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SUNI LSI NGH Academi cBr anch: Pr esentAddr ess: DI PLOMA( Mechani cal Engi neer i ng) Fl atNo403, Kanakal at aApar t m...

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SUNI LSI NGH Academi cBr anch: Pr esentAddr ess:

DI PLOMA( Mechani cal Engi neer i ng) Fl atNo403, Kanakal at aApar t mentPhase1 Pl otno1846. 1847, 1848 Nahar akant aMancheswarBhubaneswar 751001

Emai li d: suni l si ngh91487@gmai l . com Cont actNo. ( +91)7978116124 Pr of i l e:  A compet entAut omat i onengi neerwi t hov er9y ear sexposur et omechani calpr oj ect execut i oni noneoft hel ar gestandmostr eput edcompani esi nI ndi a.  Pr ov enst r engt hsi ni mpl ement i ngsaf et yandqual i t ysy st ems.  Demonst r at edspeci al ski l l si nmi ni mi zi ngwast eandcostcont r ol .  Abi l i t yt of unct i oni nt eam aswel l asi ndi v i dual wi t hgoodcommuni cat i onski l l s  Hi ghl ybel i ev esi nhonest yandt r i est opr act i ceet hi csi npr of essi on Wor kExper i ence A) Cur r entOr gani zat i on: “ RSBCASTI NGSLTD” , Mani a, Cut t ack. Asst .Manager-Mechani cal Engi neer i ng( 2t hSept13–t oTi l l Dat e. )

CTC: -4. 8Laces

RSBCASTI NGSi sset t i ngup120moul dsperhourhi ghpr essur el i ne( f ul l y aut omat i onsy st em)i nMani a, Or i ssa. Desi gnat i onHel d:Mai nt enanceEngg.Depar t ment :Pr oj ect s/ Mai nt enance Rol esandResponsi bi l i t y :  Responsi bl ef orengi neer i ng, pr ocur ement , er ect i on&coor di nat i onwi t hcont r act or , consul t ant&v endor s.  Ar r angi ngt hemat er i al sasperpl anni ngschedul e&al l ocat i ngt hesamet ot he cont r act or s.  Dayt odaysuper v i si onandmoni t or i ngt hesi t eact i v i t i eswi t hr espectt oqual i t yand saf et y .  Responsi bl ef orsuccessf ul l yer ect i onandcommi ssi oni ngandf abr i cat i onofsandpl ant , SI NTOmol di ngm/ c, Rai l l i ne, cool i ngt ower , i nduct i onf ur nace, f ur nacePi pi ng, cr anes, pr esspour , shotbl astm/ c, conv ey or s, B. E, EI RI CHsandmi xer , pneumat i csand hy dr aul i cssy st em, dustexhaust i ngsy st em, Pl antcabl el ay i ng, DB’ Sl ocat i on, I nst al l at i on ofPanel sandLTandHTTr ansf or mer .  Pr ev ent i v eandpr edi ct i v emai nt enanceofal l machi nes.  Al l gearboxes, bear i ngs, r ol l er s, hy d&pneusy st em, dr i v esy st emsmai nt ai ni ng.  Al l mechani cal , el ect r i cal , f abr i cat i on, PLC, hy dr aul i candPneumat i cdr awi ngsst udi esand t r oubl eshoot i ngt hepr obl ems.  Easi l yt ohandl et r oubl eshoot i ngt hepr obl emsofcont r ol andpowerci r cui t , PLC pr ogr ammi ng.  Ar r angi ngt hemat er i al sasperpl anni ngschedul e&al l ocat i ngt hesamet o t he cont r act or sandf i t t er sandel ect r i ci an.  Dayt odaysuper v i si onandmoni t or i ngt hesi t eact i v i t i eswi t hr espectt oqual i t yand saf et y .  Conduct i ngt hemeet i ngwi t hconsul t ant , cont r act or s, st af f sandourt eam t oachi ev et he t ar getaspert hepl anandschedul e.  Dai l yact i v i t yr epor t , shutdownpl an, at t endi ngbr eakdown, r epai r i ngmachi ne i t em( machi ni ng) .  Mai nt ai ni ngt he5’ s, TPM, ki zen, r ecor dal l br eakdownhour s, upt i memcs, pr oduct i v i t yof pl ant .  Mai nt ai nedal l cr i t i cal shar epar t sofmechaswel l asel ect r i cal scomponent s.

Pr oj ectUnder t aken

A)Sandpl anter ect i on

1)Thi si sasandr ecy cl i ngsy st em t omaki ngacast i ng, al l col umn, t i es, Hbeam, Hoper s, bel t sconv ey or s, bucketel ev at or , pl at ef or m, mi xermachi neser ect i ons andf abr i cat i onset c. a)Hi ghpr essur el i nehor i zont al ( SI NTO)mol di ngl i neEr ect i onandcommi ssi oni ng. b)525CFM compr essor si nst al l at i onandi t sr ecei v ert ankandal l del i v er ypi pes. c)Pi pel i nei nst al l at i onsofwat erl i nef orf ur nace, andut i l i t yl i ne. d)Cool i ngt owerer ect i onsi nt hepr operwayandi t swat erl i nesal so. e)Al l hy dr aul i cst anksandi t sl i necommi ssi oni ngofmax28MPa. f )Er ect i onandcommi ssi oni ngofshotbl astmachi nes, pr esspour , HOTcr anes, DI SA duct i ngl i neset c.

t h

B)Ma l anpurSt eelLi mi t edGwal i orasaMai nt enanceEngi neerdur i ng20 t h

Jul y .

2006t o17 Sep.2008.

Rol esandResponsi bi l i t y :  I nspect ed v ehi cl es and equi pmentf orneeded r epai r s;per f or med mi norr epai r s as r equi r ed.  Remar kabl eski l l i nmai nt ai ni ngandr epai r i ngsecur i t yhar dwar e.  Dr ai nedandr ef i l l edcr ankcases;i nspect edandf i l l edgear boxeswi t hl ubr i cant s;r epl aced l ubr i cantf i t t i ngs;mai nt ai ned l ubr i cat i on r ecor ds;mai nt ai ned l ubr i cat i on st ock and r epl acedasnecessar y .  Changedandr epai r edt i r esonl i ghtandheav yequi pment .  Cl eanedandwashedmot or i zedequi pment .  Washedandot her wi sekeptshopandequi pmenti ncl eanandor der l ycondi t i on.  Mademi normechani cal adj ust ment st oaut omot i v eandot herpower dr i v enequi pment .  Assi st edEqui pmentMechani ci nmechani cal ov er haul andr epai rwor k.  Mai nt ai nednecessar yr ecor dsoft i me, mat er i al s, andpar t sused. t h

C)He mantSt eelI ndust r i es, Gwal i orasaMai nt enanceEngi neer28

t o15t hAug. 2013

Oct .2008

Rol esandResponsi bi l i t y :  Per f or m dai l ycor r ect i v eandpl annedmai nt enancer epai r s.  Lubr i cat edaut omot i v eandpower dr i v enequi pmentwi t ht heuseofai rpr essur eand l ubr i cat i ont ool s.  Ensur et hatr epai r sandi nst al l at i onofnewequi pmentcompl i eswi t hagencypol i cy , saf et y pr ocedur esandl ocal codesandr egul at i ons.  Funct i onasl eadmechani casr equi r edi nt her epai rofpowergener at i ngequi pmentsuch asboi l er s, gener at or s, t ur bi nesandai rcompr essor s.  Per f or m schedul edpr ev ent i v emai nt enance.  Wat ert r eat mentpl ant s and sy st ems,i ncl udi ng boi l erf eedi ng wat er ,sewage wat er di sposal , dr i nki ngwat er , i ndust r i al pr ocessi ngwat er , andengi necool i ngwat er  Usepr eci si ont ool ssuchasmi cr omet er s,di ali ndi cat or s,RPM i ndi cat or s,i nf r ar edt est equi pmentandul t r asoni ct hi cknessmet er s.  Pai nt ed bui l di ng i nt er i or s and ext er i or s,t abl es,benches,si gn boar ds,f ences and equi pment .  Ut i l i zedcomput er basedsy st emsf ori nv ent or ycont r ol andmai nt enancepl anni ng.



Di pl omai nMechani calEngi neer i ng:2006( Oxf or dPol yt echni cCol l ege

Bangal or e) POSTDI PLOMAI NCNCMACHI NI NGUSI NGCAD/ CAM ( I ndoDani sht ool r oom) Sof t war eSki l l sandSpeci al t i es  Languages  Oper at i ngSy st ems  Sof t war e

: TURBOC, UNI X, Vi sual Basi c, Uni gr aphi cs, Ci mpl i ci t yMachi needi t i on. : MSDOS, Wi ndowsXP/ 2000/ Wi ndowsVi st a : CAD/ CAM, PROE.

Ext r aCur r i cul arAct i v i t i es     

Tot alexper i encei nMai nt enancei s10y ear st ot i l l dat e. st nd 1 pr i zei nl ongj umpand2 r unnerupi ncar om boar donouri nst i t ut e. Conduct edBr i dgeCour sebyR. DTATATechni cal Educat i onCent r e, Jamshedpur . Gott r ai ni ngofCNCMACHI NI NGUSI NGCAD/ CAM ( I ndoDani sht oolr oom) Gott het r ai ni ngofFMEA( Fai l ur eModeEf f ectAnal y si s)&APQP( Av ancedPr oductQual i t y Pl anni ng)f r om RSBCASTI NGSLTD.  Par t i ci pat edi nv i l l agecampi nt hecol aber aofonemont hdur at i onf r om I ndoDani sh t oolr oom i nst i t ut e.

Per sonaldet ai l s Name


Suni l Si ngh

Dat eofBi r t h


15thNov .1986

Fat her ’ sname Nat i onal i t y

: :

Rel i gi on

Vi r endr aSi ngh I ndi an :

Hi ndu

Per manentAddr ess


436/ BSur eshNagarGwal i or( M. P. )




Hobbi es:

Li st eni ngt omusi c, pl ay i nggamesandswi mmi ng.

Decl ar at i on: Iher ebydecl ar et hatal l t heabov esai di nf or mat i oni st r uet ot hebestofmyknowl edge. Pl ace: Dat e: