo. 100,the Boardmay take actionon legislativemattersrequiringimmediateaction.) F-ape3 * 1S011 MOTIOH: KAPLAN/JAAUHf,to supportAB 1623 (Klehs)* Alameda County CongestionManagementAgency; CongestionManagementand Environmental MitigationFee (7-0-0-0). Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent

DirectorsKaplan, Jaquez, Bischofuerger,Peeples, Hayashi,Mce PresidentHarperand PresidentWallace* 7 None*0 None* 0 None- 0

to supportSB 1020(Midgen)- County$ales and ItrlOTlOH;KAPLANTPEEPLES UseTaxes: RateIncrease(6-0-1-0). Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absenfi

Directors Kaplan, Peeples, Bischofuerger,Jaquez, Hayashi and PresidentWallace- 6 None-0 None* DirectorHarper- 1 None-0

lllOTlOH: I(APLANTPEEPLES to watch AB 1234 ($alinas)- Local Agencies: Compensationand Ethics and $B 987 (Midgen) County Transpoilation Authorities(7-0-0-0). Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent AC TransitDistrict Boardof Directors

DirectorsKaplan, Peepfes,Bischofberger,Jaquez, Hayashi,Vice PresidentHarperand PresidentWallace- 7 None*0 None* 0 None-0 Merch16,2005

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a to opposeSB 393 (Ortiz)-$pecialDistricts(6-1-0-0). MOTION: KAPLAN/PEEPLES Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent:

Directors Kaplan, Peeples, Bischofuerger,Jaquez, Hayashi and PresidentWallace* 6 None- DirectorHarper- 1 None* 0 None* 0

ilOTION: I$PLAN/FEEPLE$to opposeAB 1714(Plescia)* BayArea Stat+. (7-0-0-0). OunedToll Bridges:Financingof $eismicRepairand Replacement Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: 9.

DirectorsKaplan, Peeples, Bischofberger,Jaquez, Hayashi,Vice PresidentHarperand PresidentWallace- 7 None-0 None- 0 None- 0

Reporton action(s)takenduringClosed$ession[Willbereported aftertheconclusion of Closed $ession.l Nothingto report.

CodeSection54954.2) Board/$taff Comments (Government Agenda PlanningFape 3 - 20,|01 Referrsdto Planning r Considerreviewof BoardPolicy550 - ServiceEffectiveness$tandards(Requestedby DirectorKaplan). General Qounselannounced that the Boardwould go into C/osed$ession frcdr.scussffie ffems listedon the agenda. cLo$ED $ES$|OH: Gonferencewith Legal Gounsel- Potential Litigation (b) (1)OneCase (Government CodeSection54956.9$ubdivision

Conferencewith Legal Gounsel- Exieting Litigation

(a)) (Government CodeSection54956.9$ubdivision Gibbv. ACT,ACSCNo. HGO41465O4; ClaimNo. 03-2&48 Leidlawand Gisnev. ACT,AC$C CaseNo. tu603109432($ettlementAuthority)

AG TransitDistrict Boardof Directors


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Code$ection 54957.6) Gonferencewith Labor; (Govemment Manager General AgencyNegotiator: EmployeeOrganization: Faratransit,Local192,ATU Local192, AFSCME,Local3916;IBEW,Local1245 Employees Unrepresented RichardWhitmore,LiebertCassidyWhitmore AgencyNegotiator: EmployeeOrganization: BoardOfficers Code$ection 54957) Public EmployeePedormance Hvaluation:(Govemment Title: GeneralManager Title: GeneralCounsel Title: DistrictSecretary Adjournment There being no furtherbusinessto come beforethe Board,the meetingwas adjournedat 4:55 p.m. The next regularmeetingof the Boardis scheduledfor Wednesday,April S, 2005,at 2:00p.m. submitted, Respectfully



Di$trict ActiF Assistant Secretary

AC TransitDistrict Boardof Directors


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